Merge branch 'devel' of into devel

This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2012-09-18 18:21:00 -04:00
commit 33be48e9e3
6 changed files with 452 additions and 422 deletions

View File

@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class LibraryController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$this->view->headScript()->appendFile($baseUrl.'/js/airtime/buttons/buttons.js?'.$CC_CONFIG['airtime_version'], 'text/javascript');
$this->view->headScript()->appendFile($baseUrl.'/js/airtime/utilities/utilities.js?'.$CC_CONFIG['airtime_version'], 'text/javascript');
$this->view->headScript()->appendFile($baseUrl.'/js/airtime/library/library.js?'.$CC_CONFIG['airtime_version'], 'text/javascript');
$this->view->headScript()->appendFile($this->view->baseUrl('/js/airtime/library/events/library_playlistbuilder.js'), 'text/javascript');
$this->view->headScript()->appendFile($baseUrl.'/js/airtime/library/events/library_playlistbuilder.js?'.$CC_CONFIG['airtime_version'], 'text/javascript');

View File

@ -363,10 +363,10 @@ function setupUI() {
content: {
text: "A static playlist will save the criteria and generate the playlist content immediately." +
"This allows you to edit and view it in the Playlist Builder before adding it to a show.<br /><br />" +
"A dynamic playlist will only save the criteria. The playlist content will get generated upon " +
"adding it to a show. You will not be able to view and edit it in the Playlist Builder."
text: "A static smart block will save the criteria and generate the block content immediately." +
"This allows you to edit and view it in the Library before adding it to a show.<br /><br />" +
"A dynamic smart block will only save the criteria. The block content will get generated upon " +
"adding it to a show. You will not be able to view and edit the content in the Library."
hide: {
delay: 500,

View File

@ -164,9 +164,15 @@ function buildScheduleDialog (json) {
draggable: true,
modal: true,
close: closeDialog,
buttons: {"Ok": function() {
buttons: [
text: "Ok",
"class": "btn",
click: function() {
//set the start end times so the builder datatables knows its time range.
@ -207,9 +213,15 @@ function buildContentDialog (json){
height: height,
modal: true,
close: closeDialog,
buttons: {"Ok": function() {
buttons: [
text: "Ok",
"class": "btn",
click: function() {

View File

@ -1,370 +1,378 @@
author: ApmeM (
date: 9-June-2010
version: 1.4
(function($) {
$.fn.serverBrowser = function(settings) {
this.each(function() {
var config = {
// Event function
// Appear when user click 'Ok' button, or doubleclick on file
onSelect: function(file) {
alert('You select: ' + file);
onLoad: function() {
return config.basePath;
multiselect: false,
// Image parameters
// System images (loading.gif, unknown.png, folder.png and images from knownPaths) will be referenced to systemImageUrl
// if systemImageUrl is empty or not specified - imageUrl will be taken
// All other images (like images for extension) will be taken from imageUrl
imageUrl: 'img/',
systemImageUrl: '',
showUpInList: false,
// Path properties
// Base path, that links should start from.
// If opened path is not under this path, alert will be shown and nothing will be opened
// Path separator, that will be used to split specified paths and join paths to a string
basePath: 'C:',
separatorPath: '/',
// Paths, that will be displayed on the left side of the dialog
// This is a link to specified paths on the server
useKnownPaths: true,
knownPaths: [{text:'Desktop', image:'desktop.png', path:'C:/Users/All Users/Desktop'},
{text:'Documents', image:'documents.png', path:'C:/Users/All Users/Documents'}],
// Images for known extension (like 'png', 'exe', 'zip'), that will be displayed with its real names
// Images, that is not in this list will be referenced to 'unknown.png' image
// If list is empty - all images is known.
knownExt: [],
// Server path to this plugin handler
handlerUrl: 'browserDlg.txt',
// JQuery-ui dialog settings
title: 'Browse',
width: 300,
height: 300,
position: ['center', 'top'],
// Administrative parameters used to
// help programmer or system administrator
requestMethod: 'POST',
if (settings) $.extend(config, settings);
// Required configuration elements
// We need to set some configuration elements without user
// For example there should be 2 buttons on the bottom,
// And dialog should be opened after button is pressed, not when it created
// Also we need to know about dialog resizing
$.extend(config, {
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Cancel": function() {
"Open": function() {
resize: function(event, ui) {
recalculateSize(event, ui);
function systemImageUrl()
if (config.systemImageUrl.length == 0) {
return config.imageUrl;
} else{
return config.systemImageUrl;
var privateConfig = {
// This stack array will store history navigation data
// When user open new directory, old directory will be added to this list
// If user want, he will be able to move back by this history
browserHistory: [],
// This array contains all currently selected items
// When user select element, it will add associated path into this array
// When user deselect element - associated path will be removed
// Exception: if 'config.multiselect' is false, only one element will be stored in this array.
selectedItems: [],
// Main dialog div
// It will be converted into jQuery-ui dialog box using my configuration parameters
// It contains 3 divs
var browserDlg = $('<div title="' + config.title + '"></div>').css({'overflow': 'hidden'}).appendTo(document.body);
// First div on the top
// It contains textbox field and buttons
// User can enter any paths he want to open in this textbox and press enter
// There is 3 buttons on the panel:
var enterPathDiv = $('<div></div>').addClass('ui-widget-content').appendTo(browserDlg).css({'height': '30px', 'width': '100%', 'padding-top': '7px'});
var enterButton = $('<div></div>').css({'float': 'left', 'vertical-align': 'middle', 'margin-left': '6px'}).addClass('ui-corner-all').hover(
function() { $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); },
function() { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); }
var enterLabel = $('<span></span>').text('Look in: ').appendTo(enterButton.clone(false).appendTo(enterPathDiv));
var enterText = $('<input type="text">').keypress(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == '13') {
// Back button.
// When user click on it, 2 last elements of the history pop from the list, and reload second of them.
var enterBack = $('<div></div>').addClass('ui-corner-all ui-icon ui-icon-circle-arrow-w').click(function(){
privateConfig.browserHistory.pop(); // Remove current element. It is not required now.
var backPath = config.basePath;
if(privateConfig.browserHistory.length > 0){
backPath = privateConfig.browserHistory.pop();
// Level Up Button
// When user click on it, last element of the history will be taken, and '..' will be applied to the end of the array.
var enterUp = $('<div></div>').addClass('ui-corner-all ui-icon ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-n').click(function(){
backPath = privateConfig.browserHistory[privateConfig.browserHistory.length - 1];
if(backPath != config.basePath){
loadPath(backPath + config.separatorPath + '..');
// Second div is on the left
// It contains images and texts for pre-defined paths
// User just click on them and it will open pre-defined path
var knownPathDiv = $('<div></div>').addClass('ui-widget-content').css({'text-align':'center', 'overflow': 'auto', 'float': 'left', 'width': '100px'});
$.each(config.knownPaths, function(index, path) {
var knownDiv = $('<div></div>').css({'margin':'10px'}).hover(
function() { $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); },
function() { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); }
).click(function() {
$('<img />').attr({ src: systemImageUrl() + config.separatorPath + path.image }).css({ width: '32px', margin: '5px 10px 5px 5px' }).appendTo(knownDiv);
// Third div is everywhere :)
// It show files and folders in the current path
// User can click on path to select or deselect it
// Doubleclick on path will open it
// Also doubleclick on file will select this file and close dialog
var browserPathDiv = $('<div></div>').addClass('ui-widget-content').css({'float': 'right', 'overflow': 'auto'}).appendTo(browserDlg);
// Now everything is done
// When user will be ready - he just click on the area you select for this plugin and dialog will appear
$(this).click(function() {
privateConfig.browserHistory = [];
var startpath = removeBackPath(config.onLoad());
startpath = startpath.split(config.separatorPath);
startpath = startpath.join(config.separatorPath);
startpath = config.basePath;
// Function check if specified path is a child path of a 'config.basePath'
// If it is not - user should see message, that path invalid, or path should be changed to valid.
function checkBasePath(path){
if(config.basePath == '')
return true;
var confPath = config.basePath.split(config.separatorPath);
var curPath = path.split(config.separatorPath);
if(confPath.length > curPath.length)
return false;
var result = true;
$.each(confPath, function(index, partConfPath) {
if(partConfPath != curPath[index]){
result = false;
return result;
// Function remove '..' parts of the path
// Process depend on config.separatorPath option
// On the server side you need to check / or \ separators
function removeBackPath(path){
var confPath = config.basePath.split(config.separatorPath);
var curPath = path.split(config.separatorPath);
var newcurPath = [];
$.each(curPath, function(index, partCurPath) {
if(partCurPath == ".."){
return newcurPath.join(config.separatorPath);
// This function will be called when user click 'Open'
// It check if any path is selected, and call config.onSelect function with path list
function doneOk(){
var newCurPath = [];
$.each(privateConfig.selectedItems, function(index, item) {
newCurPath.push($.data(item, 'path'));
if(newCurPath.length == 0) {
else {
if(newCurPath.length == 1) {
} else if(newCurPath.length > 1){
alert('Plugin work incorrectly. If error repeat, please add issue into with steps to reproduce.');
// Function recalculate and set new width and height for left and right div elements
// height have '-2' because of the borders
// width have '-4' because of a border an 2 pixels space between divs
function recalculateSize(event, ui){
knownPathDiv.css({'height' : browserDlg.height() - enterPathDiv.outerHeight(true) - 2});
browserPathDiv.css({'height' : browserDlg.height() - enterPathDiv.outerHeight(true) - 2,
'width' : browserDlg.width() - knownPathDiv.outerWidth(true) - 4});
// Function adds new element into browserPathDiv element depends on file parameters
// If file.isError is set, error message will be displayed instead of clickable area
// Clickable div contain image from extension and text from file parameter
function addElement(file){
var itemDiv = $('<div></div>').css({ margin: '2px' }).appendTo(browserPathDiv);
itemDiv.addClass('ui-state-error ui-corner-all').css({padding: '0pt 0.7em'});
var p = $('<p></p>').appendTo(itemDiv);
$('<span></span>').addClass('ui-icon ui-icon-alert').css({'float': 'left', 'margin-right': '0.3em'}).appendTo(p);
var fullPath = file.path + config.separatorPath +;
function() { $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); },
function() { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); }
var itemImage = $('<img />').css({ width: '16px', margin: '0 5px 0 0' }).appendTo(itemDiv);
var itemText = $('<span></span>').text(;
if (file.isFolder)
itemImage.attr({ src: systemImageUrl() + 'folder.png' });
else {
ext ='.').pop();
var res = '';
if (ext == '' || ext == || (config.knownExt.length > 0 && $.inArray(ext, config.knownExt) < 0))
itemImage.attr({ src: systemImageUrl() + 'unknown.png' });
itemImage.attr({ src: config.imageUrl + ext + '.png' });
$.data(itemDiv, 'path', fullPath);
itemDiv.unbind('click').bind('click', function(e) {
if(!$(this).hasClass('ui-state-active')) {
if(!config.multiselect && privateConfig.selectedItems.length > 0) {
var newCurPath = [];
$.each(privateConfig.selectedItems, function(index, item) {
if($.data(item, 'path') != fullPath)
privateConfig.selectedItems = newCurPath;
itemDiv.unbind('dblclick').bind('dblclick', function(e) {
if (file.isFolder){
} else {
privateConfig.selectedItems = [itemDiv];
// Main plugin function
// When user enter path manually, select it from pre-defined path, or doubleclick in browser this function will call
// It send a request on the server to retrieve child directories and files of the specified path
// If path is not under 'config.basePath', alert will be shown and nothing will be opened
function loadPath(path) {
privateConfig.selectedItems = [];
// First we need to remove all '..' parts of the path
path = removeBackPath(path);
// Then we need to check, if path based on 'config.basePath'
if(!checkBasePath(path)) {
alert('Path should be based from ' + config.basePath);
// Then we can put this path into history
// Show it to user
// And load
url: config.handlerUrl,
type: config.requestMethod,
data: {
action: 'browse',
path: path,
time: new Date().getTime()
beforeSend: function() {
browserPathDiv.empty().css({ 'text-align': 'center' });
$('<img />').attr({ src: systemImageUrl() + 'loading.gif' }).css({ width: '32px' }).appendTo(browserPathDiv);
success: function(files) {
browserPathDiv.empty().css({ 'text-align': 'left' });
if(path != config.basePath && config.showUpInList){
addElement({name: '..', isFolder: true, isError: false, path: path});
$.each(files, function(index, file) {
addElement($.extend(file, {path: path}));
dataType: 'json'
return this;
author: ApmeM (
date: 9-June-2010
version: 1.4
(function($) {
$.fn.serverBrowser = function(settings) {
this.each(function() {
var config = {
// Event function
// Appear when user click 'Ok' button, or doubleclick on file
onSelect: function(file) {
alert('You select: ' + file);
onLoad: function() {
return config.basePath;
multiselect: false,
// Image parameters
// System images (loading.gif, unknown.png, folder.png and images from knownPaths) will be referenced to systemImageUrl
// if systemImageUrl is empty or not specified - imageUrl will be taken
// All other images (like images for extension) will be taken from imageUrl
imageUrl: 'img/',
systemImageUrl: '',
showUpInList: false,
// Path properties
// Base path, that links should start from.
// If opened path is not under this path, alert will be shown and nothing will be opened
// Path separator, that will be used to split specified paths and join paths to a string
basePath: 'C:',
separatorPath: '/',
// Paths, that will be displayed on the left side of the dialog
// This is a link to specified paths on the server
useKnownPaths: true,
knownPaths: [{text:'Desktop', image:'desktop.png', path:'C:/Users/All Users/Desktop'},
{text:'Documents', image:'documents.png', path:'C:/Users/All Users/Documents'}],
// Images for known extension (like 'png', 'exe', 'zip'), that will be displayed with its real names
// Images, that is not in this list will be referenced to 'unknown.png' image
// If list is empty - all images is known.
knownExt: [],
// Server path to this plugin handler
handlerUrl: 'browserDlg.txt',
// JQuery-ui dialog settings
title: 'Browse',
width: 300,
height: 300,
position: ['center', 'top'],
// Administrative parameters used to
// help programmer or system administrator
requestMethod: 'POST',
if (settings) $.extend(config, settings);
// Required configuration elements
// We need to set some configuration elements without user
// For example there should be 2 buttons on the bottom,
// And dialog should be opened after button is pressed, not when it created
// Also we need to know about dialog resizing
$.extend(config, {
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
buttons: [
text: "Cancel",
"class": "btn",
click: function() {
text: "Open",
"class": "btn",
click: function() {
resize: function(event, ui) {
recalculateSize(event, ui);
function systemImageUrl()
if (config.systemImageUrl.length == 0) {
return config.imageUrl;
} else{
return config.systemImageUrl;
var privateConfig = {
// This stack array will store history navigation data
// When user open new directory, old directory will be added to this list
// If user want, he will be able to move back by this history
browserHistory: [],
// This array contains all currently selected items
// When user select element, it will add associated path into this array
// When user deselect element - associated path will be removed
// Exception: if 'config.multiselect' is false, only one element will be stored in this array.
selectedItems: [],
// Main dialog div
// It will be converted into jQuery-ui dialog box using my configuration parameters
// It contains 3 divs
var browserDlg = $('<div title="' + config.title + '"></div>').css({'overflow': 'hidden'}).appendTo(document.body);
// First div on the top
// It contains textbox field and buttons
// User can enter any paths he want to open in this textbox and press enter
// There is 3 buttons on the panel:
var enterPathDiv = $('<div></div>').addClass('ui-widget-content').appendTo(browserDlg).css({'height': '30px', 'width': '100%', 'padding-top': '7px'});
var enterButton = $('<div></div>').css({'float': 'left', 'vertical-align': 'middle', 'margin-left': '6px'}).addClass('ui-corner-all').hover(
function() { $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); },
function() { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); }
var enterLabel = $('<span></span>').text('Look in: ').appendTo(enterButton.clone(false).appendTo(enterPathDiv));
var enterText = $('<input type="text">').keypress(function(e) {
if (e.keyCode == '13') {
// Back button.
// When user click on it, 2 last elements of the history pop from the list, and reload second of them.
var enterBack = $('<div></div>').addClass('ui-corner-all ui-icon ui-icon-circle-arrow-w').click(function(){
privateConfig.browserHistory.pop(); // Remove current element. It is not required now.
var backPath = config.basePath;
if(privateConfig.browserHistory.length > 0){
backPath = privateConfig.browserHistory.pop();
// Level Up Button
// When user click on it, last element of the history will be taken, and '..' will be applied to the end of the array.
var enterUp = $('<div></div>').addClass('ui-corner-all ui-icon ui-icon-arrowreturnthick-1-n').click(function(){
backPath = privateConfig.browserHistory[privateConfig.browserHistory.length - 1];
if(backPath != config.basePath){
loadPath(backPath + config.separatorPath + '..');
// Second div is on the left
// It contains images and texts for pre-defined paths
// User just click on them and it will open pre-defined path
var knownPathDiv = $('<div></div>').addClass('ui-widget-content').css({'text-align':'center', 'overflow': 'auto', 'float': 'left', 'width': '100px'});
$.each(config.knownPaths, function(index, path) {
var knownDiv = $('<div></div>').css({'margin':'10px'}).hover(
function() { $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); },
function() { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); }
).click(function() {
$('<img />').attr({ src: systemImageUrl() + config.separatorPath + path.image }).css({ width: '32px', margin: '5px 10px 5px 5px' }).appendTo(knownDiv);
// Third div is everywhere :)
// It show files and folders in the current path
// User can click on path to select or deselect it
// Doubleclick on path will open it
// Also doubleclick on file will select this file and close dialog
var browserPathDiv = $('<div></div>').addClass('ui-widget-content').css({'float': 'right', 'overflow': 'auto'}).appendTo(browserDlg);
// Now everything is done
// When user will be ready - he just click on the area you select for this plugin and dialog will appear
$(this).click(function() {
privateConfig.browserHistory = [];
var startpath = removeBackPath(config.onLoad());
startpath = startpath.split(config.separatorPath);
startpath = startpath.join(config.separatorPath);
startpath = config.basePath;
// Function check if specified path is a child path of a 'config.basePath'
// If it is not - user should see message, that path invalid, or path should be changed to valid.
function checkBasePath(path){
if(config.basePath == '')
return true;
var confPath = config.basePath.split(config.separatorPath);
var curPath = path.split(config.separatorPath);
if(confPath.length > curPath.length)
return false;
var result = true;
$.each(confPath, function(index, partConfPath) {
if(partConfPath != curPath[index]){
result = false;
return result;
// Function remove '..' parts of the path
// Process depend on config.separatorPath option
// On the server side you need to check / or \ separators
function removeBackPath(path){
var confPath = config.basePath.split(config.separatorPath);
var curPath = path.split(config.separatorPath);
var newcurPath = [];
$.each(curPath, function(index, partCurPath) {
if(partCurPath == ".."){
return newcurPath.join(config.separatorPath);
// This function will be called when user click 'Open'
// It check if any path is selected, and call config.onSelect function with path list
function doneOk(){
var newCurPath = [];
$.each(privateConfig.selectedItems, function(index, item) {
newCurPath.push($.data(item, 'path'));
if(newCurPath.length == 0) {
else {
if(newCurPath.length == 1) {
} else if(newCurPath.length > 1){
alert('Plugin work incorrectly. If error repeat, please add issue into with steps to reproduce.');
// Function recalculate and set new width and height for left and right div elements
// height have '-2' because of the borders
// width have '-4' because of a border an 2 pixels space between divs
function recalculateSize(event, ui){
knownPathDiv.css({'height' : browserDlg.height() - enterPathDiv.outerHeight(true) - 2});
browserPathDiv.css({'height' : browserDlg.height() - enterPathDiv.outerHeight(true) - 2,
'width' : browserDlg.width() - knownPathDiv.outerWidth(true) - 4});
// Function adds new element into browserPathDiv element depends on file parameters
// If file.isError is set, error message will be displayed instead of clickable area
// Clickable div contain image from extension and text from file parameter
function addElement(file){
var itemDiv = $('<div></div>').css({ margin: '2px' }).appendTo(browserPathDiv);
itemDiv.addClass('ui-state-error ui-corner-all').css({padding: '0pt 0.7em'});
var p = $('<p></p>').appendTo(itemDiv);
$('<span></span>').addClass('ui-icon ui-icon-alert').css({'float': 'left', 'margin-right': '0.3em'}).appendTo(p);
var fullPath = file.path + config.separatorPath +;
function() { $(this).addClass('ui-state-hover'); },
function() { $(this).removeClass('ui-state-hover'); }
var itemImage = $('<img />').css({ width: '16px', margin: '0 5px 0 0' }).appendTo(itemDiv);
var itemText = $('<span></span>').text(;
if (file.isFolder)
itemImage.attr({ src: systemImageUrl() + 'folder.png' });
else {
ext ='.').pop();
var res = '';
if (ext == '' || ext == || (config.knownExt.length > 0 && $.inArray(ext, config.knownExt) < 0))
itemImage.attr({ src: systemImageUrl() + 'unknown.png' });
itemImage.attr({ src: config.imageUrl + ext + '.png' });
$.data(itemDiv, 'path', fullPath);
itemDiv.unbind('click').bind('click', function(e) {
if(!$(this).hasClass('ui-state-active')) {
if(!config.multiselect && privateConfig.selectedItems.length > 0) {
var newCurPath = [];
$.each(privateConfig.selectedItems, function(index, item) {
if($.data(item, 'path') != fullPath)
privateConfig.selectedItems = newCurPath;
itemDiv.unbind('dblclick').bind('dblclick', function(e) {
if (file.isFolder){
} else {
privateConfig.selectedItems = [itemDiv];
// Main plugin function
// When user enter path manually, select it from pre-defined path, or doubleclick in browser this function will call
// It send a request on the server to retrieve child directories and files of the specified path
// If path is not under 'config.basePath', alert will be shown and nothing will be opened
function loadPath(path) {
privateConfig.selectedItems = [];
// First we need to remove all '..' parts of the path
path = removeBackPath(path);
// Then we need to check, if path based on 'config.basePath'
if(!checkBasePath(path)) {
alert('Path should be based from ' + config.basePath);
// Then we can put this path into history
// Show it to user
// And load
url: config.handlerUrl,
type: config.requestMethod,
data: {
action: 'browse',
path: path,
time: new Date().getTime()
beforeSend: function() {
browserPathDiv.empty().css({ 'text-align': 'center' });
$('<img />').attr({ src: systemImageUrl() + 'loading.gif' }).css({ width: '32px' }).appendTo(browserPathDiv);
success: function(files) {
browserPathDiv.empty().css({ 'text-align': 'left' });
if(path != config.basePath && config.showUpInList){
addElement({name: '..', isFolder: true, isError: false, path: path});
$.each(files, function(index, file) {
addElement($.extend(file, {path: path}));
dataType: 'json'
return this;

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
liquidsoap_tar_url =
liquidsoap_tar_url =

View File

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ env.host_string
env.vm_download_url = ""
#fab -f ubuntu_lucid_64 airtime_182_tar airtime_190_tar
#fab -f ubuntu_lucid_64 airtime_182_tar airtime_190_tar
def do_sudo(command):
result = sudo(command)
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ def do_sudo(command):
return result
def do_run(command):
result = run(command)
if result.return_code != 0:
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def do_run(command):
return result
def do_local(command, capture=True):
result = local(command, capture)
if result.return_code != 0:
@ -55,11 +55,11 @@ def do_local(command, capture=True):
def shutdown():
def download_if_needed(vdi_dir, xml_dir, vm_name, vm_vdi_file, vm_xml_file):
if not os.path.exists(vdi_dir):
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(vdi_dir, vm_vdi_file)):
print "File %s already exists. No need to re-download" % os.path.join(vdi_dir, vm_vdi_file)
@ -67,24 +67,24 @@ def download_if_needed(vdi_dir, xml_dir, vm_name, vm_vdi_file, vm_xml_file):
tmpPath = do_local("mktemp", capture=True)
do_local("wget %s/%s/%s -O %s"%(env.vm_download_url, vm_name, vm_vdi_file, tmpPath))
os.rename(tmpPath, os.path.join(vdi_dir, vm_vdi_file))
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(xml_dir, vm_xml_file)):
print "File %s already exists. No need to re-download" % os.path.join(xml_dir, vm_xml_file)
do_local("wget %s/%s/%s -O %s"%(env.vm_download_url, vm_name, vm_xml_file, os.path.join(xml_dir, vm_xml_file)))
do_local("wget %s/%s/%s -O %s"%(env.vm_download_url, vm_name, vm_xml_file, os.path.join(xml_dir, vm_xml_file)))
def create_fresh_os(vm_name, debian=False):
vm_vdi_file = '%s.vdi'%vm_name
vm_xml_file = '%s.xml'%vm_name
vdi_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/tmp/vms/%s'%vm_name)
vdi_snapshot_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/tmp/vms/%s/Snapshots'%vm_name)
xml_dir = os.path.expanduser('~/.VirtualBox')
vm_xml_path = os.path.join(xml_dir, vm_xml_file)
download_if_needed(vdi_dir, xml_dir, vm_name, vm_vdi_file, vm_xml_file)
if not os.path.exists("%s/vm_registered"%vdi_dir):
do_local("VBoxManage registervm %s"%os.path.join(xml_dir, vm_xml_file), capture=True)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ def create_fresh_os(vm_name, debian=False):
do_local('VBoxManage modifyvm "%s" --bridgeadapter1 eth0'%vm_name)
do_local('VBoxManage startvm %s'%vm_name)
print "Please wait while attempting to acquire IP address"
try_again = True
@ -107,16 +107,16 @@ def create_fresh_os(vm_name, debian=False):
triple = ret.partition(':')
ip_addr = triple[2].strip(' \r\n')
print "Address found %s"%ip_addr
try_again = (len(ip_addr) == 0)
env.host_string = ip_addr
if debian:
append('/etc/apt/sources.list', "deb squeeze main non-free", use_sudo=True)
def ubuntu_lucid_32(fresh_os=True):
if (fresh_os):
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ def ubuntu_lucid_32(fresh_os=True):
def ubuntu_lucid_64(fresh_os=True):
if (fresh_os):
def ubuntu_maverick_32(fresh_os=True):
if (fresh_os):
@ -136,44 +136,44 @@ def ubuntu_maverick_64(fresh_os=True):
def ubuntu_natty_32(fresh_os=True):
if (fresh_os):
def ubuntu_natty_64(fresh_os=True):
if (fresh_os):
def ubuntu_oneiric_32(fresh_os=True):
if (fresh_os):
def ubuntu_oneiric_64(fresh_os=True):
if (fresh_os):
def ubuntu_precise_64(fresh_os=True):
if (fresh_os):
def ubuntu_precise_32(fresh_os=True):
if (fresh_os):
def debian_squeeze_32(fresh_os=True):
if (fresh_os):
create_fresh_os('Debian_Squeeze_32', debian=True)
def debian_squeeze_64(fresh_os=True):
if (fresh_os):
create_fresh_os('Debian_Squeeze_64', debian=True)
def compile_liquidsoap(filename="liquidsoap"):
config = ConfigParser()
url = config.get('main', 'liquidsoap_tar_url')
print "Will get liquidsoap from " + url
do_sudo('apt-get update')
do_sudo('apt-get upgrade -y --force-yes')
do_sudo('apt-get install -y --force-yes ocaml-findlib libao-ocaml-dev libportaudio-ocaml-dev ' + \
@ -181,22 +181,32 @@ def compile_liquidsoap(filename="liquidsoap"):
'libspeex-dev libspeexdsp-dev speex libladspa-ocaml-dev festival festival-dev ' + \
'libsamplerate-dev libxmlplaylist-ocaml-dev libxmlrpc-light-ocaml-dev libflac-dev ' + \
'libxml-dom-perl libxml-dom-xpath-perl patch autoconf libmp3lame-dev ' + \
'libcamomile-ocaml-dev libcamlimages-ocaml-dev libtool libpulse-dev libjack-dev camlidl')
'libcamomile-ocaml-dev libcamlimages-ocaml-dev libtool libpulse-dev libjack-dev camlidl libfaad-dev')
root = '/home/martin/src'
do_run('mkdir -p %s' % root)
tmpPath = do_local("mktemp", capture=True)
do_run('wget %s -O %s' % (url, tmpPath))
do_run('mv %s %s/liquidsoap.tar.gz' % (tmpPath, root))
do_run('cd %s && tar xzf liquidsoap.tar.gz' % root)
do_run('cd %s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full && cp PACKAGES.minimal PACKAGES' % root)
sed('%s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full/PACKAGES' % root, '#ocaml-portaudio', 'ocaml-portaudio')
sed('%s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full/PACKAGES' % root, '#ocaml-alsa', 'ocaml-alsa')
sed('%s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full/PACKAGES' % root, '#ocaml-pulseaudio', 'ocaml-pulseaudio')
sed('%s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full/PACKAGES' % root, '#ocaml-faad', 'ocaml-faad')
do_run('cd %s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full && ./bootstrap' % root)
do_run('cd %s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full && ./configure' % root)
do_run('cd %s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full && make' % root)
get('%s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full/liquidsoap-1.0.1/src/liquidsoap' % root, filename)
#do_run('cd %s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full && cp PACKAGES.minimal PACKAGES' % root)
#sed('%s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full/PACKAGES' % root, '#ocaml-portaudio', 'ocaml-portaudio')
#sed('%s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full/PACKAGES' % root, '#ocaml-alsa', 'ocaml-alsa')
#sed('%s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full/PACKAGES' % root, '#ocaml-pulseaudio', 'ocaml-pulseaudio')
#sed('%s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full/PACKAGES' % root, '#ocaml-faad', 'ocaml-faad')
#do_run('cd %s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full && ./bootstrap' % root)
#do_run('cd %s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full && ./configure' % root)
#do_run('cd %s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full && make' % root)
#get('%s/liquidsoap-1.0.1-full/liquidsoap-1.0.1/src/liquidsoap' % root, filename)
do_run('cd %s/savonet && cp PACKAGES.minimal PACKAGES' % root)
sed('%s/savonet/PACKAGES' % root, '#ocaml-portaudio', 'ocaml-portaudio')
sed('%s/savonet/PACKAGES' % root, '#ocaml-alsa', 'ocaml-alsa')
sed('%s/savonet/PACKAGES' % root, '#ocaml-pulseaudio', 'ocaml-pulseaudio')
sed('%s/savonet/PACKAGES' % root, '#ocaml-faad', 'ocaml-faad')
do_run('cd %s/savonet && ./bootstrap' % root)
do_run('cd %s/savonet && ./configure' % root)
do_run('cd %s/savonet && make' % root)
get('%s/savonet/liquidsoap/src/liquidsoap' % root, filename)