2024-04-21 11:13:43 +02:00
'use strict' ;
var wavesurfer = [ ] ;
window . addEventListener ( "load" , ( ) => {
let op = window . inputKnobsOptions || { } ;
op . sliderWidth = op . sliderWidth || op . sliderDiameter || 128 ;
op . sliderHeight = op . sliderHeight || op . sliderDiameter || 20 ;
op . fgcolor = op . fgcolor || "#f00" ;
op . bgcolor = op . bgcolor || "#000" ;
op . sliderMode = op . sliderMode || "relative" ;
let styles = document . createElement ( "style" ) ;
styles . innerHTML =
2024-05-05 21:15:11 +02:00
` input[type=range].input-slider{
2024-04-21 11:13:43 +02:00
- webkit - appearance : none ;
- moz - appearance : none ;
border : none ;
box - sizing : border - box ;
overflow : hidden ;
background - repeat : no - repeat ;
background - size : 100 % 100 % ;
background - position : 0 px 0 % ;
background - color : transparent ;
touch - action : none ;
input [ type = range ] . input - slider {
width : $ { op . sliderWidth } px ; height : $ { op . sliderHeight } px ;
2024-05-05 21:15:11 +02:00
input [ type = range ] . input - slider : : - webkit - slider - thumb {
2024-04-21 11:13:43 +02:00
- webkit - appearance : none ;
opacity : 0 ;
2024-05-05 21:15:11 +02:00
input [ type = range ] . input - slider : : - moz - range - thumb {
2024-04-21 11:13:43 +02:00
- moz - appearance : none ;
height : 0 ;
border : none ;
2024-05-05 21:15:11 +02:00
input [ type = range ] . input - slider : : - moz - range - track {
2024-04-21 11:13:43 +02:00
- moz - appearance : none ;
height : 0 ;
border : none ;
} ` ;
document . head . appendChild ( styles ) ;
let makeHSliderFrames = ( fr , fg , bg , w , h ) => {
let r =
` <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" width=" ${ w } " height=" ${ fr * h } " viewBox="0 0 ${ w } ${ fr * h } " preserveAspectRatio="none">
< defs > < g id = "B" > < rect x = "0" y = "0" width = "${w}" height = "${h}" rx = "${h/2}" ry = "${h/2}" fill = "${bg}" / > < / g >
< g id = "K" > < circle x = "${w/2}" y = "0" r = "${h/2*0.9}" fill = "${fg}" / > < / g > < / d e f s > ` ;
for ( let i = 0 ; i < fr ; ++ i ) {
r += ` <use xlink:href="#B" transform="translate(0, ${ h * i } )"/> ` ;
r += ` <use xlink:href="#K" transform="translate( ${ h / 2 + ( w - h ) * i / 100 } , ${ h / 2 + h * i } )"/> ` ;
return r + "</svg>" ;
let initKnobs = ( el ) => {
let w , h , d , fg , bg ;
if ( el . inputKnobs ) {
el . redraw ( ) ;
return ;
let ik = el . inputKnobs = { } ;
el . refresh = ( ) => {
d = + el . getAttribute ( "data-diameter" ) ;
let st = document . defaultView . getComputedStyle ( el , null ) ;
w = parseFloat ( el . getAttribute ( "data-width" ) || d || st . width ) ;
h = parseFloat ( el . getAttribute ( "data-height" ) || d || st . height ) ;
bg = el . getAttribute ( "data-bgcolor" ) || op . bgcolor ;
fg = el . getAttribute ( "data-fgcolor" ) || op . fgcolor ;
ik . sensex = ik . sensey = 200 ;
2024-05-05 21:15:11 +02:00
ik . sensex = w - h ;
ik . sensey = Infinity ;
el . style . backgroundSize = "auto 100%" ;
2024-04-21 11:13:43 +02:00
el . style . width = w + "px" ;
el . style . height = h + "px" ;
ik . frameheight = h ;
let src = el . getAttribute ( "data-src" ) ;
if ( src ) {
el . style . backgroundImage = ` url( ${ src } ) ` ;
let sp = + el . getAttribute ( "data-sprites" ) ;
if ( sp )
ik . sprites = sp ;
ik . sprites = 0 ;
if ( ik . sprites >= 1 )
el . style . backgroundSize = ` 100% ${ ( ik . sprites + 1 ) * 100 } % ` ;
2024-05-05 21:15:11 +02:00
el . style . backgroundColor = bg ;
el . style . borderRadius = Math . min ( w , h ) * 0.25 + "px" ;
2024-04-21 11:13:43 +02:00
else {
2024-05-05 21:15:11 +02:00
let svg = makeHSliderFrames ( 101 , fg , bg , w , h ) ;
2024-04-21 11:13:43 +02:00
ik . sprites = 100 ;
el . style . backgroundImage = "url(data:image/svg+xml;base64," + btoa ( svg ) + ")" ;
el . style . backgroundSize = ` 100% ${ ( ik . sprites + 1 ) * 100 } % ` ;
ik . valrange = { min : + el . min , max : ( el . max == "" ) ? 100 : + el . max , step : ( el . step == "" ) ? 1 : + el . step } ;
el . redraw ( true ) ;
} ;
el . setValue = ( v ) => {
v = ( Math . round ( ( v - ik . valrange . min ) / ik . valrange . step ) ) * ik . valrange . step + ik . valrange . min ;
if ( v < ik . valrange . min ) v = ik . valrange . min ;
if ( v > ik . valrange . max ) v = ik . valrange . max ;
el . value = v ;
if ( el . value != ik . oldvalue ) {
el . setAttribute ( "value" , el . value ) ;
el . redraw ( ) ;
let event = document . createEvent ( "HTMLEvents" ) ;
event . initEvent ( "input" , false , true ) ;
el . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
ik . oldvalue = el . value ;
} ;
ik . pointerdown = ( ev ) => {
el . focus ( ) ;
if ( ev . touches )
ev = ev . touches [ 0 ] ;
let rc = el . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ;
let cx = ( rc . left + rc . right ) * 0.5 , cy = ( rc . top + rc . bottom ) * 0.5 ;
let dx = ev . clientX , dy = ev . clientY ;
2024-05-05 21:15:11 +02:00
if ( op . sliderMode == "abs" ) {
2024-04-21 11:13:43 +02:00
dv = ( ik . valrange . min + ik . valrange . max ) * 0.5 + ( ( dx - cx ) / ik . sensex - ( dy - cy ) / ik . sensey ) * ( ik . valrange . max - ik . valrange . min ) ;
el . setValue ( dv ) ;
ik . dragfrom = { x : ev . clientX , y : ev . clientY , a : Math . atan2 ( ev . clientX - cx , cy - ev . clientY ) , v : + el . value } ;
document . addEventListener ( "mousemove" , ik . pointermove ) ;
document . addEventListener ( "mouseup" , ik . pointerup ) ;
document . addEventListener ( "touchmove" , ik . pointermove ) ;
document . addEventListener ( "touchend" , ik . pointerup ) ;
document . addEventListener ( "touchcancel" , ik . pointerup ) ;
document . addEventListener ( "touchstart" , ik . preventScroll ) ;
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
ev . stopPropagation ( ) ;
} ;
ik . pointermove = ( ev ) => {
let dv ;
let rc = el . getBoundingClientRect ( ) ;
let cx = ( rc . left + rc . right ) * 0.5 , cy = ( rc . top + rc . bottom ) * 0.5 ;
if ( ev . touches )
ev = ev . touches [ 0 ] ;
let dx = ev . clientX - ik . dragfrom . x , dy = ev . clientY - ik . dragfrom . y ;
2024-05-05 21:15:11 +02:00
dv = ( dx / ik . sensex - dy / ik . sensey ) * ( ik . valrange . max - ik . valrange . min ) ;
if ( ev . shiftKey )
dv *= 0.2 ;
el . setValue ( ik . dragfrom . v + dv ) ;
2024-04-21 11:13:43 +02:00
} ;
ik . pointerup = ( ) => {
document . removeEventListener ( "mousemove" , ik . pointermove ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "touchmove" , ik . pointermove ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "mouseup" , ik . pointerup ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "touchend" , ik . pointerup ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "touchcancel" , ik . pointerup ) ;
document . removeEventListener ( "touchstart" , ik . preventScroll ) ;
let event = document . createEvent ( "HTMLEvents" ) ;
event . initEvent ( "change" , false , true ) ;
el . dispatchEvent ( event ) ;
} ;
ik . preventScroll = ( ev ) => {
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
} ;
ik . keydown = ( ) => {
el . redraw ( ) ;
} ;
ik . wheel = ( ev ) => {
let delta = ev . deltaY > 0 ? - ik . valrange . step : ik . valrange . step ;
if ( ! ev . shiftKey )
delta *= 5 ;
el . setValue ( + el . value + delta ) ;
ev . preventDefault ( ) ;
ev . stopPropagation ( ) ;
} ;
el . redraw = ( f ) => {
if ( f || ik . valueold != el . value ) {
let v = ( el . value - ik . valrange . min ) / ( ik . valrange . max - ik . valrange . min ) ;
if ( ik . sprites >= 1 )
el . style . backgroundPosition = "0px " + ( - ( ( v * ik . sprites ) | 0 ) * ik . frameheight ) + "px" ;
2024-05-05 21:15:11 +02:00
el . style . backgroundPosition = ( ( w - h ) * v ) + "px 0px" ;
2024-04-21 11:13:43 +02:00
ik . valueold = el . value ;
} ;
el . refresh ( ) ;
el . redraw ( true ) ;
el . addEventListener ( "keydown" , ik . keydown ) ;
el . addEventListener ( "mousedown" , ik . pointerdown ) ;
el . addEventListener ( "touchstart" , ik . pointerdown ) ;
el . addEventListener ( "wheel" , function ( event ) { event . stopPropagation ( ) ; } ) ; //previous: el.addEventListener("wheel",ik.wheel); Maybe optional, can accidently move knob if allowed
el . addEventListener ( "click" , function ( event ) { event . stopPropagation ( ) ; } ) ;
let refreshque = ( ) => {
2024-05-05 21:15:11 +02:00
let elem = document . querySelectorAll ( "input.input-slider" ) ;
2024-04-21 11:13:43 +02:00
for ( let i = 0 ; i < elem . length ; ++ i )
procque . push ( [ initKnobs , elem [ i ] ] ) ;
let procque = [ ] ;
refreshque ( ) ;
setInterval ( ( ) => {
for ( let i = 0 ; procque . length > 0 && i < 8 ; ++ i ) {
let q = procque . shift ( ) ;
q [ 0 ] ( q [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( procque . length <= 0 )
refreshque ( ) ;
} , 50 ) ;
} ) ;
// Used for converting back to HH-MM-SS, Cuein and Cueout
function toHHMMSS ( secs ) {
let totalSeconds = secs ;
let hours = Math . floor ( totalSeconds / 3600 ) ;
totalSeconds %= 3600 ;
let minutes = Math . floor ( totalSeconds / 60 ) ;
let seconds = totalSeconds % 60 ;
// If you want strings with leading zeroes:
minutes = String ( minutes ) . padStart ( 2 , "0" ) ;
hours = String ( hours ) . padStart ( 2 , "0" ) ;
seconds = String ( seconds ) . padStart ( 2 , "0" ) ;
return ( hours + ":" + minutes + ":" + seconds . slice ( 0 , 6 ) ) ;
//outputs gain percentage from decibels
function deciNum ( value ) {
const decibels = Math . exp ( value / 8.6858 ) ;
return 50 * decibels ;
//outputs decibel from gain
function gainNum ( perc , minDb , maxDb , minP , maxP ) {
const getPerc = ( db ) => ( Math . round ( 1000000000 * Math . pow ( 10 , db / 20 ) ) / 10000000 ) ;
const maxPerc = maxP || ( _ . isNumber ( maxDb ) && getPerc ( maxDb ) ) || 100 ;
const minPerc = minP || ( _ . isNumber ( minDb ) && getPerc ( minDb ) ) || 0 ;
const range = maxPerc - minPerc ;
const newPerc = ( range / 50 ) * perc ;
const total = Math . round ( 1000000000 * 20 * ( Math . log ( newPerc * 0.01 ) / Math . log ( 10 ) ) ) / 1000000000 ;
return total . toFixed ( 2 ) ;
//outputs steps from decibels
function deciSteps ( value ) {
//convert decibel to gain/percent
const percent = deciNum ( value ) ;
var result = percent / 100 ;
return result ;
function formatTimeCallback ( seconds , pxPerSec ) {
seconds = Number ( seconds ) ;
var minutes = Math . floor ( seconds / 60 ) ;
seconds = seconds % 60 ;
// fill up seconds with zeroes
var secondsStr = Math . round ( seconds ) . toString ( ) ;
if ( pxPerSec >= 25 * 10 ) {
secondsStr = seconds . toFixed ( 2 ) ;
} else if ( pxPerSec >= 25 * 1 ) {
secondsStr = seconds . toFixed ( 1 ) ;
if ( minutes > 0 ) {
if ( seconds < 10 ) {
secondsStr = '0' + secondsStr ;
return ` ${ minutes } : ${ secondsStr } ` ;
return secondsStr ;
/ * *
* Use timeInterval to set the period between notches , in seconds ,
* adding notches as the number of pixels per second increases .
* Note that if you override the default function , you ' ll almost
* certainly want to override formatTimeCallback , primaryLabelInterval
* and / or secondaryLabelInterval so they all work together .
* @ param : pxPerSec
* /
function timeInterval ( pxPerSec ) {
var retval = 1 ;
if ( pxPerSec >= 25 * 100 ) {
retval = 0.01 ;
} else if ( pxPerSec >= 25 * 40 ) {
retval = 0.025 ;
} else if ( pxPerSec >= 25 * 10 ) {
retval = 0.1 ;
} else if ( pxPerSec >= 25 * 4 ) {
retval = 0.25 ;
} else if ( pxPerSec >= 25 ) {
retval = 1 ;
} else if ( pxPerSec * 5 >= 25 ) {
retval = 5 ;
} else if ( pxPerSec * 15 >= 25 ) {
retval = 15 ;
} else {
retval = Math . ceil ( 0.5 / pxPerSec ) * 60 ;
return retval ;
/ * *
* Return the cadence of notches that get labels in the primary color .
* EG , return 2 if every 2 nd notch should be labeled ,
* return 10 if every 10 th notch should be labeled , etc .
* Note that if you override the default function , you ' ll almost
* certainly want to override formatTimeCallback , primaryLabelInterval
* and / or secondaryLabelInterval so they all work together .
* @ param pxPerSec
* /
function primaryLabelInterval ( pxPerSec ) {
var retval = 1 ;
if ( pxPerSec >= 25 * 100 ) {
retval = 10 ;
} else if ( pxPerSec >= 25 * 40 ) {
retval = 4 ;
} else if ( pxPerSec >= 25 * 10 ) {
retval = 10 ;
} else if ( pxPerSec >= 25 * 4 ) {
retval = 4 ;
} else if ( pxPerSec >= 25 ) {
retval = 1 ;
} else if ( pxPerSec * 5 >= 25 ) {
retval = 5 ;
} else if ( pxPerSec * 15 >= 25 ) {
retval = 15 ;
} else {
retval = Math . ceil ( 0.5 / pxPerSec ) * 60 ;
return retval ;
/ * *
* Return the cadence of notches to get labels in the secondary color .
* EG , return 2 if every 2 nd notch should be labeled ,
* return 10 if every 10 th notch should be labeled , etc .
* Secondary labels are drawn after primary labels , so if
* you want to have labels every 10 seconds and another color labels
* every 60 seconds , the 60 second labels should be the secondaries .
* Note that if you override the default function , you ' ll almost
* certainly want to override formatTimeCallback , primaryLabelInterval
* and / or secondaryLabelInterval so they all work together .
* @ param pxPerSec
* /
function secondaryLabelInterval ( pxPerSec ) {
// draw one every 10s as an example
return Math . floor ( 10 / timeInterval ( pxPerSec ) ) ;
2024-05-05 21:15:11 +02:00
function renderWaveform ( track _id , selector _id , url , cuein , cueout ) {
2024-04-21 11:13:43 +02:00
var trackid = "t" + track _id ;
var a = cuein . split ( ':' ) ; // split it at the colons
var b = cueout . split ( ':' ) ; // split it at the colons
var startseconds = ( + a [ 0 ] ) * 60 * 60 + ( + a [ 1 ] ) * 60 + ( + a [ 2 ] ) ;
var endseconds = ( + b [ 0 ] ) * 60 * 60 + ( + b [ 1 ] ) * 60 + ( + b [ 2 ] ) ;
$ ( '#track-playedit-' + track _id ) . attr ( 'onClick' , 'wavesurfer["' + trackid + '"].play(' + startseconds + ', ' + endseconds + ');' ) ;
wavesurfer [ trackid ] = WaveSurfer . create ( {
container : document . querySelector ( selector _id ) ,
waveColor : 'hsla(0, 0%, 50%, 0.8)' ,
backgroundColor : '#333' ,
progressColor : 'hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0)' ,
backend : 'MediaElementWebAudio' ,
height : 70 ,
cursorColor : '#ccc' ,
cursorWidth : 1 ,
responsive : true ,
scrollParent : true ,
minimap : true ,
autoCenter : true ,
splitChannels : true ,
plugins : [
WaveSurfer . regions . create ( {
regions : [
id : track _id ,
start : startseconds ,
end : endseconds ,
loop : false ,
drag : false ,
color : 'hsla(232, 64%, 50%, 0.2)' ,
handleStyle : {
left : {
backgroundColor : '#00e640' ,
width : '2px' ,
} ,
right : {
backgroundColor : '#f22613' ,
width : '2px' ,
} ,
} ,
} ) ,
WaveSurfer . timeline . create ( {
container : "#timeline-" + track _id ,
formatTimeCallback : formatTimeCallback ,
timeInterval : timeInterval ,
primaryLabelInterval : primaryLabelInterval ,
secondaryLabelInterval : secondaryLabelInterval ,
primaryColor : '#ff611f' ,
secondaryColor : '#cccccc' ,
primaryFontColor : '#ff611f' ,
secondaryFontColor : '#cccccc'
} )
} ) ;
var eTrack = wavesurfer [ trackid ] ;
eTrack . load ( url ) ;
// Zoom slider
var slider = document . querySelector ( '[data-action="zoom-' + track _id + '"]' ) ;
slider . value = eTrack . params . minPxPerSec ;
slider . min = eTrack . params . minPxPerSec ;
slider . addEventListener ( 'input' , function ( ) {
eTrack . zoom ( Number ( this . value ) ) ;
} ) ;
document . getElementById ( 'tracktimerinput-' + track _id ) . value = '0.000' ;
eTrack . on ( 'audioprocess' , function ( e ) {
document . getElementById ( 'tracktimerinput-' + track _id ) . value = ( eTrack . getCurrentTime ( ) . toFixed ( 3 ) ) ;
} ) ;
var playPause = document . getElementById ( 'track-play-' + track _id ) ;
eTrack . on ( 'play' , function ( ) {
//var playButton = document.getElementById('track-play-'+track_id);
playPause . style . backgroundColor = "#32CD32" ;
} ) ;
eTrack . on ( 'pause' , function ( ) {
//var pauseButton = document.getElementById('track-play-'+track_id);
playPause . style . backgroundColor = "#555555" ;
} ) ;
eTrack . on ( 'error' , function ( e ) {
console . warn ( e ) ;
} ) ;
function saveCue ( ) {
var region = eTrack . regions . list [ track _id ] ;
document . getElementsByClassName ( "cuein_" + track _id ) [ 0 ] . value = toHHMMSS ( region . start ) ;
document . getElementsByClassName ( "cueout_" + track _id ) [ 0 ] . value = toHHMMSS ( region . end ) ;
$ ( '#track-playedit-' + track _id ) . attr ( 'onClick' , 'wavesurfer["t' + track _id + '"].play(' + region . start + ', ' + region . end + ');' ) ;
return {
start : region . start ,
end : region . end
} ;
eTrack . on ( 'ready' , ( ) => {
eTrack . on ( 'region-update-end' , saveCue ) ;
} ) ;
eTrack . on ( 'region-in' , function ( e ) {
document . getElementById ( 'tracktimerinput-' + track _id ) . style . color = "rgb(56, 232, 56)" ;
} ) ;
eTrack . on ( 'region-out' , function ( e ) {
document . getElementById ( 'tracktimerinput-' + track _id ) . style . color = "#ffffff" ;
} ) ;
//Volume to Gain deciSteps(gainNum(gain_level))
eTrack . setVolume ( 0.6 ) ;
return eTrack ;