2016-08-09 14:22:26 +02:00
# barebones changelog
2017-03-13 13:00:06 +01:00
## 2.0.5
* Use filetime() for asset revisions as it's more compatible and easier to support.
2017-02-03 13:14:31 +01:00
## 2.0.4
* Better static asset revisioning using randomly generated hash when running gulp tasks.
2017-01-17 13:04:02 +01:00
## 2.0.3
* update get_post_thumbnail_url function and add ability to get specific size.
2016-08-09 14:22:26 +02:00
2016-10-19 11:32:13 +02:00
## 2.0.2
* Add dependencies that were missing while using yarn
2016-08-09 14:22:26 +02:00
## 2.0.1
* Comment out example "add_image_size" as it can be easily forgotten which leaves you with extra unused image size.
* Add CHANGELOG.MD to track changes
* Tidy up formatting using PHP-CS-Fixer (mostly spacing)
* Update README.MD dependencies
## 2.0.0
* Refreshed tooling using Elixir with lots of improvements