# barebones+ _a [barebones](https://github.com/benchmarkstudios/barebones) fork by [Congegni](https://congegni.net)_ We loved barebones, but we needed some adjustments for our projects. ## Features * For standard barebones features, check out [here](https://github.com/benchmarkstudios/barebones?tab=readme-ov-file#features). We just removed some functions that we don't need. * Custom `index.php` as 404 template. * Deferred YouTube Video custom block. * Added a `css` class and a standard block support: * `cover` block basic support (in `/assets/styles/_main.scss`) * `.fullwidth` for full width elements (in `/assets/styles/_main.scss` and `/assets/scripts/scripts.js`) ## Installation Clone the barebones+ repositories into your WordPress /wp-content/themes/ directory: git clone https://git.congegni.net/Congegni/barebones cd barebones ### Using Laravel Mix Install Dependencies, you have haven't done yet: npm install Then run: | Tasks | | |---------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------| | `npx mix watch` | *watch assets for changes* | | `npx mix --production` | *compile for production* |