Merge branch 'devel' of into devel

This commit is contained in:
James 2011-08-18 13:54:17 -04:00
commit 38256de606
22 changed files with 199 additions and 184 deletions

View File

@ -176,15 +176,18 @@ class ScheduleController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function makeContextMenuAction()
$id = $this->_getParam('id');
$today_timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$epochNow = time();
$userInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read();
$user = new User($userInfo->id);
$show = new ShowInstance($id);
$params = '/format/json/id/#id#';
if (strtotime($today_timestamp) < strtotime($show->getShowStart())) {
$showStartDateHelper = DateHelper::ConvertToLocalDateTime($show->getShowStart());
$showEndDateHelper = DateHelper::ConvertToLocalDateTime($show->getShowEnd());
if ($epochNow < $showStartDateHelper->getTimestamp()) {
if ($user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER, UTYPE_HOST),$show->getShowId()) && !$show->isRecorded() && !$show->isRebroadcast()) {
@ -202,7 +205,7 @@ class ScheduleController extends Zend_Controller_Action
'callback' => 'window["buildContentDialog"]'), 'title' => 'Show Content');
if (strtotime($show->getShowEnd()) <= strtotime($today_timestamp)
if ($showEndDateHelper->getTimestamp() <= $epochNow
&& is_null($show->getSoundCloudFileId())
&& $show->isRecorded()
&& Application_Model_Preference::GetDoSoundCloudUpload()) {
@ -212,15 +215,15 @@ class ScheduleController extends Zend_Controller_Action
if (strtotime($show->getShowStart()) <= strtotime($today_timestamp) &&
strtotime($today_timestamp) < strtotime($show->getShowEnd()) &&
if ($showStartDateHelper->getTimestamp() <= $epochNow &&
$epochNow < $showEndDateHelper->getTimestamp() &&
$user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER))) {
$menu[] = array('action' => array('type' => 'fn',
'callback' => "window['confirmCancelShow']($id)"),
'title' => 'Cancel Current Show');
if (strtotime($today_timestamp) < strtotime($show->getShowStart())) {
if ($epochNow < $showStartDateHelper->getTimestamp()) {
if ($user->isUserType(array(UTYPE_ADMIN, UTYPE_PROGRAM_MANAGER))) {
@ -425,11 +428,17 @@ class ScheduleController extends Zend_Controller_Action
'add_show_url' => $show->getUrl(),
'add_show_genre' => $show->getGenre(),
'add_show_description' => $show->getDescription()));
$startsDateTime = new DateTime($showInstance->getShowStart(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$endsDateTime = new DateTime($showInstance->getShowEnd(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$startsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$endsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$formWhen->populate(array('add_show_start_date' => $show->getStartDate(),
'add_show_start_time' => DateHelper::removeSecondsFromTime($show->getStartTime()),
'add_show_end_date_no_repeat' => $show->getEndDate(),
'add_show_end_time' => DateHelper::removeSecondsFromTime($show->getEndTime()),
$formWhen->populate(array('add_show_start_date' => $startsDateTime->format("Y-m-d"),
'add_show_start_time' => $startsDateTime->format("H:i"),
'add_show_end_date_no_repeat' => $endsDateTime->format("Y-m-d"),
'add_show_end_time' => $endsDateTime->format("H:i"),
'add_show_duration' => $show->getDuration(true),
'add_show_repeats' => $show->isRepeating() ? 1 : 0));
@ -443,13 +452,13 @@ class ScheduleController extends Zend_Controller_Action
array_push($days, $showDay->getDbDay());
$displayedEndDate = new DateTime($show->getRepeatingEndDate());
$displayedEndDate = new DateTime($show->getRepeatingEndDate(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$displayedEndDate->sub(new DateInterval("P1D"));//end dates are stored non-inclusively.
$displayedEndDate = $displayedEndDate->format("Y-m-d");
$displayedEndDate->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$formRepeats->populate(array('add_show_repeat_type' => $show->getRepeatType(),
'add_show_day_check' => $days,
'add_show_end_date' => $displayedEndDate,
'add_show_end_date' => $displayedEndDate->format("Y-m-d"),
'add_show_no_end' => ($show->getRepeatingEndDate() == '')));
$formRecord->populate(array('add_show_record' => $show->isRecorded(),

View File

@ -88,18 +88,16 @@ class Application_Form_AddShowWhen extends Zend_Form_SubForm
public function checkReliantFields($formData, $startDateModified) {
$valid = true;
$now_timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$start_timestamp = $formData['add_show_start_date']." ".$formData['add_show_start_time'];
$now_epoch = strtotime($now_timestamp);
$start_epoch = strtotime($start_timestamp);
$start_time = $formData['add_show_start_date']." ".$formData['add_show_start_time'];
//DateTime stores $start_time in the current timezone
$nowDateTime = new DateTime();
$showStartDateTime = new DateTime($start_time);
if ((($formData['add_show_id'] != -1) && $startDateModified) || ($formData['add_show_id'] == -1)){
if($start_epoch < $now_epoch) {
if($showStartDateTime->getTimestamp() < $nowDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
$this->getElement('add_show_start_time')->setErrors(array('Cannot create show in the past'));
$valid = false;
@ -118,6 +116,5 @@ class Application_Form_AddShowWhen extends Zend_Form_SubForm
return $valid;

View File

@ -13,9 +13,7 @@ class Application_Form_GeneralPreferences extends Zend_Form_SubForm
$this->addElement('text', 'stationName', array(
'class' => 'input_text',
'label' => 'Station Name',
'required' => true,
'filters' => array('StringTrim'),
'validators' => array('NotEmpty'),
'value' => Application_Model_Preference::GetValue("station_name"),
'decorators' => array(

View File

@ -16,4 +16,9 @@ class Logging {
public static function setLogPath($path){
self::$_path = $path;
public static function log($p_msg){
$logger = self::getLogger();

View File

@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
class DateHelper
private $_timestamp;
private $_dateTime;
function __construct()
$this->_timestamp = date("U");
$this->_dateTime = date("U");
@ -15,7 +15,19 @@ class DateHelper
function getTimestamp()
return date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $this->_timestamp);
return date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $this->_dateTime);
* Get time of object construction in the format
* YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss
function getUtcTimestamp()
$dateTime = new DateTime("@".$this->_dateTime);
$dateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
return $dateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
@ -24,7 +36,7 @@ class DateHelper
function getDate()
return date("Y-m-d", $this->_timestamp);
return date("Y-m-d", $this->_dateTime);
@ -33,7 +45,7 @@ class DateHelper
function getTime()
return date("H:i:s", $this->_timestamp);
return date("H:i:s", $this->_dateTime);
@ -41,28 +53,30 @@ class DateHelper
function setDate($dateString)
$this->_timestamp = strtotime($dateString);
$this->_dateTime = strtotime($dateString);
* Enter description here ...
* Find the epoch timestamp difference from "now" to the beginning of today.
function getNowDayStartDiff()
$dayStartTS = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", $this->_timestamp));
return $this->_timestamp - $dayStartTS;
$dayStartTs = ((int)($this->_dateTime/86400))*86400;
return $this->_dateTime - $dayStartTs;
* Find the epoch timestamp difference from "now" to the end of today.
function getNowDayEndDiff()
$dayEndTS = strtotime(date("Y-m-d", $this->_timestamp+(86400)));
return $dayEndTS - $this->_timestamp;
$dayEndTs = ((int)(($this->_dateTime+86400)/86400))*86400;
return $dayEndTs - $this->_dateTime;
function getEpochTime()
return $this->_timestamp;
return $this->_dateTime;
public static function TimeDiff($time1, $time2)
@ -100,31 +114,31 @@ class DateHelper
* format "hh:mm:ss". But when dealing with show times, we
* do not care about the seconds.
* @param int $p_timestamp
* @param int $p_dateTime
* The value which to format.
* @return int
* The timestamp with the new format "hh:mm", or
* the original input parameter, if it does not have
* the correct format.
public static function removeSecondsFromTime($p_timestamp)
public static function removeSecondsFromTime($p_dateTime)
//Format is in hh:mm:ss. We want hh:mm
$timeExplode = explode(":", $p_timestamp);
$timeExplode = explode(":", $p_dateTime);
if (count($timeExplode) == 3)
return $timeExplode[0].":".$timeExplode[1];
return $p_timestamp;
return $p_dateTime;
public static function getDateFromTimestamp($p_timestamp){
$explode = explode(" ", $p_timestamp);
public static function getDateFromTimestamp($p_dateTime){
$explode = explode(" ", $p_dateTime);
return $explode[0];
public static function getTimeFromTimestamp($p_timestamp){
$explode = explode(" ", $p_timestamp);
public static function getTimeFromTimestamp($p_dateTime){
$explode = explode(" ", $p_dateTime);
return $explode[1];
@ -157,5 +171,19 @@ class DateHelper
return $totalSeconds;
public static function ConvertToLocalDateTime($p_dateString){
$dateTime = new DateTime($p_dateString, new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$dateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
return $dateTime;
public static function ConvertToLocalDateTimeString($p_dateString, $format="Y-m-d H:i:s"){
$dateTime = new DateTime($p_dateString, new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$dateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
return $dateTime->format($format);

View File

@ -3,21 +3,31 @@
class Application_Model_Nowplaying
public static function CreateHeaderRow($p_showName, $p_showStart, $p_showEnd){
private static function CreateHeaderRow($p_showName, $p_showStart, $p_showEnd){
return array("h", "", $p_showStart, $p_showEnd, $p_showName, "", "", "", "", "", "");
public static function CreateDatatableRows($p_dbRows){
private static function CreateDatatableRows($p_dbRows){
$dataTablesRows = array();
$date = new DateHelper;
$timeNow = $date->getTimestamp();
$epochNow = time();
foreach ($p_dbRows as $dbRow){
$showStartDateTime = DateHelper::ConvertToLocalDateTime($dbRow['show_starts']);
$showEndDateTime = DateHelper::ConvertToLocalDateTime($dbRow['show_ends']);
$itemStartDateTime = DateHelper::ConvertToLocalDateTime($dbRow['item_starts']);
$itemEndDateTime = DateHelper::ConvertToLocalDateTime($dbRow['item_ends']);
$showStarts = $showStartDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$showEnds = $showEndDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$itemStarts = $itemStartDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$itemEnds = $itemEndDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$status = ($dbRow['show_ends'] < $dbRow['item_ends']) ? "x" : "";
$type = "a";
$type .= ($dbRow['item_ends'] > $timeNow && $dbRow['item_starts'] <= $timeNow) ? "c" : "";
$type .= ($itemEndDateTime->getTimestamp() > $epochNow && $itemStartDateTime->getTimestamp() <= $epochNow) ? "c" : "";
// remove millisecond from the time format
$itemStart = explode('.', $dbRow['item_starts']);
@ -25,36 +35,36 @@ class Application_Model_Nowplaying
//format duration
$duration = explode('.', $dbRow['clip_length']);
$formated = Application_Model_Nowplaying::FormatDuration($duration[0]);
$dataTablesRows[] = array($type, $dbRow['show_starts'], $itemStart[0], $itemEnd[0],
$formated, $dbRow['track_title'], $dbRow['artist_name'], $dbRow['album_title'],
$formatted = self::FormatDuration($duration[0]);
$dataTablesRows[] = array($type, $showStarts, $itemStarts, $itemEnds,
$formatted, $dbRow['track_title'], $dbRow['artist_name'], $dbRow['album_title'],
$dbRow['playlist_name'], $dbRow['show_name'], $status);
return $dataTablesRows;
public static function CreateGapRow($p_gapTime){
private static function CreateGapRow($p_gapTime){
return array("g", "", "", "", $p_gapTime, "", "", "", "", "", "");
public static function CreateRecordingRow($p_showInstance){
private static function CreateRecordingRow($p_showInstance){
return array("r", "", "", "", $p_showInstance->getName(), "", "", "", "", "", "");
public static function GetDataGridData($viewType, $dateString){
if ($viewType == "now"){
$date = new DateHelper;
$timeNow = $date->getTimestamp();
$dateTime = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$timeNow = $dateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$startCutoff = 60;
$endCutoff = 86400; //60*60*24 - seconds in a day
} else {
$date = new DateHelper;
$time = $date->getTime();
$date->setDate($dateString." ".$time);
$timeNow = $date->getTimestamp();
$timeNow = $date->getUtcTimestamp();
$startCutoff = $date->getNowDayStartDiff();
$endCutoff = $date->getNowDayEndDiff();
@ -71,21 +81,24 @@ class Application_Model_Nowplaying
$showId = $si->getShowId();
$show = new Show($showId);
$showStartDateTime = DateHelper::ConvertToLocalDateTime($si->getShowStart());
$showEndDateTime = DateHelper::ConvertToLocalDateTime($si->getShowEnd());
//append show header row
$data[] = Application_Model_Nowplaying::CreateHeaderRow($show->getName(), $si->getShowStart(), $si->getShowEnd());
$data[] = self::CreateHeaderRow($show->getName(), $showStartDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $showEndDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$scheduledItems = $si->getScheduleItemsInRange($timeNow, $startCutoff, $endCutoff);
$dataTablesRows = Application_Model_Nowplaying::CreateDatatableRows($scheduledItems);
$dataTablesRows = self::CreateDatatableRows($scheduledItems);
//append show audio item rows
$data = array_merge($data, $dataTablesRows);
//append show gap time row
$gapTime = Application_Model_Nowplaying::FormatDuration($si->getShowEndGapTime(), true);
$gapTime = self::FormatDuration($si->getShowEndGapTime(), true);
if ($si->isRecorded())
$data[] = Application_Model_Nowplaying::CreateRecordingRow($si);
$data[] = self::CreateRecordingRow($si);
else if ($gapTime > 0)
$data[] = Application_Model_Nowplaying::CreateGapRow($gapTime);
$data[] = self::CreateGapRow($gapTime);
return array("currentShow"=>Show_DAL::GetCurrentShow($timeNow), "rows"=>$data);
@ -102,7 +115,7 @@ class Application_Model_Nowplaying
* default $time format should be in format of 00:00:00
* if $inSecond = true, then $time should be in seconds
public static function FormatDuration($time, $inSecond=false){
private static function FormatDuration($time, $inSecond=false){
if($inSecond == false){
$duration = explode(':', $time);

View File

@ -264,7 +264,6 @@ class Application_Model_Preference
Application_Model_Preference::SetValue("timezone", $timezone);
$md = array("timezone" => $timezone);
RabbitMq::SendMessageToPypo("update_timezone", $md);
public static function GetTimezone(){

View File

@ -108,13 +108,12 @@ class RabbitMq
$EXCHANGE = 'airtime-show-recorder';
$channel->exchange_declare($EXCHANGE, 'direct', false, true);
$today_timestamp = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$now = new DateTime($today_timestamp);
$end_timestamp = $now->add(new DateInterval("PT2H"));
$end_timestamp = $end_timestamp->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$now = new DateTime("@".time());
$end_timestamp = new DateTime("@".time() + 3600*2);
$temp['event_type'] = $event_type;
if($event_type = "update_schedule"){
$temp['shows'] = Show::getShows($today_timestamp, $end_timestamp, $excludeInstance=NULL, $onlyRecord=TRUE);
$temp['shows'] = Show::getShows($now->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $end_timestamp->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), $excludeInstance=NULL, $onlyRecord=TRUE);
$data = json_encode($temp);
$msg = new AMQPMessage($data, array('content_type' => 'text/plain'));

View File

@ -364,12 +364,9 @@ class Schedule {
global $CC_CONFIG;
$date = new DateHelper;
$timeNow = $date->getTimestamp();
$timeNow = $date->getUtcTimestamp();
return array("env"=>APPLICATION_ENV,
"schedulerTime"=>gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
//"previous"=>Schedule::GetScheduledItemData($timeNow, -1, $prev, "24 hours"),
//"current"=>Schedule::GetScheduledItemData($timeNow, 0),
//"next"=>Schedule::GetScheduledItemData($timeNow, 1, $next, "48 hours"),
@ -660,13 +657,13 @@ class Schedule {
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
if (is_null($p_fromDateTime)) {
$t1 = new DateTime();
$t1 = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$range_start = $t1->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
} else {
$range_start = Schedule::PypoTimeToAirtimeTime($p_fromDateTime);
if (is_null($p_fromDateTime)) {
$t2 = new DateTime();
$t2 = new DateTime("now", new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$t2->add(new DateInterval("PT24H"));
$range_end = $t2->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
} else {
@ -740,7 +737,6 @@ class Schedule {
$result['stream_metadata'] = array();
$result['stream_metadata']['format'] = Application_Model_Preference::GetStreamLabelFormat();
$result['stream_metadata']['station_name'] = Application_Model_Preference::GetStationName();
$result['server_timezone'] = date('O');
return $result;

View File

@ -724,27 +724,26 @@ class Show {
public static function create($data)
$con = Propel::getConnection(CcShowPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
$sql = "SELECT EXTRACT(DOW FROM TIMESTAMP '{$data['add_show_start_date']} {$data['add_show_start_time']}')";
$r = $con->query($sql);
$startDow = $r->fetchColumn(0);
$utcStartDateTime = new DateTime($data['add_show_start_date']." ".$data['add_show_start_time']);
$utcStartDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
if ($data['add_show_no_end']) {
$endDate = NULL;
$endDateTime = NULL;
else if ($data['add_show_repeats']) {
$sql = "SELECT date '{$data['add_show_end_date']}' + INTERVAL '1 day' ";
$r = $con->query($sql);
$endDate = $r->fetchColumn(0);
$endDateTime = new DateTime($data['add_show_end_date']);
$endDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$endDateTime->add(new DateInterval("P1D"));
else {
$sql = "SELECT date '{$data['add_show_start_date']}' + INTERVAL '1 day' ";
$r = $con->query($sql);
$endDate = $r->fetchColumn(0);
$endDateTime = new DateTime($data['add_show_start_date']);
$endDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$endDateTime->add(new DateInterval("P1D"));
//only want the day of the week from the start date.
$startDow = date("w", $utcStartDateTime->getTimestamp());
if (!$data['add_show_repeats']) {
$data['add_show_day_check'] = array($startDow);
} else if ($data['add_show_repeats'] && $data['add_show_day_check'] == "") {
@ -768,12 +767,12 @@ class Show {
$showId = $ccShow->getDbId();
$show = new Show($showId);
$isRecorded = ($data['add_show_record']) ? 1 : 0;
if ($data['add_show_id'] != -1){
$show->deletePossiblyInvalidInstances($data, $endDate, $isRecorded, $repeatType);
$show = new Show($showId);
$show->deletePossiblyInvalidInstances($data, $endDateTime->format("Y-m-d"), $isRecorded, $repeatType);
//check if we are adding or updating a show, and if updating
@ -785,37 +784,30 @@ class Show {
//don't set day for monthly repeat type, it's invalid.
if ($data['add_show_repeats'] && $data['add_show_repeat_type'] == 2){
$showDay = new CcShowDays();
else {
} else {
foreach ($data['add_show_day_check'] as $day) {
if ($startDow !== $day){
if ($startDow > $day)
$daysAdd = 6 - $startDow + 1 + $day;
$daysAdd = $day - $startDow;
$sql = "SELECT date '{$data['add_show_start_date']}' + INTERVAL '{$daysAdd} day' ";
$r = $con->query($sql);
$start = $r->fetchColumn(0);
else {
$start = $data['add_show_start_date'];
if (strtotime($start) <= strtotime($endDate) || is_null($endDate)) {
if (is_null($endDateTime) || strtotime($utcStartDateTime->format("Y-m-d")) <= $endDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
$showDay = new CcShowDays();
@ -826,15 +818,11 @@ class Show {
$date = new DateHelper();
$currentTimestamp = $date->getTimestamp();
//check if we are adding or updating a show, and if updating
//erase all the show's future show_rebroadcast information first.
if (($data['add_show_id'] != -1) && $data['add_show_rebroadcast']){
//->filterByDbStartTime($currentTimestamp, Criteria::GREATER_EQUAL)
//adding rows to cc_show_rebroadcast
@ -852,6 +840,7 @@ class Show {
else if ($isRecorded && $data['add_show_rebroadcast'] && ($repeatType == -1)){
for ($i=1; $i<=10; $i++) {
if ($data['add_show_rebroadcast_date_absolute_'.$i]) {
$con = Propel::getConnection(CcShowPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
$sql = "SELECT date '{$data['add_show_rebroadcast_date_absolute_'.$i]}' - date '{$data['add_show_start_date']}' ";
$r = $con->query($sql);
$offset_days = $r->fetchColumn(0);
@ -1236,11 +1225,17 @@ class Show {
if($show["rebroadcast"]) {
$event["disableResizing"] = true;
$startDateTime = new DateTime($show["starts"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$startDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$endDateTime = new DateTime($show["ends"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$endDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$event["id"] = $show["instance_id"];
$event["title"] = $show["name"];
$event["start"] = $show["starts"];
$event["end"] = $show["ends"];
$event["start"] = $startDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$event["end"] = $endDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$event["allDay"] = false;
$event["description"] = $show["description"];
$event["showId"] = $show["show_id"];

View File

@ -12,7 +12,9 @@
<?php $i=0; ?>
<?php foreach($this->showContent as $row): ?>
<tr id="au_<?php echo $row["file_id"] ?>" class="<?php if($i&1){echo "even";}else{echo "odd";}?>">
<td><?php echo $row["starts"] ?></td>
<td><?php $dt = new DateTime($row["starts"], new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
echo $dt->format("Y-m-d H:i:s") ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row["track_title"] ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row["artist_name"] ?></td>
<td><?php echo $row["album_title"] ?></td>

View File

@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ var currentElem;
var serverUpdateInterval = 5000;
var uiUpdateInterval = 200;
var timezoneOffset = 0;
//set to "development" if we are developing :). Useful to disable alerts
//when entering production mode.
@ -169,7 +171,7 @@ function updatePlaybar(){
/* Column 2 update */
$('#time').text(convertDateToHHMMSS(estimatedSchedulePosixTime + timezoneOffset));
function calcAdditionalData(currentItem){
@ -209,7 +211,7 @@ function parseItems(obj){
var schedulePosixTime = convertDateToPosixTime(obj.schedulerTime);
schedulePosixTime += parseInt(obj.timezoneOffset)*1000;
timezoneOffset = parseInt(obj.timezoneOffset)*1000;
var date = new Date();
localRemoteTimeOffset = date.getTime() - schedulePosixTime;

View File

@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ echo "----------------------------------------------------"
# Updated package list
sudo apt-get -y install tar gzip curl apache2 php5-pgsql libapache2-mod-php5 \
php-pear php5-gd postgresql odbc-postgresql python2.6 lame libsoundtouch-ocaml \
libvorbis-ocaml-dev libmp3lame-dev libtaglib-ocaml libao-ocaml libmad-ocaml \
libesd0 icecast2 sudo libportaudio2 libsamplerate0 libcamomile-ocaml-dev \
ecasound php5-curl mpg123 rabbitmq-server monit python-virtualenv
libmp3lame-dev libtaglib-ocaml libao-ocaml libmad-ocaml ecasound \
libesd0 icecast2 sudo libportaudio2 libsamplerate0 rabbitmq-server \
php5-curl mpg123 monit python-virtualenv
if [ "$?" -ne "0" ]; then
echo ""

View File

@ -50,20 +50,20 @@ AirtimeInstall::SetAirtimeVersion(AIRTIME_VERSION);
// set up some keys in DB
if (AirtimeInstall::$databaseTablesCreated) {
$ini = parse_ini_file(__DIR__."/airtime-install.ini");
$stor_dir = realpath($ini["storage_dir"])."/";
echo "* Inserting stor directory location $stor_dir into music_dirs table".PHP_EOL;
$ini = parse_ini_file(__DIR__."/airtime-install.ini");
$sql = "INSERT INTO cc_music_dirs (directory, type) VALUES ('$stor_dir', 'stor')";
$result = $CC_DBC->query($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
echo "* Failed inserting {$stor_dir} in cc_music_dirs".PHP_EOL;
echo "* Message {$result->getMessage()}".PHP_EOL;
$stor_dir = realpath($ini["storage_dir"])."/";
echo "* Inserting stor directory location $stor_dir into music_dirs table".PHP_EOL;
$sql = "INSERT INTO cc_music_dirs (directory, type) VALUES ('$stor_dir', 'stor')";
$result = $CC_DBC->query($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
echo "* Failed inserting {$stor_dir} in cc_music_dirs".PHP_EOL;
echo "* Message {$result->getMessage()}".PHP_EOL;

View File

@ -622,7 +622,9 @@ class ObpApiClient():
return obp_version
NOTE: The server currently ignores start and end parameters we send to it.
def get_schedule(self, start=None, end=None):
logger = logging.getLogger()
@ -630,13 +632,12 @@ class ObpApiClient():
calculate start/end time range (format: YYYY-DD-MM-hh-mm-ss,YYYY-DD-MM-hh-mm-ss)
(seconds are ignored, just here for consistency)
tnow = time.localtime(time.time())
if (not start):
tstart = time.localtime(time.time() - 3600 * int(self.config["cache_for"]))
tstart = time.gmtime(time.time() - 3600 * int(self.config["cache_for"]))
start = "%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d" % (tstart[0], tstart[1], tstart[2], tstart[3], tstart[4])
if (not end):
tend = time.localtime(time.time() + 3600 * int(self.config["prepare_ahead"]))
tend = time.gmtime(time.time() + 3600 * int(self.config["prepare_ahead"]))
end = "%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d" % (tend[0], tend[1], tend[2], tend[3], tend[4])
range = {}

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import os
import sys
import time
import calendar
import logging
import logging.config
import shutil
@ -53,12 +54,9 @@ Hopefully there is a better way to do this.
if(command == 'update_schedule'):
SCHEDULE_PUSH_MSG = m['schedule']
elif (command == 'update_timezone'):"Setting timezone to %s", m['timezone'])
os.environ['TZ'] = m['timezone']
elif (command == 'update_stream_setting'):"Updating stream setting: %s", m['setting'])
# ACK the message to take it off the queue
@ -104,10 +102,6 @@ class PypoFetch(Thread):
if(command == 'update_schedule'):
self.schedule_data = m['schedule']
self.process_schedule(self.schedule_data, "scheduler", False)
elif (command == 'update_timezone'):"Setting timezone to %s", m['timezone'])
os.environ['TZ'] = m['timezone']
elif (command == 'update_stream_setting'):"Updating stream setting...")
@ -212,20 +206,6 @@ class PypoFetch(Thread):
self.cache_dir = config["cache_dir"] + self.export_source + '/'"Creating cache directory at %s", self.cache_dir)
def check_matching_timezones(self, server_timezone):
logger = logging.getLogger('fetch')
process = Popen(["date", "+%z"], stdout=PIPE)
pypo_timezone = (process.communicate()[0]).strip(' \r\n\t')
if server_timezone != pypo_timezone:
logger.error("ERROR: Airtime server and pypo timezone offsets do not match. Audio playback will not start when expected!!!")
logger.error(" * Server timezone offset: %s", server_timezone)
logger.error(" * Pypo timezone offset: %s", pypo_timezone)
logger.error(" * To fix this, you need to set the 'date.timezone' value in your php.ini file and restart apache.")
logger.error(" * See this page for more info (v1.7):")
logger.error(" * and also the 'FAQ and Support' page underneath it.")
def get_currently_scheduled(self, playlistsOrMedias, str_tnow_s):
for key in playlistsOrMedias:
@ -274,12 +254,6 @@ class PypoFetch(Thread):
logger = logging.getLogger('fetch')
playlists = schedule_data["playlists"]
#if bootstrapping:
#TODO: possible allow prepare_playlists to handle this.
# Push stream metadata to liquidsoap
stream_metadata = schedule_data['stream_metadata']
@ -465,7 +439,7 @@ class PypoFetch(Thread):
for r, d, f in os.walk(self.cache_dir):
for dir in d:
timestamp = time.mktime(time.strptime(dir, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"))
timestamp = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(dir, "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S"))
if (now - timestamp) > offset:
logger.debug('trying to remove %s - timestamp: %s', os.path.join(r, dir), timestamp)

View File

@ -85,23 +85,19 @@ class PypoPush(Thread):
playedItems = self.load_schedule_tracker()
timenow = time.time()
tcoming = time.localtime(timenow + self.push_ahead)
tcoming = time.gmtime(timenow + self.push_ahead)
str_tcoming_s = "%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d" % (tcoming[0], tcoming[1], tcoming[2], tcoming[3], tcoming[4], tcoming[5])
tcoming2 = time.localtime(timenow + self.push_ahead2)
tcoming2 = time.gmtime(timenow + self.push_ahead2)
str_tcoming2_s = "%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d" % (tcoming2[0], tcoming2[1], tcoming2[2], tcoming2[3], tcoming2[4], tcoming2[5])
tnow = time.localtime(timenow)
tnow = time.gmtime(timenow)
str_tnow_s = "%04d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d-%02d" % (tnow[0], tnow[1], tnow[2], tnow[3], tnow[4], tnow[5])
for pkey in schedule:
plstart = schedule[pkey]['start'][0:19]
#plstart = pkey[0:19]
#playedFlag = (pkey in playedItems) and playedItems[pkey].get("played", 0)
playedFlag = False
if plstart == str_tcoming_s or (plstart < str_tcoming_s and plstart > str_tcoming2_s and not playedFlag):
if plstart == str_tcoming_s or (plstart < str_tcoming_s and plstart > str_tcoming2_s):
logger.debug('Preparing to push playlist scheduled at: %s', pkey)
playlist = schedule[pkey]
@ -156,7 +152,7 @@ class PypoPush(Thread):
#mktime takes a time_struct and returns a floating point
#gmtime Convert a time expressed in seconds since the epoch to a struct_time in UTC
#mktime: expresses the time in local time, not UTC. It returns a floating point number, for compatibility with time().
epoch_start = calendar.timegm(time.gmtime(time.mktime(time.strptime(pkey, '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S'))))
epoch_start = calendar.timegm(time.strptime(pkey, '%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S'))
#Return the time as a floating point number expressed in seconds since the epoch, in UTC.
epoch_now = time.time()

View File

@ -42,12 +42,14 @@ except Exception, e:
def getDateTimeObj(time):
timeinfo = time.split(" ")
date = timeinfo[0].split("-")
time = timeinfo[1].split(":")
date = map(int, date)
time = map(int, time)
return datetime.datetime(int(date[0]), int(date[1]), int(date[2]), int(time[0]), int(time[1]), int(time[2]))
return datetime.datetime(date[0], date[1], date[2], time[0], time[1], time[2], 0, None)
class ShowRecorder(Thread):
@ -168,7 +170,7 @@ class CommandListener(Thread):
self.logger = logging.getLogger('root') = None
self.current_schedule = {}
self.shows_to_record = []
self.shows_to_record = {}
self.time_till_next_show = 3600"RecorderFetch: init complete")
@ -211,9 +213,8 @@ class CommandListener(Thread):
show_starts = getDateTimeObj(show[u'starts'])
show_end = getDateTimeObj(show[u'ends'])
time_delta = show_end - show_starts
self.shows_to_record[show[u'starts']] = [time_delta, show[u'instance_id'], show[u'name']]
delta = self.get_time_till_next_show()
# awake at least 5 seconds prior to the show start
self.time_till_next_show = delta - 5
@ -222,7 +223,7 @@ class CommandListener(Thread):
def get_time_till_next_show(self):
if len(self.shows_to_record) != 0:
tnow =
tnow = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
sorted_show_keys = sorted(self.shows_to_record.keys())
start_time = sorted_show_keys[0]