You should always have proper backups and a rollback scenario in place before updating. If the update doesn't go smoothly, it may cause significant downtime, so you should always have a fallback system available during the update to ensure **broadcast continuity**.
You may upgrade LibreTime by migrating to a new server. This is probably the cleanest way if you are coming from [Airtime](./, if you wish to upgrade the underlying system, or if you want to skip multiple upgrade procedures.
Follow [the backup guide](../ to make an extra backup of your installation and prepare a rollback scenario in case of accidental data loss during the upgrade process.
Be sure to carefully read **all** the [releases notes](../../releases/, from your current version to the targeted version, to apply upgrade or breaking changes instructions to your installation.
Follow [the install guide](./ to download and install the new version, and re-run the `./install` script with the same arguments you used during the initial install.
If you are migrating LibreTime to a new server, you must **stop before the [setup tasks](./** and [restore the backups](../ on the new server.