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What is LibreTime?
-LibreTime is the open broadcast
-software for scheduling and remote station management. Web browser access to
-the station’s media library, multi-file upload and automatic metadata import
-features are coupled with a collaborative online scheduling calendar and
-playlist management. The scheduling calendar is managed through an easy-to-use
-interface and triggers playout with sub-second precision.
-LibreTime is intended to provide a solution for a wide range of broadcast
-projects, from community to public and commercial stations. The scalability of
-LibreTime allows implementation in a number of scenarios, ranging from an
-unmanned broadcast unit accessed remotely through the Internet, to a local
-network of machines accessing a central LibreTime storage system. LibreTime
-supports the playout of lossy compressed audio files in both MP3 and AAC
-formats and the open, royalty-free equivalent
-Ogg Vorbis . It also supports
-playout of lossless FLAC and WAV format audio files.
-LibreTime manages the Liquidsoap stream
-generator at the heart of the system. Liquidsoap generates streams from files
-in the LibreTime library and any remote input streams that you specify.
-Available stream output formats include Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Opus, MP3, and AAC. The
-library is indexed in a PostgreSQL database to
-enable searching. Live shows can be recorded automatically with
-Ecasound , using the sound card
-line input. News editors, DJs and station controllers can use LibreTime to
-build playlists or smart blocks and manage media files (upload, edit metadata,
-manage advertisements) at the station or via the Internet.
-The scheduler in LibreTime has a calendar view, organized by months, weeks or
-days. Program editors can schedule playlists and shows here for their
-broadcast station. In some scenarios, the transmitter is situated outside the
-reach of the broadcaster and all program management has to be maintained
-through the web interface. Possible reasons for this scenario might be of a
-pragmatic nature (running many stations from one central office due to limited
-human resources) or an emergency (running a transmitter in a crisis area
-without putting staff at risk).
-LibreTime services
- Service
- Description
- libretime-analyzer
- Keeps track of files being added, renamed, moved or removed from storage, and reads their metadata using the Mutagen library.
- PostgreSQL
- Contains the location of those media files and their metadata. This means you can search for and playlist a set of media files according to the specific metadata that you require, or use a ‘smart block’ to select the files for you. The database also contains details of specified remote input streams.
- Pypo
- (Python Playout engine) Downloads media from the storage up to 24 hours ahead of playout and checks it for average level (with ReplayGain tools) and leading or trailing silence (with Silan). At playout time, the media to be broadcast is sent to Liquidsoap.
- Liquidsoap
- Takes individual media files and remote input streams, and assembles them into a continuous output stream. This stream can be sent to a sound card (e.g. for a broadcast mixer, on the way to an FM or DAB transmitter) or to a streaming server for IP network distribution, over the LAN, local WiFi or the Internet. You can stream to a sound card and up to three different stream distribution servers with the same LibreTime server, if you wish.
- Icecast or Shoutcast
- Audio streaming server, used for creating an internet radio stream from LibreTime. Icecast is included in the LibreTime installation by default. Note: If a suitable Liquidsoap output is not available for your streaming service of choice, you can send audio from Liquidsoap to a separate encoding or streaming machine via a sound card or relay stream.
- Monit
- Monitors the health of pypo, libretime-analyzer and Liquidsoap, and reports the status of these services to LibreTime.
- RabbitMQ
- Pushes messages from LibreTime to libretime-analyzer and pypo about changes to media files and the playout schedule.
-Example studio broadcast system
-In the diagram of an FM radio station below, LibreTime is hosted on a server
-connected to the local network, with direct soundcard access. Liquidsoap
-outputs streams to both the transmitter, via the main studio mixer, and
-streaming media servers. The machine running LibreTime is behind a firewall
-because it is also connected to the Internet for remote access by media
-contributors. This enables LibreTime to offer password-protected access to the
-media library and scheduling from both inside and outside the studio building.
-Example web broadcast system
-In the diagram below, LibreTime is hosted on a remote web server, and has no
-soundcard. There does not need to be a centralised studio, although LibreTime
-can enable remote studios to stream in to Liquidsoap at authorised times.
-Optionally, the outgoing Icecast stream can be relayed to a transmitter.
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- Note: this guide is assuming you are using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS for installation, which comes with ufw
and netplan
-and that you have already installed git
and configured ntp
. NTP configuration instructions can be found here .
-While it is possible to install LibreTime on other OSes, such as CentOS 7, Debian 9 and 10, and Raspbian 9 and 10,
-these are less tested. Firewall and static IP address configuration will need to be done according to your OSes instructions.
-Minimum System Requirements
- On-Premises Install (FM + Internet Radio)
- Cloud Install (Internet Radio Only)
- 1 Ghz Processor
- 1vCPU
- 2 GB RAM
- 2 GB RAM
- Wired ethernet connection and a static IP address (see below for instructions)
- 2 TB of data transfer/month
-DigitalOcean and Linode
- have similar plans that meet Cloud Install requirements. Both plans cost $10/month.
-Preparing the server
-Configure the server to have a static IP address by modifying the Netplan configuration.
-If you’re using a cloud VM, you likely already have a static IP address. Check with your provider to confirm this.
-cd /etc/netplan && ls # find the netplan filename
-sudo nano ##-netcfg.yaml
-If the Netplan configuration is empty, fill in the file with the example below. Otherwise,
-input the IP address reserved for the server in xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/yy
format, the gateway (the IP address
-of your router), and the DNS nameserver. If you don’t have a nameserver on your network,
-feel free to use Cloudflare’s:
- version: 2
- renderer: networkd
- ethernets:
- enp3s0:
- addresses: []
- gateway4:
- nameservers:
- addresses:
-Next, configure Ubuntu’s firewall by running:
-sudo ufw enable
-sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
-sudo ufw allow 8000/tcp
-Unblock ports 8001 and 8002 if you plan on broadcasting live with Libretime.
-sudo ufw enable 8001/tcp
-sudo ufw enable 8002/tcp
- If needed, instuctions for setting up a reverse proxy can be found here .
-Installing LibreTime
-Installing LibreTime consists of running the following commands in the terminal:
-git clone https://github.com/LibreTime/libretime.git
-cd libretime
-sudo ./install -fiap
-After the install is completed, head to the IP address of the server LibreTime was just installed on
-to complete the welcome wizard. While not strictly necessary, it is recommended that you change the passwords prompted in the welcome wizard if you intend on accessing the server from the Internet. The welcome wizard will
-walk you through the rest of the installation process.
-Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up LibreTime!
-If you plan to have LibreTime output analog audio directly from its server to a mixing console or transmitter,
-the www-data
user needs to be added to the audio
user group using the command below.
-sudo adduser www-data audio
-Now that the install is complete, use these guides to help you continue to set up your LibreTime server
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-I"$HD Audio Modules
-This listing is provided to help ensure that the correct model parameter is passed to the ALSA kernel module for an Intel HDA soundcard, if one is fitted to your LibreTime server. See the chapter Preparing the server in this book for more details.
- Model name Description
- ---------- -----------
- 3stack 3-jack in back and a headphone out
- 3stack-digout 3-jack in back, a HP out and a SPDIF out
- 5stack 5-jack in back, 2-jack in front
- 5stack-digout 5-jack in back, 2-jack in front, a SPDIF out
- 6stack 6-jack in back, 2-jack in front
- 6stack-digout 6-jack with a SPDIF out
- N/A
- inv-dmic Inverted internal mic workaround
- inv-dmic Inverted internal mic workaround
- laptop-amic Laptops with analog-mic input
- laptop-dmic Laptops with digital-mic input
- alc269-dmic Enable ALC269(VA) digital mic workaround
- alc271-dmic Enable ALC271X digital mic workaround
- inv-dmic Inverted internal mic workaround
- headset-mic Indicates a combined headset (headphone+mic) jack
- lenovo-dock Enables docking station I/O for some Lenovos
- dell-headset-multi Headset jack, which can also be used as mic-in
- dell-headset-dock Headset jack (without mic-in), and also dock I/O
- mario Chromebook mario model fixup
- asus-mode1 ASUS
- asus-mode2 ASUS
- asus-mode3 ASUS
- asus-mode4 ASUS
- asus-mode5 ASUS
- asus-mode6 ASUS
- asus-mode7 ASUS
- asus-mode8 ASUS
- inv-dmic Inverted internal mic workaround
- dell-headset-multi Headset jack, which can also be used as mic-in
- N/A
- acer-aspire-4930g Acer Aspire 4930G/5930G/6530G/6930G/7730G
- acer-aspire-8930g Acer Aspire 8330G/6935G
- acer-aspire Acer Aspire others
- inv-dmic Inverted internal mic workaround
- no-primary-hp VAIO Z/VGC-LN51JGB workaround (for fixed speaker DAC)
- N/A
- N/A
- minimal 3-jack in back
- min_fp 3-jack in back, 2-jack in front
- full 6-jack in back, 2-jack in front
- full_dig 6-jack in back, 2-jack in front, SPDIF I/O
- allout 5-jack in back, 2-jack in front, SPDIF out
- auto auto-config reading BIOS (default)
-AD1882 / AD1882A
- 3stack 3-stack mode
- 3stack-automute 3-stack with automute front HP (default)
- 6stack 6-stack mode
-AD1884A / AD1883 / AD1984A / AD1984B
- desktop 3-stack desktop (default)
- laptop laptop with HP jack sensing
- mobile mobile devices with HP jack sensing
- thinkpad Lenovo Thinkpad X300
- touchsmart HP Touchsmart
- N/A
- basic 3-jack (default)
- hp HP nx6320
- thinkpad Lenovo Thinkpad T60/X60/Z60
- toshiba Toshiba U205
- N/A
- basic default configuration
- thinkpad Lenovo Thinkpad T61/X61
- dell_desktop Dell T3400
- 6stack 6-jack, separate surrounds (default)
- 3stack 3-stack, shared surrounds
- laptop 2-channel only (FSC V2060, Samsung M50)
- laptop-eapd 2-channel with EAPD (ASUS A6J)
- laptop-automute 2-channel with EAPD and HP-automute (Lenovo N100)
- ultra 2-channel with EAPD (Samsung Ultra tablet PC)
- samsung 2-channel with EAPD (Samsung R65)
- samsung-p50 2-channel with HP-automute (Samsung P50)
- 6stack 6-jack
- 6stack-dig ditto with SPDIF
- 3stack 3-jack
- 3stack-dig ditto with SPDIF
- laptop 3-jack with hp-jack automute
- laptop-dig ditto with SPDIF
- auto auto-config reading BIOS (default)
-Conexant 5045
- laptop-hpsense Laptop with HP sense (old model laptop)
- laptop-micsense Laptop with Mic sense (old model fujitsu)
- laptop-hpmicsense Laptop with HP and Mic senses
- benq Benq R55E
- laptop-hp530 HP 530 laptop
- test for testing/debugging purpose, almost all controls
- can be adjusted. Appearing only when compiled with
-Conexant 5047
- laptop Basic Laptop config
- laptop-hp Laptop config for some HP models (subdevice 30A5)
- laptop-eapd Laptop config with EAPD support
- test for testing/debugging purpose, almost all controls
- can be adjusted. Appearing only when compiled with
-Conexant 5051
- laptop Basic Laptop config (default)
- hp HP Spartan laptop
- hp-dv6736 HP dv6736
- hp-f700 HP Compaq Presario F700
- ideapad Lenovo IdeaPad laptop
- toshiba Toshiba Satellite M300
-Conexant 5066
- laptop Basic Laptop config (default)
- hp-laptop HP laptops, e g G60
- asus Asus K52JU, Lenovo G560
- dell-laptop Dell laptops
- dell-vostro Dell Vostro
- olpc-xo-1_5 OLPC XO 1.5
- ideapad Lenovo IdeaPad U150
- thinkpad Lenovo Thinkpad
- ref Reference board
- oqo OQO Model 2
- dell-d21 Dell (unknown)
- dell-d22 Dell (unknown)
- dell-d23 Dell (unknown)
- dell-m21 Dell Inspiron 630m, Dell Inspiron 640m
- dell-m22 Dell Latitude D620, Dell Latitude D820
- dell-m23 Dell XPS M1710, Dell Precision M90
- dell-m24 Dell Latitude 120L
- dell-m25 Dell Inspiron E1505n
- dell-m26 Dell Inspiron 1501
- dell-m27 Dell Inspiron E1705/9400
- gateway-m4 Gateway laptops with EAPD control
- gateway-m4-2 Gateway laptops with EAPD control
- panasonic Panasonic CF-74
- auto BIOS setup (default)
- ref Reference board
- dell-m42 Dell (unknown)
- dell-m43 Dell Precision
- dell-m44 Dell Inspiron
- eapd Keep EAPD on (e.g. Gateway T1616)
- auto BIOS setup (default)
- ref Reference board
- 3stack D945 3stack
- 5stack D945 5stack + SPDIF
- intel-mac-v1 Intel Mac Type 1
- intel-mac-v2 Intel Mac Type 2
- intel-mac-v3 Intel Mac Type 3
- intel-mac-v4 Intel Mac Type 4
- intel-mac-v5 Intel Mac Type 5
- intel-mac-auto Intel Mac (detect type according to subsystem id)
- macmini Intel Mac Mini (equivalent with type 3)
- macbook Intel Mac Book (eq. type 5)
- macbook-pro-v1 Intel Mac Book Pro 1st generation (eq. type 3)
- macbook-pro Intel Mac Book Pro 2nd generation (eq. type 3)
- imac-intel Intel iMac (eq. type 2)
- imac-intel-20 Intel iMac (newer version) (eq. type 3)
- ecs202 ECS/PC chips
- dell-d81 Dell (unknown)
- dell-d82 Dell (unknown)
- dell-m81 Dell (unknown)
- dell-m82 Dell XPS M1210
- auto BIOS setup (default)
- ref Reference board, base config
- m1 Some Gateway MX series laptops (NX560XL)
- m1-2 Some Gateway MX series laptops (MX6453)
- m2 Some Gateway MX series laptops (M255)
- m2-2 Some Gateway MX series laptops
- m3 Some Gateway MX series laptops
- m5 Some Gateway MX series laptops (MP6954)
- m6 Some Gateway NX series laptops
- auto BIOS setup (default)
- ref Reference board
- ref-no-jd Reference board without HP/Mic jack detection
- 3stack D965 3stack
- 5stack D965 5stack + SPDIF
- 5stack-no-fp D965 5stack without front panel
- dell-3stack Dell Dimension E520
- dell-bios Fixes with Dell BIOS setup
- dell-bios-amic Fixes with Dell BIOS setup including analog mic
- volknob Fixes with volume-knob widget 0x24
- auto BIOS setup (default)
- ref Reference board
- dell-m4-1 Dell desktops
- dell-m4-2 Dell desktops
- dell-m4-3 Dell desktops
- hp-m4 HP mini 1000
- hp-dv5 HP dv series
- hp-hdx HP HDX series
- hp-dv4-1222nr HP dv4-1222nr (with LED support)
- auto BIOS setup (default)
- ref Reference board
- no-jd BIOS setup but without jack-detection
- intel Intel DG45* mobos
- dell-m6-amic Dell desktops/laptops with analog mics
- dell-m6-dmic Dell desktops/laptops with digital mics
- dell-m6 Dell desktops/laptops with both type of mics
- dell-eq Dell desktops/laptops
- alienware Alienware M17x
- auto BIOS setup (default)
- ref Reference board
- mic-ref Reference board with power management for ports
- dell-s14 Dell laptop
- dell-vostro-3500 Dell Vostro 3500 laptop
- hp-dv7-4000 HP dv-7 4000
- hp_cNB11_intquad HP CNB models with 4 speakers
- hp-zephyr HP Zephyr
- hp-led HP with broken BIOS for mute LED
- hp-inv-led HP with broken BIOS for inverted mute LED
- auto BIOS setup (default)
- vaio VAIO laptop without SPDIF
- auto BIOS setup (default)
-Cirrus Logic CS4206/4207
- mbp55 MacBook Pro 5,5
- imac27 IMac 27 Inch
- auto BIOS setup (default)
-Cirrus Logic CS4208
- mba6 MacBook Air 6,1 and 6,2
- gpio0 Enable GPIO 0 amp
- auto BIOS setup (default)
-VIA VT17xx/VT18xx/VT20xx
- auto BIOS setup (default)
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-In the Master Panel, beneath the ON AIR indicator, you will find the LISTEN button. This button opens a
-pop-up Live stream window, which enables you to monitor the streams that have been configured previously
-in the Streams page on the System menu. In the Live stream window, a drop-down menu enables you to
-switch between the streams which are currently available. Both the streaming server and name of the stream are
-shown. Your station logo is shown in the top left corner of the window, if you have uploaded one via
-the Preferences page on the System menu.
- Note: the volume controls in the Listen window only affect what you hear on your computer, not LibreTime’s main output
-To display the URL of the stream you are monitoring, so that you can copy and paste it into an email or web page, click the Share button. Click the X icon to the right of the URL to return to the drop-down menu of available streams.
-Radio page
-LibreTime includes a mini-site, which can be accessed at serverIP (for local installations), or
-libretime.yourdomain.com or cloudvmIP (for installations to a server on a domain). The site includes your
-logo and station description (set under Settings > General), the login button to the LibreTime interface, the schedule for the next seven days,
-podcast tabs, and a live feed of your station with the currently playing artist and track displayed.
-The background of the radio page can be changed; see instructions here .
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-I"%Setting up SSL
-To increase the security of your server, you can enable encrypted access to the LibreTime administration interface, and direct your users towards this more secure login page. The main advantage of using this encryption is that your remote users’ login names and passwords are not sent in plain text across the public Internet or untrusted local networks, such as shared Wi-Fi access points.
-Deploying a certificate with Certbot
-One of the fastest, easiest, and cheapest ways to get an SSL certificate is through Certbot , as created by the
-Electronic Frontier Foundation . There are some requirements for this process:
- you have an HTTP website (already installed and configured by default by the LibreTime installer) and
- this website is open to the public internet (likely via. port forwarding if your computer is behind a firewall) and
- the server is accessible to the public via. port 80
-If you aren’t able to verify all three requirements, you may want to try a self-signed certificate (see next section).
-These instructions come from Certbot’s website and assume that you are using an Apache web server
-running on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (the Apache web server is installed with LibreTime by default).
-Instructions for other Debian-based OSes are similar, but check with Certbot for clarification.
-Note: all instructions require you to have sudo priveledges
-First, add Certbot’s PPA using:
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
- sudo add-apt-repository universe
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
- sudo apt-get update
-Next, install Certbot and install the SSL certificate using the below commands:
-sudo apt-get install certbot python3-certbot-apache
-sudo certbot --apache # get and install the certificate
-sudo certbot certonly --apache # to only get the certificate, not install it using Certbot
-You can test certificate renewal by running sudo certbot renew --dry-run
-Head to your server’s IP address to check to see that the installation worked.
-Deploying a self-signed certificate
-The Debian/Ubuntu package ssl-cert creates a snakeoil certificate and key based on your server’s hostname. This gratis certificate and key pair created under the /etc/ssl/certs / and /etc/ssl/private/ directories will not be recognised by users’ browsers without manual intervention. You can install the ssl-cert package with the command:
-sudo apt-get install ssl-cert
-If the hostname of your server does not match the domain name you intend to use with the LibreTime virtual host, the user’s browser will present an additional security warning. You can set the domain name of the certificate by editing the file /usr/share/ssl-cert/ssleay.cnf to replace the @HostName@ variable:
-commonName = @HostName@
-with the domain name used by LibreTime:
-commonName = airtime.example.com
-Then save the file and regenerate the certificate with the command:
-sudo make-ssl-cert generate-default-snakeoil --force-overwrite
-You should enable additional Apache modules for page redirections, custom headers and secure access:
-sudo a2enmod alias headers ssl
-Next, edit the virtual host configuration for your LibreTime server to include a stanza for the https:// interface on port 443 and a redirect for logins from port 80:
-sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/airtime-vhost.conf
-Using the following configuration for Apache 2.2 as a guide, replace airtime.example.com with the name of your server and admin@example.com with your email address. The older SSLv2 and SSLv3 protocols and SSL compression should be disabled, as they are generally believed to be insecure. You may wish to create a ServerAlias for users to access the administration interface over https:// if required.
-On port 80, Apache’s alias module is used to set a Redirect permanent for the login page. Optionally, access could be denied to all sites except localhost and any other LibreTime servers on your network, so that unencrypted communication between LibreTime components can continue.
-<VirtualHost *:443>
- SSLEngine on
- SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3
- SSLCompression off
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
- Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000"
- ServerName airtime.example.com
- #ServerAlias www.example.com
- ServerAdmin admin@example.com
- DocumentRoot /usr/share/airtime/php/airtime_mvc/public
- DirectoryIndex index.php
- <Directory /usr/share/airtime/php/airtime_mvc/public>
- Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
- AllowOverride all
- Order allow,deny
- Allow from all
- </Directory>
-<VirtualHost *:80>
- ServerName airtime.example.com
- ServerAdmin admin@example.com
- DocumentRoot /usr/share/airtime/php/airtime_mvc/public
- Redirect permanent /login https://airtime.example.com/login
- SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV "production"
- <Directory /usr/share/airtime/php/airtime_mvc/public>
- Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
- AllowOverride All
- Order allow,deny
- Allow from all
- </Directory>
-Save the file with Ctrl+O and exit the nano editor with Ctrl+X . Then restart Apache with the command:
-sudo service apache restart
-When attempting to log into your server via http:// in future, you should be redirected to https:// automatically.
-Importing a self-signed certificate into the browser
-The first time you access an LibreTime server with a self-signed certificate over https:// your browser will block the login page and display a security warning. In Mozilla Firefox , you can click Technical Details to confirm that the warning is due to the certificate being self-signed before clicking the Add Exception button. In Google Chrome , the button to click on the security warning page is Proceed Anyway .
-On the next page in Firefox, click the Get Certificate button to inspect the details of the self-signed certificate. If all is well, click the Confirm Security Exception button. You should now be able to proceed to the https:// login page.
-If the users of your LibreTime server wish to avoid going through these steps, or they do not trust the remote LibreTime server to be what it claims to be, it is also possible to import a trusted local copy of a certificate file into the browser. For example, in Firefox version 30 preferences, you can go into the Advanced section, click the Certificates tab, then click the View Certificates button. On the Servers tab of the Certificate Manager , there is an Import button which enables you to load a certificate file from the local computer.
-Mixed encrypted and unencrypted content
-Whether your certificate is self-signed or not, you will see browser security warnings whenever a https:// page is delivering unencrypted content, such as the stream from an Icecast server. In Firefox, an exclamation mark icon is displayed in the address bar of the Listen pop-up.
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-Having trouble with your LibreTime installation? We’ve got you covered!
-Since LibreTime is effectively a web site running on a LAPP stack, individual components of the system can be started, stopped, restarted or checked in the server console using the systemctl command:
-sudo systemctl start|stop|restart|status libretime-liquidsoap
-sudo systemctl start|stop|restart|status libretime-playout
-sudo systemctl start|stop|restart|status libretime-celery
-sudo systemctl start|stop|restart|status libretime-analyzer
-sudo systemctl start|stop|restart|status apache2
-sudo systemctl start|stop|restart|status rabbitmq-server
-For example, to restart the Airtime playout engine, you could enter the command:
-sudo systemctl restart libretime-playout
-Log files
-Airtime stores log files under the directory path /var/log/airtime/ which can be useful for diagnosing the cause of any problems. Copies of these log files may be requested by LibreTime developers while they are providing technical support for your Airtime deployment.
-Test tones
-If you need to test your computer’s soundcard, you can use speaker-test
, a tone generator for ALSA.
-This does not come installed with LibreTime but can be installed with sudo apt install speaker-test
-speaker-test [-D] [-f]
- -D device name
- -f frequency of test tone
-The airtime-test-stream command enables you to send a test tone to a local or remote streaming media server. Press Ctrl+C on your keyboard to stop the tone being streamed.
-airtime-test-stream [-v]
- [-o icecast | shoutcast ] [-H hostname] [-P port]
- [-u username] [-p password] [-m mount]
- [-h]
- -v verbose mode
- -o stream server type (default: icecast)
- -H hostname (default: localhost)
- -P port (default: 8000)
- -u user (default: source)
- -p password (default: hackme)
- -m mount (default: test)
- -h show help menu
-RabbitMQ hostname changes
-If the Airtime logs indicate failures to connect to the RabbitMQ server, such as:
-2013-10-31 08:21:11,255 ERROR - [pypomessagehandler.py : main() : line
-99] - Error connecting to RabbitMQ Server. Trying again in few seconds
-2013-10-31 08:21:11,255 ERROR - \[pypomessagehandler.py : main() : line 99\] - Error connecting to RabbitMQ Server. Trying again in few seconds - See more at: http://forum.sourcefabric.org/discussion/16050/\#sthash.W8OJrNFm.dpuf
-but the RabbitMQ server is running normally, this error might be due to a change in the server’s hostname since Airtime installation. Directory names under /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/ indicate that RabbitMQ’s database files are organised according to the hostname of the server, for example:
-where the hostname is airtime.example.com . If the hostname has changed, it may be necessary to reconfigure RabbitMQ manually, as follows:
- Delete the files in /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/
- sudo rm -r /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/*
- Restart RabbitMQ:
- sudo systemctl restart rabbitmq-server
- Enter the following commands to set up authentication and grant permissions. The rabbitmqctl add_user command requires the RabbitMQ password from the /etc/airtime/airtime.conf file as an argument. The rabbitmqctl set_permissions command should be entered on one line, with the list of Airtime services repeated three times:
- rabbitmqctl add_vhost /airtime
- rabbitmqctl add_user airtime XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
- rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /airtime airtime
- “airtime-pypo|pypo-fetch|airtime-analyzer|media-monitor”
- “airtime-pypo|pypo-fetch|airtime-analyzer|media-monitor”
- ”airtime-pypo|pypo-fetch|airtime-analyzer|media-monitor”
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-I"The Webstreams page
-Adding a webstream
-A web stream URL and metadata can be added to the LibreTime library, so that a remote stream can be searched for and scheduled to be pulled into a show. For example, at the top of the hour your station may pull a news report from journalists working in another studio. This is a different concept from Master Source and Show Source remote streams which are pushed into the LibreTime playout schedule.
-To add a web stream, click the + New button on the left side of the Webstreams page. Like a playlist, web streams in the Library can have a title and Description , which may help you find them in searches later.
-The Stream URL setting must include the port number (such as 8000) and mount point (such as remote_stream) of the remote stream, in addition to the streaming server name. A Default Length for the remote stream can also be set. If the stream is added at the end of a show which becomes overbooked as a result, it will be faded out when the show ends.
-Note: LibreTime checks the remote webstream’s status upon editing stream settings, so an offline stream will result in an error. There are many tools such as BUTT and MIXXX that can be used to send a test stream to LibreTime can save it; read more here .
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-Welcome to LibreTime
-LibreTime makes it easy to run your own online or terrestrial radio station.
-Don’t believe us? Check out our Quick Install page to see just how easy it is to install and use LibreTime!
-Some of LibreTime’s main features include:
- Web-based remote station management - authorized personnel can add
- programme material, create playlists or smart blocks, and stream in live,
- all via a web interface.
- Automation - LibreTime has a scheduler function that enables users to
- create shows with content for playback at the exact date and time specified.
- Playlists, smart blocks and remote stream URLs can be used multiple times.
- Solid playout - LibreTime uses the open source Liquidsoap streaming language
- for reliable and precise playback to multiple outputs.
- Open source - run LibreTime royalty-free, make changes to the code, and contribute to the project as you see fit, under the GNU AGPLv3 license.
- Multilingual - supports over 15 languages both in the interface and inside file metadata
- Low system requirements
- For servers: 1Ghz processor, 2 GB RAM, and a wired ethernet connection with a static IP address
- For end-users: a modern version of Firefox, Chrome, or Safari, and a screen resolution of at least 1280x768
-LibreTime is a fork of AirTime due to stalled development of the FLOSS version. For background on this, see this open letter to the Airtime community .
-We have a number of how-to guides that contain step-by-step instructions for various common tasks for both end users and administrators.
-There are currently no companies offering turn-key LibreTime hosting so if you are interested in running it you will need to have some familiarity with running a Linux server.
-You can always reach out to help from the community at our forum . You can also join our Mattermost instance and talk with other developers and users.
-Proud Users
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-LibreTime’s media library is inside the /srv/airtime/stor/ folder on your server, by default.
-Tracks are uploaded into the imported subdirectory and then a separate directory based upon the user
-ID # of the user who uploaded it and then into a folder based upon the artist.
-LibreTime unlike Airtime does not currently monitor the files for changes after they are uploaded.
-The media library is not designed to be edited directly after files are uploaded. This was done as part of a
-move towards enabling cloud-based file hosting. There are currently two works in progress to support filesystem
-imports and sync but neither of them have been finished as of the time of this writing. See
-#70 . In addition LibreTime does not write metadata changes
-back to the files. See #621
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-I"Bug reporting
-If you think you’ve found a bug, please report it on our Github issues page .
-Create a bug report by selecting Get Started next to Bug Report . That way, the LibreTime team can keep track of
-your problem and notify you when it has been fixed. You can also suggest
-improvements and new features for LibreTime on that site.
-Feature requests
-Have an idea that would make LibreTime even better than it is right now? Start a Feature request on our
-Github issues page .
-Help translate LibreTime
-LibreTime can run in over 15 different languages due to the gracious help of our volunteers. Is your language not
-supported? Follow this guide to add your language to LibreTime!
-Help write code for LibreTime
-Are you familar with coding in PHP? Have you made projects in Liquidsoap and some of the other services we use?
-Take a look at the bugs and feature requests here , and then
-fork our repo and have a go! Just use the Fork button at the top of our Code page, clone the forked repo to
-your desktop, open up a favorite editor and make some changes, and then commit, push, and open a pull request.
-Knowledge on how to use Github and Git
-will suit you well, use the links for a quick 101.
-Testing LibreTime in Vagrant
-Before submitting code to the project, it’s a good idea to test it first. To do this, it’s easiest to install
-LibreTime in a virtural machine on your local system or in a cloud VM. Instructions on how to set up a virtural
-instance of LibreTime with Vagrant are located here .
-If you would like to try LibreTime in a Docker image,
-Odclive has instructions here for setting up a test image
-and a more persistant install.
-Modifying the Database
-LibreTime is designed to work with a PostgreSQL database server running locally.
-LibreTime uses PropelORM to interact with the ZendPHP components and create the database.
-If you are a developer seeking to add new columns to the database here are the steps.
- Modify airtime_mvc/build/schema.xml
with any changes.
- Run dev_tools/propel_generate.sh
- Update the upgrade.sql under airtime_mvc/application/controllers/upgrade_sql/VERSION
for example
- ALTER TABLE imported_podcast ADD COLUMN album_override boolean default 'f' NOT NULL;
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-I" Host configuration
-The streaming host configuration for LibreTime is shown in the file /etc/airtime/liquidsoap.cfg which is automatically generated by the Streams page, found on the System menu of the LibreTime administration interface. For this reason, you would not normally edit the streaming configuration manually, as any changes are likely to be overwritten by the administration interface.
-Database and RabbitMQ hosts
-Optionally, you may wish to edit the file /etc/airtime/airtime.conf to set the PostgreSQL database host, and the username and password to connect to the database with:
-sudo nano /etc/airtime/airtime.conf
-You can also set options for RabbitMQ messaging, the LibreTime server and SoundCloud uploads in this file, although you should not normally need to adjust the defaults unless you are running a large LibreTime system distributed across multiple servers. To run the LibreTime server in demo mode, which changes the greeting on the login page and prevents user accounts from being created or modified, set the value of demo to 1.
-host = localhost
-dbname = airtime
-dbuser = airtime
-dbpass = airtime
-host =
-port = 5672
-user = airtime
-vhost = /airtime
-web_server_user = www-data
-airtime_dir = /usr/share/airtime
-base_url = libretime.example.com
-base_port = 80
-base_dir = /
-cache_ahead_hours = 1
-monit_user = guest
-monit_password = airtime
-connection_retries = 3
-time_between_retries = 60
-demo = 0
-Save and close the file with Ctrl+O and Ctrl+X . In order to update the configuration
-used by the various components of LibreTime, run the following commands
-sudo systemctl restart libretime-liquidsoap
-sudo systemctl restart libretime-playout
-sudo systemctl restart libretime-celery
-sudo systemctl restart libretime-analyzer
-Changing the default PostgreSQL passwords
-Two of the most important passwords that should be changed immediately after installation
-are the passwords used by the PostgreSQL database.
-It is strongly recommended that you do this before exposing your server to the internet beyond your internal network.
- Login to PostgreSQL with sudo -u postgres psql
. The PostgreSQL shell - postgres=#
- means that you have logged in successfully.
- Change the admin password with ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'myPassword';
, where myPassword
is the new password.
-Make sure to include the semicolon at the end! A response of ALTER ROLE
means that the command ran successfully.
- Change the password for the airtime user with ALTER USER airtime WITH PASSWORD 'new_password';
-A response of ALTER ROLE
means that the command ran successfully.
- If all is successful, logout of PostgreSQL with \q
, go back to /etc/airtime/airtime.conf to edit the password
-in the config file, and restart all services mentioned in the previous section.
-API client configuration
-If you have changed the base_url , base_port or base_dir setting in /etc/airtime/airtime.conf from the defaults, you will probably also have to update the Hostname settings in the file /etc/airtime/api_client.cfg accordingly.**
-bin_dir = /usr/lib/airtime/api_clients
-api_base = api
-host = libretime.example.com
-base_port = 80
-base_dir = /
-Apache max file size configuration
-By default, the maximum upload file size is 500 MB, which may not be large enough for some stations, especially if they are uploading prerecorded shows. The setting for this is located in /etc/apache2/sites-available/airtime.config . Search for and update the following in megabytes:
-; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
-upload_max_filesize = 40M
-; Must be greater than or equal to upload_max_filesize
-post_max_size = 40M
-For quick reference, 1024 MB = 1 GB and 2048 MB = 2 GB, but most will be okay with rounding to the nearest thousand. After updating the config file, restart Apache by sudo systemctl apache restart
-Playout and recorder settings
-Settings for pypo, the playout and recording engine used by LibreTime, are found in the file /etc/airtime/airtime.conf . After making changes to this file, you will have to issue the command:
-sudo systemctl restart libretime-playout
-for the changes to take effect.
-# pypo - configuration #
-# Set the type of client you are using.
-# Currently supported types:
-# 1) "obp" = Open Broadcast Platform
-# 2) "airtime"
-api_client = airtime
-# Cache Directories #
-# *include* trailing slash !! #
-cache_dir = /var/tmp/airtime/pypo/cache/
-file_dir = /var/tmp/airtime/pypo/files/
-tmp_dir = /var/tmp/airtime/pypo/tmp/
-# Setup Directories #
-# Do *not* include trailing slash !! #
-cache_base_dir = /var/tmp/airtime/pypo
-bin_dir = /usr/lib/airtime/pypo
-log_base_dir = /var/log/airtime
-pypo_log_dir = /var/log/airtime/pypo
-liquidsoap_log_dir = /var/log/airtime/pypo-liquidsoap
-# Liquidsoap settings #
-ls_host =
-ls_port = 1234
-# RabbitMQ settings #
-rabbitmq_host = localhost
-rabbitmq_user = airtime
-rabbitmq_password = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
-rabbitmq_vhost = /airtime
-# pypo preferences #
-# Poll interval in seconds.
-# This will rarely need to be changed because any schedule changes are
-# automatically sent to pypo immediately.
-# This is how often the poll script downloads new schedules and files from the
-# server in the event that no changes are made to the schedule.
-poll_interval = 3600# in seconds.
-# Push interval in seconds.
-# This is how often the push script checks whether it has something new to
-# push to liquidsoap.
-# It's hard to imagine a situation where this should be more than 1 second.
-push_interval = 1# in seconds
-# 'pre' or 'otf'. 'pre' cues while playlist preparation
-# while 'otf' (on the fly) cues while loading into ls
-# (needs the post_processor patch)
-cue_style = pre
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-The Calendar page of the LibreTime administration interface has three views: day , week and month , which can be switched using the grey buttons in the top right corner. By default, the month view is shown, with today’s date highlighted by a pale grey background.
-In the top left corner of the page, you can go back or forward through the Calendar by clicking on the buttons which have a small grey triangle in a white circle. Click the today button to jump to today’s date in the current view. (The today button will be greyed out if you are already viewing that date). In the day or week views, there is also a drop-down menu which allows you to set the resolution displayed for the calendar, ranging from one minute per row to sixty minutes per row.
-Adding a show
-Only Admins and Program Managers can use this feature. To add a new show to the Calendar, click the + New Show button in the top left corner of the page, or click on any future row or box in the Calendar which is empty. Either of these actions opens the Add this show box, which has seven sections, arranged vertically: What , Autoloading Playlist , When , Live Stream Input , Record & Rebroadcast , Who , and Style . Click the small orange triangle to the left of the section name if you wish to minimize or maximize it.
-In the What box, enter the Name , public website URL , Genre and Description for the show that you are creating.
-Autoloading Playlist
-In this section, you can select a playlist that will be used for this show. The playlist must already be defined in your library. Auto Schedule Playlist needs to be checked for Select Playlist and Repeat AutoPlaylist Until Show is Full to be visible.
-Next, in the When section, if you clicked on a date in the Calendar this should already be entered in the Date/Time Start field. To set another date for the show, click on the date in the Date/Time Start field and select the date that you require from the small pop-up calendar which will appear. Click on the adjacent time field to set the start time for the show, with the pop-up Hour and Minute box. The Minute values in the pop-up time boxes are rounded to the nearest five minutes. You can also adjust the times manually by clicking into the fields and typing. Repeat the process to set the Date/Time End fields. The Start Time can be Now or In the Future . A show that starts now, will start at the time save is pressed, while a future show will start at the time set. The Duration of the show will be displayed automatically, based on the start and end times you have set.
-By default, the Timezone of the show start and end times will be the timezone of the station, as set on the Preferences page on the System menu. You can specify an alternative time zone using the drop-down menu, if you wish. The time zone displayed in the Calendar when you log in depends on your personal settings. See ‘Updating your own account’ in the chapter Users for more details.
-LibreTime will only allow you to enter valid times for shows. If you attempt to schedule show times which would be impossible, by ending the show before it begins, LibreTime will highlight the error with a pink background.
-To schedule a regular show, check the Repeats? box, which will make a new section of the dialog appear. Optionally, click the Link: box to automatically schedule the same content in the repeated shows as in the original show.
-Then select either weekly , every 2 weeks , every 3 weeks , every 4 weeks or monthly from the Repeat Type drop-down menu. If you have selected a weekly option, check the boxes for the days of the week that you want to schedule the regular show on. If you have selected monthly , you have the option to Repeat By: day of the month (for example the 9th of each month) or day of the week (for example the second Wednesday of each month).
-Uncheck the No End? box and set the Date End for the regular show to finish, or leave the No End? box checked to schedule the show indefinitely.
-The Live Stream Input section can be used to enable live input streams during the show, and also to configure authentication for them. If you check the Use LibreTime Authentication box, the DJs (presenters) of the show will be able to connect a live stream to LibreTime’s Show Source Mount Point using their login name and password. See the chapter Stream Settings for details.
-If you check the Use Custom Authentication box instead, you can set a one-time username and password pair for live stream input to the show. For example, you may wish to create an authenticated live stream input for a particular remote news reporter, without providing any further access to your LibreTime server for that person.
-A reminder of the connection Host , Port and Mount for the live input stream to use is shown at the end of the Live Stream Input section.
-Record & Rebroadcast
-The Record & Rebroadcast section is currently not working, and so has been removed from the web interface. If this feature is important to you, please search for relevant issues in the LibreTime github repository and help us make it happen!
-In the Who section, type the first few letters of the name of the show’s DJ (presenter) in the Search Users field to select a name from the LibreTime database, or check one of the DJs boxes in the vertical list below. This association of a DJ name with a particular show enables that presenter to add playout media to the show, and also to connect a live Show Source input stream (if that has been enabled), so it is important to get the DJ’s name right.
-Show colours in the Calendar are set automatically, based on the Name of the show, so that individual shows can be easily identified in the Calendar . If you wish, you can select a Background Colour and Text Colour manually by clicking the boxes in the Style section. Click the coloured circle icon in the lower right corner to close this pop-up window.
-Optionally, you can upload a Show Logo by clicking the Browse button.
-Finally, click the Add this show button at the top or bottom of the box. The new show will now be displayed in the Calendar , with a regular slot if you have chosen to schedule one.
-Editing a show
-Show configuration and metadata can be changed at any time, except for Date/Time Start and Record from Line In? options, which are fixed after broadcast of that show commences. Click the show in the Calendar, and select Edit Show from the pop-up context menu. This opens the Update Show box, which is almost exactly the same as the Add this Show box. Click the + Update show button at the top or bottom of the box when you are done.
-Episodes of repeating shows also have an Instance Description field in which you can add details for that particular episode. Click the episode in the Calendar, click Edit on the pop-up menu, then click Edit this instance . After entering an Instance Description, click the + Update show button.
-Alternatively, individual shows can be clicked on and dragged to new days and times in the calendar. However, LibreTime will not allow you to drag a future show into the past, or drag and drop instances of a repeated show. In the Day and Week views, show length can be adjusted by clicking on the lower edge of the show box, and dragging the edge of the box upwards or downwards. The new show length is calculated automatically.
-Adding content to a show
-To add content to a show, click the show in any view on the Calendar, and select Schedule Tracks from the pop-up menu. Shows that do not yet contain any scheduled content are marked with a red exclamation mark icon, to the right of the show start and end times in the top bar. Shows partially filled with content have a yellow exclamation mark icon. During playout of the show, a green play icon will also be shown in the top bar.
-The Schedule Tracks action opens a window with the name of the show. Like when using the Now Playing page, you can search for content items and add them to the show schedule on the right side of the page. Refer to the Now Playing chapter for details.
-When your show has all the required content, click the OK button in the bottom right corner to close the window. Back in the Calendar , click the show and select View from the pop-up menu to view a list of content now included in the show.
-The Contents of Show window is a read-only interface featuring an orange bar which indicates how much media has been added to the show. Click the OK button in the bottom right corner, or the white x icon in the top right corner, to close the window.
-Removing content from a show
-To remove an individual item from a show, click on the show in the Calendar , and select Schedule Tracks from the pop-up menu. In the window which opens, click any item you wish to remove from the show, then click Delete on the pop-up menu, or check the box in the item’s row then click the Remove icon at the top of the table. To remove all files and playlists from a show, click on the show in the Calendar , and select Clear Show from the pop-up menu.
-Deleting an upcoming show
-To delete an upcoming instance of a repeating show, click on the show in the Calendar , and select Delete , then Delete Instance from the pop-up menu. If you wish to delete all future instances of a repeating show, select Delete Instance and All Following from the pop-up menu.
-You cannot delete or remove content from shows that have already played out. These shows have only one option on the pop-up menu, which is View .
-Cancelling playout
-If you wish to cancel playout of a show while it is running, click on the show in the Calendar and select Cancel Show from the pop-up menu. LibreTime will ask you if you are sure about this action, as it cannot be undone.
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-I"Rights and Royalties
-If you’re new to broadcasting, or have not streamed your station online before,
-reading the following brief explanation of compensation rules for songwriters,
-musicians and other copyright holders may save you a great deal of trouble
-Independent music radio on the Internet has faced royalty demands from
-SoundExchange in the USA, and similar organizations in other territories. These
-organizations are usually membership societies or government-sanctioned national
-authorities which are intended to collect money from broadcasters to compensate
-copyright holders. The royalty collection societies require payment before you
-can stream just about any music released commercially to the general public —
-whether you make any money out of streaming, or not. It’s not so much the
-percentage of revenue demanded, but that there are usually annual minimum fees
-to pay, which can hurt small stations disproportionately.
-For example, in the UK, the MCPS-PRS Limited Online Music Licence covers
-non-commercial music streaming by groups and individuals, as long as their gross
-revenue is less then £12,500 per year. The cost is on a sliding scale, up to
-£1,120 plus 20% tax per year for delivering up to 450,000 individual streams or
-serving 25,000 files; after that, you have to apply for a full MCPS-PRS Online
-Music Licence. That doesn’t sound too bad at first, but 25,000 files per year
-works out at less than four downloads per hour for a round-the-clock website.
-This particular licence only covers publishing (songwriter) rights, not
-recording (record label and musician’s performance) rights, so you have to
-negotiate an additional licence from Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL) to
-play music online, including digital recordings converted from commercially
-released CDs, vinyl or tape.
-Typically, you have to provide full statistical details to the royalty society
-of all music streamed or downloaded from your site, which can be onerous. Even
-if your radio station is mostly speech, there are many limitations in the small
-print of these music licences. For instance, you can’t use music for
-promotional purposes, and you can’t stream a whole opera, without negotiating
-separate licences. Weirdly, you are not allowed to play a piece of music in a
-‘derogatory context’ to the writer or performers; no drummer jokes allowed,
-However, the biggest pitfall is that these MCPS-PRS licences for publishing
-rights only cover listeners in the UK. For recording rights, PPL is a member of
-the IFPI reciprocal scheme for webcasters, which means its licenses cover
-listeners in some European countries, Australia, New Zealand and a few other
-countries, but not listeners in the USA or Canada. So if your Internet station
-picked up a significant number of listeners in countries not covered by the
-MCPS-PRS licences or the IFPI reciprocal scheme, you would have to pay for
-similar music licences in those countries as well. It’s no wonder that many
-not-for-profit radio stations have disappeared from the virtual airwaves over
-the last few years, since not having the right licences could leave the operator
-liable to legal action.
-If you want to go down the commercial music route, check out the
-http://www.prsformusic.com and http://www.ppluk.com websites for UK licence
-details. In the USA, the http://www.soundexchange.com website currently quotes
-a 500 dollar minimum annual fee for non-commercial webcasters, plus a usage fee
-above a certain number of listener hours, for the right to stream music
-recordings to listeners. See the websites of ASCAP ,
-BMI and SESAC for details of music
-publishing royalties payable by webcasters streaming to the USA.
-Free content streaming offers an alternative for DIY Internet radio. Since
-royalty collection societies like MCPS-PRS and SoundExchange can only represent
-the interests of their own members, it follows that if you are not a member, you
-can stream your own self-produced content without paying for their licences. If
-you state somewhere on your website that the stream is of your own copyrighted
-material, and is made available to the public under a specific licence, then
-no-one should misunderstand your intentions.
-You might be able to persuade other people to allow you to stream their content
-too, as long as they do not have a conflicting legal obligation, such as having
-previously joined one of the many royalty collection societies around the world.
-You can ask for permission to stream when website visitors upload their own
-music files to you via a HTML form, much as the likes of SoundCloud do. Or you
-can collect files licensed under an appropriate Creative Commons licence
-(http://www.creativecommons.org ) or other free content licence.
-Explicit permission to stream on your particular server is always going to be
-the ideal, so think about your own terms and conditions before you accept files
-from third parties for streaming. How, for example, would you know if someone
-uploaded a file to your online radio station that unknown to you, had been
-ripped from a commercially released CD? That’s the kind of thing that could get
-you in trouble with the licensing authorities and copyright holders.
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-I"tThe Playlists page
-Creating a new playlist
-You can create a new playlist on the toolbar of the Playlists page.
-At first, the new playlist will be shown as Untitled Playlist . Click the pencil icon on the right to give the playlist a name.
-Type the name you have chosen, then press the Enter key on your keyboard to save the new name. You can edit the name of the playlist later, by clicking on the pencil icon again.
-Click the link View / edit description to expand a box where you can enter a Description for the playlist, then click the Save button. Setting good quality metadata here will help you find the playlist using the search box later, so you should be as descriptive as possible.
-Adding content to a playlist
-With a playlist open, drag and drop items from the search results on the left into the playlist on the right. Jingles and voice tracks can be added before, after or between music items.
-After adding files to the playlist, the total playlist time is displayed in the top right corner. The duration of an individual file is shown in each row of the playlist in a white font, and beneath this figure the time since the beginning of the playlist is displayed in a smaller light grey font. This elapsed time figure can be used as a time check for voice tracks, although this option may limit the re-usability of the voice track.
-To audition a playlist file in your web browser, click the white triangle button on the left side of its row. (If the format of the file is not supported by your browser, the triangle in this button will be greyed out). If audition of the file format is supported, a pop-up window will open, with the playlist starting at the file you clicked.
-Click the small white x icon on the right hand side of each row to remove a file from the playlist. You can also drag and drop files to re-order them, or click the Shuffle button to re-order files automatically.
-To adjust start and end fades, click the playlist Fade button (two horizontal white arrows crossing in a grey rectangle), to the left of the Delete and Save buttons. This action opens a beige bar in which you can set the Fade in duration for the first item in this playlist, and the Fade out duration for the last item. This duration figure represents the length of the fade, in seconds and tenths of a second, not the time at which the fade takes place. The default fade duration is set in the Preferences page on the System menu.
-When your playlist is complete, click the New button in the top left corner to create another playlist, click the close icon (a white cross in a black circle) in the top right corner, or browse to another page of the LibreTime interface.
-If you want to edit the playlist content or metadata later, you can find it by Title , Creator , Last Modified date, Length , Owner or Year using one of the search tools on the Library page. Click the playlist in the search results list, and then click Edit from the pop-up menu. You can also Preview the entire playlist in a pop-up audition window, Duplicate or Delete one of your playlists from this menu.
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-I"The Users page
- Note: if your Airtime server is accessible from the public Internet (ex. being hosted in a cloud VM)
-it is recommended that you create a second administrator account with a secure password and then
-delete the admin
account, for best security practice.
-Adding user accounts
-To add further user accounts to the system, one for each of your station staff that need access to Airtime, click the New User button with the plus icon. Enter a user name, password and contact details, and then select the User Type from the drop down menu, which can be Admin , Program Manager , DJ , or Guest . The difference between these user types is:
- Guests
- Can view shows and the playout log on the Calendar and Dashboard, respectively
- Listen to the output stream without leaving the interface
- DJs
- Everything Guests can do, plus
- Upload media (music, PSAs, underwriting, shows, etc.) to their own library (DJs cannot view other libraries)
- Edit metadata, delete, and schedule media in their own library to shows they are assigned to
- Preview uploaded media without affecting the live playout
- Create Playlists, Smart Blocks, and connect Podcasts and Webstreams to LibreTime
- Publish media items to LibreTime’s built-in My Podcast function or 3rd party sources such as Soundcloud
- Program Managers
- Everything DJs can do, plus
- Manage other users’ libraries in addition to their own
- Create, edit, and delete color-coded shows on the Calender and assign them to DJs (if needed)
- Shows can be scheduled to repeat, with the option of linking content between the shows (helpful if a DJ livestreams in each week)
- View listener statistics
- Export playout logs for analysis or reporting for music royalties
- Administrators
- Everything Program Managers can do, plus
- Manage all user accounts, including the ability to reset passwords
- Configure Track Types for easy sorting of uploaded content
- Change system settings
-Editing or deleting user accounts
-New user accounts that you add will be shown in the table on the left side of the Users page. If you have a
-large number of users on the system, you can use the search tool above the table (which has a magnifying glass icon)
-to identify specific user accounts. Click the white chevrons in the table headings to sort the search results
-by Username , First Name , Last Name or User Type .
-To edit a user account, click on that user’s row in the table, change the user’s details in the box on the
-right side, and then click the Save button. To remove a user account, click the small x icon to the right
-side of its row in the table. You cannot delete your own user account, and usernames cannot be changed once created.
-Users can update their own password, and their contact, language and time zone details, by clicking their username on the
-right side of the main menu bar, next to the Logout link.
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-The Podcasts page
-The Podcasts page allows you add subscriptions to podcasts which are often used to syndicated audio files using a URL called a RSS feed. This allows your LibreTime instance to automatically download new shows from the web.
-In order to add a podcast you need to get the RSS feed. All podcasts available on iTunes have a RSS feed but it is sometimes hidden. See this issue on our github page #510 for more information. RSS feeds that do not end in .xml may be accepted by LibreTime but might fail to download episodes; in that case, download the episode using a podcast client such as gpodder and then manually upload and schedule the episode. Podcast feeds coming from Anchor.fm have been known to have this issue.
-The podcast interfaces provides you with the ability to generate Smartblocks that can be used in conjunction with Autoloading Playlists to schedule the newest episode of a podcast without human intervention.
-Video Tutorials
-The podcasts dashboard is similar to the tracks view, allowing you to add, edit, and remove
-podcasts by the toolbar, in addition to sorting by columns.
-To add a podcast, click on the + Add button on the toolbar and provide the podcast’s RSS feed, which usually ends in .xml .
-Once the podcast’s feed is recognized, the editor pane opens for the podcast.
-In the podcasts editor, you can rename the podcast, update settings for the podcast, and manage episodes.
-A search box is available to search for episodes within the feed.
- To import an episode directly into LibreTime, double-click on an episode or select it and click + Import . The podcast will appear under tracks with the Podcast Name as the Album.
- To delete an episode from LibreTime, select the episode and click on the red trash can on the toolbar.
- If you would like LibreTime to automatically download the latest episodes of a podcast, make sure Download latest episodes is checked. This can be used in conjunction with Smartblocks and Playlists to automate downloading and scheduling shows that are received via podcast feed.
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-I"Interface Localization
-The LibreTime administration interface can be localized using the standard GNU gettext method. Using GitHub for this task means you don’t have to tackle the whole of a localization yourself; just as much as you can manage.
-First, you should check if a localization is already under way for your locale of choice. The best way to do this is to take a look at the ‘master’ branch in the GitHub repository for LibreTime at https://github.com/LibreTime/libretime . You can also ask in the LibreTime development forum at https://discourse.libretime.org/ , where you might find community members who can help you with the translation.
-GNU gettext means using a .po file for each language or dialect, a specially formatted plain text file with groups of three or more lines, like this example from LibreTime’s Korean localization:
-#: airtime_mvc/application/configs/navigation.php:57
-msgid "Media Folders"
-msgstr "미디어 폴더"
-The first of these three lines starts with the hash symbol, and references where this string of text is found in the source code by its file name and line number. If this string is found more than once in the source code, you will see other reference lines here. The second line contains the msgid , which is the original version of the string. The third line contains the msgstr , which is the translation of that string for the localization that this particular .po file relates to.
-If you use the cross-platform program Poedit (http://www.poedit.net/ ) to edit the .po file, this formatting of the text is hidden by an easy-to-use GUI. The poedit package can be installed on most GNU/Linux distributions using the standard software installer. Versions of Poedit for Mac and Windows are available for free download from the project’s homepage.
-Before manually translating strings in Poedit from scratch, you should take a look at the online translation services available, such as Lingohub (https://lingohub.com ) or Google’s Translator Toolkit (http://translate.google.com/toolkit/ ), which both support gettext .po files. If using automatic translation, you can then use Poedit to fine-tune the localization and fix any formatting errors.
-If you don’t already have a GitHub account, you can sign up at https://github.com/signup/free . Once you have a GitHub account, you can fork a copy (https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo ) of the LibreTime project. Work for the next major version of the software is done in the master branch of each project, so that’s the branch to checkout after you have made the initial git clone .
-In the locale code de_CH , for example, de represents the German language and the suffix _CH indicates the dialect spoken in Switzerland. Some languages have a wide variety of dialect localizations, which can be differentiated with a suffix in this way. You should update the header information in the .po file, which includes the language code and a country code, using one of the existing .po files as a guide.
-After forking the LibreTime git repository, make sure you’re in the master branch:
-git branch
- devel
-* master
-Create a new locale directory (e.g. airtime_mvc/locale/de_CH/LC_MESSAGES/ for German as spoken in Switzerland):
-mkdir -p airtime_mvc/locale/de_CH/LC_MESSAGES/
-Copy the template airtime.po file into the directory you just created:
-cp airtime_mvc_locale/template/airtime.po airtime_mvc/locale/de_CH/LC_MESSAGES
-and update the header information in the new copy of the airtime.po file using the nano editor:
-nano airtime_mvc/locale/de_CH/LC_MESSAGES/airtime.po
-For the example of Swiss German, the header of the file should now look like this:
-# SWISS GERMAN (de_CH) translation for LibreTime.
-# Copyright (C) 2013 Sourcefabric
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the LibreTime package.
-# Sourcefabric <contact@sourcefabric.org>, 2013.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: LibreTime 3.0-Alpha\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://discourse.libretime.org/\n"
-After using an online translation tool to begin a new localization, you can load the exported .po file into Poedit and complete your translation there. Enter the localization team’s contact information and language into Poedit’s Edit -> Preferences and Catalog -> Settings dialogs, which will be added to the .po file. When you save a .po file in Poedit, the corresponding binary .mo file will be compiled automatically.
-Finally, git add , git commit and git push these new .mo and .po files to your GitHub fork of the project, and send a git pull request (https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests ) to the LibreTime developers. The localization can then be added to a forthcoming LibreTime release.
-If you don’t want to work with git, that’s no problem - download a copy of the .po template file, edit the header, run it through an automatic translator and check it with Poedit. Then email your contribution to the LibreTime team as an attachment - it will be very welcome! However, learning to use git is a good idea, because it means you can work directly on the current source code, share the localization work with the LibreTime community, and avoid duplicated effort.
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-I"mUsing Vagrant and Virturalbox for developing LibreTime
-The LibreTime Vagrant install is the fastet way to get LibreTime up and running in a way
-to hack on its source code or to test it locally. There are two supported providers: libvirt
-and VirtualBox.
-Virtual Box
-You will need to install VirtualBox and may want to consider
-installing vagrant-vbguest to update the
-guest extensions to match your host system on vagrant up.
-vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
-Setting the libvirt provider up on (Ubuntu and Debian)[#Ubuntu and Debian] is straight
-forward, using the distribution provided packages. While on
-(Other Distributions)[#Other Distributions] it can be built from within vagrant.
-If you try run a libvirt provided box after using a VirtualBox one, you will receive an
-Error while activating network:
-Call to virNetworkCreate failed: internal error: Network is already in use by interface vboxnet0.
-This is fixed by stopping virtualbox and re-creating the vagrant box:
-sudo systemctl stop virtualbox
-vagrant destroy ubuntu-xenial
-vagrant up ubuntu-xenial --provider=libvirt
-Debian and Ubuntu
-sudo apt install vagrant vagrant-libvirt libvirt-daemon-system vagrant-mutate libvirt-dev
-sudo usermod -a -G libvirt $USER
-# Reboot
-vagrant box add bento/ubuntu-16.04 --provider = virtualbox
-vagrant mutate bento/ubuntu-16.04 libvirt
-vagrant up ubuntu-xenial --provider = libvirt
-Other Distributions
-You will need to install libvirt and vagrant-mutate
and then run
-vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
-sudo usermod -a -G libvirt $USER
-# Reboot
-vagrant plugin install vagrant-mutate
-vagrant box fetch bento/ubuntu-16.04
-vagrant mutate bento/ubuntu-16.04 libvirt
-vagrant up ubuntu-xenial --provider = libvirt
-Starting LibreTime Vagrant
-To get started you clone the repo and run vagrant up
. The command accepts a parameter to
-change the default provider if you have multiple installed. This can be done by appending
or --provider=libvirt
as applicable.
-git clone https://github.com/libretime/libretime.git
-cd libretime
-vagrant up ubuntu-xenial
-If everything works out, you will find LibreTime on port 8080 ,
-icecast on port 8000 and the docs on
-port 8888 .
-Once you reach the web setup GUI you can click through it using the default values. To
-connect to the vagrant machine you can run vagrant ssh ubuntu-xenial
in the libretime
-Alternative OS installations
-With the above instructions LibreTime is installed on Ubuntu Xenial Xerus. The Vagrant setup
-offers the option to choose a different operation system according to you needs.
- OS
- Command
- Comment
- Debian 10
- vagrant up debian-buster
- Install on Debian Buster.
- Debian 9
- vagrant up debian-stretch
- Install on current Debian Stretch. Needs manual intervention due to Liquidsoap 1.3.3.
- Ubuntu 18.04
- vagrant up ubuntu-bionic
- Install on current Ubuntu Bionic Beaver.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- vagrant up ubuntu-xenial
- Install on Ubuntu Xenial Xerus.
- CentOS
- vagrant up centos
- Extremely experimental install on 7.3 with native systemd support and activated SELinux. Needs manual intervention due to Liquidsoap 1.3.3.
-If anything fails during the initial provisioning step you can try running vagrant provision
-to re-run the installer.
-If you only want to re-run parts of the installer, use --provision-with $step
. The
-supported steps are prepare
, install
, install-mkdocs
and start-mkdocs
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-I"Setting the server time
-Accurate time keeping on your server is vital for LibreTime performance. You can confirm that the date and time of your server are set correctly with the date command:
-The server should respond with the date, time, time zone and year in a format similar to the following example:
-Tue Jul 2 15:08:57 BST 2013
-If the time on your server is wrong, it is recommended that you take LibreTime off-air until the problem is fixed.
-Configuring NTP
-Although it is possible to set the date and time of the server manually, this is not recommended because the server clock can drift over time, compromising the accuracy of your broadcast schedule. If your LibreTime server is permanently connected to the Internet, you can synchronize your server to a time server with the ntp ** program. If ntp is not yet installed, you can enter the following command on Debian or Ubuntu:
-sudo apt-get install ntp
-Optionally, open the ntp configuration file in the nano editor to add further time server names:
-sudo nano /etc/ntp.conf
-On Ubuntu GNU/Linux, the default time server is ntp.ubuntu.com , but there are many other time servers available on the public Internet, including the group of servers listed at http://www.pool.ntp.org/ for each country. Using a variety of NTP servers located closely to your LibreTime server should produce the most accurate results. For example, for a server in the United Kingdom you could use the following list:
-# You do need to talk to an NTP server or two (or three).
-server ntp.ubuntu.com
-server 0.uk.pool.ntp.org
-server 1.uk.pool.ntp.org
-server 2.uk.pool.ntp.org
-server 3.uk.pool.ntp.org
-Enter the server names you require, press Ctrl+O to write out the /etc/ntp.conf file, then Ctrl+X to exit nano . Restart the ntp service with:
-sudo invoke-rc.d ntp restart
-The server should respond:
-* Stopping NTP server ntpd [ OK ]
-* Starting NTP server ntpd [ OK ]
-Then use the ntpq -p command to confirm that ntp is working. This command should produce output similar to the following:
-ntpq -p
- remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
-europium. 2 u 28 64 3 39.571 12.600 3.590
-norb.v4.c 3 u 28 64 3 47.856 -6.908 10.028
-82.113.15 2 u 29 64 3 11.458 -0.513 2.629
-ntppub.le 2 u 91 64 2 122.781 44.864 0.001
-dns0.rmpl 2 u 27 64 3 22.171 1.464 4.242
-Adjusting the server time zone
-The data centre which hosts your LibreTime server could be located anywhere in the world. Some servers are set to Coordinated Universal Time or UTC (similar to Greenwich Mean Time or GMT), regardless of their location. LibreTime uses UTC time in its database for scheduling purposes, independent of the server time zone.
-If the server time zone is not appropriate for integration with your station’s other systems, on a Debian or Ubuntu server you can reconfigure the tzdata (time zone data) package with the command:
-sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
-This command opens a menu in which you can select the continent that you require, by pressing the Enter key.
-The next step is to select your nearest city, again by pressing the Enter key. The appropriate time zone is selected according to the information that you have entered.
-The console output from the dpkg-reconfigure tzdata command will confirm the new setting:
-Current default time zone: 'Europe/London'
-Local time is now: Tue Jul 2 15:18:01 BST 2013.
-Universal Time is now: Tue Jul 2 14:18:01 UTC 2013.
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-I"What is LibreTime?
-LibreTime is a community managed fork of the AirTime project.
-It is managed by a friendly inclusive community of stations
-from around the globe that use, document and improve LibreTime.
-Can I upgrade to LibreTime?
-In theory you can update any pre 3.0 version of AirTime to
-LibreTime 3.0.0 and above. More information on Upgrading
-is in the docs.
-LibreTime is complex software, as such it is close to impossible
-to guarantee that every upgrade path works as intended. This
-means you should trial the update on a parallel test
-infrastructure to minimize possible downtime.
-Please let the community know if you encounter issues with the
-update process.
-Why are Cue-In/Out points wrong in some tracks? / What’s with silan?
-The silan silence detection is currently outdated on almost all distributions. The older versions report clearly wrong information and may segfault at the worst. Versions starting with 0.3.3 (and some patched 0.3.2 builds) are much better but still need thorough testing. Please see the release notes for up to date mitigation scenarios and details on the issues.
-Why did you fork AirTime?
-See this open letter to the Airtime community .
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-favicon: 144px.png
# For splash page layout only
headimage: img/header.jpg
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- LibreTime Radio Automation -
Page not found :(
The requested page could not be found.
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-LibreTime API Usage
-The LibreTime API enables many types of information about the broadcast schedule and configuration to be retrieved from the LibreTime server. Other than the live-info and week-info data fetched by website widgets (see the chapter *Exporting the schedule*), all API requests must be authenticated using the secret API key stored in the file */etc/airtime/api\_client.cfg* on the LibreTime server. This key is autogenerated during LibreTime installation and should be unique for each server.
-If you intend to use the LibreTime API across a public network, for security reasons it is highly recommended that all API requests are sent over encrypted https: and that the web server is configured to accept requests to the api/ directory from specific host names or IP addresses only.
-The format of API requests is:
- https://libretime.example.com/api/api-action/format/json/api_key/XXXXXX
-where api-action is the type of request and XXXXXX is the secret API key. Available actions include:
-- on-air-light - return true if the station is on air
-- status - get the status of LibreTime components and resource usage
-- version - returns the version of LibreTime installed
-- get-files-without-silan-value - list files for which silence detection has not yet been performed
-- get-stream-setting - gets the settings of LibreTime output streams
-- get-stream-parameters - gets the parameters of LibreTime output streams
-For example, using the action *get-stream-setting* returns the following output for the first configured stream:
- {"keyname":"s1_type","value":"ogg","type":"string"},
- {"keyname":"s1_host","value":"streaming.example.com","type":"string"},
- {"keyname":"s1_port","value":"8000","type":"integer"},
- {"keyname":"s1_mount","value":"airtime_128","type":"string"},
- {"keyname":"s1_url","value":"http:\/\/airtime.sourcefabric.org","type":"string"},
- {"keyname":"s1_description","value":"Airtime Radio! Stream
- #1","type":"string"},
- {"keyname":"s1_genre","value":"Screamo","type":"string"},
-which is enough information to construct a player widget dynamically. (s1\_url is the station's homepage, not the stream URL). The same information is provided with an s2\_ prefix for the second stream, and s3\_ prefix for the third stream.
-Some API requests require the directory ID number to be specified as *dir\_id* including:
-- list-all-files - list files in the specified directory
-- get-files-without-replay-gain - list files in the specified directory for which ReplayGain has not been calculated yet
-For example, using a request such as:
- http://libretime.example.com/api/list-all-files/format/json/api_key/XXXXXX/dir_id/1/
-returns the full path to each media file in the LibreTime storage directory:
- {"files":[
- "imported\/1\/Mark Ronson feat. Saigon\/Here Comes the Fuzz\/7-Diduntdidunt-unknown.flac",
- "imported\/1\/Jimi Tenor & Tony Allen\/Inspiration Information\/3-Selfish Gene-128kbps.mp3",
- "]}
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@@ -1,1343 +0,0 @@
-openapi: "3.0.0"
- title: LibreTime API overview
- version: 1.1
- /live-info:
- get:
- summary: Retrieve the currently playing show as well as upcoming shows
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: false
- - name: type
- in: path
- description: |-
- endofday retrieves the info for shows up until the end of the day,
- while interval will return shows in the next 48 hours
- schema:
- enum:
- - 'endofday'
- - 'interval'
- default: 'interval'
- required: false
- - name: limit
- in: path
- description: the number of shows to retrieve
- schema:
- type: integer
- default: 5
- required: false
- responses:
- '200':
- description: 200 response for default request
- content:
- application/json:
- example: {
- "env": "production",
- "schedulerTime": "2019-10-21 17:52:45",
- "previous": {
- "starts": "2019-10-21 17:47:25.000000",
- "ends": "2019-10-21 17:52:13.000000",
- "type": "track",
- "name": "Disclosure - F For You (feat. Mary J. Blige)",
- "metadata": {
- "id": 8,
- "name": "",
- "mime": "audio/mp3",
- "ftype": "audioclip",
- "directory": 1,
- "filepath": "imported/1/Disclosure/www.mmibty.com/01-F-For-You-feat.-Mary-J.-Blige.mp3",
- "import_status": 0,
- "currentlyaccessing": 0,
- "editedby": null,
- "mtime": "2019-10-21 17:19:03",
- "utime": "2019-10-21 17:18:57",
- "lptime": "2019-10-21 17:47:25",
- "md5": "e008616551750aea49820a16d1fb1527",
- "track_title": "F For You (feat. Mary J. Blige)",
- "artist_name": "Disclosure",
- "bit_rate": 251628,
- "sample_rate": 44100,
- "format": null,
- "length": "00:04:48.026122",
- "album_title": "www.mmibty.com",
- "genre": "Electronic",
- "comments": null,
- "year": "2014",
- "track_number": 1,
- "channels": 2,
- "url": null,
- "bpm": null,
- "rating": null,
- "encoded_by": null,
- "disc_number": null,
- "mood": null,
- "label": null,
- "composer": null,
- "encoder": null,
- "checksum": null,
- "lyrics": null,
- "orchestra": null,
- "conductor": null,
- "lyricist": null,
- "original_lyricist": null,
- "radio_station_name": null,
- "info_url": null,
- "artist_url": null,
- "audio_source_url": null,
- "radio_station_url": null,
- "buy_this_url": null,
- "isrc_number": null,
- "catalog_number": null,
- "original_artist": null,
- "copyright": null,
- "report_datetime": null,
- "report_location": null,
- "report_organization": null,
- "subject": null,
- "contributor": null,
- "language": null,
- "soundcloud_id": null,
- "soundcloud_error_code": null,
- "soundcloud_error_msg": null,
- "soundcloud_link_to_file": null,
- "soundcloud_upload_time": null,
- "replay_gain": "-5.58",
- "owner_id": 1,
- "cuein": "00:00:00",
- "cueout": "00:04:48.026122",
- "hidden": false,
- "filesize": 9271626,
- "description": null,
- "artwork": "imported/1/artwork/01-F-For-You-feat.-Mary-J.-Blige",
- "artwork_url": "http://localhost:8080/api/track?id=8&return=artwork"
- }
- },
- "current": {
- "starts": "2019-10-21 17:52:13",
- "ends": "2019-10-21 17:56:27",
- "type": "track",
- "name": "Armin van Buuren - Ping Pong",
- "media_item_played": true,
- "metadata": {
- "id": 2,
- "name": "",
- "mime": "audio/mp3",
- "ftype": "audioclip",
- "directory": 1,
- "filepath": "imported/1/Armin van Buuren/A State of Trance 2014/2-18 Armin van Buuren - Ping Pong.mp3",
- "import_status": 0,
- "currentlyaccessing": 0,
- "editedby": null,
- "mtime": "2019-10-21 17:18:02",
- "utime": "2019-10-21 17:18:00",
- "lptime": "2019-10-21 17:52:13",
- "md5": "04c26823902065db0706d121d0e703a2",
- "track_title": "Ping Pong",
- "artist_name": "Armin van Buuren",
- "bit_rate": 32000,
- "sample_rate": 44100,
- "format": null,
- "length": "00:04:14.171429",
- "album_title": "A State of Trance 2014",
- "genre": "Trance;Electronic;Dance",
- "comments": null,
- "year": "2014",
- "track_number": 18,
- "channels": 2,
- "url": null,
- "bpm": null,
- "rating": null,
- "encoded_by": null,
- "disc_number": null,
- "mood": null,
- "label": "Armada Music",
- "composer": null,
- "encoder": null,
- "checksum": null,
- "lyrics": null,
- "orchestra": null,
- "conductor": null,
- "lyricist": null,
- "original_lyricist": null,
- "radio_station_name": null,
- "info_url": null,
- "artist_url": null,
- "audio_source_url": null,
- "radio_station_url": null,
- "buy_this_url": null,
- "isrc_number": null,
- "catalog_number": null,
- "original_artist": null,
- "copyright": null,
- "report_datetime": null,
- "report_location": null,
- "report_organization": null,
- "subject": null,
- "contributor": null,
- "language": null,
- "soundcloud_id": null,
- "soundcloud_error_code": null,
- "soundcloud_error_msg": null,
- "soundcloud_link_to_file": null,
- "soundcloud_upload_time": null,
- "replay_gain": "-5.07",
- "owner_id": 1,
- "cuein": "00:00:00",
- "cueout": "00:04:14.171429",
- "hidden": false,
- "filesize": 6136238,
- "description": null,
- "artwork": "imported/1/artwork/2-18 Armin van Buuren - Ping Pong",
- "artwork_url": "http://localhost:8080/api/track?id=2&return=artwork"
- },
- "record": "0"
- },
- "next": {
- "starts": "2019-10-21 17:56:27.000000",
- "ends": "2019-10-21 18:00:28.000000",
- "type": "track",
- "name": "Bastille - No Angels (feat. Ella)",
- "metadata": {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "",
- "mime": "audio/mp3",
- "ftype": "audioclip",
- "directory": 1,
- "filepath": "imported/1/Bastille/Other People's Heartache, Pt. 2/03 Bastille - No Angels (feat. Ella).mp3",
- "import_status": 0,
- "currentlyaccessing": 0,
- "editedby": null,
- "mtime": "2019-10-21 17:18:16",
- "utime": "2019-10-21 17:18:14",
- "lptime": "2019-10-21 17:24:46",
- "md5": "87bf83451d7618eefc0141c262aead2a",
- "track_title": "No Angels (feat. Ella)",
- "artist_name": "Bastille",
- "bit_rate": 128000,
- "sample_rate": 44100,
- "format": null,
- "length": "00:04:00.752438",
- "album_title": "Other People's Heartache, Pt. 2",
- "genre": null,
- "comments": null,
- "year": "2012",
- "track_number": 3,
- "channels": 2,
- "url": null,
- "bpm": null,
- "rating": null,
- "encoded_by": null,
- "disc_number": null,
- "mood": null,
- "label": "[no label]",
- "composer": null,
- "encoder": null,
- "checksum": null,
- "lyrics": null,
- "orchestra": null,
- "conductor": null,
- "lyricist": null,
- "original_lyricist": null,
- "radio_station_name": null,
- "info_url": null,
- "artist_url": null,
- "audio_source_url": null,
- "radio_station_url": null,
- "buy_this_url": null,
- "isrc_number": null,
- "catalog_number": null,
- "original_artist": null,
- "copyright": null,
- "report_datetime": null,
- "report_location": null,
- "report_organization": null,
- "subject": null,
- "contributor": null,
- "language": null,
- "soundcloud_id": null,
- "soundcloud_error_code": null,
- "soundcloud_error_msg": null,
- "soundcloud_link_to_file": null,
- "soundcloud_upload_time": null,
- "replay_gain": "-8.57",
- "owner_id": 1,
- "cuein": "00:00:00",
- "cueout": "00:04:00.752438",
- "hidden": false,
- "filesize": 3858688,
- "description": null,
- "artwork": ""
- }
- },
- "currentShow": [
- {
- "start_timestamp": "2019-10-21 17:20:00",
- "end_timestamp": "2019-10-21 18:31:00",
- "name": "Show 1",
- "description": "A show",
- "id": 1,
- "instance_id": 1,
- "record": 0,
- "url": "https://example.com",
- "image_path": "",
- "starts": "2019-10-21 17:20:00",
- "ends": "2019-10-21 18:31:00"
- }
- ],
- "nextShow": [
- {
- "id": 2,
- "instance_id": 2,
- "name": "Reading",
- "description": "A reading of After the EMP by Harley Tate",
- "url": "https://example.com",
- "start_timestamp": "2019-10-21 18:31:00",
- "end_timestamp": "2019-10-22 10:45:00",
- "starts": "2019-10-21 18:31:00",
- "ends": "2019-10-22 10:45:00",
- "record": 0,
- "image_path": "",
- "type": "show"
- }
- ],
- "source_enabled": "Scheduled",
- "timezone": "UTC",
- "timezoneOffset": "0",
- }
- /live-info-v2:
- get:
- summary: Retrieve the currently playing and upcoming shows
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- - name: days
- in: path
- description: The number of days to return
- schema:
- type: integer
- default: 2
- required: false
- - show_id: shows
- in: path
- description: the number of shows to retrieve
- schema:
- type: integer
- default: 5
- required: false
- - name: timezone
- in: path
- description: The timezone to send the times in
- schema:
- type: string
- default: "$server_timezone"
- required: false
- responses:
- '200':
- description: 200 response for default request
- content:
- application/json:
- example: {
- "station": {
- "env": "production",
- "schedulerTime": "2019-10-21 17:29:40",
- "source_enabled": "Scheduled",
- "timezone": "UTC",
- },
- "tracks": {
- "previous": {
- "starts": "2019-10-21 17:24:45",
- "ends": "2019-10-21 17:28:46",
- "type": "track",
- "name": "Bastille - No Angels (feat. Ella)",
- "metadata": {
- "id": 4,
- "name": "",
- "mime": "audio/mp3",
- "ftype": "audioclip",
- "directory": 1,
- "filepath": "imported/1/Bastille/Other People's Heartache, Pt. 2/03 Bastille - No Angels (feat. Ella).mp3",
- "import_status": 0,
- "currentlyaccessing": 0,
- "editedby": null,
- "mtime": "2019-10-21 17:18:16",
- "utime": "2019-10-21 17:18:14",
- "lptime": "2019-10-21 17:24:46",
- "md5": "87bf83451d7618eefc0141c262aead2a",
- "track_title": "No Angels (feat. Ella)",
- "artist_name": "Bastille",
- "bit_rate": 128000,
- "sample_rate": 44100,
- "format": null,
- "length": "00:04:00.752438",
- "album_title": "Other People's Heartache, Pt. 2",
- "genre": null,
- "comments": null,
- "year": "2012",
- "track_number": 3,
- "channels": 2,
- "url": null,
- "bpm": null,
- "rating": null,
- "encoded_by": null,
- "disc_number": null,
- "mood": null,
- "label": "[no label]",
- "composer": null,
- "encoder": null,
- "checksum": null,
- "lyrics": null,
- "orchestra": null,
- "conductor": null,
- "lyricist": null,
- "original_lyricist": null,
- "radio_station_name": null,
- "info_url": null,
- "artist_url": null,
- "audio_source_url": null,
- "radio_station_url": null,
- "buy_this_url": null,
- "isrc_number": null,
- "catalog_number": null,
- "original_artist": null,
- "copyright": null,
- "report_datetime": null,
- "report_location": null,
- "report_organization": null,
- "subject": null,
- "contributor": null,
- "language": null,
- "soundcloud_id": null,
- "soundcloud_error_code": null,
- "soundcloud_error_msg": null,
- "soundcloud_link_to_file": null,
- "soundcloud_upload_time": null,
- "replay_gain": "-8.57",
- "owner_id": 1,
- "cuein": "00:00:00",
- "cueout": "00:04:00.752438",
- "hidden": false,
- "filesize": 3858688,
- "description": null,
- "artwork": ""
- }
- },
- "current": null,
- "next": {
- "starts": "2019-10-21 17:32:49",
- "ends": "2019-10-21 17:36:44",
- "type": "track",
- "name": "Bob Marley - Could You Be Loved",
- "metadata": {
- "id": 14,
- "name": "",
- "mime": "audio/mp3",
- "ftype": "audioclip",
- "directory": 1,
- "filepath": "imported/1/Bob Marley/Greatest Hits/02. Could You Be Loved.mp3",
- "import_status": 0,
- "currentlyaccessing": 0,
- "editedby": null,
- "mtime": "2019-10-21 17:19:16",
- "utime": "2019-10-21 17:18:59",
- "lptime": null,
- "md5": "75e49569fd6af61cc8c18f5660beadc2",
- "track_title": "Could You Be Loved",
- "artist_name": "Bob Marley",
- "bit_rate": 128000,
- "sample_rate": 44100,
- "format": null,
- "length": "00:03:55.11",
- "album_title": "Greatest Hits",
- "genre": "Various",
- "comments": null,
- "year": null,
- "track_number": 2,
- "channels": 2,
- "url": null,
- "bpm": 103,
- "rating": null,
- "encoded_by": null,
- "disc_number": null,
- "mood": null,
- "label": null,
- "composer": null,
- "encoder": null,
- "checksum": null,
- "lyrics": null,
- "orchestra": null,
- "conductor": null,
- "lyricist": null,
- "original_lyricist": null,
- "radio_station_name": null,
- "info_url": null,
- "artist_url": null,
- "audio_source_url": null,
- "radio_station_url": null,
- "buy_this_url": null,
- "isrc_number": null,
- "catalog_number": null,
- "original_artist": null,
- "copyright": null,
- "report_datetime": null,
- "report_location": null,
- "report_organization": null,
- "subject": null,
- "contributor": null,
- "language": null,
- "soundcloud_id": null,
- "soundcloud_error_code": null,
- "soundcloud_error_msg": null,
- "soundcloud_link_to_file": null,
- "soundcloud_upload_time": null,
- "replay_gain": "-1.2",
- "owner_id": 1,
- "cuein": "00:00:00",
- "cueout": "00:03:55.11",
- "hidden": false,
- "filesize": 3773820,
- "description": null,
- "artwork": ""
- }
- }
- },
- "shows": {
- "previous": [],
- "current": {
- "name": "Show 1",
- "description": "A show",
- "genre": "HipHop",
- "id": 1,
- "instance_id": 1,
- "record": 0,
- "url": "https://example.com",
- "image_path": "",
- "starts": "2019-10-21 17:20:00",
- "ends": "2019-10-21 18:31:00"
- },
- "next": [
- {
- "name": "Reading",
- "description": "A reading of After the EMP by Harley Tate",
- "genre": "Sci-fi",
- "id": 2,
- "instance_id": 2,
- "record": 0,
- "url": "https://example.com",
- "image_path": "",
- "starts": "2019-10-21 18:31:00",
- "ends": "2019-10-22 10:45:00"
- }
- ]
- },
- "sources": {
- "livedj": "off",
- "masterdj": "off",
- "scheduledplay": "on"
- }
- }
- /week-info:
- get:
- summary: Retrieve the schedule for the week
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: false
- responses:
- '200':
- description: 200 response for default request
- content:
- application/json:
- example: {
- "monday": [
- {
- "start_timestamp": "2019-10-21 17:20:00",
- "end_timestamp": "2019-10-21 18:31:00",
- "name": "Show 1",
- "description": "A show",
- "id": 1,
- "instance_id": 1,
- "instance_description": "",
- "record": 0,
- "url": "https://example.com",
- "image_path": "",
- "starts": "2019-10-21 17:20:00",
- "ends": "2019-10-21 18:31:00"
- },
- {
- "start_timestamp": "2019-10-21 18:31:00",
- "end_timestamp": "2019-10-22 10:45:00",
- "name": "Reading",
- "description": "A reading of After the EMP by Harley Tate",
- "id": 2,
- "instance_id": 2,
- "instance_description": "",
- "record": 0,
- "url": "https://example.com",
- "image_path": "",
- "starts": "2019-10-21 18:31:00",
- "ends": "2019-10-22 10:45:00"
- }
- ],
- "tuesday": [],
- "wednesday": [],
- "thursday": [],
- "friday": [],
- "saturday": [],
- "sunday": [],
- "nextmonday": [],
- "nexttuesday": [],
- "nextwednesday": [],
- "nextthursday": [],
- "nextfriday": [],
- "nextsaturday": [],
- "nextsunday": [],
- }
- /station-metadata:
- get:
- summary: BROKEN - Retrieve the schedule for the week
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: false
- /station-logo:
- get:
- summary: Fetch the station logo
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: false
- /show-history-feed:
- get:
- summary: BROKEN - Retrieve the show shedules for a given time range and show
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: false
- - name: start
- in: path
- description: The start time for the feed
- required: true
- - name: end
- in: path
- description: The end time for the feed
- required: true
- - name: timezone
- in: path
- description: The timezone that the times are in
- required: true
- /item-history-feed:
- get:
- summary: Retrieve the items for a time range and/or show
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: false
- - name: start
- in: path
- description: The start time for the feed
- required: false
- - name: end
- in: path
- description: The end time for the feed
- required: false
- - name: timezone
- in: path
- description: The timezone that the times are in
- required: false
- - name: instance_id
- in: path
- description: The show instance ID
- required: false
- responses:
- '200':
- description: The 200 default response
- content:
- application/json:
- example: [
- {
- "starts": "2019-10-21 18:19:07",
- "ends": "2019-10-21 18:23:55",
- "history_id": 16,
- "instance_id": 1,
- "track_title": "F For You (feat. Mary J. Blige)",
- "artist_name": "Disclosure",
- "checkbox": ""
- },
- {
- "starts": "2019-10-21 17:20:31",
- "ends": "2019-10-21 17:24:45",
- "history_id": 1,
- "instance_id": 1,
- "track_title": "Ping Pong",
- "artist_name": "Armin van Buuren",
- "checkbox": ""
- },
- ]
- /shows:
- get:
- summary: Retrieve the show info (without schedule for given show_id
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: false
- - name: show_id
- in: path
- description: The ID of the show
- required: false
- response:
- '200':
- description: The response with a show_id of 1
- content:
- application/json:
- example: [
- {
- "name": "Show 1",
- "id": 1,
- "url": "https://example.com",
- "genre": "HipHop",
- "description": "A show",
- "color": "",
- "background_color": "",
- "linked": false,
- "has_autoplaylist": false,
- "autoplaylist_id": null,
- "autoplaylist_repeat": false
- }
- ]
- /show-tracks:
- get:
- summary: Display the track listing for given instance_id
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: false
- - name: instance_id
- in: path
- description: The ID of the show
- required: true
- response:
- '200':
- description: The response with a instance_id of 1
- content:
- application/json:
- example: [
- {
- "title": "Ping Pong",
- "artist": "Armin van Buuren",
- "position": 0,
- "id": 1,
- "mime": "audio/mp3",
- "starts": "2019-10-21 17:20:31",
- "length": "4:14.2",
- "file_id": 2
- },
- {
- "title": "No Angels (feat. Ella)",
- "artist": "Bastille",
- "position": 1,
- "id": 2,
- "mime": "audio/mp3",
- "starts": "2019-10-21 17:24:45",
- "length": "4:00.8",
- "file_id": 4
- }
- ]
- /show-schedules:
- get:
- summary: Display the show schedule for given show_id
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: false
- - name: show_id
- in: path
- description: The ID of the show
- required: true
- - name: start
- in: path
- description: The start time for the feed
- required: false
- - name: end
- in: path
- description: The end time for the feed
- required: false
- - name: timezone
- in: path
- description: The timezone that the times are in
- required: false
- response:
- '200':
- description: The response with a instance_id of 1
- content:
- application/json:
- example: [
- {
- "starts": "2019-10-21 17:20:00",
- "ends": "2019-10-21 18:31:00",
- "record": 0,
- "rebroadcast": 0,
- "parent_starts": null,
- "record_id": null,
- "show_id": 1,
- "name": "Show 1",
- "description": "A show",
- "color": "",
- "background_color": "",
- "image_path": "",
- "linked": false,
- "file_id": null,
- "instance_id": 1,
- "instance_description": "",
- "created": "2019-10-21 17:20:22",
- "last_scheduled": "2019-10-21 17:20:50",
- "time_filled": "01:14:39.265872",
- "soundcloud_id": null
- }
- ]
- /show-logo:
- get:
- summary: Fetch the show logo. Returns the station logo if none exists
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: false
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: The ID of the show with the logo to retrieve
- required: true
- /track:
- get:
- summary: Displays the metadata of a particular track
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: false
- - name: id
- in: path
- description: The track id
- required: true
- - name: response
- in: path
- description: The type of response
- schema:
- enum:
- - json
- - artwork_data
- - artwork
- required: true
- responses:
- '200':
- description: The 200 response
- content:
- application/json:
- example: {
- "MDATA_KEY_FILEPATH": "imported\/1\/Armin van Buuren\/Another You (feat. Mr. Probz)\/01 Another You (feat. Mr. Probz).mp3",
- "MDATA_KEY_TITLE": "Another You (feat. Mr. Probz)",
- "MDATA_KEY_CREATOR": "Armin van Buuren",
- "MDATA_KEY_SOURCE": "Another You (feat. Mr. Probz)",
- "MDATA_KEY_DURATION": "00:03:19.183673",
- "MDATA_KEY_MIME": "audio\/mp3",
- "MDATA_KEY_FTYPE": "audioclip",
- "MDATA_KEY_URL": null,
- "MDATA_KEY_GENRE": null,
- "MDATA_KEY_MOOD": null,
- "MDATA_KEY_LABEL": "Armin Audio B.V.",
- "MDATA_KEY_BITRATE": 192000,
- "MDATA_KEY_ISRC": null,
- "MDATA_KEY_YEAR": "2015",
- "MDATA_KEY_BPM": null,
- "MDATA_KEY_CUE_IN": "00:00:00",
- "MDATA_KEY_CUE_OUT": "00:03:19.183673",
- "MDATA_KEY_ARTWORK": "imported\/1\/artwork\/01 Another You (feat. Mr. Probz)"
- }
- /stream-m3u:
- get:
- summary: Returns m3u playlist file for the station's output stream
- response:
- '200':
- description: The M3U file for the stream
- content: application/x-mpegurl
- /version:
- get:
- summary: Returns the current LibreTime and API versions
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: false
- responses:
- '200':
- description: 200 response
- content:
- application/json:
- example: {
- "airtime_version": "3.0.0~alpha.5",
- "api_version": "1.1"
- }
- /recorded-shows:
- get:
- summary: BROKEN - Unclear what this did, not implemented in ApiController
- /calendar-init:
- get:
- summary: BROKEN - Unclear what this did, not implemented in ApiController
- /upload-file:
- get:
- summary: BROKEN - Unclear what this did, not implemented in ApiController
- /upload-recorded:
- post:
- summary: Upload a recorded show
- parameters:
- - name: showinstanceid
- in: path
- description: The ID of the show that was recorded
- required: true
- - name: fileid
- in: path
- description: The ID of the recorded file in the database
- required: true
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /media-monitor-setup:
- post:
- summary: Initialises monitoring of media directories
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /media-item-status:
- get:
- summary: BROKEN - Unclear what this did, not implemented in ApiController
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /reload-metadata:
- get:
- summary: BROKEN - Unclear what this did, not implemented in ApiController
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /list-all-files:
- get:
- summary: BROKEN - List all files in a given directory managed by LibreTime
- parameters:
- - name: dir_id
- in: path
- description: The directory to list files in
- required: true
- - name: all
- in: path
- description: |-
- true to show all files in the database, even if they do not exist
- on disk
- required: false
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /list-all-watched-dirs:
- get:
- summary: |-
- BROKEN (LT does not currently support watched files) - lists all
- directories to watch for new files
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /add-watched-dir:
- post:
- summary: |-
- BROKEN (LT does not currently support watched files) - adds a directory
- to the list of watched directories
- parameters:
- - name: path
- in: path
- description: the path of the directory on the server, base64 encoded
- required: true
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /remove-watched-dir:
- post:
- summary: |-
- BROKEN (LT does not currently support watched files) - removes a
- directory from the list of watched directories
- parameters:
- - name: path
- in: path
- description: the path of the directory on the server, base64 encoded
- required: true
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /set-storage-dir:
- post:
- summary: Sets the storage path for music files
- parameters:
- - name: path
- in: path
- description: The base64 encoded path to the new storage directory
- required: true
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /get-stream-setting:
- get:
- summary: |-
- BROKEN - Returns the settings configured for the four output Icecast
- streams
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /status:
- get:
- summary: |-
- BROKEN - Returns the current status of the various LibreTime
- components
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /register-component:
- post:
- summary: Add a service component (for example Monit)
- parameters:
- - name: component
- in: path
- description: The component name to add
- required: true
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /update-liquidsoap-status:
- post:
- summary: |-
- Update the status of a stream to indicate a Liquidsoap status update
- parameters:
- - name: msg_post
- in: path
- description: The error message to use
- required: true
- - name: stream_id
- in: path
- description: The ID of the stream to update
- required: true
- - name: boot_time
- description: |-
- The time that the status was last updated. Excluding this will
- force update.
- required: false
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /update-file-system-mount:
- post:
- summary: |-
- Handles additions/deletions of mount points on which watched
- directories reside
- parameters:
- - name: added_dir
- in: path
- description: |-
- A comma separated list of directories that were added to the system
- required: false
- - name: removed_dir
- in: path
- description: |-
- A comma separated list of directories that were removed from the
- system
- required: false
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /handle-watched-dir-missing:
- post:
- summary: |-
- BROKEN (LibreTime does not currentl handle watched directories) -
- Handles missing watched directories.
- parameters:
- - name: dir
- in: path
- description: The directory to disable
- required: true
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /rabbitmq-do-push:
- post:
- summary: |-
- Used by dev scripts to make rabbitmq send out a message to pypo that a
- potential change has been made to the database.
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /check-live-stream-auth:
- get:
- summary: |-
- Tests the authentication supplied to authenticate DJs connecting to a
- live stream
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- requestBody:
- required: true
- content:
- application/x-www-form-urlencoded:
- schema:
- type: object
- properties:
- username:
- type: string
- password:
- type: string
- format: password
- djtype:
- type: string
- required:
- - username
- - password
- - djtype
- /update-source-status:
- post:
- summary: Update on source connect or disconnect
- parameters:
- - name: sourcename
- in: path
- description: |-
- The name of the source that has connected or disconnected
- - name: status
- in: path
- description: true if the source is now connected
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /get-bootstrap-info:
- get:
- summary: |-
- BROKEN - Retrieves the current state of the instance. This includes
- which sources are currently connected, station name, etc
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /get-files-without-replay-gain:
- get:
- summary: |-
- BROKEN (returns all files) - Returns the files that do not have replay
- gain set.
- parameters:
- - name: dir_id
- in: path
- description: The directory ID
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /get-files-without-silan-value:
- get:
- summary: Returns the files that have not been processed by silan
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- responses:
- '200':
- description: 200 response for default request
- content:
- application/json:
- example: [
- {
- "id": 9,
- "fp": "/srv/airtime/stor/"
- },
- {
- "id": 12,
- "fp": "/srv/airtime/stor/imported/1/Sam Smith Feat John Legend/The Official Uk Top 40 Singles Chart 03-22-2015/01 Sam Smith Feat John Legend - Lay Me Down.mp3"
- },
- {
- "id": 13,
- "fp": "/srv/airtime/stor/imported/1/Mumford & Sons/Wilder Mind [ Deluxe Edition ]/01 - Tompkins Square Park.mp3"
- },
- {
- "id": 3,
- "fp": "/srv/airtime/stor/imported/1/Bastille/All This Bad Blood/1-02 Things We Lost in the Fire.mp3"
- },
- {
- "id": 1,
- "fp": "/srv/airtime/stor/imported/1/Armin van Buuren/Another You (feat. Mr. Probz)/01 Another You (feat. Mr. Probz).mp3"
- },
- {
- "id": 15,
- "fp": "/srv/airtime/stor/imported/1/Harley Tate/Harley Tate - After the EMP 01 - After the EMP/Harley Tate - After the EMP 01 - After the EMP.mp3"
- }
- ]
- /reload-metadata-group:
- get:
- summary: |-
- Extracts all file metadata from the list of files
- parameters:
- - name: mdXXX
- # This could be wrong - the function in ApiController is confusing...
- in: path
- description: |-
- A json encoded hash with all the information related to the action.
- the XXX represents at least 1 digit. Currently the mdXXX key has no
- meaning.
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /notify-webstream-data:
- post:
- summary: Notifies webstreams of data being updated
- parameters:
- - name: data
- in: path
- description: |-
- A json encoded hash with the data used to notify the webstream. This
- includes keys such as 'title'.
- required: true
- - name: media_id
- in: path
- description: The ID of the media to show
- required: true
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /get-stream-parameters:
- get:
- summary: BROKEN - Retrieves the parameters set for each stream
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /push-stream-stats:
- post:
- summary: Updates the listener number statistics
- parameters:
- - name: data
- in: path
- description: A json encoded mapping of time to number of listeners
- required: true
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /update-stream-setting-table:
- post:
- summary: Set stream settings
- parameters:
- - name: data
- in: path
- description: A json encoded array of key-value pairs to update
- required: true
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /update-replay-gain-value:
- post:
- summary: Updates the replay gain values for media items
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- - name: data
- description: A json encoded array of media ID and gain pairs
- required: true
- /update-cue-values-by-silan:
- post:
- summary: Updates the silan cue values for media items
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- - name: data
- description: A json encoded array of media ID and cue pairs
- required: true
- /get-usability-hint:
- get:
- summary: Returns the usibility hint tool-tip for a UI item
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- - name: userPath
- in: path
- description: The URL path to the UI item
- required: true
- /poll-celery:
- post:
- summary: Polls celery for tasks
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
- /recalculate-schedule:
- post:
- summary: Recalculates the schedule to remove gaps and update timing
- parameters:
- - name: api_key
- in: path
- description: The API key to use for authentication
- required: true
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-# How to Setup Genre based AutoDJ
-* YouTube video
-[](https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/XNVIDnczrOk "How to Setup Genre based AutoDJ")
-## Text-based Step-by-step
-In this tutorial we will focus on how to build a traditional auto DJ system
-where we use a feature called smart blocks and auto loading playlists to play
-random music tracks of a certain genre during a show. This tutorial is
-primarily focused on program managers but users who are DJs can also benefit
-from smart blocks but will only be able to manually schedule them.
-So for the purposes of this tutorial we are going to assume that you
-have uploaded a number of files of music with the genre metadata all
-matching a specific genre, for instance, Alternative. This can be done
-ahead of time, but LibreTime has no way of automatically grouping sub
-genres and so it is important that you spend some time curating the
-track metadata before you upload it to LibreTime as there is not
-currently a way to bulk edit tracks from inside LibreTime. Also once
-tracks are uploaded the metadata of the track itself isn’t changed but
-just how it is represented in the LibreTime database. This might change
-in the future but would only affect you if you were downloading tracks
-and uploading them to another instance and hoped that the changes you
-made were saved.
-So we can bulk upload a number of creative commons licensed tracks that
-have their genre all set to specific genres as one way of getting tracks
-if you don’t have a mp3 collection of your own to draw from. See links
-below for some spots where you can procure tracks where the creators
-gave permission for everyone to redistribute play and share them.
-One the tracks are uploaded to the system and imported we can now create
-a smartblock that will select the tracks that match a certain genre. For
-this we will use Genre contains Jazz – this will match any track that
-has genre anywhere in its genre so ‘big band jazz’ and ‘swing jazz’
-would match as well as ‘acid jazz’. Any subgenre that doesn’t include
-jazz explicitly such as ‘be bop’ would need to be added as a new
-For the purposes of this smart block we want to select 4 random items.
-We also want to avoid really long tracks that are longer than 10
-minutes. So we will add the modifier Length is less than 00:10:00
-and now this smart block will pull 4 smart blocks. Be sure to preview it
-to make sure that you have some matches in your library. This will also
-save it.
-Now we are going to create a new smart block that plays one promo or
-station ID.
-Click smartblock and new and then type in the name promo OR ID and then
-change the criteria Genre to is promo and now click new modifier and
-then is TOTHID.
-And then change limit to 1 items.
-Now we are going to create a playlist that contains these two smart
-Click new and then type Jazz with promos
-and then click smartblocks and add the Jazz Songs followed by the Promo
-or ID smart block.
-Now this playlist can be dragged into a schedule show to add 3 random
-jazz songs followed by a promo. You can manually repeat the selection in
-the playlist to create a long auto DJ playlist. For instance lets add 3
-more Jazz Songs and then add 3 Jazz Songs again followed by a Promo or
-ID. Now lets save this playlist and go and add it to a scheduled show.
-This is a quick and easy way for you to manually schedule a large chunk
-of time. You can also use this as an autoloading playlist.
-Lets assign this to a new 3 hour show. Called lots of Jazz. Now lets go
-under Autoloading Playlist and enable that and in this spot we will
-check repeat until full. This will mean that the system will keep
-scheduling this playlist until the show is completely full. The only
-problem here is that at the end of the show it is almost assured that a
-track will be cut off. If you are a web station and you just want to
-schedule music for long lengths of time you can schedule shows that are
-up to 24 hours long.
-On the other hand if you are an FCC licensed station you are required to
-have top of the hour IDs as close as possible to the top of the hour. In
-this case the random selection of tracks might not suffice for
-If you have a station ID playlist smartblock in your intro playlist (see
-previous tutorial linked below) and you have your tracks broken up
-hourly this shouldn’t be an issue but it still might result in tracks
-being cut of in the middle.
-So the best option currently is to change the music tracks to fill the
-remaining show from the previous selection of 3 items. And then be sure
-to add a promos or musical sound bridges at the end that are also time
-remaining but allow overfill.
-It is possible that we could improve the way the autoloading playlists
-work in the future, please check out LibreTime.org for the latest
-release notes and feel free to ask any questions at our forum at
-Thanks for tuning in to another LibreTime tutorial. Our next tutorial
-will show you how to use autoloading playlists to add show specific
-underwriting or advertisements.
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-# How to Build Your Schedule
-* YouTube video
-[](https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/EfNhl-yQcn8 "How to build your schedule")
-## Step-by-step Text Based
-A description of the steps involved in adding a show to the LibreTime calendar
-schedule for future playback including repeating shows
-**Audience**: Program Managers and Admins
-1. Click on the Calendar menu item on the left side of the screen
-1. Click on the blue New Show button
-1. Under **What** - type in a Name to replace Untitled Show
-1. Optional – add URL, Genre and Description
-1. Under **When** click **In The Future**
-1. Select a date and time for the **Start Time** and **End Time**
-1. Time is entered as 00:00 where the first 2 digits are the hour in 24 hour
-time and the second 2 digits are the minutes. So 15:00 is 3PM. *Note: 24 hours
-is the maximum show time and Midnight is 00:00 of the next date.*
-1. Click **Repeats** if this show will air more than once.
-1. If it airs at the same time of the day on more than one day of the week then
-check the boxes next to the Days it should repeat on.
-1. If this is a limited engagement show uncheck **No End?** and select the date
-at which this show should no longer be on the schedule.
-* **Autoloading Playlist** is used if you will generate the content for this
-show using a playlist possibly containing smartblocks to dynamically generate
-it. Ihf this is checked and a playlist is selected, LibreTime will schedule it
-an hour before the show is set to air as well as any **Intro & Outro Playlist**
-configured in the Admin settings. See other How Tos for ideas about how to use Autoloading playlists.
-1. **Live Stream Input** contains the streaming information for DJs and if
-**Use LibreTime Authentication** is checked then DJs can login to stream live
-if they are added to the **Who** section.
-1. **Who** is where you can give DJ users permission to schedule tracks for
-this show and stream live during the show spot. You can check the box
-next to them or type their name and click the drop down.
-1. **Style** allows you to select a custom color and add a show Logo for this
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-The Calendar page of the LibreTime administration interface has three views: day , week and month , which can be switched using the grey buttons in the top right corner. By default, the month view is shown, with today’s date highlighted by a pale grey background.
-In the top left corner of the page, you can go back or forward through the Calendar by clicking on the buttons which have a small grey triangle in a white circle. Click the today button to jump to today’s date in the current view. (The today button will be greyed out if you are already viewing that date). In the day or week views, there is also a drop-down menu which allows you to set the resolution displayed for the calendar, ranging from one minute per row to sixty minutes per row.
-Adding a show
-Only Admins and Program Managers can use this feature. To add a new show to the Calendar, click the + New Show button in the top left corner of the page, or click on any future row or box in the Calendar which is empty. Either of these actions opens the Add this show box, which has seven sections, arranged vertically: What , Autoloading Playlist , When , Live Stream Input , Record & Rebroadcast , Who , and Style . Click the small orange triangle to the left of the section name if you wish to minimize or maximize it.
-In the What box, enter the Name , public website URL , Genre and Description for the show that you are creating.
-Autoloading Playlist
-In this section, you can select a playlist that will be used for this show. The playlist must already be defined in your library. Auto Schedule Playlist needs to be checked for Select Playlist and Repeat AutoPlaylist Until Show is Full to be visible.
-Next, in the When section, if you clicked on a date in the Calendar this should already be entered in the Date/Time Start field. To set another date for the show, click on the date in the Date/Time Start field and select the date that you require from the small pop-up calendar which will appear. Click on the adjacent time field to set the start time for the show, with the pop-up Hour and Minute box. The Minute values in the pop-up time boxes are rounded to the nearest five minutes. You can also adjust the times manually by clicking into the fields and typing. Repeat the process to set the Date/Time End fields. The Start Time can be Now or In the Future . A show that starts now, will start at the time save is pressed, while a future show will start at the time set. The Duration of the show will be displayed automatically, based on the start and end times you have set.
-By default, the Timezone of the show start and end times will be the timezone of the station, as set on the Preferences page on the System menu. You can specify an alternative time zone using the drop-down menu, if you wish. The time zone displayed in the Calendar when you log in depends on your personal settings. See ‘Updating your own account’ in the chapter Users for more details.
-LibreTime will only allow you to enter valid times for shows. If you attempt to schedule show times which would be impossible, by ending the show before it begins, LibreTime will highlight the error with a pink background.
-To schedule a regular show, check the Repeats? box, which will make a new section of the dialog appear. Optionally, click the Link: box to automatically schedule the same content in the repeated shows as in the original show.
-Then select either weekly , every 2 weeks , every 3 weeks , every 4 weeks or monthly from the Repeat Type drop-down menu. If you have selected a weekly option, check the boxes for the days of the week that you want to schedule the regular show on. If you have selected monthly , you have the option to Repeat By: day of the month (for example the 9th of each month) or day of the week (for example the second Wednesday of each month).
-Uncheck the No End? box and set the Date End for the regular show to finish, or leave the No End? box checked to schedule the show indefinitely.
-The Live Stream Input section can be used to enable live input streams during the show, and also to configure authentication for them. If you check the Use LibreTime Authentication box, the DJs (presenters) of the show will be able to connect a live stream to LibreTime’s Show Source Mount Point using their login name and password. See the chapter Stream Settings for details.
-If you check the Use Custom Authentication box instead, you can set a one-time username and password pair for live stream input to the show. For example, you may wish to create an authenticated live stream input for a particular remote news reporter, without providing any further access to your LibreTime server for that person.
-A reminder of the connection Host , Port and Mount for the live input stream to use is shown at the end of the Live Stream Input section.
-Record & Rebroadcast
-The Record & Rebroadcast section is currently not working, and so has been removed from the web interface. If this feature is important to you, please search for relevant issues in the LibreTime github repository and help us make it happen!
-In the Who section, type the first few letters of the name of the show’s DJ (presenter) in the Search Users field to select a name from the LibreTime database, or check one of the DJs boxes in the vertical list below. This association of a DJ name with a particular show enables that presenter to add playout media to the show, and also to connect a live Show Source input stream (if that has been enabled), so it is important to get the DJ’s name right.
-Show colours in the Calendar are set automatically, based on the Name of the show, so that individual shows can be easily identified in the Calendar . If you wish, you can select a Background Colour and Text Colour manually by clicking the boxes in the Style section. Click the coloured circle icon in the lower right corner to close this pop-up window.
-Optionally, you can upload a Show Logo by clicking the Browse button.
-Finally, click the Add this show button at the top or bottom of the box. The new show will now be displayed in the Calendar , with a regular slot if you have chosen to schedule one.
-Editing a show
-Show configuration and metadata can be changed at any time, except for Date/Time Start and Record from Line In? options, which are fixed after broadcast of that show commences. Click the show in the Calendar, and select Edit Show from the pop-up context menu. This opens the Update Show box, which is almost exactly the same as the Add this Show box. Click the + Update show button at the top or bottom of the box when you are done.
-Episodes of repeating shows also have an Instance Description field in which you can add details for that particular episode. Click the episode in the Calendar, click Edit on the pop-up menu, then click Edit this instance . After entering an Instance Description, click the + Update show button.
-Alternatively, individual shows can be clicked on and dragged to new days and times in the calendar. However, LibreTime will not allow you to drag a future show into the past, or drag and drop instances of a repeated show. In the Day and Week views, show length can be adjusted by clicking on the lower edge of the show box, and dragging the edge of the box upwards or downwards. The new show length is calculated automatically.
-Adding content to a show
-To add content to a show, click the show in any view on the Calendar, and select Schedule Tracks from the pop-up menu. Shows that do not yet contain any scheduled content are marked with a red exclamation mark icon, to the right of the show start and end times in the top bar. Shows partially filled with content have a yellow exclamation mark icon. During playout of the show, a green play icon will also be shown in the top bar.
-The Schedule Tracks action opens a window with the name of the show. Like when using the Now Playing page, you can search for content items and add them to the show schedule on the right side of the page. Refer to the Now Playing chapter for details.
-When your show has all the required content, click the OK button in the bottom right corner to close the window. Back in the Calendar , click the show and select View from the pop-up menu to view a list of content now included in the show.
-The Contents of Show window is a read-only interface featuring an orange bar which indicates how much media has been added to the show. Click the OK button in the bottom right corner, or the white x icon in the top right corner, to close the window.
-Removing content from a show
-To remove an individual item from a show, click on the show in the Calendar , and select Schedule Tracks from the pop-up menu. In the window which opens, click any item you wish to remove from the show, then click Delete on the pop-up menu, or check the box in the item’s row then click the Remove icon at the top of the table. To remove all files and playlists from a show, click on the show in the Calendar , and select Clear Show from the pop-up menu.
-Deleting an upcoming show
-To delete an upcoming instance of a repeating show, click on the show in the Calendar , and select Delete , then Delete Instance from the pop-up menu. If you wish to delete all future instances of a repeating show, select Delete Instance and All Following from the pop-up menu.
-You cannot delete or remove content from shows that have already played out. These shows have only one option on the pop-up menu, which is View .
-Cancelling playout
-If you wish to cancel playout of a show while it is running, click on the show in the Calendar and select Cancel Show from the pop-up menu. LibreTime will ask you if you are sure about this action, as it cannot be undone.
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- LibreTime Radio Automation - Contributing to LibreTime
Contributing to LibreTime
- LibreTime is a community project, maintained by an awesome group of volunteers. Being a "free as in freedom" project, we need the help of our users to keep the project going. You don't have to know how to write code in order to help. Check out some of ways you can give back to the LibreTime project below.
- Bug reporting
-If you think you’ve found a bug, please report it on our Github issues page .
-Create a bug report by selecting Get Started next to Bug Report . That way, the LibreTime team can keep track of
-your problem and notify you when it has been fixed. You can also suggest
-improvements and new features for LibreTime on that site.
-Feature requests
-Have an idea that would make LibreTime even better than it is right now? Start a Feature request on our
-Github issues page .
-Help translate LibreTime
-LibreTime can run in over 15 different languages due to the gracious help of our volunteers. Is your language not
-supported? Follow this guide to add your language to LibreTime!
-Help write code for LibreTime
-Are you familar with coding in PHP? Have you made projects in Liquidsoap and some of the other services we use?
-Take a look at the bugs and feature requests here , and then
-fork our repo and have a go! Just use the Fork button at the top of our Code page, clone the forked repo to
-your desktop, open up a favorite editor and make some changes, and then commit, push, and open a pull request.
-Knowledge on how to use Github and Git
-will suit you well, use the links for a quick 101.
-Testing LibreTime in Vagrant
-Before submitting code to the project, it’s a good idea to test it first. To do this, it’s easiest to install
-LibreTime in a virtural machine on your local system or in a cloud VM. Instructions on how to set up a virtural
-instance of LibreTime with Vagrant are located here .
-If you would like to try LibreTime in a Docker image,
-Odclive has instructions here for setting up a test image
-and a more persistant install.
-Modifying the Database
-LibreTime is designed to work with a PostgreSQL database server running locally.
-LibreTime uses PropelORM to interact with the ZendPHP components and create the database.
-If you are a developer seeking to add new columns to the database here are the steps.
- Modify airtime_mvc/build/schema.xml
with any changes.
- Run dev_tools/propel_generate.sh
- Update the upgrade.sql under airtime_mvc/application/controllers/upgrade_sql/VERSION
for example
- ALTER TABLE imported_podcast ADD COLUMN album_override boolean default 'f' NOT NULL;
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-# Dashboard
-The Dashboard is divided into two sections a Library section divided between
-[Tracks](../tracks), [Playlists](../playlists), [Smart Blocks](../smartblocks),
-[Webstreams](../webstreams), and [Podcasts](../podcasts), with the **Scheduled
-Shows** dialog on the right. This page provides an overview of the right-hand
-interface. Check the links to see information about the other sections which
-provide the content that can be scheduled.
-The **Scheduled Shows** page provides a view of the content your station is will
-playout, or has already played out, which defaults to showing the 3 hours
-ahead. This page also enables you to make last-minute changes to running shows.
-If you've only just installed LibreTime, there might not be any content shown
-yet. Click the calendar and clock icons above the table to change the date and
-time range, then click the **Find Shows** button (with the magnifying glass
-icon) to the right.
-To display the content of a particular show, click **Filter by Show** and select
-the name of the show from the drop-down menu which will appear.
-On the left side of the page, the **Start** and **End** times, **Duration**
-and **Title** of each content item are shown. On the right, **Creator**,
-**Album**, **Cue** or **Fade** times and **Mime** type (file format) can also be
-shown. This information can help you to prepare voice tracks for insertion into
-the show, including time checks if you wish. Putting current time information i
-to voice tracks describing specific content can, of course, limit the
-re-usability of those voice tracks, unless you always broadcast a particular
-item at the same time of day.
-Click the **Show/hide columns** button on the right to configure the metadata
-displayed, by checking the boxes in the pop-up window.
-The row for the currently playing item is displayed with a bright green
-background. Any underbooked shows (shows with insufficient content to fill the
-time allowed) are displayed with a row indicating the length of the underbooking
-in minutes and seconds. These rows contain a red exclamation mark in the first
-column, and have a pink background.
-Removing content from a running show
-If a show is overbooked, which means the total playout duration is longer than
-the time allowed for the show, a brown row indicates that the item will be faded
-out when the show ends. A red row indicates that the item will not be played at
-all. The length of the overbooking is shown in minutes and seconds in the last
-row of the show. To remove the extra items from the end of an overbooked show,
-click the **Scissors** button at the top left of the table.
-Alternatively, check the boxes for items which have not yet completed playout,
-and click the **Trashcan** button, to the right of the Scissors, to remove them
-from the schedule. If you remove the currently playing item, playout will skip
-to the next item in the show automatically, so you should make sure you have
-enough items remaining in the show to avoid dead air.
-If you have a long schedule displayed, and you wish to skip to the currently
-playing item, click the button with the end arrow icon, to the right of the
-To cancel the current show completely, click the red button to the right again.
-A pop-up window will ask you to confirm the cancellation, as this action cannot
-be undone.
-Items which are no longer available have an exclamation mark icon in the second
-column. This may happen for media files which were part of previous shows, and
-were removed from LibreTime's library (main storage or watched folders)
-subsequently. Items which are included in forthcoming shows cannot be removed
-from the Library via the LibreTime interface.
-Adding content to a running show
-After you have found the items that you want using the search tools, you can
-then drag and drop them from the library table on the left side of the page into
-the shows on the right side, including the current playing show.
-If the current show has nothing playing out at the time, the new item will begin
-playing immediately. This manual triggering of playout can be used as a live
-assist technique, in which the LibreTime server's soundcard output is mixed with
-other sources such as microphones or telephone hybrids on its way to a
-transmitter, or a separate stream encoder. For instance, a live show's host may
-not wish to cut off a studio discussion in order to play music at a fixed time.
-You can also select multiple items using the **Select** menu button, just
-beneath the simple search field, which has the options to **Select this page**
-of search results, **Deselect this page** and **Deselect all**. Alternatively,
-use the checkboxes on the left side of the library table to select specific
-items. Then drag one of the items into the show to add all of the selected
-items, or click the **Add to selected show** button, which has a plus icon. If
-you wish, you can also use the **Trashcan** button to permanently remove items
-from LibreTime's library. Only *admin* users have permission to delete all
-To insert checkbox selected items at a specific time in the show schedule, click
-one of the songs in the schedule table. Then click the **Add to selected show**
-button in the library table. This will insert the library songs after the
-selected scheduled song.
-To add a single item at the insertion point, double-click on it in the library.
-There is no need to select or drag the item first.
-Right-clicking on a song in the schedule table will show a pop-up. This pop-up
-menu also enables you to audition the entire show in advance of playout, or
-remove the item that was clicked on from the show.
-Multiple insertion points can be enabled, so that the same item is inserted into
-the schedule at different times. For example, you may wish to play a news report
-every hour, or a station ident after every five music files.
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- LibreTime Radio Automation - Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
- You've got questions, we've got answers
- by LibreTime Community on May 22, 2020
- What is LibreTime?
-LibreTime is a community managed fork of the AirTime project.
-It is managed by a friendly inclusive community of stations
-from around the globe that use, document and improve LibreTime.
-Can I upgrade to LibreTime?
-In theory you can update any pre 3.0 version of AirTime to
-LibreTime 3.0.0 and above. More information on Upgrading
-is in the docs.
-LibreTime is complex software, as such it is close to impossible
-to guarantee that every upgrade path works as intended. This
-means you should trial the update on a parallel test
-infrastructure to minimize possible downtime.
-Please let the community know if you encounter issues with the
-update process.
-Why are Cue-In/Out points wrong in some tracks? / What’s with silan?
-The silan silence detection is currently outdated on almost all distributions. The older versions report clearly wrong information and may segfault at the worst. Versions starting with 0.3.3 (and some patched 0.3.2 builds) are much better but still need thorough testing. Please see the release notes for up to date mitigation scenarios and details on the issues.
-Why did you fork AirTime?
-See this open letter to the Airtime community .
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- LibreTime Radio Automation - Features
- What is LibreTime?
-LibreTime is the open broadcast
-software for scheduling and remote station management. Web browser access to
-the station’s media library, multi-file upload and automatic metadata import
-features are coupled with a collaborative online scheduling calendar and
-playlist management. The scheduling calendar is managed through an easy-to-use
-interface and triggers playout with sub-second precision.
-LibreTime is intended to provide a solution for a wide range of broadcast
-projects, from community to public and commercial stations. The scalability of
-LibreTime allows implementation in a number of scenarios, ranging from an
-unmanned broadcast unit accessed remotely through the Internet, to a local
-network of machines accessing a central LibreTime storage system. LibreTime
-supports the playout of lossy compressed audio files in both MP3 and AAC
-formats and the open, royalty-free equivalent
-Ogg Vorbis . It also supports
-playout of lossless FLAC and WAV format audio files.
-LibreTime manages the Liquidsoap stream
-generator at the heart of the system. Liquidsoap generates streams from files
-in the LibreTime library and any remote input streams that you specify.
-Available stream output formats include Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Opus, MP3, and AAC. The
-library is indexed in a PostgreSQL database to
-enable searching. Live shows can be recorded automatically with
-Ecasound , using the sound card
-line input. News editors, DJs and station controllers can use LibreTime to
-build playlists or smart blocks and manage media files (upload, edit metadata,
-manage advertisements) at the station or via the Internet.
-The scheduler in LibreTime has a calendar view, organized by months, weeks or
-days. Program editors can schedule playlists and shows here for their
-broadcast station. In some scenarios, the transmitter is situated outside the
-reach of the broadcaster and all program management has to be maintained
-through the web interface. Possible reasons for this scenario might be of a
-pragmatic nature (running many stations from one central office due to limited
-human resources) or an emergency (running a transmitter in a crisis area
-without putting staff at risk).
-LibreTime services
- Service
- Description
- libretime-analyzer
- Keeps track of files being added, renamed, moved or removed from storage, and reads their metadata using the Mutagen library.
- PostgreSQL
- Contains the location of those media files and their metadata. This means you can search for and playlist a set of media files according to the specific metadata that you require, or use a ‘smart block’ to select the files for you. The database also contains details of specified remote input streams.
- Pypo
- (Python Playout engine) Downloads media from the storage up to 24 hours ahead of playout and checks it for average level (with ReplayGain tools) and leading or trailing silence (with Silan). At playout time, the media to be broadcast is sent to Liquidsoap.
- Liquidsoap
- Takes individual media files and remote input streams, and assembles them into a continuous output stream. This stream can be sent to a sound card (e.g. for a broadcast mixer, on the way to an FM or DAB transmitter) or to a streaming server for IP network distribution, over the LAN, local WiFi or the Internet. You can stream to a sound card and up to three different stream distribution servers with the same LibreTime server, if you wish.
- Icecast or Shoutcast
- Audio streaming server, used for creating an internet radio stream from LibreTime. Icecast is included in the LibreTime installation by default. Note: If a suitable Liquidsoap output is not available for your streaming service of choice, you can send audio from Liquidsoap to a separate encoding or streaming machine via a sound card or relay stream.
- Monit
- Monitors the health of pypo, libretime-analyzer and Liquidsoap, and reports the status of these services to LibreTime.
- RabbitMQ
- Pushes messages from LibreTime to libretime-analyzer and pypo about changes to media files and the playout schedule.
-Example studio broadcast system
-In the diagram of an FM radio station below, LibreTime is hosted on a server
-connected to the local network, with direct soundcard access. Liquidsoap
-outputs streams to both the transmitter, via the main studio mixer, and
-streaming media servers. The machine running LibreTime is behind a firewall
-because it is also connected to the Internet for remote access by media
-contributors. This enables LibreTime to offer password-protected access to the
-media library and scheduling from both inside and outside the studio building.
-Example web broadcast system
-In the diagram below, LibreTime is hosted on a remote web server, and has no
-soundcard. There does not need to be a centralised studio, although LibreTime
-can enable remote studios to stream in to Liquidsoap at authorised times.
-Optionally, the outgoing Icecast stream can be relayed to a transmitter.
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-Jekyll 2020-05-22T18:01:11-04:00 http://localhost:4000/feed.xml LibreTime Radio Automation An open source radio automation server made for (and made by) low-power FM stations and the rest of us.
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- LibreTime Radio Automation -
- LibreTime Radio Automation -
LibreTime’s media library is inside the /srv/airtime/stor/ folder on your server, by default.
-Tracks are uploaded into the imported subdirectory and then a separate directory based upon the user
-ID # of the user who uploaded it and then into a folder based upon the artist.
LibreTime unlike Airtime does not currently monitor the files for changes after they are uploaded.
-The media library is not designed to be edited directly after files are uploaded. This was done as part of a
-move towards enabling cloud-based file hosting. There are currently two works in progress to support filesystem
-imports and sync but neither of them have been finished as of the time of this writing. See
-#70 . In addition LibreTime does not write metadata changes
-back to the files. See #621
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-# FreeIPA configuration
-You can configure LibreTime to delegate all authentication to a FreeIPA server.
-This allows you users to use their existing FreeIPA credentials. For this to
-work you need to configure Apache to use `mod_authnz_pam` and `mod_intercept_form_submit`.
-## Apache configuration
-After installing the needed modules you can set up Apache to intercept form logins and
-check them against pam.
- InterceptFormPAMService http-libretime
- InterceptFormLogin username
- InterceptFormPassword password
- InterceptFormLoginSkip admin
- InterceptFormPasswordRedact on
- InterceptFormLoginRealms INT.RABE.CH
- Require pam-account http-libretime
- Require pam-account http-libretime
- Require all granted
- Require expr %{REQUEST_URI} =~ /(index.php|login|favicon.ico|js|css|locale)/
- Require all granted
-## PAM configuration
-The above configuration expects a PAM configuration for the `http-libretime` service.
-To confiure this you need to create the file `/etc/pam.d/http-libretime` with the following contents.
-auth required pam_sss.so
-account required pam_sss.so
-## LDAP configuration
-LibreTime needs direct access to LDAP so it can fetch additional information. It does so with
-a [system account](https://www.freeipa.org/page/HowTo/LDAP#System_Accounts) that you need to
-set up beforehand.
-You can configure everything pertaining to how LibreTime accesses LDAP in
-`/etc/airtime/airtime.conf`. The default file has the following values you need to change.
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# L D A P
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# hostname: Hostname of LDAP server
-# binddn: Complete DN of user used to bind to LDAP
-# password: Password for binddn user
-# account_domain: Domain part of username
-# basedn: base search DN
-# filter_field: Name of the uid field for searching
-# Usually uid, may be cn
-# groupmap_*: Map LibreTime user types to LDAP groups
-# Lets LibreTime assign user types based on the
-# group a given user is in.
-hostname = ldap.example.org
-binddn = 'uid=libretime,cn=sysaccounts,cn=etc,dc=int,dc=example,dc=org'
-password = hackme
-account_domain = INT.EXAMPLE.ORG
-basedn = 'cn=users,cn=accounts,dc=int,dc=example,dc=org'
-filter_field = uid
-groupmap_guest = 'cn=guest,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=int,dc=example,dc=org'
-groupmap_host = 'cn=host,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=int,dc=example,dc=org'
-groupmap_program_manager = 'cn=program_manager,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=int,dc=example,dc=org'
-groupmap_admin = 'cn=admins,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=int,dc=example,dc=org'
-groupmap_superadmin = 'cn=superadmin,cn=groups,cn=accounts,dc=int,dc=example,dc=org'
-## Enable FreeIPA auth
-After everything is set up properly you can enable FreeIPA auth in `airtime.conf`:
-auth = LibreTime_Auth_Adaptor_FreeIpa
-You should now be able to use your FreeIPA credentials to log in to LibreTime.
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-HD Audio Modules
-This listing is provided to help ensure that the correct model parameter is passed to the ALSA kernel module for an Intel HDA soundcard, if one is fitted to your LibreTime server. See the chapter Preparing the server in this book for more details.
- Model name Description
- ---------- -----------
- 3stack 3-jack in back and a headphone out
- 3stack-digout 3-jack in back, a HP out and a SPDIF out
- 5stack 5-jack in back, 2-jack in front
- 5stack-digout 5-jack in back, 2-jack in front, a SPDIF out
- 6stack 6-jack in back, 2-jack in front
- 6stack-digout 6-jack with a SPDIF out
- N/A
- inv-dmic Inverted internal mic workaround
- inv-dmic Inverted internal mic workaround
- laptop-amic Laptops with analog-mic input
- laptop-dmic Laptops with digital-mic input
- alc269-dmic Enable ALC269(VA) digital mic workaround
- alc271-dmic Enable ALC271X digital mic workaround
- inv-dmic Inverted internal mic workaround
- headset-mic Indicates a combined headset (headphone+mic) jack
- lenovo-dock Enables docking station I/O for some Lenovos
- dell-headset-multi Headset jack, which can also be used as mic-in
- dell-headset-dock Headset jack (without mic-in), and also dock I/O
- mario Chromebook mario model fixup
- asus-mode1 ASUS
- asus-mode2 ASUS
- asus-mode3 ASUS
- asus-mode4 ASUS
- asus-mode5 ASUS
- asus-mode6 ASUS
- asus-mode7 ASUS
- asus-mode8 ASUS
- inv-dmic Inverted internal mic workaround
- dell-headset-multi Headset jack, which can also be used as mic-in
- N/A
- acer-aspire-4930g Acer Aspire 4930G/5930G/6530G/6930G/7730G
- acer-aspire-8930g Acer Aspire 8330G/6935G
- acer-aspire Acer Aspire others
- inv-dmic Inverted internal mic workaround
- no-primary-hp VAIO Z/VGC-LN51JGB workaround (for fixed speaker DAC)
- N/A
- N/A
- minimal 3-jack in back
- min_fp 3-jack in back, 2-jack in front
- full 6-jack in back, 2-jack in front
- full_dig 6-jack in back, 2-jack in front, SPDIF I/O
- allout 5-jack in back, 2-jack in front, SPDIF out
- auto auto-config reading BIOS (default)
-AD1882 / AD1882A
- 3stack 3-stack mode
- 3stack-automute 3-stack with automute front HP (default)
- 6stack 6-stack mode
-AD1884A / AD1883 / AD1984A / AD1984B
- desktop 3-stack desktop (default)
- laptop laptop with HP jack sensing
- mobile mobile devices with HP jack sensing
- thinkpad Lenovo Thinkpad X300
- touchsmart HP Touchsmart
- N/A
- basic 3-jack (default)
- hp HP nx6320
- thinkpad Lenovo Thinkpad T60/X60/Z60
- toshiba Toshiba U205
- N/A
- basic default configuration
- thinkpad Lenovo Thinkpad T61/X61
- dell_desktop Dell T3400
- 6stack 6-jack, separate surrounds (default)
- 3stack 3-stack, shared surrounds
- laptop 2-channel only (FSC V2060, Samsung M50)
- laptop-eapd 2-channel with EAPD (ASUS A6J)
- laptop-automute 2-channel with EAPD and HP-automute (Lenovo N100)
- ultra 2-channel with EAPD (Samsung Ultra tablet PC)
- samsung 2-channel with EAPD (Samsung R65)
- samsung-p50 2-channel with HP-automute (Samsung P50)
- 6stack 6-jack
- 6stack-dig ditto with SPDIF
- 3stack 3-jack
- 3stack-dig ditto with SPDIF
- laptop 3-jack with hp-jack automute
- laptop-dig ditto with SPDIF
- auto auto-config reading BIOS (default)
-Conexant 5045
- laptop-hpsense Laptop with HP sense (old model laptop)
- laptop-micsense Laptop with Mic sense (old model fujitsu)
- laptop-hpmicsense Laptop with HP and Mic senses
- benq Benq R55E
- laptop-hp530 HP 530 laptop
- test for testing/debugging purpose, almost all controls
- can be adjusted. Appearing only when compiled with
-Conexant 5047
- laptop Basic Laptop config
- laptop-hp Laptop config for some HP models (subdevice 30A5)
- laptop-eapd Laptop config with EAPD support
- test for testing/debugging purpose, almost all controls
- can be adjusted. Appearing only when compiled with
-Conexant 5051
- laptop Basic Laptop config (default)
- hp HP Spartan laptop
- hp-dv6736 HP dv6736
- hp-f700 HP Compaq Presario F700
- ideapad Lenovo IdeaPad laptop
- toshiba Toshiba Satellite M300
-Conexant 5066
- laptop Basic Laptop config (default)
- hp-laptop HP laptops, e g G60
- asus Asus K52JU, Lenovo G560
- dell-laptop Dell laptops
- dell-vostro Dell Vostro
- olpc-xo-1_5 OLPC XO 1.5
- ideapad Lenovo IdeaPad U150
- thinkpad Lenovo Thinkpad
- ref Reference board
- oqo OQO Model 2
- dell-d21 Dell (unknown)
- dell-d22 Dell (unknown)
- dell-d23 Dell (unknown)
- dell-m21 Dell Inspiron 630m, Dell Inspiron 640m
- dell-m22 Dell Latitude D620, Dell Latitude D820
- dell-m23 Dell XPS M1710, Dell Precision M90
- dell-m24 Dell Latitude 120L
- dell-m25 Dell Inspiron E1505n
- dell-m26 Dell Inspiron 1501
- dell-m27 Dell Inspiron E1705/9400
- gateway-m4 Gateway laptops with EAPD control
- gateway-m4-2 Gateway laptops with EAPD control
- panasonic Panasonic CF-74
- auto BIOS setup (default)
- ref Reference board
- dell-m42 Dell (unknown)
- dell-m43 Dell Precision
- dell-m44 Dell Inspiron
- eapd Keep EAPD on (e.g. Gateway T1616)
- auto BIOS setup (default)
- ref Reference board
- 3stack D945 3stack
- 5stack D945 5stack + SPDIF
- intel-mac-v1 Intel Mac Type 1
- intel-mac-v2 Intel Mac Type 2
- intel-mac-v3 Intel Mac Type 3
- intel-mac-v4 Intel Mac Type 4
- intel-mac-v5 Intel Mac Type 5
- intel-mac-auto Intel Mac (detect type according to subsystem id)
- macmini Intel Mac Mini (equivalent with type 3)
- macbook Intel Mac Book (eq. type 5)
- macbook-pro-v1 Intel Mac Book Pro 1st generation (eq. type 3)
- macbook-pro Intel Mac Book Pro 2nd generation (eq. type 3)
- imac-intel Intel iMac (eq. type 2)
- imac-intel-20 Intel iMac (newer version) (eq. type 3)
- ecs202 ECS/PC chips
- dell-d81 Dell (unknown)
- dell-d82 Dell (unknown)
- dell-m81 Dell (unknown)
- dell-m82 Dell XPS M1210
- auto BIOS setup (default)
- ref Reference board, base config
- m1 Some Gateway MX series laptops (NX560XL)
- m1-2 Some Gateway MX series laptops (MX6453)
- m2 Some Gateway MX series laptops (M255)
- m2-2 Some Gateway MX series laptops
- m3 Some Gateway MX series laptops
- m5 Some Gateway MX series laptops (MP6954)
- m6 Some Gateway NX series laptops
- auto BIOS setup (default)
- ref Reference board
- ref-no-jd Reference board without HP/Mic jack detection
- 3stack D965 3stack
- 5stack D965 5stack + SPDIF
- 5stack-no-fp D965 5stack without front panel
- dell-3stack Dell Dimension E520
- dell-bios Fixes with Dell BIOS setup
- dell-bios-amic Fixes with Dell BIOS setup including analog mic
- volknob Fixes with volume-knob widget 0x24
- auto BIOS setup (default)
- ref Reference board
- dell-m4-1 Dell desktops
- dell-m4-2 Dell desktops
- dell-m4-3 Dell desktops
- hp-m4 HP mini 1000
- hp-dv5 HP dv series
- hp-hdx HP HDX series
- hp-dv4-1222nr HP dv4-1222nr (with LED support)
- auto BIOS setup (default)
- ref Reference board
- no-jd BIOS setup but without jack-detection
- intel Intel DG45* mobos
- dell-m6-amic Dell desktops/laptops with analog mics
- dell-m6-dmic Dell desktops/laptops with digital mics
- dell-m6 Dell desktops/laptops with both type of mics
- dell-eq Dell desktops/laptops
- alienware Alienware M17x
- auto BIOS setup (default)
- ref Reference board
- mic-ref Reference board with power management for ports
- dell-s14 Dell laptop
- dell-vostro-3500 Dell Vostro 3500 laptop
- hp-dv7-4000 HP dv-7 4000
- hp_cNB11_intquad HP CNB models with 4 speakers
- hp-zephyr HP Zephyr
- hp-led HP with broken BIOS for mute LED
- hp-inv-led HP with broken BIOS for inverted mute LED
- auto BIOS setup (default)
- vaio VAIO laptop without SPDIF
- auto BIOS setup (default)
-Cirrus Logic CS4206/4207
- mbp55 MacBook Pro 5,5
- imac27 IMac 27 Inch
- auto BIOS setup (default)
-Cirrus Logic CS4208
- mba6 MacBook Air 6,1 and 6,2
- gpio0 Enable GPIO 0 amp
- auto BIOS setup (default)
-VIA VT17xx/VT18xx/VT20xx
- auto BIOS setup (default)
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-History Templates
-Coming soon.
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-# History
-On the History menu, the **Playout History** page enables you to view a list of files played within a specific date and time range. This page is designed to help your station prepare reports for music royalty collection societies and regulatory agencies.
-Search results can be copied to the clipboard using the **Copy** button, exported as data in **CSV** format (comma separated values), exported as a document in **PDF** format, or displayed in a printer-friendly format using the **Print** button. (Your web browser must have an Adobe Flash plugin installed for these buttons to appear). Press the **Esc** key to return to the LibreTime interface once the print job is complete.
-This page has three tabs: **Log Sheet**, **File Summary** and **Show Summary**. On any of these tabs, you can select a date and time range by clicking the calendar and clock icons in the upper left corner of the page. Then click the search button, which has a magnifying glass icon, to the right. A list of files played during that date and time range will appear further down the page.
-In the **Log Sheet** tab, the playout history is sorted by **Start Time** and **End Time** by default.
-The number of times each file was played and the length of the files are shown in the **File Summary** tab. To make optimal use of this feature for royalty reporting purposes, music files must be tagged with **Composer** and **Copyright** metadata. The artist performing a piece of music may not be the original composer of the work, or the copyright holder of the sound recording.
-On the **Show Summary** tab, click the name of a show within the search range to expand its row and see its playout details.
-## Manual logging
-If your station features playout from analogue sources such as turntables or microphones, there is no automatic metadata for LibreTime to collect from these inputs. To ensure that the playout history is complete, you can add log entries manually by clicking the **+ Create Entry** button. This action opens a pop-up window with default fields of Start Time, End Time, Title and Creator. Click the **Find** button to automatically fill the **Choose Show Instance** menu with the names of shows that took place within the specified time range. Then click the **Save** button to enter the new item into the playout history.
-Log entries can also be manually deleted, using the button with the trashcan icon, to the right of the **+ Create Entry** button. Pages of entries can be selected for deletion using the **Select** drop-down menu.
-## History Templates
-The **History Templates** page on the History menu enables you to prepare reports with the exact content required by regulatory agencies in the territories that you are broadcasting to. You can begin creating a custom template by clicking the button **New Log Sheet Template** or the button **New File Summary Template**.
-Either of these actions opens a page in which you can name the new template, and add or remove elements from the list on the left. To add a new element from the list on the right, click the plus icon for the item you require. If the element you require is not listed, you can use the **Add New Field** box at the lower end of the right side column. Select *string*, *boolean*, *integer*, or *float*, depending on the type of data that you wish to log, and then click the **+ Add** button.
-When the template is in the format you require, click the **Save** button, and **Set Default Template** if you wish. The new template will now be listed on the History Templates page. If you have set a new default template, any changes will be visible on the tabs of the Playout History page.
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- LibreTime Radio Automation -
- LibreTime Radio Automation -
Host configuration
The streaming host configuration for LibreTime is shown in the file /etc/airtime/liquidsoap.cfg which is automatically generated by the Streams page, found on the System menu of the LibreTime administration interface. For this reason, you would not normally edit the streaming configuration manually, as any changes are likely to be overwritten by the administration interface.
Database and RabbitMQ hosts
Optionally, you may wish to edit the file /etc/airtime/airtime.conf to set the PostgreSQL database host, and the username and password to connect to the database with:
sudo nano /etc/airtime/airtime.conf
You can also set options for RabbitMQ messaging, the LibreTime server and SoundCloud uploads in this file, although you should not normally need to adjust the defaults unless you are running a large LibreTime system distributed across multiple servers. To run the LibreTime server in demo mode, which changes the greeting on the login page and prevents user accounts from being created or modified, set the value of demo to 1.
-host = localhost
-dbname = airtime
-dbuser = airtime
-dbpass = airtime
-host =
-port = 5672
-user = airtime
-vhost = /airtime
-web_server_user = www-data
-airtime_dir = /usr/share/airtime
-base_url = libretime.example.com
-base_port = 80
-base_dir = /
-cache_ahead_hours = 1
-monit_user = guest
-monit_password = airtime
-connection_retries = 3
-time_between_retries = 60
-demo = 0
Save and close the file with Ctrl+O and Ctrl+X . In order to update the configuration
-used by the various components of LibreTime, run the following commands
sudo systemctl restart libretime-liquidsoap
-sudo systemctl restart libretime-playout
-sudo systemctl restart libretime-celery
-sudo systemctl restart libretime-analyzer
Changing the default PostgreSQL passwords
Two of the most important passwords that should be changed immediately after installation
-are the passwords used by the PostgreSQL database.
-It is strongly recommended that you do this before exposing your server to the internet beyond your internal network.
- Login to PostgreSQL with sudo -u postgres psql
. The PostgreSQL shell - postgres=#
- means that you have logged in successfully.
- Change the admin password with ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'myPassword';
, where myPassword
is the new password.
-Make sure to include the semicolon at the end! A response of ALTER ROLE
means that the command ran successfully.
- Change the password for the airtime user with ALTER USER airtime WITH PASSWORD 'new_password';
-A response of ALTER ROLE
means that the command ran successfully.
- If all is successful, logout of PostgreSQL with \q
, go back to /etc/airtime/airtime.conf to edit the password
-in the config file, and restart all services mentioned in the previous section.
API client configuration
If you have changed the base_url , base_port or base_dir setting in /etc/airtime/airtime.conf from the defaults, you will probably also have to update the Hostname settings in the file /etc/airtime/api_client.cfg accordingly.**
bin_dir = /usr/lib/airtime/api_clients
-api_base = api
-host = libretime.example.com
-base_port = 80
-base_dir = /
Apache max file size configuration
By default, the maximum upload file size is 500 MB, which may not be large enough for some stations, especially if they are uploading prerecorded shows. The setting for this is located in /etc/apache2/sites-available/airtime.config . Search for and update the following in megabytes:
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
-upload_max_filesize = 40M
-; Must be greater than or equal to upload_max_filesize
-post_max_size = 40M
For quick reference, 1024 MB = 1 GB and 2048 MB = 2 GB, but most will be okay with rounding to the nearest thousand. After updating the config file, restart Apache by sudo systemctl apache restart
Playout and recorder settings
Settings for pypo, the playout and recording engine used by LibreTime, are found in the file /etc/airtime/airtime.conf . After making changes to this file, you will have to issue the command:
sudo systemctl restart libretime-playout
for the changes to take effect.
-# pypo - configuration #
-# Set the type of client you are using.
-# Currently supported types:
-# 1) "obp" = Open Broadcast Platform
-# 2) "airtime"
-api_client = airtime
-# Cache Directories #
-# *include* trailing slash !! #
-cache_dir = /var/tmp/airtime/pypo/cache/
-file_dir = /var/tmp/airtime/pypo/files/
-tmp_dir = /var/tmp/airtime/pypo/tmp/
-# Setup Directories #
-# Do *not* include trailing slash !! #
-cache_base_dir = /var/tmp/airtime/pypo
-bin_dir = /usr/lib/airtime/pypo
-log_base_dir = /var/log/airtime
-pypo_log_dir = /var/log/airtime/pypo
-liquidsoap_log_dir = /var/log/airtime/pypo-liquidsoap
-# Liquidsoap settings #
-ls_host =
-ls_port = 1234
-# RabbitMQ settings #
-rabbitmq_host = localhost
-rabbitmq_user = airtime
-rabbitmq_password = XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
-rabbitmq_vhost = /airtime
-# pypo preferences #
-# Poll interval in seconds.
-# This will rarely need to be changed because any schedule changes are
-# automatically sent to pypo immediately.
-# This is how often the poll script downloads new schedules and files from the
-# server in the event that no changes are made to the schedule.
-poll_interval = 3600# in seconds.
-# Push interval in seconds.
-# This is how often the push script checks whether it has something new to
-# push to liquidsoap.
-# It's hard to imagine a situation where this should be more than 1 second.
-push_interval = 1# in seconds
-# 'pre' or 'otf'. 'pre' cues while playlist preparation
-# while 'otf' (on the fly) cues while loading into ls
-# (needs the post_processor patch)
-cue_style = pre
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-# Icecast and Shoutcast stream configuration
-LibreTime supports direct connection to two popular streaming media servers, the open source **Icecast** () and the proprietary **SHOUTcast** (). Apart from the software license, the main difference between these two servers is that Icecast supports simultaneous MP3, AAC, Ogg Vorbis or Ogg Opus streaming from LibreTime, whereas SHOUTcast supports MP3 and AAC streams but not Ogg Vorbis or Opus. The royalty-free Ogg Vorbis format has the advantage of better sound quality than MP3 at lower bitrates, which has a direct impact on the amount of bandwidth that your station will require to serve the same number of listeners. Ogg Opus also benefits from good sound quality at low bitrates, with the added advantage of lower latency than other streaming formats. Opus is now an IETF standard () and requires Icecast 2.4 or later to be installed on the streaming server.
-Ogg Vorbis playback is supported in **Mozilla Firefox**, **Google Chrome** and **Opera** browsers, via **jPlayer** ( ), and is also supported in several popular media players, including VideoLAN Client, also known as VLC ( ). (See the chapter *Stream player for your website* on how to deliver **jPlayer** to your audience). Ogg Opus is relatively new and is supported natively in the very latest browsers, such as Mozilla Firefox 25.0, and media players including VLC 2.0.4 or later.
-Streaming MP3 below a bitrate of 128kbps is not recommended for music, because of a perceptible loss of high audio frequencies in the broadcast playout. A 96kbps or 64kbps MP3 stream may be acceptable for voice broadcasts if there is a requirement for compatibility with legacy hardware playback devices which do not support Ogg Vorbis or Opus streams.
-Because LibreTime supports simultaneous streaming in multiple formats, it is possible to offer one or more streams via your website, and another independent stream for direct connection from hardware players. You can test whether Ogg streams sound better at low bitrates for yourself, by using the **LISTEN** button in LibreTime's **Master Panel** to switch between streaming formats.
-Conversely, you may have a music station which wants to stream at 160kbps or 192kbps to offer a quality advantage over stations streaming at 128kbps or less. Since Ogg, AAC and MP3 formats use lossy compression, listeners will only hear the benefit of higher streaming bitrates if the media files in the LibreTime storage server are encoded at an equivalent bitrate, or higher.
-UTF-8 metadata in Icecast MP3 streams
-When sending metadata about your stream to an Icecast server in non-Latin alphabets, you may find that Icecast does not display the characters correctly for an MP3 stream, even though they are displayed correctly for an Ogg Vorbis stream. In the following screenshot, Russian characters are being displayed incorrectly in the *Current Song* field for the MP3 stream:
-The solution is to specify that the metadata for the MP3 mount point you are using should be interpreted using UTF-8 encoding. You can do this by adding the following stanza to the */etc/icecast2/icecast.xml* file, where *libretime.mp3* is the name of your mount point:
- /libretime.mp3
- UTF-8
-After saving the */etc/icecast2/icecast.xml* file, you should restart the Icecast server:
- sudo invoke-rc.d icecast2 restart
- Restarting icecast2: Starting icecast2
- Detaching from the console
- icecast2.
-Icecast handover configuration
-In a typical radio station configuration, the live output from the broadcast studio and the scheduled output from LibreTime are mixed together before being sent further along the broadcast chain, to a transmitter or streaming media server on the Internet. (This may not be the case if your LibreTime server is remote from the studio, and you are using the **Show Source Mount Point** or **Master Source Mount Point** to mix live and scheduled content. See the *Stream Settings* chapter for details).
-If your **Icecast** server is hosted in a remote data centre, you may not have the option to handover the streaming media source manually, because you have no physical access to connect a broadcast mixer to the server. Disconnecting the stream and beginning another is less than ideal, because the audience's media players will also be disconnected when that happens.
-The **Icecast** server has a *fallback-mount* feature which can be used to move clients (media players used by listeners or viewers) from one source to another, as new sources become available. This makes it possible to handover from LibreTime output to a show from another source, and handover to LibreTime again once the other show has ended.
-To enable fallback mounts, edit the main Icecast configuration file to define the mount points you will use, and the relationship between them.
- sudo nano /etc/icecast2/icecast.xml
-The example ** section provided in the *icecast.xml* file is commented out by default. Before or after the commented section, add three mount point definitions. The default mount point used by LibreTime is */airtime\_128* which is shown in the */etc/airtime/liquidsoap.cfg* file. You must also define a mount point for the live source (called */live.ogg* in this example) and a mount point for the public to connect to (called */stream.ogg* in this example).
- /airtime_128
- 0
- /live.ogg
- /airtime_128
- 1
- 0
- /stream.ogg
- /live.ogg
- 1
- 0
-These mount point definitions mean that a client connecting to a URL such as *http://icecast.example.com:8000/stream.ogg* will first fall back to the */live.ogg* mount point if it is available. If not, the client will fall back in turn to the */airtime\_128* mount point for LibreTime playout.
-Setting the value of ** to 1 (enabled) means that when the */live.ogg* mount point becomes available again, the client will be re-connected to it. If you wish to hide the */airtime\_128* and */live.ogg* mount points from the public Icecast web interface, set the value of ** in each of these definitions to 1.
-Source configuration
-Connect the other source to the Icecast server with the same parameters defined in the */etc/airtime/liquidsoap.cfg* file, except for the mount point. This should one of the mount points you have defined in the */etc/icecast2/icecast.xml* file, such as */live.ogg* in the example above.
-To configure **Mixxx** for streaming to Icecast, click *Options*, *Preferences*, then *Live Broadcasting*. For server *Type*, select the default of *Icecast 2* when streaming to Debian or Ubuntu servers, as this is the current version of Icecast supplied with those GNU/Linux distributions.
-By default, Icecast streams are buffered to guard against network problems, which causes latency for remote listeners. When monitoring the stream from a remote location, you may have to begin the live stream a few seconds before the previous stream ends to enable a smooth transition.
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- image/svg+xml
- Transmitter
- Studio Mixer
- Local network
- Mutagen
- Analyzer
- File Storage
- Workstations
- LibreTime
- PostgreSQL
- Ecasound
- Liquidsoap
- Pypo
- Monit
- Silan
- ReplayGain
- Media Contributors
- Public Website Visitors
- SoundCloud
- Schedule API
- Broadcast Audience
- Streaming Audience
- Live Presenters
- Incoming Streams
- Icecast
- SHOUTcast
- Key:
- Hardware
- Software
- Community
- Audio
- Data
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@@ -1,1340 +0,0 @@
- image/svg+xml
- Transmitter
- Local network
- Mutagen
- Analyzer
- File Storage
- LibreTime
- PostgreSQL
- Liquidsoap
- Pypo
- Monit
- Silan
- ReplayGain
- Media Contributors
- Public Website Visitors
- SoundCloud
- Schedule API
- Broadcast Audience
- Streaming Audience
- Incoming Streams
- Icecast
- SHOUTcast
- Key:
- Hardware
- Software
- Community
- Audio
- Data
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- LibreTime Radio Automation -
- Open Source Radio Automation
- Everything you need to get your terrestrial / on-line radio station up and broadcasting like a pro - without breaking the bank!
Get LibreTime
Freedom through Open Source!
- LibreTime is Free/Libre and Open Source (FLOSS) radio automation and broadcasting solution helping communities both modernize their broadcasting stack, and get up and on-the-air with ease.
- The platform consists of several open-source components that can be easily and rapidly deployed on both dedicated hardware, virtual machines, and Cloud native infrastructure - allowing your station to truly underwrite it's own destiny.
- The platform is a fork of the older AirTime project which is no longer actively maintained , and the evolution of Open Source broadcasting for both current AirTime and new users looking to continue with the platform on their own infrastructure.
Key Features
Key features include
Library Intelligence
From designing intelligent & automated playlists to drag-and-drop visual editing & cuing, managing your library and playlists has never been simpler.
Schedule your live and pre-programmed shows easily with a drag-and-drop style calendar, additionally all content broadcasted is logged for efficient reporting to media licensing authorities.
DJ Management
Libretime's user management allows for the simple creation of hierarchical staff who can control their broadcast slots associated with them from anywhere on the planet!
Podcasting & More!
Syndicate your library with the latest content from the best artists on the web, it's as simple as providing an RSS feed and programming a schedule.
Get Started
Follow the docs, and you'll be off the ground in no time!5>
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
- LibreTime Radio Automation - Home
- Welcome to LibreTime
-LibreTime makes it easy to run your own online or terrestrial radio station.
-Don’t believe us? Check out our Quick Install page to see just how easy it is to install and use LibreTime!
-Some of LibreTime’s main features include:
- Web-based remote station management - authorized personnel can add
- programme material, create playlists or smart blocks, and stream in live,
- all via a web interface.
- Automation - LibreTime has a scheduler function that enables users to
- create shows with content for playback at the exact date and time specified.
- Playlists, smart blocks and remote stream URLs can be used multiple times.
- Solid playout - LibreTime uses the open source Liquidsoap streaming language
- for reliable and precise playback to multiple outputs.
- Open source - run LibreTime royalty-free, make changes to the code, and contribute to the project as you see fit, under the GNU AGPLv3 license.
- Multilingual - supports over 15 languages both in the interface and inside file metadata
- Low system requirements
- For servers: 1Ghz processor, 2 GB RAM, and a wired ethernet connection with a static IP address
- For end-users: a modern version of Firefox, Chrome, or Safari, and a screen resolution of at least 1280x768
-LibreTime is a fork of AirTime due to stalled development of the FLOSS version. For background on this, see this open letter to the Airtime community .
-We have a number of how-to guides that contain step-by-step instructions for various common tasks for both end users and administrators.
-There are currently no companies offering turn-key LibreTime hosting so if you are interested in running it you will need to have some familiarity with running a Linux server.
-You can always reach out to help from the community at our forum . You can also join our Mattermost instance and talk with other developers and users.
-Proud Users
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-Modifying the LibreTime interface
-The LibreTime administration interface, as a web application, is fully customizable using the same methods that you might use to modify a website. For instance, you may wish to increase certain font sizes or change the colours in the LibreTime interface to better suit staff users with impaired vision. To do this, open one of the CSS files in the */public/css/* directory under the LibreTime *DocumentRoot* directory in an editor such as **nano**:
- sudo nano /usr/share/airtime/public/css/styles.css
-To change the background colour of the administration interface from dark gray to white, the *background:* property of the body tag could be changed to *\#ffffff* as follows:
- body {
- font-size: 62.5%;
- font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
- background: #ffffff;
- margin: 0;
- padding: 0;
- }
-Save the file with **Ctrl+O**, then refresh your browser to see the change to the interface background colour.
-Any custom changes that you make to the administration interface should be backed up before upgrading LibreTime to a newer version, otherwise they could be overwritten. If you have made improvements that you think might be useful to other LibreTime users, please contact LibreTime and tell us about them.
-Modifying the LibreTime Radio Page
-The background of the mini-site that appears when you visit the server's domain in your web browser can be changed by modifying the page's CSS file, located at */usr/share/airtime/php/airtime_mvc/public/css/radio-page/radio-page.css*.
-html {
- background: url("img/background-testing-3.jpg") no-repeat center center fixed;
- -webkit-background-size: cover;
- -moz-background-size: cover;
- -o-background-size: cover;
- background-size: cover;
- overflow-y: auto;
-Place the new background image in the */usr/share/airtime/public/css/radio-page/img/* folder and change the `background:` entry's URL to point to the new image. The new image should be at least 1280 x 720 in pixel size to avoid being blurry.
-Modifying the Icecast interface
-If you have installed Icecast, in the directory */etc/icecast2/web/* you will find several XSLT and other files which are used to generate the Icecast web interface. If you are familiar with HTML you should be able to modify these pages, as they are well commented. You do have to be careful with syntax, because something as simple as a missing bracket can cause the Icecast web interface to break down.
-For example, you could change the *status.xsl* page:
- sudo nano /etc/icecast2/web/status.xsl
-Modifying the *status.xsl* page is a good place to start, because this is the default page that site visitors see when they browse port 8000 on your Icecast server. The most obvious change to make in the XSLT pages is the content of the *<title>* and *<h2>* tags, to announce the name of your station. You can also modify the *style.css* file in this directory to change colour and layout options.
-After saving the file with Ctrl+O, refresh your web browser, and the new look should now be visible.
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- LibreTime Radio Automation -
- LibreTime Radio Automation -
Interface Localization
The LibreTime administration interface can be localized using the standard GNU gettext method. Using GitHub for this task means you don’t have to tackle the whole of a localization yourself; just as much as you can manage.
First, you should check if a localization is already under way for your locale of choice. The best way to do this is to take a look at the ‘master’ branch in the GitHub repository for LibreTime at https://github.com/LibreTime/libretime . You can also ask in the LibreTime development forum at https://discourse.libretime.org/ , where you might find community members who can help you with the translation.
GNU gettext means using a .po file for each language or dialect, a specially formatted plain text file with groups of three or more lines, like this example from LibreTime’s Korean localization:
#: airtime_mvc/application/configs/navigation.php:57
-msgid "Media Folders"
-msgstr "미디어 폴더"
The first of these three lines starts with the hash symbol, and references where this string of text is found in the source code by its file name and line number. If this string is found more than once in the source code, you will see other reference lines here. The second line contains the msgid , which is the original version of the string. The third line contains the msgstr , which is the translation of that string for the localization that this particular .po file relates to.
If you use the cross-platform program Poedit (http://www.poedit.net/ ) to edit the .po file, this formatting of the text is hidden by an easy-to-use GUI. The poedit package can be installed on most GNU/Linux distributions using the standard software installer. Versions of Poedit for Mac and Windows are available for free download from the project’s homepage.
Before manually translating strings in Poedit from scratch, you should take a look at the online translation services available, such as Lingohub (https://lingohub.com ) or Google’s Translator Toolkit (http://translate.google.com/toolkit/ ), which both support gettext .po files. If using automatic translation, you can then use Poedit to fine-tune the localization and fix any formatting errors.
If you don’t already have a GitHub account, you can sign up at https://github.com/signup/free . Once you have a GitHub account, you can fork a copy (https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo ) of the LibreTime project. Work for the next major version of the software is done in the master branch of each project, so that’s the branch to checkout after you have made the initial git clone .
In the locale code de_CH , for example, de represents the German language and the suffix _CH indicates the dialect spoken in Switzerland. Some languages have a wide variety of dialect localizations, which can be differentiated with a suffix in this way. You should update the header information in the .po file, which includes the language code and a country code, using one of the existing .po files as a guide.
After forking the LibreTime git repository, make sure you’re in the master branch:
git branch
- devel
-* master
Create a new locale directory (e.g. airtime_mvc/locale/de_CH/LC_MESSAGES/ for German as spoken in Switzerland):
mkdir -p airtime_mvc/locale/de_CH/LC_MESSAGES/
Copy the template airtime.po file into the directory you just created:
cp airtime_mvc_locale/template/airtime.po airtime_mvc/locale/de_CH/LC_MESSAGES
and update the header information in the new copy of the airtime.po file using the nano editor:
nano airtime_mvc/locale/de_CH/LC_MESSAGES/airtime.po
For the example of Swiss German, the header of the file should now look like this:
# SWISS GERMAN (de_CH) translation for LibreTime.
-# Copyright (C) 2013 Sourcefabric
-# This file is distributed under the same license as the LibreTime package.
-# Sourcefabric <contact@sourcefabric.org>, 2013.
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: LibreTime 3.0-Alpha\n"
-"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://discourse.libretime.org/\n"
After using an online translation tool to begin a new localization, you can load the exported .po file into Poedit and complete your translation there. Enter the localization team’s contact information and language into Poedit’s Edit -> Preferences and Catalog -> Settings dialogs, which will be added to the .po file. When you save a .po file in Poedit, the corresponding binary .mo file will be compiled automatically.
Finally, git add , git commit and git push these new .mo and .po files to your GitHub fork of the project, and send a git pull request (https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests ) to the LibreTime developers. The localization can then be added to a forthcoming LibreTime release.
If you don’t want to work with git, that’s no problem - download a copy of the .po template file, edit the header, run it through an automatic translator and check it with Poedit. Then email your contribution to the LibreTime team as an attachment - it will be very welcome! However, learning to use git is a good idea, because it means you can work directly on the current source code, share the localization work with the LibreTime community, and avoid duplicated effort.
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-# How to automatically schedule an Intro Playlist
-**Audience**: Adminstrators
-## Creating the Top of the hour smartblock
-1. Login to LibreTime
-1. Click **Smart Blocks**
-1. Click the blue **+New** button
-1. On the right (or below if screen width is limited), type in the Smart Block
-Name: **Top of the Hour Station ID**
-1. Under **Search Criteria** select **Genre** for the criteria
-1. Select **is** for modifier
-1. Type TOTHID in the third box. *Note: all Top of The Hour Station ID tracks
-will need to have TOTHID as their **Genre** to match*
-1. Under Limit To – click the second box and select **items** instead of hours
-1. Click **Save**
-## Adding Smartblock to Intro Playlist
-1. Click **Playlist**
-1. Click **+ New**
-1. Type **Intro Playlist** in the Name.
-1. Click **Smart Blocks**
-1. Click the box to the left of **Top of the Hour Station ID**
-1. Click **+ Add to current playlist** or drag the smart block to the right
-bottom of the playlist window.
-1. Click **Save**.
-## How to Set Default Intro Playlist
-1. Click **Settings**.
-1, Click **General** and then scroll to **Intro Autoloading Playlist** and
-click the drop down to select the **Intro Playlist**
-1. Click **Save**.
-Now everytime an autoloading playlist is scheduled the system will select a
-random top of the hour ID and insert it before any other content. You can other
-content to the Intro Playlist to also have it scheduled before any shows with
-Autoloading Playlists enabled.
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-The Listener Stats page on the Analytics menu shows graphs of listener connections to the configured streaming servers for the selected date and time range. On the right side, a green **Status** indicator shows **OK** if the connection to the streaming server is active.
-If the status indicator is red, check that the **Admin User** and **Admin Password** settings are correct under **Additional Options** for the named mount point, such as *libretime\_128*, on the **Streams** page of the **Settings** menu.
-By default, statistics for the last 24 hours of streaming are shown. To change this date and time range, click the calendar and clock icons in the lower left corner of the page, then click the magnifying glass icon.
-To choose which particular streams should have statistics displayed, click the check boxes for the individual colour-coded mount points, just below the graph.
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-# How to setup an Outro Playlist
-This how to describes the steps involved in setting up an outro playlist
-that will schedule promos without interrupting any tracks followed by a
-ambient musical bridge for all autoloading playlists to avoid dead air.
-**Audience**: Program Manager (and Admin to set Outro Playlist)
-## Adding the Promo Fill smart block
-1. Click **Smart Blocks**
-1. Click the blue **+ New** button
-1. Type in a name for the Smart Block (for instance *Promo Fill*)
-1. Select **Genre** and the modifer of **is** and then type in **promo** in
-the 3^rd^ box.
-1. Under **Limit to**: we select **time remaining in show**
-1. To match on additional types of tracks based upon Genre, click **+ New
-Modifier** under Genre and select **is** and type the “*name of genre*” to
-match on.
-1. Click **preview** to review and confirm tracks match your criteria below.
-1. Click **Save**
-## Adding interuptible Ambient Fill smart block
-1. Click **Smart Blocks**
-1. Click the blue **+New** button
-1. Type in a name for the Smart Block (for instance *Ambient Fill*)
-1. Now we select **Genre **and the modifer of **is** and then type in **ambient
-fill** in the 3^rd^ box.
-1. Under **Limit to**: we select **time remaining in show**
-1. Click **Advanced options** drop down
-1. Check box next to **Allow last track to exceed time limit**
-1. Click **preview** to review and confirm tracks match your criteria below.
-1. Click **Save**
-## Create the Outro Playlist to hold the smart blocks
-1. Click **Playlists**
-1. Click **+ New**
-1. Type in the name “*Outro Playlist*”
-1. Click on **Smart Blocks**
-1. Click box next to **Promo Fill** smart block and click **+ Add to current
-playlist** or drag it to the bottom of the Outro playlist
-1. Click box next to **Ambient Fill** smart block and click **+ Add to current
-playlist** or drag it to the bottom of the Outro playlist
-1. Make sure the **Promo Fill** is above the **Ambient Fill** smart block in
-the playlist
-1. Click **Save**
-# Setting the station-wide Outro playlist
-1. Click **Settings**
-1. Click **General**
-1. Scroll down to Outro Playlist and with the drop down select the newly
-created **Outro Playlist**
-1. Scroll down or up on the form and click **Save**.
-Now every autoloading playlist show will have tracks scheduled to
-fill any potential dead air.
-Watch the tutorial on YouTube
-* [](https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/kNT9R80Q42I "How to Upload use Smartblocks to Fill Time Between Shows ")
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-The Playlists page
-Creating a new playlist
-You can create a new playlist on the toolbar of the Playlists page.
-At first, the new playlist will be shown as Untitled Playlist . Click the pencil icon on the right to give the playlist a name.
-Type the name you have chosen, then press the Enter key on your keyboard to save the new name. You can edit the name of the playlist later, by clicking on the pencil icon again.
-Click the link View / edit description to expand a box where you can enter a Description for the playlist, then click the Save button. Setting good quality metadata here will help you find the playlist using the search box later, so you should be as descriptive as possible.
-Adding content to a playlist
-With a playlist open, drag and drop items from the search results on the left into the playlist on the right. Jingles and voice tracks can be added before, after or between music items.
-After adding files to the playlist, the total playlist time is displayed in the top right corner. The duration of an individual file is shown in each row of the playlist in a white font, and beneath this figure the time since the beginning of the playlist is displayed in a smaller light grey font. This elapsed time figure can be used as a time check for voice tracks, although this option may limit the re-usability of the voice track.
-To audition a playlist file in your web browser, click the white triangle button on the left side of its row. (If the format of the file is not supported by your browser, the triangle in this button will be greyed out). If audition of the file format is supported, a pop-up window will open, with the playlist starting at the file you clicked.
-Click the small white x icon on the right hand side of each row to remove a file from the playlist. You can also drag and drop files to re-order them, or click the Shuffle button to re-order files automatically.
-To adjust start and end fades, click the playlist Fade button (two horizontal white arrows crossing in a grey rectangle), to the left of the Delete and Save buttons. This action opens a beige bar in which you can set the Fade in duration for the first item in this playlist, and the Fade out duration for the last item. This duration figure represents the length of the fade, in seconds and tenths of a second, not the time at which the fade takes place. The default fade duration is set in the Preferences page on the System menu.
-When your playlist is complete, click the New button in the top left corner to create another playlist, click the close icon (a white cross in a black circle) in the top right corner, or browse to another page of the LibreTime interface.
-If you want to edit the playlist content or metadata later, you can find it by Title , Creator , Last Modified date, Length , Owner or Year using one of the search tools on the Library page. Click the playlist in the search results list, and then click Edit from the pop-up menu. You can also Preview the entire playlist in a pop-up audition window, Duplicate or Delete one of your playlists from this menu.
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-The Podcasts page
-The Podcasts page allows you add subscriptions to podcasts which are often used to syndicated audio files using a URL called a RSS feed. This allows your LibreTime instance to automatically download new shows from the web.
-In order to add a podcast you need to get the RSS feed. All podcasts available on iTunes have a RSS feed but it is sometimes hidden. See this issue on our github page #510 for more information. RSS feeds that do not end in .xml may be accepted by LibreTime but might fail to download episodes; in that case, download the episode using a podcast client such as gpodder and then manually upload and schedule the episode. Podcast feeds coming from Anchor.fm have been known to have this issue.
-The podcast interfaces provides you with the ability to generate Smartblocks that can be used in conjunction with Autoloading Playlists to schedule the newest episode of a podcast without human intervention.
-Video Tutorials
-The podcasts dashboard is similar to the tracks view, allowing you to add, edit, and remove
-podcasts by the toolbar, in addition to sorting by columns.
-To add a podcast, click on the + Add button on the toolbar and provide the podcast’s RSS feed, which usually ends in .xml .
-Once the podcast’s feed is recognized, the editor pane opens for the podcast.
-In the podcasts editor, you can rename the podcast, update settings for the podcast, and manage episodes.
-A search box is available to search for episodes within the feed.
- To import an episode directly into LibreTime, double-click on an episode or select it and click + Import . The podcast will appear under tracks with the Podcast Name as the Album.
- To delete an episode from LibreTime, select the episode and click on the red trash can on the toolbar.
- If you would like LibreTime to automatically download the latest episodes of a podcast, make sure Download latest episodes is checked. This can be used in conjunction with Smartblocks and Playlists to automate downloading and scheduling shows that are received via podcast feed.
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-# Preparing the Server
-The following instructions assume that you have root access (**sudo** on most
-distributions) to a GNU/Linux server, and are familiar with basic command line
-The recommended LibreTime server platform is Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS. The server should have at least a 1GHz
-processor, 2GB of RAM, and a _wired_ ethernet connection. A soundcard is only required if you plan to
-output audio directly to a mixing console instead of/in addition to using the onboard Icecast2 server.
-The LibreTime installation does not use much disk space, but you should allow
-plenty of storage capacity for the LibreTime library. A hot-swap RAID array is
-recommended for media storage to mitigate the effects of disk failure. You should also consider
-a UPS or other battery-powered system to offer some protection against
-short-term power failures.
-LibreTime depends on infrastructure and services that need to be configured
-properly for it to run smoothly. This chapter will go through the individual
-parts of a LibreTime install and help you assess how you need to manage them.
-Starting in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, network settings are managed by the Netplan daemon (more info [here](https://netplan.io/)). The Netplan config file is written in yaml and located at */etc/netplan/...*; if no yaml file is present, create one with a name like `##-netcfg.yaml` where ## is a number of your choice.
-An example Netplan config looks like this:
- version: 2
- renderer: networkd
- ethernets:
- enp3s0:
- addresses: []
- gateway4:
- nameservers:
- search: [lan]
- addresses:
-In this example, `enp3s0` is the name of your network card; check to see what your network card's name is by running `ip -a` or `ifconfig`. Spacing in Netplan config files is two (2) spaces per indent. Using tabs will prevent the Netplan config from starting correctly.
-- List your desired static IP address under `addresses` in the XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX/YY format (for more information on this, see [this subreddit thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskTechnology/comments/1r9x2f/how_does_the_ip_range_format_xxxxxxxxxxxxyy_work/)).
- - If your subnet mask is ** then your IP address will end in `/24`, just like the example above.
-- Set your DNS server under `gateway4` (this will likely be your router's IP address)
-- Set your gateway under `nameservers -> addresses`
-Once your Netplan config is set up correctly, run `sudo netplan apply` to update the configuration. Check that your IP address is set to the specified address with `ifconfig` and check to see if you are connected to the internet properly by pinging a known IP (ex. `ping`, Cloudflare's server) or by running `sudo apt update`. If no errors appear, than your server's IP is configured correctly.
-LibreTime should only be run on a Server behind a firewall. This can either be a
-dedicated firewall in the network (like on some cloud providers) or a local
-firewall running iptables (as you would use on a root server or a local
-Setting up a local firewall is done differently on all the supported distros.
-* [Debian](https://wiki.debian.org/DebianFirewall)
-* [FirewallD](http://www.firewalld.org/) (CentOS)
-* [Ubuntu](https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/firewall.html)
- * To quickly configure Ubuntu's firewall, `ufw`:
- ```
-sudo ufw enable
-sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
-sudo ufw allow 443/tcp
-sudo ufw allow 8000/tcp #only if streaming from your server
-sudo ufw allow 8001/tcp #only if DJs will be directly connecting to stream in ports, also include 8002/tcp
-sudo ufw status #to check setup
- ```
-There are a vast amount of ways to configure your network, firewall included.
-Choose the way that best fits your deployment and don't expose internal parts of your
-LibreTime install on the network.
-The following ports are relevant to LibreTime's core services and need to be opened to varying
-| Port | Description |
-| ---- | ----------- |
-| 80 | Default unsecure web port. Needs to be open for the webserver to serve the LibreTime webinterface or if you enable TLS a redirect to the secure web port.|
-| 443 | Default secure web port. This is where your LibreTime webinterface lives if you choose to configure TLS.|
-| 8000 | Main Icecast instance. This is where your listeners connect if you plan on using your LibreTime server to directly serve such connections. You can also configure external Icecast or ShoutCast instances for this later.|
-| 8001 and 8002 | Master and Show source input ports. Only open these ports if you plan on letting anyone use these features.|
-The remaining parts of LibreTime might open additional ports that should not be
-accessible from any untrusted networks. You should consider how to configure
-their firewall access individually once you configure them.
-You should set up PostgreSQL properly according to the instructions for your
-distro. Distro provided packages are fine for LibreTime as it does not have any
-specific version dependencies.
-* [Debian](https://wiki.debian.org/PostgreSql)
-* [Ubuntu](https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/postgresql.html)
-* [CentOS](https://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/redhat/)
-You should restrict access to the database and create a user specific to
-LibreTime. The default installer script creates a user with the password
-`airtime`, which is far too open and should be replaced with a self provided user
-and a secure password. See the PostgreSQL docs on
-[roles](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/7.0/img/newuser.htm) and
-Please take care to ensure that your database is properly backed up at regular
-intervals. LibreTime uses the database to store your schedule, settings, playout
-history and more. See [backing up the server](../backing-up-the-server) for more
-information on this.
-LibreTime uses RabbitMQ interfacing various components like the main interface
-and parts of the system like the audio analyzer and podcast downloader as well
-as the playout system through a common message queue. Again, the version
-provided by your distro will probably work fine for all LibreTime is concerned.
-* [Debian/Ubuntu](https://www.rabbitmq.com/install-debian.html)
-* [CentOS](https://www.rabbitmq.com/install-rpm.html)
-The install script sets `airtime` as the password on the default user. It is
-recommended to provide your own user using a secure password.
-You can use [`rabbitmqctl`](https://www.rabbitmq.com/man/rabbitmqctl.1.man.html)
-or the [Management Plugin](https://www.rabbitmq.com/management.html) to manage
-your RabbitMQ users.
-There is no state in the RabbitMQ system that you need to backup but you want to
-ensure that your RabbitMQ configuration and user permissions are safe.
-### RabbitMQ hostname
-RabbitMQ requires a fixed and resolvable hostname (see
-[the docs](http://www.rabbitmq.com/ec2.html#issues-hostname)), which is normal
-for a server. For a desktop or laptop machine where the hostname changes
-frequently or is not resolvable, this issue may prevent RabbitMQ from starting.
-When using a desktop or laptop computer with a dynamic IP address, such as an
-address obtained from a wireless network, the `rabbitmq-server` daemon must not
-start up before the `NetworkManager` service or `network.target`. You may also
-choose to configure RabbitMQ to only listen on the loopback interface with a
-localhost node name. You can use [environment variables](https://www.rabbitmq.com/configure.html#define-environment-variables)
-or a configuration file to do this.
-See these links for more information:
-* [Networking and RabbitMQ](https://www.rabbitmq.com/networking.html)
-* [Serverfault Instructions for Debian](https://serverfault.com/a/319166)
-Once all of the services needed to run LibreTime are installed and configured,
-it is important that the server starts them during the boot process, to cut down on downtime, especially in live enviornments.
-Ubuntu 18.04 uses the `systemctl` command to manage services, so run the following commands to enable all
-LibreTime-needed services to run at boot:
-sudo systemctl enable libretime-liquidsoap
-sudo systemctl enable libretime-playout
-sudo systemctl enable libretime-celery
-sudo systemctl enable libretime-analyzer
-sudo systemctl enable apache2
-sudo systemctl enable rabbitmq-server
-If an error is returned, try adding `.service` to the end of each command. For example:
-sudo systemctl enable apache2.service
-User groups
-If you plan to have LibreTime output audio directly to a mixing console or transmitter, the `www-data` user needs to be added to the `audio` user group using `sudo adduser www-data audio`. Otherwise, if an Icecast or Shoutcast server is going to be used without an analog audio output, this step can be omitted.
-Next steps
-After completing this guide, please complete the [Setting the server time](manual/setting-the-server-time/index)
-guide before continuing to the installer.
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-Promoting Your Station
-If you have an Icecast server, you can put a link to the Icecast status page (by default at port 8000) on your station's homepage,
-to provide an overview of available streams. See the chapter *Interface customization* for tips on theming the
-Icecast status page. You can also use Now Playing widgets (see the chapter *Exporting the schedule*) or HTML5 stream players (see the chapter *Stream player for your website*) to help grow your audience.
-On an Icecast server, you can uncomment the `` section in the _/etc/icecast2/icecast.xml_ file to have
-your station automatically listed on the Icecast directory website which could help you pick
-up more listeners.
- 15
- http://dir.xiph.org/cgi-bin/yp-cgi
-The Indymedia stream directory at links to grassroots independent radio projects around the world. You can add your station to their list with an additional ** section, as follows:
- 15
- http://radio.indymedia.org/cgi-bin/yp-cgi
-Another stream directory service is provided by the Liquidsoap Flows! site . The following section can be added to the file */usr/lib/airtime/pypo/bin/liquidsoap\_scripts/ls\_script.liq* after *add\_skip\_command(s)* on line 174, for a stream named '*ourstation*':
- ourstation = register_flow(
- radio="Rock 'n Roll Radio",
- website="http://radio.example.com/",
- description="Canada's most rockin' radio!",
- genre="Rock",
- user="",
- password="",
- streams=[("ogg/128k","http://streaming.example.com/libretime_128")],
- ourstation)
-For the time being, a stream can be registered on the Liquidsoap Flows! site with any username and password. Authenticated services may be offered in future.
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- LibreTime Radio Automation - Quick Install
Quick Install
- LibreTime is quick and easy to install and get running. Follow this guide to go from zero to full internet radio station in 10 minutes!
- Note: this guide is assuming you are using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS for installation, which comes with ufw
and netplan
-and that you have already installed git
and configured ntp
. NTP configuration instructions can be found here .
-While it is possible to install LibreTime on other OSes, such as CentOS 7, Debian 9 and 10, and Raspbian 9 and 10,
-these are less tested. Firewall and static IP address configuration will need to be done according to your OSes instructions.
-Minimum System Requirements
- On-Premises Install (FM + Internet Radio)
- Cloud Install (Internet Radio Only)
- 1 Ghz Processor
- 1vCPU
- 2 GB RAM
- 2 GB RAM
- Wired ethernet connection and a static IP address (see below for instructions)
- 2 TB of data transfer/month
-DigitalOcean and Linode
- have similar plans that meet Cloud Install requirements. Both plans cost $10/month.
-Preparing the server
-Configure the server to have a static IP address by modifying the Netplan configuration.
-If you’re using a cloud VM, you likely already have a static IP address. Check with your provider to confirm this.
-cd /etc/netplan && ls # find the netplan filename
-sudo nano ##-netcfg.yaml
-If the Netplan configuration is empty, fill in the file with the example below. Otherwise,
-input the IP address reserved for the server in xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/yy
format, the gateway (the IP address
-of your router), and the DNS nameserver. If you don’t have a nameserver on your network,
-feel free to use Cloudflare’s:
- version: 2
- renderer: networkd
- ethernets:
- enp3s0:
- addresses: []
- gateway4:
- nameservers:
- addresses:
-Next, configure Ubuntu’s firewall by running:
-sudo ufw enable
-sudo ufw allow 80/tcp
-sudo ufw allow 8000/tcp
-Unblock ports 8001 and 8002 if you plan on broadcasting live with Libretime.
-sudo ufw enable 8001/tcp
-sudo ufw enable 8002/tcp
- If needed, instuctions for setting up a reverse proxy can be found here .
-Installing LibreTime
-Installing LibreTime consists of running the following commands in the terminal:
-git clone https://github.com/LibreTime/libretime.git
-cd libretime
-sudo ./install -fiap
-After the install is completed, head to the IP address of the server LibreTime was just installed on
-to complete the welcome wizard. While not strictly necessary, it is recommended that you change the passwords prompted in the welcome wizard if you intend on accessing the server from the Internet. The welcome wizard will
-walk you through the rest of the installation process.
-Congratulations! You’ve successfully set up LibreTime!
-If you plan to have LibreTime output analog audio directly from its server to a mixing console or transmitter,
-the www-data
user needs to be added to the audio
user group using the command below.
-sudo adduser www-data audio
-Now that the install is complete, use these guides to help you continue to set up your LibreTime server
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- LibreTime Radio Automation -
- LibreTime Radio Automation -
Rights and Royalties
If you’re new to broadcasting, or have not streamed your station online before,
-reading the following brief explanation of compensation rules for songwriters,
-musicians and other copyright holders may save you a great deal of trouble
Independent music radio on the Internet has faced royalty demands from
-SoundExchange in the USA, and similar organizations in other territories. These
-organizations are usually membership societies or government-sanctioned national
-authorities which are intended to collect money from broadcasters to compensate
-copyright holders. The royalty collection societies require payment before you
-can stream just about any music released commercially to the general public —
-whether you make any money out of streaming, or not. It’s not so much the
-percentage of revenue demanded, but that there are usually annual minimum fees
-to pay, which can hurt small stations disproportionately.
For example, in the UK, the MCPS-PRS Limited Online Music Licence covers
-non-commercial music streaming by groups and individuals, as long as their gross
-revenue is less then £12,500 per year. The cost is on a sliding scale, up to
-£1,120 plus 20% tax per year for delivering up to 450,000 individual streams or
-serving 25,000 files; after that, you have to apply for a full MCPS-PRS Online
-Music Licence. That doesn’t sound too bad at first, but 25,000 files per year
-works out at less than four downloads per hour for a round-the-clock website.
-This particular licence only covers publishing (songwriter) rights, not
-recording (record label and musician’s performance) rights, so you have to
-negotiate an additional licence from Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL) to
-play music online, including digital recordings converted from commercially
-released CDs, vinyl or tape.
Typically, you have to provide full statistical details to the royalty society
-of all music streamed or downloaded from your site, which can be onerous. Even
-if your radio station is mostly speech, there are many limitations in the small
-print of these music licences. For instance, you can’t use music for
-promotional purposes, and you can’t stream a whole opera, without negotiating
-separate licences. Weirdly, you are not allowed to play a piece of music in a
-‘derogatory context’ to the writer or performers; no drummer jokes allowed,
However, the biggest pitfall is that these MCPS-PRS licences for publishing
-rights only cover listeners in the UK. For recording rights, PPL is a member of
-the IFPI reciprocal scheme for webcasters, which means its licenses cover
-listeners in some European countries, Australia, New Zealand and a few other
-countries, but not listeners in the USA or Canada. So if your Internet station
-picked up a significant number of listeners in countries not covered by the
-MCPS-PRS licences or the IFPI reciprocal scheme, you would have to pay for
-similar music licences in those countries as well. It’s no wonder that many
-not-for-profit radio stations have disappeared from the virtual airwaves over
-the last few years, since not having the right licences could leave the operator
-liable to legal action.
If you want to go down the commercial music route, check out the
-http://www.prsformusic.com and http://www.ppluk.com websites for UK licence
-details. In the USA, the http://www.soundexchange.com website currently quotes
-a 500 dollar minimum annual fee for non-commercial webcasters, plus a usage fee
-above a certain number of listener hours, for the right to stream music
-recordings to listeners. See the websites of ASCAP ,
-BMI and SESAC for details of music
-publishing royalties payable by webcasters streaming to the USA.
Free content streaming offers an alternative for DIY Internet radio. Since
-royalty collection societies like MCPS-PRS and SoundExchange can only represent
-the interests of their own members, it follows that if you are not a member, you
-can stream your own self-produced content without paying for their licences. If
-you state somewhere on your website that the stream is of your own copyrighted
-material, and is made available to the public under a specific licence, then
-no-one should misunderstand your intentions.
You might be able to persuade other people to allow you to stream their content
-too, as long as they do not have a conflicting legal obligation, such as having
-previously joined one of the many royalty collection societies around the world.
-You can ask for permission to stream when website visitors upload their own
-music files to you via a HTML form, much as the likes of SoundCloud do. Or you
-can collect files licensed under an appropriate Creative Commons licence
-(http://www.creativecommons.org ) or other free content licence.
Explicit permission to stream on your particular server is always going to be
-the ideal, so think about your own terms and conditions before you accept files
-from third parties for streaming. How, for example, would you know if someone
-uploaded a file to your online radio station that unknown to you, had been
-ripped from a commercially released CD? That’s the kind of thing that could get
-you in trouble with the licensing authorities and copyright holders.
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-#! /bin/sh
-echo "Updating Apt."
-apt-get update > /dev/null
-echo "Ensuring Pip is installed."
-DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y -qq python3-pip > /dev/null
-echo "Ensuring Mkdocs is installed."
-pip3 install mkdocs
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-#! /bin/sh
-cd /vagrant
-echo "Stopping any running Mkdocs servers."
-pkill mkdocs
-echo "Building Mkdocs documentation."
-mkdocs build --clean -q > /dev/null
-echo "Launching Mkdocs server."
-mkdocs serve > /dev/null 2>&1 &
-echo "Visit http://localhost:8888 to see the LibreTime documentation."
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-Setting the server time
-Accurate time keeping on your server is vital for LibreTime performance. You can confirm that the date and time of your server are set correctly with the date command:
-The server should respond with the date, time, time zone and year in a format similar to the following example:
-Tue Jul 2 15:08:57 BST 2013
-If the time on your server is wrong, it is recommended that you take LibreTime off-air until the problem is fixed.
-Configuring NTP
-Although it is possible to set the date and time of the server manually, this is not recommended because the server clock can drift over time, compromising the accuracy of your broadcast schedule. If your LibreTime server is permanently connected to the Internet, you can synchronize your server to a time server with the ntp ** program. If ntp is not yet installed, you can enter the following command on Debian or Ubuntu:
-sudo apt-get install ntp
-Optionally, open the ntp configuration file in the nano editor to add further time server names:
-sudo nano /etc/ntp.conf
-On Ubuntu GNU/Linux, the default time server is ntp.ubuntu.com , but there are many other time servers available on the public Internet, including the group of servers listed at http://www.pool.ntp.org/ for each country. Using a variety of NTP servers located closely to your LibreTime server should produce the most accurate results. For example, for a server in the United Kingdom you could use the following list:
-# You do need to talk to an NTP server or two (or three).
-server ntp.ubuntu.com
-server 0.uk.pool.ntp.org
-server 1.uk.pool.ntp.org
-server 2.uk.pool.ntp.org
-server 3.uk.pool.ntp.org
-Enter the server names you require, press Ctrl+O to write out the /etc/ntp.conf file, then Ctrl+X to exit nano . Restart the ntp service with:
-sudo invoke-rc.d ntp restart
-The server should respond:
-* Stopping NTP server ntpd [ OK ]
-* Starting NTP server ntpd [ OK ]
-Then use the ntpq -p command to confirm that ntp is working. This command should produce output similar to the following:
-ntpq -p
- remote refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
-europium. 2 u 28 64 3 39.571 12.600 3.590
-norb.v4.c 3 u 28 64 3 47.856 -6.908 10.028
-82.113.15 2 u 29 64 3 11.458 -0.513 2.629
-ntppub.le 2 u 91 64 2 122.781 44.864 0.001
-dns0.rmpl 2 u 27 64 3 22.171 1.464 4.242
-Adjusting the server time zone
-The data centre which hosts your LibreTime server could be located anywhere in the world. Some servers are set to Coordinated Universal Time or UTC (similar to Greenwich Mean Time or GMT), regardless of their location. LibreTime uses UTC time in its database for scheduling purposes, independent of the server time zone.
-If the server time zone is not appropriate for integration with your station’s other systems, on a Debian or Ubuntu server you can reconfigure the tzdata (time zone data) package with the command:
-sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata
-This command opens a menu in which you can select the continent that you require, by pressing the Enter key.
-The next step is to select your nearest city, again by pressing the Enter key. The appropriate time zone is selected according to the information that you have entered.
-The console output from the dpkg-reconfigure tzdata command will confirm the new setting:
-Current default time zone: 'Europe/London'
-Local time is now: Tue Jul 2 15:18:01 BST 2013.
-Universal Time is now: Tue Jul 2 14:18:01 UTC 2013.
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-# The Smartblocks page
-Creating a smartblock
-Smart blocks are automatically filled with media files from the LibreTime library, according to the criteria that you specify. This feature is intended to save staff time, compared to selecting items for a playlist manually, and can be used to schedule shows that operate in a consistent format.
-To create a smart block, click the **Smartblocks** button on the left sidebar, and select **New** from the toolbar. Like a playlist, smart blocks can have a title and description, which you can edit. This helps you find relevant smart blocks in searches.
-Click the link **Smart Block Options** to display the criteria and modifiers for the smart block. The criteria can be any one of LibreTime's metadata categories, such as **Title**, **Creator** or **Genre**. The modifier depends on whether the metadata in question contains letters or numbers. For example, **Title** has modifiers including *contains* and *starts with*, whereas the modifiers for **BPM** include *is greater than* and *is in the range*.
-You can also set the **smart block type**. A **Static** smart block will save the criteria and generate the block content immediately. This enables you to edit the contents of the block in the **Library** page before adding it to a show. A **Dynamic** smart block will only save the criteria, and the specific content will be generated at the time the block is added to a show. After that, the content of the show can be changed or re-ordered in the **Now Playing** page.
-Click the **plus button** on the left to add OR criteria, such as **Creator** containing *beck* OR *jimi*. (The criteria are not case sensitive). For a static smart block, click the **Generate** button to see the results. Dynamic smart blocks do not display the **Generate** or **Shuffle** buttons.
-If you don't like the ordering which is generated, click the **Shuffle** button, or drag and drop the smart block contents into the order that you prefer. You can also remove items or add new items manually from the Library. Changes to static smart block contents are saved automatically when you add items, remove or re-order them, or click the **Generate** button. Click the **Save** button in the upper right corner to save any changes to smart block criteria.
-To add an AND criteria, such as **Creator** containing *jimi* AND BPM in the range *120* to *130*, click the **plus button** on the right. If you see the message **0 files meet the criteria** in this case, it might mean that the files in the Library have not been tagged with BPM metadata. See the chapter *Preparing media for ingest* for tips on tagging content.
-By default, a smart block will not contain repeated items, which will limit the duration of the block if you do not have sufficient items meeting the specified criteria in your **Library**. To override the default behaviour, check the **Allow Repeat Tracks** box. The **Sort tracks by** menu offers the options of **random**, **newest** or **oldest** items first.
-In addition Smart Blocks by default will never overflow the Time Limit. For instance if you set a time limit of 1 hour. It will add tracks to the schedule until it can't add any more tracks without exceeding the hour. This is to prevent tracks from being cut-off because they exceed the time limit of a show.
-If you want a smartblock to schedule tracks until it is longer than the Time Limit you can check "Allow last track to exceed time limit". This will make LibreTime add tracks that meet the criteria until it equals or is longer than the time limit. This is helpful for avoiding dead air on shows that are being autoscheduled.
-If you have a large number of files which meet the criteria that you specify, you may wish to limit the duration of the smart block using the **Limit to** field, so that it fits within the show you have in mind. Select **hours**, **minutes** or **items** from the drop-down menu, and click the **Generate** button again, if it is a static smart block. Then click the **Save** button.
-Smart blocks can be added to shows in the same way as a manually created playlist is added. Smart blocks can also be added to one or more playlists. In the case of a playlist containing a static smart block, click **Expand Static Block** to view the contents. For a dynamic smart block, you can review the criteria and duration limit by clicking **Expand Dynamic Block**.
-Once created, smart blocks can be found under the Smartblocks tab and refined at any time. They can be re-opened by right-clicking on the smart block and selecting **Edit** from the pop-up menu.
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-Setting up SSL
-To increase the security of your server, you can enable encrypted access to the LibreTime administration interface, and direct your users towards this more secure login page. The main advantage of using this encryption is that your remote users’ login names and passwords are not sent in plain text across the public Internet or untrusted local networks, such as shared Wi-Fi access points.
-Deploying a certificate with Certbot
-One of the fastest, easiest, and cheapest ways to get an SSL certificate is through Certbot , as created by the
-Electronic Frontier Foundation . There are some requirements for this process:
- you have an HTTP website (already installed and configured by default by the LibreTime installer) and
- this website is open to the public internet (likely via. port forwarding if your computer is behind a firewall) and
- the server is accessible to the public via. port 80
-If you aren’t able to verify all three requirements, you may want to try a self-signed certificate (see next section).
-These instructions come from Certbot’s website and assume that you are using an Apache web server
-running on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (the Apache web server is installed with LibreTime by default).
-Instructions for other Debian-based OSes are similar, but check with Certbot for clarification.
-Note: all instructions require you to have sudo priveledges
-First, add Certbot’s PPA using:
- sudo apt-get update
- sudo apt-get install software-properties-common
- sudo add-apt-repository universe
- sudo add-apt-repository ppa:certbot/certbot
- sudo apt-get update
-Next, install Certbot and install the SSL certificate using the below commands:
-sudo apt-get install certbot python3-certbot-apache
-sudo certbot --apache # get and install the certificate
-sudo certbot certonly --apache # to only get the certificate, not install it using Certbot
-You can test certificate renewal by running sudo certbot renew --dry-run
-Head to your server’s IP address to check to see that the installation worked.
-Deploying a self-signed certificate
-The Debian/Ubuntu package ssl-cert creates a snakeoil certificate and key based on your server’s hostname. This gratis certificate and key pair created under the /etc/ssl/certs / and /etc/ssl/private/ directories will not be recognised by users’ browsers without manual intervention. You can install the ssl-cert package with the command:
-sudo apt-get install ssl-cert
-If the hostname of your server does not match the domain name you intend to use with the LibreTime virtual host, the user’s browser will present an additional security warning. You can set the domain name of the certificate by editing the file /usr/share/ssl-cert/ssleay.cnf to replace the @HostName@ variable:
-commonName = @HostName@
-with the domain name used by LibreTime:
-commonName = airtime.example.com
-Then save the file and regenerate the certificate with the command:
-sudo make-ssl-cert generate-default-snakeoil --force-overwrite
-You should enable additional Apache modules for page redirections, custom headers and secure access:
-sudo a2enmod alias headers ssl
-Next, edit the virtual host configuration for your LibreTime server to include a stanza for the https:// interface on port 443 and a redirect for logins from port 80:
-sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/airtime-vhost.conf
-Using the following configuration for Apache 2.2 as a guide, replace airtime.example.com with the name of your server and admin@example.com with your email address. The older SSLv2 and SSLv3 protocols and SSL compression should be disabled, as they are generally believed to be insecure. You may wish to create a ServerAlias for users to access the administration interface over https:// if required.
-On port 80, Apache’s alias module is used to set a Redirect permanent for the login page. Optionally, access could be denied to all sites except localhost and any other LibreTime servers on your network, so that unencrypted communication between LibreTime components can continue.
-<VirtualHost *:443>
- SSLEngine on
- SSLProtocol All -SSLv2 -SSLv3
- SSLCompression off
- SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem
- SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key
- Header always set Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000"
- ServerName airtime.example.com
- #ServerAlias www.example.com
- ServerAdmin admin@example.com
- DocumentRoot /usr/share/airtime/php/airtime_mvc/public
- DirectoryIndex index.php
- <Directory /usr/share/airtime/php/airtime_mvc/public>
- Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
- AllowOverride all
- Order allow,deny
- Allow from all
- </Directory>
-<VirtualHost *:80>
- ServerName airtime.example.com
- ServerAdmin admin@example.com
- DocumentRoot /usr/share/airtime/php/airtime_mvc/public
- Redirect permanent /login https://airtime.example.com/login
- SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV "production"
- <Directory /usr/share/airtime/php/airtime_mvc/public>
- Options -Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
- AllowOverride All
- Order allow,deny
- Allow from all
- </Directory>
-Save the file with Ctrl+O and exit the nano editor with Ctrl+X . Then restart Apache with the command:
-sudo service apache restart
-When attempting to log into your server via http:// in future, you should be redirected to https:// automatically.
-Importing a self-signed certificate into the browser
-The first time you access an LibreTime server with a self-signed certificate over https:// your browser will block the login page and display a security warning. In Mozilla Firefox , you can click Technical Details to confirm that the warning is due to the certificate being self-signed before clicking the Add Exception button. In Google Chrome , the button to click on the security warning page is Proceed Anyway .
-On the next page in Firefox, click the Get Certificate button to inspect the details of the self-signed certificate. If all is well, click the Confirm Security Exception button. You should now be able to proceed to the https:// login page.
-If the users of your LibreTime server wish to avoid going through these steps, or they do not trust the remote LibreTime server to be what it claims to be, it is also possible to import a trusted local copy of a certificate file into the browser. For example, in Firefox version 30 preferences, you can go into the Advanced section, click the Certificates tab, then click the View Certificates button. On the Servers tab of the Certificate Manager , there is an Import button which enables you to load a certificate file from the local computer.
-Mixed encrypted and unencrypted content
-Whether your certificate is self-signed or not, you will see browser security warnings whenever a https:// page is delivering unencrypted content, such as the stream from an Icecast server. In Firefox, an exclamation mark icon is displayed in the address bar of the Listen pop-up.
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-# The Status page
-On the **Settings** menu, the **Status** page provides an overview of the health and resource usage of the various
-services that make up a LibreTime system. If all is well, you will only see green check mark icons in the
-**Status** column. This page also shows how much **Disk Space** you have used on the disk partition containing
-the main Import folder, as well as any disks or partitions with watched folders.
-If any of the check mark icons in the **Status** column have changed to a red warning sign, contact your system
-administrator for assistance. (The chapter [Troubleshooting](troubleshooting) contains some tips). LibreTime will
-do its best to restart any failing services, but sometimes manual intervention may be required; for example, in
-the case of hardware failure.
-If you have run out of storage space, a LibreTime user with *admin* privileges could log in and delete media files
-that are no longer required from the **Library**. Alternatively, you could move some files to a watched folder on
-another disk, or ask your system administrator to install additional storage capacity.
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-# The Stream Settings page
-Global settings
-You can configure direct Icecast and SHOUTcast streams and sound card output by clicking **Streams** on the **System** menu.
-At the top left of the **Stream Settings** page are global settings including **Hardware Audio Output**, which enables playout from the default sound card on the server, if one is fitted. The default **Output Type** of *ALSA* on the drop-down menu will be suitable for most servers with a sound card. If not, you have the option to choose from other Liquidsoap interfaces available, such as *OSS* or *PortAudio*.
-The second checkbox under Global Settings enables the sending of **Icecast Vorbis Metadata** with direct streams. This setting is optional, because some media players have a bug which makes them disconnect from Ogg Vorbis streams when an Icecast server notifies the player that a new track is starting.
-The **Stream Label** radio button allows you to set the metadata that will be sent with direct streams; *Artist* and *Title*, *Show*, *Artist* and *Title*, or *Station name* and *Show name*.
-The **Off Air Metadata** field configures the text that will be sent to any configured streaming servers, and from there on to media players, when Airtime is not streaming any output.
-Below this is the **Enable Replay Gain** checkbox which, if checked, automatically adjusts Airtime's output level to an average of -14dBFS, based on prior analysis of the level of individual files in the **Library**. This feature helps guard against unwanted changes in Airtime's output level caused by the typical variation in average level of recordings made in different studios at different times. The correction value for each file can be viewed by enabling the ReplayGain column in the **Library**.
-If Replay Gain is enabled, output level can be adjusted up to 10dB louder or quieter from the reference level of -14dBFS by clicking and dragging the **Replay Gain Modifier** control. Increasing level too far is likely to result in clipping (distortion) since the output level is adjusted to be greater than that of the original files. This scenario is indicated by amplitude correction factors greater than 1.0 in the Liquidsoap log file.
-Click the **Save** button on the right side of the page to save any changes that you have made to global settings. If you are only using the hardware audio output, and will not be streaming to or from Airtime, you can leave the **Stream Settings** page after clicking the **Save** button.
-Input stream settings
-On the lower left side of the Stream Settings page you can configure remote live input streams from DJ programs such as **Mixxx** or **IDJC**, or smartphone applications used by broadcast journalists. A bug with **Butt** versions 1.14 to 1.16 causes streams not to connect to LibreTime. A fix has been introduced with **Butt** version 1.17 that allows it to be used by LibreTime.
-Airtime supports two types of live input stream; the **Show Source**, which enables a specific person to stream in during their own show, and the **Master Source**, which can override the Show Source if necessary. If neither type of live input is available, Airtime will fall back to **Scheduled Play** (playlists, smart blocks, remote streams and files scheduled in Airtime, in advance of or during a show).
-The **Auto Switch Off** and **Auto Switch On** checkboxes enable playout to be switched automatically to the highest priority source whenever an authenticated input source disconnects from or connects to Airtime, respectively. The field **Switch Transition Fade** sets the length of the audio fade as scheduled playout is switched to a remote input source, and back.
-Each type of input stream requires a username and password before the remote broadcaster can connect to Airtime. The **Master Username** and **Master Password** can be set in the Input Stream Settings box, while the authentication for individual Show Sources is set up in Airtime's schedule calendar. See the *Calendar* chapter for details.
-Input streams must have a **Port** for the remote broadcaster to connect to, which should be a number in the range from 1024 to 49151. If you have the Icecast or SHOUTcast streaming server running on the same machine as Airtime, you should avoid using port 8000 or 8001 for either type of Airtime input stream. This is because both Icecast and SHOUTcast use port 8000, and SHOUTcast also uses port 8001. If the usernames and passwords were similar, remote broadcasters might accidentally connect to the streaming server directly, bypassing Airtime.
-To avoid further confusion, it is also recommended that you set a different **Mount Point** (the specific filename for broadcasters and listeners to connect to) from that used on your public Icecast or SHOUTcast server.
-If your Airtime server is behind a firewall, and you wish remote broadcasters to connect input streams to it across the public Internet, you may need to click the **Override** link to set a **Connection URL** which is available from outside your local area network. This URL might be based on the domain name assigned to the router which forwards the appropriate port to your Airtime server. Then click **OK** to save the new connection URL.
-Switching input streams
-In the Master Panel, available input source streams are shown with an orange line connecting the source to the switch, which you could think of like a patch cable connecting a source to a broadcast mixer. When that switch is active, another orange line connects the switch to the On Air indicator, like a patch cable connecting a mixer to a transmitter.
-If you have checked the **Auto Switch On** box in the Stream Settings page, the **Master Source** switch will move automatically to the active position, on the left, when an authenticated master source connects to Airtime. Otherwise, you can activate the switches manually by clicking the left side of each switch, or deactivate them by clicking the right side. The switches do not have to be dragged with the mouse, in the way that a switch on a hardware mixer would be pushed sideways. **Show Source** live input streams can also be manually activated or deactivated in the same way. If neither the show source or master source is active then LibreTime will default to what is scheduled to play in the Calendar.
-If you have the **Auto Switch Off** box checked LibreTime will resume scheduled playback whenever a stream disconnects. Otherwise you will need to slide to disable a source after a DJ stops streaming.
-You can also force disconnection of a live remote source, for example when the remote input source has crashed and is no longer sending audio data, click the **X** icon to the left of the source name.
-Output stream settings
-The Default Streaming radio button that is configured by default currently relies upon an insecure icecast password. You will want to change the Icecast2 password and select Custom Streaming. See the notice above for a tutorial on how to fix this.
-On the right side of the page, you can configure up to three independent output streams with different bit rates or formats, and send these streams to different Icecast or SHOUTcast servers. By default, only Stream 1 is enabled, with this stream being sent the Icecast server configured at installation time.
-To configure another stream, click the bar with the stream number to expand its box, and make sure **Enabled** is checked. Enter at least the streaming **Server** IP address or domain name, and **Port** details. The default port for Icecast and SHOUTcast servers is 8000.
-Click **Additional Options** to expand a box in which you can enter the usernames, passwords and metadata to send to the streaming server. The default **Username** for Icecast servers is *source*, and if this the name in use on your streaming server, you can leave this field empty. The **Admin User** and **Admin Password** settings are optional, and are used to query the streaming server for audience numbers by the **Listener Stats** page on the **System** menu.
-You can also set the specific **Mount Point** that listeners will connect to here. Then click one of the **Save** buttons in the upper or lower right corner of the page to update the Airtime server's settings.
-Airtime supports output to Icecast in Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Opus, MP3 and AAC formats. When selecting a SHOUTcast server from the **Service Type** drop-down menu, you are restricted to using MP3 or AAC formats only, so the choice of Ogg Vorbis and Opus formats is greyed out in the **Stream Type** drop-down menu. The SHOUTcast username for stream sources is fixed, so you do not need to enter this value under **Additional Options**, but you will usually have to enter a password.
-Any connection problems between Liquidsoap and Icecast or SHOUTcast are shown on the Stream Settings page. For example, if you enter the wrong password, you will see an *Authentication Required* error message. To fix this, enter the correct password in the **Additional Options** box, and click the **Save** button. If the streaming server is down for any reason, or you have entered an incorrect **Server** name or **Port** number, you will see the message *Can not connect to the streaming server*.
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- LibreTime Radio Automation - Interface Tour
Interface Tour
- See what LibreTime can do!
- Listen
-In the Master Panel, beneath the ON AIR indicator, you will find the LISTEN button. This button opens a
-pop-up Live stream window, which enables you to monitor the streams that have been configured previously
-in the Streams page on the System menu. In the Live stream window, a drop-down menu enables you to
-switch between the streams which are currently available. Both the streaming server and name of the stream are
-shown. Your station logo is shown in the top left corner of the window, if you have uploaded one via
-the Preferences page on the System menu.
- Note: the volume controls in the Listen window only affect what you hear on your computer, not LibreTime’s main output
-To display the URL of the stream you are monitoring, so that you can copy and paste it into an email or web page, click the Share button. Click the X icon to the right of the URL to return to the drop-down menu of available streams.
-Radio page
-LibreTime includes a mini-site, which can be accessed at serverIP (for local installations), or
-libretime.yourdomain.com or cloudvmIP (for installations to a server on a domain). The site includes your
-logo and station description (set under Settings > General), the login button to the LibreTime interface, the schedule for the next seven days,
-podcast tabs, and a live feed of your station with the currently playing artist and track displayed.
-The background of the radio page can be changed; see instructions here .
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-Working with track types
-**Audience**: Adminstrators
-## Using track types when uploading tracks
-1. Click **Upload**
-1. The default track type is 'Music'
-1. Click the drop down menu to select another type
-Now when uploading tracks, you have the option to set a track type. This helps better identify and organize track files. If you have a group of files for commercials that needs to be uploaded, you can "Commercial" in the drop down menu and then upload the files. Commercial is included by default with LT, but you can create your own type in settings.
-## Create track types
-1. Click **Settings**
-1. Click **Track Types**
-1. Click **New Track Type**
-1. On the "Code" field, type a unique code that can be easily identifiable. Example, for Music use "MUS" or for Sound Effects use something like "FX".
-1. On the "Type Name" field, type a the name of the type of tracks. Example, "Station IDs".
-1. On the "Description" field, enter the description of the type given.
-1. On the "Visibility" drop down menu, choose to enable or disable the track type. By default, it is enabled. If disabled, it won't be shown across Libretime or in the API for developers.
-1. Click **Save**.
-## Using track types with the uploaded tracks
-1. Click **Tracks**.
-1. Select a track and click **Edit**
-1. On "Track Type" drop down menu, select the type you would like use. Only the enabled track types that were added in Settings > Track Types will be shown here.
-1. Click **Save**.
-## Using track types with advanced search
-1. Click **Tracks**.
-1. Click on the down caret **▼** that is to the right inside search box
-1. On **Type** select the type of track you're searching for.
-## Using track types in Smart Blocks
-1. Click **Smart Blocks**.
-1. On "Select criteria" drop down menu, select "Track Type"
-1. On "Select modifier" drop down menu, select "is" or "is not"
-1. On "Select Track Type" drop down menu, select the track type.
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-# Tracks
-This page of the LibreTime interface enables you to search the media library,
-sort and display the search results by the criteria that you choose, audition
-library items, and drag and drop those items into a playlist. You can also
-adjust fade and cue points, create smart blocks (automatically generated
-playlists), or add incoming web streams to the library. The **Library** page
-is not visible to *Guest* users.
-Searching the library
-In the library table which opens, the upper section is for the **Advanced
-Search Options**, which enable you to search within individual fields of the
-database such as **Title** or **Creator**. Like an Internet search engine, you
-do not have to type in the correct upper or lower case, press the **Enter** key,
-or even type the whole of the search term before matches from the LibreTime
-library are displayed.
-At the bottom of the library table, click the **First**, **Previous**, **Next**,
-**Last** or individual page number buttons to browse the search results.
-Right-clicking an item in the search results will display the available options
-for that item in a pop-up window.
-The columns displayed in the search results correspond to the fields available
-for advanced searches (except for **Scheduled** and **Playlist / Block**, which
-indicate if a particular item is in use). To change the fields which can be
-searched, click the **Show / hide columns** button on the right side of the
-table, just above the search results.
-Click the metadata column headings such as **Title**, **Creator**, **Album**, or
-**Genre** to sort the entries in ascending or descending order. In the second
-column, audio files are represented by a loudspeaker icon, while playlists ares
-represented by a document icon. Smart blocks have a think bubble icon, and web
-streams have an arrow icon.
-To find all files uploaded by yourself, or another specific member of the
-station staff, click the **Show / hide columns** checkbox which enables the
-**Owner** column. After you have made your search, you can click the header of
-the **Uploaded** column to find the items that person added to the server most
-Advanced search terms are matched using 'and' rather than 'or' logic, to narrow
-your search. Perhaps you have tagged some jazz-flavoured station idents intended
-for use in a particular show called 'Jazz Maverick' with the **Album** tag of
-*Jazz Maverick* and a **Genre** of *Ident*. You could then find exactly the
-idents you are searching for by typing *maverick* and *ident* into the
-respective advanced search fields.
-If your jingles are tagged with *Jingle* in the **Genre** or other fields, you
-can very easily find them by entering *jingle* into the search field. The same
-technique can be used to find advertising and promotional files. (See the
-chapter *Preparing media for ingest* for tips on batch tagging files with
-metadata). Unlike advanced searches, simple searches use 'or' logic for
-multiple search terms, so a simple search for *jingle ident* will return items
-matching either keyword.
-Clicking on an item in the library table opens a pop-up menu which enables you
-to audition the item, or remove it from the LibreTime library. Media types which
-cannot be auditioned directly in a web browser, such as FLAC, have a lock icon
-instead of a loudspeaker icon, but these files can be downloaded to your local
-computer for audition instead. The **Delete** option should be used with
-caution, because this action cannot be undone. For media files, you can also
-**Edit Metadata** stored for the file using this menu.
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-Having trouble with your LibreTime installation? We’ve got you covered!
-Since LibreTime is effectively a web site running on a LAPP stack, individual components of the system can be started, stopped, restarted or checked in the server console using the systemctl command:
-sudo systemctl start|stop|restart|status libretime-liquidsoap
-sudo systemctl start|stop|restart|status libretime-playout
-sudo systemctl start|stop|restart|status libretime-celery
-sudo systemctl start|stop|restart|status libretime-analyzer
-sudo systemctl start|stop|restart|status apache2
-sudo systemctl start|stop|restart|status rabbitmq-server
-For example, to restart the Airtime playout engine, you could enter the command:
-sudo systemctl restart libretime-playout
-Log files
-Airtime stores log files under the directory path /var/log/airtime/ which can be useful for diagnosing the cause of any problems. Copies of these log files may be requested by LibreTime developers while they are providing technical support for your Airtime deployment.
-Test tones
-If you need to test your computer’s soundcard, you can use speaker-test
, a tone generator for ALSA.
-This does not come installed with LibreTime but can be installed with sudo apt install speaker-test
-speaker-test [-D] [-f]
- -D device name
- -f frequency of test tone
-The airtime-test-stream command enables you to send a test tone to a local or remote streaming media server. Press Ctrl+C on your keyboard to stop the tone being streamed.
-airtime-test-stream [-v]
- [-o icecast | shoutcast ] [-H hostname] [-P port]
- [-u username] [-p password] [-m mount]
- [-h]
- -v verbose mode
- -o stream server type (default: icecast)
- -H hostname (default: localhost)
- -P port (default: 8000)
- -u user (default: source)
- -p password (default: hackme)
- -m mount (default: test)
- -h show help menu
-RabbitMQ hostname changes
-If the Airtime logs indicate failures to connect to the RabbitMQ server, such as:
-2013-10-31 08:21:11,255 ERROR - [pypomessagehandler.py : main() : line
-99] - Error connecting to RabbitMQ Server. Trying again in few seconds
-2013-10-31 08:21:11,255 ERROR - \[pypomessagehandler.py : main() : line 99\] - Error connecting to RabbitMQ Server. Trying again in few seconds - See more at: http://forum.sourcefabric.org/discussion/16050/\#sthash.W8OJrNFm.dpuf
-but the RabbitMQ server is running normally, this error might be due to a change in the server’s hostname since Airtime installation. Directory names under /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/ indicate that RabbitMQ’s database files are organised according to the hostname of the server, for example:
-where the hostname is airtime.example.com . If the hostname has changed, it may be necessary to reconfigure RabbitMQ manually, as follows:
- Delete the files in /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/
- sudo rm -r /var/lib/rabbitmq/mnesia/*
- Restart RabbitMQ:
- sudo systemctl restart rabbitmq-server
- Enter the following commands to set up authentication and grant permissions. The rabbitmqctl add_user command requires the RabbitMQ password from the /etc/airtime/airtime.conf file as an argument. The rabbitmqctl set_permissions command should be entered on one line, with the list of Airtime services repeated three times:
- rabbitmqctl add_vhost /airtime
- rabbitmqctl add_user airtime XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
- rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p /airtime airtime
- “airtime-pypo|pypo-fetch|airtime-analyzer|media-monitor”
- “airtime-pypo|pypo-fetch|airtime-analyzer|media-monitor”
- ”airtime-pypo|pypo-fetch|airtime-analyzer|media-monitor”
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-Uninstall LibreTime
-Hopefully it wasn't something that we did, but if you need to uninstall LibreTime for
-any reason, cd to the directory of the installer and run `sudo ./uninstall` and follow the prompts.
-If allowed, the installer will **permanently** delete all databases and media uploaded to
-If it was something we did, please open an issue request on our Github page, located
-Until we meet again, best of luck.
-<3 The LibreTime team
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-# Upgrading LibreTime
-## LibreTime versioning
-LibreTime 3.x versions support upgrading from Airtime 2.5.x versions. LibreTime follows the [Semantic Versioning (semver)](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html) standards.
-In a nutshell, given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH we increment the:
-1. MAJOR version when we make incompatible API changes,
-2. MINOR version when we add functionality in a backwards-compatible manner, and
-3. PATCH version when we make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
-Any pre-release versions of LibreTime are denoted by appending a hyphen and a series
-of dot separated identifiers immediately following the patch version. This pre-release indicates
-that the version is unstable in a sense that it might contain incomplete features or not satisfy the
-intended compatibility requirements as per semver.
-## Upgrading
-Before upgrading a production LibreTime server, you should back up both the PostgreSQL
-database and the storage server used by LibreTime. This is especially important if you have not already
-set up a regular back up routine. This extra back up is a safety measure in case of accidental data loss
-during the upgrade, for example due to the wrong command being entered when moving files. See
-[Backing up the server](backing-up-the-server) in this manual for details of how to perform these back ups.
-The LibreTime [installation script](install) will detect an existing LibreTime or Airtime deployment and back up any configuration files that it finds. We recommend taking your own manual backups of the configuration yourself nevertheless. The install script also tries to restart the needed services during an upgrade. In any case you should monitor if this happened and also take a quick look at the logs files to be sure everything is still fine. Now might be the time to reboot the system or virtual machine LibreTime is running on since regular reboots are part of a healthy system anyway.
-After the upgrade has completed, you may need to clear your web browser's cache before logging into the new version of the LibreTime administration interface. If the playout engine starts up and detects that a show should be playing at the current time, it will skip to the correct point in the current item and start playing.
-There will be tested ways to switch from a LibreTime pre-release to a packaged version of LibreTime.
-Airtime 2.5.x versions support upgrading from version 2.3.0 and above. If you are
-running a production server with a version of Airtime prior to 2.3.0, you should
-upgrade it to version 2.3.0 before continuing.
-In Airtime 1.9.0 onwards, the concept of *linked files* was replaced with the
-concept of *watched folders*. If you are upgrading from a version of Airtime
-earlier than 1.9.0 and you have previously linked files, the folders they are
-in will not be watched until you add them to your watched folder list. See
-[Media Folders](folders) for more details.
-Upgrading the server distribution
-After your LibreTime server has been deployed for a few years, you may need to
-upgrade the GNU/Linux distribution that it runs in order to maintain security
-update support. If the upgrade does not go smoothly, it may cause significant
-downtime, so you should always have a fallback system available during the
-upgrade to ensure broadcast continuity.
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-sidebar: mainmenus
-# Upload
-The primary way you can add files to the LibreTime library is using the
-**Upload** page of the administration interface. (The **Upload** page is not
-visible to *Guest* users). This page includes an upload queue for media files,
-which supports drag and drop from your computer's file manager if you are using
-a recent web browser, such as *Mozilla Firefox 16* or later.
-Some web browsers may set an upload limit for a single file, between 200MB and
-2GB. In addition the default LibreTime webserver configuration limits file size
-to 500M. If you need to upload files larger than 500MB to the LibreTime server
-on a regular basis, you will need to have your admin update the configuration at
-`/etc/apache2/sites-available/airtime.conf` (see instructions [here](host-configuration)).
-If your web browser does not support drag and drop, you can click the background
-of the screen on the **Upload page**, to open up a file browser dialog.
-LibreTime will automatically attempt to upload files once you select them. You
-can track the file upload progress via the gray progress bar in the upload
-The upload speed will depend on the network connection between your computer and
-the LibreTime server. While files are uploading you need to keep this browser
-window open or it will interrupt the file transfer.
-After the file transfer is complete, the file is then processed by the analyzer
-service and if it has been succesfully uploaded the **Import Status** will
-change from **Pending Import** to **Succesfully imported**. If it fails there
-was some reason your file was rejected by LibreTime and you will need to try
-again or contact your Admin to have them consult the logs and open up a bug
-report. It sometimes takes a few minutes for files to be processed but if they
-are all stuck at **Pending Import** then it is possible that the
-*libretime-analyzer* process has crashed and the admin will need to restart it.
-See [Troubleshooting](troubleshooting) for more information. You can look
-specifically at any failed imports by clicking the radio button next to Failed.
-Once they are done procesing your files ready to be included in your broadcast
-playlists, smart blocks and shows and can be viewed in the [Tracks](tracks)
-section of the Library.
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-The Users page
- Note: if your Airtime server is accessible from the public Internet (ex. being hosted in a cloud VM)
-it is recommended that you create a second administrator account with a secure password and then
-delete the admin
account, for best security practice.
-Adding user accounts
-To add further user accounts to the system, one for each of your station staff that need access to Airtime, click the New User button with the plus icon. Enter a user name, password and contact details, and then select the User Type from the drop down menu, which can be Admin , Program Manager , DJ , or Guest . The difference between these user types is:
- Guests
- Can view shows and the playout log on the Calendar and Dashboard, respectively
- Listen to the output stream without leaving the interface
- DJs
- Everything Guests can do, plus
- Upload media (music, PSAs, underwriting, shows, etc.) to their own library (DJs cannot view other libraries)
- Edit metadata, delete, and schedule media in their own library to shows they are assigned to
- Preview uploaded media without affecting the live playout
- Create Playlists, Smart Blocks, and connect Podcasts and Webstreams to LibreTime
- Publish media items to LibreTime’s built-in My Podcast function or 3rd party sources such as Soundcloud
- Program Managers
- Everything DJs can do, plus
- Manage other users’ libraries in addition to their own
- Create, edit, and delete color-coded shows on the Calender and assign them to DJs (if needed)
- Shows can be scheduled to repeat, with the option of linking content between the shows (helpful if a DJ livestreams in each week)
- View listener statistics
- Export playout logs for analysis or reporting for music royalties
- Administrators
- Everything Program Managers can do, plus
- Manage all user accounts, including the ability to reset passwords
- Configure Track Types for easy sorting of uploaded content
- Change system settings
-Editing or deleting user accounts
-New user accounts that you add will be shown in the table on the left side of the Users page. If you have a
-large number of users on the system, you can use the search tool above the table (which has a magnifying glass icon)
-to identify specific user accounts. Click the white chevrons in the table headings to sort the search results
-by Username , First Name , Last Name or User Type .
-To edit a user account, click on that user’s row in the table, change the user’s details in the box on the
-right side, and then click the Save button. To remove a user account, click the small x icon to the right
-side of its row in the table. You cannot delete your own user account, and usernames cannot be changed once created.
-Users can update their own password, and their contact, language and time zone details, by clicking their username on the
-right side of the main menu bar, next to the Logout link.
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- LibreTime Radio Automation - Using Vagrant and Virturalbox for developing LibreTime
Using Vagrant and Virturalbox for developing LibreTime
- The fastest way to get LibreTime up and running in a way to hack on its source code or to test it locally.
- Prerequisites: git, Vagrant , libvirt or VirturalBox
-Virtual Box
-You will need to install VirtualBox and may want to consider
-installing vagrant-vbguest to update the
-guest extensions to match your host system on vagrant up.
-vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
-Setting the libvirt provider up on (Ubuntu and Debian)[#Ubuntu and Debian] is straight
-forward, using the distribution provided packages. While on
-(Other Distributions)[#Other Distributions] it can be built from within vagrant.
-If you try run a libvirt provided box after using a VirtualBox one, you will receive an
-Error while activating network:
-Call to virNetworkCreate failed: internal error: Network is already in use by interface vboxnet0.
-This is fixed by stopping virtualbox and re-creating the vagrant box:
-sudo systemctl stop virtualbox
-vagrant destroy ubuntu-xenial
-vagrant up ubuntu-xenial --provider=libvirt
-Debian and Ubuntu
-sudo apt install vagrant vagrant-libvirt libvirt-daemon-system vagrant-mutate libvirt-dev
-sudo usermod -a -G libvirt $USER
-# Reboot
-vagrant box add bento/ubuntu-16.04 --provider = virtualbox
-vagrant mutate bento/ubuntu-16.04 libvirt
-vagrant up ubuntu-xenial --provider = libvirt
-Other Distributions
-You will need to install libvirt and vagrant-mutate
and then run
-vagrant plugin install vagrant-libvirt
-sudo usermod -a -G libvirt $USER
-# Reboot
-vagrant plugin install vagrant-mutate
-vagrant box fetch bento/ubuntu-16.04
-vagrant mutate bento/ubuntu-16.04 libvirt
-vagrant up ubuntu-xenial --provider = libvirt
-Starting LibreTime Vagrant
-To get started you clone the repo and run vagrant up
. The command accepts a parameter to
-change the default provider if you have multiple installed. This can be done by appending
or --provider=libvirt
as applicable.
-git clone https://github.com/libretime/libretime.git
-cd libretime
-vagrant up ubuntu-xenial
-If everything works out, you will find LibreTime on port 8080 ,
-icecast on port 8000 and the docs on
-port 8888 .
-Once you reach the web setup GUI you can click through it using the default values. To
-connect to the vagrant machine you can run vagrant ssh ubuntu-xenial
in the libretime
-Alternative OS installations
-With the above instructions LibreTime is installed on Ubuntu Xenial Xerus. The Vagrant setup
-offers the option to choose a different operation system according to you needs.
- OS
- Command
- Comment
- Debian 10
- vagrant up debian-buster
- Install on Debian Buster.
- Debian 9
- vagrant up debian-stretch
- Install on current Debian Stretch. Needs manual intervention due to Liquidsoap 1.3.3.
- Ubuntu 18.04
- vagrant up ubuntu-bionic
- Install on current Ubuntu Bionic Beaver.
- Ubuntu 16.04
- vagrant up ubuntu-xenial
- Install on Ubuntu Xenial Xerus.
- CentOS
- vagrant up centos
- Extremely experimental install on 7.3 with native systemd support and activated SELinux. Needs manual intervention due to Liquidsoap 1.3.3.
-If anything fails during the initial provisioning step you can try running vagrant provision
-to re-run the installer.
-If you only want to re-run parts of the installer, use --provision-with $step
. The
-supported steps are prepare
, install
, install-mkdocs
and start-mkdocs
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-Font Awesome Free License
-Font Awesome Free is free, open source, and GPL friendly. You can use it for
-commercial projects, open source projects, or really almost whatever you want.
-Full Font Awesome Free license: https://fontawesome.com/license/free.
-# Icons: CC BY 4.0 License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
-In the Font Awesome Free download, the CC BY 4.0 license applies to all icons
-packaged as SVG and JS file types.
-# Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1 License (https://scripts.sil.org/OFL)
-In the Font Awesome Free download, the SIL OLF license applies to all icons
-packaged as web and desktop font files.
-# Code: MIT License (https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)
-In the Font Awesome Free download, the MIT license applies to all non-font and
-non-icon files.
-# Attribution
-Attribution is required by MIT, SIL OLF, and CC BY licenses. Downloaded Font
-Awesome Free files already contain embedded comments with sufficient
-attribution, so you shouldn't need to do anything additional when using these
-files normally.
-We've kept attribution comments terse, so we ask that you do not actively work
-to remove them from files, especially code. They're a great way for folks to
-learn about Font Awesome.
-# Brand Icons
-All brand icons are trademarks of their respective owners. The use of these
-trademarks does not indicate endorsement of the trademark holder by Font
-Awesome, nor vice versa. **Please do not use brand logos for any purpose except
-to represent the company, product, or service to which they refer.**
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-# @fortawesome/fontawesome-free - The Official Font Awesome 5 NPM package
-> "I came here to chew bubblegum and install Font Awesome 5 - and I'm all out of bubblegum"
-## Installation
-$ npm i --save @fortawesome/fontawesome-free
-$ yarn add @fortawesome/fontawesome-free
-## What's included?
-**This package includes all the same files available through our Free and Pro CDN.**
-* /js - All JavaScript files associated with Font Awesome 5 SVG with JS
-* /css - All CSS using the classic Web Fonts with CSS implementation
-* /sprites - SVG icons packaged in a convenient sprite
-* /scss, /less - CSS Pre-processor files for Web Fonts with CSS
-* /webfonts - Accompanying files for Web Fonts with CSS
-* /svg - Individual icon files in SVG format
-## Documentation
-Get started [here](https://fontawesome.com/get-started). Continue your journey [here](https://fontawesome.com/how-to-use).
-Or go straight to the [API documentation](https://fontawesome.com/how-to-use/font-awesome-api).
-## Issues and support
-Start with [GitHub issues](https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome/issues) and ping us on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/fontawesome) if you need to.
diff --git a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/css/all.css b/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/css/all.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 4207a4c3b..000000000
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- * Font Awesome Free 5.3.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com
- * License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)
- */
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- * License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)
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- * Font Awesome Free 5.3.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com
- * License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)
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- * Font Awesome Free 5.3.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/js/all.js b/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/js/all.js
deleted file mode 100644
index eda1db22a..000000000
--- a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/js/all.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3685 +0,0 @@
- * Font Awesome Free 5.3.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com
- * License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)
- */
-(function () {
-'use strict';
-var _WINDOW = {};
-try {
- if (typeof window !== 'undefined') _WINDOW = window;
-} catch (e) {}
-var _ref = _WINDOW.navigator || {};
-var _ref$userAgent = _ref.userAgent;
-var userAgent = _ref$userAgent === undefined ? '' : _ref$userAgent;
-var IS_IE = ~userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') || ~userAgent.indexOf('Trident/');
-var PRODUCTION = function () {
- try {
- return "production" === 'production';
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
-var oneToTen = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
-var oneToTwenty = oneToTen.concat([11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]);
-var RESERVED_CLASSES = ['xs', 'sm', 'lg', 'fw', 'ul', 'li', 'border', 'pull-left', 'pull-right', 'spin', 'pulse', 'rotate-90', 'rotate-180', 'rotate-270', 'flip-horizontal', 'flip-vertical', 'stack', 'stack-1x', 'stack-2x', 'inverse', 'layers', 'layers-text', 'layers-counter'].concat(oneToTen.map(function (n) {
- return n + 'x';
-})).concat(oneToTwenty.map(function (n) {
- return 'w-' + n;
-function bunker(fn) {
- try {
- fn();
- } catch (e) {
- if (!PRODUCTION) {
- throw e;
- }
- }
-var w = WINDOW || {};
-var namespace = w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER];
-var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- var source = arguments[i];
- for (var key in source) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
- target[key] = source[key];
- }
- }
- }
- return target;
-function define(prefix, icons) {
- var normalized = Object.keys(icons).reduce(function (acc, iconName) {
- var icon = icons[iconName];
- var expanded = !!icon.icon;
- if (expanded) {
- acc[icon.iconName] = icon.icon;
- } else {
- acc[iconName] = icon;
- }
- return acc;
- }, {});
- if (typeof namespace.hooks.addPack === 'function') {
- namespace.hooks.addPack(prefix, normalized);
- } else {
- namespace.styles[prefix] = _extends({}, namespace.styles[prefix] || {}, normalized);
- }
- /**
- * Font Awesome 4 used the prefix of `fa` for all icons. With the introduction
- * of new styles we needed to differentiate between them. Prefix `fa` is now an alias
- * for `fas` so we'll easy the upgrade process for our users by automatically defining
- * this as well.
- */
- if (prefix === 'fas') {
- define('fa', icons);
- }
-var icons = {
- "500px": [448, 512, [], "f26e", "M103.3 344.3c-6.5-14.2-6.9-18.3 7.4-23.1 25.6-8 8 9.2 43.2 49.2h.3v-93.9c1.2-50.2 44-92.2 97.7-92.2 53.9 0 97.7 43.5 97.7 96.8 0 63.4-60.8 113.2-128.5 93.3-10.5-4.2-2.1-31.7 8.5-28.6 53 0 89.4-10.1 89.4-64.4 0-61-77.1-89.6-116.9-44.6-23.5 26.4-17.6 42.1-17.6 157.6 50.7 31 118.3 22 160.4-20.1 24.8-24.8 38.5-58 38.5-93 0-35.2-13.8-68.2-38.8-93.3-24.8-24.8-57.8-38.5-93.3-38.5s-68.8 13.8-93.5 38.5c-.3.3-16 16.5-21.2 23.9l-.5.6c-3.3 4.7-6.3 9.1-20.1 6.1-6.9-1.7-14.3-5.8-14.3-11.8V20c0-5 3.9-10.5 10.5-10.5h241.3c8.3 0 8.3 11.6 8.3 15.1 0 3.9 0 15.1-8.3 15.1H130.3v132.9h.3c104.2-109.8 282.8-36 282.8 108.9 0 178.1-244.8 220.3-310.1 62.8zm63.3-260.8c-.5 4.2 4.6 24.5 14.6 20.6C306 56.6 384 144.5 390.6 144.5c4.8 0 22.8-15.3 14.3-22.8-93.2-89-234.5-57-238.3-38.2zM393 414.7C283 524.6 94 475.5 61 310.5c0-12.2-30.4-7.4-28.9 3.3 24 173.4 246 256.9 381.6 121.3 6.9-7.8-12.6-28.4-20.7-20.4zM213.6 306.6c0 4 4.3 7.3 5.5 8.5 3 3 6.1 4.4 8.5 4.4 3.8 0 2.6.2 22.3-19.5 19.6 19.3 19.1 19.5 22.3 19.5 5.4 0 18.5-10.4 10.7-18.2L265.6 284l18.2-18.2c6.3-6.8-10.1-21.8-16.2-15.7L249.7 268c-18.6-18.8-18.4-19.5-21.5-19.5-5 0-18 11.7-12.4 17.3L234 284c-18.1 17.9-20.4 19.2-20.4 22.6z"],
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- "accusoft": [640, 512, [], "f369", "M482.2 372.1C476.5 365.2 250 75 242.3 65.5c-13.7-17.2 0-16.8 19.2-16.9 9.7-.1 106.3-.6 116.5-.6 24.1-.1 28.7.6 38.4 12.8 2.1 2.7 205.1 245.8 207.2 248.3 5.5 6.7 15.2 19.1 7.2 23.4-2.4 1.3-114.6 47.7-117.8 48.9-10.1 4-17.5 6.8-30.8-9.3m114.7-5.6s-115 50.4-117.5 51.6c-16 7.3-26.9-3.2-36.7-14.6l-57.1-74c-5.4-.9-60.4-9.6-65.3-9.3-3.1.2-9.6.8-14.4 2.9-4.9 2.1-145.2 52.8-150.2 54.7-5.1 2-11.4 3.6-11.1 7.6.2 2.5 2 2.6 4.6 3.5 2.7.8 300.9 67.6 308 69.1 15.6 3.3 38.5 10.5 53.6 1.7 2.1-1.2 123.8-76.4 125.8-77.8 5.4-4 4.3-6.8-1.7-8.2-2.3-.3-24.6-4.7-38-7.2m-326-181.3s-12 1.6-25 15.1c-9 9.3-242.1 239.1-243.4 240.9-7 10 1.6 6.8 15.7 1.7.8 0 114.5-36.6 114.5-36.6.5-.6-.1-.1.6-.6-.4-5.1-.8-26.2-1-27.7-.6-5.2 2.2-6.9 7-8.9l92.6-33.8c.6-.8 88.5-81.7 90.2-83.3v-1l-51.2-65.8"],
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- "affiliatetheme": [512, 512, [], "f36b", "M159.7 237.4C108.4 308.3 43.1 348.2 14 326.6-15.2 304.9 2.8 230 54.2 159.1c51.3-70.9 116.6-110.8 145.7-89.2 29.1 21.6 11.1 96.6-40.2 167.5zm351.2-57.3C437.1 303.5 319 367.8 246.4 323.7c-25-15.2-41.3-41.2-49-73.8-33.6 64.8-92.8 113.8-164.1 133.2 49.8 59.3 124.1 96.9 207 96.9 150 0 271.6-123.1 271.6-274.9.1-8.5-.3-16.8-1-25z"],
- "algolia": [448, 512, [], "f36c", "M229.3 182.6c-49.3 0-89.2 39.9-89.2 89.2 0 49.3 39.9 89.2 89.2 89.2s89.2-39.9 89.2-89.2c0-49.3-40-89.2-89.2-89.2zm62.7 56.6l-58.9 30.6c-1.8.9-3.8-.4-3.8-2.3V201c0-1.5 1.3-2.7 2.7-2.6 26.2 1 48.9 15.7 61.1 37.1.7 1.3.2 3-1.1 3.7zM389.1 32H58.9C26.4 32 0 58.4 0 90.9V421c0 32.6 26.4 59 58.9 59H389c32.6 0 58.9-26.4 58.9-58.9V90.9C448 58.4 421.6 32 389.1 32zm-202.6 84.7c0-10.8 8.7-19.5 19.5-19.5h45.3c10.8 0 19.5 8.7 19.5 19.5v15.4c0 1.8-1.7 3-3.3 2.5-12.3-3.4-25.1-5.1-38.1-5.1-13.5 0-26.7 1.8-39.4 5.5-1.7.5-3.4-.8-3.4-2.5v-15.8zm-84.4 37l9.2-9.2c7.6-7.6 19.9-7.6 27.5 0l7.7 7.7c1.1 1.1 1 3-.3 4-6.2 4.5-12.1 9.4-17.6 14.9-5.4 5.4-10.4 11.3-14.8 17.4-1 1.3-2.9 1.5-4 .3l-7.7-7.7c-7.6-7.5-7.6-19.8 0-27.4zm127.2 244.8c-70 0-126.6-56.7-126.6-126.6s56.7-126.6 126.6-126.6c70 0 126.6 56.6 126.6 126.6 0 69.8-56.7 126.6-126.6 126.6z"],
- "alipay": [448, 512, [], "f642", "M377.74 32H70.26C31.41 32 0 63.41 0 102.26v307.48C0 448.59 31.41 480 70.26 480h307.48c38.52 0 69.76-31.08 70.26-69.6-45.96-25.62-110.59-60.34-171.6-88.44-32.07 43.97-84.14 81-148.62 81-70.59 0-93.73-45.3-97.04-76.37-3.97-39.01 14.88-81.5 99.52-81.5 35.38 0 79.35 10.25 127.13 24.96 16.53-30.09 26.45-60.34 26.45-60.34h-178.2v-16.7h92.08v-31.24H88.28v-19.01h109.44V92.34h50.92v50.42h109.44v19.01H248.63v31.24h88.77s-15.21 46.62-38.35 90.92c48.93 16.7 100.01 36.04 148.62 52.74V102.26C447.83 63.57 416.43 32 377.74 32zM47.28 322.95c.99 20.17 10.25 53.73 69.93 53.73 52.07 0 92.58-39.68 117.87-72.9-44.63-18.68-84.48-31.41-109.44-31.41-67.45 0-79.35 33.06-78.36 50.58z"],
- "amazon": [448, 512, [], "f270", "M257.2 162.7c-48.7 1.8-169.5 15.5-169.5 117.5 0 109.5 138.3 114 183.5 43.2 6.5 10.2 35.4 37.5 45.3 46.8l56.8-56S341 288.9 341 261.4V114.3C341 89 316.5 32 228.7 32 140.7 32 94 87 94 136.3l73.5 6.8c16.3-49.5 54.2-49.5 54.2-49.5 40.7-.1 35.5 29.8 35.5 69.1zm0 86.8c0 80-84.2 68-84.2 17.2 0-47.2 50.5-56.7 84.2-57.8v40.6zm136 163.5c-7.7 10-70 67-174.5 67S34.2 408.5 9.7 379c-6.8-7.7 1-11.3 5.5-8.3C88.5 415.2 203 488.5 387.7 401c7.5-3.7 13.3 2 5.5 12zm39.8 2.2c-6.5 15.8-16 26.8-21.2 31-5.5 4.5-9.5 2.7-6.5-3.8s19.3-46.5 12.7-55c-6.5-8.3-37-4.3-48-3.2-10.8 1-13 2-14-.3-2.3-5.7 21.7-15.5 37.5-17.5 15.7-1.8 41-.8 46 5.7 3.7 5.1 0 27.1-6.5 43.1z"],
- "amazon-pay": [611, 512, [], "f42c", "M0 325.2c2.3-4.2 5.2-4.9 9.7-2.5 10.4 5.6 20.6 11.4 31.2 16.7 40.7 20.4 83.2 35.6 127.4 46.3 20.9 5 41.9 9 63.2 11.8 31.5 4.2 63.2 6 95 5.2 17.4-.4 34.8-1.8 52.1-3.8 56.4-6.7 110.9-20.8 163.3-42.8 2.9-1.2 5.9-2 9.1-1.2 6.7 1.8 9 9 4.1 13.9-2.8 2.8-6.3 5.1-9.6 7.4-30.7 21.1-64.2 36.4-99.6 47.9-24.6 7.9-49.6 13.8-75.1 17.6-17.6 2.6-35.4 4.4-53.2 4.8-.8 0-1.7.2-2.5.3H294c-.8-.1-1.7-.3-2.5-.3-3.6-.2-7.2-.3-10.7-.4-16.9-.7-33.7-2.6-50.4-5.3-27.4-4.5-54.2-11.4-80.4-20.9-54.1-19.6-102.6-48.6-145.6-87-1.8-1.6-3-3.8-4.4-5.7v-2zM158 65c-1.4.2-2.9.4-4.3.6-14 1.7-26.6 6.9-38 15.1-2.4 1.7-4.6 3.5-7.1 5.4-.2-.5-.4-1-.4-1.4-.4-2.7-.8-5.5-1.3-8.2-.7-4.6-3-6.6-7.6-6.6H87.8c-6.9 0-8.2 1.3-8.2 8.2v209.3c0 1 0 2 .1 3 .2 3 2 4.9 4.9 5 7 .1 14.1.1 21.1 0 2.9 0 4.7-2 5-5 .1-1 .1-2 .1-3V215c1.1.9 1.7 1.4 2.2 1.9 17.9 14.9 38.5 19.8 61 15.4 20.4-4 34.6-16.5 43.8-34.9 7-13.9 9.9-28.7 10.3-44.1.5-17.1-1.2-33.9-8.1-49.8-8.5-19.6-22.6-32.5-43.9-36.9-3.2-.7-6.5-1-9.8-1.5-2.8-.1-5.5-.1-8.3-.1zm-47.4 41.9c0-1.5.4-2.4 1.7-3.3 13.7-9.5 28.8-14.5 45.6-13.2 14.9 1.1 27.1 8.4 33.5 25.9 3.9 10.7 4.9 21.8 4.9 33 0 10.4-.8 20.6-4 30.6-6.8 21.3-22.4 29.4-42.6 28.5-14-.6-26.2-6-37.4-13.9-1.2-.9-1.7-1.7-1.7-3.3.1-14.1 0-28.1 0-42.2 0-14 .1-28 0-42.1zM316.3 65c-1 .1-2 .3-2.9.4-9.8.5-19.4 1.7-28.9 4.1-6.1 1.6-12 3.8-17.9 5.8-3.6 1.2-5.4 3.8-5.3 7.7.1 3.3-.1 6.6 0 9.9.1 4.8 2.1 6.1 6.8 4.9 7.8-2 15.6-4.2 23.5-5.7 12.3-2.3 24.7-3.3 37.2-1.4 6.5 1 12.6 2.9 16.8 8.4 3.7 4.8 5.1 10.5 5.3 16.4.3 8.3.2 16.6.3 24.9 0 .4-.1.9-.2 1.4-.5-.1-.9 0-1.3-.1-10.5-2.5-21.1-4.3-32-4.9-11.3-.6-22.5.1-33.3 3.9-12.9 4.5-23.3 12.3-29.4 24.9-4.7 9.8-5.4 20.2-3.9 30.7 2 14 9 24.8 21.4 31.7 11.9 6.6 24.8 7.4 37.9 5.4 15.1-2.3 28.5-8.7 40.3-18.4.4-.4.9-.7 1.6-1.1.6 3.8 1.1 7.4 1.8 11 .6 3.1 2.5 5.1 5.4 5.2 5.4.1 10.9.1 16.3 0 2.7-.1 4.5-1.9 4.8-4.7.1-.9.1-1.9.1-2.8v-106c0-4.3-.2-8.6-.9-12.9-1.9-12.9-7.4-23.5-19-30.4-6.7-4-14.1-6-21.8-7.1-3.6-.5-7.2-.8-10.8-1.3-3.9.1-7.9.1-11.9.1zm35 127.7c0 1.3-.4 2.2-1.5 3-11.2 8.1-23.5 13.5-37.4 14.9-5.7.6-11.4.4-16.8-1.8-6.3-2.5-10.4-6.9-12.4-13.3s-2-13-.1-19.4c2.5-8.3 8.4-13 16.4-15.6 8.1-2.6 16.5-3 24.8-2.2 8.4.7 16.6 2.3 25 3.4 1.6.2 2.1 1 2.1 2.6-.1 4.8 0 9.5 0 14.3-.1 4.7-.2 9.4-.1 14.1zm259.9 129.4c-1-5-4.8-6.9-9.1-8.3-6.8-2.3-13.9-3.3-21-3.9-13.1-1.1-26.2-.5-39.2 1.9-14.3 2.7-27.9 7.3-40 15.6-1.4 1-2.8 2.1-3.7 3.5-.7 1.1-.9 2.8-.5 4 .4 1.5 2.1 1.9 3.6 1.8.7 0 1.5 0 2.2-.1 7.8-.8 15.5-1.7 23.3-2.5 11.4-1.1 22.9-1.8 34.3-.9 4.8.3 9.7 1.4 14.4 2.7 5.1 1.4 7.4 5.2 7.6 10.4.4 8-1.4 15.7-3.5 23.3-4.1 15.4-10 30.3-15.8 45.1-.4 1-.8 2-1 3-.5 2.9 1.2 4.8 4.1 4.1 1.7-.4 3.6-1.3 4.8-2.5 4.4-4.3 8.9-8.6 12.7-13.4 12.8-16.4 20.3-35.3 24.7-55.6.8-3.6 1.4-7.3 2.1-10.9v-17.3zM479.1 198.9c-12.9-35.7-25.8-71.5-38.7-107.2-2-5.7-4.2-11.3-6.3-16.9-1.1-2.9-3.2-4.8-6.4-4.8-7.6-.1-15.2-.2-22.9-.1-2.5 0-3.7 2-3.2 4.5.5 2.1 1.1 4.1 1.9 6.1 19.6 48.5 39.3 97.1 59.1 145.5 1.7 4.1 2.1 7.6.2 11.8-3.3 7.3-5.9 15-9.3 22.3-3 6.5-8 11.4-15.2 13.3-5.1 1.4-10.2 1.6-15.4 1.1-2.5-.2-5-.8-7.5-1-3.4-.2-5.1 1.3-5.2 4.8-.1 3.3-.1 6.6 0 9.9.1 5.5 2 8 7.4 8.9 5.6 1 11.3 1.9 16.9 2 17.1.4 30.7-6.5 39.5-21.4 3.5-5.9 6.7-12.1 9.2-18.4 23.7-59.8 47.1-119.7 70.6-179.6.7-1.8 1.3-3.6 1.6-5.5.4-2.8-.9-4.4-3.7-4.4-6.6-.1-13.3 0-19.9 0-3.7 0-6.3 1.6-7.7 5.2-.5 1.4-1.1 2.7-1.6 4.1-11.6 33.3-23.2 66.6-34.8 100-2.5 7.2-5.1 14.5-7.7 22.2-.4-1.1-.6-1.7-.9-2.4z"],
- "amilia": [448, 512, [], "f36d", "M240.1 32c-61.9 0-131.5 16.9-184.2 55.4-5.1 3.1-9.1 9.2-7.2 19.4 1.1 5.1 5.1 27.4 10.2 39.6 4.1 10.2 14.2 10.2 20.3 6.1 32.5-22.3 96.5-47.7 152.3-47.7 57.9 0 58.9 28.4 58.9 73.1v38.5C203 227.7 78.2 251 46.7 264.2 11.2 280.5 16.3 357.7 16.3 376s15.2 104 124.9 104c47.8 0 113.7-20.7 153.3-42.1v25.4c0 3 2.1 8.2 6.1 9.1 3.1 1 50.7 2 59.9 2s62.5.3 66.5-.7c4.1-1 5.1-6.1 5.1-9.1V168c-.1-80.3-57.9-136-192-136zm-87.9 327.7c0-12.2-3-42.7 18.3-52.9 24.3-13.2 75.1-29.4 119.8-33.5V380c-21.4 13.2-48.7 24.4-79.1 24.4-52.8 0-58.9-33.5-59-44.7"],
- "android": [448, 512, [], "f17b", "M89.6 204.5v115.8c0 15.4-12.1 27.7-27.5 27.7-15.3 0-30.1-12.4-30.1-27.7V204.5c0-15.1 14.8-27.5 30.1-27.5 15.1 0 27.5 12.4 27.5 27.5zm10.8 157c0 16.4 13.2 29.6 29.6 29.6h19.9l.3 61.1c0 36.9 55.2 36.6 55.2 0v-61.1h37.2v61.1c0 36.7 55.5 36.8 55.5 0v-61.1h20.2c16.2 0 29.4-13.2 29.4-29.6V182.1H100.4v179.4zm248-189.1H99.3c0-42.8 25.6-80 63.6-99.4l-19.1-35.3c-2.8-4.9 4.3-8 6.7-3.8l19.4 35.6c34.9-15.5 75-14.7 108.3 0L297.5 34c2.5-4.3 9.5-1.1 6.7 3.8L285.1 73c37.7 19.4 63.3 56.6 63.3 99.4zm-170.7-55.5c0-5.7-4.6-10.5-10.5-10.5-5.7 0-10.2 4.8-10.2 10.5s4.6 10.5 10.2 10.5c5.9 0 10.5-4.8 10.5-10.5zm113.4 0c0-5.7-4.6-10.5-10.2-10.5-5.9 0-10.5 4.8-10.5 10.5s4.6 10.5 10.5 10.5c5.6 0 10.2-4.8 10.2-10.5zm94.8 60.1c-15.1 0-27.5 12.1-27.5 27.5v115.8c0 15.4 12.4 27.7 27.5 27.7 15.4 0 30.1-12.4 30.1-27.7V204.5c0-15.4-14.8-27.5-30.1-27.5z"],
- "angellist": [448, 512, [], "f209", "M347.1 215.4c11.7-32.6 45.4-126.9 45.4-157.1 0-26.6-15.7-48.9-43.7-48.9-44.6 0-84.6 131.7-97.1 163.1C242 144 196.6 0 156.6 0c-31.1 0-45.7 22.9-45.7 51.7 0 35.3 34.2 126.8 46.6 162-6.3-2.3-13.1-4.3-20-4.3-23.4 0-48.3 29.1-48.3 52.6 0 8.9 4.9 21.4 8 29.7-36.9 10-51.1 34.6-51.1 71.7C46 435.6 114.4 512 210.6 512c118 0 191.4-88.6 191.4-202.9 0-43.1-6.9-82-54.9-93.7zM311.7 108c4-12.3 21.1-64.3 37.1-64.3 8.6 0 10.9 8.9 10.9 16 0 19.1-38.6 124.6-47.1 148l-34-6 33.1-93.7zM142.3 48.3c0-11.9 14.5-45.7 46.3 47.1l34.6 100.3c-15.6-1.3-27.7-3-35.4 1.4-10.9-28.8-45.5-119.7-45.5-148.8zM140 244c29.3 0 67.1 94.6 67.1 107.4 0 5.1-4.9 11.4-10.6 11.4-20.9 0-76.9-76.9-76.9-97.7.1-7.7 12.7-21.1 20.4-21.1zm184.3 186.3c-29.1 32-66.3 48.6-109.7 48.6-59.4 0-106.3-32.6-128.9-88.3-17.1-43.4 3.8-68.3 20.6-68.3 11.4 0 54.3 60.3 54.3 73.1 0 4.9-7.7 8.3-11.7 8.3-16.1 0-22.4-15.5-51.1-51.4-29.7 29.7 20.5 86.9 58.3 86.9 26.1 0 43.1-24.2 38-42 3.7 0 8.3.3 11.7-.6 1.1 27.1 9.1 59.4 41.7 61.7 0-.9 2-7.1 2-7.4 0-17.4-10.6-32.6-10.6-50.3 0-28.3 21.7-55.7 43.7-71.7 8-6 17.7-9.7 27.1-13.1 9.7-3.7 20-8 27.4-15.4-1.1-11.2-5.7-21.1-16.9-21.1-27.7 0-120.6 4-120.6-39.7 0-6.7.1-13.1 17.4-13.1 32.3 0 114.3 8 138.3 29.1 18.1 16.1 24.3 113.2-31 174.7zm-98.6-126c9.7 3.1 19.7 4 29.7 6-7.4 5.4-14 12-20.3 19.1-2.8-8.5-6.2-16.8-9.4-25.1z"],
- "angrycreative": [640, 512, [], "f36e", "M640 238.2l-3.2 28.2-34.5 2.3-2 18.1 34.5-2.3-3.2 28.2-34.4 2.2-2.3 20.1 34.4-2.2-3 26.1-64.7 4.1 12.7-113.2L527 365.2l-31.9 2-23.8-117.8 30.3-2 13.6 79.4 31.7-82.4 93.1-6.2zM426.8 371.5l28.3-1.8L468 249.6l-28.4 1.9-12.8 120zM162 388.1l-19.4-36-3.5 37.4-28.2 1.7 2.7-29.1c-11 18-32 34.3-56.9 35.8C23.9 399.9-3 377 .3 339.7c2.6-29.3 26.7-62.8 67.5-65.4 37.7-2.4 47.6 23.2 51.3 28.8l2.8-30.8 38.9-2.5c20.1-1.3 38.7 3.7 42.5 23.7l2.6-26.6 64.8-4.2-2.7 27.9-36.4 2.4-1.7 17.9 36.4-2.3-2.7 27.9-36.4 2.3-1.9 19.9 36.3-2.3-2.1 20.8 55-117.2 23.8-1.6L370.4 369l8.9-85.6-22.3 1.4 2.9-27.9 75-4.9-3 28-24.3 1.6-9.7 91.9-58 3.7-4.3-15.6-39.4 2.5-8 16.3-126.2 7.7zm-44.3-70.2l-26.4 1.7C84.6 307.2 76.9 303 65 303.8c-19 1.2-33.3 17.5-34.6 33.3-1.4 16 7.3 32.5 28.7 31.2 12.8-.8 21.3-8.6 28.9-18.9l27-1.7 2.7-29.8zm56.1-7.7c1.2-12.9-7.6-13.6-26.1-12.4l-2.7 28.5c14.2-.9 27.5-2.1 28.8-16.1zm21.1 70.8l5.8-60c-5 13.5-14.7 21.1-27.9 26.6l22.1 33.4zm135.4-45l-7.9-37.8-15.8 39.3 23.7-1.5zm-170.1-74.6l-4.3-17.5-39.6 2.6-8.1 18.2-31.9 2.1 57-121.9 23.9-1.6 30.7 102 9.9-104.7 27-1.8 37.8 63.6 6.5-66.6 28.5-1.9-4 41.2c7.4-13.5 22.9-44.7 63.6-47.5 40.5-2.8 52.4 29.3 53.4 30.3l3.3-32 39.3-2.7c12.7-.9 27.8.3 36.3 9.7l-4.4-11.9 32.2-2.2 12.9 43.2 23-45.7 31-2.2-43.6 78.4-4.8 44.3-28.4 1.9 4.8-44.3-15.8-43c1 22.3-9.2 40.1-32 49.6l25.2 38.8-36.4 2.4-19.2-36.8-4 38.3-28.4 1.9 3.3-31.5c-6.7 9.3-19.7 35.4-59.6 38-26.2 1.7-45.6-10.3-55.4-39.2l-4 40.3-25 1.6-37.6-63.3-6.3 66.2-56.8 3.7zm276.6-82.1c10.2-.7 17.5-2.1 21.6-4.3 4.5-2.4 7-6.4 7.6-12.1.6-5.3-.6-8.8-3.4-10.4-3.6-2.1-10.6-2.8-22.9-2l-2.9 28.8zM327.7 214c5.6 5.9 12.7 8.5 21.3 7.9 4.7-.3 9.1-1.8 13.3-4.1 5.5-3 10.6-8 15.1-14.3l-34.2 2.3 2.4-23.9 63.1-4.3 1.2-12-31.2 2.1c-4.1-3.7-7.8-6.6-11.1-8.1-4-1.7-8.1-2.8-12.2-2.5-8 .5-15.3 3.6-22 9.2-7.7 6.4-12 14.5-12.9 24.4-1.1 9.6 1.4 17.3 7.2 23.3zm-201.3 8.2l23.8-1.6-8.3-37.6-15.5 39.2z"],
- "angular": [415, 512, [], "f420", "M169.7 268.1h76.2l-38.1-91.6-38.1 91.6zM207.8 32L0 106.4l31.8 275.7 176 97.9 176-97.9 31.8-275.7L207.8 32zM338 373.8h-48.6l-26.2-65.4H152.6l-26.2 65.4H77.7L207.8 81.5 338 373.8z"],
- "app-store": [512, 512, [], "f36f", "M255.9 120.9l9.1-15.7c5.6-9.8 18.1-13.1 27.9-7.5 9.8 5.6 13.1 18.1 7.5 27.9l-87.5 151.5h63.3c20.5 0 32 24.1 23.1 40.8H113.8c-11.3 0-20.4-9.1-20.4-20.4 0-11.3 9.1-20.4 20.4-20.4h52l66.6-115.4-20.8-36.1c-5.6-9.8-2.3-22.2 7.5-27.9 9.8-5.6 22.2-2.3 27.9 7.5l8.9 15.7zm-78.7 218l-19.6 34c-5.6 9.8-18.1 13.1-27.9 7.5-9.8-5.6-13.1-18.1-7.5-27.9l14.6-25.2c16.4-5.1 29.8-1.2 40.4 11.6zm168.9-61.7h53.1c11.3 0 20.4 9.1 20.4 20.4 0 11.3-9.1 20.4-20.4 20.4h-29.5l19.9 34.5c5.6 9.8 2.3 22.2-7.5 27.9-9.8 5.6-22.2 2.3-27.9-7.5-33.5-58.1-58.7-101.6-75.4-130.6-17.1-29.5-4.9-59.1 7.2-69.1 13.4 23 33.4 57.7 60.1 104zM256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm216 248c0 118.7-96.1 216-216 216-118.7 0-216-96.1-216-216 0-118.7 96.1-216 216-216 118.7 0 216 96.1 216 216z"],
- "app-store-ios": [448, 512, [], "f370", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM127 384.5c-5.5 9.6-17.8 12.8-27.3 7.3-9.6-5.5-12.8-17.8-7.3-27.3l14.3-24.7c16.1-4.9 29.3-1.1 39.6 11.4L127 384.5zm138.9-53.9H84c-11 0-20-9-20-20s9-20 20-20h51l65.4-113.2-20.5-35.4c-5.5-9.6-2.2-21.8 7.3-27.3 9.6-5.5 21.8-2.2 27.3 7.3l8.9 15.4 8.9-15.4c5.5-9.6 17.8-12.8 27.3-7.3 9.6 5.5 12.8 17.8 7.3 27.3l-85.8 148.6h62.1c20.2 0 31.5 23.7 22.7 40zm98.1 0h-29l19.6 33.9c5.5 9.6 2.2 21.8-7.3 27.3-9.6 5.5-21.8 2.2-27.3-7.3-32.9-56.9-57.5-99.7-74-128.1-16.7-29-4.8-58 7.1-67.8 13.1 22.7 32.7 56.7 58.9 102h52c11 0 20 9 20 20 0 11.1-9 20-20 20z"],
- "apper": [640, 512, [], "f371", "M42.1 239.1c22.2 0 29 2.8 33.5 14.6h.8v-22.9c0-11.3-4.8-15.4-17.9-15.4-11.3 0-14.4 2.5-15.1 12.8H4.8c.3-13.9 1.5-19.1 5.8-24.4C17.9 195 29.5 192 56.7 192c33 0 47.1 5 53.9 18.9 2 4.3 4 15.6 4 23.7v76.3H76.3l1.3-19.1h-1c-5.3 15.6-13.6 20.4-35.5 20.4-30.3 0-41.1-10.1-41.1-37.3 0-25.2 12.3-35.8 42.1-35.8zm17.1 48.1c13.1 0 16.9-3 16.9-13.4 0-9.1-4.3-11.6-19.6-11.6-13.1 0-17.9 3-17.9 12.1-.1 10.4 3.7 12.9 20.6 12.9zm77.8-94.9h38.3l-1.5 20.6h.8c9.1-17.1 15.9-20.9 37.5-20.9 14.4 0 24.7 3 31.5 9.1 9.8 8.6 12.8 20.4 12.8 48.1 0 30-3 43.1-12.1 52.9-6.8 7.3-16.4 10.1-33.2 10.1-20.4 0-29.2-5.5-33.8-21.2h-.8v70.3H137v-169zm80.9 60.7c0-27.5-3.3-32.5-20.7-32.5-16.9 0-20.7 5-20.7 28.7 0 28 3.5 33.5 21.2 33.5 16.4 0 20.2-5.6 20.2-29.7zm57.9-60.7h38.3l-1.5 20.6h.8c9.1-17.1 15.9-20.9 37.5-20.9 14.4 0 24.7 3 31.5 9.1 9.8 8.6 12.8 20.4 12.8 48.1 0 30-3 43.1-12.1 52.9-6.8 7.3-16.4 10.1-33.3 10.1-20.4 0-29.2-5.5-33.8-21.2h-.8v70.3h-39.5v-169zm80.9 60.7c0-27.5-3.3-32.5-20.7-32.5-16.9 0-20.7 5-20.7 28.7 0 28 3.5 33.5 21.2 33.5 16.4 0 20.2-5.6 20.2-29.7zm53.8-3.8c0-25.4 3.3-37.8 12.3-45.8 8.8-8.1 22.2-11.3 45.1-11.3 42.8 0 55.7 12.8 55.7 55.7v11.1h-75.3c-.3 2-.3 4-.3 4.8 0 16.9 4.5 21.9 20.1 21.9 13.9 0 17.9-3 17.9-13.9h37.5v2.3c0 9.8-2.5 18.9-6.8 24.7-7.3 9.8-19.6 13.6-44.3 13.6-27.5 0-41.6-3.3-50.6-12.3-8.5-8.5-11.3-21.3-11.3-50.8zm76.4-11.6c-.3-1.8-.3-3.3-.3-3.8 0-12.3-3.3-14.6-19.6-14.6-14.4 0-17.1 3-18.1 15.1l-.3 3.3h38.3zm55.6-45.3h38.3l-1.8 19.9h.7c6.8-14.9 14.4-20.2 29.7-20.2 10.8 0 19.1 3.3 23.4 9.3 5.3 7.3 6.8 14.4 6.8 34 0 1.5 0 5 .2 9.3h-35c.3-1.8.3-3.3.3-4 0-15.4-2-19.4-10.3-19.4-6.3 0-10.8 3.3-13.1 9.3-1 3-1 4.3-1 12.3v68h-38.3V192.3z"],
- "apple": [376, 512, [], "f179", "M314.7 268.7c-.2-36.7 16.4-64.4 50-84.8-18.8-26.9-47.2-41.7-84.7-44.6-35.5-2.8-74.3 20.7-88.5 20.7-15 0-49.4-19.7-76.4-19.7C59.3 141.2 0 184.8 0 273.5c0 26.2 4.8 53.3 14.4 81.2 12.8 36.7 59 126.7 107.2 125.2 25.2-.6 43-17.9 75.8-17.9 31.8 0 48.3 17.9 76.4 17.9 48.6-.7 90.4-82.5 102.6-119.3-65.2-30.7-61.7-90-61.7-91.9zm-56.6-164.2c27.3-32.4 24.8-61.9 24-72.5-24.1 1.4-52 16.4-67.9 34.9-17.5 19.8-27.8 44.3-25.6 71.9 26.1 2 49.9-11.4 69.5-34.3z"],
- "apple-pay": [640, 512, [], "f415", "M116.9 158.5c-7.5 8.9-19.5 15.9-31.5 14.9-1.5-12 4.4-24.8 11.3-32.6 7.5-9.1 20.6-15.6 31.3-16.1 1.2 12.4-3.7 24.7-11.1 33.8m10.9 17.2c-17.4-1-32.3 9.9-40.5 9.9-8.4 0-21-9.4-34.8-9.1-17.9.3-34.5 10.4-43.6 26.5-18.8 32.3-4.9 80 13.3 106.3 8.9 13 19.5 27.3 33.5 26.8 13.3-.5 18.5-8.6 34.5-8.6 16.1 0 20.8 8.6 34.8 8.4 14.5-.3 23.6-13 32.5-26 10.1-14.8 14.3-29.1 14.5-29.9-.3-.3-28-10.9-28.3-42.9-.3-26.8 21.9-39.5 22.9-40.3-12.5-18.6-32-20.6-38.8-21.1m100.4-36.2v194.9h30.3v-66.6h41.9c38.3 0 65.1-26.3 65.1-64.3s-26.4-64-64.1-64h-73.2zm30.3 25.5h34.9c26.3 0 41.3 14 41.3 38.6s-15 38.8-41.4 38.8h-34.8V165zm162.2 170.9c19 0 36.6-9.6 44.6-24.9h.6v23.4h28v-97c0-28.1-22.5-46.3-57.1-46.3-32.1 0-55.9 18.4-56.8 43.6h27.3c2.3-12 13.4-19.9 28.6-19.9 18.5 0 28.9 8.6 28.9 24.5v10.8l-37.8 2.3c-35.1 2.1-54.1 16.5-54.1 41.5.1 25.2 19.7 42 47.8 42zm8.2-23.1c-16.1 0-26.4-7.8-26.4-19.6 0-12.3 9.9-19.4 28.8-20.5l33.6-2.1v11c0 18.2-15.5 31.2-36 31.2zm102.5 74.6c29.5 0 43.4-11.3 55.5-45.4L640 193h-30.8l-35.6 115.1h-.6L537.4 193h-31.6L557 334.9l-2.8 8.6c-4.6 14.6-12.1 20.3-25.5 20.3-2.4 0-7-.3-8.9-.5v23.4c1.8.4 9.3.7 11.6.7z"],
- "asymmetrik": [576, 512, [], "f372", "M517.5 309.2c38.8-40 58.1-80 58.5-116.1.8-65.5-59.4-118.2-169.4-135C277.9 38.4 118.1 73.6 0 140.5 52 114 110.6 92.3 170.7 82.3c74.5-20.5 153-25.4 221.3-14.8C544.5 91.3 588.8 195 490.8 299.2c-10.2 10.8-22 21.1-35 30.6L304.9 103.4 114.7 388.9c-65.6-29.4-76.5-90.2-19.1-151.2 20.8-22.2 48.3-41.9 79.5-58.1 20-12.2 39.7-22.6 62-30.7-65.1 20.3-122.7 52.9-161.6 92.9-27.7 28.6-41.4 57.1-41.7 82.9-.5 35.1 23.4 65.1 68.4 83l-34.5 51.7h101.6l22-34.4c22.2 1 45.3 0 68.6-2.7l-22.8 37.1h135.5L340 406.3c18.6-5.3 36.9-11.5 54.5-18.7l45.9 71.8H542L468.6 349c18.5-12.1 35-25.5 48.9-39.8zm-187.6 80.5l-25-40.6-32.7 53.3c-23.4 3.5-46.7 5.1-69.2 4.4l101.9-159.3 78.7 123c-17.2 7.4-35.3 13.9-53.7 19.2z"],
- "audible": [640, 512, [], "f373", "M640 199.9v54l-320 200L0 254v-54l320 200 320-200.1zm-194.5 72l47.1-29.4c-37.2-55.8-100.7-92.6-172.7-92.6-72 0-135.5 36.7-172.6 92.4h.3c2.5-2.3 5.1-4.5 7.7-6.7 89.7-74.4 219.4-58.1 290.2 36.3zm-220.1 18.8c16.9-11.9 36.5-18.7 57.4-18.7 34.4 0 65.2 18.4 86.4 47.6l45.4-28.4c-20.9-29.9-55.6-49.5-94.8-49.5-38.9 0-73.4 19.4-94.4 49zM103.6 161.1c131.8-104.3 318.2-76.4 417.5 62.1l.7 1 48.8-30.4C517.1 112.1 424.8 58.1 319.9 58.1c-103.5 0-196.6 53.5-250.5 135.6 9.9-10.5 22.7-23.5 34.2-32.6zm467 32.7z"],
- "autoprefixer": [640, 512, [], "f41c", "M318.4 16l-161 480h77.5l25.4-81.4h119.5L405 496h77.5L318.4 16zm-40.3 341.9l41.2-130.4h1.5l40.9 130.4h-83.6zM640 405l-10-31.4L462.1 358l19.4 56.5L640 405zm-462.1-47L10 373.7 0 405l158.5 9.4 19.4-56.4z"],
- "avianex": [512, 512, [], "f374", "M453.1 32h-312c-38.9 0-76.2 31.2-83.3 69.7L1.2 410.3C-5.9 448.8 19.9 480 58.9 480h312c38.9 0 76.2-31.2 83.3-69.7l56.7-308.5c7-38.6-18.8-69.8-57.8-69.8zm-58.2 347.3l-32 13.5-115.4-110c-14.7 10-29.2 19.5-41.7 27.1l22.1 64.2-17.9 12.7-40.6-61-52.4-48.1 15.7-15.4 58 31.1c9.3-10.5 20.8-22.6 32.8-34.9L203 228.9l-68.8-99.8 18.8-28.9 8.9-4.8L265 207.8l4.9 4.5c19.4-18.8 33.8-32.4 33.8-32.4 7.7-6.5 21.5-2.9 30.7 7.9 9 10.5 10.6 24.7 2.7 31.3-1.8 1.3-15.5 11.4-35.3 25.6l4.5 7.3 94.9 119.4-6.3 7.9z"],
- "aviato": [640, 512, [], "f421", "M107.2 283.5l-19-41.8H36.1l-19 41.8H0l62.2-131.4 62.2 131.4h-17.2zm-45-98.1l-19.6 42.5h39.2l-19.6-42.5zm112.7 102.4l-62.2-131.4h17.1l45.1 96 45.1-96h17l-62.1 131.4zm80.6-4.3V156.4H271v127.1h-15.5zm209.1-115.6v115.6h-17.3V167.9h-41.2v-11.5h99.6v11.5h-41.1zM640 218.8c0 9.2-1.7 17.8-5.1 25.8-3.4 8-8.2 15.1-14.2 21.1-6 6-13.1 10.8-21.1 14.2-8 3.4-16.6 5.1-25.8 5.1s-17.8-1.7-25.8-5.1c-8-3.4-15.1-8.2-21.1-14.2-6-6-10.8-13-14.2-21.1-3.4-8-5.1-16.6-5.1-25.8s1.7-17.8 5.1-25.8c3.4-8 8.2-15.1 14.2-21.1 6-6 13-8.4 21.1-11.9 8-3.4 16.6-5.1 25.8-5.1s17.8 1.7 25.8 5.1c8 3.4 15.1 5.8 21.1 11.9 6 6 10.7 13.1 14.2 21.1 3.4 8 5.1 16.6 5.1 25.8zm-15.5 0c0-7.3-1.3-14-3.9-20.3-2.6-6.3-6.2-11.7-10.8-16.3-4.6-4.6-10-8.2-16.2-10.9-6.2-2.7-12.8-4-19.8-4s-13.6 1.3-19.8 4c-6.2 2.7-11.6 6.3-16.2 10.9-4.6 4.6-8.2 10-10.8 16.3-2.6 6.3-3.9 13.1-3.9 20.3 0 7.3 1.3 14 3.9 20.3 2.6 6.3 6.2 11.7 10.8 16.3 4.6 4.6 10 8.2 16.2 10.9 6.2 2.7 12.8 4 19.8 4s13.6-1.3 19.8-4c6.2-2.7 11.6-6.3 16.2-10.9 4.6-4.6 8.2-10 10.8-16.3 2.6-6.3 3.9-13.1 3.9-20.3zm-94.8 96.7v-6.3l88.9-10-242.9 13.4c.6-2.2 1.1-4.6 1.4-7.2.3-2 .5-4.2.6-6.5l64.8-8.1-64.9 1.9c0-.4-.1-.7-.1-1.1-2.8-17.2-25.5-23.7-25.5-23.7l-1.1-26.3h23.8l19 41.8h17.1L348.6 152l-62.2 131.4h17.1l19-41.8h23.6L345 268s-22.7 6.5-25.5 23.7c-.1.3-.1.7-.1 1.1l-64.9-1.9 64.8 8.1c.1 2.3.3 4.4.6 6.5.3 2.6.8 5 1.4 7.2L78.4 299.2l88.9 10v6.3c-5.9.9-10.5 6-10.5 12.2 0 6.8 5.6 12.4 12.4 12.4 6.8 0 12.4-5.6 12.4-12.4 0-6.2-4.6-11.3-10.5-12.2v-5.8l80.3 9v5.4c-5.7 1.1-9.9 6.2-9.9 12.1 0 6.8 5.6 10.2 12.4 10.2 6.8 0 12.4-3.4 12.4-10.2 0-6-4.3-11-9.9-12.1v-4.9l28.4 3.2v23.7h-5.9V360h5.9v-6.6h5v6.6h5.9v-13.8h-5.9V323l38.3 4.3c8.1 11.4 19 13.6 19 13.6l-.1 6.7-5.1.2-.1 12.1h4.1l.1-5h5.2l.1 5h4.1l-.1-12.1-5.1-.2-.1-6.7s10.9-2.1 19-13.6l38.3-4.3v23.2h-5.9V360h5.9v-6.6h5v6.6h5.9v-13.8h-5.9v-23.7l28.4-3.2v4.9c-5.7 1.1-9.9 6.2-9.9 12.1 0 6.8 5.6 10.2 12.4 10.2 6.8 0 12.4-3.4 12.4-10.2 0-6-4.3-11-9.9-12.1v-5.4l80.3-9v5.8c-5.9.9-10.5 6-10.5 12.2 0 6.8 5.6 12.4 12.4 12.4 6.8 0 12.4-5.6 12.4-12.4-.2-6.3-4.7-11.4-10.7-12.3zm-200.8-87.6l19.6-42.5 19.6 42.5h-17.9l-1.7-40.3-1.7 40.3h-17.9z"],
- "aws": [640, 512, [], "f375", "M180.41 203.01c-.72 22.65 10.6 32.68 10.88 39.05a8.164 8.164 0 0 1-4.1 6.27l-12.8 8.96a10.66 10.66 0 0 1-5.63 1.92c-.43-.02-8.19 1.83-20.48-25.61a78.608 78.608 0 0 1-62.61 29.45c-16.28.89-60.4-9.24-58.13-56.21-1.59-38.28 34.06-62.06 70.93-60.05 7.1.02 21.6.37 46.99 6.27v-15.62c2.69-26.46-14.7-46.99-44.81-43.91-2.4.01-19.4-.5-45.84 10.11-7.36 3.38-8.3 2.82-10.75 2.82-7.41 0-4.36-21.48-2.94-24.2 5.21-6.4 35.86-18.35 65.94-18.18a76.857 76.857 0 0 1 55.69 17.28 70.285 70.285 0 0 1 17.67 52.36l-.01 69.29zM93.99 235.4c32.43-.47 46.16-19.97 49.29-30.47 2.46-10.05 2.05-16.41 2.05-27.4-9.67-2.32-23.59-4.85-39.56-4.87-15.15-1.14-42.82 5.63-41.74 32.26-1.24 16.79 11.12 31.4 29.96 30.48zm170.92 23.05c-7.86.72-11.52-4.86-12.68-10.37l-49.8-164.65c-.97-2.78-1.61-5.65-1.92-8.58a4.61 4.61 0 0 1 3.86-5.25c.24-.04-2.13 0 22.25 0 8.78-.88 11.64 6.03 12.55 10.37l35.72 140.83 33.16-140.83c.53-3.22 2.94-11.07 12.8-10.24h17.16c2.17-.18 11.11-.5 12.68 10.37l33.42 142.63L420.98 80.1c.48-2.18 2.72-11.37 12.68-10.37h19.72c.85-.13 6.15-.81 5.25 8.58-.43 1.85 3.41-10.66-52.75 169.9-1.15 5.51-4.82 11.09-12.68 10.37h-18.69c-10.94 1.15-12.51-9.66-12.68-10.75L328.67 110.7l-32.78 136.99c-.16 1.09-1.73 11.9-12.68 10.75h-18.3zm273.48 5.63c-5.88.01-33.92-.3-57.36-12.29a12.802 12.802 0 0 1-7.81-11.91v-10.75c0-8.45 6.2-6.9 8.83-5.89 10.04 4.06 16.48 7.14 28.81 9.6 36.65 7.53 52.77-2.3 56.72-4.48 13.15-7.81 14.19-25.68 5.25-34.95-10.48-8.79-15.48-9.12-53.13-21-4.64-1.29-43.7-13.61-43.79-52.36-.61-28.24 25.05-56.18 69.52-55.95 12.67-.01 46.43 4.13 55.57 15.62 1.35 2.09 2.02 4.55 1.92 7.04v10.11c0 4.44-1.62 6.66-4.87 6.66-7.71-.86-21.39-11.17-49.16-10.75-6.89-.36-39.89.91-38.41 24.97-.43 18.96 26.61 26.07 29.7 26.89 36.46 10.97 48.65 12.79 63.12 29.58 17.14 22.25 7.9 48.3 4.35 55.44-19.08 37.49-68.42 34.44-69.26 34.42zm40.2 104.86c-70.03 51.72-171.69 79.25-258.49 79.25A469.127 469.127 0 0 1 2.83 327.46c-6.53-5.89-.77-13.96 7.17-9.47a637.37 637.37 0 0 0 316.88 84.12 630.22 630.22 0 0 0 241.59-49.55c11.78-5 21.77 7.8 10.12 16.38zm29.19-33.29c-8.96-11.52-59.28-5.38-81.81-2.69-6.79.77-7.94-5.12-1.79-9.47 40.07-28.17 105.88-20.1 113.44-10.63 7.55 9.47-2.05 75.41-39.56 106.91-5.76 4.87-11.27 2.3-8.71-4.1 8.44-21.25 27.39-68.49 18.43-80.02z"],
- "bandcamp": [496, 512, [], "f2d5", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm48.2 326.1h-181L199.9 178h181l-84.7 156.1z"],
- "behance": [576, 512, [], "f1b4", "M232 237.2c31.8-15.2 48.4-38.2 48.4-74 0-70.6-52.6-87.8-113.3-87.8H0v354.4h171.8c64.4 0 124.9-30.9 124.9-102.9 0-44.5-21.1-77.4-64.7-89.7zM77.9 135.9H151c28.1 0 53.4 7.9 53.4 40.5 0 30.1-19.7 42.2-47.5 42.2h-79v-82.7zm83.3 233.7H77.9V272h84.9c34.3 0 56 14.3 56 50.6 0 35.8-25.9 47-57.6 47zm358.5-240.7H376V94h143.7v34.9zM576 305.2c0-75.9-44.4-139.2-124.9-139.2-78.2 0-131.3 58.8-131.3 135.8 0 79.9 50.3 134.7 131.3 134.7 61.3 0 101-27.6 120.1-86.3H509c-6.7 21.9-34.3 33.5-55.7 33.5-41.3 0-63-24.2-63-65.3h185.1c.3-4.2.6-8.7.6-13.2zM390.4 274c2.3-33.7 24.7-54.8 58.5-54.8 35.4 0 53.2 20.8 56.2 54.8H390.4z"],
- "behance-square": [448, 512, [], "f1b5", "M186.5 293c0 19.3-14 25.4-31.2 25.4h-45.1v-52.9h46c18.6.1 30.3 7.8 30.3 27.5zm-7.7-82.3c0-17.7-13.7-21.9-28.9-21.9h-39.6v44.8H153c15.1 0 25.8-6.6 25.8-22.9zm132.3 23.2c-18.3 0-30.5 11.4-31.7 29.7h62.2c-1.7-18.5-11.3-29.7-30.5-29.7zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM271.7 185h77.8v-18.9h-77.8V185zm-43 110.3c0-24.1-11.4-44.9-35-51.6 17.2-8.2 26.2-17.7 26.2-37 0-38.2-28.5-47.5-61.4-47.5H68v192h93.1c34.9-.2 67.6-16.9 67.6-55.9zM380 280.5c0-41.1-24.1-75.4-67.6-75.4-42.4 0-71.1 31.8-71.1 73.6 0 43.3 27.3 73 71.1 73 33.2 0 54.7-14.9 65.1-46.8h-33.7c-3.7 11.9-18.6 18.1-30.2 18.1-22.4 0-34.1-13.1-34.1-35.3h100.2c.1-2.3.3-4.8.3-7.2z"],
- "bimobject": [448, 512, [], "f378", "M416 32H32C14.4 32 0 46.4 0 64v384c0 17.6 14.4 32 32 32h384c17.6 0 32-14.4 32-32V64c0-17.6-14.4-32-32-32zm-64 257.4c0 49.4-11.4 82.6-103.8 82.6h-16.9c-44.1 0-62.4-14.9-70.4-38.8h-.9V368H96V136h64v74.7h1.1c4.6-30.5 39.7-38.8 69.7-38.8h17.3c92.4 0 103.8 33.1 103.8 82.5v35zm-64-28.9v22.9c0 21.7-3.4 33.8-38.4 33.8h-45.3c-28.9 0-44.1-6.5-44.1-35.7v-19c0-29.3 15.2-35.7 44.1-35.7h45.3c35-.2 38.4 12 38.4 33.7z"],
- "bitbucket": [512, 512, [], "f171", "M23.1 32C14.2 31.9 7 38.9 6.9 47.8c0 .9.1 1.8.2 2.8L74.9 462c1.7 10.4 10.7 18 21.2 18.1h325.1c7.9.1 14.7-5.6 16-13.4l67.8-416c1.4-8.7-4.5-16.9-13.2-18.3-.9-.1-1.8-.2-2.8-.2L23.1 32zm285.3 297.3H204.6l-28.1-146.8h157l-25.1 146.8z"],
- "bitcoin": [512, 512, [], "f379", "M504 256c0 136.967-111.033 248-248 248S8 392.967 8 256 119.033 8 256 8s248 111.033 248 248zm-141.651-35.33c4.937-32.999-20.191-50.739-54.55-62.573l11.146-44.702-27.213-6.781-10.851 43.524c-7.154-1.783-14.502-3.464-21.803-5.13l10.929-43.81-27.198-6.781-11.153 44.686c-5.922-1.349-11.735-2.682-17.377-4.084l.031-.14-37.53-9.37-7.239 29.062s20.191 4.627 19.765 4.913c11.022 2.751 13.014 10.044 12.68 15.825l-12.696 50.925c.76.194 1.744.473 2.829.907-.907-.225-1.876-.473-2.876-.713l-17.796 71.338c-1.349 3.348-4.767 8.37-12.471 6.464.271.395-19.78-4.937-19.78-4.937l-13.51 31.147 35.414 8.827c6.588 1.651 13.045 3.379 19.4 5.006l-11.262 45.213 27.182 6.781 11.153-44.733a1038.209 1038.209 0 0 0 21.687 5.627l-11.115 44.523 27.213 6.781 11.262-45.128c46.404 8.781 81.299 5.239 95.986-36.727 11.836-33.79-.589-53.281-25.004-65.991 17.78-4.098 31.174-15.792 34.747-39.949zm-62.177 87.179c-8.41 33.79-65.308 15.523-83.755 10.943l14.944-59.899c18.446 4.603 77.6 13.717 68.811 48.956zm8.417-87.667c-7.673 30.736-55.031 15.12-70.393 11.292l13.548-54.327c15.363 3.828 64.836 10.973 56.845 43.035z"],
- "bity": [496, 512, [], "f37a", "M78.4 67.2C173.8-22 324.5-24 421.5 71c14.3 14.1-6.4 37.1-22.4 21.5-84.8-82.4-215.8-80.3-298.9-3.2-16.3 15.1-36.5-8.3-21.8-22.1zm98.9 418.6c19.3 5.7 29.3-23.6 7.9-30C73 421.9 9.4 306.1 37.7 194.8c5-19.6-24.9-28.1-30.2-7.1-32.1 127.4 41.1 259.8 169.8 298.1zm148.1-2c121.9-40.2 192.9-166.9 164.4-291-4.5-19.7-34.9-13.8-30 7.9 24.2 107.7-37.1 217.9-143.2 253.4-21.2 7-10.4 36 8.8 29.7zm-62.9-79l.2-71.8c0-8.2-6.6-14.8-14.8-14.8-8.2 0-14.8 6.7-14.8 14.8l-.2 71.8c0 8.2 6.6 14.8 14.8 14.8s14.8-6.6 14.8-14.8zm71-269c2.1 90.9 4.7 131.9-85.5 132.5-92.5-.7-86.9-44.3-85.5-132.5 0-21.8-32.5-19.6-32.5 0v71.6c0 69.3 60.7 90.9 118 90.1 57.3.8 118-20.8 118-90.1v-71.6c0-19.6-32.5-21.8-32.5 0z"],
- "black-tie": [448, 512, [], "f27e", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm316.5 325.2L224 445.9l-92.5-88.7 64.5-184-64.5-86.6h184.9L252 173.2l64.5 184z"],
- "blackberry": [512, 512, [], "f37b", "M166 116.9c0 23.4-16.4 49.1-72.5 49.1H23.4l21-88.8h67.8c42.1 0 53.8 23.3 53.8 39.7zm126.2-39.7h-67.8L205.7 166h70.1c53.8 0 70.1-25.7 70.1-49.1.1-16.4-11.6-39.7-53.7-39.7zM88.8 208.1H21L0 296.9h70.1c56.1 0 72.5-23.4 72.5-49.1 0-16.3-11.7-39.7-53.8-39.7zm180.1 0h-67.8l-18.7 88.8h70.1c53.8 0 70.1-23.4 70.1-49.1 0-16.3-11.7-39.7-53.7-39.7zm189.3-53.8h-67.8l-18.7 88.8h70.1c53.8 0 70.1-23.4 70.1-49.1.1-16.3-11.6-39.7-53.7-39.7zm-28 137.9h-67.8L343.7 381h70.1c56.1 0 70.1-23.4 70.1-49.1 0-16.3-11.6-39.7-53.7-39.7zM240.8 346H173l-18.7 88.8h70.1c56.1 0 70.1-25.7 70.1-49.1.1-16.3-11.6-39.7-53.7-39.7z"],
- "blogger": [448, 512, [], "f37c", "M162.4 196c4.8-4.9 6.2-5.1 36.4-5.1 27.2 0 28.1.1 32.1 2.1 5.8 2.9 8.3 7 8.3 13.6 0 5.9-2.4 10-7.6 13.4-2.8 1.8-4.5 1.9-31.1 2.1-16.4.1-29.5-.2-31.5-.8-10.3-2.9-14.1-17.7-6.6-25.3zm61.4 94.5c-53.9 0-55.8.2-60.2 4.1-3.5 3.1-5.7 9.4-5.1 13.9.7 4.7 4.8 10.1 9.2 12 2.2 1 14.1 1.7 56.3 1.2l47.9-.6 9.2-1.5c9-5.1 10.5-17.4 3.1-24.4-5.3-4.7-5-4.7-60.4-4.7zm223.4 130.1c-3.5 28.4-23 50.4-51.1 57.5-7.2 1.8-9.7 1.9-172.9 1.8-157.8 0-165.9-.1-172-1.8-8.4-2.2-15.6-5.5-22.3-10-5.6-3.8-13.9-11.8-17-16.4-3.8-5.6-8.2-15.3-10-22C.1 423 0 420.3 0 256.3 0 93.2 0 89.7 1.8 82.6 8.1 57.9 27.7 39 53 33.4c7.3-1.6 332.1-1.9 340-.3 21.2 4.3 37.9 17.1 47.6 36.4 7.7 15.3 7-1.5 7.3 180.6.2 115.8 0 164.5-.7 170.5zm-85.4-185.2c-1.1-5-4.2-9.6-7.7-11.5-1.1-.6-8-1.3-15.5-1.7-12.4-.6-13.8-.8-17.8-3.1-6.2-3.6-7.9-7.6-8-18.3 0-20.4-8.5-39.4-25.3-56.5-12-12.2-25.3-20.5-40.6-25.1-3.6-1.1-11.8-1.5-39.2-1.8-42.9-.5-52.5.4-67.1 6.2-27 10.7-46.3 33.4-53.4 62.4-1.3 5.4-1.6 14.2-1.9 64.3-.4 62.8 0 72.1 4 84.5 9.7 30.7 37.1 53.4 64.6 58.4 9.2 1.7 122.2 2.1 133.7.5 20.1-2.7 35.9-10.8 50.7-25.9 10.7-10.9 17.4-22.8 21.8-38.5 3.2-10.9 2.9-88.4 1.7-93.9z"],
- "blogger-b": [448, 512, [], "f37d", "M446.6 222.7c-1.8-8-6.8-15.4-12.5-18.5-1.8-1-13-2.2-25-2.7-20.1-.9-22.3-1.3-28.7-5-10.1-5.9-12.8-12.3-12.9-29.5-.1-33-13.8-63.7-40.9-91.3-19.3-19.7-40.9-33-65.5-40.5-5.9-1.8-19.1-2.4-63.3-2.9-69.4-.8-84.8.6-108.4 10C45.9 59.5 14.7 96.1 3.3 142.9 1.2 151.7.7 165.8.2 246.8c-.6 101.5.1 116.4 6.4 136.5 15.6 49.6 59.9 86.3 104.4 94.3 14.8 2.7 197.3 3.3 216 .8 32.5-4.4 58-17.5 81.9-41.9 17.3-17.7 28.1-36.8 35.2-62.1 4.9-17.6 4.5-142.8 2.5-151.7zm-322.1-63.6c7.8-7.9 10-8.2 58.8-8.2 43.9 0 45.4.1 51.8 3.4 9.3 4.7 13.4 11.3 13.4 21.9 0 9.5-3.8 16.2-12.3 21.6-4.6 2.9-7.3 3.1-50.3 3.3-26.5.2-47.7-.4-50.8-1.2-16.6-4.7-22.8-28.5-10.6-40.8zm191.8 199.8l-14.9 2.4-77.5.9c-68.1.8-87.3-.4-90.9-2-7.1-3.1-13.8-11.7-14.9-19.4-1.1-7.3 2.6-17.3 8.2-22.4 7.1-6.4 10.2-6.6 97.3-6.7 89.6-.1 89.1-.1 97.6 7.8 12.1 11.3 9.5 31.2-4.9 39.4z"],
- "bluetooth": [448, 512, [], "f293", "M292.6 171.1L249.7 214l-.3-86 43.2 43.1m-43.2 219.8l43.1-43.1-42.9-42.9-.2 86zM416 259.4C416 465 344.1 512 230.9 512S32 465 32 259.4 115.4 0 228.6 0 416 53.9 416 259.4zm-158.5 0l79.4-88.6L211.8 36.5v176.9L138 139.6l-27 26.9 92.7 93-92.7 93 26.9 26.9 73.8-73.8 2.3 170 127.4-127.5-83.9-88.7z"],
- "bluetooth-b": [320, 512, [], "f294", "M196.48 260.023l92.626-103.333L143.125 0v206.33l-86.111-86.111-31.406 31.405 108.061 108.399L25.608 368.422l31.406 31.405 86.111-86.111L145.84 512l148.552-148.644-97.912-103.333zm40.86-102.996l-49.977 49.978-.338-100.295 50.315 50.317zM187.363 313.04l49.977 49.978-50.315 50.316.338-100.294z"],
- "btc": [384, 512, [], "f15a", "M310.204 242.638c27.73-14.18 45.377-39.39 41.28-81.3-5.358-57.351-52.458-76.573-114.85-81.929V0h-48.528v77.203c-12.605 0-25.525.315-38.444.63V0h-48.528v79.409c-17.842.539-38.622.276-97.37 0v51.678c38.314-.678 58.417-3.14 63.023 21.427v217.429c-2.925 19.492-18.524 16.685-53.255 16.071L3.765 443.68c88.481 0 97.37.315 97.37.315V512h48.528v-67.06c13.234.315 26.154.315 38.444.315V512h48.528v-68.005c81.299-4.412 135.647-24.894 142.895-101.467 5.671-61.446-23.32-88.862-69.326-99.89zM150.608 134.553c27.415 0 113.126-8.507 113.126 48.528 0 54.515-85.71 48.212-113.126 48.212v-96.74zm0 251.776V279.821c32.772 0 133.127-9.138 133.127 53.255-.001 60.186-100.355 53.253-133.127 53.253z"],
- "buromobelexperte": [448, 512, [], "f37f", "M0 32v128h128V32H0zm120 120H8V40h112v112zm40-120v128h128V32H160zm120 120H168V40h112v112zm40-120v128h128V32H320zm120 120H328V40h112v112zM0 192v128h128V192H0zm120 120H8V200h112v112zm40-120v128h128V192H160zm120 120H168V200h112v112zm40-120v128h128V192H320zm120 120H328V200h112v112zM0 352v128h128V352H0zm120 120H8V360h112v112zm40-120v128h128V352H160zm120 120H168V360h112v112zm40-120v128h128V352H320z"],
- "buysellads": [448, 512, [], "f20d", "M224 150.7l42.9 160.7h-85.8L224 150.7zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-65.3 325.3l-94.5-298.7H159.8L65.3 405.3H156l111.7-91.6 24.2 91.6h90.8z"],
- "cc-amazon-pay": [576, 512, [], "f42d", "M124.7 201.8c.1-11.8 0-23.5 0-35.3v-35.3c0-1.3.4-2 1.4-2.7 11.5-8 24.1-12.1 38.2-11.1 12.5.9 22.7 7 28.1 21.7 3.3 8.9 4.1 18.2 4.1 27.7 0 8.7-.7 17.3-3.4 25.6-5.7 17.8-18.7 24.7-35.7 23.9-11.7-.5-21.9-5-31.4-11.7-.9-.8-1.4-1.6-1.3-2.8zm154.9 14.6c4.6 1.8 9.3 2 14.1 1.5 11.6-1.2 21.9-5.7 31.3-12.5.9-.6 1.3-1.3 1.3-2.5-.1-3.9 0-7.9 0-11.8 0-4-.1-8 0-12 0-1.4-.4-2-1.8-2.2-7-.9-13.9-2.2-20.9-2.9-7-.6-14-.3-20.8 1.9-6.7 2.2-11.7 6.2-13.7 13.1-1.6 5.4-1.6 10.8.1 16.2 1.6 5.5 5.2 9.2 10.4 11.2zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-207.5 23.9c.4 1.7.9 3.4 1.6 5.1 16.5 40.6 32.9 81.3 49.5 121.9 1.4 3.5 1.7 6.4.2 9.9-2.8 6.2-4.9 12.6-7.8 18.7-2.6 5.5-6.7 9.5-12.7 11.2-4.2 1.1-8.5 1.3-12.9.9-2.1-.2-4.2-.7-6.3-.8-2.8-.2-4.2 1.1-4.3 4-.1 2.8-.1 5.6 0 8.3.1 4.6 1.6 6.7 6.2 7.5 4.7.8 9.4 1.6 14.2 1.7 14.3.3 25.7-5.4 33.1-17.9 2.9-4.9 5.6-10.1 7.7-15.4 19.8-50.1 39.5-100.3 59.2-150.5.6-1.5 1.1-3 1.3-4.6.4-2.4-.7-3.6-3.1-3.7-5.6-.1-11.1 0-16.7 0-3.1 0-5.3 1.4-6.4 4.3-.4 1.1-.9 2.3-1.3 3.4l-29.1 83.7c-2.1 6.1-4.2 12.1-6.5 18.6-.4-.9-.6-1.4-.8-1.9-10.8-29.9-21.6-59.9-32.4-89.8-1.7-4.7-3.5-9.5-5.3-14.2-.9-2.5-2.7-4-5.4-4-6.4-.1-12.8-.2-19.2-.1-2.2 0-3.3 1.6-2.8 3.7zM242.4 206c1.7 11.7 7.6 20.8 18 26.6 9.9 5.5 20.7 6.2 31.7 4.6 12.7-1.9 23.9-7.3 33.8-15.5.4-.3.8-.6 1.4-1 .5 3.2.9 6.2 1.5 9.2.5 2.6 2.1 4.3 4.5 4.4 4.6.1 9.1.1 13.7 0 2.3-.1 3.8-1.6 4-3.9.1-.8.1-1.6.1-2.3v-88.8c0-3.6-.2-7.2-.7-10.8-1.6-10.8-6.2-19.7-15.9-25.4-5.6-3.3-11.8-5-18.2-5.9-3-.4-6-.7-9.1-1.1h-10c-.8.1-1.6.3-2.5.3-8.2.4-16.3 1.4-24.2 3.5-5.1 1.3-10 3.2-15 4.9-3 1-4.5 3.2-4.4 6.5.1 2.8-.1 5.6 0 8.3.1 4.1 1.8 5.2 5.7 4.1 6.5-1.7 13.1-3.5 19.7-4.8 10.3-1.9 20.7-2.7 31.1-1.2 5.4.8 10.5 2.4 14.1 7 3.1 4 4.2 8.8 4.4 13.7.3 6.9.2 13.9.3 20.8 0 .4-.1.7-.2 1.2-.4 0-.8 0-1.1-.1-8.8-2.1-17.7-3.6-26.8-4.1-9.5-.5-18.9.1-27.9 3.2-10.8 3.8-19.5 10.3-24.6 20.8-4.1 8.3-4.6 17-3.4 25.8zM98.7 106.9v175.3c0 .8 0 1.7.1 2.5.2 2.5 1.7 4.1 4.1 4.2 5.9.1 11.8.1 17.7 0 2.5 0 4-1.7 4.1-4.1.1-.8.1-1.7.1-2.5v-60.7c.9.7 1.4 1.2 1.9 1.6 15 12.5 32.2 16.6 51.1 12.9 17.1-3.4 28.9-13.9 36.7-29.2 5.8-11.6 8.3-24.1 8.7-37 .5-14.3-1-28.4-6.8-41.7-7.1-16.4-18.9-27.3-36.7-30.9-2.7-.6-5.5-.8-8.2-1.2h-7c-1.2.2-2.4.3-3.6.5-11.7 1.4-22.3 5.8-31.8 12.7-2 1.4-3.9 3-5.9 4.5-.1-.5-.3-.8-.4-1.2-.4-2.3-.7-4.6-1.1-6.9-.6-3.9-2.5-5.5-6.4-5.6h-9.7c-5.9-.1-6.9 1-6.9 6.8zM493.6 339c-2.7-.7-5.1 0-7.6 1-43.9 18.4-89.5 30.2-136.8 35.8-14.5 1.7-29.1 2.8-43.7 3.2-26.6.7-53.2-.8-79.6-4.3-17.8-2.4-35.5-5.7-53-9.9-37-8.9-72.7-21.7-106.7-38.8-8.8-4.4-17.4-9.3-26.1-14-3.8-2.1-6.2-1.5-8.2 2.1v1.7c1.2 1.6 2.2 3.4 3.7 4.8 36 32.2 76.6 56.5 122 72.9 21.9 7.9 44.4 13.7 67.3 17.5 14 2.3 28 3.8 42.2 4.5 3 .1 6 .2 9 .4.7 0 1.4.2 2.1.3h17.7c.7-.1 1.4-.3 2.1-.3 14.9-.4 29.8-1.8 44.6-4 21.4-3.2 42.4-8.1 62.9-14.7 29.6-9.6 57.7-22.4 83.4-40.1 2.8-1.9 5.7-3.8 8-6.2 4.3-4.4 2.3-10.4-3.3-11.9zm50.4-27.7c-.8-4.2-4-5.8-7.6-7-5.7-1.9-11.6-2.8-17.6-3.3-11-.9-22-.4-32.8 1.6-12 2.2-23.4 6.1-33.5 13.1-1.2.8-2.4 1.8-3.1 3-.6.9-.7 2.3-.5 3.4.3 1.3 1.7 1.6 3 1.5.6 0 1.2 0 1.8-.1l19.5-2.1c9.6-.9 19.2-1.5 28.8-.8 4.1.3 8.1 1.2 12 2.2 4.3 1.1 6.2 4.4 6.4 8.7.3 6.7-1.2 13.1-2.9 19.5-3.5 12.9-8.3 25.4-13.3 37.8-.3.8-.7 1.7-.8 2.5-.4 2.5 1 4 3.4 3.5 1.4-.3 3-1.1 4-2.1 3.7-3.6 7.5-7.2 10.6-11.2 10.7-13.8 17-29.6 20.7-46.6.7-3 1.2-6.1 1.7-9.1.2-4.7.2-9.6.2-14.5z"],
- "cc-amex": [576, 512, [], "f1f3", "M576 255.4c-37.9-.2-44.2-.9-54.5 5v-5c-45.3 0-53.5-1.7-64.9 5.2v-5.2h-78.2v5.1c-11.4-6.5-21.4-5.1-75.7-5.1v5.6c-6.3-3.7-14.5-5.6-24.3-5.6h-58c-3.5 3.8-12.5 13.7-15.7 17.2-12.7-14.1-10.5-11.6-15.5-17.2h-83.1v92.3h82c3.3-3.5 12.9-13.9 16.1-17.4 12.7 14.3 10.3 11.7 15.4 17.4h48.9c0-14.7.1-8.3.1-23 11.5.2 24.3-.2 34.3-6.2 0 13.9-.1 17.1-.1 29.2h39.6c0-18.5.1-7.4.1-25.3 6.2 0 7.7 0 1.3 0 0 0 25.2 152.8 0 145.9 1.1 156.7-4.5v4.5c34.8 0 54.8 2.2 67.5-6.1V432c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V228.3h26.6c4.2-10.1 2.2-5.3 6.4-15.3h19.2c4.2 10 2.2 5.2 6.4 15.3h52.9v-11.4c2.2 5 1.1 2.5 5.1 11.4h29.5c2.4-5.5 2.6-5.8 5.1-11.4v11.4h135.5v-25.1c6.4 0 8-.1 9.8.2 0 0-.2 10.9.1 24.8h66.5v-8.9c7.4 5.9 17.4 8.9 29.7 8.9h26.8c4.2-10.1 2.2-5.3 6.4-15.3h19c6.5 15 .2.5 6.6 15.3h52.8v-21.9c11.8 19.7 7.8 12.9 13.2 21.9h41.6v-92h-39.9v18.4c-12.2-20.2-6.3-10.4-11.2-18.4h-43.3v20.6c-6.2-14.6-4.6-10.8-8.8-20.6h-32.4c-.4 0-2.3.2-2.3-.3h-27.6c-12.8 0-23.1 3.2-30.7 9.3v-9.3h-39.9v5.3c-10.8-6.1-20.7-5.1-64.4-5.3-.1 0-11.6-.1-11.6 0h-103c-2.5 6.1-6.8 16.4-12.6 30-2.8-6-11-23.8-13.9-30h-46V157c-7.4-17.4-4.7-11-9-21.1H22.9c-3.4 7.9-13.7 32-23.1 53.9V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v175.4zm-186.6-80.6c-.3.2-1.4 2.2-1.4 7.6 0 6 .9 7.7 1.1 1.1.5 3.4.5l7.3-16.9c-1.1 0-2.1-.1-3.1-.1-5.6 0-7 .7-7.3 1zm-19.9 130.9c9.2 3.3 11 9.5 11 18.4l-.1 13.8h-16.6l.1-11.5c0-11.8-3.8-13.8-14.8-13.8h-17.6l-.1 25.3h-16.6l.1-69.3h39.4c13 0 27.1 2.3 27.1 18.7-.1 7.6-4.2 15.3-11.9 18.4zm-6.3-15.4c0-6.4-5.6-7.4-10.7-7.4h-21v15.6h20.7c5.6 0 11-1.3 11-8.2zm181.7-7.1H575v-14.6h-32.9c-12.8 0-23.8 6.6-23.8 20.7 0 33 42.7 12.8 42.7 27.4 0 5.1-4.3 6.4-8.4 6.4h-32l-.1 14.8h32c8.4 0 17.6-1.8 22.5-8.9v-25.8c-10.5-13.8-39.3-1.3-39.3-13.5 0-5.8 4.6-6.5 9.2-6.5zm-99.2-.3v-14.3h-55.2l-.1 69.3h55.2l.1-14.3-38.6-.3v-13.8H445v-14.1h-37.8v-12.5h38.5zm42.2 40.1h-32.2l-.1 14.8h32.2c14.8 0 26.2-5.6 26.2-22 0-33.2-42.9-11.2-42.9-26.3 0-5.6 4.9-6.4 9.2-6.4h30.4v-14.6h-33.2c-12.8 0-23.5 6.6-23.5 20.7 0 33 42.7 12.5 42.7 27.4-.1 5.4-4.7 6.4-8.8 6.4zm-78.1-158.7c-17.4-.3-33.2-4.1-33.2 19.7 0 11.8 2.8 19.9 16.1 19.9h7.4l23.5-54.5h24.8l27.9 65.4v-65.4h25.3l29.1 48.1v-48.1h16.9v69H524l-31.2-51.9v51.9h-33.7l-6.6-15.3h-34.3l-6.4 15.3h-19.2c-22.8 0-33-11.8-33-34 0-23.3 10.5-35.3 34-35.3h16.1v15.2zm14.3 24.5h22.8l-11.2-27.6-11.6 27.6zm-72.6-39.6h-16.9v69.3h16.9v-69.3zm-38.1 37.3c9.5 3.3 11 9.2 11 18.4v13.5h-16.6c-.3-14.8 3.6-25.1-14.8-25.1h-18v25.1h-16.4v-69.3l39.1.3c13.3 0 27.4 2 27.4 18.4.1 8-4.3 15.7-11.7 18.7zm-6.7-15.3c0-6.4-5.6-7.4-10.7-7.4h-21v15.3h20.7c5.7 0 11-1.3 11-7.9zm-59.5-7.4v-14.6h-55.5v69.3h55.5v-14.3h-38.9v-13.8h37.8v-14.1h-37.8v-12.5h38.9zm-84.6 54.7v-54.2l-24 54.2H124l-24-54.2v54.2H66.2l-6.4-15.3H25.3l-6.4 15.3H1l29.7-69.3h24.5l28.1 65.7v-65.7h27.1l21.7 47 19.7-47h27.6v69.3h-16.8zM53.9 188.8l-11.5-27.6-11.2 27.6h22.7zm253 102.5c0 27.9-30.4 23.3-49.3 23.3l-.1 23.3h-32.2l-20.4-23-21.3 23h-65.4l.1-69.3h66.5l20.5 22.8 21-22.8H279c15.6 0 27.9 5.4 27.9 22.7zm-112.7 11.8l-17.9-20.2h-41.7v12.5h36.3v14.1h-36.3v13.8h40.6l19-20.2zM241 276l-25.3 27.4 25.3 28.1V276zm48.3 15.3c0-6.1-4.6-8.4-10.2-8.4h-21.5v17.6h21.2c5.9 0 10.5-2.8 10.5-9.2z"],
- "cc-apple-pay": [576, 512, [], "f416", "M302.2 218.4c0 17.2-10.5 27.1-29 27.1h-24.3v-54.2h24.4c18.4 0 28.9 9.8 28.9 27.1zm47.5 62.6c0 8.3 7.2 13.7 18.5 13.7 14.4 0 25.2-9.1 25.2-21.9v-7.7l-23.5 1.5c-13.3.9-20.2 5.8-20.2 14.4zM576 79v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V79c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM127.8 197.2c8.4.7 16.8-4.2 22.1-10.4 5.2-6.4 8.6-15 7.7-23.7-7.4.3-16.6 4.9-21.9 11.3-4.8 5.5-8.9 14.4-7.9 22.8zm60.6 74.5c-.2-.2-19.6-7.6-19.8-30-.2-18.7 15.3-27.7 16-28.2-8.8-13-22.4-14.4-27.1-14.7-12.2-.7-22.6 6.9-28.4 6.9-5.9 0-14.7-6.6-24.3-6.4-12.5.2-24.2 7.3-30.5 18.6-13.1 22.6-3.4 56 9.3 74.4 6.2 9.1 13.7 19.1 23.5 18.7 9.3-.4 13-6 24.2-6 11.3 0 14.5 6 24.3 5.9 10.2-.2 16.5-9.1 22.8-18.2 6.9-10.4 9.8-20.4 10-21zm135.4-53.4c0-26.6-18.5-44.8-44.9-44.8h-51.2v136.4h21.2v-46.6h29.3c26.8 0 45.6-18.4 45.6-45zm90 23.7c0-19.7-15.8-32.4-40-32.4-22.5 0-39.1 12.9-39.7 30.5h19.1c1.6-8.4 9.4-13.9 20-13.9 13 0 20.2 6 20.2 17.2v7.5l-26.4 1.6c-24.6 1.5-37.9 11.6-37.9 29.1 0 17.7 13.7 29.4 33.4 29.4 13.3 0 25.6-6.7 31.2-17.4h.4V310h19.6v-68zM516 210.9h-21.5l-24.9 80.6h-.4l-24.9-80.6H422l35.9 99.3-1.9 6c-3.2 10.2-8.5 14.2-17.9 14.2-1.7 0-4.9-.2-6.2-.3v16.4c1.2.4 6.5.5 8.1.5 20.7 0 30.4-7.9 38.9-31.8L516 210.9z"],
- "cc-diners-club": [576, 512, [], "f24c", "M239.7 79.9c-96.9 0-175.8 78.6-175.8 175.8 0 96.9 78.9 175.8 175.8 175.8 97.2 0 175.8-78.9 175.8-175.8 0-97.2-78.6-175.8-175.8-175.8zm-39.9 279.6c-41.7-15.9-71.4-56.4-71.4-103.8s29.7-87.9 71.4-104.1v207.9zm79.8.3V151.6c41.7 16.2 71.4 56.7 71.4 104.1s-29.7 87.9-71.4 104.1zM528 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM329.7 448h-90.3c-106.2 0-193.8-85.5-193.8-190.2C45.6 143.2 133.2 64 239.4 64h90.3c105 0 200.7 79.2 200.7 193.8 0 104.7-95.7 190.2-200.7 190.2z"],
- "cc-discover": [576, 512, [], "f1f2", "M83 212.1c0 7.9-3.2 15.5-8.9 20.7-4.9 4.4-11.6 6.4-21.9 6.4H48V185h4.2c10.3 0 16.7 1.7 21.9 6.6 5.7 5 8.9 12.6 8.9 20.5zM504.8 184h-4.9v24.9h4.7c10.3 0 15.8-4.4 15.8-12.8 0-7.9-5.5-12.1-15.6-12.1zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM428 253h45.3v-13.8H444V217h28.3v-13.8H444V185h29.3v-14H428v82zm-86.2-82l35 84.2h8.6l35.5-84.2h-17.5l-22.2 55.2-21.9-55.2h-17.5zm-83 41.6c0 24.6 19.9 44.6 44.6 44.6 24.6 0 44.6-19.9 44.6-44.6 0-24.6-19.9-44.6-44.6-44.6-24.6 0-44.6 19.9-44.6 44.6zm-68-.5c0 32.5 33.6 52.5 63.3 38.2v-19c-19.3 19.3-46.8 5.8-46.8-19.2 0-23.7 26.7-39.1 46.8-19v-19c-30.2-15-63.3 6.8-63.3 38zm-33.9 28.3c-7.6 0-13.8-3.7-17.5-10.8l-10.3 9.9c17.8 26.1 56.6 18.2 56.6-11.3 0-13.1-5.4-19-23.6-25.6-9.6-3.4-12.3-5.9-12.3-10.3 0-8.7 14.5-14.1 24.9-2.5l8.4-10.8c-19.1-17.1-49.7-8.9-49.7 14.3 0 11.3 5.2 17.2 20.2 22.7 25.7 9.1 14.7 24.4 3.3 24.4zm-57.4-28.3c0-24.1-18-41.1-44.1-41.1H32v82h23.4c30.9 0 44.1-22.4 44.1-40.9zm23.4-41.1h-16v82h16v-82zM544 288c-33.3 20.8-226.4 124.4-416 160h401c8.2 0 15-6.8 15-15V288zm0-35l-25.9-34.5c12.1-2.5 18.7-10.6 18.7-23.2 0-28.5-30.3-24.4-52.9-24.4v82h16v-32.8h2.2l22.2 32.8H544z"],
- "cc-jcb": [576, 512, [], "f24b", "M431.5 244.3V212c41.2 0 38.5.2 38.5.2 7.3 1.3 13.3 7.3 13.3 16 0 8.8-6 14.5-13.3 15.8-1.2.4-3.3.3-38.5.3zm42.8 20.2c-2.8-.7-3.3-.5-42.8-.5v35c39.6 0 40 .2 42.8-.5 7.5-1.5 13.5-8 13.5-17 0-8.7-6-15.5-13.5-17zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM182 192.3h-57c0 67.1 10.7 109.7-35.8 109.7-19.5 0-38.8-5.7-57.2-14.8v28c30 8.3 68 8.3 68 8.3 97.9 0 82-47.7 82-131.2zm178.5 4.5c-63.4-16-165-14.9-165 59.3 0 77.1 108.2 73.6 165 59.2V287C312.9 311.7 253 309 253 256s59.8-55.6 107.5-31.2v-28zM544 286.5c0-18.5-16.5-30.5-38-32v-.8c19.5-2.7 30.3-15.5 30.3-30.2 0-19-15.7-30-37-31 0 0 6.3-.3-120.3-.3v127.5h122.7c24.3.1 42.3-12.9 42.3-33.2z"],
- "cc-mastercard": [576, 512, [], "f1f1", "M482.9 410.3c0 6.8-4.6 11.7-11.2 11.7-6.8 0-11.2-5.2-11.2-11.7 0-6.5 4.4-11.7 11.2-11.7 6.6 0 11.2 5.2 11.2 11.7zm-310.8-11.7c-7.1 0-11.2 5.2-11.2 11.7 0 6.5 4.1 11.7 11.2 11.7 6.5 0 10.9-4.9 10.9-11.7-.1-6.5-4.4-11.7-10.9-11.7zm117.5-.3c-5.4 0-8.7 3.5-9.5 8.7h19.1c-.9-5.7-4.4-8.7-9.6-8.7zm107.8.3c-6.8 0-10.9 5.2-10.9 11.7 0 6.5 4.1 11.7 10.9 11.7 6.8 0 11.2-4.9 11.2-11.7 0-6.5-4.4-11.7-11.2-11.7zm105.9 26.1c0 . 1.1 0 .3-.3.5-.3 1.1-.3.3-.3.5-.5.8-.3.3-.5.5-1.1.5-.3.3-.5.3-1.1.3-.3 0-.5 0-1.1-.3-.3 0-.5-.3-.8-.5-.3-.3-.5-.5-.5-.8-.3-.5-.3-.8-.3-1.1 0-.5 0-.8.3-1.1 0-.5.3-.8.5-1.1.3-.3.5-.3.8-.5.5-.3.8-.3 1.1-.3.5 0 .8 0 1.1.5s.2.6.5 1.1zm-2.2 1.4c.5 0 .5-.3.8-.3.3-.3.3-.5.3-.8 0-.3 0-.5-.3-.8-.3 0-.5-.3-1.1-.3h-1.6v3.5h.8V426h.3l1.1 1.4h.8l-1.1-1.3zM576 81v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V81c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM64 220.6c0 76.5 62.1 138.5 138.5 138.5 27.2 0 53.9-8.2 76.5-23.1-72.9-59.3-72.4-171.2 0-230.5-22.6-15-49.3-23.1-76.5-23.1-76.4-.1-138.5 62-138.5 138.2zm224 108.8c70.5-55 70.2-162.2 0-217.5-70.2 55.3-70.5 162.6 0 217.5zm-142.3 76.3c0-8.7-5.7-14.4-14.7-14.7-4.6 0-9.5 1.4-12.8 6.5-2.4-4.1-6.5-6.5-12.2-6.5-3.8 0-7.6 1.4-10.6 5.4V392h-8.2v36.7h8.2c0-18.9-2.5-30.2 9-30.2 10.2 0 8.2 10.2 8.2 30.2h7.9c0-18.3-2.5-30.2 9-30.2 10.2 0 8.2 10 8.2 30.2h8.2v-23zm44.9-13.7h-7.9v4.4c-2.7-3.3-6.5-5.4-11.7-5.4-10.3 0-18.2 8.2-18.2 19.3 0 11.2 7.9 19.3 18.2 19.3 5.2 0 9-1.9 11.7-5.4v4.6h7.9V392zm40.5 25.6c0-15-22.9-8.2-22.9-15.2 0-5.7 11.9-4.8 18.5-1.1l3.3-6.5c-9.4-6.1-30.2-6-30.2 8.2 0 14.3 22.9 8.3 22.9 15 0 6.3-13.5 5.8-20.7.8l-3.5 6.3c11.2 7.6 32.6 6 32.6-7.5zm35.4 9.3l-2.2-6.8c-3.8 2.1-12.2 4.4-12.2-4.1v-16.6h13.1V392h-13.1v-11.2h-8.2V392h-7.6v7.3h7.6V416c0 17.6 17.3 14.4 22.6 10.9zm13.3-13.4h27.5c0-16.2-7.4-22.6-17.4-22.6-10.6 0-18.2 7.9-18.2 19.3 0 20.5 22.6 23.9 33.8 14.2l-3.8-6c-7.8 6.4-19.6 5.8-21.9-4.9zm59.1-21.5c-4.6-2-11.6-1.8-15.2 4.4V392h-8.2v36.7h8.2V408c0-11.6 9.5-10.1 12.8-8.4l2.4-7.6zm10.6 18.3c0-11.4 11.6-15.1 20.7-8.4l3.8-6.5c-11.6-9.1-32.7-4.1-32.7 15 0 19.8 22.4 23.8 32.7 15l-3.8-6.5c-9.2 6.5-20.7 2.6-20.7-8.6zm66.7-18.3H408v4.4c-8.3-11-29.9-4.8-29.9 13.9 0 19.2 22.4 24.7 29.9 13.9v4.6h8.2V392zm33.7 0c-2.4-1.2-11-2.9-15.2 4.4V392h-7.9v36.7h7.9V408c0-11 9-10.3 12.8-8.4l2.4-7.6zm40.3-14.9h-7.9v19.3c-8.2-10.9-29.9-5.1-29.9 13.9 0 19.4 22.5 24.6 29.9 13.9v4.6h7.9v-51.7zm7.6-75.1v4.6h.8V302h1.9v-.8h-4.6v.8h1.9zm6.6 123.8c0-.5 0-1.1-.3-1.6-.3-.3-.5-.8-.8-1.1-.3-.3-.8-.5-1.1-.8-.5 0-1.1-.3-1.6-.3-.3 0-.8.3-1.4.3-.5.3-.8.5-1.1.8-.5.3-.8.8-.8 1.1-.3.5-.3 1.1-.3 1.6 0 .3 0 .8.3 1.4 0 . 1.1.3 0 1.1 0 1.6-.3.3-.3.8-.5 1.1-.8.3-.3.5-.8.8-1.1.3-.6.3-1.1.3-1.4zm3.2-124.7h-1.4l-1.6 3.5-1.6-3.5h-1.4v5.4h.8v-4.1l1.6 3.5h1.1l1.4-3.5v4.1h1.1v-5.4zm4.4-80.5c0-76.2-62.1-138.3-138.5-138.3-27.2 0-53.9 8.2-76.5 23.1 72.1 59.3 73.2 171.5 0 230.5 22.6 15 49.5 23.1 76.5 23.1 76.4.1 138.5-61.9 138.5-138.4z"],
- "cc-paypal": [576, 512, [], "f1f4", "M186.3 258.2c0 12.2-9.7 21.5-22 21.5-9.2 0-16-5.2-16-15 0-12.2 9.5-22 21.7-22 9.3 0 16.3 5.7 16.3 15.5zM80.5 209.7h-4.7c-1.5 0-3 1-3.2 2.7l-4.3 26.7 8.2-.3c11 0 19.5-1.5 21.5-14.2 2.3-13.4-6.2-14.9-17.5-14.9zm284 0H360c-1.8 0-3 1-3.2 2.7l-4.2 26.7 8-.3c13 0 22-3 22-18-.1-10.6-9.6-11.1-18.1-11.1zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM128.3 215.4c0-21-16.2-28-34.7-28h-40c-2.5 0-5 2-5.2 4.7L32 294.2c-.3 2 1.2 4 3.2 4h19c2.7 0 5.2-2.9 5.5-5.7l4.5-26.6c1-7.2 13.2-4.7 18-4.7 28.6 0 46.1-17 46.1-45.8zm84.2 8.8h-19c-3.8 0-4 5.5-4.2 8.2-5.8-8.5-14.2-10-23.7-10-24.5 0-43.2 21.5-43.2 45.2 0 19.5 12.2 32.2 31.7 32.2 9 0 20.2-4.9 26.5-11.9-.5 1.5-1 4.7-1 6.2 0 2.3 1 4 3.2 4H200c2.7 0 5-2.9 5.5-5.7l10.2-64.3c.3-1.9-1.2-3.9-3.2-3.9zm40.5 97.9l63.7-92.6c.5-.5.5-1 .5-1.7 0-1.7-1.5-3.5-3.2-3.5h-19.2c-1.7 0-3.5 1-4.5 2.5l-26.5 39-11-37.5c-.8-2.2-3-4-5.5-4h-18.7c-1.7 0-3.2 1.8-3.2 3.5 0 1.2 19.5 56.8 21.2 62.1-2.7 3.8-20.5 28.6-20.5 31.6 0 1.8 1.5 3.2 3.2 3.2h19.2c1.8-.1 3.5-1.1 4.5-2.6zm159.3-106.7c0-21-16.2-28-34.7-28h-39.7c-2.7 0-5.2 2-5.5 4.7l-16.2 102c-.2 2 1.3 4 3.2 4h20.5c2 0 3.5-1.5 4-3.2l4.5-29c1-7.2 13.2-4.7 18-4.7 28.4 0 45.9-17 45.9-45.8zm84.2 8.8h-19c-3.8 0-4 5.5-4.3 8.2-5.5-8.5-14-10-23.7-10-24.5 0-43.2 21.5-43.2 45.2 0 19.5 12.2 32.2 31.7 32.2 9.3 0 20.5-4.9 26.5-11.9-.3 1.5-1 4.7-1 6.2 0 2.3 1 4 3.2 4H484c2.7 0 5-2.9 5.5-5.7l10.2-64.3c.3-1.9-1.2-3.9-3.2-3.9zm47.5-33.3c0-2-1.5-3.5-3.2-3.5h-18.5c-1.5 0-3 1.2-3.2 2.7l-16.2 104-.3.5c0 1.8 1.5 3.5 3.5 3.5h16.5c2.5 0 5-2.9 5.2-5.7L544 191.2v-.3zm-90 51.8c-12.2 0-21.7 9.7-21.7 22 0 9.7 7 15 16.2 15 12 0 21.7-9.2 21.7-21.5.1-9.8-6.9-15.5-16.2-15.5z"],
- "cc-stripe": [576, 512, [], "f1f5", "M396.9 256.5c0 19.1-8.8 33.4-21.9 33.4-8.3 0-13.3-3-16.8-6.7l-.2-52.8c3.7-4.1 8.8-7 17-7 12.9-.1 21.9 14.5 21.9 33.1zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM122.2 281.1c0-42.3-54.3-34.7-54.3-50.7 0-5.5 4.6-7.7 12.1-7.7 10.8 0 24.5 3.3 35.3 9.1v-33.4c-11.8-4.7-23.5-6.5-35.3-6.5-28.8 0-48 15-48 40.2 0 39.3 54 32.9 54 49.9 0 6.6-5.7 8.7-13.6 8.7-11.8 0-26.9-4.9-38.9-11.3v33.9c13.2 5.7 26.6 8.1 38.8 8.1 29.6-.2 49.9-14.7 49.9-40.3zm68.9-86.9h-27v-30.8l-34.7 7.4-.2 113.9c0 21 15.8 36.5 36.9 36.5 11.6 0 20.2-2.1 24.9-4.7v-28.9c-4.5 1.8-27 8.3-27-12.6v-50.5h27v-30.3zm73.8 0c-4.7-1.7-21.3-4.8-29.6 10.5l-2.2-10.5h-30.7v124.5h35.5v-84.4c8.4-11 22.6-8.9 27.1-7.4v-32.7zm44.2 0h-35.7v124.5h35.7V194.2zm0-47.3l-35.7 7.6v28.9l35.7-7.6v-28.9zm122.7 108.8c0-41.3-23.5-63.8-48.4-63.8-13.9 0-22.9 6.6-27.8 11.1l-1.8-8.8h-31.3V360l35.5-7.5.1-40.2c5.1 3.7 12.7 9 25.1 9 25.4-.1 48.6-20.5 48.6-65.6zm112.2 1.2c0-36.4-17.6-65.1-51.3-65.1-33.8 0-54.3 28.7-54.3 64.9 0 42.8 24.2 64.5 58.8 64.5 17 0 29.7-3.9 39.4-9.2v-28.6c-9.7 4.9-20.8 7.9-34.9 7.9-13.8 0-26-4.9-27.6-21.5h69.5c.1-2 .4-9.4.4-12.9zm-51.6-36.1c-8.9 0-18.7 6.7-18.7 22.7h36.7c0-16-9.3-22.7-18-22.7z"],
- "cc-visa": [576, 512, [], "f1f0", "M470.1 231.3s7.6 37.2 9.3 45H446c3.3-8.9 16-43.5 16-43.5-.2.3 3.3-9.1 5.3-14.9l2.8 13.4zM576 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM152.5 331.2L215.7 176h-42.5l-39.3 106-4.3-21.5-14-71.4c-2.3-9.9-9.4-12.7-18.2-13.1H32.7l-.7 3.1c15.8 4 29.9 9.8 42.2 17.1l35.8 135h42.5zm94.4.2L272.1 176h-40.2l-25.1 155.4h40.1zm139.9-50.8c.2-17.7-10.6-31.2-33.7-42.3-14.1-7.1-22.7-11.9-22.7-19.2.2-6.6 7.3-13.4 23.1-13.4 13.1-.3 22.7 2.8 29.9 5.9l3.6 1.7 5.5-33.6c-7.9-3.1-20.5-6.6-36-6.6-39.7 0-67.6 21.2-67.8 51.4-.3 22.3 20 34.7 35.2 42.2 15.5 7.6 20.8 12.6 20.8 19.3-.2 10.4-12.6 15.2-24.1 15.2-16 0-24.6-2.5-37.7-8.3l-5.3-2.5-5.6 34.9c9.4 4.3 26.8 8.1 44.8 8.3 42.2.1 69.7-20.8 70-53zM528 331.4L495.6 176h-31.1c-9.6 0-16.9 2.8-21 12.9l-59.7 142.5H426s6.9-19.2 8.4-23.3H486c1.2 5.5 4.8 23.3 4.8 23.3H528z"],
- "centercode": [512, 512, [], "f380", "M329.2 268.6c-3.8 35.2-35.4 60.6-70.6 56.8-35.2-3.8-60.6-35.4-56.8-70.6 3.8-35.2 35.4-60.6 70.6-56.8 35.1 3.8 60.6 35.4 56.8 70.6zm-85.8 235.1C96.7 496-8.2 365.5 10.1 224.3c11.2-86.6 65.8-156.9 139.1-192 161-77.1 349.7 37.4 354.7 216.6 4.1 147-118.4 262.2-260.5 254.8zm179.9-180c27.9-118-160.5-205.9-237.2-234.2-57.5 56.3-69.1 188.6-33.8 344.4 68.8 15.8 169.1-26.4 271-110.2z"],
- "chrome": [496, 512, [], "f268", "M131.5 217.5L55.1 100.1c47.6-59.2 119-91.8 192-92.1 42.3-.3 85.5 10.5 124.8 33.2 43.4 25.2 76.4 61.4 97.4 103L264 133.4c-58.1-3.4-113.4 29.3-132.5 84.1zm32.9 38.5c0 46.2 37.4 83.6 83.6 83.6s83.6-37.4 83.6-83.6-37.4-83.6-83.6-83.6-83.6 37.3-83.6 83.6zm314.9-89.2L339.6 174c37.9 44.3 38.5 108.2 6.6 157.2L234.1 503.6c46.5 2.5 94.4-7.7 137.8-32.9 107.4-62 150.9-192 107.4-303.9zM133.7 303.6L40.4 120.1C14.9 159.1 0 205.9 0 256c0 124 90.8 226.7 209.5 244.9l63.7-124.8c-57.6 10.8-113.2-20.8-139.5-72.5z"],
- "cloudscale": [448, 512, [], "f383", "M318.1 154l-9.4 7.6c-22.5-19.3-51.5-33.6-83.3-33.6C153.8 128 96 188.8 96 260.3c0 6.6.4 13.1 1.4 19.4-2-56 41.8-97.4 92.6-97.4 24.2 0 46.2 9.4 62.6 24.7l-25.2 20.4c-8.3-.9-16.8 1.8-23.1 8.1-11.1 11-11.1 28.9 0 40 11.1 11 28.9 11 40 0 6.3-6.3 9-14.9 8.1-23.1l75.2-88.8c6.3-6.5-3.3-15.9-9.5-9.6zm-83.8 111.5c-5.6 5.5-14.6 5.5-20.2 0-5.6-5.6-5.6-14.6 0-20.2s14.6-5.6 20.2 0 5.6 14.7 0 20.2zM224 32C100.5 32 0 132.5 0 256s100.5 224 224 224 224-100.5 224-224S347.5 32 224 32zm0 384c-88.2 0-160-71.8-160-160S135.8 96 224 96s160 71.8 160 160-71.8 160-160 160z"],
- "cloudsmith": [332, 512, [], "f384", "M332.5 419.9c0 46.4-37.6 84.1-84 84.1s-84-37.7-84-84.1 37.6-84 84-84 84 37.6 84 84zm-84-243.9c46.4 0 80-37.6 80-84s-33.6-84-80-84-88 37.6-88 84-29.6 76-76 76-84 41.6-84 88 37.6 80 84 80 84-33.6 84-80 33.6-80 80-80z"],
- "cloudversify": [616, 512, [], "f385", "M148.6 304c8.2 68.5 67.4 115.5 146 111.3 51.2 43.3 136.8 45.8 186.4-5.6 69.2 1.1 118.5-44.6 131.5-99.5 14.8-62.5-18.2-132.5-92.1-155.1-33-88.1-131.4-101.5-186.5-85-57.3 17.3-84.3 53.2-99.3 109.7-7.8 2.7-26.5 8.9-45 24.1 11.7 0 15.2 8.9 15.2 19.5v20.4c0 10.7-8.7 19.5-19.5 19.5h-20.2c-10.7 0-19.5-6-19.5-16.7V240H98.8C95 240 88 244.3 88 251.9v40.4c0 6.4 5.3 11.8 11.7 11.8h48.9zm227.4 8c-10.7 46.3 21.7 72.4 55.3 86.8C324.1 432.6 259.7 348 296 288c-33.2 21.6-33.7 71.2-29.2 92.9-17.9-12.4-53.8-32.4-57.4-79.8-3-39.9 21.5-75.7 57-93.9C297 191.4 369.9 198.7 400 248c-14.1-48-53.8-70.1-101.8-74.8 30.9-30.7 64.4-50.3 114.2-43.7 69.8 9.3 133.2 82.8 67.7 150.5 35-16.3 48.7-54.4 47.5-76.9l10.5 19.6c11.8 22 15.2 47.6 9.4 72-9.2 39-40.6 68.8-79.7 76.5-32.1 6.3-83.1-5.1-91.8-59.2zM128 208H88.2c-8.9 0-16.2-7.3-16.2-16.2v-39.6c0-8.9 7.3-16.2 16.2-16.2H128c8.9 0 16.2 7.3 16.2 16.2v39.6c0 8.9-7.3 16.2-16.2 16.2zM10.1 168C4.5 168 0 163.5 0 157.9v-27.8c0-5.6 4.5-10.1 10.1-10.1h27.7c5.5 0 10.1 4.5 10.1 10.1v27.8c0 5.6-4.5 10.1-10.1 10.1H10.1zM168 142.7v-21.4c0-5.1 4.2-9.3 9.3-9.3h21.4c5.1 0 9.3 4.2 9.3 9.3v21.4c0 5.1-4.2 9.3-9.3 9.3h-21.4c-5.1 0-9.3-4.2-9.3-9.3zM56 235.5v25c0 6.3-5.1 11.5-11.4 11.5H19.4C13.1 272 8 266.8 8 260.5v-25c0-6.3 5.1-11.5 11.4-11.5h25.1c6.4 0 11.5 5.2 11.5 11.5z"],
- "codepen": [512, 512, [], "f1cb", "M502.285 159.704l-234-156c-7.987-4.915-16.511-4.96-24.571 0l-234 156C3.714 163.703 0 170.847 0 177.989v155.999c0 7.143 3.714 14.286 9.715 18.286l234 156.022c7.987 4.915 16.511 4.96 24.571 0l234-156.022c6-3.999 9.715-11.143 9.715-18.286V177.989c-.001-7.142-3.715-14.286-9.716-18.285zM278 63.131l172.286 114.858-76.857 51.429L278 165.703V63.131zm-44 0v102.572l-95.429 63.715-76.857-51.429L234 63.131zM44 219.132l55.143 36.857L44 292.846v-73.714zm190 229.715L61.714 333.989l76.857-51.429L234 346.275v102.572zm22-140.858l-77.715-52 77.715-52 77.715 52-77.715 52zm22 140.858V346.275l95.429-63.715 76.857 51.429L278 448.847zm190-156.001l-55.143-36.857L468 219.132v73.714z"],
- "codiepie": [472, 512, [], "f284", "M422.5 202.9c30.7 0 33.5 53.1-.3 53.1h-10.8v44.3h-26.6v-97.4h37.7zM472 352.6C429.9 444.5 350.4 504 248 504 111 504 0 393 0 256S111 8 248 8c97.4 0 172.8 53.7 218.2 138.4l-186 108.8L472 352.6zm-38.5 12.5l-60.3-30.7c-27.1 44.3-70.4 71.4-122.4 71.4-82.5 0-149.2-66.7-149.2-148.9 0-82.5 66.7-149.2 149.2-149.2 48.4 0 88.9 23.5 116.9 63.4l59.5-34.6c-40.7-62.6-104.7-100-179.2-100-121.2 0-219.5 98.3-219.5 219.5S126.8 475.5 248 475.5c78.6 0 146.5-42.1 185.5-110.4z"],
- "connectdevelop": [576, 512, [], "f20e", "M550.5 241l-50.089-86.786c1.071-2.142 1.875-4.553 1.875-7.232 0-8.036-6.696-14.733-14.732-15.001l-55.447-95.893c.536-1.607 1.071-3.214 1.071-4.821 0-8.571-6.964-15.268-15.268-15.268-4.821 0-8.839 2.143-11.786 5.625H299.518C296.839 18.143 292.821 16 288 16s-8.839 2.143-11.518 5.625H170.411C167.464 18.143 163.447 16 158.625 16c-8.303 0-15.268 6.696-15.268 15.268 0 1.607.536 3.482 1.072 4.821l-55.983 97.233c-5.356 2.41-9.107 7.5-9.107 13.661 0 .535.268 1.071.268 1.607l-53.304 92.143c-7.232 1.339-12.59 7.5-12.59 15 0 7.232 5.089 13.393 12.054 15l55.179 95.358c-.536 1.607-.804 2.946-.804 4.821 0 7.232 5.089 13.393 12.054 14.732l51.697 89.732c-.536 1.607-1.071 3.482-1.071 5.357 0 8.571 6.964 15.268 15.268 15.268 4.821 0 8.839-2.143 11.518-5.357h106.875C279.161 493.857 283.447 496 288 496s8.839-2.143 11.518-5.357h107.143c2.678 2.946 6.696 4.821 10.982 4.821 8.571 0 15.268-6.964 15.268-15.268 0-1.607-.267-2.946-.803-4.285l51.697-90.268c6.964-1.339 12.054-7.5 12.054-14.732 0-1.607-.268-3.214-.804-4.821l54.911-95.358c6.964-1.339 12.322-7.5 12.322-15-.002-7.232-5.092-13.393-11.788-14.732zM153.535 450.732l-43.66-75.803h43.66v75.803zm0-83.839h-43.66c-.268-1.071-.804-2.142-1.339-3.214l44.999-47.41v50.624zm0-62.411l-50.357 53.304c-1.339-.536-2.679-1.34-4.018-1.607L43.447 259.75c.535-1.339.535-2.679.535-4.018s0-2.41-.268-3.482l51.965-90c2.679-.268 5.357-1.072 7.768-2.679l50.089 51.965v92.946zm0-102.322l-45.803-47.41c1.339-2.143 2.143-4.821 2.143-7.767 0-.268-.268-.804-.268-1.072l43.928-15.804v72.053zm0-80.625l-43.66 15.804 43.66-75.536v59.732zm326.519 39.108l.804 1.339L445.5 329.125l-63.75-67.232 98.036-101.518.268.268zM291.75 355.107l11.518 11.786H280.5l11.25-11.786zm-.268-11.25l-83.303-85.446 79.553-84.375 83.036 87.589-79.286 82.232zm5.357 5.893l79.286-82.232 67.5 71.25-5.892 28.125H313.714l-16.875-17.143zM410.411 44.393c1.071.536 2.142 1.072 3.482 1.34l57.857 100.714v.536c0 2.946.803 5.624 2.143 7.767L376.393 256l-83.035-87.589L410.411 44.393zm-9.107-2.143L287.732 162.518l-57.054-60.268 166.339-60h4.287zm-123.483 0c2.678 2.678 6.16 4.285 10.179 4.285s7.5-1.607 10.179-4.285h75L224.786 95.821 173.893 42.25h103.928zm-116.249 5.625l1.071-2.142a33.834 33.834 0 0 0 2.679-.804l51.161 53.84-54.911 19.821V47.875zm0 79.286l60.803-21.964 59.732 63.214-79.553 84.107-40.982-42.053v-83.304zm0 92.678L198 257.607l-36.428 38.304v-76.072zm0 87.858l42.053-44.464 82.768 85.982-17.143 17.678H161.572v-59.196zm6.964 162.053c-1.607-1.607-3.482-2.678-5.893-3.482l-1.071-1.607v-89.732h99.91l-91.607 94.821h-1.339zm129.911 0c-2.679-2.41-6.428-4.285-10.447-4.285s-7.767 1.875-10.447 4.285h-96.429l91.607-94.821h38.304l91.607 94.821H298.447zm120-11.786l-4.286 7.5c-1.339.268-2.41.803-3.482 1.339l-89.196-91.875h114.376l-17.412 83.036zm12.856-22.232l12.858-60.803h21.964l-34.822 60.803zm34.822-68.839h-20.357l4.553-21.16 17.143 18.214c-.535.803-1.071 1.874-1.339 2.946zm66.161-107.411l-55.447 96.697c-1.339.535-2.679 1.071-4.018 1.874l-20.625-21.964 34.554-163.928 45.803 79.286c-.267 1.339-.803 2.678-.803 4.285 0 1.339.268 2.411.536 3.75z"],
- "contao": [512, 512, [], "f26d", "M45.4 305c14.4 67.1 26.4 129 68.2 175H34c-18.7 0-34-15.2-34-34V66c0-18.7 15.2-34 34-34h57.7C77.9 44.6 65.6 59.2 54.8 75.6c-45.4 70-27 146.8-9.4 229.4zM478 32h-90.2c21.4 21.4 39.2 49.5 52.7 84.1l-137.1 29.3c-14.9-29-37.8-53.3-82.6-43.9-24.6 5.3-41 19.3-48.3 34.6-8.8 18.7-13.2 39.8 8.2 140.3 21.1 100.2 33.7 117.7 49.5 131.2 12.9 11.1 33.4 17 58.3 11.7 44.5-9.4 55.7-40.7 57.4-73.2l137.4-29.6c3.2 71.5-18.7 125.2-57.4 163.6H478c18.7 0 34-15.2 34-34V66c0-18.8-15.2-34-34-34z"],
- "cpanel": [640, 512, [], "f388", "M52.9 213.7h40l-6.2 23.6c-1.9 6.5-7.4 10.9-14.3 10.9H53.8c-24.9 0-24.7 37.4 0 37.4h11.3c4.2 0 7.6 3.9 6.4 8.3L64.4 320H52c-33.5 0-59-31.4-50.3-65.2 7.3-27 28.3-41.1 51.2-41.1M73.1 320L108 189.9c1.8-6.4 7.2-10.9 14.3-10.9h37c24.1 0 45.4 16.4 51 41.2 6.6 29.1-14.5 65.3-51.7 65.3h-32l6.4-23.8c1.8-6.2 7.3-10.8 14.3-10.8h10.3c12.4 0 20.8-11.7 18.3-22.6-2.1-9.2-9.9-14.8-18.3-14.8h-19.8L112 309.2c-1.9 6.2-7.4 10.7-14.2 10.7l-24.7.1m220.6-69.4c.3-1 1.9-5.3-2.1-5.3h-57.5c-9.7 0-16.6-8.9-14.2-18.5l3.5-13.4h77.9c18.8 0 33.3 17.6 28.5 36.8l-14 51.8c-2.8 10.6-12.2 17.8-23.4 17.8l-57.5-.2c-42.9 0-38.5-63.8.7-63.8H284l-3.5 13.2c-1.9 6.2-7.4 10.8-14.2 10.8h-21.6c-5.3 0-5.3 7.9 0 7.9h34.9c4.6 0 5.1-3.9 5.5-5.3l8.6-31.8m103.1-36.9c34.4 0 59.3 32.3 50.3 65.4l-8.8 33.1c-1.2 4.9-5.7 7.8-10.3 7.8h-19.1c-4.5 0-7.6-4-6.4-8.3l10.6-40c3.3-11.6-5.6-23.4-18.1-23.4h-19.8l-17.2 64c-1.2 4.8-5.6 7.8-10.4 7.8h-18.9c-4.2 0-7.6-3.9-6.4-8.3l26.2-98h48.3M498 251.6l-8 30c-.9 3.3 1.5 6.7 5.1 6.7h73.3l-5.7 21c-1.9 6.2-7.4 10.7-14.2 10.7h-66.7c-20 0-33.3-19-28.3-36.7l10.8-40c4.8-17.6 20.7-29.6 38.6-29.6h47.3c19 0 33.2 17.7 28.3 36.8l-3.2 12c-2.9 11-12.7 17.6-23.2 17.6h-53.4l3.5-13c1.6-6.2 7.2-10.8 14.2-10.8H538c2 0 3.3-1 3.9-3l.7-2.6c.7-2.7-1.3-5.1-3.9-5.1h-32.9c-4.1 0-6.9 2.1-7.8 6zm70.2 68.4l35.6-133.1c1.2-4.7 5.5-7.9 10.4-7.9h18.9c4.5 0 7.7 4 6.5 8.3l-26.5 98.2c-5.1 20.7-24.2 34.5-44.9 34.5"],
- "creative-commons": [496, 512, [], "f25e", "M245.83 214.87l-33.22 17.28c-9.43-19.58-25.24-19.93-27.46-19.93-22.13 0-33.22 14.61-33.22 43.84 0 23.57 9.21 43.84 33.22 43.84 14.47 0 24.65-7.09 30.57-21.26l30.55 15.5c-6.17 11.51-25.69 38.98-65.1 38.98-22.6 0-73.96-10.32-73.96-77.05 0-58.69 43-77.06 72.63-77.06 30.72-.01 52.7 11.95 65.99 35.86zm143.05 0l-32.78 17.28c-9.5-19.77-25.72-19.93-27.9-19.93-22.14 0-33.22 14.61-33.22 43.84 0 23.55 9.23 43.84 33.22 43.84 14.45 0 24.65-7.09 30.54-21.26l31 15.5c-2.1 3.75-21.39 38.98-65.09 38.98-22.69 0-73.96-9.87-73.96-77.05 0-58.67 42.97-77.06 72.63-77.06 30.71-.01 52.58 11.95 65.56 35.86zM247.56 8.05C104.74 8.05 0 123.11 0 256.05c0 138.49 113.6 248 247.56 248 129.93 0 248.44-100.87 248.44-248 0-137.87-106.62-248-248.44-248zm.87 450.81c-112.54 0-203.7-93.04-203.7-202.81 0-105.42 85.43-203.27 203.72-203.27 112.53 0 202.82 89.46 202.82 203.26-.01 121.69-99.68 202.82-202.84 202.82z"],
- "creative-commons-by": [496, 512, [], "f4e7", "M314.9 194.4v101.4h-28.3v120.5h-77.1V295.9h-28.3V194.4c0-4.4 1.6-8.2 4.6-11.3 3.1-3.1 6.9-4.7 11.3-4.7H299c4.1 0 7.8 1.6 11.1 4.7 3.1 3.2 4.8 6.9 4.8 11.3zm-101.5-63.7c0-23.3 11.5-35 34.5-35s34.5 11.7 34.5 35c0 23-11.5 34.5-34.5 34.5s-34.5-11.5-34.5-34.5zM247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3z"],
- "creative-commons-nc": [496, 512, [], "f4e8", "M247.6 8C387.4 8 496 115.9 496 256c0 147.2-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.1 504 0 393.2 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zM55.8 189.1c-7.4 20.4-11.1 42.7-11.1 66.9 0 110.9 92.1 202.4 203.7 202.4 122.4 0 177.2-101.8 178.5-104.1l-93.4-41.6c-7.7 37.1-41.2 53-68.2 55.4v38.1h-28.8V368c-27.5-.3-52.6-10.2-75.3-29.7l34.1-34.5c31.7 29.4 86.4 31.8 86.4-2.2 0-6.2-2.2-11.2-6.6-15.1-14.2-6-1.8-.1-219.3-97.4zM248.4 52.3c-38.4 0-112.4 8.7-170.5 93l94.8 42.5c10-31.3 40.4-42.9 63.8-44.3v-38.1h28.8v38.1c22.7 1.2 43.4 8.9 62 23L295 199.7c-42.7-29.9-83.5-8-70 11.1 53.4 24.1 43.8 19.8 93 41.6l127.1 56.7c4.1-17.4 6.2-35.1 6.2-53.1 0-57-19.8-105-59.3-143.9-39.3-39.9-87.2-59.8-143.6-59.8z"],
- "creative-commons-nc-eu": [496, 512, [], "f4e9", "M247.7 8C103.6 8 0 124.8 0 256c0 136.3 111.7 248 247.7 248C377.9 504 496 403.1 496 256 496 117 388.4 8 247.7 8zm.6 450.7c-112 0-203.6-92.5-203.6-202.7 0-23.2 3.7-45.2 10.9-66l65.7 29.1h-4.7v29.5h23.3c0 6.2-.4 3.2-.4 19.5h-22.8v29.5h27c11.4 67 67.2 101.3 124.6 101.3 26.6 0 50.6-7.9 64.8-15.8l-10-46.1c-8.7 4.6-28.2 10.8-47.3 10.8-28.2 0-58.1-10.9-67.3-50.2h90.3l128.3 56.8c-1.5 2.1-56.2 104.3-178.8 104.3zm-16.7-190.6l-.5-.4.9.4h-.4zm77.2-19.5h3.7v-29.5h-70.3l-28.6-12.6c2.5-5.5 5.4-10.5 8.8-14.3 12.9-15.8 31.1-22.4 51.1-22.4 18.3 0 35.3 5.4 46.1 10l11.6-47.3c-15-6.6-37-12.4-62.3-12.4-39 0-72.2 15.8-95.9 42.3-5.3 6.1-9.8 12.9-13.9 20.1l-81.6-36.1c64.6-96.8 157.7-93.6 170.7-93.6 113 0 203 90.2 203 203.4 0 18.7-2.1 36.3-6.3 52.9l-136.1-60.5z"],
- "creative-commons-nc-jp": [496, 512, [], "f4ea", "M247.7 8C103.6 8 0 124.8 0 256c0 136.4 111.8 248 247.7 248C377.9 504 496 403.2 496 256 496 117.2 388.5 8 247.7 8zm.6 450.7c-112 0-203.6-92.5-203.6-202.7 0-21.1 3-41.2 9-60.3l127 56.5h-27.9v38.6h58.1l5.7 11.8v18.7h-63.8V360h63.8v56h61.7v-56h64.2v-35.7l81 36.1c-1.5 2.2-57.1 98.3-175.2 98.3zm87.6-137.3h-57.6v-18.7l2.9-5.6 54.7 24.3zm6.5-51.4v-17.8h-38.6l63-116H301l-43.4 96-23-10.2-39.6-85.7h-65.8l27.3 51-81.9-36.5c27.8-44.1 82.6-98.1 173.7-98.1 112.8 0 203 90 203 203.4 0 21-2.7 40.6-7.9 59l-101-45.1z"],
- "creative-commons-nd": [496, 512, [], "f4eb", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm94 144.3v42.5H162.1V197h180.3zm0 79.8v42.5H162.1v-42.5h180.3z"],
- "creative-commons-pd": [496, 512, [], "f4ec", "M248 8C111 8 0 119.1 0 256c0 137 111 248 248 248s248-111 248-248C496 119.1 385 8 248 8zm0 449.5c-139.2 0-235.8-138-190.2-267.9l78.8 35.1c-2.1 10.5-3.3 21.5-3.3 32.9 0 99 73.9 126.9 120.4 126.9 22.9 0 53.5-6.7 79.4-29.5L297 311.1c-5.5 6.3-17.6 16.7-36.3 16.7-37.8 0-53.7-39.9-53.9-71.9 230.4 102.6 216.5 96.5 217.9 96.8-34.3 62.4-100.6 104.8-176.7 104.8zm194.2-150l-224-100c18.8-34 54.9-30.7 74.7-11l40.4-41.6c-27.1-23.3-58-27.5-78.1-27.5-47.4 0-80.9 20.5-100.7 51.6l-74.9-33.4c36.1-54.9 98.1-91.2 168.5-91.2 111.1 0 201.5 90.4 201.5 201.5 0 18-2.4 35.4-6.8 52-.3-.1-.4-.2-.6-.4z"],
- "creative-commons-pd-alt": [496, 512, [], "f4ed", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zM135.5 323.3V186h68.2c33.7 0 50.5 15.5 50.5 46.5 0 9-3 46.5-57.1 46.5h-27v44.3h-34.6zm34.1-111.6v41.6h29.2c27.9 0 30-41.6-.9-41.6h-28.3zm93.9 111.6V186h53.2c21.4 0 70 5.2 70 68.6 0 63.5-48.6 68.6-70 68.6h-53.2zm34.1-108.5v79.7h19.9c24 0 34.5-15.3 34.5-39.9 0-42-31.2-39.9-35-39.9l-19.4.1z"],
- "creative-commons-remix": [496, 512, [], "f4ee", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm161.7 207.7l4.9 2.2v70c-7.2 3.6-63.4 27.5-67.3 28.8-6.5-1.8-113.7-46.8-137.3-56.2l-64.2 26.6-63.3-27.5v-63.8l59.3-24.8c-.7-.7-.4 5-.4-70.4l67.3-29.7L361 178.5v61.6l49.1 20.3zm-70.4 81.5v-43.8h-.4v-1.8l-113.8-46.5V295l113.8 46.9v-.4l.4.4zm7.5-57.6l39.9-16.4-36.8-15.5-39 16.4 35.9 15.5zm52.3 38.1v-43L355.2 298v43.4l44.3-19z"],
- "creative-commons-sa": [496, 512, [], "f4ef", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zM137.7 221c13-83.9 80.5-95.7 108.9-95.7 99.8 0 127.5 82.5 127.5 134.2 0 63.6-41 132.9-128.9 132.9-38.9 0-99.1-20-109.4-97h62.5c1.5 30.1 19.6 45.2 54.5 45.2 23.3 0 58-18.2 58-82.8 0-82.5-49.1-80.6-56.7-80.6-33.1 0-51.7 14.6-55.8 43.8h18.2l-49.2 49.2-49-49.2h19.4z"],
- "creative-commons-sampling": [496, 512, [], "f4f0", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm3.6 53.2c2.8-.3 11.5 1 11.5 11.5l6.6 107.2 4.9-59.3c0-6 4.7-10.6 10.6-10.6 5.9 0 10.6 4.7 10.6 10.6 0 2.5-.5-5.7 5.7 81.5l5.8-64.2c.3-2.9 2.9-9.3 10.2-9.3 3.8 0 9.9 2.3 10.6 8.9l11.5 96.5 5.3-12.8c1.8-4.4 5.2-6.6 10.2-6.6h58v21.3h-50.9l-18.2 44.3c-3.9 9.9-19.5 9.1-20.8-3.1l-4-31.9-7.5 92.6c-.3 3-3 9.3-10.2 9.3-3 0-9.8-2.1-10.6-9.3 0-1.9.6 5.8-6.2-77.9l-5.3 72.2c-1.1 4.8-4.8 9.3-10.6 9.3-2.9 0-9.8-2-10.6-9.3 0-1.9.5 6.7-5.8-87.7l-5.8 94.8c0 6.3-3.6 12.4-10.6 12.4-5.2 0-10.6-4.1-10.6-12l-5.8-87.7c-5.8 92.5-5.3 84-5.3 85.9-1.1 4.8-4.8 9.3-10.6 9.3-3 0-9.8-2.1-10.6-9.3 0-.7-.4-1.1-.4-2.6l-6.2-88.6L182 348c-.7 6.5-6.7 9.3-10.6 9.3-5.8 0-9.6-4.1-10.6-8.9L149.7 272c-2 4-3.5 8.4-11.1 8.4H87.2v-21.3H132l13.7-27.9c4.4-9.9 18.2-7.2 19.9 2.7l3.1 20.4 8.4-97.9c0-6 4.8-10.6 10.6-10.6.5 0 10.6-.2 10.6 12.4l4.9 69.1 6.6-92.6c0-10.1 9.5-10.6 10.2-10.6.6 0 10.6.7 10.6 10.6l5.3 80.6 6.2-97.9c.1-1.1-.6-10.3 9.9-11.5z"],
- "creative-commons-sampling-plus": [496, 512, [], "f4f1", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm107 205.6c-4.7 0-9 2.8-10.7 7.2l-4 9.5-11-92.8c-1.7-13.9-22-13.4-23.1.4l-4.3 51.4-5.2-68.8c-1.1-14.3-22.1-14.2-23.2 0l-3.5 44.9-5.9-94.3c-.9-14.5-22.3-14.4-23.2 0l-5.1 83.7-4.3-66.3c-.9-14.4-22.2-14.4-23.2 0l-5.3 80.2-4.1-57c-1.1-14.3-22-14.3-23.2-.2l-7.7 89.8-1.8-12.2c-1.7-11.4-17.1-13.6-22-3.3l-13.2 27.7H87.5v23.2h51.3c4.4 0 8.4-2.5 10.4-6.4l10.7 73.1c2 13.5 21.9 13 23.1-.7l3.8-43.6 5.7 78.3c1.1 14.4 22.3 14.2 23.2-.1l4.6-70.4 4.8 73.3c.9 14.4 22.3 14.4 23.2-.1l4.9-80.5 4.5 71.8c.9 14.3 22.1 14.5 23.2.2l4.6-58.6 4.9 64.4c1.1 14.3 22 14.2 23.1.1l6.8-83 2.7 22.3c1.4 11.8 17.7 14.1 22.3 3.1l18-43.4h50.5V258l-58.4.3zm-78 5.2h-21.9v21.9c0 4.1-3.3 7.5-7.5 7.5-4.1 0-7.5-3.3-7.5-7.5v-21.9h-21.9c-4.1 0-7.5-3.3-7.5-7.5 0-4.1 3.4-7.5 7.5-7.5h21.9v-21.9c0-4.1 3.4-7.5 7.5-7.5s7.5 3.3 7.5 7.5v21.9h21.9c4.1 0 7.5 3.3 7.5 7.5 0 4.1-3.4 7.5-7.5 7.5z"],
- "creative-commons-share": [496, 512, [], "f4f2", "M247.6 8C389.4 8 496 118.1 496 256c0 147.1-118.5 248-248.4 248C113.6 504 0 394.5 0 256 0 123.1 104.7 8 247.6 8zm.8 44.7C130.2 52.7 44.7 150.6 44.7 256c0 109.8 91.2 202.8 203.7 202.8 103.2 0 202.8-81.1 202.8-202.8.1-113.8-90.2-203.3-202.8-203.3zm101 132.4c7.8 0 13.7 6.1 13.7 13.7v182.5c0 7.7-6.1 13.7-13.7 13.7H214.3c-7.7 0-13.7-6-13.7-13.7v-54h-54c-7.8 0-13.7-6-13.7-13.7V131.1c0-8.2 6.6-12.7 12.4-13.7h136.4c7.7 0 13.7 6 13.7 13.7v54h54zM159.9 300.3h40.7V198.9c0-7.4 5.8-12.6 12-13.7h55.8v-40.3H159.9v155.4zm176.2-88.1H227.6v155.4h108.5V212.2z"],
- "css3": [512, 512, [], "f13c", "M480 32l-64 368-223.3 80L0 400l19.6-94.8h82l-8 40.6L210 390.2l134.1-44.4 18.8-97.1H29.5l16-82h333.7l10.5-52.7H56.3l16.3-82H480z"],
- "css3-alt": [384, 512, [], "f38b", "M0 32l34.9 395.8L192 480l157.1-52.2L384 32H0zm313.1 80l-4.8 47.3L193 208.6l-.3.1h111.5l-12.8 146.6-98.2 28.7-98.8-29.2-6.4-73.9h48.9l3.2 38.3 52.6 13.3 54.7-15.4 3.7-61.6-166.3-.5v-.1l-.2.1-3.6-46.3L193.1 162l6.5-2.7H76.7L70.9 112h242.2z"],
- "cuttlefish": [440, 512, [], "f38c", "M344 305.5c-17.5 31.6-57.4 54.5-96 54.5-56.6 0-104-47.4-104-104s47.4-104 104-104c38.6 0 78.5 22.9 96 54.5 13.7-50.9 41.7-93.3 87-117.8C385.7 39.1 320.5 8 248 8 111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248c72.5 0 137.7-31.1 183-80.7-45.3-24.5-73.3-66.9-87-117.8z"],
- "d-and-d": [576, 512, [], "f38d", "M82.5 98.9c-.6-17.2 2-33.8 12.7-48.2.3 7.4 1.2 14.5 4.2 21.6 5.9-27.5 19.7-49.3 42.3-65.5-1.9 5.9-3.5 11.8-3 17.7 8.7-7.4 18.8-17.8 44.4-22.7 14.7-2.8 29.7-2 42.1 1 38.5 9.3 61 34.3 69.7 72.3 5.3 23.1.7 45-8.3 66.4-5.2 12.4-12 24.4-20.7 35.1-2-1.9-3.9-3.8-5.8-5.6-42.8-40.8-26.8-25.2-37.4-37.4-1.1-1.2-1-2.2-.1-3.6 8.3-13.5 11.8-28.2 10-44-1.1-9.8-4.3-18.9-11.3-26.2-14.5-15.3-39.2-15-53.5.6-11.4 12.5-14.1 27.4-10.9 43.6.2 1.3.4 2.7 0 3.9-3.4 13.7-4.6 27.6-2.5 1.1.1 1.6 0 .3-.1.5-.2 1.1-21.8-11-36-28.3-43.2-52.2-8.3 17.8-11.1 35.5-6.6 54.1-15.6-15.2-21.3-34.3-22-55.2zm469.6 123.2c-11.6-11.6-25-20.4-40.1-26.6-12.8-5.2-26-7.9-39.9-7.1-10 .6-19.6 3.1-29 6.4-2.5.9-5.1 1.6-7.7 2.2-4.9 1.2-7.3-3.1-4.7-6.8 3.2-4.6 3.4-4.2 15-12 .6-.4 1.2-.8 2.2-1.5h-2.5c-.6 0-1.2.2-1.9.3-19.3 3.3-30.7 15.5-48.9 29.6-10.4 8.1-13.8 3.8-12-.5 1.4-3.5 3.3-6.7 5.1-10 1-1.8 2.3-3.4 3.5-5.1-.2-.2-.5-.3-.7-.5-27 18.3-46.7 42.4-57.7 1 .9.3-.6.5-1.2.9-1.7 10.4-12.1 22.8-21.8 36.6-29.8 18.2-10.6 37.5-18.3 58.7-20.2 4.3-.4 8.7-.1 13.1-.1-1.8.7-3.5.9-5.3 1.1-18.5 2.4-35.5 9-51.5 18.5-30.2 17.9-54.5 42.2-75.1 70.4-.3.4-.4.9-.7 1.3 14.5 5.3 24 17.3 36.1 25.6.2-.1.3-.2.4-.4l1.2-2.7c12.2-26.9 27-52.3 46.7-74.5 16.7-18.8 38-25.3 62.5-20 5.9 1.3 11.4 4.4 17.2 6.8 2.3-1.4 5.1-3.2 8-4.7 8.4-4.3 17.4-7 26.7-9 14.7-3.1 29.5-4.9 44.5-1.3v-.5c-.5-.4-1.2-.8-1.7-1.4zM316.7 397.6c-39.4-33-22.8-19.5-42.7-35.6-.8.9 0-.2-1.9 3-11.2 19.1-25.5 35.3-44 47.6-10.3 6.8-21.5 11.8-34.1 11.8-21.6 0-38.2-9.5-49.4-27.8-12-19.5-13.3-40.7-8.2-62.6 7.8-33.8 30.1-55.2 38.6-64.3-18.7-6.2-33 1.7-46.4 13.9.8-13.9 4.3-26.2 11.8-37.3-24.3 10.6-45.9 25-64.8 43.9-.3-5.8 5.4-43.7 5.6-44.7.3-2.7-.6-5.3-3-7.4-24.2 24.7-44.5 51.8-56.1 84.6 7.4-5.9 14.9-11.4 23.6-16.2-8.3 22.3-19.6 52.8-7.8 101.1 4.6 19 11.9 36.8 24.1 52.3 2.9 3.7 6.3 6.9 9.5 10.3.2-.2.4-.3.6-.5-1.4-7-2.2-14.1-1.5-21.9 2.2 3.2 3.9 6 5.9 8.6 12.6 16 28.7 27.4 47.2 35.6 25 11.3 51.1 13.3 77.9 8.6 54.9-9.7 90.7-48.6 116-98.8 1-1.8.6-2.9-.9-4.2zm172-46.4c-9.5-3.1-22.2-4.2-28.7-2.9 9.9 4 14.1 6.6 18.8 12 12.6 14.4 10.4 34.7-5.4 45.6-11.7 8.1-24.9 10.5-38.9 9.1-1.2-.1-2.3-.4-3-.6 2.8-3.7 6-7 8.1-10.8 9.4-16.8 5.4-42.1-8.7-56.1-2.1-2.1-4.6-3.9-7-5.9-.3 1.3-.1 2.1.1 2.8 4.2 16.6-8.1 32.4-24.8 31.8-7.6-.3-13.9-3.8-19.6-8.5-19.5-16.1-39.1-32.1-58.5-48.3-5.9-4.9-12.5-8.1-20.1-8.7-4.6-.4-9.3-.6-13.9-.9-5.9-.4-8.8-2.8-10.4-8.4-.9-3.4-1.5-6.8-2.2-10.2-1.5-8.1-6.2-13-14.3-14.2-4.4-.7-8.9-1-13.3-1.5-13-1.4-19.8-7.4-22.6-20.3-5 11-1.6 22.4 7.3 29.9 4.5 3.8 9.3 7.3 13.8 11.2 4.6 3.8 7.4 8.7 7.9 14.8.4 4.7.8 9.5 1.8 14.1 2.2 10.6 8.9 18.4 17 25.1 16.5 13.7 33 27.3 49.5 41.1 17.9 15 13.9 32.8 13 56-.9 22.9 12.2 42.9 33.5 51.2 1 .4 2 .6 3.6 1.1-15.7-18.2-10.1-44.1.7-52.3.3 2.2.4 4.3.9 6.4 9.4 44.1 45.4 64.2 85 56.9 16-2.9 30.6-8.9 42.9-19.8 2-1.8 3.7-4.1 5.9-6.5-19.3 4.6-35.8.1-50.9-10.6.7-.3 1.3-.3 1.9-.3 21.3 1.8 40.6-3.4 57-17.4 19.5-16.6 26.6-42.9 17.4-66-8.3-20.1-23.6-32.3-43.8-38.9zM99.4 179.3c-5.3-9.2-13.2-15.6-22.1-21.3 13.7-.5 26.6.2 39.6 3.7-7-12.2-8.5-24.7-5-38.7 5.3 11.9 13.7 20.1 23.6 26.8 19.7 13.2 35.7 19.6 46.7 30.2 3.4 3.3 6.3 7.1 9.6 10.9-.8-2.1-1.4-4.1-2.2-6-5-10.6-13-18.6-22.6-25-1.8-1.2-2.8-2.5-3.4-4.5-3.3-12.5-3-25.1-.7-37.6 1-5.5 2.8-10.9 4.5-16.3.8-2.4 2.3-4.6 4-6.6.6 6.9 0 25.5 19.6 46 10.8 11.3 22.4 21.9 33.9 32.7 9 8.5 18.3 16.7 25.5 26.8 1.1 1.6 2.2 3.3 3.8 4.7-5-13-14.2-24.1-24.2-33.8-9.6-9.3-19.4-18.4-29.2-27.4-3.3-3-4.6-6.7-5.1-10.9-1.2-10.4 0-20.6 4.3-30.2.5-1 1.1-2 1.9-3.3.5 4.2.6 7.9 1.4 11.6 4.8 23.1 20.4 36.3 49.3 63.5 10 9.4 19.3 19.2 25.6 31.6 4.8 9.3 7.3 19 5.7 29.6-.1.6.5 1.7 1.1 2 6.2 2.6 10 6.9 9.7 14.3 7.7-2.6 12.5-8 16.4-14.5 4.2 20.2-9.1 50.3-27.2 58.7.4-4.5 5-23.4-16.5-27.7-6.8-1.3-12.8-1.3-22.9-2.1 4.7-9 10.4-20.6.5-22.4-24.9-4.6-52.8 1.9-57.8 4.6 8.2.4 16.3 1 23.5 3.3-2 6.5-4 12.7-5.8 18.9-1.9 6.5 2.1 14.6 9.3 9.6 1.2-.9 2.3-1.9 3.3-2.7-3.1 17.9-2.9 15.9-2.8 18.3.3 10.2 9.5 7.8 15.7 7.3-2.5 11.8-29.5 27.3-45.4 25.8 7-4.7 12.7-10.3 15.9-17.9-6.5.8-12.9 1.6-19.2 2.4l-.3-.9c4.7-3.4 8-7.8 10.2-13.1 8.7-21.1-3.6-38-25-39.9-9.1-.8-17.8.8-25.9 5.5 6.2-15.6 17.2-26.6 32.6-34.5-15.2-4.3-8.9-2.7-24.6-6.3 14.6-9.3 30.2-13.2 46.5-14.6-5.2-3.2-48.1-3.6-70.2 20.9 7.9 1.4 15.5 2.8 23.2 4.2-23.8 7-44 19.7-62.4 35.6 1.1-4.8 2.7-9.5 3.3-14.3.6-4.5.8-9.2.1-13.6-1.5-9.4-8.9-15.1-19.7-16.3-7.9-.9-15.6.1-23.3 1.3-.9.1-1.7.3-2.9 0 15.8-14.8 36-21.7 53.1-33.5 6-4.5 6.8-8.2 3-14.9zm128.4 26.8c3.3 16 12.6 25.5 23.8 24.3-4.6-11.3-12.1-19.5-23.8-24.3z"],
- "dashcube": [448, 512, [], "f210", "M326.6 104H110.4c-51.1 0-91.2 43.3-91.2 93.5V427c0 50.5 40.1 85 91.2 85h227.2c51.1 0 91.2-34.5 91.2-85V0L326.6 104zM153.9 416.5c-17.7 0-32.4-15.1-32.4-32.8V240.8c0-17.7 14.7-32.5 32.4-32.5h140.7c17.7 0 32 14.8 32 32.5v123.5l51.1 52.3H153.9z"],
- "delicious": [448, 512, [], "f1a5", "M446.5 68c-.4-1.5-.9-3-1.4-4.5-.9-2.5-2-4.8-3.3-7.1-1.4-2.4-3-4.8-4.7-6.9-2.1-2.5-4.4-4.8-6.9-6.8-1.1-.9-2.2-1.7-3.3-2.5-1.3-.9-2.6-1.7-4-2.4-1.8-1-3.6-1.8-5.5-2.5-1.7-.7-3.5-1.3-5.4-1.7-3.8-1-7.9-1.5-12-1.5H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 4.1.5 8.2 1.5 12 2 7.7 5.8 14.6 11 20.3 1 1.1 2.1 2.2 3.3 3.3 5.7 5.2 12.6 9 20.3 11 3.8 1 7.9 1.5 12 1.5h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c-.1-4.1-.6-8.2-1.6-12zM416 432c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16H224V256H32V80c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h176v192h192v176z"],
- "deploydog": [512, 512, [], "f38e", "M382.2 136h51.7v239.6h-51.7v-20.7c-19.8 24.8-52.8 24.1-73.8 14.7-26.2-11.7-44.3-38.1-44.3-71.8 0-29.8 14.8-57.9 43.3-70.8 20.2-9.1 52.7-10.6 74.8 12.9V136zm-64.7 161.8c0 18.2 13.6 33.5 33.2 33.5 19.8 0 33.2-16.4 33.2-32.9 0-17.1-13.7-33.2-33.2-33.2-19.6 0-33.2 16.4-33.2 32.6zM188.5 136h51.7v239.6h-51.7v-20.7c-19.8 24.8-52.8 24.1-73.8 14.7-26.2-11.7-44.3-38.1-44.3-71.8 0-29.8 14.8-57.9 43.3-70.8 20.2-9.1 52.7-10.6 74.8 12.9V136zm-64.7 161.8c0 18.2 13.6 33.5 33.2 33.5 19.8 0 33.2-16.4 33.2-32.9 0-17.1-13.7-33.2-33.2-33.2-19.7 0-33.2 16.4-33.2 32.6zM448 96c17.5 0 32 14.4 32 32v256c0 17.5-14.4 32-32 32H64c-17.5 0-32-14.4-32-32V128c0-17.5 14.4-32 32-32h384m0-32H64C28.8 64 0 92.8 0 128v256c0 35.2 28.8 64 64 64h384c35.2 0 64-28.8 64-64V128c0-35.2-28.8-64-64-64z"],
- "deskpro": [480, 512, [], "f38f", "M205.9 512l31.1-38.4c12.3-.2 25.6-1.4 36.5-6.6 38.9-18.6 38.4-61.9 38.3-63.8-.1-5-.8-4.4-28.9-37.4H362c-.2 50.1-7.3 68.5-10.2 75.7-9.4 23.7-43.9 62.8-95.2 69.4-8.7 1.1-32.8 1.2-50.7 1.1zm200.4-167.7c38.6 0 58.5-13.6 73.7-30.9l-175.5-.3-17.4 31.3 119.2-.1zm-43.6-223.9v168.3h-73.5l-32.7 55.5H250c-52.3 0-58.1-56.5-58.3-58.9-1.2-13.2-21.3-11.6-20.1 1.8 1.4 15.8 8.8 40 26.4 57.1h-91c-25.5 0-110.8-26.8-107-114V16.9C0 .9 9.7.3 15 .1h82c.2 0 . 4.3-.4 50.1-2.1 50.1 43.7 0 13.3 20.2 13.4 20.2 0 0-18.2-5.5-32.8-15.8-43.7h84.2c108.7-.4 126.5 79.4 126.5 120.2zm-132.5 56l64 29.3c13.3-45.5-42.2-71.7-64-29.3z"],
- "deviantart": [320, 512, [], "f1bd", "M320 93.2l-98.2 179.1 7.4 9.5H320v127.7H159.1l-13.5 9.2-43.7 84c-.3 0-8.6 8.6-9.2 9.2H0v-93.2l93.2-179.4-7.4-9.2H0V102.5h156l13.5-9.2 43.7-84c.3 0 8.6-8.6 9.2-9.2H320v93.1z"],
- "digg": [512, 512, [], "f1a6", "M81.7 172.3H0v174.4h132.7V96h-51v76.3zm0 133.4H50.9v-92.3h30.8v92.3zm297.2-133.4v174.4h81.8v28.5h-81.8V416H512V172.3H378.9zm81.8 133.4h-30.8v-92.3h30.8v92.3zm-235.6 41h82.1v28.5h-82.1V416h133.3V172.3H225.1v174.4zm51.2-133.3h30.8v92.3h-30.8v-92.3zM153.3 96h51.3v51h-51.3V96zm0 76.3h51.3v174.4h-51.3V172.3z"],
- "digital-ocean": [512, 512, [], "f391", "M256 504v-96.1c101.8 0 180.8-100.9 141.7-208-14.3-39.6-46.1-71.4-85.8-85.7-107.1-38.8-208.1 39.9-208.1 141.7H8C8 93.7 164.9-32.8 335 20.3c74.2 23.3 133.6 82.4 156.6 156.6C544.8 347.2 418.6 504 256 504zm.3-191.4h-95.6v95.6h95.6v-95.6zm-95.6 95.6H87v73.6h73.7v-73.6zM87 346.6H25.4v61.6H87v-61.6z"],
- "discord": [448, 512, [], "f392", "M297.216 243.2c0 15.616-11.52 28.416-26.112 28.416-14.336 0-26.112-12.8-26.112-28.416s11.52-28.416 26.112-28.416c14.592 0 26.112 12.8 26.112 28.416zm-119.552-28.416c-14.592 0-26.112 12.8-26.112 28.416s11.776 28.416 26.112 28.416c14.592 0 26.112-12.8 26.112-28.416.256-15.616-11.52-28.416-26.112-28.416zM448 52.736V512c-64.494-56.994-43.868-38.128-118.784-107.776l13.568 47.36H52.48C23.552 451.584 0 428.032 0 398.848V52.736C0 23.552 23.552 0 52.48 0h343.04C424.448 0 448 23.552 448 52.736zm-72.96 242.688c0-82.432-36.864-149.248-36.864-149.248-36.864-27.648-71.936-26.88-71.936-26.88l-3.584 4.096c43.52 13.312 63.744 32.512 63.744 32.512-60.811-33.329-132.244-33.335-191.232-7.424-9.472 4.352-15.104 7.424-15.104 7.424s21.248-20.224 67.328-33.536l-2.56-3.072s-35.072-.768-71.936 26.88c0 0-36.864 66.816-36.864 149.248 0 0 21.504 37.12 78.08 38.912 0 0 9.472-11.52 17.152-21.248-32.512-9.728-44.8-30.208-44.8-30.208 3.766 2.636 9.976 6.053 10.496 6.4 43.21 24.198 104.588 32.126 159.744 8.96 8.96-3.328 18.944-8.192 29.44-15.104 0 0-12.8 20.992-46.336 30.464 7.68 9.728 16.896 20.736 16.896 20.736 56.576-1.792 78.336-38.912 78.336-38.912z"],
- "discourse": [448, 512, [], "f393", "M225.9 32C103.3 32 0 130.5 0 252.1 0 256 .1 480 .1 480l225.8-.2c122.7 0 222.1-102.3 222.1-223.9C448 134.3 348.6 32 225.9 32zM224 384c-19.4 0-37.9-4.3-54.4-12.1L88.5 392l22.9-75c-9.8-18.1-15.4-38.9-15.4-61 0-70.7 57.3-128 128-128s128 57.3 128 128-57.3 128-128 128z"],
- "dochub": [416, 512, [], "f394", "M397.9 160H256V19.6L397.9 160zM304 192v130c0 66.8-36.5 100.1-113.3 100.1H96V84.8h94.7c12 0 23.1.8 33.1 2.5v-84C212.9 1.1 201.4 0 189.2 0H0v512h189.2C329.7 512 400 447.4 400 318.1V192h-96z"],
- "docker": [640, 512, [], "f395", "M349.9 236.3h-66.1v-59.4h66.1v59.4zm0-204.3h-66.1v60.7h66.1V32zm78.2 144.8H362v59.4h66.1v-59.4zm-156.3-72.1h-66.1v60.1h66.1v-60.1zm78.1 0h-66.1v60.1h66.1v-60.1zm276.8 100c-14.4-9.7-47.6-13.2-73.1-8.4-3.3-24-16.7-44.9-41.1-63.7l-14-9.3-9.3 14c-18.4 27.8-23.4 73.6-3.7 103.8-8.7 4.7-25.8 11.1-48.4 10.7H2.4c-8.7 50.8 5.8 116.8 44 162.1 37.1 43.9 92.7 66.2 165.4 66.2 157.4 0 273.9-72.5 328.4-204.2 21.4.4 67.6.1 91.3-45.2 1.5-2.5 6.6-13.2 8.5-17.1l-13.3-8.9zm-511.1-27.9h-66v59.4h66.1v-59.4zm78.1 0h-66.1v59.4h66.1v-59.4zm78.1 0h-66.1v59.4h66.1v-59.4zm-78.1-72.1h-66.1v60.1h66.1v-60.1z"],
- "draft2digital": [480, 512, [], "f396", "M369.9 425.4V371l47.1 27.2-47.1 27.2zM82.4 380.6c25.5-27.3 97.7-104.7 150.9-170 35.1-43.1 40.3-82.4 28.4-112.7-7.4-18.8-17.5-30.2-24.3-35.7 45.3 2.1 68 23.4 82.2 38.3 0 0 42.4 48.2 5.8 113.3-37 65.9-110.9 147.5-128.5 166.7H82.4zm51.8-219.2c0 12.4-10 22.4-22.4 22.4-12.4 0-22.4-10-22.4-22.4 0-12.4 10-22.4 22.4-22.4 12.4 0 22.4 10.1 22.4 22.4M336 315.9v64.7h-91.3c30.8-35 81.8-95.9 111.8-149.3 35.2-62.6 16.1-123.4-12.8-153.3-4.4-4.6-62.2-62.9-166-41.2-59.1 12.4-89.4 43.4-104.3 67.3-13.1 20.9-17 39.8-18.2 47.7-5.5 33 19.4 67.1 56.7 67.1 31.7 0 57.3-25.7 57.3-57.4 0-27.1-19.7-52.1-48-56.8 1.8-7.3 17.7-21.1 26.3-24.7 41.1-17.3 78 5.2 83.3 33.5 8.3 44.3-37.1 90.4-69.7 127.6C84.5 328.1 18.3 396.8 0 415.9l336-.1V480l144-81.9-144-82.2z"],
- "dribbble": [512, 512, [], "f17d", "M256 8C119.252 8 8 119.252 8 256s111.252 248 248 248 248-111.252 248-248S392.748 8 256 8zm163.97 114.366c29.503 36.046 47.369 81.957 47.835 131.955-6.984-1.477-77.018-15.682-147.502-6.818-5.752-14.041-11.181-26.393-18.617-41.614 78.321-31.977 113.818-77.482 118.284-83.523zM396.421 97.87c-3.81 5.427-35.697 48.286-111.021 76.519-34.712-63.776-73.185-116.168-79.04-124.008 67.176-16.193 137.966 1.27 190.061 47.489zm-230.48-33.25c5.585 7.659 43.438 60.116 78.537 122.509-99.087 26.313-186.36 25.934-195.834 25.809C62.38 147.205 106.678 92.573 165.941 64.62zM44.17 256.323c0-2.166.043-4.322.108-6.473 9.268.19 111.92 1.513 217.706-30.146 6.064 11.868 11.857 23.915 17.174 35.949-76.599 21.575-146.194 83.527-180.531 142.306C64.794 360.405 44.17 310.73 44.17 256.323zm81.807 167.113c22.127-45.233 82.178-103.622 167.579-132.756 29.74 77.283 42.039 142.053 45.189 160.638-68.112 29.013-150.015 21.053-212.768-27.882zm248.38 8.489c-2.171-12.886-13.446-74.897-41.152-151.033 66.38-10.626 124.7 6.768 131.947 9.055-9.442 58.941-43.273 109.844-90.795 141.978z"],
- "dribbble-square": [448, 512, [], "f397", "M90.2 228.2c8.9-42.4 37.4-77.7 75.7-95.7 3.6 4.9 28 38.8 50.7 79-64 17-120.3 16.8-126.4 16.7zM314.6 154c-33.6-29.8-79.3-41.1-122.6-30.6 3.8 5.1 28.6 38.9 51 80 48.6-18.3 69.1-45.9 71.6-49.4zM140.1 364c40.5 31.6 93.3 36.7 137.3 18-2-12-10-53.8-29.2-103.6-55.1 18.8-93.8 56.4-108.1 85.6zm98.8-108.2c-3.4-7.8-7.2-15.5-11.1-23.2C159.6 253 93.4 252.2 87.4 252c0 1.4-.1 2.8-.1 4.2 0 35.1 13.3 67.1 35.1 91.4 22.2-37.9 67.1-77.9 116.5-91.8zm34.9 16.3c17.9 49.1 25.1 89.1 26.5 97.4 30.7-20.7 52.5-53.6 58.6-91.6-4.6-1.5-42.3-12.7-85.1-5.8zm-20.3-48.4c4.8 9.8 8.3 17.8 12 26.8 45.5-5.7 90.7 3.4 95.2 4.4-.3-32.3-11.8-61.9-30.9-85.1-2.9 3.9-25.8 33.2-76.3 53.9zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-64 176c0-88.2-71.8-160-160-160S64 167.8 64 256s71.8 160 160 160 160-71.8 160-160z"],
- "dropbox": [528, 512, [], "f16b", "M264.4 116.3l-132 84.3 132 84.3-132 84.3L0 284.1l132.3-84.3L0 116.3 132.3 32l132.1 84.3zM131.6 395.7l132-84.3 132 84.3-132 84.3-132-84.3zm132.8-111.6l132-84.3-132-83.6L395.7 32 528 116.3l-132.3 84.3L528 284.8l-132.3 84.3-131.3-85z"],
- "drupal": [448, 512, [], "f1a9", "M319.5 114.7c-22.2-14-43.5-19.5-64.7-33.5-13-8.8-31.3-30-46.5-48.3-2.7 29.3-11.5 41.2-22 49.5-21.3 17-34.8 22.2-53.5 32.3C117 123 32 181.5 32 290.5 32 399.7 123.8 480 225.8 480 327.5 480 416 406 416 294c0-112.3-83-171-96.5-179.3zm2.5 325.6c-20.1 20.1-90.1 28.7-116.7 4.2-4.8-4.8.3-12 6.5-12 0 0 17 13.3 51.5 13.3 27 0 46-7.7 54.5-14 6.1-4.6 8.4 4.3 4.2 8.5zm-54.5-52.6c8.7-3.6 29-3.8 36.8 1.3 4.1 2.8 16.1 18.8 6.2 23.7-8.4 4.2-1.2-15.7-26.5-15.7-14.7 0-19.5 5.2-26.7 11-7 6-9.8 8-12.2 4.7-6-8.2 15.9-22.3 22.4-25zM360 405c-15.2-1-45.5-48.8-65-49.5-30.9-.9-104.1 80.7-161.3 42-38.8-26.6-14.6-104.8 51.8-105.2 49.5-.5 83.8 49 108.5 48.5 21.3-.3 61.8-41.8 81.8-41.8 48.7 0 23.3 109.3-15.8 106z"],
- "dyalog": [416, 512, [], "f399", "M0 32v119.2h64V96h107.2C284.6 96 352 176.2 352 255.9 352 332 293.4 416 171.2 416H0v64h171.2C331.9 480 416 367.3 416 255.9c0-58.7-22.1-113.4-62.3-154.3C308.9 56 245.7 32 171.2 32H0z"],
- "earlybirds": [480, 512, [], "f39a", "M313.2 47.5c1.2-13 21.3-14 36.6- 26.2 9.7 19 15.2-27.9-7.4-56.4 18.2-55.6-6.5zm-201 6.9c30.7-8.1 62 20 61.1-7.1-1.3-14.2-23.4-15.3-40.2-9.6-1 .3-28.7 10.5-20.9 16.7zM319.4 160c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16s7.2 16 16 16 16-7.2 16-16-7.2-16-16-16zm-159.7 0c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16s7.2 16 16 16 16-7.2 16-16-7.2-16-16-16zm318.5 163.2c-9.9 24-40.7 11-63.9-1.2-13.5 69.1-58.1 111.4-126.3 24 1 33.6 1.4 63.8-3.1 97.4-8-19.8-13.8-11.4-37.1-9.8-38.1 1.4-.9 14.7 1.7 21.6 11.5 8.6-12.5 28.4-14.8 30.2-13.6 1.6 1.1 6.6 20.9-6.9 34.6 4.7-.9 8.2-1.6 9.8-2.1 2.6-.8 17.7 11.3 3.1 13.3-14.3 2.3-22.6 5.1-47.1 10.8-45.9 10.7-85.9 11.8-117.7 12.8l1 11.6c3.8 18.1-23.4 24.3-27.6 6.2.8 17.9-27.1 21.8-28.4-1l-.5 5.3c-.7 18.4-28.4 17.9-28.3-.6-7.5 13.5-28.1 6.8-26.4-8.5l1.2-12.4c-36.7.9-59.7 3.1-61.8 3.1-20.9 0-20.9-31.6 0-31.6 2.4 0 27.7 1.3 63.2 2.8-61.1-15.5-103.7-55-114.9-118.2-25 12.8-57.5 26.8-68.2.8-10.5-25.4 21.5-42.6 66.8-73.4.7-6.6 1.6-13.3 2.7-19.8-14.4-19.6-11.6-36.3-16.1-60.4-16.8 2.4-23.2-9.1-23.6-23.1.3-7.3 2.1-14.9 2.4-15.4 1.1-1.8 10.1-2 12.7-2.6 6-31.7 50.6-33.2 90.9-34.5 19.7-21.8 45.2-41.5 80.9-48.3C203.3 29 215.2 8.5 216.2 8c1.7-.8 21.2 4.3 26.3 23.2 5.2-8.8 18.3-11.4 19.6-10.7 1.1.6 6.4 15-4.9 25.9 40.3 3.5 72.2 24.7 96 50.7 36.1 1.5 71.8 5.9 77.1 34 2.7.6 11.6.8 12.7 2.1 8.1 2.4 15.4-.5 13.9-6.8 25.4-23.6 23.1-3.2 17.3-2.7 32.9-8.7 47.7 2.4 11.7 4 23.8 4.8 36.4 37 25.4 70.3 42.5 60.3 66.9zM207.4 159.9c.9-44-37.9-42.2-78.6-40.3-21.7 1-38.9 1.9-45.5 13.9-11.4 20.9 5.9 92.9 23.2 101.2 9.8 4.7 73.4 7.9 86.3-7.1 8.2-9.4 15-49.4 14.6-67.7zm52 58.3c-4.3-12.4-6-30.1-15.3-32.7-2-.5-9-.5-11 0-10 2.8-10.8 22.1-17 37.2 15.4 0 19.3 9.7 23.7 9.7 4.3 0 6.3-11.3 19.6-14.2zm135.7-84.7c-6.6-12.1-24.8-12.9-46.5-13.9-40.2-1.9-78.2-3.8-77.3 40.3-.5 18.3 5 58.3 13.2 67.8 13 14.9 76.6 11.8 86.3 7.1 15.8-7.6 36.5-78.9 24.3-101.3z"],
- "ebay": [640, 512, [], "f4f4", "M405.2 263.8c-29.1.9-47.2 6.2-47.2 25.3 0 12.4 9.9 25.8 35 25.8 33.7 0 51.6-18.4 51.6-48.4v-3.3c-11.8 0-26.3.1-39.4.6m71.5 39.7c0 9.3.3 18.6 1 26.8h-29.8c-.8-6.9-1.1-13.6-1.1-20.2-16.1 19.8-35.3 25.5-61.9 25.5-39.5 0-60.6-20.9-60.6-45 0-35 28.8-47.3 78.6-48.4 13.7-.3 29-.4 41.7-.4v-3.4c0-23.4-15-33-41-33-19.3 0-33.6 8-35 21.8h-33.7c3.6-34.4 39.7-43.1 71.5-43.1 38.1 0 70.3 13.5 70.3 53.8v65.6zm-349-56.8c-2.3-54.7-87.5-56.6-94.4 0h94.4zm-95 21.4c3.5 58.3 79.2 57.4 91.2 21.6H157c-6.4 34.4-43 46.1-74.4 46.1-57.2 0-82.5-31.5-82.5-74 0-46.8 26.2-77.6 83-77.6 45.3 0 78.4 23.7 78.4 75.4v8.5H32.7zm211 45.7c29.8 0 50.2-21.5 50.2-53.8 0-32.4-20.4-53.8-50.2-53.8-29.6 0-50.2 21.4-50.2 53.8 0 32.3 20.6 53.8 50.2 53.8m-82.2-186h32.1v80.6c15.7-18.7 37.4-24.2 58.7-24.2 35.7 0 75.4 24.1 75.4 76.2 0 43.6-31.5 75.4-76 75.4-23.3 0-45.1-8.3-58.7-24.9 0 6.6-.4 13.2-1.1 19.5h-31.5c.5-10.2 1.1-22.8 1.1-33.1V127.8zM640 189.5l-99.2 194.8h-35.9l28.5-54.1-74.6-140.7h37.5l54.9 109.9L606 189.5h34z"],
- "edge": [512, 512, [], "f282", "M25.714 228.163c.111-.162.23-.323.342-.485-.021.162-.045.323-.065.485h-.277zm460.572 15.508c0-44.032-7.754-84.465-28.801-122.405C416.498 47.879 343.912 8.001 258.893 8.001 118.962 7.724 40.617 113.214 26.056 227.679c42.429-61.312 117.073-121.376 220.375-124.966 0 0 109.666 0 99.419 104.957H169.997c6.369-37.386 18.554-58.986 34.339-78.926-75.048 34.893-121.85 96.096-120.742 188.315.83 71.448 50.124 144.836 120.743 171.976 83.357 31.847 192.776 7.2 240.132-21.324V363.307c-80.864 56.494-270.871 60.925-272.255-67.572h314.073v-52.064z"],
- "elementor": [448, 512, [], "f430", "M425.6 32H22.4C10 32 0 42 0 54.4v403.2C0 470 10 480 22.4 480h403.2c12.4 0 22.4-10 22.4-22.4V54.4C448 42 438 32 425.6 32M164.3 355.5h-39.8v-199h39.8v199zm159.3 0H204.1v-39.8h119.5v39.8zm0-79.6H204.1v-39.8h119.5v39.8zm0-79.7H204.1v-39.8h119.5v39.8z"],
- "ello": [496, 512, [], "f5f1", "M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm143.84 285.2C375.31 358.51 315.79 404.8 248 404.8s-127.31-46.29-143.84-111.6c-1.65-7.44 2.48-15.71 9.92-17.36 7.44-1.65 15.71 2.48 17.36 9.92 14.05 52.91 62 90.11 116.56 90.11s102.51-37.2 116.56-90.11c1.65-7.44 9.92-12.4 17.36-9.92 7.44 1.65 12.4 9.92 9.92 17.36z"],
- "ember": [640, 512, [], "f423", "M639.9 254.6c-1.1-10.7-10.7-6.8-10.7-6.8s-15.6 12.1-29.3 10.7c-13.7-1.3-9.4-32-9.4-32s3-28.1-5.1-30.4c-8.1-2.4-18 7.3-18 7.3s-12.4 13.7-18.3 31.2l-1.6.5s1.9-30.6-.3-37.6c-1.6-3.5-16.4-3.2-18.8 3s-14.2 49.2-15 67.2c0 0-23.1 19.6-43.3 22.8s-25-9.4-25-9.4 54.8-15.3 52.9-59.1c-1.9-43.8-44.2-27.6-49-24-4.6 3.5-29.4 18.4-36.6 59.7-.2 1.4-.7 7.5-.7 7.5s-21.2 14.2-33 18c0 0 33-55.6-7.3-80.9-18.3-11-32.8 12.1-32.8 12.1s54.5-60.7 42.5-112c-5.8-24.4-18-27.1-29.2-23.1-17 6.7-23.5 16.7-23.5 16.7s-22 32-27.1 79.5-12.6 105.1-12.6 105.1-10.5 10.2-20.2 10.7-5.4-28.7-5.4-28.7 7.5-44.6 7-52.1-1.1-11.6-9.9-14.2c-8.9-2.7-18.5 8.6-18.5 8.6s-25.5 38.7-27.7 44.6l-1.3 2.4-1.3-1.6s18-52.7.8-53.5c-17.2-.8-28.5 18.8-28.5 18.8s-19.6 32.8-20.4 36.5l-1.3-1.6s8.1-38.2 6.4-47.6c-1.6-9.4-10.5-7.5-10.5-7.5s-11.3-1.3-14.2 5.9-13.7 55.3-15 70.7c0 0-28.2 20.2-46.8 20.4-18.5.3-16.7-11.8-16.7-11.8s68-23.3 49.4-69.2c-8.3-11.8-18-15.5-31.7-15.3-13.7.3-30.3 8.6-41.3 33.3-5.3 11.8-6.8 23-7.8 31.5 0 0-12.3 2.4-18.8-2.9s-10 0-10 0-11.2 14-.1 18.3 28.1 6.1 28.1 6.1c1.6 7.5 6.2 19.5 19.6 29.7 20.2 15.3 58.8-1.3 58.8-1.3l15.9-8.8s.5 14.6 12.1 16.7c11.6 2.1 16.4 1 36.5-47.9 11.8-25 12.6-23.6 12.6-23.6l1.3-.3s-9.1 46.8-5.6 59.7C187.7 319.4 203 318 203 318s8.3 2.4 15-21.2c6.7-23.6 19.6-49.9 19.6-49.9h1.6s-5.6 48.1 3 63.7c8.6 15.6 30.9 5.3 30.9 5.3s15.6-7.8 18-10.2c0 0 18.5 15.8 44.6 12.9 58.3-11.5 79.1-25.9 79.1-25.9s10 24.4 41.1 26.7c35.5 2.7 54.8-18.6 54.8-18.6s-.3 13.5 12.1 18.6c12.4 5.1 20.7-22.8 20.7-22.8l20.7-57.2h1.9s1.1 37.3 21.5 43.2 47-13.7 47-13.7 6.4-3.5 5.3-14.3zm-578 5.3c.8-32 21.8-45.9 29-39 7.3 7 4.6 22-9.1 31.4-13.7 9.5-19.9 7.6-19.9 7.6zm272.8-123.8s19.1-49.7 23.6-25.5-40 96.2-40 96.2c.5-16.2 16.4-70.7 16.4-70.7zm22.8 138.4c-12.6 33-43.3 19.6-43.3 19.6s-3.5-11.8 6.4-44.9 33.3-20.2 33.3-20.2 16.2 12.4 3.6 45.5zm84.6-14.6s-3-10.5 8.1-30.6c11-20.2 19.6-9.1 19.6-9.1s9.4 10.2-1.3 25.5-26.4 14.2-26.4 14.2z"],
- "empire": [496, 512, [], "f1d1", "M287.6 54.2c-10.8-2.2-22.1-3.3-33.5-3.6V32.4c78.1 2.2 146.1 44 184.6 106.6l-15.8 9.1c-6.1-9.7-12.7-18.8-20.2-27.1l-18 15.5c-26-29.6-61.4-50.7-101.9-58.4l4.8-23.9zM53.4 322.4l23-7.7c-6.4-18.3-10-38.2-10-58.7s3.3-40.4 9.7-58.7l-22.7-7.7c3.6-10.8 8.3-21.3 13.6-31l-15.8-9.1C34 181 24.1 217.5 24.1 256s10 75 27.1 106.6l15.8-9.1c-5.3-10-9.7-20.3-13.6-31.1zM213.1 434c-40.4-8-75.8-29.1-101.9-58.7l-18 15.8c-7.5-8.6-14.4-17.7-20.2-27.4l-16 9.4c38.5 62.3 106.8 104.3 184.9 106.6v-18.3c-11.3-.3-22.7-1.7-33.5-3.6l4.7-23.8zM93.3 120.9l18 15.5c26-29.6 61.4-50.7 101.9-58.4l-4.7-23.8c10.8-2.2 22.1-3.3 33.5-3.6V32.4C163.9 34.6 95.9 76.4 57.4 139l15.8 9.1c6-9.7 12.6-18.9 20.1-27.2zm309.4 270.2l-18-15.8c-26 29.6-61.4 50.7-101.9 58.7l4.7 23.8c-10.8 1.9-22.1 3.3-33.5 3.6v18.3c78.1-2.2 146.4-44.3 184.9-106.6l-16.1-9.4c-5.7 9.7-12.6 18.8-20.1 27.4zM496 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S0 393 0 256 111 8 248 8s248 111 248 248zm-12.2 0c0-130.1-105.7-235.8-235.8-235.8S12.2 125.9 12.2 256 117.9 491.8 248 491.8 483.8 386.1 483.8 256zm-39-106.6l-15.8 9.1c5.3 9.7 10 20.2 13.6 31l-22.7 7.7c6.4 18.3 9.7 38.2 9.7 58.7s-3.6 40.4-10 58.7l23 7.7c-3.9 10.8-8.3 21-13.6 31l15.8 9.1C462 331 471.9 294.5 471.9 256s-9.9-75-27.1-106.6zm-183 177.7c16.3-3.3 30.4-11.6 40.7-23.5l51.2 44.8c11.9-13.6 21.3-29.3 27.1-46.8l-64.2-22.1c2.5-7.5 3.9-15.2 3.9-23.5s-1.4-16.1-3.9-23.5l64.5-22.1c-6.1-17.4-15.5-33.2-27.4-46.8l-51.2 44.8c-10.2-11.9-24.4-20.5-40.7-23.8l13.3-66.4c-8.6-1.9-17.7-2.8-27.1-2.8-9.4 0-18.5.8-27.1 2.8l13.3 66.4c-16.3 3.3-30.4 11.9-40.7 23.8l-51.2-44.8c-11.9 13.6-21.3 29.3-27.4 46.8l64.5 22.1c-2.5 7.5-3.9 15.2-3.9 23.5s1.4 16.1 3.9 23.5l-64.2 22.1c5.8 17.4 15.2 33.2 27.1 46.8l51.2-44.8c10.2 11.9 24.4 20.2 40.7 23.5l-13.3 66.7c8.6 1.7 17.7 2.8 27.1 2.8 9.4 0 18.5-1.1 27.1-2.8l-13.3-66.7z"],
- "envira": [448, 512, [], "f299", "M0 32c477.6 0 366.6 317.3 367.1 366.3L448 480h-26l-70.4-71.2c-39 4.2-124.4 34.5-214.4-37C47 300.3 52 214.7 0 32zm79.7 46c-49.7-23.5-5.2 9.2-5.2 9.2 45.2 31.2 66 73.7 90.2 119.9 31.5 60.2 79 139.7 144.2 167.7 65 28 34.2 12.5 6-8.5-28.2-21.2-68.2-87-91-130.2-31.7-60-61-118.6-144.2-158.1z"],
- "erlang": [640, 512, [], "f39d", "M21.7 246.4c-.1 86.8 29 159.5 78.7 212.1H0v-405h87.2c-41.5 50.2-65.6 116.2-65.5 192.9zM640 53.6h-83.6c31.4 42.7 48.7 97.5 46.2 162.7.5 6 .5 11.7 0 24.1H230.2c-.2 109.7 38.9 194.9 138.6 195.3 68.5-.3 118-51 151.9-106.1l96.4 48.2c-17.4 30.9-36.5 57.8-57.9 80.8H640v-405zm-80.8 405s0-.1 0 0h-.2.2zm-3.1-405h.3l-.1-.1-.2.1zm-230.7 9.6c-45.9.1-85.1 33.5-89.2 83.2h169.9c-1.1-49.7-34.5-83.1-80.7-83.2z"],
- "ethereum": [320, 512, [], "f42e", "M311.9 260.8L160 353.6 8 260.8 160 0l151.9 260.8zM160 383.4L8 290.6 160 512l152-221.4-152 92.8z"],
- "etsy": [384, 512, [], "f2d7", "M384 348c-1.75 10.75-13.75 110-15.5 132-117.879-4.299-219.895-4.743-368.5 0v-25.5c45.457-8.948 60.627-8.019 61-35.25 1.793-72.322 3.524-244.143 0-322-1.029-28.46-12.13-26.765-61-36v-25.5c73.886 2.358 255.933 8.551 362.999-3.75-3.5 38.25-7.75 126.5-7.75 126.5H332C320.947 115.665 313.241 68 277.25 68h-137c-10.25 0-10.75 3.5-10.75 9.75V241.5c58 .5 88.5-2.5 88.5-2.5 29.77-.951 27.56-8.502 40.75-65.251h25.75c-4.407 101.351-3.91 61.829-1.75 160.25H257c-9.155-40.086-9.065-61.045-39.501-61.5 0 0-21.5-2-88-2v139c0 26 14.25 38.25 44.25 38.25H263c63.636 0 66.564-24.996 98.751-99.75H384z"],
- "expeditedssl": [496, 512, [], "f23e", "M248 43.4C130.6 43.4 35.4 138.6 35.4 256S130.6 468.6 248 468.6 460.6 373.4 460.6 256 365.4 43.4 248 43.4zm-97.4 132.9c0-53.7 43.7-97.4 97.4-97.4s97.4 43.7 97.4 97.4v26.6c0 5-3.9 8.9-8.9 8.9h-17.7c-5 0-8.9-3.9-8.9-8.9v-26.6c0-82.1-124-82.1-124 0v26.6c0 5-3.9 8.9-8.9 8.9h-17.7c-5 0-8.9-3.9-8.9-8.9v-26.6zM389.7 380c0 9.7-8 17.7-17.7 17.7H124c-9.7 0-17.7-8-17.7-17.7V238.3c0-9.7 8-17.7 17.7-17.7h248c9.7 0 17.7 8 17.7 17.7V380zm-248-137.3v132.9c0 2.5-1.9 4.4-4.4 4.4h-8.9c-2.5 0-4.4-1.9-4.4-4.4V242.7c0-2.5 1.9-4.4 4.4-4.4h8.9c2.5 0 4.4 1.9 4.4 4.4zm141.7 48.7c0 13-7.2 24.4-17.7 30.4v31.6c0 5-3.9 8.9-8.9 8.9h-17.7c-5 0-8.9-3.9-8.9-8.9v-31.6c-10.5-6.1-17.7-17.4-17.7-30.4 0-19.7 15.8-35.4 35.4-35.4s35.5 15.8 35.5 35.4zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 478.3C121 486.3 17.7 383 17.7 256S121 25.7 248 25.7 478.3 129 478.3 256 375 486.3 248 486.3z"],
- "facebook": [448, 512, [], "f09a", "M448 56.7v398.5c0 13.7-11.1 24.7-24.7 24.7H309.1V306.5h58.2l8.7-67.6h-67v-43.2c0-19.6 5.4-32.9 33.5-32.9h35.8v-60.5c-6.2-.8-27.4-2.7-52.2-2.7-51.6 0-87 31.5-87 89.4v49.9h-58.4v67.6h58.4V480H24.7C11.1 480 0 468.9 0 455.3V56.7C0 43.1 11.1 32 24.7 32h398.5c13.7 0 24.8 11.1 24.8 24.7z"],
- "facebook-f": [264, 512, [], "f39e", "M76.7 512V283H0v-91h76.7v-71.7C76.7 42.4 124.3 0 193.8 0c33.3 0 61.9 2.5 70.2 3.6V85h-48.2c-37.8 0-45.1 18-45.1 44.3V192H256l-11.7 91h-73.6v229"],
- "facebook-messenger": [448, 512, [], "f39f", "M224 32C15.9 32-77.5 278 84.6 400.6V480l75.7-42c142.2 39.8 285.4-59.9 285.4-198.7C445.8 124.8 346.5 32 224 32zm23.4 278.1L190 250.5 79.6 311.6l121.1-128.5 57.4 59.6 110.4-61.1-121.1 128.5z"],
- "facebook-square": [448, 512, [], "f082", "M448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48h-85.3V302.8h60.6l8.7-67.6h-69.3V192c0-19.6 5.4-32.9 33.5-32.9H384V98.7c-6.2-.8-27.4-2.7-52.2-2.7-51.6 0-87 31.5-87 89.4v49.9H184v67.6h60.9V480H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48z"],
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- "first-order-alt": [496, 512, [], "f50a", "M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm0 488.21C115.34 496.21 7.79 388.66 7.79 256S115.34 15.79 248 15.79 488.21 123.34 488.21 256 380.66 496.21 248 496.21zm0-459.92C126.66 36.29 28.29 134.66 28.29 256S126.66 475.71 248 475.71 467.71 377.34 467.71 256 369.34 36.29 248 36.29zm0 431.22c-116.81 0-211.51-94.69-211.51-211.51S131.19 44.49 248 44.49 459.51 139.19 459.51 256 364.81 467.51 248 467.51zm186.23-162.98a191.613 191.613 0 0 1-20.13 48.69l-74.13-35.88 61.48 54.82a193.515 193.515 0 0 1-37.2 37.29l-54.8-61.57 35.88 74.27a190.944 190.944 0 0 1-48.63 20.23l-27.29-78.47 4.79 82.93c-8.61 1.18-17.4 1.8-26.33 1.8s-17.72-.62-26.33-1.8l4.76-82.46-27.15 78.03a191.365 191.365 0 0 1-48.65-20.2l35.93-74.34-54.87 61.64a193.85 193.85 0 0 1-37.22-37.28l61.59-54.9-74.26 35.93a191.638 191.638 0 0 1-20.14-48.69l77.84-27.11-82.23 4.76c-1.16-8.57-1.78-17.32-1.78-26.21 0-9 .63-17.84 1.82-26.51l82.38 4.77-77.94-27.16a191.726 191.726 0 0 1 20.23-48.67l74.22 35.92-61.52-54.86a193.85 193.85 0 0 1 37.28-37.22l54.76 61.53-35.83-74.17a191.49 191.49 0 0 1 48.65-20.13l26.87 77.25-4.71-81.61c8.61-1.18 17.39-1.8 26.32-1.8s17.71.62 26.32 1.8l-4.74 82.16 27.05-77.76c17.27 4.5 33.6 11.35 48.63 20.17l-35.82 74.12 54.72-61.47a193.13 193.13 0 0 1 37.24 37.23l-61.45 54.77 74.12-35.86a191.515 191.515 0 0 1 20.2 48.65l-77.81 27.1 82.24-4.75c1.19 8.66 1.82 17.5 1.82 26.49 0 8.88-.61 17.63-1.78 26.19l-82.12-4.75 77.72 27.09z"],
- "firstdraft": [384, 512, [], "f3a1", "M384 192h-64v128H192v128H0v-25.6h166.4v-128h128v-128H384V192zm-25.6 38.4v128h-128v128H64V512h192V384h128V230.4h-25.6zm25.6 192h-89.6V512H320v-64h64v-25.6zM0 0v384h128V256h128V128h128V0H0z"],
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- "flipboard": [448, 512, [], "f44d", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm358.4 179.2h-89.6v89.6h-89.6v89.6H89.6V121.6h268.8v89.6z"],
- "fly": [384, 512, [], "f417", "M197.8 427.8c12.9 11.7 33.7 33.3 33.2 50.7 0 .8-.1 1.6-.1 2.5-1.8 19.8-18.8 31.1-39.1 31-25-.1-39.9-16.8-38.7-35.8 1-16.2 20.5-36.7 32.4-47.6 2.3-2.1 2.7-2.7 5.6-3.6 3.4 0 3.9.3 6.7 2.8zM331.9 67.3c-16.3-25.7-38.6-40.6-63.3-52.1C243.1 4.5 214-.2 192 0c-44.1 0-71.2 13.2-81.1 17.3C57.3 45.2 26.5 87.2 28 158.6c7.1 82.2 97 176 155.8 233.8 1.7 1.6 4.5 4.5 6.2 5.1l3.3.1c2.1-.7 1.8-.5 3.5-2.1 52.3-49.2 140.7-145.8 155.9-215.7 7-39.2 3.1-72.5-20.8-112.5zM186.8 351.9c-28-51.1-65.2-130.7-69.3-189-3.4-47.5 11.4-131.2 69.3-136.7v325.7zM328.7 180c-16.4 56.8-77.3 128-118.9 170.3C237.6 298.4 275 217 277 158.4c1.6-45.9-9.8-105.8-48-131.4 88.8 18.3 115.5 98.1 99.7 153z"],
- "font-awesome": [448, 512, [], "f2b4", "M397.8 32H50.2C22.7 32 0 54.7 0 82.2v347.6C0 457.3 22.7 480 50.2 480h347.6c27.5 0 50.2-22.7 50.2-50.2V82.2c0-27.5-22.7-50.2-50.2-50.2zm-45.4 284.3c0 4.2-3.6 6-7.8 7.8-16.7 7.2-34.6 13.7-53.8 13.7-26.9 0-39.4-16.7-71.7-16.7-23.3 0-47.8 8.4-67.5 17.3-1.2.6-2.4.6-3.6 1.2V385c0 1.8 0 3.6-.6 4.8v1.2c-2.4 8.4-10.2 14.3-19.1 14.3-11.3 0-20.3-9-20.3-20.3V166.4c-7.8-6-13.1-15.5-13.1-26.3 0-18.5 14.9-33.5 33.5-33.5 18.5 0 33.5 14.9 33.5 33.5 0 10.8-4.8 20.3-13.1 26.3v18.5c1.8-.6 3.6-1.2 5.4-2.4 18.5-7.8 40.6-14.3 61.5-14.3 22.7 0 40.6 6 60.9 13.7 4.2 1.8 8.4 2.4 13.1 2.4 22.7 0 47.8-16.1 53.8-16.1 4.8 0 9 3.6 9 7.8v140.3z"],
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- "fort-awesome-alt": [512, 512, [], "f3a3", "M211.7 241.1v51.7c0 2.1-1.6 3.7-3.7 3.7h-22.2c-2.1 0-3.7-1.6-3.7-3.7v-51.7c0-2.1 1.6-3.7 3.7-3.7H208c2.1 0 3.7 1.6 3.7 3.7zm114.5-3.7H304c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v51.7c0 2.1 1.6 3.7 3.7 3.7h22.2c2.1 0 3.7-1.6 3.7-3.7v-51.7c-.1-2.1-1.7-3.7-3.7-3.7zm-29.1 263.2c-.9.1-1.7.3-2.6.4-1 .2-2.1.3-3.1.5-.9.1-1.8.3-2.8.4-1 .1-2 .3-3 .4-1 .1-2 .2-2.9.3-1 .1-1.9.2-2.9.3-1 .1-2.1.2-3.1.3-.9.1-1.8.2-2.7.2-1.1.1-2.3.1-3.4.2-.8 0-1.7.1-2.5.1-1.3.1-2.6.1-3.9.1-.7 0-1.4.1-2.1.1-2 0-4 .1-6 .1s-4 0-6-.1c-.7 0-1.4 0-2.1-.1-1.3 0-2.6-.1-3.9-.1-.8 0-1.7-.1-2.5-.1-1.1-.1-2.3-.1-3.4-.2-.9-.1-1.8-.1-2.7-.2-1-.1-2.1-.2-3.1-.3-1-.1-1.9-.2-2.9-.3-1-.1-2-.2-2.9-.3-1-.1-2-.2-3-.4-.9-.1-1.8-.3-2.8-.4-1-.1-2.1-.3-3.1-.5-.9-.1-1.7-.3-2.6-.4-65.6-10.9-122.5-47.7-160-99.4-.2-.2-.3-.5-.5-.7-.8-1.1-1.6-2.2-2.3-3.3-.3-.4-.6-.8-.8-1.2-.7-1.1-1.4-2.1-2.1-3.2-.3-.5-.6-.9-.9-1.4-.7-1.1-1.4-2.1-2-3.2-.3-.5-.6-.9-.9-1.4-.7-1.1-1.3-2.2-2-3.3-.2-.4-.5-.8-.7-1.2-2.4-4-4.6-8.1-6.8-12.2-.1-.2-.2-.3-.3-.5-.6-1.1-1.1-2.2-1.7-3.3-.3-.6-.6-1.1-.8-1.7-.5-1-1-2.1-1.5-3.1-.3-.7-.6-1.3-.9-2-.5-1-.9-2-1.4-3l-.9-2.1c-.4-1-.9-2-1.3-3-.3-.7-.6-1.5-.9-2.2l-1.2-3c-.3-.8-.6-1.5-.9-2.3-.4-1-.8-2-1.1-3-.3-.9-.6-1.8-1-2.8-.6-1.6-1.1-3.3-1.7-4.9-.3-.9-.6-1.8-.9-2.8-.3-.9-.5-1.8-.8-2.7-.3-.9-.6-1.9-.8-2.8-.3-.9-.5-1.8-.8-2.7-.3-1-.5-1.9-.8-2.9-.2-.9-.5-1.8-.7-2.7-.3-1-.5-2-.7-3-.2-.9-.4-1.7-.6-2.6-.2-1.1-.5-2.2-.7-3.2-.2-.8-.3-1.6-.5-2.4-.3-1.3-.5-2.7-.8-4-.1-.6-.2-1.1-.3-1.7l-.9-5.7c-.1-.6-.2-1.3-.3-1.9-.2-1.3-.4-2.6-.5-3.9-.1-.8-.2-1.5-.3-2.3-.1-1.2-.3-2.4-.4-3.6-.1-.8-.2-1.6-.2-2.4-.1-1.2-.2-2.4-.3-3.5-.1-.8-.1-1.6-.2-2.4-.1-1.2-.2-2.4-.2-3.7 0-.8-.1-1.5-.1-2.3-.1-1.3-.1-2.7-.2-4 0-.7 0-1.3-.1-2 0-2-.1-4-.1-6 0-53.5 16.9-103 45.8-143.6 2.3-3.2 4.7-6.4 7.1-9.5 4.9-6.2 10.1-12.3 15.6-18 2.7-2.9 5.5-5.7 8.4-8.4 2.9-2.7 5.8-5.4 8.8-8 4.5-3.9 9.1-7.6 13.9-11.2 1.6-1.2 3.2-2.4 4.8-3.5C140 34.2 171.7 20.1 206 13c16.1-3.3 32.9-5 50-5s33.8 1.7 50 5c34.3 7 66 21.1 93.6 40.7 1.6 1.2 3.2 2.3 4.8 3.5 4.8 3.6 9.4 7.3 13.9 11.2 12 10.4 23 21.9 32.8 34.4 2.5 3.1 4.8 6.3 7.1 9.5C487.1 153 504 202.5 504 256c0 2 0 4-.1 6 0 .7 0 1.3-.1 2 0 1.3-.1 2.7-.2 4 0 .8-.1 1.5-.1 2.3-.1 1.2-.1 2.4-.2.7-.1.8-.1 1.6-.2 2.4-.1 1.2-.2 2.4-.3 3.5-.1.8-.2 1.6-.2 2.4-.1 1.2-.3 2.4-.4 3.6-.1.8-.2 1.5-.3 2.3-.2 1.3-.4 2.6-.5 3.9-.1.6-.2 1.3-.3 1.9l-.9 5.7c-.1.6-.2 1.1-.3 1.7-.2 1.3-.5 2.7-.8 4-.2.8-.3 1.6-.5 2.4-.2 1.1-.5 2.2-.7 3.2-.2.9-.4 1.7-.6 2.6-.2 1-.5 2-.7 3-.2.9-.5 1.8-.7 2.7-.3 1-.5 1.9-.8 2.9-.2.9-.5 1.8-.8 2.7-.3.9-.6 1.9-.8 2.8-.3.9-.5 1.8-.8 2.7-.3.9-.6 1.8-.9 2.8-.5 1.6-1.1 3.3-1.7 4.9-.3.9-.6 1.8-1 2.8-.4 1-.7 2-1.1 3-.3.8-.6 1.5-.9 2.3l-1.2 3c-.3.7-.6 1.5-.9 2.2-.4 1-.8 2-1.3 3l-.9 2.1c-.4 1-.9 2-1.4 3-.3.7-.6 1.3-.9 2-.5 1-1 2.1-1.5 3.1-.3.6-.6 1.1-.8 1.7-.6 1.1-1.1 2.2-1.7 3.3-.1.2-.2.3-.3.5-2.2 4.1-4.4 8.2-6.8 12.2-.2.4-.5.8-.7 1.2-.7 1.1-1.3 2.2-2 3.3-.3.5-.6.9-.9 1.4-.7 1.1-1.4 2.1-2 3.2-.3.5-.6.9-.9 1.4-.7 1.1-1.4 2.1-2.1 3.2-.3.4-.6.8-.8 1.2-.8 1.1-1.5 2.2-2.3 3.3-.2.2-.3.5-.5.7-37.6 54.7-94.5 91.4-160.1 102.4zm117.3-86.2c13-13 24.2-27.4 33.6-42.9v-71.3c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7h-22.2c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7V326h-29.5V182c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7h-22.1c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v25.9h-29.5V182c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7H304c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v25.9h-29.5V182c0-4.8-6.5-3.7-9.5-3.7v-30.7c6.7-1.6 13.8-2.8 20.8-2.8 8.8 0 16.8 3.5 25.4 3.5 3.7 0 22.4-.9 22.4-6.5V93.4c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7-4.2 0-12.2 3.5-19.4 3.5-7.9 0-16.9-3.5-26.3-3.5-6.5 0-12.9.9-19.2 2.3v-3.9c4.4-2.1 7.4-6.7 7.4-11.5 0-16.8-25.4-16.8-25.4 0 0 4.8 3 9.5 7.4 11.5v90.2c-3 0-9.5-1.1-9.5 3.7v25.9h-29.5V182c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7h-22.2c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v25.9h-29.5V182c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7h-22.1c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v144H93.5v-25.8c0-2.1-1.6-3.7-3.7-3.7H67.7c-2.1 0-3.7 1.6-3.7 3.7v71.3c9.4 15.5 20.6 29.9 33.6 42.9 20.6 20.6 44.5 36.7 71.2 48 13.9 5.9 28.2 10.3 42.9 13.2v-75.8c0-58.6 88.6-58.6 88.6 0v75.8c14.7-2.9 29-7.4 42.9-13.2 26.7-11.3 50.6-27.4 71.2-48"],
- "forumbee": [448, 512, [], "f211", "M5.8 309.7C2 292.7 0 275.5 0 258.3 0 135 99.8 35 223.1 35c16.6 0 33.3 2 49.3 5.5C149 87.5 51.9 186 5.8 309.7zm392.9-189.2C385 103 369 87.8 350.9 75.2c-149.6 44.3-266.3 162.1-309.7 312 12.5 18.1 28 35.6 45.2 49 43.1-151.3 161.2-271.7 312.3-315.7zm15.8 252.7c15.2-25.1 25.4-53.7 29.5-82.8-79.4 42.9-145 110.6-187.6 190.3 30-4.4 58.9-15.3 84.6-31.3 35 13.1 70.9 24.3 107 33.6-9.3-36.5-20.4-74.5-33.5-109.8zm29.7-145.5c-2.6-19.5-7.9-38.7-15.8-56.8C290.5 216.7 182 327.5 137.1 466c18.1 7.6 37 12.5 56.6 15.2C240 367.1 330.5 274.4 444.2 227.7z"],
- "foursquare": [368, 512, [], "f180", "M323.1 3H49.9C12.4 3 0 31.3 0 49.1v433.8c0 20.3 12.1 27.7 18.2 30.1 6.2 2.5 22.8 4.6 32.9-7.1C180 356.5 182.2 354 182.2 354c3.1-3.4 3.4-3.1 6.8-3.1h83.4c35.1 0 40.6-25.2 44.3-39.7l48.6-243C373.8 25.8 363.1 3 323.1 3zm-16.3 73.8l-11.4 59.7c-1.2 6.5-9.5 13.2-16.9 13.2H172.1c-12 0-20.6 8.3-20.6 20.3v13c0 12 8.6 20.6 20.6 20.6h90.4c8.3 0 16.6 9.2 14.8 18.2-1.8 8.9-10.5 53.8-11.4 58.8-.9 4.9-6.8 13.5-16.9 13.5h-73.5c-13.5 0-17.2 1.8-26.5 12.6 0 0-8.9 11.4-89.5 108.3-.9.9-1.8.6-1.8-.3V75.9c0-7.7 6.8-16.6 16.6-16.6h219c8.2 0 15.6 7.7 13.5 17.5z"],
- "free-code-camp": [576, 512, [], "f2c5", "M69.3 144.5c-41 68.5-36.4 163 1 227C92.5 409.7 120 423.9 120 438c0 6.8-6 13-12.8 13C87.7 451 8 375.5 8 253.2c0-111.5 78-186 97.1-186 6 0 14.9 4.8 14.9 11.1 0 12.7-28.3 28.6-50.7 66.2zm195.8 213.8c4.5 1.8 12.3 5.2 12.3-1.2 0-2.7-2.2-2.9-4.3-3.6-8.5-3.4-14-7.7-19.1-15.2-8.2-12.1-10.1-24.2-10.1-38.6 0-32.1 44.2-37.9 44.2-70 0-12.3-7.7-15.9-7.7-19.3 0-2.2.7-2.2 2.9-2.2 8 0 19.1 13.3 22.5 19.8 2.2 4.6 2.4 6 2.4 11.1 0 7-.7 14.2-.7 21.3 0 27 31.9 19.8 31.9 6.8 0-6-3.6-11.6-3.6-17.4 0-.7 0-1.2.7-1.2 3.4 0 9.4 7.7 11.1 10.1 5.8 8.9 8.5 20.8 8.5 31.4 0 32.4-29.5 49-29.5 56 0 1 2.9 7.7 12.1 1.9 29.7-15.1 53.1-47.6 53.1-89.8 0-33.6-8.7-57.7-32.1-82.6-3.9-4.1-16.4-16.9-22.5-16.9-8.2 0 7.2 18.6 7.2 31.2 0 7.2-4.8 12.3-12.3 12.3-11.6 0-14.5-25.4-15.9-33.3-5.8-33.8-12.8-58.2-46.4-74.1-10.4-5-36.5-11.8-36.5-2.2 0 2.4 2.7 4.1 4.6 5.1 9.2 5.6 19.6 21.4 19.6 38.2 0 46.1-57.7 88.2-57.7 136.2-.2 40.3 28.1 72.6 65.3 86.2zM470.4 67c-6 0-14.4 6.5-14.4 12.6 0 8.7 12.1 19.6 17.6 25.4 81.6 85.1 78.6 214.3 17.6 291-7 8.9-35.3 35.3-35.3 43.5 0 5.1 8.2 11.4 13.2 11.4 25.4 0 98.8-80.8 98.8-185.7C568 145.9 491.8 67 470.4 67zm-42.3 323.1H167c-9.4 0-15.5 7.5-15.5 16.4 0 8.5 7 15.5 15.5 15.5h261.1c9.4 0 11.9-7.5 11.9-16.4 0-8.5-3.5-15.5-11.9-15.5z"],
- "freebsd": [448, 512, [], "f3a4", "M303.7 96.2c11.1-11.1 115.5-77 139.2-53.2 23.7 23.7-42.1 128.1-53.2 139.2-11.1 11.1-39.4.9-63.1-22.9-23.8-23.7-34.1-52-22.9-63.1zM109.9 68.1C73.6 47.5 22 24.6 5.6 41.1c-16.6 16.6 7.1 69.4 27.9 105.7 18.5-32.2 44.8-59.3 76.4-78.7zM406.7 174c3.3 11.3 2.7 20.7-2.7 26.1-20.3 20.3-87.5-27-109.3-70.1-18-32.3-11.1-53.4 14.9-48.7 5.7-3.6 12.3-7.6 19.6-11.6-29.8-15.5-63.6-24.3-99.5-24.3-119.1 0-215.6 96.5-215.6 215.6 0 119 96.5 215.6 215.6 215.6S445.3 380.1 445.3 261c0-38.4-10.1-74.5-27.7-105.8-3.9 7-7.6 13.3-10.9 18.8z"],
- "fulcrum": [269, 512, [], "f50b", "M70.75 164.14l-35.38 43.55L0 164.14l35.38-43.55 35.37 43.55zM119.23 0L98.69 198.18 47.72 256l50.98 57.82L119.23 512V300.89L78.15 256l41.08-44.89V0zm79.67 164.14l35.38 43.55 35.38-43.55-35.38-43.55-35.38 43.55zm-48.48 46.97L191.5 256l-41.08 44.89V512l20.54-198.18L221.94 256l-50.98-57.82L150.42 0v211.11z"],
- "galactic-republic": [496, 512, [], "f50c", "M248 504C111.25 504 0 392.75 0 256S111.25 8 248 8s248 111.25 248 248-111.25 248-248 248zm0-479.47C120.37 24.53 16.53 128.37 16.53 256S120.37 487.47 248 487.47 479.47 383.63 479.47 256 375.63 24.53 248 24.53zm27.62 21.81v24.62a185.933 185.933 0 0 1 83.57 34.54l17.39-17.36c-28.75-22.06-63.3-36.89-100.96-41.8zm-55.37.07c-37.64 4.94-72.16 19.8-100.88 41.85l17.28 17.36h.08c24.07-17.84 52.55-30.06 83.52-34.67V46.41zm12.25 50.17v82.87c-10.04 2.03-19.42 5.94-27.67 11.42l-58.62-58.59-21.93 21.93 58.67 58.67c-5.47 8.23-9.45 17.59-11.47 27.62h-82.9v31h82.9c2.02 10.02 6.01 19.31 11.47 27.54l-58.67 58.69 21.93 21.93 58.62-58.62a77.873 77.873 0 0 0 27.67 11.47v82.9h31v-82.9c10.05-2.03 19.37-6.06 27.62-11.55l58.67 58.69 21.93-21.93-58.67-58.69c5.46-8.23 9.47-17.52 11.5-27.54h82.87v-31h-82.87c-2.02-10.02-6.03-19.38-11.5-27.62l58.67-58.67-21.93-21.93-58.67 58.67c-8.25-5.49-17.57-9.47-27.62-11.5V96.58h-31zm183.24 30.72l-17.36 17.36a186.337 186.337 0 0 1 34.67 83.67h24.62c-4.95-37.69-19.83-72.29-41.93-101.03zm-335.55.13c-22.06 28.72-36.91 63.26-41.85 100.91h24.65c4.6-30.96 16.76-59.45 34.59-83.52l-17.39-17.39zM38.34 283.67c4.92 37.64 19.75 72.18 41.8 100.9l17.36-17.39c-17.81-24.07-29.92-52.57-34.51-83.52H38.34zm394.7 0c-4.61 30.99-16.8 59.5-34.67 83.6l17.36 17.36c22.08-28.74 36.98-63.29 41.93-100.96h-24.62zM136.66 406.38l-17.36 17.36c28.73 22.09 63.3 36.98 100.96 41.93v-24.64c-30.99-4.63-59.53-16.79-83.6-34.65zm222.53.05c-24.09 17.84-52.58 30.08-83.57 34.67v24.57c37.67-4.92 72.21-19.79 100.96-41.85l-17.31-17.39h-.08z"],
- "galactic-senate": [512, 512, [], "f50d", "M249.86 33.48v26.07C236.28 80.17 226 168.14 225.39 274.9c11.74-15.62 19.13-33.33 19.13-48.24v-16.88c-.03-5.32.75-10.53 2.19-15.65.65-2.14 1.39-4.08 2.62-5.82 1.23-1.75 3.43-3.79 6.68-3.79 3.24 0 5.45 2.05 6.68 3.79 1.23 1.75 1.97 3.68 2.62 5.82 1.44 5.12 2.22 10.33 2.19 15.65v16.88c0 14.91 7.39 32.62 19.13 48.24-.63-106.76-10.91-194.73-24.49-215.35V33.48h-12.28zm-26.34 147.77c-9.52 2.15-18.7 5.19-27.46 9.08 8.9 16.12 9.76 32.64 1.71 37.29-8 4.62-21.85-4.23-31.36-19.82-11.58 8.79-21.88 19.32-30.56 31.09 14.73 9.62 22.89 22.92 18.32 30.66-4.54 7.7-20.03 7.14-35.47-.96-5.78 13.25-9.75 27.51-11.65 42.42 9.68.18 18.67 2.38 26.18 6.04 17.78-.3 32.77-1.96 40.49-4.22 5.55-26.35 23.02-48.23 46.32-59.51.73-25.55 1.88-49.67 3.48-72.07zm64.96 0c1.59 22.4 2.75 46.52 3.47 72.07 23.29 11.28 40.77 33.16 46.32 59.51 7.72 2.26 22.71 3.92 40.49 4.22 7.51-3.66 16.5-5.85 26.18-6.04-1.9-14.91-5.86-29.17-11.65-42.42-15.44 8.1-30.93 8.66-35.47.96-4.57-7.74 3.6-21.05 18.32-30.66-8.68-11.77-18.98-22.3-30.56-31.09-9.51 15.59-23.36 24.44-31.36 19.82-8.05-4.65-7.19-21.16 1.71-37.29a147.49 147.49 0 0 0-27.45-9.08zm-32.48 8.6c-3.23 0-5.86 8.81-6.09 19.93h-.05v16.88c0 41.42-49.01 95.04-93.49 95.04-52 0-122.75-1.45-156.37 29.17v2.51c9.42 17.12 20.58 33.17 33.18 47.97C45.7 380.26 84.77 360.4 141.2 360c45.68 1.02 79.03 20.33 90.76 0 .05 7.67 2.14 15.85 3.23 24.04 3.21 8.19.02 16.37-1.07 24.04-3.21.01-.01-.01-.04 0-.05 11.74-20.54 45.08-39.85 90.76-40.87 56.43.39 95.49 20.26 108.02 41.35 12.6-14.8 23.76-30.86 33.18-47.97v-2.51c-33.61-30.62-104.37-29.17-156.37-29.17-44.48 0-93.49-53.62-93.49-95.04v-16.88h-.05c-.23-11.12-2.86-19.93-6.09-19.93zm0 96.59c22.42 0 40.6 18.18 40.6 40.6s-18.18 40.65-40.6 40.65-40.6-18.23-40.6-40.65c0-22.42 18.18-40.6 40.6-40.6zm0 7.64c-18.19 0-32.96 14.77-32.96 32.96S237.81 360 256 360s32.96-14.77 32.96-32.96-14.77-32.96-32.96-32.96zm0 6.14c14.81 0 26.82 12.01 26.82 26.82s-12.01 26.82-26.82 26.82-26.82-12.01-26.82-26.82 12.01-26.82 26.82-26.82zm-114.8 66.67c-10.19.07-21.6.36-30.5 1.66.43 4.42 1.51 18.63 7.11 29.76 9.11-2.56 18.36-3.9 27.62-3.9 41.28.94 71.48 34.35 78.26 74.47l.11 4.7c10.4 1.91 21.19 2.94 32.21 2.94 11.03 0 21.81-1.02 32.21-2.94l.11-4.7c6.78-40.12 36.98-73.53 78.26-74.47 9.26 0 18.51 1.34 27.62 3.9 5.6-11.13 6.68-25.34 7.11-29.76-8.9-1.3-20.32-1.58-30.5-1.66-18.76.42-35.19 4.17-48.61 9.67-12.54 16.03-29.16 30.03-49.58 33.07-.09.02-.17.04-.27.05-.05.01-.11.04-.16.05-5.24 1.07-10.63 1.6-16.19 1.6-5.55 0-10.95-.53-16.19-1.6-.05-.01-.11-.04-.16-.05-.1-.02-.17-.04-.27-.05-20.42-3.03-37.03-17.04-49.58-33.07-13.42-5.49-29.86-9.25-48.61-9.67z"],
- "get-pocket": [448, 512, [], "f265", "M407.6 64h-367C18.5 64 0 82.5 0 104.6v135.2C0 364.5 99.7 464 224.2 464c124 0 223.8-99.5 223.8-224.2V104.6c0-22.4-17.7-40.6-40.4-40.6zm-162 268.5c-12.4 11.8-31.4 11.1-42.4 0C89.5 223.6 88.3 227.4 88.3 209.3c0-16.9 13.8-30.7 30.7-30.7 17 0 16.1 3.8 105.2 89.3 90.6-86.9 88.6-89.3 105.5-89.3 16.9 0 30.7 13.8 30.7 30.7 0 17.8-2.9 15.7-114.8 123.2z"],
- "gg": [512, 512, [], "f260", "M179.2 230.4l102.4 102.4-102.4 102.4L0 256 179.2 76.8l44.8 44.8-25.6 25.6-19.2-19.2-128 128 128 128 51.5-51.5-77.1-76.5 25.6-25.6zM332.8 76.8L230.4 179.2l102.4 102.4 25.6-25.6-77.1-76.5 51.5-51.5 128 128-128 128-19.2-19.2-25.6 25.6 44.8 44.8L512 256 332.8 76.8z"],
- "gg-circle": [512, 512, [], "f261", "M257 8C120 8 9 119 9 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S394 8 257 8zm-49.5 374.8L81.8 257.1l125.7-125.7 35.2 35.4-24.2 24.2-11.1-11.1-77.2 77.2 77.2 77.2 26.6-26.6-53.1-52.9 24.4-24.4 77.2 77.2-75 75.2zm99-2.2l-35.2-35.2 24.1-24.4 11.1 11.1 77.2-77.2-77.2-77.2-26.5 26.5 53.1 52.9-24.4 24.4-77.2-77.2 75-75L432.2 255 306.5 380.6z"],
- "git": [448, 512, [], "f1d3", "M18.8 221.7c0 25.3 16.2 60 41.5 68.5v1c-18.8 8.3-24 50.6 1 65.8v1C34 367 16 384.3 16 414.2c0 51.5 48.8 65.8 91.5 65.8 52 0 90.7-18.7 90.7-76 0-70.5-101-44.5-101-82.8 0-13.5 7.2-18.7 19.7-21.3 41.5-7.7 67.5-40 67.5-82.2 0-7.3-1.5-14.2-4-21 6.7-1.5 13.2-3.3 19.7-5.5v-50.5c-17.2 6.8-35.7 11.8-54.5 11.8-53.8-31-126.8 1.3-126.8 69.2zm87.7 163.8c17 0 41.2 3 41.2 25 0 21.8-19.5 26.3-37.7 26.3-17.3 0-43.3-2.7-43.3-25.2.1-22.3 22.1-26.1 39.8-26.1zM103.3 256c-22 0-31.3-13-31.3-33.8 0-49.3 61-48.8 61-.5 0 20.3-8 34.3-29.7 34.3zM432 305.5v49c-13.3 7.3-30.5 9.8-45.5 9.8-53.5 0-59.8-42.2-59.8-85.7v-87.7h.5v-1c-7 0-7.3-1.6-24 1v-47.5h24c0-22.3.3-31-1.5-41.2h56.7c-2 13.8-1.5 27.5-1.5 41.2h51v47.5s-19.3-1-51-1V281c0 14.8 3.3 32.8 21.8 32.8 9.8 0 21.3-2.8 29.3-8.3zM286 68.7c0 18.7-14.5 36.2-33.8 36.2-19.8 0-34.5-17.2-34.5-36.2 0-19.3 14.5-36.7 34.5-36.7C272 32 286 50 286 68.7zm-6.2 74.5c-1.8 14.6-1.6 199.8 0 217.8h-55.5c1.6-18.1 1.8-203 0-217.8h55.5z"],
- "git-square": [448, 512, [], "f1d2", "M140.1 348.5c12.1 0 29.5 2.1 29.5 17.9 0 15.5-13.9 18.8-27 18.8-12.3 0-30.9-2-30.9-18s15.7-18.7 28.4-18.7zm-24.7-116.6c0 14.8 6.6 24.1 22.3 24.1 15.5 0 21.2-10 21.2-24.5.1-34.4-43.5-34.8-43.5.4zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-241 93.7c-12.3 4.8-25.5 8.4-38.9 8.4-38.5-22.1-90.7.9-90.7 49.5 0 18 11.6 42.9 29.6 48.9v.7c-13.4 5.9-17.1 36.1.7 47v.7c-19.5 6.4-32.3 18.8-32.3 40.2 0 36.8 34.8 47 65.4 47 37.1 0 64.8-13.4 64.8-54.3 0-50.4-72.1-31.8-72.1-59.1 0-9.6 5.2-13.4 14.1-15.2 29.6-5.5 48.2-28.6 48.2-58.7 0-5.2-1.1-10.2-2.9-15 4.8-1.1 9.5-2.3 14.1-3.9v-36.2zm56.8 1.8h-39.6c1.3 10.6 1.1 142.6 0 155.5h39.6c-1.1-12.8-1.2-145.1 0-155.5zm4.5-53.3c0-13.4-10-26.2-24.1-26.2-14.3 0-24.6 12.5-24.6 26.2 0 13.6 10.5 25.9 24.6 25.9 13.7 0 24.1-12.5 24.1-25.9zm104.3 53.3h-36.4c0-9.8-.4-19.6 1.1-29.5h-40.5c1.3 7.3 1.1 13.6 1.1 29.5h-17.1v33.9c11.9-1.9 12.1-.7 17.1-.7v.7h-.4v62.7c0 31.1 4.5 61.2 42.7 61.2 10.7 0 23-1.8 32.5-7v-35c-5.7 3.9-13.9 5.9-20.9 5.9-13.2 0-15.5-12.9-15.5-23.4v-65.2c22.7 0 36.4.7 36.4.7v-33.8z"],
- "github": [496, 512, [], "f09b", "M165.9 397.4c0 2-2.3 3.6-5.2 3.6-3.3.3-5.6-1.3-5.6-3.6 0-2 2.3-3.6 5.2-3.6 3-.3 5.6 1.3 5.6 3.6zm-31.1-4.5c-.7 2 1.3 4.3 4.3 4.9 2.6 1 5.6 0 6.2-2s-1.3-4.3-4.3-5.2c-2.6-.7-5.5.3-6.2 2.3zm44.2-1.7c-2.9.7-4.9 2.6-4.6 4.9.3 2 2.9 3.3 5.9 2.6 2.9-.7 4.9-2.6 4.6-4.6-.3-1.9-3-3.2-5.9-2.9zM244.8 8C106.1 8 0 113.3 0 252c0 110.9 69.8 205.8 169.5 239.2 12.8 2.3 17.3-5.6 17.3-12.1 0-6.2-.3-40.4-.3-61.4 0 0-70 15-84.7-29.8 0 0-11.4-29.1-27.8-36.6 0 0-22.9-15.7 1.6-15.4 0 0 24.9 2 38.6 25.8 21.9 38.6 58.6 27.5 72.9 20.9 2.3-16 8.8-27.1 16-33.7-55.9-6.2-112.3-14.3-112.3-110.5 0-27.5 7.6-41.3 23.6-58.9-2.6-6.5-11.1-33.3 2.6-67.9 20.9-6.5 69 27 69 27 20-5.6 41.5-8.5 62.8-8.5s42.8 2.9 62.8 8.5c0 0 48.1-33.6 69-27 13.7 34.7 5.2 61.4 2.6 67.9 16 17.7 25.8 31.5 25.8 58.9 0 96.5-58.9 104.2-114.8 110.5 9.2 7.9 17 22.9 17 46.4 0 33.7-.3 75.4-.3 83.6 0 6.5 4.6 14.4 17.3 12.1C428.2 457.8 496 362.9 496 252 496 113.3 383.5 8 244.8 8zM97.2 352.9c-1.3 1-1 3.3.7 5.2 1.6 1.6 3.9 2.3 5.2 1 1.3-1 1-3.3-.7-5.2-1.6-1.6-3.9-2.3-5.2-1zm-10.8-8.1c-.7 1.3.3 2.9 2.3 3.9 1.6 1 3.6.7 4.3-.7.7-1.3-.3-2.9-2.3-3.9-2-.6-3.6-.3-4.3.7zm32.4 35.6c-1.6 1.3-1 4.3 1.3 6.2 2.3 2.3 5.2 2.6 6.5 1 1.3-1.3.7-4.3-1.3-6.2-2.2-2.3-5.2-2.6-6.5-1zm-11.4-14.7c-1.6 1-1.6 3.6 0 5.9 1.6 2.3 4.3 3.3 5.6 2.3 1.6-1.3 1.6-3.9 0-6.2-1.4-2.3-4-3.3-5.6-2z"],
- "github-alt": [480, 512, [], "f113", "M186.1 328.7c0 20.9-10.9 55.1-36.7 55.1s-36.7-34.2-36.7-55.1 10.9-55.1 36.7-55.1 36.7 34.2 36.7 55.1zM480 278.2c0 31.9-3.2 65.7-17.5 95-37.9 76.6-142.1 74.8-216.7 74.8-75.8 0-186.2 2.7-225.6-74.8-14.6-29-20.2-63.1-20.2-95 0-41.9 13.9-81.5 41.5-113.6-5.2-15.8-7.7-32.4-7.7-48.8 0-21.5 4.9-32.3 14.6-51.8 45.3 0 74.3 9 108.8 36 29-6.9 58.8-10 88.7-10 27 0 54.2 2.9 80.4 9.2 34-26.7 63-35.2 107.8-35.2 9.8 19.5 14.6 30.3 14.6 51.8 0 16.4-2.6 32.7-7.7 48.2 27.5 32.4 39 72.3 39 114.2zm-64.3 50.5c0-43.9-26.7-82.6-73.5-82.6-18.9 0-37 3.4-56 6-14.9 2.3-29.8 3.2-45.1 3.2-15.2 0-30.1-.9-45.1-3.2-18.7-2.6-37-6-56-6-46.8 0-73.5 38.7-73.5 82.6 0 87.8 80.4 101.3 150.4 101.3h48.2c70.3 0 150.6-13.4 150.6-101.3zm-82.6-55.1c-25.8 0-36.7 34.2-36.7 55.1s10.9 55.1 36.7 55.1 36.7-34.2 36.7-55.1-10.9-55.1-36.7-55.1z"],
- "github-square": [448, 512, [], "f092", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM277.3 415.7c-8.4 1.5-11.5-3.7-11.5-8 0-5.4.2-33 .2-55.3 0-15.6-5.2-25.5-11.3-30.7 37-4.1 76-9.2 76-73.1 0-18.2-6.5-27.3-17.1-39 1.7-4.3 7.4-22-1.7-45-13.9-4.3-45.7 17.9-45.7 17.9-13.2-3.7-27.5-5.6-41.6-5.6-14.1 0-28.4 1.9-41.6 5.6 0 0-31.8-22.2-45.7-17.9-9.1 22.9-3.5 40.6-1.7 45-10.6 11.7-15.6 20.8-15.6 39 0 63.6 37.3 69 74.3 73.1-4.8 4.3-9.1 11.7-10.6 22.3-9.5 4.3-33.8 11.7-48.3-13.9-9.1-15.8-25.5-17.1-25.5-17.1-16.2-.2-1.1 10.2-1.1 10.2 10.8 5 18.4 24.2 18.4 24.2 9.7 29.7 56.1 19.7 56.1 19.7 0 13.9.2 36.5.2 40.6 0 4.3-3 9.5-11.5 8-66-22.1-112.2-84.9-112.2-158.3 0-91.8 70.2-161.5 162-161.5S388 165.6 388 257.4c.1 73.4-44.7 136.3-110.7 158.3zm-98.1-61.1c-1.9.4-3.7-.4-3.9-1.7-.2-1.5 1.1-2.8 3-3.2 1.9-.2 3.7.6 3.9 1.9.3 1.3-1 2.6-3 3zm-9.5-.9c0 1.3-1.5 2.4-3.5 2.4-2.2.2-3.7-.9-3.7-2.4 0-1.3 1.5-2.4 3.5-2.4 1.9-.2 3.7.9 3.7 2.4zm-13.7-1.1c-.4 1.3-2.4 1.9-4.1 1.3-1.9-.4-3.2-1.9-2.8-3.2.4-1.3 2.4-1.9 4.1-1.5 2 .6 3.3 2.1 2.8 3.4zm-12.3-5.4c-.9 1.1-2.8.9-4.3-.6-1.5-1.3-1.9-3.2-.9-4.1.9-1.1 2.8-.9 4.3.6 1.3 1.3 1.8 3.3.9 4.1zm-9.1-9.1c-.9.6-2.6 0-3.7-1.5s-1.1-3.2 0-3.9c1.1-.9 2.8-.2 3.7 1.3 1.1 1.5 1.1 3.3 0 4.1zm-6.5-9.7c-.9.9-2.4.4-3.5-.6-1.1-1.3-1.3-2.8-.4-3.5.9-.9 2.4-.4 3.5.6 1.1 1.3 1.3 2.8.4 3.5zm-6.7-7.4c-.4.9-1.7 1.1-2.8.4-1.3-.6-1.9-1.7-1.5-2.6.4-.6 1.5-.9 2.8-.4 1.3.7 1.9 1.8 1.5 2.6z"],
- "gitkraken": [592, 512, [], "f3a6", "M565.7 118.1c-2.3-6.1-9.3-9.2-15.3-6.6-5.7 2.4-8.5 8.9-6.3 14.6 10.9 29 16.9 60.5 16.9 93.3 0 134.6-100.3 245.7-230.2 262.7V358.4c7.9-1.5 15.5-3.6 23-6.2v104c106.7-25.9 185.9-122.1 185.9-236.8 0-91.8-50.8-171.8-125.8-213.3-5.7-3.2-13-.9-15.9 5-2.7 5.5-.6 12.2 4.7 15.1 67.9 37.6 113.9 110 113.9 193.2 0 93.3-57.9 173.1-139.8 205.4v-92.2c14.2-4.5 24.9-17.7 24.9-33.5 0-13.1-6.8-24.4-17.3-30.5 8.3-79.5 44.5-58.6 44.5-83.9V170c0-38-87.9-161.8-129-164.7-2.5-.2-5-.2-7.6 0C251.1 8.3 163.2 132 163.2 170v14.8c0 25.3 36.3 4.3 44.5 83.9-10.6 6.1-17.3 17.4-17.3 30.5 0 15.8 10.6 29 24.8 33.5v92.2c-81.9-32.2-139.8-112-139.8-205.4 0-83.1 46-155.5 113.9-193.2 5.4-3 7.4-9.6 4.7-15.1-2.9-5.9-10.1-8.2-15.9-5-75 41.5-125.8 121.5-125.8 213.3 0 114.7 79.2 210.8 185.9 236.8v-104c7.6 2.5 15.1 4.6 23 6.2v123.7C131.4 465.2 31 354.1 31 219.5c0-32.8 6-64.3 16.9-93.3 2.2-5.8-.6-12.2-6.3-14.6-6-2.6-13 .4-15.3 6.6C14.5 149.7 8 183.8 8 219.5c0 155.1 122.6 281.6 276.3 287.8V361.4c6.8.4 15 .5 23.4 0v145.8C461.4 501.1 584 374.6 584 219.5c0-35.7-6.5-69.8-18.3-101.4zM365.9 275.5c13 0 23.7 10.5 23.7 23.7 0 13.1-10.6 23.7-23.7 23.7-13 0-23.7-10.5-23.7-23.7 0-13.1 10.6-23.7 23.7-23.7zm-139.8 47.3c-13.2 0-23.7-10.7-23.7-23.7s10.5-23.7 23.7-23.7c13.1 0 23.7 10.6 23.7 23.7 0 13-10.5 23.7-23.7 23.7z"],
- "gitlab": [512, 512, [], "f296", "M29.782 199.732L256 493.714 8.074 309.699c-6.856-5.142-9.712-13.996-7.141-21.993l28.849-87.974zm75.405-174.806c-3.142-8.854-15.709-8.854-18.851 0L29.782 199.732h131.961L105.187 24.926zm56.556 174.806L256 493.714l94.257-293.982H161.743zm349.324 87.974l-28.849-87.974L256 493.714l247.926-184.015c6.855-5.142 9.711-13.996 7.141-21.993zm-85.404-262.78c-3.142-8.854-15.709-8.854-18.851 0l-56.555 174.806h131.961L425.663 24.926z"],
- "gitter": [384, 512, [], "f426", "M66.4 322.5H16V0h50.4v322.5zM166.9 76.1h-50.4V512h50.4V76.1zm100.6 0h-50.4V512h50.4V76.1zM368 76h-50.4v247H368V76z"],
- "glide": [448, 512, [], "f2a5", "M252.8 148.6c0 8.8-1.6 17.7-3.4 26.4-5.8 27.8-11.6 55.8-17.3 83.6-1.4 6.3-8.3 4.9-13.7 4.9-23.8 0-30.5-26-30.5-45.5 0-29.3 11.2-68.1 38.5-83.1 4.3-2.5 9.2-4.2 14.1-4.2 11.4 0 12.3 8.3 12.3 17.9zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-64 187c0-5.1-20.8-37.7-25.5-39.5-2.2-.9-7.2-2.3-9.6-2.3-23.1 0-38.7 10.5-58.2 21.5l-.5-.5c4.3-29.4 14.6-57.2 14.6-87.4 0-44.6-23.8-62.7-67.5-62.7-71.7 0-108 70.8-108 123.5 0 54.7 32 85 86.3 85 7.5 0 6.9-.6 6.9 2.3-10.5 80.3-56.5 82.9-56.5 58.9 0-24.4 28-36.5 28.3-38-.2-7.6-29.3-17.2-36.7-17.2-21.1 0-32.7 33-32.7 50.6 0 32.3 20.4 54.7 53.3 54.7 48.2 0 83.4-49.7 94.3-91.7 9.4-37.7 7-39.4 12.3-42.1 20-10.1 35.8-16.8 58.4-16.8 11.1 0 19 2.3 36.7 5.2 1.8.1 4.1-1.7 4.1-3.5z"],
- "glide-g": [448, 512, [], "f2a6", "M407.1 211.2c-3.5-1.4-11.6-3.8-15.4-3.8-37.1 0-62.2 16.8-93.5 34.5l-.9-.9c7-47.3 23.5-91.9 23.5-140.4C320.8 29.1 282.6 0 212.4 0 97.3 0 39 113.7 39 198.4 39 286.3 90.3 335 177.6 335c12 0 11-1 11 3.8-16.9 128.9-90.8 133.1-90.8 94.6 0-39.2 45-58.6 45.5-61-.3-12.2-47-27.6-58.9-27.6-33.9.1-52.4 51.2-52.4 79.3C32 476 64.8 512 117.5 512c77.4 0 134-77.8 151.4-145.4 15.1-60.5 11.2-63.3 19.7-67.6 32.2-16.2 57.5-27 93.8-27 17.8 0 30.5 3.7 58.9 8.4 2.9 0 6.7-2.9 6.7-5.8 0-8-33.4-60.5-40.9-63.4zm-175.3-84.4c-9.3 44.7-18.6 89.6-27.8 134.3-2.3 10.2-13.3 7.8-22 7.8-38.3 0-49-41.8-49-73.1 0-47 18-109.3 61.8-133.4 7-4.1 14.8-6.7 22.6-6.7 18.6 0 20 13.3 20 28.7-.1 14.3-2.7 28.5-5.6 42.4z"],
- "gofore": [400, 512, [], "f3a7", "M324 319.8h-13.2v34.7c-24.5 23.1-56.3 35.8-89.9 35.8-73.2 0-132.4-60.2-132.4-134.4 0-74.1 59.2-134.4 132.4-134.4 35.3 0 68.6 14 93.6 39.4l62.3-63.3C335 55.3 279.7 32 220.7 32 98 32 0 132.6 0 256c0 122.5 97 224 220.7 224 63.2 0 124.5-26.2 171-82.5-2-27.6-13.4-77.7-67.7-77.7zm-12.1-112.5H205.6v89H324c33.5 0 60.5 15.1 76 41.8v-30.6c0-65.2-40.4-100.2-88.1-100.2z"],
- "goodreads": [448, 512, [], "f3a8", "M299.9 191.2c5.1 37.3-4.7 79-35.9 100.7-22.3 15.5-52.8 14.1-70.8 5.7-37.1-17.3-49.5-58.6-46.8-97.2 4.3-60.9 40.9-87.9 75.3-87.5 46.9-.2 71.8 31.8 78.2 78.3zM448 88v336c0 30.9-25.1 56-56 56H56c-30.9 0-56-25.1-56-56V88c0-30.9 25.1-56 56-56h336c30.9 0 56 25.1 56 56zM330 313.2s-.1-34-.1-217.3h-29v40.3c-.8.3-1.2-.5-1.6-1.2-9.6-20.7-35.9-46.3-76-46-51.9.4-87.2 31.2-100.6 77.8-4.3 14.9-5.8 30.1-5.5 45.6 1.7 77.9 45.1 117.8 112.4 115.2 28.9-1.1 54.5-17 69-45.2.5-1 1.1-1.9 1.7- 3.8.2 30.7.1 34.5-.2 14.8-2 29.5-7.2 43.5-7.8 21-22.3 34.7-44.5 39.5-17.8 3.9-35.6 3.8-53.2-1.2-21.5-6.1-36.5-19-41.1-41.8-.3-1.6-1.3-1.3-2.3-1.3h-26.8c.8 10.6 3.2 20.3 8.5 29.2 24.2 40.5 82.7 48.5 128.2 37.4 49.9-12.3 67.3-54.9 67.4-106.3z"],
- "goodreads-g": [384, 512, [], "f3a9", "M42.6 403.3h2.8c12.7 0 25.5 0 38.2.1 1.6 0 3.1-.4 3.6 2.1 7.1 34.9 30 54.6 62.9 63.9 26.9 7.6 54.1 7.8 81.3 1.8 33.8-7.4 56-28.3 68-60.4 8-21.5 10.7-43.8 11-66.5.1-5.8.3-47-.2-52.8l-.9-.3c-.8 1.5-1.7 2.9-2.5 4.4-22.1 43.1-61.3 67.4-105.4 69.1-103 4-169.4-57-172-176.2-.5-23.7 1.8-46.9 8.3-69.7C58.3 47.7 112.3.6 191.6 0c61.3-.4 101.5 38.7 116.2 70.3.5 1.1 1.3 2.3 2.4 1.9V10.6h44.3c0 280.3.1 332.2.1 332.2-.1 78.5-26.7 143.7-103 162.2-69.5 16.9-159 4.8-196-57.2-8-13.5-11.8-28.3-13-44.5zM188.9 36.5c-52.5-.5-108.5 40.7-115 133.8-4.1 59 14.8 122.2 71.5 148.6 27.6 12.9 74.3 15 108.3-8.7 47.6-33.2 62.7-97 54.8-154-9.7-71.1-47.8-120-119.6-119.7z"],
- "google": [488, 512, [], "f1a0", "M488 261.8C488 403.3 391.1 504 248 504 110.8 504 0 393.2 0 256S110.8 8 248 8c66.8 0 123 24.5 166.3 64.9l-67.5 64.9C258.5 52.6 94.3 116.6 94.3 256c0 86.5 69.1 156.6 153.7 156.6 98.2 0 135-70.4 140.8-106.9H248v-85.3h236.1c2.3 12.7 3.9 24.9 3.9 41.4z"],
- "google-drive": [512, 512, [], "f3aa", "M339 314.9L175.4 32h161.2l163.6 282.9H339zm-137.5 23.6L120.9 480h310.5L512 338.5H201.5zM154.1 67.4L0 338.5 80.6 480 237 208.8 154.1 67.4z"],
- "google-play": [512, 512, [], "f3ab", "M325.3 234.3L104.6 13l280.8 161.2-60.1 60.1zM47 0C34 6.8 25.3 19.2 25.3 35.3v441.3c0 16.1 8.7 28.5 21.7 35.3l256.6-256L47 0zm425.2 225.6l-58.9-34.1-65.7 64.5 65.7 64.5 60.1-34.1c18-14.3 18-46.5-1.2-60.8zM104.6 499l280.8-161.2-60.1-60.1L104.6 499z"],
- "google-plus": [496, 512, [], "f2b3", "M248 8C111.1 8 0 119.1 0 256s111.1 248 248 248 248-111.1 248-248S384.9 8 248 8zm-70.7 372c-68.8 0-124-55.5-124-124s55.2-124 124-124c31.3 0 60.1 11 83 32.3l-33.6 32.6c-13.2-12.9-31.3-19.1-49.4-19.1-42.9 0-77.2 35.5-77.2 78.1s34.2 78.1 77.2 78.1c32.6 0 64.9-19.1 70.1-53.3h-70.1v-42.6h116.9c1.3 6.8 1.9 13.6 1.9 20.7 0 70.8-47.5 121.2-118.8 121.2zm230.2-106.2v35.5H372v-35.5h-35.5v-35.5H372v-35.5h35.5v35.5h35.2v35.5h-35.2z"],
- "google-plus-g": [640, 512, [], "f0d5", "M386.061 228.496c1.834 9.692 3.143 19.384 3.143 31.956C389.204 370.205 315.599 448 204.8 448c-106.084 0-192-85.915-192-192s85.916-192 192-192c51.864 0 95.083 18.859 128.611 50.292l-52.126 50.03c-14.145-13.621-39.028-29.599-76.485-29.599-65.484 0-118.92 54.221-118.92 121.277 0 67.056 53.436 121.277 118.92 121.277 75.961 0 104.513-54.745 108.965-82.773H204.8v-66.009h181.261zm185.406 6.437V179.2h-56.001v55.733h-55.733v56.001h55.733v55.733h56.001v-55.733H627.2v-56.001h-55.733z"],
- "google-plus-square": [448, 512, [], "f0d4", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM164 356c-55.3 0-100-44.7-100-100s44.7-100 100-100c27 0 49.5 9.8 67 26.2l-27.1 26.1c-7.4-7.1-20.3-15.4-39.8-15.4-34.1 0-61.9 28.2-61.9 63.2 0 34.9 27.8 63.2 61.9 63.2 39.6 0 54.4-28.5 56.8-43.1H164v-34.4h94.4c1 5 1.6 10.1 1.6 16.6 0 57.1-38.3 97.6-96 97.6zm220-81.8h-29v29h-29.2v-29h-29V245h29v-29H355v29h29v29.2z"],
- "google-wallet": [448, 512, [], "f1ee", "M156.8 126.8c37.6 60.6 64.2 113.1 84.3 162.5-8.3 33.8-18.8 66.5-31.3 98.3-13.2-52.3-26.5-101.3-56-148.5 6.5-36.4 2.3-73.6 3-112.3zM109.3 200H16.1c-6.5 0-10.5 7.5-6.5 12.7C51.8 267 81.3 330.5 101.3 400h103.5c-16.2-69.7-38.7-133.7-82.5-193.5-3-4-8-6.5-13-6.5zm47.8-88c68.5 108 130 234.5 138.2 368H409c-12-138-68.4-265-143.2-368H157.1zm251.8-68.5c-1.8-6.8-8.2-11.5-15.2-11.5h-88.3c-5.3 0-9 5-7.8 10.3 13.2 46.5 22.3 95.5 26.5 146 48.2 86.2 79.7 178.3 90.6 270.8 15.8-60.5 25.3-133.5 25.3-203 0-73.6-12.1-145.1-31.1-212.6z"],
- "gratipay": [496, 512, [], "f184", "M248 8C111.1 8 0 119.1 0 256s111.1 248 248 248 248-111.1 248-248S384.9 8 248 8zm114.6 226.4l-113 152.7-112.7-152.7c-8.7-11.9-19.1-50.4 13.6-72 28.1-18.1 54.6-4.2 68.5 11.9 15.9 17.9 46.6 16.9 61.7 0 13.9-16.1 40.4-30 68.1-11.9 32.9 21.6 22.6 60 13.8 72z"],
- "grav": [512, 512, [], "f2d6", "M301.1 212c4.4 4.4 4.4 11.9 0 16.3l-9.7 9.7c-4.4 4.7-11.9 4.7-16.6 0l-10.5-10.5c-4.4-4.7-4.4-11.9 0-16.6l9.7-9.7c4.4-4.4 11.9-4.4 16.6 0l10.5 10.8zm-30.2-19.7c3-3 3-7.8 0-10.5-2.8-3-7.5-3-10.5 0-2.8 2.8-2.8 7.5 0 10.5 3.1 2.8 7.8 2.8 10.5 0zm-26 5.3c-3 2.8-3 7.5 0 10.2 2.8 3 7.5 3 10.5 0 2.8-2.8 2.8-7.5 0-10.2-3-3-7.7-3-10.5 0zm72.5-13.3c-19.9-14.4-33.8-43.2-11.9-68.1 21.6-24.9 40.7-17.2 59.8.8 11.9 11.3 29.3 24.9 17.2 48.2-12.5 23.5-45.1 33.2-65.1 19.1zm47.7-44.5c-8.9-10-23.3 6.9-15.5 16.1 7.4 9 32.1 2.4 15.5-16.1zM504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-66.2 42.6c2.5-16.1-20.2-16.6-25.2-25.7-13.6-24.1-27.7-36.8-54.5-30.4 11.6-8 23.5-6.1 23.5-6.1.3-6.4 0-13-9.4-24.9 3.9-12.5.3-22.4.3-22.4 15.5-8.6 26.8-24.4 29.1-43.2 3.6-31-18.8-59.2-49.8-62.8-22.1-2.5-43.7 7.7-54.3 25.7-23.2 40.1 1.4 70.9 22.4 81.4-14.4-1.4-34.3-11.9-40.1-34.3-6.6-25.7 2.8-49.8 8.9-61.4 0 0-4.4-5.8-8-8.9 0 0-13.8 0-24.6 5.3 11.9-15.2 25.2-14.4 25.2-14.4 0-6.4-.6-14.9-3.6-21.6-5.4-11-23.8-12.9-31.7 2.8.1-.2.3-.4.4-.5-5 11.9-1.1 55.9 16.9 87.2-2.5 1.4-9.1 6.1-13 10-21.6 9.7-56.2 60.3-56.2 60.3-28.2 10.8-77.2 50.9-70.6 79.7.3 3 1.4 5.5 3 7.5-2.8 2.2-5.5 5-8.3 8.3-11.9 13.8-5.3 35.2 17.7 24.4 15.8-7.2 29.6-20.2 36.3-30.4 0 0-5.5-5-16.3-4.4 27.7-6.6 34.3-9.4 46.2-9.1 8 3.9 8-34.3 8-34.3 0-14.7-2.2-31-11.1-41.5 12.5 12.2 29.1 32.7 28 60.6-.8 18.3-15.2 23-15.2 23-9.1 16.6-43.2 65.9-30.4 106 0 0-9.7-14.9-10.2-22.1-17.4 19.4-46.5 52.3-24.6 64.5 26.6 14.7 108.8-88.6 126.2-142.3 34.6-20.8 55.4-47.3 63.9-65 22 43.5 95.3 94.5 101.1 59z"],
- "gripfire": [384, 512, [], "f3ac", "M171.8 503.8c0-5.3 4.8-12.2 4.8-22.3 0-15.2-13-39.9-78.1-86.6C64.2 365.8 32 336.4 32 286.6 32 171.9 179.1 110.1 179.1 18c0-3.3-.2-6.7-.6-10 5.1 2.4 39.1 43.3 39.1 90.4 0 80.5-105.1 129.2-105.1 203 0 26.9 16.6 47.2 32.6 69.5 22.5 30.2 44.2 56.9 44.2 86.5-.1 14.5-4.4 29.7-17.5 46.4zm146-241.4c1.5 8.4 2.2 16.6 2.2 24.6 0 51.8-29.4 97.5-67.3 136.8-1 1-2.2 2.4-3.2 2.4-3.6 0-35.5-41.6-35.5-53.2 0 0 41.8-55.7 41.8-96.9 0-10.8-2.7-21.7-9.1-33.4-1.5 32.3-55.7 87.7-58.1 87.7-2.7 0-17.9-22-17.9-42.1 0-5.3 1-10.7 3.2-15.8 2.4-5.5 56.6-72 56.6-116.7 0-6.2-1-12-3.4-17.1l-4-7.2c16.7 6.5 82.6 64.1 94.7 130.9"],
- "grunt": [384, 512, [], "f3ad", "M61.3 189.3c-1.1 10 5.2 19.1 5.2 19.1.7-7.5 2.2-12.8 4-16.6.4 10.3 3.2 23.5 12.8 34.1 6.9 7.6 35.6 23.3 54.9 6.1 1 2.4 2.1 5.3 3 8.5 2.9 10.3-2.7 25.3-2.7 25.3s15.1-17.1 13.9-32.5c10.8-.5 21.4-8.4 21.1-19.5 0 0-18.9 10.4-35.5-8.8-9.7-11.2-40.9-42-83.1-31.8 4.3 1 8.9 2.4 13.5 4.1h-.1c-4.2 2-6.5 7.1-7 12zm28.3-1.8c19.5 11 37.4 25.7 44.9 37-5.7 3.3-21.7 10.4-38-1.7-10.3-7.6-9.8-26.2-6.9-35.3zm79.2 233.7c2.2 2.3 1.5 5.3.9 6.8-1.1 2.7-5.5 11.6-13 19.8-2.7 2.9-6.6 4.6-11 4.6-4.3 0-8.7-1.6-11.8-4.3-2.3-2.1-10.2-9.5-13.7-18.6-1.3-3.4-1-6.1.9-8.1 1.3-1.3 4-2.9 9.5-2.9H160c4.1 0 7 .9 8.8 2.7zm62.9-187.9c-1.2 15.5 13.9 32.5 13.9 32.5s-5.6-15-2.7-25.3c.9-3.2 2-6 3-8.5 19.3 17.3 48 1.5 54.8-6.1 9.6-10.6 12.3-23.8 12.8-34.1 1.8 3.8 3.4 9.1 4 16.6 0 0 6.4-9.1 5.2-19.1-.6-5-2.9-10-7-11.8h-.1c4.6-1.8 9.2-3.2 13.5-4.1-42.3-10.2-73.4 20.6-83.1 31.8-16.7 19.2-35.5 8.8-35.5 8.8-.2 10.9 10.4 18.9 21.2 19.3zm17.8-8.8c7.5-11.4 25.4-26 44.9-37 3 9.1 3.4 27.7-7 35.4-16.3 12.1-32.2 5-37.9 1.6-.1.1 0 0 0 0zM263 421.4c1.9 1.9 2.2 4.6.9 7.9-3.5 8.9-11.4 16.1-13.7 18.1-3.1 2.6-7.4 4.2-11.8 4.2s-8.3-1.6-11-4.5c-7.5-8-12-16.7-13-19.3-.6-1.5-1.3-4.4.9-6.7 1.7-1.8 4.7-2.7 8.9-2.7h29.4c5.4.1 8.1 1.7 9.4 3zm-98.3-251.5c9.9 6 18.8 8.1 27.3 8.3 8.5-.2 17.4-2.3 27.3-8.3 0 0-14.5 17.7-27.2 17.8h-.2c-12.7-.2-27.2-17.8-27.2-17.8zm184.5 147.4c-2.4 17.9-13 33.8-24.6 43.7-3.1-22.7-3.7-55.5-3.7-62.4 0-14.7 9.5-24.5 12.2-26.1 2.5-1.5 5.4-3 8.3-4.6 18-9.6 40.4-21.6 40.4-43.7 0-16.2-9.3-23.2-15.4-27.8-.8-.6-1.5-1.1-2.2-1.7-2.1-1.7-3.7-3-4.3-4.4-4.4-9.8-3.6-34.2-1.7-37.6.6-.6 16.7-20.9 11.8-39.2-2-7.4-6.9-13.3-14.1-17-5.3-2.7-11.9-4.2-19.5-4.5-.1-2-.5-3.9-.9-5.9-.6-2.6-1.1-5.3-.9-8.1.4-4.7.8-9 2.2-11.3 8.4-13.3 28.8-17.6 29-17.6l12.3-2.4-8.1-9.5c-.1-.2-17.3-17.5-46.3-17.5-7.9 0-16 1.3-24.1 3.9-24.2 7.8-42.9 30.5-49.4 39.3-3.1-1-6.3-1.9-9.6-2.7-4.2-15.8 9-38.5 9-38.5s-13.6-3-33.7 15.2c-2.6-6.5-8.1-20.5-1.8-37.2C184.6 10.1 177.2 26 175 40.4c-7.6-5.4-6.7-23.1-7.2-27.6-7.5.9-29.2 21.9-28.2 48.3-2 .5-3.9 1.1-5.9 1.7-6.5-8.8-25.1-31.5-49.4-39.3-7.9-2.2-16-3.5-23.9-3.5-29 0-46.1 17.3-46.3 17.5L6 46.9l12.3 2.4c.2 0 20.6 4.3 29 17.6 1.4 2.2 1.8 6.6 2.2 11.3.2 2.8-.4 5.5-.9 8.1-.4 1.9-.8 3.9-.9 5.9-7.7.3-14.2 1.8-19.5 4.5-7.2 3.7-12.1 9.6-14.1 17-5 18.2 11.2 38.5 11.8 39.2 1.9 3.4 2.7 27.8-1.7 37.6-.6 1.4-2.2 2.7-4.3 4.4-.7.5-1.4 1.1-2.2 1.7-6.1 4.6-15.4 11.7-15.4 27.8 0 22.1 22.4 34.1 40.4 43.7 3 1.6 5.8 3.1 8.3 4.6 2.7 1.6 12.2 11.4 12.2 26.1 0 6.9-.6 39.7-3.7 62.4-11.6-9.9-22.2-25.9-24.6-43.8 0 0-29.2 22.6-20.6 70.8 5.2 29.5 23.2 46.1 47 54.7 8.8 19.1 29.4 45.7 67.3 49.6C143 504.3 163 512 192.2 512h.2c29.1 0 49.1-7.7 63.6-19.5 37.9-3.9 58.5-30.5 67.3-49.6 23.8-8.7 41.7-25.2 47-54.7 8.2-48.4-21.1-70.9-21.1-70.9zM305.7 37.7c5.6-1.8 11.6-2.7 17.7-2.7 11 0 19.9 3 24.7 5-3.1 1.4-6.4 3.2-9.7 5.3-2.4-.4-5.6-.8-9.2-.8-10.5 0-20.5 3.1-28.7 8.9-12.3 8.7-18 16.9-20.7 22.4-2.2-1.3-4.5-2.5-7.1-3.7-1.6-.8-3.1-1.5-4.7-2.2 6.1-9.1 19.9-26.5 37.7-32.2zm21 18.2c-.8 1-1.6 2.1-2.3 3.2-3.3 5.2-3.9 11.6-4.4 17.8-.5 6.4-1.1 12.5-4.4 17-4.2.8-8.1 1.7-11.5 2.7-2.3-3.1-5.6-7-10.5-11.2 1.4-4.8 5.5-16.1 13.5-22.5 5.6-4.3 12.2-6.7 19.6-7zM45.6 45.3c-3.3-2.2-6.6-4-9.7-5.3 4.8-2 13.7-5 24.7-5 6.1 0 12 .9 17.7 2.7 17.8 5.8 31.6 23.2 37.7 32.1-1.6.7-3.2 1.4-4.8 2.2-2.5 1.2-4.9 2.5-7.1 3.7-2.6-5.4-8.3-13.7-20.7-22.4-8.3-5.8-18.2-8.9-28.8-8.9-3.4.1-6.6.5-9 .9zm44.7 40.1c-4.9 4.2-8.3 8-10.5 11.2-3.4-.9-7.3-1.9-11.5-2.7C65 89.5 64.5 83.4 64 77c-.5-6.2-1.1-12.6-4.4-17.8-.7-1.1-1.5-2.2-2.3-3.2 7.4.3 14 2.6 19.5 7 8 6.3 12.1 17.6 13.5 22.4zM58.1 259.9c-2.7-1.6-5.6-3.1-8.4-4.6-14.9-8-30.2-16.3-30.2-30.5 0-11.1 4.3-14.6 8.9-18.2l.5-.4c.7-.6 1.4-1.2 2.2-1.8-.9 7.2-1.9 13.3-2.7 14.9 0 0 12.1-15 15.7-44.3 1.4-11.5-1.1-34.3-5.1-43 .2 4.9 0 9.8-.3 14.4-.4-.8-.8-1.6-1.3-2.2-3.2-4-11.8-17.5-9.4-26.6.9-3.5 3.1-6 6.7-7.8 3.8-1.9 8.8-2.9 15.1-2.9 12.3 0 25.9 3.7 32.9 6 25.1 8 55.4 30.9 64.1 3.9-3.5-5.8c-.2-.3-19.1-31.4-53.2-46.5 2-2.9 7.4-8.1 21.6-15.1 21.4-10.5 46.5-15.8 74.3-15.8 27.9 0 52.9 5.3 74.3 15.8 14.2 6.9 19.6 12.2 21.6 15.1-34 15.1-52.9 46.2-53.1 46.5l-3.5 5.8 5.6-3.9s.2-.1.4-.3c8.7-6.8 39-29.8 64.1-37.7 7-2.2 20.6-6 32.9-6 6.3 0 11.3 1 15.1 2.9 3.5 1.8 5.7 4.4 6.7 7.8 2.5 9.1-6.1 22.6-9.4 26.6-.5.6-.9 1.3-1.3 2.2-.3-4.6-.5-9.5-.3-14.4-4 8.8-6.5 31.5-5.1 43 3.6 29.3 15.7 44.3 15.7 44.3-.8-1.6-1.8-7.7-2.7- 1.5 1.2 2.2 1.8l.5.4c4.6 3.7 8.9 7.1 8.9 18.2 0 14.2-15.4 22.5-30.2 30.5-2.9 1.5-5.7 3.1-8.4 4.6-8.7 5-18 16.7-19.1 34.2-.9 14.6.9 49.9 3.4 75.9-12.4 4.8-26.7 6.4-39.7 6.8-2-4.1-3.9-8.5-5.5-13.1-.7-2-19.6-51.1-26.4-62.2 5.5 39 17.5 73.7 23.5 89.6-3.5-.5-7.3-.7-11.7-.7h-117c-4.4 0-8.3.3-11.7.7 6-15.9 18.1-50.6 23.5-89.6-6.8 11.2-25.7 60.3-26.4 62.2-1.6 4.6-3.5 9-5.5 13.1-13-.4-27.2-2-39.7-6.8 2.5-26 4.3-61.2 3.4-75.9-.9-17.4-10.3-29.2-19-34.2zM34.8 404.6c-12.1-20-8.7-54.1-3.7-59.1 10.9 34.4 47.2 44.3 74.4 45.4-2.7 4.2-5.2 7.6-7 10l-1.4 1.4c-7.2 7.8-8.6 18.5-4.1 31.8-22.7-.1-46.3-9.8-58.2-29.5zm45.7 43.5c6 1.1 12.2 1.9 18.6 2.4 3.5 8 7.4 15.9 12.3 23.1-14.4-5.9-24.4-16-30.9-25.5zM192 498.2c-60.6-.1-78.3-45.8-84.9-64.7-3.7-10.5-3.4-18.2.9-23.1 2.9-3.3 9.5-7.2 24.6-7.2h118.8c15.1 0 21.8 3.9 24.6 7.2 4.2 4.8 4.5 12.6.9 23.1-6.6 18.8-24.3 64.6-84.9 64.7zm80.6-24.6c4.9-7.2 8.8-15.1 12.3-23.1 6.4-.5 12.6-1.3 18.6-2.4-6.5 9.5-16.5 19.6-30.9 25.5zm76.6-69c-12 19.7-35.6 29.3-58.1 29.7 4.5-13.3 3.1-24.1-4.1-31.8-.4-.5-.9-1-1.4-1.5-1.8-2.4-4.3-5.8-7-10 27.2-1.2 63.5-11 74.4-45.4 5 5 8.4 39.1-3.8 59z"],
- "gulp": [256, 512, [], "f3ae", "M209.8 391.1l-14.1 24.6-4.6 80.2c0 8.9-28.3 16.1-63.1 16.1s-63.1-7.2-63.1-16.1l-5.8-79.4-14.9-25.4c41.2 17.3 126 16.7 165.6 0zm-196-253.3l13.6 125.5c5.9-20 20.8-47 40-55.2 6.3-2.7 12.7-2.7 18.7.9 5.2 3 9.6 9.3 10.1 11.8 1.2 6.5-2 9.1-4.5 9.1-3 0-5.3-4.6-6.8-7.3-4.1-7.3-10.3-7.6-16.9-2.8-6.9 5-12.9 13.4-17.1 20.7-5.1 8.8-9.4 18.5-12 28.2-1.5 5.6-2.9 14.6-.6 19.9 1 2.2 2.5 3.6 4.9 3.6 5 0 12.3-6.6 15.8-10.1 4.5-4.5 10.3-11.5 12.5-16l5.2-15.5c2.6-6.8 9.9-5.6 9.9 0 0 10.2-3.7 13.6-10 34.7-5.8 19.5-7.6 25.8-7.6 25.8-.7 2.8-3.4 7.5-6.3 7.5-1.2 0-2.1-.4-2.6-1.2-1-1.4-.9-5.3-.8-6.3.2-3.2 6.3-22.2 7.3-25.2-2 2.2-4.1 4.4-6.4 6.6-5.4 5.1-14.1 11.8-21.5 11.8-3.4 0-5.6-.9-7.7-2.4l7.6 79.6c2 5 39.2 17.1 88.2 17.1 49.1 0 86.3-12.2 88.2-17.1l10.9-94.6c-5.7 5.2-12.3 11.6-19.6 14.8-5.4 2.3-17.4 3.8-17.4-5.7 0-5.2 9.1-14.8 14.4-21.5 1.4-1.7 4.7-5.9 4.7-8.1 0-2.9-6-2.2-11.7 2.5-3.2 2.7-6.2 6.3-8.7 9.7-4.3 6-6.6 11.2-8.5 15.5-6.2 14.2-4.1 8.6-9.1 22-5 13.3-4.2 11.8-5.2 14-.9 1.9-2.2 3.5-4 4.5-1.9 1-4.5.9-6.1-.3-.9-.6-1.3-1.9-1.3-3.7 0-.9.1-1.8.3-2.7 1.5-6.1 7.8-18.1 15-34.3 1.6-3.7 1-2.6.8-2.3-6.2 6-10.9 8.9-14.4 10.5-5.8 2.6-13 2.6-14.5-4.1-.1-.4-.1-.8-.2-1.2-11.8 9.2-24.3 11.7-20-8.1-4.6 8.2-12.6 14.9-22.4 14.9-4.1 0-7.1-1.4-8.6-5.1-2.3-5.5 1.3-14.9 4.6-23.8 1.7-4.5 4-9.9 7.1-16.2 1.6-3.4 4.2-5.4 7.6- 1.1.4 1.6.7 2.6 1.8 1.6 4.5.3 7.2-3.8 7.5-7.1 13-9.3 20.8-.9 3.3-2 9 1.5 9 2.4 0 4.7-.8 6.9-2.4 4.6-3.4 8.3-8.5 11.1-13.5 2-3.6 4.4-8.3 5.6-12.3.5-1.7 1.1-3.3 1.8-4.8 1.1-2.5 2.6-5.1 5.2-5.1 1.3 0 2.4.5 3.2 1.5 1.7 2.2 1.3 4.5.4 6.9-2 5.6-4.7 10.6-6.9 16.7-1.3 3.5-2.7 8-2.7 11.7 0 3.4 3.7 2.6 6.8 1.2 2.4-1.1 4.8-2.8 6.8-4.5 1.2-4.9.9-3.8 26.4-68.2 1.3-3.3 3.7-4.7 6.1-4.7 1.2 0 2.2.4 3.2 1.1 1.7 1.3 1.7 4.1 1 6.2-.7 1.9-.6 1.3-4.5 10.5-5.2 12.1-8.6 20.8-13.2 31.9-1.9 4.6-7.7 18.9-8.7 22.3-.6 2.2-1.3 5.8 1 5.8 5.4 0 19.3-13.1 23.1-17 .2-.3.5-.4.9-.6.6-1.9 1.2-3.7 1.7-5.5 1.4-3.8 2.7-8.2 5.3-11.3.8-1 1.7-1.6 2.7-1.6 2.8 0 4.2 1.2 4.2 4 0 1.1-.7 5.1-1.1 6.2 1.4-1.5 2.9-3 4.5-4.5 15-13.9 25.7-6.8 25.7.2 0 7.4-8.9 17.7-13.8 23.4-1.6 1.9-4.9 5.4-5 6.4 0 1.3.9 1.8 2.2 1.8 2 0 6.4-3.5 8-4.7 5-3.9 11.8-9.9 16.6-14.1l14.8-136.8c-30.5 17.1-197.6 17.2-228.3.2zm229.7-8.5c0 21-231.2 21-231.2 0 0-8.8 51.8-15.9 115.6-15.9 9 0 17.8.1 26.3.4l12.6-48.7L228.1.6c1.4-1.4 5.8-.2 9.9 3.5s6.6 7.9 5.3 9.3l-.1.1L185.9 74l-10 40.7c39.9 2.6 67.6 8.1 67.6 14.6zm-69.4 4.6c0-.8-.9-1.5-2.5-2.1l-.2.8c0 1.3-5 2.4-11.1 2.4s-11.1-1.1-11.1-2.4c0-.1 0-.2.1-.3l.2-.7c-1.8.6-3 1.4-3 2.3 0 2.1 6.2 3.7 13.7 3.7 7.7.1 13.9-1.6 13.9-3.7z"],
- "hacker-news": [448, 512, [], "f1d4", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm21.2 197.2H21c.1-.1.2-.3.3-.4 0 .1 0 .3-.1.4zm218 53.9V384h-31.4V281.3L128 128h37.3c52.5 98.3 49.2 101.2 59.3 125.6 12.3-27 5.8-24.4 60.6-125.6H320l-80.8 155.1z"],
- "hacker-news-square": [448, 512, [], "f3af", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM21.2 229.2H21c.1-.1.2-.3.3-.4 0 .1 0 .3-.1.4zm218 53.9V384h-31.4V281.3L128 128h37.3c52.5 98.3 49.2 101.2 59.3 125.6 12.3-27 5.8-24.4 60.6-125.6H320l-80.8 155.1z"],
- "hackerrank": [464, 512, [], "f5f7", "M453.5 128C439.01 103.05 261.13 0 232.16 0 203.2 0 25.25 102.79 10.84 128c-14.41 25.21-14.49 230.8 0 256.01C25.33 409.21 203.22 512 232.16 512s206.85-102.92 221.33-128c14.48-25.08 14.49-231.05.01-256zM292.13 414.22c-3.96 0-40.91-35.77-38-38.69.87-.87 6.26-1.48 17.55-1.83 0-26.23.59-68.59.94-86.32.04-2.02-.44-3.43-.44-5.85h-79.93c0 7.1-.46 36.2 1.37 72.88.23 4.54-1.58 5.96-5.74 5.94-10.13-.03-20.27-.11-30.41-.08-4.1.01-5.87-1.53-5.74-6.11.92-33.44 2.96-84.02-.15-212.67v-3.17c-9.67-.35-16.38-.96-17.26-1.84-2.92-2.92 34.54-38.69 38.49-38.69 3.96 0 41.17 35.78 38.27 38.69-.87.87-7.9 1.49-16.77 1.84v3.16c-2.42 25.75-2.03 79.59-2.63 105.39h80.26c0-4.55.39-34.74-1.2-83.64-.1-3.39.95-5.17 4.21-5.2 11.07-.08 22.15-.13 33.23-.06 3.46.02 4.57 1.72 4.5 5.38-3.65 191.29-.66 177.94-.66 210.34 8.87.35 16.82.96 17.69 1.84 2.88 2.91-33.62 38.69-37.58 38.69z"],
- "hips": [640, 512, [], "f452", "M0 80.2c0-1.8.9-2.7 2.7-2.7h40.9c1.9 0 2.8.9 2.8 2.7v81.2c15.2-7.7 31.7-11.5 49.8-11.4 24 .1 44.2 6.2 60.3 18 18.7 13.5 28 31.9 28 55.3v136.1c0 1.9-.9 2.8-2.7 2.8h-27.3c-9.1 0-16.4-7.3-16.4-16.3V223.3c0-.9 2.7-27-45.8-27-48.6 0-45.8 26.2-45.8 27v136.1c0 1.9-.9 2.8-2.8 2.8h-41c-1.8 0-2.7-.9-2.7-2.8V80.2zm497.7 221.5c13.7 10.2 34.1 19.1 58.4 19.1 23.3 0 32.8-4.5 36.5-13.6 3-7.9-.6-16.1-12.2-21.2l-53.6-23.5c-21.4-9.4-33.8-24-37.2-43.6-5.7-33.7 22.2-53.3 22.7-53.7 13.2-9.6 32-15.4 58.5-15.4 19 0 37.4 3.3 55.1 9.9 1.3.5 1.9 1.3 1.9 2.6V207c0 2.1-2.3 3.4-4 2.4-39.7-20.7-76.6-12.3-84-6.8-6.6 4.9-6 12.5 2.6 16.1L600 244c16.5 7.1 28.1 18.4 34.9 34.1 5.5 12.6 6.6 25.6 3.1 39.1-9.6 36.9-44.9 45.5-45.6 45.8-10.5 3.1-23.6 4.3-36.3 4.3-16.6 0-32.6-2.7-48.2-8.2-9.7-3.4-14.6-10.3-14.6-20.7V304c0-2.1 2.3-3.7 4.4-2.3zM376.2 149.8c-31.7 0-104.2 20.1-104.2 103.5v183.5c0 .8.6 2.7 2.7 2.7h40.9c1.9 0 2.8-.9 2.8-2.7V348c16.5 12.7 35.8 19.1 57.7 19.1 60.5 0 108.7-48.5 108.7-108.7.1-60.3-48.2-108.6-108.6-108.6zm0 170.9c-17.2 0-31.9-6.1-44-18.2-12.2-12.2-18.2-26.8-18.2-44 0-34.5 27.6-62.2 62.2-62.2 34.5 0 62.2 27.6 62.2 62.2.1 34.3-27.3 62.2-62.2 62.2zm-124.6 38.7c0 1.9-.9 2.8-2.8 2.8h-40.9c-1.6 0-2.7-1.4-2.7-2.8V157.6c0-1.4 1.1-2.8 2.7-2.8h40.9c1.9 0 2.8.9 2.8 2.8v201.8M228.3 72.5c15.9 0 28.9 12.7 28.9 28.9 0 15.8-12.7 28.9-28.9 28.9s-28.9-13.3-28.9-28.9c.1-16 13-28.9 28.9-28.9"],
- "hire-a-helper": [512, 512, [], "f3b0", "M443.1 0H71.9C67.9 37.3 37.4 67.8 0 71.7v371.5c37.4 4.9 66 32.4 71.9 68.8h372.2c3-36.4 32.5-65.8 67.9-69.8V71.7c-36.4-5.9-65-35.3-68.9-71.7zm-37 404.9c-36.3 0-18.8-2-55.1-2-35.8 0-21 2-56.1 2-5.9 0-4.9-8.2 0-9.8 22.8-7.6 22.9-10.2 24.6-12.8 10.4-15.6 5.9-83 5.9-113 0-5.3-6.4-12.8-13.8-12.8H200.4c-7.4 0-13.8 7.5-13.8 12.8 0 30-4.5 97.4 5.9 113 1.7 2.5 1.8 5.2 24.6 12.8 4.9 1.6 6 9.8 0 9.8-35.1 0-20.3-2-56.1-2-36.3 0-18.8 2-55.1 2-7.9 0-5.8-10.8 0-10.8 10.2-3.4 13.5-3.5 21.7-13.8 7.7-12.9 7.9-44.4 7.9-127.8V151.3c0-22.2-12.2-28.3-28.6-32.4-8.8-2.2-4-11.8 1-11.8 36.5 0 20.6 2 57.1 2 32.7 0 16.5-2 49.2-2 3.3 0 8.5 8.3 1 10.8-4.9 1.6-27.6 3.7-27.6 39.3 0 45.6-.2 55.8 1 68.8 0 1.3 2.3 12.8 12.8 12.8h109.2c10.5 0 12.8-11.5 12.8-12.8 1.2-13 1-23.2 1-68.8 0-35.6-22.7-37.7-27.6-39.3-7.5-2.5-2.3-10.8 1-10.8 32.7 0 16.5 2 49.2 2 36.5 0 20.6-2 57.1-2 4.9 0 9.9 9.6 1 11.8-16.4 4.1-28.6 10.3-28.6 32.4v101.2c0 83.4.1 114.9 7.9 127.8 8.2 10.2 11.4 10.4 21.7 13.8 5.8 0 7.8 10.8 0 10.8z"],
- "hooli": [640, 512, [], "f427", "M508.4 352h57.9V156.7L508.4 184v168zm73.7-110.5V352H640V241.5h-57.9zm-250.7-8.9c-18.2-18.2-50.4-17.1-50.4-17.1s-32.2-1.1-50.4 17.1c-1.9 1.9-3.7 3.9-5.3 6-38.2-29.6-72.5-46.5-102.1-61.1v-20.7l-22.5 10.6c-54.4-22.1-89-18.2-97.3.1 0 0-24.9 32.8 61.9 110.9v-31c-48.8-54.6-39-76.1-35.3-79.2 13.5-11.4 37.5-8 64.4 2.1L65.2 184v63.3c13.1 14.7 30.5 31.5 53.5 50.4l4.5 3.6v-29.8c0-6.9 1.7-18.2 10.8-18.2s10.6 6.9 10.6 15V317c18 12.2 37.3 22.1 57.7 29.6v-93.9c0-18.7-13.4-37.4-40.6-37.4-15.8-.1-30.5 8.2-38.5 21.9v-54.3c41.9 20.9 83.9 46.5 99.9 58.3-10.2 14.6-9.3 28.1-9.3 43.7 0 18.7-1.4 34.3 16.8 52.5 18.2 18.2 50.4 17.1 50.4 17.1s32.3 1.1 50.4-17.1c18.2-18.2 16.7-33.8 16.7-52.5 0-18.5 1.5-34.2-16.7-52.3zm-39.7 71.9c0 3.6-1.8 12.5-10.7 12.5-8.9 0-10.7-8.9-10.7-12.5v-40.4c0-8.7 7.3-10.9 10.7-10.9 3.4 0 10.7 2.1 10.7 10.9v40.4zm185.7-71.9c-18.2-18.2-50.4-17.1-50.4-17.1s-32.3-1.1-50.4 17.1c-18.2 18.2-16.8 33.9-16.8 52.6 0 18.7-1.4 34.3 16.8 52.5 18.2 18.2 50.4 17.1 50.4 17.1s32.3 1.1 50.4-17.1c18.2-18.2 16.8-33.8 16.8-52.5-.1-18.8 1.3-34.5-16.8-52.6zm-39.8 71.9c0 3.6-1.8 12.5-10.7 12.5-8.9 0-10.7-8.9-10.7-12.5v-40.4c0-8.7 7.3-10.9 10.7-10.9 3.4 0 10.7 2.1 10.7 10.9v40.4zm173.5-73c15.9 0 28.9-12.9 28.9-28.9s-12.9-24.5-28.9-24.5c-15.9 0-28.9 8.6-28.9 24.5s12.9 28.9 28.9 28.9zM144.5 352l38.3.8c-13.2-4.6-26-10.2-38.3-16.8v16zm-21.4 0v-28.6c-6.5-4.2-13-8.7-19.4-13.6-14.8-11.2-27.5-21.7-38.5-31.5V352h57.9zm59.7.8c36.5 12.5 69.9 14.2 94.7 7.2-19.9.2-45.8-2.6-75.3-13.3v5.3l-19.4.8z"],
- "hornbill": [509, 512, [], "f592", "M75.37 370.3c2.14 15.83-5.77 31.98-20.94 39.29-18.85 9.1-41.55 1.17-50.68-17.68-9.08-18.83-1.13-41.58 17.7-50.65 7.05-3.4 14.63-4.42 21.85-3.38-78.28-111.35 52-190.53 52-190.53-5.86 43.04-8.24 91.16-8.24 91.16-67.31 41.45.92 64.06 39.81 72.87 19.77 53.62 71.18 91.94 131.66 91.94 1.92 0 3.77-.21 5.67-.28l.11 18.86c-99.22 1.39-158.7-29.14-188.94-51.6zM183.38 42.6c.89-7-.1-14.33-3.39-21.15-9.1-18.84-31.82-26.78-50.66-17.69-18.86 9.1-26.8 31.83-17.69 50.68 6.98 14.47 22.02 22.42 37.18 21.23-22.55 29.91-53.83 89.57-52.42 190.03l21.84-.15c-.02-.9-.14-1.77-.14-2.68 0-58.95 36.37-109.33 87.85-130.16 8.01-37.75 30.74-114.3 73.84-44.29 0 0 48.14 2.38 91.18 8.24 0-.01-77.84-128.03-187.59-54.06zm304.18 134.17c18.84-9.09 26.81-31.81 17.7-50.65-9.1-18.85-31.83-26.77-50.67-17.69-15.27 7.37-23.19 23.69-20.87 39.64-31.71-21.94-89.84-49.05-183.45-47.74l.14 22.5c2.7-.15 5.39-.41 8.14-.41 59.3 0 109.9 36.8 130.49 88.76 39.1 9.02 105.06 31.58 38.46 72.54 0 0-2.34 48.13-8.21 91.16 0 0 133.45-81.16 48.96-194.61 6.43.5 13.07-.49 19.31-3.5zM373.05 436.24c21.43-32.46 46.42-89.69 45.14-179.66l-19.52.14c.08 2.06.3 4.07.3 6.15 0 60.27-38.05 111.55-91.39 131.45-8.85 38.95-31.44 106.66-72.77 39.49 0 0-48.12-2.34-91.19-8.22 0 0 79.92 131.34 191.9 50.97.31 4.72 1.45 9.45 3.64 13.97 9.06 18.89 31.8 26.78 50.64 17.71 18.86-9.1 26.79-31.83 17.7-50.65-6.56-13.62-20.26-21.43-34.45-21.35z"],
- "hotjar": [448, 512, [], "f3b1", "M414.9 161.5C340.2 29 121.1 0 121.1 0S222.2 110.4 93 197.7C11.3 252.8-21 324.4 14 402.6c26.8 59.9 83.5 84.3 144.6 93.4-29.2-55.1-6.6-122.4-4.1-129.6 57.1 86.4 165 0 110.8-93.9 71 15.4 81.6 138.6 27.1 215.5 80.5-25.3 134.1-88.9 148.8-145.6 15.5-59.3 3.7-127.9-26.3-180.9z"],
- "houzz": [414, 512, [], "f27c", "M258.9 330.7H154.3V480H0V32h109.5v104.5l305.1 85.6V480H258.9V330.7z"],
- "html5": [384, 512, [], "f13b", "M0 32l34.9 395.8L191.5 480l157.6-52.2L384 32H0zm308.2 127.9H124.4l4.1 49.4h175.6l-13.6 148.4-97.9 27v.3h-1.1l-98.7-27.3-6-75.8h47.7L138 320l53.5 14.5 53.7-14.5 6-62.2H84.3L71.5 112.2h241.1l-4.4 47.7z"],
- "hubspot": [512, 512, [], "f3b2", "M267.4 211.6c-25.1 23.7-40.8 57.3-40.8 94.6 0 29.3 9.7 56.3 26 78L203.1 434c-4.4-1.6-9.1-2.5-14-2.5-10.8 0-20.9 4.2-28.5 11.8-7.6 7.6-11.8 17.8-11.8 28.6s4.2 20.9 11.8 28.5c7.6 7.6 17.8 11.6 28.5 11.6 10.8 0 20.9-3.9 28.6-11.6 7.6-7.6 11.8-17.8 11.8-28.5 0-4.2-.6-8.2-1.9-12.1l50-50.2c22 16.9 49.4 26.9 79.3 26.9 71.9 0 130-58.3 130-130.2 0-65.2-47.7-119.2-110.2-128.7V116c17.5-7.4 28.2-23.8 28.2-42.9 0-26.1-20.9-47.9-47-47.9S311.2 47 311.2 73.1c0 19.1 10.7 35.5 28.2 42.9v61.2c-15.2 2.1-29.6 6.7-42.7 13.6-27.6-20.9-117.5-85.7-168.9-124.8 1.2-4.4 2-9 2-13.8C129.8 23.4 106.3 0 77.4 0 48.6 0 25.2 23.4 25.2 52.2c0 28.9 23.4 52.3 52.2 52.3 9.8 0 18.9-2.9 26.8-7.6l163.2 114.7zm89.5 163.6c-38.1 0-69-30.9-69-69s30.9-69 69-69 69 30.9 69 69-30.9 69-69 69z"],
- "imdb": [448, 512, [], "f2d8", "M350.5 288.7c0 5.4 1.6 14.4-6.2 14.4-1.6 0-3-.8-3.8-2.4-2.2-5.1-1.1-44.1-1.1-44.7 0-3.8-1.1-12.7 4.9-12.7 7.3 0 6.2 7.3 6.2 12.7v32.7zM265 229.9c0-9.7 1.6-16-10.3-16v83.7c12.2.3 10.3-8.7 10.3-18.4v-49.3zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM21.3 228.8c-.1.1-.2.3-.3.4h.3v-.4zM97 192H64v127.8h33V192zm113.3 0h-43.1l-7.6 59.9c-2.7-20-5.4-40.1-8.7-59.9h-42.8v127.8h29v-84.5l12.2 84.5h20.6l11.6-86.4v86.4h28.7V192zm86.3 45.3c0-8.1.3-16.8-1.4-24.4-4.3-22.5-31.4-20.9-49-20.9h-24.6v127.8c86.1.1 75 6 75-82.5zm85.9 17.3c0-17.3-.8-30.1-22.2-30.1-8.9 0-14.9 2.7-20.9 9.2V192h-31.7v127.8h29.8l1.9-8.1c5.7 6.8 11.9 9.8 20.9 9.8 19.8 0 22.2-15.2 22.2-30.9v-36z"],
- "instagram": [448, 512, [], "f16d", "M224.1 141c-63.6 0-114.9 51.3-114.9 114.9s51.3 114.9 114.9 114.9S339 319.5 339 255.9 287.7 141 224.1 141zm0 189.6c-41.1 0-74.7-33.5-74.7-74.7s33.5-74.7 74.7-74.7 74.7 33.5 74.7 74.7-33.6 74.7-74.7 74.7zm146.4-194.3c0 14.9-12 26.8-26.8 26.8-14.9 0-26.8-12-26.8-26.8s12-26.8 26.8-26.8 26.8 12 26.8 26.8zm76.1 27.2c-1.7-35.9-9.9-67.7-36.2-93.9-26.2-26.2-58-34.4-93.9-36.2-37-2.1-147.9-2.1-184.9 0-35.8 1.7-67.6 9.9-93.9 36.1s-34.4 58-36.2 93.9c-2.1 37-2.1 147.9 0 184.9 1.7 35.9 9.9 67.7 36.2 93.9s58 34.4 93.9 36.2c37 2.1 147.9 2.1 184.9 0 35.9-1.7 67.7-9.9 93.9-36.2 26.2-26.2 34.4-58 36.2-93.9 2.1-37 2.1-147.8 0-184.8zM398.8 388c-7.8 19.6-22.9 34.7-42.6 42.6-29.5 11.7-99.5 9-132.1 9s-102.7 2.6-132.1-9c-19.6-7.8-34.7-22.9-42.6-42.6-11.7-29.5-9-99.5-9-132.1s-2.6-102.7 9-132.1c7.8-19.6 22.9-34.7 42.6-42.6 29.5-11.7 99.5-9 132.1-9s102.7-2.6 132.1 9c19.6 7.8 34.7 22.9 42.6 42.6 11.7 29.5 9 99.5 9 132.1s2.7 102.7-9 132.1z"],
- "internet-explorer": [512, 512, [], "f26b", "M483.049 159.706c10.855-24.575 21.424-60.438 21.424-87.871 0-72.722-79.641-98.371-209.673-38.577-107.632-7.181-211.221 73.67-237.098 186.457 30.852-34.862 78.271-82.298 121.977-101.158C125.404 166.85 79.128 228.002 43.992 291.725 23.246 329.651 0 390.94 0 436.747c0 98.575 92.854 86.5 180.251 42.006 31.423 15.43 66.559 15.573 101.695 15.573 97.124 0 184.249-54.294 216.814-146.022H377.927c-52.509 88.593-196.819 52.996-196.819-47.436H509.9c6.407-43.581-1.655-95.715-26.851-141.162zM64.559 346.877c17.711 51.15 53.703 95.871 100.266 123.304-88.741 48.94-173.267 29.096-100.266-123.304zm115.977-108.873c2-55.151 50.276-94.871 103.98-94.871 53.418 0 101.981 39.72 103.981 94.871H180.536zm184.536-187.6c21.425-10.287 48.563-22.003 72.558-22.003 31.422 0 54.274 21.717 54.274 53.722 0 20.003-7.427 49.007-14.569 67.867-26.28-42.292-65.986-81.584-112.263-99.586z"],
- "ioxhost": [640, 512, [], "f208", "M616 160h-67.3C511.2 70.7 422.9 8 320 8 183 8 72 119 72 256c0 16.4 1.6 32.5 4.7 48H24c-13.3 0-24 10.8-24 24 0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h67.3c37.5 89.3 125.8 152 228.7 152 137 0 248-111 248-248 0-16.4-1.6-32.5-4.7-48H616c13.3 0 24-10.8 24-24 0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24zm-96 96c0 110.5-89.5 200-200 200-75.7 0-141.6-42-175.5-104H424c13.3 0 24-10.8 24-24 0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H125.8c-3.8-15.4-5.8-31.4-5.8-48 0-110.5 89.5-200 200-200 75.7 0 141.6 42 175.5 104H216c-13.3 0-24 10.8-24 24 0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h298.2c3.8 15.4 5.8 31.4 5.8 48zm-304-24h208c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24 0 13.2-10.7 24-24 24H216c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24 0-13.2 10.7-24 24-24z"],
- "itunes": [448, 512, [], "f3b4", "M223.6 80.3C129 80.3 52.5 157 52.5 251.5S129 422.8 223.6 422.8s171.2-76.7 171.2-171.2c0-94.6-76.7-171.3-171.2-171.3zm79.4 240c-3.2 13.6-13.5 21.2-27.3 23.8-12.1 2.2-22.2 2.8-31.9-5-11.8-10-12-26.4-1.4-36.8 8.4-8 20.3-9.6 38-12.8 3-.5 5.6-1.2 7.7-3.7 3.2-3.6 2.2-2 2.2-80.8 0-5.6-2.7-7.1-8.4-6.1-4 .7-91.9 17.1-91.9 17.1-5 1.1-6.7 2.6-6.7 8.3 0 116.1.5 110.8-1.2 118.5-2.1 9-7.6 15.8-14.9 19.6-8.3 4.6-23.4 6.6-31.4 5.2-21.4-4-28.9-28.7-14.4-42.9 8.4-8 20.3-9.6 38-12.8 3-.5 5.6-1.2 7.7-3.7 5-5.7.9-127 2.6-133.7.4-2.6 1.5-4.8 3.5-6.4 2.1-1.7 5.8-2.7 6.7-2.7 101-19 113.3-21.4 115.1-21.4 5.7-.4 9 3 9 8.7-.1 170.6.4 161.4-1 167.6zM345.2 32H102.8C45.9 32 0 77.9 0 134.8v242.4C0 434.1 45.9 480 102.8 480h242.4c57 0 102.8-45.9 102.8-102.8V134.8C448 77.9 402.1 32 345.2 32zM223.6 444c-106.3 0-192.5-86.2-192.5-192.5S117.3 59 223.6 59s192.5 86.2 192.5 192.5S329.9 444 223.6 444z"],
- "itunes-note": [384, 512, [], "f3b5", "M381.9 388.2c-6.4 27.4-27.2 42.8-55.1 48-24.5 4.5-44.9 5.6-64.5-10.2-23.9-20.1-24.2-53.4-2.7-74.4 17-16.2 40.9-19.5 76.8-25.8 6-1.1 11.2-2.5 15.6-7.4 6.4-7.2 4.4-4.1 4.4-163.2 0-11.2-5.5-14.3-17-12.3-8.2 1.4-185.7 34.6-185.7 34.6-10.2 2.2-13.4 5.2-13.4 16.7 0 234.7 1.1 223.9-2.5 239.5-4.2 18.2-15.4 31.9-30.2 39.5-16.8 9.3-47.2 13.4-63.4 10.4-43.2-8.1-58.4-58-29.1-86.6 17-16.2 40.9-19.5 76.8-25.8 6-1.1 11.2-2.5 15.6-7.4 10.1-11.5 1.8-256.6 5.2-270.2.8-5.2 3-9.6 7.1-12.9 4.2-3.5 11.8-5.5 13.4-5.5 204-38.2 228.9-43.1 232.4-43.1 11.5-.8 18.1 6 18.1 17.6.2 344.5 1.1 326-1.8 338.5z"],
- "java": [377, 512, [], "f4e4", "M121.6 396s-19.6 11.4 13.9 15.2c40.6 4.6 61.3 4 106-4.5 0 0 11.8 7.4 28.2 13.8C169.5 463.4 42.9 418 121.6 396m-12.2-56.1s-21.9 16.2 11.6 19.7c43.3 4.5 77.6 4.8 136.8-6.6 0 0 8.2 8.3 21.1 12.8-121.3 35.5-256.3 2.9-169.5-25.9m103.2-95.1c24.7 28.4-6.5 54-6.5 54s62.7-32.4 33.9-72.9c-26.9-37.8-47.5-56.6 64.1-121.3.1 0-175.2 43.8-91.5 140.2m132.6 192.6s14.5 11.9-15.9 21.2c-57.9 17.5-240.8 22.8-291.6.7-18.3-7.9 16-19 26.8-21.3 11.2-2.4 17.7-2 17.7-2-20.3-14.3-131.3 28.1-56.4 40.2 204.2 33.2 372.4-14.9 319.4-38.8M131 281.8s-93.1 22.1-33 30.1c25.4 3.4 76 2.6 123.1-1.3 38.5-3.2 77.2-10.2 77.2-10.2s-13.6 5.8-23.4 12.5c-94.5 24.9-277 13.3-224.5-12.1 44.5-21.4 80.6-19 80.6-19m167 93.3c96.1-49.9 51.6-97.9 20.6-91.4-7.6 1.6-11 3-11 3s2.8-4.4 8.2-6.3c61.3-21.6 108.5 63.6-19.8 97.3 0-.1 1.5-1.4 2-2.6M240 0s53.2 53.2-50.5 135c-83.1 65.6-19 103.1 0 145.8-48.5-43.8-84.1-82.3-60.2-118.2C164.4 110.1 261.5 84.5 240 0m-99.5 510.4c92.2 5.9 233.8-3.3 237.1-46.9 0 0-6.4 16.5-76.2 29.7-78.7 14.8-175.8 13.1-233.3 3.6 0-.1 11.8 9.7 72.4 13.6"],
- "jedi-order": [448, 512, [], "f50e", "M231.89 335.72l31.44-45.89-20.18 55.5 62.56 9.09-62.56 9.08 24.22 47.43s-30.22-31.77-34.49-36.25c1.76 68.78 2.19 85.7 2.19 85.7s154.4-71.65 68.62-230.09c0 0 106.97-118.07 10.09-190.73 0 0 165.5 99.91 60.55 271.46 0 0 86.78-84.77 41.37-170.54 0 0 78.71 111.01-17.16 233.11 0 0 26.24-16.15 49.45-77.71 0 0-16.93 183.26-221.96 185.66v.02h-4.08v-.02C16.93 479.14 0 295.88 0 295.88c23.21 61.56 49.44 77.71 49.44 77.71-95.87-122.11-17.15-233.11-17.15-233.11-45.41 85.78 41.38 170.54 41.38 170.54-104.95-171.56 60.54-271.46 60.54-271.46-96.88 72.66 10.09 190.73 10.09 190.73-85.78 158.44 68.62 230.09 68.62 230.09s.43-16.93 2.19-85.7l-34.48 36.25 24.22-47.43-62.56-9.08 62.56-9.09-20.18-55.5 31.44 45.89c2.25-87.85 7.82-305.82 7.85-306.85l.01-2.43.02 1 .03-1 .01 2.43c.05 1.72 5.61 219.2 7.86 306.85z"],
- "jenkins": [512, 512, [], "f3b6", "M487.1 425c-1.4-11.2-19-23.1-28.2-31.9-5.1-5-29-23.1-30.4-29.9-1.4-6.6 9.7-21.5 13.3-28.9 5.1-10.7 8.8-23.7 11.3-32.6 18.8-66.1 20.7-156.9-6.2-211.2-10.2-20.6-38.6-49-56.4-62.5-42-31.7-119.6-35.3-170.1-16.6-14.1 5.2-27.8 9.8-40.1 17.1-33.1 19.4-68.3 32.5-78.1 71.6-24.2 10.8-31.5 41.8-30.3 77.8.2 7 4.1 15.8 2.7 22.4-.7 3.3-5.2 7.6-6.1 9.8-11.6 27.7-2.3 64 11.1 83.7 8.1 11.9 21.5 22.4 39.2 25.2.7 10.6 3.3 19.7 8.2 30.4 3.1 6.8 14.7 19 10.4 27.7-2.2 4.4-21 13.8-27.3 17.6C89 407.2 73.7 415 54.2 429c-12.6 9-32.3 10.2-29.2 31.1 2.1 14.1 10.1 31.6 14.7 45.8.7 2 1.4 4.1 2.1 6h422c4.9-15.3 9.7-30.9 14.6-47.2 3.4-11.4 10.2-27.8 8.7-39.7zM205.9 33.7c1.8-.5 3.4.7 4.9 2.4-.2 5.2-5.4 5.1-8.9 6.8-5.4 6.7-13.4 9.8-20 17.2-6.8 7.5-14.4 27.7-23.4 30-4.5 1.1-9.7-.8-13.6-.5-10.4.7-17.7 6-28.3 7.5 13.6-29.9 56.1-54 89.3-63.4zm-104.8 93.6c13.5-14.9 32.1-24.1 54.8-25.9 11.7 29.7-8.4 65-.9 97.6 2.3 9.9 10.2 25.4-2.4 25.7.3-28.3-34.8-46.3-61.3-29.6-1.8-21.5-4.9-51.7 9.8-67.8zm36.7 200.2c-1-4.1-2.7-12.9-2.3-15.1 1.6-8.7 17.1-12.5 11-24.7-11.3-.1-13.8 10.2-24.1 11.3-26.7 2.6-45.6-35.4-44.4-58.4 1-19.5 17.6-38.2 40.1-35.8 16 1.8 21.4 19.2 24.5 34.7 9.2.5 22.5-.4 26.9-7.6-.6-17.5-8.8-31.6-8.2-47.7 1-30.3 17.5-57.6 4.8-87.4 13.6-30.9 53.5-55.3 83.1-70 36.6-18.3 94.9-3.7 129.3 15.8 19.7 11.1 34.4 32.7 48.3 50.7-19.5-5.8-36.1 4.2-33.1 20.3 16.3-14.9 44.2-.2 52.5 16.4 7.9 15.8 7.8 39.3 9 62.8 2.9 57-10.4 115.9-39.1 157.1-7.7 11-14.1 23-24.9 30.6-26 18.2-65.4 34.7-99.2 23.4-44.7-15-65-44.8-89.5-78.8.7 18.7 13.8 34.1 26.8 48.4 11.3 12.5 25 26.6 39.7 32.4-12.3-2.9-31.1-3.8-36.2 7.2-28.6-1.9-55.1-4.8-68.7-24.2-10.6-15.4-21.4-41.4-26.3-61.4zm222 124.1c4.1-3 11.1-2.9 17.4-3.6-5.4-2.7-13-3.7-19.3-2.2-.1-4.2-2-6.8-3.2-10.2 10.6-3.8 35.5-28.5 49.6-20.3 6.7 3.9 9.5 26.2 10.1 37 .4 9-.8 18-4.5 22.8-18.8-.6-35.8-2.8-50.7-7 .9-6.1-1-12.1.6-16.5zm-17.2-20c-16.8.8-26-1.2-38.3-10.8.2-.8 1.4-.5 1.5-1.4 18 8 40.8-3.3 59-4.9-7.9 5.1-14.6 11.6-22.2 17.1zm-12.1 33.2c-1.6-9.4-3.5-12-2.8-20.2 25-16.6 29.7 28.6 2.8 20.2zM226 438.6c-11.6-.7-48.1-14-38.5-23.7 9.4 6.5 27.5 4.9 41.3 7.3.8 4.4-2.8 10.2-2.8 16.4zM57.7 497.1c-4.3-12.7-9.2-25.1-14.8-36.9 30.8-23.8 65.3-48.9 102.2-63.5 2.8-1.1 23.2 25.4 26.2 27.6 16.5 11.7 37 21 56.2 30.2 1.2 8.8 3.9 20.2 8.7 35.5.7 2.3 1.4 4.7 2.2 7.2H57.7zm240.6 5.7h-.8c.3-.2.5-.4.8-.5v.5zm7.5-5.7c2.1-1.4 4.3-2.8 6.4-4.3 1.1 1.4 2.2 2.8 3.2 4.3h-9.6zm15.1-24.7c-10.8 7.3-20.6 18.3-33.3 25.2-6 3.3-27 11.7-33.4 10.2-3.6-.8-3.9-5.3-5.4-9.5-3.1-9-10.1-23.4-10.8-37-.8-17.2-2.5-46 16-42.4 14.9 2.9 32.3 9.7 43.9 16.1 7.1 3.9 11.1 8.6 21.9 9.5-.1 1.4-.1 2.8-.2 4.3-5.9 3.9-15.3 3.8-21.8 7.1 9.5.4 17 2.7 23.5 5.9-.1 3.4-.3 7-.4 10.6zm53.4 24.7h-14c-.1-3.2-2.8-5.8-6.1-5.8s-5.9 2.6-6.1 5.8h-17.4c-2.8-4.4-5.7-8.6-8.9-12.5 2.1-2.2 4-4.7 6-6.9 9 3.7 14.8-4.9 21.7-4.2 7.9.8 14.2 11.7 25.4 11l-.6 12.6zm8.7 0c.2-4 .4-7.8.6-11.5 15.6-7.3 29 1.3 35.7 11.5H383zm83.4-37c-2.3 11.2-5.8 24-9.9 37.1-.2-.1-.4-.1-.6-.1H428c.6-1.1 1.2-2.2 1.9-3.3-2.6-6.1-9-8.7-10.9-15.5 12.1-22.7 6.5-93.4-24.2-78.5 4.3-6.3 15.6-11.5 20.8-19.3 13 10.4 20.8 20.3 33.2 31.4 6.8 6 20 13.3 21.4 23.1.8 5.5-2.6 18.9-3.8 25.1zM222.2 130.5c5.4-14.9 27.2-34.7 45-32 7.7 1.2 18 8.2 12.2 17.7-30.2-7-45.2 12.6-54.4 33.1-8.1-2-4.9-13.1-2.8-18.8zm184.1 63.1c8.2-3.6 22.4-.7 29.6-5.3-4.2-11.5-10.3-21.4-9.3-37.7.5 0 1 0 1.4.1 6.8 14.2 12.7 29.2 21.4 41.7-5.7 13.5-43.6 25.4-43.1 1.2zm20.4-43zm-117.2 45.7c-6.8-10.9-19-32.5-14.5-45.3 6.5 11.9 8.6 24.4 17.8 33.3 4.1 4 12.2 9 8.2 20.2-.9 2.7-7.8 8.6-11.7 9.7-14.4 4.3-47.9.9-36.6-17.1 11.9.7 27.9 7.8 36.8-.8zm27.3 70c3.8 6.6 1.4 18.7 12.1 20.6 20.2 3.4 43.6-12.3 58.1-17.8 9-15.2-.8-20.7-8.9-30.5-16.6-20-38.8-44.8-38-74.7 6.7-4.9 7.3 7.4 8.2 9.7 8.7 20.3 30.4 46.2 46.3 63.5 3.9 4.3 10.3 8.4 11 11.2 2.1 8.2-5.4 18-4.5 23.5-21.7 13.9-45.8 29.1-81.4 25.6-7.4-6.7-10.3-21.4-2.9-31.1zm-201.3-9.2c-6.8-3.9-8.4-21-16.4-21.4-11.4-.7-9.3 22.2-9.3 35.5-7.8-7.1-9.2-29.1-3.5-40.3-6.6-3.2-9.5 3.6-13.1 5.9 4.7-34.1 49.8-15.8 42.3 20.3zm299.6 28.8c-10.1 19.2-24.4 40.4-54 41-.6-6.2-1.1-15.6 0-19.4 22.7-2.2 36.6-13.7 54-21.6zm-141.9 12.4c18.9 9.9 53.6 11 79.3 10.2 1.4 5.6 1.3 12.6 1.4 19.4-33 1.8-72-6.4-80.7-29.6zm92.2 46.7c-1.7 4.3-5.3 9.3-9.8 11.1-12.1 4.9-45.6 8.7-62.4-.3-10.7-5.7-17.5-18.5-23.4-26-2.8-3.6-16.9-12.9-.2-12.9 13.1 32.7 58 29 95.8 28.1z"],
- "joget": [496, 512, [], "f3b7", "M227.5 468.7c-9-13.6-19.9-33.3-23.7-42.4-5.7-13.7-27.2-45.6 31.2-67.1 51.7-19.1 176.7-16.5 208.8-17.6-4 9-8.6 17.9-13.9 26.6-40.4 65.5-110.4 101.5-182 101.5-6.8 0-13.6-.4-20.4-1M66.1 143.9C128 43.4 259.6 12.2 360.1 74.1c74.8 46.1 111.2 130.9 99.3 212.7-24.9-.5-179.3-3.6-230.3-4.9-55.5-1.4-81.7-20.8-58.5-48.2 23.2-27.4 51.1-40.7 68.9-51.2 17.9-10.5 27.3-33.7-23.6-29.7C87.3 161.5 48.6 252.1 37.6 293c-8.8-49.7-.1-102.7 28.5-149.1m-29.2-18c-71.9 116.6-35.6 269.3 81 341.2 116.6 71.9 269.3 35.6 341.2-80.9 71.9-116.6 35.6-269.4-81-341.2-40.5-25.1-85.5-37-129.9-37C165 8 83.8 49.9 36.9 125.9m244.4 110.4c-31.5 20.5-65.3 31.3-65.3 31.3l169.5-1.6 46.5-23.4s3.6-9.5-19.1-15.5c-22.7-6-57 11.3-86.7 27.2-29.7 15.8-31.1 8.2-31.1 8.2s40.2-28.1 50.7-34.5c10.5-6.4 31.9-14 13.4-24.6-3.2-1.8-6.7-2.7-10.4-2.7-17.8 0-41.5 18.7-67.5 35.6"],
- "joomla": [448, 512, [], "f1aa", "M.6 92.1C.6 58.8 27.4 32 60.4 32c30 0 54.5 21.9 59.2 50.2 32.6-7.6 67.1.6 96.5 30l-44.3 44.3c-20.5-20.5-42.6-16.3-55.4-3.5-14.3 14.3-14.3 37.9 0 52.2l99.5 99.5-44 44.3c-87.7-87.2-49.7-49.7-99.8-99.7-26.8-26.5-35-64.8-24.8-98.9C20.4 144.6.6 120.7.6 92.1zm129.5 116.4l44.3 44.3c10-10 89.7-89.7 99.7-99.8 14.3-14.3 37.6-14.3 51.9 0 12.8 12.8 17 35-3.5 55.4l44 44.3c31.2-31.2 38.5-67.6 28.9-101.2 29.2-4.1 51.9-29.2 51.9-59.5 0-33.2-26.8-60.1-59.8-60.1-30.3 0-55.4 22.5-59.5 51.6-33.8-9.9-71.7-1.5-98.3 25.1-18.3 19.1-71.1 71.5-99.6 99.9zm266.3 152.2c8.2-32.7-.9-68.5-26.3-93.9-11.8-12.2 5 4.7-99.5-99.7l-44.3 44.3 99.7 99.7c14.3 14.3 14.3 37.6 0 51.9-12.8 12.8-35 17-55.4-3.5l-44 44.3c27.6 30.2 68 38.8 102.7 28 5.5 27.4 29.7 48.1 58.9 48.1 33 0 59.8-26.8 59.8-60.1 0-30.2-22.5-55-51.6-59.1zm-84.3-53.1l-44-44.3c-87 86.4-50.4 50.4-99.7 99.8-14.3 14.3-37.6 14.3-51.9 0-13.1-13.4-16.9-35.3 3.2-55.4l-44-44.3c-30.2 30.2-38 65.2-29.5 98.3-26.7 6-46.2 29.9-46.2 58.2C0 453.2 26.8 480 59.8 480c28.6 0 52.5-19.8 58.6-46.7 32.7 8.2 68.5-.6 94.2-26 32.1-32 12.2-12.4 99.5-99.7z"],
- "js": [448, 512, [], "f3b8", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm243.8 349.4c0 43.6-25.6 63.5-62.9 63.5-33.7 0-53.2-17.4-63.2-38.5l34.3-20.7c6.6 11.7 12.6 21.6 27.1 21.6 13.8 0 22.6-5.4 22.6-26.5V237.7h42.1v143.7zm99.6 63.5c-39.1 0-64.4-18.6-76.7-43l34.3-19.8c9 14.7 20.8 25.6 41.5 25.6 17.4 0 28.6-8.7 28.6-20.8 0-14.4-11.4-19.5-30.7-28l-10.5-4.5c-30.4-12.9-50.5-29.2-50.5-63.5 0-31.6 24.1-55.6 61.6-55.6 26.8 0 46 9.3 59.8 33.7L368 290c-7.2-12.9-15-18-27.1-18-12.3 0-20.1 7.8-20.1 18 0 12.6 7.8 17.7 25.9 25.6l10.5 4.5c35.8 15.3 55.9 31 55.9 66.2 0 37.8-29.8 58.6-69.7 58.6z"],
- "js-square": [448, 512, [], "f3b9", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM243.8 381.4c0 43.6-25.6 63.5-62.9 63.5-33.7 0-53.2-17.4-63.2-38.5l34.3-20.7c6.6 11.7 12.6 21.6 27.1 21.6 13.8 0 22.6-5.4 22.6-26.5V237.7h42.1v143.7zm99.6 63.5c-39.1 0-64.4-18.6-76.7-43l34.3-19.8c9 14.7 20.8 25.6 41.5 25.6 17.4 0 28.6-8.7 28.6-20.8 0-14.4-11.4-19.5-30.7-28l-10.5-4.5c-30.4-12.9-50.5-29.2-50.5-63.5 0-31.6 24.1-55.6 61.6-55.6 26.8 0 46 9.3 59.8 33.7L368 290c-7.2-12.9-15-18-27.1-18-12.3 0-20.1 7.8-20.1 18 0 12.6 7.8 17.7 25.9 25.6l10.5 4.5c35.8 15.3 55.9 31 55.9 66.2 0 37.8-29.8 58.6-69.7 58.6z"],
- "jsfiddle": [576, 512, [], "f1cc", "M510.634 237.462c-4.727-2.621-5.664-5.748-6.381-10.776-2.352-16.488-3.539-33.619-9.097-49.095-35.895-99.957-153.99-143.386-246.849-91.646-27.37 15.25-48.971 36.369-65.493 63.903-3.184-1.508-5.458-2.71-7.824-3.686-30.102-12.421-59.049-10.121-85.331 9.167-25.531 18.737-36.422 44.548-32.676 76.408.355 3.025-1.967 7.621-4.514 9.545-39.712 29.992-56.031 78.065-41.902 124.615 13.831 45.569 57.514 79.796 105.608 81.433 30.291 1.031 60.637.546 90.959.539 84.041-.021 168.09.531 252.12-.48 52.664-.634 96.108-36.873 108.212-87.293 11.54-48.074-11.144-97.3-56.832-122.634zm21.107 156.88c-18.23 22.432-42.343 35.253-71.28 35.65-56.874.781-113.767.23-170.652.23 0 .7-163.028.159-163.728.154-43.861-.332-76.739-19.766-95.175-59.995-18.902-41.245-4.004-90.848 34.186-116.106 9.182-6.073 12.505-11.566 10.096-23.136-5.49-26.361 4.453-47.956 26.42-62.981 22.987-15.723 47.422-16.146 72.034-3.083 10.269 5.45 14.607 11.564 22.198-2.527 14.222-26.399 34.557-46.727 60.671-61.294 97.46-54.366 228.37 7.568 230.24 132.697.122 8.15 2.412 12.428 9.848 15.894 57.56 26.829 74.456 96.122 35.142 144.497zm-87.789-80.499c-5.848 31.157-34.622 55.096-66.666 55.095-16.953-.001-32.058-6.545-44.079-17.705-27.697-25.713-71.141-74.98-95.937-93.387-20.056-14.888-41.99-12.333-60.272 3.782-49.996 44.071 15.859 121.775 67.063 77.188 4.548-3.96 7.84-9.543 12.744-12.844 8.184-5.509 20.766-.884 13.168 10.622-17.358 26.284-49.33 38.197-78.863 29.301-28.897-8.704-48.84-35.968-48.626-70.179 1.225-22.485 12.364-43.06 35.414-55.965 22.575-12.638 46.369-13.146 66.991 2.474C295.68 280.7 320.467 323.97 352.185 343.47c24.558 15.099 54.254 7.363 68.823-17.506 28.83-49.209-34.592-105.016-78.868-63.46-3.989 3.744-6.917 8.932-11.41 11.72-10.975 6.811-17.333-4.113-12.809-10.353 20.703-28.554 50.464-40.44 83.271-28.214 31.429 11.714 49.108 44.366 42.76 78.186z"],
- "kaggle": [291, 512, [], "f5fa", "M291.72 508.98c-.51 2.01-2.51 3.01-6.01 3.01h-66.92c-4.02 0-7.51-1.75-10.52-5.27L97.74 366.14l-30.82 29.32v109.02c0 5.02-2.51 7.52-7.52 7.52H7.52C2.5 512 0 509.5 0 504.48V7.51C0 2.51 2.5 0 7.52 0H59.4c5.01 0 7.52 2.51 7.52 7.51v306l132.32-133.82c3.51-3.5 7.02-5.26 10.52-5.26h69.18c6.96 0 7.9 7.87 5.26 10.52L144.35 320.26l145.86 181.2"],
- "keybase": [412, 512, [], "f4f5", "M177.2 430.9c0 9.8-8 17.8-17.8 17.8s-17.8-8-17.8-17.8 8-17.8 17.8-17.8c9.8-.1 17.8 7.9 17.8 17.8zM270 413c-9.8 0-17.8 8-17.8 17.8s8 17.8 17.8 17.8 17.8-8 17.8-17.8-8-17.8-17.8-17.8zm142.3-36c0 38.9-7.6 73.9-22.2 103h-27.3c23.5-38.7 30.5-94.8 22.4-134.3-16.1 29.5-52.1 38.6-85.9 28.8-127.8-37.5-192.5 19.7-234.6 50.3l18.9-59.3-39.9 42.3c4.8 26.7 15.7 51.3 31.2 72.3H46.1c-9.7-15.8-17.2-33-22.2-51.3L.1 454c0-74.9-5.5-147.6 61.5-215.2 20.2-20.4 43.7-36.2 69.1-46.7-6.8-13.5-9.5-29.2-7.8-46l-19.9-1.2c-17.9-1.1-31.6-16.5-30.6-34.4v-.1L74 84.2c1.1-17.1 15.4-30.6 32.5-30.6 1.3 0-.3-.1 28.2 1.7 13.9.8 21.5 9.8 22.8 11.4 7.1-10.4 14.5-20.5 24.6-34.5l20.6 12.1c-13.6 29-9.1 36.2-9 36.3 3.9 0 13.9-.5 32.4 5.7C246 92.9 262 107 271 126c.4.9 15.5 29 1.2 62.6 19 6.1 51.3 19.9 82.4 51.8 36.6 37.6 57.7 87.4 57.7 136.6zM128 122.3c3.2-10 7.7-19.7 13.1-29.4.1-2 2.2-13.1-7.8-13.8-28.5-1.8-26.3-1.6-26.7-1.6-4.6 0-8.3 3.5-8.6 8.1l-1.6 26.2c-.3 4.7 3.4 8.8 8.1 9.1l23.5 1.4zm25.8 61.8c5.6 9.4 14.1 16.1 22.3 20 0-21.2 28.5-41.9 52.8-17.5l8.4 10.3c20.8-18.8 19.4-45.3 12.1-60.9-13.8-29.1-46.9-32-54.3-31.7-10.3.4-19.7-5.4-23.7-15.3-13.7 21.2-37.2 62.5-17.6 95.1zm82.9 68.4L217 268.6c-1.9 1.6-2.2 4.4-.6 6.3l8.9 10.9c1 1.2 3.8 2.7 6.3.6l19.6-16 5.5 6.8c4.9 6 13.8-1.4 9-7.3-63.6-78.3-41.5-51.1-55.3-68.1-4.7-6-13.9 1.4-9 7.3 1.9 2.3 18.4 22.6 19.8 24.3l-9.6 7.9c-4.6 3.8 2.6 13.3 7.4 9.4l9.7-8 8 9.8zm118.4 25.7c-16.9-23.7-42.6-46.7-73.4-60.4-7.9-3.5-15-6.1-22.9-8.6-2 2.2-4.1 4.3-6.4 6.2l31.9 39.2c10.4 12.7 8.5 31.5-4.2 41.9-1.3 1.1-13.1 10.7-29 4.9-2.9 2.3-10.1 9.9-22.2 9.9-8.6 0-16.6-3.8-22.1-10.5l-8.9-10.9c-6.3-7.8-7.9-17.9-5-26.8-8.2-9.9-8.3-21.3-4.6-30-7.2-1.3-26.7-6.2-42.7-21.4-55.8 20.7-88 64.4-101.3 91.2-14.9 30.2-18.8 60.9-19.9 90.2 8.2-8.7-3.9 4.1 114-120.9l-29.9 93.6c57.8-31.1 124-36 197.4-14.4 23.6 6.9 45.1 1.6 56-13.9 11.1-15.6 8.5-37.7-6.8-59.3zM110.6 107.3l15.6 1 1-15.6-15.6-1-1 15.6z"],
- "keycdn": [512, 512, [], "f3ba", "M63.8 409.3l60.5-59c32.1 42.8 71.1 66 126.6 67.4 30.5.7 60.3-7 86.4-22.4 5.1 5.3 18.5 19.5 20.9 22-32.2 20.7-69.6 31.1-108.1 30.2-43.3-1.1-84.6-16.7-117.7-44.4.3-.6-38.2 37.5-38.6 37.9 9.5 29.8-13.1 62.4-46.3 62.4C20.7 503.3 0 481.7 0 454.9c0-34.3 33.1-56.6 63.8-45.6zm354.9-252.4c19.1 31.3 29.6 67.4 28.7 104-1.1 44.8-19 87.5-48.6 121 .3.3 23.8 25.2 24.1 25.5 9.6-1.3 19.2 2 25.9 9.1 11.3 12 10.9 30.9-1.1 42.4-12 11.3-30.9 10.9-42.4-1.1-6.7-7-9.4-16.8-7.6-26.3-24.9-26.6-44.4-47.2-44.4-47.2 42.7-34.1 63.3-79.6 64.4-124.2.7-28.9-7.2-57.2-21.1-82.2l22.1-21zM104 53.1c6.7 7 9.4 16.8 7.6 26.3l45.9 48.1c-4.7 3.8-13.3 10.4-22.8 21.3-25.4 28.5-39.6 64.8-40.7 102.9-.7 28.9 6.1 57.2 20 82.4l-22 21.5C72.7 324 63.1 287.9 64.2 250.9c1-44.6 18.3-87.6 47.5-121.1l-25.3-26.4c-9.6 1.3-19.2-2-25.9-9.1-11.3-12-10.9-30.9 1.1-42.4C73.5 40.7 92.2 41 104 53.1zM464.9 8c26 0 47.1 22.4 47.1 48.3S490.9 104 464.9 104c-6.3.1-14-1.1-15.9-1.8l-62.9 59.7c-32.7-43.6-76.7-65.9-126.9-67.2-30.5-.7-60.3 6.8-86.2 22.4l-21.1-22C184.1 74.3 221.5 64 260 64.9c43.3 1.1 84.6 16.7 117.7 44.6l41.1-38.6c-1.5-4.7-2.2-9.6-2.2-14.5C416.5 29.7 438.9 8 464.9 8zM256.7 113.4c5.5 0 10.9.4 16.4 1.1 78.1 9.8 133.4 81.1 123.8 159.1-9.8 78.1-81.1 133.4-159.1 123.8-78.1-9.8-133.4-81.1-123.8-159.2 9.3-72.4 70.1-124.6 142.7-124.8zm-59 119.4c.6 22.7 12.2 41.8 32.4 52.2l-11 51.7h73.7l-11-51.7c20.1-10.9 32.1-29 32.4-52.2-.4-32.8-25.8-57.5-58.3-58.3-32.1.8-57.3 24.8-58.2 58.3zM256 160"],
- "kickstarter": [448, 512, [], "f3bb", "M400 480H48c-26.4 0-48-21.6-48-48V80c0-26.4 21.6-48 48-48h352c26.4 0 48 21.6 48 48v352c0 26.4-21.6 48-48 48zM199.6 178.5c0-30.7-17.6-45.1-39.7-45.1-25.8 0-40 19.8-40 44.5v154.8c0 25.8 13.7 45.6 40.5 45.6 21.5 0 39.2-14 39.2-45.6v-41.8l60.6 75.7c12.3 14.9 39 16.8 55.8 0 14.6-15.1 14.8-36.8 4-50.4l-49.1-62.8 40.5-58.7c9.4-13.5 9.5-34.5-5.6-49.1-16.4-15.9-44.6-17.3-61.4 7l-44.8 64.7v-38.8z"],
- "kickstarter-k": [384, 512, [], "f3bc", "M147.3 114.4c0-56.2-32.5-82.4-73.4-82.4C26.2 32 0 68.2 0 113.4v283c0 47.3 25.3 83.4 74.9 83.4 39.8 0 72.4-25.6 72.4-83.4v-76.5l112.1 138.3c22.7 27.2 72.1 30.7 103.2 0 27-27.6 27.3-67.4 7.4-92.2l-90.8-114.8 74.9-107.4c17.4-24.7 17.5-63.1-10.4-89.8-30.3-29-82.4-31.6-113.6 12.8L147.3 185v-70.6z"],
- "korvue": [446, 512, [], "f42f", "M386.5 34h-327C26.8 34 0 60.8 0 93.5v327.1C0 453.2 26.8 480 59.5 480h327.1c33 0 59.5-26.8 59.5-59.5v-327C446 60.8 419.2 34 386.5 34zM87.1 120.8h96v116l61.8-116h110.9l-81.2 132H87.1v-132zm161.8 272.1l-65.7-113.6v113.6h-96V262.1h191.5l88.6 130.8H248.9z"],
- "laravel": [640, 512, [], "f3bd", "M637.5 241.6c-4.2-4.8-62.8-78.1-73.1-90.5-10.3-12.4-15.4-10.2-21.7-9.3-6.4.9-80.5 13.4-89.1 14.8-8.6 1.5-14 4.9-8.7 12.3 4.7 6.6 53.4 75.7 64.2 90.9l-193.7 46.4L161.2 48.7c-6.1-9.1-7.4-12.3-21.4-11.6-14 .6-120.9 9.5-128.5 10.2-7.6.6-16 4-8.4 22s129 279.6 132.4 287.2c3.4 7.6 12.2 20 32.8 15 21.1-5.1 94.3-24.2 134.3-34.7 21.1 38.3 64.2 115.9 72.2 127 10.6 14.9 18 12.4 34.3 7.4 12.8-3.9 199.6-71.1 208-74.5 8.4-3.5 13.6-5.9 7.9-14.4-4.2-6.2-53.5-72.2-79.3-106.8 17.7-4.7 80.6-21.4 87.3-23.3 7.9-2 9-5.8 4.7-10.6zm-352.2 72c-2.3.5-110.8 26.5-116.6 27.8-5.8 1.3-5.8.7-6.5-1.3-.7-2-129-266.7-130.8-270-1.8-3.3-1.7-5.9 0-5.9s102.5-9 106-9.2c3.6-.2 3.2.6 4.5 2.8 0 0 142.2 245.4 144.6 249.7 2.6 4.3 1.1 5.6-1.2 6.1zm306 57.4c1.7 2.7 3.5 4.5-2 6.4-5.4 2-183.7 62.1-187.1 63.6-3.5 1.5-6.2 2-10.6-4.5s-62.4-106.8-62.4-106.8L518 280.6c4.7-1.5 6.2-2.5 9.2 2.2 2.9 4.8 62.4 85.5 64.1 88.2zm12.1-134.1c-4.2.9-73.6 18.1-73.6 18.1l-56.7-77.8c-1.6-2.3-2.9-4.5 1.1-5s68.4-12.2 71.3-12.8c2.9-.7 5.4-1.5 9 3.4 3.6 4.9 52.6 67 54.5 69.4 1.8 2.3-1.4 3.7-5.6 4.7z"],
- "lastfm": [512, 512, [], "f202", "M225.8 367.1l-18.8-51s-30.5 34-76.2 34c-40.5 0-69.2-35.2-69.2-91.5 0-72.1 36.4-97.9 72.1-97.9 66.5 0 74.8 53.3 100.9 134.9 18.8 56.9 54 102.6 155.4 102.6 72.7 0 122-22.3 122-80.9 0-72.9-62.7-80.6-115-92.1-25.8-5.9-33.4-16.4-33.4-34 0-19.9 15.8-31.7 41.6-31.7 28.2 0 43.4 10.6 45.7 35.8l58.6-7c-4.7-52.8-41.1-74.5-100.9-74.5-52.8 0-104.4 19.9-104.4 83.9 0 39.9 19.4 65.1 68 76.8 44.9 10.6 79.8 13.8 79.8 45.7 0 21.7-21.1 30.5-61 30.5-59.2 0-83.9-31.1-97.9-73.9-32-96.8-43.6-163-161.3-163C45.7 113.8 0 168.3 0 261c0 89.1 45.7 137.2 127.9 137.2 66.2 0 97.9-31.1 97.9-31.1z"],
- "lastfm-square": [448, 512, [], "f203", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-92.2 312.9c-63.4 0-85.4-28.6-97.1-64.1-16.3-51-21.5-84.3-63-84.3-22.4 0-45.1 16.1-45.1 61.2 0 35.2 18 57.2 43.3 57.2 28.6 0 47.6-21.3 47.6-21.3l11.7 31.9s-19.8 19.4-61.2 19.4c-51.3 0-79.9-30.1-79.9-85.8 0-57.9 28.6-92 82.5-92 73.5 0 80.8 41.4 100.8 101.9 8.8 26.8 24.2 46.2 61.2 46.2 24.9 0 38.1-5.5 38.1-19.1 0-19.9-21.8-22-49.9-28.6-30.4-7.3-42.5-23.1-42.5-48 0-40 32.3-52.4 65.2-52.4 37.4 0 60.1 13.6 63 46.6l-36.7 4.4c-1.5-15.8-11-22.4-28.6-22.4-16.1 0-26 7.3-26 19.8 0 11 4.8 17.6 20.9 21.3 32.7 7.1 71.8 12 71.8 57.5.1 36.7-30.7 50.6-76.1 50.6z"],
- "leanpub": [576, 512, [], "f212", "M386.539 111.485l15.096 248.955-10.979-.275c-36.232-.824-71.64 8.783-102.657 27.997-31.016-19.214-66.424-27.997-102.657-27.997-45.564 0-82.07 10.705-123.516 27.723L93.117 129.6c28.546-11.803 61.484-18.115 92.226-18.115 41.173 0 73.836 13.175 102.657 42.544 27.723-28.271 59.013-41.721 98.539-42.544zM569.07 448c-25.526 0-47.485-5.215-70.542-15.645-34.31-15.645-69.993-24.978-107.871-24.978-38.977 0-74.934 12.901-102.657 40.623-27.723-27.723-63.68-40.623-102.657-40.623-37.878 0-73.561 9.333-107.871 24.978C55.239 442.236 32.731 448 8.303 448H6.93L49.475 98.859C88.726 76.626 136.486 64 181.775 64 218.83 64 256.984 71.685 288 93.095 319.016 71.685 357.17 64 394.225 64c45.289 0 93.049 12.626 132.3 34.859L569.07 448zm-43.368-44.741l-34.036-280.246c-30.742-13.999-67.248-21.41-101.009-21.41-38.428 0-74.385 12.077-102.657 38.702-28.272-26.625-64.228-38.702-102.657-38.702-33.761 0-70.267 7.411-101.009 21.41L50.298 403.259c47.211-19.487 82.894-33.486 135.045-33.486 37.604 0 70.817 9.606 102.657 29.644 31.84-20.038 65.052-29.644 102.657-29.644 52.151 0 87.834 13.999 135.045 33.486z"],
- "less": [640, 512, [], "f41d", "M612.7 219c0-20.5 3.2-32.6 3.2-54.6 0-34.2-12.6-45.2-40.5-45.2h-20.5v24.2h6.3c14.2 0 17.3 4.7 17.3 22.1 0 16.3-1.6 32.6-1.6 51.5 0 24.2 7.9 33.6 23.6 37.3v1.6c-15.8 3.7-23.6 13.1-23.6 37.3 0 18.9 1.6 34.2 1.6 51.5 0 17.9-3.7 22.6-17.3 22.6v.5h-6.3V393h20.5c27.8 0 40.5-11 40.5-45.2 0-22.6-3.2-34.2-3.2-54.6 0-11 6.8-22.6 27.3-23.6v-27.3c-20.5-.7-27.3-12.3-27.3-23.3zm-105.6 32c-15.8-6.3-30.5-10-30.5-20.5 0-7.9 6.3-12.6 17.9-12.6s22.1 4.7 33.6 13.1l21-27.8c-13.1-10-31-20.5-55.2-20.5-35.7 0-59.9 20.5-59.9 49.4 0 25.7 22.6 38.9 41.5 46.2 16.3 6.3 32.1 11.6 32.1 22.1 0 7.9-6.3 13.1-20.5 13.1-13.1 0-26.3-5.3-40.5-16.3l-21 30.5c15.8 13.1 39.9 22.1 59.9 22.1 42 0 64.6-22.1 64.6-51s-22.5-41-43-47.8zm-358.9 59.4c-3.7 0-8.4-3.2-8.4-13.1V119.1H65.2c-28.4 0-41 11-41 45.2 0 22.6 3.2 35.2 3.2 54.6 0 11-6.8 22.6-27.3 23.6v27.3c20.5.5 27.3 12.1 27.3 23.1 0 19.4-3.2 31-3.2 53.6 0 34.2 12.6 45.2 40.5 45.2h20.5v-24.2h-6.3c-13.1 0-17.3-5.3-17.3-22.6s1.6-32.1 1.6-51.5c0-24.2-7.9-33.6-23.6-37.3v-1.6c15.8-3.7 23.6-13.1 23.6-37.3 0-18.9-1.6-34.2-1.6-51.5s3.7-22.1 17.3-22.1H93v150.8c0 32.1 11 53.1 43.1 53.1 10 0 17.9-1.6 23.6-3.7l-5.3-34.2c-3.1.8-4.6.8-6.2.8zM379.9 251c-16.3-6.3-31-10-31-20.5 0-7.9 6.3-12.6 17.9-12.6 11.6 0 22.1 4.7 33.6 13.1l21-27.8c-13.1-10-31-20.5-55.2-20.5-35.7 0-59.9 20.5-59.9 49.4 0 25.7 22.6 38.9 41.5 46.2 16.3 6.3 32.1 11.6 32.1 22.1 0 7.9-6.3 13.1-20.5 13.1-13.1 0-26.3-5.3-40.5-16.3l-20.5 30.5c15.8 13.1 39.9 22.1 59.9 22.1 42 0 64.6-22.1 64.6-51 .1-28.9-22.5-41-43-47.8zm-155-68.8c-38.4 0-75.1 32.1-74.1 82.5 0 52 34.2 82.5 79.3 82.5 18.9 0 39.9-6.8 56.2-17.9l-15.8-27.8c-11.6 6.8-22.6 10-34.2 10-21 0-37.3-10-41.5-34.2H290c.5-3.7 1.6-11 1.6-19.4.6-42.6-22.6-75.7-66.7-75.7zm-30 66.2c3.2-21 15.8-31 30.5-31 18.9 0 26.3 13.1 26.3 31h-56.8z"],
- "line": [448, 512, [], "f3c0", "M272.1 204.2v71.1c0 1.8-1.4 3.2-3.2 3.2h-11.4c-1.1 0-2.1-.6-2.6-1.3l-32.6-44v42.2c0 1.8-1.4 3.2-3.2 3.2h-11.4c-1.8 0-3.2-1.4-3.2-3.2v-71.1c0-1.8 1.4-3.2 3.2-3.2H219c1 0 2.1.5 2.6 1.4l32.6 44v-42.2c0-1.8 1.4-3.2 3.2-3.2h11.4c1.8-.1 3.3 1.4 3.3 3.1zm-82-3.2h-11.4c-1.8 0-3.2 1.4-3.2 3.2v71.1c0 1.8 1.4 3.2 3.2 3.2h11.4c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2v-71.1c0-1.7-1.4-3.2-3.2-3.2zm-27.5 59.6h-31.1v-56.4c0-1.8-1.4-3.2-3.2-3.2h-11.4c-1.8 0-3.2 1.4-3.2 3.2v71.1c0 .9.3 1.6.9 1.3.9 2.2.9h45.7c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2v-11.4c0-1.7-1.4-3.2-3.1-3.2zM332.1 201h-45.7c-1.7 0-3.2 1.4-3.2 3.2v71.1c0 1.7 1.4 3.2 3.2 3.2h45.7c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2v-11.4c0-1.8-1.4-3.2-3.2-3.2H301v-12h31.1c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2V234c0-1.8-1.4-3.2-3.2-3.2H301v-12h31.1c1.8 0 3.2-1.4 3.2-3.2v-11.4c-.1-1.7-1.5-3.2-3.2-3.2zM448 113.7V399c-.1 44.8-36.8 81.1-81.7 81H81c-44.8-.1-81.1-36.9-81-81.7V113c.1-44.8 36.9-81.1 81.7-81H367c44.8.1 81.1 36.8 81 81.7zm-61.6 122.6c0-73-73.2-132.4-163.1-132.4-89.9 0-163.1 59.4-163.1 132.4 0 65.4 58 120.2 136.4 130.6 19.1 4.1 16.9 11.1 12.6 36.8-.7 4.1-3.3 16.1 14.1 8.8 17.4-7.3 93.9-55.3 128.2-94.7 23.6-26 34.9-52.3 34.9-81.5z"],
- "linkedin": [448, 512, [], "f08c", "M416 32H31.9C14.3 32 0 46.5 0 64.3v383.4C0 465.5 14.3 480 31.9 480H416c17.6 0 32-14.5 32-32.3V64.3c0-17.8-14.4-32.3-32-32.3zM135.4 416H69V202.2h66.5V416zm-33.2-243c-21.3 0-38.5-17.3-38.5-38.5S80.9 96 102.2 96c21.2 0 38.5 17.3 38.5 38.5 0 21.3-17.2 38.5-38.5 38.5zm282.1 243h-66.4V312c0-24.8-.5-56.7-34.5-56.7-34.6 0-39.9 27-39.9 54.9V416h-66.4V202.2h63.7v29.2h.9c8.9-16.8 30.6-34.5 62.9-34.5 67.2 0 79.7 44.3 79.7 101.9V416z"],
- "linkedin-in": [448, 512, [], "f0e1", "M100.3 480H7.4V180.9h92.9V480zM53.8 140.1C24.1 140.1 0 115.5 0 85.8 0 56.1 24.1 32 53.8 32c29.7 0 53.8 24.1 53.8 53.8 0 29.7-24.1 54.3-53.8 54.3zM448 480h-92.7V334.4c0-34.7-.7-79.2-48.3-79.2-48.3 0-55.7 37.7-55.7 76.7V480h-92.8V180.9h89.1v40.8h1.3c12.4-23.5 42.7-48.3 87.9-48.3 94 0 111.3 61.9 111.3 142.3V480z"],
- "linode": [448, 512, [], "f2b8", "M437.4 226.3c-.3-.9-.9-1.4-1.4-2l-70-38.6c-.9-.6-2-.6-3.1 0l-58.9 36c-.9.6-1.4 1.7-1.4 2.6l-.9 31.4-24-16c-.9-.6-2.3-.6-3.1 0L240 260.9l-1.4-35.1c0-.9-.6-2-1.4-2.3l-36-24.3 33.7-17.4c1.1-.6 1.7-1.7 1.7-2.9l-5.7-132.3c0-.9-.9-2-1.7-2.6L138.6.3c-.9-.3-1.7-.3-2.3-.3L12.6 38.6c-1.4.6-2.3 2-2 3.7L38 175.4c.9 3.4 34 27.4 38.6 30.9l-26.9 12.9c-1.4.9-2 2.3-1.7 3.4l20.6 100.3c.6 2.9 23.7 23.1 27.1 26.3l-17.4 10.6c-.9.6-1.7 2-1.4 3.1 1.4 7.1 15.4 77.7 16.9 79.1l65.1 69.1c.6.6 1.4.6 0 1.1-.3 1.7-.6l83.7-66.9c.9-.6 1.1-1.4 1.1-2.3l-2-46 28 23.7c1.1.9 2.9.9 4 0l66.9-53.4c.9-.6 1.1-1.4 1.1-2.3l2.3-33.4 20.3 14c1.1.9 2.6.9 3.7 0l54.6-43.7c.6-.3 1.1-1.1 1.1-2 .9-6.5 10.3-70.8 9.7-72.8zm-204.8 4.8l4 92.6-90.6 61.2-14-96.6 100.6-57.2zm-7.7-180l5.4 126-106.6 55.4L104 97.7l120.9-46.6zM44 173.1L18 48l79.7 49.4 19.4 132.9L44 173.1zm30.6 147.8L55.7 230l70 58.3 13.7 93.4-64.8-60.8zm24.3 117.7l-13.7-67.1 61.7 60.9 9.7 67.4-57.7-61.2zm64.5 64.5l-10.6-70.9 85.7-61.4 3.1 70-78.2 62.3zm82-115.1c0-3.4.9-22.9-2-25.1l-24.3-20 22.3-14.9c2.3-1.7 1.1-5.7 1.1-8l29.4 22.6.6 68.3-27.1-22.9zm94.3-25.4l-60.9 48.6-.6-68.6 65.7-46.9-4.2 66.9zm27.7-25.7l-19.1-13.4 2-34c.3-.9-.3-2-1.1-2.6L308 259.7l.6-30 64.6 40.6-5.8 66.6zm54.6-39.8l-48.3 38.3 5.7-65.1 51.1-36.6-8.5 63.4z"],
- "linux": [448, 512, [], "f17c", "M196.1 123.6c-.2-1.4 1.9-2.3 3.2-2.9 1.7-.7 3.9-1 5.5-. 1.1-.4 1.2-2.4 1-3.5 1.6-1 .5-1.8 1.7-3 1.7-1 .1-2.7-.4-2.8-1.4zm24.7-.3c1 .5 1.8 1.7 3 1.7 1.1 0 2.8-.4 2.9-1.5.2-1.4-1.9-2.3-3.2-2.9-1.7-.7-3.9-1-5.5-.1-.4.2-.8.7-.6 1.1.3 1.3 2.3 1.1 3.4 1.7zm214.7 310.2c-.5 8.2-6.5 13.8-13.9 18.3-14.9 9-37.3 15.8-50.9 32.2l-2.6-2.2 2.6 2.2c-14.2 16.9-31.7 26.6-48.3 27.9-16.5 1.3-32-6.3-40.3-23v-.1c-1.1-2.1-1.9-4.4-2.5-6.7-21.5 1.2-40.2-5.3-55.1-4.1-22 1.2-35.8 6.5-48.3 6.6-4.8 10.6-14.3 17.6-25.9 20.2-16 3.7-36.1 0-55.9-10.4l1.6-3-1.6 3c-18.5-9.8-42-8.9-59.3-12.5-8.7-1.8-16.3-5-20.1-12.3-3.7-7.3-3-17.3 2.2-31.7 1.7-5.1.4-12.7-.8-20.8-.6-3.9-1.2-7.9-1.2-11.8 0-4.3.7-8.5 2.8-12.4 4.5-8.5 11.8-12.1 18.5-14.5 6.7-2.4 12.8-4 17-8.3 5.2-5.5 10.1-14.4 16.6-20.2-2.6-17.2.2-35.4 6.2-53.3 12.6-37.9 39.2-74.2 58.1-96.7 16.1-22.9 20.8-41.3 22.5-64.7C158 103.4 132.4-.2 234.8 0c80.9.1 76.3 85.4 75.8 131.3-.3 30.1 16.3 50.5 33.4 72 15.2 18 35.1 44.3 46.5 74.4 9.3 24.6 12.9 51.8 3.7 79.1 1.4.5 2.8 1.2 4.1 2 1.4.8 2.7 1.8 4 2.9 6.6 5.6 8.7 14.3 10.5 22.4 1.9 8.1 3.6 15.7 7.2 19.7 11.1 12.4 15.9 21.5 15.5 29.7zM220.8 109.1c3.6.9 8.9 2.4 13 4.4-2.1-12.2 4.5-23.5 11.8-23 8.9.3 13.9 15.5 9.1 27.3-.8 1.9-2.8 3.4-3.9 4.6 6.7 2.3 11 4.1 12.6 4.9 7.9-9.5 10.8-26.2 4.3-40.4-9.8-21.4-34.2-21.8-44 .4-3.2 7.2-3.9 14.9-2.9 21.8zm-46.2 18.8c7.8-5.7 6.9-4.7 5.9-5.5-8-6.9-6.6-27.4 1.8-28.1 6.3-.5 10.8 10.7 9.6 19.6 3.1-2.1 6.7-3.6 10.2-4.6 1.7-19.3-9-33.5-19.1-33.5-18.9 0-24 37.5-8.4 52.1zm-9.4 20.9c1.5 4.9 6.1 10.5 14.7 15.3 7.8 4.6 12 11.5 20 15 2.6 1.1 5.7 1.9 9.6 2.1 18.4 1.1 27.1-11.3 38.2-14.9 11.7-3.7 20.1-11 22.7-18.1 3.2-8.5-2.1-14.7-10.5-18.2-11.3-4.9-16.3-5.2-22.6-9.3-10.3-6.6-18.8-8.9-25.9-8.9-14.4 0-23.2 9.8-27.9 14.2-.5.5-7.9 5.9-14.1 10.5-4.2 3.3-5.6 7.4-4.2 12.3zm-33.5 252.8L112.1 366c-6.8-9.2-13.8-14.8-21.9-16-7.7-1.2-12.6 1.4-17.7 6.9-4.8 5.1-8.8 12.3-14.3 18-7.8 6.5-9.3 6.2-19.6 9.9-6.3 2.2-11.3 4.6-14.8 11.3-2.7 5-2.1 12.2-.9 20 1.2 7.9 3 16.3.6 23.9v.2c-5 13.7-5 21.7-2.6 26.4 7.9 15.4 46.6 6.1 76.5 21.9 31.4 16.4 72.6 17.1 75.3-18 2.1-20.5-31.5-49-41-68.9zm153.9 35.8c3.2-11 6.3-21.3 6.8-29 .8-15.2 1.6-28.7 4.4-39.9 3.1-12.6 9.3-23.1 21.4-27.3 2.3-21.1 18.7-21.1 38.3-12.5 18.9 8.5 26 16 22.8 26.1 1 0 2-.1 4.2 0 5.2-16.9-14.3-28-30.7-34.8 2.9-12 2.4-24.1-.4-35.7-6-25.3-22.6-47.8-35.2-59-2.3-.1-2.1 1.9 2.6 6.5 11.6 10.7 37.1 49.2 23.3 84.9-3.9-1-7.6-1.5-10.9-1.4-5.3-29.1-17.5-53.2-23.6-64.6-11.5-21.4-29.5-65.3-37.2-95.7-4.5 6.4-12.4 11.9-22.3 15-4.7 1.5-9.7 5.5-15.9 9-13.9 8-30 8.8-42.4-1.2-4.5-3.6-8-7.6-12.6-10.3-1.6-.9-5.1-3.3-6.2-4.1-2 37.8-27.3 85.3-39.3 112.7-8.3 19.7-13.2 40.8-13.8 61.5-21.8-29.1-5.9-66.3 2.6-82.4 9.5-17.6 11-22.5 8.7-20.8-8.6 14-22 36.3-27.2 59.2-2.7 11.9-3.2 24 .3 35.2 3.5 11.2 11.1 21.5 24.6 29.9 0 0 24.8 14.3 38.3 32.5 7.4 10 9.7 18.7 7.4 24.9-2.5 6.7-9.6 8.9-16.7 8.9 4.8 6 10.3 13 14.4 19.6 37.6 25.7 82.2 15.7 114.3-7.2zM415 408.5c-10-11.3-7.2-33.1-17.1-41.6-6.9-6-13.6-5.4-22.6-5.1-7.7 8.8-25.8 19.6-38.4 16.3-11.5-2.9-18-16.3-18.8-29.5-.3.2-.7.3-1 .5-7.1 3.9-11.1 10.8-13.7 21.1-2.5 10.2-3.4 23.5-4.2 38.7-.7 11.8-6.2 26.4-9.9 40.6-3.5 13.2-5.8 25.2-1.1 36.3 7.2 14.5 19.5 20.4 33.7 19.3 14.2-1.1 30.4-9.8 43.6-25.5 22-26.6 62.3-29.7 63.2-46.5.3-5.1-3.1-13-13.7-24.6zM173.3 148.7c2 1.9 4.7 4.5 8 7.1 6.6 5.2 15.8 10.6 27.3 10.6 11.6 0 22.5-5.9 31.8-10.8 4.9-2.6 10.9-7 14.8-10.4 3.9-3.4 5.9-6.3 3.1-6.6-2.8-.3-2.6 2.6-6 5.1-4.4 3.2-9.7 7.4-13.9 9.8-7.4 4.2-19.5 10.2-29.9 10.2-10.4 0-18.7-4.8-24.9-9.7-3.1-2.5-5.7-5-7.7-6.9-1.5-1.4-1.9-4.6-4.3-4.9-1.4-.1-1.8 3.7 1.7 6.5z"],
- "lyft": [512, 512, [], "f3c3", "M0 81.1h77.8v208.7c0 33.1 15 52.8 27.2 61-12.7 11.1-51.2 20.9-80.2-2.8C7.8 334 0 310.7 0 289V81.1zm485.9 173.5v-22h23.8v-76.8h-26.1c-10.1-46.3-51.2-80.7-100.3-80.7-56.6 0-102.7 46-102.7 102.7V357c16 2.3 35.4-.3 51.7-14 17.1-14 24.8-37.2 24.8-59v-6.7h38.8v-76.8h-38.8v-23.3c0-34.6 52.2-34.6 52.2 0v77.1c0 56.6 46 102.7 102.7 102.7v-76.5c-14.5 0-26.1-11.7-26.1-25.9zm-294.3-99v113c0 15.4-23.8 15.4-23.8 0v-113H91v132.7c0 23.8 8 54 45 63.9 37 9.8 58.2-10.6 58.2-10.6-2.1 13.4-14.5 23.3-34.9 25.3-15.5 1.6-35.2-3.6-45-7.8v70.3c25.1 7.5 51.5 9.8 77.6 4.7 47.1-9.1 76.8-48.4 76.8-100.8V155.1h-77.1v.5z"],
- "magento": [448, 512, [], "f3c4", "M445.7 127.9V384l-63.4 36.5V164.7L223.8 73.1 65.2 164.7l.4 255.9L2.3 384V128.1L224.2 0l221.5 127.9zM255.6 420.5L224 438.9l-31.8-18.2v-256l-63.3 36.6.1 255.9 94.9 54.9 95.1-54.9v-256l-63.4-36.6v255.9z"],
- "mailchimp": [428, 512, [], "f59e", "M426.56 323.72c-3.09-6.59-8.97-11.13-16.35-12.88-2.47-11.27-5.88-16.8-6.19-17.63 1.3-1.48 2.56-2.97 2.84-3.32 10.42-12.93 3.62-31.86-14.19-36.33-10.02-9.64-19.09-14.17-26.54-17.9-7.14-3.57-4.29-2.17-10.99-5.19-1.78-8.71-2.37-28.97-5.2-43.19-2.54-12.79-7.66-22.06-15.56-28.15-3.16-6.84-7.59-13.74-12.93-18.81 24.84-38.08 31.38-75.69 13.19-95.39-8.1-8.77-20.13-12.93-34.52-12.93-20.26 0-45.18 8.26-70.34 23.54 0 0-16.38-13.18-16.73-13.46-70.08-55.19-268.28 188.7-198.32 242l18.06 13.8c-11.34 31.54 4.43 69.14 37.29 81.21 7.26 2.67 15.14 3.97 23.31 3.51 0 0 53.09 97.36 165.1 97.39 129.58.04 162.55-126.72 162.9-127.86 0 .01 10.5-15.51 5.17-28.41zM20.12 267.95c-14.2-23.96 10.51-73.19 28.09-101.17C91.66 97.63 163.98 43.06 196.82 50.85l9.03-3.46c.03.03 24.67 20.85 24.7 20.87 16.97-10.19 38.58-20.57 58.8-22.64-12.3 2.77-27.29 9.15-45.05 20.01-.43.25-42.02 28.32-67.43 53.52-13.85 13.73-69.45 80.41-69.4 80.35 10.16-19.23 16.86-28.67 32.94-48.9 9.1-11.44 18.81-22.57 28.74-32.84 4.61-4.77 9.28-9.36 13.95-13.71 3.21-2.99 6.44-5.87 9.65-8.62 1.48-1.27 2.96-2.5 4.43-3.71l.01-.01L164.6 64.8l1.72 12.06 23.69 20.87s-20.96 14.11-31.39 23.01c-41.79 35.66-82.8 90.4-98.06 143.69l.73-.03c-7.6 4.19-15.14 10.91-21.73 20.05-.16-.04-17.04-12.43-19.44-16.5zm69.11 100.09c-25.03 0-45.33-21.37-45.33-47.72 0-26.36 20.29-47.72 45.33-47.72 6.49 0 12.66 1.44 18.24 4.02 0 0 9.63 4.86 12.34 27.81 2.82-7.17 4.24-13.06 4.24-13.06 3.23 9.88 4.88 20.26 4.23 30.76 2.68-3.56 5.55-10.27 5.55-10.27 5 29.33-16.4 56.18-44.6 56.18zm55.8-168.53s19.49-37.06 62.33-61.57c-3.19-.51-10.99.48-12.36.64 7.78-6.69 22.24-11.16 32.23-13.19-2.92-1.86-9.89-2.33-13.34-2.42-1.02-.03-1.01-.02-2.22.03 9.4-5.25 26.82-8.34 42.65-5.55-1.99-2.64-6.5-4.57-9.67-5.51-.28-.08-1.52-.39-1.52-.39l1.19-.28c9.54-1.84 20.69.15 29.5 3.69-1-2.32-3.45-5.03-5.29-6.74-.19-.18-1.29-.97-1.29-.97 9.22 1.91 18.06 5.94 24.71 10.5-.9-1.75-3.14-4.69-4.69-6.29 8.81 2.52 18.71 8.81 22.95 1.03-16.7-12.84-65.44-9.2-114.24 22.42-22.33 14.48-38.71 30.32-51.34 46.78zm263.32 146.34c-.59 1.15-6.73 34.4-41.86 62.01-44.37 34.86-102.66 31.33-124.67 11.8-11.76-11-16.85-26.73-16.85-26.73s-1.33 8.87-1.56 12.35c-8.87-15.09-8.12-33.52-8.12-33.52s-4.73 8.83-6.9 13.77c-6.53-16.62-3.16-33.78-3.16-33.78l-5.16 7.7s-2.42-18.81 3.52-34.47c6.36-16.74 18.68-28.9 21.11-30.42-9.35-2.97-20.12-11.49-20.14-11.51 0 0 4.28.28 7.26-.4 0 0-18.9-13.54-22.22-34.26 2.74 3.38 8.49 7.21 8.49 7.21-1.86-5.42-2.99-17.49-1.25-29.36l.01-.01c3.58-22.68 22.27-37.45 43.44-37.27 22.54.2 37.65 4.93 56.55-12.5 4-3.69 7.19-6.87 12.81-8.11.59-.13 2.06-.75 5.07-.75 3.05 0 5.98.69 8.67 2.29 10.25 6.1 12.46 22.01 13.56 33.68 4.07 43.28 2.43 35.57 19.94 44.49 8.36 4.25 17.74 8.29 28.43 13.65 7.31 9.5 12.47-30.23 36.1-72.46 53.39-119.51 54.84-1.94.05-6.32.15-6.34.15-19.01.58-25.19 25.16-13.27 39.95 7.54 9.35 22.03 12.42 33.97 12.46l.17-.06c51.45 1.04 103.14-35.37 112.07-55.44.06-.15.61-1.42.61-1.42-2.07 2.43-52.18 49.61-113.08 47.9 0 0-6.66-.14-12.93-1.6-8.27-1.92-14.55-5.56-16.95-13.8 5.05 1.01 11.45 1.66 18.87 1.66 43.96 0 75.63-19.98 72.33-20.25-.13 0-.26.03-.48.08-5.13 1.19-57.97 21.66-91.37 11.16.08-1.02.24-2.01.48-2.9 2.97-9.95 8.25-8.56 16.79-8.93 30.48-1.01 55.07-8.68 73.5-17.43 19.65-9.33 34.63-21.35 40.03-27.42 7 11.79 6.96 26.92 6.96 26.92s2.74-.96 6.38-.96c11.38.01 13.73 10.23 5.09 20.6zm-149.29 13.7c0-.05-.01-.1-.01-. 0-2.02-.02.74-.02 1.42 0 1.46c0 .02 0 .04.01.06 0-.02 0-.04-.01-.06zm.02.12c.2 1.58.51 2.31.55 2.4-.23-.49-.42-1.34-.55-2.4zM193.96 59.68l2.87-8.83 4.88 17.72-6.03-1.95-1.72-6.94zm22.38 17.72l-3.62-12.59 9.97 8.36c-2.24 1.44-4.36 2.86-6.35 4.23zm42.71 281.94c-.01-.13-.01-.26-.02-. 0-2.02-.03.75-.03 1.42 0 2.02zm.02.6c0-.05-.01-.1-.01-.15m.13 1.46c0-.02 0-.04-.01-.06m.02.12c.2 1.58.51 2.31.55 2.4-.23-.49-.42-1.34-.55-2.4zm52.1-138.61c-.07-3.36.47-8.92 3.63-9.95h.01c5.41-1.88 12.58 11.98 12.91 24.28-4.28-2.14-9.3-3.05-14.47-2.6-1.3-3.97-1.92-7.7-2.08-11.73zM205.38 85.27l-13.59-11.38 20.57 6.28c-2.65 1.88-5 3.6-6.98 5.1zm27.7 166.94c-3.41 1.3-5.83 2.31-7 2.14-1.89-.28-.06-3.75 4.08-7.11 8.33-6.64 19.76-8.7 29.53-5.07 4.28 1.57 9.08 4.72 11.6 8.39.95 1.39 1.21 2.44.82 2.88-.77.9-3.51-.31-7.55-1.89-10.35-3.86-17.98-4.45-31.48.66zm14.55 14.53c-2.31.94-3.81 1.66-4.42 1.17-.62-.48-.01-2.42 2.15-4.51 1.88-1.81 3.83-2.83 6.07-3.77.35-.15.72-.28 1.1-.38 1.04-.28 2.09-.63 3.23-.8 9.12-1.55 15.8 3.51 14.93 4.98-.39.69-2.08.53-4.6.36-5.23-.36-10.71-.27-18.46 2.95zM60.86 323.12zm24.3-25.78c-1.85.39-.81.17-2.64.68a7 7 0 0 0-.77.25c-.58.27-1.11.45-1.62.73-.43.24-4.07 1.86-7.03 5.48-3.99 4.95-5.44 11.43-5.19 17.67.24 6.06 2.02 9.41 2.35 10.23 1.38 2.96-1.85 3.57-4.79.39l-.01-.01c-2.35-2.49-3.86-6.29-4.6-9.66-2.98-13.95 3.24-27.97 17.61-33.57.8-.32 1.74-.51 2.5-.73h-.01c1.47-.44 6.72-1.5 12.07-.67 5.87.91 11.04 3.85 14.33 7.67l.01.01c2.53 2.87 4.43 6.92 4.09 10.53v.01c-.13 1.5-.79 3.65-2.14 4.21-.5.21-1.01.1-1.36-.25-.98-.96-.22-2.93-2.6-6.3-3.17-4.47-10.31-8.76-20.2-6.67zm30.28 31.17c1.88 10.82-6 20.5-15.52 20.7-6.67.15-10.31-4.02-9.66-4.93.3-.43 1.32-.24 2.88-.01 8.5 1.32 13.66-3.86 14.9-9.29.02-.09.35-1.54.34-2.54.07-.88-.03-1.76-.16-2.56-1-5.62-7.45-6.68-11.6-11.15-3.72-4.04-2.99-9.22-.65-11.71 2.81-2.77 6.83-1.76 6.78-.78 0 .52-.97.91-2.17 1.74-1.56 1.1-1.77 2.16-1.37 3.98.26 1 .71 1.65 1.68 2.42 3.48 2.76 12.85 4.7 14.55 14.13zm212.87-81.47c2.58.4 4.22 3.59 3.67 7.13-.55 3.54-3.09 6.08-5.67 5.67-2.58-.4-4.22-3.59-3.67-7.13.56-3.53 3.09-6.07 5.67-5.67zm-28.33 10.31c1.42-2.59 5.44-3.11 8.99-1.16 3.55 1.94 5.27 5.62 3.86 8.2-1.42 2.59-5.44 3.11-8.99 1.16-3.55-1.94-5.28-5.61-3.86-8.2z"],
- "mandalorian": [390, 512, [], "f50f", "M203.28 511.89c-.98-3.26-1.69-15.83-1.39-24.58.55-15.89.98-24.72 1.4-28.76.64-6.2 2.87-20.72 3.28-21.38.6-.96.4-27.87-.24-33.13-.31-2.58-.63-11.9-.69-20.73-.13-16.47-.53-20.12-2.73-24.76-1.1-2.32-1.23-3.84-.99-11.43.16-4.81 0-10.53-.34-12.71-2.05-12.97-3.46-27.7-3.25-33.9.21-6.12.43-7.15 2.06-9.67 3.05-4.71 6.51-14.04 8.62-23.27 2.26-9.86 3.88-17.18 4.59-20.74.89-4.42 2.43-9.72 4.36-15.05 2.27-6.25 2.49-15.39.37-15.39-.3 0-1.38 1.22-2.41 2.71-1.03 1.49-4.76 4.8-8.29 7.36-8.37 6.08-11.7 9.39-12.66 12.58-.93 3.11-1.02 7.23-.16 1.29 2.4 2.11 4.88 1.62 4.88 1.87 10.12.72 15.36-.39 1.77-1.05 5.47-1.46 8.23-.41 2.76-.98 6.46-1.25 8.22-.28 1.76-.97 3.68-1.55 4.26-.96.96-1.14.91-2.05-.53-.55-.87-1.2-3.01-1.44-4.75-.25-1.74-1.63-7.11-3.08-11.93-3.28-10.9-3.52-16.15-.96-20.96.92-1.73 1.67-3.81 1.67-4.61 0-2.39-2.2-5.32-7.41-9.89-7.05-6.18-8.63-7.92-10.23-11.3-1.71-3.6-3.06-4.06-4.54-1.54-1.78 3.01-2.6 9.11-2.97 22.02l-.35 12.13 1.95 2.25c3.21 3.7 12.07 16.45 13.78 19.83 3.41 6.74 4.34 11.69 4.41 23.56.07 11.84.95 22.75 2 1.35.34 1.52-.17.17.41 2.09 1.29 4.27.88 2.18 1.81 6.22 2.06 8.98.25 2.76 1.02 7.43 1.71 10.37 2.23 9.56 2.77 14.08 2.39 20.14-.2 3.27-.53 11.07-.73 17.32-1.31 41.76-1.85 57.98-2.04 61.21-.12 2.02-.39 11.51-.6 21.07-.36 16.3-1.3 27.37-2.42 28.65-.64.73-8.07-4.91-12.52-9.49-3.75-3.87-4.02-4.79-2.83-9.95.7-3.01 2.26-18.29 3.33-32.62.36-4.78.81-10.5 1.01-12.71.83-9.37 1.66-20.35 2.61-34.78.56-8.46 1.33-16.44 1.72-17.73.38-1.29.89-9.89 1.13-19.11l.43-16.77-2.26-4.3c-1.72-3.28-4.87-6.94-13.22-15.34-6.03-6.07-11.84-12.3-12.91-13.85l-1.95-2.81.75-10.9c1.09-15.71 1.1-48.57.02-59.06l-.89-8.7-3.28-4.52c-5.86-8.08-5.8-7.75-6.22-33.27-.1-6.07-.38-11.5-.63-12.06-.83-1.87-3.05-2.66-8.54-3.05-8.86-.62-10.96-1.9-23.85-14.55-6.15-6.04-12.34-11.97-13.75-13.19-2.81-2.42-2.79-1.99-.56-9.63l1.35-4.65-1.69-3.04c-.93-1.67-2.09-3.51-2.59-4.07-1.33-1.51-5.5-10.89-5.99-13.49-.31-1.66-.09-2.67.87-3.9 2.23-2.86 3.4-5.68 4.45-10.73 2.33-11.19 7.74-26.09 10.6-29.22 3.18-3.47 7.7-1.05 9.41 5.03 1.34 4.79 1.37 9.79.1 18.55-.53 3.68-.98 8.68-.99 11.11-.02 4.01.19 4.69 2.25 7.39 3.33 4.37 7.73 7.41 15.2 10.52 1.7.71 3.82 1.99 4.72 2.85 11.17 10.72 18.62 16.18 22.95 16.85 5.18.8 7.98 4.54 10.04 13.39 1.31 5.65 4 11.14 5.46 11.14.59 0 2.09-.63 3.33-1.39 1.98-1.22 2.25-1.73 2.25-4.18-.01-3.71-1.17-14.08-2-17.84-.37-1.66-.78-4.06-.93-5.35-.14-1.29-.61-3.85-1.03-5.69-2.55-11.16-3.65-15.46-4.1-16.05-1.55-2.02-4.08-10.2-4.93-15.92-1.64-11.11-3.96-14.23-12.91-17.39-4.64-1.64-8.89-4.12-13.32-7.78-1.15-.95-4.01-3.22-6.35-5.06-2.35-1.83-4.41-3.53-4.6-3.76-.18-.23-1.39-1.14-2.69-2.02-6.24-4.22-8.84-6.98-11.26-11.96l-2.44-5.02-.22-12.98-.22-12.98 6.91-6.55c3.95-3.75 8.48-7.35 10.59-8.43 3.31-1.69 4.45-1.89 11.37-2.05 8.53-.19 10.12.02 11.66 1.56 1.53 1.53 1.36 6.4-.29 8.5-.74.94-1.34 1.98-1.34 2.32 0 .58-2.61 4.91-5.42 8.99-.68.99-2.13 5.35-2.37 6.82 20.44 13.39 21.55 3.77 14.07 28.98l11.4 2.54c3.11-8.66 6.47-17.26 8.61-26.22.29-7.63-11.98-4.19-15.4-8.68-2.33-5.93 3.13-14.18 6.06-19.2 1.6-2.34 6.62-4.7 8.82- 4.16-.35 7.37-1.28 3.18-.92 6.58-1.68 7.55-1.68.97 0 3.66-.58 5.98-1.29 3.65-1.11 4.5-1.17 6.35-.4 1.17.48 3.79 1.09 5.82 1.36 2.02.26 4.72 1.12 6 1.91 1.28.79 3.53 1.77 5.02 2.17 2.51.68 3 .57 7.05-1.67l4.35-2.4 10.7-.41c10.44-.4 10.81-.47 15.26-2.68l4.58-2.3 2.46 1.43c1.76 1.02 3.14 2.73 4.85 5.98 2.36 4.51 2.38 4.58 1.37 7.37-.88 2.44-.89 3.3-.1 6.39.5 1.96 1.45 4.62 2.1 5.91.65 1.29 1.24 3.09 1.31 4.01.31 4.33-.03 5.3-2.41 6.92-2.17 1.47-6.98 7.91-6.98 9.34 0 .32-.48 1.69-1.07 3.03-5.04 11.51-6.76 13.56-14.26 16.98-9.2 4.2-12.3 5.19-16.21 5.19-3.1 0-4 .25-4.54 1.26-.37.69-2.21 2.37-4.09 3.71-2.04 1.47-3.8 3.38-4.38 4.78-.54 1.28-1.66 2.59-2.49 2.91-.83.32-1.94 1.08-2.45 1.71-.52.62-3.66 3.04-7 5.38-3.33 2.34-6.87 5.02-7.87 5.96-1 .94-2.07 1.71-2.39 1.71s-1.28.74-2.13 1.65c-1.31 1.39-1.49 2.11-1.14 4.6.22 1.63.86 4.27 1.42 5.88 1.32 3.8 1.31 7.86-.05 10.57-1.43 2.86-.89 6.65 1.35 9.59 2.01 2.63 2.16 4.56.71 8.84-.61 1.8-1.05 5.45-1.06 8.91-.02 4.88.22 6.28 1.46 8.38 1.2 2.04 1.82 2.48 3.24 2.32 1.98-.23 2.3-1.05 4.71-12.12 2.18-10.03 3.71-11.92 13.76-17.08 2.94-1.51 7.46-3.96 10.03-5.44 2.58-1.48 6.79-3.69 9.37-4.91 6.67-3.16 11.05-6.52 15.22-11.67 7.11-8.79 9.98-16.22 12.85-33.3.55-3.28 1.43-5.65 2.86-7.73 1.29-1.87 2.37-4.62 2.89-7.31 1.02-5.3 2.85-9.08 5.58-11.51 4.7-4.18 6-1.09 4.59 10.87-.46 3.86-1.1 10.33-1.44 14.38l-.61 7.36 4.45 4.09 4.45 4.09.11 8.42c.06 4.63.47 9.53.92 10.89l.82 2.47-6.43 6.28c-8.54 8.33-12.88 13.93-16.76 21.61-1.77 3.49-3.74 7.11-4.38 8.03-2.18 3.11-6.46 13.01-8.76 20.26l-2.29 7.22-6.97 6.49c-3.83 3.57-7.96 7.25-9.17 8.17-3.05 2.32-4.26 5.15-4.26 9.99 0 2.98.43 4.96 1.59 7.26.87 1.74 1.81 3.91 2.09 2.22 1.57 2.89 1.4 1.59 1.92 16.12.83 23.22-.68 4.48-3.63 12.02-4.7 12.02-1.79 0-4.06 9.27-5.07 20.74-.18 2.02-.62 5.94-.98 8.7-.36 2.76-.96 9.98-1.35 16.05-.77 12.22-.19 18.77 2.05 23.15 3.41 6.69.52 12.69-11.03 22.84l-3.97 3.49.07 5.19c.04 2.86.55 6.85 1.14 8.87 4.61 15.98 4.73 16.92 4.38 37.13-.46 26.4-.26 40.27.63 44.15.42 1.84.91 5 1.08 7.02.17 2.02.66 5.33 1.08 7.36.47 2.26.78 11.02.79 22.74l.02 19.06-1.81 2.63c-2.71 3.91-15.11 13.54-15.49 12.29zm29.53-45.11c-.18-.3-.33-6.87-.33-14.59 0-14.06-.89-27.54-2.26-34.45-.4-2.02-.81-9.7-.9-17.06-.15-11.93-1.4-24.37-2.64-26.38-.66-1.07-3.02-17.66-3.03-21.3-.01-4.23 1.02-6 5.28-9.13 4.14-3.04 4.86-3.14 5.48-.72.28 1.1 1.45 5.62 2.6 10.03 3.93 15.12 4.14 16.27 4.05 21.74-.1 5.78-.13 6.13-1.74 17.73-.98 7.07-1.17 12.39-1.04 28.43.17 19.4-.64 35.73-2.04 41.27-.71 2.78-2.8 5.48-3.43 4.43zm-70.99-37.58c-.24-.38-1.01-5.24-1.73-10.79-.72-5.56-1.49-10.41-1.73-10.79-.23-.38-.68-3.3-.99-6.49-.31-3.19-.91-7.46-1.33-9.48-.99-4.79-3.35-19.35-3.42-21.07-.03-.74-.34-4.05-.7-7.36-.67-6.21-.84-27.67-.22-28.29.96-.96 6.63 2.76 11.33 7.43l5.28 5.25-.45 6.47c-.25 3.56-.6 10.23-.78 14.83-.18 4.6-.49 9.87-.67 11.71-.18 1.84-.61 9.36-.94 16.72-.79 17.41-1.94 31.29-2.65 32-.32.3-.76.24-1-.14zM74.63 162.61c21.07 12.79 17.84 14.15 28.49 17.66 13.01 4.29 18.87 7.13 23.15 16.87-43.66 36.14-69.01 57.9-76.71 70.82-31.02 52.01-5.99 101.59 62.75 87.21-14.18 29.23-77.97 28.63-98.68-4.9-24.68-39.95-22.09-118.3 61-187.66zm210.79 179.02c56.66 6.88 82.32-37.74 46.54-89.23 0 0-26.87-29.34-64.28-67.96 2.98-15.45 9.49-32.12 30.57-53.82 89.2 63.51 92 141.61 92.46 149.36 4.27 70.58-78.66 91.12-105.29 61.65z"],
- "markdown": [640, 512, [], "f60f", "M593.85 452.92H46.15C20.7 452.92 0 432.22 0 406.77V105.23c0-25.45 20.7-46.15 46.15-46.15h547.69c25.45 0 46.15 20.7 46.15 46.15v301.54c.01 25.45-20.69 46.15-46.14 46.15zm-440-92.3v-120l61.54 76.92 61.54-76.92v120h61.54V151.38h-61.54l-61.54 76.92-61.54-76.92H92.31v209.23h61.54zM566.15 256h-61.54V151.38h-61.54V256h-61.54l92.31 107.69L566.15 256z"],
- "mastodon": [417, 512, [], "f4f6", "M417.8 179.1c0-97.2-63.7-125.7-63.7-125.7-62.5-28.7-228.5-28.4-290.4 0 0 0-63.7 28.5-63.7 125.7 0 115.7-6.6 259.4 105.6 289.1 40.5 10.7 75.3 13 103.3 11.4 50.8-2.8 79.3-18.1 79.3-18.1l-1.7-36.9s-36.3 11.4-77.1 10.1c-40.4-1.4-83-4.4-89.6-54-.6-4.4-.9-9-.9-13.9 85.6 20.9 158.6 9.1 178.7 6.7 56.1-6.7 105-41.3 111.2-72.9 9.8-49.8 9-121.5 9-121.5zm-75.1 125.2h-46.6V190.1c0-49.7-64-51.6-64 6.9v62.5h-46.3V197c0-58.5-64-56.6-64-6.9v114.2H75.1c0-122.1-5.2-147.9 18.4-175 25.9-28.9 79.8-30.8 103.8 6.1l11.6 19.5 11.6-19.5c24.1-37.1 78.1-34.8 103.8-6.1 23.7 27.3 18.4 53 18.4 175z"],
- "maxcdn": [512, 512, [], "f136", "M461.1 442.7h-97.4L415.6 200c2.3-10.2.9-19.5-4.4-25.7-5-6.1-13.7-9.6-24.2-9.6h-49.3l-59.5 278h-97.4l59.5-278h-83.4l-59.5 278H0l59.5-278-44.6-95.4H387c39.4 0 75.3 16.3 98.3 44.9 23.3 28.6 31.8 67.4 23.6 105.9l-47.8 222.6z"],
- "medapps": [320, 512, [], "f3c6", "M118.3 238.4c3.5-12.5 6.9-33.6 13.2-33.6 8.3 1.8 9.6 23.4 18.6 36.6 4.6-23.5 5.3-85.1 14.1-86.7 9-.7 19.7 66.5 22 77.5 9.9 4.1 48.9 6.6 48.9 6.6 1.9 7.3-24 7.6-40 7.8-4.6 14.8-5.4 27.7-11.4 28-4.7.2-8.2-28.8-17.5-49.6l-9.4 65.5c-4.4 13-15.5-22.5-21.9-39.3-3.3-.1-62.4-1.6-47.6-7.8l31-5zM228 448c21.2 0 21.2-32 0-32H92c-21.2 0-21.2 32 0 32h136zm-24 64c21.2 0 21.2-32 0-32h-88c-21.2 0-21.2 32 0 32h88zm34.2-141.5c3.2-18.9 5.2-36.4 11.9-48.8 7.9-14.7 16.1-28.1 24-41 24.6-40.4 45.9-75.2 45.9-125.5C320 69.6 248.2 0 160 0S0 69.6 0 155.2c0 50.2 21.3 85.1 45.9 125.5 7.9 12.9 16 26.3 24 41 6.7 12.5 8.7 29.8 11.9 48.9 3.5 21 36.1 15.7 32.6-5.1-3.6-21.7-5.6-40.7-15.3-58.6C66.5 246.5 33 211.3 33 155.2 33 87.3 90 32 160 32s127 55.3 127 123.2c0 56.1-33.5 91.3-66.1 151.6-9.7 18-11.7 37.4-15.3 58.6-3.4 20.6 29 26.4 32.6 5.1z"],
- "medium": [448, 512, [], "f23a", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm372.2 106.1l-24 23c-2.1 1.6-3.1 4.2-2.7 6.7v169.3c-.4 2.6.6 5.2 2.7 6.7l23.5 23v5.1h-118V367l24.3-23.6c2.4-2.4 2.4-3.1 2.4-6.7V199.8l-67.6 171.6h-9.1L125 199.8v115c-.7 4.8 1 9.7 4.4 13.2l31.6 38.3v5.1H71.2v-5.1l31.6-38.3c3.4-3.5 4.9-8.4 4.1-13.2v-133c.4-3.7-1-7.3-3.8-9.8L75 138.1V133h87.3l67.4 148L289 133.1h83.2v5z"],
- "medium-m": [512, 512, [], "f3c7", "M71.5 142.3c.6-5.9-1.7-11.8-6.1-15.8L20.3 72.1V64h140.2l108.4 237.7L364.2 64h133.7v8.1l-38.6 37c-3.3 2.5-5 6.7-4.3 10.8v272c-.7 4.1 1 8.3 4.3 10.8l37.7 37v8.1H307.3v-8.1l39.1-37.9c3.8-3.8 3.8-5 3.8-10.8V171.2L241.5 447.1h-14.7L100.4 171.2v184.9c-1.1 7.8 1.5 15.6 7 21.2l50.8 61.6v8.1h-144v-8L65 377.3c5.4-5.6 7.9-13.5 6.5-21.2V142.3z"],
- "medrt": [544, 512, [], "f3c8", "M113.7 256c0 121.8 83.9 222.8 193.5 241.1-18.7 4.5-38.2 6.9-58.2 6.9C111.4 504 0 393 0 256S111.4 8 248.9 8c20.1 0 39.6 2.4 58.2 6.9C197.5 33.2 113.7 134.2 113.7 256m297.4 100.3c-77.7 55.4-179.6 47.5-240.4-14.6 5.5 14.1 12.7 27.7 21.7 40.5 61.6 88.2 182.4 109.3 269.7 47 87.3-62.3 108.1-184.3 46.5-272.6-9-12.9-19.3-24.3-30.5-34.2 37.4 78.8 10.7 178.5-67 233.9m-218.8-244c-1.4 1-2.7 2.1-4 3.1 64.3-17.8 135.9 4 178.9 60.5 35.7 47 42.9 106.6 24.4 158 56.7-56.2 67.6-142.1 22.3-201.8-50-65.5-149.1-74.4-221.6-19.8M296 224c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-40c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-48c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v40c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-40c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v48c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h40c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v40c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h48c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-40c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h40c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-48c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-40z"],
- "meetup": [512, 512, [], "f2e0", "M99 414.3c1.1 5.7-2.3 11.1-8 12.3-5.4 1.1-10.9-2.3-12-8-1.1-5.4 2.3-11.1 7.7-12.3 5.4-1.2 11.1 2.3 12.3 8zm143.1 71.4c-6.3 4.6-8 13.4-3.7 20 4.6 6.6 13.4 8.3 20 3.7 6.3-4.6 8-13.4 3.4-20-4.2-6.5-13.1-8.3-19.7-3.7zm-86-462.3c6.3-1.4 10.3-7.7 8.9-14-1.1-6.6-7.4-10.6-13.7-9.1-6.3 1.4-10.3 7.7-9.1 14 1.4 6.6 7.6 10.6 13.9 9.1zM34.4 226.3c-10-6.9-23.7-4.3-30.6 6-6.9 10-4.3 24 5.7 30.9 10 7.1 23.7 4.6 30.6-5.7 6.9-10.4 4.3-24.1-5.7-31.2zm272-170.9c10.6-6.3 13.7-20 7.7-30.3-6.3-10.6-19.7-14-30-7.7s-13.7 20-7.4 30.6c6 10.3 19.4 13.7 29.7 7.4zm-191.1 58c7.7-5.4 9.4-16 4.3-23.7s-15.7-9.4-23.1-4.3c-7.7 5.4-9.4 16-4.3 23.7 5.1 7.8 15.6 9.5 23.1 4.3zm372.3 156c-7.4 1.7-12.3 9.1-10.6 16.9 1.4 7.4 8.9 12.3 16.3 10.6 7.4-1.4 12.3-8.9 10.6-16.6-1.5-7.4-8.9-12.3-16.3-10.9zm39.7-56.8c-1.1-5.7-6.6-9.1-12-8-5.7 1.1-9.1 6.9-8 12.6 1.1 5.4 6.6 9.1 12.3 8 5.4-1.5 9.1-6.9 7.7-12.6zM447 138.9c-8.6 6-10.6 17.7-4.9 26.3 5.7 8.6 17.4 10.6 26 4.9 8.3-6 10.3-17.7 4.6-26.3-5.7-8.7-17.4-10.9-25.7-4.9zm-6.3 139.4c26.3 43.1 15.1 100-26.3 129.1-17.4 12.3-37.1 17.7-56.9 17.1-12 47.1-69.4 64.6-105.1 32.6-1.1.9-2.6 1.7-3.7 2.9-39.1 27.1-92.3 17.4-119.4-22.3-9.7-14.3-14.6-30.6-15.1-46.9-65.4-10.9-90-94-41.1-139.7-28.3-46.9.6-107.4 53.4-114.9C151.6 70 234.1 38.6 290.1 82c67.4-22.3 136.3 29.4 130.9 101.1 41.1 12.6 52.8 66.9 19.7 95.2zm-70 74.3c-3.1-20.6-40.9-4.6-43.1-27.1-3.1-32 43.7-101.1 40-128-3.4-24-19.4-29.1-33.4-29.4-13.4-.3-16.9 2-21.4 4.6-2.9 1.7-6.6 4.9-11.7-.3-6.3-6-11.1-11.7-19.4-12.9-12.3-2-17.7 2-26.6 9.7-3.4 2.9-12 12.9-20 9.1-3.4-1.7-15.4-7.7-24-11.4-16.3-7.1-40 4.6-48.6 20-12.9 22.9-38 113.1-41.7 125.1-8.6 26.6 10.9 48.6 36.9 47.1 11.1-.6 18.3-4.6 25.4-17.4 4-7.4 41.7-107.7 44.6-112.6 2-3.4 8.9-8 14.6-5.1 5.7 3.1 6.9 9.4 6 15.1-1.1 9.7-28 70.9-28.9 77.7-3.4 22.9 26.9 26.6 38.6 4 3.7-7.1 45.7-92.6 49.4-98.3 4.3-6.3 7.4-8.3 11.7-8 3.1 0 8.3.9 7.1 10.9-1.4 9.4-35.1 72.3-38.9 87.7-4.6 20.6 6.6 41.4 24.9 50.6 11.4 5.7 62.5 15.7 58.5-11.1zm5.7 92.3c-10.3 7.4-12.9 22-5.7 32.6 7.1 10.6 21.4 13.1 32 6 10.6-7.4 13.1-22 6-32.6-7.4-10.6-21.7-13.5-32.3-6z"],
- "megaport": [496, 512, [], "f5a3", "M248 8C111.04 8 0 119.04 0 256c0 136.97 111.04 248 248 248 136.96 0 248-111.03 248-248C496 119.04 384.96 8 248 8zm85.46 267.67l59.66 59.67v87.05l-26.07 19.23L341 422.39v-65.46l-33.44-33.44-33.44 33.44v65.46L248 441.62l-26.12-19.23v-65.46l-33.44-33.44L155 356.92v65.46l-26.07 19.23-26.06-19.23v-87.05l59.47-59.47V188l59.5-59.5V52.88l26.06-19.23 26.06 19.23v75.64l59.5 59.5m-85.56-11.86l33.44 33.44V276L248 309.33l-33.54-33.54v-66.2l33.44-33.43z"],
- "microsoft": [448, 512, [], "f3ca", "M0 32h214.6v214.6H0V32zm233.4 0H448v214.6H233.4V32zM0 265.4h214.6V480H0V265.4zm233.4 0H448V480H233.4V265.4z"],
- "mix": [448, 512, [], "f3cb", "M0 64v348.9c0 56.2 88 58.1 88 0V174.3c7.9-52.9 88-50.4 88 6.5v175.3c0 57.9 96 58 96 0V240c5.3-54.7 88-52.5 88 4.3v23.8c0 59.9 88 56.6 88 0V64H0z"],
- "mixcloud": [640, 512, [], "f289", "M424.43 219.729C416.124 134.727 344.135 68 256.919 68c-72.266 0-136.224 46.516-159.205 114.074-54.545 8.029-96.63 54.822-96.63 111.582 0 62.298 50.668 112.966 113.243 112.966h289.614c52.329 0 94.969-42.362 94.969-94.693 0-45.131-32.118-83.063-74.48-92.2zm-20.489 144.53H114.327c-39.04 0-70.881-31.564-70.881-70.604s31.841-70.604 70.881-70.604c18.827 0 36.548 7.475 49.838 20.766 19.963 19.963 50.133-10.227 30.18-30.18-14.675-14.398-32.672-24.365-52.053-29.349 19.935-44.3 64.79-73.926 114.628-73.926 69.496 0 125.979 56.483 125.979 125.702 0 13.568-2.215 26.857-6.369 39.594-8.943 27.517 32.133 38.939 40.147 13.29 2.769-8.306 4.984-16.889 6.369-25.472 19.381 7.476 33.502 26.303 33.502 48.453 0 28.795-23.535 52.33-52.607 52.33zm235.069-52.33c0 44.024-12.737 86.386-37.102 122.657-4.153 6.092-10.798 9.414-17.72 9.414-16.317 0-27.127-18.826-17.443-32.949 19.381-29.349 29.903-63.682 29.903-99.122s-10.521-69.773-29.903-98.845c-15.655-22.831 19.361-47.24 35.163-23.534 24.366 35.993 37.102 78.356 37.102 122.379zm-70.88 0c0 31.565-9.137 62.021-26.857 88.325-4.153 6.091-10.798 9.136-17.72 9.136-17.201 0-27.022-18.979-17.443-32.948 13.013-19.104 19.658-41.255 19.658-64.513 0-22.981-6.645-45.408-19.658-64.512-15.761-22.986 19.008-47.095 35.163-23.535 17.719 26.026 26.857 56.483 26.857 88.047z"],
- "mizuni": [496, 512, [], "f3cc", "M248 8C111 8 0 119.1 0 256c0 137 111 248 248 248s248-111 248-248C496 119.1 385 8 248 8zm-80 351.9c-31.4 10.6-58.8 27.3-80 48.2V136c0-22.1 17.9-40 40-40s40 17.9 40 40v223.9zm120-9.9c-12.9-2-26.2-3.1-39.8-3.1-13.8 0-27.2 1.1-40.2 3.1V136c0-22.1 17.9-40 40-40s40 17.9 40 40v214zm120 57.7c-21.2-20.8-48.6-37.4-80-48V136c0-22.1 17.9-40 40-40s40 17.9 40 40v271.7z"],
- "modx": [448, 512, [], "f285", "M356 241.8l36.7 23.7V480l-133-83.8L356 241.8zM440 75H226.3l-23 37.8 153.5 96.5L440 75zm-89 142.8L55.2 32v214.5l46 29L351 217.8zM97 294.2L8 437h213.7l125-200.5L97 294.2z"],
- "monero": [496, 512, [], "f3d0", "M352 384h108.4C417 455.9 338.1 504 248 504S79 455.9 35.6 384H144V256.2L248 361l104-105v128zM88 336V128l159.4 159.4L408 128v208h74.8c8.5-25.1 13.2-52 13.2-80C496 119 385 8 248 8S0 119 0 256c0 28 4.6 54.9 13.2 80H88z"],
- "napster": [496, 512, [], "f3d2", "M298.3 373.6c-14.2 13.6-31.3 24.1-50.4 30.5-19-6.4-36.2-16.9-50.3-30.5h100.7zm44-199.6c20-16.9 43.6-29.2 69.6-36.2V299c0 219.4-328 217.6-328 .3V137.7c25.9 6.9 49.6 19.6 69.5 36.4 56.8-40 132.5-39.9 188.9-.1zm-208.8-58.5c64.4-60 164.3-60.1 228.9-.2-7.1 3.5-13.9 7.3-20.6 11.5-58.7-30.5-129.2-30.4-187.9.1-6.3-4-13.9-8.2-20.4-11.4zM43.8 93.2v69.3c-58.4 36.5-58.4 121.1.1 158.3 26.4 245.1 381.7 240.3 407.6 1.5l.3-1.7c58.7-36.3 58.9-121.7.2-158.2V93.2c-17.3.5-34 3-50.1 7.4-82-91.5-225.5-91.5-307.5.1-16.3-4.4-33.1-7-50.6-7.5zM259.2 352s36-.3 61.3-1.5c10.2-.5 21.1-4 25.5-6.5 26.3-15.1 25.4-39.2 26.2-47.4-79.5-.6-99.9-3.9-113 55.4zm-135.5-55.3c.8 8.2-.1 32.3 26.2 47.4 4.4 2.5 15.2 6 25.5 6.5 25.3 1.1 61.3 1.5 61.3 1.5-13.2-59.4-33.7-56.1-113-55.4zm169.1 123.4c-3.2-5.3-6.9-7.3-6.9-7.3-24.8 7.3-52.2 6.9-75.9 0 0 0-2.9 1.5-6.4 6.6-2.8 4.1-3.7 9.6-3.7 9.6 29.1 17.6 67.1 17.6 96.2 0-.1-.1-.3-4-3.3-8.9z"],
- "neos": [456, 512, [], "f612", "M387.44 512h-95.11L184.12 357.46v91.1L97.69 512H0V29.82L40.47 0h108.05l123.74 176.13V63.45L358.69 0h97.69v461.5L387.44 512zM10.77 35.27v460.72l72.01-52.88V193.95l215.49 307.69h84.79l52.35-38.17h-78.27L40.96 12.98 10.77 35.27zm82.54 466.61l80.04-58.78V342.06L93.55 227.7v220.94l-72.58 53.25h72.34zM52.63 10.77l310.6 442.57h82.37V10.77h-79.75v317.56L142.91 10.77H52.63zm230.4 180.88l72.01 102.81V15.93l-72.01 52.96v122.76z"],
- "nimblr": [355, 512, [], "f5a8", "M232.6 299.29c15.57 0 27.15 11.46 27.15 26.96 0 15.55-11.62 26.96-27.15 26.96-15.7 0-27.15-11.57-27.15-26.96 0-15.51 11.58-26.96 27.15-26.96zM99.01 326.25c0-15.61 11.68-26.96 27.15-26.96 15.57 0 27.15 11.46 27.15 26.96 0 15.41-11.47 26.96-27.15 26.96-15.44 0-27.15-11.31-27.15-26.96m78.75-167.3C143 158.95 75.45 178.77 45.25 227L0 0v335.48C0 433.13 79.61 512 177.76 512c98.24 0 177.76-78.95 177.76-176.52 0-97.46-79.39-176.53-177.76-176.53zm0 308.12c-73.27 0-132.51-58.9-132.51-131.59 0-72.68 59.24-131.59 132.51-131.59 73.27 0 132.51 58.91 132.51 131.59s-59.25 131.59-132.51 131.59z"],
- "nintendo-switch": [448, 512, [], "f418", "M95.9 33.5c-44.6 8-80.5 41-91.8 84.4C0 133.6-.3 142.8.2 264.4.4 376 .5 378.6 2.4 387.3c10.3 46.5 43.3 79.6 90.3 90.5 6.1 1.4 13.9 1.7 64.1 1.9 51.9.4 57.3.3 58.7-1.1 1.4-1.4 1.5-19.3 1.5-222.2 0-150.5-.3-221.3-.9-222.6-.9-1.7-2.5-1.8-56.9-1.7-44.2.1-57.5.4-63.3 1.4zm83.9 222.6V444l-37.8-.5c-34.8-.4-38.5-.6-45.5-2.3-29.9-7.7-52-30.7-58.3-60.7-2-9.4-2-240.1-.1-249.3 5.6-26.1 23.7-47.7 48-57.4 12.2-4.9 17.9-5.5 57.6-5.6l35.9-.1v188zm-75.9-131.2c-5.8 1.1-14.7 5.6-19.5 9.7-9.7 8.4-14.6 20.4-13.8 34.5.4 7.3.8 9.3 3.8 15.2 4.4 9 10.9 15.6 19.9 20 6.2 3.1 7.8 3.4 15.9 3.7 7.3.3 9.9 0 14.8-1.7 20.1-6.8 32.3-26.3 28.8-46.4-3.9-23.7-26.6-39.7-49.9-35zm158.2-92.3c-.4.3-.6 100.8-.6 223.5 0 202.3.1 222.8 1.5 223.4 2.5.9 74.5.6 83.4-.4 37.7-4.3 71-27.2 89-61.2 2.3-4.4 5.4-11.7 7-16.2 5.8-17.4 5.7-12.8 5.7-146.1 0-106.4-.2-122.3-1.5-129-9.2-48.3-46.1-84.8-94.5-93.1-6.5-1.1-16.5-1.4-48.8-1.4-22.4-.1-40.9.2-41.2.5zm99.1 202.1c14.5 3.8 26.3 14.8 31.2 28.9 3.1 8.7 3 21.5-.1 29.5-5.7 14.7-16.8 25-31.1 28.8-23.2 6-47.9-8-54.6-31-2-7-1.9-18.9.4-26.2 6.9-22.7 31-36.1 54.2-30z"],
- "node": [640, 512, [], "f419", "M316.3 452c-2.1 0-4.2-.6-6.1-1.6L291 439c-2.9-1.6-1.5-2.2-.5-2.5 3.8-1.3 4.6-1.6 8.7-4 .4-.2 1-.1 1.4.1l14.8 8.8c.5.3 1.3.3 1.8 0L375 408c.5-.3.9-.9.9-1.6v-66.7c0-.7-.3-1.3-.9-1.6l-57.8-33.3c-.5-.3-1.2-.3-1.8 0l-57.8 33.3c-.6.3-.9 1-.9 1.6v66.7c0 .6.4 1.2.9 1.5l15.8 9.1c8.6 4.3 13.9-.8 13.9-5.8v-65.9c0-.9.7-1.7 1.7-1.7h7.3c.9 0 1.7.7 1.7 1.7v65.9c0 11.5-6.2 18-17.1 18-3.3 0-6 0-13.3-3.6l-15.2-8.7c-3.7-2.2-6.1-6.2-6.1-10.5v-66.7c0-4.3 2.3-8.4 6.1-10.5l57.8-33.4c3.7-2.1 8.5-2.1 12.1 0l57.8 33.4c3.7 2.2 6.1 6.2 6.1 10.5v66.7c0 4.3-2.3 8.4-6.1 10.5l-57.8 33.4c-1.7 1.1-3.8 1.7-6 1.7zm46.7-65.8c0-12.5-8.4-15.8-26.2-18.2-18-2.4-19.8-3.6-19.8-7.8 0-3.5 1.5-8.1 14.8-8.1 11.9 0 16.3 2.6 18.1 1.3 1.6 1.3h7.5c.5 0 .9-.2 1.2-.5.3-.4.5-.8.4-1.3-1.2-13.8-10.3-20.2-28.8-20.2-16.5 0-26.3 7-26.3 18.6 0 12.7 9.8 16.1 25.6 17.7 18.9 1.9 20.4 4.6 20.4 8.3 0 6.5-5.2 9.2-17.4 9.2-15.3 0-18.7-3.8-19.8-11.4-.1-.8-.8-1.4-1.7-1.4h-7.5c-.9 0-1.7.7-1.7 1.7 0 9.7 5.3 21.3 30.6 21.3 18.5 0 29-7.2 29-19.8zm54.5-50.1c0 6.1-5 11.1-11.1 11.1s-11.1-5-11.1-11.1c0-6.3 5.2-11.1 11.1-11.1 6-.1 11.1 4.8 11.1 11.1zm-1.8 0c0-5.2-4.2-9.3-9.4-9.3-5.1 0-9.3 4.1-9.3 9.3 0 5.2 4.2 9.4 9.3 9.4 5.2-.1 9.4-4.3 9.4-9.4zm-4.5 6.2h-2.6c-.1-.6-.5-3.8-.5-3.9-.2-.7-.4-1.1-1.3-1.1h-2.2v5h-2.4v-12.5h4.3c1.5 0 4.4 0 4.4 3.3 0 2.3-1.5 2.8-2.4 3.1 1.7.1 1.8 1.2 2.1 2.8.1 1 .3 2.7.6 3.3zm-2.8-8.8c0-1.7-1.2-1.7-1.8-1.7h-2v3.5h1.9c1.6 0 1.9-1.1 1.9-1.8zM137.3 191c0-2.7-1.4-5.1-3.7-6.4l-61.3-35.3c-1-.6-2.2-.9-3.4-1h-.6c-1.2 0-2.3.4-3.4 1L3.7 184.6C1.4 185.9 0 188.4 0 191l.1 95c0 1.3.7 2.5 1.8 3.2 1.1.7 2.5.7 3.7 0L42 268.3c2.3-1.4 3.7-3.8 3.7-6.4v-44.4c0-2.6 1.4-5.1 3.7-6.4l15.5-8.9c1.2-.7 2.4-1 3.7-1 1.3 0 2.6.3 3.7 1l15.5 8.9c2.3 1.3 3.7 3.8 3.7 6.4v44.4c0 2.6 1.4 5.1 3.7 6.4l36.4 20.9c1.1.7 2.6.7 3.7 0 1.1-.6 1.8-1.9 1.8-3.2l.2-95zM472.5 87.3v176.4c0 2.6-1.4 5.1-3.7 6.4l-61.3 35.4c-2.3 1.3-5.1 1.3-7.4 0l-61.3-35.4c-2.3-1.3-3.7-3.8-3.7-6.4v-70.8c0-2.6 1.4-5.1 3.7-6.4l61.3-35.4c2.3-1.3 5.1-1.3 7.4 0l15.3 8.8c1.7 1 3.9-.3 3.9-2.2v-94c0-2.8 3-4.6 5.5-3.2l36.5 20.4c2.3 1.2 3.8 3.7 3.8 6.4zm-46 128.9c0-.7-.4-1.3-.9-1.6l-21-12.2c-.6-.3-1.3-.3-1.9 0l-21 12.2c-.6.3-.9.9-.9 1.6v24.3c0 .7.4 1.3.9 1.6l21 12.1c.6.3 1.3.3 1.8 0l21-12.1c.6-.3.9-.9.9-1.6v-24.3zm209.8-.7c2.3-1.3 3.7-3.8 3.7-6.4V192c0-2.6-1.4-5.1-3.7-6.4l-60.9-35.4c-2.3-1.3-5.1-1.3-7.4 0l-61.3 35.4c-2.3 1.3-3.7 3.8-3.7 6.4v70.8c0 2.7 1.4 5.1 3.7 6.4l60.9 34.7c2.2 1.3 5 1.3 7.3 0l36.8-20.5c2.5-1.4 2.5-5 0-6.4L550 241.6c-1.2-.7-1.9-1.9-1.9-3.2v-22.2c0-1.3.7-2.5 1.9-3.2l19.2-11.1c1.1-.7 2.6-.7 3.7 0l19.2 11.1c1.1.7 1.9 1.9 1.9 3.2v17.4c0 2.8 3.1 4.6 5.6 3.2l36.7-21.3zM559 219c-.4.3-.7.7-.7 1.2v13.6c0 .5.3 1 .7 1.2l11.8 6.8c.4.3 1 .3 1.4 0L584 235c.4-.3.7-.7.7-1.2v-13.6c0-.5-.3-1-.7-1.2l-11.8-6.8c-.4-.3-1-.3-1.4 0L559 219zm-254.2 43.5v-70.4c0-2.6-1.6-5.1-3.9-6.4l-61.1-35.2c-2.1-1.2-5-1.4-7.4 0l-61.1 35.2c-2.3 1.3-3.9 3.7-3.9 6.4v70.4c0 2.8 1.9 5.2 4 6.4l61.2 35.2c2.4 1.4 5.2 1.3 7.4 0l61-35.2c1.8-1 3.1-2.7 3.6-4.7.1-.5.2-1.1.2-1.7zm-74.3-124.9l-.8.5h1.1l-.3-.5zm76.2 130.2l-.4-.7v.9l.4-.2z"],
- "node-js": [448, 512, [], "f3d3", "M224 508c-6.7 0-13.5-1.8-19.4-5.2l-61.7-36.5c-9.2-5.2-4.7-7-1.7-8 12.3-4.3 14.8-5.2 27.9-12.7 1.4-.8 3.2-.5 4.6.4l47.4 28.1c1.7 1 4.1 1 5.7 0l184.7-106.6c1.7-1 2.8-3 2.8-5V149.3c0-2.1-1.1-4-2.9-5.1L226.8 37.7c-1.7-1-4-1-5.7 0L36.6 144.3c-1.8 1-2.9 3-2.9 5.1v213.1c0 2 1.1 4 2.9 4.9l50.6 29.2c27.5 13.7 44.3-2.4 44.3-18.7V167.5c0-3 2.4-5.3 5.4-5.3h23.4c2.9 0 5.4 2.3 5.4 5.3V378c0 36.6-20 57.6-54.7 57.6-10.7 0-19.1 0-42.5-11.6l-48.4-27.9C8.1 389.2.7 376.3.7 362.4V149.3c0-13.8 7.4-26.8 19.4-33.7L204.6 9c11.7-6.6 27.2-6.6 38.8 0l184.7 106.7c12 6.9 19.4 19.8 19.4 33.7v213.1c0 13.8-7.4 26.7-19.4 33.7L243.4 502.8c-5.9 3.4-12.6 5.2-19.4 5.2zm149.1-210.1c0-39.9-27-50.5-83.7-58-57.4-7.6-63.2-11.5-63.2-24.9 0-11.1 4.9-25.9 47.4-25.9 37.9 0 51.9 8.2 57.7 33.8.5 2.4 2.7 4.2 5.2 4.2h24c1.5 0 2.9-.6 3.9-1.7s1.5-2.6 1.4-4.1c-3.7-44.1-33-64.6-92.2-64.6-52.7 0-84.1 22.2-84.1 59.5 0 40.4 31.3 51.6 81.8 56.6 60.5 5.9 65.2 14.8 65.2 26.7 0 20.6-16.6 29.4-55.5 29.4-48.9 0-59.6-12.3-63.2-36.6-.4-2.6-2.6-4.5-5.3-4.5h-23.9c-3 0-5.3 2.4-5.3 5.3 0 31.1 16.9 68.2 97.8 68.2 58.4-.1 92-23.2 92-63.4z"],
- "npm": [576, 512, [], "f3d4", "M288 288h-32v-64h32v64zm288-128v192H288v32H160v-32H0V160h576zm-416 32H32v128h64v-96h32v96h32V192zm160 0H192v160h64v-32h64V192zm224 0H352v128h64v-96h32v96h32v-96h32v96h32V192z"],
- "ns8": [640, 512, [], "f3d5", "M187.1 159.9l-34.2 113.7-54.5-113.7H49L0 320h44.9L76 213.5 126.6 320h56.9L232 159.9h-44.9zm452.5-.9c-2.9-18-23.9-28.1-42.1-31.3-44.6-7.8-101.9 16.3-88.5 58.8v.1c-43.8 8.7-74.3 26.8-94.2 48.2-3-9.8-13.6-16.6-34-16.6h-87.6c-9.3 0-12.9-2.3-11.5-7.4 1.6-5.5 1.9-6.8 3.7-12.2 2.1-6.4 7.8-7.1 13.3-7.1h133.5l9.7-31.5c-139.7 0-144.5-.5-160.1 1.2-12.3 1.3-23.5 4.8-30.6 15-6.8 9.9-14.4 35.6-17.6 47.1-5.4 19.4-.6 28.6 32.8 28.6h87.3c7.8 0 8.8 2.7 7.7 6.6-1.1 4.4-2.8 10-4.5 14.6-1.6 4.2-4.7 7.4-13.8 7.4H216.3L204.7 320c139.9 0 145.3-.6 160.9-2.3 6.6-.7 13-2.1 18.5-4.9.2 3.7.5 7.3 1.2 10.8 5.4 30.5 27.4 52.3 56.8 59.5 48.6 11.9 108.7-16.8 135.1-68 18.7-36.2 14.1-76.2-3.4-105.5h.1c29.6-5.9 70.3-22 65.7-50.6zM530.7 263.7c-5.9 29.5-36.6 47.8-61.6 43.9-30.9-4.8-38.5-39.5-14.1-64.8 16.2-16.8 45.2-24 68.5-26.9 6.7 14.1 10.3 32 7.2 47.8zm21.8-83.1c-4.2-6-9.8-18.5-2.5-26.3 6.7-7.2 20.9-10.1 31.8-7.7 15.3 3.4 19.7 15.9 4.9 24.4-10.7 6.1-23.6 8.1-34.2 9.6z"],
- "nutritionix": [400, 512, [], "f3d6", "M88 8.1S221.4-.1 209 112.5c0 0 19.1-74.9 103-40.6 0 0-17.7 74-88 56 0 0 14.6-54.6 66.1-56.6 0 0-39.9-10.3-82.1 48.8 0 0-19.8-94.5-93.6-99.7 0 0 75.2 19.4 77.6 107.5 0 .1-106.4 7-104-119.8zm312 315.6c0 48.5-9.7 95.3-32 132.3-42.2 30.9-105 48-168 48-62.9 0-125.8-17.1-168-48C9.7 419 0 372.2 0 323.7 0 275.3 17.7 229 40 192c42.2-30.9 97.1-48.6 160-48.6 63 0 117.8 17.6 160 48.6 22.3 37 40 83.3 40 131.7zM120 428c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zM192 428c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zM264 428c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zM336 428c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm0-66.2c0-15.5-12.5-28-28-28s-28 12.5-28 28 12.5 28 28 28 28-12.5 28-28zm24-39.6c-4.8-22.3-7.4-36.9-16-56-38.8-19.9-90.5-32-144-32S94.8 180.1 56 200c-8.8 19.5-11.2 33.9-16 56 42.2-7.9 98.7-14.8 160-14.8s117.8 6.9 160 14.8z"],
- "odnoklassniki": [320, 512, [], "f263", "M275.1 334c-27.4 17.4-65.1 24.3-90 26.9l20.9 20.6 76.3 76.3c27.9 28.6-17.5 73.3-45.7 45.7-19.1-19.4-47.1-47.4-76.3-76.6L84 503.4c-28.2 27.5-73.6-17.6-45.4-45.7 19.4-19.4 47.1-47.4 76.3-76.3l20.6-20.6c-24.6-2.6-62.9-9.1-90.6-26.9-32.6-21-46.9-33.3-34.3-59 7.4-14.6 27.7-26.9 54.6-5.7 0 0 36.3 28.9 94.9 28.9s94.9-28.9 94.9-28.9c26.9-21.1 47.1-8.9 54.6 5.7 12.4 25.7-1.9 38-34.5 59.1zM30.3 129.7C30.3 58 88.6 0 160 0s129.7 58 129.7 129.7c0 71.4-58.3 129.4-129.7 129.4s-129.7-58-129.7-129.4zm66 0c0 35.1 28.6 63.7 63.7 63.7s63.7-28.6 63.7-63.7c0-35.4-28.6-64-63.7-64s-63.7 28.6-63.7 64z"],
- "odnoklassniki-square": [448, 512, [], "f264", "M184.2 177.1c0-22.1 17.9-40 39.8-40s39.8 17.9 39.8 40c0 22-17.9 39.8-39.8 39.8s-39.8-17.9-39.8-39.8zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-305.1 97.1c0 44.6 36.4 80.9 81.1 80.9s81.1-36.2 81.1-80.9c0-44.8-36.4-81.1-81.1-81.1s-81.1 36.2-81.1 81.1zm174.5 90.7c-4.6-9.1-17.3-16.8-34.1-3.6 0 0-22.7 18-59.3 18s-59.3-18-59.3-18c-16.8-13.2-29.5-5.5-34.1 3.6-7.9 16.1 1.1 23.7 21.4 37 17.3 11.1 41.2 15.2 56.6 16.8l-12.9 12.9c-18.2 18-35.5 35.5-47.7 47.7-17.6 17.6 10.7 45.8 28.4 28.6l47.7-47.9c18.2 18.2 35.7 35.7 47.7 47.9 17.6 17.2 46-10.7 28.6-28.6l-47.7-47.7-13-12.9c15.5-1.6 39.1-5.9 56.2-16.8 20.4-13.3 29.3-21 21.5-37z"],
- "old-republic": [496, 512, [], "f510", "M235.76 10.23c7.5-.31 15-.28 22.5-.09 3.61.14 7.2.4 10.79.73 4.92.27 9.79 1.03 14.67 1.62 2.93.43 5.83.98 8.75 1.46 7.9 1.33 15.67 3.28 23.39 5.4 12.24 3.47 24.19 7.92 35.76 13.21 26.56 12.24 50.94 29.21 71.63 49.88 20.03 20.09 36.72 43.55 48.89 69.19 1.13 2.59 2.44 5.1 3.47 7.74 2.81 6.43 5.39 12.97 7.58 19.63 4.14 12.33 7.34 24.99 9.42 37.83.57 3.14 1.04 6.3 1.4 9.47.55 3.83.94 7.69 1.18 11.56.83 8.34.84 16.73.77 25.1-.07 4.97-.26 9.94-.75 14.89-.24 3.38-.51 6.76-.98 10.12-.39 2.72-.63 5.46-1.11 8.17-.9 5.15-1.7 10.31-2.87 15.41-4.1 18.5-10.3 36.55-18.51 53.63-15.77 32.83-38.83 62.17-67.12 85.12a246.503 246.503 0 0 1-56.91 34.86c-6.21 2.68-12.46 5.25-18.87 7.41-3.51 1.16-7.01 2.38-10.57 3.39-6.62 1.88-13.29 3.64-20.04 5-4.66.91-9.34 1.73-14.03 2.48-5.25.66-10.5 1.44-15.79 1.74-6.69.66-13.41.84-20.12.81-6.82.03-13.65-.12-20.45-.79-3.29-.23-6.57-.5-9.83-.95-2.72-.39-5.46-.63-8.17-1.11-4.12-.72-8.25-1.37-12.35-2.22-4.25-.94-8.49-1.89-12.69-3.02-8.63-2.17-17.08-5.01-25.41-8.13-10.49-4.12-20.79-8.75-30.64-14.25-2.14-1.15-4.28-2.29-6.35-3.57-11.22-6.58-21.86-14.1-31.92-22.34-34.68-28.41-61.41-66.43-76.35-108.7-3.09-8.74-5.71-17.65-7.8-26.68-1.48-6.16-2.52-12.42-3.58-18.66-.4-2.35-.61-4.73-.95-7.09-.6-3.96-.75-7.96-1.17-11.94-.8-9.47-.71-18.99-.51-28.49.14-3.51.34-7.01.7-10.51.31-3.17.46-6.37.92-9.52.41-2.81.65-5.65 1.16-8.44.7-3.94 1.3-7.9 2.12-11.82 3.43-16.52 8.47-32.73 15.26-48.18 1.15-2.92 2.59-5.72 3.86-8.59 8.05-16.71 17.9-32.56 29.49-47.06 20-25.38 45.1-46.68 73.27-62.47 7.5-4.15 15.16-8.05 23.07-11.37 15.82-6.88 32.41-11.95 49.31-15.38 3.51-.67 7.04-1.24 10.56-1.85 2.62-.47 5.28-.7 7.91-1.08 3.53-.53 7.1-.68 10.65-1.04 2.46-.24 4.91-.36 7.36-.51m8.64 24.41c-9.23.1-18.43.99-27.57 2.23-7.3 1.08-14.53 2.6-21.71 4.3-13.91 3.5-27.48 8.34-40.46 14.42-10.46 4.99-20.59 10.7-30.18 17.22-4.18 2.92-8.4 5.8-12.34 9.03-5.08 3.97-9.98 8.17-14.68 12.59-2.51 2.24-4.81 4.7-7.22 7.06-28.22 28.79-48.44 65.39-57.5 104.69-2.04 8.44-3.54 17.02-4.44 25.65-1.1 8.89-1.44 17.85-1.41 26.8.11 7.14.38 14.28 1.22 21.37.62 7.12 1.87 14.16 3.2 21.18 1.07 4.65 2.03 9.32 3.33 13.91 6.29 23.38 16.5 45.7 30.07 65.75 8.64 12.98 18.78 24.93 29.98 35.77 16.28 15.82 35.05 29.04 55.34 39.22 7.28 3.52 14.66 6.87 22.27 9.63 5.04 1.76 10.06 3.57 15.22 4.98 11.26 3.23 22.77 5.6 34.39 7.06 2.91.29 5.81.61 8.72.9 13.82 1.08 27.74 1 41.54-.43 4.45-.6 8.92-.99 13.35-1.78 3.63-.67 7.28-1.25 10.87-2.1 4.13-.98 8.28-1.91 12.36-3.07 26.5-7.34 51.58-19.71 73.58-36.2 15.78-11.82 29.96-25.76 42.12-41.28 3.26-4.02 6.17-8.31 9.13-12.55 3.39-5.06 6.58-10.25 9.6-15.54 2.4-4.44 4.74-8.91 6.95-13.45 5.69-12.05 10.28-24.62 13.75-37.49 2.59-10.01 4.75-20.16 5.9-30.45 1.77-13.47 1.94-27.1 1.29-40.65-.29-3.89-.67-7.77-1-11.66-2.23-19.08-6.79-37.91-13.82-55.8-5.95-15.13-13.53-29.63-22.61-43.13-12.69-18.8-28.24-35.68-45.97-49.83-25.05-20-54.47-34.55-85.65-42.08-7.78-1.93-15.69-3.34-23.63-4.45-3.91-.59-7.85-.82-11.77-1.24-7.39-.57-14.81-.72-22.22-.58zM139.26 83.53c13.3-8.89 28.08-15.38 43.3-20.18-3.17 1.77-6.44 3.38-9.53 5.29-11.21 6.68-21.52 14.9-30.38 24.49-6.8 7.43-12.76 15.73-17.01 24.89-3.29 6.86-5.64 14.19-6.86 21.71-.93 4.85-1.3 9.81-1.17 14.75.13 13.66 4.44 27.08 11.29 38.82 5.92 10.22 13.63 19.33 22.36 27.26 4.85 4.36 10.24 8.09 14.95 12.6 2.26 2.19 4.49 4.42 6.43 6.91 2.62 3.31 4.89 6.99 5.99 11.1.9 3.02.66 6.2.69 9.31.02 4.1-.04 8.2.03 12.3.14 3.54-.02 7.09.11 10.63.08 2.38.02 4.76.05 7.14.16 5.77.06 11.53.15 17.3.11 2.91.02 5.82.13 8.74.03 1.63.13 3.28-.03 4.91-.91.12-1.82.18-2.73.16-10.99 0-21.88-2.63-31.95-6.93-6-2.7-11.81-5.89-17.09-9.83-5.75-4.19-11.09-8.96-15.79-14.31-6.53-7.24-11.98-15.39-16.62-23.95-1.07-2.03-2.24-4.02-3.18-6.12-1.16-2.64-2.62-5.14-3.67-7.82-4.05-9.68-6.57-19.94-8.08-30.31-.49-4.44-1.09-8.88-1.2-13.35-.7-15.73.84-31.55 4.67-46.82 2.12-8.15 4.77-16.18 8.31-23.83 6.32-14.2 15.34-27.18 26.3-38.19 6.28-6.2 13.13-11.84 20.53-16.67zm175.37-20.12c2.74.74 5.41 1.74 8.09 2.68 6.36 2.33 12.68 4.84 18.71 7.96 13.11 6.44 25.31 14.81 35.82 24.97 10.2 9.95 18.74 21.6 25.14 34.34 1.28 2.75 2.64 5.46 3.81 8.26 6.31 15.1 10 31.26 11.23 47.57.41 4.54.44 9.09.45 13.64.07 11.64-1.49 23.25-4.3 34.53-1.97 7.27-4.35 14.49-7.86 21.18-3.18 6.64-6.68 13.16-10.84 19.24-6.94 10.47-15.6 19.87-25.82 27.22-10.48 7.64-22.64 13.02-35.4 15.38-3.51.69-7.08 1.08-10.66 1.21-1.85.06-3.72.16-5.56-.1-.28-2.15 0-4.31-.01-6.46-.03-3.73.14-7.45.1-11.17.19-7.02.02-14.05.21-21.07.03-2.38-.03-4.76.03-7.14.17-5.07-.04-10.14.14-15.21.1-2.99-.24-6.04.51-8.96.66-2.5 1.78-4.86 3.09-7.08 4.46-7.31 11.06-12.96 17.68-18.26 5.38-4.18 10.47-8.77 15.02-13.84 7.68-8.37 14.17-17.88 18.78-28.27 2.5-5.93 4.52-12.1 5.55-18.46.86-4.37 1.06-8.83 1.01-13.27-.02-7.85-1.4-15.65-3.64-23.17-1.75-5.73-4.27-11.18-7.09-16.45-3.87-6.93-8.65-13.31-13.96-19.2-9.94-10.85-21.75-19.94-34.6-27.1-1.85-1.02-3.84-1.82-5.63-2.97zm-100.8 58.45c.98-1.18 1.99-2.33 3.12-3.38-.61.93-1.27 1.81-1.95 2.68-3.1 3.88-5.54 8.31-7.03 13.06-.87 3.27-1.68 6.6-1.73 10-.07 2.52-.08 5.07.32 7.57 1.13 7.63 4.33 14.85 8.77 21.12 2 2.7 4.25 5.27 6.92 7.33 1.62 1.27 3.53 2.09 5.34 3.05 3.11 1.68 6.32 3.23 9.07 5.48 2.67 2.09 4.55 5.33 4.4 8.79-.01 73.67 0 147.34-.01 221.02 0 1.35-.08 2.7.04 4.04.13 1.48.82 2.83 1.47 4.15.86 1.66 1.78 3.34 3.18 1.97 1.4 3.15 1.24 1.5-.2 2.66-1.35 3.45-2.57.96-1.51 1.68-3.16 2.28-4.85.76-2.13.44-4.42.54-6.63.14-4.03-.02-8.06.14-12.09.03-5.89.03-11.77.06-17.66.14-3.62.03-7.24.11-10.86.15-4.03-.02-8.06.14-12.09.03-5.99.03-11.98.07-17.97.14-3.62.02-7.24.11-10.86.14-3.93-.02-7.86.14-11.78.03-5.99.03-11.98.06-17.97.16-3.94-.01-7.88.19-11.82.29 1.44.13 2.92.22 4.38.19 3.61.42 7.23.76 10.84.32 3.44.44 6.89.86 10.32.37 3.1.51 6.22.95 9.31.57 4.09.87 8.21 1.54 12.29 1.46 9.04 2.83 18.11 5.09 26.99 1.13 4.82 2.4 9.61 4 14.3 2.54 7.9 5.72 15.67 10.31 22.62 1.73 2.64 3.87 4.98 6.1 1.31-.07 1.7-.57.71-.88 1.17-1.94 1.7-2.93 4.05-7.8 8.18-15.56 12.34-23.31.7-1.31 1.44-2.62 2.56-3.61 1.75-1.57 3.84-2.69 5.98-3.63 2.88-1.22 5.9-2.19 9.03-2.42 6.58-.62 13.11.75 19.56 1.85 3.69.58 7.4 1.17 11.13 1.41 3.74.1 7.48.05 11.21-.28 8.55-.92 16.99-2.96 24.94-6.25 5.3-2.24 10.46-4.83 15.31-7.93 11.46-7.21 21.46-16.57 30.04-27.01 1.17-1.42 2.25-2.9 3.46-4.28-1.2 3.24-2.67 6.37-4.16 9.48-1.25 2.9-2.84 5.61-4.27 8.42-5.16 9.63-11.02 18.91-17.75 27.52-4.03 5.21-8.53 10.05-13.33 14.57-6.64 6.05-14.07 11.37-22.43 14.76-8.21 3.37-17.31 4.63-26.09 3.29-3.56-.58-7.01-1.69-10.41-2.88-2.79-.97-5.39-2.38-8.03-3.69-3.43-1.71-6.64-3.81-9.71-6.08 2.71 3.06 5.69 5.86 8.7 8.61 4.27 3.76 8.74 7.31 13.63 10.23 3.98 2.45 8.29 4.4 12.84 5.51 1.46.37 2.96.46 4.45.6-1.25 1.1-2.63 2.04-3.99 2.98-9.61 6.54-20.01 11.86-30.69 16.43-20.86 8.7-43.17 13.97-65.74 15.34-4.66.24-9.32.36-13.98.36-4.98-.11-9.97-.13-14.92-.65-11.2-.76-22.29-2.73-33.17-5.43-10.35-2.71-20.55-6.12-30.3-10.55-8.71-3.86-17.12-8.42-24.99-13.79-1.83-1.31-3.74-2.53-5.37-4.08 6.6-1.19 13.03-3.39 18.99-6.48 5.74-2.86 10.99-6.66 15.63-11.07 2.24-2.19 4.29-4.59 6.19-7.09-3.43 2.13-6.93 4.15-10.62 5.78-4.41 2.16-9.07 3.77-13.81 5.02-5.73 1.52-11.74 1.73-17.61 1.14-8.13-.95-15.86-4.27-22.51-8.98-4.32-2.94-8.22-6.43-11.96-10.06-9.93-10.16-18.2-21.81-25.66-33.86-3.94-6.27-7.53-12.75-11.12-19.22-1.05-2.04-2.15-4.05-3.18-6.1 2.85 2.92 5.57 5.97 8.43 8.88 8.99 8.97 18.56 17.44 29.16 24.48 7.55 4.9 15.67 9.23 24.56 11.03 3.11.73 6.32.47 9.47.81 2.77.28 5.56.2 8.34.3 5.05.06 10.11.04 15.16-.16 3.65-.16 7.27-.66 10.89-1.09 2.07-.25 4.11-.71 6.14-1.2 3.88-.95 8.11-.96 11.83.61 4.76 1.85 8.44 5.64 11.38 9.71 2.16 3.02 4.06 6.22 5.66 9.58 1.16 2.43 2.46 4.79 3.55 7.26 1 2.24 2.15 4.42 3.42 6.52.67 1.02 1.4 2.15 2.62 2.55 1.06-.75 1.71-1.91 2.28-3.03 2.1-4.16 3.42-8.65 4.89-13.05 2.02-6.59 3.78-13.27 5.19-20.02 2.21-9.25 3.25-18.72 4.54-28.13.56-3.98.83-7.99 1.31-11.97.87-10.64 1.9-21.27 2.24-31.94.08-1.86.24-3.71.25-5.57.01-4.35.25-8.69.22-13.03-.01-2.38-.01-4.76 0-7.13.05-5.07-.2-10.14-.22-15.21-.2-6.61-.71-13.2-1.29-19.78-.73-5.88-1.55-11.78-3.12-17.51-2.05-7.75-5.59-15.03-9.8-21.82-3.16-5.07-6.79-9.88-11.09-14.03-3.88-3.86-8.58-7.08-13.94-8.45-1.5-.41-3.06-.45-4.59-.64.07-2.99.7-5.93 1.26-8.85 1.59-7.71 3.8-15.3 6.76-22.6 1.52-4.03 3.41-7.9 5.39-11.72 3.45-6.56 7.62-12.79 12.46-18.46zm31.27 1.7c.35-.06.71-.12 1.07-.19.19 1.79.09 3.58.1 5.37v38.13c-.01 1.74.13 3.49-.15 5.22-.36-.03-.71-.05-1.06-.05-.95-3.75-1.72-7.55-2.62-11.31-.38-1.53-.58-3.09-1.07-4.59-1.7-.24-3.43-.17-5.15-.2-5.06-.01-10.13 0-15.19-.01-1.66-.01-3.32.09-4.98-.03-.03-.39-.26-.91.16-1.18 1.28-.65 2.72-.88 4.06-1.35 3.43-1.14 6.88-2.16 10.31-3.31 1.39-.48 2.9-.72 4.16-1.54.04-.56.02-1.13-.05-1.68-1.23-.55-2.53-.87-3.81-1.28-3.13-1.03-6.29-1.96-9.41-3.02-1.79-.62-3.67-1-5.41-1.79-.03-.37-.07-.73-.11-1.09 5.09-.19 10.2.06 15.3-.12 3.36-.13 6.73.08 10.09-.07.12-.39.26-.77.37-1.16 1.08-4.94 2.33-9.83 3.39-14.75zm5.97-.2c. 3.85 1.73 7.76 2.71 11.61.36 1.42.56 2.88 1.03 4.27 2.53.18 5.07-.01 7.61.05 5.16.12 10.33.12 1.52.03 2.28.08-.04.36-.07.72-.1 1.08-1.82.83-3.78 1.25-5.67 1.89-3.73 1.23-7.48 2.39-11.22 3.57-.57.17-1.12.42-1.67.64-.15.55-.18 1.12-.12 1.82.81 2.77 1.09 4.88 1.52 9.73 3.14 14.63 1.18-1.66.13-3.31.03-4.97.04-5.17.01-10.33-.01-15.5.01-1.61.03-3.22-.02-4.82.21-.52 1.67-.72 3.42-1.17 5.11-.94 3.57-1.52 7.24-2.54 10.78-.36.01-.71.02-1.06.06-.29-1.73-.15-3.48-.15-5.22v-38.13c.02-1.78-.08-3.58.11-5.37zM65.05 168.33c1.12-2.15 2.08-4.4 3.37-6.46-1.82 7.56-2.91 15.27-3.62 23-.8 7.71-.85 15.49-.54 23.23 1.05 19.94 5.54 39.83 14.23 57.88 2.99 5.99 6.35 11.83 10.5 17.11 6.12 7.47 12.53 14.76 19.84 21.09 4.8 4.1 9.99 7.78 15.54 10.8 3.27 1.65 6.51 3.39 9.94 4.68 5.01 2.03 10.19 3.61 15.42 4.94 3.83.96 7.78 1.41 11.52 2.71 5 1.57 9.47 4.61 13.03 8.43 4.93 5.23 8.09 11.87 10.2 18.67.99 2.9 1.59 5.91 2.17 1.52.16 2.29-6.5 2.78-13.26 5.06-20.26 6.18-4.11.78-8.29.99-12.46 1.08-10.25.24-20.47-1.76-30.12-5.12-3.74-1.42-7.49-2.85-11.03-4.72-8.06-3.84-15.64-8.7-22.46-14.46-2.92-2.55-5.83-5.13-8.4-8.03-9.16-9.83-16.3-21.41-21.79-33.65-2.39-5.55-4.61-11.18-6.37-16.96-1.17-3.94-2.36-7.89-3.26-11.91-.75-2.94-1.22-5.95-1.87-8.92-.46-2.14-.69-4.32-1.03-6.48-.85-5.43-1.28-10.93-1.33-16.43.11-6.18.25-12.37 1.07-18.5.4-2.86.67-5.74 1.15-8.6.98-5.7 2.14-11.37 3.71-16.93 3.09-11.65 7.48-22.95 12.69-33.84zm363.73-6.44c1.1 1.66 1.91 3.48 2.78 5.26 2.1 4.45 4.24 8.9 6.02 13.49 7.61 18.76 12.3 38.79 13.04 59.05.02 1.76.07 3.52.11 5.29.13 9.57-1.27 19.09-3.18 28.45-.73 3.59-1.54 7.17-2.58 10.69-4.04 14.72-10 29-18.41 41.78-8.21 12.57-19.01 23.55-31.84 31.41-5.73 3.59-11.79 6.64-18.05 9.19-5.78 2.19-11.71 4.03-17.8 5.11-6.4 1.05-12.91 1.52-19.4 1.23-7.92-.48-15.78-2.07-23.21-4.85-1.94-.8-3.94-1.46-5.84-2.33-.21-1.51.25-2.99.53-4.46 1.16-5.74 3.03-11.36 5.7-16.58 2.37-4.51 5.52-8.65 9.46-11.9 2.43-2.05 5.24-3.61 8.16-4.83 3.58-1.5 7.47-1.97 11.24-2.83 7.23-1.71 14.37-3.93 21.15-7 10.35-4.65 19.71-11.38 27.65-19.46 1.59-1.61 3.23-3.18 4.74-4.87 3.37-3.76 6.71-7.57 9.85-11.53 7.48-10.07 12.82-21.59 16.71-33.48 1.58-5.3 3.21-10.6 4.21-16.05.63-2.87 1.04-5.78 1.52-8.68.87-6.09 1.59-12.22 1.68-18.38.12-6.65.14-13.32-.53-19.94-.73-7.99-1.87-15.96-3.71-23.78z"],
- "opencart": [640, 512, [], "f23d", "M423.3 440.7c0 25.3-20.3 45.6-45.6 45.6s-45.8-20.3-45.8-45.6 20.6-45.8 45.8-45.8c25.4 0 45.6 20.5 45.6 45.8zm-253.9-45.8c-25.3 0-45.6 20.6-45.6 45.8s20.3 45.6 45.6 45.6 45.8-20.3 45.8-45.6-20.5-45.8-45.8-45.8zm291.7-270C158.9 124.9 81.9 112.1 0 25.7c34.4 51.7 53.3 148.9 373.1 144.2 333.3-5 130 86.1 70.8 188.9 186.7-166.7 319.4-233.9 17.2-233.9z"],
- "openid": [448, 512, [], "f19b", "M271.5 432l-68 32C88.5 453.7 0 392.5 0 318.2c0-71.5 82.5-131 191.7-144.3v43c-71.5 12.5-124 53-124 101.3 0 51 58.5 93.3 135.7 103v-340l68-33.2v384zM448 291l-131.3-28.5 36.8-20.7c-19.5-11.5-43.5-20-70-24.8v-43c46.2 5.5 87.7 19.5 120.3 39.3l35-19.8L448 291z"],
- "opera": [496, 512, [], "f26a", "M313.9 32.7c-170.2 0-252.6 223.8-147.5 355.1 36.5 45.4 88.6 75.6 147.5 75.6 36.3 0 70.3-11.1 99.4-30.4-43.8 39.2-101.9 63-165.3 63-3.9 0-8 0-11.9-.3C104.6 489.6 0 381.1 0 248 0 111 111 0 248 0h.8c63.1.3 120.7 24.1 164.4 63.1-29-19.4-63.1-30.4-99.3-30.4zm101.8 397.7c-40.9 24.7-90.7 23.6-132-5.8 56.2-20.5 97.7-91.6 97.7-176.6 0-84.7-41.2-155.8-97.4-176.6 41.8-29.2 91.2-30.3 132.9-5 105.9 98.7 105.5 265.7-1.2 364z"],
- "optin-monster": [576, 512, [], "f23c", "M550.671 450.303c0 11.62-15.673 19.457-32.158 14.863-12.16-3.243-31.346-17.565-36.211-27.294-5.674-11.62 4.054-32.698 18.916-30.806 15.674 1.621 49.453 25.401 49.453 43.237zM372.86 75.223c-3.783-72.151-100.796-79.718-125.928-23.51 44.588-24.321 90.257-15.673 125.928 23.51zM74.795 407.066c-15.673 1.621-49.452 25.401-49.452 43.237 0 11.62 15.673 19.457 32.157 14.863 12.16-3.243 31.076-17.565 35.94-27.294 5.946-11.62-3.782-32.698-18.645-30.806zm497.765 14.322c1.081 3.513 1.892 7.026 1.892 10.809.81 31.616-44.317 64.045-73.503 65.125-17.295.81-34.59-8.377-42.696-23.51-113.497 4.053-226.994 4.864-340.22 0-8.377 15.133-25.672 24.05-42.967 23.51-28.915-1.081-74.043-33.509-73.503-65.125.27-3.783.811-7.296 1.892-10.809-5.566-9.463-4.845-15.282 5.405-11.62 3.243-5.134 7.026-9.458 11.08-13.782-2.57-10.917 1.27-14.094 11.079-9.188 4.594-3.243 9.998-6.485 15.944-9.188 0-15.757 11.839-11.131 17.295-5.675 12.467-1.78 20.129.709 26.753 5.675v-19.726c-12.987 0-40.641-11.375-45.94-36.212-4.974-20.725 2.607-38.075 25.132-47.56.81-5.945 8.107-14.052 14.862-15.944 7.567-1.892 12.431 4.594 14.052 10.269 7.425 0 17.757 1.465 21.078 8.107 5.405-.541 11.079-1.352 16.484-1.892-2.432-1.892-5.134-3.513-8.107-4.594-5.134-8.917-13.782-11.079-24.591-11.62 0-.81 0-1.621.27-2.702-19.727-.541-44.048-5.675-54.857-17.835-21.321-23.638-15.935-83.577 12.16-103.498 8.377-5.675 21.618-.811 22.699 9.728 2.425 20.598.399 26.833 26.212 25.942 8.107-7.836 16.755-14.592 26.483-19.997-14.862-1.352-28.914 1.621-43.778 3.783 12.752-12.48 23.953-25.442 56.748-42.427 23.511-11.89 49.993-20.808 76.205-23.239-18.646-7.837-39.993-11.891-59.721-16.484 76.475-16.214 174.569-22.159 244.289 37.562 18.105 15.403 32.427 36.211 42.696 59.992 39.799 4.853 36.47-5.581 38.643-25.132 1.081-10.269 14.322-15.403 22.699-9.458 14.862 10.539 22.159 30.806 24.59 48.101 2.162 17.835.27 41.345-12.43 55.127-10.809 12.16-34.32 17.565-53.776 18.105v2.703c-11.08.27-20.268 2.432-25.673 11.62-2.972 1.081-5.674 2.703-8.377 4.594 5.675.54 11.35 1.351 16.755 1.891 1.869-5.619 12.535-8.377 21.077-8.377 1.621-5.405 6.756-11.89 14.052-10.269s14.052 9.998 14.863 15.944c10.809 4.324 22.159 12.16 25.131 25.672 1.892 8.107 1.621 15.133.27 21.888-5.726 25.262-33.361 36.212-45.939 36.212 0 6.756 0 13.241-.27 19.726 8.01-6.006 16.367-7.158 26.752-5.675 5.919-5.919 17.565-9.41 17.565 5.675 5.675 2.703 11.349 5.945 15.944 9.188 10.1-5.051 13.669-.539 10.809 9.188 4.053 4.323 8.107 8.917 11.079 13.782 10.136-3.62 11.021 2.078 5.409 11.62zm-73.773-254.016c17.295 6.756 26.212 22.159 30.265 35.67 1.081-10.539-2.702-39.453-13.782-51.073-7.296-7.296-14.052-5.134- 6.216-1.35 11.62-2.431 14.593zm-18.646 12.43c12.971 15.673 17.024 41.615 12.7 62.963 10.809-2.162 20.537-6.215 26.212-12.16 1.892-2.162 3.783-4.864 4.864-7.566-1.081-21.348-10.269-42.697-29.725-48.912-3.242 3.243-9.187 4.864-14.051 5.675zm-21.889.811c7.567 20.537 12.431 42.696 14.322 64.585 3.513 0 7.567-.27 11.62-.811 5.945-24.321-.27-51.614-14.052-63.504-3.783 0-8.107 0-11.89-.27zM77.768 167.372c-1.081-2.973-2.432-8.377-2.432-14.593 0-5.945-7.026-8.107-14.052-.81-11.35 11.62-14.863 40.534-13.782 51.073 4.053-13.512 12.971-28.915 30.266-35.67zm5.675 75.394c-4.324-21.348-.27-47.291 12.701-62.963-4.865-.811-10.809-2.432-14.052-5.675-19.457 6.215-28.375 27.563-29.726 48.912 1.351 2.702 2.972 5.404 4.864 7.566 5.675 6.215 15.403 9.998 26.213 12.16zm41.345-61.073c-5.134 1.081-9.998 2.973-14.862 4.865l-12.16 5.134v-.27c-7.296 14.052-9.999 34.319-5.405 52.965 4.594.541 8.647.811 12.7.811 2.432-22.159 9.188-43.778 19.727-63.505zm88.095-23.239c0 42.155 34.319 76.205 76.205 76.205s76.205-34.05 76.205-76.205c0-41.886-34.319-75.935-76.205-75.935s-76.205 34.049-76.205 75.935zm152.41 97.283c9.969 50.608 3.299 64.692 16.484 58.099 15.944-8.107 22.699-39.183 22.97-57.019-12.971-.81-26.213-.81-39.454-1.08zm-71.611-.541v-.27c-.27 5.134.27 38.103 4.324 41.075 11.079 5.405 39.453 4.594 51.073 1.081 5.405-1.621 2.432-37.022 1.621-41.886-18.916-.27-38.102-.27-57.018 0zm-14.053 0v-.27c-19.456.27-38.642.27-57.829.811-1.892 9.187-4.594 48.911 1.892 51.614 12.971 5.675 41.616 5.134 54.586 1.621 4.595-2.432 2.433-45.399 1.351-53.776zm-85.662 57.56c5.405 2.432 8.647 2.432 9.728-4.324 1.892-8.647 2.432-36.752 4.865-52.155-12.16.27-24.591.811-36.752 1.621-5.405 19.727.27 45.129 22.159 54.858zm-65.666-11.08c43.778 47.02 92.689 85.663 155.923 106.47 67.558-19.186 115.659-59.991 163.219-107.011-11.095-4.315-7.715-10.363-7.296-11.62-8.918-.81-17.835-1.892-26.483-2.702-9.458 32.968-35.94 52.965-46.75 31.616-2.702-5.134-3.513-11.62-4.594-16.754-3.783 8.377-13.242 8.107-24.591 8.918-13.241 1.081-31.617 1.351-44.048-2.972-2.972 12.971-11.079 12.971-26.752 14.322-14.052 1.352-48.642 4.054-54.857-10.809-1.081 28.644-35.13 9.998-45.129-7.026-3.243-5.675-5.405-11.35-7.026-17.565-7.837.81-15.673 1.621-23.511 2.702 2.443 3.663 1.549 9.052-8.105 12.431zM115.6 453.545c-5.674-23.239-18.646-49.722-33.508-54.046-22.429-6.756-68.909 23.51-66.207 54.586 12.701 19.457 39.994 35.67 59.181 36.481 17.835.81 35.94-11.08 39.724-28.914.539-2.432.81-5.134.81-8.107zm7.296-5.944c33.509-19.457 69.179-35.671 105.931-47.02-38.643-20.537-68.098-47.831-97.283-77.016-2.162 1.352-5.134 2.432-7.836 3.513-1.637 4.91 8.718 5.33 5.405 12.431-2.162 4.054-8.648 7.567-15.133 9.188-2.161 2.702-5.134 4.864-7.836 6.485h-.27c-.27 13.511-.27 27.024.27 40.535 8.939 15.964 15.426 33.314 16.752 51.884zm320.764 12.7c-36.752-21.348-74.044-41.345-115.659-52.965-13.782 6.215-27.833 11.349-42.155 15.403-2.162.811-2.162.811-4.324 0-11.89-3.783-23.239-8.107-34.859-13.241-40.265 11.62-77.286 29.185-112.416 50.803h-.27v.27c.27 0 .27 0 .27-.27 103.227 4.054 206.455 3.513 309.413 0zm27.023-64.045l-.27.27c.541-13.782.811-27.563.811-41.345-2.973-1.621-5.675-4.054-8.107-6.756-6.485-1.351-12.971-5.134-15.133-8.918-1.892-4.053 1.351-7.566 5.945-10.269-.27-.541-.541-1.621-.541-2.432-2.972-.811-5.405-1.892-7.567-3.243-31.616 29.455-65.396 56.749-103.498 76.746 38.914 11.62 75.935 28.104 111.875 47.561 1.05-14.692 7.231-35.749 16.485-51.614zm23.24 3.244c-14.593 4.323-27.834 30.806-33.509 54.046 0 23.826 21.278 37.897 40.534 37.022 19.186-.811 46.48-17.024 59.181-36.481 2.973-31.077-43.507-61.344-66.206-54.587zM290.709 134.133c.045 0 . 0 .09-.003.136-.003h-.27zm0 96.743c28.645 0 51.884-21.618 51.884-48.371 0-36.092-40.507-58.079-72.151-44.318 9.458 2.972 16.484 11.62 16.484 21.618 0 23.257-33.291 31.955-46.48 11.35-7.297 34.067 19.368 59.721 50.263 59.721zM68.039 474.083c.54 6.486 12.16 12.701 21.618 9.458 6.756-2.703 14.593-10.539 17.295-16.214 2.973-7.026-1.081-19.997-9.728-18.375-8.917 1.621-29.725 16.754-29.185 25.131zm410.75-25.131c-8.377-1.621-12.431 11.349-9.458 18.375 2.432 5.675 10.269 13.511 17.295 16.214 9.187 3.243 21.078-2.972 21.348-9.458.811-8.377-20.267-23.51-29.185-25.131z"],
- "osi": [495, 512, [], "f41a", "M0 259.2C2.3 123.4 97.4 26.8 213.8 11.1c138.8-18.6 255.6 75.8 278 201.1 21.3 118.8-44 230-151.6 274-9.3 3.8-14.4 1.7-18-7.7-17.8-46.3-35.6-92.7-53.4-139-3.1-8.1-1-13.2 7-16.8 24.2-11 39.3-29.4 43.3-55.8 6.4-42.4-24.5-78.7-64.5-82.2-39-3.4-71.8 23.7-77.5 59.7-5.2 33 11.1 63.7 41.9 77.7 9.6 4.4 11.5 8.6 7.8 18.4-17.9 46.6-35.8 93.2-53.7 139.9-2.6 6.9-8.3 9.3-15.5 6.5-52.6-20.3-101.4-61-130.8-119C1.9 318.7 1.6 280.2 0 259.2zm20.9-1.9c.4 6.6.6 14.3 1.3 22.1 6.3 71.9 49.6 143.5 131 183.1 3.2 1.5 4.4.8 5.6-2.3 14.9-39.1 29.9-78.2 45-117.3 1.3-3.3.6-4.8-2.4-6.7-31.6-19.9-47.3-48.5-45.6-86 1-21.6 9.3-40.5 23.8-56.3 30-32.7 77-39.8 115.5-17.6 31.9 18.4 49.5 53.8 45.2 90.4-3.6 30.6-19.3 53.9-45.7 69.8-2.7 1.6-3.5 2.9-2.3 6 15.2 39.2 30.2 78.4 45.2 117.7 1.2 3.1 2.4 3.8 5.6 2.3 35.5-16.6 65.2-40.3 88.1-72 34.8-48.2 49.1-101.9 42.3-161C459.8 112 354.1 14.7 218 31.5 111.9 44.5 22.7 134 20.9 257.3z"],
- "page4": [496, 512, [], "f3d7", "M248 504C111 504 0 393 0 256S111 8 248 8c20.9 0 41.3 2.6 60.7 7.5L42.3 392H248v112zm0-143.6V146.8L98.6 360.4H248zm96 31.6v92.7c45.7-19.2 84.5-51.7 111.4-92.7H344zm57.4-138.2l-21.2 8.4 21.2 8.3v-16.7zm-20.3 54.5c-6.7 0-8 6.3-8 12.9v7.7h16.2v-10c0-5.9-2.3-10.6-8.2-10.6zM496 256c0 37.3-8.2 72.7-23 104.4H344V27.3C433.3 64.8 496 153.1 496 256zM360.4 143.6h68.2V96h-13.9v32.6h-13.9V99h-13.9v29.6h-12.7V96h-13.9v47.6zm68.1 185.3H402v-11c0-15.4-5.6-25.2-20.9-25.2-15.4 0-20.7 10.6-20.7 25.9v25.3h68.2v-15zm0-103l-68.2 29.7V268l68.2 29.5v-16.6l-14.4-5.7v-26.5l14.4-5.9v-16.9zm-4.8-68.5h-35.6V184H402v-12.2h11c8.6 15.8 1.3 35.3-18.6 35.3-22.5 0-28.3-25.3-15.5-37.7l-11.6-10.6c-16.2 17.5-12.2 63.9 27.1 63.9 34 0 44.7-35.9 29.3-65.3z"],
- "pagelines": [384, 512, [], "f18c", "M384 312.7c-55.1 136.7-187.1 54-187.1 54-40.5 81.8-107.4 134.4-184.6 134.7-16.1 0-16.6-24.4 0-24.4 64.4-.3 120.5-42.7 157.2-110.1-41.1 15.9-118.6 27.9-161.6-82.2 109-44.9 159.1 11.2 178.3 45.5 9.9-24.4 17-50.9 21.6-79.7 0 0-139.7 21.9-149.5-98.1 119.1-47.9 152.6 76.7 152.6 76.7 1.6-16.7 3.3-52.6 3.3-53.4 0 0-106.3-73.7-38.1-165.2 124.6 43 61.4 162.4 61.4 162.4.5 1.6.5 23.8 0 33.4 0 0 45.2-89 136.4-57.5-4.2 134-141.9 106.4-141.9 106.4-4.4 27.4-11.2 53.4-20 77.5 0 0 83-91.8 172-20z"],
- "palfed": [576, 512, [], "f3d8", "M384.9 193.9c0-47.4-55.2-44.2-95.4-29.8-1.3 39.4-2.5 80.7-3 119.8.7 2.8 2.6 6.2 15.1 6.2 36.8 0 83.4-42.8 83.3-96.2zm-194.5 72.2c.2 0 6.5-2.7 11.2-2.7 26.6 0 20.7 44.1-14.4 44.1-21.5 0-37.1-18.1-37.1-43 0-42 42.9-95.6 100.7-126.5 1-12.4 3-22 10.5-28.2 11.2-9 26.6-3.5 29.5 11.1 72.2-22.2 135.2 1 135.2 72 0 77.9-79.3 152.6-140.1 138.2-.1 39.4.9 74.4 2.7 100v.2c.2 3.4.6 12.5-5.3 19.1-9.6 10.6-33.4 10-36.4-22.3-4.1-44.4.2-206.1 1.4-242.5-21.5 15-58.5 50.3-58.5 75.9.2 2.5.4 4 .6 4.6zM8 181.1s-.1 37.4 38.4 37.4h30l22.4 217.2s0 44.3 44.7 44.3h288.9s44.7-.4 44.7-44.3l22.4-217.2h30s38.4 1.2 38.4-37.4c0 0 .1-37.4-38.4-37.4h-30.1c-7.3-25.6-30.2-74.3-119.4-74.3h-28V50.3s-2.7-18.4-21.1-18.4h-85.8s-21.1 0-21.1 18.4v19.1h-28.1s-105 4.2-120.5 74.3h-29S8 142.5 8 181.1z"],
- "patreon": [512, 512, [], "f3d9", "M512 194.8c0 101.3-82.4 183.8-183.8 183.8-101.7 0-184.4-82.4-184.4-183.8 0-101.6 82.7-184.3 184.4-184.3C429.6 10.5 512 93.2 512 194.8zM0 501.5h90v-491H0v491z"],
- "paypal": [384, 512, [], "f1ed", "M111.4 295.9c-3.5 19.2-17.4 108.7-21.5 134-.3 1.8-1 2.5-3 2.5H12.3c-7.6 0-13.1-6.6-12.1-13.9L58.8 46.6c1.5-9.6 10.1-16.9 20-16.9 152.3 0 165.1-3.7 204 11.4 60.1 23.3 65.6 79.5 44 140.3-21.5 62.6-72.5 89.5-140.1 90.3-43.4.7-69.5-7-75.3 24.2zM357.1 152c-1.8-1.3-2.5-1.8-3 1.3-2 11.4-5.1 22.5-8.8 33.6-39.9 113.8-150.5 103.9-204.5 103.9-6.1 0-10.1 3.3-10.9 9.4-22.6 140.4-27.1 169.7-27.1 169.7-1 7.1 3.5 12.9 10.6 12.9h63.5c8.6 0 15.7-6.3 17.4-14.9.7-5.4-1.1 6.1 14.4-91.3 4.6-22 14.3-19.7 29.3-19.7 71 0 126.4-28.8 142.9-112.3 6.5-34.8 4.6-71.4-23.8-92.6z"],
- "periscope": [448, 512, [], "f3da", "M370 63.6C331.4 22.6 280.5 0 226.6 0 111.9 0 18.5 96.2 18.5 214.4c0 75.1 57.8 159.8 82.7 192.7C137.8 455.5 192.6 512 226.6 512c41.6 0 112.9-94.2 120.9-105 24.6-33.1 82-118.3 82-192.6 0-56.5-21.1-110.1-59.5-150.8zM226.6 493.9c-42.5 0-190-167.3-190-279.4 0-107.4 83.9-196.3 190-196.3 100.8 0 184.7 89 184.7 196.3.1 112.1-147.4 279.4-184.7 279.4zM338 206.8c0 59.1-51.1 109.7-110.8 109.7-100.6 0-150.7-108.2-92.9-181.8v.4c0 24.5 20.1 44.4 44.8 44.4 24.7 0 44.8-19.9 44.8-44.4 0-18.2-11.1-33.8-26.9-40.7 76.6-19.2 141 39.3 141 112.4z"],
- "phabricator": [496, 512, [], "f3db", "M323 262.1l-.1-13s21.7-19.8 21.1-21.2l-9.5-20c-.6-1.4-29.5-.5-29.5-.5l-9.4-9.3s.2-28.5-1.2-29.1l-20.1-9.2c-1.4-.6-20.7 21-20.7 21l-13.1-.2s-20.5-21.4-21.9-20.8l-20 8.3c- 28.9.2 28.9l-9.1 9.1s-29.2-.9-29.7.4l-8.1 19.8c-.6 1.4 21 21 21 21l.1 12.9s-21.7 19.8-21.1 21.2l9.5 20c.6 1.4 29.5.5 29.5.5l9.4 9.3s-.2 31.8 1.2 32.3l20.1 8.3c1.4.6 20.7-23.5 20.7-23.5l13.1.2s20.5 23.8 21.8 23.3l20-7.5c1.4-.6-.2-32.1-.2-32.1l9.1-9.1s29.2.9 29.7-.5l8.1-19.8c.7-1.1-20.9-20.7-20.9-20.7zm-44.9-8.7c.7 17.1-12.8 31.6-30.1 32.4-17.3.8-32.1-12.5-32.8-29.6-.7-17.1 12.8-31.6 30.1-32.3 17.3-.8 32.1 12.5 32.8 29.5zm201.2-37.9l-97-97-.1.1c-75.1-73.3-195.4-72.8-269.8 1.6-50.9 51-27.8 27.9-95.7 95.3-22.3 22.3-22.3 58.7 0 81 69.9 69.4 46.4 46 97.4 97l.1-.1c75.1 73.3 195.4 72.9 269.8-1.6 51-50.9 27.9-27.9 95.3-95.3 22.3-22.3 22.3-58.7 0-81zM140.4 363.8c-59.6-59.5-59.6-156 0-215.5 59.5-59.6 156-59.5 215.6 0 59.5 59.5 59.6 156 0 215.6-59.6 59.5-156 59.4-215.6-.1z"],
- "phoenix-framework": [640, 512, [], "f3dc", "M212.9 344.3c3.8-.1 22.8-1.4 25.6-2.2-2.4-2.6-43.6-1-68-49.6-4.3-8.6-7.5-17.6-6.4-27.6 2.9-25.5 32.9-30 52-18.5 36 21.6 63.3 91.3 113.7 97.5 37 4.5 84.6-17 108.2-45.4-.6-.1-.8-.2-1-.1-.4.1-.8.2-1.1.3-33.3 12.1-94.3 9.7-134.7-14.8-37.6-22.8-53.1-58.7-51.8-74.6 1.8-21.3 22.9-23.2 35.9-19.6 14.4 3.9 24.4 17.6 38.9 27.4 15.6 10.4 32.9 13.7 51.3 10.3 14.9-2.7 34.4-12.3 36.5-14.5-1.1-.1-1.8-.1-2.5-.2-6.2-.6-12.4-.8-18.5-1.7C279.8 194.5 262.1 47.4 138.5 37.9 94.2 34.5 39.1 46 2.2 72.9c-.8.6-1.5 1.2-2.2 0 1.6-.1 2.4-.2 6.3-1 12.5-.8 18.7.3 23.8 4.3 47.7 23.1 55.9 76.5 5.3 34.3-.7 50.8 8 86.1 19 77.1 91 107.6 127.7 106.4zM75.3 64.9c-.9-1-.9-1.2-1.3-2 12.1-2.6 24.2-4.1 36.6-4.8-1.1 14.7-22.2 21.3-35.3 6.8zm196.9 350.5c-42.8 1.2-92-26.7-123.5-61.4-4.6-5-16.8-20.2-18.6-23.4l.4-.4c6.6 4.1 25.7 18.6 54.8 27 24.2 7 48.1 6.3 71.6-3.3 22.7-9.3 41-.5 43.1 2.9-18.5 3.8-20.1 4.4-24 7.9-5.1 4.4-4.6 11.7 7 17.2 26.2 12.4 63-2.8 97.2 25.4 2.4 2 8.1 7.8 10.1 10.7-.1.2-.3.3-.4.5-4.8-1.5-16.4-7.5-40.2-9.3-24.7-2-46.3 5.3-77.5 6.2zm174.8-252c16.4-5.2 41.3-13.4 66.5-3.3 16.1 6.5 26.2 18.7 32.1 34.6 3.5 9.4 5.1 19.7 5.1 28.7-.2 0-.4 0-.6.1-.2-.4-.4-.9-.5-1.3-5-22-29.9-43.8-67.6-29.9-50.2 18.6-130.4 9.7-176.9-48-.7-.9-2.4-1.7-1.3-3.2.1-.2 2.1.6 3 1.3 18.1 13.4 38.3 21.9 60.3 26.2 30.5 6.1 54.6 2.9 79.9-5.2zm102.7 117.5c-32.4.2-33.8 50.1-103.6 64.4-18.2 3.7-38.7 4.6-44.9 4.2v-.4c2.8-1.5 14.7-2.6 29.7-16.6 7.9-7.3 15.3-15.1 22.8-22.9 19.5-20.2 41.4-42.2 81.9-39 23.1 1.8 29.3 8.2 36.1 0-.7.1-.9 0-7-2.7-14.3-3.3-21.8-3.3zm-12.3-24.1c-.1.2-.1.4-.2.6-28.9-4.4-48-7.9-68.5 4-17 9.9-31.4 20.5-62 24.4-27.1 3.4-45.1 2.4-66.1-8-.3-.2-.6-.4-1-.6 0-.2.1-.3.1-.5 24.9 3.8 36.4 5.1 55.5-5.8 22.3-12.9 40.1-26.6 71.3-31 29.6-4.1 51.3 2.5 70.9 16.9zM268.6 97.3c-.6-.6-1.1-1.2-2.1-2.3 7.6 0 29.7-1.2 53.4 8.4 19.7 8 32.2 21 50.2 32.9 11.1 7.3 23.4 9.3 36.4 8.1 4.3-.4 8.5-1.2 12.8-1.7.4-.1.9 0 1.5.3-.6.4-1.2.9-1.8 1.2-8.1 4-16.7 6.3-25.6 7.1-26.1 2.6-50.3-3.7-73.4-15.4-19.3-9.9-36.4-22.9-51.4-38.6zM640 335.7c-3.5 3.1-22.7 11.6-42.7 5.3-12.3-3.9-19.5-14.9-31.6-24.1-10-7.6-20.9-7.9-28.1-8.4.6-.8.9-1.2 1.2-1.4 14.8-9.2 30.5-12.2 47.3-6.5 12.5 4.2 19.2 13.5 30.4 24.2 10.8 10.4 21 9.9 23.1 10.5.1-.1.2 0 .4.4zm-212.5 137c2.2 1.2 1.6 1.5 1.5 2-18.5-1.4-33.9-7.6-46.8-22.2-21.8-24.7-41.7-27.9-48.6-29.7.5-.2.8-.4 1.1-.4 13.1.1 26.1.7 38.9 3.9 25.3 6.4 35 25.4 41.6 35.3 3.2 4.8 7.3 8.3 12.3 11.1z"],
- "phoenix-squadron": [513, 512, [], "f511", "M96.24 62.81C142.91 26.57 202.15 6.57 261.28 8.08c29.67-.38 59.29 5.38 87.17 15.37-24.2-4.64-49.18-6.35-73.6-2.45-43 5.35-83.26 27.23-112.16 59.35 5.69-.99 10.81-3.68 16.07-5.88 18.19-7.89 37.6-13.29 57.4-14.87 19.8-2.14 39.75-.43 59.45 1.93-14.46 2.79-29.2 4.58-43.11 9.61-34.53 11.11-65.46 33.26-86.55 62.82-13.84 19.77-23.7 42.99-24.74 67.33-.35 16.54 5.23 34.91 19.89 44.17 11.13 6.66 24.85 9.39 37.63 6.76 15.49-2.47 30.16-8.67 43.73-16.38 11.55-6.84 22.73-14.59 32.05-24.32 3.8-3.23 2.54-8.48 2.63-12.83-2.13-.34-4.4-1.11-6.32.3a203.975 203.975 0 0 1-35.93 15.42c-20.07 6.19-42.28 8.48-62.28.78 12.83 1.73 26.14.31 37.85-5.46 20.29-9.75 36.92-25.27 54.6-38.88 27.84-21.29 57.64-40.11 89.17-55.47 25.78-12.01 53.09-22.85 81.81-24.2-15.68 13.76-32.25 26.6-46.92 41.51-14.55 14.04-27.54 29.58-40.23 45.31-3.53 4.61-8.98 6.96-13.62 10.19-22.24 15.03-40.6 35.96-52.04 60.28-9.36 19.74-14.55 41.97-11.81 63.84 1.95 13.73 8.74 27.67 20.96 35.01 12.94 7.99 29.14 8.09 43.61 5.11 32.9-7.47 61.61-28.97 81.28-56 20.5-27.6 30.61-62.38 29.25-96.64-.52-7.52-1.58-15-1.67-22.55 8.02 19.54 14.87 39.83 16.7 61.01 2.01 14.32.75 28.84-1.62 43.02-1.92 11.02-5.69 21.58-7.81 32.53 20.36-22.73 34.17-51.24 39.46-81.31 5.72-35.37.58-72.36-14.25-104.95 20.84 32.12 32.43 69.79 35.81 107.8.5 12.77.5 25.58 0 38.34-2.91 34.26-12.97 67.95-29.76 98-26.2 47.48-68.2 85.89-117.54 108.32-78.52 36.34-175.2 31.41-248.72-14.72-38.84-23.78-71.06-58.32-91.68-98.96C10.72 337.43 2.04 305.5 0 273.13V241.7c3.94-69.97 40.99-136.32 96.24-178.89m222.65 80.57c5.51-.8 10.82-2.57 16.02-4.5 4.99-1.77 9.27-5.95 10.35-11.25-8.91 5-17.95 9.95-26.37 15.75z"],
- "php": [640, 512, [], "f457", "M320 104.5c171.4 0 303.2 72.2 303.2 151.5S491.3 407.5 320 407.5c-171.4 0-303.2-72.2-303.2-151.5S148.7 104.5 320 104.5m0-16.8C143.3 87.7 0 163 0 256s143.3 168.3 320 168.3S640 349 640 256 496.7 87.7 320 87.7zM218.2 242.5c-7.9 40.5-35.8 36.3-70.1 36.3l13.7-70.6c38 0 63.8-4.1 56.4 34.3zM97.4 350.3h36.7l8.7-44.8c41.1 0 66.6 3 90.2-19.1 26.1-24 32.9-66.7 14.3-88.1-9.7-11.2-25.3-16.7-46.5-16.7h-70.7L97.4 350.3zm185.7-213.6h36.5l-8.7 44.8c31.5 0 60.7-2.3 74.8 10.7 14.8 13.6 7.7 31-8.3 113.1h-37c15.4-79.4 18.3-86 12.7-92-5.4-5.8-17.7-4.6-47.4-4.6l-18.8 96.6h-36.5l32.7-168.6zM505 242.5c-8 41.1-36.7 36.3-70.1 36.3l13.7-70.6c38.2 0 63.8-4.1 56.4 34.3zM384.2 350.3H421l8.7-44.8c43.2 0 67.1 2.5 90.2-19.1 26.1-24 32.9-66.7 14.3-88.1-9.7-11.2-25.3-16.7-46.5-16.7H417l-32.8 168.7z"],
- "pied-piper": [448, 512, [], "f2ae", "M32 419L0 479.2l.8-328C.8 85.3 54 32 120 32h327.2c-93 28.9-189.9 94.2-253.9 168.6C122.7 282 82.6 338 32 419M448 32S305.2 98.8 261.6 199.1c-23.2 53.6-28.9 118.1-71 158.6-28.9 27.8-69.8 38.2-105.3 56.3-23.2 12-66.4 40.5-84.9 66h328.4c66 0 119.3-53.3 119.3-119.2-.1 0-.1-328.8-.1-328.8z"],
- "pied-piper-alt": [576, 512, [], "f1a8", "M242 187c6.3-11.8 13.2-17 25.9-21.8 27.3-10.3 40.2-30.5 58.9-51.1 11.9 8.4 12 24.6 31.6 23v21.8l6.3.3c37.4-14.4 74.7-30.2 106.6-54.6 48.3-36.8 52.9-50 81.3-100l2-2.6c-.6 14.1-6.3 27.3-12.4 39.9-30.5 63.8-78.7 100.3-146.8 116.7-12.4 2.9-26.4 3.2-37.6 8.9 1.4 9.8 13.2 18.1 13.2 23 0 3.4-5.5 7.2-7.5 8.6-11.2-12.9-16.1-19.3-22.7-22.1-7.6-3.5-63.9-6.4-98.8 10zm137.9 256.9c-19 0-64.1 9.5-79.9 19.8l6.9 45.1c35.7 6.1 70.1 3.6 106-9.8-4.8-10-23.5-55.1-33-55.1zM244 246c-3.2-2-6.3-2.9-10.1-2.9-6.6 0-12.6 3.2-19.3 3.7l1.7 4.9L244 246zm-12.6 31.8l24.1 61.2 21-13.8-31.3-50.9-13.8 3.5zM555.5 0l-.6 1.1-.3.9.6-.6.3-1.4zm-59.2 382.1c-33.9-56.9-75.3-118.4-150-115.5l-.3-6c-1.1-13.5 32.8 3.2 35.1-31l-14.4 7.2c-19.8-45.7-8.6-54.3-65.5-54.3-14.7 0-26.7 1.7-41.4 4.6 2.9 18.6 2.2 36.7-10.9 50.3l19.5 5.5c-1.7 3.2-2.9 6.3-2.9 9.8 0 21 42.8 2.9 42.8 33.6 0 18.4-36.8 60.1-54.9 60.1-8 0-53.7-50-53.4-60.1l.3-4.6 52.3-11.5c13-2.6 12.3-22.7-2.9-22.7-3.7 0-43.1 9.2-49.4 10.6-2-5.2-7.5-14.1-13.8-14.1-3.2 0-6.3 3.2-9.5 4-9.2 2.6-31 2.9-21.5 20.1L15.9 298.5c-5.5 1.1-8.9 6.3-8.9 11.8 0 6 5.5 10.9 11.5 10.9 8 0 131.3-28.4 147.4-32.2 2.6 3.2 4.6 6.3 7.8 8.6 20.1 14.4 59.8 85.9 76.4 85.9 24.1 0 58-22.4 71.3-41.9 3.2-4.3 6.9-7.5 12.4-6.9.6 13.8-31.6 34.2-33 43.7-1.4 10.2-1 35.2-.3 41.1 26.7 8.1 52-3.6 77.9-2.9 4.3-21 10.6-41.9 9.8-63.5l-.3-9.5c-1.4-34.2-10.9-38.5-34.8-58.6-1.1-1.1-2.6-2.6-3.7-4 2.2-1.4 1.1-1 4.6-1.7 88.5 0 56.3 183.6 111.5 229.9 33.1-15 72.5-27.9 103.5-47.2-29-25.6-52.6-45.7-72.7-79.9zm-196.2 46v27.3l11.8-3.4-2.9-23.8h-8.9zm76.1 2.9c0-1.4-.6-3.2-.9-4.6-26.8 0-36.9 3.8-59.5 6.3l2 12.4c9-1.5 58.4-6.6 58.4-14.1z"],
- "pied-piper-hat": [640, 512, [], "f4e5", "M640 24.9c-80.8 53.6-89.4 92.5-96.4 104.4-6.7 12.2-11.7 60.3-23.3 83.6-11.7 23.6-54.2 42.2-66.1 50-11.7 7.8-28.3 38.1-41.9 64.2-108.1-4.4-167.4 38.8-259.2 93.6 29.4-9.7 43.3-16.7 43.3-16.7 94.2-36 139.3-68.3 281.1-49.2 1.1 0 1.9.6 2.8.8 3.9 2.2 5.3 6.9 3.1 10.8l-53.9 95.8c-2.5 4.7-7.8 7.2-13.1 6.1-126.8-23.8-226.9 17.3-318.9 18.6C24.1 488 0 453.4 0 451.8c0-1.1.6-1.7 1.7-1.7 0 0 38.3 0 103.1-15.3C178.4 294.5 244 245.4 315.4 245.4c0 0 71.7 0 90.6 61.9 22.8-39.7 28.3-49.2 28.3-49.2 5.3-9.4 35-77.2 86.4-141.4 51.5-64 90.4-79.9 119.3-91.8z"],
- "pied-piper-pp": [448, 512, [], "f1a7", "M205.3 174.6c0 21.1-14.2 38.1-31.7 38.1-7.1 0-12.8-1.2-17.2-3.7v-68c4.4-2.7 10.1-4.2 17.2-4.2 17.5 0 31.7 16.9 31.7 37.8zm52.6 67c-7.1 0-12.8 1.5-17.2 4.2v68c4.4 2.5 10.1 3.7 17.2 3.7 17.4 0 31.7-16.9 31.7-37.8 0-21.1-14.3-38.1-31.7-38.1zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM185 255.1c41 0 74.2-35.6 74.2-79.6 0-44-33.2-79.6-74.2-79.6-12 0-24.1 3.2-34.6 8.8h-45.7V311l51.8-10.1v-50.6c8.6 3.1 18.1 4.8 28.5 4.8zm158.4 25.3c0-44-33.2-79.6-73.9-79.6-3.2 0-6.4.2-9.6.7-3.7 12.5-10.1 23.8-19.2 33.4-13.8 15-32.2 23.8-51.8 24.8V416l51.8-10.1v-50.6c8.6 3.2 18.2 4.7 28.7 4.7 40.8 0 74-35.6 74-79.6z"],
- "pinterest": [496, 512, [], "f0d2", "M496 256c0 137-111 248-248 248-25.6 0-50.2-3.9-73.4-11.1 10.1-16.5 25.2-43.5 30.8-65 3-11.6 15.4-59 15.4-59 8.1 15.4 31.7 28.5 56.8 28.5 74.8 0 128.7-68.8 128.7-154.3 0-81.9-66.9-143.2-152.9-143.2-107 0-163.9 71.8-163.9 150.1 0 36.4 19.4 81.7 50.3 96.1 4.7 2.2 7.2 1.2 8.3-3.3.8-3.4 5-20.3 6.9-28.1.6-2.5.3-4.7-1.7-7.1-10.1-12.5-18.3-35.3-18.3-56.6 0-54.7 41.4-107.6 112-107.6 60.9 0 103.6 41.5 103.6 100.9 0 67.1-33.9 113.6-78 113.6-24.3 0-42.6-20.1-36.7-44.8 7-29.5 20.5-61.3 20.5-82.6 0-19-10.2-34.9-31.4-34.9-24.9 0-44.9 25.7-44.9 60.2 0 22 7.4 36.8 7.4 36.8s-24.5 103.8-29 123.2c-5 21.4-3 51.6-.9 71.2C65.4 450.9 0 361.1 0 256 0 119 111 8 248 8s248 111 248 248z"],
- "pinterest-p": [384, 512, [], "f231", "M204 6.5C101.4 6.5 0 74.9 0 185.6 0 256 39.6 296 63.6 296c9.9 0 15.6-27.6 15.6-35.4 0-9.3-23.7-29.1-23.7-67.8 0-80.4 61.2-137.4 140.4-137.4 68.1 0 118.5 38.7 118.5 109.8 0 53.1-21.3 152.7-90.3 152.7-24.9 0-46.2-18-46.2-43.8 0-37.8 26.4-74.4 26.4-113.4 0-66.2-93.9-54.2-93.9 25.8 0 16.8 2.1 35.4 9.6 50.7-13.8 59.4-42 147.9-42 209.1 0 18.9 2.7 37.5 4.5 56.4 3.4 3.8 1.7 3.4 6.9 1.5 50.4-69 48.6-82.5 71.4-172.8 12.3 23.4 44.1 36 69.3 36 106.2 0 153.9-103.5 153.9-196.8C384 71.3 298.2 6.5 204 6.5z"],
- "pinterest-square": [448, 512, [], "f0d3", "M448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H154.4c9.8-16.4 22.4-40 27.4-59.3 3-11.5 15.3-58.4 15.3-58.4 8 15.3 31.4 28.2 56.3 28.2 74.1 0 127.4-68.1 127.4-152.7 0-81.1-66.2-141.8-151.4-141.8-106 0-162.2 71.1-162.2 148.6 0 36 19.2 80.8 49.8 95.1 4.7 2.2 7.1 1.2 8.2-3.3.8-3.4 5-20.1 6.8-27.8.6-2.5.3-4.6-1.7-7-10.1-12.3-18.3-34.9-18.3-56 0-54.2 41-106.6 110.9-106.6 60.3 0 102.6 41.1 102.6 99.9 0 66.4-33.5 112.4-77.2 112.4-24.1 0-42.1-19.9-36.4-44.4 6.9-29.2 20.3-60.7 20.3-81.8 0-53-75.5-45.7-75.5 25 0 21.7 7.3 36.5 7.3 36.5-31.4 132.8-36.1 134.5-29.6 192.6l2.2.8H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48z"],
- "playstation": [576, 512, [], "f3df", "M570.9 372.3c-11.3 14.2-38.8 24.3-38.8 24.3L327 470.2v-54.3l150.9-53.8c17.1-6.1 19.8-14.8 5.8-19.4-13.9-4.6-39.1-3.3-56.2 2.9L327 381.1v-56.4c23.2-7.8 47.1-13.6 75.7-16.8 40.9-4.5 90.9.6 130.2 15.5 44.2 14 49.2 34.7 38 48.9zm-224.4-92.5v-139c0-16.3-3-31.3-18.3-35.6-11.7-3.8-19 7.1-19 23.4v347.9l-93.8-29.8V32c39.9 7.4 98 24.9 129.2 35.4C424.1 94.7 451 128.7 451 205.2c0 74.5-46 102.8-104.5 74.6zM43.2 410.2c-45.4-12.8-53-39.5-32.3-54.8 19.1-14.2 51.7-24.9 51.7-24.9l134.5-47.8v54.5l-96.8 34.6c-17.1 6.1-19.7 14.8-5.8 19.4 13.9 4.6 39.1 3.3 56.2-2.9l46.4-16.9v48.8c-51.6 9.3-101.4 7.3-153.9-10z"],
- "product-hunt": [512, 512, [], "f288", "M326.3 218.8c0 20.5-16.7 37.2-37.2 37.2h-70.3v-74.4h70.3c20.5 0 37.2 16.7 37.2 37.2zM504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-128.1-37.2c0-47.9-38.9-86.8-86.8-86.8H169.2v248h49.6v-74.4h70.3c47.9 0 86.8-38.9 86.8-86.8z"],
- "pushed": [432, 512, [], "f3e1", "M407 111.9l-98.5-9 14-33.4c10.4-23.5-10.8-40.4-28.7-37L22.5 76.9c-15.1 2.7-26 18.3-21.4 36.6l105.1 348.3c6.5 21.3 36.7 24.2 47.7 7l35.3-80.8 235.2-231.3c16.4-16.8 4.3-42.9-17.4-44.8zM297.6 53.6c5.1-.7 7.5 2.5 5.2 7.4L286 100.9 108.6 84.6l189-31zM22.7 107.9c-3.1-5.1 1-10 6.1-9.1l248.7 22.7-96.9 230.7L22.7 107.9zM136 456.4c-2.6 4-7.9 3.1-9.4-1.2L43.5 179.7l127.7 197.6c-7 15-35.2 79.1-35.2 79.1zm272.8-314.5L210.1 337.3l89.7-213.7 106.4 9.7c4 1.1 5.7 5.3 2.6 8.6z"],
- "python": [448, 512, [], "f3e2", "M167.8 36.4c-45.2 8-53.4 24.7-53.4 55.6v40.7h106.9v13.6h-147c-31.1 0-58.3 18.7-66.8 54.2-9.8 40.7-10.2 66.1 0 108.6 7.6 31.6 25.7 54.2 56.8 54.2H101v-48.8c0-35.3 30.5-66.4 66.8-66.4h106.8c29.7 0 53.4-24.5 53.4-54.3V91.9c0-29-24.4-50.7-53.4-55.6-35.8-5.9-74.7-5.6-106.8.1zm-6.7 28.4c11 0 20.1 9.2 20.1 20.4s-9 20.3-20.1 20.3c-11.1 0-20.1-9.1-20.1-20.3.1-11.3 9-20.4 20.1-20.4zm185.2 81.4v47.5c0 36.8-31.2 67.8-66.8 67.8H172.7c-29.2 0-53.4 25-53.4 54.3v101.8c0 29 25.2 46 53.4 54.3 33.8 9.9 66.3 11.7 106.8 0 26.9-7.8 53.4-23.5 53.4-54.3v-40.7H226.2v-13.6h160.2c31.1 0 42.6-21.7 53.4-54.2 11.2-33.5 10.7-65.7 0-108.6-7.7-30.9-22.3-54.2-53.4-54.2h-40.1zM286.2 404c11.1 0 20.1 9.1 20.1 20.3 0 11.3-9 20.4-20.1 20.4-11 0-20.1-9.2-20.1-20.4.1-11.3 9.1-20.3 20.1-20.3z"],
- "qq": [448, 512, [], "f1d6", "M433.754 420.445c-11.526 1.393-44.86-52.741-44.86-52.741 0 31.345-16.136 72.247-51.051 101.786 16.842 5.192 54.843 19.167 45.803 34.421-7.316 12.343-125.51 7.881-159.632 4.037-34.122 3.844-152.316 8.306-159.632-4.037-9.045-15.25 28.918-29.214 45.783-34.415-34.92-29.539-51.059-70.445-51.059-101.792 0 0-33.334 54.134-44.859 52.741-5.37-.65-12.424-29.644 9.347-99.704 10.261-33.024 21.995-60.478 40.144-105.779C60.683 98.063 108.982.006 224 0c113.737.006 163.156 96.133 160.264 214.963 18.118 45.223 29.912 72.85 40.144 105.778 21.768 70.06 14.716 99.053 9.346 99.704z"],
- "quinscape": [489, 512, [], "f459", "M301.9 474.6h-1.3c-87.3 0-158.1-70.8-158.1-158.1s70.8-158.1 158.1-158.1c94.9 0 168.2 83.1 157 176.6 4 5.1 8.2 9.6 11.2 15.3 13.4-30.3 20.3-62.4 20.3-97.7C489.1 117.5 379.6 8 244.5 8 109.5 8 0 117.5 0 252.6s109.5 244.6 244.5 244.6c24.8 0 47.8-3.2 70.4-10.1-5.2-3.5-9-8.2-13.4-12.6l.4.1zm-21.2-69.8c0-54.8 44.4-99.2 99.2-99.2 54.8 0 99.2 44.4 99.2 99.2 0 54.8-44.4 99.2-99.2 99.2-54.8 0-99.2-44.4-99.2-99.2"],
- "quora": [448, 512, [], "f2c4", "M440.5 386.7h-29.3c-1.5 13.5-10.5 30.8-33 30.8-20.5 0-35.3-14.2-49.5-35.8 44.2-34.2 74.7-87.5 74.7-153C403.5 111.2 306.8 32 205 32 105.3 32 7.3 111.7 7.3 228.7c0 134.1 131.3 221.6 249 189C276 451.3 302 480 351.5 480c81.8 0 90.8-75.3 89-93.3zM297 329.2C277.5 300 253.3 277 205.5 277c-30.5 0-54.3 10-69 22.8l12.2 24.3c6.2-3 13-4 19.8-4 35.5 0 53.7 30.8 69.2 61.3-10 3-20.7 4.2-32.7 4.2-75 0-107.5-53-107.5-156.7C97.5 124.5 130 71 205 71c76.2 0 108.7 53.5 108.7 157.7.1 41.8-5.4 75.6-16.7 100.5z"],
- "r-project": [581, 512, [], "f4f7", "M581 226.6C581 119.1 450.9 32 290.5 32S0 119.1 0 226.6C0 322.4 103.3 402 239.4 418.1V480h99.1v-61.5c24.3-2.7 47.6-7.4 69.4-13.9L448 480h112l-67.4-113.7c54.5-35.4 88.4-84.9 88.4-139.7zm-466.8 14.5c0-73.5 98.9-133 220.8-133s211.9 40.7 211.9 133c0 50.1-26.5 85-70.3 106.4-2.4-1.6-4.7-2.9-6.4-3.7-10.2-5.2-27.8-10.5-27.8-10.5s86.6-6.4 86.6-92.7-90.6-87.9-90.6-87.9h-199V361c-74.1-21.5-125.2-67.1-125.2-119.9zm225.1 38.3v-55.6c57.8 0 87.8-6.8 87.8 27.3 0 36.5-38.2 28.3-87.8 28.3zm-.9 72.5H365c10.8 0 18.9 11.7 24 19.2-16.1 1.9-33 2.8-50.6 2.9v-22.1z"],
- "ravelry": [512, 512, [], "f2d9", "M407.4 61.5C331.6 22.1 257.8 31 182.9 66c-11.3 5.2-15.5 10.6-19.9 19-10.3 19.2-16.2 37.4-19.9 52.7-21.2 25.6-36.4 56.1-43.3 89.9-10.6 18-20.9 41.4-23.1 71.4 0 0-.7 7.6-.5 7.9-35.3-4.6-76.2-27-76.2-27 9.1 14.5 61.3 32.3 76.3 37.9 0 0 1.7 98 64.5 131.2-11.3-17.2-13.3-20.2-13.3-20.2S94.8 369 100.4 324.7c.7 0 1.5.2 2.2.2 23.9 87.4 103.2 151.4 196.9 151.4 6.2 0 12.1-.2 18-.7 14 1.5 27.6.5 40.1-3.9 6.9-2.2 13.8-6.4 20.2-10.8 70.2-39.1 100.9-82 123.1-147.7 5.4-16 8.1-35.5 9.8-52.2 8.7-82.3-30.6-161.6-103.3-199.5zM138.8 163.2s-1.2 12.3-.7 19.7c-3.4 2.5-10.1 8.1-18.2 16.7 5.2-12.8 11.3-25.1 18.9-36.4zm-31.2 121.9c4.4-17.2 13.3-39.1 29.8-55.1 0 0 1.7 48 15.8 90.1l-41.4-6.9c-2.2-9.2-3.5-18.5-4.2-28.1zm7.9 42.8c14.8 3.2 34 7.6 43.1 9.1 27.3 76.8 108.3 124.3 108.3 124.3 1 .5 1.7.7 2.7 1-73.1-11.6-132.7-64.7-154.1-134.4zM386 444.1c-14.5 4.7-36.2 8.4-64.7 3.7 0 0-91.1-23.1-127.5-107.8 38.2.7 52.4-.2 78-3.9 39.4-5.7 79-16.2 115-33 11.8-5.4 11.1-19.4 9.6-29.8-2-12.8-11.1-12.1-21.4-4.7 0 0-82 58.6-189.8 53.7-18.7-32-26.8-110.8-26.8-110.8 41.4-35.2 83.2-59.6 168.4-52.4.2-6.4 3-27.1-20.4-28.1 0 0-93.5-11.1-146 33.5 2.5-16.5 5.9-29.3 11.1-39.4 34.2-30.8 79-49.5 128.3-49.5 106.4 0 193 87.1 193 194.5-.2 76-43.8 142-106.8 174z"],
- "react": [512, 512, [], "f41b", "M418.2 177.2c-5.4-1.8-10.8-3.5-16.2-5.1.9-3.7 1.7-7.4 2.5-11.1 12.3-59.6 4.2-107.5-23.1-123.3-26.3-15.1-69.2.6-112.6 38.4-4.3 3.7-8.5 7.6-12.5 11.5-2.7-2.6-5.5-5.2-8.3-7.7-45.5-40.4-91.1-57.4-118.4-41.5-26.2 15.2-34 60.3-23 116.7 1.1 5.6 2.3 11.1 3.7 16.7-6.4 1.8-12.7 3.8-18.6 5.9C38.3 196.2 0 225.4 0 255.6c0 31.2 40.8 62.5 96.3 81.5 4.5 1.5 9 3 13.6 4.3-1.5 6-2.8 11.9-4 18-10.5 55.5-2.3 99.5 23.9 114.6 27 15.6 72.4-.4 116.6-39.1 3.5-3.1 7-6.3 10.5-9.7 4.4 4.3 9 8.4 13.6 12.4 42.8 36.8 85.1 51.7 111.2 36.6 27-15.6 35.8-62.9 24.4-120.5-.9-4.4-1.9-8.9-3-13.5 3.2-.9 6.3-1.9 9.4-2.9 57.7-19.1 99.5-50 99.5-81.7 0-30.3-39.4-59.7-93.8-78.4zM282.9 92.3c37.2-32.4 71.9-45.1 87.7-36 16.9 9.7 23.4 48.9 12.8 100.4-.7 3.4-1.4 6.7-2.3 10-22.2-5-44.7-8.6-67.3-10.6-13-18.6-27.2-36.4-42.6-53.1 3.9-3.7 7.7-7.2 11.7-10.7zm-130 189.1c4.6 8.8 9.3 17.5 14.3 26.1 5.1 8.7 10.3 17.4 15.8 25.9-15.6-1.7-31.1-4.2-46.4-7.5 4.4-14.4 9.9-29.3 16.3-44.5zm0-50.6c-6.3-14.9-11.6-29.5-16-43.6 14.4-3.2 29.7-5.8 45.6-7.8-5.3 8.3-10.5 16.8-15.4 25.4-4.9 8.5-9.7 17.2-14.2 26zm11.4 25.3c6.6-13.8 13.8-27.3 21.4-40.6 7.6-13.3 15.8-26.2 24.4-38.9 15-1.1 30.3-1.7 45.9-1.7 15.6 0 31 .6 45.9 1.7 8.5 12.6 16.6 25.5 24.3 38.7 7.7 13.2 14.9 26.7 21.7 40.4-6.7 13.8-13.9 27.4-21.6 40.8-7.6 13.3-15.7 26.2-24.2 39-14.9 1.1-30.4 1.6-46.1 1.6-15.7 0-30.9-.5-45.6-1.4-8.7-12.7-16.9-25.7-24.6-39-7.7-13.3-14.8-26.8-21.5-40.6zm180.6 51.2c5.1-8.8 9.9-17.7 14.6-26.7 6.4 14.5 12 29.2 16.9 44.3-15.5 3.5-31.2 6.2-47 8 5.4-8.4 10.5-17 15.5-25.6zm14.4-76.5c-4.7-8.8-9.5-17.6-14.5-26.2-4.9-8.5-10-16.9-15.3-25.2 16.1 2 31.5 4.7 45.9 8-4.6 14.8-10 29.2-16.1 43.4zM256.2 118.3c10.5 11.4 20.4 23.4 29.6 35.8-19.8-.9-39.7-.9-59.5 0 9.8-12.9 19.9-24.9 29.9-35.8zM140.2 57c16.8-9.8 54.1 4.2 93.4 39 2.5 2.2 5 4.6 7.6 7-15.5 16.7-29.8 34.5-42.9 53.1-22.6 2-45 5.5-67.2 10.4-1.3-5.1-2.4-10.3-3.5-15.5-9.4-48.4-3.2-84.9 12.6-94zm-24.5 263.6c-4.2-1.2-8.3-2.5-12.4-3.9-21.3-6.7-45.5-17.3-63-31.2-10.1-7-16.9-17.8-18.8-29.9 0-18.3 31.6-41.7 77.2-57.6 5.7-2 11.5-3.8 17.3-5.5 6.8 21.7 15 43 24.5 63.6-9.6 20.9-17.9 42.5-24.8 64.5zm116.6 98c-16.5 15.1-35.6 27.1-56.4 35.3-11.1 5.3-23.9 5.8-35.3 1.3-15.9-9.2-22.5-44.5-13.5-92 1.1-5.6 2.3-11.2 3.7-16.7 22.4 4.8 45 8.1 67.9 9.8 13.2 18.7 27.7 36.6 43.2 53.4-3.2 3.1-6.4 6.1-9.6 8.9zm24.5-24.3c-10.2-11-20.4-23.2-30.3-36.3 9.6.4 19.5.6 29.5.6 10.3 0 20.4-.2 30.4-.7-9.2 12.7-19.1 24.8-29.6 36.4zm130.7 30c-.9 12.2-6.9 23.6-16.5 31.3-15.9 9.2-49.8-2.8-86.4-34.2-4.2-3.6-8.4-7.5-12.7-11.5 15.3-16.9 29.4-34.8 42.2-53.6 22.9-1.9 45.7-5.4 68.2-10.5 1 4.1 1.9 8.2 2.7 12.2 4.9 21.6 5.7 44.1 2.5 66.3zm18.2-107.5c-2.8.9-5.6 1.8-8.5 2.6-7-21.8-15.6-43.1-25.5-63.8 9.6-20.4 17.7-41.4 24.5-62.9 5.2 1.5 10.2 3.1 15 4.7 46.6 16 79.3 39.8 79.3 58 0 19.6-34.9 44.9-84.8 61.4zM256 210.2c25.3 0 45.8 20.5 45.8 45.8 0 25.3-20.5 45.8-45.8 45.8-25.3 0-45.8-20.5-45.8-45.8 0-25.3 20.5-45.8 45.8-45.8"],
- "readme": [576, 512, [], "f4d5", "M528.3 46.5H388.5c-48.1 0-89.9 33.3-100.4 80.3-10.6-47-52.3-80.3-100.4-80.3H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v245.8c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h89.7c102.2 0 132.7 24.4 147.3 75 .7 2.8 5.2 2.8 6 0 14.7-50.6 45.2-75 147.3-75H528c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V94.6c0-26.4-21.3-47.9-47.7-48.1zM242 311.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H78.2c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5V289c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5v22.9zm0-60.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H78.2c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5v-22.9c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5V251zm0-60.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H78.2c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5v-22.9c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5v22.9zm259.3 121.7c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H337.5c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5v-22.9c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5v22.9zm0-60.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H337.5c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5V228c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5v22.9zm0-60.9c0 1.9-1.5 3.5-3.5 3.5H337.5c-1.9 0-3.5-1.5-3.5-3.5v-22.8c0-1.9 1.5-3.5 3.5-3.5h160.4c1.9 0 3.5 1.5 3.5 3.5V190z"],
- "rebel": [512, 512, [], "f1d0", "M256.5 504C117.2 504 9 387.8 13.2 249.9 16 170.7 56.4 97.7 129.7 49.5c.3 0 1.9-.6 1.1.8-5.8 5.5-111.3 129.8-14.1 226.4 49.8 49.5 90 2.5 90 2.5 38.5-50.1-.6-125.9-.6-125.9-10-24.9-45.7-40.1-45.7-40.1l28.8-31.8c24.4 10.5 43.2 38.7 43.2 38.7.8-29.6-21.9-61.4-21.9-61.4L255.1 8l44.3 50.1c-20.5 28.8-21.9 62.6-21.9 62.6 13.8-23 43.5-39.3 43.5-39.3l28.5 31.8c-27.4 8.9-45.4 39.9-45.4 39.9-15.8 28.5-27.1 89.4.6 127.3 32.4 44.6 87.7-2.8 87.7-2.8 102.7-91.9-10.5-225-10.5-225-6.1-5.5.8-2.8.8-2.8 50.1 36.5 114.6 84.4 116.2 204.8C500.9 400.2 399 504 256.5 504z"],
- "red-river": [448, 512, [], "f3e3", "M353.2 32H94.8C42.4 32 0 74.4 0 126.8v258.4C0 437.6 42.4 480 94.8 480h258.4c52.4 0 94.8-42.4 94.8-94.8V126.8c0-52.4-42.4-94.8-94.8-94.8zM144.9 200.9v56.3c0 27-21.9 48.9-48.9 48.9V151.9c0-13.2 10.7-23.9 23.9-23.9h154.2c0 27-21.9 48.9-48.9 48.9h-56.3c-12.3-.6-24.6 11.6-24 24zm176.3 72h-56.3c-12.3-.6-24.6 11.6-24 24v56.3c0 27-21.9 48.9-48.9 48.9V247.9c0-13.2 10.7-23.9 23.9-23.9h154.2c0 27-21.9 48.9-48.9 48.9z"],
- "reddit": [512, 512, [], "f1a1", "M201.5 305.5c-13.8 0-24.9-11.1-24.9-24.6 0-13.8 11.1-24.9 24.9-24.9 13.6 0 24.6 11.1 24.6 24.9 0 13.6-11.1 24.6-24.6 24.6zM504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-132.3-41.2c-9.4 0-17.7 3.9-23.8 10-22.4-15.5-52.6-25.5-86.1-26.6l17.4-78.3 55.4 12.5c0 13.6 11.1 24.6 24.6 24.6 13.8 0 24.9-11.3 24.9-24.9s-11.1-24.9-24.9-24.9c-9.7 0-18 5.8-22.1 13.8l-61.2-13.6c-3-.8-6.1 1.4-6.9 4.4l-19.1 86.4c-33.2 1.4-63.1 11.3-85.5 26.8-6.1-6.4-14.7-10.2-24.1-10.2-34.9 0-46.3 46.9-14.4 62.8-1.1 5-1.7 10.2-1.7 15.5 0 52.6 59.2 95.2 132 95.2 73.1 0 132.3-42.6 132.3-95.2 0-5.3-.6-10.8-1.9-15.8 31.3-16 19.8-62.5-14.9-62.5zM302.8 331c-18.2 18.2-76.1 17.9-93.6 0-2.2-2.2-6.1-2.2-8.3 0-2.5 2.5-2.5 6.4 0 8.6 22.8 22.8 87.3 22.8 110.2 0 2.5-2.2 2.5-6.1 0-8.6-2.2-2.2-6.1-2.2-8.3 0zm7.7-75c-13.6 0-24.6 11.1-24.6 24.9 0 13.6 11.1 24.6 24.6 24.6 13.8 0 24.9-11.1 24.9-24.6 0-13.8-11-24.9-24.9-24.9z"],
- "reddit-alien": [512, 512, [], "f281", "M440.3 203.5c-15 0-28.2 6.2-37.9 15.9-35.7-24.7-83.8-40.6-137.1-42.3L293 52.3l88.2 19.8c0 21.6 17.6 39.2 39.2 39.2 22 0 39.7-18.1 39.7-39.7s-17.6-39.7-39.7-39.7c-15.4 0-28.7 9.3-35.3 22l-97.4-21.6c-4.9-1.3-9.7 2.2-11 7.1L246.3 177c-52.9 2.2-100.5 18.1-136.3 42.8-9.7-10.1-23.4-16.3-38.4-16.3-55.6 0-73.8 74.6-22.9 100.1-1.8 7.9-2.6 16.3-2.6 24.7 0 83.8 94.4 151.7 210.3 151.7 116.4 0 210.8-67.9 210.8-151.7 0-8.4-.9-17.2-3.1-25.1 49.9-25.6 31.5-99.7-23.8-99.7zM129.4 308.9c0-22 17.6-39.7 39.7-39.7 21.6 0 39.2 17.6 39.2 39.7 0 21.6-17.6 39.2-39.2 39.2-22 .1-39.7-17.6-39.7-39.2zm214.3 93.5c-36.4 36.4-139.1 36.4-175.5 0-4-3.5-4-9.7 0-13.7 3.5-3.5 9.7-3.5 13.2 0 27.8 28.5 120 29 149 0 3.5-3.5 9.7-3.5 13.2 0 4.1 4 4.1 10.2.1 13.7zm-.8-54.2c-21.6 0-39.2-17.6-39.2-39.2 0-22 17.6-39.7 39.2-39.7 22 0 39.7 17.6 39.7 39.7-.1 21.5-17.7 39.2-39.7 39.2z"],
- "reddit-square": [448, 512, [], "f1a2", "M283.2 345.5c2.7 2.7 2.7 6.8 0 9.2-24.5 24.5-93.8 24.6-118.4 0-2.7-2.4-2.7-6.5 0-9.2 2.4-2.4 6.5-2.4 8.9 0 18.7 19.2 81 19.6 100.5 0 2.4-2.3 6.6-2.3 9 0zm-91.3-53.8c0-14.9-11.9-26.8-26.5-26.8-14.9 0-26.8 11.9-26.8 26.8 0 14.6 11.9 26.5 26.8 26.5 14.6 0 26.5-11.9 26.5-26.5zm90.7-26.8c-14.6 0-26.5 11.9-26.5 26.8 0 14.6 11.9 26.5 26.5 26.5 14.9 0 26.8-11.9 26.8-26.5 0-14.9-11.9-26.8-26.8-26.8zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-99.7 140.6c-10.1 0-19 4.2-25.6 10.7-24.1-16.7-56.5-27.4-92.5-28.6l18.7-84.2 59.5 13.4c0 14.6 11.9 26.5 26.5 26.5 14.9 0 26.8-12.2 26.8-26.8 0-14.6-11.9-26.8-26.8-26.8-10.4 0-19.3 6.2-23.8 14.9l-65.7-14.6c-3.3-.9-6.5 1.5-7.4 4.8l-20.5 92.8c-35.7 1.5-67.8 12.2-91.9 28.9-6.5-6.8-15.8-11-25.9-11-37.5 0-49.8 50.4-15.5 67.5-1.2 5.4-1.8 11-1.8 16.7 0 56.5 63.7 102.3 141.9 102.3 78.5 0 142.2-45.8 142.2-102.3 0-5.7-.6-11.6-2.1-17 33.6-17.2 21.2-67.2-16.1-67.2z"],
- "rendact": [496, 512, [], "f3e4", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248c18.6 0 36.7-2.1 54.1-5.9-5.6-7.4-10.8-14.4-15.9-21.3-12.4 2.1-25.2 3.3-38.3 3.3C124.3 480 24 379.7 24 256S124.3 32 248 32s224 100.3 224 224c0 71-33 134.2-84.5 175.3-25.9 18.8-39.1 21.4-83.5-44.2-78.7-112.9-48-71.1-73.7-108.3 72.8 8.9 228.5-72 168.6-168.6C314-26.8 15 93.8 59.7 226.4c3.2 9.8 14.4 38.6 45.6 38.6 2 0 2.6-.6 2-1.7-4.4-8.7-20.1-9.8-20.1-37.4 0-40.5 40.5-89.6 100.3-120 66.1-32.3 131.9-30.2 158.2 5.4 27.2 38.3-20.9 119.2-120.4 136.9 7.5-9.4 57-75.2 62.8-84 22.7-34.6 23.6-49 14-59.2-15.5-16.9-29.5-10.3-50.7-11.7-10.8-.9-113.7 181.2-136.4 216.9-5.9 9-21.2 34.1-21.2 50.9 0 21.3 2.8 51.4 20.6 51.4 10.6 0 8-18.7 8-26.6 0-12.9 27.4-49.4 74.8-104.6 20.4 36.1 57.7 114.3 130.2 209.7 98-33.1 168.5-125.8 168.5-235C496 119 385 8 248 8z"],
- "renren": [512, 512, [], "f18b", "M214 169.1c0 110.4-61 205.4-147.6 247.4C30 373.2 8 317.7 8 256.6 8 133.9 97.1 32.2 214 12.5v156.6zM255 504c-42.9 0-83.3-11-118.5-30.4C193.7 437.5 239.9 382.9 255 319c15.5 63.9 61.7 118.5 118.8 154.7C338.7 493 298.3 504 255 504zm190.6-87.5C359 374.5 298 279.6 298 169.1V12.5c116.9 19.7 206 121.4 206 244.1 0 61.1-22 116.6-58.4 159.9z"],
- "replyd": [448, 512, [], "f3e6", "M320 480H128C57.6 480 0 422.4 0 352V160C0 89.6 57.6 32 128 32h192c70.4 0 128 57.6 128 128v192c0 70.4-57.6 128-128 128zM193.4 273.2c-6.1-2-11.6-3.1-16.4-3.1-7.2 0-13.5 1.9-18.9 5.6-5.4 3.7-9.6 9-12.8 15.8h-1.1l-4.2-18.3h-28v138.9h36.1v-89.7c1.5-5.4 4.4-9.8 8.7-13.2 4.3-3.4 9.8-5.1 16.2-5.1 4.6 0 9.8 1 15.6 3.1l4.8-34zm115.2 103.4c-3.2 2.4-7.7 4.8-13.7 7.1-6 2.3-12.8 3.5-20.4 3.5-12.2 0-21.1-3-26.5-8.9-5.5-5.9-8.5-14.7-9-26.4h83.3c.9-4.8 1.6-9.4 2.1-13.9.5-4.4.7-8.6.7-12.5 0-10.7-1.6-19.7-4.7-26.9-3.2-7.2-7.3-13-12.5-17.2-5.2-4.3-11.1-7.3-17.8-9.2-6.7-1.8-13.5-2.8-20.6-2.8-21.1 0-37.5 6.1-49.2 18.3s-17.5 30.5-17.5 55c0 22.8 5.2 40.7 15.6 53.7 10.4 13.1 26.8 19.6 49.2 19.6 10.7 0 20.9-1.5 30.4-4.6 9.5-3.1 17.1-6.8 22.6-11.2l-12-23.6zm-21.8-70.3c3.8 5.4 5.3 13.1 4.6 23.1h-51.7c.9-9.4 3.7-17 8.2-22.6 4.5-5.6 11.5-8.5 21-8.5 8.2-.1 14.1 2.6 17.9 8zm79.9 2.5c4.1 3.9 9.4 5.8 16.1 5.8 7 0 12.6-1.9 16.7-5.8s6.1-9.1 6.1-15.6-2-11.6-6.1-15.4c-4.1-3.8-9.6-5.7-16.7-5.7-6.7 0-12 1.9-16.1 5.7-4.1 3.8-6.1 8.9-6.1 15.4s2 11.7 6.1 15.6zm0 100.5c4.1 3.9 9.4 5.8 16.1 5.8 7 0 12.6-1.9 16.7-5.8s6.1-9.1 6.1-15.6-2-11.6-6.1-15.4c-4.1-3.8-9.6-5.7-16.7-5.7-6.7 0-12 1.9-16.1 5.7-4.1 3.8-6.1 8.9-6.1 15.4 0 6.6 2 11.7 6.1 15.6z"],
- "researchgate": [448, 512, [], "f4f8", "M0 32v448h448V32H0zm262.2 334.4c-6.6 3-33.2 6-50-14.2-9.2-10.6-25.3-33.3-42.2-63.6-8.9 0-14.7 0-21.4-.6v46.4c0 23.5 6 21.2 25.8 23.9v8.1c-6.9-.3-23.1-.8-35.6-.8-13.1 0-26.1.6-33.6.8v-8.1c15.5-2.9 22-1.3 22-23.9V225c0-22.6-6.4-21-22-23.9V193c25.8 1 53.1-.6 70.9-.6 31.7 0 55.9 14.4 55.9 45.6 0 21.1-16.7 42.2-39.2 47.5 13.6 24.2 30 45.6 42.2 58.9 7.2 7.8 17.2 14.7 27.2 14.7v7.3zm22.9-135c-23.3 0-32.2-15.7-32.2-32.2V167c0-12.2 8.8-30.4 34-30.4s30.4 17.9 30.4 17.9l-10.7 7.2s-5.5-12.5-19.7-12.5c-7.9 0-19.7 7.3-19.7 19.7v26.8c0 13.4 6.6 23.3 17.9 23.3 14.1 0 21.5-10.9 21.5-26.8h-17.9v-10.7h30.4c0 20.5 4.7 49.9-34 49.9zm-116.5 44.7c-9.4 0-13.6-.3-20-.8v-69.7c6.4-.6 15-.6 22.5-.6 23.3 0 37.2 12.2 37.2 34.5 0 21.9-15 36.6-39.7 36.6z"],
- "resolving": [496, 512, [], "f3e7", "M281.2 278.2c46-13.3 49.6-23.5 44-43.4L314 195.5c-6.1-20.9-18.4-28.1-71.1-12.8L54.7 236.8l28.6 98.6 197.9-57.2zM248.5 8C131.4 8 33.2 88.7 7.2 197.5l221.9-63.9c34.8-10.2 54.2-11.7 79.3-8.2 36.3 6.1 52.7 25 61.4 55.2l10.7 37.8c8.2 28.1 1 50.6-23.5 73.6-19.4 17.4-31.2 24.5-61.4 33.2L203 351.8l220.4 27.1 9.7 34.2-48.1 13.3-286.8-37.3 23 80.2c36.8 22 80.3 34.7 126.3 34.7 137 0 248.5-111.4 248.5-248.3C497 119.4 385.5 8 248.5 8zM38.3 388.6L0 256.8c0 48.5 14.3 93.4 38.3 131.8z"],
- "rev": [410, 512, [], "f5b2", "M270.67 274.89c0 36.16-29.41 65.57-65.56 65.57s-65.57-29.41-65.57-65.57 29.41-65.56 65.57-65.56 65.56 29.4 65.56 65.56zm139.55-5.05h-.13c-1.49-61.55-30.1-116.35-74.32-152.98l-45.38 26.2c43.17 28.03 71.81 76.63 71.81 131.82 0 86.62-70.47 157.09-157.09 157.09S48.02 361.5 48.02 274.88c0-81.86 62.96-149.27 142.99-156.43v39.12l108.76-62.79L191.01 32v38.32C84.31 77.57 0 166.36 0 274.89c0 111.59 89.12 202.29 200.06 204.98v.13h210.16V269.84z"],
- "rocketchat": [448, 512, [], "f3e8", "M448 256.2c0-87.2-99.6-153.3-219.8-153.3-18.8 0-37.3 1.6-55.3 4.8-11.1-10.5-24.2-20-38-27.4C61.2 44.2 0 79.4 0 79.4s56.9 47.1 47.6 88.3c-52.3 52.3-52.5 124.1 0 176.6C56.9 385.6 0 432.6 0 432.6s61.2 35.2 134.9-.8c13.8-7.5 26.9-16.9 38-27.4 18 3.2 36.5 4.8 55.3 4.8 120.3-.1 219.8-65.8 219.8-153zm-219.7 124c-23.7 0-46.3-2.8-67.3-7.8-21.3 25.8-68.1 61.7-113.6 50.1 14.8-16 36.7-43.1 32-87.6-27.3-21.4-43.6-48.7-43.6-78.5 0-68.4 86.2-123.9 192.5-123.9S420.8 188 420.8 256.4c0 68.3-86.2 123.8-192.5 123.8zm25.6-123.9c0 14.2-11.5 25.8-25.6 25.8-14.1 0-25.6-11.5-25.6-25.8 0-14.2 11.5-25.8 25.6-25.8 14.1 0 25.6 11.6 25.6 25.8zm88.9 0c0 14.2-11.4 25.8-25.6 25.8-14.1 0-25.6-11.5-25.6-25.8 0-14.2 11.4-25.8 25.6-25.8 14.1 0 25.6 11.6 25.6 25.8zm-177.9 0c0 14.2-11.4 25.8-25.6 25.8-14.1 0-25.6-11.5-25.6-25.8 0-14.2 11.4-25.8 25.6-25.8 14.2 0 25.6 11.6 25.6 25.8z"],
- "rockrms": [496, 512, [], "f3e9", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm157.4 419.5h-90l-112-131.3c-17.9-20.4-3.9-56.1 26.6-56.1h75.3l-84.6-99.3-84.3 98.9h-90L193.5 67.2c14.4-18.4 41.3-17.3 54.5 0l157.7 185.1c19 22.8 2 57.2-27.6 56.1-.6 0-74.2.2-74.2.2l101.5 118.9z"],
- "safari": [512, 512, [], "f267", "M236.9 256.8c0-9.1 6.6-17.7 16.3-17.7 8.9 0 17.4 6.4 17.4 16.1 0 9.1-6.4 17.7-16.1 17.7-9 0-17.6-6.7-17.6-16.1zM504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-26.6 0c0-122.3-99.1-221.4-221.4-221.4S34.6 133.7 34.6 256 133.7 477.4 256 477.4 477.4 378.3 477.4 256zm-72.5 96.6c0 3.6 13 10.2 16.3 12.2-27.4 41.5-69.8 71.4-117.9 83.3l-4.4-18.5c-.3-2.5-1.9-2.8-4.2-2.8-1.9 0-3 2.8-2.8 4.2l4.4 18.8c-13.3 2.8-26.8 4.2-40.4 4.2-36.3 0-72-10.2-103-29.1 1.7-2.8 12.2-18 12.2-20.2 0-1.9-1.7-3.6-3.6-3.6-3.9 0-12.2 16.6-14.7 19.9-41.8-27.7-72-70.6-83.6-119.6l19.1-4.2c2.2-.6 2.8-2.2 2.8-4.2 0-1.9-2.8-3-4.4-2.8L62 294.5c-2.5-12.7-3.9-25.5-3.9-38.5 0-37.1 10.5-73.6 30.2-104.9 2.8 1.7 16.1 10.8 18.3 10.8 1.9 0 3.6-1.4 3.6-3.3 0-3.9-14.7-11.3-18-13.6 28.2-41.2 71.1-70.9 119.8-81.9l4.2 18.5c.6 2.2 2.2 2.8 4.2 2.8s3-2.8 2.8-4.4L219 61.7c12.2-2.2 24.6-3.6 37.1-3.6 37.1 0 73.3 10.5 104.9 30.2-1.9 2.8-10.8 15.8-10.8 18 0 1.9 1.4 3.6 3.3 3.6 3.9 0 11.3-14.4 13.3-17.7 41 27.7 70.3 70 81.7 118.2l-15.5 3.3c-2.5.6-2.8 2.2-2.8 4.4 0 1.9 2.8 3 4.2 2.8l15.8-3.6c2.5 12.7 3.9 25.7 3.9 38.7 0 36.3-10 72-28.8 102.7-2.8-1.4-14.4-9.7-16.6-9.7-2.1 0-3.8 1.7-3.8 3.6zm-33.2-242.2c-13 12.2-134.2 123.7-137.6 129.5l-96.6 160.5c12.7-11.9 134.2-124 137.3-129.3l96.9-160.7z"],
- "sass": [640, 512, [], "f41e", "M551.1 291.9c-22.4.1-41.8 5.5-58 13.5-5.9-11.9-12-22.3-13-30.1-1.2-9.1-2.5-14.5-1.1-25.3s7.7-26.1 7.6-27.2c-.1-1.1-1.4-6.6-14.3-6.7-12.9-.1-24 2.5-25.3 5.9-1.3 3.4-3.8 11.1-5.3 19.1-2.3 11.7-25.8 53.5-39.1 75.3-4.4-8.5-8.1-16-8.9-22-1.2-9.1-2.5-14.5-1.1-25.3s7.7-26.1 7.6-27.2c-.1-1.1-1.4-6.6-14.3-6.7-12.9-.1-24 2.5-25.3 5.9-1.3 3.4-2.7 11.4-5.3 19.1-2.6 7.7-33.9 77.3-42.1 95.4-4.2 9.2-7.8 16.6-10.4 21.6s-.2.3-.4.9c-2.2 4.3-3.5 6.7-3.5 6.7v.1c-1.7 3.2-3.6 6.1-4.5 6.1-.6 0-1.9-8.4.3-19.9 4.7-24.2 15.8-61.8 15.7-63.1-.1-.7 2.1-7.2-7.3-10.7-9.1-3.3-12.4 2.2-13.2 2.2-.8 0-1.4 2-1.4 2s10.1-42.4-19.4-42.4c-18.4 0-44 20.2-56.6 38.5-7.9 4.3-25 13.6-43 23.5-6.9 3.8-14 7.7-20.7 11.4-.5-.5-.9-1-1.4-1.5-35.8-38.2-101.9-65.2-99.1-116.5 1-18.7 7.5-67.8 127.1-127.4 98-48.8 176.4-35.4 189.9-5.6 19.4 42.5-41.9 121.6-143.7 133-38.8 4.3-59.2-10.7-64.3-16.3-5.3-5.9-6.1-6.2-8.1-5.1-3.3 1.8-1.2 7 0 10.1 3 7.9 15.5 21.9 36.8 28.9 18.7 6.1 64.2 9.5 119.2-11.8C367 196.5 415.1 130.2 401 74.7 386.6 18.3 293.1-.2 204.6 31.2 151.9 49.9 94.9 79.3 53.9 117.6 5.2 163.2-2.6 202.9.6 219.5c11.4 58.9 92.6 97.3 125.1 125.7-1.6.9-3.1 1.7-4.5 2.5-16.3 8.1-78.2 40.5-93.7 74.7-17.5 38.8 2.9 66.6 16.3 70.4 41.8 11.6 84.6-9.3 107.6-43.6s20.2-79.1 9.6-99.5c-.1-.3-.3-.5-.4-.8 4.2-2.5 8.5-5 12.8-7.5 8.3-4.9 16.4-9.4 23.5-13.3-4 10.8-6.9 23.8-8.4 42.6-1.8 22 7.3 50.5 19.1 61.7 5.2 4.9 11.5 5 15.4 5 13.8 0 20-11.4 26.9-25 8.5-16.6 16-35.9 16-35.9s-9.4 52.2 16.3 52.2c9.4 0 18.8-12.1 23-18.3v.1s.2-.4.7-1.2c1-1.5 1.5-2.4 1.5-2.4v-.3c3.8-6.5 12.1-21.4 24.6-46 16.2-31.8 31.7-71.5 31.7-71.5s1.4 9.7 6.2 25.8c2.8 9.5 8.7 19.9 13.4 30-3.8 5.2-6.1 8.2-6.1 8.2s0 .1.1.2c-3 4-6.4 8.3-9.9 12.5-12.8 15.2-28 32.6-30 37.6-2.4 5.9-1.8 10.3 2.8 13.7 3.4 2.6 9.4 3 15.7 2.5 11.5-.8 19.6-3.6 23.5-5.4 6.2-2.2 13.4-5.7 20.2-10.6 12.5-9.2 20.1-22.4 19.4-39.8-.4-9.6-3.5-19.2-7.3-28.2 1.1-1.6 2.3-3.3 3.4-5 19.8-28.9 35.1-60.6 35.1-60.6s1.4 9.7 6.2 25.8c2.4 8.1 7.1 17 11.4 25.7-18.6 15.1-30.1 32.6-34.1 44.1-7.4 21.3-1.6 30.9 9.3 33.1 4.9 1 11.9-1.3 17.1-3.5 6.5-2.2 14.3-5.7 21.6-11.1 12.5-9.2 24.6-22.1 23.8-39.6-.3-7.9-2.5-15.8-5.4-23.4 15.7-6.6 36.1-10.2 62.1-7.2 55.7 6.5 66.6 41.3 64.5 55.8-2.1 14.6-13.8 22.6-17.7 25-3.9 2.4-5.1 3.3-4.8 5.1.5 2.6 2.3 2.5 5.6 1.9 4.6-.8 29.2-11.8 30.3-38.7 1.6-34-31.1-71.4-89-71.1zM121.8 436.6c-18.4 20.1-44.2 27.7-55.3 21.3C54.6 451 59.3 421.4 82 400c13.8-13 31.6-25 43.4-32.4 2.7-1.6 6.6-4 11.4-6.9.8-.5 1.2-.7 1.2-.7.9-.6 1.9-1.1 2.9-1.7 8.3 30.4.3 57.2-19.1 78.3zm134.4-91.4c-6.4 15.7-19.9 55.7-28.1 53.6-7-1.8-11.3-32.3-1.4-62.3 5-15.1 15.6-33.1 21.9-40.1 10.1-11.3 21.2-14.9 23.8-10.4 3.5 5.9-12.2 49.4-16.2 59.2zm111 53c-2.7 1.4-5.2 2.3-6.4 1.6-.9-.5 1.1-2.4 1.1-2.4s13.9-14.9 19.4-21.7c3.2-4 6.9-8.7 10.9-13.9 0 .5.1 1 .1 1.6-.1 17.9-17.3 30-25.1 34.8zm85.6-19.5c-2-1.4-1.7-6.1 5-20.7 2.6-5.7 8.6-15.3 19-24.5 1.2 3.8 1.9 7.4 1.9 10.8-.1 22.5-16.2 30.9-25.9 34.4z"],
- "schlix": [448, 512, [], "f3ea", "M350.5 157.7l-54.2-46.1 73.4-39 78.3 44.2-97.5 40.9zM192 122.1l45.7-28.2 34.7 34.6-55.4 29-25-35.4zm-65.1 6.6l31.9-22.1L176 135l-36.7 22.5-12.4-28.8zm-23.3 88.2l-8.8-34.8 29.6-18.3 13.1 35.3-33.9 17.8zm-21.2-83.7l23.9-18.1 8.9 24-26.7 18.3-6.1-24.2zM59 206.5l-3.6-28.4 22.3-15.5 6.1 28.7L59 206.5zm-30.6 16.6l20.8-12.8 3.3 33.4-22.9 12-1.2-32.6zM1.4 268l19.2-10.2.4 38.2-21 8.8L1.4 268zm59.1 59.3l-28.3 8.3-1.6-46.8 25.1-10.7 4.8 49.2zM99 263.2l-31.1 13-5.2-40.8L90.1 221l8.9 42.2zM123.2 377l-41.6 5.9-8.1-63.5 35.2-10.8 14.5 68.4zm28.5-139.9l21.2 57.1-46.2 13.6-13.7-54.1 38.7-16.6zm85.7 230.5l-70.9-3.3-24.3-95.8 55.2-8.6 40 107.7zm-84.9-279.7l42.2-22.4 28 45.9-50.8 21.3-19.4-44.8zm41 94.9l61.3-18.7 52.8 86.6-79.8 11.3-34.3-79.2zm51.4-85.6l67.3-28.8 65.5 65.4-88.6 26.2-44.2-62.8z"],
- "scribd": [384, 512, [], "f28a", "M42.3 252.7c-16.1-19-24.7-45.9-24.8-79.9 0-100.4 75.2-153.1 167.2-153.1 98.6-1.6 156.8 49 184.3 70.6l-50.5 72.1-37.3-24.6 26.9-38.6c-36.5-24-79.4-36.5-123-35.8-50.7-.8-111.7 27.2-111.7 76.2 0 18.7 11.2 20.7 28.6 15.6 23.3-5.3 41.9.6 55.8 14 26.4 24.3 23.2 67.6-.7 91.9-29.2 29.5-85.2 27.3-114.8-8.4zm317.7 5.9c-15.5-18.8-38.9-29.4-63.2-28.6-38.1-2-71.1 28-70.5 67.2-.7 16.8 6 33 18.4 44.3 14.1 13.9 33 19.7 56.3 14.4 17.4-5.1 28.6-3.1 28.6 15.6 0 4.3-.5 8.5-1.4 12.7-16.7 40.9-59.5 64.4-121.4 64.4-51.9.2-102.4-16.4-144.1-47.3l33.7-39.4-35.6-27.4L0 406.3l15.4 13.8c52.5 46.8 120.4 72.5 190.7 72.2 51.4 0 94.4-10.5 133.6-44.1 57.1-51.4 54.2-149.2 20.3-189.6z"],
- "searchengin": [460, 512, [], "f3eb", "M220.6 130.3l-67.2 28.2V43.2L98.7 233.5l54.7-24.2v130.3l67.2-209.3zm-83.2-96.7l-1.3 4.7-15.2 52.9C80.6 106.7 52 145.8 52 191.5c0 52.3 34.3 95.9 83.4 105.5v53.6C57.5 340.1 0 272.4 0 191.6c0-80.5 59.8-147.2 137.4-158zm311.4 447.2c-11.2 11.2-23.1 12.3-28.6 10.5-5.4-1.8-27.1-19.9-60.4-44.4-33.3-24.6-33.6-35.7-43-56.7-9.4-20.9-30.4-42.6-57.5-52.4l-9.7-14.7c-24.7 16.9-53 26.9-81.3 28.7l2.1-6.6 15.9-49.5c46.5-11.9 80.9-54 80.9-104.2 0-54.5-38.4-102.1-96-107.1V32.3C254.4 37.4 320 106.8 320 191.6c0 33.6-11.2 64.7-29 90.4l14.6 9.6c9.8 27.1 31.5 48 52.4 57.4s32.2 9.7 56.8 43c24.6 33.2 42.7 54.9 44.5 60.3s.7 17.3-10.5 28.5zm-9.9-17.9c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8s-8 3.6-8 8 3.6 8 8 8 8-3.6 8-8z"],
- "sellcast": [448, 512, [], "f2da", "M353.4 32H94.7C42.6 32 0 74.6 0 126.6v258.7C0 437.4 42.6 480 94.7 480h258.7c52.1 0 94.7-42.6 94.7-94.6V126.6c0-52-42.6-94.6-94.7-94.6zm-50 316.4c-27.9 48.2-89.9 64.9-138.2 37.2-22.9 39.8-54.9 8.6-42.3-13.2l15.7-27.2c5.9-10.3 19.2-13.9 29.5-7.9 18.6 10.8-.1-.1 18.5 10.7 27.6 15.9 63.4 6.3 79.4-21.3 15.9-27.6 6.3-63.4-21.3-79.4-17.8-10.2-.6-.4-18.6-10.6-24.6-14.2-3.4-51.9 21.6-37.5 18.6 10.8-.1-.1 18.5 10.7 48.4 28 65.1 90.3 37.2 138.5zm21.8-208.8c-17 29.5-16.3 28.8-19 31.5-6.5 6.5-16.3 8.7-26.5 3.6-18.6- 21.3s-6.3 63.4 21.3 79.4c0 0 18.5 10.6 18.6 10.6 24.6 14.2 3.4 51.9-21.6 37.5-18.6- 27.9-48.2 89.9-64.9 138.2-37.2l4.8-8.4c14.3-24.9 52-3.3 37.7 21.5z"],
- "sellsy": [640, 512, [], "f213", "M539.71 237.308c3.064-12.257 4.29-24.821 4.29-37.384C544 107.382 468.618 32 376.076 32c-77.22 0-144.634 53.012-163.02 127.781-15.322-13.176-34.934-20.53-55.157-20.53-46.271 0-83.962 37.69-83.962 83.961 0 7.354.92 15.015 3.065 22.369-42.9 20.225-70.785 63.738-70.785 111.234C6.216 424.843 61.68 480 129.401 480h381.198c67.72 0 123.184-55.157 123.184-123.184.001-56.384-38.916-106.025-94.073-119.508zM199.88 401.554c0 8.274-7.048 15.321-15.321 15.321H153.61c-8.274 0-15.321-7.048-15.321-15.321V290.626c0-8.273 7.048-15.321 15.321-15.321h30.949c8.274 0 15.321 7.048 15.321 15.321v110.928zm89.477 0c0 8.274-7.048 15.321-15.322 15.321h-30.949c-8.274 0-15.321-7.048-15.321-15.321V270.096c0-8.274 7.048-15.321 15.321-15.321h30.949c8.274 0 15.322 7.048 15.322 15.321v131.458zm89.477 0c0 8.274-7.047 15.321-15.321 15.321h-30.949c-8.274 0-15.322-7.048-15.322-15.321V238.84c0-8.274 7.048-15.321 15.322-15.321h30.949c8.274 0 15.321 7.048 15.321 15.321v162.714zm87.027 0c0 8.274-7.048 15.321-15.322 15.321h-28.497c-8.274 0-15.321-7.048-15.321-15.321V176.941c0-8.579 7.047-15.628 15.321-15.628h28.497c8.274 0 15.322 7.048 15.322 15.628v224.613z"],
- "servicestack": [496, 512, [], "f3ec", "M88 216c81.7 10.2 273.7 102.3 304 232H0c99.5-8.1 184.5-137 88-232zm32-152c32.3 35.6 47.7 83.9 46.4 133.6C249.3 231.3 373.7 321.3 400 448h96C455.3 231.9 222.8 79.5 120 64z"],
- "shirtsinbulk": [448, 512, [], "f214", "M395.208 221.583H406v33.542h-10.792v-33.542zm0-9.625H406v-33.542h-10.792v33.542zm0 86.333H406V264.75h-10.792v33.541zM358.75 135.25h-33.542v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm36.458 206.208H406v-33.542h-10.792v33.542zM311.5 135.25h-33.542v10.5H311.5v-10.5zm-47.25 0H231v10.5h33.25v-10.5zm-47.25 0h-33.25v10.5H217v-10.5zm178.208 33.542H406V135.25h-33.542v10.5h22.75v23.042zm-255.792 259l30.625 13.417 4.375-9.917-30.625-13.417-4.375 9.917zM179.083 445l30.334 13.708 4.374-9.916-30.333-13.417-4.375 9.625zm216.125-60.375H406v-33.542h-10.792v33.542zm-334.833 8.167L91 406.208l4.375-9.624-30.625-13.709-4.375 9.917zm39.666 17.499l30.625 13.417 4.375-9.917-30.625-13.416-4.375 9.916zm132.417 38.501l4.375 9.916L267.459 445l-4.375-9.625-30.626 13.417zm118.417-52.208l4.375 9.624 30.624-13.416-4.374-9.917-30.625 13.709zM311.5 413.791l4.375 9.917 30.625-13.417-4.374-9.916-30.626 13.416zm-39.667 17.501l4.375 9.917 30.625-13.417-4.375-9.917-30.625 13.417zM311.5 46.583h-33.542v10.5H311.5v-10.5zm94.209 0h-33.251v10.5h33.251v-10.5zm-188.709 0h-33.25v10.5H217v-10.5zm141.75 0h-33.542v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm-94.5 0H231v10.5h33.25v-10.5zM448 3.708v406l-226.334 98.584L0 409.708v-406h448zm-29.166 116.958H29.166V390.75l192.792 85.75 196.875-85.75V120.666zm0-87.791H29.166V91.5h389.667V32.875zM75.542 46.583H42.291v10.5h33.251v-10.5zm94.5 0H136.5v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm-47.251 0H89.25v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm7.584 236.542c0-50.167 41.125-91.292 91.292-91.292 50.458 0 91.292 41.125 91.292 91.292 0 50.458-40.833 91.292-91.292 91.292-50.167-.001-91.292-40.834-91.292-91.292zm120.75 18.084c0 13.125-23.917 14.291-32.666 14.291-12.25 0-29.75-2.625-35.875-14.875h-.875L172.666 319c14.876 9.333 29.167 12.25 47.25 12.25 19.542 0 51.042-5.833 51.042-31.209 0-48.125-78.458-16.333-78.458-37.916 0-13.125 20.708-14.875 29.75-14.875 10.791 0 29.166 3.208 35.583 13.124h.875l8.751-16.916c-15.167-6.125-27.417-11.959-44.334-11.959-20.125 0-49.583 6.417-49.583 31.792 0 44.334 77.583 11.959 77.583 37.918zM122.791 135.25H89.25v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm-69.999 10.5h22.75v-10.5H42v33.542h10.792V145.75zm0 32.666H42v33.542h10.792v-33.542zm117.25-43.166H136.5v10.5h33.542v-10.5zm-117.25 86.333H42v33.542h10.792v-33.542zm0 86.334H42v33.542h10.792v-33.542zm0-43.167H42v33.542h10.792V264.75zm0 86.333H42v33.542h10.792v-33.542z"],
- "shopware": [495, 512, [], "f5b5", "M395.5 455.27c-42.95 31.79-93.95 48.59-147.48 48.59-137.21 0-248.02-111-248.02-248 0-137.19 111.04-248 248.02-248 61.3 0 120.14 22.55 165.68 63.5 2.62 2.36.58 6.64-2.86 6.18-17.67-2.43-36.75-3.66-56.71-3.66-129.36 0-222.4 53.47-222.4 155.35 0 109.04 92.13 145.88 176.83 178.73 33.64 13.04 65.4 25.36 86.96 41.59 1.9 1.44 1.89 4.31-.02 5.72zm99.46-222.32c-.08-.94-.55-1.83-1.27-2.44-51.76-42.96-93.62-60.48-144.48-60.48-84.13 0-80.25 52.17-80.25 53.63 0 42.6 52.06 62.01 112.34 84.49 31.07 11.59 63.19 23.57 92.68 39.93 1.88 1.05 4.26.19 5.05-1.82 18.89-48.39 17.94-90.23 15.93-113.31z"],
- "simplybuilt": [512, 512, [], "f215", "M481.2 64h-106c-14.5 0-26.6 11.8-26.6 26.3v39.6H163.3V90.3c0-14.5-12-26.3-26.6-26.3h-106C16.1 64 4.3 75.8 4.3 90.3v331.4c0 14.5 11.8 26.3 26.6 26.3h450.4c14.8 0 26.6-11.8 26.6-26.3V90.3c-.2-14.5-12-26.3-26.7-26.3zM149.8 355.8c-36.6 0-66.4-29.7-66.4-66.4 0-36.9 29.7-66.6 66.4-66.6 36.9 0 66.6 29.7 66.6 66.6 0 36.7-29.7 66.4-66.6 66.4zm212.4 0c-36.9 0-66.6-29.7-66.6-66.6 0-36.6 29.7-66.4 66.6-66.4 36.6 0 66.4 29.7 66.4 66.4 0 36.9-29.8 66.6-66.4 66.6z"],
- "sistrix": [448, 512, [], "f3ee", "M448 449L301.2 300.2c20-27.9 31.9-62.2 31.9-99.2 0-93.1-74.7-168.9-166.5-168.9C74.7 32 0 107.8 0 200.9s74.7 168.9 166.5 168.9c39.8 0 76.3-14.2 105-37.9l146 148.1 30.5-31zM166.5 330.8c-70.6 0-128.1-58.3-128.1-129.9S95.9 71 166.5 71s128.1 58.3 128.1 129.9-57.4 129.9-128.1 129.9z"],
- "sith": [448, 512, [], "f512", "M0 32l69.71 118.75-58.86-11.52 69.84 91.03a146.741 146.741 0 0 0 0 51.45l-69.84 91.03 58.86-11.52L0 480l118.75-69.71-11.52 58.86 91.03-69.84c17.02 3.04 34.47 3.04 51.48 0l91.03 69.84-11.52-58.86L448 480l-69.71-118.78 58.86 11.52-69.84-91.03c3.03-17.01 3.04-34.44 0-51.45l69.84-91.03-58.86 11.52L448 32l-118.75 69.71 11.52-58.9-91.06 69.87c-8.5-1.52-17.1-2.29-25.71-2.29s-17.21.78-25.71 2.29l-91.06-69.87 11.52 58.9L0 32zm224 99.78c31.8 0 63.6 12.12 87.85 36.37 48.5 48.5 48.49 127.21 0 175.7s-127.2 48.46-175.7-.03c-48.5-48.5-48.49-127.21 0-175.7 24.24-24.25 56.05-36.34 87.85-36.34zm0 36.66c-22.42 0-44.83 8.52-61.92 25.61-34.18 34.18-34.19 89.68 0 123.87s89.65 34.18 123.84 0c34.18-34.18 34.19-89.68 0-123.87-17.09-17.09-39.5-25.61-61.92-25.61z"],
- "skyatlas": [640, 512, [], "f216", "M640 329.3c0 65.9-52.5 114.4-117.5 114.4-165.9 0-196.6-249.7-359.7-249.7-146.9 0-147.1 212.2 5.6 212.2 42.5 0 90.9-17.8 125.3-42.5 5.6-4.1 16.9-16.3 22.8-16.3s10.9 5 10.9 10.9c0 7.8-13.1 19.1-18.7 24.1-40.9 35.6-100.3 61.2-154.7 61.2-83.4.1-154-59-154-144.9s67.5-149.1 152.8-149.1c185.3 0 222.5 245.9 361.9 245.9 99.9 0 94.8-139.7 3.4-139.7-17.5 0-35 11.6-46.9 11.6-8.4 0-15.9-7.2-15.9-15.6 0-11.6 5.3-23.7 5.3-36.3 0-66.6-50.9-114.7-116.9-114.7-53.1 0-80 36.9-88.8 36.9-6.2 0-11.2-5-11.2-11.2 0-5.6 4.1-10.3 7.8-14.4 25.3-28.8 64.7-43.7 102.8-43.7 79.4 0 139.1 58.4 139.1 137.8 0 6.9-.3 13.7-1.2 20.6 11.9-3.1 24.1-4.7 35.9-4.7 60.7 0 111.9 45.3 111.9 107.2z"],
- "skype": [448, 512, [], "f17e", "M424.7 299.8c2.9-14 4.7-28.9 4.7-43.8 0-113.5-91.9-205.3-205.3-205.3-14.9 0-29.7 1.7-43.8 4.7C161.3 40.7 137.7 32 112 32 50.2 32 0 82.2 0 144c0 25.7 8.7 49.3 23.3 68.2-2.9 14-4.7 28.9-4.7 43.8 0 113.5 91.9 205.3 205.3 205.3 14.9 0 29.7-1.7 43.8-4.7 19 14.6 42.6 23.3 68.2 23.3 61.8 0 112-50.2 112-112 .1-25.6-8.6-49.2-23.2-68.1zm-194.6 91.5c-65.6 0-120.5-29.2-120.5-65 0-16 9-30.6 29.5-30.6 31.2 0 34.1 44.9 88.1 44.9 25.7 0 42.3-11.4 42.3-26.3 0-18.7-16-21.6-42-28-62.5-15.4-117.8-22-117.8-87.2 0-59.2 58.6-81.1 109.1-81.1 55.1 0 110.8 21.9 110.8 55.4 0 16.9-11.4 31.8-30.3 31.8-28.3 0-29.2-33.5-75-33.5-25.7 0-42 7-42 22.5 0 19.8 20.8 21.8 69.1 33 41.4 9.3 90.7 26.8 90.7 77.6 0 59.1-57.1 86.5-112 86.5z"],
- "slack": [448, 512, [], "f198", "M244.2 217.5l19.3 57.7-59.8 20-19.3-57.7 59.8-20zm41.4 243.7C131.6 507.4 65 471.6 18.8 317.6S8.4 97 162.4 50.8C316.4 4.6 383 40.4 429.2 194.4c46.2 154 10.4 220.6-143.6 266.8zM366.2 265c-3.9-12.2-17.2-18.6-29.4-14.7l-29 9.7-19.3-57.7 29-9.7c12.2-3.9 18.6-17.2 14.7-29.4-3.9-12.2-17.2-18.6-29.4-14.7l-29 9.7-10-30.1c-3.9-12.2-17.2-18.6-29.4-14.7-12.2 3.9-18.6 17.2-14.7 29.4l10 30.1-59.8 20.1-10-30.1c-3.9-12.2-17.2-18.6-29.4-14.7-12.2 3.9-18.6 17.2-14.7 29.4l10 30.1-29 9.7c-12.2 3.9-18.6 17.2-14.7 29.4 3.2 9.3 12.2 15.4 21.5 15.8 4.3.6 7.7-1 36.9-10.7l19.3 57.7-29 9.7c-12.2 3.9-18.6 17.2-14.7 29.4 3.2 9.3 12.2 15.4 21.5 15.8 4.3.6 7.7-1 36.9-10.7l10 30.1c3.7 10.8 15.8 18.6 29.4 14.7 12.2-3.9 18.6-17.2 14.7-29.4l-10-30.1 59.8-20.1 10 30.1c3.7 10.8 15.8 18.6 29.4 14.7 12.2-3.9 18.6-17.2 14.7-29.4l-10-30.1 29-9.7c12.2-4.2 18.6-17.5 14.7-29.6z"],
- "slack-hash": [448, 512, [], "f3ef", "M446.2 270.4c-6.2-19-26.9-29.1-46-22.9l-45.4 15.1-30.3-90 45.4-15.1c19.1-6.2 29.1-26.8 23-45.9-6.2-19-26.9-29.1-46-22.9l-45.4 15.1-15.7-47c-6.2-19-26.9-29.1-46-22.9-19.1 6.2-29.1 26.8-23 45.9l15.7 47-93.4 31.2-15.7-47c-6.2-19-26.9-29.1-46-22.9-19.1 6.2-29.1 26.8-23 45.9l15.7 47-45.3 15c-19.1 6.2-29.1 26.8-23 45.9 5 14.5 19.1 24 33.6 24.6 6.8 1 12-1.6 57.7-16.8l30.3 90L78 354.8c-19 6.2-29.1 26.9-23 45.9 5 14.5 19.1 24 33.6 24.6 6.8 1 12-1.6 57.7-16.8l15.7 47c5.9 16.9 24.7 29 46 22.9 19.1-6.2 29.1-26.8 23-45.9l-15.7-47 93.6-31.3 15.7 47c5.9 16.9 24.7 29 46 22.9 19.1-6.2 29.1-26.8 23-45.9l-15.7-47 45.4-15.1c19-6 29.1-26.7 22.9-45.7zm-254.1 47.2l-30.3-90.2 93.5-31.3 30.3 90.2-93.5 31.3z"],
- "slideshare": [512, 512, [], "f1e7", "M249.429 211.436c0 31.716-27.715 57.717-61.717 57.717-34.001 0-61.716-26.001-61.716-57.717 0-32.001 27.715-57.716 61.716-57.716 34.001 0 61.717 25.715 61.717 57.716zm254.294 50.002c-18.286 22.573-53.144 50.288-106.289 72.003C453.722 525.163 260 555.735 263.143 457.446c0 1.714-.286-52.859-.286-93.432-4.285-.858-8.571-2-13.714-3.143 0 40.858-.286 98.289-.286 96.575C252 555.735 58.278 525.163 114.566 333.441c-53.145-21.715-88.003-49.43-106.29-72.003-9.143-13.714.858-28.287 16.001-17.715 2 1.428 4.285 2.857 6.285 4.285V49.716C30.563 22.287 51.135 0 76.565 0h359.157c25.429 0 46.002 22.287 46.002 49.716v198.293l6-4.285c15.143-10.573 25.143 4 15.999 17.714zm-46.572-189.15c0-32.858-10.572-45.716-40.859-45.716H98.566c-31.716 0-40.573 10.858-40.573 45.716v192.293c67.717 35.43 125.72 29.144 157.435 28.001 13.429-.286 22.001 2.286 27.144 7.715 1.689 1.687 10.023 9.446 20.287 17.143 1.143-15.715 10.001-25.715 33.716-24.858 32.287 1.428 91.718 7.715 160.577-29.716V72.288zM331.146 153.72c-34.002 0-61.716 25.715-61.716 57.716 0 31.716 27.715 57.717 61.716 57.717 34.287 0 61.716-26.001 61.716-57.717 0-32.001-27.429-57.716-61.716-57.716z"],
- "snapchat": [496, 512, [], "f2ab", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm169.5 338.9c-3.5 8.1-18.1 14-44.8 18.2-1.4 1.9-2.5 9.8-4.3 15.9-1.1 3.7-3.7 5.9-8.1 5.9h-.2c-6.2 0-12.8-2.9-25.8-2.9-17.6 0-23.7 4-37.4 13.7-14.5 10.3-28.4 19.1-49.2 18.2-21 1.6-38.6-11.2-48.5-18.2-13.8-9.7-19.8-13.7-37.4-13.7-12.5 0-20.4 3.1-25.8 3.1-5.4 0-7.5-3.3-8.3-6-1.8-6.1-2.9-14.1-4.3-16-13.8-2.1-44.8-7.5-45.5-21.4-.2-3.6 2.3-6.8 5.9-7.4 46.3-7.6 67.1-55.1 68-57.1 0-.1.1-.2.2-.3 2.5-5 3-9.2 1.6-12.5-3.4-7.9-17.9-10.7-24-13.2-15.8-6.2-18-13.4-17-18.3 1.6-8.5 14.4-13.8 21.9-10.3 5.9 2.8 11.2 4.2 15.7 4.2 3.3 0 5.5-.8 6.6-1.4-1.4-23.9-4.7-58 3.8-77.1C183.1 100 230.7 96 244.7 96c.6 0 6.1-.1 6.7-.1 34.7 0 68 17.8 84.3 54.3 8.5 19.1 5.2 53.1 3.8 77.1 1.1.6 2.9 1.3 5.7 1.4 4.3-.2 9.2-1.6 14.7-4.2 4-1.9 9.6-1.6 13.6 0 6.3 2.3 10.3 6.8 10.4 11.9.1 6.5-5.7 12.1-17.2 16.6-1.4.6-3.1 1.1-4.9 1.7-6.5 2.1-16.4 5.2-19 11.5-1.4 3.3-.8 7.5 1.6 2 21.7 49.5 68 57.1 4 1 7.1 5.5 4.9 10.8z"],
- "snapchat-ghost": [512, 512, [], "f2ac", "M510.846 392.673c-5.211 12.157-27.239 21.089-67.36 27.318-2.064 2.786-3.775 14.686-6.507 23.956-1.625 5.566-5.623 8.869-12.128 8.869l-.297-.005c-9.395 0-19.203-4.323-38.852-4.323-26.521 0-35.662 6.043-56.254 20.588-21.832 15.438-42.771 28.764-74.027 27.399-31.646 2.334-58.025-16.908-72.871-27.404-20.714-14.643-29.828-20.582-56.241-20.582-18.864 0-30.736 4.72-38.852 4.72-8.073 0-11.213-4.922-12.422-9.04-2.703-9.189-4.404-21.263-6.523-24.13-20.679-3.209-67.31-11.344-68.498-32.15a10.627 10.627 0 0 1 8.877-11.069c69.583-11.455 100.924-82.901 102.227-85.934.074-.176.155-.344.237-.515 3.713-7.537 4.544-13.849 2.463-18.753-5.05-11.896-26.872-16.164-36.053-19.796-23.715-9.366-27.015-20.128-25.612-27.504 2.437-12.836 21.725-20.735 33.002-15.453 8.919 4.181 16.843 6.297 23.547 6.297 5.022 0 8.212-1.204 9.96-2.171-2.043-35.936-7.101-87.29 5.687-115.969C158.122 21.304 229.705 15.42 250.826 15.42c.944 0 9.141-.089 10.11-.089 52.148 0 102.254 26.78 126.723 81.643 12.777 28.65 7.749 79.792 5.695 116.009 1.582.872 4.357 1.942 8.599 2.139 6.397-.286 13.815-2.389 22.069-6.257 6.085-2.846 14.406-2.461 20.48.058l.029.01c9.476 3.385 15.439 10.215 15.589 17.87.184 9.747-8.522 18.165-25.878 25.018-2.118.835-4.694 1.655-7.434 2.525-9.797 3.106-24.6 7.805-28.616 17.271-2.079 4.904-1.256 11.211 2.46 18.748. 1.301 3.03 32.615 74.46 102.23 85.934 6.427 1.058 11.163 7.877 7.725 15.859z"],
- "snapchat-square": [448, 512, [], "f2ad", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-6.5 314.9c-3.5 8.1-18.1 14-44.8 18.2-1.4 1.9-2.5 9.8-4.3 15.9-1.1 3.7-3.7 5.9-8.1 5.9h-.2c-6.2 0-12.8-2.9-25.8-2.9-17.6 0-23.7 4-37.4 13.7-14.5 10.3-28.4 19.1-49.2 18.2-21 1.6-38.6-11.2-48.5-18.2-13.8-9.7-19.8-13.7-37.4-13.7-12.5 0-20.4 3.1-25.8 3.1-5.4 0-7.5-3.3-8.3-6-1.8-6.1-2.9-14.1-4.3-16-13.8-2.1-44.8-7.5-45.5-21.4-.2-3.6 2.3-6.8 5.9-7.4 46.3-7.6 67.1-55.1 68-57.1 0-.1.1-.2.2-.3 2.5-5 3-9.2 1.6-12.5-3.4-7.9-17.9-10.7-24-13.2-15.8-6.2-18-13.4-17-18.3 1.6-8.5 14.4-13.8 21.9-10.3 5.9 2.8 11.2 4.2 15.7 4.2 3.3 0 5.5-.8 6.6-1.4-1.4-23.9-4.7-58 3.8-77.1C159.1 100 206.7 96 220.7 96c.6 0 6.1-.1 6.7-.1 34.7 0 68 17.8 84.3 54.3 8.5 19.1 5.2 53.1 3.8 77.1 1.1.6 2.9 1.3 5.7 1.4 4.3-.2 9.2-1.6 14.7-4.2 4-1.9 9.6-1.6 13.6 0 6.3 2.3 10.3 6.8 10.4 11.9.1 6.5-5.7 12.1-17.2 16.6-1.4.6-3.1 1.1-4.9 1.7-6.5 2.1-16.4 5.2-19 11.5-1.4 3.3-.8 7.5 1.6 2 21.7 49.5 68 57.1 4 1 7.1 5.5 4.9 10.8z"],
- "soundcloud": [640, 512, [], "f1be", "M111.4 256.3l5.8 65-5.8 68.3c-.3 2.5-2.2 4.4-4.4 4.4s-4.2-1.9-4.2-4.4l-5.6-68.3 5.6-65c0-2.2 1.9-4.2 4.2-4.2 2.2 0 4.1 2 4.4 4.2zm21.4-45.6c-2.8 0-4.7 2.2-5 5l-5 105.6 5 68.3c.3 2.8 2.2 5 5 5 2.5 0 4.7-2.2 4.7-5l5.8-68.3-5.8-105.6c0-2.8-2.2-5-4.7-5zm25.5-24.1c-3.1 0-5.3 2.2-5.6 5.3l-4.4 130 4.4 67.8c.3 3.1 2.5 5.3 5.6 5.3 2.8 0 5.3-2.2 5.3-5.3l5.3-67.8-5.3-130c0-3.1-2.5-5.3-5.3-5.3zM7.2 283.2c-1.4 0-2.2 1.1-2.5 2.5L0 321.3l4.7 35c.3 1.4 1.1 2.5 2.5 2.5s2.2-1.1 2.5-2.5l5.6-35-5.6-35.6c-.3-1.4-1.1-2.5-2.5-2.5zm23.6-21.9c-1.4 0-2.5 1.1-2.5 2.5l-6.4 57.5 6.4 56.1c0 1.7 1.1 2.8 2.5 2.8s2.5-1.1 2.8-2.5l7.2-56.4-7.2-57.5c-.3-1.4-1.4-2.5-2.8-2.5zm25.3-11.4c-1.7 0-3.1 1.4-3.3 3.3L47 321.3l5.8 65.8c.3 1.7 1.7 3.1 3.3 3.1 1.7 0 3.1-1.4 3.1-3.1l6.9-65.8-6.9-68.1c0-1.9-1.4-3.3-3.1-3.3zm25.3-2.2c-1.9 0-3.6 1.4-3.6 3.6l-5.8 70 5.8 67.8c0 2.2 1.7 3.6 3.6 3.6s3.6-1.4 3.9-3.6l6.4-67.8-6.4-70c-.3-2.2-2-3.6-3.9-3.6zm241.4-110.9c-1.1-.8-2.8-1.4-4.2-1.4-2.2 0-4.2.8-5.6 1.9-1.9 1.7-3.1 4.2-3.3 6.7v.8l-3.3 176.7 1.7 32.5 1.7 31.7c.3 4.7 4.2 8.6 8.9 8.6s8.6-3.9 8.6-8.6l3.9-64.2-3.9-177.5c-.4-3-2-5.8-4.5-7.2zm-26.7 15.3c-1.4-.8-2.8-1.4-4.4-1.4s-3.1.6-4.4 1.4c-2.2 1.4-3.6 3.9-3.6 6.7l-.3 1.7-2.8 160.8s0 .3 3.1 65.6v.3c0 1.7.6 3.3 1.7 4.7 1.7 1.9 3.9 3.1 6.4 3.1 2.2 0 4.2-1.1 5.6-2.5 1.7-1.4 2.5-3.3 2.5-5.6l.3-6.7 3.1-58.6-3.3-162.8c-.3-2.8-1.7-5.3-3.9-6.7zm-111.4 22.5c-3.1 0-5.8 2.8-5.8 6.1l-4.4 140.6 4.4 67.2c.3 3.3 2.8 5.8 5.8 5.8 3.3 0 5.8-2.5 6.1-5.8l5-67.2-5-140.6c-.2-3.3-2.7-6.1-6.1-6.1zm376.7 62.8c-10.8 0-21.1 2.2-30.6 6.1-6.4-70.8-65.8-126.4-138.3-126.4-17.8 0-35 3.3-50.3 9.4-6.1 2.2-7.8 4.4-7.8 9.2v249.7c0 5 3.9 8.6 8.6 9.2h218.3c43.3 0 78.6-35 78.6-78.3.1-43.6-35.2-78.9-78.5-78.9zm-296.7-60.3c-4.2 0-7.5 3.3-7.8 7.8l-3.3 136.7 3.3 65.6c.3 4.2 3.6 7.5 7.8 7.5 4.2 0 7.5-3.3 7.5-7.5l3.9-65.6-3.9-136.7c-.3-4.5-3.3-7.8-7.5-7.8zm-53.6-7.8c-3.3 0-6.4 3.1-6.4 6.7l-3.9 145.3 3.9 66.9c.3 3.6 3.1 6.4 6.4 6.4 3.6 0 6.4-2.8 6.7-6.4l4.4-66.9-4.4-145.3c-.3-3.6-3.1-6.7-6.7-6.7zm26.7 3.4c-3.9 0-6.9 3.1-6.9 6.9L227 321.3l3.9 66.4c.3 3.9 3.1 6.9 6.9 6.9s6.9-3.1 6.9-6.9l4.2-66.4-4.2-141.7c0-3.9-3-6.9-6.9-6.9z"],
- "speakap": [448, 512, [], "f3f3", "M352 32H96C43.2 32 0 75.2 0 128v256c0 52.8 43.2 96 96 96h256c52.8 0 96-43.2 96-96V128c0-52.8-43.2-96-96-96zM221 382.9c-39.6 0-81.9-17.8-81.9-53.7V302H179v17.8c0 15.1 19.5 24.5 41.9 24.5 24.2 0 41.3-10.4 41.3-29.5 0-23.8-27.2-31.9-54.7-42.6-31.9-12.4-63.1-26.2-63.1-69.1 0-48 38.6-66.4 79.9-66.4 37.6 0 75.5 14.1 75.5 41.9v31.2h-39.9v-16.1c0-12.1-17.8-18.5-35.6-18.5-19.5 0-35.6 8.1-35.6 26.2 0 22.1 22.5 29.2 47 38.9 35.9 12.4 71.1 27.2 71.1 71.5.1 48.6-40.8 71.1-85.8 71.1z"],
- "spotify": [496, 512, [], "f1bc", "M248 8C111.1 8 0 119.1 0 256s111.1 248 248 248 248-111.1 248-248S384.9 8 248 8zm100.7 364.9c-4.2 0-6.8-1.3-10.7-3.6-62.4-37.6-135-39.2-206.7-24.5-3.9 1-9 2.6-11.9 2.6-9.7 0-15.8-7.7-15.8-15.8 0-10.3 6.1-15.2 13.6-16.8 81.9-18.1 165.6-16.5 237 26.2 6.1 3.9 9.7 7.4 9.7 16.5s-7.1 15.4-15.2 15.4zm26.9-65.6c-5.2 0-8.7-2.3-12.3-4.2-62.5-37-155.7-51.9-238.6-29.4-4.8 1.3-7.4 2.6-11.9 2.6-10.7 0-19.4-8.7-19.4-19.4s5.2-17.8 15.5-20.7c27.8-7.8 56.2-13.6 97.8-13.6 64.9 0 127.6 16.1 177 45.5 8.1 4.8 11.3 11 11.3 19.7-.1 10.8-8.5 19.5-19.4 19.5zm31-76.2c-5.2 0-8.4-1.3-12.9-3.9-71.2-42.5-198.5-52.7-280.9-29.7-3.6 1-8.1 2.6-12.9 2.6-13.2 0-23.3-10.3-23.3-23.6 0-13.6 8.4-21.3 17.4-23.9 35.2-10.3 74.6-15.2 117.5-15.2 73 0 149.5 15.2 205.4 47.8 7.8 4.5 12.9 10.7 12.9 22.6 0 13.6-11 23.3-23.2 23.3z"],
- "squarespace": [512, 512, [], "f5be", "M186.12 343.34c-9.65 9.65-9.65 25.29 0 34.94 9.65 9.65 25.29 9.65 34.94 0L378.24 221.1c19.29-19.29 50.57-19.29 69.86 0s19.29 50.57 0 69.86L293.95 445.1c19.27 19.29 50.53 19.31 69.82.04l.04-.04 119.25-119.24c38.59-38.59 38.59-101.14 0-139.72-38.59-38.59-101.15-38.59-139.72 0l-157.22 157.2zm244.53-104.8c-9.65-9.65-25.29-9.65-34.93 0l-157.2 157.18c-19.27 19.29-50.53 19.31-69.82.05l-.05-.05c-9.64-9.64-25.27-9.65-34.92-.01l-.01.01c-9.65 9.64-9.66 25.28-.02 34.93l.02.02c38.58 38.57 101.14 38.57 139.72 0l157.2-157.2c9.65-9.65 9.65-25.29.01-34.93zm-261.99 87.33l157.18-157.18c9.64-9.65 9.64-25.29 0-34.94-9.64-9.64-25.27-9.64-34.91 0L133.72 290.93c-19.28 19.29-50.56 19.3-69.85.01l-.01-.01c-19.29-19.28-19.31-50.54-.03-69.84l.03-.03L218.03 66.89c-19.28-19.29-50.55-19.3-69.85-.02l-.02.02L28.93 186.14c-38.58 38.59-38.58 101.14 0 139.72 38.6 38.59 101.13 38.59 139.73.01zm-87.33-52.4c9.64 9.64 25.27 9.64 34.91 0l157.21-157.19c19.28-19.29 50.55-19.3 69.84-.02l.02.02c9.65 9.65 25.29 9.65 34.93 0 9.65-9.65 9.65-25.29 0-34.93-38.59-38.59-101.13-38.59-139.72 0L81.33 238.54c-9.65 9.64-9.65 25.28-.01 34.93h.01z"],
- "stack-exchange": [448, 512, [], "f18d", "M17.7 332.3h412.7v22c0 37.7-29.3 68-65.3 68h-19L259.3 512v-89.7H83c-36 0-65.3-30.3-65.3-68v-22zm0-23.6h412.7v-85H17.7v85zm0-109.4h412.7v-85H17.7v85zM365 0H83C47 0 17.7 30.3 17.7 67.7V90h412.7V67.7C430.3 30.3 401 0 365 0z"],
- "stack-overflow": [384, 512, [], "f16c", "M293.7 300l-181.2-84.5 16.7-36.5 181.3 84.7-16.8 36.3zm48-76L188.2 95.7l-25.5 30.8 153.5 128.3 25.5-30.8zm39.6-31.7L262 32l-32 24 119.3 160.3 32-24zM290.7 311L95 269.7 86.8 309l195.7 41 8.2-39zm31.6 129H42.7V320h-40v160h359.5V320h-40v120zm-39.8-80h-200v39.7h200V360z"],
- "staylinked": [440, 512, [], "f3f5", "M201.6 127.4c4.1-3.2 10.3-3 13.8.5l170 167.3-2.7-2.7 44.3 41.3c3.7 3.5 3.3 9-.7 12.2l-198 163.9c-9.9 7.6-17.3.8-17.3.8L2.3 314.6c-3.5-3.5-3-9 1.2-12.2l45.8-34.9c4.2-3.2 10.4-3 13.9.5l151.9 147.5c3.7 3.5 10 3.7 14.2.4l93.2-74c4.1-3.2 4.5-8.7.9-12.2l-84-81.3c-3.6-3.5-9.9-3.7-14-.5l-.1.1c-4.1 3.2-10.4 3-14-.5l-68.1-64.3c-3.5-3.5-3.1-9 1.1-12.2l57.3-43.6m14.8 257.3c3.7 3.5 10.1 3.7 14.3.4l50.2-38.8-.3-.3 7.7-6c4.2-3.2 4.6-8.7.9-12.2l-57.1-54.4c-3.6-3.5-10-3.7-14.2-.5l-.1.1c-4.2 3.2-10.5 3.1-14.2-.4L109 180.8c-3.6-3.5-3.1-8.9 1.1-12.2l92.2-71.5c4.1-3.2 10.3-3 13.9.5l160.4 159c3.7 3.5 10 3.7 14.1.5l45.8-35.8c4.1-3.2 4.4-8.7.7-12.2L226.7 2.5c-1.5-1.2-8-5.5-16.3 1.1L3.6 165.7c-4.2 3.2-4.8 8.7-1.2 12.2l42.3 41.7"],
- "steam": [496, 512, [], "f1b6", "M496 256c0 137-111.2 248-248.4 248-113.8 0-209.6-76.3-239-180.4l95.2 39.3c6.4 32.1 34.9 56.4 68.9 56.4 39.2 0 71.9-32.4 70.2-73.5l84.5-60.2c52.1 1.3 95.8-40.9 95.8-93.5 0-51.6-42-93.5-93.7-93.5s-93.7 42-93.7 93.5v1.2L176.6 279c-15.5-.9-30.7 3.4-43.5 12.1L0 236.1C10.2 108.4 117.1 8 247.6 8 384.8 8 496 119 496 256zM155.7 384.3l-30.5-12.6a52.79 52.79 0 0 0 27.2 25.8c26.9 11.2 57.8-1.6 69-28.4 5.4-13 5.5-27.3.1-40.3-5.4-13-15.5-23.2-28.5-28.6-12.9-5.4-26.7-5.2-38.9-.6l31.5 13c19.8 8.2 29.2 30.9 20.9 50.7-8.3 19.9-31 29.2-50.8 21zm173.8-129.9c-34.4 0-62.4-28-62.4-62.3s28-62.3 62.4-62.3 62.4 28 62.4 62.3-27.9 62.3-62.4 62.3zm.1-15.6c25.9 0 46.9-21 46.9-46.8 0-25.9-21-46.8-46.9-46.8s-46.9 21-46.9 46.8c.1 25.8 21.1 46.8 46.9 46.8z"],
- "steam-square": [448, 512, [], "f1b7", "M185.2 356.5c7.7-18.5-1-39.7-19.6-47.4l-29.5-12.2c11.4-4.3 24.3-4.5 36.4.5 12.2 5.1 21.6 14.6 26.7 26.7 5 12.2 5 25.6-.1 37.7-10.5 25.1-39.4 37-64.6 26.5-11.6-4.8-20.4-13.6-25.4-24.2l28.5 11.8c18.6 7.8 39.9-.9 47.6-19.4zM400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v160.7l116.6 48.1c12-8.2 26.2-12.1 40.7-11.3l55.4-80.2v-1.1c0-48.2 39.3-87.5 87.6-87.5s87.6 39.3 87.6 87.5c0 49.2-40.9 88.7-89.6 87.5l-79 56.3c1.6 38.5-29.1 68.8-65.7 68.8-31.8 0-58.5-22.7-64.5-52.7L0 319.2V432c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-99.7 222.5c-32.2 0-58.4-26.1-58.4-58.3s26.2-58.3 58.4-58.3 58.4 26.2 58.4 58.3-26.2 58.3-58.4 58.3zm.1-14.6c24.2 0 43.9-19.6 43.9-43.8 0-24.2-19.6-43.8-43.9-43.8-24.2 0-43.9 19.6-43.9 43.8 0 24.2 19.7 43.8 43.9 43.8z"],
- "steam-symbol": [448, 512, [], "f3f6", "M395.5 177.5c0 33.8-27.5 61-61 61-33.8 0-61-27.3-61-61s27.3-61 61-61c33.5 0 61 27.2 61 61zm52.5.2c0 63-51 113.8-113.7 113.8L225 371.3c-4 43-40.5 76.8-84.5 76.8-40.5 0-74.7-28.8-83-67L0 358V250.7L97.2 290c15.1-9.2 32.2-13.3 52-11.5l71-101.7c.5-62.3 51.5-112.8 114-112.8C397 64 448 115 448 177.7zM203 363c0-34.7-27.8-62.5-62.5-62.5-4.5 0-9 .5-13.5 1.5l26 10.5c25.5 10.2 38 39 27.7 64.5-10.2 25.5-39.2 38-64.7 27.5-10.2-4-20.5-8.3-30.7-12.2 10.5 19.7 31.2 33.2 55.2 33.2 34.7 0 62.5-27.8 62.5-62.5zm207.5-185.3c0-42-34.3-76.2-76.2-76.2-42.3 0-76.5 34.2-76.5 76.2 0 42.2 34.3 76.2 76.5 76.2 41.9.1 76.2-33.9 76.2-76.2z"],
- "sticker-mule": [576, 512, [], "f3f7", "M353.1 509.8c-5.9 2.9-32.1 3.2-36.5-.5-4.1-3-2.2-11.9-1.5-15 2.2-15-2.5-7.9-9.8-11.5-3.1-1.5-4.1-5.5-4.6-10-.5-1.5-1-2.5-1.5-3.5-1.7-10.7 6.8-33.6 8.2-43.4 4.9-23.7-.7-37.2 1.5-46.9 3.7-16.2 4.1-3.5 4.1-29.9-1.4-25.9 3.3-36.9.5-38.9-14.8 0-64.3 10.7-112.2 2-46.1-8.9-59.4-29-65.4-30.9-10.3-4.5-23.2.5-27.3 7-.1.1-35 70.6-39.6 87.8-6.2 20.5-.5 47.4 4.1 66.8 0 .1 4.5 14.6 10.3 19.5 2.1 1.5 5.1 2.5 7.2 4.5 2.8 2.7 9.4 15.2 9.8 16 2.6 4.5 3.6 8-1.5 10.5-3.6 2-9.3 2.5-14.4 2.5-2.6.5-1.5 3.5-3.1 5-2.9 2.8-20.7 6.1-29.9 2.5-2.6-1-5.7-3-6.2-5-1.5-4 2.1-9-1-12.5-4.5-2.9-13.1-2-17-12-2.2-5.4-2.6-7.6-2.6-49.4 0-9.7-5.9-38.7-8.2-46.9-1.5-5.5-1.5-11.5 0-16 .3-.9 4.1-4.6 4.1-13-1-1.5-4.6-.5-5.1-1.5-10.4-80.6-5.9-79-7.7-98.3-1.5-16-10.9-43.9-6.7-64.3.5-2.4 3.4-21 24.2-38.9 31-26.7 48.4-38.3 159-11.5 1.1.4 66.3 21.1 110.7-9 15.5-11.3 28.8-11.3 35.5-16 .1-.1 61.7-52.1 87-65.3 47.2-29.4 69.9-16.7 75.1-18 4.7-1 13.4-25.8 17-25.8 5.5 0 1.6 20.2 3.6 25.9.5 2 3.6 5 6.2 5 2.3 0 1.7-.8 10.3-5 8.4-5.4 14.9-17.6 20.6-17 11.7 1.6-19 41.6-19 46.9 0 2 .2.8 4.6 9.5 2.6 5.5 4.6 13.5 6.2 20 8.3 29.7 5.7 14.6 13.4 36.9 20.2 50.1 20.6 45.2 20.6 52.9 0 7.5-4.1 11-7.2 16.5-1.5 3-4.6 7.5-7.2 8-2.7.7 7-1.5-13.4 2.5-7.2 1-13.4-4.5-14.9-9.5-1.6-4.7 2.8-10.1-11.8-22.9-10.3-10-21.1-11.3-31.9-17-9.8-5.7-11.9 1-18 8-18 22.9-34 46.9-52 69.8-11.8 15-24.2 30.4-33.5 47.4-3.9 6.8-9.5 28.1-10.3 29.9-6.2 17.7-5.5 25.8-16.5 68.3-3.1 10-5.7 21.4-8.7 32.4-2.2 6.8-7.4 49.3-.5 59.4 2.1 3.5 8.7 4.5 11.3 8 .1.1 9.6 18.2 9.3 20 0 6.1-9.4 5.6-11.3 6.5-4.8 2.9-3.8 5.9-6.4 7.4"],
- "strava": [369, 512, [], "f428", "M301.6 292l-43.9 88.2-44.6-88.2h-67.6l112.2 220 111.5-220h-67.6zM151.4 0L0 292h89.2l62.2-116.1L213.1 292h88.5L151.4 0z"],
- "stripe": [640, 512, [], "f429", "M640 261.6c0-45.5-22-81.4-64.2-81.4s-67.9 35.9-67.9 81.1c0 53.5 30.3 78.2 73.5 78.2 21.2 0 37.1-4.8 49.2-11.5v-33.4c-12.1 6.1-26 9.8-43.6 9.8-17.3 0-32.5-6.1-34.5-26.9h86.9c.2-2.3.6-11.6.6-15.9m-87.9-16.8c0-20 12.3-28.4 23.4-28.4 10.9 0 22.5 8.4 22.5 28.4h-45.9zm-112.9-64.6c-17.4 0-28.6 8.2-34.8 13.9l-2.3-11H363v204.8l44.4-9.4.1-50.2c6.4 4.7 15.9 11.2 31.4 11.2 31.8 0 60.8-23.2 60.8-79.6.1-51.6-29.3-79.7-60.5-79.7m-10.6 122.5c-10.4 0-16.6-3.8-20.9-8.4l-.3-66c4.6-5.1 11-8.8 21.2-8.8 16.2 0 27.4 18.2 27.4 41.4.1 23.9-10.9 41.8-27.4 41.8M346.4 124v36.2l-44.6 9.5v-36.2l44.6-9.5m-44.5 59.2h44.6v153.2h-44.6V183.2zm-47.8 13.1c10.4-19.1 31.1-15.2 37.1-13.1V224c-5.7-1.8-23.4-4.5-33.9 9.3v103.1H213V183.2h38.4l2.7 13.1m-89-13.1h33.7V221h-33.7v63.2c0 26.2 28 18 33.7 15.7v33.8c-5.9 3.2-16.6 5.9-31.2 5.9-26.3 0-46.1-17-46.1-43.3l.2-142.4 43.3-9.2.1 38.5zM44.9 228.3c0 20 67.9 10.5 67.9 63.4 0 32-25.4 47.8-62.3 47.8-15.3 0-32-3-48.5-10.1v-40c14.9 8.1 33.9 14.2 48.6 14.2 9.9 0 17-2.7 17-10.9 0-21.2-67.5-13.2-67.5-62.4 0-31.4 24-50.2 60-50.2 14.7 0 29.4 2.3 44.1 8.1V230c-13.5-7.3-30.7-11.4-44.2-11.4-9.3.1-15.1 2.8-15.1 9.7"],
- "stripe-s": [362, 512, [], "f42a", "M144.3 154.6c0-22.3 18.6-30.9 48.4-30.9 43.4 0 98.5 13.3 141.9 36.7V26.1C287.3 7.2 240.1 0 192.8 0 77.1 0 0 60.4 0 161.4c0 157.9 216.8 132.3 216.8 200.4 0 26.4-22.9 34.9-54.7 34.9-47.2 0-108.2-19.5-156.1-45.5v128.5c53 22.8 106.8 32.4 156 32.4 118.6 0 200.3-51 200.3-153.6 0-170.2-218-139.7-218-203.9"],
- "studiovinari": [512, 512, [], "f3f8", "M480.3 187.7l4.2 28v28l-25.1 44.1-39.8 78.4-56.1 67.5-79.1 37.8-17.7 24.5-7.7 12-9.6 4s17.3-63.6 19.4-63.6c2.1 0 20.3.7 20.3.7l66.7-38.6-92.5 26.1-55.9 36.8-22.8 28-6.6 1.4 20.8-73.6 6.9-5.5 20.7 12.9 88.3-45.2 56.8-51.5 14.8-68.4-125.4 23.3 15.2-18.2-173.4-53.3 81.9-10.5-166-122.9L133.5 108 32.2 0l252.9 126.6-31.5-38L378 163 234.7 64l18.7 38.4-49.6-18.1L158.3 0l194.6 122L310 66.2l108 96.4 12-8.9-21-16.4 4.2-37.8L451 89.1l29.2 24.7 11.5 4.2-7 6.2 8.5 12-13.1 7.4-10.3 20.2 10.5 23.9z"],
- "stumbleupon": [512, 512, [], "f1a4", "M502.9 266v69.7c0 62.1-50.3 112.4-112.4 112.4-61.8 0-112.4-49.8-112.4-111.3v-70.2l34.3 16 51.1-15.2V338c0 14.7 12 26.5 26.7 26.5S417 352.7 417 338v-72h85.9zm-224.7-58.2l34.3 16 51.1-15.2V173c0-60.5-51.1-109-112.1-109-60.8 0-112.1 48.2-112.1 108.2v162.4c0 14.9-12 26.7-26.7 26.7S86 349.5 86 334.6V266H0v69.7C0 397.7 50.3 448 112.4 448c61.6 0 112.4-49.5 112.4-110.8V176.9c0-14.7 12-26.7 26.7-26.7s26.7 12 26.7 26.7v30.9z"],
- "stumbleupon-circle": [496, 512, [], "f1a3", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 177.5c-9.8 0-17.8 8-17.8 17.8v106.9c0 40.9-33.9 73.9-74.9 73.9-41.4 0-74.9-33.5-74.9-74.9v-46.5h57.3v45.8c0 10 8 17.8 17.8 17.8s17.8-7.9 17.8-17.8V200.1c0-40 34.2-72.1 74.7-72.1 40.7 0 74.7 32.3 74.7 72.6v23.7l-34.1 10.1-22.9-10.7v-20.6c.1-9.6-7.9-17.6-17.7-17.6zm167.6 123.6c0 41.4-33.5 74.9-74.9 74.9-41.2 0-74.9-33.2-74.9-74.2V263l22.9 10.7 34.1-10.1v47.1c0 9.8 8 17.6 17.8 17.6s17.8-7.9 17.8-17.6v-48h57.3c-.1 45.9-.1 46.4-.1 46.4z"],
- "superpowers": [448, 512, [], "f2dd", "M448 32c-83.3 11-166.8 22-250 33-92 12.5-163.3 86.7-169 180-3.3 55.5 18 109.5 57.8 148.2L0 480c83.3-11 166.5-22 249.8-33 91.8-12.5 163.3-86.8 168.7-179.8 3.5-55.5-18-109.5-57.7-148.2L448 32zm-79.7 232.3c-4.2 79.5-74 139.2-152.8 134.5-79.5-4.7-140.7-71-136.3-151 4.5-79.2 74.3-139.3 153-134.5 79.3 4.7 140.5 71 136.1 151z"],
- "supple": [640, 512, [], "f3f9", "M640 262.5c0 64.1-109 116.1-243.5 116.1-24.8 0-48.6-1.8-71.1-5 7.7.4 15.5.6 23.4.6 134.5 0 243.5-56.9 243.5-127.1 0-29.4-19.1-56.4-51.2-78 60 21.1 98.9 55.1 98.9 93.4zM47.7 227.9c-.1-70.2 108.8-127.3 243.3-127.6 7.9 0 15.6.2 23.3.5-22.5-3.2-46.3-4.9-71-4.9C108.8 96.3-.1 148.5 0 212.6c.1 38.3 39.1 72.3 99.3 93.3-32.3-21.5-51.5-48.6-51.6-78zm60.2 39.9s10.5 13.2 29.3 13.2c17.9 0 28.4-11.5 28.4-25.1 0-28-40.2-25.1-40.2-39.7 0-5.4 5.3-9.1 12.5-9.1 5.7 0 11.3 2.6 11.3 6.6v3.9h14.2v-7.9c0-12.1-15.4-16.8-25.4-16.8-16.5 0-28.5 10.2-28.5 24.1 0 26.6 40.2 25.4 40.2 39.9 0 6.6-5.8 10.1-12.3 10.1-11.9 0-20.7-10.1-20.7-10.1l-8.8 10.9zm120.8-73.6v54.4c0 11.3-7.1 17.8-17.8 17.8-10.7 0-17.8-6.5-17.8-17.7v-54.5h-15.8v55c0 18.9 13.4 31.9 33.7 31.9 20.1 0 33.4-13 33.4-31.9v-55h-15.7zm34.4 85.4h15.8v-29.5h15.5c16 0 27.2-11.5 27.2-28.1s-11.2-27.8-27.2-27.8h-39.1v13.4h7.8v72zm15.8-43v-29.1h12.9c8.7 0 13.7 5.7 13.7 14.4 0 8.9-5.1 14.7-14 14.7h-12.6zm57 43h15.8v-29.5h15.5c16 0 27.2-11.5 27.2-28.1s-11.2-27.8-27.2-27.8h-39.1v13.4h7.8v72zm15.7-43v-29.1h12.9c8.7 0 13.7 5.7 13.7 14.4 0 8.9-5 14.7-14 14.7h-12.6zm57.1 34.8c0 5.8 2.4 8.2 8.2 8.2h37.6c5.8 0 8.2-2.4 8.2-8.2v-13h-14.3v5.2c0 1.7-1 2.6-2.6 2.6h-18.6c-1.7 0-2.6-1-2.6-2.6v-61.2c0-5.7-2.4-8.2-8.2-8.2H401v13.4h5.2c1.7 0 2.6 1 2.6 2.6v61.2zm63.4 0c0 5.8 2.4 8.2 8.2 8.2H519c5.7 0 8.2-2.4 8.2-8.2v-13h-14.3v5.2c0 1.7-1 2.6-2.6 2.6h-19.7c-1.7 0-2.6-1-2.6-2.6v-20.3h27.7v-13.4H488v-22.4h19.2c1.7 0 2.6 1 2.6 2.6v5.2H524v-13c0-5.7-2.5-8.2-8.2-8.2h-51.6v13.4h7.8v63.9zm58.9-76v5.9h1.6v-5.9h2.7v-1.2h-7v1.2h2.7zm5.7-1.2v7.1h1.5v-5.7l2.3 5.7h1.3l2.3-5.7v5.7h1.5v-7.1h-2.3l-2.1 5.1-2.1-5.1h-2.4z"],
- "teamspeak": [511, 512, [], "f4f9", "M.82 237.82c2.36-15.52 10.69-27.04 24.88-34.03 3.5-1.85 5.65-3.5 6.37-7.81 6.17-33.41 19.53-63.94 39.37-91.59 2.36-3.19 4.01-5.35 1.03-9.35-3.7-5.35-1.03-10.18 2.98-14.49 28.06-31.87 61.88-55.1 101.98-67.44 95.81-29.4 180.1-9.35 252.37 60.45 6.68 6.37 15.52 12.85 6.99 24.36-1.34 1.85 1.03 3.5 2.16 5.04 20.66 28.06 34.23 59.42 40.4 93.65.82 3.7 2.98 5.04 5.86 6.37 17.37 8.84 25.7 23.34 26.01 42.25 0 17.17 1.85 34.54-1.03 51.71-4.01 24.67-29.19 41.74-53.25 36.7-7.2-1.64-9.35-7.2-9.35-14.19 0-28.06.82-56.44 0-84.6-1.85-75.76-36.18-132.81-102.28-169.41C234.28 4.98 92.11 72.42 67.54 196.91c-6.06 30.42-1.74 48.27-3.7 125.82-.31 7.2-4.32 11.2-12.03 11.51C20.97 335.58 0 316.05 0 285.21v-20.87m221.74 106.81c11.82-4.32 20.05-11.82 22.51-24.36 2.36-12.34-12.03-30.02-32.38-48.73-20.87-19.22-48.22-39.06-63.43-46.57-21.69-12.03-41.74-1.85-46.26 22.72-5.04 26.21 0 51.4 14.49 73.91 10.18 15.52 25.39 22.72 43.38 24.05 11.62.62 52.54 2.16 61.69-1.02m129.83 5.55c36.5 2.81 59.33-28.55 58.39-60.45-2.14-45.17-66.17-16.48-87.79-8.02-73.16 28.14-45.05 54.92-22.2 60.75m149.26-1.33c-2.98-2.36-7.2-1.03-8.33 2.36-8.02 25.39-44.72 112.46-172.08 121.51-149.67 10.49 80.29 43.59 145.36-6.37 22.72-17.37 47.6-35.05 46.57-85.43-.32-10.07-4.84-26.72-11.52-32.07"],
- "telegram": [496, 512, [], "f2c6", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm121.8 169.9l-40.7 191.8c-3 13.6-11.1 16.9-22.4 10.5l-62-45.7-29.9 28.8c-3.3 3.3-6.1 6.1-12.5 6.1l4.4-63.1 114.9-103.8c5-4.4-1.1-6.9-7.7-2.5l-142 89.4-61.2-19.1c-13.3-4.2-13.6-13.3 2.8-19.7l239.1-92.2c11.1-4 20.8 2.7 17.2 19.5z"],
- "telegram-plane": [448, 512, [], "f3fe", "M446.7 98.6l-67.6 318.8c-5.1 22.5-18.4 28.1-37.3 17.5l-103-75.9-49.7 47.8c-5.5 5.5-10.1 10.1-20.7 10.1l7.4-104.9 190.9-172.5c8.3-7.4-1.8-11.5-12.9-4.1L117.8 284 16.2 252.2c-22.1-6.9-22.5-22.1 4.6-32.7L418.2 66.4c18.4-6.9 34.5 4.1 28.5 32.2z"],
- "tencent-weibo": [384, 512, [], "f1d5", "M72.3 495.8c1.4 19.9-27.6 22.2-29.7 2.9C31 368.8 73.7 259.2 144 185.5c-15.6-34 9.2-77.1 50.6-77.1 30.3 0 55.1 24.6 55.1 55.1 0 44-49.5 70.8-86.9 45.1-65.7 71.3-101.4 169.8-90.5 287.2zM192 .1C66.1.1-12.3 134.3 43.7 242.4 52.4 259.8 79 246.9 70 229 23.7 136.4 91 29.8 192 29.8c75.4 0 136.9 61.4 136.9 136.9 0 90.8-86.9 153.9-167.7 133.1-19.1-4.1-25.6 24.4-6.6 29.1 110.7 23.2 204-60 204-162.3C358.6 74.7 284 .1 192 .1z"],
- "the-red-yeti": [505, 512, [], "f69d", "M484.41 241.74l20.66 7.13c-9.56-23.91-23.93-36.96-31.72-44.76l7.13-18.2c.25 0 12.28-27.79-2.46-30.74-.63-11.35-6.59-27.05-18.44-27.05-7.62-10.57-17.71-12.3-30.74-5.9-8.85 4.18-17.71 10.08-25.33 16.48-5.3-6.44-2.95.38-2.95-29.76-37.08-24.28-45.4-11.73-74.76 2.95l.49.49c-21.15-7.62-44.02-12.05-68.36-13.28-5.55-8.71-18.6-19.1-25.08-25.08l24.84 7.13c-5.49-5.49-26.78-12.91-34.18-15.25 18.2-4.11 29.78-20.77 42.54-32.95-34.92-10.08-67.87-5.9-97.88 11.8L179.97.48 178.24 0c-31.6 24.16-32.99 41.9-33.69 45.49-.91-2.39-6.32-19.61-15.25-27.05-3.44 8.85-3.44 17.21-.49 25.33 2.95 8.36 5.9 14.76 8.36 18.94-16.04-3.3-28.35-4.9-49.18 0H84.3l32.95 14.26c-20.66 19.43-35.9 41.81-46.72 67.38l-1.72 8.36 1.72 1.72 7.62-4.67c-3.33 11.64-5.27 19.39-6.64 25.82-11.31 12.79-20.41 26.07-27.79 40.33-14.97 1-31.82 10.78-40.33 14.26l2.95 3.44 28.77.98c-.49.98-.74 2.21-1.23 3.2-7.29 6.38-39.78 37.65-32.95 80.66l20.17-22.38c.49 1.72.74 3.44 1.23 5.16 0 25.53.37 89.64 64.92 150.5 43.78 40.1 96.16 60.27 157.64 60.27 121.73 0 223.05-87.29 223.05-211.49 6.8-9.72-1.24 3.03 16.72-25.08l13.03 14.26 2.46-.49c-1.72-11.31-4.67-22.38-8.85-34.18-2.22-6.4-4.68-10.33-6.89-13.28zm-15.49-41.32l-14.26-11.8 18.2-1.23-3.94 13.03zm-74.76-89.27l-.49 21.89c5.52 18.13 16.88 17.21 22.38 17.21l-3.44-4.67 22.38-5.41c-10.08.49-18.94.49-27.05 0 12.81-2.13 33.32-29.03 43.04-11.31 3.44 7.62 6.39 17.21 9.34 27.79l1.72-5.9c-1.23-4.18-1.72-9.34-1.72-15.25 5.41.49 8.85 3.44 9.34 10.08.49 6.39 1.72 14.76 3.44 25.33l4.67-11.31c4.59 0 4.47-3.61-2.46 20.66-20.89-8.7-35.09-8.36-46.48-8.36l18.2-15.98c-25.28 8.15-33.03 10.8-54.84 20.9-1.08-5.41-4.98-13.5-15.98-19.92-3.18 3.82-2.76.9-.74 14.76h-2.46c-1.23-8.36-4.18-15.98-8.36-23.12l4.18-3.44c8.36-7.13 11.8-14.26 10.57-21.89-.49-6.39-5.41-13.53-13.53-20.66 5.66-3.2 15.25-.25 28.29 8.6zm-39.59-10.08c2.69 1.92 11.4 5.38 18.94 17.21 4.2 8.4 3.98 9.81 3.44 11.07-.48 2.41-.46 4.33-2.95 7.13-1.72 2.46-5.41 4.67-11.8 7.62-7.62-13.03-16.48-23.61-27.79-31.23l20.16-11.8zM87.25 143.12l1.23-1.72c1.23-2.95 4.18-7.62 9.34-15.25l2.46-3.44-13.03 12.3 5.41-4.67-10.08 9.34-4.18 1.23c12.3-24.1 23.12-41.31 32.46-50.17 9.34-9.34 15.98-15.98 20.17-19.43l-6.39 1.23c-11.31-4.18-19.43-7.13-24.84-8.36 2.46-.49 3.69-.49 3.2-.49 10.33 0 17.46.49 20.9 1.23 5.41 1.72 10.57 2.46 15.98 2.46l.49-1.72-8.36-35.9 13.53 29.02c1.72-2.46 4.18-7.13 5.9-14.26 1.72-6.39 5.41-13.03 10.08-19.43 4.67-6.39 7.62-10.57 9.34-11.31-2.95 8.85-4.67 17.21-6.39 25.33l-1.72 7.13-.49 4.67 2.46 2.46c21.89-13.53 45.49-19.43 71.32-18.94l21.15.49c-11.8 13.53-27.79 21.89-48.45 24.84-8.61 1.48-16.23 2.46-23.36 2.95l-.25-.49-2.46-1.23c-5.16-.98-9.84-.25-14.02 1.97-2.46-.25-4.92-.49-7.13-.74l-2.46 1.72.49 1.23c1.97.25 3.93.49 6.15.74l-1.97 3.44 3.44-.49-10.57 11.31c-4.18 2.95-5.41 6.39-4.18 9.34l5.41-3.44h1.23c6.39-8.36 15.25-13.53 25.33-15.25v-2.95c6.39.49 13.03.98 19.43 1.23 6.39 0 8.36.49 5.41 1.23 7.62 4.18 14.26 8.85 20.66 13.53 13.53 10.08 23.61 21.89 30 35.41 8.85 18.2 13.53 37.13 13.53 56.56 0 10.08-1.23 19.43-2.95 28.28-2.35 10.79-7.8 29.62-15.98 45.99l2.46.49c18.23-19.67 41.9-15.98 49.18-15.98l-6.39 5.9 22.38 17.71-1.72 30.74c-5.41-12.3-16.48-21.15-32.95-27.79 16.48 14.76 23.61 21.15 21.89 20.17-4.81-2.81-3.53-1.87-10.82-3.69 4.12 4.12 17.45 18.79 18.2 20.66l.25.25-.25.25c0 1.76 1.56-1.18-14.02 22.87-75.15-15.31-106.26-42.74-141.16-63.2l11.8 1.23c-11.75-18.53-15.63-17.72-38.36-26.07l10.57-8.36c-8.85-2.95-18.2-2.95-28.28.49l7.62-10.57-1.23-1.72c-14.89 4.34-19.85 9.17-22.62 11.31-1.14-5.46-2.77-12.44-12.3-28.77l-1.23 27.05-13.53-5.41c1.47-25.11 5.4-50.44 13.27-74.54zm276.41 330.03c-49.92 24.96-56.13 22.41-59.02 23.85-29.76-11.8-50.9-31.72-63.45-58.77l30 16.48c-9.77-9.31-18.34-16.54-38.36-44.27l11.8 23.12-17.71-7.62c14.2 21.08 23.47 51.74 66.64 73.53-120.77 24.15-199.03-72.11-200.91-74.27 11.31 9.34 23.12 17.71 35.41 24.84 3.44 1.72 7.13 2.46 10.08 1.23l-15.98-20.66c9.23 4.19 9.49 4.5 69.1 29.02-42.54-20.66-73.78-40.82-93.2-60.25-.49 6.39-1.23 10.08-1.23 10.08 8.85 7.62 15.98 16.48 20.66 26.56-39.05-18.85-57.59-47.61-71.32-82.63 49.89 55.1 118.85 37.49 120.5 37.13 34.79 16.43 69.87 23.61 113.86 10.57 3.32 0 20.3 16.98 25.33 39.1l4.18-2.95-2.46-23.61c8.95 8.95 24.9 22.56 34.43 13.03-15.58-5.32-23.52-9.49-29.51-31.72 4.58 4.2 7.57 9.05 27.79 15l1.23-1.23-10.57-14.26c11.65-4.85-3.54 1.01 31.97-10.82 4.34 34.23 9.05 49.15.74 89.52zM479 258.71l-2.46.49 2.95 9.34c-3.55 5.87-23.73 44.26-71.56 79.68-39.54 29.76-76.58 39.13-80.91 40.33l-7.62-7.13-1.23 2.95 14.26 15.98-7.13-4.67 3.44 4.18h-1.23l-21.89-13.53 9.34 26.56-18.94-27.79-1.23 2.46 7.62 29.02c-6.11-8.24-21.03-32.61-56.81-39.59l32.46 21.15c-31.97 4.67-63.2 2.46-93.2-6.39-4.18-1.23-8.85-2.46-13.53-4.18l1.23-2.95-44.76-22.38 26.07 22.38c-57.66 9.08-112.96-25.41-126.4-83.37l-2.46-16.48-22.35 22.38c19.47-57.51 25.61-57.89 51.4-70.09-9.09-5.33-1.55-3.26-38.36-9.34 15.78-5.79 33.05-15.44 73.04 5.16 2.95-1.48 2.14-1.1 3.69-1.72.64-3.18.41-.82.98-11.8 3.89 10.01 3.63 8.67 2.95 9.34l1.72.49c12.69-6.49 8.92-4.52 16.97-8.85l-5.41 13.53 22.38-5.9-8.36 8.36 2.46 2.46c4.5-1.8 30.35 3.42 40.82 15.98l-23.61-2.46c39.39 22.98 51.46 53.97 55.82 69.59l1.72-1.23c-2.84-22.28-12.37-33.88-15.98-40.08 4.22 4.99 39.2 34.56 110.42 45.99-11.31-.49-23.12 5.41-34.92 18.94l46.72-20.17-9.34 21.89c7.62-10.08 14.76-23.61 21.15-39.59v-.49l1.23-2.95-1.23 15.98c13.53-41.81 25.33-78.45 35.41-109.68l13.53-27.79v-1.97l-5.41-4.18h10.08l5.9 4.18 2.46-1.23-3.44-15.98 12.3 18.94 41.81-20.17-14.76 13.03.49 2.95 17.71-.49c11.31.49 21.89 1.72 32.95 4.18l-23.61 2.46-1.23 2.95 26.56 23.12c10.08 10.08 18.94 20.66 27.05 31.97-11.24-3.29-10.28-3.44-21.15-3.44l12.3 32.46-8.87-12.79zm-277.89-89.03c-34.85 14.42-34.73 13.98-36.15 14.26-20.83 4.73-18.97-24.44-18.94-24.84l5.9-1.23-.49-2.46c-20.17-2.65-31.03 4.17-32.46 2.95 3.44 5.9 9.34 4.18-6.39 8.85-10.08 15.25-10.57-1.72 11.31-1.23 22.38 1.72 2.57 17.44 27.54 24.1 11.31 2.95 27.05 1.23 48.94-5.41l-9.34.49c-4.18-14.76-6.39-24.84-5.9-29.51 11.31-8.85 21.89-11.31 30.74-7.62h2.46l-11.8-7.62-7.13.49c-5.9 1.23-12.3 4.18-19.43 8.36l3.19-6.39zm11.07-86.81l- 2.95c8.36-.49 17.21 1.23 26.07 5.9-2.5-5.54-9.97-14.26-28.28-14.26l.49 2.46 3.69 2.46zm-67.14 56.07c-4.04-6.35-3.09-5.05-4.67-6.64 21.69 16.76 16.48 21.41 46.48 23.61l-2.95-4.67c8.85-7.62 13.53-17.21 14.76-28.28 1.72-15.98-1.23-29.51-8.85-41.31l13.03-7.62c0-.49 0-1.23-.49-1.72-4.67-1.72-9.34-1.23-13.53 1.72-12.68 6.67-27.99 20.94-29.02 22.38-1.72 1.72-3.44 5.9-5.41 13.53-1.72 7.13-2.95 14.76-2.95 23.61-4.68-7.96-10.52-6.4-19.92-5.9l7.13 7.62c-16.47 0-23.32 15.43-23.61 15.98 6.81-.01 4.6-7.6 30-12.31zm14.02-25.33c1.23-7.62 3.44-13.03 6.39-17.21 5.41-6.39 10.57-10.08 15.98-11.8 4.18-1.72 7.13 1.23 10.08 9.34 2.46 7.62 3.44 16.48 2.95 25.33-.49 9.34-3.44 17.21-8.36 23.12-2.95 3.44-5.41 5.9-6.39 7.62-4.67.49-8.36 0-11.31-.49l-7.13-3.44-5.41-6.39c.99-10.09 1.48-18.94 3.2-26.08zm62.71-21.39c-6.39-3.44-10.57 2.95-12.3 18.94s2.46 29.51 11.8 39.59c9.34 10.08 18.2 10.57 26.07 2.95 7.87-7.62 3.44-23.61-11.31-47.71-3.19-5.41-7.87-10.08-14.26-13.77zm-4.67 46.23c5.36 2.23 10.51 1.91 12.3-10.57v-4.67l-1.23.49c-4.28-3.05-2.55-4.49-1.72-6.15l.49-.49c-.88-1.23-5.02-8.11-12.54 4.67-.49-13.53.49-21.89 2.95-24.84 1.23-2.46 4.67-1.23 11.31 4.18 6.39 5.41 11.31 15.98 15.25 32.46 6.59 28.06-19.7 26.26-26.81 4.92zm-45.01-5.41c1.57.31 9.34-1.09 9.34-14.76h-.49c-5.44-1.09-2.24-5.47-.74-5.9-1.72-2.95-3.44-4.18-5.41-4.67-8.15 0-11.65 12.66-8.12 21.15 1.24 2.46 3.21 3.69 5.42 4.18zm45.99 61.48c1.72 10.57 4.67 17.71 8.85 21.89-9.26 6.61-27.54 13.85-46.48 15.98l.49 1.23c8.36 1.23 16.48.49 24.84-2.46l-7.13 13.03c4.18-1.72 10.08-7.13 17.71-14.76 11.93-5.51 12.72-5.07 20.17-15.98-12.73-6.58-15.76-13.83-18.45-18.93z"],
- "themeco": [441, 512, [], "f5c6", "M199.74 12.29c9.74-5.64 25.59-5.73 35.39-.21l188.13 105.95c9.81 5.52 17.76 19.14 17.76 30.38v213.87c0 11.26-7.93 24.89-17.71 30.46L235.09 499.88c-9.78 5.57-25.58 5.48-35.29-.21L17.58 392.95C7.87 387.26 0 373.52 0 362.27V148.41c0-11.26 7.9-24.96 17.63-30.59L199.74 12.29zM123.54 209c-15.69 0-31.39.14-47.08.14v99.87h18.83v-29.39h28.25c48.94 0 48.79-70.62 0-70.62zm137.96 98.73l-30.25-34.1c36.4-7.39 34.26-64.21-10.7-64.49-15.84 0-31.67-.14-47.51-.14v100.01h18.83v-33.38H210l29.1 33.38h22.4v-1.28zm-40.94-81.04c22.98 0 22.9 31.96 0 31.96h-28.68v-31.96h28.68zm-94.07-1.57c20.85 0 20.78 38.24 0 38.24H94.68v-38.23l31.81-.01zm189.65-17.97c-67.4 0-69.86 104.15 0 104.15 68.39-.01 68.33-104.15 0-104.15zm0 17.12c43.43 0 44.1 69.76 0 69.76-44.12 0-43.74-69.76 0-69.76z"],
- "themeisle": [512, 512, [], "f2b2", "M208 88.286c0-10 6.286-21.714 17.715-21.714 11.142 0 17.714 11.714 17.714 21.714 0 10.285-6.572 21.714-17.714 21.714C214.286 110 208 98.571 208 88.286zm304 160c0 36.001-11.429 102.286-36.286 129.714-22.858 24.858-87.428 61.143-120.857 70.572l-1.143.286v32.571c0 16.286-12.572 30.571-29.143 30.571-10 0-19.429-5.714-24.572-14.286-5.427 8.572-14.856 14.286-24.856 14.286-10 0-19.429-5.714-24.858-14.286-5.142 8.572-14.571 14.286-24.57 14.286-10.286 0-19.429-5.714-24.858-14.286-5.143 8.572-14.571 14.286-24.571 14.286-18.857 0-29.429-15.714-29.429-32.857-16.286 12.285-35.715 19.428-56.571 19.428-22 0-43.429-8.285-60.286-22.857 10.285-.286 20.571-2.286 30.285-5.714-20.857-5.714-39.428-18.857-52-36.286 21.37 4.645 46.209 1.673 67.143-11.143-22-22-56.571-58.857-68.572-87.428C1.143 321.714 0 303.714 0 289.429c0-49.714 20.286-160 86.286-160 10.571 0 18.857 4.858 23.143 14.857a158.792 158.792 0 0 1 12-15.428c2-2.572 5.714-5.429 7.143-8.286 7.999-12.571 11.714-21.142 21.714-34C182.571 45.428 232 17.143 285.143 17.143c6 0 12 .285 17.714 1.143C313.714 6.571 328.857 0 344.572 0c14.571 0 29.714 6 40 16.286.857.858 1.428 2.286 1.428 3.428 0 3.714-10.285 13.429-12.857 16.286 4.286 1.429 15.714 6.858 15.714 12 0 2.857-2.857 5.143-4.571 7.143 31.429 27.714 49.429 67.143 56.286 108 4.286-5.143 10.285-8.572 17.143-8.572 10.571 0 20.857 7.144 28.571 14.001C507.143 187.143 512 221.714 512 248.286zM188 89.428c0 18.286 12.571 37.143 32.286 37.143 19.714 0 32.285-18.857 32.285-37.143 0-18-12.571-36.857-32.285-36.857-19.715 0-32.286 18.858-32.286 36.857zM237.714 194c0-19.714 3.714-39.143 8.571-58.286-52.039 79.534-13.531 184.571 68.858 184.571 21.428 0 42.571-7.714 60-20 2-7.429 3.714-14.857 3.714-22.572 0-14.286-6.286-21.428-20.572-21.428-4.571 0-9.143.857-13.429 1.714-63.343 12.668-107.142 3.669-107.142-63.999zm-41.142 254.858c0-11.143-8.858-20.857-20.286-20.857-11.429 0-20 9.715-20 20.857v32.571c0 11.143 8.571 21.142 20 21.142 11.428 0 20.286-9.715 20.286-21.142v-32.571zm49.143 0c0-11.143-8.572-20.857-20-20.857-11.429 0-20.286 9.715-20.286 20.857v32.571c0 11.143 8.857 21.142 20.286 21.142 11.428 0 20-10 20-21.142v-32.571zm49.713 0c0-11.143-8.857-20.857-20.285-20.857-11.429 0-20.286 9.715-20.286 20.857v32.571c0 11.143 8.857 21.142 20.286 21.142 11.428 0 20.285-9.715 20.285-21.142v-32.571zm49.715 0c0-11.143-8.857-20.857-20.286-20.857-11.428 0-20.286 9.715-20.286 20.857v32.571c0 11.143 8.858 21.142 20.286 21.142 11.429 0 20.286-10 20.286-21.142v-32.571zM421.714 286c-30.857 59.142-90.285 102.572-158.571 102.572-96.571 0-160.571-84.572-160.571-176.572 0-16.857 2-33.429 6-49.714-20 33.715-29.714 72.572-29.714 111.429 0 60.286 24.857 121.715 71.429 160.857 5.143-9.714 14.857-16.286 26-16.286 10 0 19.428 5.714 24.571 14.286 5.429-8.571 14.571-14.286 24.858-14.286 10 0 19.428 5.714 24.571 14.286 5.429-8.571 14.857-14.286 24.858-14.286 10 0 19.428 5.714 24.857 14.286 5.143-8.571 14.571-14.286 24.572-14.286 10.857 0 20.857 6.572 25.714 16 43.427-36.286 68.569-92 71.426-148.286zm10.572-99.714c0-53.714-34.571-105.714-92.572-105.714-30.285 0-58.571 15.143-78.857 36.857C240.862 183.812 233.41 254 302.286 254c28.805 0 97.357-28.538 84.286 36.857 28.857-26 45.714-65.714 45.714-104.571z"],
- "trade-federation": [496, 512, [], "f513", "M202.45 108.42v81.61H38.94l48.22 61.91h114.73v196.75h64.61V252.96h83.27v-62.69h-83.18V171.1h145.62v-62.68H202.45zm4.86 6h197.77v50.68H259.44v30.93h83.18v50.93h-83.26v195.73h-52.73V245.94H89.86l-39.95-49.91h157.4v-81.61zM247.99 8.8C111.03 8.8 0 119.83 0 256.8s111.03 248 247.99 248S496 393.76 496 256.8 384.96 8.8 247.99 8.8zm.02 13.24c129.66 0 234.76 105.12 234.76 234.78s-105.1 234.76-234.76 234.76S13.23 386.47 13.23 256.81 118.35 22.04 248.01 22.04zm0 7.89c-125.3 0-226.89 101.57-226.89 226.87s101.59 226.89 226.89 226.89S474.88 382.1 474.88 256.8 373.31 29.93 248.01 29.93zm-.02 13.3c117.95 0 213.56 95.62 213.56 213.56s-95.62 213.56-213.56 213.56S34.43 374.75 34.43 256.8 130.04 43.23 247.99 43.23zm-73.32 104.8l15.66 18.05-22.16-9.45-12.33 20.47 2.15-23.99-23.28-5.4 23.48-5.37-2.06-23.81 12.37 20.67 22.01-9.32-15.84 18.15zm-47.14-46.54l8.01 12.4 12.69-5.86-9.32 11.45 9.5 10.25-13.77-5.32-6.82 12.2.81-14.74-13.71-2.71 14.27-3.78-1.66-13.89zm250.77 75.59l11.99 19.56 20.88-9.11-14.9 17.45 15.11 17.04-21.2-8.78-11.54 19.64 1.8-22.87-22.24-4.9 22.31-5.36-2.21-22.67zm-107.05 98.45l13.86-3.22-1.28-14.17 7.35 12.18 13.08-5.59-9.31 10.75 9.36 10.71-13.1-5.54-7.29 12.21 1.22-14.17-13.89-3.16zm-125.43 6.5l23.73-3.87-1.73-24.53 11.01 21.38 22.79-9.22-16.93 17.08 15.81 18.83-21.47-10.82-13.02 20.86 3.66-23.77-23.85-5.94zm63.44-165.66v81.61H54.16l36.72 46.01h117.7v196.75h48.82V245.01h83.27v-47.03H257.4v-34.83h145.73v-46.78H209.26zm10.86 11.2h171.8v24.36H246.88v56.23h82.93v23.94h-82.93v197.42h-26.76V232.1H96.31l-20.09-23.94h143.9v-80.59z"],
- "trello": [448, 512, [], "f181", "M392 32H56C25.1 32 0 57.1 0 88v336c0 30.9 25.1 56 56 56h336c30.9 0 56-25.1 56-56V88c0-30.9-25.1-56-56-56zM194.9 371.4c0 14.8-12 26.9-26.9 26.9H85.1c-14.8 0-26.9-12-26.9-26.9V117.1c0-14.8 12-26.9 26.9-26.9H168c14.8 0 26.9 12 26.9 26.9v254.3zm194.9-112c0 14.8-12 26.9-26.9 26.9H280c-14.8 0-26.9-12-26.9-26.9V117.1c0-14.8 12-26.9 26.9-26.9h82.9c14.8 0 26.9 12 26.9 26.9v142.3z"],
- "tripadvisor": [576, 512, [], "f262", "M166.4 280.521c0 13.236-10.73 23.966-23.966 23.966s-23.966-10.73-23.966-23.966 10.73-23.966 23.966-23.966 23.966 10.729 23.966 23.966zm264.962-23.956c-13.23 0-23.956 10.725-23.956 23.956 0 13.23 10.725 23.956 23.956 23.956 13.23 0 23.956-10.725 23.956-23.956-.001-13.231-10.726-23.956-23.956-23.956zm89.388 139.49c-62.667 49.104-153.276 38.109-202.379-24.559l-30.979 46.325-30.683-45.939c-48.277 60.39-135.622 71.891-197.885 26.055-64.058-47.158-77.759-137.316-30.601-201.374A186.762 186.762 0 0 0 0 139.416l90.286-.05a358.48 358.48 0 0 1 197.065-54.03 350.382 350.382 0 0 1 192.181 53.349l96.218.074a185.713 185.713 0 0 0-28.352 57.649c46.793 62.747 34.964 151.37-26.648 199.647zM259.366 281.761c-.007-63.557-51.535-115.075-115.092-115.068C80.717 166.7 29.2 218.228 29.206 281.785c.007 63.557 51.535 115.075 115.092 115.068 63.513-.075 114.984-51.539 115.068-115.052v-.04zm28.591-10.455c5.433-73.44 65.51-130.884 139.12-133.022a339.146 339.146 0 0 0-139.727-27.812 356.31 356.31 0 0 0-140.164 27.253c74.344 1.582 135.299 59.424 140.771 133.581zm251.706-28.767c-21.992-59.634-88.162-90.148-147.795-68.157-59.634 21.992-90.148 88.162-68.157 147.795v.032c22.038 59.607 88.198 90.091 147.827 68.113 59.615-22.004 90.113-88.162 68.125-147.783zm-326.039 37.975v.115c-.057 39.328-31.986 71.163-71.314 71.106-39.328-.057-71.163-31.986-71.106-71.314.057-39.328 31.986-71.163 71.314-71.106 39.259.116 71.042 31.94 71.106 71.199zm-24.512 0v-.084c-.051-25.784-20.994-46.645-46.778-46.594-25.784.051-46.645 20.994-46.594 46.777.051 25.784 20.994 46.645 46.777 46.594 25.726-.113 46.537-20.968 46.595-46.693zm313.423 0v.048c-.02 39.328-31.918 71.194-71.247 71.173s-71.194-31.918-71.173-71.247c.02-39.328 31.918-71.194 71.247-71.173 39.29.066 71.121 31.909 71.173 71.199zm-24.504-.008c-.009-25.784-20.918-46.679-46.702-46.67-25.784.009-46.679 20.918-46.67 46.702.009 25.784 20.918 46.678 46.702 46.67 25.765-.046 46.636-20.928 46.67-46.693v-.009z"],
- "tumblr": [320, 512, [], "f173", "M309.8 480.3c-13.6 14.5-50 31.7-97.4 31.7-120.8 0-147-88.8-147-140.6v-144H17.9c-5.5 0-10-4.5-10-10v-68c0-7.2 4.5-13.6 11.3-16 62-21.8 81.5-76 84.3-117.1.8-11 6.5-16.3 16.1-16.3h70.9c5.5 0 10 4.5 10 10v115.2h83c5.5 0 10 4.4 10 9.9v81.7c0 5.5-4.5 10-10 10h-83.4V360c0 34.2 23.7 53.6 68 35.8 4.8-1.9 9-3.2 12.7-2.2 3.5.9 5.8 3.4 7.4 7.9l22 64.3c1.8 5 3.3 10.6-.4 14.5z"],
- "tumblr-square": [448, 512, [], "f174", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-82.3 364.2c-8.5 9.1-31.2 19.8-60.9 19.8-75.5 0-91.9-55.5-91.9-87.9v-90h-29.7c-3.4 0-6.2-2.8-6.2-6.2v-42.5c0-4.5 2.8-8.5 7.1-10 38.8-13.7 50.9-47.5 52.7-73.2.5-6.9 4.1-10.2 10-10.2h44.3c3.4 0 6.2 2.8 6.2 6.2v72h51.9c3.4 0 6.2 2.8 6.2 6.2v51.1c0 3.4-2.8 6.2-6.2 6.2h-52.1V321c0 21.4 14.8 33.5 42.5 22.4 3-1.2 5.6-2 8-1.4 2.2.5 3.6 2.1 4.6 4.9l13.8 40.2c1 3.2 2 6.7-.3 9.1z"],
- "twitch": [448, 512, [], "f1e8", "M40.1 32L10 108.9v314.3h107V480h60.2l56.8-56.8h87l117-117V32H40.1zm357.8 254.1L331 353H224l-56.8 56.8V353H76.9V72.1h321v214zM331 149v116.9h-40.1V149H331zm-107 0v116.9h-40.1V149H224z"],
- "twitter": [512, 512, [], "f099", "M459.37 151.716c.325 4.548.325 9.097.325 13.645 0 138.72-105.583 298.558-298.558 298.558-59.452 0-114.68-17.219-161.137-47.106 8.447.974 16.568 1.299 25.34 1.299 49.055 0 94.213-16.568 130.274-44.832-46.132-.975-84.792-31.188-98.112-72.772 6.498.974 12.995 1.624 19.818 1.624 9.421 0 18.843-1.3 27.614-3.573-48.081-9.747-84.143-51.98-84.143-102.985v-1.299c13.969 7.797 30.214 12.67 47.431 13.319-28.264-18.843-46.781-51.005-46.781-87.391 0-19.492 5.197-37.36 14.294-52.954 51.655 63.675 129.3 105.258 216.365 109.807-1.624-7.797-2.599-15.918-2.599-24.04 0-57.828 46.782-104.934 104.934-104.934 30.213 0 57.502 12.67 76.67 33.137 23.715-4.548 46.456-13.32 66.599-25.34-7.798 24.366-24.366 44.833-46.132 57.827 21.117-2.273 41.584-8.122 60.426-16.243-14.292 20.791-32.161 39.308-52.628 54.253z"],
- "twitter-square": [448, 512, [], "f081", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-48.9 158.8c.2 2.8.2 5.7.2 8.5 0 86.7-66 186.6-186.6 186.6-37.2 0-71.7-10.8-100.7-29.4 5.3.6 10.4.8 15.8.8 30.7 0 58.9-10.4 81.4-28-28.8-.6-53-19.5-61.3-45.5 10.1 1.5 19.2 1.5 29.6-1.2-30-6.1-52.5-32.5-52.5-64.4v-.8c8.7 4.9 18.9 7.9 29.6 8.3a65.447 65.447 0 0 1-29.2-54.6c0-12.2 3.2-23.4 8.9-33.1 32.3 39.8 80.8 65.8 135.2 68.6-9.3-44.5 24-80.6 64-80.6 18.9 0 35.9 7.9 47.9 20.7 14.8-2.8 29-8.3 41.6-15.8-4.9 15.2-15.2 28-28.8 36.1 13.2-1.4 26-5.1 37.8-10.2-8.9 13.1-20.1 24.7-32.9 34z"],
- "typo3": [433, 512, [], "f42b", "M330.8 341c-7 2.3-11.6 2.3-18.5 2.3-57.2 0-140.6-198.5-140.6-264.9 0-24.7 5.4-32.4 13.9-39.4-69.5 8.5-149.3 34-176.3 66.4-5.4 7.7-9.3 20.8-9.3 37.1C0 246 106.8 480 184.1 480c36.3 0 97.3-59.5 146.7-139M294.5 32c71.8 0 138.8 11.6 138.8 52.5 0 82.6-52.5 182.3-78.8 182.3-47.9 0-101.7-132.1-101.7-198.5 0-30.9 11.6-36.3 41.7-36.3"],
- "uber": [448, 512, [], "f402", "M414.1 32H33.9C15.2 32 0 47.2 0 65.9V446c0 18.8 15.2 34 33.9 34H414c18.7 0 33.9-15.2 33.9-33.9V65.9C448 47.2 432.8 32 414.1 32zM237.6 391.1C163 398.6 96.4 344.2 88.9 269.6h94.4V290c0 3.7 3 6.8 6.8 6.8H258c3.7 0 6.8-3 6.8-6.8v-67.9c0-3.7-3-6.8-6.8-6.8h-67.9c-3.7 0-6.8 3-6.8 6.8v20.4H88.9c7-69.4 65.4-122.2 135.1-122.2 69.7 0 128.1 52.8 135.1 122.2 7.5 74.5-46.9 141.1-121.5 148.6z"],
- "uikit": [448, 512, [], "f403", "M443.9 128v256L218 512 0 384V169.7l87.6 45.1v117l133.5 75.5 135.8-75.5v-151l-101.1-57.6 87.6-53.1L443.9 128zM308.6 49.1L223.8 0l-88.6 54.8 86 47.3 87.4-53z"],
- "uniregistry": [384, 512, [], "f404", "M281.1 220.1H384v-14.8H281.1v14.8zm0-37.1H384v-12.4H281.1V183zm0 74.2H384v-17.3H281.1v17.3zm-157.7 86.7H8.5c2.6 8.5 5.8 16.8 9.6 24.8h138.3c-12.9-5.7-24.1-14.2-33-24.8m145.7-12.4h109.7c1.8-7.3 3.1-14.7 3.9-22.3H278.3c-2.1 7.9-5.2 15.4-9.2 22.3m-41.5 37.1H367c3.7-8 5.8-16.2 8.5-24.8h-115c-8.8 10.7-20.1 19.2-32.9 24.8M384 32H281.1v2.5H384V32zM192 480c39.5 0 76.2-11.8 106.8-32.2H85.3C115.8 468.2 152.5 480 192 480m89.1-334.2H384V136H281.1v9.8zm0-37.1H384v-7.4H281.1v7.4zm0-37.1H384v-4.9H281.1v4.9zm-178.2 99H0V183h102.9v-12.4zM38.8 405.7h305.3c6.7-8.5 12.6-17.6 17.8-27.2H23c5.2 9.6 9.2 18.7 15.8 27.2m64.1-118.8v-12.4H0v12.4c0 2.5 0 5 .1 7.4h103.1c-.2-2.4-.3-4.9-.3-7.4m178.2 0c0 2.5-.1 5-.4 7.4h103.1c.1-2.5.2-4.9.2-7.4v-12.4H281.1v12.4zm-203 156h227.7c11.8-8.7 22.7-18.6 32.2-29.7H44.9c9.6 11 21.4 21 33.2 29.7m24.8-376.2H0v4.9h102.9v-4.9zm0-34.7H0v2.5h102.9V32zm0 173.3H0v14.8h102.9v-14.8zm0 34.6H0v17.3h102.9v-17.3zm0-103.9H0v9.9h102.9V136zm0-34.7H0v7.4h102.9v-7.4zm2.8 207.9H1.3c.9 7.6 2.2 15 3.9 22.3h109.7c-4-6.9-7.2-14.4-9.2-22.3"],
- "untappd": [640, 512, [], "f405", "M401.3 49.9c-79.8 160.1-84.6 152.5-87.9 173.2l-5.2 32.8c-1.9 12-6.6 23.5-13.7 33.4L145.6 497.1c-7.6 10.6-20.4 16.2-33.4 14.6-40.3-5-77.8-32.2-95.3-68.5-5.7-11.8-4.5-25.8 3.1-36.4l148.9-207.9c7.1-9.9 16.4-18 27.2-23.7l29.3-15.5c18.5-9.8 9.7-11.9 135.6-138.9 1-4.8 1-7.3 3.6-8 3-.7 6.6-1 6.3-4.6l-.4-4.6c-.2-1.9 1.3-3.6 3.2-3.6 4.5-.1 13.2 1.2 25.6 10 12.3 8.9 16.4 16.8 17.7 21.1.6 1.8-.6 3.7-2.4 4.2l-4.5 1.1c-3.4.9-2.5 4.4-2.3 7.4.1 2.8-2.3 3.6-6.5 6.1zM230.1 36.4c3.4.9 2.5 4.4 2.3 7.4-.2 2.7 2.1 3.5 6.4 6 7.9 15.9 15.3 30.5 22.2 44 .7 1.3 2.3 1.5 3.3.5 11.2-12 24.6-26.2 40.5-42.6 1.3-1.4 1.4-3.5.1-4.9-8-8.2-16.5-16.9-25.6-26.1-1-4.7-1-7.3-3.6-8-3-.8-6.6-1-6.3-4.6.3-3.3 1.4-8.1-2.8-8.2-4.5-.1-13.2 1.1-25.6 10-12.3 8.9-16.4 16.8-17.7 21.1-1.4 4.2 3.6 4.6 6.8 5.4zM620 406.7L471.2 198.8c-13.2-18.5-26.6-23.4-56.4-39.1-11.2-5.9-14.2-10.9-30.5-28.9-1-1.1-2.9-.9-3.6.5-46.3 88.8-47.1 82.8-49 94.8-1.7 10.7-1.3 20 .3 29.8 1.9 12 6.6 23.5 13.7 33.4l148.9 207.9c7.6 10.6 20.2 16.2 33.1 14.7 40.3-4.9 78-32 95.7-68.6 5.4-11.9 4.3-25.9-3.4-36.6z"],
- "usb": [640, 512, [], "f287", "M641.5 256c0 3.1-1.7 6.1-4.5 7.5L547.9 317c-1.4.8-2.8 1.4-4.5 1.4-1.4 0-3.1-.3-4.5-1.1-2.8-1.7-4.5-4.5-4.5-7.8v-35.6H295.7c25.3 39.6 40.5 106.9 69.6 106.9H392V354c0-5 3.9-8.9 8.9-8.9H490c5 0 8.9 3.9 8.9 8.9v89.1c0 5-3.9 8.9-8.9 8.9h-89.1c-5 0-8.9-3.9-8.9-8.9v-26.7h-26.7c-75.4 0-81.1-142.5-124.7-142.5H140.3c-8.1 30.6-35.9 53.5-69 53.5C32 327.3 0 295.3 0 256s32-71.3 71.3-71.3c33.1 0 61 22.8 69 53.5 39.1 0 43.9 9.5 74.6-60.4C255 88.7 273 95.7 323.8 95.7c7.5-20.9 27-35.6 50.4-35.6 29.5 0 53.5 23.9 53.5 53.5s-23.9 53.5-53.5 53.5c-23.4 0-42.9-14.8-50.4-35.6H294c-29.1 0-44.3 67.4-69.6 106.9h310.1v-35.6c0-3.3 1.7-6.1 4.5-7.8 2.8-1.7 6.4-1.4 8.9.3l89.1 53.5c2.8 1.1 4.5 4.1 4.5 7.2z"],
- "ussunnah": [512, 512, [], "f407", "M156.8 285.1l5.7 14.4h-8.2c-1.3-3.2-3.1-7.7-3.8-9.5-2.5-6.3-1.1-8.4 0-10 1.9-2.7 3.2-4.4 3.6-5.2 0 2.2.8 5.7 2.7 10.3zm297.3 18.8c-2.1 13.8-5.7 27.1-10.5 39.7l43 23.4-44.8-18.8c-5.3 13.2-12 25.6-19.9 37.2l34.2 30.2-36.8-26.4c-8.4 11.8-18 22.6-28.7 32.3l24.9 34.7-28.1-31.8c-11 9.6-23.1 18-36.1 25.1l15.7 37.2-19.3-35.3c-13.1 6.8-27 12.1-41.6 15.9l6.7 38.4-10.5-37.4c-14.3 3.4-29.2 5.3-44.5 5.4L256 512l-1.9-38.4c-15.3-.1-30.2-2-44.5-5.3L199 505.6l6.7-38.2c-14.6-3.7-28.6-9.1-41.7-15.8l-19.2 35.1 15.6-37c-13-7-25.2-15.4-36.2-25.1l-27.9 31.6 24.7-34.4c-10.7-9.7-20.4-20.5-28.8-32.3l-36.5 26.2 33.9-29.9c-7.9-11.6-14.6-24.1-20-37.3l-44.4 18.7L67.8 344c-4.8-12.7-8.4-26.1-10.5-39.9l-51 9 50.3-14.2c-1.1-8.5-1.7-17.1-1.7-25.9 0-4.7.2-9.4.5-14.1L0 256l56-2.8c1.3-13.1 3.8-25.8 7.5-38.1L6.4 199l58.9 10.4c4-12 9.1-23.5 15.2-34.4l-55.1-30 58.3 24.6C90 159 97.2 149.2 105.3 140L55.8 96.4l53.9 38.7c8.1-8.6 17-16.5 26.6-23.6l-40-55.6 45.6 51.6c9.5-6.6 19.7-12.3 30.3-17.2l-27.3-64.9 33.8 62.1c10.5-4.4 21.4-7.9 32.7-10.4L199 6.4l19.5 69.2c11-2.1 22.3-3.2 33.8-3.4L256 0l3.6 72.2c11.5.2 22.8 1.4 33.8 3.5L313 6.4l-12.4 70.7c11.3 2.6 22.2 6.1 32.6 10.5l33.9-62.2-27.4 65.1c10.6 4.9 20.7 10.7 30.2 17.2l45.8-51.8-40.1 55.9c9.5 7.1 18.4 15 26.5 23.6l54.2-38.9-49.7 43.9c8 9.1 15.2 18.9 21.5 29.4l58.7-24.7-55.5 30.2c6.1 10.9 11.1 22.3 15.1 34.3l59.3-10.4-57.5 16.2c3.7 12.2 6.2 24.9 7.5 37.9L512 256l-56 2.8c.3 4.6.5 9.3.5 14.1 0 8.7-.6 17.3-1.6 25.8l50.7 14.3-51.5-9.1zm-21.8-31c0-97.5-79-176.5-176.5-176.5s-176.5 79-176.5 176.5 79 176.5 176.5 176.5 176.5-79 176.5-176.5zm-24 0c0 84.3-68.3 152.6-152.6 152.6s-152.6-68.3-152.6-152.6 68.3-152.6 152.6-152.6 152.6 68.3 152.6 152.6zM195 241c0 2.1 1.3 3.8 3.6 5.1 3.3 1.9 6.2 4.6 8.2 8.2 2.8-5.7 4.3-9.5 4.3-11.2 0-2.2-1.1-4.4-3.2-7-2.1-2.5-3.2-5.2-3.3-7.7-6.5 6.8-9.6 10.9-9.6 12.6zm-40.7-19c0 2.1 1.3 3.8 3.6 5.1 3.5 1.9 6.2 4.6 8.2 8.2 2.8-5.7 4.3-9.5 4.3-11.2 0-2.2-1.1-4.4-3.2-7-2.1-2.5-3.2-5.2-3.3-7.7-6.5 6.8-9.6 10.9-9.6 12.6zm-19 0c0 2.1 1.3 3.8 3.6 5.1 3.3 1.9 6.2 4.6 8.2 8.2 2.8-5.7 4.3-9.5 4.3-11.2 0-2.2-1.1-4.4-3.2-7-2.1-2.5-3.2-5.2-3.3-7.7-6.4 6.8-9.6 10.9-9.6 12.6zm204.9 87.9c-8.4-3-8.7-6.8-8.7-15.6V182c-8.2 12.5-14.2 18.6-18 18.6 6.3 14.4 9.5 23.9 9.5 28.3v64.3c0 2.2-2.2 6.5-4.7 6.5h-18c-2.8-7.5-10.2-26.9-15.3-40.3-2 2.5-7.2 9.2-10.7 13.7 2.4 1.6 4.1 3.6 5.2 6.3 2.6 6.7 6.4 16.5 7.9 20.2h-9.2c-3.9-10.4-9.6-25.4-11.8-31.1-2 2.5-7.2 9.2-10.7 13.7 2.4 1.6 4.1 3.6 5.2 6.3.8 2 2.8 7.3 4.3 10.9H256c-1.5-4.1-5.6-14.6-8.4-22-2 2.5-7.2 9.2-10.7 13.7 2.5 1.6 4.3 3.6 5.2 1.4.6 1.7H225c-4.6-13.9-11.4-27.7-11.4-34.1 0-2.2.3-5.1 1.1-8.2-8.8 10.8-14 15.9-14 25 0 7.5 10.4 28.3 10.4 33.3 0 1.7-.5 3.3-1.4 4.9-9.6-12.7-15.5-20.7-18.8-20.7h-12l-11.2-28c-3.8-9.6-5.7-16-5.7-18.8 0-3.8.5-7.7 1.7-12.2-1 1.3-3.7 4.7-5.5 7.1-.8-2.1-3.1-7.7-4.6-11.5-2.1 2.5-7.5 9.1-11.2 13.6.9 2.3 3.3 8.1 4.9 12.2-2.5 3.3-9.1 11.8-13.6 17.7-4 5.3-5.8 13.3-2.7 21.8 2.5 6.7 2 7.9-1.7 14.1H191c5.5 0 14.3 14 15.5 22 13.2-16 15.4-19.6 16.8-21.6h107c3.9 0 7.2-1.9 9.9-5.8zm20.1-26.6V181.7c-9 12.5-15.9 18.6-20.7 18.6 7.1 14.4 10.7 23.9 10.7 28.3v66.3c0 17.5 8.6 20.4 24 20.4 8.1 0 12.5-.8 13.7-2.7-4.3-1.6-7.6-2.5-9.9-3.3-8.1-3.2-17.8-7.4-17.8-26z"],
- "vaadin": [448, 512, [], "f408", "M224.5 140.7c1.5-17.6 4.9-52.7 49.8-52.7h98.6c20.7 0 32.1-7.8 32.1-21.6V54.1c0-12.2 9.3-22.1 21.5-22.1S448 41.9 448 54.1v36.5c0 42.9-21.5 62-66.8 62H280.7c-30.1 0-33 14.7-33 27.1 0 1.3-.1 2.5-.2 3.7-.7 12.3-10.9 22.2-23.4 22.2s-22.7-9.8-23.4-22.2c-.1-1.2-.2-2.4-.2-3.7 0-12.3-3-27.1-33-27.1H66.8c-45.3 0-66.8-19.1-66.8-62V54.1C0 41.9 9.4 32 21.6 32s21.5 9.9 21.5 22.1v12.3C43.1 80.2 54.5 88 75.2 88h98.6c44.8 0 48.3 35.1 49.8 52.7h.9zM224 456c11.5 0 21.4-7 25.7-16.3 1.1-1.8 97.1-169.6 98.2-171.4 11.9-19.6-3.2-44.3-27.2-44.3-13.9 0-23.3 6.4-29.8 20.3L224 362l-66.9-117.7c-6.4-13.9-15.9-20.3-29.8-20.3-24 0-39.1 24.6-27.2 44.3 1.1 1.9 97.1 169.6 98.2 171.4 4.3 9.3 14.2 16.3 25.7 16.3z"],
- "viacoin": [384, 512, [], "f237", "M384 32h-64l-80.7 192h-94.5L64 32H0l48 112H0v48h68.5l13.8 32H0v48h102.8L192 480l89.2-208H384v-48h-82.3l13.8-32H384v-48h-48l48-112zM192 336l-27-64h54l-27 64z"],
- "viadeo": [448, 512, [], "f2a9", "M276.2 150.5v.7C258.3 98.6 233.6 47.8 205.4 0c43.3 29.2 67 100 70.8 150.5zm32.7 121.7c7.6 18.2 11 37.5 11 57 0 77.7-57.8 141-137.8 139.4l3.8-.3c74.2-46.7 109.3-118.6 109.3-205.1 0-38.1-6.5-75.9-18.9-112 1 11.7 1 23.7 1 35.4 0 91.8-18.1 241.6-116.6 280C95 455.2 49.4 398 49.4 329.2c0-75.6 57.4-142.3 135.4-142.3 16.8 0 33.7 3.1 49.1 9.6 1.7-15.1 6.5-29.9 13.4-43.3-19.9-7.2-41.2-10.7-62.5-10.7-161.5 0-238.7 195.9-129.9 313.7 67.9 74.6 192 73.9 259.8 0 56.6-61.3 60.9-142.4 36.4-201-12.7 8-27.1 13.9-42.2 17zM418.1 11.7c-31 66.5-81.3 47.2-115.8 80.1-12.4 12-20.6 34-20.6 50.5 0 14.1 4.5 27.1 12 38.8 47.4-11 98.3-46 118.2-90.7-.7 5.5-4.8 14.4-7.2 19.2-20.3 35.7-64.6 65.6-99.7 84.9 14.8 14.4 33.7 25.8 55 25.8 79 0 110.1-134.6 58.1-208.6z"],
- "viadeo-square": [448, 512, [], "f2aa", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM280.7 381.2c-42.4 46.2-120 46.6-162.4 0-68-73.6-19.8-196.1 81.2-196.1 13.3 0 26.6 2.1 39.1 6.7-4.3 8.4-7.3 17.6-8.4 27.1-9.7-4.1-20.2-6-30.7-6-48.8 0-84.6 41.7-84.6 88.9 0 43 28.5 78.7 69.5 85.9 61.5-24 72.9-117.6 72.9-175 0-7.3 0-14.8-.6-22.1-11.2-32.9-26.6-64.6-44.2-94.5 27.1 18.3 41.9 62.5 44.2 94.1v.4c7.7 22.5 11.8 46.2 11.8 70 0 54.1-21.9 99-68.3 128.2l-2.4.2c50 1 86.2-38.6 86.2-87.2 0-12.2-2.1-24.3-6.9-35.7 9.5-1.9 18.5-5.6 26.4-10.5 15.3 36.6 12.6 87.3-22.8 125.6zM309 233.7c-13.3 0-25.1-7.1-34.4-16.1 21.9-12 49.6-30.7 62.3-53 1.5-3 4.1-8.6 4.5-12-12.5 27.9-44.2 49.8-73.9 56.7-4.7-7.3-7.5-15.5-7.5-24.3 0-10.3 5.2-24.1 12.9-31.6 21.6-20.5 53-8.5 72.4-50 32.5 46.2 13.1 130.3-36.3 130.3z"],
- "viber": [512, 512, [], "f409", "M444 49.9C431.3 38.2 379.9.9 265.3.4c0 0-135.1-8.1-200.9 52.3C27.8 89.3 14.9 143 13.5 209.5c-1.4 66.5-3.1 191.1 117 224.9h.1l-.1 51.6s-.8 20.9 13 25.1c16.6 5.2 26.4-10.7 42.3-27.8 8.7-9.4 20.7-23.2 29.8-33.7 82.2 6.9 145.3-8.9 152.5-11.2 16.6-5.4 110.5-17.4 125.7-142 15.8-128.6-7.6-209.8-49.8-246.5zM457.9 287c-12.9 104-89 110.6-103 115.1-6 1.9-61.5 15.7-131.2 11.2 0 0-52 62.7-68.2 79-5.3 5.3-11.1 4.8-11-5.7 0-6.9.4-85.7.4-85.7-.1 0-.1 0 0 0-101.8-28.2-95.8-134.3-94.7-189.8 1.1-55.5 11.6-101 42.6-131.6 55.7-50.5 170.4-43 170.4-43 96.9.4 143.3 29.6 154.1 39.4 35.7 30.6 53.9 103.8 40.6 211.1zm-139-80.8c.4 8.6-12.5 9.2-12.9.6-1.1-22-11.4-32.7-32.6-33.9-8.6-.5-7.8-13.4.7-12.9 27.9 1.5 43.4 17.5 44.8 46.2zm20.3 11.3c1-42.4-25.5-75.6-75.8-79.3-8.5-.6-7.6-13.5.9-12.9 58 4.2 88.9 44.1 87.8 92.5-.1 8.6-13.1 8.2-12.9-.3zm47 13.4c.1 8.6-12.9 8.7-12.9.1-.6-81.5-54.9-125.9-120.8-126.4-8.5-.1-8.5-12.9 0-12.9 73.7.5 133 51.4 133.7 139.2zM374.9 329v.2c-10.8 19-31 40-51.8 33.3l-.2-.3c-21.1-5.9-70.8-31.5-102.2-56.5-16.2-12.8-31-27.9-42.4-42.4-10.3-12.9-20.7-28.2-30.8-46.6-21.3-38.5-26-55.7-26-55.7-6.7-20.8 14.2-41 33.3-51.8h.2c9.2-4.8 18-3.2 23.9 3.9 0 0 12.4 14.8 17.7 22.1 5 6.8 11.7 17.7 15.2 23.8 6.1 10.9 2.3 22-3.7 26.6l-12 9.6c-6.1 4.9-5.3 14-5.3 14s17.8 67.3 84.3 84.3c0 0 9.1.8 14-5.3l9.6-12c4.6-6 15.7-9.8 26.6-3.7 14.7 8.3 33.4 21.2 45.8 32.9 7 5.7 8.6 14.4 3.8 23.6z"],
- "vimeo": [448, 512, [], "f40a", "M403.2 32H44.8C20.1 32 0 52.1 0 76.8v358.4C0 459.9 20.1 480 44.8 480h358.4c24.7 0 44.8-20.1 44.8-44.8V76.8c0-24.7-20.1-44.8-44.8-44.8zM377 180.8c-1.4 31.5-23.4 74.7-66 129.4-44 57.2-81.3 85.8-111.7 85.8-18.9 0-34.8-17.4-47.9-52.3-25.5-93.3-36.4-148-57.4-148-2.4 0-10.9 5.1-25.4 15.2l-15.2-19.6c37.3-32.8 72.9-69.2 95.2-71.2 25.2-2.4 40.7 14.8 46.5 51.7 20.7 131.2 29.9 151 67.6 91.6 13.5-21.4 20.8-37.7 21.8-48.9 3.5-33.2-25.9-30.9-45.8-22.4 15.9-52.1 46.3-77.4 91.2-76 33.3.9 49 22.5 47.1 64.7z"],
- "vimeo-square": [448, 512, [], "f194", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-16.2 149.6c-1.4 31.1-23.2 73.8-65.3 127.9-43.5 56.5-80.3 84.8-110.4 84.8-18.7 0-34.4-17.2-47.3-51.6-25.2-92.3-35.9-146.4-56.7-146.4-2.4 0-10.8 5-25.1 15.1L64 192c36.9-32.4 72.1-68.4 94.1-70.4 24.9-2.4 40.2 14.6 46 51.1 20.5 129.6 29.6 149.2 66.8 90.5 13.4-21.2 20.6-37.2 21.5-48.3 3.4-32.8-25.6-30.6-45.2-22.2 15.7-51.5 45.8-76.5 90.1-75.1 32.9 1 48.4 22.4 46.5 64z"],
- "vimeo-v": [448, 512, [], "f27d", "M447.8 153.6c-2 43.6-32.4 103.3-91.4 179.1-60.9 79.2-112.4 118.8-154.6 118.8-26.1 0-48.2-24.1-66.3-72.3C100.3 250 85.3 174.3 56.2 174.3c-3.4 0-15.1 7.1-35.2 21.1L0 168.2c51.6-45.3 100.9-95.7 131.8-98.5 34.9-3.4 56.3 20.5 64.4 71.5 28.7 181.5 41.4 208.9 93.6 126.7 18.7-29.6 28.8-52.1 30.2-67.6 4.8-45.9-35.8-42.8-63.3-31 22-72.1 64.1-107.1 126.2-105.1 45.8 1.2 67.5 31.1 64.9 89.4z"],
- "vine": [384, 512, [], "f1ca", "M384 254.7v52.1c-18.4 4.2-36.9 6.1-52.1 6.1-36.9 77.4-103 143.8-125.1 156.2-14 7.9-27.1 8.4-42.7-.8C137 452 34.2 367.7 0 102.7h74.5C93.2 261.8 139 343.4 189.3 404.5c27.9-27.9 54.8-65.1 75.6-106.9-49.8-25.3-80.1-80.9-80.1-145.6 0-65.6 37.7-115.1 102.2-115.1 114.9 0 106.2 127.9 81.6 181.5 0 0-46.4 9.2-63.5-20.5 3.4-11.3 8.2-30.8 8.2-48.5 0-31.3-11.3-46.6-28.4-46.6-18.2 0-30.8 17.1-30.8 50 .1 79.2 59.4 118.7 129.9 101.9z"],
- "vk": [576, 512, [], "f189", "M545 117.7c3.7-12.5 0-21.7-17.8-21.7h-58.9c-15 0-21.9 7.9-25.6 16.7 0 0-30 73.1-72.4 120.5-13.7 13.7-20 18.1-27.5 18.1-3.7 0-9.4-4.4-9.4-16.9V117.7c0-15-4.2-21.7-16.6-21.7h-92.6c-9.4 0-15 7-15 13.5 0 14.2 21.2 17.5 23.4 57.5v86.8c0 19-3.4 22.5-10.9 22.5-20 0-68.6-73.4-97.4-157.4-5.8-16.3-11.5-22.9-26.6-22.9H38.8c-16.8 0-20.2 7.9-20.2 16.7 0 15.6 20 93.1 93.1 195.5C160.4 378.1 229 416 291.4 416c37.5 0 42.1-8.4 42.1-22.9 0-66.8-3.4-73.1 15.4-73.1 8.7 0 23.7 4.4 58.7 38.1 40 40 46.6 57.9 69 57.9h58.9c16.8 0 25.3-8.4 20.4-25-11.2-34.9-86.9-106.7-90.3-111.5-8.7-11.2-6.2-16.2 0-26.2.1-.1 72-101.3 79.4-135.6z"],
- "vnv": [640, 512, [], "f40b", "M104.9 352c-34.1 0-46.4-30.4-46.4-30.4L2.6 210.1S-7.8 192 13 192h32.8c10.4 0 13.2 8.7 18.8 18.1l36.7 74.5s5.2 13.1 21.1 13.1 21.1-13.1 21.1-13.1l36.7-74.5c5.6-9.5 8.4-18.1 18.8-18.1h32.8c20.8 0 10.4 18.1 10.4 18.1l-55.8 111.5S174.2 352 140 352h-35.1zm395 0c-34.1 0-46.4-30.4-46.4-30.4l-55.9-111.5S387.2 192 408 192h32.8c10.4 0 13.2 8.7 18.8 18.1l36.7 74.5s5.2 13.1 21.1 13.1 21.1-13.1 21.1-13.1l36.8-74.5c5.6-9.5 8.4-18.1 18.8-18.1H627c20.8 0 10.4 18.1 10.4 18.1l-55.9 111.5S569.3 352 535.1 352h-35.2zM337.6 192c34.1 0 46.4 30.4 46.4 30.4l55.9 111.5s10.4 18.1-10.4 18.1h-32.8c-10.4 0-13.2-8.7-18.8-18.1l-36.7-74.5s-5.2-13.1-21.1-13.1c-15.9 0-21.1 13.1-21.1 13.1l-36.7 74.5c-5.6 9.4-8.4 18.1-18.8 18.1h-32.9c-20.8 0-10.4-18.1-10.4-18.1l55.9-111.5s12.2-30.4 46.4-30.4h35.1z"],
- "vuejs": [448, 512, [], "f41f", "M356.9 64.3H280l-56 88.6-48-88.6H0L224 448 448 64.3h-91.1zm-301.2 32h53.8L224 294.5 338.4 96.3h53.8L224 384.5 55.7 96.3z"],
- "weebly": [512, 512, [], "f5cc", "M425.09 65.83c-39.88 0-73.28 25.73-83.66 64.33-18.16-58.06-65.5-64.33-84.95-64.33-19.78 0-66.8 6.28-85.28 64.33-10.38-38.6-43.45-64.33-83.66-64.33C38.59 65.83 0 99.72 0 143.03c0 28.96 4.18 33.27 77.17 233.48 22.37 60.57 67.77 69.35 92.74 69.35 39.23 0 70.04-19.46 85.93-53.98 15.89 34.83 46.69 54.29 85.93 54.29 24.97 0 70.36-9.1 92.74-69.67 76.55-208.65 77.5-205.58 77.5-227.2.63-48.32-36.01-83.47-86.92-83.47zm26.34 114.81l-65.57 176.44c-7.92 21.49-21.22 37.22-46.24 37.22-23.44 0-37.38-12.41-44.03-33.9l-39.28-117.42h-.95L216.08 360.4c-6.96 21.5-20.9 33.6-44.02 33.6-25.02 0-38.33-15.74-46.24-37.22L60.88 181.55c-5.38-14.83-7.92-23.91-7.92-34.5 0-16.34 15.84-29.36 38.33-29.36 18.69 0 31.99 11.8 36.11 29.05l44.03 139.82h.95l44.66-136.79c6.02-19.67 16.47-32.08 38.96-32.08s32.94 12.11 38.96 32.08l44.66 136.79h.95l44.03-139.82c4.12-17.25 17.42-29.05 36.11-29.05 22.17 0 38.33 13.32 38.33 35.71-.32 7.87-4.12 16.04-7.61 27.24z"],
- "weibo": [512, 512, [], "f18a", "M407 177.6c7.6-24-13.4-46.8-37.4-41.7-22 4.8-28.8-28.1-7.1-32.8 50.1-10.9 92.3 37.1 76.5 84.8-6.8 21.2-38.8 10.8-32-10.3zM214.8 446.7C108.5 446.7 0 395.3 0 310.4c0-44.3 28-95.4 76.3-143.7C176 67 279.5 65.8 249.9 161c-4 13.1 12.3 5.7 12.3 6 79.5-33.6 140.5-16.8 114 51.4-3.7 9.4 1.1 10.9 8.3 13.1 135.7 42.3 34.8 215.2-169.7 215.2zm143.7-146.3c-5.4-55.7-78.5-94-163.4-85.7-84.8 8.6-148.8 60.3-143.4 116s78.5 94 163.4 85.7c84.8-8.6 148.8-60.3 143.4-116zM347.9 35.1c-25.9 5.6-16.8 43.7 8.3 38.3 72.3-15.2 134.8 52.8 111.7 124-7.4 24.2 29.1 37 37.4 12 31.9-99.8-55.1-195.9-157.4-174.3zm-78.5 311c-17.1 38.8-66.8 60-109.1 46.3-40.8-13.1-58-53.4-40.3-89.7 17.7-35.4 63.1-55.4 103.4-45.1 42 10.8 63.1 50.2 46 88.5zm-86.3-30c-12.9-5.4-30 .3-38 12.9-8.3 12.9-4.3 28 8.6 34 13.1 6 30.8.3 39.1-12.9 8-13.1 3.7-28.3-9.7-34zm32.6-13.4c-5.1-1.7-11.4.6-14.3 5.4-2.9 5.1-1.4 10.6 3.7 12.9 5.1 2 11.7-.3 14.6-5.4 2.8-5.2 1.1-10.9-4-12.9z"],
- "weixin": [576, 512, [], "f1d7", "M385.2 167.6c6.4 0 12.6.3 18.8 1.1C387.4 90.3 303.3 32 207.7 32 100.5 32 13 104.8 13 197.4c0 53.4 29.3 97.5 77.9 131.6l-19.3 58.6 68-34.1c24.4 4.8 43.8 9.7 68.2 9.7 6.2 0 12.1-.3 18.3-.8-4-12.9-6.2-26.6-6.2-40.8-.1-84.9 72.9-154 165.3-154zm-104.5-52.9c14.5 0 24.2 9.7 24.2 24.4 0 14.5-9.7 24.2-24.2 24.2-14.8 0-29.3-9.7-29.3-24.2.1-14.7 14.6-24.4 29.3-24.4zm-136.4 48.6c-14.5 0-29.3-9.7-29.3-24.2 0-14.8 14.8-24.4 29.3-24.4 14.8 0 24.4 9.7 24.4 24.4 0 14.6-9.6 24.2-24.4 24.2zM563 319.4c0-77.9-77.9-141.3-165.4-141.3-92.7 0-165.4 63.4-165.4 141.3S305 460.7 397.6 460.7c19.3 0 38.9-5.1 58.6-9.9l53.4 29.3-14.8-48.6C534 402.1 563 363.2 563 319.4zm-219.1-24.5c-9.7 0-19.3-9.7-19.3-19.6 0-9.7 9.7-19.3 19.3-19.3 14.8 0 24.4 9.7 24.4 19.3 0 10-9.7 19.6-24.4 19.6zm107.1 0c-9.7 0-19.3-9.7-19.3-19.6 0-9.7 9.7-19.3 19.3-19.3 14.5 0 24.4 9.7 24.4 19.3.1 10-9.9 19.6-24.4 19.6z"],
- "whatsapp": [448, 512, [], "f232", "M380.9 97.1C339 55.1 283.2 32 223.9 32c-122.4 0-222 99.6-222 222 0 39.1 10.2 77.3 29.6 111L0 480l117.7-30.9c32.4 17.7 68.9 27 106.1 27h.1c122.3 0 224.1-99.6 224.1-222 0-59.3-25.2-115-67.1-157zm-157 341.6c-33.2 0-65.7-8.9-94-25.7l-6.7-4-69.8 18.3L72 359.2l-4.4-7c-18.5-29.4-28.2-63.3-28.2-98.2 0-101.7 82.8-184.5 184.6-184.5 49.3 0 95.6 19.2 130.4 54.1 34.8 34.9 56.2 81.2 56.1 130.5 0 101.8-84.9 184.6-186.6 184.6zm101.2-138.2c-5.5-2.8-32.8-16.2-37.9-18-5.1-1.9-8.8-2.8-12.5 2.8-3.7 5.6-14.3 18-17.6 21.8-3.2 3.7-6.5 4.2-12 1.4-32.6-16.3-54-29.1-75.5-66-5.7-9.8 5.7-9.1 16.3-30.3 1.8-3.7.9-6.9-.5-9.7-1.4-2.8-12.5-30.1-17.1-41.2-4.5-10.8-9.1-9.3-12.5-9.5-3.2-.2-6.9-.2-10.6-.2-3.7 0-9.7 1.4-14.8 6.9-5.1 5.6-19.4 19-19.4 46.3 0 27.3 19.9 53.7 22.6 57.4 2.8 3.7 39.1 59.7 94.8 83.8 35.2 15.2 49 16.5 66.6 13.9 10.7-1.6 32.8-13.4 37.4-26.4 4.6-13 4.6-24.1 3.2-26.4-1.3-2.5-5-3.9-10.5-6.6z"],
- "whatsapp-square": [448, 512, [], "f40c", "M224 122.8c-72.7 0-131.8 59.1-131.9 131.8 0 24.9 7 49.2 20.2 70.1l3.1 5-13.3 48.6 49.9-13.1 4.8 2.9c20.2 12 43.4 18.4 67.1 18.4h.1c72.6 0 133.3-59.1 133.3-131.8 0-35.2-15.2-68.3-40.1-93.2-25-25-58-38.7-93.2-38.7zm77.5 188.4c-3.3 9.3-19.1 17.7-26.7 18.8-12.6 1.9-22.4.9-47.5-9.9-39.7-17.2-65.7-57.2-67.7-59.8-2-2.6-16.2-21.5-16.2-41s10.2-29.1 13.9-33.1c3.6-4 7.9-5 10.6-5 2.6 0 5.3 0 7.6.1 2.4.1 5.7-.9 8.9 6.8 3.3 7.9 11.2 27.4 12.2 29.4s1.7 4.3.3 6.9c-7.6 15.2-15.7 14.6-11.6 21.6 15.3 26.3 30.6 35.4 53.9 47.1 4 2 6.3 1.7 8.6-1 2.3-2.6 9.9-11.6 12.5-15.5 2.6-4 5.3-3.3 8.9-2 3.6 1.3 23.1 10.9 27.1 12.9s6.6 3 7.6 4.6c.9 1.9.9 9.9-2.4 19.1zM400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM223.9 413.2c-26.6 0-52.7-6.7-75.8-19.3L64 416l22.5-82.2c-13.9-24-21.2-51.3-21.2-79.3C65.4 167.1 136.5 96 223.9 96c42.4 0 82.2 16.5 112.2 46.5 29.9 30 47.9 69.8 47.9 112.2 0 87.4-72.7 158.5-160.1 158.5z"],
- "whmcs": [448, 512, [], "f40d", "M448 161v-21.3l-28.5-8.8-2.2-10.4 20.1-20.7L427 80.4l-29 7.5-7.2-7.5 7.5-28.2-19.1-11.6-21.3 21-10.7-3.2-7-26.4h-22.6l-6.2 26.4-12.1 3.2-19.7-21-19.4 11 8.1 27.7-8.1 8.4-28.5-7.5-11 19.1 20.7 21-2.9 10.4-28.5 7.8-.3 21.7 28.8 7.5 2.4 12.1-20.1 19.9 10.4 18.5 29.6-7.5 7.2 8.6-8.1 26.9 19.9 11.6 19.4-20.4 11.6 2.9 6.7 28.5 22.6.3 6.7-28.8 11.6-3.5 20.7 21.6 20.4-12.1-8.8-28 7.8-8.1 28.8 8.8 10.3-20.1-20.9-18.8 2.2-12.1 29.1-7zm-119.2 45.2c-31.3 0-56.8-25.4-56.8-56.8s25.4-56.8 56.8-56.8 56.8 25.4 56.8 56.8c0 31.5-25.4 56.8-56.8 56.8zm72.3 16.4l46.9 14.5V277l-55.1 13.4-4.1 22.7 38.9 35.3-19.2 37.9-54-16.7-14.6 15.2 16.7 52.5-38.3 22.7-38.9-40.5-21.7 6.6-12.6 54-42.4-.5-12.6-53.6-21.7-5.6-36.4 38.4-37.4-21.7 15.2-50.5-13.7-16.1-55.5 14.1-19.7-34.8 37.9-37.4-4.8-22.8-54-14.1.5-40.9L54 219.9l5.7-19.7-38.9-39.4L41.5 125l53.6 14.1 15.2-15.7-15.2-52 36.4-20.7 36.8 39.4L191 84l11.6-52H245l11.6 45.9L234 72l-6.3-1.7-3.3 5.7-11 19.1-3.3 5.6 4.6 4.6 17.2 17.4-.3 1-23.8 6.5-6.2 1.7-.1 6.4-.2 12.9C153.8 161.6 118 204 118 254.7c0 58.3 47.3 105.7 105.7 105.7 50.5 0 92.7-35.4 103.2-82.8l13.2.2 6.9.1 1.6-6.7 5.6-24 1.9-.6 17.1 17.8 4.7 4.9 5.8-3.4 20.4-12.1 5.8-3.5-2-6.5-6.8-21.2z"],
- "wikipedia-w": [640, 512, [], "f266", "M640 51.2l-.3 12.2c-28.1.8-45 15.8-55.8 40.3-25 57.8-103.3 240-155.3 358.6H415l-81.9-193.1c-32.5 63.6-68.3 130-99.2 193.1-.3.3-15 0-15-.3C172 352.3 122.8 243.4 75.8 133.4 64.4 106.7 26.4 63.4.2 63.7c0-3.1-.3-10-.3-14.2h161.9v13.9c-19.2 1.1-52.8 13.3-43.3 34.2 21.9 49.7 103.6 240.3 125.6 288.6 15-29.7 57.8-109.2 75.3-142.8-13.9-28.3-58.6-133.9-72.8-160-9.7-17.8-36.1-19.4-55.8-19.7V49.8l142.5.3v13.1c-19.4.6-38.1 7.8-29.4 26.1 18.9 40 30.6 68.1 48.1 104.7 5.6-10.8 34.7-69.4 48.1-100.8 8.9-20.6-3.9-28.6-38.6-29.4.3-3.6 0-10.3.3-13.6 44.4-.3 111.1-.3 123.1-.6v13.6c-22.5.8-45.8 12.8-58.1 31.7l-59.2 122.8c6.4 16.1 63.3 142.8 69.2 156.7L559.2 91.8c-8.6-23.1-36.4-28.1-47.2-28.3V49.6l127.8"],
- "windows": [448, 512, [], "f17a", "M0 93.7l183.6-25.3v177.4H0V93.7zm0 324.6l183.6 25.3V268.4H0v149.9zm203.8 28L448 480V268.4H203.8v177.9zm0-380.6v180.1H448V32L203.8 65.7z"],
- "wix": [640, 512, [], "f5cf", "M393.38 131.69c0 13.03 2.08 32.69-28.68 43.83-9.52 3.45-15.95 9.66-15.95 9.66 0-31 4.72-42.22 17.4-48.86 9.75-5.11 27.23-4.63 27.23-4.63zm-115.8 35.54l-34.24 132.66-28.48-108.57c-7.69-31.99-20.81-48.53-48.43-48.53-27.37 0-40.66 16.18-48.43 48.53L89.52 299.89 55.28 167.23C49.73 140.51 23.86 128.96 0 131.96l65.57 247.93s21.63 1.56 32.46-3.96c14.22-7.25 20.98-12.84 29.59-46.57 7.67-30.07 29.11-118.41 31.12-124.7 4.76-14.94 11.09-13.81 15.4 0 1.97 6.3 23.45 94.63 31.12 124.7 8.6 33.73 15.37 39.32 29.59 46.57 10.82 5.52 32.46 3.96 32.46 3.96l65.57-247.93c-24.42-3.07-49.82 8.93-55.3 35.27zm115.78 5.21s-4.1 6.34-13.46 11.57c-6.01 3.36-11.78 5.64-17.97 8.61-15.14 7.26-13.18 13.95-13.18 35.2v152.07s16.55 2.09 27.37-3.43c13.93-7.1 17.13-13.95 17.26-44.78V181.41l-.02.01v-8.98zm163.44 84.08L640 132.78s-35.11-5.98-52.5 9.85c-13.3 12.1-24.41 29.55-54.18 72.47-.47.73-6.25 10.54-13.07 0-29.29-42.23-40.8-60.29-54.18-72.47-17.39-15.83-52.5-9.85-52.5-9.85l83.2 123.74-82.97 123.36s36.57 4.62 53.95-11.21c11.49-10.46 17.58-20.37 52.51-70.72 6.81-10.52 12.57-.77 13.07 0 29.4 42.38 39.23 58.06 53.14 70.72 17.39 15.83 53.32 11.21 53.32 11.21L556.8 256.52z"],
- "wolf-pack-battalion": [456, 512, [], "f514", "M239.73 471.53l10.56 15.84 5.28-12.32 5.28 7.04V512c21.06-7.92 21.11-66.86 25.51-97.21 4.62-31.89-.88-92.81 81.37-149.11-8.88-23.61-12-49.43-2.64-80.05 27.87 3.34 53.94 10.58 63.34 54.1l-30.35 8.36c11.15 23.04 17.01 46.76 13.2 72.14L384 313.18l-6.16 33.43-18.47-7.04-8.8 33.43-19.35-7.04 26.39 21.11 8.8-28.15 24.63 5.28 7.04-35.63 26.39 14.52c.25-20.02 6.97-58.06-8.8-84.45l26.39 5.28c3.99-22.07-2.38-39.21-7.92-56.74l22.43 9.68c-.44-25.07-29.94-56.79-61.58-58.5-20.22-1.09-56.74-25.17-54.1-51.9 1.96-19.87 17.45-42.62 43.11-49.7-43.99 36.51-9.68 67.3 5.28 73.46 4.4-11.44 17.54-69.08 0-130.2-40.47 22.87-89.73 65.1-93.25 147.79l-58.06 38.71-3.52 93.25 107.33-59.82 7.04 7.04-17.59 3.52-43.99 38.71-15.84-5.28-28.15 49.26-3.52 119.64 21.11 15.84-32.55 15.84-32.55-15.84 21.11-15.84-3.52-119.64-28.15-49.26-15.84 5.28-43.99-38.71-17.59-3.52 7.04-7.04 107.33 59.82-3.52-93.25-58.06-38.71C157.03 65.1 107.77 22.87 67.3 0c-17.54 61.12-4.4 118.76 0 130.2 14.96-6.16 49.26-36.95 5.28-73.46 25.66 7.08 41.15 29.83 43.11 49.7 2.63 26.74-33.88 50.81-54.1 51.9C29.94 160.06.44 191.78 0 216.85l22.43-9.68c-5.54 17.53-11.91 34.67-7.92 56.74l26.39-5.28c-15.76 26.39-9.05 64.43-8.8 84.45l26.39-14.52 7.04 35.63 24.63-5.28 8.8 28.15 26.39-21.11-19.34 7.05-8.8-33.43-18.47 7.04-6.16-33.43-27.27 7.04c-3.82-25.38 2.05-49.1 13.2-72.14l-30.35-8.36c9.4-43.52 35.47-50.77 63.34-54.1 9.36 30.62 6.24 56.45-2.64 80.05 82.25 56.3 76.75 117.23 81.37 149.11 4.4 30.35 4.45 89.29 25.51 97.21v-29.91l5.28-7.04 5.28 12.32 10.56-15.84 11.44 21.11 11.43-21.1zm79.17-95.01l-15.84-10.56c7.47-4.36 13.76-8.42 19.35-12.32-.6 7.26-.27 13.88-3.51 22.88zm28.15-49.26c-.4 10.94-.9 21.66-1.76 31.67-7.85-1.86-15.57-3.8-21.11-7.04 8.24-7.9 15.55-16.27 22.87-24.63zm24.63 5.28c-.02-13.43-2.05-24.21-5.28-33.43-5.38 9.09-11.23 18.18-18.47 27.27l23.75 6.16zm3.52-80.94c19.44 12.81 27.8 33.66 29.91 56.3-12.32-4.53-24.63-9.31-36.95-10.56 5.06-11.99 6.65-28.14 7.04-45.74zm-1.76-45.74c.81 14.3 1.84 28.82 1.76 42.23 19.22-8.11 29.78-9.72 43.99-14.08-10.6-18.95-27.22-25.52-45.75-28.15zM137.68 376.52l15.84-10.56c-7.47-4.36-13.76-8.42-19.35-12.32.6 7.26.27 13.88 3.51 22.88zm-28.15-49.26c.4 10.94.9 21.66 1.76 31.67 7.85-1.86 15.57-3.8 21.11-7.04-8.24-7.9-15.55-16.27-22.87-24.63zm-24.64 5.28c.02-13.43 2.05-24.21 5.28-33.43 5.38 9.09 11.23 18.18 18.47 27.27l-23.75 6.16zm-3.52-80.94c-19.44 12.81-27.8 33.66-29.91 56.3 12.32-4.53 24.63-9.31 36.95-10.56-5.05-11.99-6.65-28.14-7.04-45.74zm1.76-45.74c-.81 14.3-1.84 28.82-1.76 42.23-19.22-8.11-29.78-9.72-43.99-14.08 10.61-18.95 27.22-25.52 45.75-28.15z"],
- "wordpress": [512, 512, [], "f19a", "M61.7 169.4l101.5 278C92.2 413 43.3 340.2 43.3 256c0-30.9 6.6-60.1 18.4-86.6zm337.9 75.9c0-26.3-9.4-44.5-17.5-58.7-10.8-17.5-20.9-32.4-20.9-49.9 0-19.6 14.8-37.8 35.7-37.8.9 0 1.8.1 2.8.2-37.9-34.7-88.3-55.9-143.7-55.9-74.3 0-139.7 38.1-177.8 95.9 5 .2 9.7.3 13.7.3 22.2 0 56.7-2.7 56.7-2.7 11.5-.7 12.8 16.2 1.4 17.5 0 0-11.5 1.3-24.3 2l77.5 230.4L249.8 247l-33.1-90.8c-11.5-.7-22.3-2-22.3-2-11.5-.7-10.1-18.2 1.3-17.5 0 0 35.1 2.7 56 2.7 22.2 0 56.7-2.7 56.7-2.7 11.5-.7 12.8 16.2 1.4 17.5 0 0-11.5 1.3-24.3 2l76.9 228.7 21.2-70.9c9-29.4 16-50.5 16-68.7zm-139.9 29.3l-63.8 185.5c19.1 5.6 39.2 8.7 60.1 8.7 24.8 0 48.5-4.3 70.6-12.1-.6-.9-1.1-1.9-1.5-2.9l-65.4-179.2zm183-120.7c.9 6.8 1.4 14 1.4 21.9 0 21.6-4 45.8-16.2 76.2l-65 187.9C426.2 403 468.7 334.5 468.7 256c0-37-9.4-71.8-26-102.1zM504 256c0 136.8-111.3 248-248 248C119.2 504 8 392.7 8 256 8 119.2 119.2 8 256 8c136.7 0 248 111.2 248 248zm-11.4 0c0-130.5-106.2-236.6-236.6-236.6C125.5 19.4 19.4 125.5 19.4 256S125.6 492.6 256 492.6c130.5 0 236.6-106.1 236.6-236.6z"],
- "wordpress-simple": [512, 512, [], "f411", "M256 8C119.3 8 8 119.2 8 256c0 136.7 111.3 248 248 248s248-111.3 248-248C504 119.2 392.7 8 256 8zM33 256c0-32.3 6.9-63 19.3-90.7l106.4 291.4C84.3 420.5 33 344.2 33 256zm223 223c-21.9 0-43-3.2-63-9.1l66.9-194.4 68.5 187.8c.5 1.1 1 2.1 1.6 3.1-23.1 8.1-48 12.6-74 12.6zm30.7-327.5c13.4-.7 25.5-2.1 25.5-2.1 12-1.4 10.6-19.1-1.4-18.4 0 0-36.1 2.8-59.4 2.8-21.9 0-58.7-2.8-58.7-2.8-12-.7-13.4 17.7-1.4 18.4 0 0 11.4 1.4 23.4 2.1l34.7 95.2L200.6 393l-81.2-241.5c13.4-.7 25.5-2.1 25.5-2.1 12-1.4 10.6-19.1-1.4-18.4 0 0-36.1 2.8-59.4 2.8-4.2 0-9.1-.1-14.4-.3C109.6 73 178.1 33 256 33c58 0 110.9 22.2 150.6 58.5-1-.1-1.9-.2-2.9-.2-21.9 0-37.4 19.1-37.4 39.6 0 18.4 10.6 33.9 21.9 52.3 8.5 14.8 18.4 33.9 18.4 61.5 0 19.1-7.3 41.2-17 72.1l-22.2 74.3-80.7-239.6zm81.4 297.2l68.1-196.9c12.7-31.8 17-57.2 17-79.9 0-8.2-.5-15.8-1.5-22.9 17.4 31.8 27.3 68.2 27.3 107 0 82.3-44.6 154.1-110.9 192.7z"],
- "wpbeginner": [512, 512, [], "f297", "M462.799 322.374C519.01 386.682 466.961 480 370.944 480c-39.602 0-78.824-17.687-100.142-50.04-6.887.356-22.702.356-29.59 0C219.848 462.381 180.588 480 141.069 480c-95.49 0-148.348-92.996-91.855-157.626C-29.925 190.523 80.479 32 256.006 32c175.632 0 285.87 158.626 206.793 290.374zm-339.647-82.972h41.529v-58.075h-41.529v58.075zm217.18 86.072v-23.839c-60.506 20.915-132.355 9.198-187.589-33.971l.246 24.897c51.101 46.367 131.746 57.875 187.343 32.913zm-150.753-86.072h166.058v-58.075H189.579v58.075z"],
- "wpexplorer": [512, 512, [], "f2de", "M512 256c0 141.2-114.7 256-256 256C114.8 512 0 397.3 0 256S114.7 0 256 0s256 114.7 256 256zm-32 0c0-123.2-100.3-224-224-224C132.5 32 32 132.5 32 256s100.5 224 224 224 224-100.5 224-224zM160.9 124.6l86.9 37.1-37.1 86.9-86.9-37.1 37.1-86.9zm110 169.1l46.6 94h-14.6l-50-100-48.9 100h-14l51.1-106.9-22.3-9.4 6-14 68.6 29.1-6 14.3-16.5-7.1zm-11.8-116.3l68.6 29.4-29.4 68.3L230 246l29.1-68.6zm80.3 42.9l54.6 23.1-23.4 54.3-54.3-23.1 23.1-54.3z"],
- "wpforms": [448, 512, [], "f298", "M448 75.2v361.7c0 24.3-19 43.2-43.2 43.2H43.2C19.3 480 0 461.4 0 436.8V75.2C0 51.1 18.8 32 43.2 32h361.7c24 0 43.1 18.8 43.1 43.2zm-37.3 361.6V75.2c0-3-2.6-5.8-5.8-5.8h-9.3L285.3 144 224 94.1 162.8 144 52.5 69.3h-9.3c-3.2 0-5.8 2.8-5.8 5.8v361.7c0 3 2.6 5.8 5.8 5.8h361.7c3.2.1 5.8-2.7 5.8-5.8zM150.2 186v37H76.7v-37h73.5zm0 74.4v37.3H76.7v-37.3h73.5zm11.1-147.3l54-43.7H96.8l64.5 43.7zm210 72.9v37h-196v-37h196zm0 74.4v37.3h-196v-37.3h196zm-84.6-147.3l64.5-43.7H232.8l53.9 43.7zM371.3 335v37.3h-99.4V335h99.4z"],
- "xbox": [512, 512, [], "f412", "M369.9 318.2c44.3 54.3 64.7 98.8 54.4 118.7-7.9 15.1-56.7 44.6-92.6 55.9-29.6 9.3-68.4 13.3-100.4 10.2-38.2-3.7-76.9-17.4-110.1-39C93.3 445.8 87 438.3 87 423.4c0-29.9 32.9-82.3 89.2-142.1 32-33.9 76.5-73.7 81.4-72.6 9.4 2.1 84.3 75.1 112.3 109.5zM188.6 143.8c-29.7-26.9-58.1-53.9-86.4-63.4-15.2-5.1-16.3-4.8-28.7 8.1-29.2 30.4-53.5 79.7-60.3 122.4-5.4 34.2-6.1 43.8-4.2 60.5 5.6 50.5 17.3 85.4 40.5 120.9 9.5 14.6 12.1 17.3 9.3 9.9-4.2-11-.3-37.5 9.5-64 14.3-39 53.9-112.9 120.3-194.4zm311.6 63.5C483.3 127.3 432.7 77 425.6 77c-7.3 0-24.2 6.5-36 13.9-23.3 14.5-41 31.4-64.3 52.8C367.7 197 427.5 283.1 448.2 346c6.8 20.7 9.7 41.1 7.4 52.3-1.7 8.5-1.7 8.5 1.4 4.6 6.1-7.7 19.9-31.3 25.4-43.5 7.4-16.2 15-40.2 18.6-58.7 4.3-22.5 3.9-70.8-.8-93.4zM141.3 43C189 40.5 251 77.5 255.6 78.4c.7.1 10.4-4.2 21.6-9.7 63.9-31.1 94-25.8 107.4-25.2-63.9-39.3-152.7-50-233.9-11.7-23.4 11.1-24 11.9-9.4 11.2z"],
- "xing": [384, 512, [], "f168", "M162.7 210c-1.8 3.3-25.2 44.4-70.1 123.5-4.9 8.3-10.8 12.5-17.7 12.5H9.8c-7.7 0-12.1-7.5-8.5-14.4l69-121.3c.2 0 .2-.1 0-.3l-43.9-75.6c-4.3-7.8.3-14.1 8.5-14.1H100c7.3 0 13.3 4.1 18 12.2l44.7 77.5zM382.6 46.1l-144 253v.3L330.2 466c3.9 7.1.2 14.1-8.5 14.1h-65.2c-7.6 0-13.6-4-18-12.2l-92.4-168.5c3.3-5.8 51.5-90.8 144.8-255.2 4.6-8.1 10.4-12.2 17.5-12.2h65.7c8 0 12.3 6.7 8.5 14.1z"],
- "xing-square": [448, 512, [], "f169", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM140.4 320.2H93.8c-5.5 0-8.7-5.3-6-10.3l49.3-86.7c.1 0 .1-.1 0-.2l-31.4-54c-3-5.6.2-10.1 6-10.1h46.6c5.2 0 9.5 2.9 12.9 8.7l31.9 55.3c-1.3 2.3-18 31.7-50.1 88.2-3.5 6.2-7.7 9.1-12.6 9.1zm219.7-214.1L257.3 286.8v.2l65.5 119c2.8 5.1.1 10.1-6 10.1h-46.6c-5.5 0-9.7-2.9-12.9-8.7l-66-120.3c2.3-4.1 36.8-64.9 103.4-182.3 3.3-5.8 7.4-8.7 12.5-8.7h46.9c5.7-.1 8.8 4.7 6 10z"],
- "y-combinator": [448, 512, [], "f23b", "M448 32v448H0V32h448zM236 287.5L313.5 142h-32.7L235 233c-4.7 9.3-9 18.3-12.8 26.8L210 233l-45.2-91h-35l76.7 143.8v94.5H236v-92.8z"],
- "yahoo": [448, 512, [], "f19e", "M252 292l4 220c-12.7-2.2-23.5-3.9-32.3-3.9-8.4 0-19.2 1.7-32.3 3.9l4-220C140.4 197.2 85 95.2 21.4 0c11.9 3.1 23 3.9 33.2 3.9 9 0 20.4-.8 34.1-3.9 40.9 72.2 82.1 138.7 135 225.5C261 163.9 314.8 81.4 358.6 0c11.1 2.9 22 3.9 32.9 3.9 11.5 0 23.2-1 35-3.9C392.1 47.9 294.9 216.9 252 292z"],
- "yandex": [256, 512, [], "f413", "M153.1 315.8L65.7 512H2l96-209.8c-45.1-22.9-75.2-64.4-75.2-141.1C22.7 53.7 90.8 0 171.7 0H254v512h-55.1V315.8h-45.8zm45.8-269.3h-29.4c-44.4 0-87.4 29.4-87.4 114.6 0 82.3 39.4 108.8 87.4 108.8h29.4V46.5z"],
- "yandex-international": [320, 512, [], "f414", "M129.5 512V345.9L18.5 48h55.8l81.8 229.7L250.2 0h51.3L180.8 347.8V512h-51.3z"],
- "yelp": [384, 512, [], "f1e9", "M136.9 328c-1 .3-109.2 35.7-115.8 35.7-15.2-.9-18.5-16.2-19.9-31.2-1.5-14.2-1.4-29.8.3-46.8 1.9-18.8 5.5-45.1 24.2-44 4.8 0 67.1 25.9 112.7 44.4 17.1 6.8 18.6 35.8-1.5 41.9zm57.9-113.9c1.8 38.2-25.5 48.5-47.2 14.3L41.3 60.4c-1.5-6.6.3-12.4 5.3-17.4C62.2 26.5 146 3.2 168.1 8.9c7.5 1.9 12.1 6.1 13.8 12.6 1.3 8.3 11.5 167.4 12.9 192.6zm-1.4 164.8c0 4.6.2 116.4-1.7 121.5-2.3 6-7 9.7-14.3 11.2-10.1 1.7-27.1-1.9-51-10.7-22-8.1-56.7-21.5-49.3-42.5 2.8-6.9 51.4-62.8 77.3-93.6 12-15.2 39.8-5.5 39 14.1zm180.2-117.8c-5.6 3.7-110.8 28.2-118.1 30.6l.3-.6c-18.1 4.7-35.4-18.5-23.3-34.6 3.7-3.7 65.9-92.4 72.8-97 5.2-3.6 11.3-3.8 18.3-.6 18.4 8.8 55.1 63.1 57.4 84.6-.1 2.9 1.2 11.7-7.4 17.6zm10.1 130.7c-2.7 20.6-44.5 73.4-63.8 81-6.9 2.6-12.9 2-17.7-2-5-3.5-61.8-97.1-64.9-102.3-10.9-16.2 6.8-39.8 25.6-33.2 0 0 110.5 35.7 114.7 39.4 5.2 4.1 7.2 9.8 6.1 17.1z"],
- "yoast": [448, 512, [], "f2b1", "M91.3 76h186l-7 18.9h-179c-39.7 0-71.9 31.6-71.9 70.3v205.4c0 35.4 24.9 70.3 84 70.3V460H91.3C41.2 460 0 419.8 0 370.5V165.2C0 115.9 40.7 76 91.3 76zm229.1-56h66.5C243.1 398.1 241.2 418.9 202.2 459.3c-20.8 21.6-49.3 31.7-78.3 32.7v-51.1c49.2-7.7 64.6-49.9 64.6-75.3 0-20.1.6-12.6-82.1-223.2h61.4L218.2 299 320.4 20zM448 161.5V460H234c6.6-9.6 10.7-16.3 12.1-19.4h182.5V161.5c0-32.5-17.1-51.9-48.2-62.9l6.7-17.6c41.7 13.6 60.9 43.1 60.9 80.5z"],
- "youtube": [576, 512, [], "f167", "M549.655 124.083c-6.281-23.65-24.787-42.276-48.284-48.597C458.781 64 288 64 288 64S117.22 64 74.629 75.486c-23.497 6.322-42.003 24.947-48.284 48.597-11.412 42.867-11.412 132.305-11.412 132.305s0 89.438 11.412 132.305c6.281 23.65 24.787 41.5 48.284 47.821C117.22 448 288 448 288 448s170.78 0 213.371-11.486c23.497-6.321 42.003-24.171 48.284-47.821 11.412-42.867 11.412-132.305 11.412-132.305s0-89.438-11.412-132.305zm-317.51 213.508V175.185l142.739 81.205-142.739 81.201z"],
- "youtube-square": [448, 512, [], "f431", "M186.8 202.1l95.2 54.1-95.2 54.1V202.1zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-42 176.3s0-59.6-7.6-88.2c-4.2-15.8-16.5-28.2-32.2-32.4C337.9 128 224 128 224 128s-113.9 0-142.2 7.7c-15.7 4.2-28 16.6-32.2 32.4-7.6 28.5-7.6 88.2-7.6 88.2s0 59.6 7.6 88.2c4.2 15.8 16.5 27.7 32.2 31.9C110.1 384 224 384 224 384s113.9 0 142.2-7.7c15.7-4.2 28-16.1 32.2-31.9 7.6-28.5 7.6-88.1 7.6-88.1z"],
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-bunker(function () {
- define('fab', icons);
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-'use strict';
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- if (typeof window !== 'undefined') _WINDOW = window;
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-var PRODUCTION = function () {
- try {
- return "production" === 'production';
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
-var oneToTen = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
-var oneToTwenty = oneToTen.concat([11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]);
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- return n + 'x';
-})).concat(oneToTwenty.map(function (n) {
- return 'w-' + n;
-function bunker(fn) {
- try {
- fn();
- } catch (e) {
- if (!PRODUCTION) {
- throw e;
- }
- }
-var w = WINDOW || {};
-var namespace = w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER];
-var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- var source = arguments[i];
- for (var key in source) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
- target[key] = source[key];
- }
- }
- }
- return target;
-function define(prefix, icons) {
- var normalized = Object.keys(icons).reduce(function (acc, iconName) {
- var icon = icons[iconName];
- var expanded = !!icon.icon;
- if (expanded) {
- acc[icon.iconName] = icon.icon;
- } else {
- acc[iconName] = icon;
- }
- return acc;
- }, {});
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- } else {
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- }
- /**
- * Font Awesome 4 used the prefix of `fa` for all icons. With the introduction
- * of new styles we needed to differentiate between them. Prefix `fa` is now an alias
- * for `fas` so we'll easy the upgrade process for our users by automatically defining
- * this as well.
- */
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- define('fa', icons);
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- "calendar-plus": [448, 512, [], "f271", "M336 292v24c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-76v76c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-24c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-76h-76c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-24c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h76v-76c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h24c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v76h76c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm112-180v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V112c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V160H48v298c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z"],
- "calendar-times": [448, 512, [], "f273", "M311.7 374.7l-17 17c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0L224 337.9l-53.7 53.7c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0l-17-17c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l53.7-53.7-53.7-53.7c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l17-17c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l53.7 53.7 53.7-53.7c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l17 17c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17L257.9 304l53.7 53.7c4.8 4.7 4.8 12.3.1 17zM448 112v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V112c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V160H48v298c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z"],
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- "caret-square-left": [448, 512, [], "f191", "M272 157.1v197.8c0 10.7-13 16.1-20.5 8.5l-98.3-98.9c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.2 0-16.9l98.3-98.9c7.5-7.7 20.5-2.3 20.5 8.4zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z"],
- "caret-square-right": [448, 512, [], "f152", "M176 354.9V157.1c0-10.7 13-16.1 20.5-8.5l98.3 98.9c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.2 0 16.9l-98.3 98.9c-7.5 7.7-20.5 2.3-20.5-8.4zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z"],
- "caret-square-up": [448, 512, [], "f151", "M322.9 304H125.1c-10.7 0-16.1-13-8.5-20.5l98.9-98.3c4.7-4.7 12.2-4.7 16.9 0l98.9 98.3c7.7 7.5 2.3 20.5-8.4 20.5zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z"],
- "chart-bar": [512, 512, [], "f080", "M396.8 352h22.4c6.4 0 12.8-6.4 12.8-12.8V108.8c0-6.4-6.4-12.8-12.8-12.8h-22.4c-6.4 0-12.8 6.4-12.8 12.8v230.4c0 6.4 6.4 12.8 12.8 12.8zm-192 0h22.4c6.4 0 12.8-6.4 12.8-12.8V140.8c0-6.4-6.4-12.8-12.8-12.8h-22.4c-6.4 0-12.8 6.4-12.8 12.8v198.4c0 6.4 6.4 12.8 12.8 12.8zm96 0h22.4c6.4 0 12.8-6.4 12.8-12.8V204.8c0-6.4-6.4-12.8-12.8-12.8h-22.4c-6.4 0-12.8 6.4-12.8 12.8v134.4c0 6.4 6.4 12.8 12.8 12.8zM496 400H48V80c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H16C7.16 64 0 71.16 0 80v336c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h464c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm-387.2-48h22.4c6.4 0 12.8-6.4 12.8-12.8v-70.4c0-6.4-6.4-12.8-12.8-12.8h-22.4c-6.4 0-12.8 6.4-12.8 12.8v70.4c0 6.4 6.4 12.8 12.8 12.8z"],
- "check-circle": [512, 512, [], "f058", "M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 48c110.532 0 200 89.451 200 200 0 110.532-89.451 200-200 200-110.532 0-200-89.451-200-200 0-110.532 89.451-200 200-200m140.204 130.267l-22.536-22.718c-4.667-4.705-12.265-4.736-16.97-.068L215.346 303.697l-59.792-60.277c-4.667-4.705-12.265-4.736-16.97-.069l-22.719 22.536c-4.705 4.667-4.736 12.265-.068 16.971l90.781 91.516c4.667 4.705 12.265 4.736 16.97.068l172.589-171.204c4.704-4.668 4.734-12.266.067-16.971z"],
- "check-square": [448, 512, [], "f14a", "M400 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm0 400H48V80h352v352zm-35.864-241.724L191.547 361.48c-4.705 4.667-12.303 4.637-16.97-.068l-90.781-91.516c-4.667-4.705-4.637-12.303.069-16.971l22.719-22.536c4.705-4.667 12.303-4.637 16.97.069l59.792 60.277 141.352-140.216c4.705-4.667 12.303-4.637 16.97.068l22.536 22.718c4.667 4.706 4.637 12.304-.068 16.971z"],
- "circle": [512, 512, [], "f111", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.5 0-200-89.5-200-200S145.5 56 256 56s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200z"],
- "clipboard": [384, 512, [], "f328", "M336 64h-80c0-35.29-28.71-64-64-64s-64 28.71-64 64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h288c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V112c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-6 400H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V118a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h42v36c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h168c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-36h42a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v340a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zM192 40c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24s-10.745 24-24 24-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24"],
- "clock": [512, 512, [], "f017", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.5 0-200-89.5-200-200S145.5 56 256 56s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200zm61.8-104.4l-84.9-61.7c-3.1-2.3-4.9-5.9-4.9-9.7V116c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h32c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v141.7l66.8 48.6c5.4 3.9 6.5 11.4 2.6 16.8L334.6 349c-3.9 5.3-11.4 6.5-16.8 2.6z"],
- "clone": [512, 512, [], "f24d", "M464 0H144c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v48H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v320c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h320c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-48h48c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM362 464H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V150a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h42v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h224v42a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zm96-96H150a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V54a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h308a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v308a6 6 0 0 1-6 6z"],
- "closed-captioning": [512, 512, [], "f20a", "M464 64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-6 336H54c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V118c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h404c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v276c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6zm-211.1-85.7c1.7 2.4 1.5 5.6-.5 7.7-53.6 56.8-172.8 32.1-172.8-67.9 0-97.3 121.7-119.5 172.5-70.1 2.1 2 2.5 3.2 1 5.7l-17.5 30.5c-1.9 3.1-6.2 4-9.1 1.7-40.8-32-94.6-14.9-94.6 31.2 0 48 51 70.5 92.2 32.6 2.8-2.5 7.1-2.1 9.2.9l19.6 27.7zm190.4 0c1.7 2.4 1.5 5.6-.5 7.7-53.6 56.9-172.8 32.1-172.8-67.9 0-97.3 121.7-119.5 172.5-70.1 2.1 2 2.5 3.2 1 5.7L420 220.2c-1.9 3.1-6.2 4-9.1 1.7-40.8-32-94.6-14.9-94.6 31.2 0 48 51 70.5 92.2 32.6 2.8-2.5 7.1-2.1 9.2.9l19.6 27.7z"],
- "comment": [512, 512, [], "f075", "M256 32C114.6 32 0 125.1 0 240c0 47.6 19.9 91.2 52.9 126.3C38 405.7 7 439.1 6.5 439.5c-6.6 7-8.4 17.2-4.6 26S14.4 480 24 480c61.5 0 110-25.7 139.1-46.3C192 442.8 223.2 448 256 448c141.4 0 256-93.1 256-208S397.4 32 256 32zm0 368c-26.7 0-53.1-4.1-78.4-12.1l-22.7-7.2-19.5 13.8c-14.3 10.1-33.9 21.4-57.5 29 7.3-12.1 14.4-25.7 19.9-40.2l10.6-28.1-20.6-21.8C69.7 314.1 48 282.2 48 240c0-88.2 93.3-160 208-160s208 71.8 208 160-93.3 160-208 160z"],
- "comment-alt": [512, 512, [], "f27a", "M448 0H64C28.7 0 0 28.7 0 64v288c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64h96v84c0 7.1 5.8 12 12 12 2.4 0 4.9-.7 7.1-2.4L304 416h144c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V64c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64zm16 352c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16H288l-12.8 9.6L208 428v-60H64c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V64c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h384c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v288z"],
- "comment-dots": [512, 512, [], "f4ad", "M144 208c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm112 0c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm112 0c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zM256 32C114.6 32 0 125.1 0 240c0 47.6 19.9 91.2 52.9 126.3C38 405.7 7 439.1 6.5 439.5c-6.6 7-8.4 17.2-4.6 26S14.4 480 24 480c61.5 0 110-25.7 139.1-46.3C192 442.8 223.2 448 256 448c141.4 0 256-93.1 256-208S397.4 32 256 32zm0 368c-26.7 0-53.1-4.1-78.4-12.1l-22.7-7.2-19.5 13.8c-14.3 10.1-33.9 21.4-57.5 29 7.3-12.1 14.4-25.7 19.9-40.2l10.6-28.1-20.6-21.8C69.7 314.1 48 282.2 48 240c0-88.2 93.3-160 208-160s208 71.8 208 160-93.3 160-208 160z"],
- "comments": [576, 512, [], "f086", "M532 386.2c27.5-27.1 44-61.1 44-98.2 0-80-76.5-146.1-176.2-157.9C368.3 72.5 294.3 32 208 32 93.1 32 0 103.6 0 192c0 37 16.5 71 44 98.2-15.3 30.7-37.3 54.5-37.7 54.9-6.3 6.7-8.1 16.5-4.4 25 3.6 8.5 12 14 21.2 14 53.5 0 96.7-20.2 125.2-38.8 9.2 2.1 18.7 3.7 28.4 4.9C208.1 407.6 281.8 448 368 448c20.8 0 40.8-2.4 59.8-6.8C456.3 459.7 499.4 480 553 480c9.2 0 17.5-5.5 21.2-14 3.6-8.5 1.9-18.3-4.4-25-.4-.3-22.5-24.1-37.8-54.8zm-392.8-92.3L122.1 305c-14.1 9.1-28.5 16.3-43.1 21.4 2.7-4.7 5.4-9.7 8-14.8l15.5-31.1L77.7 256C64.2 242.6 48 220.7 48 192c0-60.7 73.3-112 160-112s160 51.3 160 112-73.3 112-160 112c-16.5 0-33-1.9-49-5.6l-19.8-4.5zM498.3 352l-24.7 24.4 15.5 31.1c2.6 5.1 5.3 10.1 8 14.8-14.6-5.1-29-12.3-43.1-21.4l-17.1-11.1-19.9 4.6c-16 3.7-32.5 5.6-49 5.6-54 0-102.2-20.1-131.3-49.7C338 339.5 416 272.9 416 192c0-3.4-.4-6.7-.7-10C479.7 196.5 528 238.8 528 288c0 28.7-16.2 50.6-29.7 64z"],
- "compass": [496, 512, [], "f14e", "M347.94 129.86L203.6 195.83a31.938 31.938 0 0 0-15.77 15.77l-65.97 144.34c-7.61 16.65 9.54 33.81 26.2 26.2l144.34-65.97a31.938 31.938 0 0 0 15.77-15.77l65.97-144.34c7.61-16.66-9.54-33.81-26.2-26.2zm-77.36 148.72c-12.47 12.47-32.69 12.47-45.16 0-12.47-12.47-12.47-32.69 0-45.16 12.47-12.47 32.69-12.47 45.16 0 12.47 12.47 12.47 32.69 0 45.16zM248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.28 0-200-89.72-200-200S137.72 56 248 56s200 89.72 200 200-89.72 200-200 200z"],
- "copy": [448, 512, [], "f0c5", "M433.941 65.941l-51.882-51.882A48 48 0 0 0 348.118 0H176c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v48H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v320c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h224c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-48h80c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V99.882a48 48 0 0 0-14.059-33.941zM266 464H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V150a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h74v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h96v42a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zm128-96H182a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V54a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h106v88c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h88v202a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zm6-256h-64V48h9.632c1.591 0 3.117.632 4.243 1.757l48.368 48.368a6 6 0 0 1 1.757 4.243V112z"],
- "copyright": [512, 512, [], "f1f9", "M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.532 0-200-89.451-200-200 0-110.531 89.451-200 200-200 110.532 0 200 89.451 200 200 0 110.532-89.451 200-200 200zm107.351-101.064c-9.614 9.712-45.53 41.396-104.065 41.396-82.43 0-140.484-61.425-140.484-141.567 0-79.152 60.275-139.401 139.762-139.401 55.531 0 88.738 26.62 97.593 34.779a11.965 11.965 0 0 1 1.936 15.322l-18.155 28.113c-3.841 5.95-11.966 7.282-17.499 2.921-8.595-6.776-31.814-22.538-61.708-22.538-48.303 0-77.916 35.33-77.916 80.082 0 41.589 26.888 83.692 78.277 83.692 32.657 0 56.843-19.039 65.726-27.225 5.27-4.857 13.596-4.039 17.82 1.738l19.865 27.17a11.947 11.947 0 0 1-1.152 15.518z"],
- "credit-card": [576, 512, [], "f09d", "M527.9 32H48.1C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48.1 48h479.8c26.6 0 48.1-21.5 48.1-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48.1-48zM54.1 80h467.8c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v42H48.1V86c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6zm467.8 352H54.1c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V256h479.8v170c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6zM192 332v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-72c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h72c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm192 0v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H236c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h136c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12z"],
- "dizzy": [496, 512, [], "f567", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-33.8-217.9c7.8-7.8 7.8-20.5 0-28.3L196.3 192l17.9-17.9c7.8-7.8 7.8-20.5 0-28.3-7.8-7.8-20.5-7.8-28.3 0L168 163.7l-17.8-17.8c-7.8-7.8-20.5-7.8-28.3 0-7.8 7.8-7.8 20.5 0 28.3l17.9 17.9-17.9 17.9c-7.8 7.8-7.8 20.5 0 28.3 7.8 7.8 20.5 7.8 28.3 0l17.8-17.8 17.8 17.8c7.9 7.7 20.5 7.7 28.4-.2zm160-92.2c-7.8-7.8-20.5-7.8-28.3 0L328 163.7l-17.8-17.8c-7.8-7.8-20.5-7.8-28.3 0-7.8 7.8-7.8 20.5 0 28.3l17.9 17.9-17.9 17.9c-7.8 7.8-7.8 20.5 0 28.3 7.8 7.8 20.5 7.8 28.3 0l17.8-17.8 17.8 17.8c7.8 7.8 20.5 7.8 28.3 0 7.8-7.8 7.8-20.5 0-28.3l-17.8-18 17.9-17.9c7.7-7.8 7.7-20.4 0-28.2zM248 272c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64s28.7 64 64 64 64-28.7 64-64-28.7-64-64-64z"],
- "dot-circle": [512, 512, [], "f192", "M256 56c110.532 0 200 89.451 200 200 0 110.532-89.451 200-200 200-110.532 0-200-89.451-200-200 0-110.532 89.451-200 200-200m0-48C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 168c-44.183 0-80 35.817-80 80s35.817 80 80 80 80-35.817 80-80-35.817-80-80-80z"],
- "edit": [576, 512, [], "f044", "M402.3 344.9l32-32c5-5 13.7-1.5 13.7 5.7V464c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V112c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h273.5c7.1 0 10.7 8.6 5.7 13.7l-32 32c-1.5 1.5-3.5 2.3-5.7 2.3H48v352h352V350.5c0-2.1.8-4.1 2.3-5.6zm156.6-201.8L296.3 405.7l-90.4 10c-26.2 2.9-48.5-19.2-45.6-45.6l10-90.4L432.9 17.1c22.9-22.9 59.9-22.9 82.7 0l43.2 43.2c22.9 22.9 22.9 60 .1 82.8zM460.1 174L402 115.9 216.2 301.8l-7.3 65.3 65.3-7.3L460.1 174zm64.8-79.7l-43.2-43.2c-4.1-4.1-10.8-4.1-14.8 0L436 82l58.1 58.1 30.9-30.9c4-4.2 4-10.8-.1-14.9z"],
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- "folder": [512, 512, [], "f07b", "M464 128H272l-54.63-54.63c-6-6-14.14-9.37-22.63-9.37H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V176c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm0 272H48V112h140.12l54.63 54.63c6 6 14.14 9.37 22.63 9.37H464v224z"],
- "folder-open": [576, 512, [], "f07c", "M527.943 224H480v-48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48H272l-64-64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h400a48.001 48.001 0 0 0 40.704-22.56l79.942-128c19.948-31.917-3.038-73.44-40.703-73.44zM54 112h134.118l64 64H426a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v42H152a48 48 0 0 0-41.098 23.202L48 351.449V117.993A5.993 5.993 0 0 1 54 112zm394 288H72l77.234-128H528l-80 128z"],
- "font-awesome-logo-full": [3992, 512, ["Font Awesome"], "f4e6", "M454.6 0H57.4C25.9 0 0 25.9 0 57.4v397.3C0 486.1 25.9 512 57.4 512h397.3c31.4 0 57.4-25.9 57.4-57.4V57.4C512 25.9 486.1 0 454.6 0zm-58.9 324.9c0 4.8-4.1 6.9-8.9 8.9-19.2 8.1-39.7 15.7-61.5 15.7-40.5 0-68.7-44.8-163.2 2.5v51.8c0 30.3-45.7 30.2-45.7 0v-250c-9-7-15-17.9-15-30.3 0-21 17.1-38.2 38.2-38.2 21 0 38.2 17.1 38.2 38.2 0 12.2-5.8 23.2-14.9 30.2v21c37.1-12 65.5-34.4 146.1-3.4 26.6 11.4 68.7-15.7 76.5-15.7 5.5 0 10.3 4.1 10.3 8.9v160.4zm432.9-174.2h-137v70.1H825c39.8 0 40.4 62.2 0 62.2H691.6v105.6c0 45.5-70.7 46.4-70.7 0V128.3c0-22 18-39.8 39.8-39.8h167.8c39.6 0 40.5 62.2.1 62.2zm191.1 23.4c-169.3 0-169.1 252.4 0 252.4 169.9 0 169.9-252.4 0-252.4zm0 196.1c-81.6 0-82.1-139.8 0-139.8 82.5 0 82.4 139.8 0 139.8zm372.4 53.4c-17.5 0-31.4-13.9-31.4-31.4v-117c0-62.4-72.6-52.5-99.1-16.4v133.4c0 41.5-63.3 41.8-63.3 0V208c0-40 63.1-41.6 63.1 0v3.4c43.3-51.6 162.4-60.4 162.4 39.3v141.5c.3 30.4-31.5 31.4-31.7 31.4zm179.7 2.9c-44.3 0-68.3-22.9-68.3-65.8V235.2H1488c-35.6 0-36.7-55.3 0-55.3h15.5v-37.3c0-41.3 63.8-42.1 63.8 0v37.5h24.9c35.4 0 35.7 55.3 0 55.3h-24.9v108.5c0 29.6 26.1 26.3 27.4 26.3 31.4 0 52.6 56.3-22.9 56.3zM1992 123c-19.5-50.2-95.5-50-114.5 0-107.3 275.7-99.5 252.7-99.5 262.8 0 42.8 58.3 51.2 72.1 14.4l13.5-35.9H2006l13 35.9c14.2 37.7 72.1 27.2 72.1-14.4 0-10.1 5.3 6.8-99.1-262.8zm-108.9 179.1l51.7-142.9 51.8 142.9h-103.5zm591.3-85.6l-53.7 176.3c-12.4 41.2-72 41-84 0l-42.3-135.9-42.3 135.9c-12.4 40.9-72 41.2-84.5 0l-54.2-176.3c-12.5-39.4 49.8-56.1 60.2-16.9L2213 342l45.3-139.5c10.9-32.7 59.6-34.7 71.2 0l45.3 139.5 39.3-142.4c10.3-38.3 72.6-23.8 60.3 16.9zm275.4 75.1c0-42.4-33.9-117.5-119.5-117.5-73.2 0-124.4 56.3-124.4 126 0 77.2 55.3 126.4 128.5 126.4 31.7 0 93-11.5 93-39.8 0-18.3-21.1-31.5-39.3-22.4-49.4 26.2-109 8.4-115.9-43.8h148.3c16.3 0 29.3-13.4 29.3-28.9zM2571 277.7c9.5-73.4 113.9-68.6 118.6 0H2571zm316.7 148.8c-31.4 0-81.6-10.5-96.6-31.9-12.4-17 2.5-39.8 21.8-39.8 16.3 0 36.8 22.9 77.7 22.9 27.4 0 40.4-11 40.4-25.8 0-39.8-142.9-7.4-142.9-102 0-40.4 35.3-75.7 98.6-75.7 31.4 0 74.1 9.9 87.6 29.4 10.8 14.8-1.4 36.2-20.9 36.2-15.1 0-26.7-17.3-66.2-17.3-22.9 0-37.8 10.5-37.8 23.8 0 35.9 142.4 6 142.4 103.1-.1 43.7-37.4 77.1-104.1 77.1zm266.8-252.4c-169.3 0-169.1 252.4 0 252.4 170.1 0 169.6-252.4 0-252.4zm0 196.1c-81.8 0-82-139.8 0-139.8 82.5 0 82.4 139.8 0 139.8zm476.9 22V268.7c0-53.8-61.4-45.8-85.7-10.5v134c0 41.3-63.8 42.1-63.8 0V268.7c0-52.1-59.5-47.4-85.7-10.1v133.6c0 41.5-63.3 41.8-63.3 0V208c0-40 63.1-41.6 63.1 0v3.4c9.9-14.4 41.8-37.3 78.6-37.3 35.3 0 57.7 16.4 66.7 43.8 13.9-21.8 45.8-43.8 82.6-43.8 44.3 0 70.7 23.4 70.7 72.7v145.3c.5 17.3-13.5 31.4-31.9 31.4 3.5.1-31.3 1.1-31.3-31.3zM3992 291.6c0-42.4-32.4-117.5-117.9-117.5-73.2 0-127.5 56.3-127.5 126 0 77.2 58.3 126.4 131.6 126.4 31.7 0 91.5-11.5 91.5-39.8 0-18.3-21.1-31.5-39.3-22.4-49.4 26.2-110.5 8.4-117.5-43.8h149.8c16.3 0 29.1-13.4 29.3-28.9zm-180.5-13.9c9.7-74.4 115.9-68.3 120.1 0h-120.1z"],
- "frown": [496, 512, [], "f119", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-80-216c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160-64c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm-80 128c-40.2 0-78 17.7-103.8 48.6-8.5 10.2-7.1 25.3 3.1 33.8 10.2 8.4 25.3 7.1 33.8-3.1 16.6-19.9 41-31.4 66.9-31.4s50.3 11.4 66.9 31.4c8.1 9.7 23.1 11.9 33.8 3.1 10.2-8.5 11.5-23.6 3.1-33.8C326 321.7 288.2 304 248 304z"],
- "frown-open": [496, 512, [], "f57a", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-48-248c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32s-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32zm128-32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm-80 112c-35.6 0-88.8 21.3-95.8 61.2-2 11.8 9 21.5 20.5 18.1 31.2-9.6 59.4-15.3 75.3-15.3s44.1 5.7 75.3 15.3c11.4 3.5 22.5-6.3 20.5-18.1-7-39.9-60.2-61.2-95.8-61.2z"],
- "futbol": [496, 512, [], "f1e3", "M483.8 179.4C449.8 74.6 352.6 8 248.1 8c-25.4 0-51.2 3.9-76.7 12.2C41.2 62.5-30.1 202.4 12.2 332.6 46.2 437.4 143.4 504 247.9 504c25.4 0 51.2-3.9 76.7-12.2 130.2-42.3 201.5-182.2 159.2-312.4zm-74.5 193.7l-52.2 6.4-43.7-60.9 24.4-75.2 71.1-22.1 38.9 36.4c-.2 30.7-7.4 61.1-21.7 89.2-4.7 9.3-10.7 17.8-16.8 26.2zm0-235.4l-10.4 53.1-70.7 22-64.2-46.5V92.5l47.4-26.2c39.2 13 73.4 38 97.9 71.4zM184.9 66.4L232 92.5v73.8l-64.2 46.5-70.6-22-10.1-52.5c24.3-33.4 57.9-58.6 97.8-71.9zM139 379.5L85.9 373c-14.4-20.1-37.3-59.6-37.8-115.3l39-36.4 71.1 22.2 24.3 74.3-43.5 61.7zm48.2 67l-22.4-48.1 43.6-61.7H287l44.3 61.7-22.4 48.1c-6.2 1.8-57.6 20.4-121.7 0z"],
- "gem": [576, 512, [], "f3a5", "M464 0H112c-4 0-7.8 2-10 5.4L2 152.6c-2.9 4.4-2.6 10.2.7 14.2l276 340.8c4.8 5.9 13.8 5.9 18.6 0l276-340.8c3.3-4.1 3.6-9.8.7-14.2L474.1 5.4C471.8 2 468.1 0 464 0zm-19.3 48l63.3 96h-68.4l-51.7-96h56.8zm-202.1 0h90.7l51.7 96H191l51.6-96zm-111.3 0h56.8l-51.7 96H68l63.3-96zm-43 144h51.4L208 352 88.3 192zm102.9 0h193.6L288 435.3 191.2 192zM368 352l68.2-160h51.4L368 352z"],
- "grimace": [496, 512, [], "f57f", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-80-216c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160 0c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm16 16H152c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v32c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h192c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-32c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-168 96h-24c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16v-8h40v24zm0-40h-40v-8c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h24v24zm64 40h-48v-24h48v24zm0-40h-48v-24h48v24zm64 40h-48v-24h48v24zm0-40h-48v-24h48v24zm56 24c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-24v-24h40v8zm0-24h-40v-24h24c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v8z"],
- "grin": [496, 512, [], "f580", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm105.6-151.4c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.4-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.1 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3zM168 240c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160 0c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32z"],
- "grin-alt": [496, 512, [], "f581", "M200.3 248c12.4-18.7 15.1-37.3 15.7-56-.5-18.7-3.3-37.3-15.7-56-8-12-25.1-11.4-32.7 0-12.4 18.7-15.1 37.3-15.7 56 .5 18.7 3.3 37.3 15.7 56 8.1 12 25.2 11.4 32.7 0zm128 0c12.4-18.7 15.1-37.3 15.7-56-.5-18.7-3.3-37.3-15.7-56-8-12-25.1-11.4-32.7 0-12.4 18.7-15.1 37.3-15.7 56 .5 18.7 3.3 37.3 15.7 56 8.1 12 25.2 11.4 32.7 0zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm105.6-151.4c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.2 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3z"],
- "grin-beam": [496, 512, [], "f582", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm105.6-151.4c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.8-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.1 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3zm-235.9-72.9c3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3zm160 0c3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3z"],
- "grin-beam-sweat": [496, 512, [], "f583", "M440 160c29.5 0 53.3-26.3 53.3-58.7 0-25-31.7-75.5-46.2-97.3-3.6-5.3-10.7-5.3-14.2 0-14.5 21.8-46.2 72.3-46.2 97.3 0 32.4 23.8 58.7 53.3 58.7zM248 400c51.9 0 115.3-32.9 123.3-80 1.7-9.9-7.7-18.5-17.7-15.3-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.8-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 8 47.1 71.4 80 123.3 80zm130.3-168.3c3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.6 6.2 4.6 9.3 3.7zm105.3-52.9c-24.6 15.7-46 12.9-46.4 12.9 6.9 20.2 10.8 41.8 10.8 64.3 0 110.3-89.7 200-200 200S48 366.3 48 256 137.7 56 248 56c39.8 0 76.8 11.8 108 31.9 1.7-9.5 6.3-24.1 17.2-45.7C336.4 20.6 293.7 8 248 8 111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248c0-27-4.4-52.9-12.4-77.2zM168 189.4c12.3 0 23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.8 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6z"],
- "grin-hearts": [496, 512, [], "f584", "M353.6 304.6c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.8-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.2 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3zm-152.8-48.9c4.5 1.2 9.2-1.5 10.5-6l19.4-69.9c5.6-20.3-7.4-41.1-28.8-44.5-18.6-3-36.4 9.8-41.5 27.9l-2 7.1-7.1-1.9c-18.2-4.7-38.2 4.3-44.9 22-7.7 20.2 3.8 41.9 24.2 47.2l70.2 18.1zm188.8-65.3c-6.7-17.6-26.7-26.7-44.9-22l-7.1 1.9-2-7.1c-5-18.1-22.8-30.9-41.5-27.9-21.4 3.4-34.4 24.2-28.8 44.5l19.4 69.9c1.2 4.5 5.9 7.2 10.5 6l70.2-18.2c20.4-5.3 31.9-26.9 24.2-47.1zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200z"],
- "grin-squint": [496, 512, [], "f585", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm105.6-151.4c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.4-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.1 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3zm-234.7-40.8c3.6 4.2 9.9 5.7 15.3 2.5l80-48c3.6-2.2 5.8-6.1 5.8-10.3s-2.2-8.1-5.8-10.3l-80-48c-5.1-3-11.4-1.9-15.3 2.5-3.8 4.5-3.8 11-.1 15.5l33.6 40.3-33.6 40.3c-3.8 4.5-3.7 11.1.1 15.5zm242.9 2.5c5.4 3.2 11.7 1.7 15.3-2.5 3.8-4.5 3.8-11 .1-15.5L343.6 208l33.6-40.3c3.8-4.5 3.7-11-.1-15.5-3.8-4.4-10.2-5.4-15.3-2.5l-80 48c-3.6 2.2-5.8 6.1-5.8 10.3s2.2 8.1 5.8 10.3l80 48z"],
- "grin-squint-tears": [512, 512, [], "f586", "M117.1 384.1c-25.8 3.7-84 13.7-100.9 30.6-21.9 21.9-21.5 57.9.9 80.3s58.3 22.8 80.3.9C114.3 479 124.3 420.8 128 395c.8-6.4-4.6-11.8-10.9-10.9zm-41.2-41.7C40.3 268 53 176.1 114.6 114.6 152.4 76.8 202.6 56 256 56c36.2 0 70.8 9.8 101.2 27.7 3.8-20.3 8-36.1 12-48.3C333.8 17.2 294.9 8 256 8 192.5 8 129.1 32.2 80.6 80.6c-74.1 74.1-91.3 183.4-52 274 12.2-4.1 27.7-8.3 47.3-12.2zm352.3-187.6c45 76.6 34.9 176.9-30.8 242.6-37.8 37.8-88 58.6-141.4 58.6-30.5 0-59.8-7-86.4-19.8-3.9 19.5-8 35-12.2 47.2 31.4 13.6 65 20.6 98.7 20.6 63.5 0 126.9-24.2 175.4-72.6 78.1-78.1 93.1-195.4 45.2-288.6-12.3 4-28.2 8.1-48.5 12zm-33.3-26.9c25.8-3.7 84-13.7 100.9-30.6 21.9-21.9 21.5-57.9-.9-80.3s-58.3-22.8-80.3-.9C397.7 33 387.7 91.2 384 117c-.8 6.4 4.6 11.8 10.9 10.9zm-187 108.3c-3-3-7.2-4.2-11.4-3.2L106 255.7c-5.7 1.4-9.5 6.7-9.1 12.6.5 5.8 5.1 10.5 10.9 11l52.3 4.8 4.8 52.3c.5 5.8 5.2 10.4 11 10.9h.9c5.5 0 10.3-3.7 11.7-9.1l22.6-90.5c1-4.2-.2-8.5-3.2-11.5zm39.7-25.1l90.5-22.6c5.7-1.4 9.5-6.7 9.1-12.6-.5-5.8-5.1-10.5-10.9-11l-52.3-4.8-4.8-52.3c-.5-5.8-5.2-10.4-11-10.9-5.6-.1-11.2 3.4-12.6 9.1L233 196.5c-1 4.1.2 8.4 3.2 11.4 5 5 11.3 3.2 11.4 3.2zm52 88.5c-29.1 29.1-59.7 52.9-83.9 65.4-9.2 4.8-10 17.5-1.7 23.4 38.9 27.7 107 6.2 143.7-30.6S416 253 388.3 214.1c-5.8-8.2-18.5-7.6-23.4 1.7-12.3 24.2-36.2 54.7-65.3 83.8z"],
- "grin-stars": [496, 512, [], "f587", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm105.6-151.4c-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.8-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 7.9 47.2 71.3 80 123.3 80s115.3-32.9 123.3-80c1.6-9.8-7.7-18.4-17.7-15.3zm-227.9-57.5c-1 6.2 5.4 11 11 7.9l31.3-16.3 31.3 16.3c5.6 3.1 12-1.7 11-7.9l-6-34.9 25.4-24.6c4.5-4.5 1.9-12.2-4.3-13.2l-34.9-5-15.5-31.6c-2.9-5.8-11-5.8-13.9 0l-15.5 31.6-34.9 5c-6.2.9-8.9 8.6-4.3 13.2l25.4 24.6-6.1 34.9zm259.7-72.7l-34.9-5-15.5-31.6c-2.9-5.8-11-5.8-13.9 0l-15.5 31.6-34.9 5c-6.2.9-8.9 8.6-4.3 13.2l25.4 24.6-6 34.9c-1 6.2 5.4 11 11 7.9l31.3-16.3 31.3 16.3c5.6 3.1 12-1.7 11-7.9l-6-34.9 25.4-24.6c4.5-4.6 1.8-12.2-4.4-13.2z"],
- "grin-tears": [640, 512, [], "f588", "M117.1 256.1c-25.8 3.7-84 13.7-100.9 30.6-21.9 21.9-21.5 57.9.9 80.3s58.3 22.8 80.3.9C114.3 351 124.3 292.8 128 267c.8-6.4-4.6-11.8-10.9-10.9zm506.7 30.6c-16.9-16.9-75.1-26.9-100.9-30.6-6.3-.9-11.7 4.5-10.8 10.8 3.7 25.8 13.7 84 30.6 100.9 21.9 21.9 57.9 21.5 80.3-.9 22.3-22.3 22.7-58.3.8-80.2zm-126.6 61.7C463.8 412.3 396.9 456 320 456c-76.9 0-143.8-43.7-177.2-107.6-12.5 37.4-25.2 43.9-28.3 46.5C159.1 460.7 234.5 504 320 504s160.9-43.3 205.5-109.1c-3.2-2.7-15.9-9.2-28.3-46.5zM122.7 224.5C137.9 129.2 220.5 56 320 56c99.5 0 182.1 73.2 197.3 168.5 2.1-.2 5.2-2.4 49.5 7C554.4 106 448.7 8 320 8S85.6 106 73.2 231.4c44.5-9.4 47.1-7.2 49.5-6.9zM320 400c51.9 0 115.3-32.9 123.3-80 1.7-9.9-7.7-18.5-17.7-15.3-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.8-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 8 47.1 71.4 80 123.3 80zm130.3-168.3c3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.6 6.2 4.6 9.3 3.7zM240 189.4c12.3 0 23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.8 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6z"],
- "grin-tongue": [496, 512, [], "f589", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm64 400c0 35.6-29.1 64.5-64.9 64-35.1-.5-63.1-29.8-63.1-65v-42.8l17.7-8.8c15-7.5 31.5 1.7 34.9 16.5l2.8 12.1c2.1 9.2 15.2 9.2 17.3 0l2.8-12.1c3.4-14.8 19.8-24.1 34.9-16.5l17.7 8.8V408zm28.2 25.3c2.2-8.1 3.8-16.5 3.8-25.3v-43.5c14.2-12.4 24.4-27.5 27.3-44.5 1.7-9.9-7.7-18.5-17.7-15.3-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 2.9 17 13.1 32.1 27.3 44.5V408c0 8.8 1.6 17.2 3.8 25.3C91.8 399.9 48 333 48 256c0-110.3 89.7-200 200-200s200 89.7 200 200c0 77-43.8 143.9-107.8 177.3zM168 176c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm160 0c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32z"],
- "grin-tongue-squint": [496, 512, [], "f58a", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm64 400c0 35.6-29.1 64.5-64.9 64-35.1-.5-63.1-29.8-63.1-65v-42.8l17.7-8.8c15-7.5 31.5 1.7 34.9 16.5l2.8 12.1c2.1 9.2 15.2 9.2 17.3 0l2.8-12.1c3.4-14.8 19.8-24.1 34.9-16.5l17.7 8.8V408zm28.2 25.3c2.2-8.1 3.8-16.5 3.8-25.3v-43.5c14.2-12.4 24.4-27.5 27.3-44.5 1.7-9.9-7.7-18.5-17.7-15.3-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 2.9 17 13.1 32.1 27.3 44.5V408c0 8.8 1.6 17.2 3.8 25.3C91.8 399.9 48 333 48 256c0-110.3 89.7-200 200-200s200 89.7 200 200c0 77-43.8 143.9-107.8 177.3zm36.9-281.1c-3.8-4.4-10.3-5.5-15.3-2.5l-80 48c-3.6 2.2-5.8 6.1-5.8 10.3s2.2 8.1 5.8 10.3l80 48c5.4 3.2 11.7 1.7 15.3-2.5 3.8-4.5 3.8-11 .1-15.5L343.6 208l33.6-40.3c3.8-4.5 3.7-11.1-.1-15.5zm-162.9 45.5l-80-48c-5-3-11.4-2-15.3 2.5-3.8 4.5-3.8 11-.1 15.5l33.6 40.3-33.6 40.3c-3.8 4.5-3.7 11 .1 15.5 3.6 4.2 9.9 5.7 15.3 2.5l80-48c3.6-2.2 5.8-6.1 5.8-10.3s-2.2-8.1-5.8-10.3z"],
- "grin-tongue-wink": [496, 512, [], "f58b", "M152 180c-25.7 0-55.9 16.9-59.8 42.1-.8 5 1.7 10 6.1 12.4 4.4 2.4 9.9 1.8 13.7-1.6l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0l9.5 8.5c2.5 2.2 8 4.7 13.7 1.6 4.4-2.4 6.9-7.4 6.1-12.4-3.9-25.2-34.1-42.1-59.8-42.1zm176-52c-44.2 0-80 35.8-80 80s35.8 80 80 80 80-35.8 80-80-35.8-80-80-80zm0 128c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm0-72c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24 24-10.7 24-24-10.7-24-24-24zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm64 400c0 35.6-29.1 64.5-64.9 64-35.1-.5-63.1-29.8-63.1-65v-42.8l17.7-8.8c15-7.5 31.5 1.7 34.9 16.5l2.8 12.1c2.1 9.2 15.2 9.2 17.3 0l2.8-12.1c3.4-14.8 19.8-24.1 34.9-16.5l17.7 8.8V408zm28.2 25.3c2.2-8.1 3.8-16.5 3.8-25.3v-43.5c14.2-12.4 24.4-27.5 27.3-44.5 1.7-9.9-7.7-18.5-17.7-15.3-25.9 8.3-64.4 13.1-105.6 13.1s-79.6-4.8-105.6-13.1c-9.9-3.1-19.4 5.3-17.7 15.3 2.9 17 13.1 32.1 27.3 44.5V408c0 8.8 1.6 17.2 3.8 25.3C91.8 399.9 48 333 48 256c0-110.3 89.7-200 200-200s200 89.7 200 200c0 77-43.8 143.9-107.8 177.3z"],
- "grin-wink": [496, 512, [], "f58c", "M328 180c-25.69 0-55.88 16.92-59.86 42.12-1.75 11.22 11.5 18.24 19.83 10.84l9.55-8.48c14.81-13.19 46.16-13.19 60.97 0l9.55 8.48c8.48 7.43 21.56.25 19.83-10.84C383.88 196.92 353.69 180 328 180zm-160 60c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32s-14.33-32-32-32-32 14.33-32 32 14.33 32 32 32zm185.55 64.64c-25.93 8.3-64.4 13.06-105.55 13.06s-79.62-4.75-105.55-13.06c-9.94-3.13-19.4 5.37-17.71 15.34C132.67 367.13 196.06 400 248 400s115.33-32.87 123.26-80.02c1.68-9.89-7.67-18.48-17.71-15.34zM248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.28 0-200-89.72-200-200S137.72 56 248 56s200 89.72 200 200-89.72 200-200 200z"],
- "hand-lizard": [576, 512, [], "f258", "M556.686 290.542L410.328 64.829C397.001 44.272 374.417 32 349.917 32H56C25.121 32 0 57.122 0 88v8c0 44.112 35.888 80 80 80h196.042l-18.333 48H144c-48.523 0-88 39.477-88 88 0 30.879 25.121 56 56 56h131.552c2.987 0 5.914.549 8.697 1.631L352 408.418V480h224V355.829c0-23.225-6.679-45.801-19.314-65.287zM528 432H400v-23.582c0-19.948-12.014-37.508-30.604-44.736l-99.751-38.788A71.733 71.733 0 0 0 243.552 320H112c-4.411 0-8-3.589-8-8 0-22.056 17.944-40 40-40h113.709c19.767 0 37.786-12.407 44.84-30.873l24.552-64.281c8.996-23.553-8.428-48.846-33.63-48.846H80c-17.645 0-32-14.355-32-32v-8c0-4.411 3.589-8 8-8h293.917c8.166 0 15.693 4.09 20.137 10.942l146.358 225.715A71.84 71.84 0 0 1 528 355.829V432z"],
- "hand-paper": [448, 512, [], "f256", "M372.57 112.641v-10.825c0-43.612-40.52-76.691-83.039-65.546-25.629-49.5-94.09-47.45-117.982.747C130.269 26.456 89.144 57.945 89.144 102v126.13c-19.953-7.427-43.308-5.068-62.083 8.871-29.355 21.796-35.794 63.333-14.55 93.153L132.48 498.569a32 32 0 0 0 26.062 13.432h222.897c14.904 0 27.835-10.289 31.182-24.813l30.184-130.958A203.637 203.637 0 0 0 448 310.564V179c0-40.62-35.523-71.992-75.43-66.359zm27.427 197.922c0 11.731-1.334 23.469-3.965 34.886L368.707 464h-201.92L51.591 302.303c-14.439-20.27 15.023-42.776 29.394-22.605l27.128 38.079c8.995 12.626 29.031 6.287 29.031-9.283V102c0-25.645 36.571-24.81 36.571.691V256c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h6.856c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V67c0-25.663 36.571-24.81 36.571.691V256c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h6.856c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V101.125c0-25.672 36.57-24.81 36.57.691V256c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h6.857c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-76.309c0-26.242 36.57-25.64 36.57-.691v131.563z"],
- "hand-peace": [448, 512, [], "f25b", "M362.146 191.976c-13.71-21.649-38.761-34.016-65.006-30.341V74c0-40.804-32.811-74-73.141-74-40.33 0-73.14 33.196-73.14 74L160 168l-18.679-78.85C126.578 50.843 83.85 32.11 46.209 47.208 8.735 62.238-9.571 104.963 5.008 142.85l55.757 144.927c-30.557 24.956-43.994 57.809-24.733 92.218l54.853 97.999C102.625 498.97 124.73 512 148.575 512h205.702c30.744 0 57.558-21.44 64.555-51.797l27.427-118.999a67.801 67.801 0 0 0 1.729-15.203L448 256c0-44.956-43.263-77.343-85.854-64.024zM399.987 326c0 1.488-.169 2.977-.502 4.423l-27.427 119.001c-1.978 8.582-9.29 14.576-17.782 14.576H148.575c-6.486 0-12.542-3.621-15.805-9.449l-54.854-98c-4.557-8.141-2.619-18.668 4.508-24.488l26.647-21.764a16 16 0 0 0 4.812-18.139l-64.09-166.549C37.226 92.956 84.37 74.837 96.51 106.389l59.784 155.357A16 16 0 0 0 171.227 272h11.632c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V74c0-34.375 50.281-34.43 50.281 0v182c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h6.856c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-28c0-25.122 36.567-25.159 36.567 0v28c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h6.856c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16 0-25.12 36.567-25.16 36.567 0v70z"],
- "hand-point-down": [448, 512, [], "f0a7", "M188.8 512c45.616 0 83.2-37.765 83.2-83.2v-35.647a93.148 93.148 0 0 0 22.064-7.929c22.006 2.507 44.978-3.503 62.791-15.985C409.342 368.1 448 331.841 448 269.299V248c0-60.063-40-98.512-40-127.2v-2.679c4.952-5.747 8-13.536 8-22.12V32c0-17.673-12.894-32-28.8-32H156.8C140.894 0 128 14.327 128 32v64c0 8.584 3.048 16.373 8 22.12v2.679c0 6.964-6.193 14.862-23.668 30.183l-.148.129-.146.131c-9.937 8.856-20.841 18.116-33.253 25.851C48.537 195.798 0 207.486 0 252.8c0 56.928 35.286 92 83.2 92 8.026 0 15.489-.814 22.4-2.176V428.8c0 45.099 38.101 83.2 83.2 83.2zm0-48c-18.7 0-35.2-16.775-35.2-35.2V270.4c-17.325 0-35.2 26.4-70.4 26.4-26.4 0-35.2-20.625-35.2-44 0-8.794 32.712-20.445 56.1-34.926 14.575-9.074 27.225-19.524 39.875-30.799 18.374-16.109 36.633-33.836 39.596-59.075h176.752C364.087 170.79 400 202.509 400 248v21.299c0 40.524-22.197 57.124-61.325 50.601-8.001 14.612-33.979 24.151-53.625 12.925-18.225 19.365-46.381 17.787-61.05 4.95V428.8c0 18.975-16.225 35.2-35.2 35.2zM328 64c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24s24 10.745 24 24-10.745 24-24 24-24-10.745-24-24z"],
- "hand-point-left": [512, 512, [], "f0a5", "M0 220.8C0 266.416 37.765 304 83.2 304h35.647a93.148 93.148 0 0 0 7.929 22.064c-2.507 22.006 3.503 44.978 15.985 62.791C143.9 441.342 180.159 480 242.701 480H264c60.063 0 98.512-40 127.2-40h2.679c5.747 4.952 13.536 8 22.12 8h64c17.673 0 32-12.894 32-28.8V188.8c0-15.906-14.327-28.8-32-28.8h-64c-8.584 0-16.373 3.048-22.12 8H391.2c-6.964 0-14.862-6.193-30.183-23.668l-.129-.148-.131-.146c-8.856-9.937-18.116-20.841-25.851-33.253C316.202 80.537 304.514 32 259.2 32c-56.928 0-92 35.286-92 83.2 0 8.026.814 15.489 2.176 22.4H83.2C38.101 137.6 0 175.701 0 220.8zm48 0c0-18.7 16.775-35.2 35.2-35.2h158.4c0-17.325-26.4-35.2-26.4-70.4 0-26.4 20.625-35.2 44-35.2 8.794 0 20.445 32.712 34.926 56.1 9.074 14.575 19.524 27.225 30.799 39.875 16.109 18.374 33.836 36.633 59.075 39.596v176.752C341.21 396.087 309.491 432 264 432h-21.299c-40.524 0-57.124-22.197-50.601-61.325-14.612-8.001-24.151-33.979-12.925-53.625-19.365-18.225-17.787-46.381-4.95-61.05H83.2C64.225 256 48 239.775 48 220.8zM448 360c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24s-10.745 24-24 24-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24z"],
- "hand-point-right": [512, 512, [], "f0a4", "M428.8 137.6h-86.177a115.52 115.52 0 0 0 2.176-22.4c0-47.914-35.072-83.2-92-83.2-45.314 0-57.002 48.537-75.707 78.784-7.735 12.413-16.994 23.317-25.851 33.253l-.131.146-.129.148C135.662 161.807 127.764 168 120.8 168h-2.679c-5.747-4.952-13.536-8-22.12-8H32c-17.673 0-32 12.894-32 28.8v230.4C0 435.106 14.327 448 32 448h64c8.584 0 16.373-3.048 22.12-8h2.679c28.688 0 67.137 40 127.2 40h21.299c62.542 0 98.8-38.658 99.94-91.145 12.482-17.813 18.491-40.785 15.985-62.791A93.148 93.148 0 0 0 393.152 304H428.8c45.435 0 83.2-37.584 83.2-83.2 0-45.099-38.101-83.2-83.2-83.2zm0 118.4h-91.026c12.837 14.669 14.415 42.825-4.95 61.05 11.227 19.646 1.687 45.624-12.925 53.625 6.524 39.128-10.076 61.325-50.6 61.325H248c-45.491 0-77.21-35.913-120-39.676V215.571c25.239-2.964 42.966-21.222 59.075-39.596 11.275-12.65 21.725-25.3 30.799-39.875C232.355 112.712 244.006 80 252.8 80c23.375 0 44 8.8 44 35.2 0 35.2-26.4 53.075-26.4 70.4h158.4c18.425 0 35.2 16.5 35.2 35.2 0 18.975-16.225 35.2-35.2 35.2zM88 384c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24s-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24 24 10.745 24 24z"],
- "hand-point-up": [448, 512, [], "f0a6", "M105.6 83.2v86.177a115.52 115.52 0 0 0-22.4-2.176c-47.914 0-83.2 35.072-83.2 92 0 45.314 48.537 57.002 78.784 75.707 12.413 7.735 23.317 16.994 33.253 25.851l. 376.338 136 384.236 136 391.2v2.679c-4.952 5.747-8 13.536-8 22.12v64c0 17.673 12.894 32 28.8 32h230.4c15.906 0 28.8-14.327 28.8-32v-64c0-8.584-3.048-16.373-8-22.12V391.2c0-28.688 40-67.137 40-127.2v-21.299c0-62.542-38.658-98.8-91.145-99.94-17.813-12.482-40.785-18.491-62.791-15.985A93.148 93.148 0 0 0 272 118.847V83.2C272 37.765 234.416 0 188.8 0c-45.099 0-83.2 38.101-83.2 83.2zm118.4 0v91.026c14.669-12.837 42.825-14.415 61.05 4.95 19.646-11.227 45.624-1.687 53.625 12.925 39.128-6.524 61.325 10.076 61.325 50.6V264c0 45.491-35.913 77.21-39.676 120H183.571c-2.964-25.239-21.222-42.966-39.596-59.075-12.65-11.275-25.3-21.725-39.875-30.799C80.712 279.645 48 267.994 48 259.2c0-23.375 8.8-44 35.2-44 35.2 0 53.075 26.4 70.4 26.4V83.2c0-18.425 16.5-35.2 35.2-35.2 18.975 0 35.2 16.225 35.2 35.2zM352 424c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24s-10.745 24-24 24-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24z"],
- "hand-pointer": [448, 512, [], "f25a", "M358.182 179.361c-19.493-24.768-52.679-31.945-79.872-19.098-15.127-15.687-36.182-22.487-56.595-19.629V67c0-36.944-29.736-67-66.286-67S89.143 30.056 89.143 67v161.129c-19.909-7.41-43.272-5.094-62.083 8.872-29.355 21.795-35.793 63.333-14.55 93.152l109.699 154.001C134.632 501.59 154.741 512 176 512h178.286c30.802 0 57.574-21.5 64.557-51.797l27.429-118.999A67.873 67.873 0 0 0 448 326v-84c0-46.844-46.625-79.273-89.818-62.639zM80.985 279.697l27.126 38.079c8.995 12.626 29.031 6.287 29.031-9.283V67c0-25.12 36.571-25.16 36.571 0v175c0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16h6.857c8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16v-35c0-25.12 36.571-25.16 36.571 0v35c0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16H272c8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16v-21c0-25.12 36.571-25.16 36.571 0v21c0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16h6.857c8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16 0-25.121 36.571-25.16 36.571 0v84c0 1.488-.169 2.977-.502 4.423l-27.43 119.001c-1.978 8.582-9.29 14.576-17.782 14.576H176c-5.769 0-11.263-2.878-14.697-7.697l-109.712-154c-14.406-20.223 14.994-42.818 29.394-22.606zM176.143 400v-96c0-8.837 6.268-16 14-16h6c7.732 0 14 7.163 14 16v96c0 8.837-6.268 16-14 16h-6c-7.733 0-14-7.163-14-16zm75.428 0v-96c0-8.837 6.268-16 14-16h6c7.732 0 14 7.163 14 16v96c0 8.837-6.268 16-14 16h-6c-7.732 0-14-7.163-14-16zM327 400v-96c0-8.837 6.268-16 14-16h6c7.732 0 14 7.163 14 16v96c0 8.837-6.268 16-14 16h-6c-7.732 0-14-7.163-14-16z"],
- "hand-rock": [512, 512, [], "f255", "M408.864 79.052c-22.401-33.898-66.108-42.273-98.813-23.588-29.474-31.469-79.145-31.093-108.334-.022-47.16-27.02-108.71 5.055-110.671 60.806C44.846 105.407 0 140.001 0 187.429v56.953c0 32.741 14.28 63.954 39.18 85.634l97.71 85.081c4.252 3.702 3.11 5.573 3.11 32.903 0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32h252c17.673 0 32-14.327 32-32 0-23.513-1.015-30.745 3.982-42.37l42.835-99.656c6.094-14.177 9.183-29.172 9.183-44.568V146.963c0-52.839-54.314-88.662-103.136-67.911zM464 261.406a64.505 64.505 0 0 1-5.282 25.613l-42.835 99.655c-5.23 12.171-7.883 25.04-7.883 38.25V432H188v-10.286c0-16.37-7.14-31.977-19.59-42.817l-97.71-85.08C56.274 281.255 48 263.236 48 244.381v-56.953c0-33.208 52-33.537 52 .677v41.228a16 16 0 0 0 5.493 12.067l7 6.095A16 16 0 0 0 139 235.429V118.857c0-33.097 52-33.725 52 .677v26.751c0 8.836 7.164 16 16 16h7c8.836 0 16-7.164 16-16v-41.143c0-33.134 52-33.675 52 .677v40.466c0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16h7c8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16v-27.429c0-33.03 52-33.78 52 .677v26.751c0 8.836 7.163 16 16 16h7c8.837 0 16-7.164 16-16 0-33.146 52-33.613 52 .677v114.445z"],
- "hand-scissors": [512, 512, [], "f257", "M256 480l70-.013c5.114 0 10.231-.583 15.203-1.729l118.999-27.427C490.56 443.835 512 417.02 512 386.277V180.575c0-23.845-13.03-45.951-34.005-57.69l-97.999-54.853c-34.409-19.261-67.263-5.824-92.218 24.733L142.85 37.008c-37.887-14.579-80.612 3.727-95.642 41.201-15.098 37.642 3.635 80.37 41.942 95.112L168 192l-94-9.141c-40.804 0-74 32.811-74 73.14 0 40.33 33.196 73.141 74 73.141h87.635c-3.675 26.245 8.692 51.297 30.341 65.006C178.657 436.737 211.044 480 256 480zm0-48.013c-25.16 0-25.12-36.567 0-36.567 8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-6.856c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-28c-25.159 0-25.122-36.567 0-36.567h28c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-6.856c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H74c-34.43 0-34.375-50.281 0-50.281h182c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-11.632a16 16 0 0 0-10.254-14.933L106.389 128.51c-31.552-12.14-13.432-59.283 19.222-46.717l166.549 64.091a16.001 16.001 0 0 0 18.139-4.812l21.764-26.647c5.82-7.127 16.348-9.064 24.488-4.508l98 54.854c5.828 3.263 9.449 9.318 9.449 15.805v205.701c0 8.491-5.994 15.804-14.576 17.782l-119.001 27.427a19.743 19.743 0 0 1-4.423.502h-70z"],
- "hand-spock": [512, 512, [], "f259", "M21.096 381.79l129.092 121.513a32 32 0 0 0 21.932 8.698h237.6c14.17 0 26.653-9.319 30.68-22.904l31.815-107.313A115.955 115.955 0 0 0 477 348.811v-36.839c0-4.051.476-8.104 1.414-12.045l31.73-133.41c10.099-42.412-22.316-82.738-65.544-82.525-4.144-24.856-22.543-47.165-49.85-53.992-35.803-8.952-72.227 12.655-81.25 48.75L296.599 184 274.924 52.01c-8.286-36.07-44.303-58.572-80.304-50.296-29.616 6.804-50.138 32.389-51.882 61.295-42.637.831-73.455 40.563-64.071 81.844l31.04 136.508c-27.194-22.515-67.284-19.992-91.482 5.722-25.376 26.961-24.098 69.325 2.871 94.707zm32.068-61.811l.002-.001c7.219-7.672 19.241-7.98 26.856-.813l53.012 49.894C143.225 378.649 160 371.4 160 357.406v-69.479c0-1.193-.134-2.383-.397-3.546l-34.13-150.172c-5.596-24.617 31.502-32.86 37.054-8.421l30.399 133.757a16 16 0 0 0 15.603 12.454h8.604c10.276 0 17.894-9.567 15.594-19.583l-41.62-181.153c-5.623-24.469 31.39-33.076 37.035-8.508l45.22 196.828A16 16 0 0 0 288.956 272h13.217a16 16 0 0 0 15.522-12.119l42.372-169.49c6.104-24.422 42.962-15.159 36.865 9.217L358.805 252.12c-2.521 10.088 5.115 19.88 15.522 19.88h9.694a16 16 0 0 0 15.565-12.295L426.509 146.6c5.821-24.448 42.797-15.687 36.966 8.802L431.72 288.81a100.094 100.094 0 0 0-2.72 23.162v36.839c0 6.548-.943 13.051-2.805 19.328L397.775 464h-219.31L53.978 346.836c-7.629-7.18-7.994-19.229-.814-26.857z"],
- "handshake": [640, 512, [], "f2b5", "M519.2 127.9l-47.6-47.6A56.252 56.252 0 0 0 432 64H205.2c-14.8 0-29.1 5.9-39.6 16.3L118 127.9H0v255.7h64c17.6 0 31.8-14.2 31.9-31.7h9.1l84.6 76.4c30.9 25.1 73.8 25.7 105.6 3.8 12.5 10.8 26 15.9 41.1 15.9 18.2 0 35.3-7.4 48.8-24 22.1 8.7 48.2 2.6 64-16.8l26.2-32.3c5.6-6.9 9.1-14.8 10.9-23h57.9c.1 17.5 14.4 31.7 31.9 31.7h64V127.9H519.2zM48 351.6c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16c0 8.9-7.2 16-16 16zm390-6.9l-26.1 32.2c-2.8 3.4-7.8 4-11.3 1.2l-23.9-19.4-30 36.5c-6 7.3-15 4.8-18 2.4l-36.8-31.5-15.6 19.2c-13.9 17.1-39.2 19.7-55.3 6.6l-97.3-88H96V175.8h41.9l61.7-61.6c2-.8 3.7-1.5 5.7-2.3H262l-38.7 35.5c-29.4 26.9-31.1 72.3-4.4 101.3 14.8 16.2 61.2 41.2 101.5 4.4l8.2-7.5 108.2 87.8c3.4 2.8 3.9 7.9 1.2 11.3zm106-40.8h-69.2c-2.3-2.8-4.9-5.4-7.7-7.7l-102.7-83.4 12.5-11.4c6.5-6 7-16.1 1-22.6L367 167.1c-6-6.5-16.1-6.9-22.6-1l-55.2 50.6c-9.5 8.7-25.7 9.4-34.6 0-9.3-9.9-8.5-25.1 1.2-33.9l65.6-60.1c7.4-6.8 17-10.5 27-10.5l83.7-.2c2.1 0 4.1.8 5.5 2.3l61.7 61.6H544v128zm48 47.7c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16c0 8.9-7.2 16-16 16z"],
- "hdd": [576, 512, [], "f0a0", "M567.403 235.642L462.323 84.589A48 48 0 0 0 422.919 64H153.081a48 48 0 0 0-39.404 20.589L8.597 235.642A48.001 48.001 0 0 0 0 263.054V400c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h480c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V263.054c0-9.801-3-19.366-8.597-27.412zM153.081 112h269.838l77.913 112H75.168l77.913-112zM528 400H48V272h480v128zm-32-64c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32s-32-14.327-32-32 14.327-32 32-32 32 14.327 32 32zm-96 0c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32s-32-14.327-32-32 14.327-32 32-32 32 14.327 32 32z"],
- "heart": [512, 512, [], "f004", "M458.4 64.3C400.6 15.7 311.3 23 256 79.3 200.7 23 111.4 15.6 53.6 64.3-21.6 127.6-10.6 230.8 43 285.5l175.4 178.7c10 10.2 23.4 15.9 37.6 15.9 14.3 0 27.6-5.6 37.6-15.8L469 285.6c53.5-54.7 64.7-157.9-10.6-221.3zm-23.6 187.5L259.4 430.5c-2.4 2.4-4.4 2.4-6.8 0L77.2 251.8c-36.5-37.2-43.9-107.6 7.3-150.7 38.9-32.7 98.9-27.8 136.5 10.5l35 35.7 35-35.7c37.8-38.5 97.8-43.2 136.5-10.6 51.1 43.1 43.5 113.9 7.3 150.8z"],
- "hospital": [448, 512, [], "f0f8", "M128 244v-40c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-40c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm140 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12zm-76 84v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm76 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12zm180 124v36H0v-36c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h19.5V85.035C31.5 73.418 42.245 64 55.5 64H144V24c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h112c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v40h88.5c13.255 0 24 9.418 24 21.035V464H436c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zM79.5 463H192v-67c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v67h112.5V112H304v24c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H168c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-24H79.5v351zM266 64h-26V38a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-20a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v26h-26a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v20a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h26v26a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h20a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V96h26a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V70a6 6 0 0 0-6-6z"],
- "hourglass": [384, 512, [], "f254", "M368 48h4c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12C5.373 0 0 5.373 0 12v24c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h4c0 80.564 32.188 165.807 97.18 208C47.899 298.381 16 383.9 16 464h-4c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v24c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h360c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-24c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-4c0-80.564-32.188-165.807-97.18-208C336.102 213.619 368 128.1 368 48zM64 48h256c0 101.62-57.307 184-128 184S64 149.621 64 48zm256 416H64c0-101.62 57.308-184 128-184s128 82.38 128 184z"],
- "id-badge": [384, 512, [], "f2c1", "M336 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm0 464H48V48h288v416zM144 112h96c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16s-7.2-16-16-16h-96c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16s7.2 16 16 16zm48 176c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64zm-89.6 128h179.2c12.4 0 22.4-8.6 22.4-19.2v-19.2c0-31.8-30.1-57.6-67.2-57.6-10.8 0-18.7 8-44.8 8-26.9 0-33.4-8-44.8-8-37.1 0-67.2 25.8-67.2 57.6v19.2c0 10.6 10 19.2 22.4 19.2z"],
- "id-card": [576, 512, [], "f2c2", "M528 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm0 400H303.2c.9-4.5.8 3.6.8-22.4 0-31.8-30.1-57.6-67.2-57.6-10.8 0-18.7 8-44.8 8-26.9 0-33.4-8-44.8-8-37.1 0-67.2 25.8-67.2 57.6 0 26-.2 17.9.8 22.4H48V144h480v288zm-168-80h112c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-16c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm0-64h112c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-16c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm0-64h112c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-16c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm-168 96c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64z"],
- "image": [512, 512, [], "f03e", "M464 64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V112c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-6 336H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V118a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h404a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v276a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zM128 152c-22.091 0-40 17.909-40 40s17.909 40 40 40 40-17.909 40-40-17.909-40-40-40zM96 352h320v-80l-87.515-87.515c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0L192 304l-39.515-39.515c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0L96 304v48z"],
- "images": [576, 512, [], "f302", "M480 416v16c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V176c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h16v48H54a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v244a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h372a6 6 0 0 0 6-6v-10h48zm42-336H150a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v244a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h372a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V86a6 6 0 0 0-6-6zm6-48c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v256c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H144c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h384zM264 144c0 22.091-17.909 40-40 40s-40-17.909-40-40 17.909-40 40-40 40 17.909 40 40zm-72 96l39.515-39.515c4.686-4.686 12.284-4.686 16.971 0L288 240l103.515-103.515c4.686-4.686 12.284-4.686 16.971 0L480 208v80H192v-48z"],
- "keyboard": [576, 512, [], "f11c", "M528 64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h480c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V112c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm8 336c0 4.411-3.589 8-8 8H48c-4.411 0-8-3.589-8-8V112c0-4.411 3.589-8 8-8h480c4.411 0 8 3.589 8 8v288zM170 270v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm-336 82v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H82c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm384 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zM122 188v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H82c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-28c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm-98 158v-16c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H180c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v16c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h216c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12z"],
- "kiss": [496, 512, [], "f596", "M168 176c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm136 132c0-19.2-28.8-41.5-71.5-44-3.8-.4-7.4 2.4-8.2 6.2-.9 3.8 1.1 7.7 4.7 9.2l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-5.7 2.4-6 12.2 0 14.8l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-3.6 1.5-5.6 5.4-4.7 9.2.8 3.6 4.1 6.2 7.8 6.2h.5c42.8-2.5 71.5-24.8 71.5-44 0-13-13.4-27.3-35.2-36C290.6 335.3 304 321 304 308zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm80-280c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32z"],
- "kiss-beam": [496, 512, [], "f597", "M168 152c-23.8 0-52.7 29.3-56 71.4-.3 3.7 2 7.2 5.6 8.3 3.5 1 7.5-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 5.9-4.5 5.6-8.3-3.1-42.1-32-71.4-55.8-71.4zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm56-148c0-19.2-28.8-41.5-71.5-44-3.8-.4-7.4 2.4-8.2 6.2-.9 3.8 1.1 7.7 4.7 9.2l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-5.7 2.4-6 12.2 0 14.8l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-3.6 1.5-5.6 5.4-4.7 9.2.8 3.6 4.1 6.2 7.8 6.2h.5c42.8-2.5 71.5-24.8 71.5-44 0-13-13.4-27.3-35.2-36C290.6 335.3 304 321 304 308zm24-156c-23.8 0-52.7 29.3-56 71.4-.3 3.7 2 7.2 5.6 8.3 3.5 1 7.5-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 5.9-4.5 5.6-8.3-3.1-42.1-32-71.4-55.8-71.4z"],
- "kiss-wink-heart": [504, 512, [], "f598", "M304 308.5c0-19.2-28.8-41.5-71.5-44-3.8-.4-7.4 2.4-8.2 6.2-.9 3.8 1.1 7.7 4.7 9.2l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-5.7 2.4-6 12.2 0 14.8l16.9 7.2c13 5.5 20.8 13.5 20.8 21.5s-7.8 16-20.7 21.5l-17 7.2c-3.6 1.5-5.6 5.4-4.7 9.2.8 3.6 4.1 6.2 7.8 6.2h.5c42.8-2.5 71.5-24.8 71.5-44 0-13-13.4-27.3-35.2-36 21.7-9.1 35.1-23.4 35.1-36.4zm70.5-83.5l9.5 8.5c3.8 3.3 9.3 4 13.7 1.6 4.4-2.4 6.9-7.4 6.1-12.4-4-25.2-34.2-42.1-59.8-42.1s-55.9 16.9-59.8 42.1c-.8 5 1.7 10 6.1 12.4 5.8 3.1 11.2.7 13.7-1.6l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0zM136 208.5c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32s32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32zm365.1 194c-8-20.8-31.5-31.5-53.1-25.9l-8.4 2.2-2.3-8.4c-5.9-21.4-27-36.5-49-33-25.2 4-40.6 28.6-34 52.6l22.9 82.6c1.5 5.3 7 8.5 12.4 7.1l83-21.5c24.1-6.3 37.7-31.8 28.5-55.7zM334 436.3c-26.1 12.5-55.2 19.7-86 19.7-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200c0 22.1-3.7 43.3-10.4 63.2 9 6.4 17 14.2 22.6 23.9 6.4.1 12.6 1.4 18.6 2.9 10.9-27.9 17.1-58.2 17.1-90C496 119 385 8 248 8S0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248c35.4 0 68.9-7.5 99.4-20.9-2.5-7.3 4.3 17.2-13.4-46.8z"],
- "laugh": [496, 512, [], "f599", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm141.4 389.4c-37.8 37.8-88 58.6-141.4 58.6s-103.6-20.8-141.4-58.6S48 309.4 48 256s20.8-103.6 58.6-141.4S194.6 56 248 56s103.6 20.8 141.4 58.6S448 202.6 448 256s-20.8 103.6-58.6 141.4zM328 224c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm-160 0c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm194.4 64H133.6c-8.2 0-14.5 7-13.5 15 7.5 59.2 58.9 105 121.1 105h13.6c62.2 0 113.6-45.8 121.1-105 1-8-5.3-15-13.5-15z"],
- "laugh-beam": [496, 512, [], "f59a", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm141.4 389.4c-37.8 37.8-88 58.6-141.4 58.6s-103.6-20.8-141.4-58.6S48 309.4 48 256s20.8-103.6 58.6-141.4S194.6 56 248 56s103.6 20.8 141.4 58.6S448 202.6 448 256s-20.8 103.6-58.6 141.4zM328 152c-23.8 0-52.7 29.3-56 71.4-.7 8.6 10.8 11.9 14.9 4.5l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c4.1 7.4 15.6 4 14.9-4.5-3.1-42.1-32-71.4-55.8-71.4zm-201 75.9l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c4.1 7.4 15.6 4 14.9-4.5-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.6 8.5 10.9 11.9 15.1 4.5zM362.4 288H133.6c-8.2 0-14.5 7-13.5 15 7.5 59.2 58.9 105 121.1 105h13.6c62.2 0 113.6-45.8 121.1-105 1-8-5.3-15-13.5-15z"],
- "laugh-squint": [496, 512, [], "f59b", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm141.4 389.4c-37.8 37.8-88 58.6-141.4 58.6s-103.6-20.8-141.4-58.6S48 309.4 48 256s20.8-103.6 58.6-141.4S194.6 56 248 56s103.6 20.8 141.4 58.6S448 202.6 448 256s-20.8 103.6-58.6 141.4zM343.6 196l33.6-40.3c8.6-10.3-3.8-24.8-15.4-18l-80 48c-7.8 4.7-7.8 15.9 0 20.6l80 48c11.5 6.8 24-7.6 15.4-18L343.6 196zm-209.4 58.3l80-48c7.8-4.7 7.8-15.9 0-20.6l-80-48c-11.6-6.9-24 7.7-15.4 18l33.6 40.3-33.6 40.3c-8.7 10.4 3.8 24.8 15.4 18zM362.4 288H133.6c-8.2 0-14.5 7-13.5 15 7.5 59.2 58.9 105 121.1 105h13.6c62.2 0 113.6-45.8 121.1-105 1-8-5.3-15-13.5-15z"],
- "laugh-wink": [496, 512, [], "f59c", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm141.4 389.4c-37.8 37.8-88 58.6-141.4 58.6s-103.6-20.8-141.4-58.6C68.8 359.6 48 309.4 48 256s20.8-103.6 58.6-141.4C144.4 76.8 194.6 56 248 56s103.6 20.8 141.4 58.6c37.8 37.8 58.6 88 58.6 141.4s-20.8 103.6-58.6 141.4zM328 164c-25.7 0-55.9 16.9-59.9 42.1-1.7 11.2 11.5 18.2 19.8 10.8l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0l9.5 8.5c8.5 7.4 21.6.3 19.8-10.8-3.8-25.2-34-42.1-59.7-42.1zm-160 60c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm194.4 64H133.6c-8.2 0-14.5 7-13.5 15 7.5 59.2 58.9 105 121.1 105h13.6c62.2 0 113.6-45.8 121.1-105 1-8-5.3-15-13.5-15z"],
- "lemon": [512, 512, [], "f094", "M484.112 27.889C455.989-.233 416.108-8.057 387.059 8.865 347.604 31.848 223.504-41.111 91.196 91.197-41.277 223.672 31.923 347.472 8.866 387.058c-16.922 29.051-9.1 68.932 19.022 97.054 28.135 28.135 68.011 35.938 97.057 19.021 39.423-22.97 163.557 49.969 295.858-82.329 132.474-132.477 59.273-256.277 82.331-295.861 16.922-29.05 9.1-68.931-19.022-97.054zm-22.405 72.894c-38.8 66.609 45.6 165.635-74.845 286.08-120.44 120.443-219.475 36.048-286.076 74.843-22.679 13.207-64.035-27.241-50.493-50.488 38.8-66.609-45.6-165.635 74.845-286.08C245.573 4.702 344.616 89.086 411.219 50.292c22.73-13.24 64.005 27.288 50.488 50.491zm-169.861 8.736c1.37 10.96-6.404 20.957-17.365 22.327-54.846 6.855-135.779 87.787-142.635 142.635-1.373 10.989-11.399 18.734-22.326 17.365-10.961-1.37-18.735-11.366-17.365-22.326 9.162-73.286 104.167-168.215 177.365-177.365 10.953-1.368 20.956 6.403 22.326 17.364z"],
- "life-ring": [512, 512, [], "f1cd", "M256 504c136.967 0 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248zm-103.398-76.72l53.411-53.411c31.806 13.506 68.128 13.522 99.974 0l53.411 53.411c-63.217 38.319-143.579 38.319-206.796 0zM336 256c0 44.112-35.888 80-80 80s-80-35.888-80-80 35.888-80 80-80 80 35.888 80 80zm91.28 103.398l-53.411-53.411c13.505-31.806 13.522-68.128 0-99.974l53.411-53.411c38.319 63.217 38.319 143.579 0 206.796zM359.397 84.72l-53.411 53.411c-31.806-13.505-68.128-13.522-99.973 0L152.602 84.72c63.217-38.319 143.579-38.319 206.795 0zM84.72 152.602l53.411 53.411c-13.506 31.806-13.522 68.128 0 99.974L84.72 359.398c-38.319-63.217-38.319-143.579 0-206.796z"],
- "lightbulb": [352, 512, [], "f0eb", "M176 80c-52.94 0-96 43.06-96 96 0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16s16-7.16 16-16c0-35.3 28.72-64 64-64 8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16s-7.16-16-16-16zM96.06 459.17c0 3.15.93 6.22 2.68 8.84l24.51 36.84c2.97 4.46 7.97 7.14 13.32 7.14h78.85c5.36 0 10.36-2.68 13.32-7.14l24.51-36.84c1.74-2.62 2.67-5.7 2.68-8.84l.05-43.18H96.02l.04 43.18zM176 0C73.72 0 0 82.97 0 176c0 44.37 16.45 84.85 43.56 115.78 16.64 18.99 42.74 58.8 52.42 92.16v.06h48v-.12c-.01-4.77-.72-9.51-2.15-14.07-5.59-17.81-22.82-64.77-62.17-109.67-20.54-23.43-31.52-53.15-31.61-84.14-.2-73.64 59.67-128 127.95-128 70.58 0 128 57.42 128 128 0 30.97-11.24 60.85-31.65 84.14-39.11 44.61-56.42 91.47-62.1 109.46a47.507 47.507 0 0 0-2.22 14.3v.1h48v-.05c9.68-33.37 35.78-73.18 52.42-92.16C335.55 260.85 352 220.37 352 176 352 78.8 273.2 0 176 0z"],
- "list-alt": [512, 512, [], "f022", "M464 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-6 400H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V86a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h404a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v340a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zm-42-92v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H204c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h200c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zm0-96v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H204c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h200c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zm0-96v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H204c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h200c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zm-252 12c0 19.882-16.118 36-36 36s-36-16.118-36-36 16.118-36 36-36 36 16.118 36 36zm0 96c0 19.882-16.118 36-36 36s-36-16.118-36-36 16.118-36 36-36 36 16.118 36 36zm0 96c0 19.882-16.118 36-36 36s-36-16.118-36-36 16.118-36 36-36 36 16.118 36 36z"],
- "map": [576, 512, [], "f279", "M560.02 32c-1.96 0-3.98.37-5.96 1.16L384.01 96H384L212 35.28A64.252 64.252 0 0 0 191.76 32c-6.69 0-13.37 1.05-19.81 3.14L20.12 87.95A32.006 32.006 0 0 0 0 117.66v346.32C0 473.17 7.53 480 15.99 480c1.96 0 3.97-.37 5.96-1.16L192 416l172 60.71a63.98 63.98 0 0 0 40.05.15l151.83-52.81A31.996 31.996 0 0 0 576 394.34V48.02c0-9.19-7.53-16.02-15.98-16.02zM224 90.42l128 45.19v285.97l-128-45.19V90.42zM48 418.05V129.07l128-44.53v286.2l-.64.23L48 418.05zm480-35.13l-128 44.53V141.26l.64-.24L528 93.95v288.97z"],
- "meh": [496, 512, [], "f11a", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-80-216c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160-64c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm8 144H160c-13.2 0-24 10.8-24 24s10.8 24 24 24h176c13.2 0 24-10.8 24-24s-10.8-24-24-24z"],
- "meh-blank": [496, 512, [], "f5a4", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-80-280c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm160 0c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32z"],
- "meh-rolling-eyes": [496, 512, [], "f5a5", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm88-304c-39.8 0-72 32.2-72 72s32.2 72 72 72 72-32.2 72-72-32.2-72-72-72zm0 112c-22.1 0-40-17.9-40-40 0-13.6 7.3-25.1 17.7-32.3-1 2.6-1.7 5.3-1.7 8.3 0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24s24-10.7 24-24c0-2.9-.7-5.7-1.7-8.3 10.4 7.2 17.7 18.7 17.7 32.3 0 22.1-17.9 40-40 40zm-104-40c0-39.8-32.2-72-72-72s-72 32.2-72 72 32.2 72 72 72 72-32.2 72-72zm-112 0c0-13.6 7.3-25.1 17.7-32.3-1 2.6-1.7 5.3-1.7 8.3 0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24s24-10.7 24-24c0-2.9-.7-5.7-1.7-8.3 10.4 7.2 17.7 18.7 17.7 32.3 0 22.1-17.9 40-40 40s-40-17.9-40-40zm192 128H184c-13.2 0-24 10.8-24 24s10.8 24 24 24h128c13.2 0 24-10.8 24-24s-10.8-24-24-24z"],
- "minus-square": [448, 512, [], "f146", "M108 284c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-32c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h232c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v32c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H108zM448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z"],
- "money-bill-alt": [640, 512, [], "f3d1", "M320 144c-53.02 0-96 50.14-96 112 0 61.85 42.98 112 96 112 53 0 96-50.13 96-112 0-61.86-42.98-112-96-112zm40 168c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-64c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16v-55.44l-.47.31a7.992 7.992 0 0 1-11.09-2.22l-8.88-13.31a7.992 7.992 0 0 1 2.22-11.09l15.33-10.22a23.99 23.99 0 0 1 13.31-4.03H328c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v88h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16zM608 64H32C14.33 64 0 78.33 0 96v320c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h576c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm-16 272c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64H112c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64V176c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64h416c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64v160z"],
- "moon": [512, 512, [], "f186", "M279.135 512c78.756 0 150.982-35.804 198.844-94.775 28.27-34.831-2.558-85.722-46.249-77.401-82.348 15.683-158.272-47.268-158.272-130.792 0-48.424 26.06-92.292 67.434-115.836 38.745-22.05 28.999-80.788-15.022-88.919A257.936 257.936 0 0 0 279.135 0c-141.36 0-256 114.575-256 256 0 141.36 114.576 256 256 256zm0-464c12.985 0 25.689 1.201 38.016 3.478-54.76 31.163-91.693 90.042-91.693 157.554 0 113.848 103.641 199.2 215.252 177.944C402.574 433.964 344.366 464 279.135 464c-114.875 0-208-93.125-208-208s93.125-208 208-208z"],
- "newspaper": [576, 512, [], "f1ea", "M552 64H112c-20.858 0-38.643 13.377-45.248 32H24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v272c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56h496c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V88c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zM48 392V144h16v248c0 4.411-3.589 8-8 8s-8-3.589-8-8zm480 8H111.422c.374-2.614.578-5.283.578-8V112h416v288zM172 280h136c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-96c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H172c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v96c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12zm28-80h80v40h-80v-40zm-40 140v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h136c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H172c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm192 0v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h104c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H364c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm0-144v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h104c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H364c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm0 72v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h104c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H364c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12z"],
- "object-group": [512, 512, [], "f247", "M500 128c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-72c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12H96V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12C5.373 32 0 37.373 0 44v72c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h12v256H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v72c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-12h320v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-72c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-12V128h12zm-52-64h32v32h-32V64zM32 64h32v32H32V64zm32 384H32v-32h32v32zm416 0h-32v-32h32v32zm-40-64h-12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12H96v-12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H72V128h12c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-12h320v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h12v256zm-36-192h-84v-52c0-6.628-5.373-12-12-12H108c-6.627 0-12 5.372-12 12v168c0 6.628 5.373 12 12 12h84v52c0 6.628 5.373 12 12 12h200c6.627 0 12-5.372 12-12V204c0-6.628-5.373-12-12-12zm-268-24h144v112H136V168zm240 176H232v-24h76c6.627 0 12-5.372 12-12v-76h56v112z"],
- "object-ungroup": [576, 512, [], "f248", "M564 224c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-72c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-72c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12h-88v-24h12c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-72c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12H96V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12C5.373 32 0 37.373 0 44v72c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h12v160H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v72c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-12h88v24h-12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v72c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-12h224v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-72c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-12V224h12zM352 64h32v32h-32V64zm0 256h32v32h-32v-32zM64 352H32v-32h32v32zm0-256H32V64h32v32zm32 216v-12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H72V128h12c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-12h224v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h12v160h-12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12H96zm128 136h-32v-32h32v32zm280-64h-12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v12H256v-12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-12v-24h88v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h72c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-72c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-12v-88h88v12c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h12v160zm40 64h-32v-32h32v32zm0-256h-32v-32h32v32z"],
- "paper-plane": [512, 512, [], "f1d8", "M440 6.5L24 246.4c-34.4 19.9-31.1 70.8 5.7 85.9L144 379.6V464c0 46.4 59.2 65.5 86.6 28.6l43.8-59.1 111.9 46.2c5.9 2.4 12.1 3.6 18.3 3.6 8.2 0 16.3-2.1 23.6-6.2 12.8-7.2 21.6-20 23.9-34.5l59.4-387.2c6.1-40.1-36.9-68.8-71.5-48.9zM192 464v-64.6l36.6 15.1L192 464zm212.6-28.7l-153.8-63.5L391 169.5c10.7-15.5-9.5-33.5-23.7-21.2L155.8 332.6 48 288 464 48l-59.4 387.3z"],
- "pause-circle": [512, 512, [], "f28b", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.5 0-200-89.5-200-200S145.5 56 256 56s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200zm96-280v160c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-48c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h48c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16zm-112 0v160c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-48c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h48c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16z"],
- "play-circle": [512, 512, [], "f144", "M371.7 238l-176-107c-15.8-8.8-35.7 2.5-35.7 21v208c0 18.4 19.8 29.8 35.7 21l176-101c16.4-9.1 16.4-32.8 0-42zM504 256C504 119 393 8 256 8S8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248zm-448 0c0-110.5 89.5-200 200-200s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200S56 366.5 56 256z"],
- "plus-square": [448, 512, [], "f0fe", "M352 240v32c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-88v88c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-32c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-88h-88c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-32c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h88v-88c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h32c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v88h88c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm96-160v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-48 346V86c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6H54c-3.3 0-6 2.7-6 6v340c0 3.3 2.7 6 6 6h340c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6z"],
- "question-circle": [512, 512, [], "f059", "M256 8C119.043 8 8 119.083 8 256c0 136.997 111.043 248 248 248s248-111.003 248-248C504 119.083 392.957 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.532 0-200-89.431-200-200 0-110.495 89.472-200 200-200 110.491 0 200 89.471 200 200 0 110.53-89.431 200-200 200zm107.244-255.2c0 67.052-72.421 68.084-72.421 92.863V300c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-45.647c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-8.659c0-35.745 27.1-50.034 47.579-61.516 17.561-9.845 28.324-16.541 28.324-29.579 0-17.246-21.999-28.693-39.784-28.693-23.189 0-33.894 10.977-48.942 29.969-4.057 5.12-11.46 6.071-16.666 2.124l-27.824-21.098c-5.107-3.872-6.251-11.066-2.644-16.363C184.846 131.491 214.94 112 261.794 112c49.071 0 101.45 38.304 101.45 88.8zM298 368c0 23.159-18.841 42-42 42s-42-18.841-42-42 18.841-42 42-42 42 18.841 42 42z"],
- "registered": [512, 512, [], "f25d", "M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.532 0-200-89.451-200-200 0-110.531 89.451-200 200-200 110.532 0 200 89.451 200 200 0 110.532-89.451 200-200 200zm110.442-81.791c-53.046-96.284-50.25-91.468-53.271-96.085 24.267-13.879 39.482-41.563 39.482-73.176 0-52.503-30.247-85.252-101.498-85.252h-78.667c-6.617 0-12 5.383-12 12V380c0 6.617 5.383 12 12 12h38.568c6.617 0 12-5.383 12-12v-83.663h31.958l47.515 89.303a11.98 11.98 0 0 0 10.593 6.36h42.81c9.14 0 14.914-9.799 10.51-17.791zM256.933 239.906h-33.875v-64.14h27.377c32.417 0 38.929 12.133 38.929 31.709-.001 20.913-11.518 32.431-32.431 32.431z"],
- "sad-cry": [496, 512, [], "f5b3", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm144 386.4V280c0-13.2-10.8-24-24-24s-24 10.8-24 24v151.4C315.5 447 282.8 456 248 456s-67.5-9-96-24.6V280c0-13.2-10.8-24-24-24s-24 10.8-24 24v114.4c-34.6-36-56-84.7-56-138.4 0-110.3 89.7-200 200-200s200 89.7 200 200c0 53.7-21.4 102.5-56 138.4zM205.8 234.5c4.4-2.4 6.9-7.4 6.1-12.4-4-25.2-34.2-42.1-59.8-42.1s-55.9 16.9-59.8 42.1c-.8 5 1.7 10 6.1 12.4 4.4 2.4 9.9 1.8 13.7-1.6l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0l9.5 8.5c2.5 2.3 7.9 4.8 13.7 1.6zM344 180c-25.7 0-55.9 16.9-59.8 42.1-.8 5 1.7 10 6.1 12.4 4.5 2.4 9.9 1.8 13.7-1.6l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0l9.5 8.5c2.5 2.2 8 4.7 13.7 1.6 4.4-2.4 6.9-7.4 6.1-12.4-3.9-25.2-34.1-42.1-59.8-42.1zm-96 92c-30.9 0-56 28.7-56 64s25.1 64 56 64 56-28.7 56-64-25.1-64-56-64z"],
- "sad-tear": [496, 512, [], "f5b4", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm8-152c-13.2 0-24 10.8-24 24s10.8 24 24 24c23.8 0 46.3 10.5 61.6 28.8 8.1 9.8 23.2 11.9 33.8 3.1 10.2-8.5 11.6-23.6 3.1-33.8C330 320.8 294.1 304 256 304zm-88-64c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160-64c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32zm-165.6 98.8C151 290.1 126 325.4 126 342.9c0 22.7 18.8 41.1 42 41.1s42-18.4 42-41.1c0-17.5-25-52.8-36.4-68.1-2.8-3.7-8.4-3.7-11.2 0z"],
- "save": [448, 512, [], "f0c7", "M433.941 129.941l-83.882-83.882A48 48 0 0 0 316.118 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V163.882a48 48 0 0 0-14.059-33.941zM272 80v80H144V80h128zm122 352H54a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V86a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h42v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h176c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V83.882l78.243 78.243a6 6 0 0 1 1.757 4.243V426a6 6 0 0 1-6 6zM224 232c-48.523 0-88 39.477-88 88s39.477 88 88 88 88-39.477 88-88-39.477-88-88-88zm0 128c-22.056 0-40-17.944-40-40s17.944-40 40-40 40 17.944 40 40-17.944 40-40 40z"],
- "share-square": [576, 512, [], "f14d", "M561.938 158.06L417.94 14.092C387.926-15.922 336 5.097 336 48.032v57.198c-42.45 1.88-84.03 6.55-120.76 17.99-35.17 10.95-63.07 27.58-82.91 49.42C108.22 199.2 96 232.6 96 271.94c0 61.697 33.178 112.455 84.87 144.76 37.546 23.508 85.248-12.651 71.02-55.74-15.515-47.119-17.156-70.923 84.11-78.76V336c0 42.993 51.968 63.913 81.94 33.94l143.998-144c18.75-18.74 18.75-49.14 0-67.88zM384 336V232.16C255.309 234.082 166.492 255.35 206.31 376 176.79 357.55 144 324.08 144 271.94c0-109.334 129.14-118.947 240-119.85V48l144 144-144 144zm24.74 84.493a82.658 82.658 0 0 0 20.974-9.303c7.976-4.952 18.286.826 18.286 10.214V464c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V112c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h132c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v4.486c0 4.917-2.987 9.369-7.569 11.152-13.702 5.331-26.396 11.537-38.05 18.585a12.138 12.138 0 0 1-6.28 1.777H54a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v340a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h340a6 6 0 0 0 6-6v-25.966c0-5.37 3.579-10.059 8.74-11.541z"],
- "smile": [496, 512, [], "f118", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm-80-216c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160 0c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm4 72.6c-20.8 25-51.5 39.4-84 39.4s-63.2-14.3-84-39.4c-8.5-10.2-23.7-11.5-33.8-3.1-10.2 8.5-11.5 23.6-3.1 33.8 30 36 74.1 56.6 120.9 56.6s90.9-20.6 120.9-56.6c8.5-10.2 7.1-25.3-3.1-33.8-10.1-8.4-25.3-7.1-33.8 3.1z"],
- "smile-beam": [496, 512, [], "f5b8", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm84-143.4c-20.8 25-51.5 39.4-84 39.4s-63.2-14.3-84-39.4c-8.5-10.2-23.6-11.5-33.8-3.1-10.2 8.5-11.5 23.6-3.1 33.8 30 36 74.1 56.6 120.9 56.6s90.9-20.6 120.9-56.6c8.5-10.2 7.1-25.3-3.1-33.8-10.2-8.4-25.3-7.1-33.8 3.1zM136.5 211c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4s-52.7 29.3-56 71.4c-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.4 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17zM328 152c-23.8 0-52.7 29.3-56 71.4-.3 3.7 2.1 7.2 5.7 8.3 3.5 1.1 7.4-.5 9.3-3.7l9.5-17c7.7-13.7 19.2-21.6 31.5-21.6s23.8 7.9 31.5 21.6l9.5 17c2.1 3.7 6.2 4.7 9.3 3.7 3.6-1.1 6-4.5 5.7-8.3-3.3-42.1-32.2-71.4-56-71.4z"],
- "smile-wink": [496, 512, [], "f4da", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm117.8-146.4c-10.2-8.5-25.3-7.1-33.8 3.1-20.8 25-51.5 39.4-84 39.4s-63.2-14.3-84-39.4c-8.5-10.2-23.7-11.5-33.8-3.1-10.2 8.5-11.5 23.6-3.1 33.8 30 36 74.1 56.6 120.9 56.6s90.9-20.6 120.9-56.6c8.5-10.2 7.1-25.3-3.1-33.8zM168 240c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32zm160-60c-25.7 0-55.9 16.9-59.9 42.1-1.7 11.2 11.5 18.2 19.8 10.8l9.5-8.5c14.8-13.2 46.2-13.2 61 0l9.5 8.5c8.5 7.4 21.6.3 19.8-10.8-3.8-25.2-34-42.1-59.7-42.1z"],
- "snowflake": [448, 512, [], "f2dc", "M438.237 355.927l-66.574-38.54 59.448-10.327c5.846-1.375 10.609-5.183 13.458-10.13 2.48-4.307 3.506-9.478 2.524-14.651-2.11-11.115-12.686-18.039-23.621-15.467l-85.423 31.115L255.914 256l82.136-41.926 85.423 31.115c10.936 2.572 21.512-4.352 23.621-15.467 2.111-11.115-5.046-22.209-15.981-24.781l-59.448-10.327 66.573-38.54c9.54-5.523 12.615-18.092 6.867-28.074-5.748-9.982-18.14-13.596-27.68-8.074l-66.574 38.54 20.805-56.787c3.246-10.782-2.758-22.542-13.413-26.268-10.654-3.725-21.922 1.997-25.168 12.779l-15.838 89.735-72.423 41.926V136l69.585-58.621c7.689-8.21 6.997-20.856-1.548-28.245-8.545-7.391-21.705-6.723-29.394 1.486l-38.644 46.46V20c0-11.046-9.318-20-20.813-20s-20.813 8.954-20.813 20v77.08l-38.644-46.46c-7.689-8.21-20.849-8.876-29.394-1.486-8.544 7.389-9.236 20.035-1.547 28.245L203.187 136v83.853l-72.423-41.926-15.838-89.736c-3.247-10.782-14.515-16.504-25.169-12.779-10.656 3.725-16.659 15.486-13.413 26.268l20.805 56.787-66.573-38.54c-9.54-5.523-21.933-1.908-27.68 8.074s-2.673 22.551 6.867 28.074l66.574 38.54-59.449 10.328C5.953 207.515-1.202 218.609.907 229.724c2.11 11.114 12.686 18.038 23.622 15.466l85.422-31.115L192.086 256l-82.136 41.926-85.423-31.115c-10.936-2.572-21.511 4.352-23.622 15.466-2.109 11.113 5.046 22.209 15.981 24.781l59.449 10.328-66.574 38.54C.223 361.449-2.852 374.018 2.896 384s18.14 13.597 27.68 8.074l66.574-38.54-20.805 56.786c-1.735 5.764-.828 11.805 2.02 16.751 2.48 4.307 6.433 7.784 11.392 9.517 10.655 3.725 21.923-1.997 25.169-12.779l15.838-89.736 72.423-41.926V376l-69.585 58.621c-7.69 8.21-6.997 20.855 1.547 28.245 8.544 7.388 21.705 6.723 29.394-1.487l38.644-46.46V492c0 11.046 9.318 20 20.813 20s20.813-8.954 20.813-20v-77.081l38.644 46.46c4.111 4.389 9.782 6.621 15.478 6.621 4.96 0 9.939-1.694 13.916-5.134 8.545-7.39 9.237-20.035 1.548-28.245L244.813 376v-83.853l72.423 41.926 15.838 89.736c3.246 10.782 14.514 16.504 25.168 12.779 10.653-3.726 16.659-15.487 13.412-26.268l-20.805-56.787 66.574 38.54c9.54 5.523 21.933 1.908 27.68-8.074 5.749-9.981 2.675-22.55-6.866-28.072z"],
- "square": [448, 512, [], "f0c8", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-6 400H54c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V86c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h340c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v340c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6z"],
- "star": [576, 512, [], "f005", "M528.1 171.5L382 150.2 316.7 17.8c-11.7-23.6-45.6-23.9-57.4 0L194 150.2 47.9 171.5c-26.2 3.8-36.7 36.1-17.7 54.6l105.7 103-25 145.5c-4.5 26.3 23.2 46 46.4 33.7L288 439.6l130.7 68.7c23.2 12.2 50.9-7.4 46.4-33.7l-25-145.5 105.7-103c19-18.5 8.5-50.8-17.7-54.6zM388.6 312.3l23.7 138.4L288 385.4l-124.3 65.3 23.7-138.4-100.6-98 139-20.2 62.2-126 62.2 126 139 20.2-100.6 98z"],
- "star-half": [576, 512, [], "f089", "M288 385.3l-124.3 65.4 23.7-138.4-100.6-98 139-20.2 62.2-126V0c-11.4 0-22.8 5.9-28.7 17.8L194 150.2 47.9 171.4c-26.2 3.8-36.7 36.1-17.7 54.6l105.7 103-25 145.5c-4.5 26.1 23 46 46.4 33.7L288 439.6v-54.3z"],
- "sticky-note": [448, 512, [], "f249", "M448 348.106V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v351.988c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h268.118a48 48 0 0 0 33.941-14.059l83.882-83.882A48 48 0 0 0 448 348.106zm-128 80v-76.118h76.118L320 428.106zM400 80v223.988H296c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v104H48V80h352z"],
- "stop-circle": [512, 512, [], "f28d", "M504 256C504 119 393 8 256 8S8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248zm-448 0c0-110.5 89.5-200 200-200s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200S56 366.5 56 256zm296-80v160c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16H176c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h160c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16z"],
- "sun": [512, 512, [], "f185", "M220.116 487.936l-20.213-49.425a3.992 3.992 0 0 0-5.808-1.886l-45.404 28.104c-29.466 18.24-66.295-8.519-58.054-42.179l12.699-51.865a3.993 3.993 0 0 0-3.59-4.941l-53.251-3.951c-34.554-2.562-48.632-45.855-22.174-68.247L65.08 259.05a3.992 3.992 0 0 0 0-6.106l-40.76-34.497c-26.45-22.384-12.39-65.682 22.174-68.246l53.251-3.951a3.993 3.993 0 0 0 3.59-4.941L90.637 89.443c-8.239-33.656 28.581-60.42 58.054-42.179l45.403 28.104a3.993 3.993 0 0 0 5.808-1.887l20.213-49.425c13.116-32.071 58.638-32.081 71.758 0l20.212 49.424a3.994 3.994 0 0 0 5.809 1.887l45.403-28.104c29.464-18.236 66.297 8.513 58.054 42.179l-12.699 51.865a3.995 3.995 0 0 0 3.59 4.941l53.251 3.951c34.553 2.563 48.633 45.854 22.175 68.246l-40.76 34.497a3.993 3.993 0 0 0 0 6.107l40.76 34.496c26.511 22.441 12.322 65.689-22.175 68.247l-53.251 3.951a3.993 3.993 0 0 0-3.589 4.942l12.698 51.864c8.241 33.658-28.583 60.421-58.054 42.18l-45.403-28.104a3.994 3.994 0 0 0-5.809 1.887l-20.212 49.424c-13.159 32.178-58.675 31.993-71.757 0zm16.814-64.568l19.064 46.616 19.064-46.615c10.308-25.2 40.778-35.066 63.892-20.759l42.822 26.507-11.976-48.919c-6.475-26.444 12.38-52.339 39.487-54.349l50.226-3.726-38.444-32.536c-20.782-17.591-20.747-49.621.001-67.18l38.442-32.536-50.225-3.727c-27.151-2.015-45.95-27.948-39.488-54.349l11.978-48.919-42.823 26.507c-23.151 14.327-53.603 4.4-63.892-20.76l-19.064-46.615-19.064 46.617c-10.305 25.198-40.778 35.066-63.891 20.76l-42.823-26.508 11.977 48.918c6.474 26.446-12.381 52.338-39.488 54.35l-50.224 3.726 38.443 32.537c20.782 17.588 20.747 49.619 0 67.178L52.48 322.123l50.226 3.726c27.151 2.014 45.95 27.947 39.487 54.349l-11.977 48.919 42.823-26.507c23.188-14.355 53.622-4.352 63.891 20.758zM256 384c-70.58 0-128-57.421-128-128 0-70.58 57.42-128 128-128 70.579 0 128 57.42 128 128 0 70.579-57.421 128-128 128zm0-208c-44.112 0-80 35.888-80 80s35.888 80 80 80 80-35.888 80-80-35.888-80-80-80z"],
- "surprise": [496, 512, [], "f5c2", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm0-176c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64s28.7 64 64 64 64-28.7 64-64-28.7-64-64-64zm-48-72c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32s-32 14.3-32 32 14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32zm128-32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32z"],
- "thumbs-down": [512, 512, [], "f165", "M466.27 225.31c4.674-22.647.864-44.538-8.99-62.99 2.958-23.868-4.021-48.565-17.34-66.99C438.986 39.423 404.117 0 327 0c-7 0-15 .01-22.22.01C201.195.01 168.997 40 128 40h-10.845c-5.64-4.975-13.042-8-21.155-8H32C14.327 32 0 46.327 0 64v240c0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32h64c11.842 0 22.175-6.438 27.708-16h7.052c19.146 16.953 46.013 60.653 68.76 83.4 13.667 13.667 10.153 108.6 71.76 108.6 57.58 0 95.27-31.936 95.27-104.73 0-18.41-3.93-33.73-8.85-46.54h36.48c48.602 0 85.82-41.565 85.82-85.58 0-19.15-4.96-34.99-13.73-49.84zM64 296c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24s10.745-24 24-24 24 10.745 24 24-10.745 24-24 24zm330.18 16.73H290.19c0 37.82 28.36 55.37 28.36 94.54 0 23.75 0 56.73-47.27 56.73-18.91-18.91-9.46-66.18-37.82-94.54C206.9 342.89 167.28 272 138.92 272H128V85.83c53.611 0 100.001-37.82 171.64-37.82h37.82c35.512 0 60.82 17.12 53.12 65.9 15.2 8.16 26.5 36.44 13.94 57.57 21.581 20.384 18.699 51.065 5.21 65.62 9.45 0 22.36 18.91 22.27 37.81-.09 18.91-16.71 37.82-37.82 37.82z"],
- "thumbs-up": [512, 512, [], "f164", "M466.27 286.69C475.04 271.84 480 256 480 236.85c0-44.015-37.218-85.58-85.82-85.58H357.7c4.92-12.81 8.85-28.13 8.85-46.54C366.55 31.936 328.86 0 271.28 0c-61.607 0-58.093 94.933-71.76 108.6-22.747 22.747-49.615 66.447-68.76 83.4H32c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32v240c0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32h64c14.893 0 27.408-10.174 30.978-23.95 44.509 1.001 75.06 39.94 177.802 39.94 7.22 0 15.22.01 22.22.01 77.117 0 111.986-39.423 112.94-95.33 13.319-18.425 20.299-43.122 17.34-66.99 9.854-18.452 13.664-40.343 8.99-62.99zm-61.75 53.83c12.56 21.13 1.26 49.41-13.94 57.57 7.7 48.78-17.608 65.9-53.12 65.9h-37.82c-71.639 0-118.029-37.82-171.64-37.82V240h10.92c28.36 0 67.98-70.89 94.54-97.46 28.36-28.36 18.91-75.63 37.82-94.54 47.27 0 47.27 32.98 47.27 56.73 0 39.17-28.36 56.72-28.36 94.54h103.99c21.11 0 37.73 18.91 37.82 37.82.09 18.9-12.82 37.81-22.27 37.81 13.489 14.555 16.371 45.236-5.21 65.62zM88 432c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24s-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24 24 10.745 24 24z"],
- "times-circle": [512, 512, [], "f057", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm0 448c-110.5 0-200-89.5-200-200S145.5 56 256 56s200 89.5 200 200-89.5 200-200 200zm101.8-262.2L295.6 256l62.2 62.2c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17l-22.6 22.6c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0L256 295.6l-62.2 62.2c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0l-22.6-22.6c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l62.2-62.2-62.2-62.2c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l22.6-22.6c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l62.2 62.2 62.2-62.2c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l22.6 22.6c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17z"],
- "tired": [496, 512, [], "f5c8", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-110.3 0-200-89.7-200-200S137.7 56 248 56s200 89.7 200 200-89.7 200-200 200zm129.1-303.8c-3.8-4.4-10.3-5.4-15.3-2.5l-80 48c-3.6 2.2-5.8 6.1-5.8 10.3s2.2 8.1 5.8 10.3l80 48c5.4 3.2 11.8 1.6 15.3-2.5 3.8-4.5 3.9-11 .1-15.5L343.6 208l33.6-40.3c3.8-4.5 3.7-11.1-.1-15.5zM220 208c0-4.2-2.2-8.1-5.8-10.3l-80-48c-5-3-11.5-1.9-15.3 2.5-3.8 4.5-3.9 11-.1 15.5l33.6 40.3-33.6 40.3c-3.8 4.5-3.7 11 .1 15.5 3.5 4.1 9.9 5.7 15.3 2.5l80-48c3.6-2.2 5.8-6.1 5.8-10.3zm28 64c-45.4 0-100.9 38.3-107.8 93.3-1.5 11.8 6.9 21.6 15.5 17.9C178.4 373.5 212 368 248 368s69.6 5.5 92.3 15.2c8.5 3.7 17-6 15.5-17.9-6.9-55-62.4-93.3-107.8-93.3z"],
- "trash-alt": [448, 512, [], "f2ed", "M192 188v216c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-24c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V188c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h24c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zm100-12h-24c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v216c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h24c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V188c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12zm132-96c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v12c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-20v336c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H80c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V128H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-12c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h74.411l34.018-56.696A48 48 0 0 1 173.589 0h100.823a48 48 0 0 1 41.16 23.304L349.589 80H424zm-269.611 0h139.223L276.16 50.913A6 6 0 0 0 271.015 48h-94.028a6 6 0 0 0-5.145 2.913L154.389 80zM368 128H80v330a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h276a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V128z"],
- "user": [448, 512, [], "f007", "M313.6 304c-28.7 0-42.5 16-89.6 16-47.1 0-60.8-16-89.6-16C60.2 304 0 364.2 0 438.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-25.6c0-74.2-60.2-134.4-134.4-134.4zM400 464H48v-25.6c0-47.6 38.8-86.4 86.4-86.4 14.6 0 38.3 16 89.6 16 51.7 0 74.9-16 89.6-16 47.6 0 86.4 38.8 86.4 86.4V464zM224 288c79.5 0 144-64.5 144-144S303.5 0 224 0 80 64.5 80 144s64.5 144 144 144zm0-240c52.9 0 96 43.1 96 96s-43.1 96-96 96-96-43.1-96-96 43.1-96 96-96z"],
- "user-circle": [496, 512, [], "f2bd", "M248 104c-53 0-96 43-96 96s43 96 96 96 96-43 96-96-43-96-96-96zm0 144c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm0-240C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 448c-49.7 0-95.1-18.3-130.1-48.4 14.9-23 40.4-38.6 69.6-39.5 20.8 6.4 40.6 9.6 60.5 9.6s39.7-3.1 60.5-9.6c29.2 1 54.7 16.5 69.6 39.5-35 30.1-80.4 48.4-130.1 48.4zm162.7-84.1c-24.4-31.4-62.1-51.9-105.1-51.9-10.2 0-26 9.6-57.6 9.6-31.5 0-47.4-9.6-57.6-9.6-42.9 0-80.6 20.5-105.1 51.9C61.9 339.2 48 299.2 48 256c0-110.3 89.7-200 200-200s200 89.7 200 200c0 43.2-13.9 83.2-37.3 115.9z"],
- "window-close": [512, 512, [], "f410", "M464 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm0 394c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6H54c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V86c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h404c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v340zM356.5 194.6L295.1 256l61.4 61.4c4.6 4.6 4.6 12.1 0 16.8l-22.3 22.3c-4.6 4.6-12.1 4.6-16.8 0L256 295.1l-61.4 61.4c-4.6 4.6-12.1 4.6-16.8 0l-22.3-22.3c-4.6-4.6-4.6-12.1 0-16.8l61.4-61.4-61.4-61.4c-4.6-4.6-4.6-12.1 0-16.8l22.3-22.3c4.6-4.6 12.1-4.6 16.8 0l61.4 61.4 61.4-61.4c4.6-4.6 12.1-4.6 16.8 0l22.3 22.3c4.7 4.6 4.7 12.1 0 16.8z"],
- "window-maximize": [512, 512, [], "f2d0", "M464 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm0 394c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6H54c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V192h416v234z"],
- "window-minimize": [512, 512, [], "f2d1", "M480 480H32c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32h448c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32z"],
- "window-restore": [512, 512, [], "f2d2", "M464 0H144c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v48H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v320c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h320c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-48h48c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-96 464H48V256h320v208zm96-96h-48V144c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H144V48h320v320z"]
-bunker(function () {
- define('far', icons);
-(function () {
-'use strict';
-var _WINDOW = {};
-try {
- if (typeof window !== 'undefined') _WINDOW = window;
-} catch (e) {}
-var _ref = _WINDOW.navigator || {};
-var _ref$userAgent = _ref.userAgent;
-var userAgent = _ref$userAgent === undefined ? '' : _ref$userAgent;
-var IS_IE = ~userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') || ~userAgent.indexOf('Trident/');
-var PRODUCTION = function () {
- try {
- return "production" === 'production';
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- }
-var oneToTen = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
-var oneToTwenty = oneToTen.concat([11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]);
-var RESERVED_CLASSES = ['xs', 'sm', 'lg', 'fw', 'ul', 'li', 'border', 'pull-left', 'pull-right', 'spin', 'pulse', 'rotate-90', 'rotate-180', 'rotate-270', 'flip-horizontal', 'flip-vertical', 'stack', 'stack-1x', 'stack-2x', 'inverse', 'layers', 'layers-text', 'layers-counter'].concat(oneToTen.map(function (n) {
- return n + 'x';
-})).concat(oneToTwenty.map(function (n) {
- return 'w-' + n;
-function bunker(fn) {
- try {
- fn();
- } catch (e) {
- if (!PRODUCTION) {
- throw e;
- }
- }
-var w = WINDOW || {};
-var namespace = w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER];
-var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- var source = arguments[i];
- for (var key in source) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
- target[key] = source[key];
- }
- }
- }
- return target;
-function define(prefix, icons) {
- var normalized = Object.keys(icons).reduce(function (acc, iconName) {
- var icon = icons[iconName];
- var expanded = !!icon.icon;
- if (expanded) {
- acc[icon.iconName] = icon.icon;
- } else {
- acc[iconName] = icon;
- }
- return acc;
- }, {});
- if (typeof namespace.hooks.addPack === 'function') {
- namespace.hooks.addPack(prefix, normalized);
- } else {
- namespace.styles[prefix] = _extends({}, namespace.styles[prefix] || {}, normalized);
- }
- /**
- * Font Awesome 4 used the prefix of `fa` for all icons. With the introduction
- * of new styles we needed to differentiate between them. Prefix `fa` is now an alias
- * for `fas` so we'll easy the upgrade process for our users by automatically defining
- * this as well.
- */
- if (prefix === 'fas') {
- define('fa', icons);
- }
-var icons = {
- "ad": [512, 512, [], "f641", "M157.52 272h36.96L176 218.78 157.52 272zM352 256c-13.23 0-24 10.77-24 24s10.77 24 24 24 24-10.77 24-24-10.77-24-24-24zM464 64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM250.58 352h-16.94c-6.81 0-12.88-4.32-15.12-10.75L211.15 320h-70.29l-7.38 21.25A16 16 0 0 1 118.36 352h-16.94c-11.01 0-18.73-10.85-15.12-21.25L140 176.12A23.995 23.995 0 0 1 162.67 160h26.66A23.99 23.99 0 0 1 212 176.13l53.69 154.62c3.61 10.4-4.11 21.25-15.11 21.25zM424 336c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-16c-4.85 0-9.04-2.27-11.98-5.68-8.62 3.66-18.09 5.68-28.02 5.68-39.7 0-72-32.3-72-72s32.3-72 72-72c8.46 0 16.46 1.73 24 4.42V176c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h16c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v160z"],
- "address-book": [448, 512, [], "f2b9", "M436 160c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-20V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h320c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-48h20c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-20v-64h20c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-20v-64h20zm-228-32c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64s-28.7 64-64 64-64-28.7-64-64 28.7-64 64-64zm112 236.8c0 10.6-10 19.2-22.4 19.2H118.4C106 384 96 375.4 96 364.8v-19.2c0-31.8 30.1-57.6 67.2-57.6h5c12.3 5.1 25.7 8 39.8 8s27.6-2.9 39.8-8h5c37.1 0 67.2 25.8 67.2 57.6v19.2z"],
- "address-card": [576, 512, [], "f2bb", "M528 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-352 96c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64s-28.7 64-64 64-64-28.7-64-64 28.7-64 64-64zm112 236.8c0 10.6-10 19.2-22.4 19.2H86.4C74 384 64 375.4 64 364.8v-19.2c0-31.8 30.1-57.6 67.2-57.6h5c12.3 5.1 25.7 8 39.8 8s27.6-2.9 39.8-8h5c37.1 0 67.2 25.8 67.2 57.6v19.2zM512 312c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H360c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16zm0-64c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H360c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16zm0-64c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H360c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16z"],
- "adjust": [512, 512, [], "f042", "M8 256c0 136.966 111.033 248 248 248s248-111.034 248-248S392.966 8 256 8 8 119.033 8 256zm248 184V72c101.705 0 184 82.311 184 184 0 101.705-82.311 184-184 184z"],
- "air-freshener": [384, 512, [], "f5d0", "M378.94 321.41L284.7 224h49.22c15.3 0 23.66-16.6 13.86-27.53L234.45 69.96c3.43-6.61 5.55-14 5.55-21.96 0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48s-48 21.49-48 48c0 7.96 2.12 15.35 5.55 21.96L36.22 196.47C26.42 207.4 34.78 224 50.08 224H99.3L5.06 321.41C-6.69 333.56 3.34 352 21.7 352H160v32H48c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v96c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h288c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-96c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H224v-32h138.3c18.36 0 28.39-18.44 16.64-30.59zM192 31.98c8.85 0 16.02 7.17 16.02 16.02 0 8.84-7.17 16.02-16.02 16.02S175.98 56.84 175.98 48c0-8.85 7.17-16.02 16.02-16.02zM304 432v32H80v-32h224z"],
- "align-center": [448, 512, [], "f037", "M352 44v40c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H112c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V44c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h224c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16zM16 228h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 256h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm320-200H112c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h224c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16z"],
- "align-justify": [448, 512, [], "f039", "M0 84V44c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h416c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v40c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zm16 144h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 256h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0-128h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16z"],
- "align-left": [448, 512, [], "f036", "M288 44v40c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V44c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h256c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16zM0 172v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16zm16 312h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm256-200H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h256c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16z"],
- "align-right": [448, 512, [], "f038", "M160 84V44c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h256c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v40c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H176c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zM16 228h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 256h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm160-128h256c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H176c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16z"],
- "allergies": [448, 512, [], "f461", "M416 112c-17.6 0-32 14.4-32 32v72c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-16c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8V64c0-17.6-14.4-32-32-32s-32 14.4-32 32v152c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-16c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8V32c0-17.6-14.4-32-32-32s-32 14.4-32 32v184c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-16c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8V64c0-17.6-14.4-32-32-32S96 46.4 96 64v241l-23.6-32.5c-13-17.9-38-21.8-55.9-8.8s-21.8 38-8.8 55.9l125.6 172.7c9 12.4 23.5 19.8 38.8 19.8h197.6c22.3 0 41.6-15.3 46.7-37l26.5-112.7c3.2-13.7 4.9-28.3 5.1-42.3V144c0-17.6-14.4-32-32-32zM176 416c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zm0-96c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zm64 128c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zm0-96c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zm64 32c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zm32 64c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zm32-128c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16z"],
- "ambulance": [640, 512, [], "f0f9", "M624 352h-16V243.9c0-12.7-5.1-24.9-14.1-33.9L494 110.1c-9-9-21.2-14.1-33.9-14.1H416V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v320c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h16c0 53 43 96 96 96s96-43 96-96h128c0 53 43 96 96 96s96-43 96-96h48c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zM160 464c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm144-248c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-56v56c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-48c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-56h-56c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-48c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h56v-56c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h48c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v56h56c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v48zm176 248c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm80-208H416V144h44.1l99.9 99.9V256z"],
- "american-sign-language-interpreting": [640, 512, [], "f2a3", "M290.547 189.039c-20.295-10.149-44.147-11.199-64.739-3.89 42.606 0 71.208 20.475 85.578 50.576 8.576 17.899-5.148 38.071-23.617 38.071 18.429 0 32.211 20.136 23.617 38.071-14.725 30.846-46.123 50.854-80.298 50.854-.557 0-94.471-8.615-94.471-8.615l-66.406 33.347c-9.384 4.693-19.815.379-23.895-7.781L1.86 290.747c-4.167-8.615-1.111-18.897 6.946-23.621l58.072-33.069L108 159.861c6.39-57.245 34.731-109.767 79.743-146.726 11.391-9.448 28.341-7.781 37.51 3.613 9.446 11.394 7.78 28.067-3.612 37.516-12.503 10.559-23.618 22.509-32.509 35.57 21.672-14.729 46.679-24.732 74.186-28.067 14.725-1.945 28.063 8.336 29.73 23.065 1.945 14.728-8.336 28.067-23.062 29.734-16.116 1.945-31.12 7.503-44.178 15.284 26.114-5.713 58.712-3.138 88.079 11.115 13.336 6.669 18.893 22.509 12.224 35.848-6.389 13.06-22.504 18.617-35.564 12.226zm-27.229 69.472c-6.112-12.505-18.338-20.286-32.231-20.286a35.46 35.46 0 0 0-35.565 35.57c0 21.428 17.808 35.57 35.565 35.57 13.893 0 26.119-7.781 32.231-20.286 4.446-9.449 13.614-15.006 23.339-15.284-9.725-.277-18.893-5.835-23.339-15.284zm374.821-37.237c4.168 8.615 1.111 18.897-6.946 23.621l-58.071 33.069L532 352.16c-6.39 57.245-34.731 109.767-79.743 146.726-10.932 9.112-27.799 8.144-37.51-3.613-9.446-11.394-7.78-28.067 3.613-37.516 12.503-10.559 23.617-22.509 32.508-35.57-21.672 14.729-46.679 24.732-74.186 28.067-10.021 2.506-27.552-5.643-29.73-23.065-1.945-14.728 8.336-28.067 23.062-29.734 16.116-1.946 31.12-7.503 44.178-15.284-26.114 5.713-58.712 3.138-88.079-11.115-13.336-6.669-18.893-22.509-12.224-35.848 6.389-13.061 22.505-18.619 35.565-12.227 20.295 10.149 44.147 11.199 64.739 3.89-42.606 0-71.208-20.475-85.578-50.576-8.576-17.899 5.148-38.071 23.617-38.071-18.429 0-32.211-20.136-23.617-38.071 14.033-29.396 44.039-50.887 81.966-50.854l92.803 8.615 66.406-33.347c9.408-4.704 19.828-.354 23.894 7.781l44.455 88.926zm-229.227-18.618c-13.893 0-26.119 7.781-32.231 20.286-4.446 9.449-13.614 15.006-23.339 15.284 9.725.278 18.893 5.836 23.339 15.284 6.112 12.505 18.338 20.286 32.231 20.286a35.46 35.46 0 0 0 35.565-35.57c0-21.429-17.808-35.57-35.565-35.57z"],
- "anchor": [576, 512, [], "f13d", "M12.971 352h32.394C67.172 454.735 181.944 512 288 512c106.229 0 220.853-57.38 242.635-160h32.394c10.691 0 16.045-12.926 8.485-20.485l-67.029-67.029c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0l-67.029 67.029c-7.56 7.56-2.206 20.485 8.485 20.485h35.146c-20.29 54.317-84.963 86.588-144.117 94.015V256h52c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-52v-5.47c37.281-13.178 63.995-48.725 64-90.518C384.005 43.772 341.605.738 289.37.01 235.723-.739 192 42.525 192 96c0 41.798 26.716 77.35 64 90.53V192h-52c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h52v190.015c-58.936-7.399-123.82-39.679-144.117-94.015h35.146c10.691 0 16.045-12.926 8.485-20.485l-67.029-67.029c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0L4.485 331.515C-3.074 339.074 2.28 352 12.971 352zM288 64c17.645 0 32 14.355 32 32s-14.355 32-32 32-32-14.355-32-32 14.355-32 32-32z"],
- "angle-double-down": [320, 512, [], "f103", "M143 256.3L7 120.3c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9l22.6-22.6c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l96.4 96.4 96.4-96.4c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0L313 86.3c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9l-136 136c-9.4 9.5-24.6 9.5-34 .1zm34 192l136-136c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9l-22.6-22.6c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0L160 352.1l-96.4-96.4c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0L7 278.3c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l136 136c9.4 9.5 24.6 9.5 34 .1z"],
- "angle-double-left": [448, 512, [], "f100", "M223.7 239l136-136c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l22.6 22.6c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L319.9 256l96.4 96.4c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L393.7 409c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0l-136-136c-9.5-9.4-9.5-24.6-.1-34zm-192 34l136 136c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l22.6-22.6c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9L127.9 256l96.4-96.4c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9L201.7 103c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0l-136 136c-9.5 9.4-9.5 24.6-.1 34z"],
- "angle-double-right": [448, 512, [], "f101", "M224.3 273l-136 136c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0l-22.6-22.6c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9l96.4-96.4-96.4-96.4c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9L54.3 103c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l136 136c9.5 9.4 9.5 24.6.1 34zm192-34l-136-136c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0l-22.6 22.6c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l96.4 96.4-96.4 96.4c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l22.6 22.6c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l136-136c9.4-9.2 9.4-24.4 0-33.8z"],
- "angle-double-up": [320, 512, [], "f102", "M177 255.7l136 136c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9l-22.6 22.6c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L160 351.9l-96.4 96.4c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L7 425.7c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9l136-136c9.4-9.5 24.6-9.5 34-.1zm-34-192L7 199.7c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l22.6 22.6c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l96.4-96.4 96.4 96.4c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l22.6-22.6c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9l-136-136c-9.2-9.4-24.4-9.4-33.8 0z"],
- "angle-down": [320, 512, [], "f107", "M143 352.3L7 216.3c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9l22.6-22.6c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l96.4 96.4 96.4-96.4c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l22.6 22.6c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9l-136 136c-9.2 9.4-24.4 9.4-33.8 0z"],
- "angle-left": [256, 512, [], "f104", "M31.7 239l136-136c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l22.6 22.6c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L127.9 256l96.4 96.4c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L201.7 409c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0l-136-136c-9.5-9.4-9.5-24.6-.1-34z"],
- "angle-right": [256, 512, [], "f105", "M224.3 273l-136 136c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0l-22.6-22.6c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9l96.4-96.4-96.4-96.4c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9L54.3 103c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l136 136c9.5 9.4 9.5 24.6.1 34z"],
- "angle-up": [320, 512, [], "f106", "M177 159.7l136 136c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9l-22.6 22.6c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L160 255.9l-96.4 96.4c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L7 329.7c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9l136-136c9.4-9.5 24.6-9.5 34-.1z"],
- "angry": [496, 512, [], "f556", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM136 240c0-9.3 4.1-17.5 10.5-23.4l-31-9.3c-8.5-2.5-13.3-11.5-10.7-19.9 2.5-8.5 11.4-13.2 19.9-10.7l80 24c8.5 2.5 13.3 11.5 10.7 19.9-2.1 6.9-8.4 11.4-15.3 11.4-.5 0-1.1-.2-1.7-.2.7 2.7 1.7 5.3 1.7 8.2 0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32S136 257.7 136 240zm168 154.2c-27.8-33.4-84.2-33.4-112.1 0-13.5 16.3-38.2-4.2-24.6-20.5 20-24 49.4-37.8 80.6-37.8s60.6 13.8 80.6 37.8c13.8 16.5-11.1 36.6-24.5 20.5zm76.6-186.9l-31 9.3c6.3 5.8 10.5 14.1 10.5 23.4 0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32s-32-14.3-32-32c0-2.9.9-5.6 1.7-8.2-.6.1-1.1.2-1.7.2-6.9 0-13.2-4.5-15.3-11.4-2.5-8.5 2.3-17.4 10.7-19.9l80-24c8.4-2.5 17.4 2.3 19.9 10.7 2.5 8.5-2.3 17.4-10.8 19.9z"],
- "ankh": [320, 512, [], "f644", "M296 256h-44.62C272.46 222.01 288 181.65 288 144 288 55.63 230.69 0 160 0S32 55.63 32 144c0 37.65 15.54 78.01 36.62 112H24c-13.25 0-24 10.74-24 24v32c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h96v152c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h32c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24V336h96c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-32c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24zM160 80c29.61 0 48 24.52 48 64 0 34.66-27.14 78.14-48 100.87-20.86-22.72-48-66.21-48-100.87 0-39.48 18.39-64 48-64z"],
- "apple-alt": [448, 512, [], "f5d1", "M351.18 129.15c-35.53-6.25-98.06 14.36-127.18 30.81-29.12-16.45-91.66-37.07-127.19-30.81-81.24 14.3-107.42 124.49-93.09 205.6C18.05 415.86 65.02 512 160.41 512c12.06 0 24.12-4.61 34.44-10.34 18.08-10.03 40.23-10.03 58.31 0 10.32 5.73 22.38 10.34 34.43 10.34 95.39 0 142.36-96.14 156.68-177.25 14.33-81.11-11.83-191.3-93.09-205.6zm-55.55-41.53C326.19 57.06 319.35.65 319.35.65s-56.41-6.85-86.97 23.72c-30.57 30.57-23.72 86.97-23.72 86.97s56.4 6.85 86.97-23.72z"],
- "archive": [512, 512, [], "f187", "M32 448c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h384c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V160H32v288zm160-212c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h104c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v8c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H204c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-8zM480 32H32C14.3 32 0 46.3 0 64v48c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h480c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V64c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32z"],
- "archway": [576, 512, [], "f557", "M560 448h-16V96H32v352H16.02c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16H176c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V320c0-53.02 42.98-96 96-96s96 42.98 96 96l.02 160v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16H560c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm0-448H16C7.16 0 0 7.16 0 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h544c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z"],
- "arrow-alt-circle-down": [512, 512, [], "f358", "M504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zM212 140v116h-70.9c-10.7 0-16.1 13-8.5 20.5l114.9 114.3c4.7 4.7 12.2 4.7 16.9 0l114.9-114.3c7.6-7.6 2.2-20.5-8.5-20.5H300V140c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-64c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12z"],
- "arrow-alt-circle-left": [512, 512, [], "f359", "M256 504C119 504 8 393 8 256S119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248-111 248-248 248zm116-292H256v-70.9c0-10.7-13-16.1-20.5-8.5L121.2 247.5c-4.7 4.7-4.7 12.2 0 16.9l114.3 114.9c7.6 7.6 20.5 2.2 20.5-8.5V300h116c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-64c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12z"],
- "arrow-alt-circle-right": [512, 512, [], "f35a", "M256 8c137 0 248 111 248 248S393 504 256 504 8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8zM140 300h116v70.9c0 10.7 13 16.1 20.5 8.5l114.3-114.9c4.7-4.7 4.7-12.2 0-16.9l-114.3-115c-7.6-7.6-20.5-2.2-20.5 8.5V212H140c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v64c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12z"],
- "arrow-alt-circle-up": [512, 512, [], "f35b", "M8 256C8 119 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256zm292 116V256h70.9c10.7 0 16.1-13 8.5-20.5L264.5 121.2c-4.7-4.7-12.2-4.7-16.9 0l-115 114.3c-7.6 7.6-2.2 20.5 8.5 20.5H212v116c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h64c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12z"],
- "arrow-circle-down": [512, 512, [], "f0ab", "M504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zm-143.6-28.9L288 302.6V120c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24h-16c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v182.6l-72.4-75.5c-9.3-9.7-24.8-9.9-34.3-.4l-10.9 11c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9L239 404.3c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l132.7-132.7c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9l-10.9-11c-9.5-9.5-25-9.3-34.3.4z"],
- "arrow-circle-left": [512, 512, [], "f0a8", "M256 504C119 504 8 393 8 256S119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248-111 248-248 248zm28.9-143.6L209.4 288H392c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24v-16c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H209.4l75.5-72.4c9.7-9.3 9.9-24.8.4-34.3l-11-10.9c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0L107.7 239c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l132.7 132.7c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l11-10.9c9.5-9.5 9.3-25-.4-34.3z"],
- "arrow-circle-right": [512, 512, [], "f0a9", "M256 8c137 0 248 111 248 248S393 504 256 504 8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8zm-28.9 143.6l75.5 72.4H120c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v16c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h182.6l-75.5 72.4c-9.7 9.3-9.9 24.8-.4 34.3l11 10.9c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0L404.3 273c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9L271.6 106.3c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0l-11 10.9c-9.5 9.6-9.3 25.1.4 34.4z"],
- "arrow-circle-up": [512, 512, [], "f0aa", "M8 256C8 119 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256zm143.6 28.9l72.4-75.5V392c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h16c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V209.4l72.4 75.5c9.3 9.7 24.8 9.9 34.3.4l10.9-11c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9L273 107.7c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0L106.3 240.4c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l10.9 11c9.6 9.5 25.1 9.3 34.4-.4z"],
- "arrow-down": [448, 512, [], "f063", "M413.1 222.5l22.2 22.2c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L241 473c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L12.7 278.6c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9l22.2-22.2c9.5-9.5 25-9.3 34.3.4L184 343.4V56c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h32c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24v287.4l114.8-120.5c9.3-9.8 24.8-10 34.3-.4z"],
- "arrow-left": [448, 512, [], "f060", "M257.5 445.1l-22.2 22.2c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L7 273c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9L201.4 44.7c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l22.2 22.2c9.5 9.5 9.3 25-.4 34.3L136.6 216H424c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24v32c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24H136.6l120.5 114.8c9.8 9.3 10 24.8.4 34.3z"],
- "arrow-right": [448, 512, [], "f061", "M190.5 66.9l22.2-22.2c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0L441 239c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L246.6 467.3c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0l-22.2-22.2c-9.5-9.5-9.3-25 .4-34.3L311.4 296H24c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24v-32c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h287.4L190.9 101.2c-9.8-9.3-10-24.8-.4-34.3z"],
- "arrow-up": [448, 512, [], "f062", "M34.9 289.5l-22.2-22.2c-9.4-9.4-9.4-24.6 0-33.9L207 39c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l194.3 194.3c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9L413 289.4c-9.5 9.5-25 9.3-34.3-.4L264 168.6V456c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24h-32c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V168.6L69.2 289.1c-9.3 9.8-24.8 10-34.3.4z"],
- "arrows-alt": [512, 512, [], "f0b2", "M352.201 425.775l-79.196 79.196c-9.373 9.373-24.568 9.373-33.941 0l-79.196-79.196c-15.119-15.119-4.411-40.971 16.971-40.97h51.162L228 284H127.196v51.162c0 21.382-25.851 32.09-40.971 16.971L7.029 272.937c-9.373-9.373-9.373-24.569 0-33.941L86.225 159.8c15.119-15.119 40.971-4.411 40.971 16.971V228H228V127.196h-51.23c-21.382 0-32.09-25.851-16.971-40.971l79.196-79.196c9.373-9.373 24.568-9.373 33.941 0l79.196 79.196c15.119 15.119 4.411 40.971-16.971 40.971h-51.162V228h100.804v-51.162c0-21.382 25.851-32.09 40.97-16.971l79.196 79.196c9.373 9.373 9.373 24.569 0 33.941L425.773 352.2c-15.119 15.119-40.971 4.411-40.97-16.971V284H284v100.804h51.23c21.382 0 32.09 25.851 16.971 40.971z"],
- "arrows-alt-h": [512, 512, [], "f337", "M377.941 169.941V216H134.059v-46.059c0-21.382-25.851-32.09-40.971-16.971L7.029 239.029c-9.373 9.373-9.373 24.568 0 33.941l86.059 86.059c15.119 15.119 40.971 4.411 40.971-16.971V296h243.882v46.059c0 21.382 25.851 32.09 40.971 16.971l86.059-86.059c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.568 0-33.941l-86.059-86.059c-15.119-15.12-40.971-4.412-40.971 16.97z"],
- "arrows-alt-v": [256, 512, [], "f338", "M214.059 377.941H168V134.059h46.059c21.382 0 32.09-25.851 16.971-40.971L144.971 7.029c-9.373-9.373-24.568-9.373-33.941 0L24.971 93.088c-15.119 15.119-4.411 40.971 16.971 40.971H88v243.882H41.941c-21.382 0-32.09 25.851-16.971 40.971l86.059 86.059c9.373 9.373 24.568 9.373 33.941 0l86.059-86.059c15.12-15.119 4.412-40.971-16.97-40.971z"],
- "assistive-listening-systems": [512, 512, [], "f2a2", "M216 260c0 15.464-12.536 28-28 28s-28-12.536-28-28c0-44.112 35.888-80 80-80s80 35.888 80 80c0 15.464-12.536 28-28 28s-28-12.536-28-28c0-13.234-10.767-24-24-24s-24 10.766-24 24zm24-176c-97.047 0-176 78.953-176 176 0 15.464 12.536 28 28 28s28-12.536 28-28c0-66.168 53.832-120 120-120s120 53.832 120 120c0 75.164-71.009 70.311-71.997 143.622L288 404c0 28.673-23.327 52-52 52-15.464 0-28 12.536-28 28s12.536 28 28 28c59.475 0 107.876-48.328 108-107.774.595-34.428 72-48.24 72-144.226 0-97.047-78.953-176-176-176zm-80 236c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zM32 448c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm480-187.993c0-1.518-.012-3.025-.045-4.531C510.076 140.525 436.157 38.47 327.994 1.511c-14.633-4.998-30.549 2.809-35.55 17.442-5 14.633 2.81 30.549 17.442 35.55 85.906 29.354 144.61 110.513 146.077 201.953l.003.188c.026 1.118.033 2.236.033 3.363 0 15.464 12.536 28 28 28s28.001-12.536 28.001-28zM152.971 439.029l-80-80L39.03 392.97l80 80 33.941-33.941z"],
- "asterisk": [512, 512, [], "f069", "M478.21 334.093L336 256l142.21-78.093c11.795-6.477 15.961-21.384 9.232-33.037l-19.48-33.741c-6.728-11.653-21.72-15.499-33.227-8.523L296 186.718l3.475-162.204C299.763 11.061 288.937 0 275.48 0h-38.96c-13.456 0-24.283 11.061-23.994 24.514L216 186.718 77.265 102.607c-11.506-6.976-26.499-3.13-33.227 8.523l-19.48 33.741c-6.728 11.653-2.562 26.56 9.233 33.037L176 256 33.79 334.093c-11.795 6.477-15.961 21.384-9.232 33.037l19.48 33.741c6.728 11.653 21.721 15.499 33.227 8.523L216 325.282l-3.475 162.204C212.237 500.939 223.064 512 236.52 512h38.961c13.456 0 24.283-11.061 23.995-24.514L296 325.282l138.735 84.111c11.506 6.976 26.499 3.13 33.227-8.523l19.48-33.741c6.728-11.653 2.563-26.559-9.232-33.036z"],
- "at": [512, 512, [], "f1fa", "M256 8C118.941 8 8 118.919 8 256c0 137.059 110.919 248 248 248 48.154 0 95.342-14.14 135.408-40.223 12.005-7.815 14.625-24.288 5.552-35.372l-10.177-12.433c-7.671-9.371-21.179-11.667-31.373-5.129C325.92 429.757 291.314 440 256 440c-101.458 0-184-82.542-184-184S154.542 72 256 72c100.139 0 184 57.619 184 160 0 38.786-21.093 79.742-58.17 83.693-17.349-.454-16.91-12.857-13.476-30.024l23.433-121.11C394.653 149.75 383.308 136 368.225 136h-44.981a13.518 13.518 0 0 0-13.432 11.993l-.01.092c-14.697-17.901-40.448-21.775-59.971-21.775-74.58 0-137.831 62.234-137.831 151.46 0 65.303 36.785 105.87 96 105.87 26.984 0 57.369-15.637 74.991-38.333 9.522 34.104 40.613 34.103 70.71 34.103C462.609 379.41 504 307.798 504 232 504 95.653 394.023 8 256 8zm-21.68 304.43c-22.249 0-36.07-15.623-36.07-40.771 0-44.993 30.779-72.729 58.63-72.729 22.292 0 35.601 15.241 35.601 40.77 0 45.061-33.875 72.73-58.161 72.73z"],
- "atlas": [448, 512, [], "f558", "M318.38 208h-39.09c-1.49 27.03-6.54 51.35-14.21 70.41 27.71-13.24 48.02-39.19 53.3-70.41zm0-32c-5.29-31.22-25.59-57.17-53.3-70.41 7.68 19.06 12.72 43.38 14.21 70.41h39.09zM224 97.31c-7.69 7.45-20.77 34.42-23.43 78.69h46.87c-2.67-44.26-15.75-71.24-23.44-78.69zm-41.08 8.28c-27.71 13.24-48.02 39.19-53.3 70.41h39.09c1.49-27.03 6.53-51.35 14.21-70.41zm0 172.82c-7.68-19.06-12.72-43.38-14.21-70.41h-39.09c5.28 31.22 25.59 57.17 53.3 70.41zM247.43 208h-46.87c2.66 44.26 15.74 71.24 23.43 78.69 7.7-7.45 20.78-34.43 23.44-78.69zM448 358.4V25.6c0-16-9.6-25.6-25.6-25.6H96C41.6 0 0 41.6 0 96v320c0 54.4 41.6 96 96 96h326.4c12.8 0 25.6-9.6 25.6-25.6v-16c0-6.4-3.2-12.8-9.6-19.2-3.2-16-3.2-60.8 0-73.6 6.4-3.2 9.6-9.6 9.6-19.2zM224 64c70.69 0 128 57.31 128 128s-57.31 128-128 128S96 262.69 96 192 153.31 64 224 64zm160 384H96c-19.2 0-32-12.8-32-32s16-32 32-32h288v64z"],
- "atom": [448, 512, [], "f5d2", "M413.03 256c40.13-54.89 41.51-98.62 25.14-128-10.91-19.52-40.54-50.73-116.33-41.88C300.36 34.89 267.64 0 224 0s-76.36 34.89-97.84 86.12C50.43 77.34 20.73 108.48 9.83 128c-16.38 29.4-15 73.09 25.14 128-40.13 54.89-41.51 98.62-25.14 128 29.21 52.34 101.68 43.58 116.33 41.88C147.63 477.1 180.36 512 224 512s76.37-34.9 97.84-86.12c14.64 1.7 87.11 10.46 116.33-41.88 16.38-29.4 15-73.09-25.14-128zM63.38 352c-4.03-7.21-.19-24.8 14.95-48.29 6.96 6.53 14.2 12.89 21.87 19.18 1.71 13.71 4 27.08 6.76 40.08-24.56.89-39.89-4.37-43.58-10.97zm36.82-162.88c-7.66 6.29-14.9 12.65-21.87 19.18-15.13-23.5-18.97-41.09-14.95-48.3 3.41-6.14 16.39-11.47 37.92-11.47 1.71 0 3.87.3 5.69.37a472.191 472.191 0 0 0-6.79 40.22zM224 64c9.47 0 22.2 13.52 33.86 37.26-11.19 3.7-22.44 8-33.86 12.86-11.42-4.86-22.67-9.16-33.86-12.86C201.8 77.52 214.53 64 224 64zm0 384c-9.47 0-22.2-13.52-33.86-37.26 11.19-3.7 22.44-8 33.86-12.86 11.42 4.86 22.67 9.16 33.86 12.86C246.2 434.48 233.47 448 224 448zm62.5-157.33c-26.7 19.08-46.14 29.33-62.5 37.48-16.35-8.14-35.8-18.41-62.5-37.48-1.99-27.79-1.99-41.54 0-69.33 26.67-19.05 46.13-29.32 62.5-37.48 16.39 8.17 35.86 18.44 62.5 37.48 1.98 27.78 1.99 41.53 0 69.33zM384.62 352c-3.67 6.62-19 11.82-43.58 10.95 2.76-13 5.05-26.37 6.76-40.06 7.66-6.29 14.9-12.65 21.87-19.18 15.13 23.49 18.97 41.08 14.95 48.29zm-14.95-143.71c-6.96-6.53-14.2-12.89-21.87-19.18a473.535 473.535 0 0 0-6.79-40.22c1.82-.07 3.97-.37 5.69-.37 21.52 0 34.51 5.34 37.92 11.47 4.02 7.22.18 24.81-14.95 48.3zM224 224c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32s14.33 32 32 32 32-14.33 32-32-14.33-32-32-32z"],
- "audio-description": [512, 512, [], "f29e", "M162.925 238.709l8.822 30.655h-25.606l9.041-30.652c1.277-4.421 2.651-9.994 3.872-15.245 1.22 5.251 2.594 10.823 3.871 15.242zm166.474-32.099h-14.523v98.781h14.523c29.776 0 46.175-17.678 46.175-49.776 0-32.239-17.49-49.005-46.175-49.005zM512 112v288c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V112c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h416c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zM245.459 336.139l-57.097-168A12.001 12.001 0 0 0 177 160h-35.894a12.001 12.001 0 0 0-11.362 8.139l-57.097 168C70.003 343.922 75.789 352 84.009 352h29.133a12 12 0 0 0 11.535-8.693l8.574-29.906h51.367l8.793 29.977A12 12 0 0 0 204.926 352h29.172c8.22 0 14.006-8.078 11.361-15.861zm184.701-80.525c0-58.977-37.919-95.614-98.96-95.614h-57.366c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v168c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12H331.2c61.041 0 98.96-36.933 98.96-96.386z"],
- "award": [384, 512, [], "f559", "M97.12 362.63c-8.69-8.69-4.16-6.24-25.12-11.85-9.51-2.55-17.87-7.45-25.43-13.32L1.2 448.7c-4.39 10.77 3.81 22.47 15.43 22.03l52.69-2.01L105.56 507c8 8.44 22.04 5.81 26.43-4.96l52.05-127.62c-10.84 6.04-22.87 9.58-35.31 9.58-19.5 0-37.82-7.59-51.61-21.37zM382.8 448.7l-45.37-111.24c-7.56 5.88-15.92 10.77-25.43 13.32-21.07 5.64-16.45 3.18-25.12 11.85-13.79 13.78-32.12 21.37-51.62 21.37-12.44 0-24.47-3.55-35.31-9.58L252 502.04c4.39 10.77 18.44 13.4 26.43 4.96l36.25-38.28 52.69 2.01c11.62.44 19.82-11.27 15.43-22.03zM263 340c15.28-15.55 17.03-14.21 38.79-20.14 13.89-3.79 24.75-14.84 28.47-28.98 7.48-28.4 5.54-24.97 25.95-45.75 10.17-10.35 14.14-25.44 10.42-39.58-7.47-28.38-7.48-24.42 0-52.83 3.72-14.14-.25-29.23-10.42-39.58-20.41-20.78-18.47-17.36-25.95-45.75-3.72-14.14-14.58-25.19-28.47-28.98-27.88-7.61-24.52-5.62-44.95-26.41-10.17-10.35-25-14.4-38.89-10.61-27.87 7.6-23.98 7.61-51.9 0-13.89-3.79-28.72.25-38.89 10.61-20.41 20.78-17.05 18.8-44.94 26.41-13.89 3.79-24.75 14.84-28.47 28.98-7.47 28.39-5.54 24.97-25.95 45.75-10.17 10.35-14.15 25.44-10.42 39.58 7.47 28.36 7.48 24.4 0 52.82-3.72 14.14.25 29.23 10.42 39.59 20.41 20.78 18.47 17.35 25.95 45.75 3.72 14.14 14.58 25.19 28.47 28.98C104.6 325.96 106.27 325 121 340c13.23 13.47 33.84 15.88 49.74 5.82a39.676 39.676 0 0 1 42.53 0c15.89 10.06 36.5 7.65 49.73-5.82zM97.66 175.96c0-53.03 42.24-96.02 94.34-96.02s94.34 42.99 94.34 96.02-42.24 96.02-94.34 96.02-94.34-42.99-94.34-96.02z"],
- "backspace": [640, 512, [], "f55a", "M576 64H205.26A63.97 63.97 0 0 0 160 82.75L9.37 233.37c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.76 0 45.25L160 429.25c12 12 28.28 18.75 45.25 18.75H576c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64V128c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zm-84.69 254.06c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.38 0 22.63l-22.62 22.62c-6.25 6.25-16.38 6.25-22.63 0L384 301.25l-62.06 62.06c-6.25 6.25-16.38 6.25-22.63 0l-22.62-22.62c-6.25-6.25-6.25-16.38 0-22.63L338.75 256l-62.06-62.06c-6.25-6.25-6.25-16.38 0-22.63l22.62-22.62c6.25-6.25 16.38-6.25 22.63 0L384 210.75l62.06-62.06c6.25-6.25 16.38-6.25 22.63 0l22.62 22.62c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.38 0 22.63L429.25 256l62.06 62.06z"],
- "backward": [512, 512, [], "f04a", "M11.5 280.6l192 160c20.6 17.2 52.5 2.8 52.5-24.6V96c0-27.4-31.9-41.8-52.5-24.6l-192 160c-15.3 12.8-15.3 36.4 0 49.2zm256 0l192 160c20.6 17.2 52.5 2.8 52.5-24.6V96c0-27.4-31.9-41.8-52.5-24.6l-192 160c-15.3 12.8-15.3 36.4 0 49.2z"],
- "balance-scale": [640, 512, [], "f24e", "M256 336h-.02c0-16.18 1.34-8.73-85.05-181.51-17.65-35.29-68.19-35.36-85.87 0C-2.06 328.75.02 320.33.02 336H0c0 44.18 57.31 80 128 80s128-35.82 128-80zM128 176l72 144H56l72-144zm511.98 160c0-16.18 1.34-8.73-85.05-181.51-17.65-35.29-68.19-35.36-85.87 0-87.12 174.26-85.04 165.84-85.04 181.51H384c0 44.18 57.31 80 128 80s128-35.82 128-80h-.02zM440 320l72-144 72 144H440zm88 128H352V153.25c23.51-10.29 41.16-31.48 46.39-57.25H528c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H383.64C369.04 12.68 346.09 0 320 0s-49.04 12.68-63.64 32H112c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h129.61c5.23 25.76 22.87 46.96 46.39 57.25V448H112c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h416c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z"],
- "ban": [512, 512, [], "f05e", "M256 8C119.034 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.034 248 248 248 248-111.034 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm130.108 117.892c65.448 65.448 70 165.481 20.677 235.637L150.47 105.216c70.204-49.356 170.226-44.735 235.638 20.676zM125.892 386.108c-65.448-65.448-70-165.481-20.677-235.637L361.53 406.784c-70.203 49.356-170.226 44.736-235.638-20.676z"],
- "band-aid": [640, 512, [], "f462", "M0 160v192c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64h96V96H64c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64zm576-64h-96v320h96c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V160c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64zM192 416h256V96H192v320zm176-232c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm0 96c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm-96-96c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm0 96c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24z"],
- "barcode": [512, 512, [], "f02a", "M0 448V64h18v384H0zm26.857-.273V64H36v383.727h-9.143zm27.143 0V64h8.857v383.727H54zm44.857 0V64h8.857v383.727h-8.857zm36 0V64h17.714v383.727h-17.714zm44.857 0V64h8.857v383.727h-8.857zm18 0V64h8.857v383.727h-8.857zm18 0V64h8.857v383.727h-8.857zm35.715 0V64h18v383.727h-18zm44.857 0V64h18v383.727h-18zm35.999 0V64h18.001v383.727h-18.001zm36.001 0V64h18.001v383.727h-18.001zm26.857 0V64h18v383.727h-18zm45.143 0V64h26.857v383.727h-26.857zm35.714 0V64h9.143v383.727H476zm18 .273V64h18v384h-18z"],
- "bars": [448, 512, [], "f0c9", "M16 132h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V76c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16C7.163 60 0 67.163 0 76v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16z"],
- "baseball-ball": [496, 512, [], "f433", "M368.5 363.9l28.8-13.9c11.1 22.9 26 43.2 44.1 60.9 34-42.5 54.5-96.3 54.5-154.9 0-58.5-20.4-112.2-54.2-154.6-17.8 17.3-32.6 37.1-43.6 59.5l-28.7-14.1c12.8-26 30-49 50.8-69C375.6 34.7 315 8 248 8 181.1 8 120.5 34.6 75.9 77.7c20.7 19.9 37.9 42.9 50.7 68.8l-28.7 14.1c-11-22.3-25.7-42.1-43.5-59.4C20.4 143.7 0 197.4 0 256c0 58.6 20.4 112.3 54.4 154.7 18.2-17.7 33.2-38 44.3-61l28.8 13.9c-12.9 26.7-30.3 50.3-51.5 70.7 44.5 43.1 105.1 69.7 172 69.7 66.8 0 127.3-26.5 171.9-69.5-21.1-20.4-38.5-43.9-51.4-70.6zm-228.3-32l-30.5-9.8c14.9-46.4 12.7-93.8-.6-134l30.4-10c15 45.6 18 99.9.7 153.8zm216.3-153.4l30.4 10c-13.2 40.1-15.5 87.5-.6 134l-30.5 9.8c-17.3-54-14.3-108.3.7-153.8z"],
- "basketball-ball": [496, 512, [], "f434", "M212.3 10.3c-43.8 6.3-86.2 24.1-122.2 53.8l77.4 77.4c27.8-35.8 43.3-81.2 44.8-131.2zM248 222L405.9 64.1c-42.4-35-93.6-53.5-145.5-56.1-1.2 63.9-21.5 122.3-58.7 167.7L248 222zM56.1 98.1c-29.7 36-47.5 78.4-53.8 122.2 50-1.5 95.5-17 131.2-44.8L56.1 98.1zm272.2 204.2c45.3-37.1 103.7-57.4 167.7-58.7-2.6-51.9-21.1-103.1-56.1-145.5L282 256l46.3 46.3zM248 290L90.1 447.9c42.4 34.9 93.6 53.5 145.5 56.1 1.3-64 21.6-122.4 58.7-167.7L248 290zm191.9 123.9c29.7-36 47.5-78.4 53.8-122.2-50.1 1.6-95.5 17.1-131.2 44.8l77.4 77.4zM167.7 209.7C122.3 246.9 63.9 267.3 0 268.4c2.6 51.9 21.1 103.1 56.1 145.5L214 256l-46.3-46.3zm116 292c43.8-6.3 86.2-24.1 122.2-53.8l-77.4-77.4c-27.7 35.7-43.2 81.2-44.8 131.2z"],
- "bath": [512, 512, [], "f2cd", "M488 256H80V112c0-17.645 14.355-32 32-32 11.351 0 21.332 5.945 27.015 14.88-16.492 25.207-14.687 59.576 6.838 83.035-4.176 4.713-4.021 11.916.491 16.428l11.314 11.314c4.686 4.686 12.284 4.686 16.971 0l95.03-95.029c4.686-4.686 4.686-12.284 0-16.971l-11.314-11.314c-4.512-4.512-11.715-4.666-16.428-.491-17.949-16.469-42.294-21.429-64.178-15.365C163.281 45.667 139.212 32 112 32c-44.112 0-80 35.888-80 80v144h-8c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h8v32c0 28.43 12.362 53.969 32 71.547V456c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h16c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-8h256v8c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h16c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-32.453c19.638-17.578 32-43.117 32-71.547v-32h8c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-16c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24z"],
- "battery-empty": [640, 512, [], "f244", "M544 160v64h32v64h-32v64H64V160h480m16-64H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h512c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-16h8c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V184c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-8v-16c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48z"],
- "battery-full": [640, 512, [], "f240", "M544 160v64h32v64h-32v64H64V160h480m16-64H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h512c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-16h8c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V184c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-8v-16c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-48 96H96v128h416V192z"],
- "battery-half": [640, 512, [], "f242", "M544 160v64h32v64h-32v64H64V160h480m16-64H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h512c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-16h8c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V184c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-8v-16c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-240 96H96v128h224V192z"],
- "battery-quarter": [640, 512, [], "f243", "M544 160v64h32v64h-32v64H64V160h480m16-64H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h512c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-16h8c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V184c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-8v-16c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-336 96H96v128h128V192z"],
- "battery-three-quarters": [640, 512, [], "f241", "M544 160v64h32v64h-32v64H64V160h480m16-64H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h512c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-16h8c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V184c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-8v-16c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-144 96H96v128h320V192z"],
- "bed": [640, 512, [], "f236", "M176 256c44.11 0 80-35.89 80-80s-35.89-80-80-80-80 35.89-80 80 35.89 80 80 80zm352-128H304c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v144H64V80c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H16C7.16 64 0 71.16 0 80v352c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-48h512v48c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V240c0-61.86-50.14-112-112-112z"],
- "beer": [448, 512, [], "f0fc", "M368 96h-48V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H24C10.745 32 0 42.745 0 56v400c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h272c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-42.11l80.606-35.977C429.396 365.063 448 336.388 448 304.86V176c0-44.112-35.888-80-80-80zm16 208.86a16.018 16.018 0 0 1-9.479 14.611L320 343.805V160h48c8.822 0 16 7.178 16 16v128.86zM208 384c-8.836 0-16-7.164-16-16V144c0-8.836 7.164-16 16-16s16 7.164 16 16v224c0 8.836-7.164 16-16 16zm-96 0c-8.836 0-16-7.164-16-16V144c0-8.836 7.164-16 16-16s16 7.164 16 16v224c0 8.836-7.164 16-16 16z"],
- "bell": [448, 512, [], "f0f3", "M224 512c35.32 0 63.97-28.65 63.97-64H160.03c0 35.35 28.65 64 63.97 64zm215.39-149.71c-19.32-20.76-55.47-51.99-55.47-154.29 0-77.7-54.48-139.9-127.94-155.16V32c0-17.67-14.32-32-31.98-32s-31.98 14.33-31.98 32v20.84C118.56 68.1 64.08 130.3 64.08 208c0 102.3-36.15 133.53-55.47 154.29-6 6.45-8.66 14.16-8.61 21.71.11 16.4 12.98 32 32.1 32h383.8c19.12 0 32-15.6 32.1-32 .05-7.55-2.61-15.27-8.61-21.71z"],
- "bell-slash": [640, 512, [], "f1f6", "M633.82 458.1l-90.62-70.05c.19-1.38.8-2.66.8-4.06.05-7.55-2.61-15.27-8.61-21.71-19.32-20.76-55.47-51.99-55.47-154.29 0-77.7-54.48-139.9-127.94-155.16V32c0-17.67-14.32-32-31.98-32s-31.98 14.33-31.98 32v20.84c-40.33 8.38-74.66 31.07-97.59 62.57L45.47 3.37C38.49-2.05 28.43-.8 23.01 6.18L3.37 31.45C-2.05 38.42-.8 48.47 6.18 53.9l588.35 454.73c6.98 5.43 17.03 4.17 22.46-2.81l19.64-25.27c5.42-6.97 4.17-17.02-2.81-22.45zM157.23 251.54c-8.61 67.96-36.41 93.33-52.62 110.75-6 6.45-8.66 14.16-8.61 21.71.11 16.4 12.98 32 32.1 32h241.92L157.23 251.54zM320 512c35.32 0 63.97-28.65 63.97-64H256.03c0 35.35 28.65 64 63.97 64z"],
- "bezier-curve": [640, 512, [], "f55b", "M368 32h-96c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM208 88h-84.75C113.75 64.56 90.84 48 64 48 28.66 48 0 76.65 0 112s28.66 64 64 64c26.84 0 49.75-16.56 59.25-40h79.73c-55.37 32.52-95.86 87.32-109.54 152h49.4c11.3-41.61 36.77-77.21 71.04-101.56-3.7-8.08-5.88-16.99-5.88-26.44V88zm-48 232H64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM576 48c-26.84 0-49.75 16.56-59.25 40H432v72c0 9.45-2.19 18.36-5.88 26.44 34.27 24.35 59.74 59.95 71.04 101.56h49.4c-13.68-64.68-54.17-119.48-109.54-152h79.73c9.5 23.44 32.41 40 59.25 40 35.34 0 64-28.65 64-64s-28.66-64-64-64zm0 272h-96c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z"],
- "bible": [448, 512, [], "f647", "M448 358.4V25.6c0-16-9.6-25.6-25.6-25.6H96C41.6 0 0 41.6 0 96v320c0 54.4 41.6 96 96 96h326.4c12.8 0 25.6-9.6 25.6-25.6v-16c0-6.4-3.2-12.8-9.6-19.2-3.2-16-3.2-60.8 0-73.6 6.4-3.2 9.6-9.6 9.6-19.2zM144 144c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h48V80c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h32c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v48h48c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v32c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-48v112c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-32c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16V192h-48c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-32zm236.8 304H96c-19.2 0-32-12.8-32-32s16-32 32-32h284.8v64z"],
- "bicycle": [640, 512, [], "f206", "M512.509 192.001c-16.373-.064-32.03 2.955-46.436 8.495l-77.68-125.153A24 24 0 0 0 368.001 64h-64c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v16c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h50.649l14.896 24H256.002v-16c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-87.459c-13.441 0-24.777 10.999-24.536 24.437.232 13.044 10.876 23.563 23.995 23.563h48.726l-29.417 47.52c-13.433-4.83-27.904-7.483-42.992-7.52C58.094 191.83.412 249.012.002 319.236-.413 390.279 57.055 448 128.002 448c59.642 0 109.758-40.793 123.967-96h52.033a24 24 0 0 0 20.406-11.367L410.37 201.77l14.938 24.067c-25.455 23.448-41.385 57.081-41.307 94.437.145 68.833 57.899 127.051 126.729 127.719 70.606.685 128.181-55.803 129.255-125.996 1.086-70.941-56.526-129.72-127.476-129.996zM186.75 265.772c9.727 10.529 16.673 23.661 19.642 38.228h-43.306l23.664-38.228zM128.002 400c-44.112 0-80-35.888-80-80s35.888-80 80-80c5.869 0 11.586.653 17.099 1.859l-45.505 73.509C89.715 331.327 101.213 352 120.002 352h81.3c-12.37 28.225-40.562 48-73.3 48zm162.63-96h-35.624c-3.96-31.756-19.556-59.894-42.383-80.026L237.371 184h127.547l-74.286 120zm217.057 95.886c-41.036-2.165-74.049-35.692-75.627-76.755-.812-21.121 6.633-40.518 19.335-55.263l44.433 71.586c4.66 7.508 14.524 9.816 22.032 5.156l13.594-8.437c7.508-4.66 9.817-14.524 5.156-22.032l-44.468-71.643a79.901 79.901 0 0 1 19.858-2.497c44.112 0 80 35.888 80 80-.001 45.54-38.252 82.316-84.313 79.885z"],
- "binoculars": [512, 512, [], "f1e5", "M416 48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-64c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v48h96V48zM63.91 159.99C61.4 253.84 3.46 274.22 0 404v44c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V288h32V128H95.84c-17.63 0-31.45 14.37-31.93 31.99zm384.18 0c-.48-17.62-14.3-31.99-31.93-31.99H320v160h32v160c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-44c-3.46-129.78-61.4-150.16-63.91-244.01zM176 32h-64c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v48h96V48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm48 256h64V128h-64v160z"],
- "birthday-cake": [448, 512, [], "f1fd", "M448 384c-28.02 0-31.26-32-74.5-32-43.43 0-46.825 32-74.75 32-27.695 0-31.454-32-74.75-32-42.842 0-47.218 32-74.5 32-28.148 0-31.202-32-74.75-32-43.547 0-46.653 32-74.75 32v-80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h16V112h64v144h64V112h64v144h64V112h64v144h16c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v80zm0 128H0v-96c43.356 0 46.767-32 74.75-32 27.951 0 31.253 32 74.75 32 42.843 0 47.217-32 74.5-32 28.148 0 31.201 32 74.75 32 43.357 0 46.767-32 74.75-32 27.488 0 31.252 32 74.5 32v96zM96 96c-17.75 0-32-14.25-32-32 0-31 32-23 32-64 12 0 32 29.5 32 56s-14.25 40-32 40zm128 0c-17.75 0-32-14.25-32-32 0-31 32-23 32-64 12 0 32 29.5 32 56s-14.25 40-32 40zm128 0c-17.75 0-32-14.25-32-32 0-31 32-23 32-64 12 0 32 29.5 32 56s-14.25 40-32 40z"],
- "blender": [512, 512, [], "f517", "M416 384H160c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h320c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zm-128 96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm40-416h166.54L512 0H48C21.49 0 0 21.49 0 48v160c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h103.27l8.73 96h256l17.46-64H328c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h114.18l17.46-64H328c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h140.36l17.46-64H328c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V72c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8zM64 192V64h69.82l11.64 128H64z"],
- "blind": [384, 512, [], "f29d", "M380.15 510.837a8 8 0 0 1-10.989-2.687l-125.33-206.427a31.923 31.923 0 0 0 12.958-9.485l126.048 207.608a8 8 0 0 1-2.687 10.991zM142.803 314.338l-32.54 89.485 36.12 88.285c6.693 16.36 25.377 24.192 41.733 17.501 16.357-6.692 24.193-25.376 17.501-41.734l-62.814-153.537zM96 88c24.301 0 44-19.699 44-44S120.301 0 96 0 52 19.699 52 44s19.699 44 44 44zm154.837 169.128l-120-152c-4.733-5.995-11.75-9.108-18.837-9.112V96H80v.026c-7.146.003-14.217 3.161-18.944 9.24L0 183.766v95.694c0 13.455 11.011 24.791 24.464 24.536C37.505 303.748 48 293.1 48 280v-79.766l16-20.571v140.698L9.927 469.055c-6.04 16.609 2.528 34.969 19.138 41.009 16.602 6.039 34.968-2.524 41.009-19.138L136 309.638V202.441l-31.406-39.816a4 4 0 1 1 6.269-4.971l102.3 129.217c9.145 11.584 24.368 11.339 33.708 3.965 10.41-8.216 12.159-23.334 3.966-33.708z"],
- "bold": [384, 512, [], "f032", "M304.793 243.891c33.639-18.537 53.657-54.16 53.657-95.693 0-48.236-26.25-87.626-68.626-104.179C265.138 34.01 240.849 32 209.661 32H24c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v33.049c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h33.113v318.53H24c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16V464c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h195.69c24.203 0 44.834-1.289 66.866-7.584C337.52 457.193 376 410.647 376 350.014c0-52.168-26.573-91.684-71.207-106.123zM142.217 100.809h67.444c16.294 0 27.536 2.019 37.525 6.717 15.828 8.479 24.906 26.502 24.906 49.446 0 35.029-20.32 56.79-53.029 56.79h-76.846V100.809zm112.642 305.475c-10.14 4.056-22.677 4.907-31.409 4.907h-81.233V281.943h84.367c39.645 0 63.057 25.38 63.057 63.057.001 28.425-13.66 52.483-34.782 61.284z"],
- "bolt": [320, 512, [], "f0e7", "M295.973 160H180.572L215.19 30.184C219.25 14.956 207.756 0 192 0H56C43.971 0 33.8 8.905 32.211 20.828l-31.996 240C-1.704 275.217 9.504 288 24.004 288h118.701L96.646 482.466C93.05 497.649 104.659 512 119.992 512c8.35 0 16.376-4.374 20.778-11.978l175.973-303.997c9.244-15.967-2.288-36.025-20.77-36.025z"],
- "bomb": [512, 512, [], "f1e2", "M440.5 88.5l-52 52L415 167c9.4 9.4 9.4 24.6 0 33.9l-17.4 17.4c11.8 26.1 18.4 55.1 18.4 85.6 0 114.9-93.1 208-208 208S0 418.9 0 304 93.1 96 208 96c30.5 0 59.5 6.6 85.6 18.4L311 97c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l26.5 26.5 52-52 17.1 17zM500 60h-24c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12s5.4 12 12 12h24c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12s-5.4-12-12-12zM440 0c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v24c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12s12-5.4 12-12V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zm33.9 55l17-17c4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0l-17 17c-4.7 4.7-4.7 12.3 0 17 4.8 4.7 12.4 4.7 17 0zm-67.8 0c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0 4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17l-17-17c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0-4.7 4.7-4.7 12.3 0 17l17 17zm67.8 34c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0-4.7 4.7-4.7 12.3 0 17l17 17c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0 4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17l-17-17zM112 272c0-35.3 28.7-64 64-64 8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16s-7.2-16-16-16c-52.9 0-96 43.1-96 96 0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16z"],
- "bone": [640, 512, [], "f5d7", "M598.88 244.56c25.2-12.6 41.12-38.36 41.12-66.53v-7.64C640 129.3 606.7 96 565.61 96c-32.02 0-60.44 20.49-70.57 50.86-7.68 23.03-11.6 45.14-38.11 45.14H183.06c-27.38 0-31.58-25.54-38.11-45.14C134.83 116.49 106.4 96 74.39 96 33.3 96 0 129.3 0 170.39v7.64c0 28.17 15.92 53.93 41.12 66.53 9.43 4.71 9.43 18.17 0 22.88C15.92 280.04 0 305.8 0 333.97v7.64C0 382.7 33.3 416 74.38 416c32.02 0 60.44-20.49 70.57-50.86 7.68-23.03 11.6-45.14 38.11-45.14h273.87c27.38 0 31.58 25.54 38.11 45.14C505.17 395.51 533.6 416 565.61 416c41.08 0 74.38-33.3 74.38-74.39v-7.64c0-28.18-15.92-53.93-41.12-66.53-9.42-4.71-9.42-18.17.01-22.88z"],
- "bong": [448, 512, [], "f55c", "M302.5 512c23.18 0 44.43-12.58 56-32.66C374.69 451.26 384 418.75 384 384c0-36.12-10.08-69.81-27.44-98.62L400 241.94l9.38 9.38c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l11.3-11.32c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63l-52.69-52.69c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0l-11.31 11.31c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63l9.38 9.38-39.41 39.41c-11.56-11.37-24.53-21.33-38.65-29.51V63.74l15.97-.02c8.82-.01 15.97-7.16 15.98-15.98l.04-31.72C320 7.17 312.82-.01 303.97 0L80.03.26c-8.82.01-15.97 7.16-15.98 15.98l-.04 31.73c-.01 8.85 7.17 16.02 16.02 16.01L96 63.96v153.93C38.67 251.1 0 312.97 0 384c0 34.75 9.31 67.27 25.5 95.34C37.08 499.42 58.33 512 81.5 512h221zM120.06 259.43L144 245.56V63.91l96-.11v181.76l23.94 13.87c24.81 14.37 44.12 35.73 56.56 60.57h-257c12.45-24.84 31.75-46.2 56.56-60.57z"],
- "book": [448, 512, [], "f02d", "M448 360V24c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H96C43 0 0 43 0 96v320c0 53 43 96 96 96h328c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24v-16c0-7.5-3.5-14.3-8.9-18.7-4.2-15.4-4.2-59.3 0-74.7 5.4-4.3 8.9-11.1 8.9-18.6zM128 134c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h212c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v20c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6H134c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6v-20zm0 64c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h212c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v20c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6H134c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6v-20zm253.4 250H96c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32 0-17.6 14.4-32 32-32h285.4c-1.9 17.1-1.9 46.9 0 64z"],
- "book-open": [576, 512, [], "f518", "M542.22 32.05c-54.8 3.11-163.72 14.43-230.96 55.59-4.64 2.84-7.27 7.89-7.27 13.17v363.87c0 11.55 12.63 18.85 23.28 13.49 69.18-34.82 169.23-44.32 218.7-46.92 16.89-.89 30.02-14.43 30.02-30.66V62.75c.01-17.71-15.35-31.74-33.77-30.7zM264.73 87.64C197.5 46.48 88.58 35.17 33.78 32.05 15.36 31.01 0 45.04 0 62.75V400.6c0 16.24 13.13 29.78 30.02 30.66 49.49 2.6 149.59 12.11 218.77 46.95 10.62 5.35 23.21-1.94 23.21-13.46V100.63c0-5.29-2.62-10.14-7.27-12.99z"],
- "book-reader": [512, 512, [], "f5da", "M352 96c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96s-96 42.98-96 96 42.98 96 96 96 96-42.98 96-96zM233.59 241.1c-59.33-36.32-155.43-46.3-203.79-49.05C13.55 191.13 0 203.51 0 219.14v222.8c0 14.33 11.59 26.28 26.49 27.05 43.66 2.29 131.99 10.68 193.04 41.43 9.37 4.72 20.48-1.71 20.48-11.87V252.56c-.01-4.67-2.32-8.95-6.42-11.46zm248.61-49.05c-48.35 2.74-144.46 12.73-203.78 49.05-4.1 2.51-6.41 6.96-6.41 11.63v245.79c0 10.19 11.14 16.63 20.54 11.9 61.04-30.72 149.32-39.11 192.97-41.4 14.9-.78 26.49-12.73 26.49-27.06V219.14c-.01-15.63-13.56-28.01-29.81-27.09z"],
- "bookmark": [384, 512, [], "f02e", "M0 512V48C0 21.49 21.49 0 48 0h288c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v464L192 400 0 512z"],
- "bowling-ball": [496, 512, [], "f436", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM120 192c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm64-96c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32s32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32zm48 144c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z"],
- "box": [512, 512, [], "f466", "M509.5 184.6L458.9 32.8C452.4 13.2 434.1 0 413.4 0H272v192h238.7c-.4-2.5-.4-5-1.2-7.4zM240 0H98.6c-20.7 0-39 13.2-45.5 32.8L2.5 184.6c-.8 2.4-.8 4.9-1.2 7.4H240V0zM0 224v240c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V224H0z"],
- "box-open": [640, 512, [], "f49e", "M53.2 41L1.7 143.8c-4.6 9.2.3 20.2 10.1 23l197.9 56.5c7.1 2 14.7-1 18.5-7.3L320 64 69.8 32.1c-6.9-.8-13.5 2.7-16.6 8.9zm585.1 102.8L586.8 41c-3.1-6.2-9.8-9.8-16.7-8.9L320 64l91.7 152.1c3.8 6.3 11.4 9.3 18.5 7.3l197.9-56.5c9.9-2.9 14.7-13.9 10.2-23.1zM425.7 256c-16.9 0-32.8-9-41.4-23.4L320 126l-64.2 106.6c-8.7 14.5-24.6 23.5-41.5 23.5-4.5 0-9-.6-13.3-1.9L64 215v178c0 14.7 10 27.5 24.2 31l216.2 54.1c10.2 2.5 20.9 2.5 31 0L551.8 424c14.2-3.6 24.2-16.4 24.2-31V215l-137 39.1c-4.3 1.3-8.8 1.9-13.3 1.9z"],
- "boxes": [576, 512, [], "f468", "M560 288h-80v96l-32-21.3-32 21.3v-96h-80c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v192c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h224c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V304c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm-384-64h224c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-80v96l-32-21.3L256 96V0h-80c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v192c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16zm64 64h-80v96l-32-21.3L96 384v-96H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v192c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h224c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V304c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16z"],
- "braille": [640, 512, [], "f2a1", "M128 256c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64S0 291.346 0 256s28.654-64 64-64 64 28.654 64 64zM64 384c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm0-352C28.654 32 0 60.654 0 96s28.654 64 64 64 64-28.654 64-64-28.654-64-64-64zm160 192c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm0 160c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm0-352c-35.346 0-64 28.654-64 64s28.654 64 64 64 64-28.654 64-64-28.654-64-64-64zm224 192c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm0 160c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm0-352c-35.346 0-64 28.654-64 64s28.654 64 64 64 64-28.654 64-64-28.654-64-64-64zm160 192c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm0 160c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm0-320c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32z"],
- "brain": [576, 512, [], "f5dc", "M208 0c-29.87 0-54.74 20.55-61.8 48.22-.75-.02-1.45-.22-2.2-.22-35.34 0-64 28.65-64 64 0 4.84.64 9.51 1.66 14.04C52.54 138 32 166.57 32 200c0 12.58 3.16 24.32 8.34 34.91C16.34 248.72 0 274.33 0 304c0 33.34 20.42 61.88 49.42 73.89-.9 4.57-1.42 9.28-1.42 14.11 0 39.76 32.23 72 72 72 4.12 0 8.1-.55 12.03-1.21C141.61 491.31 168.25 512 200 512c39.77 0 72-32.24 72-72V205.45c-10.91 8.98-23.98 15.45-38.36 18.39-4.97 1.02-9.64-2.82-9.64-7.89v-16.18c0-3.57 2.35-6.78 5.8-7.66 24.2-6.16 42.2-27.95 42.2-54.04V64c0-35.35-28.66-64-64-64zm368 304c0-29.67-16.34-55.28-40.34-69.09 5.17-10.59 8.34-22.33 8.34-34.91 0-33.43-20.54-62-49.66-73.96 1.02-4.53 1.66-9.2 1.66-14.04 0-35.35-28.66-64-64-64-.75 0-1.45.2-2.2.22C422.74 20.55 397.87 0 368 0c-35.34 0-64 28.65-64 64v74.07c0 26.09 17.99 47.88 42.2 54.04 3.46.88 5.8 4.09 5.8 7.66v16.18c0 5.07-4.68 8.91-9.64 7.89-14.38-2.94-27.44-9.41-38.36-18.39V440c0 39.76 32.23 72 72 72 31.75 0 58.39-20.69 67.97-49.21 3.93.67 7.91 1.21 12.03 1.21 39.77 0 72-32.24 72-72 0-4.83-.52-9.54-1.42-14.11 29-12.01 49.42-40.55 49.42-73.89z"],
- "briefcase": [512, 512, [], "f0b1", "M320 336c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-96c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-48H0v144c0 25.6 22.4 48 48 48h416c25.6 0 48-22.4 48-48V288H320v48zm144-208h-80V80c0-25.6-22.4-48-48-48H176c-25.6 0-48 22.4-48 48v48H48c-25.6 0-48 22.4-48 48v80h512v-80c0-25.6-22.4-48-48-48zm-144 0H192V96h128v32z"],
- "briefcase-medical": [512, 512, [], "f469", "M464 128h-80V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H176c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v48H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V176c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM192 96h128v32H192V96zm160 248c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-56v56c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-48c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-56h-56c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-48c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h56v-56c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h48c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v56h56c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v48z"],
- "broadcast-tower": [640, 512, [], "f519", "M150.94 192h33.73c11.01 0 18.61-10.83 14.86-21.18-4.93-13.58-7.55-27.98-7.55-42.82s2.62-29.24 7.55-42.82C203.29 74.83 195.68 64 184.67 64h-33.73c-7.01 0-13.46 4.49-15.41 11.23C130.64 92.21 128 109.88 128 128c0 18.12 2.64 35.79 7.54 52.76 1.94 6.74 8.39 11.24 15.4 11.24zM89.92 23.34C95.56 12.72 87.97 0 75.96 0H40.63c-6.27 0-12.14 3.59-14.74 9.31C9.4 45.54 0 85.65 0 128c0 24.75 3.12 68.33 26.69 118.86 2.62 5.63 8.42 9.14 14.61 9.14h34.84c12.02 0 19.61-12.74 13.95-23.37-49.78-93.32-16.71-178.15-.17-209.29zM614.06 9.29C611.46 3.58 605.6 0 599.33 0h-35.42c-11.98 0-19.66 12.66-14.02 23.25 18.27 34.29 48.42 119.42.28 209.23-5.72 10.68 1.8 23.52 13.91 23.52h35.23c6.27 0 12.13-3.58 14.73-9.29C630.57 210.48 640 170.36 640 128s-9.42-82.48-25.94-118.71zM489.06 64h-33.73c-11.01 0-18.61 10.83-14.86 21.18 4.93 13.58 7.55 27.98 7.55 42.82s-2.62 29.24-7.55 42.82c-3.76 10.35 3.85 21.18 14.86 21.18h33.73c7.02 0 13.46-4.49 15.41-11.24 4.9-16.97 7.53-34.64 7.53-52.76 0-18.12-2.64-35.79-7.54-52.76-1.94-6.75-8.39-11.24-15.4-11.24zm-116.3 100.12c7.05-10.29 11.2-22.71 11.2-36.12 0-35.35-28.63-64-63.96-64-35.32 0-63.96 28.65-63.96 64 0 13.41 4.15 25.83 11.2 36.12l-130.5 313.41c-3.4 8.15.46 17.52 8.61 20.92l29.51 12.31c8.15 3.4 17.52-.46 20.91-8.61L244.96 384h150.07l49.2 118.15c3.4 8.16 12.76 12.01 20.91 8.61l29.51-12.31c8.15-3.4 12-12.77 8.61-20.92l-130.5-313.41zM271.62 320L320 203.81 368.38 320h-96.76z"],
- "broom": [512, 512, [], "f51a", "M10.8 247.2C-.7 251.8-3.7 266.7 5 275.4l54.8 54.8 73.2-24.4-24.4 73.2 128 128c8.8 8.8 23.6 5.7 28.2-5.8l98.1-243.7-108.4-108.4-243.7 98.1zM507.3 27.3L484.7 4.7c-6.2-6.3-16.4-6.3-22.6 0L359.8 106.9l-40.4-40.4c-4.2-4.3-11.4-3-13.9 2.5l-27.2 58.6 106.1 106.1 58.6-27.2c5.4-2.5 6.7-9.7 2.5-13.9l-40.4-40.4L507.3 49.9c6.3-6.2 6.3-16.3 0-22.6z"],
- "brush": [384, 512, [], "f55d", "M352 0H32C14.33 0 0 14.33 0 32v224h384V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM0 320c0 35.35 28.66 64 64 64h64v64c0 35.35 28.66 64 64 64s64-28.65 64-64v-64h64c35.34 0 64-28.65 64-64v-32H0v32zm192 104c13.25 0 24 10.74 24 24 0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24s-24-10.75-24-24c0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24z"],
- "bug": [512, 512, [], "f188", "M511.988 288.9c-.478 17.43-15.217 31.1-32.653 31.1H424v16c0 21.864-4.882 42.584-13.6 61.145l60.228 60.228c12.496 12.497 12.496 32.758 0 45.255-12.498 12.497-32.759 12.496-45.256 0l-54.736-54.736C345.886 467.965 314.351 480 280 480V236c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-24c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v244c-34.351 0-65.886-12.035-90.636-32.108l-54.736 54.736c-12.498 12.497-32.759 12.496-45.256 0-12.496-12.497-12.496-32.758 0-45.255l60.228-60.228C92.882 378.584 88 357.864 88 336v-16H32.666C15.23 320 .491 306.33.013 288.9-.484 270.816 14.028 256 32 256h56v-58.745l-46.628-46.628c-12.496-12.497-12.496-32.758 0-45.255 12.498-12.497 32.758-12.497 45.256 0L141.255 160h229.489l54.627-54.627c12.498-12.497 32.758-12.497 45.256 0 12.496 12.497 12.496 32.758 0 45.255L424 197.255V256h56c17.972 0 32.484 14.816 31.988 32.9zM257 0c-61.856 0-112 50.144-112 112h224C369 50.144 318.856 0 257 0z"],
- "building": [448, 512, [], "f1ad", "M436 480h-20V24c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H56C42.745 0 32 10.745 32 24v456H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v20h448v-20c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12zM128 76c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-40c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V76zm0 96c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-40c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-40zm52 148h-40c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-40c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zm76 160h-64v-84c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v84zm64-172c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-40c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-40c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-40c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-40c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-40c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V76c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40z"],
- "bullhorn": [576, 512, [], "f0a1", "M576 240c0-23.63-12.95-44.04-32-55.12V32.01C544 23.26 537.02 0 512 0c-7.12 0-14.19 2.38-19.98 7.02l-85.03 68.03C364.28 109.19 310.66 128 256 128H64c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64v96c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h33.7c-1.39 10.48-2.18 21.14-2.18 32 0 39.77 9.26 77.35 25.56 110.94 5.19 10.69 16.52 17.06 28.4 17.06h74.28c26.05 0 41.69-29.84 25.9-50.56-16.4-21.52-26.15-48.36-26.15-77.44 0-11.11 1.62-21.79 4.41-32H256c54.66 0 108.28 18.81 150.98 52.95l85.03 68.03a32.023 32.023 0 0 0 19.98 7.02c24.92 0 32-22.78 32-32V295.13C563.05 284.04 576 263.63 576 240zm-96 141.42l-33.05-26.44C392.95 311.78 325.12 288 256 288v-96c69.12 0 136.95-23.78 190.95-66.98L480 98.58v282.84z"],
- "bullseye": [496, 512, [], "f140", "M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm0 432c-101.69 0-184-82.29-184-184 0-101.69 82.29-184 184-184 101.69 0 184 82.29 184 184 0 101.69-82.29 184-184 184zm0-312c-70.69 0-128 57.31-128 128s57.31 128 128 128 128-57.31 128-128-57.31-128-128-128zm0 192c-35.29 0-64-28.71-64-64s28.71-64 64-64 64 28.71 64 64-28.71 64-64 64z"],
- "burn": [384, 512, [], "f46a", "M192 0C79.7 101.3 0 220.9 0 300.5 0 425 79 512 192 512s192-87 192-211.5c0-79.9-80.2-199.6-192-300.5zm0 448c-56.5 0-96-39-96-94.8 0-13.5 4.6-61.5 96-161.2 91.4 99.7 96 147.7 96 161.2 0 55.8-39.5 94.8-96 94.8z"],
- "bus": [512, 512, [], "f207", "M488 128h-8V80c0-44.8-99.2-80-224-80S32 35.2 32 80v48h-8c-13.25 0-24 10.74-24 24v80c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h8v160c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32h192v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32h6.4c16 0 25.6-12.8 25.6-25.6V256h8c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-80c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24zM112 400c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm16-112c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32V128c0-17.67 14.33-32 32-32h256c17.67 0 32 14.33 32 32v128c0 17.67-14.33 32-32 32H128zm272 112c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z"],
- "bus-alt": [512, 512, [], "f55e", "M488 128h-8V80c0-44.8-99.2-80-224-80S32 35.2 32 80v48h-8c-13.25 0-24 10.74-24 24v80c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h8v160c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32h192v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32h6.4c16 0 25.6-12.8 25.6-25.6V256h8c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-80c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24zM160 72c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h176c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H168c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V72zm-48 328c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm128-112H128c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32v-96c0-17.67 14.33-32 32-32h112v160zm32 0V128h112c17.67 0 32 14.33 32 32v96c0 17.67-14.33 32-32 32H272zm128 112c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z"],
- "business-time": [640, 512, [], "f64a", "M496 224c-79.59 0-144 64.41-144 144s64.41 144 144 144 144-64.41 144-144-64.41-144-144-144zm64 150.29c0 5.34-4.37 9.71-9.71 9.71h-60.57c-5.34 0-9.71-4.37-9.71-9.71v-76.57c0-5.34 4.37-9.71 9.71-9.71h12.57c5.34 0 9.71 4.37 9.71 9.71V352h38.29c5.34 0 9.71 4.37 9.71 9.71v12.58zM496 192c5.4 0 10.72.33 16 .81V144c0-25.6-22.4-48-48-48h-80V48c0-25.6-22.4-48-48-48H176c-25.6 0-48 22.4-48 48v48H48c-25.6 0-48 22.4-48 48v80h395.12c28.6-20.09 63.35-32 100.88-32zM320 96H192V64h128v32zm6.82 224H208c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-48H0v144c0 25.6 22.4 48 48 48h291.43C327.1 423.96 320 396.82 320 368c0-16.66 2.48-32.72 6.82-48z"],
- "calculator": [448, 512, [], "f1ec", "M400 0H48C22.4 0 0 22.4 0 48v416c0 25.6 22.4 48 48 48h352c25.6 0 48-22.4 48-48V48c0-25.6-22.4-48-48-48zM128 435.2c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8H76.8c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4zm0-128c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8H76.8c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4zm128 128c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4zm0-128c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4zm128 128c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8V268.8c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v166.4zm0-256c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8H76.8c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8V76.8C64 70.4 70.4 64 76.8 64h294.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v102.4z"],
- "calendar": [448, 512, [], "f133", "M12 192h424c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v260c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V204c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12zm436-44v-36c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48h-48V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v52H160V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v52H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v36c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h424c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12z"],
- "calendar-alt": [448, 512, [], "f073", "M436 160H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-36c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v36c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12zM12 192h424c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v260c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V204c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12zm116 204c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40zm0-128c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40zm128 128c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40zm0-128c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40zm128 128c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40zm0-128c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40z"],
- "calendar-check": [448, 512, [], "f274", "M436 160H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-36c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v52h48c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v36c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zM12 192h424c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v260c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V204c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12zm333.296 95.947l-28.169-28.398c-4.667-4.705-12.265-4.736-16.97-.068L194.12 364.665l-45.98-46.352c-4.667-4.705-12.266-4.736-16.971-.068l-28.397 28.17c-4.705 4.667-4.736 12.265-.068 16.97l82.601 83.269c4.667 4.705 12.265 4.736 16.97.068l142.953-141.805c4.705-4.667 4.736-12.265.068-16.97z"],
- "calendar-minus": [448, 512, [], "f272", "M436 160H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-36c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v36c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12zM12 192h424c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v260c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V204c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12zm304 192c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H132c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h184z"],
- "calendar-plus": [448, 512, [], "f271", "M436 160H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-36c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v36c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12zM12 192h424c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v260c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V204c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12zm316 140c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-60v-60c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v60h-60c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h60v60c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-60h60c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40z"],
- "calendar-times": [448, 512, [], "f273", "M436 160H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-36c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h128V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v36c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12zM12 192h424c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v260c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V204c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12zm257.3 160l48.1-48.1c4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17l-28.3-28.3c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0L224 306.7l-48.1-48.1c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0l-28.3 28.3c-4.7 4.7-4.7 12.3 0 17l48.1 48.1-48.1 48.1c-4.7 4.7-4.7 12.3 0 17l28.3 28.3c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0l48.1-48.1 48.1 48.1c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0l28.3-28.3c4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17L269.3 352z"],
- "camera": [512, 512, [], "f030", "M512 144v288c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V144c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h88l12.3-32.9c7-18.7 24.9-31.1 44.9-31.1h125.5c20 0 37.9 12.4 44.9 31.1L376 96h88c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM376 288c0-66.2-53.8-120-120-120s-120 53.8-120 120 53.8 120 120 120 120-53.8 120-120zm-32 0c0 48.5-39.5 88-88 88s-88-39.5-88-88 39.5-88 88-88 88 39.5 88 88z"],
- "camera-retro": [512, 512, [], "f083", "M48 32C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H48zm0 32h106c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v20c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6H38c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6V80c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16zm426 96H38c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6v-36c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h138l30.2-45.3c1.1-1.7 3-2.7 5-2.7H464c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v74c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6zM256 424c-66.2 0-120-53.8-120-120s53.8-120 120-120 120 53.8 120 120-53.8 120-120 120zm0-208c-48.5 0-88 39.5-88 88s39.5 88 88 88 88-39.5 88-88-39.5-88-88-88zm-48 104c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16 0-35.3 28.7-64 64-64 8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16c-17.6 0-32 14.4-32 32 0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16z"],
- "cannabis": [512, 512, [], "f55f", "M503.47 360.25c-1.56-.82-32.39-16.89-76.78-25.81 64.25-75.12 84.05-161.67 84.93-165.64 1.18-5.33-.44-10.9-4.3-14.77-3.03-3.04-7.12-4.7-11.32-4.7-1.14 0-2.29.12-3.44.38-3.88.85-86.54 19.59-160.58 79.76.01-1.46.01-2.93.01-4.4 0-118.79-59.98-213.72-62.53-217.7A15.973 15.973 0 0 0 256 0c-5.45 0-10.53 2.78-13.47 7.37-2.55 3.98-62.53 98.91-62.53 217.7 0 1.47.01 2.94.01 4.4-74.03-60.16-156.69-78.9-160.58-79.76-1.14-.25-2.29-.38-3.44-.38-4.2 0-8.29 1.66-11.32 4.7A15.986 15.986 0 0 0 .38 168.8c.88 3.97 20.68 90.52 84.93 165.64-44.39 8.92-75.21 24.99-76.78 25.81a16.003 16.003 0 0 0-.02 28.29c2.45 1.29 60.76 31.72 133.49 31.72 6.14 0 11.96-.1 17.5-.31-11.37 22.23-16.52 38.31-16.81 39.22-1.8 5.68-.29 11.89 3.91 16.11a16.019 16.019 0 0 0 16.1 3.99c1.83-.57 37.72-11.99 77.3-39.29V504c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h16c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8v-64.01c39.58 27.3 75.47 38.71 77.3 39.29a16.019 16.019 0 0 0 16.1-3.99c4.2-4.22 5.71-10.43 3.91-16.11-.29-.91-5.45-16.99-16.81-39.22 5.54.21 11.37.31 17.5.31 72.72 0 131.04-30.43 133.49-31.72 5.24-2.78 8.52-8.22 8.51-14.15-.01-5.94-3.29-11.39-8.53-14.15z"],
- "capsules": [576, 512, [], "f46b", "M555.3 300.1L424.2 112.8C401.9 81 366.4 64 330.4 64c-22.6 0-45.5 6.7-65.5 20.7-19.7 13.8-33.7 32.8-41.5 53.8C220.5 79.2 172 32 112 32 50.1 32 0 82.1 0 144v224c0 61.9 50.1 112 112 112s112-50.1 112-112V218.9c3.3 8.6 7.3 17.1 12.8 25L368 431.2c22.2 31.8 57.7 48.8 93.8 48.8 22.7 0 45.5-6.7 65.5-20.7 51.7-36.2 64.2-107.5 28-159.2zM160 256H64V144c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48s48 21.5 48 48v112zm194.8 44.9l-65.6-93.7c-7.7-11-10.7-24.4-8.3-37.6 2.3-13.2 9.7-24.8 20.7-32.5 8.5-6 18.5-9.1 28.8-9.1 16.5 0 31.9 8 41.3 21.5l65.6 93.7-82.5 57.7z"],
- "car": [512, 512, [], "f1b9", "M499.99 176h-59.87l-16.64-41.6C406.38 91.63 365.57 64 319.5 64h-127c-46.06 0-86.88 27.63-103.99 70.4L71.87 176H12.01C4.2 176-1.53 183.34.37 190.91l6 24C7.7 220.25 12.5 224 18.01 224h20.07C24.65 235.73 16 252.78 16 272v48c0 16.12 6.16 30.67 16 41.93V416c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32h256v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-54.07c9.84-11.25 16-25.8 16-41.93v-48c0-19.22-8.65-36.27-22.07-48H494c5.51 0 10.31-3.75 11.64-9.09l6-24c1.89-7.57-3.84-14.91-11.65-14.91zm-352.06-17.83c7.29-18.22 24.94-30.17 44.57-30.17h127c19.63 0 37.28 11.95 44.57 30.17L384 208H128l19.93-49.83zM96 319.8c-19.2 0-32-12.76-32-31.9S76.8 256 96 256s48 28.71 48 47.85-28.8 15.95-48 15.95zm320 0c-19.2 0-48 3.19-48-15.95S396.8 256 416 256s32 12.76 32 31.9-12.8 31.9-32 31.9z"],
- "car-alt": [480, 512, [], "f5de", "M438.66 212.33l-11.24-28.1-19.93-49.83C390.38 91.63 349.57 64 303.5 64h-127c-46.06 0-86.88 27.63-103.99 70.4l-19.93 49.83-11.24 28.1C17.22 221.5 0 244.66 0 272v48c0 16.12 6.16 30.67 16 41.93V416c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32h256v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-54.07c9.84-11.25 16-25.8 16-41.93v-48c0-27.34-17.22-50.5-41.34-59.67zm-306.73-54.16c7.29-18.22 24.94-30.17 44.57-30.17h127c19.63 0 37.28 11.95 44.57 30.17L368 208H112l19.93-49.83zM80 319.8c-19.2 0-32-12.76-32-31.9S60.8 256 80 256s48 28.71 48 47.85-28.8 15.95-48 15.95zm320 0c-19.2 0-48 3.19-48-15.95S380.8 256 400 256s32 12.76 32 31.9-12.8 31.9-32 31.9z"],
- "car-battery": [512, 512, [], "f5df", "M480 128h-32V80c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-96c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v48H192V80c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H80c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v48H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v256c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h448c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V160c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM192 264c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h112c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16zm256 0c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-40v40c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-40h-40c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h40v-40c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v40h40c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16z"],
- "car-crash": [640, 512, [], "f5e1", "M143.25 220.81l-12.42 46.37c-3.01 11.25-3.63 22.89-2.41 34.39l-35.2 28.98c-6.57 5.41-16.31-.43-14.62-8.77l15.44-76.68c1.06-5.26-2.66-10.28-8-10.79l-77.86-7.55c-8.47-.82-11.23-11.83-4.14-16.54l65.15-43.3c4.46-2.97 5.38-9.15 1.98-13.29L21.46 93.22c-5.41-6.57.43-16.3 8.78-14.62l76.68 15.44c5.26 1.06 10.28-2.66 10.8-8l7.55-77.86c.82-8.48 11.83-11.23 16.55-4.14l43.3 65.14c2.97 4.46 9.15 5.38 13.29 1.98l60.4-49.71c6.57-5.41 16.3.43 14.62 8.77L262.1 86.38c-2.71 3.05-5.43 6.09-7.91 9.4l-32.15 42.97-10.71 14.32c-32.73 8.76-59.18 34.53-68.08 67.74zm494.57 132.51l-12.42 46.36c-3.13 11.68-9.38 21.61-17.55 29.36a66.876 66.876 0 0 1-8.76 7l-13.99 52.23c-1.14 4.27-3.1 8.1-5.65 11.38-7.67 9.84-20.74 14.68-33.54 11.25L515 502.62c-17.07-4.57-27.2-22.12-22.63-39.19l8.28-30.91-247.28-66.26-8.28 30.91c-4.57 17.07-22.12 27.2-39.19 22.63l-30.91-8.28c-12.8-3.43-21.7-14.16-23.42-26.51-.57-4.12-.35-8.42.79-12.68l13.99-52.23a66.62 66.62 0 0 1-4.09-10.45c-3.2-10.79-3.65-22.52-.52-34.2l12.42-46.37c5.31-19.8 19.36-34.83 36.89-42.21a64.336 64.336 0 0 1 18.49-4.72l18.13-24.23 32.15-42.97c3.45-4.61 7.19-8.9 11.2-12.84 8-7.89 17.03-14.44 26.74-19.51 4.86-2.54 9.89-4.71 15.05-6.49 10.33-3.58 21.19-5.63 32.24-6.04 11.05-.41 22.31.82 33.43 3.8l122.68 32.87c11.12 2.98 21.48 7.54 30.85 13.43a111.11 111.11 0 0 1 34.69 34.5c8.82 13.88 14.64 29.84 16.68 46.99l6.36 53.29 3.59 30.05a64.49 64.49 0 0 1 22.74 29.93c4.39 11.88 5.29 25.19 1.75 38.39zM255.58 234.34c-18.55-4.97-34.21 4.04-39.17 22.53-4.96 18.49 4.11 34.12 22.65 39.09 18.55 4.97 45.54 15.51 50.49-2.98 4.96-18.49-15.43-53.67-33.97-58.64zm290.61 28.17l-6.36-53.29c-.58-4.87-1.89-9.53-3.82-13.86-5.8-12.99-17.2-23.01-31.42-26.82l-122.68-32.87a48.008 48.008 0 0 0-50.86 17.61l-32.15 42.97 172 46.08 75.29 20.18zm18.49 54.65c-18.55-4.97-53.8 15.31-58.75 33.79-4.95 18.49 23.69 22.86 42.24 27.83 18.55 4.97 34.21-4.04 39.17-22.53 4.95-18.48-4.11-34.12-22.66-39.09z"],
- "car-side": [640, 512, [], "f5e4", "M544 192h-16L419.22 56.02A64.025 64.025 0 0 0 369.24 32H155.33c-26.17 0-49.7 15.93-59.42 40.23L48 194.26C20.44 201.4 0 226.21 0 256v112c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48c0 53.02 42.98 96 96 96s96-42.98 96-96h128c0 53.02 42.98 96 96 96s96-42.98 96-96h48c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-80c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96zM160 432c-26.47 0-48-21.53-48-48s21.53-48 48-48 48 21.53 48 48-21.53 48-48 48zm72-240H116.93l38.4-96H232v96zm48 0V96h89.24l76.8 96H280zm200 240c-26.47 0-48-21.53-48-48s21.53-48 48-48 48 21.53 48 48-21.53 48-48 48z"],
- "caret-down": [320, 512, [], "f0d7", "M31.3 192h257.3c17.8 0 26.7 21.5 14.1 34.1L174.1 354.8c-7.8 7.8-20.5 7.8-28.3 0L17.2 226.1C4.6 213.5 13.5 192 31.3 192z"],
- "caret-left": [192, 512, [], "f0d9", "M192 127.338v257.324c0 17.818-21.543 26.741-34.142 14.142L29.196 270.142c-7.81-7.81-7.81-20.474 0-28.284l128.662-128.662c12.599-12.6 34.142-3.676 34.142 14.142z"],
- "caret-right": [192, 512, [], "f0da", "M0 384.662V127.338c0-17.818 21.543-26.741 34.142-14.142l128.662 128.662c7.81 7.81 7.81 20.474 0 28.284L34.142 398.804C21.543 411.404 0 402.48 0 384.662z"],
- "caret-square-down": [448, 512, [], "f150", "M448 80v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM92.5 220.5l123 123c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0l123-123c7.6-7.6 2.2-20.5-8.5-20.5H101c-10.7 0-16.1 12.9-8.5 20.5z"],
- "caret-square-left": [448, 512, [], "f191", "M400 480H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h352c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48zM259.515 124.485l-123.03 123.03c-4.686 4.686-4.686 12.284 0 16.971l123.029 123.029c7.56 7.56 20.485 2.206 20.485-8.485V132.971c.001-10.691-12.925-16.045-20.484-8.486z"],
- "caret-square-right": [448, 512, [], "f152", "M48 32h352c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48zm140.485 355.515l123.029-123.029c4.686-4.686 4.686-12.284 0-16.971l-123.029-123.03c-7.56-7.56-20.485-2.206-20.485 8.485v246.059c0 10.691 12.926 16.045 20.485 8.486z"],
- "caret-square-up": [448, 512, [], "f151", "M0 432V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h352c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48zm355.515-140.485l-123.03-123.03c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0L92.485 291.515c-7.56 7.56-2.206 20.485 8.485 20.485h246.059c10.691 0 16.045-12.926 8.486-20.485z"],
- "caret-up": [320, 512, [], "f0d8", "M288.662 352H31.338c-17.818 0-26.741-21.543-14.142-34.142l128.662-128.662c7.81-7.81 20.474-7.81 28.284 0l128.662 128.662c12.6 12.599 3.676 34.142-14.142 34.142z"],
- "cart-arrow-down": [576, 512, [], "f218", "M504.717 320H211.572l6.545 32h268.418c15.401 0 26.816 14.301 23.403 29.319l-5.517 24.276C523.112 414.668 536 433.828 536 456c0 31.202-25.519 56.444-56.824 55.994-29.823-.429-54.35-24.631-55.155-54.447-.44-16.287 6.085-31.049 16.803-41.548H231.176C241.553 426.165 248 440.326 248 456c0 31.813-26.528 57.431-58.67 55.938-28.54-1.325-51.751-24.385-53.251-52.917-1.158-22.034 10.436-41.455 28.051-51.586L93.883 64H24C10.745 64 0 53.255 0 40V24C0 10.745 10.745 0 24 0h102.529c11.401 0 21.228 8.021 23.513 19.19L159.208 64H551.99c15.401 0 26.816 14.301 23.403 29.319l-47.273 208C525.637 312.246 515.923 320 504.717 320zM403.029 192H360v-60c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-24c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v60h-43.029c-10.691 0-16.045 12.926-8.485 20.485l67.029 67.029c4.686 4.686 12.284 4.686 16.971 0l67.029-67.029c7.559-7.559 2.205-20.485-8.486-20.485z"],
- "cart-plus": [576, 512, [], "f217", "M504.717 320H211.572l6.545 32h268.418c15.401 0 26.816 14.301 23.403 29.319l-5.517 24.276C523.112 414.668 536 433.828 536 456c0 31.202-25.519 56.444-56.824 55.994-29.823-.429-54.35-24.631-55.155-54.447-.44-16.287 6.085-31.049 16.803-41.548H231.176C241.553 426.165 248 440.326 248 456c0 31.813-26.528 57.431-58.67 55.938-28.54-1.325-51.751-24.385-53.251-52.917-1.158-22.034 10.436-41.455 28.051-51.586L93.883 64H24C10.745 64 0 53.255 0 40V24C0 10.745 10.745 0 24 0h102.529c11.401 0 21.228 8.021 23.513 19.19L159.208 64H551.99c15.401 0 26.816 14.301 23.403 29.319l-47.273 208C525.637 312.246 515.923 320 504.717 320zM408 168h-48v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40h-48c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v16c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h48v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h16c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40h48c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-16c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16z"],
- "certificate": [512, 512, [], "f0a3", "M458.622 255.92l45.985-45.005c13.708-12.977 7.316-36.039-10.664-40.339l-62.65-15.99 17.661-62.015c4.991-17.838-11.829-34.663-29.661-29.671l-61.994 17.667-15.984-62.671C337.085.197 313.765-6.276 300.99 7.228L256 53.57 211.011 7.229c-12.63-13.351-36.047-7.234-40.325 10.668l-15.984 62.671-61.995-17.667C74.87 57.907 58.056 74.738 63.046 92.572l17.661 62.015-62.65 15.99C.069 174.878-6.31 197.944 7.392 210.915l45.985 45.005-45.985 45.004c-13.708 12.977-7.316 36.039 10.664 40.339l62.65 15.99-17.661 62.015c-4.991 17.838 11.829 34.663 29.661 29.671l61.994-17.667 15.984 62.671c4.439 18.575 27.696 24.018 40.325 10.668L256 458.61l44.989 46.001c12.5 13.488 35.987 7.486 40.325-10.668l15.984-62.671 61.994 17.667c17.836 4.994 34.651-11.837 29.661-29.671l-17.661-62.015 62.65-15.99c17.987-4.302 24.366-27.367 10.664-40.339l-45.984-45.004z"],
- "chalkboard": [640, 512, [], "f51b", "M96 64h448v352h64V40c0-22.06-17.94-40-40-40H72C49.94 0 32 17.94 32 40v376h64V64zm528 384H480v-64H288v64H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h608c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z"],
- "chalkboard-teacher": [640, 512, [], "f51c", "M208 352c-2.39 0-4.78.35-7.06 1.09C187.98 357.3 174.35 360 160 360c-14.35 0-27.98-2.7-40.95-6.91-2.28-.74-4.66-1.09-7.05-1.09C49.94 352-.33 402.48 0 464.62.14 490.88 21.73 512 48 512h224c26.27 0 47.86-21.12 48-47.38.33-62.14-49.94-112.62-112-112.62zm-48-32c53.02 0 96-42.98 96-96s-42.98-96-96-96-96 42.98-96 96 42.98 96 96 96zM592 0H208c-26.47 0-48 22.25-48 49.59V96c23.42 0 45.1 6.78 64 17.8V64h352v288h-64v-64H384v64h-76.24c19.1 16.69 33.12 38.73 39.69 64H592c26.47 0 48-22.25 48-49.59V49.59C640 22.25 618.47 0 592 0z"],
- "charging-station": [576, 512, [], "f5e7", "M336 448H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h320c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm208-320V80c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16s-16 7.16-16 16v48h-32V80c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16s-16 7.16-16 16v48h-16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 35.76 23.62 65.69 56 75.93v118.49c0 13.95-9.5 26.92-23.26 29.19C431.22 402.5 416 388.99 416 372v-28c0-48.6-39.4-88-88-88h-8V64c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64H96C60.65 0 32 28.65 32 64v352h288V304h8c22.09 0 40 17.91 40 40v24.61c0 39.67 28.92 75.16 68.41 79.01C481.71 452.05 520 416.41 520 372V251.93c32.38-10.24 56-40.17 56-75.93v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-16zm-283.91 47.76l-93.7 139c-2.2 3.33-6.21 5.24-10.39 5.24-7.67 0-13.47-6.28-11.67-12.92L167.35 224H108c-7.25 0-12.85-5.59-11.89-11.89l16-107C112.9 99.9 117.98 96 124 96h68c7.88 0 13.62 6.54 11.6 13.21L192 160h57.7c9.24 0 15.01 8.78 10.39 15.76z"],
- "chart-area": [512, 512, [], "f1fe", "M500 384c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V76c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v308h436zM372.7 159.5L288 216l-85.3-113.7c-5.1-6.8-15.5-6.3-19.9 1L96 248v104h384l-89.9-187.8c-3.2-6.5-11.4-8.7-17.4-4.7z"],
- "chart-bar": [512, 512, [], "f080", "M332.8 320h38.4c6.4 0 12.8-6.4 12.8-12.8V172.8c0-6.4-6.4-12.8-12.8-12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8 6.4-12.8 12.8v134.4c0 6.4 6.4 12.8 12.8 12.8zm96 0h38.4c6.4 0 12.8-6.4 12.8-12.8V76.8c0-6.4-6.4-12.8-12.8-12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8 6.4-12.8 12.8v230.4c0 6.4 6.4 12.8 12.8 12.8zm-288 0h38.4c6.4 0 12.8-6.4 12.8-12.8v-70.4c0-6.4-6.4-12.8-12.8-12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8 6.4-12.8 12.8v70.4c0 6.4 6.4 12.8 12.8 12.8zm96 0h38.4c6.4 0 12.8-6.4 12.8-12.8V108.8c0-6.4-6.4-12.8-12.8-12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8 6.4-12.8 12.8v198.4c0 6.4 6.4 12.8 12.8 12.8zM496 384H64V80c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H16C7.16 64 0 71.16 0 80v336c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h464c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z"],
- "chart-line": [512, 512, [], "f201", "M496 384H64V80c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H16C7.16 64 0 71.16 0 80v336c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h464c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zM464 96H345.94c-21.38 0-32.09 25.85-16.97 40.97l32.4 32.4L288 242.75l-73.37-73.37c-12.5-12.5-32.76-12.5-45.25 0l-68.69 68.69c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63l22.62 22.62c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0L192 237.25l73.37 73.37c12.5 12.5 32.76 12.5 45.25 0l96-96 32.4 32.4c15.12 15.12 40.97 4.41 40.97-16.97V112c.01-8.84-7.15-16-15.99-16z"],
- "chart-pie": [544, 512, [], "f200", "M527.79 288H290.5l158.03 158.03c6.04 6.04 15.98 6.53 22.19.68 38.7-36.46 65.32-85.61 73.13-140.86 1.34-9.46-6.51-17.85-16.06-17.85zm-15.83-64.8C503.72 103.74 408.26 8.28 288.8.04 279.68-.59 272 7.1 272 16.24V240h223.77c9.14 0 16.82-7.68 16.19-16.8zM224 288V50.71c0-9.55-8.39-17.4-17.84-16.06C86.99 51.49-4.1 155.6.14 280.37 4.5 408.51 114.83 513.59 243.03 511.98c50.4-.63 96.97-16.87 135.26-44.03 7.9-5.6 8.42-17.23 1.57-24.08L224 288z"],
- "check": [512, 512, [], "f00c", "M173.898 439.404l-166.4-166.4c-9.997-9.997-9.997-26.206 0-36.204l36.203-36.204c9.997-9.998 26.207-9.998 36.204 0L192 312.69 432.095 72.596c9.997-9.997 26.207-9.997 36.204 0l36.203 36.204c9.997 9.997 9.997 26.206 0 36.204l-294.4 294.401c-9.998 9.997-26.207 9.997-36.204-.001z"],
- "check-circle": [512, 512, [], "f058", "M504 256c0 136.967-111.033 248-248 248S8 392.967 8 256 119.033 8 256 8s248 111.033 248 248zM227.314 387.314l184-184c6.248-6.248 6.248-16.379 0-22.627l-22.627-22.627c-6.248-6.249-16.379-6.249-22.628 0L216 308.118l-70.059-70.059c-6.248-6.248-16.379-6.248-22.628 0l-22.627 22.627c-6.248 6.248-6.248 16.379 0 22.627l104 104c6.249 6.249 16.379 6.249 22.628.001z"],
- "check-double": [512, 512, [], "f560", "M504.5 171.95l-36.2-36.41c-10-10.05-26.21-10.05-36.2 0L192 377.02 79.9 264.28c-10-10.06-26.21-10.06-36.2 0L7.5 300.69c-10 10.05-10 26.36 0 36.41l166.4 167.36c10 10.06 26.21 10.06 36.2 0l294.4-296.09c10-10.06 10-26.36 0-36.42zM166.57 282.71c6.84 7.02 18.18 7.02 25.21.18L403.85 72.62c7.02-6.84 7.02-18.18.18-25.21L362.08 5.29c-6.84-7.02-18.18-7.02-25.21-.18L179.71 161.19l-68.23-68.77c-6.84-7.02-18.18-7.02-25.2-.18l-42.13 41.77c-7.02 6.84-7.02 18.18-.18 25.2l122.6 123.5z"],
- "check-square": [448, 512, [], "f14a", "M400 480H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h352c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48zm-204.686-98.059l184-184c6.248-6.248 6.248-16.379 0-22.627l-22.627-22.627c-6.248-6.248-16.379-6.249-22.628 0L184 302.745l-70.059-70.059c-6.248-6.248-16.379-6.248-22.628 0l-22.627 22.627c-6.248 6.248-6.248 16.379 0 22.627l104 104c6.249 6.25 16.379 6.25 22.628.001z"],
- "chess": [512, 512, [], "f439", "M199.821 217.633a6 6 0 0 1 6 6l-.001 20.766a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-25.805c0 31.715-2.153 96.201 17.398 153.229H64.597C84.54 345.452 82.02 279.245 82.02 250.399H56.183a6 6 0 0 1-6-6l.002-20.766a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h143.636zM41.554 115.088l34.58 95.071h103.734l34.572-95.072c2.846-7.826-2.95-16.101-11.278-16.101H152v-30.22h21.57a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V40.383a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-28.367V6a6 6 0 0 0-6-6H116.82a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v28.383H82.421a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v22.383a6 6 0 0 0 6 6H104v30.219H52.831c-8.328.001-14.124 8.276-11.277 16.103zM222.678 445.17v-28.067a6 6 0 0 0-6-6H39.322a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v28.067l-22.148 14.164a6 6 0 0 0-2.767 5.055V506a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h227.187a6 6 0 0 0 6-6v-41.612a6 6 0 0 0-2.767-5.055l-22.149-14.163zm90.578-144.225l24.88 16.963c.09 18.124-.167 63.904-11.905 114.522h147.526c-11.713-50.475-11.969-96.324-11.882-114.537l24.859-16.949a3.856 3.856 0 0 0 1.684-3.187v-69.901a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-3.857-3.857h-27.655a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-3.857 3.857v31.514h-22.737v-31.514a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-3.858-3.857h-52.918a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-3.857 3.857v31.514h-22.737v-31.514a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-3.857-3.857H315.43a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-3.857 3.857v69.901a3.855 3.855 0 0 0 1.683 3.188zm71.585 51.906c0-8.372 6.787-15.158 15.159-15.158s15.158 6.787 15.158 15.158v30.318h-30.317v-30.318zM504.62 470.059l-13.664-10.639v-15.552a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-3.857-3.857H312.915a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-3.857 3.857v15.552l-13.677 10.639a3.857 3.857 0 0 0-1.488 3.044v35.039a3.857 3.857 0 0 0 3.857 3.857h204.5a3.857 3.857 0 0 0 3.857-3.857v-35.04a3.859 3.859 0 0 0-1.487-3.043z"],
- "chess-bishop": [320, 512, [], "f43a", "M123.158 77.881C107.369 72.53 96 57.597 96 40c0-22.091 17.909-40 40-40h47.796c22.091 0 40 17.909 40 40 0 17.541-11.295 32.434-27.005 37.829 23.993 16.657 48.577 46.839 68.703 82.05L144.929 280.443a6 6 0 0 0 0 8.485l14.142 14.142a6 6 0 0 0 8.485 0L280.9 189.726c17.758 38.297 29.371 79.443 29.371 114.273 0 53.786-22.897 75.788-58.446 86.033V448H68.174v-57.97C32.631 379.784 9.739 357.781 9.739 304c0-78.029 58.281-187.766 113.419-226.119zM320 500v-24c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v24c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h296c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12z"],
- "chess-board": [512, 512, [], "f43c", "M256 256v64h-64v-64h64zm0-256h-64v64h64V0zm0 256h64v-64h-64v64zM384 0h-64v64h64V0zm0 512h64v-64h-64v64zm128-64v-64h-64v64h64zm-384 64h64v-64h-64v64zm0-512H64v64h64V0zm384 192v-64h-64v64h64zm0 128v-64h-64v64h64zM0 512h64v-64H0v64zM0 64v64h64V64H0zm0 128v64h64v-64H0zm0 128v64h64v-64H0zm256 192h64v-64h-64v64zm-64-128v64h64v-64h-64zm64-192v-64h-64v64h64zM64 384v64h64v-64H64zm64-128H64v64h64v-64zm256 128h64v-64h-64v64zM512 0h-64v64h64V0zM384 256h64v-64h-64v64zm0-192v64h64V64h-64zm-64 320v64h64v-64h-64zm-192-64v64h64v-64h-64zm128 0v64h64v-64h-64zm-64-128h-64v64h64v-64zm-64-64H64v64h64v-64zm192 192h64v-64h-64v64zM192 128V64h-64v64h64zm128 0V64h-64v64h64zm0 64h64v-64h-64v64z"],
- "chess-king": [448, 512, [], "f43f", "M416 476v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H44c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h360c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zm-8.033-324H248v-48h50a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V62a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-50V6a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-36a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v50h-50a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v36a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h50v48H40.033c-27.574 0-46.879 27.244-37.738 53.259L87.582 448h272.836l85.287-242.741C454.846 179.244 435.541 152 407.967 152z"],
- "chess-knight": [384, 512, [], "f441", "M352 224v224H32v-46.557c0-30.302 17.12-58.003 44.223-71.554l57.243-28.622A48 48 0 0 0 160 258.334V208l-22.127 11.063a23.996 23.996 0 0 0-12.55 15.645l-11.835 47.338a12 12 0 0 1-7.185 8.231l-29.601 11.84a11.998 11.998 0 0 1-9.33-.176L7.126 275.167A12 12 0 0 1 0 264.201v-158.26c0-6.365 2.529-12.47 7.03-16.971L16 80 1.789 51.578A16.937 16.937 0 0 1 0 44c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h148c106.039 0 192 85.961 192 192zm20 240H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v24c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h360c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-24c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12zM52 128c-11.046 0-20 8.954-20 20s8.954 20 20 20 20-8.954 20-20-8.954-20-20-20z"],
- "chess-pawn": [320, 512, [], "f443", "M264 448H56s60-42.743 60-176H84c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h40.209C95.721 210.56 76 181.588 76 148c0-46.392 37.608-84 84-84s84 37.608 84 84c0 33.588-19.721 62.56-48.209 76H236c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-32c0 133.257 60 176 60 176zm28 16H28c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v24c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h264c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-24c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12z"],
- "chess-queen": [512, 512, [], "f445", "M436 512H76c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h360c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zM255.579 0c-30.928 0-56 25.072-56 56s25.072 56 56 56 56-25.072 56-56-25.072-56-56-56zm204.568 154.634c-5.768-3.045-12.916-.932-16.082 4.77-8.616 15.516-22.747 37.801-44.065 37.801-28.714 0-30.625-19.804-31.686-57.542-.183-6.492-5.501-11.664-11.995-11.664h-41.006c-5.175 0-9.754 3.328-11.388 8.238-8.89 26.709-26.073 40.992-47.925 40.992s-39.034-14.283-47.925-40.992c-1.634-4.91-6.213-8.238-11.388-8.238h-41.005c-6.495 0-11.813 5.174-11.995 11.667-1.052 37.642-2.934 57.539-31.688 57.539-20.691 0-33.817-20.224-44.425-38.025-3.266-5.48-10.258-7.431-15.899-4.453l-39.179 20.679a12 12 0 0 0-5.51 15.145L112 448h288l105.014-257.448a12 12 0 0 0-5.51-15.145l-39.357-20.773z"],
- "chess-rook": [384, 512, [], "f447", "M81.241 215.027C80.957 258.92 77.411 348.076 48 448h287.982c-29.4-99.604-32.936-188.912-33.221-232.975l45.418-42.312a11.998 11.998 0 0 0 3.82-8.78V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v44h-48V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-72c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v44H96V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H44c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v119.932c0 3.33 1.384 6.51 3.82 8.78l45.421 42.315zM160 256c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32 17.673 0 32 14.327 32 32v64.004h-64V256zm224 220v24c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h360c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12z"],
- "chevron-circle-down": [512, 512, [], "f13a", "M504 256c0 137-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248zM273 369.9l135.5-135.5c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9l-17-17c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0L256 285.1 154.4 183.5c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0l-17 17c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9L239 369.9c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 34 0z"],
- "chevron-circle-left": [512, 512, [], "f137", "M256 504C119 504 8 393 8 256S119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248-111 248-248 248zM142.1 273l135.5 135.5c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l17-17c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9L226.9 256l101.6-101.6c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9l-17-17c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0L142.1 239c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 34z"],
- "chevron-circle-right": [512, 512, [], "f138", "M256 8c137 0 248 111 248 248S393 504 256 504 8 393 8 256 119 8 256 8zm113.9 231L234.4 103.5c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0l-17 17c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9L285.1 256 183.5 357.6c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l17 17c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0L369.9 273c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-34z"],
- "chevron-circle-up": [512, 512, [], "f139", "M8 256C8 119 119 8 256 8s248 111 248 248-111 248-248 248S8 393 8 256zm231-113.9L103.5 277.6c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9l17 17c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0L256 226.9l101.6 101.6c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l17-17c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6 0-33.9L273 142.1c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-34 0z"],
- "chevron-down": [448, 512, [], "f078", "M207.029 381.476L12.686 187.132c-9.373-9.373-9.373-24.569 0-33.941l22.667-22.667c9.357-9.357 24.522-9.375 33.901-.04L224 284.505l154.745-154.021c9.379-9.335 24.544-9.317 33.901.04l22.667 22.667c9.373 9.373 9.373 24.569 0 33.941L240.971 381.476c-9.373 9.372-24.569 9.372-33.942 0z"],
- "chevron-left": [320, 512, [], "f053", "M34.52 239.03L228.87 44.69c9.37-9.37 24.57-9.37 33.94 0l22.67 22.67c9.36 9.36 9.37 24.52.04 33.9L131.49 256l154.02 154.75c9.34 9.38 9.32 24.54-.04 33.9l-22.67 22.67c-9.37 9.37-24.57 9.37-33.94 0L34.52 272.97c-9.37-9.37-9.37-24.57 0-33.94z"],
- "chevron-right": [320, 512, [], "f054", "M285.476 272.971L91.132 467.314c-9.373 9.373-24.569 9.373-33.941 0l-22.667-22.667c-9.357-9.357-9.375-24.522-.04-33.901L188.505 256 34.484 101.255c-9.335-9.379-9.317-24.544.04-33.901l22.667-22.667c9.373-9.373 24.569-9.373 33.941 0L285.475 239.03c9.373 9.372 9.373 24.568.001 33.941z"],
- "chevron-up": [448, 512, [], "f077", "M240.971 130.524l194.343 194.343c9.373 9.373 9.373 24.569 0 33.941l-22.667 22.667c-9.357 9.357-24.522 9.375-33.901.04L224 227.495 69.255 381.516c-9.379 9.335-24.544 9.317-33.901-.04l-22.667-22.667c-9.373-9.373-9.373-24.569 0-33.941L207.03 130.525c9.372-9.373 24.568-9.373 33.941-.001z"],
- "child": [384, 512, [], "f1ae", "M120 72c0-39.765 32.235-72 72-72s72 32.235 72 72c0 39.764-32.235 72-72 72s-72-32.236-72-72zm254.627 1.373c-12.496-12.497-32.758-12.497-45.254 0L242.745 160H141.254L54.627 73.373c-12.496-12.497-32.758-12.497-45.254 0-12.497 12.497-12.497 32.758 0 45.255L104 213.254V480c0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32h16c17.673 0 32-14.327 32-32V368h16v112c0 17.673 14.327 32 32 32h16c17.673 0 32-14.327 32-32V213.254l94.627-94.627c12.497-12.497 12.497-32.757 0-45.254z"],
- "church": [640, 512, [], "f51d", "M464.46 246.68L352 179.2V128h48c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V80c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-48V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-32c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v48h-48c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48v51.2l-112.46 67.48A31.997 31.997 0 0 0 160 274.12V512h96v-96c0-35.35 28.65-64 64-64s64 28.65 64 64v96h96V274.12c0-11.24-5.9-21.66-15.54-27.44zM0 395.96V496c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h112V320L19.39 366.54A32.024 32.024 0 0 0 0 395.96zm620.61-29.42L512 320v192h112c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V395.96c0-12.8-7.63-24.37-19.39-29.42z"],
- "circle": [512, 512, [], "f111", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8z"],
- "circle-notch": [512, 512, [], "f1ce", "M288 39.056v16.659c0 10.804 7.281 20.159 17.686 23.066C383.204 100.434 440 171.518 440 256c0 101.689-82.295 184-184 184-101.689 0-184-82.295-184-184 0-84.47 56.786-155.564 134.312-177.219C216.719 75.874 224 66.517 224 55.712V39.064c0-15.709-14.834-27.153-30.046-23.234C86.603 43.482 7.394 141.206 8.003 257.332c.72 137.052 111.477 246.956 248.531 246.667C393.255 503.711 504 392.788 504 256c0-115.633-79.14-212.779-186.211-240.236C302.678 11.889 288 23.456 288 39.056z"],
- "city": [640, 512, [], "f64f", "M616 192H480V24c0-13.26-10.74-24-24-24H312c-13.26 0-24 10.74-24 24v72h-64V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v80h-64V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H80c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v80H24c-13.26 0-24 10.74-24 24v360c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h576c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V216c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24zM128 404c0 6.63-5.37 12-12 12H76c-6.63 0-12-5.37-12-12v-40c0-6.63 5.37-12 12-12h40c6.63 0 12 5.37 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.63-5.37 12-12 12H76c-6.63 0-12-5.37-12-12v-40c0-6.63 5.37-12 12-12h40c6.63 0 12 5.37 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.63-5.37 12-12 12H76c-6.63 0-12-5.37-12-12v-40c0-6.63 5.37-12 12-12h40c6.63 0 12 5.37 12 12v40zm128 192c0 6.63-5.37 12-12 12h-40c-6.63 0-12-5.37-12-12v-40c0-6.63 5.37-12 12-12h40c6.63 0 12 5.37 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.63-5.37 12-12 12h-40c-6.63 0-12-5.37-12-12v-40c0-6.63 5.37-12 12-12h40c6.63 0 12 5.37 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.63-5.37 12-12 12h-40c-6.63 0-12-5.37-12-12v-40c0-6.63 5.37-12 12-12h40c6.63 0 12 5.37 12 12v40zm160 96c0 6.63-5.37 12-12 12h-40c-6.63 0-12-5.37-12-12v-40c0-6.63 5.37-12 12-12h40c6.63 0 12 5.37 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.63-5.37 12-12 12h-40c-6.63 0-12-5.37-12-12v-40c0-6.63 5.37-12 12-12h40c6.63 0 12 5.37 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.63-5.37 12-12 12h-40c-6.63 0-12-5.37-12-12V76c0-6.63 5.37-12 12-12h40c6.63 0 12 5.37 12 12v40zm160 288c0 6.63-5.37 12-12 12h-40c-6.63 0-12-5.37-12-12v-40c0-6.63 5.37-12 12-12h40c6.63 0 12 5.37 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.63-5.37 12-12 12h-40c-6.63 0-12-5.37-12-12v-40c0-6.63 5.37-12 12-12h40c6.63 0 12 5.37 12 12v40z"],
- "clipboard": [384, 512, [], "f328", "M384 112v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V112c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h80c0-35.29 28.71-64 64-64s64 28.71 64 64h80c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zM192 40c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24s10.745 24 24 24 24-10.745 24-24-10.745-24-24-24m96 114v-20a6 6 0 0 0-6-6H102a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v20a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h180a6 6 0 0 0 6-6z"],
- "clipboard-check": [384, 512, [], "f46c", "M336 64h-80c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64s-64 28.7-64 64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM192 40c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm121.2 231.8l-143 141.8c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.6-17-.1l-82.6-83.3c-4.7-4.7-4.6-12.3.1-17L99.1 285c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.6 17 .1l46 46.4 106-105.2c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.6 17 .1l28.2 28.4c4.7 4.8 4.6 12.3-.1 17z"],
- "clipboard-list": [384, 512, [], "f46d", "M336 64h-80c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64s-64 28.7-64 64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM96 424c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24s10.7-24 24-24 24 10.7 24 24-10.7 24-24 24zm0-96c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24s10.7-24 24-24 24 10.7 24 24-10.7 24-24 24zm0-96c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24s10.7-24 24-24 24 10.7 24 24-10.7 24-24 24zm96-192c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm128 368c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H168c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16zm0-96c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H168c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16zm0-96c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H168c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16z"],
- "clock": [512, 512, [], "f017", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm57.1 350.1L224.9 294c-3.1-2.3-4.9-5.9-4.9-9.7V116c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h48c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v137.7l63.5 46.2c5.4 3.9 6.5 11.4 2.6 16.8l-28.2 38.8c-3.9 5.3-11.4 6.5-16.8 2.6z"],
- "clone": [512, 512, [], "f24d", "M464 0c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v288c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H176c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V48c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h288M176 416c-44.112 0-80-35.888-80-80V128H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h288c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-48H176z"],
- "closed-captioning": [512, 512, [], "f20a", "M464 64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v288c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM218.1 287.7c2.8-2.5 7.1-2.1 9.2.9l19.5 27.7c1.7 2.4 1.5 5.6-.5 7.7-53.6 56.8-172.8 32.1-172.8-67.9 0-97.3 121.7-119.5 172.5-70.1 2.1 2 2.5 3.2 1 5.7l-17.5 30.5c-1.9 3.1-6.2 4-9.1 1.7-40.8-32-94.6-14.9-94.6 31.2.1 48 51.1 70.5 92.3 32.6zm190.4 0c2.8-2.5 7.1-2.1 9.2.9l19.5 27.7c1.7 2.4 1.5 5.6-.5 7.7-53.5 56.9-172.7 32.1-172.7-67.9 0-97.3 121.7-119.5 172.5-70.1 2.1 2 2.5 3.2 1 5.7L420 222.2c-1.9 3.1-6.2 4-9.1 1.7-40.8-32-94.6-14.9-94.6 31.2 0 48 51 70.5 92.2 32.6z"],
- "cloud": [640, 512, [], "f0c2", "M537.6 226.6c4.1-10.7 6.4-22.4 6.4-34.6 0-53-43-96-96-96-19.7 0-38.1 6-53.3 16.2C367 64.2 315.3 32 256 32c-88.4 0-160 71.6-160 160 0 2.7.1 5.4.2 8.1C40.2 219.8 0 273.2 0 336c0 79.5 64.5 144 144 144h368c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128 0-61.9-44-113.6-102.4-125.4z"],
- "cloud-download-alt": [640, 512, [], "f381", "M537.6 226.6c4.1-10.7 6.4-22.4 6.4-34.6 0-53-43-96-96-96-19.7 0-38.1 6-53.3 16.2C367 64.2 315.3 32 256 32c-88.4 0-160 71.6-160 160 0 2.7.1 5.4.2 8.1C40.2 219.8 0 273.2 0 336c0 79.5 64.5 144 144 144h368c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128 0-61.9-44-113.6-102.4-125.4zm-132.9 88.7L299.3 420.7c-6.2 6.2-16.4 6.2-22.6 0L171.3 315.3c-10.1-10.1-2.9-27.3 11.3-27.3H248V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h48c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v112h65.4c14.2 0 21.4 17.2 11.3 27.3z"],
- "cloud-upload-alt": [640, 512, [], "f382", "M537.6 226.6c4.1-10.7 6.4-22.4 6.4-34.6 0-53-43-96-96-96-19.7 0-38.1 6-53.3 16.2C367 64.2 315.3 32 256 32c-88.4 0-160 71.6-160 160 0 2.7.1 5.4.2 8.1C40.2 219.8 0 273.2 0 336c0 79.5 64.5 144 144 144h368c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128 0-61.9-44-113.6-102.4-125.4zM393.4 288H328v112c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-48c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V288h-65.4c-14.3 0-21.4-17.2-11.3-27.3l105.4-105.4c6.2-6.2 16.4-6.2 22.6 0l105.4 105.4c10.1 10.1 2.9 27.3-11.3 27.3z"],
- "cocktail": [576, 512, [], "f561", "M296 464h-56V338.78l168.74-168.73c15.52-15.52 4.53-42.05-17.42-42.05H24.68c-21.95 0-32.94 26.53-17.42 42.05L176 338.78V464h-56c-22.09 0-40 17.91-40 40 0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h240c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8 0-22.09-17.91-40-40-40zM432 0c-62.61 0-115.35 40.2-135.18 96h52.54c16.65-28.55 47.27-48 82.64-48 52.93 0 96 43.06 96 96s-43.07 96-96 96c-14.04 0-27.29-3.2-39.32-8.64l-35.26 35.26C379.23 279.92 404.59 288 432 288c79.53 0 144-64.47 144-144S511.53 0 432 0z"],
- "code": [640, 512, [], "f121", "M278.9 511.5l-61-17.7c-6.4-1.8-10-8.5-8.2-14.9L346.2 8.7c1.8-6.4 8.5-10 14.9-8.2l61 17.7c6.4 1.8 10 8.5 8.2 14.9L293.8 503.3c-1.9 6.4-8.5 10.1-14.9 8.2zm-114-112.2l43.5-46.4c4.6-4.9 4.3-12.7-.8-17.2L117 256l90.6-79.7c5.1-4.5 5.5-12.3.8-17.2l-43.5-46.4c-4.5-4.8-12.1-5.1-17-.5L3.8 247.2c-5.1 4.7-5.1 12.8 0 17.5l144.1 135.1c4.9 4.6 12.5 4.4 17-.5zm327.2.6l144.1-135.1c5.1-4.7 5.1-12.8 0-17.5L492.1 112.1c-4.8-4.5-12.4-4.3-17 .5L431.6 159c-4.6 4.9-4.3 12.7.8 17.2L523 256l-90.6 79.7c-5.1 4.5-5.5 12.3-.8 17.2l43.5 46.4c4.5 4.9 12.1 5.1 17 .6z"],
- "code-branch": [384, 512, [], "f126", "M384 144c0-44.2-35.8-80-80-80s-80 35.8-80 80c0 36.4 24.3 67.1 57.5 76.8-.6 16.1-4.2 28.5-11 36.9-15.4 19.2-49.3 22.4-85.2 25.7-28.2 2.6-57.4 5.4-81.3 16.9v-144c32.5-10.2 56-40.5 56-76.3 0-44.2-35.8-80-80-80S0 35.8 0 80c0 35.8 23.5 66.1 56 76.3v199.3C23.5 365.9 0 396.2 0 432c0 44.2 35.8 80 80 80s80-35.8 80-80c0-34-21.2-63.1-51.2-74.6 3.1-5.2 7.8-9.8 14.9-13.4 16.2-8.2 40.4-10.4 66.1-12.8 42.2-3.9 90-8.4 118.2-43.4 14-17.4 21.1-39.8 21.6-67.9 31.6-10.8 54.4-40.7 54.4-75.9zM80 64c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16-16-7.2-16-16 7.2-16 16-16zm0 384c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zm224-320c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16-16-7.2-16-16 7.2-16 16-16z"],
- "coffee": [640, 512, [], "f0f4", "M192 384h192c53 0 96-43 96-96h32c70.6 0 128-57.4 128-128S582.6 32 512 32H120c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v232c0 53 43 96 96 96zM512 96c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64s-28.7 64-64 64h-32V96h32zm47.7 384H48.3c-47.6 0-61-64-36-64h583.3c25 0 11.8 64-35.9 64z"],
- "cog": [512, 512, [], "f013", "M444.788 291.1l42.616 24.599c4.867 2.809 7.126 8.618 5.459 13.985-11.07 35.642-29.97 67.842-54.689 94.586a12.016 12.016 0 0 1-14.832 2.254l-42.584-24.595a191.577 191.577 0 0 1-60.759 35.13v49.182a12.01 12.01 0 0 1-9.377 11.718c-34.956 7.85-72.499 8.256-109.219.007-5.49-1.233-9.403-6.096-9.403-11.723v-49.184a191.555 191.555 0 0 1-60.759-35.13l-42.584 24.595a12.016 12.016 0 0 1-14.832-2.254c-24.718-26.744-43.619-58.944-54.689-94.586-1.667-5.366.592-11.175 5.459-13.985L67.212 291.1a193.48 193.48 0 0 1 0-70.199l-42.616-24.599c-4.867-2.809-7.126-8.618-5.459-13.985 11.07-35.642 29.97-67.842 54.689-94.586a12.016 12.016 0 0 1 14.832-2.254l42.584 24.595a191.577 191.577 0 0 1 60.759-35.13V25.759a12.01 12.01 0 0 1 9.377-11.718c34.956-7.85 72.499-8.256 109.219-.007 5.49 1.233 9.403 6.096 9.403 11.723v49.184a191.555 191.555 0 0 1 60.759 35.13l42.584-24.595a12.016 12.016 0 0 1 14.832 2.254c24.718 26.744 43.619 58.944 54.689 94.586 1.667 5.366-.592 11.175-5.459 13.985L444.788 220.9a193.485 193.485 0 0 1 0 70.2zM336 256c0-44.112-35.888-80-80-80s-80 35.888-80 80 35.888 80 80 80 80-35.888 80-80z"],
- "cogs": [640, 512, [], "f085", "M512.1 191l-8.2 14.3c-3 5.3-9.4 7.5-15.1 5.4-11.8-4.4-22.6-10.7-32.1-18.6-4.6-3.8-5.8-10.5-2.8-15.7l8.2-14.3c-6.9-8-12.3-17.3-15.9-27.4h-16.5c-6 0-11.2-4.3-12.2-10.3-2-12-2.1-24.6 0-37.1 1-6 6.2-10.4 12.2-10.4h16.5c3.6-10.1 9-19.4 15.9-27.4l-8.2-14.3c-3-5.2-1.9-11.9 2.8-15.7 9.5-7.9 20.4-14.2 32.1-18.6 5.7-2.1 12.1.1 15.1 5.4l8.2 14.3c10.5-1.9 21.2-1.9 31.7 0L552 6.3c3-5.3 9.4-7.5 15.1-5.4 11.8 4.4 22.6 10.7 32.1 18.6 4.6 3.8 5.8 10.5 2.8 15.7l-8.2 14.3c6.9 8 12.3 17.3 15.9 27.4h16.5c6 0 11.2 4.3 12.2 10.3 2 12 2.1 24.6 0 37.1-1 6-6.2 10.4-12.2 10.4h-16.5c-3.6 10.1-9 19.4-15.9 27.4l8.2 14.3c3 5.2 1.9 11.9-2.8 15.7-9.5 7.9-20.4 14.2-32.1 18.6-5.7 2.1-12.1-.1-15.1-5.4l-8.2-14.3c-10.4 1.9-21.2 1.9-31.7 0zm-10.5-58.8c38.5 29.6 82.4-14.3 52.8-52.8-38.5-29.7-82.4 14.3-52.8 52.8zM386.3 286.1l33.7 16.8c10.1 5.8 14.5 18.1 10.5 29.1-8.9 24.2-26.4 46.4-42.6 65.8-7.4 8.9-20.2 11.1-30.3 5.3l-29.1-16.8c-16 13.7-34.6 24.6-54.9 31.7v33.6c0 11.6-8.3 21.6-19.7 23.6-24.6 4.2-50.4 4.4-75.9 0-11.5-2-20-11.9-20-23.6V418c-20.3-7.2-38.9-18-54.9-31.7L74 403c-10 5.8-22.9 3.6-30.3-5.3-16.2-19.4-33.3-41.6-42.2-65.7-4-10.9.4-23.2 10.5-29.1l33.3-16.8c-3.9-20.9-3.9-42.4 0-63.4L12 205.8c-10.1-5.8-14.6-18.1-10.5-29 8.9-24.2 26-46.4 42.2-65.8 7.4-8.9 20.2-11.1 30.3-5.3l29.1 16.8c16-13.7 34.6-24.6 54.9-31.7V57.1c0-11.5 8.2-21.5 19.6-23.5 24.6-4.2 50.5-4.4 76-.1 11.5 2 20 11.9 20 23.6v33.6c20.3 7.2 38.9 18 54.9 31.7l29.1-16.8c10-5.8 22.9-3.6 30.3 5.3 16.2 19.4 33.2 41.6 42.1 65.8 4 10.9.1 23.2-10 29.1l-33.7 16.8c3.9 21 3.9 42.5 0 63.5zm-117.6 21.1c59.2-77-28.7-164.9-105.7-105.7-59.2 77 28.7 164.9 105.7 105.7zm243.4 182.7l-8.2 14.3c-3 5.3-9.4 7.5-15.1 5.4-11.8-4.4-22.6-10.7-32.1-18.6-4.6-3.8-5.8-10.5-2.8-15.7l8.2-14.3c-6.9-8-12.3-17.3-15.9-27.4h-16.5c-6 0-11.2-4.3-12.2-10.3-2-12-2.1-24.6 0-37.1 1-6 6.2-10.4 12.2-10.4h16.5c3.6-10.1 9-19.4 15.9-27.4l-8.2-14.3c-3-5.2-1.9-11.9 2.8-15.7 9.5-7.9 20.4-14.2 32.1-18.6 5.7-2.1 12.1.1 15.1 5.4l8.2 14.3c10.5-1.9 21.2-1.9 31.7 0l8.2-14.3c3-5.3 9.4-7.5 15.1-5.4 11.8 4.4 22.6 10.7 32.1 18.6 4.6 3.8 5.8 10.5 2.8 15.7l-8.2 14.3c6.9 8 12.3 17.3 15.9 27.4h16.5c6 0 11.2 4.3 12.2 10.3 2 12 2.1 24.6 0 37.1-1 6-6.2 10.4-12.2 10.4h-16.5c-3.6 10.1-9 19.4-15.9 27.4l8.2 14.3c3 5.2 1.9 11.9-2.8 15.7-9.5 7.9-20.4 14.2-32.1 18.6-5.7 2.1-12.1-.1-15.1-5.4l-8.2-14.3c-10.4 1.9-21.2 1.9-31.7 0zM501.6 431c38.5 29.6 82.4-14.3 52.8-52.8-38.5-29.6-82.4 14.3-52.8 52.8z"],
- "coins": [512, 512, [], "f51e", "M0 405.3V448c0 35.3 86 64 192 64s192-28.7 192-64v-42.7C342.7 434.4 267.2 448 192 448S41.3 434.4 0 405.3zM320 128c106 0 192-28.7 192-64S426 0 320 0 128 28.7 128 64s86 64 192 64zM0 300.4V352c0 35.3 86 64 192 64s192-28.7 192-64v-51.6c-41.3 34-116.9 51.6-192 51.6S41.3 334.4 0 300.4zm416 11c57.3-11.1 96-31.7 96-55.4v-42.7c-23.2 16.4-57.3 27.6-96 34.5v63.6zM192 160C86 160 0 195.8 0 240s86 80 192 80 192-35.8 192-80-86-80-192-80zm219.3 56.3c60-10.8 100.7-32 100.7-56.3v-42.7c-35.5 25.1-96.5 38.6-160.7 41.8 29.5 14.3 51.2 33.5 60 57.2z"],
- "columns": [512, 512, [], "f0db", "M464 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM224 416H64V160h160v256zm224 0H288V160h160v256z"],
- "comment": [512, 512, [], "f075", "M256 32C114.6 32 0 125.1 0 240c0 49.6 21.4 95 57 130.7C44.5 421.1 2.7 466 2.2 466.5c-2.2 2.3-2.8 5.7-1.5 8.7S4.8 480 8 480c66.3 0 116-31.8 140.6-51.4 32.7 12.3 69 19.4 107.4 19.4 141.4 0 256-93.1 256-208S397.4 32 256 32z"],
- "comment-alt": [512, 512, [], "f27a", "M448 0H64C28.7 0 0 28.7 0 64v288c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64h96v84c0 9.8 11.2 15.5 19.1 9.7L304 416h144c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V64c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64z"],
- "comment-dollar": [512, 512, [], "f651", "M256 32C114.62 32 0 125.12 0 240c0 49.56 21.41 95.01 57.02 130.74C44.46 421.05 2.7 465.97 2.2 466.5A7.995 7.995 0 0 0 8 480c66.26 0 115.99-31.75 140.6-51.38C181.29 440.93 217.59 448 256 448c141.38 0 256-93.12 256-208S397.38 32 256 32zm24 302.44V352c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-16c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-17.73c-11.42-1.35-22.28-5.19-31.78-11.46-6.22-4.11-6.82-13.11-1.55-18.38l17.52-17.52c3.74-3.74 9.31-4.24 14.11-2.03 3.18 1.46 6.66 2.22 10.26 2.22h32.78c4.66 0 8.44-3.78 8.44-8.42 0-3.75-2.52-7.08-6.12-8.11l-50.07-14.3c-22.25-6.35-40.01-24.71-42.91-47.67-4.05-32.07 19.03-59.43 49.32-63.05V128c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h16c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v17.73c11.42 1.35 22.28 5.19 31.78 11.46 6.22 4.11 6.82 13.11 1.55 18.38l-17.52 17.52c-3.74 3.74-9.31 4.24-14.11 2.03a24.516 24.516 0 0 0-10.26-2.22h-32.78c-4.66 0-8.44 3.78-8.44 8.42 0 3.75 2.52 7.08 6.12 8.11l50.07 14.3c22.25 6.36 40.01 24.71 42.91 47.67 4.05 32.06-19.03 59.42-49.32 63.04z"],
- "comment-dots": [512, 512, [], "f4ad", "M256 32C114.6 32 0 125.1 0 240c0 49.6 21.4 95 57 130.7C44.5 421.1 2.7 466 2.2 466.5c-2.2 2.3-2.8 5.7-1.5 8.7S4.8 480 8 480c66.3 0 116-31.8 140.6-51.4 32.7 12.3 69 19.4 107.4 19.4 141.4 0 256-93.1 256-208S397.4 32 256 32zM128 272c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm128 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z"],
- "comment-slash": [640, 512, [], "f4b3", "M64 240c0 49.6 21.4 95 57 130.7-12.6 50.3-54.3 95.2-54.8 95.8-2.2 2.3-2.8 5.7-1.5 8.7 1.3 2.9 4.1 4.8 7.3 4.8 66.3 0 116-31.8 140.6-51.4 32.7 12.3 69 19.4 107.4 19.4 27.4 0 53.7-3.6 78.4-10L72.9 186.4c-5.6 17.1-8.9 35-8.9 53.6zm569.8 218.1l-114.4-88.4C554.6 334.1 576 289.2 576 240c0-114.9-114.6-208-256-208-65.1 0-124.2 20.1-169.4 52.7L45.5 3.4C38.5-2 28.5-.8 23 6.2L3.4 31.4c-5.4 7-4.2 17 2.8 22.4l588.4 454.7c7 5.4 17 4.2 22.5-2.8l19.6-25.3c5.4-6.8 4.1-16.9-2.9-22.3z"],
- "comments": [576, 512, [], "f086", "M416 192c0-88.4-93.1-160-208-160S0 103.6 0 192c0 34.3 14.1 65.9 38 92-13.4 30.2-35.5 54.2-35.8 54.5-2.2 2.3-2.8 5.7-1.5 8.7S4.8 352 8 352c36.6 0 66.9-12.3 88.7-25 32.2 15.7 70.3 25 111.3 25 114.9 0 208-71.6 208-160zm122 220c23.9-26 38-57.7 38-92 0-66.9-53.5-124.2-129.3-148.1.9 6.6 1.3 13.3 1.3 20.1 0 105.9-107.7 192-240 192-10.8 0-21.3-.8-31.7-1.9C207.8 439.6 281.8 480 368 480c41 0 79.1-9.2 111.3-25 21.8 12.7 52.1 25 88.7 25 3.2 0 6.1-1.9 7.3-4.8 1.3-2.9.7-6.3-1.5-8.7-.3-.3-22.4-24.2-35.8-54.5z"],
- "comments-dollar": [576, 512, [], "f653", "M416 192c0-88.37-93.12-160-208-160S0 103.63 0 192c0 34.27 14.13 65.95 37.97 91.98C24.61 314.22 2.52 338.16 2.2 338.5A7.995 7.995 0 0 0 8 352c36.58 0 66.93-12.25 88.73-24.98C128.93 342.76 167.02 352 208 352c114.88 0 208-71.63 208-160zm-224 96v-16.29c-11.29-.58-22.27-4.52-31.37-11.35-3.9-2.93-4.1-8.77-.57-12.14l11.75-11.21c2.77-2.64 6.89-2.76 10.13-.73 3.87 2.42 8.26 3.72 12.82 3.72h28.11c6.5 0 11.8-5.92 11.8-13.19 0-5.95-3.61-11.19-8.77-12.73l-45-13.5c-18.59-5.58-31.58-23.42-31.58-43.39 0-24.52 19.05-44.44 42.67-45.07V96c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16.29c11.29.58 22.27 4.51 31.37 11.35 3.9 2.93 4.1 8.77.57 12.14l-11.75 11.21c-2.77 2.64-6.89 2.76-10.13.73-3.87-2.43-8.26-3.72-12.82-3.72h-28.11c-6.5 0-11.8 5.92-11.8 13.19 0 5.95 3.61 11.19 8.77 12.73l45 13.5c18.59 5.58 31.58 23.42 31.58 43.39 0 24.53-19.05 44.44-42.67 45.07V288c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8zm346.01 123.99C561.87 385.96 576 354.27 576 320c0-66.94-53.49-124.2-129.33-148.07.86 6.6 1.33 13.29 1.33 20.07 0 105.87-107.66 192-240 192-10.78 0-21.32-.77-31.73-1.88C207.8 439.63 281.77 480 368 480c40.98 0 79.07-9.24 111.27-24.98C501.07 467.75 531.42 480 568 480c3.2 0 6.09-1.91 7.34-4.84 1.27-2.94.66-6.34-1.55-8.67-.31-.33-22.42-24.24-35.78-54.5z"],
- "compact-disc": [496, 512, [], "f51f", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM88 256H56c0-105.9 86.1-192 192-192v32c-88.2 0-160 71.8-160 160zm160 96c-53 0-96-43-96-96s43-96 96-96 96 43 96 96-43 96-96 96zm0-128c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32 32-14.3 32-32-14.3-32-32-32z"],
- "compass": [496, 512, [], "f14e", "M225.38 233.37c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.76 0 45.25 12.49 12.5 32.76 12.5 45.25 0 12.5-12.5 12.5-32.76 0-45.25-12.5-12.49-32.76-12.49-45.25 0zM248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm126.14 148.05L308.17 300.4a31.938 31.938 0 0 1-15.77 15.77l-144.34 65.97c-16.65 7.61-33.81-9.55-26.2-26.2l65.98-144.35a31.938 31.938 0 0 1 15.77-15.77l144.34-65.97c16.65-7.6 33.8 9.55 26.19 26.2z"],
- "compress": [448, 512, [], "f066", "M436 192H312c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V44c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v84h84c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12zm-276-24V44c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v84H12c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h124c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24zm0 300V344c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H12c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h84v84c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12zm192 0v-84h84c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H312c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v124c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12z"],
- "concierge-bell": [512, 512, [], "f562", "M288 130.54V112h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V80c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-96c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16v18.54C115.49 146.11 32 239.18 32 352h448c0-112.82-83.49-205.89-192-221.46zM496 384H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h480c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z"],
- "cookie": [512, 512, [], "f563", "M510.37 254.79l-12.08-76.26a132.493 132.493 0 0 0-37.16-72.95l-54.76-54.75c-19.73-19.72-45.18-32.7-72.71-37.05l-76.7-12.15c-27.51-4.36-55.69.11-80.52 12.76L107.32 49.6a132.25 132.25 0 0 0-57.79 57.8l-35.1 68.88a132.602 132.602 0 0 0-12.82 80.94l12.08 76.27a132.493 132.493 0 0 0 37.16 72.95l54.76 54.75a132.087 132.087 0 0 0 72.71 37.05l76.7 12.14c27.51 4.36 55.69-.11 80.52-12.75l69.12-35.21a132.302 132.302 0 0 0 57.79-57.8l35.1-68.87c12.71-24.96 17.2-53.3 12.82-80.96zM176 368c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm32-160c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm160 128c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z"],
- "cookie-bite": [512, 512, [], "f564", "M510.52 255.82c-69.97-.85-126.47-57.69-126.47-127.86-70.17 0-127-56.49-127.86-126.45-27.26-4.14-55.13.3-79.72 12.82l-69.13 35.22a132.221 132.221 0 0 0-57.79 57.81l-35.1 68.88a132.645 132.645 0 0 0-12.82 80.95l12.08 76.27a132.521 132.521 0 0 0 37.16 72.96l54.77 54.76a132.036 132.036 0 0 0 72.71 37.06l76.71 12.15c27.51 4.36 55.7-.11 80.53-12.76l69.13-35.21a132.273 132.273 0 0 0 57.79-57.81l35.1-68.88c12.56-24.64 17.01-52.58 12.91-79.91zM176 368c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm32-160c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm160 128c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z"],
- "copy": [448, 512, [], "f0c5", "M320 448v40c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V120c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h72v296c0 30.879 25.121 56 56 56h168zm0-344V0H152c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v368c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h272c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V128H344c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm120.971-31.029L375.029 7.029A24 24 0 0 0 358.059 0H352v96h96v-6.059a24 24 0 0 0-7.029-16.97z"],
- "copyright": [512, 512, [], "f1f9", "M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm117.134 346.753c-1.592 1.867-39.776 45.731-109.851 45.731-84.692 0-144.484-63.26-144.484-145.567 0-81.303 62.004-143.401 143.762-143.401 66.957 0 101.965 37.315 103.422 38.904a12 12 0 0 1 1.238 14.623l-22.38 34.655c-4.049 6.267-12.774 7.351-18.234 2.295-.233-.214-26.529-23.88-61.88-23.88-46.116 0-73.916 33.575-73.916 76.082 0 39.602 25.514 79.692 74.277 79.692 38.697 0 65.28-28.338 65.544-28.625 5.132-5.565 14.059-5.033 18.508 1.053l24.547 33.572a12.001 12.001 0 0 1-.553 14.866z"],
- "couch": [640, 512, [], "f4b8", "M160 224v64h320v-64c0-35.3 28.7-64 64-64h32c0-53-43-96-96-96H160c-53 0-96 43-96 96h32c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64zm416-32h-32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v96H128v-96c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32H64c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64 0 23.6 13 44 32 55.1V432c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h64c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-16h384v16c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h64c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V311.1c19-11.1 32-31.5 32-55.1 0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64z"],
- "credit-card": [576, 512, [], "f09d", "M0 432c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V256H0v176zm192-68c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h136c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H204c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40zm-128 0c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h72c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H76c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40zM576 80v48H0V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h480c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48z"],
- "crop": [512, 512, [], "f125", "M488 352h-40V109.25l59.31-59.31c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63L484.69 4.69c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0L402.75 64H192v96h114.75L160 306.75V24c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24H88C74.75 0 64 10.74 64 24v40H24C10.75 64 0 74.74 0 88v48c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h40v264c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h232v-96H205.25L352 205.25V488c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h48c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-40h40c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-48c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24z"],
- "crop-alt": [512, 512, [], "f565", "M488 352h-40V96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H192v96h160v328c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h48c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-40h40c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-48c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24zM160 24c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24H88C74.75 0 64 10.74 64 24v40H24C10.75 64 0 74.74 0 88v48c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h40v256c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h224v-96H160V24z"],
- "cross": [384, 512, [], "f654", "M352 128h-96V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96v224c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V256h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z"],
- "crosshairs": [512, 512, [], "f05b", "M500 224h-30.364C455.724 130.325 381.675 56.276 288 42.364V12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v30.364C130.325 56.276 56.276 130.325 42.364 224H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h30.364C56.276 381.675 130.325 455.724 224 469.636V500c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-30.364C381.675 455.724 455.724 381.675 469.636 288H500c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12zM288 404.634V364c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40.634C165.826 392.232 119.783 346.243 107.366 288H148c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40.634C119.768 165.826 165.757 119.783 224 107.366V148c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40.634C346.174 119.768 392.217 165.757 404.634 224H364c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40.634C392.232 346.174 346.243 392.217 288 404.634zM288 256c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32s-32-14.327-32-32c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32s32 14.327 32 32z"],
- "crow": [640, 512, [], "f520", "M544 32h-16.36C513.04 12.68 490.09 0 464 0c-44.18 0-80 35.82-80 80v20.98L12.09 393.57A30.216 30.216 0 0 0 0 417.74c0 22.46 23.64 37.07 43.73 27.03L165.27 384h96.49l44.41 120.1c2.27 6.23 9.15 9.44 15.38 7.17l22.55-8.21c6.23-2.27 9.44-9.15 7.17-15.38L312.94 384H352c1.91 0 3.76-.23 5.66-.29l44.51 120.38c2.27 6.23 9.15 9.44 15.38 7.17l22.55-8.21c6.23-2.27 9.44-9.15 7.17-15.38l-41.24-111.53C485.74 352.8 544 279.26 544 192v-80l96-16c0-35.35-42.98-64-96-64zm-80 72c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24z"],
- "crown": [640, 512, [], "f521", "M528 448H112c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h416c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm64-320c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48 0 7.1 1.6 13.7 4.4 19.8L476 239.2c-15.4 9.2-35.3 4-44.2-11.6L350.3 85C361 76.2 368 63 368 48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48s-48 21.5-48 48c0 15 7 28.2 17.7 37l-81.5 142.6c-8.9 15.6-28.9 20.8-44.2 11.6l-72.3-43.4c2.7-6 4.4-12.7 4.4-19.8 0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48S0 149.5 0 176s21.5 48 48 48c2.6 0 5.2-.4 7.7-.8L128 416h384l72.3-192.8c2.5.4 5.1.8 7.7.8 26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48s-21.5-48-48-48z"],
- "cube": [512, 512, [], "f1b2", "M239.1 6.3l-208 78c-18.7 7-31.1 25-31.1 45v225.1c0 18.2 10.3 34.8 26.5 42.9l208 104c13.5 6.8 29.4 6.8 42.9 0l208-104c16.3-8.1 26.5-24.8 26.5-42.9V129.3c0-20-12.4-37.9-31.1-44.9l-208-78C262 2.2 250 2.2 239.1 6.3zM256 68.4l192 72v1.1l-192 78-192-78v-1.1l192-72zm32 356V275.5l160-65v133.9l-160 80z"],
- "cubes": [512, 512, [], "f1b3", "M488.6 250.2L392 214V105.5c0-15-9.3-28.4-23.4-33.7l-100-37.5c-8.1-3.1-17.1-3.1-25.3 0l-100 37.5c-14.1 5.3-23.4 18.7-23.4 33.7V214l-96.6 36.2C9.3 255.5 0 268.9 0 283.9V394c0 13.6 7.7 26.1 19.9 32.2l100 50c10.1 5.1 22.1 5.1 32.2 0l103.9-52 103.9 52c10.1 5.1 22.1 5.1 32.2 0l100-50c12.2-6.1 19.9-18.6 19.9-32.2V283.9c0-15-9.3-28.4-23.4-33.7zM358 214.8l-85 31.9v-68.2l85-37v73.3zM154 104.1l102-38.2 102 38.2v.6l-102 41.4-102-41.4v-.6zm84 291.1l-85 42.5v-79.1l85-38.8v75.4zm0-112l-102 41.4-102-41.4v-.6l102-38.2 102 38.2v.6zm240 112l-85 42.5v-79.1l85-38.8v75.4zm0-112l-102 41.4-102-41.4v-.6l102-38.2 102 38.2v.6z"],
- "cut": [448, 512, [], "f0c4", "M278.06 256L444.48 89.57c4.69-4.69 4.69-12.29 0-16.97-32.8-32.8-85.99-32.8-118.79 0L210.18 188.12l-24.86-24.86c4.31-10.92 6.68-22.81 6.68-35.26 0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96S0 74.98 0 128s42.98 96 96 96c4.54 0 8.99-.32 13.36-.93L142.29 256l-32.93 32.93c-4.37-.61-8.83-.93-13.36-.93-53.02 0-96 42.98-96 96s42.98 96 96 96 96-42.98 96-96c0-12.45-2.37-24.34-6.68-35.26l24.86-24.86L325.69 439.4c32.8 32.8 85.99 32.8 118.79 0 4.69-4.68 4.69-12.28 0-16.97L278.06 256zM96 160c-17.64 0-32-14.36-32-32s14.36-32 32-32 32 14.36 32 32-14.36 32-32 32zm0 256c-17.64 0-32-14.36-32-32s14.36-32 32-32 32 14.36 32 32-14.36 32-32 32z"],
- "database": [448, 512, [], "f1c0", "M448 73.143v45.714C448 159.143 347.667 192 224 192S0 159.143 0 118.857V73.143C0 32.857 100.333 0 224 0s224 32.857 224 73.143zM448 176v102.857C448 319.143 347.667 352 224 352S0 319.143 0 278.857V176c48.125 33.143 136.208 48.572 224 48.572S399.874 209.143 448 176zm0 160v102.857C448 479.143 347.667 512 224 512S0 479.143 0 438.857V336c48.125 33.143 136.208 48.572 224 48.572S399.874 369.143 448 336z"],
- "deaf": [512, 512, [], "f2a4", "M216 260c0 15.464-12.536 28-28 28s-28-12.536-28-28c0-44.112 35.888-80 80-80s80 35.888 80 80c0 15.464-12.536 28-28 28s-28-12.536-28-28c0-13.234-10.767-24-24-24s-24 10.766-24 24zm24-176c-97.047 0-176 78.953-176 176 0 15.464 12.536 28 28 28s28-12.536 28-28c0-66.168 53.832-120 120-120s120 53.832 120 120c0 75.164-71.009 70.311-71.997 143.622L288 404c0 28.673-23.327 52-52 52-15.464 0-28 12.536-28 28s12.536 28 28 28c59.475 0 107.876-48.328 108-107.774.595-34.428 72-48.24 72-144.226 0-97.047-78.953-176-176-176zm268.485-52.201L480.2 3.515c-4.687-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0L376.2 90.544c-4.686 4.686-4.686 12.284 0 16.971l28.285 28.285c4.686 4.686 12.284 4.686 16.97 0l87.03-87.029c4.687-4.688 4.687-12.286 0-16.972zM168.97 314.745c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.97 0L3.515 463.23c-4.686 4.686-4.686 12.284 0 16.971L31.8 508.485c4.687 4.686 12.284 4.686 16.971 0L197.256 360c4.686-4.686 4.686-12.284 0-16.971l-28.286-28.284z"],
- "desktop": [576, 512, [], "f108", "M528 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v320c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h192l-16 48h-72c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24h272c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24s-10.7-24-24-24h-72l-16-48h192c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-16 352H64V64h448v288z"],
- "dharmachakra": [512, 512, [], "f655", "M495 225.06l-17.22 1.08c-5.27-39.49-20.79-75.64-43.86-105.84l12.95-11.43c6.92-6.11 7.25-16.79.73-23.31L426.44 64.4c-6.53-6.53-17.21-6.19-23.31.73L391.7 78.07c-30.2-23.06-66.35-38.58-105.83-43.86L286.94 17c.58-9.21-6.74-17-15.97-17h-29.94c-9.23 0-16.54 7.79-15.97 17l1.08 17.22c-39.49 5.27-75.64 20.79-105.83 43.86l-11.43-12.95c-6.11-6.92-16.79-7.25-23.31-.73L64.4 85.56c-6.53 6.53-6.19 17.21.73 23.31l12.95 11.43c-23.06 30.2-38.58 66.35-43.86 105.84L17 225.06c-9.21-.58-17 6.74-17 15.97v29.94c0 9.23 7.79 16.54 17 15.97l17.22-1.08c5.27 39.49 20.79 75.64 43.86 105.83l-12.95 11.43c-6.92 6.11-7.25 16.79-.73 23.31l21.17 21.17c6.53 6.53 17.21 6.19 23.31-.73l11.43-12.95c30.2 23.06 66.35 38.58 105.84 43.86L225.06 495c-.58 9.21 6.74 17 15.97 17h29.94c9.23 0 16.54-7.79 15.97-17l-1.08-17.22c39.49-5.27 75.64-20.79 105.84-43.86l11.43 12.95c6.11 6.92 16.79 7.25 23.31.73l21.17-21.17c6.53-6.53 6.19-17.21-.73-23.31l-12.95-11.43c23.06-30.2 38.58-66.35 43.86-105.83l17.22 1.08c9.21.58 17-6.74 17-15.97v-29.94c-.01-9.23-7.8-16.54-17.01-15.97zM281.84 98.61c24.81 4.07 47.63 13.66 67.23 27.78l-42.62 48.29c-8.73-5.44-18.32-9.54-28.62-11.95l4.01-64.12zm-51.68 0l4.01 64.12c-10.29 2.41-19.89 6.52-28.62 11.95l-42.62-48.29c19.6-14.12 42.42-23.71 67.23-27.78zm-103.77 64.33l48.3 42.61c-5.44 8.73-9.54 18.33-11.96 28.62l-64.12-4.01c4.07-24.81 13.66-47.62 27.78-67.22zm-27.78 118.9l64.12-4.01c2.41 10.29 6.52 19.89 11.95 28.62l-48.29 42.62c-14.12-19.6-23.71-42.42-27.78-67.23zm131.55 131.55c-24.81-4.07-47.63-13.66-67.23-27.78l42.61-48.3c8.73 5.44 18.33 9.54 28.62 11.96l-4 64.12zM256 288c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm25.84 125.39l-4.01-64.12c10.29-2.41 19.89-6.52 28.62-11.96l42.61 48.3c-19.6 14.12-42.41 23.71-67.22 27.78zm103.77-64.33l-48.29-42.62c5.44-8.73 9.54-18.32 11.95-28.62l64.12 4.01c-4.07 24.82-13.66 47.64-27.78 67.23zm-36.34-114.89c-2.41-10.29-6.52-19.89-11.96-28.62l48.3-42.61c14.12 19.6 23.71 42.42 27.78 67.23l-64.12 4z"],
- "diagnoses": [640, 512, [], "f470", "M496 256c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16s-7.2-16-16-16-16 7.2-16 16 7.2 16 16 16zm-176-80c48.5 0 88-39.5 88-88S368.5 0 320 0s-88 39.5-88 88 39.5 88 88 88zM59.8 364c10.2 15.3 29.3 17.8 42.9 9.8 16.2-9.6 56.2-31.7 105.3-48.6V416h224v-90.7c49.1 16.8 89.1 39 105.3 48.6 13.6 8 32.7 5.3 42.9-9.8l17.8-26.7c8.8-13.2 7.6-34.6-10-45.1-11.9-7.1-29.7-17-51.1-27.4-28.1 46.1-99.4 17.8-87.7-35.1C409.3 217.2 365.1 208 320 208c-57 0-112.9 14.5-160 32.2-.2 40.2-47.6 63.3-79.2 36-11.2 6-21.3 11.6-28.7 16-17.6 10.5-18.8 31.8-10 45.1L59.8 364zM368 344c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm-96-96c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm-160 8c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16s-7.2-16-16-16-16 7.2-16 16 7.2 16 16 16zm512 192H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h608c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16z"],
- "dice": [640, 512, [], "f522", "M592 192H473.26c12.69 29.59 7.12 65.2-17 89.32L320 417.58V464c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h224c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V240c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM480 376c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24zm-46.37-186.7L258.7 14.37c-19.16-19.16-50.23-19.16-69.39 0L14.37 189.3c-19.16 19.16-19.16 50.23 0 69.39L189.3 433.63c19.16 19.16 50.23 19.16 69.39 0L433.63 258.7c19.16-19.17 19.16-50.24 0-69.4zM96 248c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24zm128 128c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24zm0-128c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24zm0-128c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24zm128 128c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24z"],
- "dice-five": [448, 512, [], "f523", "M384 32H64C28.65 32 0 60.65 0 96v320c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h320c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64V96c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zM128 384c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm96 96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm96 96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z"],
- "dice-four": [448, 512, [], "f524", "M384 32H64C28.65 32 0 60.65 0 96v320c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h320c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64V96c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zM128 384c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm192 192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z"],
- "dice-one": [448, 512, [], "f525", "M384 32H64C28.65 32 0 60.65 0 96v320c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h320c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64V96c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zM224 288c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z"],
- "dice-six": [448, 512, [], "f526", "M384 32H64C28.65 32 0 60.65 0 96v320c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h320c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64V96c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zM128 384c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm192 192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z"],
- "dice-three": [448, 512, [], "f527", "M384 32H64C28.65 32 0 60.65 0 96v320c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h320c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64V96c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zM128 192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm96 96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm96 96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z"],
- "dice-two": [448, 512, [], "f528", "M384 32H64C28.65 32 0 60.65 0 96v320c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h320c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64V96c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zM128 192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm192 192c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z"],
- "digital-tachograph": [640, 512, [], "f566", "M608 96H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v256c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h576c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V128c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM304 352c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-8c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h224c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v8zM72 288v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H80c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8zm64 0v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8zm64 0v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8zm64 0v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8zm40-64c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16H80c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-48c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h208c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v48zm272 128c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H344c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-8c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h224c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v8z"],
- "directions": [512, 512, [], "f5eb", "M502.61 233.32L278.68 9.39c-12.52-12.52-32.83-12.52-45.36 0L9.39 233.32c-12.52 12.53-12.52 32.83 0 45.36l223.93 223.93c12.52 12.53 32.83 12.53 45.36 0l223.93-223.93c12.52-12.53 12.52-32.83 0-45.36zm-100.98 12.56l-84.21 77.73c-5.12 4.73-13.43 1.1-13.43-5.88V264h-96v64c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-32c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-80c0-17.67 14.33-32 32-32h112v-53.73c0-6.97 8.3-10.61 13.43-5.88l84.21 77.73c3.43 3.17 3.43 8.59 0 11.76z"],
- "divide": [448, 512, [], "f529", "M224 352c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64s28.65 64 64 64 64-28.65 64-64-28.65-64-64-64zm0-192c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64s-28.65-64-64-64-64 28.65-64 64 28.65 64 64 64zm192 48H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h384c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z"],
- "dizzy": [496, 512, [], "f567", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm-96 206.6l-28.7 28.7c-14.8 14.8-37.8-7.5-22.6-22.6l28.7-28.7-28.7-28.7c-15-15 7.7-37.6 22.6-22.6l28.7 28.7 28.7-28.7c15-15 37.6 7.7 22.6 22.6L174.6 192l28.7 28.7c15.2 15.2-7.9 37.4-22.6 22.6L152 214.6zM248 416c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64s28.7-64 64-64 64 28.7 64 64-28.7 64-64 64zm147.3-195.3c15.2 15.2-7.9 37.4-22.6 22.6L344 214.6l-28.7 28.7c-14.8 14.8-37.8-7.5-22.6-22.6l28.7-28.7-28.7-28.7c-15-15 7.7-37.6 22.6-22.6l28.7 28.7 28.7-28.7c15-15 37.6 7.7 22.6 22.6L366.6 192l28.7 28.7z"],
- "dna": [448, 512, [], "f471", "M.1 494.1c-1.1 9.5 6.3 17.8 15.9 17.8l32.3.1c8.1 0 14.9-5.9 16-13.9.7-4.9 1.8-11.1 3.4-18.1H380c1.6 6.9 2.9 13.2 3.5 18.1 1.1 8 7.9 14 16 13.9l32.3-.1c9.6 0 17.1-8.3 15.9-17.8-4.6-37.9-25.6-129-118.9-207.7-17.6 12.4-37.1 24.2-58.5 35.4 6.2 4.6 11.4 9.4 17 14.2H159.7c21.3-18.1 47-35.6 78.7-51.4C410.5 199.1 442.1 65.8 447.9 17.9 449 8.4 441.6.1 432 .1L399.6 0c-8.1 0-14.9 5.9-16 13.9-.7 4.9-1.8 11.1-3.4 18.1H67.8c-1.6-7-2.7-13.1-3.4-18.1-1.1-8-7.9-14-16-13.9L16.1.1C6.5.1-1 8.4.1 17.9 5.3 60.8 31.4 171.8 160 256 31.5 340.2 5.3 451.2.1 494.1zM224 219.6c-25.1-13.7-46.4-28.4-64.3-43.6h128.5c-17.8 15.2-39.1 30-64.2 43.6zM355.1 96c-5.8 10.4-12.8 21.1-21 32H114c-8.3-10.9-15.3-21.6-21-32h262.1zM92.9 416c5.8-10.4 12.8-21.1 21-32h219.4c8.3 10.9 15.4 21.6 21.2 32H92.9z"],
- "dollar-sign": [288, 512, [], "f155", "M209.2 233.4l-108-31.6C88.7 198.2 80 186.5 80 173.5c0-16.3 13.2-29.5 29.5-29.5h66.3c12.2 0 24.2 3.7 34.2 10.5 6.1 4.1 14.3 3.1 19.5-2l34.8-34c7.1-6.9 6.1-18.4-1.8-24.5C238 74.8 207.4 64.1 176 64V16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-32c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v48h-2.5C45.8 64-5.4 118.7.5 183.6c4.2 46.1 39.4 83.6 83.8 96.6l102.5 30c12.5 3.7 21.2 15.3 21.2 28.3 0 16.3-13.2 29.5-29.5 29.5h-66.3C100 368 88 364.3 78 357.5c-6.1-4.1-14.3-3.1-19.5 2l-34.8 34c-7.1 6.9-6.1 18.4 1.8 24.5 24.5 19.2 55.1 29.9 86.5 30v48c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-48.2c46.6-.9 90.3-28.6 105.7-72.7 21.5-61.6-14.6-124.8-72.5-141.7z"],
- "dolly": [576, 512, [], "f472", "M294.2 277.7c18 5 34.7 13.4 49.5 24.7l161.5-53.8c8.4-2.8 12.9-11.9 10.1-20.2L454.9 47.2c-2.8-8.4-11.9-12.9-20.2-10.1l-61.1 20.4 33.1 99.4L346 177l-33.1-99.4-61.6 20.5c-8.4 2.8-12.9 11.9-10.1 20.2l53 159.4zm281 48.7L565 296c-2.8-8.4-11.9-12.9-20.2-10.1l-213.5 71.2c-17.2-22-43.6-36.4-73.5-37L158.4 21.9C154 8.8 141.8 0 128 0H16C7.2 0 0 7.2 0 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h88.9l92.2 276.7c-26.1 20.4-41.7 53.6-36 90.5 6.1 39.4 37.9 72.3 77.3 79.2 60.2 10.7 112.3-34.8 113.4-92.6l213.3-71.2c8.3-2.8 12.9-11.8 10.1-20.2zM256 464c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48z"],
- "dolly-flatbed": [640, 512, [], "f474", "M208 320h384c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V48c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H448v128l-48-32-48 32V32H208c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v256c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16zm416 64H128V16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H16C7.2 0 0 7.2 0 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h48v368c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h82.9c-1.8 5-2.9 10.4-2.9 16 0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48s48-21.5 48-48c0-5.6-1.2-11-2.9-16H451c-1.8 5-2.9 10.4-2.9 16 0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48s48-21.5 48-48c0-5.6-1.2-11-2.9-16H624c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16z"],
- "donate": [512, 512, [], "f4b9", "M256 416c114.9 0 208-93.1 208-208S370.9 0 256 0 48 93.1 48 208s93.1 208 208 208zM233.8 97.4V80.6c0-9.2 7.4-16.6 16.6-16.6h11.1c9.2 0 16.6 7.4 16.6 16.6v17c15.5.8 30.5 6.1 43 15.4 5.6 4.1 6.2 12.3 1.2 17.1L306 145.6c-3.8 3.7-9.5 3.8-14 1-5.4-3.4-11.4-5.1-17.8-5.1h-38.9c-9 0-16.3 8.2-16.3 18.3 0 8.2 5 15.5 12.1 17.6l62.3 18.7c25.7 7.7 43.7 32.4 43.7 60.1 0 34-26.4 61.5-59.1 62.4v16.8c0 9.2-7.4 16.6-16.6 16.6h-11.1c-9.2 0-16.6-7.4-16.6-16.6v-17c-15.5-.8-30.5-6.1-43-15.4-5.6-4.1-6.2-12.3-1.2-17.1l16.3-15.5c3.8-3.7 9.5-3.8 14-1 5.4 3.4 11.4 5.1 17.8 5.1h38.9c9 0 16.3-8.2 16.3-18.3 0-8.2-5-15.5-12.1-17.6l-62.3-18.7c-25.7-7.7-43.7-32.4-43.7-60.1.1-34 26.4-61.5 59.1-62.4zM480 352h-32.5c-19.6 26-44.6 47.7-73 64h63.8c5.3 0 9.6 3.6 9.6 8v16c0 4.4-4.3 8-9.6 8H73.6c-5.3 0-9.6-3.6-9.6-8v-16c0-4.4 4.3-8 9.6-8h63.8c-28.4-16.3-53.3-38-73-64H32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v96c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h448c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32v-96c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32z"],
- "door-closed": [640, 512, [], "f52a", "M624 448H512V50.8C512 22.78 490.47 0 464 0H175.99c-26.47 0-48 22.78-48 50.8V448H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h608c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zM415.99 288c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32c.01 17.67-14.32 32-32 32z"],
- "door-open": [640, 512, [], "f52b", "M624 448h-80V113.45C544 86.19 522.47 64 496 64H384v64h96v384h144c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zM312.24 1.01l-192 49.74C105.99 54.44 96 67.7 96 82.92V448H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h336V33.18c0-21.58-19.56-37.41-39.76-32.17zM264 288c-13.25 0-24-14.33-24-32s10.75-32 24-32 24 14.33 24 32-10.75 32-24 32z"],
- "dot-circle": [512, 512, [], "f192", "M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm80 248c0 44.112-35.888 80-80 80s-80-35.888-80-80 35.888-80 80-80 80 35.888 80 80z"],
- "dove": [512, 512, [], "f4ba", "M288 167.2v-28.1c-28.2-36.3-47.1-79.3-54.1-125.2-2.1-13.5-19-18.8-27.8-8.3-21.1 24.9-37.7 54.1-48.9 86.5 34.2 38.3 80 64.6 130.8 75.1zM400 64c-44.2 0-80 35.9-80 80.1v59.4C215.6 197.3 127 133 87 41.8c-5.5-12.5-23.2-13.2-29-.9C41.4 76 32 115.2 32 156.6c0 70.8 34.1 136.9 85.1 185.9 13.2 12.7 26.1 23.2 38.9 32.8l-143.9 36C1.4 414-3.4 426.4 2.6 435.7 20 462.6 63 508.2 155.8 512c8 .3 16-2.6 22.1-7.9l65.2-56.1H320c88.4 0 160-71.5 160-159.9V128l32-64H400zm0 96.1c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16z"],
- "download": [512, 512, [], "f019", "M216 0h80c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24v168h87.7c17.8 0 26.7 21.5 14.1 34.1L269.7 378.3c-7.5 7.5-19.8 7.5-27.3 0L90.1 226.1c-12.6-12.6-3.7-34.1 14.1-34.1H192V24c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24zm296 376v112c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24H24c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V376c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h146.7l49 49c20.1 20.1 52.5 20.1 72.6 0l49-49H488c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24zm-124 88c0-11-9-20-20-20s-20 9-20 20 9 20 20 20 20-9 20-20zm64 0c0-11-9-20-20-20s-20 9-20 20 9 20 20 20 20-9 20-20z"],
- "drafting-compass": [512, 512, [], "f568", "M457.01 344.42c-25.05 20.33-52.63 37.18-82.54 49.05l54.38 94.19 53.95 23.04c9.81 4.19 20.89-2.21 22.17-12.8l7.02-58.25-54.98-95.23zm42.49-94.56c4.86-7.67 1.89-17.99-6.05-22.39l-28.07-15.57c-7.48-4.15-16.61-1.46-21.26 5.72C403.01 281.15 332.25 320 256 320c-23.93 0-47.23-4.25-69.41-11.53l67.36-116.68c.7.02 1.34.21 2.04.21s1.35-.19 2.04-.21l51.09 88.5c31.23-8.96 59.56-25.75 82.61-48.92l-51.79-89.71C347.39 128.03 352 112.63 352 96c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96s-96 42.98-96 96c0 16.63 4.61 32.03 12.05 45.66l-68.3 118.31c-12.55-11.61-23.96-24.59-33.68-39-4.79-7.1-13.97-9.62-21.38-5.33l-27.75 16.07c-7.85 4.54-10.63 14.9-5.64 22.47 15.57 23.64 34.69 44.21 55.98 62.02L0 439.66l7.02 58.25c1.28 10.59 12.36 16.99 22.17 12.8l53.95-23.04 70.8-122.63C186.13 377.28 220.62 384 256 384c99.05 0 190.88-51.01 243.5-134.14zM256 64c17.67 0 32 14.33 32 32s-14.33 32-32 32-32-14.33-32-32 14.33-32 32-32z"],
- "draw-polygon": [448, 512, [], "f5ee", "M384 352c-.35 0-.67.1-1.02.1l-39.2-65.32c5.07-9.17 8.22-19.56 8.22-30.78s-3.14-21.61-8.22-30.78l39.2-65.32c. 1.02.1 35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64s-28.65-64-64-64c-23.63 0-44.04 12.95-55.12 32H119.12C108.04 44.95 87.63 32 64 32 28.65 32 0 60.65 0 96c0 23.63 12.95 44.04 32 55.12v209.75C12.95 371.96 0 392.37 0 416c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64 23.63 0 44.04-12.95 55.12-32h209.75c11.09 19.05 31.49 32 55.12 32 35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64 .01-35.35-28.64-64-63.99-64zm-288 8.88V151.12A63.825 63.825 0 0 0 119.12 128h208.36l-38.46 64.1c-.35-.01-.67-.1-1.02-.1-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64s28.65 64 64 64c.35 0 .67-.1 1.02-.1l38.46 64.1H119.12A63.748 63.748 0 0 0 96 360.88zM272 256c0-8.82 7.18-16 16-16s16 7.18 16 16-7.18 16-16 16-16-7.18-16-16zM400 96c0 8.82-7.18 16-16 16s-16-7.18-16-16 7.18-16 16-16 16 7.18 16 16zM64 80c8.82 0 16 7.18 16 16s-7.18 16-16 16-16-7.18-16-16 7.18-16 16-16zM48 416c0-8.82 7.18-16 16-16s16 7.18 16 16-7.18 16-16 16-16-7.18-16-16zm336 16c-8.82 0-16-7.18-16-16s7.18-16 16-16 16 7.18 16 16-7.18 16-16 16z"],
- "drum": [576, 512, [], "f569", "M458.08 120.88l102.39-61.43c15.16-9.09 20.06-28.75 10.97-43.91C562.34.39 542.7-4.53 527.53 4.57l-160.69 96.41A629.32 629.32 0 0 0 288 96C128.94 96 0 153.31 0 224v160.83c0 30.46 24.03 58.4 64 80.37v-96.37c0-17.6 14.4-32 32-32s32 14.4 32 32v122.41c37.4 11.13 81 18.44 128 20.75V400.84c0-17.6 14.4-32 32-32s32 14.4 32 32V512c47-2.31 90.6-9.62 128-20.75V368.84c0-17.6 14.4-32 32-32s32 14.4 32 32v96.37c39.97-21.97 64-49.91 64-80.37V224.01c-.01-42.38-46.54-79.84-117.92-103.13zM288 304c-132.55 0-240-35.82-240-80s107.45-80 240-80c2.34 0 4.62.1 6.94.12l-87.41 52.44c-15.16 9.09-20.06 28.75-10.97 43.91 9.56 15.93 29.51 19.61 43.91 10.97l162.71-97.62C477.55 167.41 528 193.74 528 224.01 528 268.19 420.54 304 288 304z"],
- "drum-steelpan": [576, 512, [], "f56a", "M288 32C128.94 32 0 89.31 0 160v192c0 70.69 128.94 128 288 128s288-57.31 288-128V160c0-70.69-128.94-128-288-128zm-82.99 158.36c-4.45 16.61-14.54 30.57-28.31 40.48C100.23 217.46 48 190.78 48 160c0-30.16 50.11-56.39 124.04-70.03l25.6 44.34c9.86 17.09 12.48 36.99 7.37 56.05zM288 240c-21.08 0-41.41-1-60.89-2.7 8.06-26.13 32.15-45.3 60.89-45.3s52.83 19.17 60.89 45.3C329.41 239 309.08 240 288 240zm64-144c0 35.29-28.71 64-64 64s-64-28.71-64-64V82.96c20.4-1.88 41.8-2.96 64-2.96s43.6 1.08 64 2.96V96zm46.93 134.9c-13.81-9.91-23.94-23.9-28.4-40.54-5.11-19.06-2.49-38.96 7.38-56.04l25.65-44.42C477.72 103.5 528 129.79 528 160c0 30.83-52.4 57.54-129.07 70.9z"],
- "dumbbell": [640, 512, [], "f44b", "M104 96H56c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v104H8c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v48c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h24v104c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h48c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V120c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24zm528 128h-24V120c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24h-48c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v272c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h48c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V288h24c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-48c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zM456 32h-48c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v168H256V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24h-48c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v400c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h48c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V288h128v168c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h48c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24z"],
- "edit": [576, 512, [], "f044", "M402.6 83.2l90.2 90.2c3.8 3.8 3.8 10 0 13.8L274.4 405.6l-92.8 10.3c-12.4 1.4-22.9-9.1-21.5-21.5l10.3-92.8L388.8 83.2c3.8-3.8 10-3.8 13.8 0zm162-22.9l-48.8-48.8c-15.2-15.2-39.9-15.2-55.2 0l-35.4 35.4c-3.8 3.8-3.8 10 0 13.8l90.2 90.2c3.8 3.8 10 3.8 13.8 0l35.4-35.4c15.2-15.3 15.2-40 0-55.2zM384 346.2V448H64V128h229.8c3.2 0 6.2-1.3 8.5-3.5l40-40c7.6-7.6 2.2-20.5-8.5-20.5H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V306.2c0-10.7-12.9-16-20.5-8.5l-40 40c-2.2 2.3-3.5 5.3-3.5 8.5z"],
- "eject": [448, 512, [], "f052", "M448 384v64c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32H32c-17.673 0-32-14.327-32-32v-64c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32h384c17.673 0 32 14.327 32 32zM48.053 320h351.886c41.651 0 63.581-49.674 35.383-80.435L259.383 47.558c-19.014-20.743-51.751-20.744-70.767 0L12.67 239.565C-15.475 270.268 6.324 320 48.053 320z"],
- "ellipsis-h": [512, 512, [], "f141", "M328 256c0 39.8-32.2 72-72 72s-72-32.2-72-72 32.2-72 72-72 72 32.2 72 72zm104-72c-39.8 0-72 32.2-72 72s32.2 72 72 72 72-32.2 72-72-32.2-72-72-72zm-352 0c-39.8 0-72 32.2-72 72s32.2 72 72 72 72-32.2 72-72-32.2-72-72-72z"],
- "ellipsis-v": [192, 512, [], "f142", "M96 184c39.8 0 72 32.2 72 72s-32.2 72-72 72-72-32.2-72-72 32.2-72 72-72zM24 80c0 39.8 32.2 72 72 72s72-32.2 72-72S135.8 8 96 8 24 40.2 24 80zm0 352c0 39.8 32.2 72 72 72s72-32.2 72-72-32.2-72-72-72-72 32.2-72 72z"],
- "envelope": [512, 512, [], "f0e0", "M502.3 190.8c3.9-3.1 9.7-.2 9.7 4.7V400c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V195.6c0-5 5.7-7.8 9.7-4.7 22.4 17.4 52.1 39.5 154.1 113.6 21.1 15.4 56.7 47.8 92.2 47.6 35.7.3 72-32.8 92.3-47.6 102-74.1 131.6-96.3 154-113.7zM256 320c23.2.4 56.6-29.2 73.4-41.4 132.7-96.3 142.8-104.7 173.4-128.7 5.8-4.5 9.2-11.5 9.2-18.9v-19c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v19c0 7.4 3.4 14.3 9.2 18.9 30.6 23.9 40.7 32.4 173.4 128.7 16.8 12.2 50.2 41.8 73.4 41.4z"],
- "envelope-open": [512, 512, [], "f2b6", "M512 464c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V200.724a48 48 0 0 1 18.387-37.776c24.913-19.529 45.501-35.365 164.2-121.511C199.412 29.17 232.797-.347 256 .003c23.198-.354 56.596 29.172 73.413 41.433 118.687 86.137 139.303 101.995 164.2 121.512A48 48 0 0 1 512 200.724V464zm-65.666-196.605c-2.563-3.728-7.7-4.595-11.339-1.907-22.845 16.873-55.462 40.705-105.582 77.079-16.825 12.266-50.21 41.781-73.413 41.43-23.211.344-56.559-29.143-73.413-41.43-50.114-36.37-82.734-60.204-105.582-77.079-3.639-2.688-8.776-1.821-11.339 1.907l-9.072 13.196a7.998 7.998 0 0 0 1.839 10.967c22.887 16.899 55.454 40.69 105.303 76.868 20.274 14.781 56.524 47.813 92.264 47.573 35.724.242 71.961-32.771 92.263-47.573 49.85-36.179 82.418-59.97 105.303-76.868a7.998 7.998 0 0 0 1.839-10.967l-9.071-13.196z"],
- "envelope-open-text": [512, 512, [], "f658", "M176 216h160c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H176c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16zm-16 80c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h160c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H176c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v16zm96 121.13c-16.42 0-32.84-5.06-46.86-15.19L0 250.86V464c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V250.86L302.86 401.94c-14.02 10.12-30.44 15.19-46.86 15.19zm237.61-254.18c-8.85-6.94-17.24-13.47-29.61-22.81V96c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48h-77.55c-3.04-2.2-5.87-4.26-9.04-6.56C312.6 29.17 279.2-.35 256 0c-23.2-.35-56.59 29.17-73.41 41.44-3.17 2.3-6 4.36-9.04 6.56H96c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v44.14c-12.37 9.33-20.76 15.87-29.61 22.81A47.995 47.995 0 0 0 0 200.72v10.65l96 69.35V96h320v184.72l96-69.35v-10.65c0-14.74-6.78-28.67-18.39-37.77z"],
- "envelope-square": [448, 512, [], "f199", "M400 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM178.117 262.104C87.429 196.287 88.353 196.121 64 177.167V152c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h272c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v25.167c-24.371 18.969-23.434 19.124-114.117 84.938-10.5 7.655-31.392 26.12-45.883 25.894-14.503.218-35.367-18.227-45.883-25.895zM384 217.775V360c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H88c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V217.775c13.958 10.794 33.329 25.236 95.303 70.214 14.162 10.341 37.975 32.145 64.694 32.01 26.887.134 51.037-22.041 64.72-32.025 61.958-44.965 81.325-59.406 95.283-70.199z"],
- "equals": [448, 512, [], "f52c", "M416 304H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h384c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm0-192H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h384c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z"],
- "eraser": [512, 512, [], "f12d", "M497.941 273.941c18.745-18.745 18.745-49.137 0-67.882l-160-160c-18.745-18.745-49.136-18.746-67.883 0l-256 256c-18.745 18.745-18.745 49.137 0 67.882l96 96A48.004 48.004 0 0 0 144 480h356c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H355.883l142.058-142.059zm-302.627-62.627l137.373 137.373L265.373 416H150.628l-80-80 124.686-124.686z"],
- "euro-sign": [320, 512, [], "f153", "M310.706 413.765c-1.314-6.63-7.835-10.872-14.424-9.369-10.692 2.439-27.422 5.413-45.426 5.413-56.763 0-101.929-34.79-121.461-85.449h113.689a12 12 0 0 0 11.708-9.369l6.373-28.36c1.686-7.502-4.019-14.631-11.708-14.631H115.22c-1.21-14.328-1.414-28.287.137-42.245H261.95a12 12 0 0 0 11.723-9.434l6.512-29.755c1.638-7.484-4.061-14.566-11.723-14.566H130.184c20.633-44.991 62.69-75.03 117.619-75.03 14.486 0 28.564 2.25 37.851 4.145 6.216 1.268 12.347-2.498 14.002-8.623l11.991-44.368c1.822-6.741-2.465-13.616-9.326-14.917C290.217 34.912 270.71 32 249.635 32 152.451 32 74.03 92.252 45.075 176H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v29.755c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h21.569c-1.009 13.607-1.181 29.287-.181 42.245H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28.36c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h30.114C67.139 414.692 145.264 480 249.635 480c26.301 0 48.562-4.544 61.101-7.788 6.167-1.595 10.027-7.708 8.788-13.957l-8.818-44.49z"],
- "exchange-alt": [512, 512, [], "f362", "M0 168v-16c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h360V80c0-21.367 25.899-32.042 40.971-16.971l80 80c9.372 9.373 9.372 24.569 0 33.941l-80 80C409.956 271.982 384 261.456 384 240v-48H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24zm488 152H128v-48c0-21.314-25.862-32.08-40.971-16.971l-80 80c-9.372 9.373-9.372 24.569 0 33.941l80 80C102.057 463.997 128 453.437 128 432v-48h360c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-16c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24z"],
- "exclamation": [192, 512, [], "f12a", "M176 432c0 44.112-35.888 80-80 80s-80-35.888-80-80 35.888-80 80-80 80 35.888 80 80zM25.26 25.199l13.6 272C39.499 309.972 50.041 320 62.83 320h66.34c12.789 0 23.331-10.028 23.97-22.801l13.6-272C167.425 11.49 156.496 0 142.77 0H49.23C35.504 0 24.575 11.49 25.26 25.199z"],
- "exclamation-circle": [512, 512, [], "f06a", "M504 256c0 136.997-111.043 248-248 248S8 392.997 8 256C8 119.083 119.043 8 256 8s248 111.083 248 248zm-248 50c-25.405 0-46 20.595-46 46s20.595 46 46 46 46-20.595 46-46-20.595-46-46-46zm-43.673-165.346l7.418 136c.347 6.364 5.609 11.346 11.982 11.346h48.546c6.373 0 11.635-4.982 11.982-11.346l7.418-136c.375-6.874-5.098-12.654-11.982-12.654h-63.383c-6.884 0-12.356 5.78-11.981 12.654z"],
- "exclamation-triangle": [576, 512, [], "f071", "M569.517 440.013C587.975 472.007 564.806 512 527.94 512H48.054c-36.937 0-59.999-40.055-41.577-71.987L246.423 23.985c18.467-32.009 64.72-31.951 83.154 0l239.94 416.028zM288 354c-25.405 0-46 20.595-46 46s20.595 46 46 46 46-20.595 46-46-20.595-46-46-46zm-43.673-165.346l7.418 136c.347 6.364 5.609 11.346 11.982 11.346h48.546c6.373 0 11.635-4.982 11.982-11.346l7.418-136c.375-6.874-5.098-12.654-11.982-12.654h-63.383c-6.884 0-12.356 5.78-11.981 12.654z"],
- "expand": [448, 512, [], "f065", "M0 180V56c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h124c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H64v84c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12zM288 44v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h84v84c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H300c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12zm148 276h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v84h-84c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h124c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V332c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zM160 468v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H64v-84c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H12c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v124c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h124c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12z"],
- "expand-arrows-alt": [448, 512, [], "f31e", "M448.1 344v112c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24h-112c-21.4 0-32.1-25.9-17-41l36.2-36.2L224 295.6 116.8 402.9 153 439c15.1 15.1 4.4 41-17 41H24c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V344c0-21.4 25.9-32.1 41-17l36.2 36.2L184.5 256 77.2 148.7 41 185c-15.1 15.1-41 4.4-41-17V56c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h112c21.4 0 32.1 25.9 17 41l-36.2 36.2L224 216.4l107.3-107.3L295.1 73c-15.1-15.1-4.4-41 17-41h112c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24v112c0 21.4-25.9 32.1-41 17l-36.2-36.2L263.6 256l107.3 107.3 36.2-36.2c15.1-15.2 41-4.5 41 16.9z"],
- "external-link-alt": [576, 512, [], "f35d", "M576 24v127.984c0 21.461-25.96 31.98-40.971 16.971l-35.707-35.709-243.523 243.523c-9.373 9.373-24.568 9.373-33.941 0l-22.627-22.627c-9.373-9.373-9.373-24.569 0-33.941L442.756 76.676l-35.703-35.705C391.982 25.9 402.656 0 424.024 0H552c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24zM407.029 270.794l-16 16A23.999 23.999 0 0 0 384 303.765V448H64V128h264a24.003 24.003 0 0 0 16.97-7.029l16-16C376.089 89.851 365.381 64 344 64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V287.764c0-21.382-25.852-32.09-40.971-16.97z"],
- "external-link-square-alt": [448, 512, [], "f360", "M448 80v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h352c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zm-88 16H248.029c-21.313 0-32.08 25.861-16.971 40.971l31.984 31.987L67.515 364.485c-4.686 4.686-4.686 12.284 0 16.971l31.029 31.029c4.687 4.686 12.285 4.686 16.971 0l195.526-195.526 31.988 31.991C358.058 263.977 384 253.425 384 231.979V120c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24z"],
- "eye": [576, 512, [], "f06e", "M569.354 231.631C512.969 135.949 407.81 72 288 72 168.14 72 63.004 135.994 6.646 231.631a47.999 47.999 0 0 0 0 48.739C63.031 376.051 168.19 440 288 440c119.86 0 224.996-63.994 281.354-159.631a47.997 47.997 0 0 0 0-48.738zM288 392c-75.162 0-136-60.827-136-136 0-75.162 60.826-136 136-136 75.162 0 136 60.826 136 136 0 75.162-60.826 136-136 136zm104-136c0 57.438-46.562 104-104 104s-104-46.562-104-104c0-17.708 4.431-34.379 12.236-48.973l-.001.032c0 23.651 19.173 42.823 42.824 42.823s42.824-19.173 42.824-42.823c0-23.651-19.173-42.824-42.824-42.824l-.032.001C253.621 156.431 270.292 152 288 152c57.438 0 104 46.562 104 104z"],
- "eye-dropper": [512, 512, [], "f1fb", "M50.75 333.25c-12 12-18.75 28.28-18.75 45.26V424L0 480l32 32 56-32h45.49c16.97 0 33.25-6.74 45.25-18.74l126.64-126.62-128-128L50.75 333.25zM483.88 28.12c-37.47-37.5-98.28-37.5-135.75 0l-77.09 77.09-13.1-13.1c-9.44-9.44-24.65-9.31-33.94 0l-40.97 40.97c-9.37 9.37-9.37 24.57 0 33.94l161.94 161.94c9.44 9.44 24.65 9.31 33.94 0L419.88 288c9.37-9.37 9.37-24.57 0-33.94l-13.1-13.1 77.09-77.09c37.51-37.48 37.51-98.26.01-135.75z"],
- "eye-slash": [576, 512, [], "f070", "M286.693 391.984l32.579 46.542A333.958 333.958 0 0 1 288 440C168.19 440 63.031 376.051 6.646 280.369a47.999 47.999 0 0 1 0-48.739c24.023-40.766 56.913-75.775 96.024-102.537l57.077 81.539C154.736 224.82 152 240.087 152 256c0 74.736 60.135 135.282 134.693 135.984zm282.661-111.615c-31.667 53.737-78.747 97.46-135.175 125.475l.011.015 41.47 59.2c7.6 10.86 4.96 25.82-5.9 33.42l-13.11 9.18c-10.86 7.6-25.82 4.96-33.42-5.9L100.34 46.94c-7.6-10.86-4.96-25.82 5.9-33.42l13.11-9.18c10.86-7.6 25.82-4.96 33.42 5.9l51.038 72.617C230.68 75.776 258.905 72 288 72c119.81 0 224.969 63.949 281.354 159.631a48.002 48.002 0 0 1 0 48.738zM424 256c0-75.174-60.838-136-136-136-17.939 0-35.056 3.473-50.729 9.772l19.299 27.058c25.869-8.171 55.044-6.163 80.4 7.41h-.03c-23.65 0-42.82 19.17-42.82 42.82 0 23.626 19.147 42.82 42.82 42.82 23.65 0 42.82-19.17 42.82-42.82v-.03c18.462 34.49 16.312 77.914-8.25 110.95v.01l19.314 27.061C411.496 321.2 424 290.074 424 256zM262.014 356.727l-77.53-110.757c-5.014 52.387 29.314 98.354 77.53 110.757z"],
- "fast-backward": [512, 512, [], "f049", "M0 436V76c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v151.9L235.5 71.4C256.1 54.3 288 68.6 288 96v131.9L459.5 71.4C480.1 54.3 512 68.6 512 96v320c0 27.4-31.9 41.7-52.5 24.6L288 285.3V416c0 27.4-31.9 41.7-52.5 24.6L64 285.3V436c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12z"],
- "fast-forward": [512, 512, [], "f050", "M512 76v360c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V284.1L276.5 440.6c-20.6 17.2-52.5 2.8-52.5-24.6V284.1L52.5 440.6C31.9 457.8 0 443.4 0 416V96c0-27.4 31.9-41.7 52.5-24.6L224 226.8V96c0-27.4 31.9-41.7 52.5-24.6L448 226.8V76c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12z"],
- "fax": [512, 512, [], "f1ac", "M64 128H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v320c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V160c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm416 32V77.25c0-8.49-3.37-16.62-9.37-22.63L425.37 9.37c-6-6-14.14-9.37-22.63-9.37H160c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v448c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h320c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V192c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM288 432c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-32c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-32c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h32c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v32zm0-128c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-32c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-32c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h32c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v32zm128 128c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-32c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-32c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h32c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v32zm0-128c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-32c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-32c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h32c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v32zm16-112H176V48h208v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32v96z"],
- "feather": [512, 512, [], "f52d", "M467.14 44.84c-62.55-62.48-161.67-64.78-252.28 25.73-78.61 78.52-60.98 60.92-85.75 85.66-60.46 60.39-70.39 150.83-63.64 211.17l178.44-178.25c6.26-6.25 16.4-6.25 22.65 0s6.25 16.38 0 22.63L7.04 471.03c-9.38 9.37-9.38 24.57 0 33.94 9.38 9.37 24.6 9.37 33.98 0l66.1-66.03C159.42 454.65 279 457.11 353.95 384h-98.19l147.57-49.14c49.99-49.93 36.38-36.18 46.31-46.86h-97.78l131.54-43.8c45.44-74.46 34.31-148.84-16.26-199.36z"],
- "feather-alt": [512, 512, [], "f56b", "M512 0C460.22 3.56 96.44 38.2 71.01 287.61c-3.09 26.66-4.84 53.44-5.99 80.24l178.87-178.69c6.25-6.25 16.4-6.25 22.65 0s6.25 16.38 0 22.63L7.04 471.03c-9.38 9.37-9.38 24.57 0 33.94 9.38 9.37 24.59 9.37 33.98 0l57.13-57.07c42.09-.14 84.15-2.53 125.96-7.36 53.48-5.44 97.02-26.47 132.58-56.54H255.74l146.79-48.88c11.25-14.89 21.37-30.71 30.45-47.12h-81.14l106.54-53.21C500.29 132.86 510.19 26.26 512 0z"],
- "female": [256, 512, [], "f182", "M128 0c35.346 0 64 28.654 64 64s-28.654 64-64 64c-35.346 0-64-28.654-64-64S92.654 0 128 0m119.283 354.179l-48-192A24 24 0 0 0 176 144h-11.36c-22.711 10.443-49.59 10.894-73.28 0H80a24 24 0 0 0-23.283 18.179l-48 192C4.935 369.305 16.383 384 32 384h56v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h32c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V384h56c15.591 0 27.071-14.671 23.283-29.821z"],
- "fighter-jet": [640, 512, [], "f0fb", "M544 224l-128-16-48-16h-24L227.158 44h39.509C278.333 44 288 41.375 288 38s-9.667-6-21.333-6H152v12h16v164h-48l-66.667-80H18.667L8 138.667V208h8v16h48v2.666l-64 8v42.667l64 8V288H16v16H8v69.333L18.667 384h34.667L120 304h48v164h-16v12h114.667c11.667 0 21.333-2.625 21.333-6s-9.667-6-21.333-6h-39.509L344 320h24l48-16 128-16c96-21.333 96-26.583 96-32 0-5.417 0-10.667-96-32z"],
- "file": [384, 512, [], "f15b", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm160-14.1v6.1H256V0h6.1c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l97.9 98c4.5 4.5 7 10.6 7 16.9z"],
- "file-alt": [384, 512, [], "f15c", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm64 236c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H108c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-8c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h168c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v8zm0-64c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H108c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-8c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h168c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v8zm0-72v8c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H108c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-8c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h168c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm96-114.1v6.1H256V0h6.1c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l97.9 98c4.5 4.5 7 10.6 7 16.9z"],
- "file-archive": [384, 512, [], "f1c6", "M224 136V0h-63.6v32h-32V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zM95.9 32h32v32h-32V32zm32.3 384c-33.2 0-58-30.4-51.4-62.9L96.4 256v-32h32v-32h-32v-32h32v-32h-32V96h32V64h32v32h-32v32h32v32h-32v32h32v32h-32v32h22.1c5.7 0 10.7 4.1 11.8 9.7l17.3 87.7c6.4 32.4-18.4 62.6-51.4 62.6zm32.7-53c0 14.9-14.5 27-32.4 27S96 378 96 363c0-14.9 14.5-27 32.4-27s32.5 12.1 32.5 27zM384 121.9v6.1H256V0h6.1c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l97.9 98c4.5 4.5 7 10.6 7 16.9z"],
- "file-audio": [384, 512, [], "f1c7", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm-64 268c0 10.7-12.9 16-20.5 8.5L104 376H76c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-56c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h28l35.5-36.5c7.6-7.6 20.5-2.2 20.5 8.5v136zm33.2-47.6c9.1-9.3 9.1-24.1 0-33.4-22.1-22.8 12.2-56.2 34.4-33.5 27.2 27.9 27.2 72.4 0 100.4-21.8 22.3-56.9-10.4-34.4-33.5zm86-117.1c54.4 55.9 54.4 144.8 0 200.8-21.8 22.4-57-10.3-34.4-33.5 36.2-37.2 36.3-96.5 0-133.8-22.1-22.8 12.3-56.3 34.4-33.5zM384 121.9v6.1H256V0h6.1c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l97.9 98c4.5 4.5 7 10.6 7 16.9z"],
- "file-code": [384, 512, [], "f1c9", "M384 121.941V128H256V0h6.059c6.365 0 12.47 2.529 16.971 7.029l97.941 97.941A24.005 24.005 0 0 1 384 121.941zM248 160c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24V0H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v464c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V160H248zM123.206 400.505a5.4 5.4 0 0 1-7.633.246l-64.866-60.812a5.4 5.4 0 0 1 0-7.879l64.866-60.812a5.4 5.4 0 0 1 7.633.246l19.579 20.885a5.4 5.4 0 0 1-.372 7.747L101.65 336l40.763 35.874a5.4 5.4 0 0 1 .372 7.747l-19.579 20.884zm51.295 50.479l-27.453-7.97a5.402 5.402 0 0 1-3.681-6.692l61.44-211.626a5.402 5.402 0 0 1 6.692-3.681l27.452 7.97a5.4 5.4 0 0 1 3.68 6.692l-61.44 211.626a5.397 5.397 0 0 1-6.69 3.681zm160.792-111.045l-64.866 60.812a5.4 5.4 0 0 1-7.633-.246l-19.58-20.885a5.4 5.4 0 0 1 .372-7.747L284.35 336l-40.763-35.874a5.4 5.4 0 0 1-.372-7.747l19.58-20.885a5.4 5.4 0 0 1 7.633-.246l64.866 60.812a5.4 5.4 0 0 1-.001 7.879z"],
- "file-contract": [384, 512, [], "f56c", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zM64 72c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h80c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V72zm0 64c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h80c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16zm192.81 248H304c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16s-7.16 16-16 16h-47.19c-16.45 0-31.27-9.14-38.64-23.86-2.95-5.92-8.09-6.52-10.17-6.52s-7.22.59-10.02 6.19l-7.67 15.34a15.986 15.986 0 0 1-14.31 8.84c-.38 0-.75-.02-1.14-.05-6.45-.45-12-4.75-14.03-10.89L144 354.59l-10.61 31.88c-5.89 17.66-22.38 29.53-41 29.53H80c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16s7.16-16 16-16h12.39c4.83 0 9.11-3.08 10.64-7.66l18.19-54.64c3.3-9.81 12.44-16.41 22.78-16.41s19.48 6.59 22.77 16.41l13.88 41.64c19.77-16.19 54.05-9.7 66 14.16 2.02 4.06 5.96 6.5 10.16 6.5zM377 105L279.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H256v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9z"],
- "file-download": [384, 512, [], "f56d", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm76.45 211.36l-96.42 95.7c-6.65 6.61-17.39 6.61-24.04 0l-96.42-95.7C73.42 337.29 80.54 320 94.82 320H160v-80c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h32c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v80h65.18c14.28 0 21.4 17.29 11.27 27.36zM377 105L279.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H256v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9z"],
- "file-excel": [384, 512, [], "f1c3", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm60.1 106.5L224 336l60.1 93.5c5.1 8-.6 18.5-10.1 18.5h-34.9c-4.4 0-8.5-2.4-10.6-6.3C208.9 405.5 192 373 192 373c-6.4 14.8-10 20-36.6 68.8-2.1 3.9-6.1 6.3-10.5 6.3H110c-9.5 0-15.2-10.5-10.1-18.5l60.3-93.5-60.3-93.5c-5.2-8 .6-18.5 10.1-18.5h34.8c4.4 0 8.5 2.4 10.6 6.3 26.1 48.8 20 33.6 36.6 68.5 0 0 6.1-11.7 36.6-68.5 2.1-3.9 6.2-6.3 10.6-6.3H274c9.5-.1 15.2 10.4 10.1 18.4zM384 121.9v6.1H256V0h6.1c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l97.9 98c4.5 4.5 7 10.6 7 16.9z"],
- "file-export": [576, 512, [], "f56e", "M384 121.9c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9L279.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H256v128h128v-6.1zM192 336v-32c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h176V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V352H208c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16zm379.05-28.02l-95.7-96.43c-10.06-10.14-27.36-3.01-27.36 11.27V288H384v64h63.99v65.18c0 14.28 17.29 21.41 27.36 11.27l95.7-96.42c6.6-6.66 6.6-17.4 0-24.05z"],
- "file-image": [384, 512, [], "f1c5", "M384 121.941V128H256V0h6.059a24 24 0 0 1 16.97 7.029l97.941 97.941a24.002 24.002 0 0 1 7.03 16.971zM248 160c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24V0H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v464c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V160H248zm-135.455 16c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48s-21.49 48-48 48-48-21.49-48-48 21.491-48 48-48zm208 240h-256l.485-48.485L104.545 328c4.686-4.686 11.799-4.201 16.485.485L160.545 368 264.06 264.485c4.686-4.686 12.284-4.686 16.971 0L320.545 304v112z"],
- "file-import": [512, 512, [], "f56f", "M16 288c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h112v-64H16zm336-152V0H152c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v264h127.99v-65.18c0-14.28 17.29-21.41 27.36-11.27l95.7 96.43c6.6 6.65 6.6 17.39 0 24.04l-95.7 96.42c-10.06 10.14-27.36 3.01-27.36-11.27V352H128v136c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H376c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm153-31L407.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H384v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9z"],
- "file-invoice": [384, 512, [], "f570", "M288 256H96v64h192v-64zm89-151L279.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H256v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9zm-153 31V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zM64 72c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h80c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V72zm0 64c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h80c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16zm256 304c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-80c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h80c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16zm0-200v96c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16H80c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-96c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h224c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16z"],
- "file-invoice-dollar": [384, 512, [], "f571", "M377 105L279.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H256v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9zm-153 31V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zM64 72c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h80c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V72zm0 80v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h80c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8zm144 263.88V440c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-24.29c-11.29-.58-22.27-4.52-31.37-11.35-3.9-2.93-4.1-8.77-.57-12.14l11.75-11.21c2.77-2.64 6.89-2.76 10.13-.73 3.87 2.42 8.26 3.72 12.82 3.72h28.11c6.5 0 11.8-5.92 11.8-13.19 0-5.95-3.61-11.19-8.77-12.73l-45-13.5c-18.59-5.58-31.58-23.42-31.58-43.39 0-24.52 19.05-44.44 42.67-45.07V232c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v24.29c11.29.58 22.27 4.51 31.37 11.35 3.9 2.93 4.1 8.77.57 12.14l-11.75 11.21c-2.77 2.64-6.89 2.76-10.13.73-3.87-2.43-8.26-3.72-12.82-3.72h-28.11c-6.5 0-11.8 5.92-11.8 13.19 0 5.95 3.61 11.19 8.77 12.73l45 13.5c18.59 5.58 31.58 23.42 31.58 43.39 0 24.53-19.05 44.44-42.67 45.07z"],
- "file-medical": [384, 512, [], "f477", "M377 105L279.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H256v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9zm-153 31V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm64 160v48c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-56v56c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-48c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-56h-56c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-48c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h56v-56c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h48c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v56h56c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8z"],
- "file-medical-alt": [448, 512, [], "f478", "M288 136V0H88C74.7 0 64 10.7 64 24v232H8c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h140.9c3 0 5.8 1.7 7.2 4.4l19.9 39.8 56.8-113.7c2.9-5.9 11.4-5.9 14.3 0l34.7 69.5H352c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16h-89.9L240 275.8l-56.8 113.7c-2.9 5.9-11.4 5.9-14.3 0L134.1 320H64v168c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H312c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm153-31L343.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H320v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9z"],
- "file-pdf": [384, 512, [], "f1c1", "M181.9 256.1c-5-16-4.9-46.9-2-46.9 8.4 0 7.6 36.9 2 46.9zm-1.7 47.2c-7.7 20.2-17.3 43.3-28.4 62.7 18.3-7 39-17.2 62.9-21.9-12.7-9.6-24.9-23.4-34.5-40.8zM86.1 428.1c0 .8 13.2-5.4 34.9-40.2-6.7 6.3-29.1 24.5-34.9 40.2zM248 160h136v328c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24H24c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V24C0 10.7 10.7 0 24 0h200v136c0 13.2 10.8 24 24 24zm-8 171.8c-20-12.2-33.3-29-42.7-53.8 4.5-18.5 11.6-46.6 6.2-64.2-4.7-29.4-42.4-26.5-47.8-6.8-5 18.3-.4 44.1 8.1 77-11.6 27.6-28.7 64.6-40.8 85.8-.1 0-.1.1-.2.1-27.1 13.9-73.6 44.5-54.5 68 5.6 6.9 16 10 21.5 10 17.9 0 35.7-18 61.1-61.8 25.8-8.5 54.1-19.1 79-23.2 21.7 11.8 47.1 19.5 64 19.5 29.2 0 31.2-32 19.7-43.4-13.9-13.6-54.3-9.7-73.6-7.2zM377 105L279 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7h-6v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9zm-74.1 255.3c4.1-2.7-2.5-11.9-42.8-9 37.1 15.8 42.8 9 42.8 9z"],
- "file-powerpoint": [384, 512, [], "f1c4", "M193.7 271.2c8.8 0 15.5 2.7 20.3 8.1 9.6 10.9 9.8 32.7-.2 44.1-4.9 5.6-11.9 8.5-21.1 8.5h-26.9v-60.7h27.9zM377 105L279 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7h-6v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9zm-153 31V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm53 165.2c0 90.3-88.8 77.6-111.1 77.6V436c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-30.8c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V236.2c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h81c44.5 0 72.9 32.8 72.9 77z"],
- "file-prescription": [384, 512, [], "f572", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm68.53 179.48l11.31 11.31c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.38 0 22.63l-29.9 29.9L304 409.38c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.38 0 22.63l-11.31 11.31c-6.25 6.25-16.38 6.25-22.63 0L240 413.25l-30.06 30.06c-6.25 6.25-16.38 6.25-22.63 0L176 432c-6.25-6.25-6.25-16.38 0-22.63l30.06-30.06L146.74 320H128v48c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16H96c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16V208c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h80c35.35 0 64 28.65 64 64 0 24.22-13.62 45.05-33.46 55.92L240 345.38l29.9-29.9c6.25-6.25 16.38-6.25 22.63 0zM176 272h-48v-32h48c8.82 0 16 7.18 16 16s-7.18 16-16 16zm208-150.1v6.1H256V0h6.1c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l97.9 98c4.5 4.5 7 10.6 7 16.9z"],
- "file-signature": [576, 512, [], "f573", "M218.17 424.14c-2.95-5.92-8.09-6.52-10.17-6.52s-7.22.59-10.02 6.19l-7.67 15.34c-6.37 12.78-25.03 11.37-29.48-2.09L144 386.59l-10.61 31.88c-5.89 17.66-22.38 29.53-41 29.53H80c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16s7.16-16 16-16h12.39c4.83 0 9.11-3.08 10.64-7.66l18.19-54.64c3.3-9.81 12.44-16.41 22.78-16.41s19.48 6.59 22.77 16.41l13.88 41.64c19.75-16.19 54.06-9.7 66 14.16 1.89 3.78 5.49 5.95 9.36 6.26v-82.12l128-127.09V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24v-40l-128-.11c-16.12-.31-30.58-9.28-37.83-23.75zM384 121.9c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9L279.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H256v128h128v-6.1zm-96 225.06V416h68.99l161.68-162.78-67.88-67.88L288 346.96zm280.54-179.63l-31.87-31.87c-9.94-9.94-26.07-9.94-36.01 0l-27.25 27.25 67.88 67.88 27.25-27.25c9.95-9.94 9.95-26.07 0-36.01z"],
- "file-upload": [384, 512, [], "f574", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm65.18 216.01H224v80c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-32c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-80H94.82c-14.28 0-21.41-17.29-11.27-27.36l96.42-95.7c6.65-6.61 17.39-6.61 24.04 0l96.42 95.7c10.15 10.07 3.03 27.36-11.25 27.36zM377 105L279.1 7c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H256v128h128v-6.1c0-6.3-2.5-12.4-7-16.9z"],
- "file-video": [384, 512, [], "f1c8", "M384 121.941V128H256V0h6.059c6.365 0 12.47 2.529 16.971 7.029l97.941 97.941A24.005 24.005 0 0 1 384 121.941zM224 136V0H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v464c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm96 144.016v111.963c0 21.445-25.943 31.998-40.971 16.971L224 353.941V392c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H88c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V280c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h112c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v38.059l55.029-55.013c15.011-15.01 40.971-4.491 40.971 16.97z"],
- "file-word": [384, 512, [], "f1c2", "M224 136V0H24C10.7 0 0 10.7 0 24v464c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h336c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V160H248c-13.2 0-24-10.8-24-24zm57.1 120H305c7.7 0 13.4 7.1 11.7 14.7l-38 168c-1.2 5.5-6.1 9.3-11.7 9.3h-38c-5.5 0-10.3-3.8-11.6-9.1-25.8-103.5-20.8-81.2-25.6-110.5h-.5c-1.1 14.3-2.4 17.4-25.6 110.5-1.3 5.3-6.1 9.1-11.6 9.1H117c-5.6 0-10.5-3.9-11.7-9.4l-37.8-168c-1.7-7.5 4-14.6 11.7-14.6h24.5c5.7 0 10.7 4 11.8 9.7 15.6 78 20.1 109.5 21 122.2 1.6-10.2 7.3-32.7 29.4-122.7 1.3-5.4 6.1-9.1 11.7-9.1h29.1c5.6 0 10.4 3.8 11.7 9.2 24 100.4 28.8 124 29.6 129.4-.2-11.2-2.6-17.8 21.6-129.2 1-5.6 5.9-9.5 11.5-9.5zM384 121.9v6.1H256V0h6.1c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l97.9 98c4.5 4.5 7 10.6 7 16.9z"],
- "fill": [512, 512, [], "f575", "M502.63 217.06L294.94 9.37C288.69 3.12 280.5 0 272.31 0s-16.38 3.12-22.62 9.37l-81.58 81.58L81.93 4.77c-6.24-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.62 0L36.69 27.38c-6.24 6.25-6.24 16.38 0 22.63l86.19 86.18-94.76 94.76c-37.49 37.49-37.49 98.26 0 135.75l117.19 117.19c18.75 18.74 43.31 28.12 67.87 28.12 24.57 0 49.13-9.37 67.88-28.12l221.57-221.57c12.49-12.5 12.49-32.76 0-45.26zm-116.22 70.97H65.93c1.36-3.84 3.57-7.98 7.43-11.83l13.15-13.15 81.61-81.61 58.61 58.6c12.49 12.49 32.75 12.49 45.24 0 12.49-12.49 12.49-32.75 0-45.24l-58.61-58.6 58.95-58.95 162.45 162.44-48.35 48.34z"],
- "fill-drip": [576, 512, [], "f576", "M512 320s-64 92.65-64 128c0 35.35 28.66 64 64 64s64-28.65 64-64-64-128-64-128zm-9.37-102.94L294.94 9.37C288.69 3.12 280.5 0 272.31 0s-16.38 3.12-22.62 9.37l-81.58 81.58L81.93 4.76c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.62 0L36.69 27.38c-6.24 6.25-6.24 16.38 0 22.62l86.19 86.18-94.76 94.76c-37.49 37.48-37.49 98.26 0 135.75l117.19 117.19c18.74 18.74 43.31 28.12 67.87 28.12 24.57 0 49.13-9.37 67.87-28.12l221.57-221.57c12.5-12.5 12.5-32.75.01-45.25zm-116.22 70.97H65.93c1.36-3.84 3.57-7.98 7.43-11.83l13.15-13.15 81.61-81.61 58.6 58.6c12.49 12.49 32.75 12.49 45.24 0s12.49-32.75 0-45.24l-58.6-58.6 58.95-58.95 162.44 162.44-48.34 48.34z"],
- "film": [512, 512, [], "f008", "M488 64h-8v20c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V64H96v20c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H44c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V64h-8C10.7 64 0 74.7 0 88v336c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h8v-20c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v20h320v-20c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v20h8c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V88c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24zM96 372c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H44c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H44c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H44c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm272 208c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H156c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-96c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h200c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v96zm0-168c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H156c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-96c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h200c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v96zm112 152c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm0-96c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40z"],
- "filter": [512, 512, [], "f0b0", "M487.976 0H24.028C2.71 0-8.047 25.866 7.058 40.971L192 225.941V432c0 7.831 3.821 15.17 10.237 19.662l80 55.98C298.02 518.69 320 507.493 320 487.98V225.941l184.947-184.97C520.021 25.896 509.338 0 487.976 0z"],
- "fingerprint": [512, 512, [], "f577", "M256.12 245.96c-13.25 0-24 10.74-24 24 1.14 72.25-8.14 141.9-27.7 211.55-2.73 9.72 2.15 30.49 23.12 30.49 10.48 0 20.11-6.92 23.09-17.52 13.53-47.91 31.04-125.41 29.48-224.52.01-13.25-10.73-24-23.99-24zm-.86-81.73C194 164.16 151.25 211.3 152.1 265.32c.75 47.94-3.75 95.91-13.37 142.55-2.69 12.98 5.67 25.69 18.64 28.36 13.05 2.67 25.67-5.66 28.36-18.64 10.34-50.09 15.17-101.58 14.37-153.02-.41-25.95 19.92-52.49 54.45-52.34 31.31.47 57.15 25.34 57.62 55.47.77 48.05-2.81 96.33-10.61 143.55-2.17 13.06 6.69 25.42 19.76 27.58 19.97 3.33 26.81-15.1 27.58-19.77 8.28-50.03 12.06-101.21 11.27-152.11-.88-55.8-47.94-101.88-104.91-102.72zm-110.69-19.78c-10.3-8.34-25.37-6.8-33.76 3.48-25.62 31.5-39.39 71.28-38.75 112 .59 37.58-2.47 75.27-9.11 112.05-2.34 13.05 6.31 25.53 19.36 27.89 20.11 3.5 27.07-14.81 27.89-19.36 7.19-39.84 10.5-80.66 9.86-121.33-.47-29.88 9.2-57.88 28-80.97 8.35-10.28 6.79-25.39-3.49-33.76zm109.47-62.33c-15.41-.41-30.87 1.44-45.78 4.97-12.89 3.06-20.87 15.98-17.83 28.89 3.06 12.89 16 20.83 28.89 17.83 11.05-2.61 22.47-3.77 34-3.69 75.43 1.13 137.73 61.5 138.88 134.58.59 37.88-1.28 76.11-5.58 113.63-1.5 13.17 7.95 25.08 21.11 26.58 16.72 1.95 25.51-11.88 26.58-21.11a929.06 929.06 0 0 0 5.89-119.85c-1.56-98.75-85.07-180.33-186.16-181.83zm252.07 121.45c-2.86-12.92-15.51-21.2-28.61-18.27-12.94 2.86-21.12 15.66-18.26 28.61 4.71 21.41 4.91 37.41 4.7 61.6-.11 13.27 10.55 24.09 23.8 24.2h.2c13.17 0 23.89-10.61 24-23.8.18-22.18.4-44.11-5.83-72.34zm-40.12-90.72C417.29 43.46 337.6 1.29 252.81.02 183.02-.82 118.47 24.91 70.46 72.94 24.09 119.37-.9 181.04.14 246.65l-.12 21.47c-.39 13.25 10.03 24.31 23.28 12.92 0 23.59-10.3 23.97-23.3l.16-23.64c-.83-52.5 19.16-101.86 56.28-139 38.76-38.8 91.34-59.67 147.68-58.86 69.45 1.03 134.73 35.56 174.62 92.39 7.61 10.86 22.56 13.45 33.42 5.86 10.84-7.62 13.46-22.59 5.84-33.43z"],
- "fire": [384, 512, [], "f06d", "M216 23.858c0-23.802-30.653-32.765-44.149-13.038C48 191.851 224 200 224 288c0 35.629-29.114 64.458-64.85 63.994C123.98 351.538 96 322.22 96 287.046v-85.51c0-21.703-26.471-32.225-41.432-16.504C27.801 213.158 0 261.332 0 320c0 105.869 86.131 192 192 192s192-86.131 192-192c0-170.29-168-193.003-168-296.142z"],
- "fire-extinguisher": [448, 512, [], "f134", "M434.027 26.329l-168 28C254.693 56.218 256 67.8 256 72h-58.332C208.353 36.108 181.446 0 144 0c-39.435 0-66.368 39.676-52.228 76.203-52.039 13.051-75.381 54.213-90.049 90.884-4.923 12.307 1.063 26.274 13.37 31.197 12.317 4.926 26.279-1.075 31.196-13.37C75.058 112.99 106.964 120 168 120v27.076c-41.543 10.862-72 49.235-72 94.129V488c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h144c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V240c0-44.731-30.596-82.312-72-92.97V120h40c0 2.974-1.703 15.716 10.027 17.671l168 28C441.342 166.89 448 161.25 448 153.834V38.166c0-7.416-6.658-13.056-13.973-11.837zM144 72c-8.822 0-16-7.178-16-16s7.178-16 16-16 16 7.178 16 16-7.178 16-16 16z"],
- "first-aid": [576, 512, [], "f479", "M0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h48V32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80zm128 400h320V32H128v448zm64-248c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h56v-56c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h48c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v56h56c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v48c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-56v56c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-48c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-56h-56c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-48zM528 32h-48v448h48c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48z"],
- "fish": [576, 512, [], "f578", "M327.1 96c-89.97 0-168.54 54.77-212.27 101.63L27.5 131.58c-12.13-9.18-30.24.6-27.14 14.66L24.54 256 .35 365.77c-3.1 14.06 15.01 23.83 27.14 14.66l87.33-66.05C158.55 361.23 237.13 416 327.1 416 464.56 416 576 288 576 256S464.56 96 327.1 96zm87.43 184c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24 13.26 0 24 10.74 24 24 0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24z"],
- "flag": [512, 512, [], "f024", "M349.565 98.783C295.978 98.783 251.721 64 184.348 64c-24.955 0-47.309 4.384-68.045 12.013a55.947 55.947 0 0 0 3.586-23.562C118.117 24.015 94.806 1.206 66.338.048 34.345-1.254 8 24.296 8 56c0 19.026 9.497 35.825 24 45.945V488c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h16c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-94.4c28.311-12.064 63.582-22.122 114.435-22.122 53.588 0 97.844 34.783 165.217 34.783 48.169 0 86.667-16.294 122.505-40.858C506.84 359.452 512 349.571 512 339.045v-243.1c0-23.393-24.269-38.87-45.485-29.016-34.338 15.948-76.454 31.854-116.95 31.854z"],
- "flag-checkered": [512, 512, [], "f11e", "M466.515 66.928C487.731 57.074 512 72.551 512 95.944v243.1c0 10.526-5.161 20.407-13.843 26.358-35.837 24.564-74.335 40.858-122.505 40.858-67.373 0-111.63-34.783-165.217-34.783-50.853 0-86.124 10.058-114.435 22.122V488c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H56c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V101.945C17.497 91.825 8 75.026 8 56 8 24.296 34.345-1.254 66.338.048c28.468 1.158 51.779 23.968 53.551 52.404.52 8.342-.81 16.31-3.586 23.562C137.039 68.384 159.393 64 184.348 64c67.373 0 111.63 34.783 165.217 34.783 40.496 0 82.612-15.906 116.95-31.855zM96 134.63v70.49c29-10.67 51.18-17.83 73.6-20.91v-71.57c-23.5 2.17-40.44 9.79-73.6 21.99zm220.8 9.19c-26.417-4.672-49.886-13.979-73.6-21.34v67.42c24.175 6.706 47.566 16.444 73.6 22.31v-68.39zm-147.2 40.39v70.04c32.796-2.978 53.91-.635 73.6 3.8V189.9c-25.247-7.035-46.581-9.423-73.6-5.69zm73.6 142.23c26.338 4.652 49.732 13.927 73.6 21.34v-67.41c-24.277-6.746-47.54-16.45-73.6-22.32v68.39zM96 342.1c23.62-8.39 47.79-13.84 73.6-16.56v-71.29c-26.11 2.35-47.36 8.04-73.6 17.36v70.49zm368-221.6c-21.3 8.85-46.59 17.64-73.6 22.47v71.91c27.31-4.36 50.03-14.1 73.6-23.89V120.5zm0 209.96v-70.49c-22.19 14.2-48.78 22.61-73.6 26.02v71.58c25.07-2.38 48.49-11.04 73.6-27.11zM316.8 212.21v68.16c25.664 7.134 46.616 9.342 73.6 5.62v-71.11c-25.999 4.187-49.943 2.676-73.6-2.67z"],
- "flask": [448, 512, [], "f0c3", "M437.2 403.5L320 215V64h8c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V24c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H120c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v16c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h8v151L10.8 403.5C-18.5 450.6 15.3 512 70.9 512h306.2c55.7 0 89.4-61.5 60.1-108.5zM137.9 320l48.2-77.6c3.7-5.2 5.8-11.6 5.8-18.4V64h64v160c0 6.9 2.2 13.2 5.8 18.4l48.2 77.6h-172z"],
- "flushed": [496, 512, [], "f579", "M344 200c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24 24-10.7 24-24-10.7-24-24-24zm-192 0c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24 24-10.7 24-24-10.7-24-24-24zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM80 224c0-39.8 32.2-72 72-72s72 32.2 72 72-32.2 72-72 72-72-32.2-72-72zm232 176H184c-21.2 0-21.2-32 0-32h128c21.2 0 21.2 32 0 32zm32-104c-39.8 0-72-32.2-72-72s32.2-72 72-72 72 32.2 72 72-32.2 72-72 72z"],
- "folder": [512, 512, [], "f07b", "M464 128H272l-64-64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V176c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48z"],
- "folder-minus": [512, 512, [], "f65d", "M464 128H272l-64-64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V176c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-96 168c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16H160c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-16c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h192c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v16z"],
- "folder-open": [576, 512, [], "f07c", "M572.694 292.093L500.27 416.248A63.997 63.997 0 0 1 444.989 448H45.025c-18.523 0-30.064-20.093-20.731-36.093l72.424-124.155A64 64 0 0 1 152 256h399.964c18.523 0 30.064 20.093 20.73 36.093zM152 224h328v-48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48H272l-64-64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v278.046l69.077-118.418C86.214 242.25 117.989 224 152 224z"],
- "folder-plus": [512, 512, [], "f65e", "M464 128H272l-64-64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v288c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V176c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-96 168c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-72v72c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-16c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-72h-72c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-16c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h72v-72c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h16c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v72h72c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v16z"],
- "font": [448, 512, [], "f031", "M152 416h-24.013l26.586-80.782H292.8L319.386 416H296c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h136c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-32c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-26.739L275.495 42.746A16 16 0 0 0 260.382 32h-72.766a16 16 0 0 0-15.113 10.746L42.739 416H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h136c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-32c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16zm64.353-271.778c4.348-15.216 6.61-28.156 7.586-34.644.839 6.521 2.939 19.476 7.727 34.706l41.335 124.006h-98.619l41.971-124.068z"],
- "font-awesome-logo-full": [3992, 512, ["Font Awesome"], "f4e6", "M454.6 0H57.4C25.9 0 0 25.9 0 57.4v397.3C0 486.1 25.9 512 57.4 512h397.3c31.4 0 57.4-25.9 57.4-57.4V57.4C512 25.9 486.1 0 454.6 0zm-58.9 324.9c0 4.8-4.1 6.9-8.9 8.9-19.2 8.1-39.7 15.7-61.5 15.7-40.5 0-68.7-44.8-163.2 2.5v51.8c0 30.3-45.7 30.2-45.7 0v-250c-9-7-15-17.9-15-30.3 0-21 17.1-38.2 38.2-38.2 21 0 38.2 17.1 38.2 38.2 0 12.2-5.8 23.2-14.9 30.2v21c37.1-12 65.5-34.4 146.1-3.4 26.6 11.4 68.7-15.7 76.5-15.7 5.5 0 10.3 4.1 10.3 8.9v160.4zm432.9-174.2h-137v70.1H825c39.8 0 40.4 62.2 0 62.2H691.6v105.6c0 45.5-70.7 46.4-70.7 0V128.3c0-22 18-39.8 39.8-39.8h167.8c39.6 0 40.5 62.2.1 62.2zm191.1 23.4c-169.3 0-169.1 252.4 0 252.4 169.9 0 169.9-252.4 0-252.4zm0 196.1c-81.6 0-82.1-139.8 0-139.8 82.5 0 82.4 139.8 0 139.8zm372.4 53.4c-17.5 0-31.4-13.9-31.4-31.4v-117c0-62.4-72.6-52.5-99.1-16.4v133.4c0 41.5-63.3 41.8-63.3 0V208c0-40 63.1-41.6 63.1 0v3.4c43.3-51.6 162.4-60.4 162.4 39.3v141.5c.3 30.4-31.5 31.4-31.7 31.4zm179.7 2.9c-44.3 0-68.3-22.9-68.3-65.8V235.2H1488c-35.6 0-36.7-55.3 0-55.3h15.5v-37.3c0-41.3 63.8-42.1 63.8 0v37.5h24.9c35.4 0 35.7 55.3 0 55.3h-24.9v108.5c0 29.6 26.1 26.3 27.4 26.3 31.4 0 52.6 56.3-22.9 56.3zM1992 123c-19.5-50.2-95.5-50-114.5 0-107.3 275.7-99.5 252.7-99.5 262.8 0 42.8 58.3 51.2 72.1 14.4l13.5-35.9H2006l13 35.9c14.2 37.7 72.1 27.2 72.1-14.4 0-10.1 5.3 6.8-99.1-262.8zm-108.9 179.1l51.7-142.9 51.8 142.9h-103.5zm591.3-85.6l-53.7 176.3c-12.4 41.2-72 41-84 0l-42.3-135.9-42.3 135.9c-12.4 40.9-72 41.2-84.5 0l-54.2-176.3c-12.5-39.4 49.8-56.1 60.2-16.9L2213 342l45.3-139.5c10.9-32.7 59.6-34.7 71.2 0l45.3 139.5 39.3-142.4c10.3-38.3 72.6-23.8 60.3 16.9zm275.4 75.1c0-42.4-33.9-117.5-119.5-117.5-73.2 0-124.4 56.3-124.4 126 0 77.2 55.3 126.4 128.5 126.4 31.7 0 93-11.5 93-39.8 0-18.3-21.1-31.5-39.3-22.4-49.4 26.2-109 8.4-115.9-43.8h148.3c16.3 0 29.3-13.4 29.3-28.9zM2571 277.7c9.5-73.4 113.9-68.6 118.6 0H2571zm316.7 148.8c-31.4 0-81.6-10.5-96.6-31.9-12.4-17 2.5-39.8 21.8-39.8 16.3 0 36.8 22.9 77.7 22.9 27.4 0 40.4-11 40.4-25.8 0-39.8-142.9-7.4-142.9-102 0-40.4 35.3-75.7 98.6-75.7 31.4 0 74.1 9.9 87.6 29.4 10.8 14.8-1.4 36.2-20.9 36.2-15.1 0-26.7-17.3-66.2-17.3-22.9 0-37.8 10.5-37.8 23.8 0 35.9 142.4 6 142.4 103.1-.1 43.7-37.4 77.1-104.1 77.1zm266.8-252.4c-169.3 0-169.1 252.4 0 252.4 170.1 0 169.6-252.4 0-252.4zm0 196.1c-81.8 0-82-139.8 0-139.8 82.5 0 82.4 139.8 0 139.8zm476.9 22V268.7c0-53.8-61.4-45.8-85.7-10.5v134c0 41.3-63.8 42.1-63.8 0V268.7c0-52.1-59.5-47.4-85.7-10.1v133.6c0 41.5-63.3 41.8-63.3 0V208c0-40 63.1-41.6 63.1 0v3.4c9.9-14.4 41.8-37.3 78.6-37.3 35.3 0 57.7 16.4 66.7 43.8 13.9-21.8 45.8-43.8 82.6-43.8 44.3 0 70.7 23.4 70.7 72.7v145.3c.5 17.3-13.5 31.4-31.9 31.4 3.5.1-31.3 1.1-31.3-31.3zM3992 291.6c0-42.4-32.4-117.5-117.9-117.5-73.2 0-127.5 56.3-127.5 126 0 77.2 58.3 126.4 131.6 126.4 31.7 0 91.5-11.5 91.5-39.8 0-18.3-21.1-31.5-39.3-22.4-49.4 26.2-110.5 8.4-117.5-43.8h149.8c16.3 0 29.1-13.4 29.3-28.9zm-180.5-13.9c9.7-74.4 115.9-68.3 120.1 0h-120.1z"],
- "football-ball": [496, 512, [], "f44e", "M481.5 60.3c-4.8-18.2-19.1-32.5-37.3-37.4C420.3 16.5 383 8.9 339.4 8L496 164.8c-.8-43.5-8.2-80.6-14.5-104.5zm-467 391.4c4.8 18.2 19.1 32.5 37.3 37.4 23.9 6.4 61.2 14 104.8 14.9L0 347.2c.8 43.5 8.2 80.6 14.5 104.5zM4.2 283.4L220.4 500c132.5-19.4 248.8-118.7 271.5-271.4L275.6 12C143.1 31.4 26.8 130.7 4.2 283.4zm317.3-123.6c3.1-3.1 8.2-3.1 11.3 0l11.3 11.3c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-28.3 28.3 28.3 28.3c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0l-28.3-28.3-22.6 22.7 28.3 28.3c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0L248 278.6l-22.6 22.6 28.3 28.3c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0l-28.3-28.3-28.3 28.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0l-11.3-11.3c-3.1-3.1-3.1-8.2 0-11.3l28.3-28.3-28.3-28.2c-3.1-3.1-3.1-8.2 0-11.3l11.3-11.3c3.1-3.1 8.2-3.1 11.3 0l28.3 28.3 22.6-22.6-28.3-28.3c-3.1-3.1-3.1-8.2 0-11.3l11.3-11.3c3.1-3.1 8.2-3.1 11.3 0l28.3 28.3 22.6-22.6-28.3-28.3c-3.1-3.1-3.1-8.2 0-11.3l11.3-11.3c3.1-3.1 8.2-3.1 11.3 0l28.3 28.3 28.3-28.5z"],
- "forward": [512, 512, [], "f04e", "M500.5 231.4l-192-160C287.9 54.3 256 68.6 256 96v320c0 27.4 31.9 41.8 52.5 24.6l192-160c15.3-12.8 15.3-36.4 0-49.2zm-256 0l-192-160C31.9 54.3 0 68.6 0 96v320c0 27.4 31.9 41.8 52.5 24.6l192-160c15.3-12.8 15.3-36.4 0-49.2z"],
- "frog": [576, 512, [], "f52e", "M446.53 97.43C439.67 60.23 407.19 32 368 32c-39.23 0-71.72 28.29-78.54 65.54C126.75 112.96-.5 250.12 0 416.98.11 451.9 29.08 480 64 480h304c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16 0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-79.49l35.8-48.33c24.14-36.23 10.35-88.28-33.71-106.6-23.89-9.93-51.55-4.65-72.24 10.88l-32.76 24.59c-7.06 5.31-17.09 3.91-22.41-3.19-5.3-7.08-3.88-17.11 3.19-22.41l34.78-26.09c36.84-27.66 88.28-27.62 125.13 0 10.87 8.15 45.87 39.06 40.8 93.21L469.62 480H560c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16 0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-53.63l-98.52-104.68 154.44-86.65A58.16 58.16 0 0 0 576 189.94c0-21.4-11.72-40.95-30.48-51.23-40.56-22.22-98.99-41.28-98.99-41.28zM368 136c-13.26 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.74-24 24-24 13.25 0 24 10.74 24 24 0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24z"],
- "frown": [496, 512, [], "f119", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm80 168c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm-160 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm170.2 218.2C315.8 367.4 282.9 352 248 352s-67.8 15.4-90.2 42.2c-13.5 16.3-38.1-4.2-24.6-20.5C161.7 339.6 203.6 320 248 320s86.3 19.6 114.7 53.8c13.6 16.2-11 36.7-24.5 20.4z"],
- "frown-open": [496, 512, [], "f57a", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM136 208c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32s32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32zm187.3 183.3c-31.2-9.6-59.4-15.3-75.3-15.3s-44.1 5.7-75.3 15.3c-11.5 3.5-22.5-6.3-20.5-18.1 7-40 60.1-61.2 95.8-61.2s88.8 21.3 95.8 61.2c2 11.9-9.1 21.6-20.5 18.1zM328 240c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z"],
- "funnel-dollar": [640, 512, [], "f662", "M433.46 165.94l101.2-111.87C554.61 34.12 540.48 0 512.26 0H31.74C3.52 0-10.61 34.12 9.34 54.07L192 256v155.92c0 12.59 5.93 24.44 16 32l79.99 60c20.86 15.64 48.47 6.97 59.22-13.57C310.8 455.38 288 406.35 288 352c0-89.79 62.05-165.17 145.46-186.06zM480 192c-88.37 0-160 71.63-160 160s71.63 160 160 160 160-71.63 160-160-71.63-160-160-160zm16 239.88V448c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16.29c-11.29-.58-22.27-4.52-31.37-11.35-3.9-2.93-4.1-8.77-.57-12.14l11.75-11.21c2.77-2.64 6.89-2.76 10.13-.73 3.87 2.42 8.26 3.72 12.82 3.72h28.11c6.5 0 11.8-5.92 11.8-13.19 0-5.95-3.61-11.19-8.77-12.73l-45-13.5c-18.59-5.58-31.58-23.42-31.58-43.39 0-24.52 19.05-44.44 42.67-45.07V256c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16.29c11.29.58 22.27 4.51 31.37 11.35 3.9 2.93 4.1 8.77.57 12.14l-11.75 11.21c-2.77 2.64-6.89 2.76-10.13.73-3.87-2.43-8.26-3.72-12.82-3.72h-28.11c-6.5 0-11.8 5.92-11.8 13.19 0 5.95 3.61 11.19 8.77 12.73l45 13.5c18.59 5.58 31.58 23.42 31.58 43.39 0 24.53-19.04 44.44-42.67 45.07z"],
- "futbol": [512, 512, [], "f1e3", "M504 256c0 136.967-111.033 248-248 248S8 392.967 8 256 119.033 8 256 8s248 111.033 248 248zm-48 0l-.003-.282-26.064 22.741-62.679-58.5 16.454-84.355 34.303 3.072c-24.889-34.216-60.004-60.089-100.709-73.141l13.651 31.939L256 139l-74.953-41.525 13.651-31.939c-40.631 13.028-75.78 38.87-100.709 73.141l34.565-3.073 16.192 84.355-62.678 58.5-26.064-22.741-.003.282c0 43.015 13.497 83.952 38.472 117.991l7.704-33.897 85.138 10.447 36.301 77.826-29.902 17.786c40.202 13.122 84.29 13.148 124.572 0l-29.902-17.786 36.301-77.826 85.138-10.447 7.704 33.897C442.503 339.952 456 299.015 456 256zm-248.102 69.571l-29.894-91.312L256 177.732l77.996 56.527-29.622 91.312h-96.476z"],
- "gamepad": [640, 512, [], "f11b", "M480 96H160C71.6 96 0 167.6 0 256s71.6 160 160 160c44.8 0 85.2-18.4 114.2-48h91.5c29 29.6 69.5 48 114.2 48 88.4 0 160-71.6 160-160S568.4 96 480 96zM256 276c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-52v52c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-52H76c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h52v-52c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v52h52c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm184 68c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm80-80c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48z"],
- "gas-pump": [512, 512, [], "f52f", "M336 448H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h320c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm157.2-340.7l-81-81c-6.2-6.2-16.4-6.2-22.6 0l-11.3 11.3c-6.2 6.2-6.2 16.4 0 22.6L416 97.9V160c0 28.1 20.9 51.3 48 55.2V376c0 13.2-10.8 24-24 24s-24-10.8-24-24v-32c0-48.6-39.4-88-88-88h-8V64c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64H96C60.7 0 32 28.7 32 64v352h288V304h8c22.1 0 40 17.9 40 40v27.8c0 37.7 27 72 64.5 75.9 43 4.3 79.5-29.5 79.5-71.7V152.6c0-17-6.8-33.3-18.8-45.3zM256 192H96V64h160v128z"],
- "gavel": [512, 512, [], "f0e3", "M504.971 199.362l-22.627-22.627c-9.373-9.373-24.569-9.373-33.941 0l-5.657 5.657L329.608 69.255l5.657-5.657c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.569 0-33.941L312.638 7.029c-9.373-9.373-24.569-9.373-33.941 0L154.246 131.48c-9.373 9.373-9.373 24.569 0 33.941l22.627 22.627c9.373 9.373 24.569 9.373 33.941 0l5.657-5.657 39.598 39.598-81.04 81.04-5.657-5.657c-12.497-12.497-32.758-12.497-45.255 0L9.373 412.118c-12.497 12.497-12.497 32.758 0 45.255l45.255 45.255c12.497 12.497 32.758 12.497 45.255 0l114.745-114.745c12.497-12.497 12.497-32.758 0-45.255l-5.657-5.657 81.04-81.04 39.598 39.598-5.657 5.657c-9.373 9.373-9.373 24.569 0 33.941l22.627 22.627c9.373 9.373 24.569 9.373 33.941 0l124.451-124.451c9.372-9.372 9.372-24.568 0-33.941z"],
- "gem": [576, 512, [], "f3a5", "M485.5 0L576 160H474.9L405.7 0h79.8zm-128 0l69.2 160H149.3L218.5 0h139zm-267 0h79.8l-69.2 160H0L90.5 0zM0 192h100.7l123 251.7c1.5 3.1-2.7 5.9-5 3.3L0 192zm148.2 0h279.6l-137 318.2c-1 2.4-4.5 2.4-5.5 0L148.2 192zm204.1 251.7l123-251.7H576L357.3 446.9c-2.3 2.7-6.5-.1-5-3.2z"],
- "genderless": [288, 512, [], "f22d", "M144 176c44.1 0 80 35.9 80 80s-35.9 80-80 80-80-35.9-80-80 35.9-80 80-80m0-64C64.5 112 0 176.5 0 256s64.5 144 144 144 144-64.5 144-144-64.5-144-144-144z"],
- "gift": [512, 512, [], "f06b", "M32 448c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h160V320H32v128zm448-288h-42.1c6.2-12.1 10.1-25.5 10.1-40 0-48.5-39.5-88-88-88-41.6 0-68.5 21.3-103 68.3-34.5-47-61.4-68.3-103-68.3-48.5 0-88 39.5-88 88 0 14.5 3.8 27.9 10.1 40H32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v80c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h480c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-80c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32zm-326.1 0c-22.1 0-40-17.9-40-40s17.9-40 40-40c19.9 0 34.6 3.3 86.1 80h-86.1zm206.1 0h-86.1c51.4-76.5 65.7-80 86.1-80 22.1 0 40 17.9 40 40s-17.9 40-40 40zm-72 320h160c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V320H288v160z"],
- "glass-martini": [512, 512, [], "f000", "M502.05 57.6C523.3 36.34 508.25 0 478.2 0H33.8C3.75 0-11.3 36.34 9.95 57.6L224 271.64V464h-56c-22.09 0-40 17.91-40 40 0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h240c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8 0-22.09-17.91-40-40-40h-56V271.64L502.05 57.6z"],
- "glass-martini-alt": [512, 512, [], "f57b", "M502.05 57.6C523.3 36.34 508.25 0 478.2 0H33.8C3.75 0-11.3 36.34 9.95 57.6L224 271.64V464h-56c-22.09 0-40 17.91-40 40 0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h240c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8 0-22.09-17.91-40-40-40h-56V271.64L502.05 57.6zM443.77 48l-48 48H116.24l-48-48h375.53z"],
- "glasses": [576, 512, [], "f530", "M574.1 280.37L528.75 98.66c-5.91-23.7-21.59-44.05-43-55.81-21.44-11.73-46.97-14.11-70.19-6.33l-15.25 5.08c-8.39 2.79-12.92 11.86-10.12 20.24l5.06 15.18c2.79 8.38 11.85 12.91 20.23 10.12l13.18-4.39c10.87-3.62 23-3.57 33.16 1.73 10.29 5.37 17.57 14.56 20.37 25.82l38.46 153.82c-22.19-6.81-49.79-12.46-81.2-12.46-34.77 0-73.98 7.02-114.85 26.74h-73.18c-40.87-19.74-80.08-26.75-114.86-26.75-31.42 0-59.02 5.65-81.21 12.46l38.46-153.83c2.79-11.25 10.09-20.45 20.38-25.81 10.16-5.3 22.28-5.35 33.15-1.73l13.17 4.39c8.38 2.79 17.44-1.74 20.23-10.12l5.06-15.18c2.8-8.38-1.73-17.45-10.12-20.24l-15.25-5.08c-23.22-7.78-48.75-5.41-70.19 6.33-21.41 11.77-37.09 32.11-43 55.8L1.9 280.37A64.218 64.218 0 0 0 0 295.86v70.25C0 429.01 51.58 480 115.2 480h37.12c60.28 0 110.37-45.94 114.88-105.37l2.93-38.63h35.75l2.93 38.63C313.31 434.06 363.4 480 423.68 480h37.12c63.62 0 115.2-50.99 115.2-113.88v-70.25c0-5.23-.64-10.43-1.9-15.5zm-370.72 89.42c-1.97 25.91-24.4 46.21-51.06 46.21H115.2C86.97 416 64 393.62 64 366.11v-37.54c18.12-6.49 43.42-12.92 72.58-12.92 23.86 0 47.26 4.33 69.93 12.92l-3.13 41.22zM512 366.12c0 27.51-22.97 49.88-51.2 49.88h-37.12c-26.67 0-49.1-20.3-51.06-46.21l-3.13-41.22c22.67-8.59 46.08-12.92 69.95-12.92 29.12 0 54.43 6.44 72.55 12.93v37.54z"],
- "globe": [496, 512, [], "f0ac", "M336.5 160C322 70.7 287.8 8 248 8s-74 62.7-88.5 152h177zM152 256c0 22.2 1.2 43.5 3.3 64h185.3c2.1-20.5 3.3-41.8 3.3-64s-1.2-43.5-3.3-64H155.3c-2.1 20.5-3.3 41.8-3.3 64zm324.7-96c-28.6-67.9-86.5-120.4-158-141.6 24.4 33.8 41.2 84.7 50 141.6h108zM177.2 18.4C105.8 39.6 47.8 92.1 19.3 160h108c8.7-56.9 25.5-107.8 49.9-141.6zM487.4 192H372.7c2.1 21 3.3 42.5 3.3 64s-1.2 43-3.3 64h114.6c5.5-20.5 8.6-41.8 8.6-64s-3.1-43.5-8.5-64zM120 256c0-21.5 1.2-43 3.3-64H8.6C3.2 212.5 0 233.8 0 256s3.2 43.5 8.6 64h114.6c-2-21-3.2-42.5-3.2-64zm39.5 96c14.5 89.3 48.7 152 88.5 152s74-62.7 88.5-152h-177zm159.3 141.6c71.4-21.2 129.4-73.7 158-141.6h-108c-8.8 56.9-25.6 107.8-50 141.6zM19.3 352c28.6 67.9 86.5 120.4 158 141.6-24.4-33.8-41.2-84.7-50-141.6h-108z"],
- "globe-africa": [496, 512, [], "f57c", "M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm160 215.5v6.93c0 5.87-3.32 11.24-8.57 13.86l-15.39 7.7a15.485 15.485 0 0 1-15.53-.97l-18.21-12.14a15.52 15.52 0 0 0-13.5-1.81l-2.65.88c-9.7 3.23-13.66 14.79-7.99 23.3l13.24 19.86c2.87 4.31 7.71 6.9 12.89 6.9h8.21c8.56 0 15.5 6.94 15.5 15.5v11.34c0 3.35-1.09 6.62-3.1 9.3l-18.74 24.98c-1.42 1.9-2.39 4.1-2.83 6.43l-4.3 22.83c-.62 3.29-2.29 6.29-4.76 8.56a159.608 159.608 0 0 0-25 29.16l-13.03 19.55a27.756 27.756 0 0 1-23.09 12.36c-10.51 0-20.12-5.94-24.82-15.34a78.902 78.902 0 0 1-8.33-35.29V367.5c0-8.56-6.94-15.5-15.5-15.5h-25.88c-14.49 0-28.38-5.76-38.63-16a54.659 54.659 0 0 1-16-38.63v-14.06c0-17.19 8.1-33.38 21.85-43.7l27.58-20.69a54.663 54.663 0 0 1 32.78-10.93h.89c8.48 0 16.85 1.97 24.43 5.77l14.72 7.36c3.68 1.84 7.93 2.14 11.83.84l47.31-15.77c6.33-2.11 10.6-8.03 10.6-14.7 0-8.56-6.94-15.5-15.5-15.5h-10.09c-4.11 0-8.05-1.63-10.96-4.54l-6.92-6.92a15.493 15.493 0 0 0-10.96-4.54H199.5c-8.56 0-15.5-6.94-15.5-15.5v-4.4c0-7.11 4.84-13.31 11.74-15.04l14.45-3.61c3.74-.94 7-3.23 9.14-6.44l8.08-12.11c2.87-4.31 7.71-6.9 12.89-6.9h24.21c8.56 0 15.5-6.94 15.5-15.5v-21.7C359.23 71.63 422.86 131.02 441.93 208H423.5c-8.56 0-15.5 6.94-15.5 15.5z"],
- "globe-americas": [496, 512, [], "f57d", "M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm82.29 357.6c-3.9 3.88-7.99 7.95-11.31 11.28-2.99 3-5.1 6.7-6.17 10.71-1.51 5.66-2.73 11.38-4.77 16.87l-17.39 46.85c-13.76 3-28 4.69-42.65 4.69v-27.38c1.69-12.62-7.64-36.26-22.63-51.25-6-6-9.37-14.14-9.37-22.63v-32.01c0-11.64-6.27-22.34-16.46-27.97-14.37-7.95-34.81-19.06-48.81-26.11-11.48-5.78-22.1-13.14-31.65-21.75l-.8-.72a114.792 114.792 0 0 1-18.06-20.74c-9.38-13.77-24.66-36.42-34.59-51.14 20.47-45.5 57.36-82.04 103.2-101.89l24.01 12.01C203.48 89.74 216 82.01 216 70.11v-11.3c7.99-1.29 16.12-2.11 24.39-2.42l28.3 28.3c6.25 6.25 6.25 16.38 0 22.63L264 112l-10.34 10.34c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l4.69 4.69c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-8 8a8.008 8.008 0 0 1-5.66 2.34h-8.99c-2.08 0-4.08.81-5.58 2.27l-9.92 9.65a8.008 8.008 0 0 0-1.58 9.31l15.59 31.19c2.66 5.32-1.21 11.58-7.15 11.58h-5.64c-1.93 0-3.79-.7-5.24-1.96l-9.28-8.06a16.017 16.017 0 0 0-15.55-3.1l-31.17 10.39a11.95 11.95 0 0 0-8.17 11.34c0 4.53 2.56 8.66 6.61 10.69l11.08 5.54c9.41 4.71 19.79 7.16 30.31 7.16s22.59 27.29 32 32h66.75c8.49 0 16.62 3.37 22.63 9.37l13.69 13.69a30.503 30.503 0 0 1 8.93 21.57 46.536 46.536 0 0 1-13.72 32.98zM417 274.25c-5.79-1.45-10.84-5-14.15-9.97l-17.98-26.97a23.97 23.97 0 0 1 0-26.62l19.59-29.38c2.32-3.47 5.5-6.29 9.24-8.15l12.98-6.49C440.2 193.59 448 223.87 448 256c0 8.67-.74 17.16-1.82 25.54L417 274.25z"],
- "globe-asia": [496, 512, [], "f57e", "M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm-11.34 240.23c-2.89 4.82-8.1 7.77-13.72 7.77h-.31c-4.24 0-8.31 1.69-11.31 4.69l-5.66 5.66c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31l5.66 5.66c3 3 4.69 7.07 4.69 11.31V304c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-6.11c-6.06 0-11.6-3.42-14.31-8.85l-22.62-45.23c-2.44-4.88-8.95-5.94-12.81-2.08l-19.47 19.46c-3 3-7.07 4.69-11.31 4.69H50.81C49.12 277.55 48 266.92 48 256c0-110.28 89.72-200 200-200 21.51 0 42.2 3.51 61.63 9.82l-50.16 38.53c-5.11 3.41-4.63 11.06.86 13.81l10.83 5.41c5.42 2.71 8.84 8.25 8.84 14.31V216c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-3.06c-3.03 0-5.8-1.71-7.15-4.42-1.56-3.12-5.96-3.29-7.76-.3l-17.37 28.95zM408 358.43c0 4.24-1.69 8.31-4.69 11.31l-9.57 9.57c-3 3-7.07 4.69-11.31 4.69h-15.16c-4.24 0-8.31-1.69-11.31-4.69l-13.01-13.01a26.767 26.767 0 0 0-25.42-7.04l-21.27 5.32c-1.27.32-2.57.48-3.88.48h-10.34c-4.24 0-8.31-1.69-11.31-4.69l-11.91-11.91a8.008 8.008 0 0 1-2.34-5.66v-10.2c0-3.27 1.99-6.21 5.03-7.43l39.34-15.74c1.98-.79 3.86-1.82 5.59-3.05l23.71-16.89a7.978 7.978 0 0 1 4.64-1.48h12.09c3.23 0 6.15 1.94 7.39 4.93l5.35 12.85a4 4 0 0 0 3.69 2.46h3.8c1.78 0 3.35-1.18 3.84-2.88l4.2-14.47c.5-1.71 2.06-2.88 3.84-2.88h6.06c2.21 0 4 1.79 4 4v12.93c0 2.12.84 4.16 2.34 5.66l11.91 11.91c3 3 4.69 7.07 4.69 11.31v24.6z"],
- "golf-ball": [416, 512, [], "f450", "M96 416h224c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32h-16c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v20c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-20c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32h-16c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32zm320-208c0 74.2-39 139.2-97.5 176h-221C39 347.2 0 282.2 0 208 0 93.1 93.1 0 208 0s208 93.1 208 208zm-180.1 43.9c18.3 0 33.1-14.8 33.1-33.1 0-14.4-9.3-26.3-22.1-30.9 9.6 26.8-15.6 51.3-41.9 41.9 4.6 12.8 16.5 22.1 30.9 22.1zm49.1 46.9c0-14.4-9.3-26.3-22.1-30.9 9.6 26.8-15.6 51.3-41.9 41.9 4.6 12.8 16.5 22.1 30.9 22.1 18.3 0 33.1-14.9 33.1-33.1zm64-64c0-14.4-9.3-26.3-22.1-30.9 9.6 26.8-15.6 51.3-41.9 41.9 4.6 12.8 16.5 22.1 30.9 22.1 18.3 0 33.1-14.9 33.1-33.1z"],
- "gopuram": [512, 512, [], "f664", "M496 352h-16V240c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-16v-80c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-16V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16s-16 7.16-16 16v16h-64V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16s-16 7.16-16 16v16h-64V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16s-16 7.16-16 16v16h-64V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16S96 7.16 96 16v112H80c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v80H48c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v112H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v128c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h80V352h32V224h32v-96h32v96h-32v128h-32v160h80v-80c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h64c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v80h80V352h-32V224h-32v-96h32v96h32v128h32v160h80c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V368c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm-272 0v-64c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h32c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v64h-64zm8-128v-48c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h16c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v48h-48z"],
- "graduation-cap": [640, 512, [], "f19d", "M622.34 153.2L343.4 67.5c-15.2-4.67-31.6-4.67-46.79 0L17.66 153.2c-23.54 7.23-23.54 38.36 0 45.59l48.63 14.94c-10.67 13.19-17.23 29.28-17.88 46.9C38.78 266.15 32 276.11 32 288c0 10.78 5.68 19.85 13.86 25.65L20.33 428.53C18.11 438.52 25.71 448 35.94 448h56.11c10.24 0 17.84-9.48 15.62-19.47L82.14 313.65C90.32 307.85 96 298.78 96 288c0-11.57-6.47-21.25-15.66-26.87.76-15.02 8.44-28.3 20.69-36.72L296.6 284.5c9.06 2.78 26.44 6.25 46.79 0l278.95-85.7c23.55-7.24 23.55-38.36 0-45.6zM352.79 315.09c-28.53 8.76-52.84 3.92-65.59 0l-145.02-44.55L128 384c0 35.35 85.96 64 192 64s192-28.65 192-64l-14.18-113.47-145.03 44.56z"],
- "greater-than": [384, 512, [], "f531", "M365.52 209.85L59.22 67.01c-16.06-7.49-35.15-.54-42.64 15.52L3.01 111.61c-7.49 16.06-.54 35.15 15.52 42.64L236.96 256.1 18.49 357.99C2.47 365.46-4.46 384.5 3.01 400.52l13.52 29C24 445.54 43.04 452.47 59.06 445l306.47-142.91a32.003 32.003 0 0 0 18.48-29v-34.23c-.01-12.45-7.21-23.76-18.49-29.01z"],
- "greater-than-equal": [448, 512, [], "f532", "M55.22 107.69l175.56 68.09-175.44 68.05c-18.39 6.03-27.88 24.39-21.2 41l12.09 30.08c6.68 16.61 26.99 25.19 45.38 19.15L393.02 214.2c13.77-4.52 22.98-16.61 22.98-30.17v-15.96c0-13.56-9.21-25.65-22.98-30.17L91.3 17.92c-18.29-6-38.51 2.53-45.15 19.06L34.12 66.9c-6.64 16.53 2.81 34.79 21.1 40.79zM424 400H24c-13.25 0-24 10.74-24 24v48c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h400c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-48c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24z"],
- "grimace": [496, 512, [], "f57f", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM144 400h-8c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32v-8h40v40zm0-56h-40v-8c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32h8v40zm-8-136c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32s32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32zm72 192h-48v-40h48v40zm0-56h-48v-40h48v40zm64 56h-48v-40h48v40zm0-56h-48v-40h48v40zm64 56h-48v-40h48v40zm0-56h-48v-40h48v40zm-8-104c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm64 128c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32h-8v-40h40v8zm0-24h-40v-40h8c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32v8z"],
- "grin": [496, 512, [], "f580", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm80 168c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm-160 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm80 256c-60.6 0-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3-2-11.8 9.3-21.6 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.3-3.7 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-9.3 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3z"],
- "grin-alt": [496, 512, [], "f581", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm63.7 128.7c7.6-11.4 24.7-11.7 32.7 0 12.4 18.4 15.1 36.9 15.7 55.3-.5 18.4-3.3 36.9-15.7 55.3-7.6 11.4-24.7 11.7-32.7 0-12.4-18.4-15.1-36.9-15.7-55.3.5-18.4 3.3-36.9 15.7-55.3zm-160 0c7.6-11.4 24.7-11.7 32.7 0 12.4 18.4 15.1 36.9 15.7 55.3-.5 18.4-3.3 36.9-15.7 55.3-7.6 11.4-24.7 11.7-32.7 0-12.4-18.4-15.1-36.9-15.7-55.3.5-18.4 3.3-36.9 15.7-55.3zM248 432c-60.6 0-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3-2-11.8 9.3-21.6 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.4-3.7 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-9.3 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3z"],
- "grin-beam": [496, 512, [], "f582", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm80 144c23.8 0 52.7 29.3 56 71.4.7 8.6-10.8 11.9-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.1 7.3-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.1-42.1 32-71.4 55.8-71.4zm-160 0c23.8 0 52.7 29.3 56 71.4.7 8.6-10.8 11.9-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.2 7.4-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.1-42.1 32-71.4 55.8-71.4zm80 280c-60.6 0-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3-2-11.9 9.4-21.6 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.4-3.7 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-9.3 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3z"],
- "grin-beam-sweat": [504, 512, [], "f583", "M456 128c26.5 0 48-21 48-47 0-20-28.5-60.4-41.6-77.8-3.2-4.3-9.6-4.3-12.8 0C436.5 20.6 408 61 408 81c0 26 21.5 47 48 47zm0 32c-44.1 0-80-35.4-80-79 0-4.4.3-14.2 8.1-32.2C345 23.1 298.3 8 248 8 111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248c0-35.1-7.4-68.4-20.5-98.6-6.3 1.5-12.7 2.6-19.5 2.6zm-128-8c23.8 0 52.7 29.3 56 71.4.7 8.6-10.8 12-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.1 7.4-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.1-42.1 32-71.4 55.8-71.4zm-160 0c23.8 0 52.7 29.3 56 71.4.7 8.6-10.8 12-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.2 7.4-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.1-42.1 32-71.4 55.8-71.4zm80 280c-60.6 0-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3-2-11.8 9.3-21.6 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.5-3.7 22.6 6.2 20.7 17.9-9.3 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3z"],
- "grin-hearts": [496, 512, [], "f584", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM90.4 183.6c6.7-17.6 26.7-26.7 44.9-21.9l7.1 1.9 2-7.1c5-18.1 22.8-30.9 41.5-27.9 21.4 3.4 34.4 24.2 28.8 44.5L195.3 243c-1.2 4.5-5.9 7.2-10.5 6l-70.2-18.2c-20.4-5.4-31.9-27-24.2-47.2zM248 432c-60.6 0-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3-2-11.8 9.2-21.5 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.4-3.6 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-9.3 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3zm133.4-201.3l-70.2 18.2c-4.5 1.2-9.2-1.5-10.5-6L281.3 173c-5.6-20.3 7.4-41.1 28.8-44.5 18.6-3 36.4 9.8 41.5 27.9l2 7.1 7.1-1.9c18.2-4.7 38.2 4.3 44.9 21.9 7.7 20.3-3.8 41.9-24.2 47.2z"],
- "grin-squint": [496, 512, [], "f585", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm33.8 189.7l80-48c11.6-6.9 24 7.7 15.4 18L343.6 208l33.6 40.3c8.7 10.4-3.9 24.8-15.4 18l-80-48c-7.7-4.7-7.7-15.9 0-20.6zm-163-30c-8.6-10.3 3.8-24.9 15.4-18l80 48c7.8 4.7 7.8 15.9 0 20.6l-80 48c-11.5 6.8-24-7.6-15.4-18l33.6-40.3-33.6-40.3zM248 432c-60.6 0-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3-2-11.9 9.4-21.6 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.5-3.7 22.6 6.2 20.7 17.9-9.3 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3z"],
- "grin-squint-tears": [512, 512, [], "f586", "M409.6 111.9c22.6-3.2 73.5-12 88.3-26.8 19.2-19.2 18.9-50.6-.7-70.2S446-5 426.9 14.2c-14.8 14.8-23.5 65.7-26.8 88.3-.8 5.5 3.9 10.2 9.5 9.4zM102.4 400.1c-22.6 3.2-73.5 12-88.3 26.8-19.1 19.1-18.8 50.6.8 70.2s51 19.9 70.2.7c14.8-14.8 23.5-65.7 26.8-88.3.8-5.5-3.9-10.2-9.5-9.4zm311.7-256.5c-33 3.9-48.6-25.1-45.7-45.7 3.4-24 7.4-42.1 11.5-56.5C285.1-13.4 161.8-.5 80.6 80.6-.5 161.7-13.4 285 41.4 379.9c14.4-4.1 32.4-8 56.5-11.5 33.2-3.9 48.6 25.2 45.7 45.7-3.4 24-7.4 42.1-11.5 56.5 94.8 54.8 218.1 41.9 299.3-39.2s94-204.4 39.2-299.3c-14.4 4.1-32.5 8-56.5 11.5zM255.7 106c3.3-13.2 22.4-11.5 23.6 1.8l4.8 52.3 52.3 4.8c13.4 1.2 14.9 20.3 1.8 23.6l-90.5 22.6c-8.9 2.2-16.7-5.9-14.5-14.5l22.5-90.6zm-90.9 230.3L160 284l-52.3-4.8c-13.4-1.2-14.9-20.3-1.8-23.6l90.5-22.6c8.8-2.2 16.7 5.8 14.5 14.5L188.3 338c-3.1 13.2-22.2 11.7-23.5-1.7zm215.7 44.2c-29.3 29.3-75.7 50.4-116.7 50.4-18.9 0-36.6-4.5-51-14.7-9.8-6.9-8.7-21.8 2-27.2 28.3-14.6 63.9-42.4 97.8-76.3s61.7-69.6 76.3-97.8c5.4-10.5 20.2-11.9 27.3-2 32.3 45.3 7.1 124.7-35.7 167.6z"],
- "grin-stars": [496, 512, [], "f587", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM94.6 168.9l34.9-5 15.5-31.6c2.9-5.8 11-5.8 13.9 0l15.5 31.6 34.9 5c6.2 1 8.9 8.6 4.3 13.2l-25.4 24.6 6 34.9c1 6.2-5.3 11-11 7.9L152 233.3l-31.3 16.3c-5.7 3.1-12-1.7-11-7.9l6-34.9-25.4-24.6c-4.6-4.7-1.9-12.3 4.3-13.3zM248 432c-60.6 0-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3-2-11.8 9.3-21.5 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.5-3.7 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-9.3 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3zm157.7-249.9l-25.4 24.6 6 34.9c1 6.2-5.3 11-11 7.9L344 233.3l-31.3 16.3c-5.7 3.1-12-1.7-11-7.9l6-34.9-25.4-24.6c-4.5-4.6-1.9-12.2 4.3-13.2l34.9-5 15.5-31.6c2.9-5.8 11-5.8 13.9 0l15.5 31.6 34.9 5c6.3.9 9 8.5 4.4 13.1z"],
- "grin-tears": [640, 512, [], "f588", "M102.4 256.1c-22.6 3.2-73.5 12-88.3 26.8-19.1 19.1-18.8 50.6.8 70.2s51 19.9 70.2.7c14.8-14.8 23.5-65.7 26.8-88.3.8-5.5-3.9-10.2-9.5-9.4zm523.4 26.8c-14.8-14.8-65.7-23.5-88.3-26.8-5.5-.8-10.3 3.9-9.5 9.5 3.2 22.6 12 73.5 26.8 88.3 19.2 19.2 50.6 18.9 70.2-.7s20-51.2.8-70.3zm-129.4-12.8c-3.8-26.6 19.1-49.5 45.7-45.7 8.9 1.3 16.8 2.7 24.3 4.1C552.7 104.5 447.7 8 320 8S87.3 104.5 73.6 228.5c7.5-1.4 15.4-2.8 24.3-4.1 33.2-3.9 48.6 25.3 45.7 45.7-11.8 82.3-29.9 100.4-35.8 106.4-.9.9-2 1.6-3 2.5 42.7 74.6 123 125 215.2 125s172.5-50.4 215.2-125.1c-1-.9-2.1-1.5-3-2.5-5.9-5.9-24-24-35.8-106.3zM400 152c23.8 0 52.7 29.3 56 71.4.7 8.6-10.8 12-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.2 7.4-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.1-42.1 32-71.4 55.8-71.4zm-160 0c23.8 0 52.7 29.3 56 71.4.7 8.6-10.8 12-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.2 7.4-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.1-42.1 32-71.4 55.8-71.4zm80 280c-60.6 0-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3-2-11.7 9.2-21.6 20.7-17.9C227.1 330.5 272 336 320 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.4-3.7 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-9.3 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3z"],
- "grin-tongue": [496, 512, [], "f589", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256c0 106.3 67 196.7 161 232-5.6-12.2-9-25.7-9-40v-45.5c-24.7-16.2-43.5-38.1-47.8-63.8-2-11.8 9.3-21.5 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.4-3.6 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-4.3 25.7-23.1 47.6-47.8 63.8V448c0 14.3-3.4 27.8-9 40 94-35.3 161-125.7 161-232C496 119 385 8 248 8zm-80 232c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm160 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm-34.9 134.6c-14.4-6.5-31.1 2.2-34.6 17.6l-1.8 7.8c-2.1 9.2-15.2 9.2-17.3 0l-1.8-7.8c-3.5-15.4-20.2-24.1-34.6-17.6-.9.4.3-.2-18.9 9.4v63c0 35.2 28 64.5 63.1 64.9 35.7.5 64.9-28.4 64.9-64v-64c-19.5-9.6-18.2-8.9-19-9.3z"],
- "grin-tongue-squint": [496, 512, [], "f58a", "M293.1 374.6c-14.4-6.5-31.1 2.2-34.6 17.6l-1.8 7.8c-2.1 9.2-15.2 9.2-17.3 0l-1.8-7.8c-3.5-15.4-20.2-24.1-34.6-17.6-.9.4.3-.2-18.9 9.4v63c0 35.2 28 64.5 63.1 64.9 35.7.5 64.9-28.4 64.9-64v-64c-19.5-9.6-18.2-8.9-19-9.3zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256c0 106.3 67 196.7 161 232-5.6-12.2-9-25.7-9-40v-45.5c-24.7-16.2-43.5-38.1-47.8-63.8-2-11.8 9.2-21.5 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.4-3.7 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-4.3 25.7-23.1 47.6-47.8 63.8V448c0 14.3-3.4 27.8-9 40 94-35.3 161-125.7 161-232C496 119 385 8 248 8zm-33.8 210.3l-80 48c-11.5 6.8-24-7.6-15.4-18l33.6-40.3-33.6-40.3c-8.6-10.3 3.8-24.9 15.4-18l80 48c7.7 4.7 7.7 15.9 0 20.6zm163 30c8.7 10.4-3.9 24.8-15.4 18l-80-48c-7.8-4.7-7.8-15.9 0-20.6l80-48c11.7-6.9 23.9 7.7 15.4 18L343.6 208l33.6 40.3z"],
- "grin-tongue-wink": [496, 512, [], "f58b", "M344 184c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24s10.7 24 24 24 24-10.7 24-24-10.7-24-24-24zM248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256c0 106.3 67 196.7 161 232-5.6-12.2-9-25.7-9-40v-45.5c-24.7-16.2-43.5-38.1-47.8-63.8-2-11.8 9.3-21.5 20.7-17.9C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.5-3.7 22.6 6.1 20.7 17.9-4.3 25.7-23.1 47.6-47.8 63.8V448c0 14.3-3.4 27.8-9 40 94-35.3 161-125.7 161-232C496 119 385 8 248 8zm-56 225l-9.5-8.5c-14.8-13.2-46.2-13.2-61 0L112 233c-8.5 7.4-21.6.3-19.8-10.8 4-25.2 34.2-42.1 59.9-42.1S208 197 212 222.2c1.6 11.1-11.6 18.2-20 10.8zm152 39c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64s28.7-64 64-64 64 28.7 64 64-28.7 64-64 64zm-50.9 102.6c-14.4-6.5-31.1 2.2-34.6 17.6l-1.8 7.8c-2.1 9.2-15.2 9.2-17.3 0l-1.8-7.8c-3.5-15.4-20.2-24.1-34.6-17.6-.9.4.3-.2-18.9 9.4v63c0 35.2 28 64.5 63.1 64.9 35.7.5 64.9-28.4 64.9-64v-64c-19.5-9.6-18.2-8.9-19-9.3z"],
- "grin-wink": [496, 512, [], "f58c", "M0 256c0 137 111 248 248 248s248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8 0 119 0 256zm200-48c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32s-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32zm168 25l-9.5-8.5c-14.8-13.2-46.2-13.2-61 0L288 233c-8.3 7.4-21.6.4-19.8-10.8 4-25.2 34.2-42.1 59.9-42.1S384 197 388 222.2c1.6 11-11.5 18.2-20 10.8zm-243.1 87.8C155.1 330.5 200 336 248 336s92.9-5.5 123.1-15.2c11.3-3.7 22.6 6 20.7 17.9-9.2 55-83.2 93.3-143.8 93.3s-134.5-38.3-143.8-93.3c-2-11.9 9.3-21.6 20.7-17.9z"],
- "grip-horizontal": [448, 512, [], "f58d", "M96 288H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm160 0h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm160 0h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM96 96H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm160 0h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm160 0h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z"],
- "grip-vertical": [320, 512, [], "f58e", "M96 32H32C14.33 32 0 46.33 0 64v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm0 160H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm0 160H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM288 32h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm0 160h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm0 160h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z"],
- "h-square": [448, 512, [], "f0fd", "M448 80v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h352c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zm-112 48h-32c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v80H160v-80c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-32c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v224c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h32c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-80h128v80c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h32c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V144c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16z"],
- "hamsa": [512, 512, [], "f665", "M509.34 307.25C504.28 295.56 492.75 288 480 288h-64V80c0-22-18-40-40-40s-40 18-40 40v134c0 5.52-4.48 10-10 10h-20c-5.52 0-10-4.48-10-10V40c0-22-18-40-40-40s-40 18-40 40v174c0 5.52-4.48 10-10 10h-20c-5.52 0-10-4.48-10-10V80c0-22-18-40-40-40S96 58 96 80v208H32c-12.75 0-24.28 7.56-29.34 19.25a31.966 31.966 0 0 0 5.94 34.58l102.69 110.03C146.97 490.08 199.69 512 256 512s109.03-21.92 144.72-60.14L503.4 341.83a31.966 31.966 0 0 0 5.94-34.58zM256 416c-53.02 0-96-64-96-64s42.98-64 96-64 96 64 96 64-42.98 64-96 64zm0-96c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32s14.33 32 32 32 32-14.33 32-32-14.33-32-32-32z"],
- "hand-holding": [576, 512, [], "f4bd", "M565.3 328.1c-11.8-10.7-30.2-10-42.6 0L430.3 402c-11.3 9.1-25.4 14-40 14H272c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16h78.3c15.9 0 30.7-10.9 33.3-26.6 3.3-20-12.1-37.4-31.6-37.4H192c-27 0-53.1 9.3-74.1 26.3L71.4 384H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v96c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h356.8c14.5 0 28.6-4.9 40-14L564 377c15.2-12.1 16.4-35.3 1.3-48.9z"],
- "hand-holding-heart": [576, 512, [], "f4be", "M275.3 250.5c7 7.4 18.4 7.4 25.5 0l108.9-114.2c31.6-33.2 29.8-88.2-5.6-118.8-30.8-26.7-76.7-21.9-104.9 7.7L288 36.9l-11.1-11.6C248.7-4.4 202.8-9.2 172 17.5c-35.3 30.6-37.2 85.6-5.6 118.8l108.9 114.2zm290 77.6c-11.8-10.7-30.2-10-42.6 0L430.3 402c-11.3 9.1-25.4 14-40 14H272c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16h78.3c15.9 0 30.7-10.9 33.3-26.6 3.3-20-12.1-37.4-31.6-37.4H192c-27 0-53.1 9.3-74.1 26.3L71.4 384H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v96c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h356.8c14.5 0 28.6-4.9 40-14L564 377c15.2-12.1 16.4-35.3 1.3-48.9z"],
- "hand-holding-usd": [544, 512, [], "f4c0", "M257.6 144.3l50 14.3c3.6 1 6.1 4.4 6.1 8.1 0 4.6-3.8 8.4-8.4 8.4h-32.8c-3.6 0-7.1-.8-10.3-2.2-4.8-2.2-10.4-1.7-14.1 2l-17.5 17.5c-5.3 5.3-4.7 14.3 1.5 18.4 9.5 6.3 20.3 10.1 31.8 11.5V240c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h16c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-17.6c30.3-3.6 53.3-31 49.3-63-2.9-23-20.7-41.3-42.9-47.7l-50-14.3c-3.6-1-6.1-4.4-6.1-8.1 0-4.6 3.8-8.4 8.4-8.4h32.8c3.6 0 7.1.8 10.3 2.2 4.8 2.2 10.4 1.7 14.1-2l17.5-17.5c5.3-5.3 4.7-14.3-1.5-18.4-9.5-6.3-20.3-10.1-31.8-11.5V16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v17.6c-30.3 3.6-53.3 31-49.3 63 2.9 23 20.7 41.3 42.9 47.7zm276.3 183.8c-11.2-10.7-28.5-10-40.3 0L406.4 402c-10.7 9.1-24 14-37.8 14H256.9c-8.3 0-15.1-7.2-15.1-16s6.8-16 15.1-16h73.9c15.1 0 29-10.9 31.4-26.6 3.1-20-11.5-37.4-29.8-37.4H181.3c-25.5 0-50.2 9.3-69.9 26.3L67.5 384H15.1C6.8 384 0 391.2 0 400v96c0 8.8 6.8 16 15.1 16H352c13.7 0 27-4.9 37.8-14l142.8-121c14.4-12.1 15.5-35.3 1.3-48.9z"],
- "hand-lizard": [576, 512, [], "f258", "M384 480h192V363.778a95.998 95.998 0 0 0-14.833-51.263L398.127 54.368A48 48 0 0 0 357.544 32H24C10.745 32 0 42.745 0 56v16c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56h229.981c12.844 0 21.556 13.067 16.615 24.923l-21.41 51.385A32 32 0 0 1 251.648 224H128c-35.346 0-64 28.654-64 64v8c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h147.406a47.995 47.995 0 0 1 25.692 7.455l111.748 70.811A24.001 24.001 0 0 1 384 418.539V480z"],
- "hand-paper": [448, 512, [], "f256", "M408.781 128.007C386.356 127.578 368 146.36 368 168.79V256h-8V79.79c0-22.43-18.356-41.212-40.781-40.783C297.488 39.423 280 57.169 280 79v177h-8V40.79C272 18.36 253.644-.422 231.219.007 209.488.423 192 18.169 192 40v216h-8V80.79c0-22.43-18.356-41.212-40.781-40.783C121.488 40.423 104 58.169 104 80v235.992l-31.648-43.519c-12.993-17.866-38.009-21.817-55.877-8.823-17.865 12.994-21.815 38.01-8.822 55.877l125.601 172.705A48 48 0 0 0 172.073 512h197.59c22.274 0 41.622-15.324 46.724-37.006l26.508-112.66a192.011 192.011 0 0 0 5.104-43.975V168c.001-21.831-17.487-39.577-39.218-39.993z"],
- "hand-peace": [448, 512, [], "f25b", "M408 216c-22.092 0-40 17.909-40 40h-8v-32c0-22.091-17.908-40-40-40s-40 17.909-40 40v32h-8V48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48s-48 21.49-48 48v208h-13.572L92.688 78.449C82.994 53.774 55.134 41.63 30.461 51.324 5.787 61.017-6.356 88.877 3.337 113.551l74.765 190.342-31.09 24.872c-15.381 12.306-19.515 33.978-9.741 51.081l64 112A39.998 39.998 0 0 0 136 512h240c18.562 0 34.686-12.77 38.937-30.838l32-136A39.97 39.97 0 0 0 448 336v-80c0-22.091-17.908-40-40-40z"],
- "hand-point-down": [384, 512, [], "f0a7", "M91.826 467.2V317.966c-8.248 5.841-16.558 10.57-24.918 14.153C35.098 345.752-.014 322.222 0 288c.008-18.616 10.897-32.203 29.092-40 28.286-12.122 64.329-78.648 77.323-107.534 7.956-17.857 25.479-28.453 43.845-28.464l.001-.002h171.526c11.812 0 21.897 8.596 23.703 20.269 7.25 46.837 38.483 61.76 38.315 123.731-.007 2.724.195 13.254.195 16 0 50.654-22.122 81.574-71.263 72.6-9.297 18.597-39.486 30.738-62.315 16.45-21.177 24.645-53.896 22.639-70.944 6.299V467.2c0 24.15-20.201 44.8-43.826 44.8-23.283 0-43.826-21.35-43.826-44.8zM112 72V24c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h192c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v48c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H136c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24zm212-24c0-11.046-8.954-20-20-20s-20 8.954-20 20 8.954 20 20 20 20-8.954 20-20z"],
- "hand-point-left": [512, 512, [], "f0a5", "M44.8 155.826h149.234c-5.841-8.248-10.57-16.558-14.153-24.918C166.248 99.098 189.778 63.986 224 64c18.616.008 32.203 10.897 40 29.092 12.122 28.286 78.648 64.329 107.534 77.323 17.857 7.956 28.453 25.479 28.464 43.845l.002.001v171.526c0 11.812-8.596 21.897-20.269 23.703-46.837 7.25-61.76 38.483-123.731 38.315-2.724-.007-13.254.195-16 .195-50.654 0-81.574-22.122-72.6-71.263-18.597-9.297-30.738-39.486-16.45-62.315-24.645-21.177-22.639-53.896-6.299-70.944H44.8c-24.15 0-44.8-20.201-44.8-43.826 0-23.283 21.35-43.826 44.8-43.826zM440 176h48c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v192c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24h-48c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V200c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24zm24 212c11.046 0 20-8.954 20-20s-8.954-20-20-20-20 8.954-20 20 8.954 20 20 20z"],
- "hand-point-right": [512, 512, [], "f0a4", "M512 199.652c0 23.625-20.65 43.826-44.8 43.826h-99.851c16.34 17.048 18.346 49.766-6.299 70.944 14.288 22.829 2.147 53.017-16.45 62.315C353.574 425.878 322.654 448 272 448c-2.746 0-13.276-.203-16-.195-61.971.168-76.894-31.065-123.731-38.315C120.596 407.683 112 397.599 112 385.786V214.261l.002-.001c.011-18.366 10.607-35.889 28.464-43.845 28.886-12.994 95.413-49.038 107.534-77.323 7.797-18.194 21.384-29.084 40-29.092 34.222-.014 57.752 35.098 44.119 66.908-3.583 8.359-8.312 16.67-14.153 24.918H467.2c23.45 0 44.8 20.543 44.8 43.826zM96 200v192c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V200c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h48c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24zM68 368c0-11.046-8.954-20-20-20s-20 8.954-20 20 8.954 20 20 20 20-8.954 20-20z"],
- "hand-point-up": [384, 512, [], "f0a6", "M135.652 0c23.625 0 43.826 20.65 43.826 44.8v99.851c17.048-16.34 49.766-18.346 70.944 6.299 22.829-14.288 53.017-2.147 62.315 16.45C361.878 158.426 384 189.346 384 240c0 2.746-.203 13.276-.195 16 .168 61.971-31.065 76.894-38.315 123.731C343.683 391.404 333.599 400 321.786 400H150.261l-.001-.002c-18.366-.011-35.889-10.607-43.845-28.464C93.421 342.648 57.377 276.122 29.092 264 10.897 256.203.008 242.616 0 224c-.014-34.222 35.098-57.752 66.908-44.119 8.359 3.583 16.67 8.312 24.918 14.153V44.8c0-23.45 20.543-44.8 43.826-44.8zM136 416h192c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v48c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H136c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-48c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24zm168 28c-11.046 0-20 8.954-20 20s8.954 20 20 20 20-8.954 20-20-8.954-20-20-20z"],
- "hand-pointer": [448, 512, [], "f25a", "M448 240v96c0 3.084-.356 6.159-1.063 9.162l-32 136C410.686 499.23 394.562 512 376 512H168a40.004 40.004 0 0 1-32.35-16.473l-127.997-176c-12.993-17.866-9.043-42.883 8.822-55.876 17.867-12.994 42.884-9.043 55.877 8.823L104 315.992V40c0-22.091 17.908-40 40-40s40 17.909 40 40v200h8v-40c0-22.091 17.908-40 40-40s40 17.909 40 40v40h8v-24c0-22.091 17.908-40 40-40s40 17.909 40 40v24h8c0-22.091 17.908-40 40-40s40 17.909 40 40zm-256 80h-8v96h8v-96zm88 0h-8v96h8v-96zm88 0h-8v96h8v-96z"],
- "hand-rock": [512, 512, [], "f255", "M512 128.79c0-26.322-20.861-48.344-47.18-48.783C437.935 79.558 416 101.217 416 128h-8V96.79c0-26.322-20.861-48.344-47.18-48.783C333.935 47.558 312 69.217 312 96v32h-8V80.79c0-26.322-20.861-48.344-47.18-48.783C229.935 31.558 208 53.217 208 80v48h-8V96.79c0-26.322-20.861-48.344-47.18-48.783C125.935 47.558 104 69.217 104 96v136l-8-7.111V176.79c0-26.322-20.861-48.344-47.18-48.783C21.935 127.558 0 149.217 0 176v66.445a95.998 95.998 0 0 0 32.221 71.751l111.668 99.261A47.999 47.999 0 0 1 160 449.333V456c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h240c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-2.921a96.01 96.01 0 0 1 7.523-37.254l48.954-116.265A96.002 96.002 0 0 0 512 262.306V128.79z"],
- "hand-scissors": [512, 512, [], "f257", "M216 440c0-22.092 17.909-40 40-40v-8h-32c-22.091 0-40-17.908-40-40s17.909-40 40-40h32v-8H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48s21.49-48 48-48h208v-13.572l-177.551-69.74c-24.674-9.694-36.818-37.555-27.125-62.228 9.693-24.674 37.554-36.817 62.228-27.124l190.342 74.765 24.872-31.09c12.306-15.381 33.978-19.515 51.081-9.741l112 64A40.002 40.002 0 0 1 512 168v240c0 18.562-12.77 34.686-30.838 38.937l-136 32A39.982 39.982 0 0 1 336 480h-80c-22.091 0-40-17.908-40-40z"],
- "hand-spock": [512, 512, [], "f259", "M10.872 316.585c15.139-16.086 40.454-16.854 56.543-1.713L128 371.893v-79.405L88.995 120.865c-4.896-21.542 8.598-42.974 30.14-47.87 21.549-4.894 42.975 8.599 47.87 30.141L201.747 256h9.833L164.016 48.966c-4.946-21.531 8.498-42.994 30.028-47.94 21.532-4.95 42.994 8.498 47.94 30.028L293.664 256h15.105l48.425-193.702c5.357-21.432 27.075-34.462 48.507-29.104 21.432 5.358 34.463 27.075 29.104 48.507L391.231 256h11.08l30.768-129.265c5.117-21.491 26.685-34.768 48.177-29.647 21.491 5.117 34.765 26.686 29.647 48.177l-36.292 152.467A96.024 96.024 0 0 0 472 319.967v42.102a96.002 96.002 0 0 1-3.96 27.287l-26.174 88.287C435.825 498.022 417.101 512 395.846 512H179.172a48.002 48.002 0 0 1-32.898-13.046L12.585 373.128c-16.087-15.141-16.853-40.456-1.713-56.543z"],
- "hands": [640, 512, [], "f4c2", "M204.8 230.4c-10.6-14.1-30.7-17-44.8-6.4-14.1 10.6-17 30.7-6.4 44.8l38.1 50.8c4.8 6.4 4.1 15.3-1.5 20.9l-12.8 12.8c-6.7 6.7-17.6 6.2-23.6-1.1L64 244.4V96c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32S0 78.3 0 96v218.4c0 10.9 3.7 21.5 10.5 30l104.1 134.3c5 6.5 8.4 13.9 10.4 21.7 1.8 6.9 8.1 11.6 15.3 11.6H272c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V384c0-27.7-9-54.6-25.6-76.8l-57.6-76.8zM608 64c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v148.4l-89.8 107.8c-6 7.2-17 7.7-23.6 1.1l-12.8-12.8c-5.6-5.6-6.3-14.5-1.5-20.9l38.1-50.8c10.6-14.1 7.7-34.2-6.4-44.8-14.1-10.6-34.2-7.7-44.8 6.4l-57.6 76.8C361 329.4 352 356.3 352 384v112c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h131.7c7.1 0 13.5-4.7 15.3-11.6 2-7.8 5.4-15.2 10.4-21.7l104.1-134.3c6.8-8.5 10.5-19.1 10.5-30V96c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32z"],
- "hands-helping": [640, 512, [], "f4c4", "M488 192H336v56c0 39.7-32.3 72-72 72s-72-32.3-72-72V126.4l-64.9 39C107.8 176.9 96 197.8 96 220.2v47.3l-80 46.2C.7 322.5-4.6 342.1 4.3 357.4l80 138.6c8.8 15.3 28.4 20.5 43.7 11.7L231.4 448H368c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64h16c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32v-64h8c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24v-48c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24zm147.7-37.4L555.7 16C546.9.7 527.3-4.5 512 4.3L408.6 64H306.4c-12 0-23.7 3.4-33.9 9.7L239 94.6c-9.4 5.8-15 16.1-15 27.1V248c0 22.1 17.9 40 40 40s40-17.9 40-40v-88h184c30.9 0 56 25.1 56 56v28.5l80-46.2c15.3-8.9 20.5-28.4 11.7-43.7z"],
- "handshake": [640, 512, [], "f2b5", "M434.7 64h-85.9c-8 0-15.7 3-21.6 8.4l-98.3 90c-.1.1-.2.3-.3.4-16.6 15.6-16.3 40.5-2.1 56 12.7 13.9 39.4 17.6 56.1 2.7.1-.1.3-.1.4-.2l79.9-73.2c6.5-5.9 16.7-5.5 22.6 1 6 6.5 5.5 16.6-1 22.6l-26.1 23.9L504 313.8c2.9 2.4 5.5 5 7.9 7.7V128l-54.6-54.6c-5.9-6-14.1-9.4-22.6-9.4zM544 128.2v223.9c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h64V128.2h-96zm48 223.9c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zM0 384h64c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V128.2H0V384zm48-63.9c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16-16-7.2-16-16c0-8.9 7.2-16 16-16zm435.9 18.6L334.6 217.5l-30 27.5c-29.7 27.1-75.2 24.5-101.7-4.4-26.9-29.4-24.8-74.9 4.4-101.7L289.1 64h-83.8c-8.5 0-16.6 3.4-22.6 9.4L128 128v223.9h18.3l90.5 81.9c27.4 22.3 67.7 18.1 90-9.3l.2-.2 17.9 15.5c15.9 13 39.4 10.5 52.3-5.4l31.4-38.6 5.4 4.4c13.7 11.1 33.9 9.1 45-4.7l9.5-11.7c11.2-13.8 9.1-33.9-4.6-45.1z"],
- "hashtag": [448, 512, [], "f292", "M440.667 182.109l7.143-40c1.313-7.355-4.342-14.109-11.813-14.109h-74.81l14.623-81.891C377.123 38.754 371.468 32 363.997 32h-40.632a12 12 0 0 0-11.813 9.891L296.175 128H197.54l14.623-81.891C213.477 38.754 207.822 32 200.35 32h-40.632a12 12 0 0 0-11.813 9.891L132.528 128H53.432a12 12 0 0 0-11.813 9.891l-7.143 40C33.163 185.246 38.818 192 46.289 192h74.81L98.242 320H19.146a12 12 0 0 0-11.813 9.891l-7.143 40C-1.123 377.246 4.532 384 12.003 384h74.81L72.19 465.891C70.877 473.246 76.532 480 84.003 480h40.632a12 12 0 0 0 11.813-9.891L151.826 384h98.634l-14.623 81.891C234.523 473.246 240.178 480 247.65 480h40.632a12 12 0 0 0 11.813-9.891L315.472 384h79.096a12 12 0 0 0 11.813-9.891l7.143-40c1.313-7.355-4.342-14.109-11.813-14.109h-74.81l22.857-128h79.096a12 12 0 0 0 11.813-9.891zM261.889 320h-98.634l22.857-128h98.634l-22.857 128z"],
- "haykal": [512, 512, [], "f666", "M496.25 202.52l-110-15.44 41.82-104.34c6.67-16.64-11.6-32.18-26.59-22.63L307.44 120 273.35 12.82C270.64 4.27 263.32 0 256 0c-7.32 0-14.64 4.27-17.35 12.82l-34.09 107.19-94.04-59.89c-14.99-9.55-33.25 5.99-26.59 22.63l41.82 104.34-110 15.43c-17.54 2.46-21.68 26.27-6.03 34.67l98.16 52.66-74.48 83.54c-10.92 12.25-1.72 30.93 13.29 30.93 1.31 0 2.67-.14 4.07-.45l108.57-23.65-4.11 112.55c-.43 11.65 8.87 19.22 18.41 19.22 5.15 0 10.39-2.21 14.2-7.18l68.18-88.9 68.18 88.9c3.81 4.97 9.04 7.18 14.2 7.18 9.54 0 18.84-7.57 18.41-19.22l-4.11-112.55 108.57 23.65c17.36 3.76 29.21-17.2 17.35-30.49l-74.48-83.54 98.16-52.66c15.64-8.39 11.5-32.2-6.04-34.66zM338.51 311.68l-51.89-11.3 1.97 53.79L256 311.68l-32.59 42.49 1.96-53.79-51.89 11.3 35.6-39.93-46.92-25.17 52.57-7.38-19.99-49.87 44.95 28.62L256 166.72l16.29 51.23 44.95-28.62-19.99 49.87 52.57 7.38-46.92 25.17 35.61 39.93z"],
- "hdd": [576, 512, [], "f0a0", "M576 304v96c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48v-96c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h480c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zm-48-80a79.557 79.557 0 0 1 30.777 6.165L462.25 85.374A48.003 48.003 0 0 0 422.311 64H153.689a48 48 0 0 0-39.938 21.374L17.223 230.165A79.557 79.557 0 0 1 48 224h480zm-48 96c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32zm-96 0c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32s14.327 32 32 32 32-14.327 32-32-14.327-32-32-32z"],
- "heading": [512, 512, [], "f1dc", "M496 80V48c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H320c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h37.621v128H154.379V96H192c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V48c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H32c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h37.275v320H32c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h160c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-32c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-37.621V288H357.62v128H320c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h160c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-32c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16h-37.275V96H480c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16z"],
- "headphones": [512, 512, [], "f025", "M256 32C114.52 32 0 146.496 0 288v48a32 32 0 0 0 17.689 28.622l14.383 7.191C34.083 431.903 83.421 480 144 480h24c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V280c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-24c-31.342 0-59.671 12.879-80 33.627V288c0-105.869 86.131-192 192-192s192 86.131 192 192v1.627C427.671 268.879 399.342 256 368 256h-24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v176c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h24c60.579 0 109.917-48.098 111.928-108.187l14.382-7.191A32 32 0 0 0 512 336v-48c0-141.479-114.496-256-256-256z"],
- "headphones-alt": [512, 512, [], "f58f", "M160 288h-16c-35.35 0-64 28.7-64 64.12v63.76c0 35.41 28.65 64.12 64 64.12h16c17.67 0 32-14.36 32-32.06V320.06c0-17.71-14.33-32.06-32-32.06zm208 0h-16c-17.67 0-32 14.35-32 32.06v127.88c0 17.7 14.33 32.06 32 32.06h16c35.35 0 64-28.71 64-64.12v-63.76c0-35.41-28.65-64.12-64-64.12zM256 32C112.91 32 4.57 151.13 0 288v112c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V288c0-114.67 93.33-207.8 208-207.82 114.67.02 208 93.15 208 207.82v112c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V288C507.43 151.13 399.09 32 256 32z"],
- "headset": [512, 512, [], "f590", "M192 208c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-16c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64v48c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h16c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V208zm176 144c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64v-48c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64h-16c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v112c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h16zM256 0C113.18 0 4.58 118.83 0 256v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-114.69 93.31-208 208-208s208 93.31 208 208h-.12c.08 2.43.12 165.72.12 165.72 0 23.35-18.93 42.28-42.28 42.28H320c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48h-32c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48h181.72c49.86 0 90.28-40.42 90.28-90.28V256C507.42 118.83 398.82 0 256 0z"],
- "heart": [512, 512, [], "f004", "M462.3 62.6C407.5 15.9 326 24.3 275.7 76.2L256 96.5l-19.7-20.3C186.1 24.3 104.5 15.9 49.7 62.6c-62.8 53.6-66.1 149.8-9.9 207.9l193.5 199.8c12.5 12.9 32.8 12.9 45.3 0l193.5-199.8c56.3-58.1 53-154.3-9.8-207.9z"],
- "heartbeat": [512, 512, [], "f21e", "M320.2 243.8l-49.7 99.4c-6 12.1-23.4 11.7-28.9-.6l-56.9-126.3-30 71.7H60.6l182.5 186.5c7.1 7.3 18.6 7.3 25.7 0L451.4 288H342.3l-22.1-44.2zM473.7 73.9l-2.4-2.5c-51.5-52.6-135.8-52.6-187.4 0L256 100l-27.9-28.5c-51.5-52.7-135.9-52.7-187.4 0l-2.4 2.4C-10.4 123.7-12.5 203 31 256h102.4l35.9-86.2c5.4-12.9 23.6-13.2 29.4-.4l58.2 129.3 49-97.9c5.9-11.8 22.7-11.8 28.6 0l27.6 55.2H481c43.5-53 41.4-132.3-7.3-182.1z"],
- "helicopter": [640, 512, [], "f533", "M304 384h272c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32 0-123.71-100.29-224-224-224V64h176c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H144c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h176v64H112L68.8 70.4C65.78 66.37 61.03 64 56 64H16.01C5.6 64-2.04 73.78.49 83.88L32 192l160 64 86.4 115.2A31.992 31.992 0 0 0 304 384zm112-188.49C478.55 208.3 528.03 257.44 540.79 320H416V195.51zm219.37 263.3l-22.15-22.2c-6.25-6.26-16.24-6.1-22.64.01-7.09 6.77-13.84 11.25-24.64 11.25H240c-8.84 0-16 7.18-16 16.03v32.06c0 8.85 7.16 16.03 16 16.03h325.94c14.88 0 35.3-.47 68.45-29.52 7.02-6.14 7.57-17.05.98-23.66z"],
- "highlighter": [544, 512, [], "f591", "M0 479.98L99.92 512l35.45-35.45-67.04-67.04L0 479.98zm124.61-240.01a36.592 36.592 0 0 0-10.79 38.1l13.05 42.83-50.93 50.94 96.23 96.23 50.86-50.86 42.74 13.08c13.73 4.2 28.65-.01 38.15-10.78l35.55-41.64-173.34-173.34-41.52 35.44zm403.31-160.7l-63.2-63.2c-20.49-20.49-53.38-21.52-75.12-2.35L190.55 183.68l169.77 169.78L530.27 154.4c19.18-21.74 18.15-54.63-2.35-75.13z"],
- "history": [512, 512, [], "f1da", "M504 255.531c.253 136.64-111.18 248.372-247.82 248.468-59.015.042-113.223-20.53-155.822-54.911-11.077-8.94-11.905-25.541-1.839-35.607l11.267-11.267c8.609-8.609 22.353-9.551 31.891-1.984C173.062 425.135 212.781 440 256 440c101.705 0 184-82.311 184-184 0-101.705-82.311-184-184-184-48.814 0-93.149 18.969-126.068 49.932l50.754 50.754c10.08 10.08 2.941 27.314-11.313 27.314H24c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V38.627c0-14.254 17.234-21.393 27.314-11.314l49.372 49.372C129.209 34.136 189.552 8 256 8c136.81 0 247.747 110.78 248 247.531zm-180.912 78.784l9.823-12.63c8.138-10.463 6.253-25.542-4.21-33.679L288 256.349V152c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-16c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v135.651l65.409 50.874c10.463 8.137 25.541 6.253 33.679-4.21z"],
- "hockey-puck": [512, 512, [], "f453", "M0 160c0-53 114.6-96 256-96s256 43 256 96-114.6 96-256 96S0 213 0 160zm0 82.2V352c0 53 114.6 96 256 96s256-43 256-96V242.2c-113.4 82.3-398.5 82.4-512 0z"],
- "home": [576, 512, [], "f015", "M488 312.7V456c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24H348c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V356c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-72c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v112c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H112c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V312.7c0-3.6 1.6-7 4.4-9.3l188-154.8c4.4-3.6 10.8-3.6 15.3 0l188 154.8c2.7 2.3 4.3 5.7 4.3 9.3zm83.6-60.9L488 182.9V44.4c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-56c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12V117l-89.5-73.7c-17.7-14.6-43.3-14.6-61 0L4.4 251.8c-5.1 4.2-5.8 11.8-1.6 16.9l25.5 31c4.2 5.1 11.8 5.8 16.9 1.6l235.2-193.7c4.4-3.6 10.8-3.6 15.3 0l235.2 193.7c5.1 4.2 12.7 3.5 16.9-1.6l25.5-31c4.2-5.2 3.4-12.7-1.7-16.9z"],
- "hospital": [448, 512, [], "f0f8", "M448 492v20H0v-20c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h20V120c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h88V24c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h112c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v72h88c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v360h20c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12zM308 192h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12zm-168 64h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12zm104 128h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v84h64v-84c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12zm64-96h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12zm-116 12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40zM182 96h26v26a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h20a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V96h26a6 6 0 0 0 6-6V70a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-26V38a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-20a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v26h-26a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v20a6 6 0 0 0 6 6z"],
- "hospital-alt": [576, 512, [], "f47d", "M544 96H416V32c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32H192c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v64H32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v368c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h544c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V128c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32zM160 436c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm0-128c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm160 128c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm0-128c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm16-170c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6h-26v26c0 3.3-2.7 6-6 6h-20c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6v-26h-26c-3.3 0-6-2.7-6-6v-20c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h26V86c0-3.3 2.7-6 6-6h20c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v26h26c3.3 0 6 2.7 6 6v20zm144 298c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40zm0-128c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h40c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40z"],
- "hospital-symbol": [512, 512, [], "f47e", "M256 0C114.6 0 0 114.6 0 256s114.6 256 256 256 256-114.6 256-256S397.4 0 256 0zm112 376c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-48c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-88h-96v88c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-48c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8V136c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h48c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v88h96v-88c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h48c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v240z"],
- "hot-tub": [512, 512, [], "f593", "M414.21 177.65c1.02 8.21 7.75 14.35 15.75 14.35h16.12c9.51 0 17.08-8.57 16-18.35-4.34-39.11-22.4-74.53-50.13-97.16-17.37-14.17-28.82-36.75-31.98-62.15C378.96 6.14 372.22 0 364.23 0h-16.12c-9.51 0-17.09 8.57-16 18.35 4.34 39.11 22.4 74.53 50.13 97.16 17.36 14.17 28.82 36.75 31.97 62.14zm-108 0c1.02 8.21 7.75 14.35 15.75 14.35h16.12c9.51 0 17.08-8.57 16-18.35-4.34-39.11-22.4-74.53-50.13-97.16-17.37-14.17-28.82-36.75-31.98-62.15C270.96 6.14 264.22 0 256.23 0h-16.12c-9.51 0-17.09 8.57-16 18.35 4.34 39.11 22.4 74.53 50.13 97.16 17.36 14.17 28.82 36.75 31.97 62.14zM480 256H256l-110.93-83.2a63.99 63.99 0 0 0-38.4-12.8H64c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64v224c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h384c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64V288c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM128 440c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V328c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v112zm96 0c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V328c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v112zm96 0c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V328c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v112zm96 0c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V328c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v112zM64 128c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64S99.35 0 64 0 0 28.65 0 64s28.65 64 64 64z"],
- "hotel": [576, 512, [], "f594", "M560 64c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H16C7.16 0 0 7.16 0 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h15.98v384H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h240v-80c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h32c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v80h240c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-16V64h16zm-304 44.8c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4zm0 96c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4zm-128-96c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4zM179.2 256h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8zM192 384c0-53.02 42.98-96 96-96s96 42.98 96 96H192zm256-140.8c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4zm0-96c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8h-38.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h38.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4z"],
- "hourglass": [384, 512, [], "f254", "M360 64c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V24c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24 0 90.965 51.016 167.734 120.842 192C75.016 280.266 24 357.035 24 448c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-16c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24 0-90.965-51.016-167.734-120.842-192C308.984 231.734 360 154.965 360 64z"],
- "hourglass-end": [384, 512, [], "f253", "M360 64c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V24c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24 0 90.965 51.016 167.734 120.842 192C75.016 280.266 24 357.035 24 448c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-16c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24 0-90.965-51.016-167.734-120.842-192C308.984 231.734 360 154.965 360 64zM192 208c-57.787 0-104-66.518-104-144h208c0 77.945-46.51 144-104 144z"],
- "hourglass-half": [384, 512, [], "f252", "M360 0H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24 0 90.965 51.016 167.734 120.842 192C75.016 280.266 24 357.035 24 448c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-16c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24 0-90.965-51.016-167.734-120.842-192C308.984 231.734 360 154.965 360 64c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V24c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zm-75.078 384H99.08c17.059-46.797 52.096-80 92.92-80 40.821 0 75.862 33.196 92.922 80zm.019-256H99.078C91.988 108.548 88 86.748 88 64h208c0 22.805-3.987 44.587-11.059 64z"],
- "hourglass-start": [384, 512, [], "f251", "M360 0H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24 0 90.965 51.016 167.734 120.842 192C75.016 280.266 24 357.035 24 448c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-16c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24 0-90.965-51.016-167.734-120.842-192C308.984 231.734 360 154.965 360 64c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V24c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zm-64 448H88c0-77.458 46.204-144 104-144 57.786 0 104 66.517 104 144z"],
- "i-cursor": [256, 512, [], "f246", "M256 52.048V12.065C256 5.496 250.726.148 244.158.066 211.621-.344 166.469.011 128 37.959 90.266.736 46.979-.114 11.913.114 5.318.157 0 5.519 0 12.114v39.645c0 6.687 5.458 12.078 12.145 11.998C38.111 63.447 96 67.243 96 112.182V224H60c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h36v112c0 44.932-56.075 48.031-83.95 47.959C5.404 447.942 0 453.306 0 459.952v39.983c0 6.569 5.274 11.917 11.842 11.999 32.537.409 77.689.054 116.158-37.894 37.734 37.223 81.021 38.073 116.087 37.845 6.595-.043 11.913-5.405 11.913-12V460.24c0-6.687-5.458-12.078-12.145-11.998C217.889 448.553 160 444.939 160 400V288h36c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-36V112.182c0-44.932 56.075-48.213 83.95-48.142 6.646.018 12.05-5.346 12.05-11.992z"],
- "id-badge": [384, 512, [], "f2c1", "M336 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM144 32h96c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16h-96c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16zm48 128c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64s-28.7 64-64 64-64-28.7-64-64 28.7-64 64-64zm112 236.8c0 10.6-10 19.2-22.4 19.2H102.4C90 416 80 407.4 80 396.8v-19.2c0-31.8 30.1-57.6 67.2-57.6h5c12.3 5.1 25.7 8 39.8 8s27.6-2.9 39.8-8h5c37.1 0 67.2 25.8 67.2 57.6v19.2z"],
- "id-card": [576, 512, [], "f2c2", "M528 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v16h576V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM0 432c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V128H0v304zm352-232c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H360c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16zm0 64c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H360c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16zm0 64c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h144c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H360c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16zM176 192c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64s-28.7 64-64 64-64-28.7-64-64 28.7-64 64-64zM67.1 396.2C75.5 370.5 99.6 352 128 352h8.2c12.3 5.1 25.7 8 39.8 8s27.6-2.9 39.8-8h8.2c28.4 0 52.5 18.5 60.9 44.2 3.2 9.9-5.2 19.8-15.6 19.8H82.7c-10.4 0-18.8-10-15.6-19.8z"],
- "id-card-alt": [576, 512, [], "f47f", "M528 64H384v96H192V64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h480c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM288 224c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64s-28.7 64-64 64-64-28.7-64-64 28.7-64 64-64zm93.3 224H194.7c-10.4 0-18.8-10-15.6-19.8 8.3-25.6 32.4-44.2 60.9-44.2h8.2c12.3 5.1 25.7 8 39.8 8s27.6-2.9 39.8-8h8.2c28.4 0 52.5 18.5 60.9 44.2 3.2 9.8-5.2 19.8-15.6 19.8zM352 32c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32h-64c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v96h128V32z"],
- "image": [512, 512, [], "f03e", "M464 448H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V112c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h416c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v288c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48zM112 120c-30.928 0-56 25.072-56 56s25.072 56 56 56 56-25.072 56-56-25.072-56-56-56zM64 384h384V272l-87.515-87.515c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0L208 320l-55.515-55.515c-4.686-4.686-12.284-4.686-16.971 0L64 336v48z"],
- "images": [576, 512, [], "f302", "M480 416v16c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V176c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h16v208c0 44.112 35.888 80 80 80h336zm96-80V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48H144c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v256c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h384c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48zM256 128c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48s-48-21.49-48-48 21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48zm-96 144l55.515-55.515c4.686-4.686 12.284-4.686 16.971 0L272 256l135.515-135.515c4.686-4.686 12.284-4.686 16.971 0L512 208v112H160v-48z"],
- "inbox": [576, 512, [], "f01c", "M567.938 243.908L462.25 85.374A48.003 48.003 0 0 0 422.311 64H153.689a48 48 0 0 0-39.938 21.374L8.062 243.908A47.994 47.994 0 0 0 0 270.533V400c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h480c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V270.533a47.994 47.994 0 0 0-8.062-26.625zM162.252 128h251.497l85.333 128H376l-32 64H232l-32-64H76.918l85.334-128z"],
- "indent": [448, 512, [], "f03c", "M0 84V44c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h416c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v40c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zm176 144h256c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H176c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zM16 484h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm160-128h256c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H176c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm-52.687-111.313l-96-95.984C17.266 138.652 0 145.776 0 160.016v191.975c0 14.329 17.325 21.304 27.313 11.313l96-95.992c6.249-6.247 6.249-16.377 0-22.625z"],
- "industry": [512, 512, [], "f275", "M475.115 163.781L336 252.309v-68.28c0-18.916-20.931-30.399-36.885-20.248L160 252.309V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H24C10.745 32 0 42.745 0 56v400c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h464c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V184.029c0-18.917-20.931-30.399-36.885-20.248z"],
- "infinity": [640, 512, [], "f534", "M471.1 96C405 96 353.3 137.3 320 174.6 286.7 137.3 235 96 168.9 96 75.8 96 0 167.8 0 256s75.8 160 168.9 160c66.1 0 117.8-41.3 151.1-78.6 33.3 37.3 85 78.6 151.1 78.6 93.1 0 168.9-71.8 168.9-160S564.2 96 471.1 96zM168.9 320c-40.2 0-72.9-28.7-72.9-64s32.7-64 72.9-64c38.2 0 73.4 36.1 94 64-20.4 27.6-55.9 64-94 64zm302.2 0c-38.2 0-73.4-36.1-94-64 20.4-27.6 55.9-64 94-64 40.2 0 72.9 28.7 72.9 64s-32.7 64-72.9 64z"],
- "info": [192, 512, [], "f129", "M20 424.229h20V279.771H20c-11.046 0-20-8.954-20-20V212c0-11.046 8.954-20 20-20h112c11.046 0 20 8.954 20 20v212.229h20c11.046 0 20 8.954 20 20V492c0 11.046-8.954 20-20 20H20c-11.046 0-20-8.954-20-20v-47.771c0-11.046 8.954-20 20-20zM96 0C56.235 0 24 32.235 24 72s32.235 72 72 72 72-32.235 72-72S135.764 0 96 0z"],
- "info-circle": [512, 512, [], "f05a", "M256 8C119.043 8 8 119.083 8 256c0 136.997 111.043 248 248 248s248-111.003 248-248C504 119.083 392.957 8 256 8zm0 110c23.196 0 42 18.804 42 42s-18.804 42-42 42-42-18.804-42-42 18.804-42 42-42zm56 254c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-88c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h12v-64h-12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-24c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h64c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v100h12c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v24z"],
- "italic": [320, 512, [], "f033", "M204.758 416h-33.849l62.092-320h40.725a16 16 0 0 0 15.704-12.937l6.242-32C297.599 41.184 290.034 32 279.968 32H120.235a16 16 0 0 0-15.704 12.937l-6.242 32C96.362 86.816 103.927 96 113.993 96h33.846l-62.09 320H46.278a16 16 0 0 0-15.704 12.935l-6.245 32C22.402 470.815 29.967 480 40.034 480h158.479a16 16 0 0 0 15.704-12.935l6.245-32c1.927-9.88-5.638-19.065-15.704-19.065z"],
- "jedi": [544, 512, [], "f669", "M479.99 352l58.88-58.87c3.29-16.8 5.13-34.12 5.13-51.86 0-5.81-.68-11.51-1.05-17.27H496l41.25-41.24c-14.5-64.79-52.43-123.05-107.91-162.27-2.77-1.96-5.97-2.99-9.25-2.99-5.37 0-10.41 2.71-13.49 7.24-3.05 4.49-3.64 9.99-1.61 15.09 6.55 16.46 9.86 33.73 9.86 51.31 0 45.12-21.03 86.57-57.69 113.73-4.02 2.98-6.46 7.5-6.7 12.4-.24 4.92 1.76 9.66 5.49 13.03 32.93 29.75 47.35 73.51 38.57 117.07-9.74 48.35-48.84 87.1-97.31 96.5l-2.5-65.34L321.88 397c2.98 2.06 7.39 1.69 10.02-.8a8.002 8.002 0 0 0 1.34-9.92l-20.11-33.73 42.07-8.72c3.7-.75 6.38-4.05 6.38-7.83 0-3.77-2.69-7.06-6.38-7.83l-42.07-8.73 20.13-33.77c1.92-3.23 1.34-7.31-1.38-9.91-2.7-2.55-6.97-2.89-10-.8l-30.39 20.67L279.96 7.7a7.964 7.964 0 0 0-8-7.7c-4.33 0-7.84 3.38-8 7.67l-11.52 287.97-30.39-20.66c-3.14-2.12-7.27-1.83-10 .78-2.72 2.59-3.3 6.67-1.36 9.94l20.11 33.73-42.07 8.73c-3.7.75-6.38 4.05-6.38 7.83s2.67 7.08 6.38 7.83l42.07 8.72-20.13 33.77c-1.92 3.23-1.34 7.33 1.39 9.94 2.59 2.45 7.03 2.75 10 .75l27.16-18.48-2.5 65.26c-56.94-11.64-99.89-61.89-99.89-121.92 0-35.08 14.62-67.6 41.17-91.58 3.72-3.36 5.72-8.11 5.48-13.01-.24-4.9-2.68-9.41-6.69-12.38-36.67-27.16-57.71-68.62-57.71-113.74 0-17.56 3.31-34.81 9.84-51.26 2.02-5.09 1.43-10.59-1.62-15.09-3.08-4.54-8.13-7.25-13.51-7.25-3.3 0-6.5 1.04-9.27 3-55.87 39.52-93.6 97.37-107.97 162.07L47.93 224H.72c-.63 9.92-.97 19.91-.5 29.99.62 13.43 2.54 26.53 5.11 39.41l58.6 58.6H24.02c41.25 90.23 131.13 154.94 235.1 159.71 4.3.2 8.59.29 12.85.29 110.34 0 205.35-65.83 247.98-160h-39.96z"],
- "joint": [640, 512, [], "f595", "M444.34 181.1c22.38 15.68 35.66 41.16 35.66 68.59V280c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h48c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8v-30.31c0-43.24-21.01-83.41-56.34-108.06C463.85 125.02 448 99.34 448 70.31V8c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8h-48c-4.42 0-8 3.58-8 8v66.4c0 43.69 24.56 81.63 60.34 106.7zM194.97 358.98C126.03 370.07 59.69 394.69 0 432c83.65 52.28 180.3 80 278.94 80h88.57L254.79 380.49c-14.74-17.2-37.45-25.11-59.82-21.51zM553.28 87.09c-5.67-3.8-9.28-9.96-9.28-16.78V8c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8h-48c-4.42 0-8 3.58-8 8v62.31c0 22.02 10.17 43.41 28.64 55.39C550.79 153.04 576 199.54 576 249.69V280c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h48c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8v-30.31c0-65.44-32.41-126.19-86.72-162.6zM360.89 352.05c-34.4.06-86.81.15-88.21.17l117.8 137.43A63.987 63.987 0 0 0 439.07 512h88.45L409.57 374.4a63.955 63.955 0 0 0-48.68-22.35zM616 352H432l117.99 137.65A63.987 63.987 0 0 0 598.58 512H616c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24V376c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24z"],
- "journal-whills": [448, 512, [], "f66a", "M448 358.4V25.6c0-16-9.6-25.6-25.6-25.6H96C41.6 0 0 41.6 0 96v320c0 54.4 41.6 96 96 96h326.4c12.8 0 25.6-9.6 25.6-25.6v-16c0-6.4-3.2-12.8-9.6-19.2-3.2-16-3.2-60.8 0-73.6 6.4-3.2 9.6-9.6 9.6-19.2zM133.08 144.39l21.26 21.26c1.56 1.56 3.61 2.34 5.66 2.34s4.09-.78 5.66-2.34c3.12-3.12 3.12-8.19 0-11.31l-26.42-26.42c10-20.9 26.24-37.97 46.37-49.26C179.62 88.4 176 99.74 176 112c0 19.96 9.33 37.57 23.66 49.31C190.01 171.37 184 184.96 184 200c0 26.94 19.04 49.4 44.38 54.76l1.36-32.71-10.37 7.04c-.69.45-1.47.69-2.25.69-1 0-1.98-.38-2.75-1.09a4.006 4.006 0 0 1-.69-4.95l8.54-14.31-17.91-3.72c-1.86-.39-3.19-2.03-3.19-3.92s1.33-3.53 3.19-3.92l17.91-3.72-8.54-14.31c-.95-1.61-.67-3.67.69-4.95 1.36-1.3 3.44-1.44 5-.41l12.01 8.16L236 71.83c.09-2.14 1.86-3.83 4-3.83s3.91 1.69 4 3.83l4.68 112.29 14.2-9.65a4.067 4.067 0 0 1 5 .41 4.006 4.006 0 0 1 .69 4.95l-8.54 14.31 17.91 3.72c1.86.39 3.19 2.03 3.19 3.92s-1.33 3.53-3.19 3.92l-17.91 3.72 8.54 14.31c.95 1.61.67 3.67-.69 4.95-.77.72-1.77 1.09-2.75 1.09-.78 0-1.56-.23-2.25-.69l-12.68-8.62 1.43 34.28C276.96 249.4 296 226.94 296 200c0-15.04-6.01-28.63-15.66-38.69C294.67 149.57 304 131.96 304 112c0-12.26-3.62-23.6-9.6-33.33 20.13 11.28 36.37 28.36 46.37 49.26l-26.42 26.42c-3.12 3.12-3.12 8.19 0 11.31 1.56 1.56 3.61 2.34 5.66 2.34s4.09-.78 5.66-2.34l21.26-21.26c2.97 10.08 5.07 20.55 5.07 31.6 0 .52-.14.99-.15 1.51l-37.11 32.47a7.975 7.975 0 0 0-.75 11.28 7.97 7.97 0 0 0 6.02 2.73c1.88 0 3.75-.66 5.27-1.98l23.59-20.64C337.32 250.96 293.09 288 240 288s-97.32-37.04-108.86-86.62l23.59 20.64A7.957 7.957 0 0 0 160 224c2.22 0 4.44-.92 6.02-2.73 2.92-3.33 2.58-8.38-.75-11.28l-37.11-32.47c-.01-.52-.15-.99-.15-1.51-.01-11.06 2.09-21.53 5.07-31.62zM380.8 448H96c-19.2 0-32-12.8-32-32s16-32 32-32h284.8v64z"],
- "kaaba": [576, 512, [], "f66b", "M554.12 83.51L318.36 4.93a95.962 95.962 0 0 0-60.71 0L21.88 83.51A32.006 32.006 0 0 0 0 113.87v49.01l265.02-79.51c15.03-4.5 30.92-4.5 45.98 0l265 79.51v-49.01c0-13.77-8.81-26-21.88-30.36zm-279.9 30.52L0 196.3v228.38c0 15 10.42 27.98 25.06 31.24l242.12 53.8a95.937 95.937 0 0 0 41.65 0l242.12-53.8c14.64-3.25 25.06-16.24 25.06-31.24V196.29l-274.2-82.26c-9.04-2.72-18.59-2.72-27.59 0zM128 230.11c0 3.61-2.41 6.77-5.89 7.72l-80 21.82C37.02 261.03 32 257.2 32 251.93v-16.58c0-3.61 2.41-6.77 5.89-7.72l80-21.82c5.09-1.39 10.11 2.44 10.11 7.72v16.58zm144-39.28c0 3.61-2.41 6.77-5.89 7.72l-96 26.18c-5.09 1.39-10.11-2.44-10.11-7.72v-16.58c0-3.61 2.41-6.77 5.89-7.72l96-26.18c5.09-1.39 10.11 2.44 10.11 7.72v16.58zm176 22.7c0-5.28 5.02-9.11 10.11-7.72l80 21.82c3.48.95 5.89 4.11 5.89 7.72v16.58c0 5.28-5.02 9.11-10.11 7.72l-80-21.82a7.997 7.997 0 0 1-5.89-7.72v-16.58zm-144-39.27c0-5.28 5.02-9.11 10.11-7.72l96 26.18c3.48.95 5.89 4.11 5.89 7.72v16.58c0 5.28-5.02 9.11-10.11 7.72l-96-26.18a7.997 7.997 0 0 1-5.89-7.72v-16.58z"],
- "key": [512, 512, [], "f084", "M512 176.001C512 273.203 433.202 352 336 352c-11.22 0-22.19-1.062-32.827-3.069l-24.012 27.014A23.999 23.999 0 0 1 261.223 384H224v40c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24h-40v40c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-78.059c0-6.365 2.529-12.47 7.029-16.971l161.802-161.802C163.108 213.814 160 195.271 160 176 160 78.798 238.797.001 335.999 0 433.488-.001 512 78.511 512 176.001zM336 128c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48s48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48-48 21.49-48 48z"],
- "keyboard": [576, 512, [], "f11c", "M528 448H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V112c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h480c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v288c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48zM128 180v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H76c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm-336 96v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm-336 96v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H76c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm288 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H172c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h232c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12z"],
- "khanda": [512, 512, [], "f66d", "M415.81 66c-6.37-3.5-14.37-2.33-19.36 3.02a15.974 15.974 0 0 0-1.91 19.52c16.49 26.16 25.2 56.39 25.2 87.41-.19 53.25-26.77 102.69-71.27 132.41l-76.63 53.35v-20.1l44.05-36.09c3.92-4.2 5-10.09 2.81-15.28L310.85 273c33.84-19.26 56.94-55.25 56.94-96.99 0-40.79-22.02-76.13-54.59-95.71l5.22-11.44c2.34-5.53.93-11.83-3.57-16.04L255.86 0l-58.99 52.81c-4.5 4.21-5.9 10.51-3.57 16.04l5.22 11.44c-32.57 19.58-54.59 54.93-54.59 95.72 0 41.75 23.09 77.73 56.94 96.99l-7.85 17.24c-2.19 5.18-1.1 11.07 2.81 15.28l44.05 36.09v19.9l-76.59-53.33C119.02 278.62 92.44 229.19 92.26 176c0-31.08 8.71-61.31 25.2-87.47 3.87-6.16 2.4-13.77-2.59-19.08-5-5.34-13.68-6.2-20.02-2.7C16.32 109.6-22.3 205.3 13.36 295.99c7.07 17.99 17.89 34.38 30.46 49.06l55.97 65.36c4.87 5.69 13.04 7.24 19.65 3.72l79.35-42.23L228 392.23l-47.08 32.78c-1.67-.37-3.23-1.01-5.01-1.01-13.25 0-23.99 10.74-23.99 24 0 13.25 10.74 24 23.99 24 12.1 0 21.69-9.11 23.33-20.76l40.63-28.28v29.95c-9.39 5.57-15.99 15.38-15.99 27.1 0 17.67 14.32 32 31.98 32s31.98-14.33 31.98-32c0-11.71-6.61-21.52-15.99-27.1v-30.15l40.91 28.48C314.41 462.89 324 472 336.09 472c13.25 0 23.99-10.75 23.99-24 0-13.26-10.74-24-23.99-24-1.78 0-3.34.64-5.01 1.01L284 392.23l29.21-20.34 79.35 42.23c6.61 3.52 14.78 1.97 19.65-3.71l52.51-61.31c18.87-22.02 34-47.5 41.25-75.59 21.62-83.66-16.45-167.27-90.16-207.51zm-95.99 110c0 22.3-11.49 41.92-28.83 53.38l-5.65-12.41c-8.75-24.52-8.75-51.04 0-75.56l7.83-17.18c16.07 11.65 26.65 30.45 26.65 51.77zm-127.93 0c0-21.32 10.58-40.12 26.66-51.76l7.83 17.18c8.75 24.52 8.75 51.03 0 75.56l-5.65 12.41c-17.34-11.46-28.84-31.09-28.84-53.39z"],
- "kiss": [496, 512, [], "f596", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm-80 232c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm136 156c0 19.2-28.7 41.5-71.5 44-8.5.8-12.1-11.8-3.6-15.4l17-7.2c13-5.5 20.8-13.5 20.8-21.5s-7.8-16-20.8-21.5l-17-7.2c-6-2.5-6.1-12.2 0-14.8l17-7.2c13-5.5 20.8-13.5 20.8-21.5s-7.8-16-20.8-21.5l-17-7.2c-8.6-3.6-4.8-16.5 3.6-15.4 42.8 2.5 71.5 24.8 71.5 44 0 13-13.4 27.3-35.2 36C290.6 368.7 304 383 304 396zm24-156c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z"],
- "kiss-beam": [496, 512, [], "f597", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm-39 219.9l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.2 7.4-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.3-42.1 32.2-71.4 56-71.4s52.7 29.3 56 71.4c.5 8.5-10.9 12-15.1 4.5zM304 396c0 19.2-28.7 41.5-71.5 44-8.5.8-12.1-11.8-3.6-15.4l17-7.2c13-5.5 20.8-13.5 20.8-21.5s-7.8-16-20.8-21.5l-17-7.2c-6-2.5-6.1-12.2 0-14.8l17-7.2c13-5.5 20.8-13.5 20.8-21.5s-7.8-16-20.8-21.5l-17-7.2c-8.6-3.6-4.8-16.5 3.6-15.4 42.8 2.5 71.5 24.8 71.5 44 0 13-13.4 27.3-35.2 36C290.6 368.7 304 383 304 396zm65-168.1l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.1 7.3-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.3-42.1 32.2-71.4 56-71.4s52.7 29.3 56 71.4c.5 8.5-10.9 12-15.1 4.5z"],
- "kiss-wink-heart": [504, 512, [], "f598", "M501.1 402.5c-8-20.8-31.5-31.5-53.1-25.9l-8.4 2.2-2.3-8.4c-5.9-21.4-27-36.5-49-33-25.2 4-40.6 28.6-34 52.6l22.9 82.6c1.5 5.3 7 8.5 12.4 7.1l83-21.5c24.1-6.3 37.7-31.8 28.5-55.7zm-177.6-4c-5.6-20.3-2.3-42 9-59.7 29.7-46.3 98.7-45.5 127.8 4.3 6.4.1 12.6 1.4 18.6 2.9 10.9-27.9 17.1-58.2 17.1-90C496 119 385 8 248 8S0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248c35.4 0 68.9-7.5 99.4-20.9-.3-.7-23.9-84.6-23.9-84.6zM168 240c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm120 156c0 19.2-28.7 41.5-71.5 44-8.5.8-12.1-11.8-3.6-15.4l17-7.2c13-5.5 20.8-13.5 20.8-21.5s-7.8-16-20.8-21.5l-17-7.2c-6-2.5-5.7-12.3 0-14.8l17-7.2c13-5.5 20.8-13.5 20.8-21.5s-7.8-16-20.8-21.5l-17-7.2c-8.8-3.7-4.6-16.6 3.6-15.4 42.8 2.5 71.5 24.8 71.5 44 0 13-13.4 27.3-35.2 36C274.6 368.7 288 383 288 396zm16-179c-8.3 7.4-21.6.4-19.8-10.8 4-25.2 34.2-42.1 59.9-42.1S400 181 404 206.2c1.7 11.1-11.3 18.3-19.8 10.8l-9.5-8.5c-14.8-13.2-46.2-13.2-61 0L304 217z"],
- "kiwi-bird": [576, 512, [], "f535", "M575.81 217.98C572.64 157.41 518.28 112 457.63 112h-9.37c-52.82 0-104.25-16.25-147.74-46.24-41.99-28.96-96.04-41.62-153.21-28.7C129.3 41.12-.08 78.24 0 224c.04 70.95 38.68 132.8 95.99 166.01V464c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-54.26c15.36 3.96 31.4 6.26 48 6.26 5.44 0 10.68-.73 16-1.18V464c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-59.43c14.24-5.06 27.88-11.39 40.34-19.51C342.07 355.25 393.86 336 448.46 336c25.48 0 16.01-.31 23.05-.78l74.41 136.44c2.86 5.23 8.3 8.34 14.05 8.34 1.31 0 2.64-.16 3.95-.5 7.09-1.8 12.05-8.19 12.05-15.5 0 0 .14-240.24-.16-246.02zM463.97 248c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24zm80 153.25l-39.86-73.08c15.12-5.83 28.73-14.6 39.86-25.98v99.06z"],
- "landmark": [512, 512, [], "f66f", "M501.62 92.11L267.24 2.04a31.958 31.958 0 0 0-22.47 0L10.38 92.11A16.001 16.001 0 0 0 0 107.09V144c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h480c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-36.91c0-6.67-4.14-12.64-10.38-14.98zM64 192v160H48c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v48h448v-48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-16V192h-64v160h-96V192h-64v160h-96V192H64zm432 256H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h480c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z"],
- "language": [640, 512, [], "f1ab", "M304 416H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V120c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h280v320zm-120.676-72.622A12 12 0 0 0 194.839 352h22.863c8.22 0 14.007-8.078 11.362-15.861L171.61 167.085a12 12 0 0 0-11.362-8.139h-32.489a12.001 12.001 0 0 0-11.362 8.139L58.942 336.139C56.297 343.922 62.084 352 70.304 352h22.805a12 12 0 0 0 11.535-8.693l9.118-31.807h60.211l9.351 31.878zm-39.051-140.42s4.32 21.061 7.83 33.21l10.8 37.531h-38.07l11.07-37.531c3.51-12.15 7.83-33.21 7.83-33.21h.54zM616 416H336V96h280c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v272c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24zm-36-228h-64v-16c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-16c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v16h-64c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v16c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h114.106c-6.263 14.299-16.518 28.972-30.023 43.206-6.56-6.898-12.397-13.91-17.365-20.933-3.639-5.144-10.585-6.675-15.995-3.446l-7.28 4.346-6.498 3.879c-5.956 3.556-7.693 11.421-3.735 17.117 6.065 8.729 13.098 17.336 20.984 25.726-8.122 6.226-16.841 12.244-26.103 17.964-5.521 3.41-7.381 10.556-4.162 16.19l7.941 13.896c3.362 5.883 10.935 7.826 16.706 4.276 12.732-7.831 24.571-16.175 35.443-24.891 10.917 8.761 22.766 17.102 35.396 24.881 5.774 3.556 13.353 1.618 16.717-4.27l7.944-13.903c3.213-5.623 1.37-12.76-4.135-16.171a312.737 312.737 0 0 1-26.06-18.019c21.024-22.425 35.768-46.289 42.713-69.85H580c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-16c0-6.625-5.373-11.998-12-11.998z"],
- "laptop": [640, 512, [], "f109", "M624 416H381.54c-.74 19.81-14.71 32-32.74 32H288c-18.69 0-33.02-17.47-32.77-32H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v16c0 35.2 28.8 64 64 64h512c35.2 0 64-28.8 64-64v-16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zM576 48c0-26.4-21.6-48-48-48H112C85.6 0 64 21.6 64 48v336h512V48zm-64 272H128V64h384v256z"],
- "laptop-code": [640, 512, [], "f5fc", "M255.03 261.65c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l11.31-11.31c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63L253.25 192l35.71-35.72c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63l-11.31-11.31c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0l-58.34 58.34c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63l58.35 58.34zm96.01-11.3l11.31 11.31c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l58.34-58.34c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63l-58.34-58.34c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0l-11.31 11.31c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63L386.75 192l-35.71 35.72c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63zM624 416H381.54c-.74 19.81-14.71 32-32.74 32H288c-18.69 0-33.02-17.47-32.77-32H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v16c0 35.2 28.8 64 64 64h512c35.2 0 64-28.8 64-64v-16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zM576 48c0-26.4-21.6-48-48-48H112C85.6 0 64 21.6 64 48v336h512V48zm-64 272H128V64h384v256z"],
- "laugh": [496, 512, [], "f599", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm80 152c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm-160 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm88 272h-16c-73.4 0-134-55-142.9-126-1.2-9.5 6.3-18 15.9-18h270c9.6 0 17.1 8.4 15.9 18-8.9 71-69.5 126-142.9 126z"],
- "laugh-beam": [496, 512, [], "f59a", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm24 199.4c3.3-42.1 32.2-71.4 56-71.4s52.7 29.3 56 71.4c.7 8.6-10.8 11.9-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.2 7.4-15.8 4.1-15.1-4.5zm-160 0c3.3-42.1 32.2-71.4 56-71.4s52.7 29.3 56 71.4c.7 8.6-10.8 11.9-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.3 7.4-15.8 4-15.1-4.5zM398.9 306C390 377 329.4 432 256 432h-16c-73.4 0-134-55-142.9-126-1.2-9.5 6.3-18 15.9-18h270c9.6 0 17.1 8.4 15.9 18z"],
- "laugh-squint": [496, 512, [], "f59b", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm33.8 161.7l80-48c11.6-6.9 24 7.7 15.4 18L343.6 180l33.6 40.3c8.7 10.4-3.9 24.8-15.4 18l-80-48c-7.7-4.7-7.7-15.9 0-20.6zm-163-30c-8.6-10.3 3.8-24.9 15.4-18l80 48c7.8 4.7 7.8 15.9 0 20.6l-80 48c-11.5 6.8-24-7.6-15.4-18l33.6-40.3-33.6-40.3zM398.9 306C390 377 329.4 432 256 432h-16c-73.4 0-134-55-142.9-126-1.2-9.5 6.3-18 15.9-18h270c9.6 0 17.1 8.4 15.9 18z"],
- "laugh-wink": [496, 512, [], "f59c", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm20.1 198.1c4-25.2 34.2-42.1 59.9-42.1s55.9 16.9 59.9 42.1c1.7 11.1-11.4 18.3-19.8 10.8l-9.5-8.5c-14.8-13.2-46.2-13.2-61 0L288 217c-8.4 7.4-21.6.3-19.9-10.9zM168 160c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm230.9 146C390 377 329.4 432 256 432h-16c-73.4 0-134-55-142.9-126-1.2-9.5 6.3-18 15.9-18h270c9.6 0 17.1 8.4 15.9 18z"],
- "layer-group": [512, 512, [], "f5fd", "M12.41 148.02l232.94 105.67c6.8 3.09 14.49 3.09 21.29 0l232.94-105.67c16.55-7.51 16.55-32.52 0-40.03L266.65 2.31a25.607 25.607 0 0 0-21.29 0L12.41 107.98c-16.55 7.51-16.55 32.53 0 40.04zm487.18 88.28l-58.09-26.33-161.64 73.27c-7.56 3.43-15.59 5.17-23.86 5.17s-16.29-1.74-23.86-5.17L70.51 209.97l-58.1 26.33c-16.55 7.5-16.55 32.5 0 40l232.94 105.59c6.8 3.08 14.49 3.08 21.29 0L499.59 276.3c16.55-7.5 16.55-32.5 0-40zm0 127.8l-57.87-26.23-161.86 73.37c-7.56 3.43-15.59 5.17-23.86 5.17s-16.29-1.74-23.86-5.17L70.29 337.87 12.41 364.1c-16.55 7.5-16.55 32.5 0 40l232.94 105.59c6.8 3.08 14.49 3.08 21.29 0L499.59 404.1c16.55-7.5 16.55-32.5 0-40z"],
- "leaf": [576, 512, [], "f06c", "M546.2 9.7c-5.6-12.5-21.6-13-28.3-1.2C486.9 62.4 431.4 96 368 96h-80C182 96 96 182 96 288c0 7 .8 13.7 1.5 20.5C161.3 262.8 253.4 224 384 224c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16C132.6 256 26 410.1 2.4 468c-6.6 16.3 1.2 34.9 17.5 41.6 16.4 6.8 35-1.1 41.8-17.3 1.5-3.6 20.9-47.9 71.9-90.6 32.4 43.9 94 85.8 174.9 77.2C465.5 467.5 576 326.7 576 154.3c0-50.2-10.8-102.2-29.8-144.6z"],
- "lemon": [512, 512, [], "f094", "M489.038 22.963C465.944-.13 434.648-5.93 413.947 6.129c-58.906 34.312-181.25-53.077-321.073 86.746S40.441 355.041 6.129 413.945c-12.059 20.702-6.26 51.999 16.833 75.093 23.095 23.095 54.392 28.891 75.095 16.832 58.901-34.31 181.246 53.079 321.068-86.743S471.56 156.96 505.871 98.056c12.059-20.702 6.261-51.999-16.833-75.093zM243.881 95.522c-58.189 14.547-133.808 90.155-148.358 148.358-1.817 7.27-8.342 12.124-15.511 12.124-1.284 0-2.59-.156-3.893-.481-8.572-2.144-13.784-10.83-11.642-19.403C81.901 166.427 166.316 81.93 236.119 64.478c8.575-2.143 17.261 3.069 19.403 11.642s-3.069 17.259-11.641 19.402z"],
- "less-than": [384, 512, [], "f536", "M365.46 357.74L147.04 255.89l218.47-101.88c16.02-7.47 22.95-26.51 15.48-42.53l-13.52-29C360 66.46 340.96 59.53 324.94 67L18.48 209.91a32.014 32.014 0 0 0-18.48 29v34.24c0 12.44 7.21 23.75 18.48 29l306.31 142.83c16.06 7.49 35.15.54 42.64-15.52l13.56-29.08c7.49-16.06.54-35.15-15.53-42.64z"],
- "less-than-equal": [448, 512, [], "f537", "M54.98 214.2l301.41 119.87c18.39 6.03 38.71-2.54 45.38-19.15l12.09-30.08c6.68-16.61-2.82-34.97-21.21-41l-175.44-68.05 175.56-68.09c18.29-6 27.74-24.27 21.1-40.79l-12.03-29.92c-6.64-16.53-26.86-25.06-45.15-19.06L54.98 137.89C41.21 142.41 32 154.5 32 168.07v15.96c0 13.56 9.21 25.65 22.98 30.17zM424 400H24c-13.25 0-24 10.74-24 24v48c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h400c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-48c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24z"],
- "level-down-alt": [320, 512, [], "f3be", "M313.553 392.331L209.587 504.334c-9.485 10.214-25.676 10.229-35.174 0L70.438 392.331C56.232 377.031 67.062 352 88.025 352H152V80H68.024a11.996 11.996 0 0 1-8.485-3.515l-56-56C-4.021 12.926 1.333 0 12.024 0H208c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v328h63.966c20.878 0 31.851 24.969 17.587 40.331z"],
- "level-up-alt": [320, 512, [], "f3bf", "M313.553 119.669L209.587 7.666c-9.485-10.214-25.676-10.229-35.174 0L70.438 119.669C56.232 134.969 67.062 160 88.025 160H152v272H68.024a11.996 11.996 0 0 0-8.485 3.515l-56 56C-4.021 499.074 1.333 512 12.024 512H208c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V160h63.966c20.878 0 31.851-24.969 17.587-40.331z"],
- "life-ring": [512, 512, [], "f1cd", "M256 8C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm173.696 119.559l-63.399 63.399c-10.987-18.559-26.67-34.252-45.255-45.255l63.399-63.399a218.396 218.396 0 0 1 45.255 45.255zM256 352c-53.019 0-96-42.981-96-96s42.981-96 96-96 96 42.981 96 96-42.981 96-96 96zM127.559 82.304l63.399 63.399c-18.559 10.987-34.252 26.67-45.255 45.255l-63.399-63.399a218.372 218.372 0 0 1 45.255-45.255zM82.304 384.441l63.399-63.399c10.987 18.559 26.67 34.252 45.255 45.255l-63.399 63.399a218.396 218.396 0 0 1-45.255-45.255zm302.137 45.255l-63.399-63.399c18.559-10.987 34.252-26.67 45.255-45.255l63.399 63.399a218.403 218.403 0 0 1-45.255 45.255z"],
- "lightbulb": [352, 512, [], "f0eb", "M96.06 454.35c.01 6.29 1.87 12.45 5.36 17.69l17.09 25.69a31.99 31.99 0 0 0 26.64 14.28h61.71a31.99 31.99 0 0 0 26.64-14.28l17.09-25.69a31.989 31.989 0 0 0 5.36-17.69l.04-38.35H96.01l.05 38.35zM0 176c0 44.37 16.45 84.85 43.56 115.78 16.52 18.85 42.36 58.23 52.21 9.85-33.22 35.69-72.6 52.21-91.45C335.55 260.85 352 220.37 352 176 352 78.61 272.91-.3 175.45 0 73.44.31 0 82.97 0 176zm176-80c-44.11 0-80 35.89-80 80 0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16s-16-7.16-16-16c0-61.76 50.24-112 112-112 8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16s-7.16 16-16 16z"],
- "link": [512, 512, [], "f0c1", "M326.612 185.391c59.747 59.809 58.927 155.698.36 214.59-.11.12-.24.25-.36.37l-67.2 67.2c-59.27 59.27-155.699 59.262-214.96 0-59.27-59.26-59.27-155.7 0-214.96l37.106-37.106c9.84-9.84 26.786-3.3 27.294 10.606.648 17.722 3.826 35.527 9.69 52.721 1.986 5.822.567 12.262-3.783 16.612l-13.087 13.087c-28.026 28.026-28.905 73.66-1.155 101.96 28.024 28.579 74.086 28.749 102.325.51l67.2-67.19c28.191-28.191 28.073-73.757 0-101.83-3.701-3.694-7.429-6.564-10.341-8.569a16.037 16.037 0 0 1-6.947-12.606c-.396-10.567 3.348-21.456 11.698-29.806l21.054-21.055c5.521-5.521 14.182-6.199 20.584-1.731a152.482 152.482 0 0 1 20.522 17.197zM467.547 44.449c-59.261-59.262-155.69-59.27-214.96 0l-67.2 67.2c-.12.12-.25.25-.36.37-58.566 58.892-59.387 154.781.36 214.59a152.454 152.454 0 0 0 20.521 17.196c6.402 4.468 15.064 3.789 20.584-1.731l21.054-21.055c8.35-8.35 12.094-19.239 11.698-29.806a16.037 16.037 0 0 0-6.947-12.606c-2.912-2.005-6.64-4.875-10.341-8.569-28.073-28.073-28.191-73.639 0-101.83l67.2-67.19c28.239-28.239 74.3-28.069 102.325.51 27.75 28.3 26.872 73.934-1.155 101.96l-13.087 13.087c-4.35 4.35-5.769 10.79-3.783 16.612 5.864 17.194 9.042 34.999 9.69 52.721.509 13.906 17.454 20.446 27.294 10.606l37.106-37.106c59.271-59.259 59.271-155.699.001-214.959z"],
- "lira-sign": [384, 512, [], "f195", "M371.994 256h-48.019C317.64 256 312 260.912 312 267.246 312 368 230.179 416 144 416V256.781l134.603-29.912A12 12 0 0 0 288 215.155v-40.976c0-7.677-7.109-13.38-14.603-11.714L144 191.219V160.78l134.603-29.912A12 12 0 0 0 288 119.154V78.179c0-7.677-7.109-13.38-14.603-11.714L144 95.219V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H76c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v68.997L9.397 125.131A12 12 0 0 0 0 136.845v40.976c0 7.677 7.109 13.38 14.603 11.714L64 178.558v30.439L9.397 221.131A12 12 0 0 0 0 232.845v40.976c0 7.677 7.109 13.38 14.603 11.714L64 274.558V468c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h79.583c134.091 0 223.255-77.834 228.408-211.592.261-6.782-5.211-12.408-11.997-12.408z"],
- "list": [512, 512, [], "f03a", "M128 116V76c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h352c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v40c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H144c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zm16 176h352c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H144c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h352c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H144c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zM16 144h64c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V64c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16C7.163 48 0 55.163 0 64v64c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h64c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-64c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v64c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h64c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-64c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v64c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16z"],
- "list-alt": [512, 512, [], "f022", "M464 480H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h416c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48zM128 120c-22.091 0-40 17.909-40 40s17.909 40 40 40 40-17.909 40-40-17.909-40-40-40zm0 96c-22.091 0-40 17.909-40 40s17.909 40 40 40 40-17.909 40-40-17.909-40-40-40zm0 96c-22.091 0-40 17.909-40 40s17.909 40 40 40 40-17.909 40-40-17.909-40-40-40zm288-136v-32c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H204c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v32c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h200c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm0 96v-32c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H204c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v32c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h200c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm0 96v-32c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H204c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v32c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h200c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12z"],
- "list-ol": [512, 512, [], "f0cb", "M3.263 139.527c0-7.477 3.917-11.572 11.573-11.572h15.131V88.078c0-5.163.534-10.503.534-10.503h-.356s-1.779 2.67-2.848 3.738c-4.451 4.273-10.504 4.451-15.666-1.068l-5.518-6.231c-5.342-5.341-4.984-11.216.534-16.379l21.72-19.938C32.815 33.602 36.732 32 42.785 32H54.89c7.656 0 11.749 3.916 11.749 11.572v84.384h15.488c7.655 0 11.572 4.094 11.572 11.572v8.901c0 7.477-3.917 11.572-11.572 11.572H14.836c-7.656 0-11.573-4.095-11.573-11.572v-8.902zM2.211 304.591c0-47.278 50.955-56.383 50.955-69.165 0-7.18-5.954-8.755-9.28-8.755-3.153 0-6.479 1.051-9.455 3.852-5.079 4.903-10.507 7.004-16.111 2.451l-8.579-6.829c-5.779-4.553-7.18-9.805-2.803-15.409C13.592 201.981 26.025 192 47.387 192c19.437 0 44.476 10.506 44.476 39.573 0 38.347-46.753 46.402-48.679 56.909h39.049c7.529 0 11.557 4.027 11.557 11.382v8.755c0 7.354-4.028 11.382-11.557 11.382h-67.94c-7.005 0-12.083-4.028-12.083-11.382v-4.028zM5.654 454.61l5.603-9.28c3.853-6.654 9.105-7.004 15.584-3.152 4.903 2.101 9.63 3.152 14.359 3.152 10.155 0 14.358-3.502 14.358-8.23 0-6.654-5.604-9.106-15.934-9.106h-4.728c-5.954 0-9.28-2.101-12.258-7.88l-1.05-1.926c-2.451-4.728-1.226-9.806 2.801-14.884l5.604-7.004c6.829-8.405 12.257-13.483 12.257-13.483v-.35s-4.203 1.051-12.608 1.051H16.685c-7.53 0-11.383-4.028-11.383-11.382v-8.755c0-7.53 3.853-11.382 11.383-11.382h58.484c7.529 0 11.382 4.027 11.382 11.382v3.327c0 5.778-1.401 9.806-5.079 14.183l-17.509 20.137c19.611 5.078 28.716 20.487 28.716 34.845 0 21.363-14.358 44.126-48.503 44.126-16.636 0-28.192-4.728-35.896-9.455-5.779-4.202-6.304-9.805-2.626-15.934zM144 132h352c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V76c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H144c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h352c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H144c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h352c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H144c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16z"],
- "list-ul": [512, 512, [], "f0ca", "M96 96c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48S0 122.51 0 96s21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48zM48 208c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48zm0 160c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48zm96-236h352c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V76c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H144c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h352c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H144c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm0 160h352c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H144c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16z"],
- "location-arrow": [512, 512, [], "f124", "M444.52 3.52L28.74 195.42c-47.97 22.39-31.98 92.75 19.19 92.75h175.91v175.91c0 51.17 70.36 67.17 92.75 19.19l191.9-415.78c15.99-38.39-25.59-79.97-63.97-63.97z"],
- "lock": [448, 512, [], "f023", "M400 224h-24v-72C376 68.2 307.8 0 224 0S72 68.2 72 152v72H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v192c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V272c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-104 0H152v-72c0-39.7 32.3-72 72-72s72 32.3 72 72v72z"],
- "lock-open": [576, 512, [], "f3c1", "M423.5 0C339.5.3 272 69.5 272 153.5V224H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v192c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V272c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48h-48v-71.1c0-39.6 31.7-72.5 71.3-72.9 40-.4 72.7 32.1 72.7 72v80c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h32c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24v-80C576 68 507.5-.3 423.5 0z"],
- "long-arrow-alt-down": [256, 512, [], "f309", "M168 345.941V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-56c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v301.941H41.941c-21.382 0-32.09 25.851-16.971 40.971l86.059 86.059c9.373 9.373 24.569 9.373 33.941 0l86.059-86.059c15.119-15.119 4.411-40.971-16.971-40.971H168z"],
- "long-arrow-alt-left": [448, 512, [], "f30a", "M134.059 296H436c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-56c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H134.059v-46.059c0-21.382-25.851-32.09-40.971-16.971L7.029 239.029c-9.373 9.373-9.373 24.569 0 33.941l86.059 86.059c15.119 15.119 40.971 4.411 40.971-16.971V296z"],
- "long-arrow-alt-right": [448, 512, [], "f30b", "M313.941 216H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v56c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h301.941v46.059c0 21.382 25.851 32.09 40.971 16.971l86.059-86.059c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.569 0-33.941l-86.059-86.059c-15.119-15.119-40.971-4.411-40.971 16.971V216z"],
- "long-arrow-alt-up": [256, 512, [], "f30c", "M88 166.059V468c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h56c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V166.059h46.059c21.382 0 32.09-25.851 16.971-40.971l-86.059-86.059c-9.373-9.373-24.569-9.373-33.941 0l-86.059 86.059c-15.119 15.119-4.411 40.971 16.971 40.971H88z"],
- "low-vision": [576, 512, [], "f2a8", "M569.344 231.631C512.96 135.949 407.81 72 288 72c-28.468 0-56.102 3.619-82.451 10.409L152.778 10.24c-7.601-10.858-22.564-13.5-33.423-5.9l-13.114 9.178c-10.86 7.601-13.502 22.566-5.9 33.426l43.131 58.395C89.449 131.73 40.228 174.683 6.682 231.581c-.01.017-.023.033-.034.05-8.765 14.875-8.964 33.528 0 48.739 38.5 65.332 99.742 115.862 172.859 141.349L55.316 244.302A272.194 272.194 0 0 1 83.61 208.39l119.4 170.58h.01l40.63 58.04a330.055 330.055 0 0 0 78.94 1.17l-189.98-271.4a277.628 277.628 0 0 1 38.777-21.563l251.836 356.544c7.601 10.858 22.564 13.499 33.423 5.9l13.114-9.178c10.86-7.601 13.502-22.567 5.9-33.426l-43.12-58.377-.007-.009c57.161-27.978 104.835-72.04 136.81-126.301a47.938 47.938 0 0 0 .001-48.739zM390.026 345.94l-19.066-27.23c24.682-32.567 27.711-76.353 8.8-111.68v.03c0 23.65-19.17 42.82-42.82 42.82-23.828 0-42.82-19.349-42.82-42.82 0-23.65 19.17-42.82 42.82-42.82h.03c-24.75-13.249-53.522-15.643-79.51-7.68l-19.068-27.237C253.758 123.306 270.488 120 288 120c75.162 0 136 60.826 136 136 0 34.504-12.833 65.975-33.974 89.94z"],
- "luggage-cart": [640, 512, [], "f59d", "M224 320h32V96h-32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v160c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32zm352-32V128c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-32v224h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32zm48 96H128V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H16C7.16 0 0 7.16 0 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48v368c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h82.94c-1.79 5.03-2.94 10.36-2.94 16 0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48s48-21.49 48-48c0-5.64-1.15-10.97-2.94-16h197.88c-1.79 5.03-2.94 10.36-2.94 16 0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48s48-21.49 48-48c0-5.64-1.15-10.97-2.94-16H624c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zM480 96V48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48h-96c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v272h192V96zm-48 0h-96V48h96v48z"],
- "magic": [512, 512, [], "f0d0", "M224 96l16-32 32-16-32-16-16-32-16 32-32 16 32 16 16 32zM80 160l26.66-53.33L160 80l-53.34-26.67L80 0 53.34 53.33 0 80l53.34 26.67L80 160zm352 128l-26.66 53.33L352 368l53.34 26.67L432 448l26.66-53.33L512 368l-53.34-26.67L432 288zm70.62-193.77L417.77 9.38C411.53 3.12 403.34 0 395.15 0c-8.19 0-16.38 3.12-22.63 9.38L9.38 372.52c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.76 0 45.25l84.85 84.85c6.25 6.25 14.44 9.37 22.62 9.37 8.19 0 16.38-3.12 22.63-9.37l363.14-363.15c12.5-12.48 12.5-32.75 0-45.24zM359.45 203.46l-50.91-50.91 86.6-86.6 50.91 50.91-86.6 86.6z"],
- "magnet": [512, 512, [], "f076", "M164.1 160H12c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V68c0-19.9 16.1-36 36-36h104c19.9 0 36 16.1 36 36v80c.1 6.6-5.3 12-11.9 12zm348-12V67.9c0-19.9-16.1-36-36-36h-104c-19.9 0-36 16.1-36 36v80c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h152c6.6.1 12-5.3 12-11.9zm-164 44c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v52c0 128.1-160 127.9-160 0v-52c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-152c-6.7 0-12 5.4-12 12.1.1 21.4.6 40.3 0 53.3C.1 408 136.3 504 256.9 504 377.5 504 512 408 512 257.3c-.6-12.8-.2-33 0-53.2 0-6.7-5.3-12.1-12-12.1H348.1z"],
- "mail-bulk": [576, 512, [], "f674", "M160 448c-25.6 0-51.2-22.4-64-32-64-44.8-83.2-60.8-96-70.4V480c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h256c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V345.6c-12.8 9.6-32 25.6-96 70.4-12.8 9.6-38.4 32-64 32zm128-192H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v16c25.6 19.2 22.4 19.2 115.2 86.4 9.6 6.4 28.8 25.6 44.8 25.6s35.2-19.2 44.8-22.4c92.8-67.2 89.6-67.2 115.2-86.4V288c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm256-96H224c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32h96c33.21 0 60.59 25.42 63.71 57.82l.29-.22V416h192c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V192c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm-32 128h-64v-64h64v64zm-352-96c0-35.29 28.71-64 64-64h224V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H96C78.33 0 64 14.33 64 32v192h96v-32z"],
- "male": [192, 512, [], "f183", "M96 0c35.346 0 64 28.654 64 64s-28.654 64-64 64-64-28.654-64-64S60.654 0 96 0m48 144h-11.36c-22.711 10.443-49.59 10.894-73.28 0H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v136c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h16v136c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h64c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V352h16c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V192c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48z"],
- "map": [576, 512, [], "f279", "M0 117.66v346.32c0 11.32 11.43 19.06 21.94 14.86L160 416V32L20.12 87.95A32.006 32.006 0 0 0 0 117.66zM192 416l192 64V96L192 32v384zM554.06 33.16L416 96v384l139.88-55.95A31.996 31.996 0 0 0 576 394.34V48.02c0-11.32-11.43-19.06-21.94-14.86z"],
- "map-marked": [576, 512, [], "f59f", "M288 0c-69.59 0-126 56.41-126 126 0 56.26 82.35 158.8 113.9 196.02 6.39 7.54 17.82 7.54 24.2 0C331.65 284.8 414 182.26 414 126 414 56.41 357.59 0 288 0zM20.12 215.95A32.006 32.006 0 0 0 0 245.66v250.32c0 11.32 11.43 19.06 21.94 14.86L160 448V214.92c-8.84-15.98-16.07-31.54-21.25-46.42L20.12 215.95zM288 359.67c-14.07 0-27.38-6.18-36.51-16.96-19.66-23.2-40.57-49.62-59.49-76.72v182l192 64V266c-18.92 27.09-39.82 53.52-59.49 76.72-9.13 10.77-22.44 16.95-36.51 16.95zm266.06-198.51L416 224v288l139.88-55.95A31.996 31.996 0 0 0 576 426.34V176.02c0-11.32-11.43-19.06-21.94-14.86z"],
- "map-marked-alt": [576, 512, [], "f5a0", "M288 0c-69.59 0-126 56.41-126 126 0 56.26 82.35 158.8 113.9 196.02 6.39 7.54 17.82 7.54 24.2 0C331.65 284.8 414 182.26 414 126 414 56.41 357.59 0 288 0zm0 168c-23.2 0-42-18.8-42-42s18.8-42 42-42 42 18.8 42 42-18.8 42-42 42zM20.12 215.95A32.006 32.006 0 0 0 0 245.66v250.32c0 11.32 11.43 19.06 21.94 14.86L160 448V214.92c-8.84-15.98-16.07-31.54-21.25-46.42L20.12 215.95zM288 359.67c-14.07 0-27.38-6.18-36.51-16.96-19.66-23.2-40.57-49.62-59.49-76.72v182l192 64V266c-18.92 27.09-39.82 53.52-59.49 76.72-9.13 10.77-22.44 16.95-36.51 16.95zm266.06-198.51L416 224v288l139.88-55.95A31.996 31.996 0 0 0 576 426.34V176.02c0-11.32-11.43-19.06-21.94-14.86z"],
- "map-marker": [384, 512, [], "f041", "M172.268 501.67C26.97 291.031 0 269.413 0 192 0 85.961 85.961 0 192 0s192 85.961 192 192c0 77.413-26.97 99.031-172.268 309.67-9.535 13.774-29.93 13.773-39.464 0z"],
- "map-marker-alt": [384, 512, [], "f3c5", "M172.268 501.67C26.97 291.031 0 269.413 0 192 0 85.961 85.961 0 192 0s192 85.961 192 192c0 77.413-26.97 99.031-172.268 309.67-9.535 13.774-29.93 13.773-39.464 0zM192 272c44.183 0 80-35.817 80-80s-35.817-80-80-80-80 35.817-80 80 35.817 80 80 80z"],
- "map-pin": [288, 512, [], "f276", "M112 316.94v156.69l22.02 33.02c4.75 7.12 15.22 7.12 19.97 0L176 473.63V316.94c-10.39 1.92-21.06 3.06-32 3.06s-21.61-1.14-32-3.06zM144 0C64.47 0 0 64.47 0 144s64.47 144 144 144 144-64.47 144-144S223.53 0 144 0zm0 76c-37.5 0-68 30.5-68 68 0 6.62-5.38 12-12 12s-12-5.38-12-12c0-50.73 41.28-92 92-92 6.62 0 12 5.38 12 12s-5.38 12-12 12z"],
- "map-signs": [512, 512, [], "f277", "M507.31 84.69L464 41.37c-6-6-14.14-9.37-22.63-9.37H288V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-32c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v16H56c-13.25 0-24 10.75-24 24v80c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h385.37c8.49 0 16.62-3.37 22.63-9.37l43.31-43.31c6.25-6.26 6.25-16.38 0-22.63zM224 496c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V384h-64v112zm232-272H288v-32h-64v32H70.63c-8.49 0-16.62 3.37-22.63 9.37L4.69 276.69c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63L48 342.63c6 6 14.14 9.37 22.63 9.37H456c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24v-80c0-13.25-10.75-24-24-24z"],
- "marker": [512, 512, [], "f5a1", "M93.95 290.03A327.038 327.038 0 0 0 .17 485.11l-.03.23c-1.7 15.28 11.21 28.2 26.49 26.51a327.02 327.02 0 0 0 195.34-93.8l75.4-75.4-128.02-128.02-75.4 75.4zM485.49 26.51c-35.35-35.35-92.67-35.35-128.02 0l-21.76 21.76-36.56-36.55c-15.62-15.62-40.95-15.62-56.56 0L138.47 115.84c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63l22.62 22.62c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l87.15-87.15 19.59 19.59L191.98 192 320 320.02l165.49-165.49c35.35-35.35 35.35-92.66 0-128.02z"],
- "mars": [384, 512, [], "f222", "M372 64h-79c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l16.9 16.9-80.7 80.7c-22.2-14-48.5-22.1-76.7-22.1C64.5 160 0 224.5 0 304s64.5 144 144 144 144-64.5 144-144c0-28.2-8.1-54.5-22.1-76.7l80.7-80.7 16.9 16.9c7.6 7.6 20.5 2.2 20.5-8.5V76c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zM144 384c-44.1 0-80-35.9-80-80s35.9-80 80-80 80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80z"],
- "mars-double": [512, 512, [], "f227", "M340 0h-79c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l16.9 16.9-48.7 48.7C198.5 72.1 172.2 64 144 64 64.5 64 0 128.5 0 208s64.5 144 144 144 144-64.5 144-144c0-28.2-8.1-54.5-22.1-76.7l48.7-48.7 16.9 16.9c2.4 2.4 5.5 3.5 8.4 3.5 6.2 0 12.1-4.8 12.1-12V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zM144 288c-44.1 0-80-35.9-80-80s35.9-80 80-80 80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80zm356-128.1h-79c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l16.9 16.9-48.7 48.7c-18.2-11.4-39-18.9-61.5-21.3-2.1 21.8-8.2 43.3-18.4 63.3 1.1 0 2.2-.1 3.2-.1 44.1 0 80 35.9 80 80s-35.9 80-80 80-80-35.9-80-80c0-1.1 0-2.2.1-3.2-20 10.2-41.5 16.4-63.3 18.4C168.4 455.6 229.6 512 304 512c79.5 0 144-64.5 144-144 0-28.2-8.1-54.5-22.1-76.7l48.7-48.7 16.9 16.9c2.4 2.4 5.4 3.5 8.4 3.5 6.2 0 12.1-4.8 12.1-12v-79c0-6.7-5.4-12.1-12-12.1z"],
- "mars-stroke": [384, 512, [], "f229", "M372 64h-79c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l16.9 16.9-17.5 17.5-14.1-14.1c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0L224.5 133c-4.7 4.7-4.7 12.3 0 17l14.1 14.1-18 18c-22.2-14-48.5-22.1-76.7-22.1C64.5 160 0 224.5 0 304s64.5 144 144 144 144-64.5 144-144c0-28.2-8.1-54.5-22.1-76.7l18-18 14.1 14.1c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0l28.3-28.3c4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17L329.2 164l17.5-17.5 16.9 16.9c7.6 7.6 20.5 2.2 20.5-8.5V76c-.1-6.6-5.5-12-12.1-12zM144 384c-44.1 0-80-35.9-80-80s35.9-80 80-80 80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80z"],
- "mars-stroke-h": [480, 512, [], "f22b", "M476.2 247.5l-55.9-55.9c-7.6-7.6-20.5-2.2-20.5 8.5V224H376v-20c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v20h-27.6c-5.8-25.6-18.7-49.9-38.6-69.8C189.6 98 98.4 98 42.2 154.2c-56.2 56.2-56.2 147.4 0 203.6 56.2 56.2 147.4 56.2 203.6 0 19.9-19.9 32.8-44.2 38.6-69.8H312v20c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-20h23.9v23.9c0 10.7 12.9 16 20.5 8.5l55.9-55.9c4.6-4.7 4.6-12.3-.1-17zm-275.6 65.1c-31.2 31.2-81.9 31.2-113.1 0-31.2-31.2-31.2-81.9 0-113.1 31.2-31.2 81.9-31.2 113.1 0 31.2 31.1 31.2 81.9 0 113.1z"],
- "mars-stroke-v": [288, 512, [], "f22a", "M245.8 234.2c-19.9-19.9-44.2-32.8-69.8-38.6v-25.4h20c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-20V81.4h23.9c10.7 0 16-12.9 8.5-20.5L152.5 5.1c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0L79.6 61c-7.6 7.6-2.2 20.5 8.5 20.5H112v24.7H92c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h20v25.4c-25.6 5.8-49.9 18.7-69.8 38.6-56.2 56.2-56.2 147.4 0 203.6 56.2 56.2 147.4 56.2 203.6 0 56.3-56.2 56.3-147.4 0-203.6zm-45.2 158.4c-31.2 31.2-81.9 31.2-113.1 0-31.2-31.2-31.2-81.9 0-113.1 31.2-31.2 81.9-31.2 113.1 0 31.2 31.1 31.2 81.9 0 113.1z"],
- "medal": [512, 512, [], "f5a2", "M223.75 130.75L154.62 15.54A31.997 31.997 0 0 0 127.18 0H16.03C3.08 0-4.5 14.57 2.92 25.18l111.27 158.96c29.72-27.77 67.52-46.83 109.56-53.39zM495.97 0H384.82c-11.24 0-21.66 5.9-27.44 15.54l-69.13 115.21c42.04 6.56 79.84 25.62 109.56 53.38L509.08 25.18C516.5 14.57 508.92 0 495.97 0zM256 160c-97.2 0-176 78.8-176 176s78.8 176 176 176 176-78.8 176-176-78.8-176-176-176zm92.52 157.26l-37.93 36.96 8.97 52.22c1.6 9.36-8.26 16.51-16.65 12.09L256 393.88l-46.9 24.65c-8.4 4.45-18.25-2.74-16.65-12.09l8.97-52.22-37.93-36.96c-6.82-6.64-3.05-18.23 6.35-19.59l52.43-7.64 23.43-47.52c2.11-4.28 6.19-6.39 10.28-6.39 4.11 0 8.22 2.14 10.33 6.39l23.43 47.52 52.43 7.64c9.4 1.36 13.17 12.95 6.35 19.59z"],
- "medkit": [512, 512, [], "f0fa", "M96 480h320V128h-32V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48H176c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v48H96v352zm96-384h128v32H192V96zm320 80v256c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48h-16V128h16c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zM64 480H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V176c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h16v352zm288-208v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-48v48c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-32c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-48h-48c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h48v-48c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h32c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v48h48c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16z"],
- "meh": [496, 512, [], "f11a", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm-80 168c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm176 192H152c-21.2 0-21.2-32 0-32h192c21.2 0 21.2 32 0 32zm-16-128c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z"],
- "meh-blank": [496, 512, [], "f5a4", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm-80 232c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm160 0c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z"],
- "meh-rolling-eyes": [496, 512, [], "f5a5", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM88 224c0-24.3 13.7-45.2 33.6-56-.7 2.6-1.6 5.2-1.6 8 0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32s32-14.3 32-32c0-2.8-.9-5.4-1.6-8 19.9 10.8 33.6 31.7 33.6 56 0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64s-64-28.7-64-64zm224 176H184c-21.2 0-21.2-32 0-32h128c21.2 0 21.2 32 0 32zm32-112c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64 0-24.3 13.7-45.2 33.6-56-.7 2.6-1.6 5.2-1.6 8 0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32s32-14.3 32-32c0-2.8-.9-5.4-1.6-8 19.9 10.8 33.6 31.7 33.6 56 0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64z"],
- "memory": [640, 512, [], "f538", "M640 130.94V96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H32C14.33 64 0 78.33 0 96v34.94c18.6 6.61 32 24.19 32 45.06s-13.4 38.45-32 45.06V320h640v-98.94c-18.6-6.61-32-24.19-32-45.06s13.4-38.45 32-45.06zM224 256h-64V128h64v128zm128 0h-64V128h64v128zm128 0h-64V128h64v128zM0 448h64v-26.67c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16s16 7.16 16 16V448h128v-26.67c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16s16 7.16 16 16V448h128v-26.67c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16s16 7.16 16 16V448h128v-26.67c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16s16 7.16 16 16V448h64v-96H0v96z"],
- "menorah": [640, 512, [], "f676", "M144 160h-32c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v112h64V176c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm96 0h-32c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v112h64V176c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm192 0h-32c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v112h64V176c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm96 0h-32c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v112h64V176c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm80-32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32s-32-64-32-64-32 46.33-32 64 14.33 32 32 32zm-96 0c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32s-32-64-32-64-32 46.33-32 64 14.33 32 32 32zm-96 0c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32s-32-64-32-64-32 46.33-32 64 14.33 32 32 32zm-96-32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32S320 0 320 0s-32 46.33-32 64 14.33 32 32 32zm-96 32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32s-32-64-32-64-32 46.33-32 64 14.33 32 32 32zm-96 0c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32s-32-64-32-64-32 46.33-32 64 14.33 32 32 32zm-96 0c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32S32 32 32 32 0 78.33 0 96s14.33 32 32 32zm544 160c0 17.67-14.33 32-32 32H352V144c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-32c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v176H96c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32V176c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v112c0 53.02 42.98 96 96 96h192v64H112c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h416c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H352v-64h192c53.02 0 96-42.98 96-96V176c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-32c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v112z"],
- "mercury": [288, 512, [], "f223", "M288 208c0-44.2-19.9-83.7-51.2-110.1 2.5-1.8 4.9-3.8 7.2-5.8 24.7-21.2 39.8-48.8 43.2-78.8.9-7.1-4.7-13.3-11.9-13.3h-40.5C229 0 224.1 4.1 223 9.8c-2.4 12.5-9.6 24.3-20.7 33.8C187 56.8 166.3 64 144 64s-43-7.2-58.4-20.4C74.5 34.1 67.4 22.3 64.9 9.8 63.8 4.1 58.9 0 53.2 0H12.7C5.5 0-.1 6.2.8 13.3 4.2 43.4 19.2 71 44 92.2c2.3 2 4.7 3.9 7.2 5.8C19.9 124.3 0 163.8 0 208c0 68.5 47.9 125.9 112 140.4V400H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h36v36c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-36h36c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-36v-51.6c64.1-14.5 112-71.9 112-140.4zm-224 0c0-44.1 35.9-80 80-80s80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80-80-35.9-80-80z"],
- "microchip": [512, 512, [], "f2db", "M416 48v416c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H144c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V48c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h224c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zm96 58v12a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-18v6a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-42V88h42a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v6h18a6 6 0 0 1 6 6zm0 96v12a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-18v6a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-42v-48h42a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v6h18a6 6 0 0 1 6 6zm0 96v12a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-18v6a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-42v-48h42a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v6h18a6 6 0 0 1 6 6zm0 96v12a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-18v6a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-42v-48h42a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v6h18a6 6 0 0 1 6 6zM30 376h42v48H30a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-6H6a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-12a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h18v-6a6 6 0 0 1 6-6zm0-96h42v48H30a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-6H6a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-12a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h18v-6a6 6 0 0 1 6-6zm0-96h42v48H30a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-6H6a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-12a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h18v-6a6 6 0 0 1 6-6zm0-96h42v48H30a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-6H6a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-12a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h18v-6a6 6 0 0 1 6-6z"],
- "microphone": [352, 512, [], "f130", "M176 352c53.02 0 96-42.98 96-96V96c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96S80 42.98 80 96v160c0 53.02 42.98 96 96 96zm160-160h-16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v48c0 74.8-64.49 134.82-140.79 127.38C96.71 376.89 48 317.11 48 250.3V208c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v40.16c0 89.64 63.97 169.55 152 181.69V464H96c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h160c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-56v-33.77C285.71 418.47 352 344.9 352 256v-48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z"],
- "microphone-alt": [352, 512, [], "f3c9", "M336 192h-16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v48c0 74.8-64.49 134.82-140.79 127.38C96.71 376.89 48 317.11 48 250.3V208c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v40.16c0 89.64 63.97 169.55 152 181.69V464H96c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h160c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-56v-33.77C285.71 418.47 352 344.9 352 256v-48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zM176 352c53.02 0 96-42.98 96-96h-85.33c-5.89 0-10.67-3.58-10.67-8v-16c0-4.42 4.78-8 10.67-8H272v-32h-85.33c-5.89 0-10.67-3.58-10.67-8v-16c0-4.42 4.78-8 10.67-8H272v-32h-85.33c-5.89 0-10.67-3.58-10.67-8v-16c0-4.42 4.78-8 10.67-8H272c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96S80 42.98 80 96v160c0 53.02 42.98 96 96 96z"],
- "microphone-alt-slash": [640, 512, [], "f539", "M633.82 458.1L476.26 336.33C488.74 312.21 496 284.98 496 256v-48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v48c0 17.92-3.96 34.8-10.72 50.2l-26.55-20.52c3.1-9.4 5.28-19.22 5.28-29.67h-43.67l-41.4-32H416v-32h-85.33c-5.89 0-10.67-3.58-10.67-8v-16c0-4.42 4.78-8 10.67-8H416v-32h-85.33c-5.89 0-10.67-3.58-10.67-8v-16c0-4.42 4.78-8 10.67-8H416c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96s-96 42.98-96 96v45.36L45.47 3.37C38.49-2.05 28.43-.8 23.01 6.18L3.37 31.45C-2.05 38.42-.8 48.47 6.18 53.9l588.36 454.73c6.98 5.43 17.03 4.17 22.46-2.81l19.64-25.27c5.41-6.97 4.16-17.02-2.82-22.45zM400 464h-56v-33.78c11.71-1.62 23.1-4.28 33.96-8.08l-50.4-38.96c-6.71.4-13.41.87-20.35.2-55.85-5.45-98.74-48.63-111.18-101.85L144 241.31v6.85c0 89.64 63.97 169.55 152 181.69V464h-56c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h160c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z"],
- "microphone-slash": [640, 512, [], "f131", "M633.82 458.1l-157.8-121.96C488.61 312.13 496 285.01 496 256v-48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v48c0 17.92-3.96 34.8-10.72 50.2l-26.55-20.52c3.1-9.4 5.28-19.22 5.28-29.67V96c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96s-96 42.98-96 96v45.36L45.47 3.37C38.49-2.05 28.43-.8 23.01 6.18L3.37 31.45C-2.05 38.42-.8 48.47 6.18 53.9l588.36 454.73c6.98 5.43 17.03 4.17 22.46-2.81l19.64-25.27c5.41-6.97 4.16-17.02-2.82-22.45zM400 464h-56v-33.77c11.66-1.6 22.85-4.54 33.67-8.31l-50.11-38.73c-6.71.4-13.41.87-20.35.2-55.85-5.45-98.74-48.63-111.18-101.85L144 241.31v6.85c0 89.64 63.97 169.55 152 181.69V464h-56c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h160c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z"],
- "microscope": [512, 512, [], "f610", "M160 320h12v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h40c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16h12c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-64c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v16c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v224c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32zm304 128h-1.29C493.24 413.99 512 369.2 512 320c0-105.88-86.12-192-192-192v64c70.58 0 128 57.42 128 128s-57.42 128-128 128H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48 0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h480c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16 0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-360-32h208c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8v-16c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8H104c-4.42 0-8 3.58-8 8v16c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8z"],
- "minus": [448, 512, [], "f068", "M416 208H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h384c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z"],
- "minus-circle": [512, 512, [], "f056", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zM124 296c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-56c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h264c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v56c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H124z"],
- "minus-square": [448, 512, [], "f146", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM92 296c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-56c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h264c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v56c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H92z"],
- "mobile": [320, 512, [], "f10b", "M272 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h224c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM160 480c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z"],
- "mobile-alt": [320, 512, [], "f3cd", "M272 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h224c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM160 480c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm112-108c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H60c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V60c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h200c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v312z"],
- "money-bill": [640, 512, [], "f0d6", "M608 64H32C14.33 64 0 78.33 0 96v320c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h576c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM48 400v-64c35.35 0 64 28.65 64 64H48zm0-224v-64h64c0 35.35-28.65 64-64 64zm272 176c-44.19 0-80-42.99-80-96 0-53.02 35.82-96 80-96s80 42.98 80 96c0 53.03-35.83 96-80 96zm272 48h-64c0-35.35 28.65-64 64-64v64zm0-224c-35.35 0-64-28.65-64-64h64v64z"],
- "money-bill-alt": [640, 512, [], "f3d1", "M352 288h-16v-88c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8h-13.58c-4.74 0-9.37 1.4-13.31 4.03l-15.33 10.22a7.994 7.994 0 0 0-2.22 11.09l8.88 13.31a7.994 7.994 0 0 0 11.09 2.22l.47-.31V288h-16c-4.42 0-8 3.58-8 8v16c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h64c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8v-16c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8zM608 64H32C14.33 64 0 78.33 0 96v320c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h576c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM48 400v-64c35.35 0 64 28.65 64 64H48zm0-224v-64h64c0 35.35-28.65 64-64 64zm272 192c-53.02 0-96-50.15-96-112 0-61.86 42.98-112 96-112s96 50.14 96 112c0 61.87-43 112-96 112zm272 32h-64c0-35.35 28.65-64 64-64v64zm0-224c-35.35 0-64-28.65-64-64h64v64z"],
- "money-bill-wave": [640, 512, [], "f53a", "M621.16 54.46C582.37 38.19 543.55 32 504.75 32c-123.17-.01-246.33 62.34-369.5 62.34-30.89 0-61.76-3.92-92.65-13.72-3.47-1.1-6.95-1.62-10.35-1.62C15.04 79 0 92.32 0 110.81v317.26c0 12.63 7.23 24.6 18.84 29.46C57.63 473.81 96.45 480 135.25 480c123.17 0 246.34-62.35 369.51-62.35 30.89 0 61.76 3.92 92.65 13.72 3.47 1.1 6.95 1.62 10.35 1.62 17.21 0 32.25-13.32 32.25-31.81V83.93c-.01-12.64-7.24-24.6-18.85-29.47zM48 132.22c20.12 5.04 41.12 7.57 62.72 8.93C104.84 170.54 79 192.69 48 192.69v-60.47zm0 285v-47.78c34.37 0 62.18 27.27 63.71 61.4-22.53-1.81-43.59-6.31-63.71-13.62zM320 352c-44.19 0-80-42.99-80-96 0-53.02 35.82-96 80-96s80 42.98 80 96c0 53.03-35.83 96-80 96zm272 27.78c-17.52-4.39-35.71-6.85-54.32-8.44 5.87-26.08 27.5-45.88 54.32-49.28v57.72zm0-236.11c-30.89-3.91-54.86-29.7-55.81-61.55 19.54 2.17 38.09 6.23 55.81 12.66v48.89z"],
- "money-bill-wave-alt": [640, 512, [], "f53b", "M621.16 54.46C582.37 38.19 543.55 32 504.75 32c-123.17-.01-246.33 62.34-369.5 62.34-30.89 0-61.76-3.92-92.65-13.72-3.47-1.1-6.95-1.62-10.35-1.62C15.04 79 0 92.32 0 110.81v317.26c0 12.63 7.23 24.6 18.84 29.46C57.63 473.81 96.45 480 135.25 480c123.17 0 246.34-62.35 369.51-62.35 30.89 0 61.76 3.92 92.65 13.72 3.47 1.1 6.95 1.62 10.35 1.62 17.21 0 32.25-13.32 32.25-31.81V83.93c-.01-12.64-7.24-24.6-18.85-29.47zM320 352c-44.19 0-80-42.99-80-96 0-53.02 35.82-96 80-96s80 42.98 80 96c0 53.03-35.83 96-80 96z"],
- "money-check": [640, 512, [], "f53c", "M0 448c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h576c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V128H0v320zm448-208c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h96c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v32c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-96c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-32zm0 120c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h112c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H456c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16zM64 264c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h304c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16zm0 96c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h176c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16zM624 32H16C7.16 32 0 39.16 0 48v48h640V48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z"],
- "money-check-alt": [640, 512, [], "f53d", "M608 32H32C14.33 32 0 46.33 0 64v384c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h576c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM176 327.88V344c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16.29c-11.29-.58-22.27-4.52-31.37-11.35-3.9-2.93-4.1-8.77-.57-12.14l11.75-11.21c2.77-2.64 6.89-2.76 10.13-.73 3.87 2.42 8.26 3.72 12.82 3.72h28.11c6.5 0 11.8-5.92 11.8-13.19 0-5.95-3.61-11.19-8.77-12.73l-45-13.5c-18.59-5.58-31.58-23.42-31.58-43.39 0-24.52 19.05-44.44 42.67-45.07V152c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h16c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16.29c11.29.58 22.27 4.51 31.37 11.35 3.9 2.93 4.1 8.77.57 12.14l-11.75 11.21c-2.77 2.64-6.89 2.76-10.13.73-3.87-2.43-8.26-3.72-12.82-3.72h-28.11c-6.5 0-11.8 5.92-11.8 13.19 0 5.95 3.61 11.19 8.77 12.73l45 13.5c18.59 5.58 31.58 23.42 31.58 43.39 0 24.53-19.05 44.44-42.67 45.07zM416 312c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H296c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h112c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16zm160 0c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-80c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h80c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16zm0-96c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H296c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h272c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16z"],
- "monument": [384, 512, [], "f5a6", "M368 448H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h352c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm-78.86-347.26a31.97 31.97 0 0 0-9.21-19.44L203.31 4.69c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0l-76.6 76.61a31.97 31.97 0 0 0-9.21 19.44L64 416h256l-30.86-315.26zM240 307.2c0 6.4-6.4 12.8-12.8 12.8h-70.4c-6.4 0-12.8-6.4-12.8-12.8v-38.4c0-6.4 6.4-12.8 12.8-12.8h70.4c6.4 0 12.8 6.4 12.8 12.8v38.4z"],
- "moon": [512, 512, [], "f186", "M283.211 512c78.962 0 151.079-35.925 198.857-94.792 7.068-8.708-.639-21.43-11.562-19.35-124.203 23.654-238.262-71.576-238.262-196.954 0-72.222 38.662-138.635 101.498-174.394 9.686-5.512 7.25-20.197-3.756-22.23A258.156 258.156 0 0 0 283.211 0c-141.309 0-256 114.511-256 256 0 141.309 114.511 256 256 256z"],
- "mortar-pestle": [512, 512, [], "f5a7", "M501.54 60.91c17.22-17.22 12.51-46.25-9.27-57.14a35.696 35.696 0 0 0-37.37 3.37L251.09 160h151.37l99.08-99.09zM496 192H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16c0 80.98 50.2 150.11 121.13 178.32-12.76 16.87-21.72 36.8-24.95 58.69-1.46 9.92 6.04 18.98 16.07 18.98h223.5c10.03 0 17.53-9.06 16.07-18.98-3.22-21.89-12.18-41.82-24.95-58.69C429.8 406.11 480 336.98 480 256h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z"],
- "mosque": [640, 512, [], "f678", "M0 480c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V160H0v320zm579.16-192c17.86-17.39 28.84-37.34 28.84-58.91 0-52.86-41.79-93.79-87.92-122.9-41.94-26.47-80.63-57.77-111.96-96.22L400 0l-8.12 9.97c-31.33 38.45-70.01 69.76-111.96 96.22C233.79 135.3 192 176.23 192 229.09c0 21.57 10.98 41.52 28.84 58.91h358.32zM608 320H192c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v128c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32v-64c0-17.67 14.33-32 32-32s32 14.33 32 32v64h64v-72c0-48 48-72 48-72s48 24 48 72v72h64v-64c0-17.67 14.33-32 32-32s32 14.33 32 32v64h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V352c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM64 0S0 32 0 96v32h128V96c0-64-64-96-64-96z"],
- "motorcycle": [640, 512, [], "f21c", "M512.949 192.003c-14.862-.108-29.14 2.322-42.434 6.874L437.589 144H520c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V88c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-45.311a24 24 0 0 0-17.839 7.945l-37.496 41.663-22.774-37.956A24 24 0 0 0 376 64h-80c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v16c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h66.411l19.2 32H227.904c-17.727-23.073-44.924-40-99.904-40H72.54c-13.455 0-24.791 11.011-24.536 24.464C48.252 141.505 58.9 152 72 152h56c24.504 0 38.686 10.919 47.787 24.769l-11.291 20.529c-13.006-3.865-26.871-5.736-41.251-5.21C55.857 194.549 1.565 249.605.034 317.021-1.603 389.076 56.317 448 128 448c59.642 0 109.744-40.794 123.953-96h84.236c13.673 0 24.589-11.421 23.976-25.077-2.118-47.12 17.522-93.665 56.185-125.026l12.485 20.808c-27.646 23.654-45.097 58.88-44.831 98.179.47 69.556 57.203 126.452 126.758 127.11 71.629.678 129.839-57.487 129.234-129.099-.588-69.591-57.455-126.386-127.047-126.892zM128 400c-44.112 0-80-35.888-80-80s35.888-80 80-80c4.242 0 8.405.341 12.469.982L98.97 316.434C90.187 332.407 101.762 352 120 352h81.297c-12.37 28.225-40.56 48-73.297 48zm388.351-.116C470.272 402.337 432 365.554 432 320c0-21.363 8.434-40.781 22.125-55.144l49.412 82.352c4.546 7.577 14.375 10.034 21.952 5.488l13.72-8.232c7.577-4.546 10.034-14.375 5.488-21.952l-48.556-80.927A80.005 80.005 0 0 1 512 240c45.554 0 82.338 38.273 79.884 84.352-2.16 40.558-34.974 73.372-75.533 75.532z"],
- "mouse-pointer": [320, 512, [], "f245", "M302.189 329.126H196.105l55.831 135.993c3.889 9.428-.555 19.999-9.444 23.999l-49.165 21.427c-9.165 4-19.443-.571-23.332-9.714l-53.053-129.136-86.664 89.138C18.729 472.71 0 463.554 0 447.977V18.299C0 1.899 19.921-6.096 30.277 5.443l284.412 292.542c11.472 11.179 3.007 31.141-12.5 31.141z"],
- "music": [512, 512, [], "f001", "M511.99 32.01c0-21.71-21.1-37.01-41.6-30.51L150.4 96c-13.3 4.2-22.4 16.5-22.4 30.5v261.42c-10.05-2.38-20.72-3.92-32-3.92-53.02 0-96 28.65-96 64s42.98 64 96 64 96-28.65 96-64V214.31l256-75.02v184.63c-10.05-2.38-20.72-3.92-32-3.92-53.02 0-96 28.65-96 64s42.98 64 96 64 96-28.65 96-64l-.01-351.99z"],
- "neuter": [288, 512, [], "f22c", "M288 176c0-79.5-64.5-144-144-144S0 96.5 0 176c0 68.5 47.9 125.9 112 140.4V468c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12V316.4c64.1-14.5 112-71.9 112-140.4zm-144 80c-44.1 0-80-35.9-80-80s35.9-80 80-80 80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80z"],
- "newspaper": [576, 512, [], "f1ea", "M552 64H88c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v8H24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v272c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56h472c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V88c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zM56 400a8 8 0 0 1-8-8V144h16v248a8 8 0 0 1-8 8zm236-16H140c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-8c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h152c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v8c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zm208 0H348c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-8c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h152c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v8c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zm-208-96H140c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-8c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h152c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v8c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zm208 0H348c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-8c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h152c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v8c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12zm0-96H140c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-40c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h360c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12z"],
- "not-equal": [448, 512, [], "f53e", "M416 208c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-23.88l51.87-66.81c5.37-7.02 4.04-17.06-2.97-22.43L415.61 3.3c-7.02-5.38-17.06-4.04-22.44 2.97L311.09 112H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h204.56l-74.53 96H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h55.49l-51.87 66.81c-5.37 7.01-4.04 17.05 2.97 22.43L64 508.7c7.02 5.38 17.06 4.04 22.43-2.97L168.52 400H416c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H243.05l74.53-96H416z"],
- "notes-medical": [384, 512, [], "f481", "M336 64h-80c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64s-64 28.7-64 64H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V112c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM192 40c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24s-10.7 24-24 24-24-10.7-24-24 10.7-24 24-24zm96 304c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-56v56c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-48c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-56h-56c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-48c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h56v-56c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h48c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v56h56c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v48zm0-192c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H104c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h176c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16z"],
- "object-group": [512, 512, [], "f247", "M480 128V96h20c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v20H64V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12C5.373 32 0 37.373 0 44v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h20v320H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-20h384v20c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-20V128zM96 276V140c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h168c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v136c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H108c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12zm320 96c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H236c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-52h72c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-72h84c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v136z"],
- "object-ungroup": [576, 512, [], "f248", "M64 320v26a6 6 0 0 1-6 6H6a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-52a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h26V96H6a6 6 0 0 1-6-6V38a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h52a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v26h288V38a6 6 0 0 1 6-6h52a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v52a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-26v192h26a6 6 0 0 1 6 6v52a6 6 0 0 1-6 6h-52a6 6 0 0 1-6-6v-26H64zm480-64v-32h26a6 6 0 0 0 6-6v-52a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-52a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v26H408v72h8c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v64c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24h-64c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-8H192v72h-26a6 6 0 0 0-6 6v52a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h52a6 6 0 0 0 6-6v-26h288v26a6 6 0 0 0 6 6h52a6 6 0 0 0 6-6v-52a6 6 0 0 0-6-6h-26V256z"],
- "oil-can": [640, 512, [], "f613", "M629.8 160.31L416 224l-50.49-25.24a64.07 64.07 0 0 0-28.62-6.76H280v-48h56c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H176c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h56v48h-56L37.72 166.86a31.9 31.9 0 0 0-5.79-.53C14.67 166.33 0 180.36 0 198.34v94.95c0 15.46 11.06 28.72 26.28 31.48L96 337.46V384c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h274.63c8.55 0 16.75-3.42 22.76-9.51l212.26-214.75c1.5-1.5 2.34-3.54 2.34-5.66V168c.01-5.31-5.08-9.15-10.19-7.69zM96 288.67l-48-8.73v-62.43l48 8.73v62.43zm453.33 84.66c0 23.56 19.1 42.67 42.67 42.67s42.67-19.1 42.67-42.67S592 288 592 288s-42.67 61.77-42.67 85.33z"],
- "om": [512, 512, [], "f679", "M360.6 60.94a10.43 10.43 0 0 0 14.76 0l21.57-21.56a10.43 10.43 0 0 0 0-14.76L375.35 3.06c-4.08-4.07-10.68-4.07-14.76 0l-21.57 21.56a10.43 10.43 0 0 0 0 14.76l21.58 21.56zM412.11 192c-26.69 0-51.77 10.39-70.64 29.25l-24.25 24.25c-6.78 6.77-15.78 10.5-25.38 10.5H245c10.54-22.1 14.17-48.11 7.73-75.23-10.1-42.55-46.36-76.11-89.52-83.19-36.15-5.93-70.9 5.04-96.01 28.78-7.36 6.96-6.97 18.85 1.12 24.93l26.15 19.63c5.72 4.3 13.66 4.32 19.2-.21 8.45-6.9 19.02-10.71 30.27-10.71 26.47 0 48.01 21.53 48.01 48s-21.54 48-48.01 48h-31.9c-11.96 0-19.74 12.58-14.39 23.28l16.09 32.17c2.53 5.06 7.6 8.1 13.17 8.55h33.03c35.3 0 64.01 28.7 64.01 64s-28.71 64-64.01 64c-96.02 0-122.35-54.02-145.15-92.03-4.53-7.55-14.77-3.58-14.79 5.22C-.09 416 41.13 512 159.94 512c70.59 0 128.02-57.42 128.02-128 0-23.42-6.78-45.1-17.81-64h21.69c26.69 0 51.77-10.39 70.64-29.25l24.25-24.25c6.78-6.77 15.78-10.5 25.38-10.5 19.78 0 35.88 16.09 35.88 35.88V392c0 13.23-18.77 24-32.01 24-39.4 0-66.67-24.24-81.82-42.89-4.77-5.87-14.2-2.54-14.2 5.02V416s0 64 96.02 64c48.54 0 96.02-39.47 96.02-88V291.88c0-55.08-44.8-99.88-99.89-99.88zm42.18-124.73c-85.55 65.12-169.05 2.75-172.58.05-6.02-4.62-14.44-4.38-20.14.55-5.74 4.92-7.27 13.17-3.66 19.8 1.61 2.95 40.37 72.34 118.8 72.34 79.92 0 98.78-31.36 101.75-37.66 1.02-2.12 1.53-4.47 1.53-6.83V80c0-13.22-15.14-20.69-25.7-12.73z"],
- "outdent": [448, 512, [], "f03b", "M0 84V44c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h416c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v40c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zm208 144h224c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H208c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zM16 484h416c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm192-128h224c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-40c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H208c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v40c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zM4.687 267.313l96 95.984C110.734 373.348 128 366.224 128 351.984V160.008c0-14.329-17.325-21.304-27.313-11.313l-96 95.992c-6.249 6.248-6.249 16.378 0 22.626z"],
- "paint-brush": [512, 512, [], "f1fc", "M167.02 309.34c-40.12 2.58-76.53 17.86-97.19 72.3-2.35 6.21-8 9.98-14.59 9.98-11.11 0-45.46-27.67-55.25-34.35C0 439.62 37.93 512 128 512c75.86 0 128-43.77 128-120.19 0-3.11-.65-6.08-.97-9.13l-88.01-73.34zM457.89 0c-15.16 0-29.37 6.71-40.21 16.45C213.27 199.05 192 203.34 192 257.09c0 13.7 3.25 26.76 8.73 38.7l63.82 53.18c7.21 1.8 14.64 3.03 22.39 3.03 62.11 0 98.11-45.47 211.16-256.46 7.38-14.35 13.9-29.85 13.9-45.99C512 20.64 486 0 457.89 0z"],
- "paint-roller": [512, 512, [], "f5aa", "M416 128V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H32C14.33 0 0 14.33 0 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h352c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32zm32-64v128c0 17.67-14.33 32-32 32H256c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64v32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v128c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V352c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32v-32h160c53.02 0 96-42.98 96-96v-64c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64z"],
- "palette": [512, 512, [], "f53f", "M204.3 5C104.9 24.4 24.8 104.3 5.2 203.4c-37 187 131.7 326.4 258.8 306.7 41.2-6.4 61.4-54.6 42.5-91.7-23.1-45.4 9.9-98.4 60.9-98.4h79.7c35.8 0 64.8-29.6 64.9-65.3C511.5 97.1 368.1-26.9 204.3 5zM96 320c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm32-128c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm128-64c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm128 64c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z"],
- "pallet": [640, 512, [], "f482", "M144 256h352c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H384v128l-64-32-64 32V0H144c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v224c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16zm480 128c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h48v64H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h608c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-48v-64h48zm-336 64H128v-64h160v64zm224 0H352v-64h160v64z"],
- "paper-plane": [512, 512, [], "f1d8", "M476 3.2L12.5 270.6c-18.1 10.4-15.8 35.6 2.2 43.2L121 358.4l287.3-253.2c5.5-4.9 13.3 2.6 8.6 8.3L176 407v80.5c0 23.6 28.5 32.9 42.5 15.8L282 426l124.6 52.2c14.2 6 30.4-2.9 33-18.2l72-432C515 7.8 493.3-6.8 476 3.2z"],
- "paperclip": [448, 512, [], "f0c6", "M43.246 466.142c-58.43-60.289-57.341-157.511 1.386-217.581L254.392 34c44.316-45.332 116.351-45.336 160.671 0 43.89 44.894 43.943 117.329 0 162.276L232.214 383.128c-29.855 30.537-78.633 30.111-107.982-.998-28.275-29.97-27.368-77.473 1.452-106.953l143.743-146.835c6.182-6.314 16.312-6.422 22.626-.241l22.861 22.379c6.315 6.182 6.422 16.312.241 22.626L171.427 319.927c-4.932 5.045-5.236 13.428-.648 18.292 4.372 4.634 11.245 4.711 15.688.165l182.849-186.851c19.613-20.062 19.613-52.725-.011-72.798-19.189-19.627-49.957-19.637-69.154 0L90.39 293.295c-34.763 35.56-35.299 93.12-1.191 128.313 34.01 35.093 88.985 35.137 123.058.286l172.06-175.999c6.177-6.319 16.307-6.433 22.626-.256l22.877 22.364c6.319 6.177 6.434 16.307.256 22.626l-172.06 175.998c-59.576 60.938-155.943 60.216-214.77-.485z"],
- "parachute-box": [512, 512, [], "f4cd", "M511.9 175c-9.1-75.6-78.4-132.4-158.3-158.7C390 55.7 416 116.9 416 192h28.1L327.5 321.5c-2.5-.6-4.8-1.5-7.5-1.5h-48V192h112C384 76.8 315.1 0 256 0S128 76.8 128 192h112v128h-48c-2.7 0-5 .9-7.5 1.5L67.9 192H96c0-75.1 26-136.3 62.4-175.7C78.5 42.7 9.2 99.5.1 175c-1.1 9.1 6.8 17 16 17h8.7l136.7 151.9c-.7 2.6-1.6 5.2-1.6 8.1v128c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h128c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V352c0-2.9-.9-5.4-1.6-8.1L487.1 192h8.7c9.3 0 17.2-7.8 16.1-17z"],
- "paragraph": [448, 512, [], "f1dd", "M408 32H177.531C88.948 32 16.045 103.335 16 191.918 15.956 280.321 87.607 352 176 352v104c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h32c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V112h32v344c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h32c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V112h40c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24z"],
- "parking": [448, 512, [], "f540", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM240 320h-48v48c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-32c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V144c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h96c52.9 0 96 43.1 96 96s-43.1 96-96 96zm0-128h-48v64h48c17.6 0 32-14.4 32-32s-14.4-32-32-32z"],
- "passport": [448, 512, [], "f5ab", "M129.62 176h39.09c1.49-27.03 6.54-51.35 14.21-70.41-27.71 13.24-48.02 39.19-53.3 70.41zm0 32c5.29 31.22 25.59 57.17 53.3 70.41-7.68-19.06-12.72-43.38-14.21-70.41h-39.09zM224 286.69c7.69-7.45 20.77-34.42 23.43-78.69h-46.87c2.67 44.26 15.75 71.24 23.44 78.69zM200.57 176h46.87c-2.66-44.26-15.74-71.24-23.43-78.69-7.7 7.45-20.78 34.43-23.44 78.69zm64.51 102.41c27.71-13.24 48.02-39.19 53.3-70.41h-39.09c-1.49 27.03-6.53 51.35-14.21 70.41zM416 0H64C28.65 0 0 28.65 0 64v384c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h352c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm-80 416H112c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16h224c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16s-7.2 16-16 16zm-112-96c-70.69 0-128-57.31-128-128S153.31 64 224 64s128 57.31 128 128-57.31 128-128 128zm41.08-214.41c7.68 19.06 12.72 43.38 14.21 70.41h39.09c-5.28-31.22-25.59-57.17-53.3-70.41z"],
- "pastafarianism": [640, 512, [], "f67b", "M624.54 347.67c-32.7-12.52-57.36 4.25-75.37 16.45-17.06 11.53-23.25 14.42-31.41 11.36-8.12-3.09-10.83-9.38-15.89-29.38-3.33-13.15-7.44-29.32-17.95-42.65 2.24-2.91 4.43-5.79 6.38-8.57C500.47 304.45 513.71 312 532 312c33.95 0 50.87-25.78 62.06-42.83 10.59-16.14 15-21.17 21.94-21.17 13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24s-10.75-24-24-24c-33.95 0-50.87 25.78-62.06 42.83-10.6 16.14-15 21.17-21.94 21.17-17.31 0-37.48-61.43-97.26-101.91l17.25-34.5C485.43 125.5 512 97.98 512 64c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64s-64 28.65-64 64c0 13.02 3.94 25.1 10.62 35.21l-18.15 36.3c-16.98-4.6-35.6-7.51-56.46-7.51s-39.49 2.91-56.46 7.51l-18.15-36.3C252.06 89.1 256 77.02 256 64c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64s-64 28.65-64 64c0 33.98 26.56 61.5 60.02 63.6l17.25 34.5C145.68 202.44 125.15 264 108 264c-6.94 0-11.34-5.03-21.94-21.17C74.88 225.78 57.96 200 24 200c-13.25 0-24 10.75-24 24s10.75 24 24 24c6.94 0 11.34 5.03 21.94 21.17C57.13 286.22 74.05 312 108 312c18.29 0 31.53-7.55 41.7-17.11 1.95 2.79 4.14 5.66 6.38 8.57-10.51 13.33-14.62 29.5-17.95 42.65-5.06 20-7.77 26.28-15.89 29.38-8.11 3.06-14.33.17-31.41-11.36-18.03-12.2-42.72-28.92-75.37-16.45-12.39 4.72-18.59 18.58-13.87 30.97 4.72 12.41 18.61 18.61 30.97 13.88 8.16-3.09 14.34-.19 31.39 11.36 13.55 9.16 30.83 20.86 52.42 20.84 7.17 0 14.83-1.28 22.97-4.39 32.66-12.44 39.98-41.33 45.33-62.44 2.21-8.72 3.99-14.49 5.95-18.87 16.62 13.61 36.95 25.88 61.64 34.17-9.96 37-32.18 90.8-60.26 90.8-13.25 0-24 10.75-24 24s10.75 24 24 24c66.74 0 97.05-88.63 107.42-129.14 6.69.6 13.42 1.14 20.58 1.14s13.89-.54 20.58-1.14C350.95 423.37 381.26 512 448 512c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24s-10.75-24-24-24c-27.94 0-50.21-53.81-60.22-90.81 24.69-8.29 45-20.56 61.62-34.16 1.96 4.38 3.74 10.15 5.95 18.87 5.34 21.11 12.67 50 45.33 62.44 8.14 3.11 15.8 4.39 22.97 4.39 21.59 0 38.87-11.69 52.42-20.84 17.05-11.55 23.28-14.45 31.39-11.36 12.39 4.75 26.27-1.47 30.97-13.88 4.71-12.4-1.49-26.26-13.89-30.98zM448 48c8.82 0 16 7.18 16 16s-7.18 16-16 16-16-7.18-16-16 7.18-16 16-16zm-256 0c8.82 0 16 7.18 16 16s-7.18 16-16 16-16-7.18-16-16 7.18-16 16-16z"],
- "paste": [448, 512, [], "f0ea", "M128 184c0-30.879 25.122-56 56-56h136V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24h-80.61C204.306 12.89 183.637 0 160 0s-44.306 12.89-55.39 32H24C10.745 32 0 42.745 0 56v336c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h104V184zm32-144c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24s-10.745 24-24 24-24-10.745-24-24 10.745-24 24-24zm184 248h104v200c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H184c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V184c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h136v104c0 13.2 10.8 24 24 24zm104-38.059V256h-96v-96h6.059a24 24 0 0 1 16.97 7.029l65.941 65.941a24.002 24.002 0 0 1 7.03 16.971z"],
- "pause": [448, 512, [], "f04c", "M144 479H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V79c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h96c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48zm304-48V79c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48h-96c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h96c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48z"],
- "pause-circle": [512, 512, [], "f28b", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm-16 328c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-48c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h48c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v160zm112 0c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16h-48c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h48c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v160z"],
- "paw": [512, 512, [], "f1b0", "M85.231 330.958C36 330.958 0 273.792 0 231.5c0-28.292 16-58.042 49.538-58.042 49.231 0 85.231 57.458 85.231 99.75 0 28.292-15.692 57.75-49.538 57.75zm348 106.167c0 37.042-32 42.875-63.385 42.875-41.231 0-74.462-26.25-113.846-26.25-41.231 0-76.308 25.958-120.923 25.958-29.847 0-56.308-9.625-56.308-42.583C78.769 368 180.616 265.333 256 265.333s177.231 102.959 177.231 171.792zM182.462 203.792c-49.847 0-80-59.5-80-100.333C102.462 70.792 120.308 32 160 32c50.154 0 80 59.5 80 100.333 0 32.667-17.846 71.459-57.538 71.459zM272 132.333C272 91.5 301.846 32 352 32c39.692 0 57.539 38.792 57.539 71.458 0 40.833-30.154 100.333-80.001 100.333C289.846 203.792 272 165 272 132.333zM512 231.5c0 42.292-36 99.458-85.231 99.458-33.847 0-49.538-29.458-49.538-57.75 0-42.291 35.999-99.75 85.231-99.75C496 173.458 512 203.208 512 231.5z"],
- "peace": [496, 512, [], "f67c", "M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm184 248c0 31.93-8.2 61.97-22.57 88.17L280 240.63V74.97c86.23 15.21 152 90.5 152 181.03zM216 437.03c-33.86-5.97-64.49-21.2-89.29-43.02L216 322.57v114.46zm64-114.46L369.29 394c-24.8 21.82-55.43 37.05-89.29 43.02V322.57zm-64-247.6v165.66L86.57 344.17C72.2 317.97 64 287.93 64 256c0-90.53 65.77-165.82 152-181.03z"],
- "pen": [512, 512, [], "f304", "M290.74 93.24l128.02 128.02-277.99 277.99-114.14 12.6C11.35 513.54-1.56 500.62.14 485.34l12.7-114.22 277.9-277.88zm207.2-19.06l-60.11-60.11c-18.75-18.75-49.16-18.75-67.91 0l-56.55 56.55 128.02 128.02 56.55-56.55c18.75-18.76 18.75-49.16 0-67.91z"],
- "pen-alt": [512, 512, [], "f305", "M497.94 74.17l-60.11-60.11c-18.75-18.75-49.16-18.75-67.91 0l-56.55 56.55 128.02 128.02 56.55-56.55c18.75-18.75 18.75-49.15 0-67.91zm-246.8-20.53c-15.62-15.62-40.94-15.62-56.56 0L75.8 172.43c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.62l22.63 22.63c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l101.82-101.82 22.63 22.62L93.95 290.03A327.038 327.038 0 0 0 .17 485.11l-.03.23c-1.7 15.28 11.21 28.2 26.49 26.51a327.02 327.02 0 0 0 195.34-93.8l196.79-196.79-82.77-82.77-84.85-84.85z"],
- "pen-fancy": [512, 512, [], "f5ac", "M79.18 282.94a32.005 32.005 0 0 0-20.24 20.24L0 480l4.69 4.69 92.89-92.89c-.66-2.56-1.57-5.03-1.57-7.8 0-17.67 14.33-32 32-32s32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32c-2.77 0-5.24-.91-7.8-1.57l-92.89 92.89L32 512l176.82-58.94a31.983 31.983 0 0 0 20.24-20.24l33.07-84.07-98.88-98.88-84.07 33.07zM369.25 28.32L186.14 227.81l97.85 97.85 199.49-183.11C568.4 67.48 443.73-55.94 369.25 28.32z"],
- "pen-nib": [512, 512, [], "f5ad", "M136.6 138.79a64.003 64.003 0 0 0-43.31 41.35L0 460l14.69 14.69L164.8 324.58c-2.99-6.26-4.8-13.18-4.8-20.58 0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48s48 21.49 48 48-21.49 48-48 48c-7.4 0-14.32-1.81-20.58-4.8L37.31 497.31 52 512l279.86-93.29a64.003 64.003 0 0 0 41.35-43.31L416 224 288 96l-151.4 42.79zm361.34-64.62l-60.11-60.11c-18.75-18.75-49.16-18.75-67.91 0l-56.55 56.55 128.02 128.02 56.55-56.55c18.75-18.75 18.75-49.15 0-67.91z"],
- "pen-square": [448, 512, [], "f14b", "M400 480H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V80c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h352c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48v352c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48zM238.1 177.9L102.4 313.6l-6.3 57.1c-.8 7.6 5.6 14.1 13.3 13.3l57.1-6.3L302.2 242c2.3-2.3 2.3-6.1 0-8.5L246.7 178c-2.5-2.4-6.3-2.4-8.6-.1zM345 165.1L314.9 135c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0l-23.1 23.1c-2.3 2.3-2.3 6.1 0 8.5l55.5 55.5c2.3 2.3 6.1 2.3 8.5 0L345 199c9.3-9.3 9.3-24.5 0-33.9z"],
- "pencil-alt": [512, 512, [], "f303", "M497.9 142.1l-46.1 46.1c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0l-111-111c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l46.1-46.1c18.7-18.7 49.1-18.7 67.9 0l60.1 60.1c18.8 18.7 18.8 49.1 0 67.9zM284.2 99.8L21.6 362.4.4 483.9c-2.9 16.4 11.4 30.6 27.8 27.8l121.5-21.3 262.6-262.6c4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17l-111-111c-4.8-4.7-12.4-4.7-17.1 0zM124.1 339.9c-5.5-5.5-5.5-14.3 0-19.8l154-154c5.5-5.5 14.3-5.5 19.8 0s5.5 14.3 0 19.8l-154 154c-5.5 5.5-14.3 5.5-19.8 0zM88 424h48v36.3l-64.5 11.3-31.1-31.1L51.7 376H88v48z"],
- "pencil-ruler": [512, 512, [], "f5ae", "M109.46 244.04l134.58-134.56-44.12-44.12-61.68 61.68a7.919 7.919 0 0 1-11.21 0l-11.21-11.21c-3.1-3.1-3.1-8.12 0-11.21l61.68-61.68-33.64-33.65C131.47-3.1 111.39-3.1 99 9.29L9.29 99c-12.38 12.39-12.39 32.47 0 44.86l100.17 100.18zm388.47-116.8c18.76-18.76 18.75-49.17 0-67.93l-45.25-45.25c-18.76-18.76-49.18-18.76-67.95 0l-46.02 46.01 113.2 113.2 46.02-46.03zM316.08 82.71l-297 296.96L.32 487.11c-2.53 14.49 10.09 27.11 24.59 24.56l107.45-18.84L429.28 195.9 316.08 82.71zm186.63 285.43l-33.64-33.64-61.68 61.68c-3.1 3.1-8.12 3.1-11.21 0l-11.21-11.21c-3.09-3.1-3.09-8.12 0-11.21l61.68-61.68-44.14-44.14L267.93 402.5l100.21 100.2c12.39 12.39 32.47 12.39 44.86 0l89.71-89.7c12.39-12.39 12.39-32.47 0-44.86z"],
- "people-carry": [640, 512, [], "f4ce", "M128 96c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48S154.5 0 128 0 80 21.5 80 48s21.5 48 48 48zm384 0c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48S538.5 0 512 0s-48 21.5-48 48 21.5 48 48 48zm125.7 372.1l-44-110-41.1 46.4-2 18.2 27.7 69.2c5 12.5 17 20.1 29.7 20.1 4 0 8-.7 11.9-2.3 16.4-6.6 24.4-25.2 17.8-41.6zm-34.2-209.8L585 178.1c-4.6-20-18.6-36.8-37.5-44.9-18.5-8-39-6.7-56.1 3.3-22.7 13.4-39.7 34.5-48.1 59.4L432 229.8 416 240v-96c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H240c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v96l-16.1-10.2-11.3-33.9c-8.3-25-25.4-46-48.1-59.4-17.2-10-37.6-11.3-56.1-3.3-18.9 8.1-32.9 24.9-37.5 44.9l-18.4 80.2c-4.6 20 .7 41.2 14.4 56.7l67.2 75.9 10.1 92.6C130 499.8 143.8 512 160 512c1.2 0 2.3-.1 3.5-.2 17.6-1.9 30.2-17.7 28.3-35.3l-10.1-92.8c-1.5-13-6.9-25.1-15.6-35l-43.3-49 17.6-70.3 6.8 20.4c4.1 12.5 11.9 23.4 24.5 32.6l51.1 32.5c4.6 2.9 12.1 4.6 17.2 5h160c5.1-.4 12.6-2.1 17.2-5l51.1-32.5c12.6-9.2 20.4-20 24.5-32.6l6.8-20.4 17.6 70.3-43.3 49c-8.7 9.9-14.1 22-15.6 35l-10.1 92.8c-1.9 17.6 10.8 33.4 28.3 35.3 1.2.1 2.3.2 3.5.2 16.1 0 30-12.1 31.8-28.5l10.1-92.6 67.2-75.9c13.6-15.5 19-36.7 14.4-56.7zM46.3 358.1l-44 110c-6.6 16.4 1.4 35 17.8 41.6 16.8 6.6 35.1-1.7 41.6-17.8l27.7-69.2-2-18.2-41.1-46.4z"],
- "percent": [448, 512, [], "f295", "M112 224c61.9 0 112-50.1 112-112S173.9 0 112 0 0 50.1 0 112s50.1 112 112 112zm0-160c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48-48 48-48-21.5-48-48 21.5-48 48-48zm224 224c-61.9 0-112 50.1-112 112s50.1 112 112 112 112-50.1 112-112-50.1-112-112-112zm0 160c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zM392.3.2l31.6-.1c19.4-.1 30.9 21.8 19.7 37.8L77.4 501.6a23.95 23.95 0 0 1-19.6 10.2l-33.4.1c-19.5 0-30.9-21.9-19.7-37.8l368-463.7C377.2 4 384.5.2 392.3.2z"],
- "percentage": [384, 512, [], "f541", "M109.25 173.25c24.99-24.99 24.99-65.52 0-90.51-24.99-24.99-65.52-24.99-90.51 0-24.99 24.99-24.99 65.52 0 90.51 25 25 65.52 25 90.51 0zm256 165.49c-24.99-24.99-65.52-24.99-90.51 0-24.99 24.99-24.99 65.52 0 90.51 24.99 24.99 65.52 24.99 90.51 0 25-24.99 25-65.51 0-90.51zm-1.94-231.43l-22.62-22.62c-12.5-12.5-32.76-12.5-45.25 0L20.69 359.44c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.76 0 45.25l22.62 22.62c12.5 12.5 32.76 12.5 45.25 0l274.75-274.75c12.5-12.49 12.5-32.75 0-45.25z"],
- "phone": [512, 512, [], "f095", "M493.4 24.6l-104-24c-11.3-2.6-22.9 3.3-27.5 13.9l-48 112c-4.2 9.8-1.4 21.3 6.9 28l60.6 49.6c-36 76.7-98.9 140.5-177.2 177.2l-49.6-60.6c-6.8-8.3-18.2-11.1-28-6.9l-112 48C3.9 366.5-2 378.1.6 389.4l24 104C27.1 504.2 36.7 512 48 512c256.1 0 464-207.5 464-464 0-11.2-7.7-20.9-18.6-23.4z"],
- "phone-slash": [640, 512, [], "f3dd", "M268.2 381.4l-49.6-60.6c-6.8-8.3-18.2-11.1-28-6.9l-112 48c-10.7 4.6-16.5 16.1-13.9 27.5l24 104c2.5 10.8 12.1 18.6 23.4 18.6 100.7 0 193.7-32.4 269.7-86.9l-80-61.8c-10.9 6.5-22.1 12.7-33.6 18.1zm365.6 76.7L475.1 335.5C537.9 256.4 576 156.9 576 48c0-11.2-7.7-20.9-18.6-23.4l-104-24c-11.3-2.6-22.9 3.3-27.5 13.9l-48 112c-4.2 9.8-1.4 21.3 6.9 28l60.6 49.6c-12.2 26.1-27.9 50.3-46 72.8L45.5 3.4C38.5-2 28.5-.8 23 6.2L3.4 31.4c-5.4 7-4.2 17 2.8 22.4l588.4 454.7c7 5.4 17 4.2 22.5-2.8l19.6-25.3c5.4-6.8 4.1-16.9-2.9-22.3z"],
- "phone-square": [448, 512, [], "f098", "M400 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM94 416c-7.033 0-13.057-4.873-14.616-11.627l-14.998-65a15 15 0 0 1 8.707-17.16l69.998-29.999a15 15 0 0 1 17.518 4.289l30.997 37.885c48.944-22.963 88.297-62.858 110.781-110.78l-37.886-30.997a15.001 15.001 0 0 1-4.289-17.518l30-69.998a15 15 0 0 1 17.16-8.707l65 14.998A14.997 14.997 0 0 1 384 126c0 160.292-129.945 290-290 290z"],
- "phone-volume": [384, 512, [], "f2a0", "M97.333 506.966c-129.874-129.874-129.681-340.252 0-469.933 5.698-5.698 14.527-6.632 21.263-2.422l64.817 40.513a17.187 17.187 0 0 1 6.849 20.958l-32.408 81.021a17.188 17.188 0 0 1-17.669 10.719l-55.81-5.58c-21.051 58.261-20.612 122.471 0 179.515l55.811-5.581a17.188 17.188 0 0 1 17.669 10.719l32.408 81.022a17.188 17.188 0 0 1-6.849 20.958l-64.817 40.513a17.19 17.19 0 0 1-21.264-2.422zM247.126 95.473c11.832 20.047 11.832 45.008 0 65.055-3.95 6.693-13.108 7.959-18.718 2.581l-5.975-5.726c-3.911-3.748-4.793-9.622-2.261-14.41a32.063 32.063 0 0 0 0-29.945c-2.533-4.788-1.65-10.662 2.261-14.41l5.975-5.726c5.61-5.378 14.768-4.112 18.718 2.581zm91.787-91.187c60.14 71.604 60.092 175.882 0 247.428-4.474 5.327-12.53 5.746-17.552.933l-5.798-5.557c-4.56-4.371-4.977-11.529-.93-16.379 49.687-59.538 49.646-145.933 0-205.422-4.047-4.85-3.631-12.008.93-16.379l5.798-5.557c5.022-4.813 13.078-4.394 17.552.933zm-45.972 44.941c36.05 46.322 36.108 111.149 0 157.546-4.39 5.641-12.697 6.251-17.856 1.304l-5.818-5.579c-4.4-4.219-4.998-11.095-1.285-15.931 26.536-34.564 26.534-82.572 0-117.134-3.713-4.836-3.115-11.711 1.285-15.931l5.818-5.579c5.159-4.947 13.466-4.337 17.856 1.304z"],
- "piggy-bank": [576, 512, [], "f4d3", "M560 224h-29.5c-8.8-20-21.6-37.7-37.4-52.5L512 96h-32c-29.4 0-55.4 13.5-73 34.3-7.6-1.1-15.1-2.3-23-2.3H256c-77.4 0-141.9 55-156.8 128H56c-14.8 0-26.5-13.5-23.5-28.8C34.7 215.8 45.4 208 57 208h1c3.3 0 6-2.7 6-6v-20c0-3.3-2.7-6-6-6-28.5 0-53.9 20.4-57.5 48.6C-3.9 258.8 22.7 288 56 288h40c0 52.2 25.4 98.1 64 127.3V496c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h64c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-48h128v48c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h64c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-80.7c11.8-8.9 22.3-19.4 31.3-31.3H560c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V240c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm-128 64c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16zM256 96h128c5.4 0 10.7.4 15.9.8 0-.3.1-.5.1-.8 0-53-43-96-96-96s-96 43-96 96c0 2.1.5 4.1.6 6.2 15.2-3.9 31-6.2 47.4-6.2z"],
- "pills": [576, 512, [], "f484", "M112 32C50.1 32 0 82.1 0 144v224c0 61.9 50.1 112 112 112s112-50.1 112-112V144c0-61.9-50.1-112-112-112zm48 224H64V144c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48s48 21.5 48 48v112zm139.7-29.7c-3.5-3.5-9.4-3.1-12.3.8-45.3 62.5-40.4 150.1 15.9 206.4 56.3 56.3 143.9 61.2 206.4 15.9 4-2.9 4.3-8.8.8-12.3L299.7 226.3zm229.8-19c-56.3-56.3-143.9-61.2-206.4-15.9-4 2.9-4.3 8.8-.8 12.3l210.8 210.8c3.5 3.5 9.4 3.1 12.3-.8 45.3-62.6 40.5-150.1-15.9-206.4z"],
- "place-of-worship": [640, 512, [], "f67f", "M620.61 366.55L512 320v192h112c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V395.96a32 32 0 0 0-19.39-29.41zM0 395.96V496c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h112V320L19.39 366.55A32 32 0 0 0 0 395.96zm464.46-149.28L416 217.6V102.63c0-8.49-3.37-16.62-9.38-22.63L331.31 4.69c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.62 0L233.38 80c-6 6-9.38 14.14-9.38 22.63V217.6l-48.46 29.08A31.997 31.997 0 0 0 160 274.12V512h96v-96c0-35.35 28.66-64 64-64s64 28.65 64 64v96h96V274.12c0-11.24-5.9-21.66-15.54-27.44z"],
- "plane": [576, 512, [], "f072", "M480 192H365.71L260.61 8.06A16.014 16.014 0 0 0 246.71 0h-65.5c-10.63 0-18.3 10.17-15.38 20.39L214.86 192H112l-43.2-57.6c-3.02-4.03-7.77-6.4-12.8-6.4H16.01C5.6 128-2.04 137.78.49 147.88L32 256 .49 364.12C-2.04 374.22 5.6 384 16.01 384H56c5.04 0 9.78-2.37 12.8-6.4L112 320h102.86l-49.03 171.6c-2.92 10.22 4.75 20.4 15.38 20.4h65.5c5.74 0 11.04-3.08 13.89-8.06L365.71 320H480c35.35 0 96-28.65 96-64s-60.65-64-96-64z"],
- "plane-arrival": [640, 512, [], "f5af", "M624 448H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h608c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zM44.81 205.66l88.74 80a62.607 62.607 0 0 0 25.47 13.93l287.6 78.35c26.48 7.21 54.56 8.72 81 1.36 29.67-8.27 43.44-21.21 47.25-35.71 3.83-14.5-1.73-32.71-23.37-54.96-19.28-19.82-44.35-32.79-70.83-40l-97.51-26.56L282.8 30.22c-1.51-5.81-5.95-10.35-11.66-11.91L206.05.58c-10.56-2.88-20.9 5.32-20.71 16.44l47.92 164.21-102.2-27.84-27.59-67.88c-1.93-4.89-6.01-8.57-11.02-9.93L52.72 64.75c-10.34-2.82-20.53 5-20.72 15.88l.23 101.78c.19 8.91 6.03 17.34 12.58 23.25z"],
- "plane-departure": [640, 512, [], "f5b0", "M624 448H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h608c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zM80.55 341.27c6.28 6.84 15.1 10.72 24.33 10.71l130.54-.18a65.62 65.62 0 0 0 29.64-7.12l290.96-147.65c26.74-13.57 50.71-32.94 67.02-58.31 18.31-28.48 20.3-49.09 13.07-63.65-7.21-14.57-24.74-25.27-58.25-27.45-29.85-1.94-59.54 5.92-86.28 19.48l-98.51 49.99-218.7-82.06a17.799 17.799 0 0 0-18-1.11L90.62 67.29c-10.67 5.41-13.25 19.65-5.17 28.53l156.22 98.1-103.21 52.38-72.35-36.47a17.804 17.804 0 0 0-16.07.02L9.91 230.22c-10.44 5.3-13.19 19.12-5.57 28.08l76.21 82.97z"],
- "play": [448, 512, [], "f04b", "M424.4 214.7L72.4 6.6C43.8-10.3 0 6.1 0 47.9V464c0 37.5 40.7 60.1 72.4 41.3l352-208c31.4-18.5 31.5-64.1 0-82.6z"],
- "play-circle": [512, 512, [], "f144", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm115.7 272l-176 101c-15.8 8.8-35.7-2.5-35.7-21V152c0-18.4 19.8-29.8 35.7-21l176 107c16.4 9.2 16.4 32.9 0 42z"],
- "plug": [384, 512, [], "f1e6", "M256 144V32c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32s32 14.327 32 32v112h-64zm112 16H16c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h16v32c0 77.406 54.969 141.971 128 156.796V512h64v-99.204c73.031-14.825 128-79.39 128-156.796v-32h16c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-32c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16zm-240-16V32c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32S64 14.327 64 32v112h64z"],
- "plus": [448, 512, [], "f067", "M416 208H272V64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v144H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h144v144c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V304h144c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z"],
- "plus-circle": [512, 512, [], "f055", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm144 276c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-92v92c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-56c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-92h-92c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-56c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h92v-92c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h56c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v92h92c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v56z"],
- "plus-square": [448, 512, [], "f0fe", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-32 252c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-92v92c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-56c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-92H92c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-56c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h92v-92c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h56c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v92h92c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v56z"],
- "podcast": [448, 512, [], "f2ce", "M267.429 488.563C262.286 507.573 242.858 512 224 512c-18.857 0-38.286-4.427-43.428-23.437C172.927 460.134 160 388.898 160 355.75c0-35.156 31.142-43.75 64-43.75s64 8.594 64 43.75c0 32.949-12.871 104.179-20.571 132.813zM156.867 288.554c-18.693-18.308-29.958-44.173-28.784-72.599 2.054-49.724 42.395-89.956 92.124-91.881C274.862 121.958 320 165.807 320 220c0 26.827-11.064 51.116-28.866 68.552-2.675 2.62-2.401 6.986.628 9.187 9.312 6.765 16.46 15.343 21.234 25.363 1.741 3.654 6.497 4.66 9.449 1.891 28.826-27.043 46.553-65.783 45.511-108.565-1.855-76.206-63.595-138.208-139.793-140.369C146.869 73.753 80 139.215 80 220c0 41.361 17.532 78.7 45.55 104.989 2.953 2.771 7.711 1.77 9.453-1.887 4.774-10.021 11.923-18.598 21.235-25.363 3.029-2.2 3.304-6.566.629-9.185zM224 0C100.204 0 0 100.185 0 224c0 89.992 52.602 165.647 125.739 201.408 4.333 2.118 9.267-1.544 8.535-6.31-2.382-15.512-4.342-30.946-5.406-44.339-.146-1.836-1.149-3.486-2.678-4.512-47.4-31.806-78.564-86.016-78.187-147.347.592-96.237 79.29-174.648 175.529-174.899C320.793 47.747 400 126.797 400 224c0 61.932-32.158 116.49-80.65 147.867-.999 14.037-3.069 30.588-5.624 47.23-.732 4.767 4.203 8.429 8.535 6.31C395.227 389.727 448 314.187 448 224 448 100.205 347.815 0 224 0zm0 160c-35.346 0-64 28.654-64 64s28.654 64 64 64 64-28.654 64-64-28.654-64-64-64z"],
- "poll": [448, 512, [], "f681", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM160 368c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-32c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16V240c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h32c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v128zm96 0c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-32c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16V144c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h32c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v224zm96 0c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-32c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-64c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h32c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v64z"],
- "poll-h": [448, 512, [], "f682", "M448 432V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48zM112 192c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-32c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h128c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v32c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16H112zm0 96c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-32c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h224c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v32c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16H112zm0 96c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-32c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h64c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v32c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-64z"],
- "poo": [512, 512, [], "f2fe", "M451.4 369.1C468.7 356 480 335.4 480 312c0-39.8-32.2-72-72-72h-14.1c13.4-11.7 22.1-28.8 22.1-48 0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64h-5.9c3.6-10.1 5.9-20.7 5.9-32 0-53-43-96-96-96-5.2 0-10.2.7-15.1 1.5C250.3 14.6 256 30.6 256 48c0 44.2-35.8 80-80 80h-16c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64 0 19.2 8.7 36.3 22.1 48H104c-39.8 0-72 32.2-72 72 0 23.4 11.3 44 28.6 57.1C26.3 374.6 0 404.1 0 440c0 39.8 32.2 72 72 72h368c39.8 0 72-32.2 72-72 0-35.9-26.3-65.4-60.6-70.9zM192 256c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm159.5 139C341 422.9 293 448 256 448s-85-25.1-95.5-53c-2-5.3 2-11 7.8-11h175.4c5.8 0 9.8 5.7 7.8 11zM320 320c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z"],
- "poop": [512, 512, [], "f619", "M451.36 369.14C468.66 355.99 480 335.41 480 312c0-39.77-32.24-72-72-72h-14.07c13.42-11.73 22.07-28.78 22.07-48 0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64h-5.88c3.57-10.05 5.88-20.72 5.88-32 0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96-5.17 0-10.15.74-15.11 1.52C250.31 14.64 256 30.62 256 48c0 44.18-35.82 80-80 80h-16c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64 0 19.22 8.65 36.27 22.07 48H104c-39.76 0-72 32.23-72 72 0 23.41 11.34 43.99 28.64 57.14C26.31 374.62 0 404.12 0 440c0 39.76 32.24 72 72 72h368c39.76 0 72-32.24 72-72 0-35.88-26.31-65.38-60.64-70.86z"],
- "portrait": [384, 512, [], "f3e0", "M336 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM192 128c35.3 0 64 28.7 64 64s-28.7 64-64 64-64-28.7-64-64 28.7-64 64-64zm112 236.8c0 10.6-10 19.2-22.4 19.2H102.4C90 384 80 375.4 80 364.8v-19.2c0-31.8 30.1-57.6 67.2-57.6h5c12.3 5.1 25.7 8 39.8 8s27.6-2.9 39.8-8h5c37.1 0 67.2 25.8 67.2 57.6v19.2z"],
- "pound-sign": [320, 512, [], "f154", "M308 352h-45.495c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v50.848H128V288h84c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-84v-63.556c0-32.266 24.562-57.086 61.792-57.086 23.658 0 45.878 11.505 57.652 18.849 5.151 3.213 11.888 2.051 15.688-2.685l28.493-35.513c4.233-5.276 3.279-13.005-2.119-17.081C273.124 54.56 236.576 32 187.931 32 106.026 32 48 84.742 48 157.961V224H20c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h28v128H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h296c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V364c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12z"],
- "power-off": [512, 512, [], "f011", "M400 54.1c63 45 104 118.6 104 201.9 0 136.8-110.8 247.7-247.5 248C120 504.3 8.2 393 8 256.4 7.9 173.1 48.9 99.3 111.8 54.2c11.7-8.3 28-4.8 35 7.7L162.6 90c5.9 10.5 3.1 23.8-6.6 31-41.5 30.8-68 79.6-68 134.9-.1 92.3 74.5 168.1 168 168.1 91.6 0 168.6-74.2 168-169.1-.3-51.8-24.7-101.8-68.1-134-9.7-7.2-12.4-20.5-6.5-30.9l15.8-28.1c7-12.4 23.2-16.1 34.8-7.8zM296 264V24c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24h-32c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v240c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h32c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24z"],
- "pray": [384, 512, [], "f683", "M256 128c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64S291.35 0 256 0s-64 28.65-64 64 28.65 64 64 64zm-30.63 169.75c14.06 16.72 39 19.09 55.97 5.22l88-72.02c17.09-13.98 19.59-39.19 5.62-56.28-13.97-17.11-39.19-19.59-56.31-5.62l-57.44 47-38.91-46.31c-15.44-18.39-39.22-27.92-64-25.33-24.19 2.48-45.25 16.27-56.37 36.92l-49.37 92.03c-23.4 43.64-8.69 96.37 34.19 123.75L131.56 432H40c-22.09 0-40 17.91-40 40s17.91 40 40 40h208c34.08 0 53.77-42.79 28.28-68.28L166.42 333.86l34.8-64.87 24.15 28.76z"],
- "praying-hands": [640, 512, [], "f684", "M272 191.91c-17.6 0-32 14.4-32 32v80c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16s-16-7.16-16-16v-76.55c0-17.39 4.72-34.47 13.69-49.39l77.75-129.59c9.09-15.16 4.19-34.81-10.97-43.91-14.45-8.67-32.72-4.3-42.3 9.21-.2.23-.62.21-.79.48l-117.26 175.9C117.56 205.9 112 224.31 112 243.29v80.23l-90.12 30.04A31.974 31.974 0 0 0 0 383.91v96c0 10.82 8.52 32 32 32 2.69 0 5.41-.34 8.06-1.03l179.19-46.62C269.16 449.99 304 403.8 304 351.91v-128c0-17.6-14.4-32-32-32zm346.12 161.73L528 323.6v-80.23c0-18.98-5.56-37.39-16.12-53.23L394.62 14.25c-.18-.27-.59-.24-.79-.48-9.58-13.51-27.85-17.88-42.3-9.21-15.16 9.09-20.06 28.75-10.97 43.91l77.75 129.59c8.97 14.92 13.69 32 13.69 49.39V304c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16s-16-7.16-16-16v-80c0-17.6-14.4-32-32-32s-32 14.4-32 32v128c0 51.89 34.84 98.08 84.75 112.34l179.19 46.62c2.66.69 5.38 1.03 8.06 1.03 23.48 0 32-21.18 32-32v-96c0-13.77-8.81-25.99-21.88-30.35z"],
- "prescription": [384, 512, [], "f5b1", "M301.26 352l78.06-78.06c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63l-22.63-22.63c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0L256 306.74l-83.96-83.96C219.31 216.8 256 176.89 256 128c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96H16C7.16 32 0 39.16 0 48v256c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-80h18.75l128 128-78.06 78.06c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63l22.63 22.63c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0L256 397.25l78.06 78.06c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l22.63-22.63c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63L301.26 352zM64 96h96c17.64 0 32 14.36 32 32s-14.36 32-32 32H64V96z"],
- "prescription-bottle": [384, 512, [], "f485", "M32 192h120c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H32v64h120c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H32v64h120c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H32v64c0 17.6 14.4 32 32 32h256c17.6 0 32-14.4 32-32V128H32v64zM360 0H24C10.8 0 0 10.8 0 24v48c0 13.2 10.8 24 24 24h336c13.2 0 24-10.8 24-24V24c0-13.2-10.8-24-24-24z"],
- "prescription-bottle-alt": [384, 512, [], "f486", "M360 0H24C10.8 0 0 10.8 0 24v48c0 13.2 10.8 24 24 24h336c13.2 0 24-10.8 24-24V24c0-13.2-10.8-24-24-24zM32 480c0 17.6 14.4 32 32 32h256c17.6 0 32-14.4 32-32V128H32v352zm64-184c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h56v-56c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h48c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v56h56c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v48c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-56v56c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8h-48c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-56h-56c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-48z"],
- "print": [512, 512, [], "f02f", "M448 192V77.25c0-8.49-3.37-16.62-9.37-22.63L393.37 9.37c-6-6-14.14-9.37-22.63-9.37H96C78.33 0 64 14.33 64 32v160c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64v112c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h320c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96h48c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V256c0-35.35-28.65-64-64-64zm-64 256H128v-96h256v96zm0-224H128V64h192v48c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48v96zm48 72c-13.25 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24z"],
- "procedures": [640, 512, [], "f487", "M528 224H272c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v144H64V144c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v352c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-48h512v48c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V336c0-61.9-50.1-112-112-112zM136 96h126.1l27.6 55.2c5.9 11.8 22.7 11.8 28.6 0L368 51.8 390.1 96H512c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16s-7.2-16-16-16H409.9L382.3 8.8C376.4-3 359.6-3 353.7 8.8L304 108.2l-19.9-39.8c-1.4-2.7-4.1-4.4-7.2-4.4H136c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm24 256c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64z"],
- "project-diagram": [640, 512, [], "f542", "M384 320H256c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v128c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h128c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V352c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM192 32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H32C14.33 0 0 14.33 0 32v128c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h95.72l73.16 128.04C211.98 300.98 232.4 288 256 288h.28L192 175.51V128h224V64H192V32zM608 0H480c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v128c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h128c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z"],
- "puzzle-piece": [576, 512, [], "f12e", "M519.442 288.651c-41.519 0-59.5 31.593-82.058 31.593C377.409 320.244 432 144 432 144s-196.288 80-196.288-3.297c0-35.827 36.288-46.25 36.288-85.985C272 19.216 243.885 0 210.539 0c-34.654 0-66.366 18.891-66.366 56.346 0 41.364 31.711 59.277 31.711 81.75C175.885 207.719 0 166.758 0 166.758v333.237s178.635 41.047 178.635-28.662c0-22.473-40-40.107-40-81.471 0-37.456 29.25-56.346 63.577-56.346 33.673 0 61.788 19.216 61.788 54.717 0 39.735-36.288 50.158-36.288 85.985 0 60.803 129.675 25.73 181.23 25.73 0 0-34.725-120.101 25.827-120.101 35.962 0 46.423 36.152 86.308 36.152C556.712 416 576 387.99 576 354.443c0-34.199-18.962-65.792-56.558-65.792z"],
- "qrcode": [448, 512, [], "f029", "M0 224h192V32H0v192zM64 96h64v64H64V96zm192-64v192h192V32H256zm128 128h-64V96h64v64zM0 480h192V288H0v192zm64-128h64v64H64v-64zm352-64h32v128h-96v-32h-32v96h-64V288h96v32h64v-32zm0 160h32v32h-32v-32zm-64 0h32v32h-32v-32z"],
- "question": [384, 512, [], "f128", "M202.021 0C122.202 0 70.503 32.703 29.914 91.026c-7.363 10.58-5.093 25.086 5.178 32.874l43.138 32.709c10.373 7.865 25.132 6.026 33.253-4.148 25.049-31.381 43.63-49.449 82.757-49.449 30.764 0 68.816 19.799 68.816 49.631 0 22.552-18.617 34.134-48.993 51.164-35.423 19.86-82.299 44.576-82.299 106.405V320c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h72.471c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-5.773c0-42.86 125.268-44.645 125.268-160.627C377.504 66.256 286.902 0 202.021 0zM192 373.459c-38.196 0-69.271 31.075-69.271 69.271 0 38.195 31.075 69.27 69.271 69.27s69.271-31.075 69.271-69.271-31.075-69.27-69.271-69.27z"],
- "question-circle": [512, 512, [], "f059", "M504 256c0 136.997-111.043 248-248 248S8 392.997 8 256C8 119.083 119.043 8 256 8s248 111.083 248 248zM262.655 90c-54.497 0-89.255 22.957-116.549 63.758-3.536 5.286-2.353 12.415 2.715 16.258l34.699 26.31c5.205 3.947 12.621 3.008 16.665-2.122 17.864-22.658 30.113-35.797 57.303-35.797 20.429 0 45.698 13.148 45.698 32.958 0 14.976-12.363 22.667-32.534 33.976C247.128 238.528 216 254.941 216 296v4c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h56c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-1.333c0-28.462 83.186-29.647 83.186-106.667 0-58.002-60.165-102-116.531-102zM256 338c-25.365 0-46 20.635-46 46 0 25.364 20.635 46 46 46s46-20.636 46-46c0-25.365-20.635-46-46-46z"],
- "quidditch": [640, 512, [], "f458", "M256.5 216.8L343.2 326s-16.6 102.4-76.6 150.1C206.7 523.8 0 510.2 0 510.2s3.8-23.1 11-55.4l94.6-112.2c4-4.7-.9-11.6-6.6-9.5l-60.4 22.1c14.4-41.7 32.7-80 54.6-97.5 59.9-47.8 163.3-40.9 163.3-40.9zm238 135c-44 0-79.8 35.8-79.8 79.9 0 44.1 35.7 79.9 79.8 79.9 44.1 0 79.8-35.8 79.8-79.9 0-44.2-35.8-79.9-79.8-79.9zM636.5 31L616.7 6c-5.5-6.9-15.5-8-22.4-2.6L361.8 181.3l-34.1-43c-5.1-6.4-15.1-5.2-18.6 2.2l-25.3 54.6 86.7 109.2 58.8-12.4c8-1.7 11.4-11.2 6.3-17.6l-34.1-42.9L634 53.5c6.9-5.5 8-15.6 2.5-22.5z"],
- "quote-left": [512, 512, [], "f10d", "M464 256h-80v-64c0-35.3 28.7-64 64-64h8c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24h-8c-88.4 0-160 71.6-160 160v240c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h128c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V304c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-288 0H96v-64c0-35.3 28.7-64 64-64h8c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24h-8C71.6 32 0 103.6 0 192v240c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h128c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V304c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48z"],
- "quote-right": [512, 512, [], "f10e", "M464 32H336c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v128c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80v64c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64h-8c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v48c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h8c88.4 0 160-71.6 160-160V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-288 0H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v128c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80v64c0 35.3-28.7 64-64 64h-8c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v48c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h8c88.4 0 160-71.6 160-160V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48z"],
- "quran": [448, 512, [], "f687", "M448 358.4V25.6c0-16-9.6-25.6-25.6-25.6H96C41.6 0 0 41.6 0 96v320c0 54.4 41.6 96 96 96h326.4c12.8 0 25.6-9.6 25.6-25.6v-16c0-6.4-3.2-12.8-9.6-19.2-3.2-16-3.2-60.8 0-73.6 6.4-3.2 9.6-9.6 9.6-19.2zM301.08 145.82c.6-1.21 1.76-1.82 2.92-1.82s2.32.61 2.92 1.82l11.18 22.65 25 3.63c2.67.39 3.74 3.67 1.81 5.56l-18.09 17.63 4.27 24.89c.36 2.11-1.31 3.82-3.21 3.82-.5 0-1.02-.12-1.52-.38L304 211.87l-22.36 11.75c-.5.26-1.02.38-1.52.38-1.9 0-3.57-1.71-3.21-3.82l4.27-24.89-18.09-17.63c-1.94-1.89-.87-5.17 1.81-5.56l24.99-3.63 11.19-22.65zm-57.89-69.01c13.67 0 27.26 2.49 40.38 7.41a6.775 6.775 0 1 1-2.38 13.12c-.67 0-3.09-.21-4.13-.21-52.31 0-94.86 42.55-94.86 94.86 0 52.3 42.55 94.86 94.86 94.86 1.03 0 3.48-.21 4.13-.21 3.93 0 6.8 3.14 6.8 6.78 0 2.98-1.94 5.51-4.62 6.42-13.07 4.87-26.59 7.34-40.19 7.34C179.67 307.19 128 255.51 128 192c0-63.52 51.67-115.19 115.19-115.19zM380.8 448H96c-19.2 0-32-12.8-32-32s16-32 32-32h284.8v64z"],
- "random": [512, 512, [], "f074", "M504.971 359.029c9.373 9.373 9.373 24.569 0 33.941l-80 79.984c-15.01 15.01-40.971 4.49-40.971-16.971V416h-58.785a12.004 12.004 0 0 1-8.773-3.812l-70.556-75.596 53.333-57.143L352 336h32v-39.981c0-21.438 25.943-31.998 40.971-16.971l80 79.981zM12 176h84l52.781 56.551 53.333-57.143-70.556-75.596A11.999 11.999 0 0 0 122.785 96H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v56c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12zm372 0v39.984c0 21.46 25.961 31.98 40.971 16.971l80-79.984c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.569 0-33.941l-80-79.981C409.943 24.021 384 34.582 384 56.019V96h-58.785a12.004 12.004 0 0 0-8.773 3.812L96 336H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v56c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h110.785c3.326 0 6.503-1.381 8.773-3.812L352 176h32z"],
- "receipt": [384, 512, [], "f543", "M358.4 3.2L320 48 265.6 3.2a15.9 15.9 0 0 0-19.2 0L192 48 137.6 3.2a15.9 15.9 0 0 0-19.2 0L64 48 25.6 3.2C15-4.7 0 2.8 0 16v480c0 13.2 15 20.7 25.6 12.8L64 464l54.4 44.8a15.9 15.9 0 0 0 19.2 0L192 464l54.4 44.8a15.9 15.9 0 0 0 19.2 0L320 464l38.4 44.8c10.5 7.9 25.6.4 25.6-12.8V16c0-13.2-15-20.7-25.6-12.8zM320 360c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H72c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h240c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16zm0-96c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H72c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h240c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16zm0-96c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H72c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h240c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16z"],
- "recycle": [512, 512, [], "f1b8", "M184.561 261.903c3.232 13.997-12.123 24.635-24.068 17.168l-40.736-25.455-50.867 81.402C55.606 356.273 70.96 384 96.012 384H148c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v40c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H96.115c-75.334 0-121.302-83.048-81.408-146.88l50.822-81.388-40.725-25.448c-12.081-7.547-8.966-25.961 4.879-29.158l110.237-25.45c8.611-1.988 17.201 3.381 19.189 11.99l25.452 110.237zm98.561-182.915l41.289 66.076-40.74 25.457c-12.051 7.528-9 25.953 4.879 29.158l110.237 25.45c8.672 1.999 17.215-3.438 19.189-11.99l25.45-110.237c3.197-13.844-11.99-24.719-24.068-17.168l-40.687 25.424-41.263-66.082c-37.521-60.033-125.209-60.171-162.816 0l-17.963 28.766c-3.51 5.62-1.8 13.021 3.82 16.533l33.919 21.195c5.62 3.512 13.024 1.803 16.536-3.817l17.961-28.743c12.712-20.341 41.973-19.676 54.257-.022zM497.288 301.12l-27.515-44.065c-3.511-5.623-10.916-7.334-16.538-3.821l-33.861 21.159c-5.62 3.512-7.33 10.915-3.818 16.536l27.564 44.112c13.257 21.211-2.057 48.96-27.136 48.96H320V336.02c0-14.213-17.242-21.383-27.313-11.313l-80 79.981c-6.249 6.248-6.249 16.379 0 22.627l80 79.989C302.689 517.308 320 510.3 320 495.989V448h95.88c75.274 0 121.335-82.997 81.408-146.88z"],
- "redo": [512, 512, [], "f01e", "M500.333 0h-47.411c-6.853 0-12.314 5.729-11.986 12.574l3.966 82.759C399.416 41.899 331.672 8 256.001 8 119.34 8 7.899 119.526 8 256.187 8.101 393.068 119.096 504 256 504c63.926 0 122.202-24.187 166.178-63.908 5.113-4.618 5.354-12.561.482-17.433l-33.971-33.971c-4.466-4.466-11.64-4.717-16.38-.543C341.308 415.448 300.606 432 256 432c-97.267 0-176-78.716-176-176 0-97.267 78.716-176 176-176 60.892 0 114.506 30.858 146.099 77.8l-101.525-4.865c-6.845-.328-12.574 5.133-12.574 11.986v47.411c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h200.333c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12z"],
- "redo-alt": [512, 512, [], "f2f9", "M256.455 8c66.269.119 126.437 26.233 170.859 68.685l35.715-35.715C478.149 25.851 504 36.559 504 57.941V192c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H345.941c-21.382 0-32.09-25.851-16.971-40.971l41.75-41.75c-30.864-28.899-70.801-44.907-113.23-45.273-92.398-.798-170.283 73.977-169.484 169.442C88.764 348.009 162.184 424 256 424c41.127 0 79.997-14.678 110.629-41.556 4.743-4.161 11.906-3.908 16.368.553l39.662 39.662c4.872 4.872 4.631 12.815-.482 17.433C378.202 479.813 319.926 504 256 504 119.034 504 8.001 392.967 8 256.002 7.999 119.193 119.646 7.755 256.455 8z"],
- "registered": [512, 512, [], "f25d", "M285.363 207.475c0 18.6-9.831 28.431-28.431 28.431h-29.876v-56.14h23.378c28.668 0 34.929 8.773 34.929 27.709zM504 256c0 136.967-111.033 248-248 248S8 392.967 8 256 119.033 8 256 8s248 111.033 248 248zM363.411 360.414c-46.729-84.825-43.299-78.636-44.702-80.98 23.432-15.172 37.945-42.979 37.945-74.486 0-54.244-31.5-89.252-105.498-89.252h-70.667c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24V372c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h22.567c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-71.663h25.556l44.129 82.937a24.001 24.001 0 0 0 21.188 12.727h24.464c18.261-.001 29.829-19.591 21.018-35.587z"],
- "reply": [512, 512, [], "f3e5", "M8.309 189.836L184.313 37.851C199.719 24.546 224 35.347 224 56.015v80.053c160.629 1.839 288 34.032 288 186.258 0 61.441-39.581 122.309-83.333 154.132-13.653 9.931-33.111-2.533-28.077-18.631 45.344-145.012-21.507-183.51-176.59-185.742V360c0 20.7-24.3 31.453-39.687 18.164l-176.004-152c-11.071-9.562-11.086-26.753 0-36.328z"],
- "reply-all": [576, 512, [], "f122", "M136.309 189.836L312.313 37.851C327.72 24.546 352 35.348 352 56.015v82.763c129.182 10.231 224 52.212 224 183.548 0 61.441-39.582 122.309-83.333 154.132-13.653 9.931-33.111-2.533-28.077-18.631 38.512-123.162-3.922-169.482-112.59-182.015v84.175c0 20.701-24.3 31.453-39.687 18.164L136.309 226.164c-11.071-9.561-11.086-26.753 0-36.328zm-128 36.328L184.313 378.15C199.7 391.439 224 380.687 224 359.986v-15.818l-108.606-93.785A55.96 55.96 0 0 1 96 207.998a55.953 55.953 0 0 1 19.393-42.38L224 71.832V56.015c0-20.667-24.28-31.469-39.687-18.164L8.309 189.836c-11.086 9.575-11.071 26.767 0 36.328z"],
- "retweet": [640, 512, [], "f079", "M629.657 343.598L528.971 444.284c-9.373 9.372-24.568 9.372-33.941 0L394.343 343.598c-9.373-9.373-9.373-24.569 0-33.941l10.823-10.823c9.562-9.562 25.133-9.34 34.419.492L480 342.118V160H292.451a24.005 24.005 0 0 1-16.971-7.029l-16-16C244.361 121.851 255.069 96 276.451 96H520c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v222.118l40.416-42.792c9.285-9.831 24.856-10.054 34.419-.492l10.823 10.823c9.372 9.372 9.372 24.569-.001 33.941zm-265.138 15.431A23.999 23.999 0 0 0 347.548 352H160V169.881l40.416 42.792c9.286 9.831 24.856 10.054 34.419.491l10.822-10.822c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.569 0-33.941L144.971 67.716c-9.373-9.373-24.569-9.373-33.941 0L10.343 168.402c-9.373 9.373-9.373 24.569 0 33.941l10.822 10.822c9.562 9.562 25.133 9.34 34.419-.491L96 169.881V392c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h243.549c21.382 0 32.09-25.851 16.971-40.971l-16.001-16z"],
- "ribbon": [448, 512, [], "f4d6", "M6.1 444.3c-9.6 10.8-7.5 27.6 4.5 35.7l68.8 27.9c9.9 6.7 23.3 5 31.3-3.8l91.8-101.9-79.2-87.9-117.2 130zm435.8 0s-292-324.6-295.4-330.1c15.4-8.4 40.2-17.9 77.5-17.9s62.1 9.5 77.5 17.9c-3.3 5.6-56 64.6-56 64.6l79.1 87.7 34.2-38c28.7-31.9 33.3-78.6 11.4-115.5l-43.7-73.5c-4.3-7.2-9.9-13.3-16.8-18-40.7-27.6-127.4-29.7-171.4 0-6.9 4.7-12.5 10.8-16.8 18l-43.6 73.2c-1.5 2.5-37.1 62.2 11.5 116L337.5 504c8 8.9 21.4 10.5 31.3 3.8l68.8-27.9c11.9-8 14-24.8 4.3-35.6z"],
- "road": [576, 512, [], "f018", "M573.19 402.67l-139.79-320C428.43 71.29 417.6 64 405.68 64h-97.59l2.45 23.16c.5 4.72-3.21 8.84-7.96 8.84h-29.16c-4.75 0-8.46-4.12-7.96-8.84L267.91 64h-97.59c-11.93 0-22.76 7.29-27.73 18.67L2.8 402.67C-6.45 423.86 8.31 448 30.54 448h196.84l10.31-97.68c.86-8.14 7.72-14.32 15.91-14.32h68.8c8.19 0 15.05 6.18 15.91 14.32L348.62 448h196.84c22.23 0 36.99-24.14 27.73-45.33zM260.4 135.16a8 8 0 0 1 7.96-7.16h39.29c4.09 0 7.53 3.09 7.96 7.16l4.6 43.58c.75 7.09-4.81 13.26-11.93 13.26h-40.54c-7.13 0-12.68-6.17-11.93-13.26l4.59-43.58zM315.64 304h-55.29c-9.5 0-16.91-8.23-15.91-17.68l5.07-48c.86-8.14 7.72-14.32 15.91-14.32h45.15c8.19 0 15.05 6.18 15.91 14.32l5.07 48c1 9.45-6.41 17.68-15.91 17.68z"],
- "robot": [640, 512, [], "f544", "M0 256v128c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h32V224H32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32zM464 96H352V32c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32s-32 14.3-32 32v64H176c-44.2 0-80 35.8-80 80v272c0 35.3 28.7 64 64 64h320c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64V176c0-44.2-35.8-80-80-80zM256 416h-64v-32h64v32zm-32-120c-22.1 0-40-17.9-40-40s17.9-40 40-40 40 17.9 40 40-17.9 40-40 40zm128 120h-64v-32h64v32zm96 0h-64v-32h64v32zm-32-120c-22.1 0-40-17.9-40-40s17.9-40 40-40 40 17.9 40 40-17.9 40-40 40zm192-72h-32v192h32c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V256c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32z"],
- "rocket": [512, 512, [], "f135", "M505.1 19.1C503.8 13 499 8.2 492.9 6.9 460.7 0 435.5 0 410.4 0 307.2 0 245.3 55.2 199.1 128H94.9c-18.2 0-34.8 10.3-42.9 26.5L2.6 253.3c-8 16 3.6 34.7 21.5 34.7h95.1c-5.9 12.8-11.9 25.5-18 37.7-3.1 6.2-1.9 13.6 3 18.5l63.6 63.6c4.9 4.9 12.3 6.1 18.5 3 12.2-6.1 24.9-12 37.7-17.9V488c0 17.8 18.8 29.4 34.7 21.5l98.7-49.4c16.3-8.1 26.5-24.8 26.5-42.9V312.8c72.6-46.3 128-108.4 128-211.1.1-25.2.1-50.4-6.8-82.6zM400 160c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48z"],
- "route": [512, 512, [], "f4d7", "M416 320h-96c-17.6 0-32-14.4-32-32s14.4-32 32-32h96s96-107 96-160-43-96-96-96-96 43-96 96c0 25.5 22.2 63.4 45.3 96H320c-52.9 0-96 43.1-96 96s43.1 96 96 96h96c17.6 0 32 14.4 32 32s-14.4 32-32 32H185.5c-16 24.8-33.8 47.7-47.3 64H416c52.9 0 96-43.1 96-96s-43.1-96-96-96zm0-256c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zM96 256c-53 0-96 43-96 96s96 160 96 160 96-107 96-160-43-96-96-96zm0 128c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z"],
- "rss": [448, 512, [], "f09e", "M128.081 415.959c0 35.369-28.672 64.041-64.041 64.041S0 451.328 0 415.959s28.672-64.041 64.041-64.041 64.04 28.673 64.04 64.041zm175.66 47.25c-8.354-154.6-132.185-278.587-286.95-286.95C7.656 175.765 0 183.105 0 192.253v48.069c0 8.415 6.49 15.472 14.887 16.018 111.832 7.284 201.473 96.702 208.772 208.772.547 8.397 7.604 14.887 16.018 14.887h48.069c9.149.001 16.489-7.655 15.995-16.79zm144.249.288C439.596 229.677 251.465 40.445 16.503 32.01 7.473 31.686 0 38.981 0 48.016v48.068c0 8.625 6.835 15.645 15.453 15.999 191.179 7.839 344.627 161.316 352.465 352.465.353 8.618 7.373 15.453 15.999 15.453h48.068c9.034-.001 16.329-7.474 16.005-16.504z"],
- "rss-square": [448, 512, [], "f143", "M400 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM112 416c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48s21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48-21.49 48-48 48zm157.533 0h-34.335c-6.011 0-11.051-4.636-11.442-10.634-5.214-80.05-69.243-143.92-149.123-149.123-5.997-.39-10.633-5.431-10.633-11.441v-34.335c0-6.535 5.468-11.777 11.994-11.425 110.546 5.974 198.997 94.536 204.964 204.964.352 6.526-4.89 11.994-11.425 11.994zm103.027 0h-34.334c-6.161 0-11.175-4.882-11.427-11.038-5.598-136.535-115.204-246.161-251.76-251.76C68.882 152.949 64 147.935 64 141.774V107.44c0-6.454 5.338-11.664 11.787-11.432 167.83 6.025 302.21 141.191 308.205 308.205.232 6.449-4.978 11.787-11.432 11.787z"],
- "ruble-sign": [384, 512, [], "f158", "M239.36 320C324.48 320 384 260.542 384 175.071S324.48 32 239.36 32H76c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v206.632H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12V308c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h52v32H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h52v52c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h58.56c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-52H308c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H146.56v-32h92.8zm-92.8-219.252h78.72c46.72 0 74.88 29.11 74.88 74.323 0 45.832-28.16 75.561-76.16 75.561h-77.44V100.748z"],
- "ruler": [640, 512, [], "f545", "M635.7 167.2L556.1 31.7c-8.8-15-28.3-20.1-43.5-11.5l-69 39.1L503.3 161c2.2 3.8.9 8.5-2.9 10.7l-13.8 7.8c-3.8 2.2-8.7.9-10.9-2.9L416 75l-55.2 31.3 27.9 47.4c2.2 3.8.9 8.5-2.9 10.7l-13.8 7.8c-3.8 2.2-8.7.9-10.9-2.9L333.2 122 278 153.3 337.8 255c2.2 3.7.9 8.5-2.9 10.7l-13.8 7.8c-3.8 2.2-8.7.9-10.9-2.9l-59.7-101.7-55.2 31.3 27.9 47.4c2.2 3.8.9 8.5-2.9 10.7l-13.8 7.8c-3.8 2.2-8.7.9-10.9-2.9l-27.9-47.5-55.2 31.3 59.7 101.7c2.2 3.7.9 8.5-2.9 10.7l-13.8 7.8c-3.8 2.2-8.7.9-10.9-2.9L84.9 262.9l-69 39.1C.7 310.7-4.6 329.8 4.2 344.8l79.6 135.6c8.8 15 28.3 20.1 43.5 11.5L624.1 210c15.2-8.6 20.4-27.8 11.6-42.8z"],
- "ruler-combined": [512, 512, [], "f546", "M160 288h-56c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h56v-64h-56c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h56V96h-56c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8V72c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h56V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H32C14.33 0 0 14.33 0 32v448c0 2.77.91 5.24 1.57 7.8L160 329.38V288zm320 64h-32v56c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-56h-64v56c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-56h-64v56c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-56h-41.37L24.2 510.43c2.56.66 5.04 1.57 7.8 1.57h448c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z"],
- "ruler-horizontal": [576, 512, [], "f547", "M544 128h-48v88c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-88h-64v88c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-88h-64v88c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-88h-64v88c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8h-16c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-88h-64v88c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H88c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-88H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v192c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h512c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V160c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z"],
- "ruler-vertical": [256, 512, [], "f548", "M168 416c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h88v-64h-88c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h88v-64h-88c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h88v-64h-88c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h88V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H32C14.33 0 0 14.33 0 32v448c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h192c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-64h-88z"],
- "rupee-sign": [320, 512, [], "f156", "M308 96c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V44c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12C5.373 32 0 37.373 0 44v44.748c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h85.28c27.308 0 48.261 9.958 60.97 27.252H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h158.757c-6.217 36.086-32.961 58.632-74.757 58.632H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v53.012c0 3.349 1.4 6.546 3.861 8.818l165.052 152.356a12.001 12.001 0 0 0 8.139 3.182h82.562c10.924 0 16.166-13.408 8.139-20.818L116.871 319.906c76.499-2.34 131.144-53.395 138.318-127.906H308c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-58.69c-3.486-11.541-8.28-22.246-14.252-32H308z"],
- "sad-cry": [496, 512, [], "f5b3", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256c0 90.1 48.2 168.7 120 212.1V288c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16s16 7.2 16 16v196.7c29.5 12.4 62 19.3 96 19.3s66.5-6.9 96-19.3V288c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16s16 7.2 16 16v180.1C447.8 424.7 496 346 496 256 496 119 385 8 248 8zm-65.5 216.5c-14.8-13.2-46.2-13.2-61 0L112 233c-3.8 3.3-9.3 4-13.7 1.6-4.4-2.4-6.9-7.4-6.1-12.4 4-25.2 34.2-42.1 59.9-42.1S208 197 212 222.2c.8 5-1.7 10-6.1 12.4-5.8 3.1-11.2.7-13.7-1.6l-9.7-8.5zM248 416c-26.5 0-48-28.7-48-64s21.5-64 48-64 48 28.7 48 64-21.5 64-48 64zm149.8-181.5c-5.8 3.1-11.2.7-13.7-1.6l-9.5-8.5c-14.8-13.2-46.2-13.2-61 0L304 233c-3.8 3.3-9.3 4-13.7 1.6-4.4-2.4-6.9-7.4-6.1-12.4 4-25.2 34.2-42.1 59.9-42.1S400 197 404 222.2c.6 4.9-1.8 9.9-6.2 12.3z"],
- "sad-tear": [496, 512, [], "f5b4", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm80 168c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zM152 416c-26.5 0-48-21-48-47 0-20 28.5-60.4 41.6-77.8 3.2-4.3 9.6-4.3 12.8 0C171.5 308.6 200 349 200 369c0 26-21.5 47-48 47zm16-176c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm170.2 154.2C315.8 367.4 282.9 352 248 352c-21.2 0-21.2-32 0-32 44.4 0 86.3 19.6 114.7 53.8 13.8 16.4-11.2 36.5-24.5 20.4z"],
- "save": [448, 512, [], "f0c7", "M433.941 129.941l-83.882-83.882A48 48 0 0 0 316.118 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V163.882a48 48 0 0 0-14.059-33.941zM224 416c-35.346 0-64-28.654-64-64 0-35.346 28.654-64 64-64s64 28.654 64 64c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64zm96-304.52V212c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H76c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V108c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h228.52c3.183 0 6.235 1.264 8.485 3.515l3.48 3.48A11.996 11.996 0 0 1 320 111.48z"],
- "school": [640, 512, [], "f549", "M0 224v272c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h80V192H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32zm360-48h-24v-40c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8h-16c-4.42 0-8 3.58-8 8v64c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h48c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8v-16c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8zm137.75-63.96l-160-106.67a32.02 32.02 0 0 0-35.5 0l-160 106.67A32.002 32.002 0 0 0 128 138.66V512h128V368c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h96c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v144h128V138.67c0-10.7-5.35-20.7-14.25-26.63zM320 256c-44.18 0-80-35.82-80-80s35.82-80 80-80 80 35.82 80 80-35.82 80-80 80zm288-64h-64v320h80c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V224c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z"],
- "screwdriver": [512, 512, [], "f54a", "M448 0L320 96v62.06l-83.03 83.03c6.79 4.25 13.27 9.06 19.07 14.87 5.8 5.8 10.62 12.28 14.87 19.07L353.94 192H416l96-128-64-64zM128 278.59L10.92 395.67c-14.55 14.55-14.55 38.15 0 52.71l52.7 52.7c14.56 14.56 38.15 14.56 52.71 0L233.41 384c29.11-29.11 29.11-76.3 0-105.41s-76.3-29.11-105.41 0z"],
- "search": [512, 512, [], "f002", "M505 442.7L405.3 343c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7H372c27.6-35.3 44-79.7 44-128C416 93.1 322.9 0 208 0S0 93.1 0 208s93.1 208 208 208c48.3 0 92.7-16.4 128-44v16.3c0 6.4 2.5 12.5 7 17l99.7 99.7c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l28.3-28.3c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.6.1-34zM208 336c-70.7 0-128-57.2-128-128 0-70.7 57.2-128 128-128 70.7 0 128 57.2 128 128 0 70.7-57.2 128-128 128z"],
- "search-dollar": [512, 512, [], "f688", "M505.04 442.66l-99.71-99.69c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7h-16.3c27.6-35.3 44-79.69 44-127.99C416.03 93.09 322.92 0 208.02 0S0 93.09 0 207.98s93.11 207.98 208.02 207.98c48.3 0 92.71-16.4 128.01-44v16.3c0 6.4 2.5 12.5 7 17l99.71 99.69c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l28.3-28.3c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.59.1-33.99zm-297.02-90.7c-79.54 0-144-64.34-144-143.98 0-79.53 64.35-143.98 144-143.98 79.54 0 144 64.34 144 143.98 0 79.53-64.35 143.98-144 143.98zm27.11-152.54l-45.01-13.5c-5.16-1.55-8.77-6.78-8.77-12.73 0-7.27 5.3-13.19 11.8-13.19h28.11c4.56 0 8.96 1.29 12.82 3.72 3.24 2.03 7.36 1.91 10.13-.73l11.75-11.21c3.53-3.37 3.33-9.21-.57-12.14-9.1-6.83-20.08-10.77-31.37-11.35V112c0-4.42-3.58-8-8-8h-16c-4.42 0-8 3.58-8 8v16.12c-23.63.63-42.68 20.55-42.68 45.07 0 19.97 12.99 37.81 31.58 43.39l45.01 13.5c5.16 1.55 8.77 6.78 8.77 12.73 0 7.27-5.3 13.19-11.8 13.19h-28.1c-4.56 0-8.96-1.29-12.82-3.72-3.24-2.03-7.36-1.91-10.13.73l-11.75 11.21c-3.53 3.37-3.33 9.21.57 12.14 9.1 6.83 20.08 10.77 31.37 11.35V304c0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h16c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8v-16.12c23.63-.63 42.68-20.54 42.68-45.07 0-19.97-12.99-37.81-31.59-43.39z"],
- "search-location": [512, 512, [], "f689", "M505.04 442.66l-99.71-99.69c-4.5-4.5-10.6-7-17-7h-16.3c27.6-35.3 44-79.69 44-127.99C416.03 93.09 322.92 0 208.02 0S0 93.09 0 207.98s93.11 207.98 208.02 207.98c48.3 0 92.71-16.4 128.01-44v16.3c0 6.4 2.5 12.5 7 17l99.71 99.69c9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l28.3-28.3c9.4-9.4 9.4-24.59.1-33.99zm-297.02-90.7c-79.54 0-144-64.34-144-143.98 0-79.53 64.35-143.98 144-143.98 79.54 0 144 64.34 144 143.98 0 79.53-64.35 143.98-144 143.98zm.02-239.96c-40.78 0-73.84 33.05-73.84 73.83 0 32.96 48.26 93.05 66.75 114.86a9.24 9.24 0 0 0 14.18 0c18.49-21.81 66.75-81.89 66.75-114.86 0-40.78-33.06-73.83-73.84-73.83zm0 96c-13.26 0-24-10.75-24-24 0-13.26 10.75-24 24-24s24 10.74 24 24c0 13.25-10.75 24-24 24z"],
- "search-minus": [512, 512, [], "f010", "M304 192v32c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H124c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-32c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h168c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm201 284.7L476.7 505c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L343 405.3c-4.5-4.5-7-10.6-7-17V372c-35.3 27.6-79.7 44-128 44C93.1 416 0 322.9 0 208S93.1 0 208 0s208 93.1 208 208c0 48.3-16.4 92.7-44 128h16.3c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l99.7 99.7c9.3 9.4 9.3 24.6 0 34zM344 208c0-75.2-60.8-136-136-136S72 132.8 72 208s60.8 136 136 136 136-60.8 136-136z"],
- "search-plus": [512, 512, [], "f00e", "M304 192v32c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-56v56c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-32c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-56h-56c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-32c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h56v-56c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h32c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v56h56c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm201 284.7L476.7 505c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L343 405.3c-4.5-4.5-7-10.6-7-17V372c-35.3 27.6-79.7 44-128 44C93.1 416 0 322.9 0 208S93.1 0 208 0s208 93.1 208 208c0 48.3-16.4 92.7-44 128h16.3c6.4 0 12.5 2.5 17 7l99.7 99.7c9.3 9.4 9.3 24.6 0 34zM344 208c0-75.2-60.8-136-136-136S72 132.8 72 208s60.8 136 136 136 136-60.8 136-136z"],
- "seedling": [512, 512, [], "f4d8", "M64 96H0c0 123.7 100.3 224 224 224v144c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V320C288 196.3 187.7 96 64 96zm384-64c-84.2 0-157.4 46.5-195.7 115.2 27.7 30.2 48.2 66.9 59 107.6C424 243.1 512 147.9 512 32h-64z"],
- "server": [512, 512, [], "f233", "M480 160H32c-17.673 0-32-14.327-32-32V64c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32h448c17.673 0 32 14.327 32 32v64c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32zm-48-88c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24s10.745 24 24 24 24-10.745 24-24-10.745-24-24-24zm-64 0c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24s10.745 24 24 24 24-10.745 24-24-10.745-24-24-24zm112 248H32c-17.673 0-32-14.327-32-32v-64c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32h448c17.673 0 32 14.327 32 32v64c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32zm-48-88c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24s10.745 24 24 24 24-10.745 24-24-10.745-24-24-24zm-64 0c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24s10.745 24 24 24 24-10.745 24-24-10.745-24-24-24zm112 248H32c-17.673 0-32-14.327-32-32v-64c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32h448c17.673 0 32 14.327 32 32v64c0 17.673-14.327 32-32 32zm-48-88c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24s10.745 24 24 24 24-10.745 24-24-10.745-24-24-24zm-64 0c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24s10.745 24 24 24 24-10.745 24-24-10.745-24-24-24z"],
- "shapes": [512, 512, [], "f61f", "M512 320v160c0 17.67-14.33 32-32 32H320c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32V320c0-17.67 14.33-32 32-32h160c17.67 0 32 14.33 32 32zm-384-64C57.31 256 0 313.31 0 384s57.31 128 128 128 128-57.31 128-128-57.31-128-128-128zm351.03-32c25.34 0 41.18-26.67 28.51-48L412.51 16c-12.67-21.33-44.35-21.33-57.02 0l-95.03 160c-12.67 21.33 3.17 48 28.51 48h190.06z"],
- "share": [512, 512, [], "f064", "M503.691 189.836L327.687 37.851C312.281 24.546 288 35.347 288 56.015v80.053C127.371 137.907 0 170.1 0 322.326c0 61.441 39.581 122.309 83.333 154.132 13.653 9.931 33.111-2.533 28.077-18.631C66.066 312.814 132.917 274.316 288 272.085V360c0 20.7 24.3 31.453 39.687 18.164l176.004-152c11.071-9.562 11.086-26.753 0-36.328z"],
- "share-alt": [448, 512, [], "f1e0", "M352 320c-22.608 0-43.387 7.819-59.79 20.895l-102.486-64.054a96.551 96.551 0 0 0 0-41.683l102.486-64.054C308.613 184.181 329.392 192 352 192c53.019 0 96-42.981 96-96S405.019 0 352 0s-96 42.981-96 96c0 7.158.79 14.13 2.276 20.841L155.79 180.895C139.387 167.819 118.608 160 96 160c-53.019 0-96 42.981-96 96s42.981 96 96 96c22.608 0 43.387-7.819 59.79-20.895l102.486 64.054A96.301 96.301 0 0 0 256 416c0 53.019 42.981 96 96 96s96-42.981 96-96-42.981-96-96-96z"],
- "share-alt-square": [448, 512, [], "f1e1", "M448 80v352c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48V80c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h352c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48zM304 296c-14.562 0-27.823 5.561-37.783 14.671l-67.958-40.775a56.339 56.339 0 0 0 0-27.793l67.958-40.775C276.177 210.439 289.438 216 304 216c30.928 0 56-25.072 56-56s-25.072-56-56-56-56 25.072-56 56c0 4.797.605 9.453 1.74 13.897l-67.958 40.775C171.823 205.561 158.562 200 144 200c-30.928 0-56 25.072-56 56s25.072 56 56 56c14.562 0 27.823-5.561 37.783-14.671l67.958 40.775a56.088 56.088 0 0 0-1.74 13.897c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56s56-25.072 56-56C360 321.072 334.928 296 304 296z"],
- "share-square": [576, 512, [], "f14d", "M568.482 177.448L424.479 313.433C409.3 327.768 384 317.14 384 295.985v-71.963c-144.575.97-205.566 35.113-164.775 171.353 4.483 14.973-12.846 26.567-25.006 17.33C155.252 383.105 120 326.488 120 269.339c0-143.937 117.599-172.5 264-173.312V24.012c0-21.174 25.317-31.768 40.479-17.448l144.003 135.988c10.02 9.463 10.028 25.425 0 34.896zM384 379.128V448H64V128h50.916a11.99 11.99 0 0 0 8.648-3.693c14.953-15.568 32.237-27.89 51.014-37.676C185.708 80.83 181.584 64 169.033 64H48C21.49 64 0 85.49 0 112v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h352c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48v-88.806c0-8.288-8.197-14.066-16.011-11.302a71.83 71.83 0 0 1-34.189 3.377c-7.27-1.046-13.8 4.514-13.8 11.859z"],
- "shekel-sign": [448, 512, [], "f20b", "M248 168v168c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V168c0-75.11-60.89-136-136-136H24C10.75 32 0 42.74 0 56v408c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V112h112c30.93 0 56 25.07 56 56zM432 32h-48c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v296c0 30.93-25.07 56-56 56H200V176c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-48c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v280c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h168c75.11 0 136-60.89 136-136V48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z"],
- "shield-alt": [512, 512, [], "f3ed", "M496 128c0 221.282-135.934 344.645-221.539 380.308a48 48 0 0 1-36.923 0C130.495 463.713 16 326.487 16 128a48 48 0 0 1 29.539-44.308l192-80a48 48 0 0 1 36.923 0l192 80A48 48 0 0 1 496 128zM256 446.313l.066.034c93.735-46.689 172.497-156.308 175.817-307.729L256 65.333v380.98z"],
- "ship": [640, 512, [], "f21a", "M496.616 372.639l70.012-70.012c16.899-16.9 9.942-45.771-12.836-53.092L512 236.102V96c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32h-64V24c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H248c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v40h-64c-17.673 0-32 14.327-32 32v140.102l-41.792 13.433c-22.753 7.313-29.754 36.173-12.836 53.092l70.012 70.012C125.828 416.287 85.587 448 24 448c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24 61.023 0 107.499-20.61 143.258-59.396C181.677 487.432 216.021 512 256 512h128c39.979 0 74.323-24.568 88.742-59.396C508.495 491.384 554.968 512 616 512c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-16c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24-60.817 0-101.542-31.001-119.384-75.361zM192 128h256v87.531l-118.208-37.995a31.995 31.995 0 0 0-19.584 0L192 215.531V128z"],
- "shipping-fast": [640, 512, [], "f48b", "M624 352h-16V243.9c0-12.7-5.1-24.9-14.1-33.9L494 110.1c-9-9-21.2-14.1-33.9-14.1H416V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H112C85.5 0 64 21.5 64 48v48H8c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h272c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H40c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h208c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H8c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v16c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h208c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H64v128c0 53 43 96 96 96s96-43 96-96h128c0 53 43 96 96 96s96-43 96-96h48c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zM160 464c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm320 0c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm80-208H416V144h44.1l99.9 99.9V256z"],
- "shoe-prints": [640, 512, [], "f54b", "M192 160h32V32h-32c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64s28.65 64 64 64zM0 416c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h32V352H64c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64zm337.46-128c-34.91 0-76.16 13.12-104.73 32-24.79 16.38-44.52 32-104.73 32v128l57.53 15.97c26.21 7.28 53.01 13.12 80.31 15.05 32.69 2.31 65.6.67 97.58-6.2C472.9 481.3 512 429.22 512 384c0-64-84.18-96-174.54-96zM491.42 7.19C459.44.32 426.53-1.33 393.84.99c-27.3 1.93-54.1 7.77-80.31 15.04L256 32v128c60.2 0 79.94 15.62 104.73 32 28.57 18.88 69.82 32 104.73 32C555.82 224 640 192 640 128c0-45.22-39.1-97.3-148.58-120.81z"],
- "shopping-bag": [448, 512, [], "f290", "M352 160v-32C352 57.42 294.579 0 224 0 153.42 0 96 57.42 96 128v32H0v272c0 44.183 35.817 80 80 80h288c44.183 0 80-35.817 80-80V160h-96zm-192-32c0-35.29 28.71-64 64-64s64 28.71 64 64v32H160v-32zm160 120c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24s10.745-24 24-24 24 10.745 24 24-10.745 24-24 24zm-192 0c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24s10.745-24 24-24 24 10.745 24 24-10.745 24-24 24z"],
- "shopping-basket": [576, 512, [], "f291", "M576 216v16c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24h-8l-26.113 182.788C514.509 462.435 494.257 480 470.37 480H105.63c-23.887 0-44.139-17.565-47.518-41.212L32 256h-8c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-16c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h67.341l106.78-146.821c10.395-14.292 30.407-17.453 44.701-7.058 14.293 10.395 17.453 30.408 7.058 44.701L170.477 192h235.046L326.12 82.821c-10.395-14.292-7.234-34.306 7.059-44.701 14.291-10.395 34.306-7.235 44.701 7.058L484.659 192H552c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24zM312 392V280c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24s-24 10.745-24 24v112c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24s24-10.745 24-24zm112 0V280c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24s-24 10.745-24 24v112c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24s24-10.745 24-24zm-224 0V280c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24s-24 10.745-24 24v112c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24s24-10.745 24-24z"],
- "shopping-cart": [576, 512, [], "f07a", "M528.12 301.319l47.273-208C578.806 78.301 567.391 64 551.99 64H159.208l-9.166-44.81C147.758 8.021 137.93 0 126.529 0H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h69.883l70.248 343.435C147.325 417.1 136 435.222 136 456c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56s56-25.072 56-56c0-15.674-6.447-29.835-16.824-40h209.647C430.447 426.165 424 440.326 424 456c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56s56-25.072 56-56c0-22.172-12.888-41.332-31.579-50.405l5.517-24.276c3.413-15.018-8.002-29.319-23.403-29.319H218.117l-6.545-32h293.145c11.206 0 20.92-7.754 23.403-18.681z"],
- "shower": [512, 512, [], "f2cc", "M389.66 135.6L231.6 293.66c-9.37 9.37-24.57 9.37-33.94 0l-11.32-11.32c-9.37-9.37-9.37-24.57 0-33.94l.11-.11c-34.03-40.21-35.16-98.94-3.39-140.38-11.97-7.55-26.14-11.91-41.3-11.91C98.88 96 64 130.88 64 173.76V480H0V173.76C0 95.59 63.59 32 141.76 32c36.93 0 70.61 14.2 95.86 37.42 35.9-11.51 76.5-4.5 106.67 21.03l.11-.11c9.37-9.37 24.57-9.37 33.94 0l11.32 11.32c9.37 9.37 9.37 24.57 0 33.94zM384 208c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm32 0c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16s16 7.163 16 16-7.163 16-16 16-16-7.163-16-16zm96 0c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm-160 32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm48-16c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16s-7.163 16-16 16-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16zm80 16c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm-160 32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm32 0c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16s16 7.163 16 16-7.163 16-16 16-16-7.163-16-16zm96 0c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm-128 32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16s16 7.163 16 16-7.163 16-16 16-16-7.163-16-16zm96 0c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm-96 32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm64 0c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm-32 32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16zm-32 32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16s-16-7.163-16-16 7.163-16 16-16 16 7.163 16 16z"],
- "shuttle-van": [640, 512, [], "f5b6", "M628.88 210.65L494.39 49.27A48.01 48.01 0 0 0 457.52 32H32C14.33 32 0 46.33 0 64v288c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c0 53.02 42.98 96 96 96s96-42.98 96-96h128c0 53.02 42.98 96 96 96s96-42.98 96-96h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V241.38c0-11.23-3.94-22.1-11.12-30.73zM64 192V96h96v96H64zm96 240c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48s21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48-21.49 48-48 48zm160-240h-96V96h96v96zm160 240c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48s21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48-21.49 48-48 48zm-96-240V96h66.02l80 96H384z"],
- "sign": [512, 512, [], "f4d9", "M496 64H128V16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H80c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v48H16C7.2 64 0 71.2 0 80v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h48v368c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V128h368c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V80c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zM160 384h320V160H160v224z"],
- "sign-in-alt": [512, 512, [], "f2f6", "M416 448h-84c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h84c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V160c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32h-84c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V76c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h84c53 0 96 43 96 96v192c0 53-43 96-96 96zm-47-201L201 79c-15-15-41-4.5-41 17v96H24c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v96c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h136v96c0 21.5 26 32 41 17l168-168c9.3-9.4 9.3-24.6 0-34z"],
- "sign-language": [448, 512, [], "f2a7", "M91.434 483.987c-.307-16.018 13.109-29.129 29.13-29.129h62.293v-5.714H56.993c-16.021 0-29.437-13.111-29.13-29.129C28.16 404.491 40.835 392 56.428 392h126.429v-5.714H29.136c-16.021 0-29.437-13.111-29.13-29.129.297-15.522 12.973-28.013 28.566-28.013h154.286v-5.714H57.707c-16.021 0-29.437-13.111-29.13-29.129.297-15.522 12.973-28.013 28.566-28.013h168.566l-31.085-22.606c-12.762-9.281-15.583-27.149-6.302-39.912 9.281-12.761 27.15-15.582 39.912-6.302l123.361 89.715a34.287 34.287 0 0 1 14.12 27.728v141.136c0 15.91-10.946 29.73-26.433 33.374l-80.471 18.934a137.16 137.16 0 0 1-31.411 3.646H120c-15.593-.001-28.269-12.492-28.566-28.014zm73.249-225.701h36.423l-11.187-8.136c-18.579-13.511-20.313-40.887-3.17-56.536l-13.004-16.7c-9.843-12.641-28.43-15.171-40.88-5.088-12.065 9.771-14.133 27.447-4.553 39.75l36.371 46.71zm283.298-2.103l-5.003-152.452c-.518-15.771-13.722-28.136-29.493-27.619-15.773.518-28.137 13.722-27.619 29.493l1.262 38.415L283.565 11.019c-9.58-12.303-27.223-14.63-39.653-5.328-12.827 9.599-14.929 28.24-5.086 40.881l76.889 98.745-4.509 3.511-94.79-121.734c-9.58-12.303-27.223-14.63-39.653-5.328-12.827 9.599-14.929 28.24-5.086 40.881l94.443 121.288-4.509 3.511-77.675-99.754c-9.58-12.303-27.223-14.63-39.653-5.328-12.827 9.599-14.929 28.24-5.086 40.881l52.053 66.849c12.497-8.257 29.055-8.285 41.69.904l123.36 89.714c10.904 7.93 17.415 20.715 17.415 34.198v16.999l61.064-47.549a34.285 34.285 0 0 0 13.202-28.177z"],
- "sign-out-alt": [512, 512, [], "f2f5", "M497 273L329 441c-15 15-41 4.5-41-17v-96H152c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24v-96c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h136V88c0-21.4 25.9-32 41-17l168 168c9.3 9.4 9.3 24.6 0 34zM192 436v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H96c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32V160c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32h84c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12V76c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H96c-53 0-96 43-96 96v192c0 53 43 96 96 96h84c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12z"],
- "signal": [640, 512, [], "f012", "M216 288h-48c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v192c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V304c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zM88 384H40c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v96c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-96c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm256-192h-48c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v288c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V208c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm128-96h-48c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v384c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V112c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zM600 0h-48c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v480c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V16c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z"],
- "signature": [512, 512, [], "f5b7", "M496 320h-91.86c-9.27 0-19.72-11.31-25.78-28.52-15.23-43.36-48.11-70.3-85.8-70.3-30.84 0-58.47 18.05-76.11 49.23L194.8 106.5C188.84 81.08 169.34 64 146.28 64c-23.05 0-42.55 17.08-48.5 42.5L56.16 284.2C50.7 307.45 37.75 320 28.33 320H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h12.33c41.97 0 78.19-34.23 90.14-85.2l23.84-101.78 29.25 222.11c1.98 15.05 13.82 27.45 28.94 1.96.13 2.93.13 14.08 0 26.64-9.27 30.69-22.95l33.03-112.34c5.88-16.72 15.84-27.52 25.41-27.52 9.58 0 19.55 10.8 25.78 28.52 15.23 43.36 48.11 70.3 85.8 70.3H496c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.86-7.16-16.02-16-16.02z"],
- "sitemap": [640, 512, [], "f0e8", "M128 352H32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm-24-80h192v48h48v-48h192v48h48v-57.59c0-21.17-17.23-38.41-38.41-38.41H344v-64h40c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H256c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h40v64H94.41C73.23 224 56 241.23 56 262.41V320h48v-48zm264 80h-96c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zm240 0h-96c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32z"],
- "skull": [512, 512, [], "f54c", "M256 0C114.6 0 0 100.3 0 224c0 70.1 36.9 132.6 94.5 173.7 9.6 6.9 15.2 18.1 13.5 29.9l-9.4 66.2c-1.4 9.6 6 18.2 15.7 18.2H192v-56c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h16c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v56h64v-56c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h16c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v56h77.7c9.7 0 17.1-8.6 15.7-18.2l-9.4-66.2c-1.7-11.7 3.8-23 13.5-29.9C475.1 356.6 512 294.1 512 224 512 100.3 397.4 0 256 0zm-96 320c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64s28.7-64 64-64 64 28.7 64 64-28.7 64-64 64zm192 0c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64s28.7-64 64-64 64 28.7 64 64-28.7 64-64 64z"],
- "sliders-h": [512, 512, [], "f1de", "M496 384H160v-16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-32c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v16H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h80v16c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-16h336c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm0-160h-80v-16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-32c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v16H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h336v16c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-16h80c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm0-160H288V48c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-32c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v16H16C7.2 64 0 71.2 0 80v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h208v16c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-16h208c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V80c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16z"],
- "smile": [496, 512, [], "f118", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm80 168c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm-160 0c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32s-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32zm194.8 170.2C334.3 380.4 292.5 400 248 400s-86.3-19.6-114.8-53.8c-13.6-16.3 11-36.7 24.6-20.5 22.4 26.9 55.2 42.2 90.2 42.2s67.8-15.4 90.2-42.2c13.4-16.2 38.1 4.2 24.6 20.5z"],
- "smile-beam": [496, 512, [], "f5b8", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM112 223.4c3.3-42.1 32.2-71.4 56-71.4s52.7 29.3 56 71.4c.7 8.6-10.8 11.9-14.9 4.5l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.3 7.4-15.8 4-15.1-4.5zm250.8 122.8C334.3 380.4 292.5 400 248 400s-86.3-19.6-114.8-53.8c-13.5-16.3 11-36.7 24.6-20.5 22.4 26.9 55.2 42.2 90.2 42.2s67.8-15.4 90.2-42.2c13.6-16.2 38.1 4.3 24.6 20.5zm6.2-118.3l-9.5-17c-7.7-13.7-19.2-21.6-31.5-21.6s-23.8 7.9-31.5 21.6l-9.5 17c-4.1 7.3-15.6 4-14.9-4.5 3.3-42.1 32.2-71.4 56-71.4s52.7 29.3 56 71.4c.6 8.6-11 11.9-15.1 4.5z"],
- "smile-wink": [496, 512, [], "f4da", "M0 256c0 137 111 248 248 248s248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8 0 119 0 256zm200-48c0 17.7-14.3 32-32 32s-32-14.3-32-32 14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32zm158.5 16.5c-14.8-13.2-46.2-13.2-61 0L288 233c-8.3 7.4-21.6.4-19.8-10.8 4-25.2 34.2-42.1 59.9-42.1S384 197 388 222.2c1.7 11.1-11.4 18.3-19.8 10.8l-9.7-8.5zM157.8 325.8C180.2 352.7 213 368 248 368s67.8-15.4 90.2-42.2c13.6-16.2 38.1 4.2 24.6 20.5C334.3 380.4 292.5 400 248 400s-86.3-19.6-114.8-53.8c-13.5-16.3 11.2-36.7 24.6-20.4z"],
- "smoking": [640, 512, [], "f48d", "M632 352h-48c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v144c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h48c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8V360c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zM553.3 87.1c-5.7-3.8-9.3-10-9.3-16.8V8c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-48c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v62.3c0 22 10.2 43.4 28.6 55.4 42.2 27.3 67.4 73.8 67.4 124V280c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h48c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-30.3c0-65.5-32.4-126.2-86.7-162.6zM432 352H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v64c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h384c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V368c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm-32 112H224v-64h176v64zm87.7-322.4C463.8 125 448 99.3 448 70.3V8c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8h-48c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v66.4c0 43.7 24.6 81.6 60.3 106.7 22.4 15.7 35.7 41.2 35.7 68.6V280c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h48c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-30.3c0-43.3-21-83.4-56.3-108.1zM536 352h-48c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v144c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h48c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8V360c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8z"],
- "smoking-ban": [512, 512, [], "f54d", "M96 304c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h117.5l-96-96H112c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v64zM256 0C114.6 0 0 114.6 0 256s114.6 256 256 256 256-114.6 256-256S397.4 0 256 0zm0 448c-105.9 0-192-86.1-192-192 0-41.4 13.3-79.7 35.7-111.1l267.4 267.4C335.7 434.7 297.4 448 256 448zm45.2-192H384v32h-50.8l-32-32zm111.1 111.1L365.2 320H400c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-64c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H269.2L144.9 99.7C176.3 77.3 214.6 64 256 64c105.9 0 192 86.1 192 192 0 41.4-13.3 79.7-35.7 111.1zM320.6 128c-15.6 0-28.6-11.2-31.4-25.9-.7-3.6-4-6.1-7.7-6.1h-16.2c-5 0-8.7 4.5-8 9.4 4.6 30.9 31.2 54.6 63.3 54.6 15.6 0 28.6 11.2 31.4 25.9.7 3.6 4 6.1 7.7 6.1h16.2c5 0 8.7-4.5 8-9.4-4.6-30.9-31.2-54.6-63.3-54.6z"],
- "snowflake": [448, 512, [], "f2dc", "M444.816 301.639a24.12 24.12 0 0 0 2.661-16.978c-2.725-12.966-15.339-21.245-28.174-18.492l-87.407 25.046L264 256l67.896-35.215 87.407 25.046c12.835 2.753 25.449-5.526 28.174-18.492 2.725-12.966-5.471-25.708-18.305-28.461l-47.477-7.137 53.077-30.956c11.363-6.627 15.257-21.306 8.696-32.785-6.561-11.479-21.091-15.412-32.454-8.785l-53.077 30.956 17.621-45.104c4.057-12.606-2.768-26.146-15.247-30.245-12.478-4.099-25.883 2.797-29.94 15.402l-22.232 88.99-60.38 35.215V144l65.175-63.945c8.778-9.852 7.987-25.027-1.766-33.894-9.753-8.867-24.775-8.068-33.552 1.784l-29.857 37.967V24c0-13.255-10.637-24-23.758-24s-23.758 10.745-23.758 24v61.912l-29.857-37.967c-8.779-9.852-23.799-10.652-33.552-1.784-9.753 8.867-10.543 24.042-1.766 33.894L200.242 144v70.431l-60.38-35.215-22.232-88.99c-4.057-12.605-17.462-19.501-29.94-15.402-12.478 4.099-19.304 17.64-15.247 30.245l17.62 45.104-53.077-30.956c-11.363-6.627-25.893-2.694-32.454 8.785s-2.667 26.157 8.696 32.785l53.077 30.956-47.477 7.137C5.993 201.634-2.203 214.375.523 227.341c2.725 12.965 15.339 21.245 28.174 18.492l87.407-25.046L184 256l-67.896 35.215-87.406-25.045c-12.835-2.753-25.449 5.526-28.174 18.492-2.725 12.967 5.47 25.708 18.305 28.461l47.477 7.137-53.077 30.956C1.866 357.843-2.027 372.521 4.533 384s21.091 15.412 32.454 8.785l53.077-30.956-17.62 45.104a24.157 24.157 0 0 0 2.022 19.428c2.831 4.953 7.416 8.909 13.224 10.816 12.478 4.099 25.883-2.797 29.94-15.402l22.232-88.99 60.38-35.215V368l-65.175 63.945c-8.778 9.852-7.987 25.027 1.766 33.894 9.754 8.868 24.774 8.068 33.552-1.784l29.857-37.967V488c0 13.255 10.637 24 23.758 24s23.758-10.745 23.758-24v-61.912l29.857 37.967A23.59 23.59 0 0 0 295.282 472a23.534 23.534 0 0 0 15.885-6.161c9.753-8.867 10.544-24.042 1.766-33.894L247.758 368v-70.431l60.38 35.215 22.232 88.99c4.057 12.605 17.462 19.501 29.94 15.402 12.479-4.099 19.304-17.64 15.247-30.245l-17.621-45.104 53.077 30.956c11.363 6.627 25.893 2.694 32.454-8.785s2.667-26.157-8.696-32.785l-53.077-30.956 47.477-7.137c6.86-1.469 12.394-5.793 15.645-11.481z"],
- "socks": [512, 512, [], "f696", "M214.66 311.01L288 256V96H128v176l-86.65 64.61c-39.4 29.56-53.86 84.42-29.21 127.06C30.39 495.25 63.27 512 96.08 512c20.03 0 40.25-6.25 57.52-19.2l21.86-16.39c-29.85-55.38-13.54-125.84 39.2-165.4zM288 32c0-11.05 3.07-21.3 8.02-30.38C293.4.92 290.85 0 288 0H160c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32h160V32zM480 0H352c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32h192V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32zM320 272l-86.13 64.61c-39.4 29.56-53.86 84.42-29.21 127.06 18.25 31.58 50.61 48.33 83.42 48.33 20.03 0 40.25-6.25 57.52-19.2l115.2-86.4A127.997 127.997 0 0 0 512 304V96H320v176z"],
- "solar-panel": [640, 512, [], "f5ba", "M431.98 448.01l-47.97.05V416h-128v32.21l-47.98.05c-8.82.01-15.97 7.16-15.98 15.99l-.05 31.73c-.01 8.85 7.17 16.03 16.02 16.02l223.96-.26c8.82-.01 15.97-7.16 15.98-15.98l.04-31.73c.01-8.85-7.17-16.03-16.02-16.02zM585.2 26.74C582.58 11.31 568.99 0 553.06 0H86.93C71 0 57.41 11.31 54.79 26.74-3.32 369.16.04 348.08.03 352c-.03 17.32 14.29 32 32.6 32h574.74c18.23 0 32.51-14.56 32.59-31.79.02-4.08 3.35 16.95-54.76-325.47zM259.83 64h120.33l9.77 96H250.06l9.77-96zm-75.17 256H71.09L90.1 208h105.97l-11.41 112zm16.29-160H98.24l16.29-96h96.19l-9.77 96zm32.82 160l11.4-112h149.65l11.4 112H233.77zm195.5-256h96.19l16.29 96H439.04l-9.77-96zm26.06 256l-11.4-112H549.9l19.01 112H455.33z"],
- "sort": [320, 512, [], "f0dc", "M41 288h238c21.4 0 32.1 25.9 17 41L177 448c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L24 329c-15.1-15.1-4.4-41 17-41zm255-105L177 64c-9.4-9.4-24.6-9.4-33.9 0L24 183c-15.1 15.1-4.4 41 17 41h238c21.4 0 32.1-25.9 17-41z"],
- "sort-alpha-down": [448, 512, [], "f15d", "M187.298 395.314l-79.984 80.002c-6.248 6.247-16.383 6.245-22.627 0L4.705 395.314C-5.365 385.244 1.807 368 16.019 368H64V48c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h32c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v320h47.984c14.241 0 21.363 17.264 11.314 27.314zm119.075-180.007A12 12 0 0 1 294.838 224h-35.717c-8.22 0-14.007-8.078-11.362-15.861l57.096-168A12 12 0 0 1 316.217 32h39.566c5.139 0 9.708 3.273 11.362 8.139l57.096 168C426.886 215.922 421.1 224 412.879 224h-35.735a12 12 0 0 1-11.515-8.622l-8.301-28.299h-42.863l-8.092 28.228zm22.857-78.697h13.367l-6.6-22.937-6.767 22.937zm12.575 287.323l67.451-95.698a12 12 0 0 0 2.192-6.913V300c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H274.522c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28.93c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h56.469c-.739.991-1.497 2.036-2.27 3.133l-67.203 95.205a12.001 12.001 0 0 0-2.196 6.92V468c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h129.355c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-28.93c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-61.146c.74-.993 1.5-2.039 2.274-3.137z"],
- "sort-alpha-up": [448, 512, [], "f15e", "M4.702 116.686l79.984-80.002c6.248-6.247 16.383-6.245 22.627 0l79.981 80.002c10.07 10.07 2.899 27.314-11.314 27.314H128v320c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H80c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V144H16.016c-14.241 0-21.363-17.264-11.314-27.314zm301.671 98.621A12 12 0 0 1 294.838 224h-35.717c-8.22 0-14.007-8.078-11.362-15.861l57.096-168A12 12 0 0 1 316.217 32h39.566c5.139 0 9.708 3.273 11.362 8.139l57.096 168C426.886 215.922 421.1 224 412.879 224h-35.735a12 12 0 0 1-11.515-8.622l-8.301-28.299h-42.863l-8.092 28.228zm22.857-78.697h13.367l-6.6-22.937-6.767 22.937zm12.575 287.323l67.451-95.698a12 12 0 0 0 2.192-6.913V300c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H274.522c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v28.93c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h56.469c-.739.991-1.497 2.036-2.27 3.133l-67.203 95.205a12.001 12.001 0 0 0-2.196 6.92V468c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h129.355c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-28.93c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-61.146c.74-.993 1.5-2.039 2.274-3.137z"],
- "sort-amount-down": [512, 512, [], "f160", "M187.298 395.314l-79.984 80.002c-6.248 6.247-16.383 6.245-22.627 0L4.705 395.314C-5.365 385.244 1.807 368 16.019 368H64V48c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h32c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v320h47.984c14.241 0 21.363 17.264 11.314 27.314zM240 96h256c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V48c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H240c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm-16 112v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h192c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H240c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zm0 256v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h64c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-64c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zm0-128v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h128c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H240c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16z"],
- "sort-amount-up": [512, 512, [], "f161", "M4.702 116.686l79.984-80.002c6.248-6.247 16.383-6.245 22.627 0l79.981 80.002c10.07 10.07 2.899 27.314-11.314 27.314H128v320c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H80c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V144H16.016c-14.241 0-21.363-17.264-11.314-27.314zM240 96h256c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V48c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H240c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v32c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16zm-16 112v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h192c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H240c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zm0 256v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h64c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-64c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16zm0-128v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h128c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H240c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16z"],
- "sort-down": [320, 512, [], "f0dd", "M41 288h238c21.4 0 32.1 25.9 17 41L177 448c-9.4 9.4-24.6 9.4-33.9 0L24 329c-15.1-15.1-4.4-41 17-41z"],
- "sort-numeric-down": [448, 512, [], "f162", "M308.811 113.787l-19.448-20.795c-4.522-4.836-4.274-12.421.556-16.95l43.443-40.741a11.999 11.999 0 0 1 8.209-3.247h31.591c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v127.07h25.66c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v28.93c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H301.649c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-28.93c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h25.414v-57.938c-7.254 6.58-14.211 4.921-18.252.601zm-30.57 238.569c0-32.653 23.865-67.356 68.094-67.356 38.253 0 79.424 28.861 79.424 92.228 0 51.276-32.237 105.772-91.983 105.772-17.836 0-30.546-3.557-38.548-6.781-5.79-2.333-8.789-8.746-6.922-14.703l9.237-29.48c2.035-6.496 9.049-9.983 15.467-7.716 13.029 4.602 27.878 5.275 38.103-4.138-38.742 5.072-72.872-25.36-72.872-67.826zm92.273 19.338c0-22.285-15.302-36.505-25.835-36.505-8.642 0-13.164 7.965-13.164 15.832 0 5.669 1.815 24.168 25.168 24.168 9.973 0 13.377-2.154 13.744-2.731.021-.046.087-.291.087-.764zM175.984 368H128V48c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H80c-8.837 0-16 7.163-16 16v320H16.019c-14.212 0-21.384 17.244-11.314 27.314l79.981 80.002c6.245 6.245 16.38 6.247 22.627 0l79.984-80.002c10.05-10.05 2.928-27.314-11.313-27.314z"],
- "sort-numeric-up": [448, 512, [], "f163", "M308.811 113.787l-19.448-20.795c-4.522-4.836-4.274-12.421.556-16.95l43.443-40.741a11.999 11.999 0 0 1 8.209-3.247h31.591c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v127.07h25.66c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v28.93c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H301.649c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-28.93c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h25.414v-57.938c-7.254 6.58-14.211 4.921-18.252.601zm-30.57 238.569c0-32.653 23.865-67.356 68.094-67.356 38.253 0 79.424 28.861 79.424 92.228 0 51.276-32.237 105.772-91.983 105.772-17.836 0-30.546-3.557-38.548-6.781-5.79-2.333-8.789-8.746-6.922-14.703l9.237-29.48c2.035-6.496 9.049-9.983 15.467-7.716 13.029 4.602 27.878 5.275 38.103-4.138-38.742 5.072-72.872-25.36-72.872-67.826zm92.273 19.338c0-22.285-15.302-36.505-25.835-36.505-8.642 0-13.164 7.965-13.164 15.832 0 5.669 1.815 24.168 25.168 24.168 9.973 0 13.377-2.154 13.744-2.731.021-.046.087-.291.087-.764zM16.016 144H64v320c0 8.837 7.163 16 16 16h32c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16V144h47.981c14.212 0 21.384-17.244 11.314-27.314l-79.981-80.002c-6.245-6.245-16.38-6.247-22.627 0L4.702 116.686C-5.347 126.736 1.775 144 16.016 144z"],
- "sort-up": [320, 512, [], "f0de", "M279 224H41c-21.4 0-32.1-25.9-17-41L143 64c9.4-9.4 24.6-9.4 33.9 0l119 119c15.2 15.1 4.5 41-16.9 41z"],
- "spa": [576, 512, [], "f5bb", "M568.25 192c-29.04.13-135.01 6.16-213.84 83-33.12 29.63-53.36 63.3-66.41 94.86-13.05-31.56-33.29-65.23-66.41-94.86-78.83-76.84-184.8-82.87-213.84-83-4.41-.02-7.79 3.4-7.75 7.82.23 27.92 7.14 126.14 88.77 199.3C172.79 480.94 256 480 288 480s115.19.95 199.23-80.88c81.64-73.17 88.54-171.38 88.77-199.3.04-4.42-3.34-7.84-7.75-7.82zM287.98 302.6c12.82-18.85 27.6-35.78 44.09-50.52 19.09-18.61 39.58-33.3 60.26-45.18-16.44-70.5-51.72-133.05-96.73-172.22-4.11-3.58-11.02-3.58-15.14 0-44.99 39.14-80.27 101.63-96.74 172.07 20.37 11.7 40.5 26.14 59.22 44.39a282.768 282.768 0 0 1 45.04 51.46z"],
- "space-shuttle": [640, 512, [], "f197", "M592.604 208.244C559.735 192.836 515.777 184 472 184H186.327c-4.952-6.555-10.585-11.978-16.72-16H376C229.157 137.747 219.403 32 96.003 32H96v128H80V32c-26.51 0-48 28.654-48 64v64c-23.197 0-32 10.032-32 24v40c0 13.983 8.819 24 32 24v16c-23.197 0-32 10.032-32 24v40c0 13.983 8.819 24 32 24v64c0 35.346 21.49 64 48 64V352h16v128h.003c123.4 0 133.154-105.747 279.997-136H169.606c6.135-4.022 11.768-9.445 16.72-16H472c43.777 0 87.735-8.836 120.604-24.244C622.282 289.845 640 271.992 640 256s-17.718-33.845-47.396-47.756zM488 296a8 8 0 0 1-8-8v-64a8 8 0 0 1 8-8c31.909 0 31.942 80 0 80z"],
- "spinner": [512, 512, [], "f110", "M304 48c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48s-48-21.49-48-48 21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48zm-48 368c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48zm208-208c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48zM96 256c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48S0 229.49 0 256s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48zm12.922 99.078c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48c0-26.509-21.491-48-48-48zm294.156 0c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48c0-26.509-21.49-48-48-48zM108.922 60.922c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.491-48-48-48z"],
- "splotch": [512, 512, [], "f5bc", "M472.29 195.89l-67.06-22.95c-19.28-6.6-33.54-20.92-38.14-38.3L351.1 74.19c-11.58-43.77-76.57-57.13-109.98-22.62l-46.14 47.67c-13.26 13.71-33.54 20.93-54.2 19.31l-71.88-5.62c-52.05-4.07-86.93 44.88-59.03 82.83l38.54 52.42c11.08 15.07 12.82 33.86 4.64 50.24L24.62 355.4c-20.59 41.25 22.84 84.87 73.49 73.81l69.96-15.28c20.11-4.39 41.45 0 57.07 11.73l54.32 40.83c39.32 29.56 101.04 7.57 104.45-37.22l4.7-61.86c1.35-17.79 12.8-33.86 30.63-42.99l62-31.74c44.88-22.96 39.59-80.17-8.95-96.79z"],
- "spray-can": [512, 512, [], "f5bd", "M224 32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96h128V32zm256 96c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32s14.33 32 32 32 32-14.33 32-32-14.33-32-32-32zm-256 32H96c-53.02 0-96 42.98-96 96v224c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h256c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V256c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96zm-64 256c-44.18 0-80-35.82-80-80s35.82-80 80-80 80 35.82 80 80-35.82 80-80 80zM480 96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32s-14.33-32-32-32-32 14.33-32 32 14.33 32 32 32zm-96 32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32s14.33 32 32 32 32-14.33 32-32-14.33-32-32-32zm-96-96c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32s14.33 32 32 32 32-14.33 32-32-14.33-32-32-32zm96 0c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32s14.33 32 32 32 32-14.33 32-32-14.33-32-32-32zm96 192c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32s14.33 32 32 32 32-14.33 32-32-14.33-32-32-32z"],
- "square": [448, 512, [], "f0c8", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48z"],
- "square-full": [512, 512, [], "f45c", "M512 512H0V0h512v512z"],
- "square-root-alt": [576, 512, [], "f698", "M571.31 251.31l-22.62-22.62c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0L480 274.75l-46.06-46.06c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0l-22.62 22.62c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63L434.75 320l-46.06 46.06c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63l22.62 22.62c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0L480 365.25l46.06 46.06c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l22.62-22.62c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63L525.25 320l46.06-46.06c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63zM552 0H307.65c-14.54 0-27.26 9.8-30.95 23.87l-84.79 322.8-58.41-106.1A32.008 32.008 0 0 0 105.47 224H24c-13.25 0-24 10.74-24 24v48c0 13.25 10.75 24 24 24h43.62l88.88 163.73C168.99 503.5 186.3 512 204.94 512c17.27 0 44.44-9 54.28-41.48L357.03 96H552c13.25 0 24-10.75 24-24V24c0-13.26-10.75-24-24-24z"],
- "stamp": [512, 512, [], "f5bf", "M32 512h448v-64H32v64zm384-256h-66.56c-16.26 0-29.44-13.18-29.44-29.44v-9.46c0-27.37 8.88-53.41 21.46-77.72 9.11-17.61 12.9-38.39 9.05-60.42-6.77-38.78-38.47-70.7-77.26-77.45C212.62-9.04 160 37.33 160 96c0 14.16 3.12 27.54 8.69 39.58C182.02 164.43 192 194.7 192 226.49v.07c0 16.26-13.18 29.44-29.44 29.44H96c-53.02 0-96 42.98-96 96v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h448c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96z"],
- "star": [576, 512, [], "f005", "M259.3 17.8L194 150.2 47.9 171.5c-26.2 3.8-36.7 36.1-17.7 54.6l105.7 103-25 145.5c-4.5 26.3 23.2 46 46.4 33.7L288 439.6l130.7 68.7c23.2 12.2 50.9-7.4 46.4-33.7l-25-145.5 105.7-103c19-18.5 8.5-50.8-17.7-54.6L382 150.2 316.7 17.8c-11.7-23.6-45.6-23.9-57.4 0z"],
- "star-and-crescent": [512, 512, [], "f699", "M340.47 466.36c-1.45 0-6.89.46-9.18.46-116.25 0-210.82-94.57-210.82-210.82S215.04 45.18 331.29 45.18c2.32 0 7.7.46 9.18.46 7.13 0 13.33-5.03 14.75-12.07 1.46-7.25-2.55-14.49-9.47-17.09C316.58 5.54 286.39 0 256 0 114.84 0 0 114.84 0 256s114.84 256 256 256c30.23 0 60.28-5.49 89.32-16.32 5.96-2.02 10.28-7.64 10.28-14.26 0-8.09-6.39-15.06-15.13-15.06zm162.99-252.5l-76.38-11.1-34.16-69.21c-1.83-3.7-5.38-5.55-8.93-5.55s-7.1 1.85-8.93 5.55l-34.16 69.21-76.38 11.1c-8.17 1.18-11.43 11.22-5.52 16.99l55.27 53.87-13.05 76.07c-1.11 6.44 4.01 11.66 9.81 11.66 1.53 0 3.11-.36 4.64-1.17L384 335.37l68.31 35.91c1.53.8 3.11 1.17 4.64 1.17 5.8 0 10.92-5.23 9.81-11.66l-13.05-76.07 55.27-53.87c5.91-5.77 2.65-15.81-5.52-16.99z"],
- "star-half": [576, 512, [], "f089", "M288 0c-11.4 0-22.8 5.9-28.7 17.8L194 150.2 47.9 171.4c-26.2 3.8-36.7 36.1-17.7 54.6l105.7 103-25 145.5c-4.5 26.1 23 46 46.4 33.7L288 439.6V0z"],
- "star-half-alt": [536, 512, [], "f5c0", "M508.55 171.51L362.18 150.2 296.77 17.81C290.89 5.98 279.42 0 267.95 0c-11.4 0-22.79 5.9-28.69 17.81l-65.43 132.38-146.38 21.29c-26.25 3.8-36.77 36.09-17.74 54.59l105.89 103-25.06 145.48C86.98 495.33 103.57 512 122.15 512c4.93 0 10-1.17 14.87-3.75l130.95-68.68 130.94 68.7c4.86 2.55 9.92 3.71 14.83 3.71 18.6 0 35.22-16.61 31.66-37.4l-25.03-145.49 105.91-102.98c19.04-18.5 8.52-50.8-17.73-54.6zm-121.74 123.2l-18.12 17.62 4.28 24.88 19.52 113.45-102.13-53.59-22.38-11.74.03-317.19 51.03 103.29 11.18 22.63 25.01 3.64 114.23 16.63-82.65 80.38z"],
- "star-of-david": [464, 512, [], "f69a", "M405.68 256l53.21-89.39C473.3 142.4 455.48 112 426.88 112H319.96l-55.95-93.98C256.86 6.01 244.43 0 232 0s-24.86 6.01-32.01 18.02L144.04 112H37.11c-28.6 0-46.42 30.4-32.01 54.61L58.32 256 5.1 345.39C-9.31 369.6 8.51 400 37.11 400h106.93l55.95 93.98C207.14 505.99 219.57 512 232 512s24.86-6.01 32.01-18.02L319.96 400h106.93c28.6 0 46.42-30.4 32.01-54.61L405.68 256zm-12.78-88l-19.8 33.26L353.3 168h39.6zm-52.39 88l-52.39 88H175.88l-52.39-88 52.38-88h112.25l52.39 88zM232 73.72L254.79 112h-45.57L232 73.72zM71.1 168h39.6l-19.8 33.26L71.1 168zm0 176l19.8-33.26L110.7 344H71.1zM232 438.28L209.21 400h45.57L232 438.28zM353.29 344l19.8-33.26L392.9 344h-39.61z"],
- "star-of-life": [480, 512, [], "f621", "M471.99 334.43L336.06 256l135.93-78.43c7.66-4.42 10.28-14.2 5.86-21.86l-32.02-55.43c-4.42-7.65-14.21-10.28-21.87-5.86l-135.93 78.43V16c0-8.84-7.17-16-16.01-16h-64.04c-8.84 0-16.01 7.16-16.01 16v156.86L56.04 94.43c-7.66-4.42-17.45-1.79-21.87 5.86L2.15 155.71c-4.42 7.65-1.8 17.44 5.86 21.86L143.94 256 8.01 334.43c-7.66 4.42-10.28 14.21-5.86 21.86l32.02 55.43c4.42 7.65 14.21 10.27 21.87 5.86l135.93-78.43V496c0 8.84 7.17 16 16.01 16h64.04c8.84 0 16.01-7.16 16.01-16V339.14l135.93 78.43c7.66 4.42 17.45 1.8 21.87-5.86l32.02-55.43c4.42-7.65 1.8-17.43-5.86-21.85z"],
- "step-backward": [448, 512, [], "f048", "M64 468V44c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h48c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v176.4l195.5-181C352.1 22.3 384 36.6 384 64v384c0 27.4-31.9 41.7-52.5 24.6L136 292.7V468c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H76c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12z"],
- "step-forward": [448, 512, [], "f051", "M384 44v424c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-48c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V291.6l-195.5 181C95.9 489.7 64 475.4 64 448V64c0-27.4 31.9-41.7 52.5-24.6L312 219.3V44c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h48c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12z"],
- "stethoscope": [512, 512, [], "f0f1", "M447.1 112c-34.2.5-62.3 28.4-63 62.6-.5 24.3 12.5 45.6 32 56.8V344c0 57.3-50.2 104-112 104-60 0-109.2-44.1-111.9-99.2C265 333.8 320 269.2 320 192V36.6c0-11.4-8.1-21.3-19.3-23.5L237.8.5c-13-2.6-25.6 5.8-28.2 18.8L206.4 35c-2.6 13 5.8 25.6 18.8 28.2l30.7 6.1v121.4c0 52.9-42.2 96.7-95.1 97.2-53.4.5-96.9-42.7-96.9-96V69.4l30.7-6.1c13-2.6 21.4-15.2 18.8-28.2l-3.1-15.7C107.7 6.4 95.1-2 82.1.6L19.3 13C8.1 15.3 0 25.1 0 36.6V192c0 77.3 55.1 142 128.1 156.8C130.7 439.2 208.6 512 304 512c97 0 176-75.4 176-168V231.4c19.1-11.1 32-31.7 32-55.4 0-35.7-29.2-64.5-64.9-64zm.9 80c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16s7.2-16 16-16 16 7.2 16 16-7.2 16-16 16z"],
- "sticky-note": [448, 512, [], "f249", "M312 320h136V56c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H24C10.7 32 0 42.7 0 56v400c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h264V344c0-13.2 10.8-24 24-24zm129 55l-98 98c-4.5 4.5-10.6 7-17 7h-6V352h128v6.1c0 6.3-2.5 12.4-7 16.9z"],
- "stop": [448, 512, [], "f04d", "M400 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48z"],
- "stop-circle": [512, 512, [], "f28d", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm96 328c0 8.8-7.2 16-16 16H176c-8.8 0-16-7.2-16-16V176c0-8.8 7.2-16 16-16h160c8.8 0 16 7.2 16 16v160z"],
- "stopwatch": [448, 512, [], "f2f2", "M432 304c0 114.9-93.1 208-208 208S16 418.9 16 304c0-104 76.3-190.2 176-205.5V64h-28c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V12c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h120c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-28v34.5c37.5 5.8 71.7 21.6 99.7 44.6l27.5-27.5c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l28.3 28.3c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17l-29.4 29.4-.6.6C419.7 223.3 432 262.2 432 304zm-176 36V188.5c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-40c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12V340c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12z"],
- "store": [616, 512, [], "f54e", "M602 118.6L537.1 15C531.3 5.7 521 0 510 0H106C95 0 84.7 5.7 78.9 15L14 118.6c-33.5 53.5-3.8 127.9 58.8 136.4 4.5.6 9.1.9 13.7.9 29.6 0 55.8-13 73.8-33.1 18 20.1 44.3 33.1 73.8 33.1 29.6 0 55.8-13 73.8-33.1 18 20.1 44.3 33.1 73.8 33.1 29.6 0 55.8-13 73.8-33.1 18.1 20.1 44.3 33.1 73.8 33.1 4.7 0 9.2-.3 13.7-.9 62.8-8.4 92.6-82.8 59-136.4zM529.5 288c-10 0-19.9-1.5-29.5-3.8V384H116v-99.8c-9.6 2.2-19.5 3.8-29.5 3.8-6 0-12.1-.4-18-1.2-5.6-.8-11.1-2.1-16.4-3.6V480c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h448c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V283.2c-5.4 1.6-10.8 2.9-16.4 3.6-6.1.8-12.1 1.2-18.2 1.2z"],
- "store-alt": [640, 512, [], "f54f", "M320 384H128V224H64v256c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h256c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V224h-64v160zm314.6-241.8l-85.3-128c-6-8.9-16-14.2-26.7-14.2H117.4c-10.7 0-20.7 5.3-26.6 14.2l-85.3 128c-14.2 21.3 1 49.8 26.6 49.8H608c25.5 0 40.7-28.5 26.6-49.8zM512 496c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V224h-64v272z"],
- "stream": [512, 512, [], "f550", "M16 128h416c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V48c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16H16C7.16 32 0 39.16 0 48v64c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16zm480 80H80c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v64c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h416c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-64c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm-64 176H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v64c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h416c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-64c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z"],
- "street-view": [512, 512, [], "f21d", "M367.9 329.76c-4.62 5.3-9.78 10.1-15.9 13.65v22.94c66.52 9.34 112 28.05 112 49.65 0 30.93-93.12 56-208 56S48 446.93 48 416c0-21.6 45.48-40.3 112-49.65v-22.94c-6.12-3.55-11.28-8.35-15.9-13.65C58.87 345.34 0 378.05 0 416c0 53.02 114.62 96 256 96s256-42.98 256-96c0-37.95-58.87-70.66-144.1-86.24zM256 128c35.35 0 64-28.65 64-64S291.35 0 256 0s-64 28.65-64 64 28.65 64 64 64zm-64 192v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h64c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48h-11.8c-11.07 5.03-23.26 8-36.2 8s-25.13-2.97-36.2-8H208c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32z"],
- "strikethrough": [512, 512, [], "f0cc", "M496 288H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h480c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16zm-214.666 16c27.258 12.937 46.524 28.683 46.524 56.243 0 33.108-28.977 53.676-75.621 53.676-32.325 0-76.874-12.08-76.874-44.271V368c0-8.837-7.164-16-16-16H113.75c-8.836 0-16 7.163-16 16v19.204c0 66.845 77.717 101.82 154.487 101.82 88.578 0 162.013-45.438 162.013-134.424 0-19.815-3.618-36.417-10.143-50.6H281.334zm-30.952-96c-32.422-13.505-56.836-28.946-56.836-59.683 0-33.92 30.901-47.406 64.962-47.406 42.647 0 64.962 16.593 64.962 32.985V136c0 8.837 7.164 16 16 16h45.613c8.836 0 16-7.163 16-16v-30.318c0-52.438-71.725-79.875-142.575-79.875-85.203 0-150.726 40.972-150.726 125.646 0 22.71 4.665 41.176 12.777 56.547h129.823z"],
- "stroopwafel": [512, 512, [], "f551", "M188.12 210.74L142.86 256l45.25 45.25L233.37 256l-45.25-45.26zm113.13-22.62L256 142.86l-45.25 45.25L256 233.37l45.25-45.25zm-90.5 135.76L256 369.14l45.26-45.26L256 278.63l-45.25 45.25zM256 0C114.62 0 0 114.62 0 256s114.62 256 256 256 256-114.62 256-256S397.38 0 256 0zm186.68 295.6l-11.31 11.31c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0l-28.29-28.29-45.25 45.25 33.94 33.94 16.97-16.97c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l11.31 11.31c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-16.97 16.97 16.97 16.97c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-11.31 11.31c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0l-16.97-16.97-16.97 16.97c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0l-11.31-11.31c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l16.97-16.97-33.94-33.94-45.26 45.26 28.29 28.29c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-11.31 11.31c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0L256 414.39l-28.29 28.29c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0l-11.31-11.31c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l28.29-28.29-45.25-45.26-33.94 33.94 16.97 16.97c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-11.31 11.31c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0l-16.97-16.97-16.97 16.97c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0l-11.31-11.31c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l16.97-16.97-16.97-16.97c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l11.31-11.31c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l16.97 16.97 33.94-33.94-45.25-45.25-28.29 28.29c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0L69.32 295.6c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31L97.61 256l-28.29-28.29c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l11.31-11.31c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l28.29 28.29 45.25-45.26-33.94-33.94-16.97 16.97c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0l-11.31-11.31c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l16.97-16.97-16.97-16.97c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l11.31-11.31c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l16.97 16.97 16.97-16.97c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l11.31 11.31c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-16.97 16.97 33.94 33.94 45.26-45.25-28.29-28.29c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l11.31-11.31c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0L256 97.61l28.29-28.29c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l11.31 11.31c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-28.29 28.29 45.26 45.25 33.94-33.94-16.97-16.97c-3.12-3.12-3.12-8.19 0-11.31l11.31-11.31c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l16.97 16.97 16.97-16.97c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l11.31 11.31c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-16.97 16.97 16.97 16.97c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31l-11.31 11.31c-3.12 3.12-8.19 3.12-11.31 0l-16.97-16.97-33.94 33.94 45.25 45.26 28.29-28.29c3.12-3.12 8.19-3.12 11.31 0l11.31 11.31c3.12 3.12 3.12 8.19 0 11.31L414.39 256l28.29 28.28a8.015 8.015 0 0 1 0 11.32zM278.63 256l45.26 45.25L369.14 256l-45.25-45.26L278.63 256z"],
- "subscript": [512, 512, [], "f12c", "M395.198 416c3.461-10.526 18.796-21.28 36.265-32.425 16.625-10.605 35.467-22.626 50.341-38.862 17.458-19.054 25.944-40.175 25.944-64.567 0-60.562-50.702-88.146-97.81-88.146-42.491 0-76.378 22.016-94.432 50.447-4.654 7.329-2.592 17.036 4.623 21.865l30.328 20.296c7.032 4.706 16.46 3.084 21.63-3.614 8.022-10.394 18.818-18.225 31.667-18.225 19.387 0 26.266 12.901 26.266 23.948 0 36.159-119.437 57.023-119.437 160.024 0 6.654.561 13.014 1.415 19.331 1.076 7.964 7.834 13.928 15.87 13.928H496c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-32c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H395.198zM272 256c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-62.399a16 16 0 0 1-13.541-7.478l-45.701-72.615c-2.297-3.352-4.422-6.969-6.195-10.209-1.65 3.244-3.647 6.937-5.874 10.582l-44.712 72.147a15.999 15.999 0 0 1-13.6 7.572H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h26.325l56.552-82.709L46.111 96H16C7.163 96 0 88.837 0 80V48c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h68.806a16 16 0 0 1 13.645 7.644l39.882 65.126c2.072 3.523 4.053 7.171 5.727 10.37 1.777-3.244 3.92-6.954 6.237-10.537l40.332-65.035A15.999 15.999 0 0 1 204.226 32H272c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-27.979l-52.69 75.671L249.974 256H272z"],
- "subway": [448, 512, [], "f239", "M448 96v256c0 51.815-61.624 96-130.022 96l62.98 49.721C386.905 502.417 383.562 512 376 512H72c-7.578 0-10.892-9.594-4.957-14.279L130.022 448C61.82 448 0 403.954 0 352V96C0 42.981 64 0 128 0h192c65 0 128 42.981 128 96zM200 232V120c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H72c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v112c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h104c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24zm200 0V120c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H272c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v112c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h104c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24zm-48 56c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48zm-256 0c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48z"],
- "suitcase": [512, 512, [], "f0f2", "M128 480h256V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H176c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v400zm64-384h128v32H192V96zm320 80v256c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48h-48V128h48c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM96 480H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V176c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h48v352z"],
- "suitcase-rolling": [384, 512, [], "f5c1", "M336 160H48c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v224c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h16v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16h128v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16h16c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V208c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zm-16 216c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h240c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16zm0-96c0 4.42-3.58 8-8 8H72c-4.42 0-8-3.58-8-8v-16c0-4.42 3.58-8 8-8h240c4.42 0 8 3.58 8 8v16zM144 48h96v80h48V48c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48h-96c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v80h48V48z"],
- "sun": [512, 512, [], "f185", "M274.835 12.646l25.516 62.393c4.213 10.301 16.671 14.349 26.134 8.492l57.316-35.479c15.49-9.588 34.808 4.447 30.475 22.142l-16.03 65.475c-2.647 10.81 5.053 21.408 16.152 22.231l67.224 4.987c18.167 1.348 25.546 24.057 11.641 35.826L441.81 242.26c-8.495 7.19-8.495 20.289 0 27.479l51.454 43.548c13.906 11.769 6.527 34.478-11.641 35.826l-67.224 4.987c-11.099.823-18.799 11.421-16.152 22.231l16.03 65.475c4.332 17.695-14.986 31.73-30.475 22.142l-57.316-35.479c-9.463-5.858-21.922-1.81-26.134 8.492l-25.516 62.393c-6.896 16.862-30.774 16.862-37.67 0l-25.516-62.393c-4.213-10.301-16.671-14.349-26.134-8.492l-57.317 35.479c-15.49 9.588-34.808-4.447-30.475-22.142l16.03-65.475c2.647-10.81-5.053-21.408-16.152-22.231l-67.224-4.987c-18.167-1.348-25.546-24.057-11.641-35.826L70.19 269.74c8.495-7.19 8.495-20.289 0-27.479l-51.454-43.548c-13.906-11.769-6.527-34.478 11.641-35.826l67.224-4.987c11.099-.823 18.799-11.421 16.152-22.231l-16.03-65.475c-4.332-17.695 14.986-31.73 30.475-22.142l57.317 35.479c9.463 5.858 21.921 1.81 26.134-8.492l25.516-62.393c6.896-16.861 30.774-16.861 37.67 0zM392 256c0-74.991-61.01-136-136-136-74.991 0-136 61.009-136 136s61.009 136 136 136c74.99 0 136-61.009 136-136zm-32 0c0 57.346-46.654 104-104 104s-104-46.654-104-104 46.654-104 104-104 104 46.654 104 104z"],
- "superscript": [512, 512, [], "f12b", "M395.198 256c3.461-10.526 18.796-21.28 36.265-32.425 16.625-10.605 35.467-22.626 50.341-38.862 17.458-19.054 25.944-40.175 25.944-64.567 0-60.562-50.702-88.146-97.81-88.146-42.491 0-76.378 22.016-94.432 50.447-4.654 7.329-2.592 17.036 4.623 21.865l30.328 20.296c7.032 4.706 16.46 3.084 21.63-3.614 8.022-10.394 18.818-18.225 31.667-18.225 19.387 0 26.266 12.901 26.266 23.948 0 36.159-119.437 57.023-119.437 160.024 0 6.654.561 13.014 1.415 19.331 1.076 7.964 7.834 13.928 15.87 13.928H496c8.837 0 16-7.163 16-16v-32c0-8.837-7.163-16-16-16H395.198zM272 416c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-62.399a16 16 0 0 1-13.541-7.478l-45.701-72.615c-2.297-3.352-4.422-6.969-6.195-10.209-1.65 3.244-3.647 6.937-5.874 10.582l-44.712 72.147a15.999 15.999 0 0 1-13.6 7.572H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h26.325l56.552-82.709L46.111 256H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h68.806a16 16 0 0 1 13.645 7.644l39.882 65.126c2.072 3.523 4.053 7.171 5.727 10.37 1.777-3.244 3.92-6.954 6.237-10.537l40.332-65.035a16 16 0 0 1 13.598-7.567H272c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-27.979l-52.69 75.671L249.974 416H272z"],
- "surprise": [496, 512, [], "f5c2", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zM136 208c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32s32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32-32-14.3-32-32zm112 208c-35.3 0-64-28.7-64-64s28.7-64 64-64 64 28.7 64 64-28.7 64-64 64zm80-176c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z"],
- "swatchbook": [511, 512, [], "f5c3", "M479.06 320H372.29L186.15 506.51c-2.06 2.07-4.49 3.58-6.67 5.49h299.58c17.64 0 31.94-14.33 31.94-32V352c0-17.67-14.3-32-31.94-32zm-44.5-152.9l-90.33-90.51c-12.47-12.5-32.69-12.5-45.17 0l-75.5 75.65V416c0 2.96-.67 5.73-.87 8.64l211.87-212.28c12.47-12.5 12.47-32.77 0-45.26zM191.62 32c0-17.67-14.3-32-31.94-32H31.94C14.3 0 0 14.33 0 32v384c0 53.02 42.9 96 95.81 96s95.81-42.98 95.81-96V32zM95.81 440c-13.23 0-23.95-10.75-23.95-24 0-13.26 10.73-24 23.95-24s23.95 10.74 23.95 24c.01 13.25-10.72 24-23.95 24zm31.94-184H63.88v-64h63.88v64zm0-128H63.88V64h63.88v64z"],
- "swimmer": [640, 512, [], "f5c4", "M189.61 310.58c3.54 3.26 15.27 9.42 34.39 9.42s30.86-6.16 34.39-9.42c16.02-14.77 34.5-22.58 53.46-22.58h16.3c18.96 0 37.45 7.81 53.46 22.58 3.54 3.26 15.27 9.42 34.39 9.42s30.86-6.16 34.39-9.42c14.86-13.71 31.88-21.12 49.39-22.16l-112.84-80.6 18-12.86c3.64-2.58 8.28-3.52 12.62-2.61l100.35 21.53c25.91 5.53 51.44-10.97 57-36.88 5.55-25.92-10.95-51.44-36.88-57L437.68 98.47c-30.73-6.58-63.02.12-88.56 18.38l-80.02 57.17c-10.38 7.39-19.36 16.44-26.72 26.94L173.75 299c5.47 3.23 10.82 6.93 15.86 11.58zM624 352h-16c-26.04 0-45.8-8.42-56.09-17.9-8.9-8.21-19.66-14.1-31.77-14.1h-16.3c-12.11 0-22.87 5.89-31.77 14.1C461.8 343.58 442.04 352 416 352s-45.8-8.42-56.09-17.9c-8.9-8.21-19.66-14.1-31.77-14.1h-16.3c-12.11 0-22.87 5.89-31.77 14.1C269.8 343.58 250.04 352 224 352s-45.8-8.42-56.09-17.9c-8.9-8.21-19.66-14.1-31.77-14.1h-16.3c-12.11 0-22.87 5.89-31.77 14.1C77.8 343.58 58.04 352 32 352H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16c38.62 0 72.72-12.19 96-31.84 23.28 19.66 57.38 31.84 96 31.84s72.72-12.19 96-31.84c23.28 19.66 57.38 31.84 96 31.84s72.72-12.19 96-31.84c23.28 19.66 57.38 31.84 96 31.84h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm-512-96c44.18 0 80-35.82 80-80s-35.82-80-80-80-80 35.82-80 80 35.82 80 80 80z"],
- "swimming-pool": [640, 512, [], "f5c5", "M624 416h-16c-26.04 0-45.8-8.42-56.09-17.9-8.9-8.21-19.66-14.1-31.77-14.1h-16.3c-12.11 0-22.87 5.89-31.77 14.1C461.8 407.58 442.04 416 416 416s-45.8-8.42-56.09-17.9c-8.9-8.21-19.66-14.1-31.77-14.1h-16.3c-12.11 0-22.87 5.89-31.77 14.1C269.8 407.58 250.04 416 224 416s-45.8-8.42-56.09-17.9c-8.9-8.21-19.66-14.1-31.77-14.1h-16.3c-12.11 0-22.87 5.89-31.77 14.1C77.8 407.58 58.04 416 32 416H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16c38.62 0 72.72-12.19 96-31.84 23.28 19.66 57.38 31.84 96 31.84s72.72-12.19 96-31.84c23.28 19.66 57.38 31.84 96 31.84s72.72-12.19 96-31.84c23.28 19.66 57.38 31.84 96 31.84h16c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm-400-32v-96h192v96c19.12 0 30.86-6.16 34.39-9.42 9.17-8.46 19.2-14.34 29.61-18.07V128c0-17.64 14.36-32 32-32s32 14.36 32 32v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-52.94-43.06-96-96-96s-96 43.06-96 96v96H224v-96c0-17.64 14.36-32 32-32s32 14.36 32 32v16c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-16c0-52.94-43.06-96-96-96s-96 43.06-96 96v228.5c10.41 3.73 20.44 9.62 29.61 18.07 3.53 3.27 15.27 9.43 34.39 9.43z"],
- "synagogue": [640, 512, [], "f69b", "M70 196.51L6.67 268.29A26.643 26.643 0 0 0 0 285.93V512h128V239.58l-38-43.07c-5.31-6.01-14.69-6.01-20 0zm563.33 71.78L570 196.51c-5.31-6.02-14.69-6.02-20 0l-38 43.07V512h128V285.93c0-6.5-2.37-12.77-6.67-17.64zM339.99 7.01c-11.69-9.35-28.29-9.35-39.98 0l-128 102.4A32.005 32.005 0 0 0 160 134.4V512h96v-92.57c0-31.88 21.78-61.43 53.25-66.55C349.34 346.35 384 377.13 384 416v96h96V134.4c0-9.72-4.42-18.92-12.01-24.99l-128-102.4zm52.07 215.55c1.98 3.15-.29 7.24-4 7.24h-38.94L324 269.79c-1.85 2.95-6.15 2.95-8 0l-25.12-39.98h-38.94c-3.72 0-5.98-4.09-4-7.24l19.2-30.56-19.2-30.56c-1.98-3.15.29-7.24 4-7.24h38.94l25.12-40c1.85-2.95 6.15-2.95 8 0l25.12 39.98h38.95c3.71 0 5.98 4.09 4 7.24L372.87 192l19.19 30.56z"],
- "sync": [512, 512, [], "f021", "M440.935 12.574l3.966 82.766C399.416 41.904 331.674 8 256 8 134.813 8 33.933 94.924 12.296 209.824 10.908 217.193 16.604 224 24.103 224h49.084c5.57 0 10.377-3.842 11.676-9.259C103.407 137.408 172.931 80 256 80c60.893 0 114.512 30.856 146.104 77.801l-101.53-4.865c-6.845-.328-12.574 5.133-12.574 11.986v47.411c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h200.333c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12V12c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-47.411c-6.853 0-12.315 5.729-11.987 12.574zM256 432c-60.895 0-114.517-30.858-146.109-77.805l101.868 4.871c6.845.327 12.573-5.134 12.573-11.986v-47.412c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H12c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12V500c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h47.385c6.863 0 12.328-5.745 11.985-12.599l-4.129-82.575C112.725 470.166 180.405 504 256 504c121.187 0 222.067-86.924 243.704-201.824 1.388-7.369-4.308-14.176-11.807-14.176h-49.084c-5.57 0-10.377 3.842-11.676 9.259C408.593 374.592 339.069 432 256 432z"],
- "sync-alt": [512, 512, [], "f2f1", "M370.72 133.28C339.458 104.008 298.888 87.962 255.848 88c-77.458.068-144.328 53.178-162.791 126.85-1.344 5.363-6.122 9.15-11.651 9.15H24.103c-7.498 0-13.194-6.807-11.807-14.176C33.933 94.924 134.813 8 256 8c66.448 0 126.791 26.136 171.315 68.685L463.03 40.97C478.149 25.851 504 36.559 504 57.941V192c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H345.941c-21.382 0-32.09-25.851-16.971-40.971l41.75-41.749zM32 296h134.059c21.382 0 32.09 25.851 16.971 40.971l-41.75 41.75c31.262 29.273 71.835 45.319 114.876 45.28 77.418-.07 144.315-53.144 162.787-126.849 1.344-5.363 6.122-9.15 11.651-9.15h57.304c7.498 0 13.194 6.807 11.807 14.176C478.067 417.076 377.187 504 256 504c-66.448 0-126.791-26.136-171.315-68.685L48.97 471.03C33.851 486.149 8 475.441 8 454.059V320c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24z"],
- "syringe": [512, 512, [], "f48e", "M201.5 174.8l55.7 55.8c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0l-55.7-55.8-45.3 45.3 55.8 55.8c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0L111 265.2l-26.4 26.4c-17.3 17.3-25.6 41.1-23 65.4l7.1 63.6L2.3 487c-3.1 3.1-3.1 8.2 0 11.3l11.3 11.3c3.1 3.1 8.2 3.1 11.3 0l66.3-66.3 63.6 7.1c23.9 2.6 47.9-5.4 65.4-23l181.9-181.9-135.7-135.7-64.9 65zm308.2-93.3L430.5 2.3c-3.1-3.1-8.2-3.1-11.3 0l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-3.1 8.2 0 11.3l28.3 28.3-45.3 45.3-56.6-56.6-17-17c-3.1-3.1-8.2-3.1-11.3 0l-33.9 33.9c-3.1 3.1-3.1 8.2 0 11.3l17 17L424.8 223l17 17c3.1 3.1 8.2 3.1 11.3 0l33.9-34c3.1-3.1 3.1-8.2 0-11.3l-73.5-73.5 45.3-45.3 28.3 28.3c3.1 3.1 8.2 3.1 11.3 0l11.3-11.3c3.1-3.2 3.1-8.2 0-11.4z"],
- "table": [512, 512, [], "f0ce", "M464 32H48C21.49 32 0 53.49 0 80v352c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48h416c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48zM224 416H64v-96h160v96zm0-160H64v-96h160v96zm224 160H288v-96h160v96zm0-160H288v-96h160v96z"],
- "table-tennis": [512, 512, [], "f45d", "M496.2 296.5C527.7 218.7 512 126.2 449 63.1 365.1-21 229-21 145.1 63.1l-56 56.1 211.5 211.5c46.1-62.1 131.5-77.4 195.6-34.2zm-217.9 79.7L57.9 155.9c-27.3 45.3-21.7 105 17.3 144.1l34.5 34.6L6.7 424c-8.6 7.5-9.1 20.7-1 28.8l53.4 53.5c8 8.1 21.2 7.6 28.7-1L177.1 402l35.7 35.7c19.7 19.7 44.6 30.5 70.3 33.3-7.1-17-11-35.6-11-55.1-.1-13.8 2.5-27 6.2-39.7zM416 320c-53 0-96 43-96 96s43 96 96 96 96-43 96-96-43-96-96-96z"],
- "tablet": [448, 512, [], "f10a", "M400 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM224 480c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32z"],
- "tablet-alt": [448, 512, [], "f3fa", "M400 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v416c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM224 480c-17.7 0-32-14.3-32-32s14.3-32 32-32 32 14.3 32 32-14.3 32-32 32zm176-108c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H60c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12V60c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h328c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v312z"],
- "tablets": [640, 512, [], "f490", "M160 192C78.9 192 12.5 250.5.1 326.7c-.8 4.8 3.3 9.3 8.3 9.3h303.3c5 0 9.1-4.5 8.3-9.3C307.5 250.5 241.1 192 160 192zm151.6 176H8.4c-5 0-9.1 4.5-8.3 9.3C12.5 453.5 78.9 512 160 512s147.5-58.5 159.9-134.7c.8-4.8-3.3-9.3-8.3-9.3zM593.4 46.6c-56.5-56.5-144.2-61.4-206.9-16-4 2.9-4.3 8.9-.8 12.3L597 254.3c3.5 3.5 9.5 3.2 12.3-.8 45.5-62.7 40.6-150.4-15.9-206.9zM363 65.7c-3.5-3.5-9.5-3.2-12.3.8-45.4 62.7-40.5 150.4 15.9 206.9 56.5 56.5 144.2 61.4 206.9 15.9 4-2.9 4.3-8.9.8-12.3L363 65.7z"],
- "tachometer-alt": [576, 512, [], "f3fd", "M288 32C128.94 32 0 160.94 0 320c0 52.8 14.25 102.26 39.06 144.8 5.61 9.62 16.3 15.2 27.44 15.2h443c11.14 0 21.83-5.58 27.44-15.2C561.75 422.26 576 372.8 576 320c0-159.06-128.94-288-288-288zm0 64c14.71 0 26.58 10.13 30.32 23.65-1.11 2.26-2.64 4.23-3.45 6.67l-9.22 27.67c-5.13 3.49-10.97 6.01-17.64 6.01-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32S270.33 96 288 96zM96 384c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm48-160c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm246.77-72.41l-61.33 184C343.13 347.33 352 364.54 352 384c0 11.72-3.38 22.55-8.88 32H232.88c-5.5-9.45-8.88-20.28-8.88-32 0-33.94 26.5-61.43 59.9-63.59l61.34-184.01c4.17-12.56 17.73-19.45 30.36-15.17 12.57 4.19 19.35 17.79 15.17 30.36zm14.66 57.2l15.52-46.55c3.47-1.29 7.13-2.23 11.05-2.23 17.67 0 32 14.33 32 32s-14.33 32-32 32c-11.38-.01-20.89-6.28-26.57-15.22zM480 384c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z"],
- "tag": [512, 512, [], "f02b", "M0 252.118V48C0 21.49 21.49 0 48 0h204.118a48 48 0 0 1 33.941 14.059l211.882 211.882c18.745 18.745 18.745 49.137 0 67.882L293.823 497.941c-18.745 18.745-49.137 18.745-67.882 0L14.059 286.059A48 48 0 0 1 0 252.118zM112 64c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48s21.49 48 48 48 48-21.49 48-48-21.49-48-48-48z"],
- "tags": [640, 512, [], "f02c", "M497.941 225.941L286.059 14.059A48 48 0 0 0 252.118 0H48C21.49 0 0 21.49 0 48v204.118a48 48 0 0 0 14.059 33.941l211.882 211.882c18.744 18.745 49.136 18.746 67.882 0l204.118-204.118c18.745-18.745 18.745-49.137 0-67.882zM112 160c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48s21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48-21.49 48-48 48zm513.941 133.823L421.823 497.941c-18.745 18.745-49.137 18.745-67.882 0l-.36-.36L527.64 323.522c16.999-16.999 26.36-39.6 26.36-63.64s-9.362-46.641-26.36-63.64L331.397 0h48.721a48 48 0 0 1 33.941 14.059l211.882 211.882c18.745 18.745 18.745 49.137 0 67.882z"],
- "tape": [640, 512, [], "f4db", "M224 192c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64s28.7 64 64 64 64-28.7 64-64-28.7-64-64-64zm400 224H380.6c41.5-40.7 67.4-97.3 67.4-160 0-123.7-100.3-224-224-224S0 132.3 0 256s100.3 224 224 224h400c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm-400-64c-53 0-96-43-96-96s43-96 96-96 96 43 96 96-43 96-96 96z"],
- "tasks": [512, 512, [], "f0ae", "M208 132h288c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V76c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H208c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v40c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16zm0 160h288c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-40c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H208c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v40c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16zm0 160h288c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-40c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16H208c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v40c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16zM64 368c-26.5 0-48.6 21.5-48.6 48s22.1 48 48.6 48 48-21.5 48-48-21.5-48-48-48zm92.5-299l-72.2 72.2-15.6 15.6c-4.7 4.7-12.9 4.7-17.6 0L3.5 109.4c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l15.7-15.7c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l22.7 22.1 63.7-63.3c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l17 16.5c4.6 4.7 4.6 12.3-.1 17zm0 159.6l-72.2 72.2-15.7 15.7c-4.7 4.7-12.9 4.7-17.6 0L3.5 269c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l15.7-15.7c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l22.7 22.1 63.7-63.7c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l17 17c4.6 4.6 4.6 12.2-.1 16.9z"],
- "taxi": [512, 512, [], "f1ba", "M462 241.64l-22-84.84c-9.6-35.2-41.6-60.8-76.8-60.8H352V64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H192c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32h-11.2c-35.2 0-67.2 25.6-76.8 60.8l-22 84.84C21.41 248.04 0 273.47 0 304v48c0 23.63 12.95 44.04 32 55.12V448c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-32h256v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-40.88c19.05-11.09 32-31.5 32-55.12v-48c0-30.53-21.41-55.96-50-62.36zM96 352c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm20.55-112l17.2-66.36c2.23-8.16 9.59-13.64 15.06-13.64h214.4c5.47 0 12.83 5.48 14.85 12.86L395.45 240h-278.9zM416 352c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z"],
- "teeth": [640, 512, [], "f62e", "M544 0H96C42.98 0 0 42.98 0 96v320c0 53.02 42.98 96 96 96h448c53.02 0 96-42.98 96-96V96c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96zM160 368c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48s-48-21.49-48-48v-64c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h64c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v64zm0-128c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16H80c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-64c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48s48 21.49 48 48v64zm144 120c0 30.93-25.07 56-56 56s-56-25.07-56-56v-56c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h80c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v56zm0-120c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-80c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-88c0-30.93 25.07-56 56-56s56 25.07 56 56v88zm144 120c0 30.93-25.07 56-56 56s-56-25.07-56-56v-56c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h80c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v56zm0-120c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-80c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-88c0-30.93 25.07-56 56-56s56 25.07 56 56v88zm128 128c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48s-48-21.49-48-48v-64c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h64c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v64zm0-128c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-64c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-64c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48s48 21.49 48 48v64z"],
- "teeth-open": [640, 512, [], "f62f", "M544 0H96C42.98 0 0 42.98 0 96v64c0 35.35 28.66 64 64 64h512c35.34 0 64-28.65 64-64V96c0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96zM160 176c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16H80c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-32c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48s48 21.49 48 48v32zm144 0c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-80c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-56c0-30.93 25.07-56 56-56s56 25.07 56 56v56zm144 0c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-80c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-56c0-30.93 25.07-56 56-56s56 25.07 56 56v56zm128 0c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-64c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-32c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48s48 21.49 48 48v32zm0 144H64c-35.34 0-64 28.65-64 64v32c0 53.02 42.98 96 96 96h448c53.02 0 96-42.98 96-96v-32c0-35.35-28.66-64-64-64zm-416 80c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48s-48-21.49-48-48v-32c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h64c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v32zm144-8c0 30.93-25.07 56-56 56s-56-25.07-56-56v-24c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h80c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v24zm144 0c0 30.93-25.07 56-56 56s-56-25.07-56-56v-24c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h80c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v24zm128 8c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48s-48-21.49-48-48v-32c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h64c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v32z"],
- "terminal": [640, 512, [], "f120", "M257.981 272.971L63.638 467.314c-9.373 9.373-24.569 9.373-33.941 0L7.029 444.647c-9.357-9.357-9.375-24.522-.04-33.901L161.011 256 6.99 101.255c-9.335-9.379-9.317-24.544.04-33.901l22.667-22.667c9.373-9.373 24.569-9.373 33.941 0L257.981 239.03c9.373 9.372 9.373 24.568 0 33.941zM640 456v-32c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H312c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v32c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h304c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24z"],
- "text-height": [576, 512, [], "f034", "M16 32h288c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v96c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-35.496c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V96h-54.761v320H232c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H88c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h34.257V96H67.496v48c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V48c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16zm475.308 4.685l79.995 80.001C581.309 126.693 574.297 144 559.99 144H512v224h48c15.639 0 20.635 17.991 11.313 27.314l-79.995 80.001c-6.247 6.247-16.381 6.245-22.626 0l-79.995-80.001C378.691 385.307 385.703 368 400.01 368H448V144h-48c-15.639 0-20.635-17.991-11.313-27.314l79.995-80.001c6.247-6.248 16.381-6.245 22.626 0z"],
- "text-width": [448, 512, [], "f035", "M16 32h416c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v96c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-35.496c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V96H261.743v128H296c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H152c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h34.257V96H67.496v48c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V48c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16zm427.315 340.682l-80.001-79.995C353.991 283.365 336 288.362 336 304v48H112v-47.99c0-14.307-17.307-21.319-27.314-11.313L4.685 372.692c-6.245 6.245-6.247 16.379 0 22.626l80.001 79.995C94.009 484.635 112 479.638 112 464v-48h224v47.99c0 14.307 17.307 21.319 27.314 11.313l80.001-79.995c6.245-6.245 6.248-16.379 0-22.626z"],
- "th": [512, 512, [], "f00a", "M149.333 56v80c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V56c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h101.333c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24zm181.334 240v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H205.333c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h101.333c13.256 0 24.001-10.745 24.001-24zm32-240v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24H488c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H386.667c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24zm-32 80V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H205.333c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h101.333c13.256 0 24.001-10.745 24.001-24zm-205.334 56H24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h101.333c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zM0 376v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h101.333c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24zm386.667-56H488c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H386.667c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24zm0 160H488c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H386.667c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24zM181.333 376v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h101.333c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H205.333c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24z"],
- "th-large": [512, 512, [], "f009", "M296 32h192c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24v160c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H296c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24V56c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24zm-80 0H24C10.745 32 0 42.745 0 56v160c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h192c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zM0 296v160c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h192c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V296c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24zm296 184h192c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V296c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H296c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v160c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24z"],
- "th-list": [512, 512, [], "f00b", "M149.333 216v80c0 13.255-10.745 24-24 24H24c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24v-80c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24h101.333c13.255 0 24 10.745 24 24zM0 376v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h101.333c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24zM125.333 32H24C10.745 32 0 42.745 0 56v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h101.333c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zm80 448H488c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H205.333c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24zm-24-424v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24H488c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H205.333c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24zm24 264H488c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24v-80c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H205.333c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v80c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24z"],
- "theater-masks": [640, 512, [], "f630", "M206.86 245.15c-35.88 10.45-59.95 41.2-57.53 74.1 11.4-12.72 28.81-23.7 49.9-30.92l7.63-43.18zM95.81 295L64.08 115.49c-.29-1.62.28-2.62.24-2.65 57.76-32.06 123.12-49.01 189.01-49.01 1.61 0 3.23.17 4.85.19 13.95-13.47 31.73-22.83 51.59-26 18.89-3.02 38.05-4.55 57.18-5.32-9.99-13.95-24.48-24.23-41.77-27C301.27 1.89 277.24 0 253.32 0 176.66 0 101.02 19.42 33.2 57.06 9.03 70.48-3.92 98.48 1.05 126.58l31.73 179.51c14.23 80.52 136.33 142.08 204.45 142.08 3.59 0 6.75-.46 10.01-.8-13.52-17.08-28.94-40.48-39.5-67.58-47.61-12.98-106.06-51.62-111.93-84.79zm97.55-137.46c-.73-4.12-2.23-7.87-4.07-11.4-8.25 8.91-20.67 15.75-35.32 18.32-14.65 2.58-28.67.4-39.48-5.17-.52 3.94-.64 7.98.09 12.1 3.84 21.7 24.58 36.19 46.34 32.37 21.75-3.82 36.28-24.52 32.44-46.22zM606.8 120.9c-88.98-49.38-191.43-67.41-291.98-51.35-27.31 4.36-49.08 26.26-54.04 54.36l-31.73 179.51c-15.39 87.05 95.28 196.27 158.31 207.35 63.03 11.09 204.47-53.79 219.86-140.84l31.73-179.51c4.97-28.11-7.98-56.11-32.15-69.52zm-273.24 96.8c3.84-21.7 24.58-36.19 46.34-32.36 21.76 3.83 36.28 24.52 32.45 46.22-.73 4.12-2.23 7.87-4.07 11.4-8.25-8.91-20.67-15.75-35.32-18.32-14.65-2.58-28.67-.4-39.48 5.17-.53-3.95-.65-7.99.08-12.11zm70.47 198.76c-55.68-9.79-93.52-59.27-89.04-112.9 20.6 25.54 56.21 46.17 99.49 53.78 43.28 7.61 83.82.37 111.93-16.6-14.18 51.94-66.71 85.51-122.38 75.72zm130.3-151.34c-8.25-8.91-20.68-15.75-35.33-18.32-14.65-2.58-28.67-.4-39.48 5.17-.52-3.94-.64-7.98.09-12.1 3.84-21.7 24.58-36.19 46.34-32.37 21.75 3.83 36.28 24.52 32.45 46.22-.73 4.13-2.23 7.88-4.07 11.4z"],
- "thermometer": [512, 512, [], "f491", "M476.8 20.4c-37.5-30.7-95.5-26.3-131.9 10.2l-45.7 46 50.5 50.5c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0l-50.4-50.5-45.1 45.4 50.3 50.4c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0L209 167.4l-45.1 45.4L214 263c3.1 3.1 3.1 8.2 0 11.3l-11.3 11.3c-3.1 3.1-8.2 3.1-11.3 0l-50.1-50.2L96 281.1V382L7 471c-9.4 9.4-9.4 24.6 0 33.9 9.4 9.4 24.6 9.4 33.9 0l89-89h99.9L484 162.6c34.9-34.9 42.2-101.5-7.2-142.2z"],
- "thermometer-empty": [256, 512, [], "f2cb", "M192 384c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64s-64-28.654-64-64c0-35.346 28.654-64 64-64s64 28.654 64 64zm32-84.653c19.912 22.563 32 52.194 32 84.653 0 70.696-57.303 128-128 128-.299 0-.609-.001-.909-.003C56.789 511.509-.357 453.636.002 383.333.166 351.135 12.225 321.755 32 299.347V96c0-53.019 42.981-96 96-96s96 42.981 96 96v203.347zM208 384c0-34.339-19.37-52.19-32-66.502V96c0-26.467-21.533-48-48-48S80 69.533 80 96v221.498c-12.732 14.428-31.825 32.1-31.999 66.08-.224 43.876 35.563 80.116 79.423 80.42L128 464c44.112 0 80-35.888 80-80z"],
- "thermometer-full": [256, 512, [], "f2c7", "M224 96c0-53.019-42.981-96-96-96S32 42.981 32 96v203.347C12.225 321.756.166 351.136.002 383.333c-.359 70.303 56.787 128.176 127.089 128.664. 70.698 0 128-57.304 128-128 0-32.459-12.088-62.09-32-84.653V96zm-96 368l-.576-.002c-43.86-.304-79.647-36.544-79.423-80.42.173-33.98 19.266-51.652 31.999-66.08V96c0-26.467 21.533-48 48-48s48 21.533 48 48v221.498c12.63 14.312 32 32.164 32 66.502 0 44.112-35.888 80-80 80zm64-80c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64s-64-28.654-64-64c0-23.685 12.876-44.349 32-55.417V96c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32s32 14.327 32 32v232.583c19.124 11.068 32 31.732 32 55.417z"],
- "thermometer-half": [256, 512, [], "f2c9", "M192 384c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64s-64-28.654-64-64c0-23.685 12.876-44.349 32-55.417V224c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32s32 14.327 32 32v104.583c19.124 11.068 32 31.732 32 55.417zm32-84.653c19.912 22.563 32 52.194 32 84.653 0 70.696-57.303 128-128 128-.299 0-.609-.001-.909-.003C56.789 511.509-.357 453.636.002 383.333.166 351.135 12.225 321.755 32 299.347V96c0-53.019 42.981-96 96-96s96 42.981 96 96v203.347zM208 384c0-34.339-19.37-52.19-32-66.502V96c0-26.467-21.533-48-48-48S80 69.533 80 96v221.498c-12.732 14.428-31.825 32.1-31.999 66.08-.224 43.876 35.563 80.116 79.423 80.42L128 464c44.112 0 80-35.888 80-80z"],
- "thermometer-quarter": [256, 512, [], "f2ca", "M192 384c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64s-64-28.654-64-64c0-23.685 12.876-44.349 32-55.417V288c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32s32 14.327 32 32v40.583c19.124 11.068 32 31.732 32 55.417zm32-84.653c19.912 22.563 32 52.194 32 84.653 0 70.696-57.303 128-128 128-.299 0-.609-.001-.909-.003C56.789 511.509-.357 453.636.002 383.333.166 351.135 12.225 321.755 32 299.347V96c0-53.019 42.981-96 96-96s96 42.981 96 96v203.347zM208 384c0-34.339-19.37-52.19-32-66.502V96c0-26.467-21.533-48-48-48S80 69.533 80 96v221.498c-12.732 14.428-31.825 32.1-31.999 66.08-.224 43.876 35.563 80.116 79.423 80.42L128 464c44.112 0 80-35.888 80-80z"],
- "thermometer-three-quarters": [256, 512, [], "f2c8", "M192 384c0 35.346-28.654 64-64 64-35.346 0-64-28.654-64-64 0-23.685 12.876-44.349 32-55.417V160c0-17.673 14.327-32 32-32s32 14.327 32 32v168.583c19.124 11.068 32 31.732 32 55.417zm32-84.653c19.912 22.563 32 52.194 32 84.653 0 70.696-57.303 128-128 128-.299 0-.609-.001-.909-.003C56.789 511.509-.357 453.636.002 383.333.166 351.135 12.225 321.755 32 299.347V96c0-53.019 42.981-96 96-96s96 42.981 96 96v203.347zM208 384c0-34.339-19.37-52.19-32-66.502V96c0-26.467-21.533-48-48-48S80 69.533 80 96v221.498c-12.732 14.428-31.825 32.1-31.999 66.08-.224 43.876 35.563 80.116 79.423 80.42L128 464c44.112 0 80-35.888 80-80z"],
- "thumbs-down": [512, 512, [], "f165", "M0 56v240c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h80c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V56c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H24C10.745 32 0 42.745 0 56zm40 200c0-13.255 10.745-24 24-24s24 10.745 24 24-10.745 24-24 24-24-10.745-24-24zm272 256c-20.183 0-29.485-39.293-33.931-57.795-5.206-21.666-10.589-44.07-25.393-58.902-32.469-32.524-49.503-73.967-89.117-113.111a11.98 11.98 0 0 1-3.558-8.521V59.901c0-6.541 5.243-11.878 11.783-11.998 15.831-.29 36.694-9.079 52.651-16.178C256.189 17.598 295.709.017 343.995 0h2.844c42.777 0 93.363.413 113.774 29.737 8.392 12.057 10.446 27.034 6.148 44.632 16.312 17.053 25.063 48.863 16.382 74.757 17.544 23.432 19.143 56.132 9.308 79.469l.11.11c11.893 11.949 19.523 31.259 19.439 49.197-.156 30.352-26.157 58.098-59.553 58.098H350.723C358.03 364.34 384 388.132 384 430.548 384 504 336 512 312 512z"],
- "thumbs-up": [512, 512, [], "f164", "M104 224H24c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v240c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h80c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V248c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zM64 472c-13.255 0-24-10.745-24-24s10.745-24 24-24 24 10.745 24 24-10.745 24-24 24zM384 81.452c0 42.416-25.97 66.208-33.277 94.548h101.723c33.397 0 59.397 27.746 59.553 58.098.084 17.938-7.546 37.249-19.439 49.197l-.11.11c9.836 23.337 8.237 56.037-9.308 79.469 8.681 25.895-.069 57.704-16.382 74.757 4.298 17.598 2.244 32.575-6.148 44.632C440.202 511.587 389.616 512 346.839 512l-2.845-.001c-48.287-.017-87.806-17.598-119.56-31.725-15.957-7.099-36.821-15.887-52.651-16.178-6.54-.12-11.783-5.457-11.783-11.998v-213.77c0-3.2 1.282-6.271 3.558-8.521 39.614-39.144 56.648-80.587 89.117-113.111 14.804-14.832 20.188-37.236 25.393-58.902C282.515 39.293 291.817 0 312 0c24 0 72 8 72 81.452z"],
- "thumbtack": [384, 512, [], "f08d", "M298.028 214.267L285.793 96H328c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V24c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H56C42.745 0 32 10.745 32 24v48c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h42.207L85.972 214.267C37.465 236.82 0 277.261 0 328c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h136v104.007c0 1.242.289 2.467.845 3.578l24 48c2.941 5.882 11.364 5.893 14.311 0l24-48a8.008 8.008 0 0 0 .845-3.578V352h136c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24-.001-51.183-37.983-91.42-85.973-113.733z"],
- "ticket-alt": [576, 512, [], "f3ff", "M128 160h320v192H128V160zm400 96c0 26.51 21.49 48 48 48v96c0 26.51-21.49 48-48 48H48c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48v-96c26.51 0 48-21.49 48-48s-21.49-48-48-48v-96c0-26.51 21.49-48 48-48h480c26.51 0 48 21.49 48 48v96c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48zm-48-104c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H120c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v208c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h336c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24V152z"],
- "times": [352, 512, [], "f00d", "M242.72 256l100.07-100.07c12.28-12.28 12.28-32.19 0-44.48l-22.24-22.24c-12.28-12.28-32.19-12.28-44.48 0L176 189.28 75.93 89.21c-12.28-12.28-32.19-12.28-44.48 0L9.21 111.45c-12.28 12.28-12.28 32.19 0 44.48L109.28 256 9.21 356.07c-12.28 12.28-12.28 32.19 0 44.48l22.24 22.24c12.28 12.28 32.2 12.28 44.48 0L176 322.72l100.07 100.07c12.28 12.28 32.2 12.28 44.48 0l22.24-22.24c12.28-12.28 12.28-32.19 0-44.48L242.72 256z"],
- "times-circle": [512, 512, [], "f057", "M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm121.6 313.1c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17L338 377.6c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0L256 312l-65.1 65.6c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0L134.4 338c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l65.6-65-65.6-65.1c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l39.6-39.6c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l65 65.7 65.1-65.6c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l39.6 39.6c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17L312 256l65.6 65.1z"],
- "tint": [352, 512, [], "f043", "M205.22 22.09c-7.94-28.78-49.44-30.12-58.44 0C100.01 179.85 0 222.72 0 333.91 0 432.35 78.72 512 176 512s176-79.65 176-178.09c0-111.75-99.79-153.34-146.78-311.82zM176 448c-61.75 0-112-50.25-112-112 0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16s16 7.16 16 16c0 44.11 35.89 80 80 80 8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16s-7.16 16-16 16z"],
- "tint-slash": [640, 512, [], "f5c7", "M633.82 458.1L494.97 350.78c.52-5.57 1.03-11.16 1.03-16.87 0-111.76-99.79-153.34-146.78-311.82-7.94-28.78-49.44-30.12-58.44 0-15.52 52.34-36.87 91.96-58.49 125.68L45.47 3.37C38.49-2.05 28.43-.8 23.01 6.18L3.37 31.45C-2.05 38.42-.8 48.47 6.18 53.9l588.36 454.73c6.98 5.43 17.03 4.17 22.46-2.81l19.64-25.27c5.41-6.97 4.16-17.02-2.82-22.45zM144 333.91C144 432.35 222.72 512 320 512c44.71 0 85.37-16.96 116.4-44.7L162.72 255.78c-11.41 23.5-18.72 48.35-18.72 78.13z"],
- "tired": [496, 512, [], "f5c8", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm33.8 189.7l80-48c11.6-6.9 24 7.7 15.4 18L343.6 208l33.6 40.3c8.7 10.4-3.9 24.8-15.4 18l-80-48c-7.7-4.7-7.7-15.9 0-20.6zm-163-30c-8.6-10.3 3.8-24.9 15.4-18l80 48c7.8 4.7 7.8 15.9 0 20.6l-80 48c-11.5 6.8-24-7.6-15.4-18l33.6-40.3-33.6-40.3zM248 288c51.9 0 115.3 43.8 123.2 106.7 1.7 13.6-8 24.6-17.7 20.4-25.9-11.1-64.4-17.4-105.5-17.4s-79.6 6.3-105.5 17.4c-9.8 4.2-19.4-7-17.7-20.4C132.7 331.8 196.1 288 248 288z"],
- "toggle-off": [576, 512, [], "f204", "M384 64H192C85.961 64 0 149.961 0 256s85.961 192 192 192h192c106.039 0 192-85.961 192-192S490.039 64 384 64zM64 256c0-70.741 57.249-128 128-128 70.741 0 128 57.249 128 128 0 70.741-57.249 128-128 128-70.741 0-128-57.249-128-128zm320 128h-48.905c65.217-72.858 65.236-183.12 0-256H384c70.741 0 128 57.249 128 128 0 70.74-57.249 128-128 128z"],
- "toggle-on": [576, 512, [], "f205", "M576 256c0 106.039-85.961 192-192 192H192C85.961 448 0 362.039 0 256S85.961 64 192 64h192c106.039 0 192 85.961 192 192zM384 128c-70.741 0-128 57.249-128 128 0 70.741 57.249 128 128 128 70.741 0 128-57.249 128-128 0-70.741-57.249-128-128-128"],
- "toolbox": [512, 512, [], "f552", "M502.63 214.63l-45.25-45.25c-6-6-14.14-9.37-22.63-9.37H384V80c0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48H176c-26.51 0-48 21.49-48 48v80H77.25c-8.49 0-16.62 3.37-22.63 9.37L9.37 214.63c-6 6-9.37 14.14-9.37 22.63V320h128v-16c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h32c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v16h128v-16c0-8.84 7.16-16 16-16h32c8.84 0 16 7.16 16 16v16h128v-82.75c0-8.48-3.37-16.62-9.37-22.62zM320 160H192V96h128v64zm64 208c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-32c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-16H192v16c0 8.84-7.16 16-16 16h-32c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16v-16H0v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h448c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96H384v16z"],
- "tooth": [448, 512, [], "f5c9", "M443.98 96.25c-11.01-45.22-47.11-82.06-92.01-93.72-32.19-8.36-63 5.1-89.14 24.33-3.25 2.39-6.96 3.73-10.5 5.48l28.32 18.21c7.42 4.77 9.58 14.67 4.8 22.11-4.46 6.95-14.27 9.86-22.11 4.8L162.83 12.84c-20.7-10.85-43.38-16.4-66.81-10.31-44.9 11.67-81 48.5-92.01 93.72-10.13 41.62-.42 80.81 21.5 110.43 23.36 31.57 32.68 68.66 36.29 107.35 4.4 47.16 10.33 94.16 20.94 140.32l7.8 33.95c3.19 13.87 15.49 23.7 29.67 23.7 13.97 0 26.15-9.55 29.54-23.16l34.47-138.42c4.56-18.32 20.96-31.16 39.76-31.16s35.2 12.85 39.76 31.16l34.47 138.42c3.39 13.61 15.57 23.16 29.54 23.16 14.18 0 26.48-9.83 29.67-23.7l7.8-33.95c10.61-46.15 16.53-93.16 20.94-140.32 3.61-38.7 12.93-75.78 36.29-107.35 21.95-29.61 31.66-68.8 21.53-110.43z"],
- "torah": [448, 512, [], "f6a0", "M448 358.4V25.6c0-16-9.6-25.6-25.6-25.6H96C41.6 0 0 41.6 0 96v320c0 54.4 41.6 96 96 96h326.4c12.8 0 25.6-9.6 25.6-25.6v-16c0-6.4-3.2-12.8-9.6-19.2-3.2-16-3.2-60.8 0-73.6 6.4-3.2 9.6-9.6 9.6-19.2zM139.11 141.21c-2.77-4.41.4-10.14 5.6-10.14h53.08c.9 0 1.73-.46 2.21-1.22l34.4-54.76c2.6-4.13 8.61-4.13 11.21 0l34.4 54.76a2.61 2.61 0 0 0 2.21 1.22h53.08c5.2 0 8.37 5.73 5.6 10.14L314.01 184l26.88 42.79c2.77 4.4-.4 10.13-5.6 10.13h-53.08c-.9 0-1.73.46-2.21 1.22l-34.4 54.76c-2.6 4.13-8.61 4.13-11.21 0L200 238.15a2.61 2.61 0 0 0-2.21-1.22h-53.08c-5.2 0-8.37-5.73-5.6-10.13l26.88-42.8-26.88-42.79zM380.8 448H96c-19.2 0-32-12.8-32-32s16-32 32-32h284.8v64z"],
- "torii-gate": [512, 512, [], "f6a1", "M376.45 32h-240.9A303.17 303.17 0 0 1 0 0v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32v64H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h48v240c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V256h256v240c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16V256h48c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-48v-64h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V0a303.17 303.17 0 0 1-135.55 32zM128 128h96v64h-96v-64zm256 64h-96v-64h96v64z"],
- "trademark": [640, 512, [], "f25c", "M97.119 163.133H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V108c0-6.627 5.373-12 12-12h248.559c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v43.133c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H175.44V404c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12h-54.322c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V163.133zM329.825 96h65.425a12 12 0 0 1 11.346 8.093l43.759 127.068c7.161 20.588 16.111 52.812 16.111 52.812h.896s8.95-32.224 16.111-52.812l43.758-127.068A12 12 0 0 1 538.577 96h65.41a12 12 0 0 1 11.961 11.03l24.012 296c.567 6.987-4.951 12.97-11.961 12.97h-54.101a12 12 0 0 1-11.972-11.182l-9.082-132.93c-1.79-24.168 0-53.706 0-53.706h-.896s-10.741 33.566-17.902 53.706l-30.7 84.731a12 12 0 0 1-11.282 7.912h-50.302a12 12 0 0 1-11.282-7.912l-30.7-84.731c-7.161-20.14-17.903-53.706-17.903-53.706h-.895s1.79 29.538 0 53.706l-9.082 132.93c-.428 6.295-5.66 11.182-11.97 11.182H305.4c-7.017 0-12.536-5.994-11.959-12.987l24.425-296A11.999 11.999 0 0 1 329.825 96z"],
- "traffic-light": [384, 512, [], "f637", "M384 192h-64v-37.88c37.2-13.22 64-48.38 64-90.12h-64V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H96C78.33 0 64 14.33 64 32v32H0c0 41.74 26.8 76.9 64 90.12V192H0c0 41.74 26.8 76.9 64 90.12V320H0c0 42.84 28.25 78.69 66.99 91.05C79.42 468.72 130.6 512 192 512s112.58-43.28 125.01-100.95C355.75 398.69 384 362.84 384 320h-64v-37.88c37.2-13.22 64-48.38 64-90.12zM192 416c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48s21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48-21.49 48-48 48zm0-128c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48s21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48-21.49 48-48 48zm0-128c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48s21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48-21.49 48-48 48z"],
- "train": [448, 512, [], "f238", "M448 96v256c0 51.815-61.624 96-130.022 96l62.98 49.721C386.905 502.417 383.562 512 376 512H72c-7.578 0-10.892-9.594-4.957-14.279L130.022 448C61.82 448 0 403.954 0 352V96C0 42.981 64 0 128 0h192c65 0 128 42.981 128 96zm-48 136V120c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24H72c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v112c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h304c13.255 0 24-10.745 24-24zm-176 64c-30.928 0-56 25.072-56 56s25.072 56 56 56 56-25.072 56-56-25.072-56-56-56z"],
- "transgender": [384, 512, [], "f224", "M372 0h-79c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l16.9 16.9-80.7 80.7C198.5 104.1 172.2 96 144 96 64.5 96 0 160.5 0 240c0 68.5 47.9 125.9 112 140.4V408H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h36v28c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-28h36c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-36v-27.6c64.1-14.6 112-71.9 112-140.4 0-28.2-8.1-54.5-22.1-76.7l80.7-80.7 16.9 16.9c7.6 7.6 20.5 2.2 20.5-8.5V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zM144 320c-44.1 0-80-35.9-80-80s35.9-80 80-80 80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80z"],
- "transgender-alt": [480, 512, [], "f225", "M468 0h-79c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l16.9 16.9-80.7 80.7C294.5 104.1 268.2 96 240 96c-28.2 0-54.5 8.1-76.7 22.1l-16.5-16.5 19.8-19.8c4.7-4.7 4.7-12.3 0-17l-28.3-28.3c-4.7-4.7-12.3-4.7-17 0l-19.8 19.8-19-19 16.9-16.9C107.1 12.9 101.7 0 91 0H12C5.4 0 0 5.4 0 12v79c0 10.7 12.9 16 20.5 8.5l16.9-16.9 19 19-19.8 19.8c-4.7 4.7-4.7 12.3 0 17l28.3 28.3c4.7 4.7 12.3 4.7 17 0l19.8-19.8 16.5 16.5C104.1 185.5 96 211.8 96 240c0 68.5 47.9 125.9 112 140.4V408h-36c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h36v28c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-28h36c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-36v-27.6c64.1-14.6 112-71.9 112-140.4 0-28.2-8.1-54.5-22.1-76.7l80.7-80.7 16.9 16.9c7.6 7.6 20.5 2.2 20.5-8.5V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zM240 320c-44.1 0-80-35.9-80-80s35.9-80 80-80 80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80z"],
- "trash": [448, 512, [], "f1f8", "M0 84V56c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h112l9.4-18.7c4-8.2 12.3-13.3 21.4-13.3h114.3c9.1 0 17.4 5.1 21.5 13.3L312 32h112c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24v28c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H12C5.4 96 0 90.6 0 84zm415.2 56.7L394.8 467c-1.6 25.3-22.6 45-47.9 45H101.1c-25.3 0-46.3-19.7-47.9-45L32.8 140.7c-.4-6.9 5.1-12.7 12-12.7h358.5c6.8 0 12.3 5.8 11.9 12.7z"],
- "trash-alt": [448, 512, [], "f2ed", "M0 84V56c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h112l9.4-18.7c4-8.2 12.3-13.3 21.4-13.3h114.3c9.1 0 17.4 5.1 21.5 13.3L312 32h112c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24v28c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12H12C5.4 96 0 90.6 0 84zm416 56v324c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H80c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V140c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h360c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12zm-272 68c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16s-16 7.2-16 16v224c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16V208zm96 0c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16s-16 7.2-16 16v224c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16V208zm96 0c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16s-16 7.2-16 16v224c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16s16-7.2 16-16V208z"],
- "tree": [384, 512, [], "f1bb", "M377.33 375.429L293.906 288H328c21.017 0 31.872-25.207 17.448-40.479L262.79 160H296c20.878 0 31.851-24.969 17.587-40.331l-104-112.003c-9.485-10.214-25.676-10.229-35.174 0l-104 112.003C56.206 134.969 67.037 160 88 160h33.21l-82.659 87.521C24.121 262.801 34.993 288 56 288h34.094L6.665 375.429C-7.869 390.655 2.925 416 24.025 416H144c0 32.781-11.188 49.26-33.995 67.506C98.225 492.93 104.914 512 120 512h144c15.086 0 21.776-19.069 9.995-28.494-19.768-15.814-33.992-31.665-33.995-67.496V416h119.97c21.05 0 31.929-25.309 17.36-40.571z"],
- "trophy": [576, 512, [], "f091", "M552 64H448V24c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24H152c-13.3 0-24 10.7-24 24v40H24C10.7 64 0 74.7 0 88v56c0 35.7 22.5 72.4 61.9 100.7 31.5 22.7 69.8 37.1 110 41.7C203.3 338.5 240 360 240 360v72h-48c-35.3 0-64 20.7-64 56v12c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h296c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-12c0-35.3-28.7-56-64-56h-48v-72s36.7-21.5 68.1-73.6c40.3-4.6 78.6-19 110-41.7 39.3-28.3 61.9-65 61.9-100.7V88c0-13.3-10.7-24-24-24zM99.3 192.8C74.9 175.2 64 155.6 64 144v-16h64.2c1 32.6 5.8 61.2 12.8 86.2-15.1-5.2-29.2-12.4-41.7-21.4zM512 144c0 16.1-17.7 36.1-35.3 48.8-12.5 9-26.7 16.2-41.8 21.4 7-25 11.8-53.6 12.8-86.2H512v16z"],
- "truck": [640, 512, [], "f0d1", "M624 352h-16V243.9c0-12.7-5.1-24.9-14.1-33.9L494 110.1c-9-9-21.2-14.1-33.9-14.1H416V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v320c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h16c0 53 43 96 96 96s96-43 96-96h128c0 53 43 96 96 96s96-43 96-96h48c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zM160 464c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm320 0c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48zm80-208H416V144h44.1l99.9 99.9V256z"],
- "truck-loading": [640, 512, [], "f4de", "M50.2 375.6c2.3 8.5 11.1 13.6 19.6 11.3l216.4-58c8.5-2.3 13.6-11.1 11.3-19.6l-49.7-185.5c-2.3-8.5-11.1-13.6-19.6-11.3L151 133.3l24.8 92.7-61.8 16.5-24.8-92.7-77.3 20.7C3.4 172.8-1.7 181.6.6 190.1l49.6 185.5zM384 0c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v323.6L5.9 450c-4.3 1.2-6.8 5.6-5.6 9.8l12.6 46.3c1.2 4.3 5.6 6.8 9.8 5.6l393.7-107.4C418.8 464.1 467.6 512 528 512c61.9 0 112-50.1 112-112V0H384zm144 448c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48s21.5-48 48-48 48 21.5 48 48-21.5 48-48 48z"],
- "truck-monster": [640, 512, [], "f63b", "M624 224h-16v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-73.6L419.22 24.02A64.025 64.025 0 0 0 369.24 0H256c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96H48c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v80H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h16.72c29.21-38.65 75.1-64 127.28-64s98.07 25.35 127.28 64h65.45c29.21-38.65 75.1-64 127.28-64s98.07 25.35 127.28 64H624c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zm-336-96V64h81.24l51.2 64H288zm304 224h-5.2c-2.2-7.33-5.07-14.28-8.65-20.89l3.67-3.67c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63l-22.63-22.63c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0l-3.67 3.67A110.85 110.85 0 0 0 512 277.2V272c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-32c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v5.2c-7.33 2.2-14.28 5.07-20.89 8.65l-3.67-3.67c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0l-22.63 22.63c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63l3.67 3.67A110.85 110.85 0 0 0 373.2 352H368c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h5.2c2.2 7.33 5.07 14.28 8.65 20.89l-3.67 3.67c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63l22.63 22.63c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l3.67-3.67c6.61 3.57 13.57 6.45 20.9 8.65v5.2c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-5.2c7.33-2.2 14.28-5.07 20.9-8.65l3.67 3.67c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l22.63-22.63c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63l-3.67-3.67a110.85 110.85 0 0 0 8.65-20.89h5.2c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c-.02-8.84-7.18-16-16.02-16zm-112 80c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48s21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48-21.49 48-48 48zm-208-80h-5.2c-2.2-7.33-5.07-14.28-8.65-20.89l3.67-3.67c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63l-22.63-22.63c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0l-3.67 3.67A110.85 110.85 0 0 0 192 277.2V272c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16h-32c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v5.2c-7.33 2.2-14.28 5.07-20.89 8.65l-3.67-3.67c-6.25-6.25-16.38-6.25-22.63 0L58.18 304.8c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63l3.67 3.67a110.85 110.85 0 0 0-8.65 20.89H48c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h5.2c2.2 7.33 5.07 14.28 8.65 20.89l-3.67 3.67c-6.25 6.25-6.25 16.38 0 22.63l22.63 22.63c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l3.67-3.67c6.61 3.57 13.57 6.45 20.9 8.65v5.2c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-5.2c7.33-2.2 14.28-5.07 20.9-8.65l3.67 3.67c6.25 6.25 16.38 6.25 22.63 0l22.63-22.63c6.25-6.25 6.25-16.38 0-22.63l-3.67-3.67a110.85 110.85 0 0 0 8.65-20.89h5.2c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32C288 359.16 280.84 352 272 352zm-112 80c-26.51 0-48-21.49-48-48s21.49-48 48-48 48 21.49 48 48-21.49 48-48 48z"],
- "truck-moving": [640, 512, [], "f4df", "M621.3 237.3l-58.5-58.5c-12-12-28.3-18.7-45.3-18.7H480V64c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32H32C14.3 32 0 46.3 0 64v336c0 44.2 35.8 80 80 80 26.3 0 49.4-12.9 64-32.4 14.6 19.6 37.7 32.4 64 32.4 44.2 0 80-35.8 80-80 0-5.5-.6-10.8-1.6-16h163.2c-1.1 5.2-1.6 10.5-1.6 16 0 44.2 35.8 80 80 80s80-35.8 80-80c0-5.5-.6-10.8-1.6-16H624c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-85.5c0-17-6.7-33.2-18.7-45.2zM80 432c-17.6 0-32-14.4-32-32s14.4-32 32-32 32 14.4 32 32-14.4 32-32 32zm128 0c-17.6 0-32-14.4-32-32s14.4-32 32-32 32 14.4 32 32-14.4 32-32 32zm272-224h37.5c4.3 0 8.3 1.7 11.3 4.7l43.3 43.3H480v-48zm48 224c-17.6 0-32-14.4-32-32s14.4-32 32-32 32 14.4 32 32-14.4 32-32 32z"],
- "truck-pickup": [640, 512, [], "f63c", "M624 288h-16v-64c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-48L419.22 56.02A64.025 64.025 0 0 0 369.24 32H256c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v128H64c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v64H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16v32c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h49.61c-.76 5.27-1.61 10.52-1.61 16 0 61.86 50.14 112 112 112s112-50.14 112-112c0-5.48-.85-10.73-1.61-16h67.23c-.76 5.27-1.61 10.52-1.61 16 0 61.86 50.14 112 112 112s112-50.14 112-112c0-5.48-.85-10.73-1.61-16H624c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-32c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16zM288 96h81.24l76.8 96H288V96zM176 416c-26.47 0-48-21.53-48-48s21.53-48 48-48 48 21.53 48 48-21.53 48-48 48zm288 0c-26.47 0-48-21.53-48-48s21.53-48 48-48 48 21.53 48 48-21.53 48-48 48z"],
- "tshirt": [640, 512, [], "f553", "M631.2 96.5L436.5 0C416.4 27.8 371.9 47.2 320 47.2S223.6 27.8 203.5 0L8.8 96.5c-7.9 4-11.1 13.6-7.2 21.5l57.2 114.5c4 7.9 13.6 11.1 21.5 7.2l56.6-27.7c10.6-5.2 23 2.5 23 14.4V480c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h256c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V226.3c0-11.8 12.4-19.6 23-14.4l56.6 27.7c7.9 4 17.5.8 21.5-7.2L638.3 118c4-7.9.8-17.6-7.1-21.5z"],
- "tty": [512, 512, [], "f1e4", "M5.37 103.822c138.532-138.532 362.936-138.326 501.262 0 6.078 6.078 7.074 15.496 2.583 22.681l-43.214 69.138a18.332 18.332 0 0 1-22.356 7.305l-86.422-34.569a18.335 18.335 0 0 1-11.434-18.846L351.741 90c-62.145-22.454-130.636-21.986-191.483 0l5.953 59.532a18.331 18.331 0 0 1-11.434 18.846l-86.423 34.568a18.334 18.334 0 0 1-22.356-7.305L2.787 126.502a18.333 18.333 0 0 1 2.583-22.68zM96 308v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H44c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm-336 96v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H92c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zM96 500v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H44c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm288 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H140c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h232c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12zm96 0v-40c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-40c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v40c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h40c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12z"],
- "tv": [640, 512, [], "f26c", "M592 0H48C21.5 0 0 21.5 0 48v320c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h245.1v32h-160c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32s14.3 32 32 32h384c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32s-14.3-32-32-32h-160v-32H592c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V48c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-16 352H64V64h512v288z"],
- "umbrella": [576, 512, [], "f0e9", "M557.011 267.631c-51.432-45.217-107.572-43.698-158.567 30.731-5.298 7.861-14.906 7.165-19.736 0-2.483-3.624-32.218-60.808-90.708-60.808-45.766 0-70.542 31.378-90.709 60.808-4.829 7.165-14.436 7.861-19.734 0-50.904-74.285-106.613-76.406-158.567-30.731-10.21 8.264-20.912-1.109-18.696-9.481C32.146 134.573 158.516 64.612 288.001 64.612c128.793 0 256.546 69.961 287.706 193.538 2.206 8.322-8.426 17.793-18.696 9.481zM256 261.001V416c0 17.645-14.355 32-32 32s-32-14.355-32-32c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32s-32 14.327-32 32c0 52.935 43.065 96 96 96s96-43.065 96-96V261.288c-21.836-10.806-45.425-9.737-64-.287zm64-211.007V32c0-17.673-14.327-32-32-32s-32 14.327-32 32v17.987a372.105 372.105 0 0 1 64 .007z"],
- "umbrella-beach": [640, 512, [], "f5ca", "M115.38 136.9l102.11 37.18c35.19-81.54 86.21-144.29 139-173.7-95.88-4.89-188.78 36.96-248.53 111.8-6.69 8.4-2.66 21.05 7.42 24.72zm132.25 48.16l238.48 86.83c35.76-121.38 18.7-231.66-42.63-253.98-7.4-2.7-15.13-4-23.09-4-58.02.01-128.27 69.17-172.76 171.15zM521.48 60.5c6.22 16.3 10.83 34.6 13.2 55.19 5.74 49.89-1.42 108.23-18.95 166.98l102.62 37.36c10.09 3.67 21.31-3.43 21.57-14.17 2.32-95.69-41.91-187.44-118.44-245.36zM560 447.98H321.06L386 269.5l-60.14-21.9-72.9 200.37H16c-8.84 0-16 7.16-16 16.01v32.01C0 504.83 7.16 512 16 512h544c8.84 0 16-7.17 16-16.01v-32.01c0-8.84-7.16-16-16-16z"],
- "underline": [448, 512, [], "f0cd", "M224.264 388.24c-91.669 0-156.603-51.165-156.603-151.392V64H39.37c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V16c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h137.39c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-28.813v172.848c0 53.699 28.314 79.444 76.317 79.444 46.966 0 75.796-25.434 75.796-79.965V64h-28.291c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16V16c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16h136.868c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16h-28.291v172.848c0 99.405-64.881 151.392-156.082 151.392zM16 448h416c8.837 0 16 7.163 16 16v32c0 8.837-7.163 16-16 16H16c-8.837 0-16-7.163-16-16v-32c0-8.837 7.163-16 16-16z"],
- "undo": [512, 512, [], "f0e2", "M212.333 224.333H12c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12V12C0 5.373 5.373 0 12 0h48c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v78.112C117.773 39.279 184.26 7.47 258.175 8.007c136.906.994 246.448 111.623 246.157 248.532C504.041 393.258 393.12 504 256.333 504c-64.089 0-122.496-24.313-166.51-64.215-5.099-4.622-5.334-12.554-.467-17.42l33.967-33.967c4.474-4.474 11.662-4.717 16.401-.525C170.76 415.336 211.58 432 256.333 432c97.268 0 176-78.716 176-176 0-97.267-78.716-176-176-176-58.496 0-110.28 28.476-142.274 72.333h98.274c6.627 0 12 5.373 12 12v48c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12z"],
- "undo-alt": [512, 512, [], "f2ea", "M255.545 8c-66.269.119-126.438 26.233-170.86 68.685L48.971 40.971C33.851 25.851 8 36.559 8 57.941V192c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h134.059c21.382 0 32.09-25.851 16.971-40.971l-41.75-41.75c30.864-28.899 70.801-44.907 113.23-45.273 92.398-.798 170.283 73.977 169.484 169.442C423.236 348.009 349.816 424 256 424c-41.127 0-79.997-14.678-110.63-41.556-4.743-4.161-11.906-3.908-16.368.553L89.34 422.659c-4.872 4.872-4.631 12.815.482 17.433C133.798 479.813 192.074 504 256 504c136.966 0 247.999-111.033 248-247.998C504.001 119.193 392.354 7.755 255.545 8z"],
- "universal-access": [512, 512, [], "f29a", "M256 48c114.953 0 208 93.029 208 208 0 114.953-93.029 208-208 208-114.953 0-208-93.029-208-208 0-114.953 93.029-208 208-208m0-40C119.033 8 8 119.033 8 256s111.033 248 248 248 248-111.033 248-248S392.967 8 256 8zm0 56C149.961 64 64 149.961 64 256s85.961 192 192 192 192-85.961 192-192S362.039 64 256 64zm0 44c19.882 0 36 16.118 36 36s-16.118 36-36 36-36-16.118-36-36 16.118-36 36-36zm117.741 98.023c-28.712 6.779-55.511 12.748-82.14 15.807.851 101.023 12.306 123.052 25.037 155.621 3.617 9.26-.957 19.698-10.217 23.315-9.261 3.617-19.699-.957-23.316-10.217-8.705-22.308-17.086-40.636-22.261-78.549h-9.686c-5.167 37.851-13.534 56.208-22.262 78.549-3.615 9.255-14.05 13.836-23.315 10.217-9.26-3.617-13.834-14.056-10.217-23.315 12.713-32.541 24.185-54.541 25.037-155.621-26.629-3.058-53.428-9.027-82.141-15.807-8.6-2.031-13.926-10.648-11.895-19.249s10.647-13.926 19.249-11.895c96.686 22.829 124.283 22.783 220.775 0 8.599-2.03 17.218 3.294 19.249 11.895 2.029 8.601-3.297 17.219-11.897 19.249z"],
- "university": [512, 512, [], "f19c", "M496 128v16a8 8 0 0 1-8 8h-24v12c0 6.627-5.373 12-12 12H60c-6.627 0-12-5.373-12-12v-12H24a8 8 0 0 1-8-8v-16a8 8 0 0 1 4.941-7.392l232-88a7.996 7.996 0 0 1 6.118 0l232 88A8 8 0 0 1 496 128zm-24 304H40c-13.255 0-24 10.745-24 24v16a8 8 0 0 0 8 8h464a8 8 0 0 0 8-8v-16c0-13.255-10.745-24-24-24zM96 192v192H60c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v20h416v-20c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-36V192h-64v192h-64V192h-64v192h-64V192H96z"],
- "unlink": [512, 512, [], "f127", "M304.083 405.907c4.686 4.686 4.686 12.284 0 16.971l-44.674 44.674c-59.263 59.262-155.693 59.266-214.961 0-59.264-59.265-59.264-155.696 0-214.96l44.675-44.675c4.686-4.686 12.284-4.686 16.971 0l39.598 39.598c4.686 4.686 4.686 12.284 0 16.971l-44.675 44.674c-28.072 28.073-28.072 73.75 0 101.823 28.072 28.072 73.75 28.073 101.824 0l44.674-44.674c4.686-4.686 12.284-4.686 16.971 0l39.597 39.598zm-56.568-260.216c4.686 4.686 12.284 4.686 16.971 0l44.674-44.674c28.072-28.075 73.75-28.073 101.824 0 28.072 28.073 28.072 73.75 0 101.823l-44.675 44.674c-4.686 4.686-4.686 12.284 0 16.971l39.598 39.598c4.686 4.686 12.284 4.686 16.971 0l44.675-44.675c59.265-59.265 59.265-155.695 0-214.96-59.266-59.264-155.695-59.264-214.961 0l-44.674 44.674c-4.686 4.686-4.686 12.284 0 16.971l39.597 39.598zm234.828 359.28l22.627-22.627c9.373-9.373 9.373-24.569 0-33.941L63.598 7.029c-9.373-9.373-24.569-9.373-33.941 0L7.029 29.657c-9.373 9.373-9.373 24.569 0 33.941l441.373 441.373c9.373 9.372 24.569 9.372 33.941 0z"],
- "unlock": [448, 512, [], "f09c", "M400 256H152V152.9c0-39.6 31.7-72.5 71.3-72.9 40-.4 72.7 32.1 72.7 72v16c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h32c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24v-16C376 68 307.5-.3 223.5 0 139.5.3 72 69.5 72 153.5V256H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v160c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V304c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48z"],
- "unlock-alt": [448, 512, [], "f13e", "M400 256H152V152.9c0-39.6 31.7-72.5 71.3-72.9 40-.4 72.7 32.1 72.7 72v16c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24h32c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24v-16C376 68 307.5-.3 223.5 0 139.5.3 72 69.5 72 153.5V256H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v160c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V304c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zM264 408c0 22.1-17.9 40-40 40s-40-17.9-40-40v-48c0-22.1 17.9-40 40-40s40 17.9 40 40v48z"],
- "upload": [512, 512, [], "f093", "M296 384h-80c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V192h-87.7c-17.8 0-26.7-21.5-14.1-34.1L242.3 5.7c7.5-7.5 19.8-7.5 27.3 0l152.2 152.2c12.6 12.6 3.7 34.1-14.1 34.1H320v168c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24zm216-8v112c0 13.3-10.7 24-24 24H24c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24V376c0-13.3 10.7-24 24-24h136v8c0 30.9 25.1 56 56 56h80c30.9 0 56-25.1 56-56v-8h136c13.3 0 24 10.7 24 24zm-124 88c0-11-9-20-20-20s-20 9-20 20 9 20 20 20 20-9 20-20zm64 0c0-11-9-20-20-20s-20 9-20 20 9 20 20 20 20-9 20-20z"],
- "user": [448, 512, [], "f007", "M224 256c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm89.6 32h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-41.6c0-74.2-60.2-134.4-134.4-134.4z"],
- "user-alt": [512, 512, [], "f406", "M256 288c79.5 0 144-64.5 144-144S335.5 0 256 0 112 64.5 112 144s64.5 144 144 144zm128 32h-55.1c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16H128C57.3 320 0 377.3 0 448v16c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-16c0-70.7-57.3-128-128-128z"],
- "user-alt-slash": [640, 512, [], "f4fa", "M633.8 458.1L389.6 269.3C433.8 244.7 464 198.1 464 144 464 64.5 399.5 0 320 0c-67.1 0-123 46.1-139 108.2L45.5 3.4C38.5-2 28.5-.8 23 6.2L3.4 31.4c-5.4 7-4.2 17 2.8 22.4l588.4 454.7c7 5.4 17 4.2 22.5-2.8l19.6-25.3c5.4-6.8 4.1-16.9-2.9-22.3zM198.4 320C124.2 320 64 380.2 64 454.4v9.6c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h382.2L245.8 320h-47.4z"],
- "user-astronaut": [448, 512, [], "f4fb", "M64 224h13.5c24.7 56.5 80.9 96 146.5 96s121.8-39.5 146.5-96H384c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-96c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-13.5C345.8 39.5 289.6 0 224 0S102.2 39.5 77.5 96H64c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v96c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16zm40-88c0-22.1 21.5-40 48-40h144c26.5 0 48 17.9 48 40v24c0 53-43 96-96 96h-48c-53 0-96-43-96-96v-24zm72 72l12-36 36-12-36-12-12-36-12 36-36 12 36 12 12 36zm151.6 113.4C297.7 340.7 262.2 352 224 352s-73.7-11.3-103.6-30.6C52.9 328.5 0 385 0 454.4v9.6c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h80v-64c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32h128c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32v64h80c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-9.6c0-69.4-52.9-125.9-120.4-133zM272 448c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16s7.2 16 16 16 16-7.2 16-16-7.2-16-16-16zm-96 0c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v48h32v-48c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16z"],
- "user-check": [640, 512, [], "f4fc", "M224 256c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm89.6 32h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-41.6c0-74.2-60.2-134.4-134.4-134.4zm323-128.4l-27.8-28.1c-4.6-4.7-12.1-4.7-16.8-.1l-104.8 104-45.5-45.8c-4.6-4.7-12.1-4.7-16.8-.1l-28.1 27.9c-4.7 4.6-4.7 12.1-.1 16.8l81.7 82.3c4.6 4.7 12.1 4.7 16.8.1l141.3-140.2c4.6-4.7 4.7-12.2.1-16.8z"],
- "user-circle": [496, 512, [], "f2bd", "M248 8C111 8 0 119 0 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S385 8 248 8zm0 96c48.6 0 88 39.4 88 88s-39.4 88-88 88-88-39.4-88-88 39.4-88 88-88zm0 344c-58.7 0-111.3-26.6-146.5-68.2 18.8-35.4 55.6-59.8 98.5-59.8 2.4 0 4.8.4 7.1 1.1 13 4.2 26.6 6.9 40.9 6.9 14.3 0 28-2.7 40.9-6.9 2.3-.7 4.7-1.1 7.1-1.1 42.9 0 79.7 24.4 98.5 59.8C359.3 421.4 306.7 448 248 448z"],
- "user-clock": [640, 512, [], "f4fd", "M496 224c-79.6 0-144 64.4-144 144s64.4 144 144 144 144-64.4 144-144-64.4-144-144-144zm64 150.3c0 5.3-4.4 9.7-9.7 9.7h-60.6c-5.3 0-9.7-4.4-9.7-9.7v-76.6c0-5.3 4.4-9.7 9.7-9.7h12.6c5.3 0 9.7 4.4 9.7 9.7V352h38.3c5.3 0 9.7 4.4 9.7 9.7v12.6zM320 368c0-27.8 6.7-54.1 18.2-77.5-8-1.5-16.2-2.5-24.6-2.5h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h347.1c-45.3-31.9-75.1-84.5-75.1-144zm-96-112c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128z"],
- "user-cog": [640, 512, [], "f4fe", "M610.5 373.3c2.6-14.1 2.6-28.5 0-42.6l25.8-14.9c3-1.7 4.3-5.2 3.3-8.5-6.7-21.6-18.2-41.2-33.2-57.4-2.3-2.5-6-3.1-9-1.4l-25.8 14.9c-10.9-9.3-23.4-16.5-36.9-21.3v-29.8c0-3.4-2.4-6.4-5.7-7.1-22.3-5-45-4.8-66.2 0-3.3.7-5.7 3.7-5.7 7.1v29.8c-13.5 4.8-26 12-36.9 21.3l-25.8-14.9c-2.9-1.7-6.7-1.1-9 1.4-15 16.2-26.5 35.8-33.2 57.4-1 3.3.4 6.8 3.3 8.5l25.8 14.9c-2.6 14.1-2.6 28.5 0 42.6l-25.8 14.9c-3 1.7-4.3 5.2-3.3 8.5 6.7 21.6 18.2 41.1 33.2 57.4 2.3 2.5 6 3.1 9 1.4l25.8-14.9c10.9 9.3 23.4 16.5 36.9 21.3v29.8c0 3.4 2.4 6.4 5.7 7.1 22.3 5 45 4.8 66.2 0 3.3-.7 5.7-3.7 5.7-7.1v-29.8c13.5-4.8 26-12 36.9-21.3l25.8 14.9c2.9 1.7 6.7 1.1 9-1.4 15-16.2 26.5-35.8 33.2-57.4 1-3.3-.4-6.8-3.3-8.5l-25.8-14.9zM496 400.5c-26.8 0-48.5-21.8-48.5-48.5s21.8-48.5 48.5-48.5 48.5 21.8 48.5 48.5-21.7 48.5-48.5 48.5zM224 256c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm201.2 226.5c-2.3-1.2-4.6-2.6-6.8-3.9l-7.9 4.6c-6 3.4-12.8 5.3-19.6 5.3-10.9 0-21.4-4.6-28.9-12.6-18.3-19.8-32.3-43.9-40.2-69.6-5.5-17.7 1.9-36.4 17.9-45.7l7.9-4.6c-.1-2.6-.1-5.2 0-7.8l-7.9-4.6c-16-9.2-23.4-28-17.9-45.7.9-2.9 2.2-5.8 3.2-8.7-3.8-.3-7.5-1.2-11.4-1.2h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c10.1 0 19.5-3.2 27.2-8.5-1.2-3.8-2-7.7-2-11.8v-9.2z"],
- "user-edit": [640, 512, [], "f4ff", "M224 256c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm89.6 32h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h274.9c-2.4-6.8-3.4-14-2.6-21.3l6.8-60.9 1.2-11.1 7.9-7.9 77.3-77.3c-24.5-27.7-60-45.5-99.9-45.5zm45.3 145.3l-6.8 61c-1.1 10.2 7.5 18.8 17.6 17.6l60.9-6.8 137.9-137.9-71.7-71.7-137.9 137.8zM633 268.9L595.1 231c-9.3-9.3-24.5-9.3-33.8 0l-37.8 37.8-4.1 4.1 71.8 71.7 41.8-41.8c9.3-9.4 9.3-24.5 0-33.9z"],
- "user-friends": [640, 512, [], "f500", "M192 256c61.9 0 112-50.1 112-112S253.9 32 192 32 80 82.1 80 144s50.1 112 112 112zm76.8 32h-8.3c-20.8 10-43.9 16-68.5 16s-47.6-6-68.5-16h-8.3C51.6 288 0 339.6 0 403.2V432c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-28.8c0-63.6-51.6-115.2-115.2-115.2zM480 256c53 0 96-43 96-96s-43-96-96-96-96 43-96 96 43 96 96 96zm48 32h-3.8c-13.9 4.8-28.6 8-44.2 8s-30.3-3.2-44.2-8H432c-20.4 0-39.2 5.9-55.7 15.4 24.4 26.3 39.7 61.2 39.7 99.8v38.4c0 2.2-.5 4.3-.6 6.4H592c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48 0-61.9-50.1-112-112-112z"],
- "user-graduate": [448, 512, [], "f501", "M319.4 320.6L224 416l-95.4-95.4C57.1 323.7 0 382.2 0 454.4v9.6c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-9.6c0-72.2-57.1-130.7-128.6-133.8zM13.6 79.8l6.4 1.5v58.4c-7 4.2-12 11.5-12 20.3 0 8.4 4.6 15.4 11.1 19.7L3.5 242c-1.7 6.9 2.1 14 7.6 14h41.8c5.5 0 9.3-7.1 7.6-14l-15.6-62.3C51.4 175.4 56 168.4 56 160c0-8.8-5-16.1-12-20.3V87.1l66 15.9c-8.6 17.2-14 36.4-14 57 0 70.7 57.3 128 128 128s128-57.3 128-128c0-20.6-5.3-39.8-14-57l96.3-23.2c18.2-4.4 18.2-27.1 0-31.5l-190.4-46c-13-3.1-26.7-3.1-39.7 0L13.6 48.2c-18.1 4.4-18.1 27.2 0 31.6z"],
- "user-lock": [640, 512, [], "f502", "M320 320c0-11.1 3.1-21.4 8.1-30.5-4.8-.5-9.5-1.5-14.5-1.5h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h280.9c-5.5-9.5-8.9-20.3-8.9-32V320zm-96-64c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm384 32h-32v-48c0-44.2-35.8-80-80-80s-80 35.8-80 80v48h-32c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v160c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h224c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32V320c0-17.7-14.3-32-32-32zm-80 0h-64v-48c0-17.6 14.4-32 32-32s32 14.4 32 32v48z"],
- "user-md": [448, 512, [], "f0f0", "M224 256c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zM104 424c0 13.3 10.7 24 24 24s24-10.7 24-24-10.7-24-24-24-24 10.7-24 24zm216-135.4v49c36.5 7.4 64 39.8 64 78.4v41.7c0 7.6-5.4 14.2-12.9 15.7l-32.2 6.4c-4.3.9-8.5-1.9-9.4-6.3l-3.1-15.7c-.9-4.3 1.9-8.6 6.3-9.4l19.3-3.9V416c0-62.8-96-65.1-96 1.9v26.7l19.3 3.9c4.3.9 7.1 5.1 6.3 9.4l-3.1 15.7c-.9 4.3-5.1 7.1-9.4 6.3l-31.2-4.2c-7.9-1.1-13.8-7.8-13.8-15.9V416c0-38.6 27.5-70.9 64-78.4v-45.2c-2.2.7-4.4 1.1-6.6 1.9-18 6.3-37.3 9.8-57.4 9.8s-39.4-3.5-57.4-9.8c-7.4-2.6-14.9-4.2-22.6-5.2v81.6c23.1 6.9 40 28.1 40 53.4 0 30.9-25.1 56-56 56s-56-25.1-56-56c0-25.3 16.9-46.5 40-53.4v-80.4C48.5 301 0 355.8 0 422.4v44.8C0 491.9 20.1 512 44.8 512h358.4c24.7 0 44.8-20.1 44.8-44.8v-44.8c0-72-56.8-130.3-128-133.8z"],
- "user-minus": [640, 512, [], "f503", "M624 208H432c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h192c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm-400 48c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm89.6 32h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-41.6c0-74.2-60.2-134.4-134.4-134.4z"],
- "user-ninja": [448, 512, [], "f504", "M325.4 289.2L224 390.6 122.6 289.2C54 295.3 0 352.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-41.6c0-70.2-54-127.1-122.6-133.2zM32 192c27.3 0 51.8-11.5 69.2-29.7 15.1 53.9 64 93.7 122.8 93.7 70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0c-50.4 0-93.6 29.4-114.5 71.8C92.1 47.8 64 32 32 32c0 33.4 17.1 62.8 43.1 80-26 17.2-43.1 46.6-43.1 80zm144-96h96c17.7 0 32 14.3 32 32H144c0-17.7 14.3-32 32-32z"],
- "user-plus": [640, 512, [], "f234", "M624 208h-64v-64c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16h-32c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v64h-64c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h64v64c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-64h64c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm-400 48c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm89.6 32h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-41.6c0-74.2-60.2-134.4-134.4-134.4z"],
- "user-secret": [448, 512, [], "f21b", "M383.9 308.3l23.9-62.6c4-10.5-3.7-21.7-15-21.7h-58.5c11-18.9 17.8-40.6 17.8-64v-.3c39.2-7.8 64-19.1 64-31.7 0-13.3-27.3-25.1-70.1-33-9.2-32.8-27-65.8-40.6-82.8-9.5-11.9-25.9-15.6-39.5-8.8l-27.6 13.8c-9 4.5-19.6 4.5-28.6 0L182.1 3.4c-13.6-6.8-30-3.1-39.5 8.8-13.5 17-31.4 50-40.6 82.8-42.7 7.9-70 19.7-70 33 0 12.6 24.8 23.9 64 31.7v.3c0 23.4 6.8 45.1 17.8 64H56.3c-11.5 0-19.2 11.7-14.7 22.3l25.8 60.2C27.3 329.8 0 372.7 0 422.4v44.8C0 491.9 20.1 512 44.8 512h358.4c24.7 0 44.8-20.1 44.8-44.8v-44.8c0-48.4-25.8-90.4-64.1-114.1zM176 480l-41.6-192 49.6 32 24 40-32 120zm96 0l-32-120 24-40 49.6-32L272 480zm41.7-298.5c-3.9 11.9-7 24.6-16.5 33.4-10.1 9.3-48 22.4-64-25-2.8-8.4-15.4-8.4-18.3 0-17 50.2-56 32.4-64 25-9.5-8.8-12.7-21.5-16.5-33.4-.8-2.5-6.3-5.7-6.3-5.8v-10.8c28.3 3.6 61 5.8 96 5.8s67.7-2.1 96-5.8v10.8c-.1.1-5.6 3.2-6.4 5.8z"],
- "user-shield": [640, 512, [], "f505", "M622.3 271.1l-115.2-45c-4.1-1.6-12.6-3.7-22.2 0l-115.2 45c-10.7 4.2-17.7 14-17.7 24.9 0 111.6 68.7 188.8 132.9 213.9 9.6 3.7 18 1.6 22.2 0C558.4 489.9 640 420.5 640 296c0-10.9-7-20.7-17.7-24.9zM496 462.4V273.3l95.5 37.3c-5.6 87.1-60.9 135.4-95.5 151.8zM224 256c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm96 40c0-2.5.8-4.8 1.1-7.2-2.5-.1-4.9-.8-7.5-.8h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c6.8 0 13.3-1.5 19.2-4-54-42.9-99.2-116.7-99.2-212z"],
- "user-slash": [640, 512, [], "f506", "M633.8 458.1L362.3 248.3C412.1 230.7 448 183.8 448 128 448 57.3 390.7 0 320 0c-67.1 0-121.5 51.8-126.9 117.4L45.5 3.4C38.5-2 28.5-.8 23 6.2L3.4 31.4c-5.4 7-4.2 17 2.8 22.4l588.4 454.7c7 5.4 17 4.2 22.5-2.8l19.6-25.3c5.4-6.8 4.1-16.9-2.9-22.3zM96 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h350.2L207.4 290.3C144.2 301.3 96 356 96 422.4z"],
- "user-tag": [640, 512, [], "f507", "M630.6 364.9l-90.3-90.2c-12-12-28.3-18.7-45.3-18.7h-79.3c-17.7 0-32 14.3-32 32v79.2c0 17 6.7 33.2 18.7 45.2l90.3 90.2c12.5 12.5 32.8 12.5 45.3 0l92.5-92.5c12.6-12.5 12.6-32.7.1-45.2zm-182.8-21c-13.3 0-24-10.7-24-24s10.7-24 24-24 24 10.7 24 24c0 13.2-10.7 24-24 24zm-223.8-88c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128C352 57.3 294.7 0 224 0S96 57.3 96 128c0 70.6 57.3 127.9 128 127.9zm127.8 111.2V294c-12.2-3.6-24.9-6.2-38.2-6.2h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 287.9 0 348.1 0 422.3v41.6c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c15.5 0 29.1-7.5 37.9-18.9l-58-58c-18.1-18.1-28.1-42.2-28.1-67.9z"],
- "user-tie": [448, 512, [], "f508", "M224 256c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm95.8 32.6L272 480l-32-136 32-56h-96l32 56-32 136-47.8-191.4C56.9 292 0 350.3 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-41.6c0-72.1-56.9-130.4-128.2-133.8z"],
- "user-times": [640, 512, [], "f235", "M589.6 240l45.6-45.6c6.3-6.3 6.3-16.5 0-22.8l-22.8-22.8c-6.3-6.3-16.5-6.3-22.8 0L544 194.4l-45.6-45.6c-6.3-6.3-16.5-6.3-22.8 0l-22.8 22.8c-6.3 6.3-6.3 16.5 0 22.8l45.6 45.6-45.6 45.6c-6.3 6.3-6.3 16.5 0 22.8l22.8 22.8c6.3 6.3 16.5 6.3 22.8 0l45.6-45.6 45.6 45.6c6.3 6.3 16.5 6.3 22.8 0l22.8-22.8c6.3-6.3 6.3-16.5 0-22.8L589.6 240zM224 256c70.7 0 128-57.3 128-128S294.7 0 224 0 96 57.3 96 128s57.3 128 128 128zm89.6 32h-16.7c-22.2 10.2-46.9 16-72.9 16s-50.6-5.8-72.9-16h-16.7C60.2 288 0 348.2 0 422.4V464c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-41.6c0-74.2-60.2-134.4-134.4-134.4z"],
- "users": [640, 512, [], "f0c0", "M96 224c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64zm448 0c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64zm32 32h-64c-17.6 0-33.5 7.1-45.1 18.6 40.3 22.1 68.9 62 75.1 109.4h66c17.7 0 32-14.3 32-32v-32c0-35.3-28.7-64-64-64zm-256 0c61.9 0 112-50.1 112-112S381.9 32 320 32 208 82.1 208 144s50.1 112 112 112zm76.8 32h-8.3c-20.8 10-43.9 16-68.5 16s-47.6-6-68.5-16h-8.3C179.6 288 128 339.6 128 403.2V432c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h288c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-28.8c0-63.6-51.6-115.2-115.2-115.2zm-223.7-13.4C161.5 263.1 145.6 256 128 256H64c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64v32c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h65.9c6.3-47.4 34.9-87.3 75.2-109.4z"],
- "users-cog": [640, 512, [], "f509", "M610.5 341.3c2.6-14.1 2.6-28.5 0-42.6l25.8-14.9c3-1.7 4.3-5.2 3.3-8.5-6.7-21.6-18.2-41.2-33.2-57.4-2.3-2.5-6-3.1-9-1.4l-25.8 14.9c-10.9-9.3-23.4-16.5-36.9-21.3v-29.8c0-3.4-2.4-6.4-5.7-7.1-22.3-5-45-4.8-66.2 0-3.3.7-5.7 3.7-5.7 7.1v29.8c-13.5 4.8-26 12-36.9 21.3l-25.8-14.9c-2.9-1.7-6.7-1.1-9 1.4-15 16.2-26.5 35.8-33.2 57.4-1 3.3.4 6.8 3.3 8.5l25.8 14.9c-2.6 14.1-2.6 28.5 0 42.6l-25.8 14.9c-3 1.7-4.3 5.2-3.3 8.5 6.7 21.6 18.2 41.1 33.2 57.4 2.3 2.5 6 3.1 9 1.4l25.8-14.9c10.9 9.3 23.4 16.5 36.9 21.3v29.8c0 3.4 2.4 6.4 5.7 7.1 22.3 5 45 4.8 66.2 0 3.3-.7 5.7-3.7 5.7-7.1v-29.8c13.5-4.8 26-12 36.9-21.3l25.8 14.9c2.9 1.7 6.7 1.1 9-1.4 15-16.2 26.5-35.8 33.2-57.4 1-3.3-.4-6.8-3.3-8.5l-25.8-14.9zM496 368.5c-26.8 0-48.5-21.8-48.5-48.5s21.8-48.5 48.5-48.5 48.5 21.8 48.5 48.5-21.7 48.5-48.5 48.5zM96 224c35.3 0 64-28.7 64-64s-28.7-64-64-64-64 28.7-64 64 28.7 64 64 64zm224 32c1.9 0 3.7-.5 5.6-.6 8.3-21.7 20.5-42.1 36.3-59.2 7.4-8 17.9-12.6 28.9-12.6 6.9 0 13.7 1.8 19.6 5.3l7.9 4.6c.8-.5 1.6-.9 2.4-1.4 7-14.6 11.2-30.8 11.2-48 0-61.9-50.1-112-112-112S208 82.1 208 144c0 61.9 50.1 112 112 112zm105.2 194.5c-2.3-1.2-4.6-2.6-6.8-3.9-8.2 4.8-15.3 9.8-27.5 9.8-10.9 0-21.4-4.6-28.9-12.6-18.3-19.8-32.3-43.9-40.2-69.6-10.7-34.5 24.9-49.7 25.8-50.3-.1-2.6-.1-5.2 0-7.8l-7.9-4.6c-3.8-2.2-7-5-9.8-8.1-3.3.2-6.5.6-9.8.6-24.6 0-47.6-6-68.5-16h-8.3C179.6 288 128 339.6 128 403.2V432c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h255.4c-3.7-6-6.2-12.8-6.2-20.3v-9.2zM173.1 274.6C161.5 263.1 145.6 256 128 256H64c-35.3 0-64 28.7-64 64v32c0 17.7 14.3 32 32 32h65.9c6.3-47.4 34.9-87.3 75.2-109.4z"],
- "utensil-spoon": [512, 512, [], "f2e5", "M480.1 31.9c-55-55.1-164.9-34.5-227.8 28.5-49.3 49.3-55.1 110-28.8 160.4L9 413.2c-11.6 10.5-12.1 28.5-1 39.5L59.3 504c11 11 29.1 10.5 39.5-1.1l192.4-214.4c50.4 26.3 111.1 20.5 160.4-28.8 63-62.9 83.6-172.8 28.5-227.8z"],
- "utensils": [416, 512, [], "f2e7", "M207.9 15.2c.8 4.7 16.1 94.5 16.1 128.8 0 52.3-27.8 89.6-68.9 104.6L168 486.7c.7 13.7-10.2 25.3-24 25.3H80c-13.7 0-24.7-11.5-24-25.3l12.9-238.1C27.7 233.6 0 196.2 0 144 0 109.6 15.3 19.9 16.1 15.2 19.3-5.1 61.4-5.4 64 16.3v141.2c1.3 3.4 15.1 3.2 16 0 1.4-25.3 7.9-139.2 8-141.8 3.3-20.8 44.7-20.8 47.9 0 .2 2.7 6.6 116.5 8 141.8.9 3.2 14.8 3.4 16 0V16.3c2.6-21.6 44.8-21.4 48-1.1zm119.2 285.7l-15 185.1c-1.2 14 9.9 26 23.9 26h56c13.3 0 24-10.7 24-24V24c0-13.2-10.7-24-24-24-82.5 0-221.4 178.5-64.9 300.9z"],
- "vector-square": [512, 512, [], "f5cb", "M512 128V32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32h-96c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32H160c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H32C14.33 0 0 14.33 0 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32v192c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v96c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32h192c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h96c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32v-96c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32V160c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32zm-96-64h32v32h-32V64zM64 64h32v32H64V64zm32 384H64v-32h32v32zm352 0h-32v-32h32v32zm-32-96h-32c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32v32H160v-32c0-17.67-14.33-32-32-32H96V160h32c17.67 0 32-14.33 32-32V96h192v32c0 17.67 14.33 32 32 32h32v192z"],
- "venus": [288, 512, [], "f221", "M288 176c0-79.5-64.5-144-144-144S0 96.5 0 176c0 68.5 47.9 125.9 112 140.4V368H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h36v36c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-36h36c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-36v-51.6c64.1-14.5 112-71.9 112-140.4zm-224 0c0-44.1 35.9-80 80-80s80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80-80-35.9-80-80z"],
- "venus-double": [512, 512, [], "f226", "M288 176c0-79.5-64.5-144-144-144S0 96.5 0 176c0 68.5 47.9 125.9 112 140.4V368H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h36v36c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-36h36c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-36v-51.6c64.1-14.5 112-71.9 112-140.4zm-224 0c0-44.1 35.9-80 80-80s80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80-80-35.9-80-80zm336 140.4V368h36c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v40c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-36v36c0 6.6-5.4 12-12 12h-40c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-36h-36c-6.6 0-12-5.4-12-12v-40c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h36v-51.6c-21.2-4.8-40.6-14.3-57.2-27.3 14-16.7 25-36 32.1-57.1 14.5 14.8 34.7 24 57.1 24 44.1 0 80-35.9 80-80s-35.9-80-80-80c-22.3 0-42.6 9.2-57.1 24-7.1-21.1-18-40.4-32.1-57.1C303.4 43.6 334.3 32 368 32c79.5 0 144 64.5 144 144 0 68.5-47.9 125.9-112 140.4z"],
- "venus-mars": [576, 512, [], "f228", "M564 0h-79c-10.7 0-16 12.9-8.5 20.5l16.9 16.9-48.7 48.7C422.5 72.1 396.2 64 368 64c-33.7 0-64.6 11.6-89.2 30.9 14 16.7 25 36 32.1 57.1 14.5-14.8 34.7-24 57.1-24 44.1 0 80 35.9 80 80s-35.9 80-80 80c-22.3 0-42.6-9.2-57.1-24-7.1 21.1-18 40.4-32.1 57.1 24.5 19.4 55.5 30.9 89.2 30.9 79.5 0 144-64.5 144-144 0-28.2-8.1-54.5-22.1-76.7l48.7-48.7 16.9 16.9c2.4 2.4 5.4 3.5 8.4 3.5 6.2 0 12.1-4.8 12.1-12V12c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12zM144 64C64.5 64 0 128.5 0 208c0 68.5 47.9 125.9 112 140.4V400H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v40c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h36v36c0 6.6 5.4 12 12 12h40c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-36h36c6.6 0 12-5.4 12-12v-40c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12h-36v-51.6c64.1-14.6 112-71.9 112-140.4 0-79.5-64.5-144-144-144zm0 224c-44.1 0-80-35.9-80-80s35.9-80 80-80 80 35.9 80 80-35.9 80-80 80z"],
- "vial": [480, 512, [], "f492", "M477.7 186.1L309.5 18.3c-3.1-3.1-8.2-3.1-11.3 0l-34 33.9c-3.1 3.1-3.1 8.2 0 11.3l11.2 11.1L33 316.5c-38.8 38.7-45.1 102-9.4 143.5 20.6 24 49.5 36 78.4 35.9 26.4 0 52.8-10 72.9-30.1l246.3-245.7 11.2 11.1c3.1 3.1 8.2 3.1 11.3 0l34-33.9c3.1-3 3.1-8.1 0-11.2zM318 256H161l148-147.7 78.5 78.3L318 256z"],
- "vials": [640, 512, [], "f493", "M72 64h24v240c0 44.1 35.9 80 80 80s80-35.9 80-80V64h24c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8V8c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H72c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v48c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm72 0h64v96h-64V64zm480 384H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h608c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zM360 64h24v240c0 44.1 35.9 80 80 80s80-35.9 80-80V64h24c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8V8c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8H360c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8v48c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8zm72 0h64v96h-64V64z"],
- "video": [576, 512, [], "f03d", "M336.2 64H47.8C21.4 64 0 85.4 0 111.8v288.4C0 426.6 21.4 448 47.8 448h288.4c26.4 0 47.8-21.4 47.8-47.8V111.8c0-26.4-21.4-47.8-47.8-47.8zm189.4 37.7L416 177.3v157.4l109.6 75.5c21.2 14.6 50.4-.3 50.4-25.8V127.5c0-25.4-29.1-40.4-50.4-25.8z"],
- "video-slash": [640, 512, [], "f4e2", "M633.8 458.1l-55-42.5c15.4-1.4 29.2-13.7 29.2-31.1v-257c0-25.5-29.1-40.4-50.4-25.8L448 177.3v137.2l-32-24.7v-178c0-26.4-21.4-47.8-47.8-47.8H123.9L45.5 3.4C38.5-2 28.5-.8 23 6.2L3.4 31.4c-5.4 7-4.2 17 2.8 22.4L42.7 82 416 370.6l178.5 138c7 5.4 17 4.2 22.5-2.8l19.6-25.3c5.5-6.9 4.2-17-2.8-22.4zM32 400.2c0 26.4 21.4 47.8 47.8 47.8h288.4c11.2 0 21.4-4 29.6-10.5L32 154.7v245.5z"],
- "vihara": [640, 512, [], "f6a7", "M632.88 400.71L544 352v-64l55.16-17.69c11.79-5.9 11.79-22.72 0-28.62L480 192v-64l27.31-16.3c7.72-7.72 5.61-20.74-4.16-25.62L320 0 136.85 86.07c-9.77 4.88-11.88 17.9-4.16 25.62L160 128v64L40.84 241.69c-11.79 5.9-11.79 22.72 0 28.62L96 288v64L7.12 400.71c-5.42 3.62-7.7 9.63-7 15.29.62 5.01 3.57 9.75 8.72 12.33L64 448v48c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-48h160v48c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-48h160v48c0 8.84 7.16 16 16 16h32c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16v-48l55.15-19.67c5.16-2.58 8.1-7.32 8.72-12.33.71-5.67-1.57-11.68-6.99-15.29zM224 128h192v64H224v-64zm-64 224v-64h320v64H160z"],
- "volleyball-ball": [495, 512, [], "f45f", "M223.3 243.4c-.9-37-8.6-72.8-22.7-105.7-90.8 42.4-157.5 122.4-180.3 216.8 13.4 30.8 32.9 58.3 56.9 81.1 22.7-79.2 74.2-147.8 146.1-192.2zM186.4 109c-15-26.4-34.5-50.1-57.4-70.7C38 88.1-15.8 191.2 4 300.5c33.4-83.1 98.4-152 182.4-191.5zM374 274.1c8.6-99.8-27.3-197.5-97.5-264.4-14.7-1.7-51.6-5.5-98.9 8.5 57.3 59.3 91 138.2 93.5 222.7 32.5 17.7 67.3 29 102.9 33.2zm-124.7 9.5c-31.6 19.3-58.7 43.9-80.2 72.6 82 57.3 184.5 75.1 277.5 47.8 19.7-26.4 34.2-56.8 42.2-89.9-26.6 6.6-53.7 10.4-80.9 10.4-54.6-.1-108.9-14.1-158.6-40.9zM151 383.3c-15.2 26-25.7 54.4-32.1 84.2 37.6 23 81.7 36.5 129.1 36.5 61 0 116.7-22.1 159.9-58.6C295 461.5 204.6 420.6 151 383.3zM331.3 22.7c55.3 70.4 82.5 161.2 74.6 253.6 30.3.2 60.5-4.8 89.7-14.2 0-2 .3-4 .3-6 0-107.8-68.7-199.1-164.6-233.4z"],
- "volume-down": [384, 512, [], "f027", "M215.03 72.04L126.06 161H24c-13.26 0-24 10.74-24 24v144c0 13.25 10.74 24 24 24h102.06l88.97 88.95c15.03 15.03 40.97 4.47 40.97-16.97V89.02c0-21.47-25.96-31.98-40.97-16.98zm123.2 108.08c-11.58-6.33-26.19-2.16-32.61 9.45-6.39 11.61-2.16 26.2 9.45 32.61C327.98 229.28 336 242.62 336 257c0 14.38-8.02 27.72-20.92 34.81-11.61 6.41-15.84 21-9.45 32.61 6.43 11.66 21.05 15.8 32.61 9.45 28.23-15.55 45.77-45 45.77-76.88s-17.54-61.32-45.78-76.87z"],
- "volume-off": [257, 512, [], "f026", "M216.36 71.04L127.39 160H25.33c-13.26 0-24 10.74-24 24v144c0 13.25 10.74 24 24 24h102.06l88.97 88.95c15.03 15.03 40.97 4.47 40.97-16.97V88.02c0-21.47-25.96-31.98-40.97-16.98z"],
- "volume-up": [576, 512, [], "f028", "M215.03 71.05L126.06 160H24c-13.26 0-24 10.74-24 24v144c0 13.25 10.74 24 24 24h102.06l88.97 88.95c15.03 15.03 40.97 4.47 40.97-16.97V88.02c0-21.46-25.96-31.98-40.97-16.97zm233.32-51.08c-11.17-7.33-26.18-4.24-33.51 6.95-7.34 11.17-4.22 26.18 6.95 33.51 66.27 43.49 105.82 116.6 105.82 195.58 0 78.98-39.55 152.09-105.82 195.58-11.17 7.32-14.29 22.34-6.95 33.5 7.04 10.71 21.93 14.56 33.51 6.95C528.27 439.58 576 351.33 576 256S528.27 72.43 448.35 19.97zM480 256c0-63.53-32.06-121.94-85.77-156.24-11.19-7.14-26.03-3.82-33.12 7.46s-3.78 26.21 7.41 33.36C408.27 165.97 432 209.11 432 256s-23.73 90.03-63.48 115.42c-11.19 7.14-14.5 22.07-7.41 33.36 6.51 10.36 21.12 15.14 33.12 7.46C447.94 377.94 480 319.54 480 256zm-141.77-76.87c-11.58-6.33-26.19-2.16-32.61 9.45-6.39 11.61-2.16 26.2 9.45 32.61C327.98 228.28 336 241.63 336 256c0 14.38-8.02 27.72-20.92 34.81-11.61 6.41-15.84 21-9.45 32.61 6.43 11.66 21.05 15.8 32.61 9.45 28.23-15.55 45.77-45 45.77-76.88s-17.54-61.32-45.78-76.86z"],
- "walking": [320, 512, [], "f554", "M208 96c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48S234.5 0 208 0s-48 21.5-48 48 21.5 48 48 48zm94.5 149.1l-23.3-11.8-9.7-29.4c-14.7-44.6-55.7-75.8-102.2-75.9-36-.1-55.9 10.1-93.3 25.2-21.6 8.7-39.3 25.2-49.7 46.2L17.6 213c-7.8 15.8-1.5 35 14.2 42.9 15.6 7.9 34.6 1.5 42.5-14.3L81 228c3.5-7 9.3-12.5 16.5-15.4l26.8-10.8-15.2 60.7c-5.2 20.8.4 42.9 14.9 58.8l59.9 65.4c7.2 7.9 12.3 17.4 14.9 27.7l18.3 73.3c4.3 17.1 21.7 27.6 38.8 23.3 17.1-4.3 27.6-21.7 23.3-38.8l-22.2-89c-2.6-10.3-7.7-19.9-14.9-27.7l-45.5-49.7 17.2-68.7 5.5 16.5c5.3 16.1 16.7 29.4 31.7 37l23.3 11.8c15.6 7.9 34.6 1.5 42.5-14.3 7.7-15.7 1.4-35.1-14.3-43zM73.6 385.8c-3.2 8.1-8 15.4-14.2 21.5l-50 50.1c-12.5 12.5-12.5 32.8 0 45.3s32.7 12.5 45.2 0l59.4-59.4c6.1-6.1 10.9-13.4 14.2-21.5l13.5-33.8c-55.3-60.3-38.7-41.8-47.4-53.7l-20.7 51.5z"],
- "wallet": [512, 512, [], "f555", "M461.2 128H80c-8.84 0-16-7.16-16-16s7.16-16 16-16h384c8.84 0 16-7.16 16-16 0-26.51-21.49-48-48-48H64C28.65 32 0 60.65 0 96v320c0 35.35 28.65 64 64 64h397.2c28.02 0 50.8-21.53 50.8-48V176c0-26.47-22.78-48-50.8-48zM416 336c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32z"],
- "warehouse": [640, 512, [], "f494", "M504 352H136.4c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8l-.1 48c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8H504c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-48c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zm0 96H136.1c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8l-.1 48c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h368c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-48c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zm0-192H136.6c-4.4 0-8 3.6-8 8l-.1 48c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8H504c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8v-48c0-4.4-3.6-8-8-8zm106.5-139L338.4 3.7a48.15 48.15 0 0 0-36.9 0L29.5 117C11.7 124.5 0 141.9 0 161.3V504c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h80c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8V256c0-17.6 14.6-32 32.6-32h382.8c18 0 32.6 14.4 32.6 32v248c0 4.4 3.6 8 8 8h80c4.4 0 8-3.6 8-8V161.3c0-19.4-11.7-36.8-29.5-44.3z"],
- "weight": [512, 512, [], "f496", "M448 64h-25.98C438.44 92.28 448 125.01 448 160c0 105.87-86.13 192-192 192S64 265.87 64 160c0-34.99 9.56-67.72 25.98-96H64C28.71 64 0 92.71 0 128v320c0 35.29 28.71 64 64 64h384c35.29 0 64-28.71 64-64V128c0-35.29-28.71-64-64-64zM256 320c88.37 0 160-71.63 160-160S344.37 0 256 0 96 71.63 96 160s71.63 160 160 160zm-.3-151.94l33.58-78.36c3.5-8.17 12.94-11.92 21.03-8.41 8.12 3.48 11.88 12.89 8.41 21l-33.67 78.55C291.73 188 296 197.45 296 208c0 22.09-17.91 40-40 40s-40-17.91-40-40c0-21.98 17.76-39.77 39.7-39.94z"],
- "weight-hanging": [512, 512, [], "f5cd", "M510.28 445.86l-73.03-292.13c-3.8-15.19-16.44-25.72-30.87-25.72h-60.25c3.57-10.05 5.88-20.72 5.88-32 0-53.02-42.98-96-96-96s-96 42.98-96 96c0 11.28 2.3 21.95 5.88 32h-60.25c-14.43 0-27.08 10.54-30.87 25.72L1.72 445.86C-6.61 479.17 16.38 512 48.03 512h415.95c31.64 0 54.63-32.83 46.3-66.14zM256 128c-17.64 0-32-14.36-32-32s14.36-32 32-32 32 14.36 32 32-14.36 32-32 32z"],
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- "wifi": [640, 512, [], "f1eb", "M634.91 154.88C457.74-8.99 182.19-8.93 5.09 154.88c-6.66 6.16-6.79 16.59-.35 22.98l34.24 33.97c6.14 6.1 16.02 6.23 22.4.38 145.92-133.68 371.3-133.71 517.25 0 6.38 5.85 16.26 5.71 22.4-.38l34.24-33.97c6.43-6.39 6.3-16.82-.36-22.98zM320 352c-35.35 0-64 28.65-64 64s28.65 64 64 64 64-28.65 64-64-28.65-64-64-64zm202.67-83.59c-115.26-101.93-290.21-101.82-405.34 0-6.9 6.1-7.12 16.69-.57 23.15l34.44 33.99c6 5.92 15.66 6.32 22.05.8 83.95-72.57 209.74-72.41 293.49 0 6.39 5.52 16.05 5.13 22.05-.8l34.44-33.99c6.56-6.46 6.33-17.06-.56-23.15z"],
- "window-close": [512, 512, [], "f410", "M464 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-83.6 290.5c4.8 4.8 4.8 12.6 0 17.4l-40.5 40.5c-4.8 4.8-12.6 4.8-17.4 0L256 313.3l-66.5 67.1c-4.8 4.8-12.6 4.8-17.4 0l-40.5-40.5c-4.8-4.8-4.8-12.6 0-17.4l67.1-66.5-67.1-66.5c-4.8-4.8-4.8-12.6 0-17.4l40.5-40.5c4.8-4.8 12.6-4.8 17.4 0l66.5 67.1 66.5-67.1c4.8-4.8 12.6-4.8 17.4 0l40.5 40.5c4.8 4.8 4.8 12.6 0 17.4L313.3 256l67.1 66.5z"],
- "window-maximize": [512, 512, [], "f2d0", "M464 32H48C21.5 32 0 53.5 0 80v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V80c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48zm-16 160H64v-84c0-6.6 5.4-12 12-12h360c6.6 0 12 5.4 12 12v84z"],
- "window-minimize": [512, 512, [], "f2d1", "M464 352H48c-26.5 0-48 21.5-48 48v32c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h416c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48v-32c0-26.5-21.5-48-48-48z"],
- "window-restore": [512, 512, [], "f2d2", "M512 48v288c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48h-48V176c0-44.1-35.9-80-80-80H128V48c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h288c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zM384 176v288c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48H48c-26.5 0-48-21.5-48-48V176c0-26.5 21.5-48 48-48h288c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48zm-68 28c0-6.6-5.4-12-12-12H76c-6.6 0-12 5.4-12 12v52h252v-52z"],
- "wine-glass": [288, 512, [], "f4e3", "M216 464h-40V346.81c68.47-15.89 118.05-79.91 111.4-154.16l-15.95-178.1C270.71 6.31 263.9 0 255.74 0H32.26c-8.15 0-14.97 6.31-15.7 14.55L.6 192.66C-6.05 266.91 43.53 330.93 112 346.82V464H72c-22.09 0-40 17.91-40 40 0 4.42 3.58 8 8 8h208c4.42 0 8-3.58 8-8 0-22.09-17.91-40-40-40z"],
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- "x-ray": [640, 512, [], "f497", "M240 384c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16s7.2 16 16 16 16-7.2 16-16-7.2-16-16-16zm160 32c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16s-7.2-16-16-16-16 7.2-16 16 7.2 16 16 16zM624 0H16C7.2 0 0 7.2 0 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h608c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16V16c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zm0 448h-48V96H64v352H16c-8.8 0-16 7.2-16 16v32c0 8.8 7.2 16 16 16h608c8.8 0 16-7.2 16-16v-32c0-8.8-7.2-16-16-16zM480 248c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H336v32h104c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H336v32h64c26.5 0 48 21.5 48 48s-21.5 48-48 48-48-21.5-48-48v-16h-64v16c0 26.5-21.5 48-48 48s-48-21.5-48-48 21.5-48 48-48h64v-32H200c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h104v-32H168c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h136v-32H200c-4.4 0-8-3.6-8-8v-16c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h104v-24c0-4.4 3.6-8 8-8h16c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v24h104c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16c0 4.4-3.6 8-8 8H336v32h136c4.4 0 8 3.6 8 8v16z"],
- "yen-sign": [384, 512, [], "f157", "M351.208 32h-65.277a12 12 0 0 0-10.778 6.724l-55.39 113.163c-14.513 34.704-27.133 71.932-27.133 71.932h-1.262s-12.62-37.228-27.133-71.932l-55.39-113.163A11.997 11.997 0 0 0 98.068 32H32.792c-9.057 0-14.85 9.65-10.59 17.643L102.322 200H44c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v32c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h88.162L152 293.228V320H44c-6.627 0-12 5.373-12 12v32c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h108v92c0 6.627 5.373 12 12 12h56c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-92h108c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-32c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12H232v-26.772L251.838 256H340c6.627 0 12-5.373 12-12v-32c0-6.627-5.373-12-12-12h-58.322l80.12-150.357C366.058 41.65 360.266 32 351.208 32z"],
- "yin-yang": [496, 512, [], "f6ad", "M248 8C111.03 8 0 119.03 0 256s111.03 248 248 248 248-111.03 248-248S384.97 8 248 8zm0 376c-17.67 0-32-14.33-32-32s14.33-32 32-32 32 14.33 32 32-14.33 32-32 32zm0-128c-53.02 0-96 42.98-96 96s42.98 96 96 96c-106.04 0-192-85.96-192-192S141.96 64 248 64c53.02 0 96 42.98 96 96s-42.98 96-96 96zm0-128c-17.67 0-32 14.33-32 32s14.33 32 32 32 32-14.33 32-32-14.33-32-32-32z"]
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- }
-var oneToTen = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
-var oneToTwenty = oneToTen.concat([11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]);
-var ATTRIBUTES_WATCHED_FOR_MUTATION = ['class', 'data-prefix', 'data-icon', 'data-fa-transform', 'data-fa-mask'];
-var RESERVED_CLASSES = ['xs', 'sm', 'lg', 'fw', 'ul', 'li', 'border', 'pull-left', 'pull-right', 'spin', 'pulse', 'rotate-90', 'rotate-180', 'rotate-270', 'flip-horizontal', 'flip-vertical', 'stack', 'stack-1x', 'stack-2x', 'inverse', 'layers', 'layers-text', 'layers-counter'].concat(oneToTen.map(function (n) {
- return n + 'x';
-})).concat(oneToTwenty.map(function (n) {
- return 'w-' + n;
-var classCallCheck = function (instance, Constructor) {
- if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) {
- throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function");
- }
-var createClass = function () {
- function defineProperties(target, props) {
- for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) {
- var descriptor = props[i];
- descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
- descriptor.configurable = true;
- if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true;
- Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor);
- }
- }
- return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) {
- if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps);
- if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps);
- return Constructor;
- };
-var _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {
- for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
- var source = arguments[i];
- for (var key in source) {
- if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {
- target[key] = source[key];
- }
- }
- }
- return target;
-var slicedToArray = function () {
- function sliceIterator(arr, i) {
- var _arr = [];
- var _n = true;
- var _d = false;
- var _e = undefined;
- try {
- for (var _i = arr[Symbol.iterator](), _s; !(_n = (_s = _i.next()).done); _n = true) {
- _arr.push(_s.value);
- if (i && _arr.length === i) break;
- }
- } catch (err) {
- _d = true;
- _e = err;
- } finally {
- try {
- if (!_n && _i["return"]) _i["return"]();
- } finally {
- if (_d) throw _e;
- }
- }
- return _arr;
- }
- return function (arr, i) {
- if (Array.isArray(arr)) {
- return arr;
- } else if (Symbol.iterator in Object(arr)) {
- return sliceIterator(arr, i);
- } else {
- throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance");
- }
- };
-var toConsumableArray = function (arr) {
- if (Array.isArray(arr)) {
- for (var i = 0, arr2 = Array(arr.length); i < arr.length; i++) arr2[i] = arr[i];
- return arr2;
- } else {
- return Array.from(arr);
- }
-var initial = WINDOW.FontAwesomeConfig || {};
-function getAttrConfig(attr) {
- var element = DOCUMENT.querySelector('script[' + attr + ']');
- if (element) {
- return element.getAttribute(attr);
- }
-function coerce(val) {
- // Getting an empty string will occur if the attribute is set on the HTML tag but without a value
- // We'll assume that this is an indication that it should be toggled to true
- // For example
- if (val === '') return true;
- if (val === 'false') return false;
- if (val === 'true') return true;
- return val;
-if (DOCUMENT && typeof DOCUMENT.querySelector === 'function') {
- var attrs = [['data-family-prefix', 'familyPrefix'], ['data-replacement-class', 'replacementClass'], ['data-auto-replace-svg', 'autoReplaceSvg'], ['data-auto-add-css', 'autoAddCss'], ['data-auto-a11y', 'autoA11y'], ['data-search-pseudo-elements', 'searchPseudoElements'], ['data-observe-mutations', 'observeMutations'], ['data-keep-original-source', 'keepOriginalSource'], ['data-measure-performance', 'measurePerformance'], ['data-show-missing-icons', 'showMissingIcons']];
- attrs.forEach(function (_ref) {
- var _ref2 = slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
- attr = _ref2[0],
- key = _ref2[1];
- var val = coerce(getAttrConfig(attr));
- if (val !== undefined && val !== null) {
- initial[key] = val;
- }
- });
-var _default = _extends({
- autoReplaceSvg: true,
- autoAddCss: true,
- autoA11y: true,
- searchPseudoElements: false,
- observeMutations: true,
- keepOriginalSource: true,
- measurePerformance: false,
- showMissingIcons: true
-}, initial);
-if (!_default.autoReplaceSvg) _default.observeMutations = false;
-var config = _extends({}, _default);
-WINDOW.FontAwesomeConfig = config;
-var w = WINDOW || {};
-var namespace = w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER];
-var functions = [];
-var listener = function listener() {
- DOCUMENT.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', listener);
- loaded = 1;
- functions.map(function (fn) {
- return fn();
- });
-var loaded = false;
-if (IS_DOM) {
- loaded = (DOCUMENT.documentElement.doScroll ? /^loaded|^c/ : /^loaded|^i|^c/).test(DOCUMENT.readyState);
- if (!loaded) DOCUMENT.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', listener);
-var domready = function (fn) {
- if (!IS_DOM) return;
- loaded ? setTimeout(fn, 0) : functions.push(fn);
-var d = UNITS_IN_GRID;
-var meaninglessTransform = {
- size: 16,
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- rotate: 0,
- flipX: false,
- flipY: false
-function isReserved(name) {
- return ~RESERVED_CLASSES.indexOf(name);
-function bunker(fn) {
- try {
- fn();
- } catch (e) {
- if (!PRODUCTION) {
- throw e;
- }
- }
-function insertCss(css) {
- if (!css || !IS_DOM) {
- return;
- }
- var style = DOCUMENT.createElement('style');
- style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
- style.innerHTML = css;
- var headChildren = DOCUMENT.head.childNodes;
- var beforeChild = null;
- for (var i = headChildren.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
- var child = headChildren[i];
- var tagName = (child.tagName || '').toUpperCase();
- if (['STYLE', 'LINK'].indexOf(tagName) > -1) {
- beforeChild = child;
- }
- }
- DOCUMENT.head.insertBefore(style, beforeChild);
- return css;
-var _uniqueId = 0;
-function nextUniqueId() {
- _uniqueId++;
- return _uniqueId;
-function toArray(obj) {
- var array = [];
- for (var i = (obj || []).length >>> 0; i--;) {
- array[i] = obj[i];
- }
- return array;
-function classArray(node) {
- if (node.classList) {
- return toArray(node.classList);
- } else {
- return (node.getAttribute('class') || '').split(' ').filter(function (i) {
- return i;
- });
- }
-function getIconName(familyPrefix, cls) {
- var parts = cls.split('-');
- var prefix = parts[0];
- var iconName = parts.slice(1).join('-');
- if (prefix === familyPrefix && iconName !== '' && !isReserved(iconName)) {
- return iconName;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
-function htmlEscape(str) {
- return ('' + str).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(//g, '>');
-function joinAttributes(attributes) {
- return Object.keys(attributes || {}).reduce(function (acc, attributeName) {
- return acc + (attributeName + '="' + htmlEscape(attributes[attributeName]) + '" ');
- }, '').trim();
-function joinStyles(styles) {
- return Object.keys(styles || {}).reduce(function (acc, styleName) {
- return acc + (styleName + ': ' + styles[styleName] + ';');
- }, '');
-function transformIsMeaningful(transform) {
- return transform.size !== meaninglessTransform.size || transform.x !== meaninglessTransform.x || transform.y !== meaninglessTransform.y || transform.rotate !== meaninglessTransform.rotate || transform.flipX || transform.flipY;
-function transformForSvg(_ref) {
- var transform = _ref.transform,
- containerWidth = _ref.containerWidth,
- iconWidth = _ref.iconWidth;
- var outer = {
- transform: 'translate(' + containerWidth / 2 + ' 256)'
- };
- var innerTranslate = 'translate(' + transform.x * 32 + ', ' + transform.y * 32 + ') ';
- var innerScale = 'scale(' + transform.size / 16 * (transform.flipX ? -1 : 1) + ', ' + transform.size / 16 * (transform.flipY ? -1 : 1) + ') ';
- var innerRotate = 'rotate(' + transform.rotate + ' 0 0)';
- var inner = {
- transform: innerTranslate + ' ' + innerScale + ' ' + innerRotate
- };
- var path = {
- transform: 'translate(' + iconWidth / 2 * -1 + ' -256)'
- };
- return {
- outer: outer,
- inner: inner,
- path: path
- };
-function transformForCss(_ref2) {
- var transform = _ref2.transform,
- _ref2$width = _ref2.width,
- width = _ref2$width === undefined ? UNITS_IN_GRID : _ref2$width,
- _ref2$height = _ref2.height,
- height = _ref2$height === undefined ? UNITS_IN_GRID : _ref2$height,
- _ref2$startCentered = _ref2.startCentered,
- startCentered = _ref2$startCentered === undefined ? false : _ref2$startCentered;
- var val = '';
- if (startCentered && IS_IE) {
- val += 'translate(' + (transform.x / d - width / 2) + 'em, ' + (transform.y / d - height / 2) + 'em) ';
- } else if (startCentered) {
- val += 'translate(calc(-50% + ' + transform.x / d + 'em), calc(-50% + ' + transform.y / d + 'em)) ';
- } else {
- val += 'translate(' + transform.x / d + 'em, ' + transform.y / d + 'em) ';
- }
- val += 'scale(' + transform.size / d * (transform.flipX ? -1 : 1) + ', ' + transform.size / d * (transform.flipY ? -1 : 1) + ') ';
- val += 'rotate(' + transform.rotate + 'deg) ';
- return val;
-var ALL_SPACE = {
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- width: '100%',
- height: '100%'
-var makeIconMasking = function (_ref) {
- var children = _ref.children,
- attributes = _ref.attributes,
- main = _ref.main,
- mask = _ref.mask,
- transform = _ref.transform;
- var mainWidth = main.width,
- mainPath = main.icon;
- var maskWidth = mask.width,
- maskPath = mask.icon;
- var trans = transformForSvg({ transform: transform, containerWidth: maskWidth, iconWidth: mainWidth });
- var maskRect = {
- tag: 'rect',
- attributes: _extends({}, ALL_SPACE, {
- fill: 'white'
- })
- };
- var maskInnerGroup = {
- tag: 'g',
- attributes: _extends({}, trans.inner),
- children: [{ tag: 'path', attributes: _extends({}, mainPath.attributes, trans.path, { fill: 'black' }) }]
- };
- var maskOuterGroup = {
- tag: 'g',
- attributes: _extends({}, trans.outer),
- children: [maskInnerGroup]
- };
- var maskId = 'mask-' + nextUniqueId();
- var clipId = 'clip-' + nextUniqueId();
- var maskTag = {
- tag: 'mask',
- attributes: _extends({}, ALL_SPACE, {
- id: maskId,
- maskUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse',
- maskContentUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse'
- }),
- children: [maskRect, maskOuterGroup]
- };
- var defs = {
- tag: 'defs',
- children: [{ tag: 'clipPath', attributes: { id: clipId }, children: [maskPath] }, maskTag]
- };
- children.push(defs, { tag: 'rect', attributes: _extends({ fill: 'currentColor', 'clip-path': 'url(#' + clipId + ')', mask: 'url(#' + maskId + ')' }, ALL_SPACE) });
- return {
- children: children,
- attributes: attributes
- };
-var makeIconStandard = function (_ref) {
- var children = _ref.children,
- attributes = _ref.attributes,
- main = _ref.main,
- transform = _ref.transform,
- styles = _ref.styles;
- var styleString = joinStyles(styles);
- if (styleString.length > 0) {
- attributes['style'] = styleString;
- }
- if (transformIsMeaningful(transform)) {
- var trans = transformForSvg({ transform: transform, containerWidth: main.width, iconWidth: main.width });
- children.push({
- tag: 'g',
- attributes: _extends({}, trans.outer),
- children: [{
- tag: 'g',
- attributes: _extends({}, trans.inner),
- children: [{
- tag: main.icon.tag,
- children: main.icon.children,
- attributes: _extends({}, main.icon.attributes, trans.path)
- }]
- }]
- });
- } else {
- children.push(main.icon);
- }
- return {
- children: children,
- attributes: attributes
- };
-var asIcon = function (_ref) {
- var children = _ref.children,
- main = _ref.main,
- mask = _ref.mask,
- attributes = _ref.attributes,
- styles = _ref.styles,
- transform = _ref.transform;
- if (transformIsMeaningful(transform) && main.found && !mask.found) {
- var width = main.width,
- height = main.height;
- var offset = {
- x: width / height / 2,
- y: 0.5
- };
- attributes['style'] = joinStyles(_extends({}, styles, {
- 'transform-origin': offset.x + transform.x / 16 + 'em ' + (offset.y + transform.y / 16) + 'em'
- }));
- }
- return [{
- tag: 'svg',
- attributes: attributes,
- children: children
- }];
-var asSymbol = function (_ref) {
- var prefix = _ref.prefix,
- iconName = _ref.iconName,
- children = _ref.children,
- attributes = _ref.attributes,
- symbol = _ref.symbol;
- var id = symbol === true ? prefix + '-' + config.familyPrefix + '-' + iconName : symbol;
- return [{
- tag: 'svg',
- attributes: {
- style: 'display: none;'
- },
- children: [{
- tag: 'symbol',
- attributes: _extends({}, attributes, { id: id }),
- children: children
- }]
- }];
-function makeInlineSvgAbstract(params) {
- var _params$icons = params.icons,
- main = _params$icons.main,
- mask = _params$icons.mask,
- prefix = params.prefix,
- iconName = params.iconName,
- transform = params.transform,
- symbol = params.symbol,
- title = params.title,
- extra = params.extra,
- _params$watchable = params.watchable,
- watchable = _params$watchable === undefined ? false : _params$watchable;
- var _ref = mask.found ? mask : main,
- width = _ref.width,
- height = _ref.height;
- var widthClass = 'fa-w-' + Math.ceil(width / height * 16);
- var attrClass = [config.replacementClass, iconName ? config.familyPrefix + '-' + iconName : '', widthClass].filter(function (c) {
- return extra.classes.indexOf(c) === -1;
- }).concat(extra.classes).join(' ');
- var content = {
- children: [],
- attributes: _extends({}, extra.attributes, {
- 'data-prefix': prefix,
- 'data-icon': iconName,
- 'class': attrClass,
- 'role': 'img',
- 'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg',
- 'viewBox': '0 0 ' + width + ' ' + height
- })
- };
- if (watchable) {
- content.attributes[DATA_FA_I2SVG] = '';
- }
- if (title) content.children.push({ tag: 'title', attributes: { id: content.attributes['aria-labelledby'] || 'title-' + nextUniqueId() }, children: [title] });
- var args = _extends({}, content, {
- prefix: prefix,
- iconName: iconName,
- main: main,
- mask: mask,
- transform: transform,
- symbol: symbol,
- styles: extra.styles
- });
- var _ref2 = mask.found && main.found ? makeIconMasking(args) : makeIconStandard(args),
- children = _ref2.children,
- attributes = _ref2.attributes;
- args.children = children;
- args.attributes = attributes;
- if (symbol) {
- return asSymbol(args);
- } else {
- return asIcon(args);
- }
-function makeLayersTextAbstract(params) {
- var content = params.content,
- width = params.width,
- height = params.height,
- transform = params.transform,
- title = params.title,
- extra = params.extra,
- _params$watchable2 = params.watchable,
- watchable = _params$watchable2 === undefined ? false : _params$watchable2;
- var attributes = _extends({}, extra.attributes, title ? { 'title': title } : {}, {
- 'class': extra.classes.join(' ')
- });
- if (watchable) {
- attributes[DATA_FA_I2SVG] = '';
- }
- var styles = _extends({}, extra.styles);
- if (transformIsMeaningful(transform)) {
- styles['transform'] = transformForCss({ transform: transform, startCentered: true, width: width, height: height });
- styles['-webkit-transform'] = styles['transform'];
- }
- var styleString = joinStyles(styles);
- if (styleString.length > 0) {
- attributes['style'] = styleString;
- }
- var val = [];
- val.push({
- tag: 'span',
- attributes: attributes,
- children: [content]
- });
- if (title) {
- val.push({ tag: 'span', attributes: { class: 'sr-only' }, children: [title] });
- }
- return val;
-function makeLayersCounterAbstract(params) {
- var content = params.content,
- title = params.title,
- extra = params.extra;
- var attributes = _extends({}, extra.attributes, title ? { 'title': title } : {}, {
- 'class': extra.classes.join(' ')
- });
- var styleString = joinStyles(extra.styles);
- if (styleString.length > 0) {
- attributes['style'] = styleString;
- }
- var val = [];
- val.push({
- tag: 'span',
- attributes: attributes,
- children: [content]
- });
- if (title) {
- val.push({ tag: 'span', attributes: { class: 'sr-only' }, children: [title] });
- }
- return val;
-var noop$2 = function noop() {};
-var p = config.measurePerformance && PERFORMANCE && PERFORMANCE.mark && PERFORMANCE.measure ? PERFORMANCE : { mark: noop$2, measure: noop$2 };
-var preamble = 'FA "5.3.1"';
-var begin = function begin(name) {
- p.mark(preamble + ' ' + name + ' begins');
- return function () {
- return end(name);
- };
-var end = function end(name) {
- p.mark(preamble + ' ' + name + ' ends');
- p.measure(preamble + ' ' + name, preamble + ' ' + name + ' begins', preamble + ' ' + name + ' ends');
-var perf = { begin: begin, end: end };
-'use strict';
- * Internal helper to bind a function known to have 4 arguments
- * to a given context.
- */
-var bindInternal4 = function bindInternal4 (func, thisContext) {
- return function (a, b, c, d) {
- return func.call(thisContext, a, b, c, d);
- };
-'use strict';
- * # Reduce
- *
- * A fast object `.reduce()` implementation.
- *
- * @param {Object} subject The object to reduce over.
- * @param {Function} fn The reducer function.
- * @param {mixed} initialValue The initial value for the reducer, defaults to subject[0].
- * @param {Object} thisContext The context for the reducer.
- * @return {mixed} The final result.
- */
-var reduce = function fastReduceObject (subject, fn, initialValue, thisContext) {
- var keys = Object.keys(subject),
- length = keys.length,
- iterator = thisContext !== undefined ? bindInternal4(fn, thisContext) : fn,
- i, key, result;
- if (initialValue === undefined) {
- i = 1;
- result = subject[keys[0]];
- }
- else {
- i = 0;
- result = initialValue;
- }
- for (; i < length; i++) {
- key = keys[i];
- result = iterator(result, subject[key], key, subject);
- }
- return result;
-var styles$2 = namespace.styles;
-var shims = namespace.shims;
-var _byUnicode = {};
-var _byLigature = {};
-var _byOldName = {};
-var build = function build() {
- var lookup = function lookup(reducer) {
- return reduce(styles$2, function (o, style, prefix) {
- o[prefix] = reduce(style, reducer, {});
- return o;
- }, {});
- };
- _byUnicode = lookup(function (acc, icon, iconName) {
- acc[icon[3]] = iconName;
- return acc;
- });
- _byLigature = lookup(function (acc, icon, iconName) {
- var ligatures = icon[2];
- acc[iconName] = iconName;
- ligatures.forEach(function (ligature) {
- acc[ligature] = iconName;
- });
- return acc;
- });
- var hasRegular = 'far' in styles$2;
- _byOldName = reduce(shims, function (acc, shim) {
- var oldName = shim[0];
- var prefix = shim[1];
- var iconName = shim[2];
- if (prefix === 'far' && !hasRegular) {
- prefix = 'fas';
- }
- acc[oldName] = { prefix: prefix, iconName: iconName };
- return acc;
- }, {});
-function byUnicode(prefix, unicode) {
- return _byUnicode[prefix][unicode];
-function byLigature(prefix, ligature) {
- return _byLigature[prefix][ligature];
-function byOldName(name) {
- return _byOldName[name] || { prefix: null, iconName: null };
-var styles$1 = namespace.styles;
-var emptyCanonicalIcon = function emptyCanonicalIcon() {
- return { prefix: null, iconName: null, rest: [] };
-function getCanonicalIcon(values) {
- return values.reduce(function (acc, cls) {
- var iconName = getIconName(config.familyPrefix, cls);
- if (styles$1[cls]) {
- acc.prefix = cls;
- } else if (iconName) {
- var shim = acc.prefix === 'fa' ? byOldName(iconName) : {};
- acc.iconName = shim.iconName || iconName;
- acc.prefix = shim.prefix || acc.prefix;
- } else if (cls !== config.replacementClass && cls.indexOf('fa-w-') !== 0) {
- acc.rest.push(cls);
- }
- return acc;
- }, emptyCanonicalIcon());
-function iconFromMapping(mapping, prefix, iconName) {
- if (mapping && mapping[prefix] && mapping[prefix][iconName]) {
- return {
- prefix: prefix,
- iconName: iconName,
- icon: mapping[prefix][iconName]
- };
- }
-function toHtml(abstractNodes) {
- var tag = abstractNodes.tag,
- _abstractNodes$attrib = abstractNodes.attributes,
- attributes = _abstractNodes$attrib === undefined ? {} : _abstractNodes$attrib,
- _abstractNodes$childr = abstractNodes.children,
- children = _abstractNodes$childr === undefined ? [] : _abstractNodes$childr;
- if (typeof abstractNodes === 'string') {
- return htmlEscape(abstractNodes);
- } else {
- return '<' + tag + ' ' + joinAttributes(attributes) + '>' + children.map(toHtml).join('') + '' + tag + '>';
- }
-var noop$1 = function noop() {};
-function isWatched(node) {
- var i2svg = node.getAttribute ? node.getAttribute(DATA_FA_I2SVG) : null;
- return typeof i2svg === 'string';
-function getMutator() {
- if (config.autoReplaceSvg === true) {
- return mutators.replace;
- }
- var mutator = mutators[config.autoReplaceSvg];
- return mutator || mutators.replace;
-var mutators = {
- replace: function replace(mutation) {
- var node = mutation[0];
- var abstract = mutation[1];
- var newOuterHTML = abstract.map(function (a) {
- return toHtml(a);
- }).join('\n');
- if (node.parentNode && node.outerHTML) {
- node.outerHTML = newOuterHTML + (config.keepOriginalSource && node.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'svg' ? '' : '');
- } else if (node.parentNode) {
- var newNode = document.createElement('span');
- node.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, node);
- newNode.outerHTML = newOuterHTML;
- }
- },
- nest: function nest(mutation) {
- var node = mutation[0];
- var abstract = mutation[1];
- // If we already have a replaced node we do not want to continue nesting within it.
- // Short-circuit to the standard replacement
- if (~classArray(node).indexOf(config.replacementClass)) {
- return mutators.replace(mutation);
- }
- var forSvg = new RegExp(config.familyPrefix + '-.*');
- delete abstract[0].attributes.style;
- var splitClasses = abstract[0].attributes.class.split(' ').reduce(function (acc, cls) {
- if (cls === config.replacementClass || cls.match(forSvg)) {
- acc.toSvg.push(cls);
- } else {
- acc.toNode.push(cls);
- }
- return acc;
- }, { toNode: [], toSvg: [] });
- abstract[0].attributes.class = splitClasses.toSvg.join(' ');
- var newInnerHTML = abstract.map(function (a) {
- return toHtml(a);
- }).join('\n');
- node.setAttribute('class', splitClasses.toNode.join(' '));
- node.setAttribute(DATA_FA_I2SVG, '');
- node.innerHTML = newInnerHTML;
- }
-function perform(mutations, callback) {
- var callbackFunction = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : noop$1;
- if (mutations.length === 0) {
- callbackFunction();
- } else {
- var frame = WINDOW.requestAnimationFrame || function (op) {
- return op();
- };
- frame(function () {
- var mutator = getMutator();
- var mark = perf.begin('mutate');
- mutations.map(mutator);
- mark();
- callbackFunction();
- });
- }
-var disabled = false;
-function disableObservation(operation) {
- disabled = true;
- operation();
- disabled = false;
-var mo = null;
-function observe(options) {
- return;
- }
- if (!config.observeMutations) {
- return;
- }
- var treeCallback = options.treeCallback,
- nodeCallback = options.nodeCallback,
- pseudoElementsCallback = options.pseudoElementsCallback,
- _options$observeMutat = options.observeMutationsRoot,
- observeMutationsRoot = _options$observeMutat === undefined ? DOCUMENT.body : _options$observeMutat;
- mo = new MUTATION_OBSERVER(function (objects) {
- if (disabled) return;
- toArray(objects).forEach(function (mutationRecord) {
- if (mutationRecord.type === 'childList' && mutationRecord.addedNodes.length > 0 && !isWatched(mutationRecord.addedNodes[0])) {
- if (config.searchPseudoElements) {
- pseudoElementsCallback(mutationRecord.target);
- }
- treeCallback(mutationRecord.target);
- }
- if (mutationRecord.type === 'attributes' && mutationRecord.target.parentNode && config.searchPseudoElements) {
- pseudoElementsCallback(mutationRecord.target.parentNode);
- }
- if (mutationRecord.type === 'attributes' && isWatched(mutationRecord.target) && ~ATTRIBUTES_WATCHED_FOR_MUTATION.indexOf(mutationRecord.attributeName)) {
- if (mutationRecord.attributeName === 'class') {
- var _getCanonicalIcon = getCanonicalIcon(classArray(mutationRecord.target)),
- prefix = _getCanonicalIcon.prefix,
- iconName = _getCanonicalIcon.iconName;
- if (prefix) mutationRecord.target.setAttribute('data-prefix', prefix);
- if (iconName) mutationRecord.target.setAttribute('data-icon', iconName);
- } else {
- nodeCallback(mutationRecord.target);
- }
- }
- });
- });
- if (!IS_DOM) return;
- mo.observe(observeMutationsRoot, {
- childList: true, attributes: true, characterData: true, subtree: true
- });
-function disconnect() {
- if (!mo) return;
- mo.disconnect();
-var styleParser = function (node) {
- var style = node.getAttribute('style');
- var val = [];
- if (style) {
- val = style.split(';').reduce(function (acc, style) {
- var styles = style.split(':');
- var prop = styles[0];
- var value = styles.slice(1);
- if (prop && value.length > 0) {
- acc[prop] = value.join(':').trim();
- }
- return acc;
- }, {});
- }
- return val;
-function toHex(unicode) {
- var result = '';
- for (var i = 0; i < unicode.length; i++) {
- var hex = unicode.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
- result += ('000' + hex).slice(-4);
- }
- return result;
-var classParser = function (node) {
- var existingPrefix = node.getAttribute('data-prefix');
- var existingIconName = node.getAttribute('data-icon');
- var innerText = node.innerText !== undefined ? node.innerText.trim() : '';
- var val = getCanonicalIcon(classArray(node));
- if (existingPrefix && existingIconName) {
- val.prefix = existingPrefix;
- val.iconName = existingIconName;
- }
- if (val.prefix && innerText.length > 1) {
- val.iconName = byLigature(val.prefix, node.innerText);
- } else if (val.prefix && innerText.length === 1) {
- val.iconName = byUnicode(val.prefix, toHex(node.innerText));
- }
- return val;
-var parseTransformString = function parseTransformString(transformString) {
- var transform = {
- size: 16,
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- flipX: false,
- flipY: false,
- rotate: 0
- };
- if (!transformString) {
- return transform;
- } else {
- return transformString.toLowerCase().split(' ').reduce(function (acc, n) {
- var parts = n.toLowerCase().split('-');
- var first = parts[0];
- var rest = parts.slice(1).join('-');
- if (first && rest === 'h') {
- acc.flipX = true;
- return acc;
- }
- if (first && rest === 'v') {
- acc.flipY = true;
- return acc;
- }
- rest = parseFloat(rest);
- if (isNaN(rest)) {
- return acc;
- }
- switch (first) {
- case 'grow':
- acc.size = acc.size + rest;
- break;
- case 'shrink':
- acc.size = acc.size - rest;
- break;
- case 'left':
- acc.x = acc.x - rest;
- break;
- case 'right':
- acc.x = acc.x + rest;
- break;
- case 'up':
- acc.y = acc.y - rest;
- break;
- case 'down':
- acc.y = acc.y + rest;
- break;
- case 'rotate':
- acc.rotate = acc.rotate + rest;
- break;
- }
- return acc;
- }, transform);
- }
-var transformParser = function (node) {
- return parseTransformString(node.getAttribute('data-fa-transform'));
-var symbolParser = function (node) {
- var symbol = node.getAttribute('data-fa-symbol');
- return symbol === null ? false : symbol === '' ? true : symbol;
-var attributesParser = function (node) {
- var extraAttributes = toArray(node.attributes).reduce(function (acc, attr) {
- if (acc.name !== 'class' && acc.name !== 'style') {
- acc[attr.name] = attr.value;
- }
- return acc;
- }, {});
- var title = node.getAttribute('title');
- if (config.autoA11y) {
- if (title) {
- extraAttributes['aria-labelledby'] = config.replacementClass + '-title-' + nextUniqueId();
- } else {
- extraAttributes['aria-hidden'] = 'true';
- }
- }
- return extraAttributes;
-var maskParser = function (node) {
- var mask = node.getAttribute('data-fa-mask');
- if (!mask) {
- return emptyCanonicalIcon();
- } else {
- return getCanonicalIcon(mask.split(' ').map(function (i) {
- return i.trim();
- }));
- }
-var blankMeta = {
- iconName: null,
- title: null,
- prefix: null,
- transform: meaninglessTransform,
- symbol: false,
- mask: null,
- extra: { classes: [], styles: {}, attributes: {} }
-function parseMeta(node) {
- var _classParser = classParser(node),
- iconName = _classParser.iconName,
- prefix = _classParser.prefix,
- extraClasses = _classParser.rest;
- var extraStyles = styleParser(node);
- var transform = transformParser(node);
- var symbol = symbolParser(node);
- var extraAttributes = attributesParser(node);
- var mask = maskParser(node);
- return {
- iconName: iconName,
- title: node.getAttribute('title'),
- prefix: prefix,
- transform: transform,
- symbol: symbol,
- mask: mask,
- extra: {
- classes: extraClasses,
- styles: extraStyles,
- attributes: extraAttributes
- }
- };
-function MissingIcon(error) {
- this.name = 'MissingIcon';
- this.message = error || 'Icon unavailable';
- this.stack = new Error().stack;
-MissingIcon.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
-MissingIcon.prototype.constructor = MissingIcon;
-var FILL = { fill: 'currentColor' };
- attributeType: 'XML',
- repeatCount: 'indefinite',
- dur: '2s'
-var RING = {
- tag: 'path',
- attributes: _extends({}, FILL, {
- d: 'M156.5,447.7l-12.6,29.5c-18.7-9.5-35.9-21.2-51.5-34.9l22.7-22.7C127.6,430.5,141.5,440,156.5,447.7z M40.6,272H8.5 c1.4,21.2,5.4,41.7,11.7,61.1L50,321.2C45.1,305.5,41.8,289,40.6,272z M40.6,240c1.4-18.8,5.2-37,11.1-54.1l-29.5-12.6 C14.7,194.3,10,216.7,8.5,240H40.6z M64.3,156.5c7.8-14.9,17.2-28.8,28.1-41.5L69.7,92.3c-13.7,15.6-25.5,32.8-34.9,51.5 L64.3,156.5z M397,419.6c-13.9,12-29.4,22.3-46.1,30.4l11.9,29.8c20.7-9.9,39.8-22.6,56.9-37.6L397,419.6z M115,92.4 c13.9-12,29.4-22.3,46.1-30.4l-11.9-29.8c-20.7,9.9-39.8,22.6-56.8,37.6L115,92.4z M447.7,355.5c-7.8,14.9-17.2,28.8-28.1,41.5 l22.7,22.7c13.7-15.6,25.5-32.9,34.9-51.5L447.7,355.5z M471.4,272c-1.4,18.8-5.2,37-11.1,54.1l29.5,12.6 c7.5-21.1,12.2-43.5,13.6-66.8H471.4z M321.2,462c-15.7,5-32.2,8.2-49.2,9.4v32.1c21.2-1.4,41.7-5.4,61.1-11.7L321.2,462z M240,471.4c-18.8-1.4-37-5.2-54.1-11.1l-12.6,29.5c21.1,7.5,43.5,12.2,66.8,13.6V471.4z M462,190.8c5,15.7,8.2,32.2,9.4,49.2h32.1 c-1.4-21.2-5.4-41.7-11.7-61.1L462,190.8z M92.4,397c-12-13.9-22.3-29.4-30.4-46.1l-29.8,11.9c9.9,20.7,22.6,39.8,37.6,56.9 L92.4,397z M272,40.6c18.8,1.4,36.9,5.2,54.1,11.1l12.6-29.5C317.7,14.7,295.3,10,272,8.5V40.6z M190.8,50 c15.7-5,32.2-8.2,49.2-9.4V8.5c-21.2,1.4-41.7,5.4-61.1,11.7L190.8,50z M442.3,92.3L419.6,115c12,13.9,22.3,29.4,30.5,46.1 l29.8-11.9C470,128.5,457.3,109.4,442.3,92.3z M397,92.4l22.7-22.7c-15.6-13.7-32.8-25.5-51.5-34.9l-12.6,29.5 C370.4,72.1,384.4,81.5,397,92.4z'
- })
- attributeName: 'opacity'
-var DOT = {
- tag: 'circle',
- attributes: _extends({}, FILL, {
- cx: '256',
- cy: '364',
- r: '28'
- }),
- children: [{ tag: 'animate', attributes: _extends({}, ANIMATION_BASE, { attributeName: 'r', values: '28;14;28;28;14;28;' }) }, { tag: 'animate', attributes: _extends({}, OPACITY_ANIMATE, { values: '1;0;1;1;0;1;' }) }]
-var QUESTION = {
- tag: 'path',
- attributes: _extends({}, FILL, {
- opacity: '1',
- d: 'M263.7,312h-16c-6.6,0-12-5.4-12-12c0-71,77.4-63.9,77.4-107.8c0-20-17.8-40.2-57.4-40.2c-29.1,0-44.3,9.6-59.2,28.7 c-3.9,5-11.1,6-16.2,2.4l-13.1-9.2c-5.6-3.9-6.9-11.8-2.6-17.2c21.2-27.2,46.4-44.7,91.2-44.7c52.3,0,97.4,29.8,97.4,80.2 c0,67.6-77.4,63.5-77.4,107.8C275.7,306.6,270.3,312,263.7,312z'
- }),
- children: [{ tag: 'animate', attributes: _extends({}, OPACITY_ANIMATE, { values: '1;0;0;0;0;1;' }) }]
- tag: 'path',
- attributes: _extends({}, FILL, {
- opacity: '0',
- d: 'M232.5,134.5l7,168c0.3,6.4,5.6,11.5,12,11.5h9c6.4,0,11.7-5.1,12-11.5l7-168c0.3-6.8-5.2-12.5-12-12.5h-23 C237.7,122,232.2,127.7,232.5,134.5z'
- }),
- children: [{ tag: 'animate', attributes: _extends({}, OPACITY_ANIMATE, { values: '0;0;1;1;0;0;' }) }]
-var missing = { tag: 'g', children: [RING, DOT, QUESTION, EXCLAMATION] };
-var styles = namespace.styles;
-var LAYERS_TEXT_CLASSNAME = 'fa-layers-text';
-var FONT_FAMILY_PATTERN = /Font Awesome 5 (Solid|Regular|Light|Brands|Free|Pro)/;
- 'Solid': 'fas',
- 'Regular': 'far',
- 'Light': 'fal',
- 'Brands': 'fab'
- '900': 'fas',
- '400': 'far',
- '300': 'fal'
-function findIcon(iconName, prefix) {
- var val = {
- found: false,
- width: 512,
- height: 512,
- icon: missing
- };
- if (iconName && prefix && styles[prefix] && styles[prefix][iconName]) {
- var icon = styles[prefix][iconName];
- var width = icon[0];
- var height = icon[1];
- var vectorData = icon.slice(4);
- val = {
- found: true,
- width: width,
- height: height,
- icon: { tag: 'path', attributes: { fill: 'currentColor', d: vectorData[0] } }
- };
- } else if (iconName && prefix && !config.showMissingIcons) {
- throw new MissingIcon('Icon is missing for prefix ' + prefix + ' with icon name ' + iconName);
- }
- return val;
-function generateSvgReplacementMutation(node, nodeMeta) {
- var iconName = nodeMeta.iconName,
- title = nodeMeta.title,
- prefix = nodeMeta.prefix,
- transform = nodeMeta.transform,
- symbol = nodeMeta.symbol,
- mask = nodeMeta.mask,
- extra = nodeMeta.extra;
- return [node, makeInlineSvgAbstract({
- icons: {
- main: findIcon(iconName, prefix),
- mask: findIcon(mask.iconName, mask.prefix)
- },
- prefix: prefix,
- iconName: iconName,
- transform: transform,
- symbol: symbol,
- mask: mask,
- title: title,
- extra: extra,
- watchable: true
- })];
-function generateLayersText(node, nodeMeta) {
- var title = nodeMeta.title,
- transform = nodeMeta.transform,
- extra = nodeMeta.extra;
- var width = null;
- var height = null;
- if (IS_IE) {
- var computedFontSize = parseInt(getComputedStyle(node).fontSize, 10);
- var boundingClientRect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
- width = boundingClientRect.width / computedFontSize;
- height = boundingClientRect.height / computedFontSize;
- }
- if (config.autoA11y && !title) {
- extra.attributes['aria-hidden'] = 'true';
- }
- return [node, makeLayersTextAbstract({
- content: node.innerHTML,
- width: width,
- height: height,
- transform: transform,
- title: title,
- extra: extra,
- watchable: true
- })];
-function generateMutation(node) {
- var nodeMeta = parseMeta(node);
- if (~nodeMeta.extra.classes.indexOf(LAYERS_TEXT_CLASSNAME)) {
- return generateLayersText(node, nodeMeta);
- } else {
- return generateSvgReplacementMutation(node, nodeMeta);
- }
-function searchPseudoElements(root) {
- if (!IS_DOM) return;
- var end = perf.begin('searchPseudoElements');
- disableObservation(function () {
- toArray(root.querySelectorAll('*')).filter(function (n) {
- return n.parentNode !== document.head && !~TAGNAMES_TO_SKIP_FOR_PSEUDOELEMENTS.indexOf(n.tagName.toUpperCase()) && !n.getAttribute(DATA_FA_PSEUDO_ELEMENT) && (!n.parentNode || n.parentNode.tagName !== 'svg');
- }).forEach(function (node) {
- [':before', ':after'].forEach(function (pos) {
- var children = toArray(node.children);
- var alreadyProcessedPseudoElement = children.filter(function (c) {
- return c.getAttribute(DATA_FA_PSEUDO_ELEMENT) === pos;
- })[0];
- var styles = WINDOW.getComputedStyle(node, pos);
- var fontFamily = styles.getPropertyValue('font-family').match(FONT_FAMILY_PATTERN);
- var fontWeight = styles.getPropertyValue('font-weight');
- if (alreadyProcessedPseudoElement && !fontFamily) {
- // If we've already processed it but the current computed style does not result in a font-family,
- // that probably means that a class name that was previously present to make the icon has been
- // removed. So we now should delete the icon.
- node.removeChild(alreadyProcessedPseudoElement);
- } else if (fontFamily) {
- var content = styles.getPropertyValue('content');
- var prefix = ~['Light', 'Regular', 'Solid', 'Brands'].indexOf(fontFamily[1]) ? STYLE_TO_PREFIX[fontFamily[1]] : FONT_WEIGHT_TO_PREFIX[fontWeight];
- var iconName = byUnicode(prefix, toHex(content.length === 3 ? content.substr(1, 1) : content));
- // Only convert the pseudo element in this :before/:after position into an icon if we haven't
- // already done so with the same prefix and iconName
- if (!alreadyProcessedPseudoElement || alreadyProcessedPseudoElement.getAttribute(DATA_PREFIX) !== prefix || alreadyProcessedPseudoElement.getAttribute(DATA_ICON) !== iconName) {
- if (alreadyProcessedPseudoElement) {
- // Delete the old one, since we're replacing it with a new one
- node.removeChild(alreadyProcessedPseudoElement);
- }
- var extra = blankMeta.extra;
- extra.attributes[DATA_FA_PSEUDO_ELEMENT] = pos;
- var abstract = makeInlineSvgAbstract(_extends({}, blankMeta, {
- icons: {
- main: findIcon(iconName, prefix),
- mask: emptyCanonicalIcon()
- },
- prefix: prefix,
- iconName: iconName,
- extra: extra,
- watchable: true
- }));
- var element = DOCUMENT.createElement('svg');
- if (pos === ':before') {
- node.insertBefore(element, node.firstChild);
- } else {
- node.appendChild(element);
- }
- element.outerHTML = abstract.map(function (a) {
- return toHtml(a);
- }).join('\n');
- }
- }
- });
- });
- });
- end();
-function onTree(root) {
- var callback = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null;
- if (!IS_DOM) return;
- var htmlClassList = DOCUMENT.documentElement.classList;
- var hclAdd = function hclAdd(suffix) {
- return htmlClassList.add(HTML_CLASS_I2SVG_BASE_CLASS + '-' + suffix);
- };
- var hclRemove = function hclRemove(suffix) {
- return htmlClassList.remove(HTML_CLASS_I2SVG_BASE_CLASS + '-' + suffix);
- };
- var prefixes = Object.keys(styles);
- var prefixesDomQuery = ['.' + LAYERS_TEXT_CLASSNAME + ':not([' + DATA_FA_I2SVG + '])'].concat(prefixes.map(function (p) {
- return '.' + p + ':not([' + DATA_FA_I2SVG + '])';
- })).join(', ');
- if (prefixesDomQuery.length === 0) {
- return;
- }
- var candidates = toArray(root.querySelectorAll(prefixesDomQuery));
- if (candidates.length > 0) {
- hclAdd('pending');
- hclRemove('complete');
- } else {
- return;
- }
- var mark = perf.begin('onTree');
- var mutations = candidates.reduce(function (acc, node) {
- try {
- var mutation = generateMutation(node);
- if (mutation) {
- acc.push(mutation);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- if (!PRODUCTION) {
- if (e instanceof MissingIcon) {
- console.error(e);
- }
- }
- }
- return acc;
- }, []);
- mark();
- perform(mutations, function () {
- hclAdd('active');
- hclAdd('complete');
- hclRemove('pending');
- if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();
- });
-function onNode(node) {
- var callback = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null;
- var mutation = generateMutation(node);
- if (mutation) {
- perform([mutation], callback);
- }
-var baseStyles = "svg:not(:root).svg-inline--fa{overflow:visible}.svg-inline--fa{display:inline-block;font-size:inherit;height:1em;overflow:visible;vertical-align:-.125em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-lg{vertical-align:-.225em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-1{width:.0625em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-2{width:.125em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-3{width:.1875em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-4{width:.25em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-5{width:.3125em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-6{width:.375em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-7{width:.4375em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-8{width:.5em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-9{width:.5625em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-10{width:.625em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-11{width:.6875em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-12{width:.75em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-13{width:.8125em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-14{width:.875em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-15{width:.9375em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-16{width:1em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-17{width:1.0625em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-18{width:1.125em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-19{width:1.1875em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-20{width:1.25em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-pull-left{margin-right:.3em;width:auto}.svg-inline--fa.fa-pull-right{margin-left:.3em;width:auto}.svg-inline--fa.fa-border{height:1.5em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-li{width:2em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-fw{width:1.25em}.fa-layers svg.svg-inline--fa{bottom:0;left:0;margin:auto;position:absolute;right:0;top:0}.fa-layers{display:inline-block;height:1em;position:relative;text-align:center;vertical-align:-.125em;width:1em}.fa-layers svg.svg-inline--fa{-webkit-transform-origin:center center;transform-origin:center center}.fa-layers-counter,.fa-layers-text{display:inline-block;position:absolute;text-align:center}.fa-layers-text{left:50%;top:50%;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%,-50%);transform:translate(-50%,-50%);-webkit-transform-origin:center center;transform-origin:center center}.fa-layers-counter{background-color:#ff253a;border-radius:1em;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;color:#fff;height:1.5em;line-height:1;max-width:5em;min-width:1.5em;overflow:hidden;padding:.25em;right:0;text-overflow:ellipsis;top:0;-webkit-transform:scale(.25);transform:scale(.25);-webkit-transform-origin:top right;transform-origin:top right}.fa-layers-bottom-right{bottom:0;right:0;top:auto;-webkit-transform:scale(.25);transform:scale(.25);-webkit-transform-origin:bottom right;transform-origin:bottom right}.fa-layers-bottom-left{bottom:0;left:0;right:auto;top:auto;-webkit-transform:scale(.25);transform:scale(.25);-webkit-transform-origin:bottom left;transform-origin:bottom left}.fa-layers-top-right{right:0;top:0;-webkit-transform:scale(.25);transform:scale(.25);-webkit-transform-origin:top right;transform-origin:top right}.fa-layers-top-left{left:0;right:auto;top:0;-webkit-transform:scale(.25);transform:scale(.25);-webkit-transform-origin:top left;transform-origin:top left}.fa-lg{font-size:1.33333em;line-height:.75em;vertical-align:-.0667em}.fa-xs{font-size:.75em}.fa-sm{font-size:.875em}.fa-1x{font-size:1em}.fa-2x{font-size:2em}.fa-3x{font-size:3em}.fa-4x{font-size:4em}.fa-5x{font-size:5em}.fa-6x{font-size:6em}.fa-7x{font-size:7em}.fa-8x{font-size:8em}.fa-9x{font-size:9em}.fa-10x{font-size:10em}.fa-fw{text-align:center;width:1.25em}.fa-ul{list-style-type:none;margin-left:2.5em;padding-left:0}.fa-ul>li{position:relative}.fa-li{left:-2em;position:absolute;text-align:center;width:2em;line-height:inherit}.fa-border{border:solid .08em #eee;border-radius:.1em;padding:.2em .25em .15em}.fa-pull-left{float:left}.fa-pull-right{float:right}.fa.fa-pull-left,.fab.fa-pull-left,.fal.fa-pull-left,.far.fa-pull-left,.fas.fa-pull-left{margin-right:.3em}.fa.fa-pull-right,.fab.fa-pull-right,.fal.fa-pull-right,.far.fa-pull-right,.fas.fa-pull-right{margin-left:.3em}.fa-spin{-webkit-animation:fa-spin 2s infinite linear;animation:fa-spin 2s infinite linear}.fa-pulse{-webkit-animation:fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8);animation:fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8)}@-webkit-keyframes fa-spin{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0);transform:rotate(0)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);transform:rotate(360deg)}}@keyframes fa-spin{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0);transform:rotate(0)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);transform:rotate(360deg)}}.fa-rotate-90{-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg);transform:rotate(90deg)}.fa-rotate-180{-webkit-transform:rotate(180deg);transform:rotate(180deg)}.fa-rotate-270{-webkit-transform:rotate(270deg);transform:rotate(270deg)}.fa-flip-horizontal{-webkit-transform:scale(-1,1);transform:scale(-1,1)}.fa-flip-vertical{-webkit-transform:scale(1,-1);transform:scale(1,-1)}.fa-flip-horizontal.fa-flip-vertical{-webkit-transform:scale(-1,-1);transform:scale(-1,-1)}:root .fa-flip-horizontal,:root .fa-flip-vertical,:root .fa-rotate-180,:root .fa-rotate-270,:root .fa-rotate-90{-webkit-filter:none;filter:none}.fa-stack{display:inline-block;height:2em;position:relative;width:2em}.fa-stack-1x,.fa-stack-2x{bottom:0;left:0;margin:auto;position:absolute;right:0;top:0}.svg-inline--fa.fa-stack-1x{height:1em;width:1em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-stack-2x{height:2em;width:2em}.fa-inverse{color:#fff}.sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}.sr-only-focusable:active,.sr-only-focusable:focus{clip:auto;height:auto;margin:0;overflow:visible;position:static;width:auto}";
-var css = function () {
- var fp = config.familyPrefix;
- var rc = config.replacementClass;
- var s = baseStyles;
- if (fp !== dfp || rc !== drc) {
- var dPatt = new RegExp('\\.' + dfp + '\\-', 'g');
- var rPatt = new RegExp('\\.' + drc, 'g');
- s = s.replace(dPatt, '.' + fp + '-').replace(rPatt, '.' + rc);
- }
- return s;
-function define(prefix, icons) {
- var normalized = Object.keys(icons).reduce(function (acc, iconName) {
- var icon = icons[iconName];
- var expanded = !!icon.icon;
- if (expanded) {
- acc[icon.iconName] = icon.icon;
- } else {
- acc[iconName] = icon;
- }
- return acc;
- }, {});
- if (typeof namespace.hooks.addPack === 'function') {
- namespace.hooks.addPack(prefix, normalized);
- } else {
- namespace.styles[prefix] = _extends({}, namespace.styles[prefix] || {}, normalized);
- }
- /**
- * Font Awesome 4 used the prefix of `fa` for all icons. With the introduction
- * of new styles we needed to differentiate between them. Prefix `fa` is now an alias
- * for `fas` so we'll easy the upgrade process for our users by automatically defining
- * this as well.
- */
- if (prefix === 'fas') {
- define('fa', icons);
- }
-var Library = function () {
- function Library() {
- classCallCheck(this, Library);
- this.definitions = {};
- }
- createClass(Library, [{
- key: 'add',
- value: function add() {
- var _this = this;
- for (var _len = arguments.length, definitions = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
- definitions[_key] = arguments[_key];
- }
- var additions = definitions.reduce(this._pullDefinitions, {});
- Object.keys(additions).forEach(function (key) {
- _this.definitions[key] = _extends({}, _this.definitions[key] || {}, additions[key]);
- define(key, additions[key]);
- build();
- });
- }
- }, {
- key: 'reset',
- value: function reset() {
- this.definitions = {};
- }
- }, {
- key: '_pullDefinitions',
- value: function _pullDefinitions(additions, definition) {
- var normalized = definition.prefix && definition.iconName && definition.icon ? { 0: definition } : definition;
- Object.keys(normalized).map(function (key) {
- var _normalized$key = normalized[key],
- prefix = _normalized$key.prefix,
- iconName = _normalized$key.iconName,
- icon = _normalized$key.icon;
- if (!additions[prefix]) additions[prefix] = {};
- additions[prefix][iconName] = icon;
- });
- return additions;
- }
- }]);
- return Library;
-function prepIcon(icon) {
- var width = icon[0];
- var height = icon[1];
- var vectorData = icon.slice(4);
- return {
- found: true,
- width: width,
- height: height,
- icon: { tag: 'path', attributes: { fill: 'currentColor', d: vectorData[0] } }
- };
-function ensureCss() {
- if (config.autoAddCss && !_cssInserted) {
- insertCss(css());
- _cssInserted = true;
- }
-function apiObject(val, abstractCreator) {
- Object.defineProperty(val, 'abstract', {
- get: abstractCreator
- });
- Object.defineProperty(val, 'html', {
- get: function get() {
- return val.abstract.map(function (a) {
- return toHtml(a);
- });
- }
- });
- Object.defineProperty(val, 'node', {
- get: function get() {
- if (!IS_DOM) return;
- var container = DOCUMENT.createElement('div');
- container.innerHTML = val.html;
- return container.children;
- }
- });
- return val;
-function findIconDefinition(params) {
- var _params$prefix = params.prefix,
- prefix = _params$prefix === undefined ? 'fa' : _params$prefix,
- iconName = params.iconName;
- if (!iconName) return;
- return iconFromMapping(library.definitions, prefix, iconName) || iconFromMapping(namespace.styles, prefix, iconName);
-function resolveIcons(next) {
- return function (maybeIconDefinition) {
- var params = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
- var iconDefinition = (maybeIconDefinition || {}).icon ? maybeIconDefinition : findIconDefinition(maybeIconDefinition || {});
- var mask = params.mask;
- if (mask) {
- mask = (mask || {}).icon ? mask : findIconDefinition(mask || {});
- }
- return next(iconDefinition, _extends({}, params, { mask: mask }));
- };
-var library = new Library();
-var noAuto = function noAuto() {
- config.autoReplaceSvg = false;
- config.observeMutations = false;
- disconnect();
-var _cssInserted = false;
-var dom = {
- i2svg: function i2svg() {
- var params = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
- if (IS_DOM) {
- ensureCss();
- var _params$node = params.node,
- node = _params$node === undefined ? DOCUMENT : _params$node,
- _params$callback = params.callback,
- callback = _params$callback === undefined ? function () {} : _params$callback;
- if (config.searchPseudoElements) {
- searchPseudoElements(node);
- }
- onTree(node, callback);
- }
- },
- css: css,
- insertCss: function insertCss$$1() {
- if (!_cssInserted) {
- insertCss(css());
- _cssInserted = true;
- }
- },
- watch: function watch() {
- var params = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
- var autoReplaceSvgRoot = params.autoReplaceSvgRoot,
- observeMutationsRoot = params.observeMutationsRoot;
- if (config.autoReplaceSvg === false) {
- config.autoReplaceSvg = true;
- }
- config.observeMutations = true;
- domready(function () {
- autoReplace({
- autoReplaceSvgRoot: autoReplaceSvgRoot
- });
- observe({
- treeCallback: onTree,
- nodeCallback: onNode,
- pseudoElementsCallback: searchPseudoElements,
- observeMutationsRoot: observeMutationsRoot
- });
- });
- }
-var parse = {
- transform: function transform(transformString) {
- return parseTransformString(transformString);
- }
-var icon = resolveIcons(function (iconDefinition) {
- var params = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
- var _params$transform = params.transform,
- transform = _params$transform === undefined ? meaninglessTransform : _params$transform,
- _params$symbol = params.symbol,
- symbol = _params$symbol === undefined ? false : _params$symbol,
- _params$mask = params.mask,
- mask = _params$mask === undefined ? null : _params$mask,
- _params$title = params.title,
- title = _params$title === undefined ? null : _params$title,
- _params$classes = params.classes,
- classes = _params$classes === undefined ? [] : _params$classes,
- _params$attributes = params.attributes,
- attributes = _params$attributes === undefined ? {} : _params$attributes,
- _params$styles = params.styles,
- styles = _params$styles === undefined ? {} : _params$styles;
- if (!iconDefinition) return;
- var prefix = iconDefinition.prefix,
- iconName = iconDefinition.iconName,
- icon = iconDefinition.icon;
- return apiObject(_extends({ type: 'icon' }, iconDefinition), function () {
- ensureCss();
- if (config.autoA11y) {
- if (title) {
- attributes['aria-labelledby'] = config.replacementClass + '-title-' + nextUniqueId();
- } else {
- attributes['aria-hidden'] = 'true';
- }
- }
- return makeInlineSvgAbstract({
- icons: {
- main: prepIcon(icon),
- mask: mask ? prepIcon(mask.icon) : { found: false, width: null, height: null, icon: {} }
- },
- prefix: prefix,
- iconName: iconName,
- transform: _extends({}, meaninglessTransform, transform),
- symbol: symbol,
- title: title,
- extra: {
- attributes: attributes,
- styles: styles,
- classes: classes
- }
- });
- });
-var text = function text(content) {
- var params = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
- var _params$transform2 = params.transform,
- transform = _params$transform2 === undefined ? meaninglessTransform : _params$transform2,
- _params$title2 = params.title,
- title = _params$title2 === undefined ? null : _params$title2,
- _params$classes2 = params.classes,
- classes = _params$classes2 === undefined ? [] : _params$classes2,
- _params$attributes2 = params.attributes,
- attributes = _params$attributes2 === undefined ? {} : _params$attributes2,
- _params$styles2 = params.styles,
- styles = _params$styles2 === undefined ? {} : _params$styles2;
- return apiObject({ type: 'text', content: content }, function () {
- ensureCss();
- return makeLayersTextAbstract({
- content: content,
- transform: _extends({}, meaninglessTransform, transform),
- title: title,
- extra: {
- attributes: attributes,
- styles: styles,
- classes: [config.familyPrefix + '-layers-text'].concat(toConsumableArray(classes))
- }
- });
- });
-var counter = function counter(content) {
- var params = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
- var _params$title3 = params.title,
- title = _params$title3 === undefined ? null : _params$title3,
- _params$classes3 = params.classes,
- classes = _params$classes3 === undefined ? [] : _params$classes3,
- _params$attributes3 = params.attributes,
- attributes = _params$attributes3 === undefined ? {} : _params$attributes3,
- _params$styles3 = params.styles,
- styles = _params$styles3 === undefined ? {} : _params$styles3;
- return apiObject({ type: 'counter', content: content }, function () {
- ensureCss();
- return makeLayersCounterAbstract({
- content: content.toString(),
- title: title,
- extra: {
- attributes: attributes,
- styles: styles,
- classes: [config.familyPrefix + '-layers-counter'].concat(toConsumableArray(classes))
- }
- });
- });
-var layer = function layer(assembler) {
- return apiObject({ type: 'layer' }, function () {
- ensureCss();
- var children = [];
- assembler(function (args) {
- Array.isArray(args) ? args.map(function (a) {
- children = children.concat(a.abstract);
- }) : children = children.concat(args.abstract);
- });
- return [{
- tag: 'span',
- attributes: { class: config.familyPrefix + '-layers' },
- children: children
- }];
- });
-var api = {
- noAuto: noAuto,
- config: config,
- dom: dom,
- library: library,
- parse: parse,
- findIconDefinition: findIconDefinition,
- icon: icon,
- text: text,
- counter: counter,
- layer: layer,
- toHtml: toHtml
-var autoReplace = function autoReplace() {
- var params = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
- var _params$autoReplaceSv = params.autoReplaceSvgRoot,
- autoReplaceSvgRoot = _params$autoReplaceSv === undefined ? DOCUMENT : _params$autoReplaceSv;
- if (Object.keys(namespace.styles).length > 0 && IS_DOM && config.autoReplaceSvg) api.dom.i2svg({ node: autoReplaceSvgRoot });
-function bootstrap() {
- if (IS_BROWSER) {
- if (!WINDOW.FontAwesome) {
- WINDOW.FontAwesome = api;
- }
- domready(function () {
- autoReplace();
- observe({
- treeCallback: onTree,
- nodeCallback: onNode,
- pseudoElementsCallback: searchPseudoElements
- });
- });
- }
- namespace.hooks = _extends({}, namespace.hooks, {
- addPack: function addPack(prefix, icons) {
- namespace.styles[prefix] = _extends({}, namespace.styles[prefix] || {}, icons);
- build();
- autoReplace();
- },
- addShims: function addShims(shims) {
- var _namespace$shims;
- (_namespace$shims = namespace.shims).push.apply(_namespace$shims, toConsumableArray(shims));
- build();
- autoReplace();
- }
- });
diff --git a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/js/all.min.js b/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/js/all.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index b08e9a628..000000000
--- a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/js/all.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- * Font Awesome Free 5.3.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com
- * License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)
- */
-!function(){"use strict";var c={};try{"undefined"!=typeof window&&(c=window)}catch(c){}var l=(c.navigator||{}).userAgent,h=void 0===l?"":l,z=c,v=(~h.indexOf("MSIE")||h.indexOf("Trident/"),"___FONT_AWESOME___"),m=function(){try{return!0}catch(c){return!1}}(),s=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],e=s.concat([11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20]);["xs","sm","lg","fw","ul","li","border","pull-left","pull-right","spin","pulse","rotate-90","rotate-180","rotate-270","flip-horizontal","flip-vertical","stack","stack-1x","stack-2x","inverse","layers","layers-text","layers-counter"].concat(s.map(function(c){return c+"x"})).concat(e.map(function(c){return"w-"+c}));var a=z||{};a[v]||(a[v]={}),a[v].styles||(a[v].styles={}),a[v].hooks||(a[v].hooks={}),a[v].shims||(a[v].shims=[]);var t=a[v],M=Object.assign||function(c){for(var l=1;l>>0;h--;)l[h]=c[h];return l}function U(c){return c.classList?X(c.classList):(c.getAttribute("class")||"").split(" ").filter(function(c){return c})}function K(c,l){var h,z=l.split("-"),v=z[0],m=z.slice(1).join("-");return v!==c||""===m||(h=m,~w.indexOf(h))?null:m}function G(c){return(""+c).replace(/&/g,"&").replace(/"/g,""").replace(/'/g,"'").replace(//g,">")}function J(h){return Object.keys(h||{}).reduce(function(c,l){return c+(l+": ")+h[l]+";"},"")}function Q(c){return c.size!==W.size||c.x!==W.x||c.y!==W.y||c.rotate!==W.rotate||c.flipX||c.flipY}function Z(c){var l=c.transform,h=c.containerWidth,z=c.iconWidth;return{outer:{transform:"translate("+h/2+" 256)"},inner:{transform:"translate("+32*l.x+", "+32*l.y+") "+" "+("scale("+l.size/16*(l.flipX?-1:1)+", "+l.size/16*(l.flipY?-1:1)+") ")+" "+("rotate("+l.rotate+" 0 0)")},path:{transform:"translate("+z/2*-1+" -256)"}}}var $={x:0,y:0,width:"100%",height:"100%"},cc=function(c){var l=c.children,h=c.attributes,z=c.main,v=c.mask,m=c.transform,s=z.width,e=z.icon,a=v.width,t=v.icon,M=Z({transform:m,containerWidth:a,iconWidth:s}),f={tag:"rect",attributes:A({},$,{fill:"white"})},r={tag:"g",attributes:A({},M.inner),children:[{tag:"path",attributes:A({},e.attributes,M.path,{fill:"black"})}]},H={tag:"g",attributes:A({},M.outer),children:[r]},i="mask-"+D(),n="clip-"+D(),V={tag:"defs",children:[{tag:"clipPath",attributes:{id:n},children:[t]},{tag:"mask",attributes:A({},$,{id:i,maskUnits:"userSpaceOnUse",maskContentUnits:"userSpaceOnUse"}),children:[f,H]}]};return l.push(V,{tag:"rect",attributes:A({fill:"currentColor","clip-path":"url(#"+n+")",mask:"url(#"+i+")"},$)}),{children:l,attributes:h}},lc=function(c){var l=c.children,h=c.attributes,z=c.main,v=c.transform,m=J(c.styles);if(0"+s.map(bc).join("")+""+l+">"}var gc=function(){};function Sc(c){return"string"==typeof(c.getAttribute?c.getAttribute(g):null)}var yc={replace:function(c){var l=c[0],h=c[1].map(function(c){return bc(c)}).join("\n");if(l.parentNode&&l.outerHTML)l.outerHTML=h+(E.keepOriginalSource&&"svg"!==l.tagName.toLowerCase()?"\x3c!-- "+l.outerHTML+" --\x3e":"");else if(l.parentNode){var z=document.createElement("span");l.parentNode.replaceChild(z,l),z.outerHTML=h}},nest:function(c){var l=c[0],h=c[1];if(~U(l).indexOf(E.replacementClass))return yc.replace(c);var z=new RegExp(E.familyPrefix+"-.*");delete h[0].attributes.style;var v=h[0].attributes.class.split(" ").reduce(function(c,l){return l===E.replacementClass||l.match(z)?c.toSvg.push(l):c.toNode.push(l),c},{toNode:[],toSvg:[]});h[0].attributes.class=v.toSvg.join(" ");var m=h.map(function(c){return bc(c)}).join("\n");l.setAttribute("class",v.toNode.join(" ")),l.setAttribute(g,""),l.innerHTML=m}};function wc(h,c){var z="function"==typeof c?c:gc;0===h.length?z():(r.requestAnimationFrame||function(c){return c()})(function(){var c=!0===E.autoReplaceSvg?yc.replace:yc[E.autoReplaceSvg]||yc.replace,l=Mc.begin("mutate");h.map(c),l(),z()})}var kc=!1;var xc=null;function Ac(c){if(e&&E.observeMutations){var v=c.treeCallback,m=c.nodeCallback,s=c.pseudoElementsCallback,l=c.observeMutationsRoot,h=void 0===l?H.body:l;xc=new e(function(c){kc||X(c).forEach(function(c){if("childList"===c.type&&0li{position:relative}.fa-li{left:-2em;position:absolute;text-align:center;width:2em;line-height:inherit}.fa-border{border:solid .08em #eee;border-radius:.1em;padding:.2em .25em .15em}.fa-pull-left{float:left}.fa-pull-right{float:right}.fa.fa-pull-left,.fab.fa-pull-left,.fal.fa-pull-left,.far.fa-pull-left,.fas.fa-pull-left{margin-right:.3em}.fa.fa-pull-right,.fab.fa-pull-right,.fal.fa-pull-right,.far.fa-pull-right,.fas.fa-pull-right{margin-left:.3em}.fa-spin{-webkit-animation:fa-spin 2s infinite linear;animation:fa-spin 2s infinite linear}.fa-pulse{-webkit-animation:fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8);animation:fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8)}@-webkit-keyframes fa-spin{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0);transform:rotate(0)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);transform:rotate(360deg)}}@keyframes fa-spin{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0);transform:rotate(0)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);transform:rotate(360deg)}}.fa-rotate-90{-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg);transform:rotate(90deg)}.fa-rotate-180{-webkit-transform:rotate(180deg);transform:rotate(180deg)}.fa-rotate-270{-webkit-transform:rotate(270deg);transform:rotate(270deg)}.fa-flip-horizontal{-webkit-transform:scale(-1,1);transform:scale(-1,1)}.fa-flip-vertical{-webkit-transform:scale(1,-1);transform:scale(1,-1)}.fa-flip-horizontal.fa-flip-vertical{-webkit-transform:scale(-1,-1);transform:scale(-1,-1)}:root .fa-flip-horizontal,:root .fa-flip-vertical,:root .fa-rotate-180,:root .fa-rotate-270,:root .fa-rotate-90{-webkit-filter:none;filter:none}.fa-stack{display:inline-block;height:2em;position:relative;width:2em}.fa-stack-1x,.fa-stack-2x{bottom:0;left:0;margin:auto;position:absolute;right:0;top:0}.svg-inline--fa.fa-stack-1x{height:1em;width:1em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-stack-2x{height:2em;width:2em}.fa-inverse{color:#fff}.sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}.sr-only-focusable:active,.sr-only-focusable:focus{clip:auto;height:auto;margin:0;overflow:visible;position:static;width:auto}";if("fa"!==l||h!==c){var v=new RegExp("\\.fa\\-","g"),m=new RegExp("\\."+c,"g");z=z.replace(v,"."+l+"-").replace(m,"."+h)}return z};function zl(c){return{found:!0,width:c[0],height:c[1],icon:{tag:"path",attributes:{fill:"currentColor",d:c.slice(4)[0]}}}}function vl(){E.autoAddCss&&!tl&&(Y(hl()),tl=!0)}function ml(l,c){return Object.defineProperty(l,"abstract",{get:c}),Object.defineProperty(l,"html",{get:function(){return l.abstract.map(function(c){return bc(c)})}}),Object.defineProperty(l,"node",{get:function(){if(M){var c=H.createElement("div");return c.innerHTML=l.html,c.children}}}),l}function sl(c){var l=c.prefix,h=void 0===l?"fa":l,z=c.iconName;if(z)return pc(al.definitions,h,z)||pc(T.styles,h,z)}var el,al=new(function(){function c(){k(this,c),this.definitions={}}return x(c,[{key:"add",value:function(){for(var l=this,c=arguments.length,h=Array(c),z=0;z
- if (val === '') return true;
- if (val === 'false') return false;
- if (val === 'true') return true;
- return val;
-if (DOCUMENT && typeof DOCUMENT.querySelector === 'function') {
- var attrs = [['data-family-prefix', 'familyPrefix'], ['data-replacement-class', 'replacementClass'], ['data-auto-replace-svg', 'autoReplaceSvg'], ['data-auto-add-css', 'autoAddCss'], ['data-auto-a11y', 'autoA11y'], ['data-search-pseudo-elements', 'searchPseudoElements'], ['data-observe-mutations', 'observeMutations'], ['data-keep-original-source', 'keepOriginalSource'], ['data-measure-performance', 'measurePerformance'], ['data-show-missing-icons', 'showMissingIcons']];
- attrs.forEach(function (_ref) {
- var _ref2 = slicedToArray(_ref, 2),
- attr = _ref2[0],
- key = _ref2[1];
- var val = coerce(getAttrConfig(attr));
- if (val !== undefined && val !== null) {
- initial[key] = val;
- }
- });
-var _default = _extends({
- autoReplaceSvg: true,
- autoAddCss: true,
- autoA11y: true,
- searchPseudoElements: false,
- observeMutations: true,
- keepOriginalSource: true,
- measurePerformance: false,
- showMissingIcons: true
-}, initial);
-if (!_default.autoReplaceSvg) _default.observeMutations = false;
-var config = _extends({}, _default);
-WINDOW.FontAwesomeConfig = config;
-var w = WINDOW || {};
-var namespace = w[NAMESPACE_IDENTIFIER];
-var functions = [];
-var listener = function listener() {
- DOCUMENT.removeEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', listener);
- loaded = 1;
- functions.map(function (fn) {
- return fn();
- });
-var loaded = false;
-if (IS_DOM) {
- loaded = (DOCUMENT.documentElement.doScroll ? /^loaded|^c/ : /^loaded|^i|^c/).test(DOCUMENT.readyState);
- if (!loaded) DOCUMENT.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', listener);
-var domready = function (fn) {
- if (!IS_DOM) return;
- loaded ? setTimeout(fn, 0) : functions.push(fn);
-var d = UNITS_IN_GRID;
-var meaninglessTransform = {
- size: 16,
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- rotate: 0,
- flipX: false,
- flipY: false
-function isReserved(name) {
- return ~RESERVED_CLASSES.indexOf(name);
-function bunker(fn) {
- try {
- fn();
- } catch (e) {
- if (!PRODUCTION) {
- throw e;
- }
- }
-function insertCss(css) {
- if (!css || !IS_DOM) {
- return;
- }
- var style = DOCUMENT.createElement('style');
- style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
- style.innerHTML = css;
- var headChildren = DOCUMENT.head.childNodes;
- var beforeChild = null;
- for (var i = headChildren.length - 1; i > -1; i--) {
- var child = headChildren[i];
- var tagName = (child.tagName || '').toUpperCase();
- if (['STYLE', 'LINK'].indexOf(tagName) > -1) {
- beforeChild = child;
- }
- }
- DOCUMENT.head.insertBefore(style, beforeChild);
- return css;
-var _uniqueId = 0;
-function nextUniqueId() {
- _uniqueId++;
- return _uniqueId;
-function toArray(obj) {
- var array = [];
- for (var i = (obj || []).length >>> 0; i--;) {
- array[i] = obj[i];
- }
- return array;
-function classArray(node) {
- if (node.classList) {
- return toArray(node.classList);
- } else {
- return (node.getAttribute('class') || '').split(' ').filter(function (i) {
- return i;
- });
- }
-function getIconName(familyPrefix, cls) {
- var parts = cls.split('-');
- var prefix = parts[0];
- var iconName = parts.slice(1).join('-');
- if (prefix === familyPrefix && iconName !== '' && !isReserved(iconName)) {
- return iconName;
- } else {
- return null;
- }
-function htmlEscape(str) {
- return ('' + str).replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''').replace(//g, '>');
-function joinAttributes(attributes) {
- return Object.keys(attributes || {}).reduce(function (acc, attributeName) {
- return acc + (attributeName + '="' + htmlEscape(attributes[attributeName]) + '" ');
- }, '').trim();
-function joinStyles(styles) {
- return Object.keys(styles || {}).reduce(function (acc, styleName) {
- return acc + (styleName + ': ' + styles[styleName] + ';');
- }, '');
-function transformIsMeaningful(transform) {
- return transform.size !== meaninglessTransform.size || transform.x !== meaninglessTransform.x || transform.y !== meaninglessTransform.y || transform.rotate !== meaninglessTransform.rotate || transform.flipX || transform.flipY;
-function transformForSvg(_ref) {
- var transform = _ref.transform,
- containerWidth = _ref.containerWidth,
- iconWidth = _ref.iconWidth;
- var outer = {
- transform: 'translate(' + containerWidth / 2 + ' 256)'
- };
- var innerTranslate = 'translate(' + transform.x * 32 + ', ' + transform.y * 32 + ') ';
- var innerScale = 'scale(' + transform.size / 16 * (transform.flipX ? -1 : 1) + ', ' + transform.size / 16 * (transform.flipY ? -1 : 1) + ') ';
- var innerRotate = 'rotate(' + transform.rotate + ' 0 0)';
- var inner = {
- transform: innerTranslate + ' ' + innerScale + ' ' + innerRotate
- };
- var path = {
- transform: 'translate(' + iconWidth / 2 * -1 + ' -256)'
- };
- return {
- outer: outer,
- inner: inner,
- path: path
- };
-function transformForCss(_ref2) {
- var transform = _ref2.transform,
- _ref2$width = _ref2.width,
- width = _ref2$width === undefined ? UNITS_IN_GRID : _ref2$width,
- _ref2$height = _ref2.height,
- height = _ref2$height === undefined ? UNITS_IN_GRID : _ref2$height,
- _ref2$startCentered = _ref2.startCentered,
- startCentered = _ref2$startCentered === undefined ? false : _ref2$startCentered;
- var val = '';
- if (startCentered && IS_IE) {
- val += 'translate(' + (transform.x / d - width / 2) + 'em, ' + (transform.y / d - height / 2) + 'em) ';
- } else if (startCentered) {
- val += 'translate(calc(-50% + ' + transform.x / d + 'em), calc(-50% + ' + transform.y / d + 'em)) ';
- } else {
- val += 'translate(' + transform.x / d + 'em, ' + transform.y / d + 'em) ';
- }
- val += 'scale(' + transform.size / d * (transform.flipX ? -1 : 1) + ', ' + transform.size / d * (transform.flipY ? -1 : 1) + ') ';
- val += 'rotate(' + transform.rotate + 'deg) ';
- return val;
-var ALL_SPACE = {
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- width: '100%',
- height: '100%'
-var makeIconMasking = function (_ref) {
- var children = _ref.children,
- attributes = _ref.attributes,
- main = _ref.main,
- mask = _ref.mask,
- transform = _ref.transform;
- var mainWidth = main.width,
- mainPath = main.icon;
- var maskWidth = mask.width,
- maskPath = mask.icon;
- var trans = transformForSvg({ transform: transform, containerWidth: maskWidth, iconWidth: mainWidth });
- var maskRect = {
- tag: 'rect',
- attributes: _extends({}, ALL_SPACE, {
- fill: 'white'
- })
- };
- var maskInnerGroup = {
- tag: 'g',
- attributes: _extends({}, trans.inner),
- children: [{ tag: 'path', attributes: _extends({}, mainPath.attributes, trans.path, { fill: 'black' }) }]
- };
- var maskOuterGroup = {
- tag: 'g',
- attributes: _extends({}, trans.outer),
- children: [maskInnerGroup]
- };
- var maskId = 'mask-' + nextUniqueId();
- var clipId = 'clip-' + nextUniqueId();
- var maskTag = {
- tag: 'mask',
- attributes: _extends({}, ALL_SPACE, {
- id: maskId,
- maskUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse',
- maskContentUnits: 'userSpaceOnUse'
- }),
- children: [maskRect, maskOuterGroup]
- };
- var defs = {
- tag: 'defs',
- children: [{ tag: 'clipPath', attributes: { id: clipId }, children: [maskPath] }, maskTag]
- };
- children.push(defs, { tag: 'rect', attributes: _extends({ fill: 'currentColor', 'clip-path': 'url(#' + clipId + ')', mask: 'url(#' + maskId + ')' }, ALL_SPACE) });
- return {
- children: children,
- attributes: attributes
- };
-var makeIconStandard = function (_ref) {
- var children = _ref.children,
- attributes = _ref.attributes,
- main = _ref.main,
- transform = _ref.transform,
- styles = _ref.styles;
- var styleString = joinStyles(styles);
- if (styleString.length > 0) {
- attributes['style'] = styleString;
- }
- if (transformIsMeaningful(transform)) {
- var trans = transformForSvg({ transform: transform, containerWidth: main.width, iconWidth: main.width });
- children.push({
- tag: 'g',
- attributes: _extends({}, trans.outer),
- children: [{
- tag: 'g',
- attributes: _extends({}, trans.inner),
- children: [{
- tag: main.icon.tag,
- children: main.icon.children,
- attributes: _extends({}, main.icon.attributes, trans.path)
- }]
- }]
- });
- } else {
- children.push(main.icon);
- }
- return {
- children: children,
- attributes: attributes
- };
-var asIcon = function (_ref) {
- var children = _ref.children,
- main = _ref.main,
- mask = _ref.mask,
- attributes = _ref.attributes,
- styles = _ref.styles,
- transform = _ref.transform;
- if (transformIsMeaningful(transform) && main.found && !mask.found) {
- var width = main.width,
- height = main.height;
- var offset = {
- x: width / height / 2,
- y: 0.5
- };
- attributes['style'] = joinStyles(_extends({}, styles, {
- 'transform-origin': offset.x + transform.x / 16 + 'em ' + (offset.y + transform.y / 16) + 'em'
- }));
- }
- return [{
- tag: 'svg',
- attributes: attributes,
- children: children
- }];
-var asSymbol = function (_ref) {
- var prefix = _ref.prefix,
- iconName = _ref.iconName,
- children = _ref.children,
- attributes = _ref.attributes,
- symbol = _ref.symbol;
- var id = symbol === true ? prefix + '-' + config.familyPrefix + '-' + iconName : symbol;
- return [{
- tag: 'svg',
- attributes: {
- style: 'display: none;'
- },
- children: [{
- tag: 'symbol',
- attributes: _extends({}, attributes, { id: id }),
- children: children
- }]
- }];
-function makeInlineSvgAbstract(params) {
- var _params$icons = params.icons,
- main = _params$icons.main,
- mask = _params$icons.mask,
- prefix = params.prefix,
- iconName = params.iconName,
- transform = params.transform,
- symbol = params.symbol,
- title = params.title,
- extra = params.extra,
- _params$watchable = params.watchable,
- watchable = _params$watchable === undefined ? false : _params$watchable;
- var _ref = mask.found ? mask : main,
- width = _ref.width,
- height = _ref.height;
- var widthClass = 'fa-w-' + Math.ceil(width / height * 16);
- var attrClass = [config.replacementClass, iconName ? config.familyPrefix + '-' + iconName : '', widthClass].filter(function (c) {
- return extra.classes.indexOf(c) === -1;
- }).concat(extra.classes).join(' ');
- var content = {
- children: [],
- attributes: _extends({}, extra.attributes, {
- 'data-prefix': prefix,
- 'data-icon': iconName,
- 'class': attrClass,
- 'role': 'img',
- 'xmlns': 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg',
- 'viewBox': '0 0 ' + width + ' ' + height
- })
- };
- if (watchable) {
- content.attributes[DATA_FA_I2SVG] = '';
- }
- if (title) content.children.push({ tag: 'title', attributes: { id: content.attributes['aria-labelledby'] || 'title-' + nextUniqueId() }, children: [title] });
- var args = _extends({}, content, {
- prefix: prefix,
- iconName: iconName,
- main: main,
- mask: mask,
- transform: transform,
- symbol: symbol,
- styles: extra.styles
- });
- var _ref2 = mask.found && main.found ? makeIconMasking(args) : makeIconStandard(args),
- children = _ref2.children,
- attributes = _ref2.attributes;
- args.children = children;
- args.attributes = attributes;
- if (symbol) {
- return asSymbol(args);
- } else {
- return asIcon(args);
- }
-function makeLayersTextAbstract(params) {
- var content = params.content,
- width = params.width,
- height = params.height,
- transform = params.transform,
- title = params.title,
- extra = params.extra,
- _params$watchable2 = params.watchable,
- watchable = _params$watchable2 === undefined ? false : _params$watchable2;
- var attributes = _extends({}, extra.attributes, title ? { 'title': title } : {}, {
- 'class': extra.classes.join(' ')
- });
- if (watchable) {
- attributes[DATA_FA_I2SVG] = '';
- }
- var styles = _extends({}, extra.styles);
- if (transformIsMeaningful(transform)) {
- styles['transform'] = transformForCss({ transform: transform, startCentered: true, width: width, height: height });
- styles['-webkit-transform'] = styles['transform'];
- }
- var styleString = joinStyles(styles);
- if (styleString.length > 0) {
- attributes['style'] = styleString;
- }
- var val = [];
- val.push({
- tag: 'span',
- attributes: attributes,
- children: [content]
- });
- if (title) {
- val.push({ tag: 'span', attributes: { class: 'sr-only' }, children: [title] });
- }
- return val;
-function makeLayersCounterAbstract(params) {
- var content = params.content,
- title = params.title,
- extra = params.extra;
- var attributes = _extends({}, extra.attributes, title ? { 'title': title } : {}, {
- 'class': extra.classes.join(' ')
- });
- var styleString = joinStyles(extra.styles);
- if (styleString.length > 0) {
- attributes['style'] = styleString;
- }
- var val = [];
- val.push({
- tag: 'span',
- attributes: attributes,
- children: [content]
- });
- if (title) {
- val.push({ tag: 'span', attributes: { class: 'sr-only' }, children: [title] });
- }
- return val;
-var noop$2 = function noop() {};
-var p = config.measurePerformance && PERFORMANCE && PERFORMANCE.mark && PERFORMANCE.measure ? PERFORMANCE : { mark: noop$2, measure: noop$2 };
-var preamble = 'FA "5.3.1"';
-var begin = function begin(name) {
- p.mark(preamble + ' ' + name + ' begins');
- return function () {
- return end(name);
- };
-var end = function end(name) {
- p.mark(preamble + ' ' + name + ' ends');
- p.measure(preamble + ' ' + name, preamble + ' ' + name + ' begins', preamble + ' ' + name + ' ends');
-var perf = { begin: begin, end: end };
-'use strict';
- * Internal helper to bind a function known to have 4 arguments
- * to a given context.
- */
-var bindInternal4 = function bindInternal4 (func, thisContext) {
- return function (a, b, c, d) {
- return func.call(thisContext, a, b, c, d);
- };
-'use strict';
- * # Reduce
- *
- * A fast object `.reduce()` implementation.
- *
- * @param {Object} subject The object to reduce over.
- * @param {Function} fn The reducer function.
- * @param {mixed} initialValue The initial value for the reducer, defaults to subject[0].
- * @param {Object} thisContext The context for the reducer.
- * @return {mixed} The final result.
- */
-var reduce = function fastReduceObject (subject, fn, initialValue, thisContext) {
- var keys = Object.keys(subject),
- length = keys.length,
- iterator = thisContext !== undefined ? bindInternal4(fn, thisContext) : fn,
- i, key, result;
- if (initialValue === undefined) {
- i = 1;
- result = subject[keys[0]];
- }
- else {
- i = 0;
- result = initialValue;
- }
- for (; i < length; i++) {
- key = keys[i];
- result = iterator(result, subject[key], key, subject);
- }
- return result;
-var styles$2 = namespace.styles;
-var shims = namespace.shims;
-var _byUnicode = {};
-var _byLigature = {};
-var _byOldName = {};
-var build = function build() {
- var lookup = function lookup(reducer) {
- return reduce(styles$2, function (o, style, prefix) {
- o[prefix] = reduce(style, reducer, {});
- return o;
- }, {});
- };
- _byUnicode = lookup(function (acc, icon, iconName) {
- acc[icon[3]] = iconName;
- return acc;
- });
- _byLigature = lookup(function (acc, icon, iconName) {
- var ligatures = icon[2];
- acc[iconName] = iconName;
- ligatures.forEach(function (ligature) {
- acc[ligature] = iconName;
- });
- return acc;
- });
- var hasRegular = 'far' in styles$2;
- _byOldName = reduce(shims, function (acc, shim) {
- var oldName = shim[0];
- var prefix = shim[1];
- var iconName = shim[2];
- if (prefix === 'far' && !hasRegular) {
- prefix = 'fas';
- }
- acc[oldName] = { prefix: prefix, iconName: iconName };
- return acc;
- }, {});
-function byUnicode(prefix, unicode) {
- return _byUnicode[prefix][unicode];
-function byLigature(prefix, ligature) {
- return _byLigature[prefix][ligature];
-function byOldName(name) {
- return _byOldName[name] || { prefix: null, iconName: null };
-var styles$1 = namespace.styles;
-var emptyCanonicalIcon = function emptyCanonicalIcon() {
- return { prefix: null, iconName: null, rest: [] };
-function getCanonicalIcon(values) {
- return values.reduce(function (acc, cls) {
- var iconName = getIconName(config.familyPrefix, cls);
- if (styles$1[cls]) {
- acc.prefix = cls;
- } else if (iconName) {
- var shim = acc.prefix === 'fa' ? byOldName(iconName) : {};
- acc.iconName = shim.iconName || iconName;
- acc.prefix = shim.prefix || acc.prefix;
- } else if (cls !== config.replacementClass && cls.indexOf('fa-w-') !== 0) {
- acc.rest.push(cls);
- }
- return acc;
- }, emptyCanonicalIcon());
-function iconFromMapping(mapping, prefix, iconName) {
- if (mapping && mapping[prefix] && mapping[prefix][iconName]) {
- return {
- prefix: prefix,
- iconName: iconName,
- icon: mapping[prefix][iconName]
- };
- }
-function toHtml(abstractNodes) {
- var tag = abstractNodes.tag,
- _abstractNodes$attrib = abstractNodes.attributes,
- attributes = _abstractNodes$attrib === undefined ? {} : _abstractNodes$attrib,
- _abstractNodes$childr = abstractNodes.children,
- children = _abstractNodes$childr === undefined ? [] : _abstractNodes$childr;
- if (typeof abstractNodes === 'string') {
- return htmlEscape(abstractNodes);
- } else {
- return '<' + tag + ' ' + joinAttributes(attributes) + '>' + children.map(toHtml).join('') + '' + tag + '>';
- }
-var noop$1 = function noop() {};
-function isWatched(node) {
- var i2svg = node.getAttribute ? node.getAttribute(DATA_FA_I2SVG) : null;
- return typeof i2svg === 'string';
-function getMutator() {
- if (config.autoReplaceSvg === true) {
- return mutators.replace;
- }
- var mutator = mutators[config.autoReplaceSvg];
- return mutator || mutators.replace;
-var mutators = {
- replace: function replace(mutation) {
- var node = mutation[0];
- var abstract = mutation[1];
- var newOuterHTML = abstract.map(function (a) {
- return toHtml(a);
- }).join('\n');
- if (node.parentNode && node.outerHTML) {
- node.outerHTML = newOuterHTML + (config.keepOriginalSource && node.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'svg' ? '' : '');
- } else if (node.parentNode) {
- var newNode = document.createElement('span');
- node.parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, node);
- newNode.outerHTML = newOuterHTML;
- }
- },
- nest: function nest(mutation) {
- var node = mutation[0];
- var abstract = mutation[1];
- // If we already have a replaced node we do not want to continue nesting within it.
- // Short-circuit to the standard replacement
- if (~classArray(node).indexOf(config.replacementClass)) {
- return mutators.replace(mutation);
- }
- var forSvg = new RegExp(config.familyPrefix + '-.*');
- delete abstract[0].attributes.style;
- var splitClasses = abstract[0].attributes.class.split(' ').reduce(function (acc, cls) {
- if (cls === config.replacementClass || cls.match(forSvg)) {
- acc.toSvg.push(cls);
- } else {
- acc.toNode.push(cls);
- }
- return acc;
- }, { toNode: [], toSvg: [] });
- abstract[0].attributes.class = splitClasses.toSvg.join(' ');
- var newInnerHTML = abstract.map(function (a) {
- return toHtml(a);
- }).join('\n');
- node.setAttribute('class', splitClasses.toNode.join(' '));
- node.setAttribute(DATA_FA_I2SVG, '');
- node.innerHTML = newInnerHTML;
- }
-function perform(mutations, callback) {
- var callbackFunction = typeof callback === 'function' ? callback : noop$1;
- if (mutations.length === 0) {
- callbackFunction();
- } else {
- var frame = WINDOW.requestAnimationFrame || function (op) {
- return op();
- };
- frame(function () {
- var mutator = getMutator();
- var mark = perf.begin('mutate');
- mutations.map(mutator);
- mark();
- callbackFunction();
- });
- }
-var disabled = false;
-function disableObservation(operation) {
- disabled = true;
- operation();
- disabled = false;
-var mo = null;
-function observe(options) {
- return;
- }
- if (!config.observeMutations) {
- return;
- }
- var treeCallback = options.treeCallback,
- nodeCallback = options.nodeCallback,
- pseudoElementsCallback = options.pseudoElementsCallback,
- _options$observeMutat = options.observeMutationsRoot,
- observeMutationsRoot = _options$observeMutat === undefined ? DOCUMENT.body : _options$observeMutat;
- mo = new MUTATION_OBSERVER(function (objects) {
- if (disabled) return;
- toArray(objects).forEach(function (mutationRecord) {
- if (mutationRecord.type === 'childList' && mutationRecord.addedNodes.length > 0 && !isWatched(mutationRecord.addedNodes[0])) {
- if (config.searchPseudoElements) {
- pseudoElementsCallback(mutationRecord.target);
- }
- treeCallback(mutationRecord.target);
- }
- if (mutationRecord.type === 'attributes' && mutationRecord.target.parentNode && config.searchPseudoElements) {
- pseudoElementsCallback(mutationRecord.target.parentNode);
- }
- if (mutationRecord.type === 'attributes' && isWatched(mutationRecord.target) && ~ATTRIBUTES_WATCHED_FOR_MUTATION.indexOf(mutationRecord.attributeName)) {
- if (mutationRecord.attributeName === 'class') {
- var _getCanonicalIcon = getCanonicalIcon(classArray(mutationRecord.target)),
- prefix = _getCanonicalIcon.prefix,
- iconName = _getCanonicalIcon.iconName;
- if (prefix) mutationRecord.target.setAttribute('data-prefix', prefix);
- if (iconName) mutationRecord.target.setAttribute('data-icon', iconName);
- } else {
- nodeCallback(mutationRecord.target);
- }
- }
- });
- });
- if (!IS_DOM) return;
- mo.observe(observeMutationsRoot, {
- childList: true, attributes: true, characterData: true, subtree: true
- });
-function disconnect() {
- if (!mo) return;
- mo.disconnect();
-var styleParser = function (node) {
- var style = node.getAttribute('style');
- var val = [];
- if (style) {
- val = style.split(';').reduce(function (acc, style) {
- var styles = style.split(':');
- var prop = styles[0];
- var value = styles.slice(1);
- if (prop && value.length > 0) {
- acc[prop] = value.join(':').trim();
- }
- return acc;
- }, {});
- }
- return val;
-function toHex(unicode) {
- var result = '';
- for (var i = 0; i < unicode.length; i++) {
- var hex = unicode.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
- result += ('000' + hex).slice(-4);
- }
- return result;
-var classParser = function (node) {
- var existingPrefix = node.getAttribute('data-prefix');
- var existingIconName = node.getAttribute('data-icon');
- var innerText = node.innerText !== undefined ? node.innerText.trim() : '';
- var val = getCanonicalIcon(classArray(node));
- if (existingPrefix && existingIconName) {
- val.prefix = existingPrefix;
- val.iconName = existingIconName;
- }
- if (val.prefix && innerText.length > 1) {
- val.iconName = byLigature(val.prefix, node.innerText);
- } else if (val.prefix && innerText.length === 1) {
- val.iconName = byUnicode(val.prefix, toHex(node.innerText));
- }
- return val;
-var parseTransformString = function parseTransformString(transformString) {
- var transform = {
- size: 16,
- x: 0,
- y: 0,
- flipX: false,
- flipY: false,
- rotate: 0
- };
- if (!transformString) {
- return transform;
- } else {
- return transformString.toLowerCase().split(' ').reduce(function (acc, n) {
- var parts = n.toLowerCase().split('-');
- var first = parts[0];
- var rest = parts.slice(1).join('-');
- if (first && rest === 'h') {
- acc.flipX = true;
- return acc;
- }
- if (first && rest === 'v') {
- acc.flipY = true;
- return acc;
- }
- rest = parseFloat(rest);
- if (isNaN(rest)) {
- return acc;
- }
- switch (first) {
- case 'grow':
- acc.size = acc.size + rest;
- break;
- case 'shrink':
- acc.size = acc.size - rest;
- break;
- case 'left':
- acc.x = acc.x - rest;
- break;
- case 'right':
- acc.x = acc.x + rest;
- break;
- case 'up':
- acc.y = acc.y - rest;
- break;
- case 'down':
- acc.y = acc.y + rest;
- break;
- case 'rotate':
- acc.rotate = acc.rotate + rest;
- break;
- }
- return acc;
- }, transform);
- }
-var transformParser = function (node) {
- return parseTransformString(node.getAttribute('data-fa-transform'));
-var symbolParser = function (node) {
- var symbol = node.getAttribute('data-fa-symbol');
- return symbol === null ? false : symbol === '' ? true : symbol;
-var attributesParser = function (node) {
- var extraAttributes = toArray(node.attributes).reduce(function (acc, attr) {
- if (acc.name !== 'class' && acc.name !== 'style') {
- acc[attr.name] = attr.value;
- }
- return acc;
- }, {});
- var title = node.getAttribute('title');
- if (config.autoA11y) {
- if (title) {
- extraAttributes['aria-labelledby'] = config.replacementClass + '-title-' + nextUniqueId();
- } else {
- extraAttributes['aria-hidden'] = 'true';
- }
- }
- return extraAttributes;
-var maskParser = function (node) {
- var mask = node.getAttribute('data-fa-mask');
- if (!mask) {
- return emptyCanonicalIcon();
- } else {
- return getCanonicalIcon(mask.split(' ').map(function (i) {
- return i.trim();
- }));
- }
-var blankMeta = {
- iconName: null,
- title: null,
- prefix: null,
- transform: meaninglessTransform,
- symbol: false,
- mask: null,
- extra: { classes: [], styles: {}, attributes: {} }
-function parseMeta(node) {
- var _classParser = classParser(node),
- iconName = _classParser.iconName,
- prefix = _classParser.prefix,
- extraClasses = _classParser.rest;
- var extraStyles = styleParser(node);
- var transform = transformParser(node);
- var symbol = symbolParser(node);
- var extraAttributes = attributesParser(node);
- var mask = maskParser(node);
- return {
- iconName: iconName,
- title: node.getAttribute('title'),
- prefix: prefix,
- transform: transform,
- symbol: symbol,
- mask: mask,
- extra: {
- classes: extraClasses,
- styles: extraStyles,
- attributes: extraAttributes
- }
- };
-function MissingIcon(error) {
- this.name = 'MissingIcon';
- this.message = error || 'Icon unavailable';
- this.stack = new Error().stack;
-MissingIcon.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);
-MissingIcon.prototype.constructor = MissingIcon;
-var FILL = { fill: 'currentColor' };
- attributeType: 'XML',
- repeatCount: 'indefinite',
- dur: '2s'
-var RING = {
- tag: 'path',
- attributes: _extends({}, FILL, {
- d: 'M156.5,447.7l-12.6,29.5c-18.7-9.5-35.9-21.2-51.5-34.9l22.7-22.7C127.6,430.5,141.5,440,156.5,447.7z M40.6,272H8.5 c1.4,21.2,5.4,41.7,11.7,61.1L50,321.2C45.1,305.5,41.8,289,40.6,272z M40.6,240c1.4-18.8,5.2-37,11.1-54.1l-29.5-12.6 C14.7,194.3,10,216.7,8.5,240H40.6z M64.3,156.5c7.8-14.9,17.2-28.8,28.1-41.5L69.7,92.3c-13.7,15.6-25.5,32.8-34.9,51.5 L64.3,156.5z M397,419.6c-13.9,12-29.4,22.3-46.1,30.4l11.9,29.8c20.7-9.9,39.8-22.6,56.9-37.6L397,419.6z M115,92.4 c13.9-12,29.4-22.3,46.1-30.4l-11.9-29.8c-20.7,9.9-39.8,22.6-56.8,37.6L115,92.4z M447.7,355.5c-7.8,14.9-17.2,28.8-28.1,41.5 l22.7,22.7c13.7-15.6,25.5-32.9,34.9-51.5L447.7,355.5z M471.4,272c-1.4,18.8-5.2,37-11.1,54.1l29.5,12.6 c7.5-21.1,12.2-43.5,13.6-66.8H471.4z M321.2,462c-15.7,5-32.2,8.2-49.2,9.4v32.1c21.2-1.4,41.7-5.4,61.1-11.7L321.2,462z M240,471.4c-18.8-1.4-37-5.2-54.1-11.1l-12.6,29.5c21.1,7.5,43.5,12.2,66.8,13.6V471.4z M462,190.8c5,15.7,8.2,32.2,9.4,49.2h32.1 c-1.4-21.2-5.4-41.7-11.7-61.1L462,190.8z M92.4,397c-12-13.9-22.3-29.4-30.4-46.1l-29.8,11.9c9.9,20.7,22.6,39.8,37.6,56.9 L92.4,397z M272,40.6c18.8,1.4,36.9,5.2,54.1,11.1l12.6-29.5C317.7,14.7,295.3,10,272,8.5V40.6z M190.8,50 c15.7-5,32.2-8.2,49.2-9.4V8.5c-21.2,1.4-41.7,5.4-61.1,11.7L190.8,50z M442.3,92.3L419.6,115c12,13.9,22.3,29.4,30.5,46.1 l29.8-11.9C470,128.5,457.3,109.4,442.3,92.3z M397,92.4l22.7-22.7c-15.6-13.7-32.8-25.5-51.5-34.9l-12.6,29.5 C370.4,72.1,384.4,81.5,397,92.4z'
- })
- attributeName: 'opacity'
-var DOT = {
- tag: 'circle',
- attributes: _extends({}, FILL, {
- cx: '256',
- cy: '364',
- r: '28'
- }),
- children: [{ tag: 'animate', attributes: _extends({}, ANIMATION_BASE, { attributeName: 'r', values: '28;14;28;28;14;28;' }) }, { tag: 'animate', attributes: _extends({}, OPACITY_ANIMATE, { values: '1;0;1;1;0;1;' }) }]
-var QUESTION = {
- tag: 'path',
- attributes: _extends({}, FILL, {
- opacity: '1',
- d: 'M263.7,312h-16c-6.6,0-12-5.4-12-12c0-71,77.4-63.9,77.4-107.8c0-20-17.8-40.2-57.4-40.2c-29.1,0-44.3,9.6-59.2,28.7 c-3.9,5-11.1,6-16.2,2.4l-13.1-9.2c-5.6-3.9-6.9-11.8-2.6-17.2c21.2-27.2,46.4-44.7,91.2-44.7c52.3,0,97.4,29.8,97.4,80.2 c0,67.6-77.4,63.5-77.4,107.8C275.7,306.6,270.3,312,263.7,312z'
- }),
- children: [{ tag: 'animate', attributes: _extends({}, OPACITY_ANIMATE, { values: '1;0;0;0;0;1;' }) }]
- tag: 'path',
- attributes: _extends({}, FILL, {
- opacity: '0',
- d: 'M232.5,134.5l7,168c0.3,6.4,5.6,11.5,12,11.5h9c6.4,0,11.7-5.1,12-11.5l7-168c0.3-6.8-5.2-12.5-12-12.5h-23 C237.7,122,232.2,127.7,232.5,134.5z'
- }),
- children: [{ tag: 'animate', attributes: _extends({}, OPACITY_ANIMATE, { values: '0;0;1;1;0;0;' }) }]
-var missing = { tag: 'g', children: [RING, DOT, QUESTION, EXCLAMATION] };
-var styles = namespace.styles;
-var LAYERS_TEXT_CLASSNAME = 'fa-layers-text';
-var FONT_FAMILY_PATTERN = /Font Awesome 5 (Solid|Regular|Light|Brands|Free|Pro)/;
- 'Solid': 'fas',
- 'Regular': 'far',
- 'Light': 'fal',
- 'Brands': 'fab'
- '900': 'fas',
- '400': 'far',
- '300': 'fal'
-function findIcon(iconName, prefix) {
- var val = {
- found: false,
- width: 512,
- height: 512,
- icon: missing
- };
- if (iconName && prefix && styles[prefix] && styles[prefix][iconName]) {
- var icon = styles[prefix][iconName];
- var width = icon[0];
- var height = icon[1];
- var vectorData = icon.slice(4);
- val = {
- found: true,
- width: width,
- height: height,
- icon: { tag: 'path', attributes: { fill: 'currentColor', d: vectorData[0] } }
- };
- } else if (iconName && prefix && !config.showMissingIcons) {
- throw new MissingIcon('Icon is missing for prefix ' + prefix + ' with icon name ' + iconName);
- }
- return val;
-function generateSvgReplacementMutation(node, nodeMeta) {
- var iconName = nodeMeta.iconName,
- title = nodeMeta.title,
- prefix = nodeMeta.prefix,
- transform = nodeMeta.transform,
- symbol = nodeMeta.symbol,
- mask = nodeMeta.mask,
- extra = nodeMeta.extra;
- return [node, makeInlineSvgAbstract({
- icons: {
- main: findIcon(iconName, prefix),
- mask: findIcon(mask.iconName, mask.prefix)
- },
- prefix: prefix,
- iconName: iconName,
- transform: transform,
- symbol: symbol,
- mask: mask,
- title: title,
- extra: extra,
- watchable: true
- })];
-function generateLayersText(node, nodeMeta) {
- var title = nodeMeta.title,
- transform = nodeMeta.transform,
- extra = nodeMeta.extra;
- var width = null;
- var height = null;
- if (IS_IE) {
- var computedFontSize = parseInt(getComputedStyle(node).fontSize, 10);
- var boundingClientRect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
- width = boundingClientRect.width / computedFontSize;
- height = boundingClientRect.height / computedFontSize;
- }
- if (config.autoA11y && !title) {
- extra.attributes['aria-hidden'] = 'true';
- }
- return [node, makeLayersTextAbstract({
- content: node.innerHTML,
- width: width,
- height: height,
- transform: transform,
- title: title,
- extra: extra,
- watchable: true
- })];
-function generateMutation(node) {
- var nodeMeta = parseMeta(node);
- if (~nodeMeta.extra.classes.indexOf(LAYERS_TEXT_CLASSNAME)) {
- return generateLayersText(node, nodeMeta);
- } else {
- return generateSvgReplacementMutation(node, nodeMeta);
- }
-function searchPseudoElements(root) {
- if (!IS_DOM) return;
- var end = perf.begin('searchPseudoElements');
- disableObservation(function () {
- toArray(root.querySelectorAll('*')).filter(function (n) {
- return n.parentNode !== document.head && !~TAGNAMES_TO_SKIP_FOR_PSEUDOELEMENTS.indexOf(n.tagName.toUpperCase()) && !n.getAttribute(DATA_FA_PSEUDO_ELEMENT) && (!n.parentNode || n.parentNode.tagName !== 'svg');
- }).forEach(function (node) {
- [':before', ':after'].forEach(function (pos) {
- var children = toArray(node.children);
- var alreadyProcessedPseudoElement = children.filter(function (c) {
- return c.getAttribute(DATA_FA_PSEUDO_ELEMENT) === pos;
- })[0];
- var styles = WINDOW.getComputedStyle(node, pos);
- var fontFamily = styles.getPropertyValue('font-family').match(FONT_FAMILY_PATTERN);
- var fontWeight = styles.getPropertyValue('font-weight');
- if (alreadyProcessedPseudoElement && !fontFamily) {
- // If we've already processed it but the current computed style does not result in a font-family,
- // that probably means that a class name that was previously present to make the icon has been
- // removed. So we now should delete the icon.
- node.removeChild(alreadyProcessedPseudoElement);
- } else if (fontFamily) {
- var content = styles.getPropertyValue('content');
- var prefix = ~['Light', 'Regular', 'Solid', 'Brands'].indexOf(fontFamily[1]) ? STYLE_TO_PREFIX[fontFamily[1]] : FONT_WEIGHT_TO_PREFIX[fontWeight];
- var iconName = byUnicode(prefix, toHex(content.length === 3 ? content.substr(1, 1) : content));
- // Only convert the pseudo element in this :before/:after position into an icon if we haven't
- // already done so with the same prefix and iconName
- if (!alreadyProcessedPseudoElement || alreadyProcessedPseudoElement.getAttribute(DATA_PREFIX) !== prefix || alreadyProcessedPseudoElement.getAttribute(DATA_ICON) !== iconName) {
- if (alreadyProcessedPseudoElement) {
- // Delete the old one, since we're replacing it with a new one
- node.removeChild(alreadyProcessedPseudoElement);
- }
- var extra = blankMeta.extra;
- extra.attributes[DATA_FA_PSEUDO_ELEMENT] = pos;
- var abstract = makeInlineSvgAbstract(_extends({}, blankMeta, {
- icons: {
- main: findIcon(iconName, prefix),
- mask: emptyCanonicalIcon()
- },
- prefix: prefix,
- iconName: iconName,
- extra: extra,
- watchable: true
- }));
- var element = DOCUMENT.createElement('svg');
- if (pos === ':before') {
- node.insertBefore(element, node.firstChild);
- } else {
- node.appendChild(element);
- }
- element.outerHTML = abstract.map(function (a) {
- return toHtml(a);
- }).join('\n');
- }
- }
- });
- });
- });
- end();
-function onTree(root) {
- var callback = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null;
- if (!IS_DOM) return;
- var htmlClassList = DOCUMENT.documentElement.classList;
- var hclAdd = function hclAdd(suffix) {
- return htmlClassList.add(HTML_CLASS_I2SVG_BASE_CLASS + '-' + suffix);
- };
- var hclRemove = function hclRemove(suffix) {
- return htmlClassList.remove(HTML_CLASS_I2SVG_BASE_CLASS + '-' + suffix);
- };
- var prefixes = Object.keys(styles);
- var prefixesDomQuery = ['.' + LAYERS_TEXT_CLASSNAME + ':not([' + DATA_FA_I2SVG + '])'].concat(prefixes.map(function (p) {
- return '.' + p + ':not([' + DATA_FA_I2SVG + '])';
- })).join(', ');
- if (prefixesDomQuery.length === 0) {
- return;
- }
- var candidates = toArray(root.querySelectorAll(prefixesDomQuery));
- if (candidates.length > 0) {
- hclAdd('pending');
- hclRemove('complete');
- } else {
- return;
- }
- var mark = perf.begin('onTree');
- var mutations = candidates.reduce(function (acc, node) {
- try {
- var mutation = generateMutation(node);
- if (mutation) {
- acc.push(mutation);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- if (!PRODUCTION) {
- if (e instanceof MissingIcon) {
- console.error(e);
- }
- }
- }
- return acc;
- }, []);
- mark();
- perform(mutations, function () {
- hclAdd('active');
- hclAdd('complete');
- hclRemove('pending');
- if (typeof callback === 'function') callback();
- });
-function onNode(node) {
- var callback = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null;
- var mutation = generateMutation(node);
- if (mutation) {
- perform([mutation], callback);
- }
-var baseStyles = "svg:not(:root).svg-inline--fa{overflow:visible}.svg-inline--fa{display:inline-block;font-size:inherit;height:1em;overflow:visible;vertical-align:-.125em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-lg{vertical-align:-.225em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-1{width:.0625em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-2{width:.125em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-3{width:.1875em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-4{width:.25em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-5{width:.3125em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-6{width:.375em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-7{width:.4375em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-8{width:.5em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-9{width:.5625em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-10{width:.625em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-11{width:.6875em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-12{width:.75em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-13{width:.8125em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-14{width:.875em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-15{width:.9375em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-16{width:1em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-17{width:1.0625em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-18{width:1.125em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-19{width:1.1875em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-w-20{width:1.25em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-pull-left{margin-right:.3em;width:auto}.svg-inline--fa.fa-pull-right{margin-left:.3em;width:auto}.svg-inline--fa.fa-border{height:1.5em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-li{width:2em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-fw{width:1.25em}.fa-layers svg.svg-inline--fa{bottom:0;left:0;margin:auto;position:absolute;right:0;top:0}.fa-layers{display:inline-block;height:1em;position:relative;text-align:center;vertical-align:-.125em;width:1em}.fa-layers svg.svg-inline--fa{-webkit-transform-origin:center center;transform-origin:center center}.fa-layers-counter,.fa-layers-text{display:inline-block;position:absolute;text-align:center}.fa-layers-text{left:50%;top:50%;-webkit-transform:translate(-50%,-50%);transform:translate(-50%,-50%);-webkit-transform-origin:center center;transform-origin:center center}.fa-layers-counter{background-color:#ff253a;border-radius:1em;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;color:#fff;height:1.5em;line-height:1;max-width:5em;min-width:1.5em;overflow:hidden;padding:.25em;right:0;text-overflow:ellipsis;top:0;-webkit-transform:scale(.25);transform:scale(.25);-webkit-transform-origin:top right;transform-origin:top right}.fa-layers-bottom-right{bottom:0;right:0;top:auto;-webkit-transform:scale(.25);transform:scale(.25);-webkit-transform-origin:bottom right;transform-origin:bottom right}.fa-layers-bottom-left{bottom:0;left:0;right:auto;top:auto;-webkit-transform:scale(.25);transform:scale(.25);-webkit-transform-origin:bottom left;transform-origin:bottom left}.fa-layers-top-right{right:0;top:0;-webkit-transform:scale(.25);transform:scale(.25);-webkit-transform-origin:top right;transform-origin:top right}.fa-layers-top-left{left:0;right:auto;top:0;-webkit-transform:scale(.25);transform:scale(.25);-webkit-transform-origin:top left;transform-origin:top left}.fa-lg{font-size:1.33333em;line-height:.75em;vertical-align:-.0667em}.fa-xs{font-size:.75em}.fa-sm{font-size:.875em}.fa-1x{font-size:1em}.fa-2x{font-size:2em}.fa-3x{font-size:3em}.fa-4x{font-size:4em}.fa-5x{font-size:5em}.fa-6x{font-size:6em}.fa-7x{font-size:7em}.fa-8x{font-size:8em}.fa-9x{font-size:9em}.fa-10x{font-size:10em}.fa-fw{text-align:center;width:1.25em}.fa-ul{list-style-type:none;margin-left:2.5em;padding-left:0}.fa-ul>li{position:relative}.fa-li{left:-2em;position:absolute;text-align:center;width:2em;line-height:inherit}.fa-border{border:solid .08em #eee;border-radius:.1em;padding:.2em .25em .15em}.fa-pull-left{float:left}.fa-pull-right{float:right}.fa.fa-pull-left,.fab.fa-pull-left,.fal.fa-pull-left,.far.fa-pull-left,.fas.fa-pull-left{margin-right:.3em}.fa.fa-pull-right,.fab.fa-pull-right,.fal.fa-pull-right,.far.fa-pull-right,.fas.fa-pull-right{margin-left:.3em}.fa-spin{-webkit-animation:fa-spin 2s infinite linear;animation:fa-spin 2s infinite linear}.fa-pulse{-webkit-animation:fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8);animation:fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8)}@-webkit-keyframes fa-spin{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0);transform:rotate(0)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);transform:rotate(360deg)}}@keyframes fa-spin{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0);transform:rotate(0)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);transform:rotate(360deg)}}.fa-rotate-90{-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg);transform:rotate(90deg)}.fa-rotate-180{-webkit-transform:rotate(180deg);transform:rotate(180deg)}.fa-rotate-270{-webkit-transform:rotate(270deg);transform:rotate(270deg)}.fa-flip-horizontal{-webkit-transform:scale(-1,1);transform:scale(-1,1)}.fa-flip-vertical{-webkit-transform:scale(1,-1);transform:scale(1,-1)}.fa-flip-horizontal.fa-flip-vertical{-webkit-transform:scale(-1,-1);transform:scale(-1,-1)}:root .fa-flip-horizontal,:root .fa-flip-vertical,:root .fa-rotate-180,:root .fa-rotate-270,:root .fa-rotate-90{-webkit-filter:none;filter:none}.fa-stack{display:inline-block;height:2em;position:relative;width:2em}.fa-stack-1x,.fa-stack-2x{bottom:0;left:0;margin:auto;position:absolute;right:0;top:0}.svg-inline--fa.fa-stack-1x{height:1em;width:1em}.svg-inline--fa.fa-stack-2x{height:2em;width:2em}.fa-inverse{color:#fff}.sr-only{border:0;clip:rect(0,0,0,0);height:1px;margin:-1px;overflow:hidden;padding:0;position:absolute;width:1px}.sr-only-focusable:active,.sr-only-focusable:focus{clip:auto;height:auto;margin:0;overflow:visible;position:static;width:auto}";
-var css = function () {
- var fp = config.familyPrefix;
- var rc = config.replacementClass;
- var s = baseStyles;
- if (fp !== dfp || rc !== drc) {
- var dPatt = new RegExp('\\.' + dfp + '\\-', 'g');
- var rPatt = new RegExp('\\.' + drc, 'g');
- s = s.replace(dPatt, '.' + fp + '-').replace(rPatt, '.' + rc);
- }
- return s;
-function define(prefix, icons) {
- var normalized = Object.keys(icons).reduce(function (acc, iconName) {
- var icon = icons[iconName];
- var expanded = !!icon.icon;
- if (expanded) {
- acc[icon.iconName] = icon.icon;
- } else {
- acc[iconName] = icon;
- }
- return acc;
- }, {});
- if (typeof namespace.hooks.addPack === 'function') {
- namespace.hooks.addPack(prefix, normalized);
- } else {
- namespace.styles[prefix] = _extends({}, namespace.styles[prefix] || {}, normalized);
- }
- /**
- * Font Awesome 4 used the prefix of `fa` for all icons. With the introduction
- * of new styles we needed to differentiate between them. Prefix `fa` is now an alias
- * for `fas` so we'll easy the upgrade process for our users by automatically defining
- * this as well.
- */
- if (prefix === 'fas') {
- define('fa', icons);
- }
-var Library = function () {
- function Library() {
- classCallCheck(this, Library);
- this.definitions = {};
- }
- createClass(Library, [{
- key: 'add',
- value: function add() {
- var _this = this;
- for (var _len = arguments.length, definitions = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {
- definitions[_key] = arguments[_key];
- }
- var additions = definitions.reduce(this._pullDefinitions, {});
- Object.keys(additions).forEach(function (key) {
- _this.definitions[key] = _extends({}, _this.definitions[key] || {}, additions[key]);
- define(key, additions[key]);
- build();
- });
- }
- }, {
- key: 'reset',
- value: function reset() {
- this.definitions = {};
- }
- }, {
- key: '_pullDefinitions',
- value: function _pullDefinitions(additions, definition) {
- var normalized = definition.prefix && definition.iconName && definition.icon ? { 0: definition } : definition;
- Object.keys(normalized).map(function (key) {
- var _normalized$key = normalized[key],
- prefix = _normalized$key.prefix,
- iconName = _normalized$key.iconName,
- icon = _normalized$key.icon;
- if (!additions[prefix]) additions[prefix] = {};
- additions[prefix][iconName] = icon;
- });
- return additions;
- }
- }]);
- return Library;
-function prepIcon(icon) {
- var width = icon[0];
- var height = icon[1];
- var vectorData = icon.slice(4);
- return {
- found: true,
- width: width,
- height: height,
- icon: { tag: 'path', attributes: { fill: 'currentColor', d: vectorData[0] } }
- };
-function ensureCss() {
- if (config.autoAddCss && !_cssInserted) {
- insertCss(css());
- _cssInserted = true;
- }
-function apiObject(val, abstractCreator) {
- Object.defineProperty(val, 'abstract', {
- get: abstractCreator
- });
- Object.defineProperty(val, 'html', {
- get: function get() {
- return val.abstract.map(function (a) {
- return toHtml(a);
- });
- }
- });
- Object.defineProperty(val, 'node', {
- get: function get() {
- if (!IS_DOM) return;
- var container = DOCUMENT.createElement('div');
- container.innerHTML = val.html;
- return container.children;
- }
- });
- return val;
-function findIconDefinition(params) {
- var _params$prefix = params.prefix,
- prefix = _params$prefix === undefined ? 'fa' : _params$prefix,
- iconName = params.iconName;
- if (!iconName) return;
- return iconFromMapping(library.definitions, prefix, iconName) || iconFromMapping(namespace.styles, prefix, iconName);
-function resolveIcons(next) {
- return function (maybeIconDefinition) {
- var params = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
- var iconDefinition = (maybeIconDefinition || {}).icon ? maybeIconDefinition : findIconDefinition(maybeIconDefinition || {});
- var mask = params.mask;
- if (mask) {
- mask = (mask || {}).icon ? mask : findIconDefinition(mask || {});
- }
- return next(iconDefinition, _extends({}, params, { mask: mask }));
- };
-var library = new Library();
-var noAuto = function noAuto() {
- config.autoReplaceSvg = false;
- config.observeMutations = false;
- disconnect();
-var _cssInserted = false;
-var dom = {
- i2svg: function i2svg() {
- var params = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
- if (IS_DOM) {
- ensureCss();
- var _params$node = params.node,
- node = _params$node === undefined ? DOCUMENT : _params$node,
- _params$callback = params.callback,
- callback = _params$callback === undefined ? function () {} : _params$callback;
- if (config.searchPseudoElements) {
- searchPseudoElements(node);
- }
- onTree(node, callback);
- }
- },
- css: css,
- insertCss: function insertCss$$1() {
- if (!_cssInserted) {
- insertCss(css());
- _cssInserted = true;
- }
- },
- watch: function watch() {
- var params = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
- var autoReplaceSvgRoot = params.autoReplaceSvgRoot,
- observeMutationsRoot = params.observeMutationsRoot;
- if (config.autoReplaceSvg === false) {
- config.autoReplaceSvg = true;
- }
- config.observeMutations = true;
- domready(function () {
- autoReplace({
- autoReplaceSvgRoot: autoReplaceSvgRoot
- });
- observe({
- treeCallback: onTree,
- nodeCallback: onNode,
- pseudoElementsCallback: searchPseudoElements,
- observeMutationsRoot: observeMutationsRoot
- });
- });
- }
-var parse = {
- transform: function transform(transformString) {
- return parseTransformString(transformString);
- }
-var icon = resolveIcons(function (iconDefinition) {
- var params = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
- var _params$transform = params.transform,
- transform = _params$transform === undefined ? meaninglessTransform : _params$transform,
- _params$symbol = params.symbol,
- symbol = _params$symbol === undefined ? false : _params$symbol,
- _params$mask = params.mask,
- mask = _params$mask === undefined ? null : _params$mask,
- _params$title = params.title,
- title = _params$title === undefined ? null : _params$title,
- _params$classes = params.classes,
- classes = _params$classes === undefined ? [] : _params$classes,
- _params$attributes = params.attributes,
- attributes = _params$attributes === undefined ? {} : _params$attributes,
- _params$styles = params.styles,
- styles = _params$styles === undefined ? {} : _params$styles;
- if (!iconDefinition) return;
- var prefix = iconDefinition.prefix,
- iconName = iconDefinition.iconName,
- icon = iconDefinition.icon;
- return apiObject(_extends({ type: 'icon' }, iconDefinition), function () {
- ensureCss();
- if (config.autoA11y) {
- if (title) {
- attributes['aria-labelledby'] = config.replacementClass + '-title-' + nextUniqueId();
- } else {
- attributes['aria-hidden'] = 'true';
- }
- }
- return makeInlineSvgAbstract({
- icons: {
- main: prepIcon(icon),
- mask: mask ? prepIcon(mask.icon) : { found: false, width: null, height: null, icon: {} }
- },
- prefix: prefix,
- iconName: iconName,
- transform: _extends({}, meaninglessTransform, transform),
- symbol: symbol,
- title: title,
- extra: {
- attributes: attributes,
- styles: styles,
- classes: classes
- }
- });
- });
-var text = function text(content) {
- var params = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
- var _params$transform2 = params.transform,
- transform = _params$transform2 === undefined ? meaninglessTransform : _params$transform2,
- _params$title2 = params.title,
- title = _params$title2 === undefined ? null : _params$title2,
- _params$classes2 = params.classes,
- classes = _params$classes2 === undefined ? [] : _params$classes2,
- _params$attributes2 = params.attributes,
- attributes = _params$attributes2 === undefined ? {} : _params$attributes2,
- _params$styles2 = params.styles,
- styles = _params$styles2 === undefined ? {} : _params$styles2;
- return apiObject({ type: 'text', content: content }, function () {
- ensureCss();
- return makeLayersTextAbstract({
- content: content,
- transform: _extends({}, meaninglessTransform, transform),
- title: title,
- extra: {
- attributes: attributes,
- styles: styles,
- classes: [config.familyPrefix + '-layers-text'].concat(toConsumableArray(classes))
- }
- });
- });
-var counter = function counter(content) {
- var params = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};
- var _params$title3 = params.title,
- title = _params$title3 === undefined ? null : _params$title3,
- _params$classes3 = params.classes,
- classes = _params$classes3 === undefined ? [] : _params$classes3,
- _params$attributes3 = params.attributes,
- attributes = _params$attributes3 === undefined ? {} : _params$attributes3,
- _params$styles3 = params.styles,
- styles = _params$styles3 === undefined ? {} : _params$styles3;
- return apiObject({ type: 'counter', content: content }, function () {
- ensureCss();
- return makeLayersCounterAbstract({
- content: content.toString(),
- title: title,
- extra: {
- attributes: attributes,
- styles: styles,
- classes: [config.familyPrefix + '-layers-counter'].concat(toConsumableArray(classes))
- }
- });
- });
-var layer = function layer(assembler) {
- return apiObject({ type: 'layer' }, function () {
- ensureCss();
- var children = [];
- assembler(function (args) {
- Array.isArray(args) ? args.map(function (a) {
- children = children.concat(a.abstract);
- }) : children = children.concat(args.abstract);
- });
- return [{
- tag: 'span',
- attributes: { class: config.familyPrefix + '-layers' },
- children: children
- }];
- });
-var api = {
- noAuto: noAuto,
- config: config,
- dom: dom,
- library: library,
- parse: parse,
- findIconDefinition: findIconDefinition,
- icon: icon,
- text: text,
- counter: counter,
- layer: layer,
- toHtml: toHtml
-var autoReplace = function autoReplace() {
- var params = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : {};
- var _params$autoReplaceSv = params.autoReplaceSvgRoot,
- autoReplaceSvgRoot = _params$autoReplaceSv === undefined ? DOCUMENT : _params$autoReplaceSv;
- if (Object.keys(namespace.styles).length > 0 && IS_DOM && config.autoReplaceSvg) api.dom.i2svg({ node: autoReplaceSvgRoot });
-function bootstrap() {
- if (IS_BROWSER) {
- if (!WINDOW.FontAwesome) {
- WINDOW.FontAwesome = api;
- }
- domready(function () {
- autoReplace();
- observe({
- treeCallback: onTree,
- nodeCallback: onNode,
- pseudoElementsCallback: searchPseudoElements
- });
- });
- }
- namespace.hooks = _extends({}, namespace.hooks, {
- addPack: function addPack(prefix, icons) {
- namespace.styles[prefix] = _extends({}, namespace.styles[prefix] || {}, icons);
- build();
- autoReplace();
- },
- addShims: function addShims(shims) {
- var _namespace$shims;
- (_namespace$shims = namespace.shims).push.apply(_namespace$shims, toConsumableArray(shims));
- build();
- autoReplace();
- }
- });
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deleted file mode 100644
index 12761f999..000000000
--- a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/js/fontawesome.min.js
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@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
- * Font Awesome Free 5.3.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com
- * License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)
- */
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e=t.children,r=t.attributes,a=t.main,n=t.mask,i=t.transform,o=a.width,s=a.icon,l=n.width,f=n.icon,c=Z({transform:i,containerWidth:l,iconWidth:o}),u={tag:"rect",attributes:E({},$,{fill:"white"})},m={tag:"g",attributes:E({},c.inner),children:[{tag:"path",attributes:E({},s.attributes,c.path,{fill:"black"})}]},d={tag:"g",attributes:E({},c.outer),children:[m]},g="mask-"+q(),h="clip-"+q(),p={tag:"defs",children:[{tag:"clipPath",attributes:{id:h},children:[f]},{tag:"mask",attributes:E({},$,{id:g,maskUnits:"userSpaceOnUse",maskContentUnits:"userSpaceOnUse"}),children:[u,d]}]};return e.push(p,{tag:"rect",attributes:E({fill:"currentColor","clip-path":"url(#"+h+")",mask:"url(#"+g+")"},$)}),{children:e,attributes:r}},et=function(t){var e=t.children,r=t.attributes,a=t.main,n=t.transform,i=J(t.styles);if(0"+o.map(Ct).join("")+""+e+">"}var At=function(){};function Nt(t){return"string"==typeof(t.getAttribute?t.getAttribute(A):null)}var zt={replace:function(t){var e=t[0],r=t[1].map(function(t){return Ct(t)}).join("\n");if(e.parentNode&&e.outerHTML)e.outerHTML=r+(T.keepOriginalSource&&"svg"!==e.tagName.toLowerCase()?"\x3c!-- "+e.outerHTML+" --\x3e":"");else if(e.parentNode){var a=document.createElement("span");e.parentNode.replaceChild(a,e),a.outerHTML=r}},nest:function(t){var e=t[0],r=t[1];if(~V(e).indexOf(T.replacementClass))return zt.replace(t);var a=new RegExp(T.familyPrefix+"-.*");delete r[0].attributes.style;var n=r[0].attributes.class.split(" ").reduce(function(t,e){return e===T.replacementClass||e.match(a)?t.toSvg.push(e):t.toNode.push(e),t},{toNode:[],toSvg:[]});r[0].attributes.class=n.toSvg.join(" ");var i=r.map(function(t){return Ct(t)}).join("\n");e.setAttribute("class",n.toNode.join(" ")),e.setAttribute(A,""),e.innerHTML=i}};function Mt(r,t){var a="function"==typeof t?t:At;0===r.length?a():(m.requestAnimationFrame||function(t){return t()})(function(){var t=!0===T.autoReplaceSvg?zt.replace:zt[T.autoReplaceSvg]||zt.replace,e=ct.begin("mutate");r.map(t),e(),a()})}var St=!1;var Lt=null;function Et(t){if(s&&T.observeMutations){var n=t.treeCallback,i=t.nodeCallback,o=t.pseudoElementsCallback,e=t.observeMutationsRoot,r=void 0===e?d.body:e;Lt=new s(function(t){St||U(t).forEach(function(t){if("childList"===t.type&&0li{position:relative}.fa-li{left:-2em;position:absolute;text-align:center;width:2em;line-height:inherit}.fa-border{border:solid .08em #eee;border-radius:.1em;padding:.2em .25em .15em}.fa-pull-left{float:left}.fa-pull-right{float:right}.fa.fa-pull-left,.fab.fa-pull-left,.fal.fa-pull-left,.far.fa-pull-left,.fas.fa-pull-left{margin-right:.3em}.fa.fa-pull-right,.fab.fa-pull-right,.fal.fa-pull-right,.far.fa-pull-right,.fas.fa-pull-right{margin-left:.3em}.fa-spin{-webkit-animation:fa-spin 2s infinite linear;animation:fa-spin 2s infinite linear}.fa-pulse{-webkit-animation:fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8);animation:fa-spin 1s infinite steps(8)}@-webkit-keyframes fa-spin{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0);transform:rotate(0)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);transform:rotate(360deg)}}@keyframes fa-spin{0%{-webkit-transform:rotate(0);transform:rotate(0)}100%{-webkit-transform:rotate(360deg);transform:rotate(360deg)}}.fa-rotate-90{-webkit-transform:rotate(90deg);transform:rotate(90deg)}.fa-rotate-180{-webkit-transform:rotate(180deg);transform:rotate(180deg)}.fa-rotate-270{-webkit-transform:rotate(270deg);transform:rotate(270deg)}.fa-flip-horizontal{-webkit-transform:scale(-1,1);transform:scale(-1,1)}.fa-flip-vertical{-webkit-transform:scale(1,-1);transform:scale(1,-1)}.fa-flip-horizontal.fa-flip-vertical{-webkit-transform:scale(-1,-1);transform:scale(-1,-1)}:root .fa-flip-horizontal,:root .fa-flip-vertical,:root .fa-rotate-180,:root .fa-rotate-270,:root 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- },
- "homepage": "https://fontawesome.com",
- "keywords": [
- "font",
- "awesome",
- "fontawesome",
- "icon",
- "svg",
- "bootstrap"
- ],
- "license": "(CC-BY-4.0 AND OFL-1.1 AND MIT)",
- "main": "js/fontawesome.js",
- "name": "@fortawesome/fontawesome-free",
- "repository": {
- "type": "git",
- "url": "git+https://github.com/FortAwesome/Font-Awesome.git"
- },
- "style": "css/fontawesome.css",
- "version": "5.3.1"
diff --git a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/scss/brands.scss b/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/scss/brands.scss
deleted file mode 100644
index 52f0d6f0f..000000000
--- a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/scss/brands.scss
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
- * Font Awesome Free 5.3.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com
- * License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)
- */
-@import 'variables';
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Brands';
- font-style: normal;
- font-weight: normal;
- src: url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-brands-400.eot');
- src: url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-brands-400.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
- url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-brands-400.woff2') format('woff2'),
- url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-brands-400.woff') format('woff'),
- url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-brands-400.ttf') format('truetype'),
- url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-brands-400.svg#fontawesome') format('svg');
-.fab {
- font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Brands';
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index 96ca11a79..000000000
--- a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/scss/fontawesome.scss
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@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
- * Font Awesome Free 5.3.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com
- * License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)
- */
-@import 'variables';
-@import 'mixins';
-@import 'core';
-@import 'larger';
-@import 'fixed-width';
-@import 'list';
-@import 'bordered-pulled';
-@import 'animated';
-@import 'rotated-flipped';
-@import 'stacked';
-@import 'icons';
-@import 'screen-reader';
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index 2bce7d20b..000000000
--- a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/scss/regular.scss
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@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
- * Font Awesome Free 5.3.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com
- * License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)
- */
-@import 'variables';
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free';
- font-style: normal;
- font-weight: 400;
- src: url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-regular-400.eot');
- src: url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-regular-400.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
- url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-regular-400.woff2') format('woff2'),
- url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-regular-400.woff') format('woff'),
- url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-regular-400.ttf') format('truetype'),
- url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-regular-400.svg#fontawesome') format('svg');
-.far {
- font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free';
- font-weight: 400;
diff --git a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/scss/solid.scss b/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/scss/solid.scss
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index 5d53a0369..000000000
--- a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/scss/solid.scss
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@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
- * Font Awesome Free 5.3.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com
- * License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)
- */
-@import 'variables';
-@font-face {
- font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free';
- font-style: normal;
- font-weight: 900;
- src: url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-solid-900.eot');
- src: url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-solid-900.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
- url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-solid-900.woff2') format('woff2'),
- url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-solid-900.woff') format('woff'),
- url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-solid-900.ttf') format('truetype'),
- url('#{$fa-font-path}/fa-solid-900.svg#fontawesome') format('svg');
-.fas {
- font-family: 'Font Awesome 5 Free';
- font-weight: 900;
diff --git a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/scss/v4-shims.scss b/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/scss/v4-shims.scss
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index 8c02e8ea8..000000000
--- a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/scss/v4-shims.scss
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@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
- * Font Awesome Free 5.3.1 by @fontawesome - https://fontawesome.com
- * License - https://fontawesome.com/license/free (Icons: CC BY 4.0, Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1, Code: MIT License)
- */
-@import 'variables';
-@import 'shims';
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--- a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/sprites/brands.svg
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- 500px
- Accessible Icon
- Accusoft
- App.net
- Adversal
- affiliatetheme
- Algolia
- Alipay
- Amazon
- Amazon Pay
- Amilia
- Android
- AngelList
- Angry Creative
- Angular
- App Store
- iOS App Store
- Apper Systems AB
- Apple
- Apple Pay
- Asymmetrik, Ltd.
- Audible
- Autoprefixer
- avianex
- Aviato
- Amazon Web Services (AWS)
- Bandcamp
- Behance
- Behance Square
- BIMobject
- Bitbucket
- Bitcoin
- Bity
- Font Awesome Black Tie
- BlackBerry
- Blogger
- Blogger B
- Bluetooth
- Bluetooth
- Büromöbel-Experte GmbH & Co. KG.
- BuySellAds
- Amazon Pay Credit Card
- American Express Credit Card
- Apple Pay Credit Card
- Diner's Club Credit Card
- Discover Credit Card
- JCB Credit Card
- MasterCard Credit Card
- Paypal Credit Card
- Stripe Credit Card
- Visa Credit Card
- Centercode
- Chrome
- cloudscale.ch
- Cloudsmith
- cloudversify
- Codepen
- Codie Pie
- Connect Develop
- Contao
- cPanel
- Creative Commons
- Creative Commons Attribution
- Creative Commons Noncommercial
- Creative Commons Noncommercial (Euro Sign)
- Creative Commons Noncommercial (Yen Sign)
- Creative Commons No Derivative Works
- Creative Commons Public Domain
- Creative Commons Public Domain Alternate
- Creative Commons Remix
- Creative Commons Share Alike
- Creative Commons Sampling
- Creative Commons Sampling +
- Creative Commons Share
- CSS 3 Logo
- Alternate CSS3 Logo
- Cuttlefish
- Dungeons & Dragons
- DashCube
- Delicious Logo
- deploy.dog
- Deskpro
- deviantART
- Digg Logo
- Digital Ocean
- Discord
- Discourse
- DocHub
- Docker
- Draft2digital
- Dribbble
- Dribbble Square
- Dropbox
- Drupal Logo
- Dyalog
- Earlybirds
- eBay
- Edge Browser
- Elementor
- Ello
- Ember
- Galactic Empire
- Envira Gallery
- Erlang
- Ethereum
- Etsy
- ExpeditedSSL
- Facebook
- Facebook F
- Facebook Messenger
- Facebook Square
- Firefox
- First Order
- Alternate First Order
- firstdraft
- Flickr
- Flipboard
- Fly
- Font Awesome
- Alternate Font Awesome
- Font Awesome Flag
- Font Awesome Full Logo
- Fonticons
- Fonticons Fi
- Fort Awesome
- Alternate Fort Awesome
- Forumbee
- Foursquare
- Free Code Camp
- FreeBSD
- Fulcrum
- Galactic Republic
- Galactic Senate
- Get Pocket
- GG Currency
- GG Currency Circle
- Git
- Git Square
- GitHub
- Alternate GitHub
- GitHub Square
- GitKraken
- GitLab
- Gitter
- Glide
- Glide G
- Gofore
- Goodreads
- Goodreads G
- Google Logo
- Google Drive
- Google Play
- Google Plus
- Google Plus G
- Google Plus Square
- Google Wallet
- Gratipay (Gittip)
- Grav
- Gripfire, Inc.
- Grunt
- Gulp
- Hacker News
- Hacker News Square
- Hackerrank
- Hips
- HireAHelper
- Hooli
- Hornbill
- Hotjar
- Houzz
- HTML 5 Logo
- HubSpot
- Instagram
- Internet-explorer
- ioxhost
- iTunes
- Itunes Note
- Java
- Jedi Order
- Jenkis
- Joget
- Joomla Logo
- JavaScript (JS)
- JavaScript (JS) Square
- jsFiddle
- Kaggle
- Keybase
- KeyCDN
- Kickstarter
- Kickstarter K
- Laravel
- last.fm
- last.fm Square
- Leanpub
- Less
- Line
- LinkedIn
- LinkedIn In
- Linode
- Linux
- lyft
- Magento
- Mailchimp
- Mandalorian
- Markdown
- Mastodon
- MaxCDN
- MedApps
- Medium
- Medium M
- Meetup
- Megaport
- Microsoft
- Mix
- Mixcloud
- Mizuni
- Monero
- Napster
- Neos
- Nimblr
- Nintendo Switch
- Node.js
- Node.js JS
- npm
- NS8
- Nutritionix
- Odnoklassniki
- Odnoklassniki Square
- Old Republic
- OpenCart
- OpenID
- Opera
- Optin Monster
- Open Source Initiative
- page4 Corporation
- Pagelines
- Palfed
- Patreon
- Paypal
- Periscope
- Phabricator
- Phoenix Framework
- Phoenix Squadron
- Pied Piper Logo
- Alternate Pied Piper Logo
- Pied Piper-hat
- Pied Piper PP Logo (Old)
- Pinterest
- Pinterest P
- Pinterest Square
- PlayStation
- Product Hunt
- Pushed
- Python
- QQ
- QuinScape
- Quora
- R Project
- Ravelry
- React
- ReadMe
- Rebel Alliance
- red river
- reddit Logo
- reddit Alien
- reddit Square
- Rendact
- Renren
- replyd
- Researchgate
- Resolving
- Rev.io
- Rocket.Chat
- Rockrms
- Safari
- Sass
- Scribd
- Searchengin
- Sellcast
- Sellsy
- Servicestack
- Shirts in Bulk
- Shopware
- SimplyBuilt
- Sith
- skyatlas
- Skype
- Slack Logo
- Slack Hashtag
- Slideshare
- Snapchat
- Snapchat Ghost
- Snapchat Square
- SoundCloud
- Speakap
- Spotify
- Squarespace
- Stack Exchange
- Stack Overflow
- StayLinked
- Steam
- Steam Square
- Steam Symbol
- Sticker Mule
- Strava
- Stripe
- Stripe S
- Studio Vinari
- StumbleUpon Logo
- StumbleUpon Circle
- Superpowers
- Supple
- TeamSpeak
- Telegram
- Telegram Plane
- Tencent Weibo
- The Red Yeti
- Themeco
- ThemeIsle
- Trade Federation
- Trello
- TripAdvisor
- Tumblr
- Tumblr Square
- Twitch
- Typo3
- Uber
- UIkit
- Uniregistry
- Untappd
- us-Sunnah Foundation
- Vaadin
- Viacoin
- Viadeo
- Viadeo Square
- Viber
- Vimeo
- Vimeo Square
- Vimeo
- Vine
- VK
- Vue.js
- Weebly
- Weibo
- Weixin (WeChat)
- What's App
- What's App Square
- Wikipedia W
- Windows
- Wix
- Wolf Pack-battalion
- WordPress Logo
- Wordpress Simple
- WPBeginner
- WPExplorer
- WPForms
- Xbox
- Xing
- Xing Square
- Y Combinator
- Yahoo Logo
- Yandex
- Yandex International
- Yelp
- Yoast
- YouTube
- YouTube Square
- Zhihu
diff --git a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/sprites/regular.svg b/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/sprites/regular.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fc01b9b6..000000000
--- a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/sprites/regular.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,615 +0,0 @@
- Address Book
- Address Card
- Angry Face
- Alternate Arrow Circle Down
- Alternate Arrow Circle Left
- Alternate Arrow Circle Right
- Alternate Arrow Circle Up
- bell
- Bell Slash
- bookmark
- Building
- Calendar
- Alternate Calendar
- Calendar Check
- Calendar Minus
- Calendar Plus
- Calendar Times
- Caret Square Down
- Caret Square Left
- Caret Square Right
- Caret Square Up
- Bar Chart
- Check Circle
- Check Square
- Circle
- Clipboard
- Clock
- Clone
- Closed Captioning
- Compass
- Copy
- Copyright
- Credit Card
- Dizzy Face
- Dot Circle
- Edit
- Envelope
- Envelope Open
- Eye
- Eye Slash
- File
- Alternate File
- Archive File
- Audio File
- Code File
- Excel File
- Image File
- PDF File
- Powerpoint File
- Video File
- Word File
- flag
- Flushed Face
- Folder
- Folder Open
- Font Awesome Full Logo
- Frowning Face
- Frowning Face With Open Mouth
- Futbol
- Gem
- Grimacing Face
- Grinning Face
- Alternate Grinning Face
- Grinning Face With Smiling Eyes
- Grinning Face With Sweat
- Smiling Face With Heart-Eyes
- Grinning Squinting Face
- Rolling on the Floor Laughing
- Star-Struck
- Face With Tears of Joy
- Face With Tongue
- Squinting Face With Tongue
- Winking Face With Tongue
- Grinning Winking Face
- Lizard (Hand)
- Paper (Hand)
- Peace (Hand)
- Hand Pointing Down
- Hand Pointing Left
- Hand Pointing Right
- Hand Pointing Up
- Pointer (Hand)
- Rock (Hand)
- Scissors (Hand)
- Spock (Hand)
- Handshake
- Heart
- hospital
- Hourglass
- Identification Badge
- Identification Card
- Image
- Images
- Keyboard
- Kissing Face
- Kissing Face With Smiling Eyes
- Face Blowing a Kiss
- Grinning Face With Big Eyes
- Laugh Face with Beaming Eyes
- Laughing Squinting Face
- Laughing Winking Face
- Lemon
- Life Ring
- Lightbulb
- Alternate List
- Map
- Neutral Face
- Face Without Mouth
- Face With Rolling Eyes
- Minus Square
- Alternate Money Bill
- Moon
- Newspaper
- Object Group
- Object Ungroup
- Paper Plane
- Pause Circle
- Play Circle
- Plus Square
- Question Circle
- Registered Trademark
- Crying Face
- Loudly Crying Face
- Save
- Share Square
- Smiling Face
- Beaming Face With Smiling Eyes
- Winking Face
- Snowflake
- Square
- Star
- star-half
- Sticky Note
- Stop Circle
- Sun
- Hushed Face
- thumbs-down
- thumbs-up
- Times Circle
- Tired Face
- Alternate Trash
- User
- User Circle
- Window Close
- Window Maximize
- Window Minimize
- Window Restore
diff --git a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/sprites/solid.svg b/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/sprites/solid.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 08bbfe13b..000000000
--- a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/sprites/solid.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3251 +0,0 @@
- Ad
- Address Book
- Address Card
- adjust
- Air Freshener
- align-center
- align-justify
- align-left
- align-right
- Allergies
- ambulance
- American Sign Language Interpreting
- Anchor
- Angle Double Down
- Angle Double Left
- Angle Double Right
- Angle Double Up
- angle-down
- angle-left
- angle-right
- angle-up
- Angry Face
- Ankh
- Fruit Apple
- Archive
- Archway
- Alternate Arrow Circle Down
- Alternate Arrow Circle Left
- Alternate Arrow Circle Right
- Alternate Arrow Circle Up
- Arrow Circle Down
- Arrow Circle Left
- Arrow Circle Right
- Arrow Circle Up
- arrow-down
- arrow-left
- arrow-right
- arrow-up
- Alternate Arrows
- Alternate Arrows Horizontal
- Alternate Arrows Vertical
- Assistive Listening Systems
- asterisk
- At
- Atlas
- Atom
- Audio Description
- Award
- Backspace
- backward
- Balance Scale
- ban
- Band-Aid
- barcode
- Bars
- Baseball Ball
- Basketball Ball
- Bath
- Battery Empty
- Battery Full
- Battery 1/2 Full
- Battery 1/4 Full
- Battery 3/4 Full
- Bed
- beer
- bell
- Bell Slash
- Bezier Curve
- Bible
- Bicycle
- Binoculars
- Birthday Cake
- Blender
- Blind
- bold
- Lightning Bolt
- Bomb
- Bone
- Bong
- book
- Book Open
- Book Reader
- bookmark
- Bowling Ball
- Box
- Box Open
- Boxes
- Braille
- Brain
- Briefcase
- Medical Briefcase
- Broadcast Tower
- Broom
- Brush
- Bug
- Building
- bullhorn
- Bullseye
- Burn
- Bus
- Bus Alt
- Business Time
- Calculator
- Calendar
- Alternate Calendar
- Calendar Check
- Calendar Minus
- Calendar Plus
- Calendar Times
- camera
- Retro Camera
- Cannabis
- Capsules
- Car
- Car Alt
- Car Battery
- Car Crash
- Car Side
- Caret Down
- Caret Left
- Caret Right
- Caret Square Down
- Caret Square Left
- Caret Square Right
- Caret Square Up
- Caret Up
- Shopping Cart Arrow Down
- Add to Shopping Cart
- certificate
- Chalkboard
- Chalkboard Teacher
- Charging Station
- Area Chart
- Bar Chart
- Line Chart
- Pie Chart
- Check
- Check Circle
- Check Double
- Check Square
- Chess
- Chess Bishop
- Chess Board
- Chess King
- Chess Knight
- Chess Pawn
- Chess Queen
- Chess Rook
- Chevron Circle Down
- Chevron Circle Left
- Chevron Circle Right
- Chevron Circle Up
- chevron-down
- chevron-left
- chevron-right
- chevron-up
- Child
- Church
- Circle
- Circle Notched
- City
- Clipboard
- Clipboard Check
- Clipboard List
- Clock
- Clone
- Closed Captioning
- Cloud
- Alternate Cloud Download
- Alternate Cloud Upload
- Cocktail
- Code
- Code Branch
- Coffee
- cog
- cogs
- Coins
- Columns
- Compact Disc
- Compass
- Compress
- Concierge Bell
- Cookie
- Cookie Bite
- Copy
- Copyright
- Couch
- Credit Card
- crop
- Alternate Crop
- Cross
- Crosshairs
- Crow
- Crown
- Cube
- Cubes
- Cut
- Database
- Deaf
- Desktop
- Dharmachakra
- Diagnoses
- Dice
- Dice Five
- Dice Four
- Dice One
- Dice Six
- Dice Three
- Dice Two
- Digital Tachograph
- Directions
- Divide
- Dizzy Face
- Dollar Sign
- Dolly
- Dolly Flatbed
- Donate
- Door Closed
- Door Open
- Dot Circle
- Dove
- Download
- Drafting Compass
- Draw Polygon
- Drum
- Drum Steelpan
- Dumbbell
- Edit
- eject
- Horizontal Ellipsis
- Vertical Ellipsis
- Envelope
- Envelope Open
- Envelope Open-text
- Envelope Square
- Equals
- eraser
- Euro Sign
- Alternate Exchange
- exclamation
- Exclamation Circle
- Exclamation Triangle
- Expand
- Alternate Expand Arrows
- Alternate External Link
- Alternate External Link Square
- Eye
- Eye Dropper
- Eye Slash
- fast-backward
- fast-forward
- Fax
- Feather
- Feather Alt
- Female
- fighter-jet
- File
- Alternate File
- Archive File
- Audio File
- Code File
- File Contract
- File Download
- Excel File
- File Export
- Image File
- File Import
- File Invoice
- File Invoice with US Dollar
- Medical File
- Alternate Medical File
- PDF File
- Powerpoint File
- File Prescription
- File Signature
- File Upload
- Video File
- Word File
- Fill
- Fill Drip
- Film
- Filter
- Fingerprint
- fire
- fire-extinguisher
- First Aid
- Fish
- flag
- flag-checkered
- Flask
- Flushed Face
- Folder
- Folder Minus
- Folder Open
- Folder Plus
- font
- Font Awesome Full Logo
- forward
- Frog
- Frowning Face
- Frowning Face With Open Mouth
- Funnel Dollar
- Futbol
- Gamepad
- Gas Pump
- Gavel
- Gem
- Genderless
- gift
- Martini Glass
- Glass Martini-alt
- Glasses
- Globe
- Globe with Africa shown
- Globe with Americas shown
- Globe with Asia shown
- Golf Ball
- Gopuram
- Graduation Cap
- Greater Than
- Greater Than Equal To
- Grimacing Face
- Grinning Face
- Alternate Grinning Face
- Grinning Face With Smiling Eyes
- Grinning Face With Sweat
- Smiling Face With Heart-Eyes
- Grinning Squinting Face
- Rolling on the Floor Laughing
- Star-Struck
- Face With Tears of Joy
- Face With Tongue
- Squinting Face With Tongue
- Winking Face With Tongue
- Grinning Winking Face
- Grip Horizontal
- Grip Vertical
- H Square
- Hamsa
- Hand Holding
- Hand Holding Heart
- Hand Holding US Dollar
- Lizard (Hand)
- Paper (Hand)
- Peace (Hand)
- Hand Pointing Down
- Hand Pointing Left
- Hand Pointing Right
- Hand Pointing Up
- Pointer (Hand)
- Rock (Hand)
- Scissors (Hand)
- Spock (Hand)
- Hands
- Helping Hands
- Handshake
- Hashtag
- Haykal
- heading
- headphones
- Headphones Alt
- Headset
- Heart
- Heartbeat
- Helicopter
- Highlighter
- History
- Hockey Puck
- home
- hospital
- Alternate Hospital
- Hospital Symbol
- Hot Tub
- Hotel
- Hourglass
- Hourglass End
- Hourglass Half
- Hourglass Start
- I Beam Cursor
- Identification Badge
- Identification Card
- Alternate Identification Card
- Image
- Images
- inbox
- Indent
- Industry
- Infinity
- Info
- Info Circle
- italic
- Jedi
- Joint
- Journal of the Whills
- Kaaba
- key
- Keyboard
- Khanda
- Kissing Face
- Kissing Face With Smiling Eyes
- Face Blowing a Kiss
- Kiwi Bird
- Landmark
- Language
- Laptop
- Laptop Code
- Grinning Face With Big Eyes
- Laugh Face with Beaming Eyes
- Laughing Squinting Face
- Laughing Winking Face
- Layer Group
- leaf
- Lemon
- Less Than
- Less Than Equal To
- Alternate Level Down
- Alternate Level Up
- Life Ring
- Lightbulb
- Link
- Turkish Lira Sign
- List
- Alternate List
- list-ol
- list-ul
- location-arrow
- lock
- Lock Open
- Alternate Long Arrow Down
- Alternate Long Arrow Left
- Alternate Long Arrow Right
- Alternate Long Arrow Up
- Low Vision
- Luggage Cart
- magic
- magnet
- Mail Bulk
- Male
- Map
- Map Marked
- Map Marked-alt
- map-marker
- Alternate Map Marker
- Map Pin
- Map Signs
- Marker
- Mars
- Mars Double
- Mars Stroke
- Mars Stroke Horizontal
- Mars Stroke Vertical
- Medal
- medkit
- Neutral Face
- Face Without Mouth
- Face With Rolling Eyes
- Memory
- Menorah
- Mercury
- Microchip
- microphone
- Alternate Microphone
- Alternate Microphone Slash
- Microphone Slash
- Microscope
- minus
- Minus Circle
- Minus Square
- Mobile Phone
- Alternate Mobile
- Money Bill
- Alternate Money Bill
- Wavy Money Bill
- Alternate Wavy Money Bill
- Money Check
- Alternate Money Check
- Monument
- Moon
- Mortar Pestle
- Mosque
- Motorcycle
- Mouse Pointer
- Music
- Neuter
- Newspaper
- Not Equal
- Medical Notes
- Object Group
- Object Ungroup
- Oil Can
- Om
- Outdent
- Paint Brush
- Paint Roller
- Palette
- Pallet
- Paper Plane
- Paperclip
- Parachute Box
- paragraph
- Parking
- Passport
- Pastafarianism
- Paste
- pause
- Pause Circle
- Paw
- Peace
- Pen
- Alternate Pen
- Pen Fancy
- Pen Nib
- Pen Square
- Alternate Pencil
- Pencil Ruler
- People Carry
- Percent
- Percentage
- Phone
- Phone Slash
- Phone Square
- Phone Volume
- Piggy Bank
- Pills
- Place Of Worship
- plane
- Plane Arrival
- Plane Departure
- play
- Play Circle
- Plug
- plus
- Plus Circle
- Plus Square
- Podcast
- Poll
- Poll H
- Poo
- Poop
- Portrait
- Pound Sign
- Power Off
- Pray
- Praying Hands
- Prescription
- Prescription Bottle
- Alternate Prescription Bottle
- print
- Procedures
- Project Diagram
- Puzzle Piece
- qrcode
- Question
- Question Circle
- Quidditch
- quote-left
- quote-right
- Quran
- random
- Receipt
- Recycle
- Redo
- Alternate Redo
- Registered Trademark
- Reply
- reply-all
- Ribbon
- road
- Robot
- rocket
- Route
- Ruble Sign
- Ruler
- Ruler Combined
- Ruler Horizontal
- Ruler Vertical
- Indian Rupee Sign
- Crying Face
- Loudly Crying Face
- Save
- School
- Screwdriver
- Search
- Search Dollar
- Search Location
- Search Minus
- Search Plus
- Seedling
- Server
- Shapes
- Share
- Alternate Share
- Alternate Share Square
- Share Square
- Shekel Sign
- Alternate Shield
- Ship
- Shipping Fast
- Shoe Prints
- Shopping Bag
- Shopping Basket
- shopping-cart
- Shower
- Shuttle Van
- Sign
- Alternate Sign In
- Sign Language
- Alternate Sign Out
- signal
- Signature
- Sitemap
- Skull
- Horizontal Sliders
- Smiling Face
- Beaming Face With Smiling Eyes
- Winking Face
- Smoking
- Smoking Ban
- Snowflake
- Socks
- Solar Panel
- Sort
- Sort Alpha Down
- Sort Alpha Up
- Sort Amount Down
- Sort Amount Up
- Sort Down (Descending)
- Sort Numeric Down
- Sort Numeric Up
- Sort Up (Ascending)
- Spa
- Space Shuttle
- Spinner
- Splotch
- Spray Can
- Square
- Square Full
- Square Root Alternate
- Stamp
- Star
- Star and Crescent
- star-half
- Alternate Star Half
- Star of David
- Star of Life
- step-backward
- step-forward
- Stethoscope
- Sticky Note
- stop
- Stop Circle
- Stopwatch
- Store
- Alternate Store
- Stream
- Street View
- Strikethrough
- Stroopwafel
- subscript
- Subway
- Suitcase
- Suitcase Rolling
- Sun
- superscript
- Hushed Face
- Swatchbook
- Swimmer
- Swimming Pool
- Synagogue
- Sync
- Alternate Sync
- Syringe
- table
- Table Tennis
- tablet
- Alternate Tablet
- Tablets
- Alternate Tachometer
- tag
- tags
- Tape
- Tasks
- Taxi
- Teeth
- Teeth Open
- Terminal
- text-height
- text-width
- th
- th-large
- th-list
- Theater Masks
- Thermometer
- Thermometer Empty
- Thermometer Full
- Thermometer 1/2 Full
- Thermometer 1/4 Full
- Thermometer 3/4 Full
- thumbs-down
- thumbs-up
- Thumbtack
- Alternate Ticket
- Times
- Times Circle
- tint
- Tint Slash
- Tired Face
- Toggle Off
- Toggle On
- Toolbox
- Tooth
- Torah
- Torii Gate
- Trademark
- Traffic Light
- Train
- Transgender
- Alternate Transgender
- Trash
- Alternate Trash
- Tree
- trophy
- truck
- Truck Loading
- Truck Monster
- Truck Moving
- Truck Side
- T-Shirt
- Television
- Umbrella
- Umbrella Beach
- Underline
- Undo
- Alternate Undo
- Universal Access
- University
- unlink
- unlock
- Alternate Unlock
- Upload
- User
- Alternate User
- Alternate User Slash
- User Astronaut
- User Check
- User Circle
- User Clock
- User Cog
- User Edit
- User Friends
- User Graduate
- User Lock
- user-md
- User Minus
- User Ninja
- User Plus
- User Secret
- User Shield
- User Slash
- User Tag
- User Tie
- Remove User
- Users
- Users Cog
- Utensil Spoon
- Utensils
- Vector Square
- Venus
- Venus Double
- Venus Mars
- Vial
- Vials
- Video
- Video Slash
- Vihara
- Volleyball Ball
- Volume Down
- Volume Off
- Volume Up
- Walking
- Wallet
- Warehouse
- Weight
- Hanging Weight
- Wheelchair
- WiFi
- Window Close
- Window Maximize
- Window Minimize
- Window Restore
- Wine Glass
- Wine Glass-alt
- Won Sign
- Wrench
- X-Ray
- Yen Sign
- Yin Yang
diff --git a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/svgs/brands/500px.svg b/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/svgs/brands/500px.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 52d114115..000000000
--- a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/svgs/brands/500px.svg
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\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index eea0fe166..000000000
--- a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/svgs/brands/accessible-icon.svg
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@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3a32ec9a6..000000000
--- a/docs/_site/vendor/fontawesome-free/svgs/brands/accusoft.svg
+++ /dev/null
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- * Easing Compatibility v1 - http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing
- *
- * Adds compatibility for applications that use the pre 1.2 easing names
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2007 George Smith
- * Licensed under the MIT License:
- * http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
- */
-$.extend( $.easing,
- easeIn: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return $.easing.easeInQuad(x, t, b, c, d);
- },
- easeOut: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return $.easing.easeOutQuad(x, t, b, c, d);
- },
- easeInOut: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
- return $.easing.easeInOutQuad(x, t, b, c, d);
- },
- expoin: function(x, t, b, c, d) {
- return $.easing.easeInExpo(x, t, b, c, d);
- },
- expoout: function(x, t, b, c, d) {
- return $.easing.easeOutExpo(x, t, b, c, d);
- },
- expoinout: function(x, t, b, c, d) {
- return $.easing.easeInOutExpo(x, t, b, c, d);
- },
- bouncein: function(x, t, b, c, d) {
- return $.easing.easeInBounce(x, t, b, c, d);
- },
- bounceout: function(x, t, b, c, d) {
- return $.easing.easeOutBounce(x, t, b, c, d);
- },
- bounceinout: function(x, t, b, c, d) {
- return $.easing.easeInOutBounce(x, t, b, c, d);
- },
- elasin: function(x, t, b, c, d) {
- return $.easing.easeInElastic(x, t, b, c, d);
- },
- elasout: function(x, t, b, c, d) {
- return $.easing.easeOutElastic(x, t, b, c, d);
- },
- elasinout: function(x, t, b, c, d) {
- return $.easing.easeInOutElastic(x, t, b, c, d);
- },
- backin: function(x, t, b, c, d) {
- return $.easing.easeInBack(x, t, b, c, d);
- },
- backout: function(x, t, b, c, d) {
- return $.easing.easeOutBack(x, t, b, c, d);
- },
- backinout: function(x, t, b, c, d) {
- return $.easing.easeInOutBack(x, t, b, c, d);
- }
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--- a/docs/_site/vendor/jquery-easing/jquery.easing.js
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@@ -1,166 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery Easing v1.4.1 - http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/
- * Open source under the BSD License.
- * Copyright © 2008 George McGinley Smith
- * All rights reserved.
- * https://raw.github.com/gdsmith/jquery-easing/master/LICENSE
-(function (factory) {
- if (typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
- define(['jquery'], function ($) {
- return factory($);
- });
- } else if (typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object") {
- exports = factory(require('jquery'));
- } else {
- factory(jQuery);
- }
-// Preserve the original jQuery "swing" easing as "jswing"
-$.easing.jswing = $.easing.swing;
-var pow = Math.pow,
- sqrt = Math.sqrt,
- sin = Math.sin,
- cos = Math.cos,
- PI = Math.PI,
- c1 = 1.70158,
- c2 = c1 * 1.525,
- c3 = c1 + 1,
- c4 = ( 2 * PI ) / 3,
- c5 = ( 2 * PI ) / 4.5;
-// x is the fraction of animation progress, in the range 0..1
-function bounceOut(x) {
- var n1 = 7.5625,
- d1 = 2.75;
- if ( x < 1/d1 ) {
- return n1*x*x;
- } else if ( x < 2/d1 ) {
- return n1*(x-=(1.5/d1))*x + 0.75;
- } else if ( x < 2.5/d1 ) {
- return n1*(x-=(2.25/d1))*x + 0.9375;
- } else {
- return n1*(x-=(2.625/d1))*x + 0.984375;
- }
-$.extend( $.easing,
- def: 'easeOutQuad',
- swing: function (x) {
- return $.easing[$.easing.def](x);
- },
- easeInQuad: function (x) {
- return x * x;
- },
- easeOutQuad: function (x) {
- return 1 - ( 1 - x ) * ( 1 - x );
- },
- easeInOutQuad: function (x) {
- return x < 0.5 ?
- 2 * x * x :
- 1 - pow( -2 * x + 2, 2 ) / 2;
- },
- easeInCubic: function (x) {
- return x * x * x;
- },
- easeOutCubic: function (x) {
- return 1 - pow( 1 - x, 3 );
- },
- easeInOutCubic: function (x) {
- return x < 0.5 ?
- 4 * x * x * x :
- 1 - pow( -2 * x + 2, 3 ) / 2;
- },
- easeInQuart: function (x) {
- return x * x * x * x;
- },
- easeOutQuart: function (x) {
- return 1 - pow( 1 - x, 4 );
- },
- easeInOutQuart: function (x) {
- return x < 0.5 ?
- 8 * x * x * x * x :
- 1 - pow( -2 * x + 2, 4 ) / 2;
- },
- easeInQuint: function (x) {
- return x * x * x * x * x;
- },
- easeOutQuint: function (x) {
- return 1 - pow( 1 - x, 5 );
- },
- easeInOutQuint: function (x) {
- return x < 0.5 ?
- 16 * x * x * x * x * x :
- 1 - pow( -2 * x + 2, 5 ) / 2;
- },
- easeInSine: function (x) {
- return 1 - cos( x * PI/2 );
- },
- easeOutSine: function (x) {
- return sin( x * PI/2 );
- },
- easeInOutSine: function (x) {
- return -( cos( PI * x ) - 1 ) / 2;
- },
- easeInExpo: function (x) {
- return x === 0 ? 0 : pow( 2, 10 * x - 10 );
- },
- easeOutExpo: function (x) {
- return x === 1 ? 1 : 1 - pow( 2, -10 * x );
- },
- easeInOutExpo: function (x) {
- return x === 0 ? 0 : x === 1 ? 1 : x < 0.5 ?
- pow( 2, 20 * x - 10 ) / 2 :
- ( 2 - pow( 2, -20 * x + 10 ) ) / 2;
- },
- easeInCirc: function (x) {
- return 1 - sqrt( 1 - pow( x, 2 ) );
- },
- easeOutCirc: function (x) {
- return sqrt( 1 - pow( x - 1, 2 ) );
- },
- easeInOutCirc: function (x) {
- return x < 0.5 ?
- ( 1 - sqrt( 1 - pow( 2 * x, 2 ) ) ) / 2 :
- ( sqrt( 1 - pow( -2 * x + 2, 2 ) ) + 1 ) / 2;
- },
- easeInElastic: function (x) {
- return x === 0 ? 0 : x === 1 ? 1 :
- -pow( 2, 10 * x - 10 ) * sin( ( x * 10 - 10.75 ) * c4 );
- },
- easeOutElastic: function (x) {
- return x === 0 ? 0 : x === 1 ? 1 :
- pow( 2, -10 * x ) * sin( ( x * 10 - 0.75 ) * c4 ) + 1;
- },
- easeInOutElastic: function (x) {
- return x === 0 ? 0 : x === 1 ? 1 : x < 0.5 ?
- -( pow( 2, 20 * x - 10 ) * sin( ( 20 * x - 11.125 ) * c5 )) / 2 :
- pow( 2, -20 * x + 10 ) * sin( ( 20 * x - 11.125 ) * c5 ) / 2 + 1;
- },
- easeInBack: function (x) {
- return c3 * x * x * x - c1 * x * x;
- },
- easeOutBack: function (x) {
- return 1 + c3 * pow( x - 1, 3 ) + c1 * pow( x - 1, 2 );
- },
- easeInOutBack: function (x) {
- return x < 0.5 ?
- ( pow( 2 * x, 2 ) * ( ( c2 + 1 ) * 2 * x - c2 ) ) / 2 :
- ( pow( 2 * x - 2, 2 ) *( ( c2 + 1 ) * ( x * 2 - 2 ) + c2 ) + 2 ) / 2;
- },
- easeInBounce: function (x) {
- return 1 - bounceOut( 1 - x );
- },
- easeOutBounce: bounceOut,
- easeInOutBounce: function (x) {
- return x < 0.5 ?
- ( 1 - bounceOut( 1 - 2 * x ) ) / 2 :
- ( 1 + bounceOut( 2 * x - 1 ) ) / 2;
- }
diff --git a/docs/_site/vendor/jquery-easing/jquery.easing.min.js b/docs/_site/vendor/jquery-easing/jquery.easing.min.js
deleted file mode 100755
index c5157b7b7..000000000
--- a/docs/_site/vendor/jquery-easing/jquery.easing.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-(function(factory){if(typeof define==="function"&&define.amd){define(["jquery"],function($){return factory($)})}else if(typeof module==="object"&&typeof module.exports==="object"){exports=factory(require("jquery"))}else{factory(jQuery)}})(function($){$.easing.jswing=$.easing.swing;var pow=Math.pow,sqrt=Math.sqrt,sin=Math.sin,cos=Math.cos,PI=Math.PI,c1=1.70158,c2=c1*1.525,c3=c1+1,c4=2*PI/3,c5=2*PI/4.5;function bounceOut(x){var n1=7.5625,d1=2.75;if(x<1/d1){return n1*x*x}else if(x<2/d1){return n1*(x-=1.5/d1)*x+.75}else if(x<2.5/d1){return n1*(x-=2.25/d1)*x+.9375}else{return n1*(x-=2.625/d1)*x+.984375}}$.extend($.easing,{def:"easeOutQuad",swing:function(x){return $.easing[$.easing.def](x)},easeInQuad:function(x){return x*x},easeOutQuad:function(x){return 1-(1-x)*(1-x)},easeInOutQuad:function(x){return x<.5?2*x*x:1-pow(-2*x+2,2)/2},easeInCubic:function(x){return x*x*x},easeOutCubic:function(x){return 1-pow(1-x,3)},easeInOutCubic:function(x){return x<.5?4*x*x*x:1-pow(-2*x+2,3)/2},easeInQuart:function(x){return x*x*x*x},easeOutQuart:function(x){return 1-pow(1-x,4)},easeInOutQuart:function(x){return x<.5?8*x*x*x*x:1-pow(-2*x+2,4)/2},easeInQuint:function(x){return x*x*x*x*x},easeOutQuint:function(x){return 1-pow(1-x,5)},easeInOutQuint:function(x){return x<.5?16*x*x*x*x*x:1-pow(-2*x+2,5)/2},easeInSine:function(x){return 1-cos(x*PI/2)},easeOutSine:function(x){return sin(x*PI/2)},easeInOutSine:function(x){return-(cos(PI*x)-1)/2},easeInExpo:function(x){return x===0?0:pow(2,10*x-10)},easeOutExpo:function(x){return x===1?1:1-pow(2,-10*x)},easeInOutExpo:function(x){return x===0?0:x===1?1:x<.5?pow(2,20*x-10)/2:(2-pow(2,-20*x+10))/2},easeInCirc:function(x){return 1-sqrt(1-pow(x,2))},easeOutCirc:function(x){return sqrt(1-pow(x-1,2))},easeInOutCirc:function(x){return x<.5?(1-sqrt(1-pow(2*x,2)))/2:(sqrt(1-pow(-2*x+2,2))+1)/2},easeInElastic:function(x){return x===0?0:x===1?1:-pow(2,10*x-10)*sin((x*10-10.75)*c4)},easeOutElastic:function(x){return x===0?0:x===1?1:pow(2,-10*x)*sin((x*10-.75)*c4)+1},easeInOutElastic:function(x){return x===0?0:x===1?1:x<.5?-(pow(2,20*x-10)*sin((20*x-11.125)*c5))/2:pow(2,-20*x+10)*sin((20*x-11.125)*c5)/2+1},easeInBack:function(x){return c3*x*x*x-c1*x*x},easeOutBack:function(x){return 1+c3*pow(x-1,3)+c1*pow(x-1,2)},easeInOutBack:function(x){return x<.5?pow(2*x,2)*((c2+1)*2*x-c2)/2:(pow(2*x-2,2)*((c2+1)*(x*2-2)+c2)+2)/2},easeInBounce:function(x){return 1-bounceOut(1-x)},easeOutBounce:bounceOut,easeInOutBounce:function(x){return x<.5?(1-bounceOut(1-2*x))/2:(1+bounceOut(2*x-1))/2}})});
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/_site/vendor/jquery/jquery.js b/docs/_site/vendor/jquery/jquery.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 9b5206bcc..000000000
--- a/docs/_site/vendor/jquery/jquery.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10364 +0,0 @@
- * jQuery JavaScript Library v3.3.1
- * https://jquery.com/
- *
- * Includes Sizzle.js
- * https://sizzlejs.com/
- *
- * Copyright JS Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license
- * https://jquery.org/license
- *
- * Date: 2018-01-20T17:24Z
- */
-( function( global, factory ) {
- "use strict";
- if ( typeof module === "object" && typeof module.exports === "object" ) {
- // For CommonJS and CommonJS-like environments where a proper `window`
- // is present, execute the factory and get jQuery.
- // For environments that do not have a `window` with a `document`
- // (such as Node.js), expose a factory as module.exports.
- // This accentuates the need for the creation of a real `window`.
- // e.g. var jQuery = require("jquery")(window);
- // See ticket #14549 for more info.
- module.exports = global.document ?
- factory( global, true ) :
- function( w ) {
- if ( !w.document ) {
- throw new Error( "jQuery requires a window with a document" );
- }
- return factory( w );
- };
- } else {
- factory( global );
- }
-// Pass this if window is not defined yet
-} )( typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : this, function( window, noGlobal ) {
-// Edge <= 12 - 13+, Firefox <=18 - 45+, IE 10 - 11, Safari 5.1 - 9+, iOS 6 - 9.1
-// throw exceptions when non-strict code (e.g., ASP.NET 4.5) accesses strict mode
-// arguments.callee.caller (trac-13335). But as of jQuery 3.0 (2016), strict mode should be common
-// enough that all such attempts are guarded in a try block.
-"use strict";
-var arr = [];
-var document = window.document;
-var getProto = Object.getPrototypeOf;
-var slice = arr.slice;
-var concat = arr.concat;
-var push = arr.push;
-var indexOf = arr.indexOf;
-var class2type = {};
-var toString = class2type.toString;
-var hasOwn = class2type.hasOwnProperty;
-var fnToString = hasOwn.toString;
-var ObjectFunctionString = fnToString.call( Object );
-var support = {};
-var isFunction = function isFunction( obj ) {
- // Support: Chrome <=57, Firefox <=52
- // In some browsers, typeof returns "function" for HTML elements
- // (i.e., `typeof document.createElement( "object" ) === "function"`).
- // We don't want to classify *any* DOM node as a function.
- return typeof obj === "function" && typeof obj.nodeType !== "number";
- };
-var isWindow = function isWindow( obj ) {
- return obj != null && obj === obj.window;
- };
- var preservedScriptAttributes = {
- type: true,
- src: true,
- noModule: true
- };
- function DOMEval( code, doc, node ) {
- doc = doc || document;
- var i,
- script = doc.createElement( "script" );
- script.text = code;
- if ( node ) {
- for ( i in preservedScriptAttributes ) {
- if ( node[ i ] ) {
- script[ i ] = node[ i ];
- }
- }
- }
- doc.head.appendChild( script ).parentNode.removeChild( script );
- }
-function toType( obj ) {
- if ( obj == null ) {
- return obj + "";
- }
- // Support: Android <=2.3 only (functionish RegExp)
- return typeof obj === "object" || typeof obj === "function" ?
- class2type[ toString.call( obj ) ] || "object" :
- typeof obj;
-/* global Symbol */
-// Defining this global in .eslintrc.json would create a danger of using the global
-// unguarded in another place, it seems safer to define global only for this module
- version = "3.3.1",
- // Define a local copy of jQuery
- jQuery = function( selector, context ) {
- // The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'
- // Need init if jQuery is called (just allow error to be thrown if not included)
- return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );
- },
- // Support: Android <=4.0 only
- // Make sure we trim BOM and NBSP
- rtrim = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g;
-jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
- // The current version of jQuery being used
- jquery: version,
- constructor: jQuery,
- // The default length of a jQuery object is 0
- length: 0,
- toArray: function() {
- return slice.call( this );
- },
- // Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR
- // Get the whole matched element set as a clean array
- get: function( num ) {
- // Return all the elements in a clean array
- if ( num == null ) {
- return slice.call( this );
- }
- // Return just the one element from the set
- return num < 0 ? this[ num + this.length ] : this[ num ];
- },
- // Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack
- // (returning the new matched element set)
- pushStack: function( elems ) {
- // Build a new jQuery matched element set
- var ret = jQuery.merge( this.constructor(), elems );
- // Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference)
- ret.prevObject = this;
- // Return the newly-formed element set
- return ret;
- },
- // Execute a callback for every element in the matched set.
- each: function( callback ) {
- return jQuery.each( this, callback );
- },
- map: function( callback ) {
- return this.pushStack( jQuery.map( this, function( elem, i ) {
- return callback.call( elem, i, elem );
- } ) );
- },
- slice: function() {
- return this.pushStack( slice.apply( this, arguments ) );
- },
- first: function() {
- return this.eq( 0 );
- },
- last: function() {
- return this.eq( -1 );
- },
- eq: function( i ) {
- var len = this.length,
- j = +i + ( i < 0 ? len : 0 );
- return this.pushStack( j >= 0 && j < len ? [ this[ j ] ] : [] );
- },
- end: function() {
- return this.prevObject || this.constructor();
- },
- // For internal use only.
- // Behaves like an Array's method, not like a jQuery method.
- push: push,
- sort: arr.sort,
- splice: arr.splice
-jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
- var options, name, src, copy, copyIsArray, clone,
- target = arguments[ 0 ] || {},
- i = 1,
- length = arguments.length,
- deep = false;
- // Handle a deep copy situation
- if ( typeof target === "boolean" ) {
- deep = target;
- // Skip the boolean and the target
- target = arguments[ i ] || {};
- i++;
- }
- // Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
- if ( typeof target !== "object" && !isFunction( target ) ) {
- target = {};
- }
- // Extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed
- if ( i === length ) {
- target = this;
- i--;
- }
- for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
- // Only deal with non-null/undefined values
- if ( ( options = arguments[ i ] ) != null ) {
- // Extend the base object
- for ( name in options ) {
- src = target[ name ];
- copy = options[ name ];
- // Prevent never-ending loop
- if ( target === copy ) {
- continue;
- }
- // Recurse if we're merging plain objects or arrays
- if ( deep && copy && ( jQuery.isPlainObject( copy ) ||
- ( copyIsArray = Array.isArray( copy ) ) ) ) {
- if ( copyIsArray ) {
- copyIsArray = false;
- clone = src && Array.isArray( src ) ? src : [];
- } else {
- clone = src && jQuery.isPlainObject( src ) ? src : {};
- }
- // Never move original objects, clone them
- target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, clone, copy );
- // Don't bring in undefined values
- } else if ( copy !== undefined ) {
- target[ name ] = copy;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Return the modified object
- return target;
-jQuery.extend( {
- // Unique for each copy of jQuery on the page
- expando: "jQuery" + ( version + Math.random() ).replace( /\D/g, "" ),
- // Assume jQuery is ready without the ready module
- isReady: true,
- error: function( msg ) {
- throw new Error( msg );
- },
- noop: function() {},
- isPlainObject: function( obj ) {
- var proto, Ctor;
- // Detect obvious negatives
- // Use toString instead of jQuery.type to catch host objects
- if ( !obj || toString.call( obj ) !== "[object Object]" ) {
- return false;
- }
- proto = getProto( obj );
- // Objects with no prototype (e.g., `Object.create( null )`) are plain
- if ( !proto ) {
- return true;
- }
- // Objects with prototype are plain iff they were constructed by a global Object function
- Ctor = hasOwn.call( proto, "constructor" ) && proto.constructor;
- return typeof Ctor === "function" && fnToString.call( Ctor ) === ObjectFunctionString;
- },
- isEmptyObject: function( obj ) {
- /* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
- // See https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/6125
- var name;
- for ( name in obj ) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- },
- // Evaluates a script in a global context
- globalEval: function( code ) {
- DOMEval( code );
- },
- each: function( obj, callback ) {
- var length, i = 0;
- if ( isArrayLike( obj ) ) {
- length = obj.length;
- for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
- if ( callback.call( obj[ i ], i, obj[ i ] ) === false ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- for ( i in obj ) {
- if ( callback.call( obj[ i ], i, obj[ i ] ) === false ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return obj;
- },
- // Support: Android <=4.0 only
- trim: function( text ) {
- return text == null ?
- "" :
- ( text + "" ).replace( rtrim, "" );
- },
- // results is for internal usage only
- makeArray: function( arr, results ) {
- var ret = results || [];
- if ( arr != null ) {
- if ( isArrayLike( Object( arr ) ) ) {
- jQuery.merge( ret,
- typeof arr === "string" ?
- [ arr ] : arr
- );
- } else {
- push.call( ret, arr );
- }
- }
- return ret;
- },
- inArray: function( elem, arr, i ) {
- return arr == null ? -1 : indexOf.call( arr, elem, i );
- },
- // Support: Android <=4.0 only, PhantomJS 1 only
- // push.apply(_, arraylike) throws on ancient WebKit
- merge: function( first, second ) {
- var len = +second.length,
- j = 0,
- i = first.length;
- for ( ; j < len; j++ ) {
- first[ i++ ] = second[ j ];
- }
- first.length = i;
- return first;
- },
- grep: function( elems, callback, invert ) {
- var callbackInverse,
- matches = [],
- i = 0,
- length = elems.length,
- callbackExpect = !invert;
- // Go through the array, only saving the items
- // that pass the validator function
- for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
- callbackInverse = !callback( elems[ i ], i );
- if ( callbackInverse !== callbackExpect ) {
- matches.push( elems[ i ] );
- }
- }
- return matches;
- },
- // arg is for internal usage only
- map: function( elems, callback, arg ) {
- var length, value,
- i = 0,
- ret = [];
- // Go through the array, translating each of the items to their new values
- if ( isArrayLike( elems ) ) {
- length = elems.length;
- for ( ; i < length; i++ ) {
- value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg );
- if ( value != null ) {
- ret.push( value );
- }
- }
- // Go through every key on the object,
- } else {
- for ( i in elems ) {
- value = callback( elems[ i ], i, arg );
- if ( value != null ) {
- ret.push( value );
- }
- }
- }
- // Flatten any nested arrays
- return concat.apply( [], ret );
- },
- // A global GUID counter for objects
- guid: 1,
- // jQuery.support is not used in Core but other projects attach their
- // properties to it so it needs to exist.
- support: support
-} );
-if ( typeof Symbol === "function" ) {
- jQuery.fn[ Symbol.iterator ] = arr[ Symbol.iterator ];
-// Populate the class2type map
-jQuery.each( "Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error Symbol".split( " " ),
-function( i, name ) {
- class2type[ "[object " + name + "]" ] = name.toLowerCase();
-} );
-function isArrayLike( obj ) {
- // Support: real iOS 8.2 only (not reproducible in simulator)
- // `in` check used to prevent JIT error (gh-2145)
- // hasOwn isn't used here due to false negatives
- // regarding Nodelist length in IE
- var length = !!obj && "length" in obj && obj.length,
- type = toType( obj );
- if ( isFunction( obj ) || isWindow( obj ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- return type === "array" || length === 0 ||
- typeof length === "number" && length > 0 && ( length - 1 ) in obj;
-var Sizzle =
- * Sizzle CSS Selector Engine v2.3.3
- * https://sizzlejs.com/
- *
- * Copyright jQuery Foundation and other contributors
- * Released under the MIT license
- * http://jquery.org/license
- *
- * Date: 2016-08-08
- */
-(function( window ) {
-var i,
- support,
- Expr,
- getText,
- isXML,
- tokenize,
- compile,
- select,
- outermostContext,
- sortInput,
- hasDuplicate,
- // Local document vars
- setDocument,
- document,
- docElem,
- documentIsHTML,
- rbuggyQSA,
- rbuggyMatches,
- matches,
- contains,
- // Instance-specific data
- expando = "sizzle" + 1 * new Date(),
- preferredDoc = window.document,
- dirruns = 0,
- done = 0,
- classCache = createCache(),
- tokenCache = createCache(),
- compilerCache = createCache(),
- sortOrder = function( a, b ) {
- if ( a === b ) {
- hasDuplicate = true;
- }
- return 0;
- },
- // Instance methods
- hasOwn = ({}).hasOwnProperty,
- arr = [],
- pop = arr.pop,
- push_native = arr.push,
- push = arr.push,
- slice = arr.slice,
- // Use a stripped-down indexOf as it's faster than native
- // https://jsperf.com/thor-indexof-vs-for/5
- indexOf = function( list, elem ) {
- var i = 0,
- len = list.length;
- for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
- if ( list[i] === elem ) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- },
- booleans = "checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped",
- // Regular expressions
- // http://www.w3.org/TR/css3-selectors/#whitespace
- whitespace = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]",
- // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#value-def-identifier
- identifier = "(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\0-\\xa0])+",
- // Attribute selectors: http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#attribute-selectors
- attributes = "\\[" + whitespace + "*(" + identifier + ")(?:" + whitespace +
- // Operator (capture 2)
- "*([*^$|!~]?=)" + whitespace +
- // "Attribute values must be CSS identifiers [capture 5] or strings [capture 3 or capture 4]"
- "*(?:'((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\"|(" + identifier + "))|)" + whitespace +
- "*\\]",
- pseudos = ":(" + identifier + ")(?:\\((" +
- // To reduce the number of selectors needing tokenize in the preFilter, prefer arguments:
- // 1. quoted (capture 3; capture 4 or capture 5)
- "('((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\")|" +
- // 2. simple (capture 6)
- "((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|" + attributes + ")*)|" +
- // 3. anything else (capture 2)
- ".*" +
- ")\\)|)",
- // Leading and non-escaped trailing whitespace, capturing some non-whitespace characters preceding the latter
- rwhitespace = new RegExp( whitespace + "+", "g" ),
- rtrim = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + whitespace + "+$", "g" ),
- rcomma = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*," + whitespace + "*" ),
- rcombinators = new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*([>+~]|" + whitespace + ")" + whitespace + "*" ),
- rattributeQuotes = new RegExp( "=" + whitespace + "*([^\\]'\"]*?)" + whitespace + "*\\]", "g" ),
- rpseudo = new RegExp( pseudos ),
- ridentifier = new RegExp( "^" + identifier + "$" ),
- matchExpr = {
- "ID": new RegExp( "^#(" + identifier + ")" ),
- "CLASS": new RegExp( "^\\.(" + identifier + ")" ),
- "TAG": new RegExp( "^(" + identifier + "|[*])" ),
- "ATTR": new RegExp( "^" + attributes ),
- "PSEUDO": new RegExp( "^" + pseudos ),
- "CHILD": new RegExp( "^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" + whitespace +
- "*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" + whitespace + "*(?:([+-]|)" + whitespace +
- "*(\\d+)|))" + whitespace + "*\\)|)", "i" ),
- "bool": new RegExp( "^(?:" + booleans + ")$", "i" ),
- // For use in libraries implementing .is()
- // We use this for POS matching in `select`
- "needsContext": new RegExp( "^" + whitespace + "*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" +
- whitespace + "*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" + whitespace + "*\\)|)(?=[^-]|$)", "i" )
- },
- rinputs = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i,
- rheader = /^h\d$/i,
- rnative = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/,
- // Easily-parseable/retrievable ID or TAG or CLASS selectors
- rquickExpr = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/,
- rsibling = /[+~]/,
- // CSS escapes
- // http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/syndata.html#escaped-characters
- runescape = new RegExp( "\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}" + whitespace + "?|(" + whitespace + ")|.)", "ig" ),
- funescape = function( _, escaped, escapedWhitespace ) {
- var high = "0x" + escaped - 0x10000;
- // NaN means non-codepoint
- // Support: Firefox<24
- // Workaround erroneous numeric interpretation of +"0x"
- return high !== high || escapedWhitespace ?
- escaped :
- high < 0 ?
- // BMP codepoint
- String.fromCharCode( high + 0x10000 ) :
- // Supplemental Plane codepoint (surrogate pair)
- String.fromCharCode( high >> 10 | 0xD800, high & 0x3FF | 0xDC00 );
- },
- // CSS string/identifier serialization
- // https://drafts.csswg.org/cssom/#common-serializing-idioms
- rcssescape = /([\0-\x1f\x7f]|^-?\d)|^-$|[^\0-\x1f\x7f-\uFFFF\w-]/g,
- fcssescape = function( ch, asCodePoint ) {
- if ( asCodePoint ) {
- if ( ch === "\0" ) {
- return "\uFFFD";
- }
- // Control characters and (dependent upon position) numbers get escaped as code points
- return ch.slice( 0, -1 ) + "\\" + ch.charCodeAt( ch.length - 1 ).toString( 16 ) + " ";
- }
- // Other potentially-special ASCII characters get backslash-escaped
- return "\\" + ch;
- },
- // Used for iframes
- // See setDocument()
- // Removing the function wrapper causes a "Permission Denied"
- // error in IE
- unloadHandler = function() {
- setDocument();
- },
- disabledAncestor = addCombinator(
- function( elem ) {
- return elem.disabled === true && ("form" in elem || "label" in elem);
- },
- { dir: "parentNode", next: "legend" }
- );
-// Optimize for push.apply( _, NodeList )
-try {
- push.apply(
- (arr = slice.call( preferredDoc.childNodes )),
- preferredDoc.childNodes
- );
- // Support: Android<4.0
- // Detect silently failing push.apply
- arr[ preferredDoc.childNodes.length ].nodeType;
-} catch ( e ) {
- push = { apply: arr.length ?
- // Leverage slice if possible
- function( target, els ) {
- push_native.apply( target, slice.call(els) );
- } :
- // Support: IE<9
- // Otherwise append directly
- function( target, els ) {
- var j = target.length,
- i = 0;
- // Can't trust NodeList.length
- while ( (target[j++] = els[i++]) ) {}
- target.length = j - 1;
- }
- };
-function Sizzle( selector, context, results, seed ) {
- var m, i, elem, nid, match, groups, newSelector,
- newContext = context && context.ownerDocument,
- // nodeType defaults to 9, since context defaults to document
- nodeType = context ? context.nodeType : 9;
- results = results || [];
- // Return early from calls with invalid selector or context
- if ( typeof selector !== "string" || !selector ||
- nodeType !== 1 && nodeType !== 9 && nodeType !== 11 ) {
- return results;
- }
- // Try to shortcut find operations (as opposed to filters) in HTML documents
- if ( !seed ) {
- if ( ( context ? context.ownerDocument || context : preferredDoc ) !== document ) {
- setDocument( context );
- }
- context = context || document;
- if ( documentIsHTML ) {
- // If the selector is sufficiently simple, try using a "get*By*" DOM method
- // (excepting DocumentFragment context, where the methods don't exist)
- if ( nodeType !== 11 && (match = rquickExpr.exec( selector )) ) {
- // ID selector
- if ( (m = match[1]) ) {
- // Document context
- if ( nodeType === 9 ) {
- if ( (elem = context.getElementById( m )) ) {
- // Support: IE, Opera, Webkit
- // TODO: identify versions
- // getElementById can match elements by name instead of ID
- if ( elem.id === m ) {
- results.push( elem );
- return results;
- }
- } else {
- return results;
- }
- // Element context
- } else {
- // Support: IE, Opera, Webkit
- // TODO: identify versions
- // getElementById can match elements by name instead of ID
- if ( newContext && (elem = newContext.getElementById( m )) &&
- contains( context, elem ) &&
- elem.id === m ) {
- results.push( elem );
- return results;
- }
- }
- // Type selector
- } else if ( match[2] ) {
- push.apply( results, context.getElementsByTagName( selector ) );
- return results;
- // Class selector
- } else if ( (m = match[3]) && support.getElementsByClassName &&
- context.getElementsByClassName ) {
- push.apply( results, context.getElementsByClassName( m ) );
- return results;
- }
- }
- // Take advantage of querySelectorAll
- if ( support.qsa &&
- !compilerCache[ selector + " " ] &&
- (!rbuggyQSA || !rbuggyQSA.test( selector )) ) {
- if ( nodeType !== 1 ) {
- newContext = context;
- newSelector = selector;
- // qSA looks outside Element context, which is not what we want
- // Thanks to Andrew Dupont for this workaround technique
- // Support: IE <=8
- // Exclude object elements
- } else if ( context.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "object" ) {
- // Capture the context ID, setting it first if necessary
- if ( (nid = context.getAttribute( "id" )) ) {
- nid = nid.replace( rcssescape, fcssescape );
- } else {
- context.setAttribute( "id", (nid = expando) );
- }
- // Prefix every selector in the list
- groups = tokenize( selector );
- i = groups.length;
- while ( i-- ) {
- groups[i] = "#" + nid + " " + toSelector( groups[i] );
- }
- newSelector = groups.join( "," );
- // Expand context for sibling selectors
- newContext = rsibling.test( selector ) && testContext( context.parentNode ) ||
- context;
- }
- if ( newSelector ) {
- try {
- push.apply( results,
- newContext.querySelectorAll( newSelector )
- );
- return results;
- } catch ( qsaError ) {
- } finally {
- if ( nid === expando ) {
- context.removeAttribute( "id" );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // All others
- return select( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ), context, results, seed );
- * Create key-value caches of limited size
- * @returns {function(string, object)} Returns the Object data after storing it on itself with
- * property name the (space-suffixed) string and (if the cache is larger than Expr.cacheLength)
- * deleting the oldest entry
- */
-function createCache() {
- var keys = [];
- function cache( key, value ) {
- // Use (key + " ") to avoid collision with native prototype properties (see Issue #157)
- if ( keys.push( key + " " ) > Expr.cacheLength ) {
- // Only keep the most recent entries
- delete cache[ keys.shift() ];
- }
- return (cache[ key + " " ] = value);
- }
- return cache;
- * Mark a function for special use by Sizzle
- * @param {Function} fn The function to mark
- */
-function markFunction( fn ) {
- fn[ expando ] = true;
- return fn;
- * Support testing using an element
- * @param {Function} fn Passed the created element and returns a boolean result
- */
-function assert( fn ) {
- var el = document.createElement("fieldset");
- try {
- return !!fn( el );
- } catch (e) {
- return false;
- } finally {
- // Remove from its parent by default
- if ( el.parentNode ) {
- el.parentNode.removeChild( el );
- }
- // release memory in IE
- el = null;
- }
- * Adds the same handler for all of the specified attrs
- * @param {String} attrs Pipe-separated list of attributes
- * @param {Function} handler The method that will be applied
- */
-function addHandle( attrs, handler ) {
- var arr = attrs.split("|"),
- i = arr.length;
- while ( i-- ) {
- Expr.attrHandle[ arr[i] ] = handler;
- }
- * Checks document order of two siblings
- * @param {Element} a
- * @param {Element} b
- * @returns {Number} Returns less than 0 if a precedes b, greater than 0 if a follows b
- */
-function siblingCheck( a, b ) {
- var cur = b && a,
- diff = cur && a.nodeType === 1 && b.nodeType === 1 &&
- a.sourceIndex - b.sourceIndex;
- // Use IE sourceIndex if available on both nodes
- if ( diff ) {
- return diff;
- }
- // Check if b follows a
- if ( cur ) {
- while ( (cur = cur.nextSibling) ) {
- if ( cur === b ) {
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- return a ? 1 : -1;
- * Returns a function to use in pseudos for input types
- * @param {String} type
- */
-function createInputPseudo( type ) {
- return function( elem ) {
- var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- return name === "input" && elem.type === type;
- };
- * Returns a function to use in pseudos for buttons
- * @param {String} type
- */
-function createButtonPseudo( type ) {
- return function( elem ) {
- var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- return (name === "input" || name === "button") && elem.type === type;
- };
- * Returns a function to use in pseudos for :enabled/:disabled
- * @param {Boolean} disabled true for :disabled; false for :enabled
- */
-function createDisabledPseudo( disabled ) {
- // Known :disabled false positives: fieldset[disabled] > legend:nth-of-type(n+2) :can-disable
- return function( elem ) {
- // Only certain elements can match :enabled or :disabled
- // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#selector-enabled
- // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/scripting.html#selector-disabled
- if ( "form" in elem ) {
- // Check for inherited disabledness on relevant non-disabled elements:
- // * listed form-associated elements in a disabled fieldset
- // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#category-listed
- // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#concept-fe-disabled
- // * option elements in a disabled optgroup
- // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/forms.html#concept-option-disabled
- // All such elements have a "form" property.
- if ( elem.parentNode && elem.disabled === false ) {
- // Option elements defer to a parent optgroup if present
- if ( "label" in elem ) {
- if ( "label" in elem.parentNode ) {
- return elem.parentNode.disabled === disabled;
- } else {
- return elem.disabled === disabled;
- }
- }
- // Support: IE 6 - 11
- // Use the isDisabled shortcut property to check for disabled fieldset ancestors
- return elem.isDisabled === disabled ||
- // Where there is no isDisabled, check manually
- /* jshint -W018 */
- elem.isDisabled !== !disabled &&
- disabledAncestor( elem ) === disabled;
- }
- return elem.disabled === disabled;
- // Try to winnow out elements that can't be disabled before trusting the disabled property.
- // Some victims get caught in our net (label, legend, menu, track), but it shouldn't
- // even exist on them, let alone have a boolean value.
- } else if ( "label" in elem ) {
- return elem.disabled === disabled;
- }
- // Remaining elements are neither :enabled nor :disabled
- return false;
- };
- * Returns a function to use in pseudos for positionals
- * @param {Function} fn
- */
-function createPositionalPseudo( fn ) {
- return markFunction(function( argument ) {
- argument = +argument;
- return markFunction(function( seed, matches ) {
- var j,
- matchIndexes = fn( [], seed.length, argument ),
- i = matchIndexes.length;
- // Match elements found at the specified indexes
- while ( i-- ) {
- if ( seed[ (j = matchIndexes[i]) ] ) {
- seed[j] = !(matches[j] = seed[j]);
- }
- }
- });
- });
- * Checks a node for validity as a Sizzle context
- * @param {Element|Object=} context
- * @returns {Element|Object|Boolean} The input node if acceptable, otherwise a falsy value
- */
-function testContext( context ) {
- return context && typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" && context;
-// Expose support vars for convenience
-support = Sizzle.support = {};
- * Detects XML nodes
- * @param {Element|Object} elem An element or a document
- * @returns {Boolean} True iff elem is a non-HTML XML node
- */
-isXML = Sizzle.isXML = function( elem ) {
- // documentElement is verified for cases where it doesn't yet exist
- // (such as loading iframes in IE - #4833)
- var documentElement = elem && (elem.ownerDocument || elem).documentElement;
- return documentElement ? documentElement.nodeName !== "HTML" : false;
- * Sets document-related variables once based on the current document
- * @param {Element|Object} [doc] An element or document object to use to set the document
- * @returns {Object} Returns the current document
- */
-setDocument = Sizzle.setDocument = function( node ) {
- var hasCompare, subWindow,
- doc = node ? node.ownerDocument || node : preferredDoc;
- // Return early if doc is invalid or already selected
- if ( doc === document || doc.nodeType !== 9 || !doc.documentElement ) {
- return document;
- }
- // Update global variables
- document = doc;
- docElem = document.documentElement;
- documentIsHTML = !isXML( document );
- // Support: IE 9-11, Edge
- // Accessing iframe documents after unload throws "permission denied" errors (jQuery #13936)
- if ( preferredDoc !== document &&
- (subWindow = document.defaultView) && subWindow.top !== subWindow ) {
- // Support: IE 11, Edge
- if ( subWindow.addEventListener ) {
- subWindow.addEventListener( "unload", unloadHandler, false );
- // Support: IE 9 - 10 only
- } else if ( subWindow.attachEvent ) {
- subWindow.attachEvent( "onunload", unloadHandler );
- }
- }
- /* Attributes
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- // Support: IE<8
- // Verify that getAttribute really returns attributes and not properties
- // (excepting IE8 booleans)
- support.attributes = assert(function( el ) {
- el.className = "i";
- return !el.getAttribute("className");
- });
- /* getElement(s)By*
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- // Check if getElementsByTagName("*") returns only elements
- support.getElementsByTagName = assert(function( el ) {
- el.appendChild( document.createComment("") );
- return !el.getElementsByTagName("*").length;
- });
- // Support: IE<9
- support.getElementsByClassName = rnative.test( document.getElementsByClassName );
- // Support: IE<10
- // Check if getElementById returns elements by name
- // The broken getElementById methods don't pick up programmatically-set names,
- // so use a roundabout getElementsByName test
- support.getById = assert(function( el ) {
- docElem.appendChild( el ).id = expando;
- return !document.getElementsByName || !document.getElementsByName( expando ).length;
- });
- // ID filter and find
- if ( support.getById ) {
- Expr.filter["ID"] = function( id ) {
- var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape );
- return function( elem ) {
- return elem.getAttribute("id") === attrId;
- };
- };
- Expr.find["ID"] = function( id, context ) {
- if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && documentIsHTML ) {
- var elem = context.getElementById( id );
- return elem ? [ elem ] : [];
- }
- };
- } else {
- Expr.filter["ID"] = function( id ) {
- var attrId = id.replace( runescape, funescape );
- return function( elem ) {
- var node = typeof elem.getAttributeNode !== "undefined" &&
- elem.getAttributeNode("id");
- return node && node.value === attrId;
- };
- };
- // Support: IE 6 - 7 only
- // getElementById is not reliable as a find shortcut
- Expr.find["ID"] = function( id, context ) {
- if ( typeof context.getElementById !== "undefined" && documentIsHTML ) {
- var node, i, elems,
- elem = context.getElementById( id );
- if ( elem ) {
- // Verify the id attribute
- node = elem.getAttributeNode("id");
- if ( node && node.value === id ) {
- return [ elem ];
- }
- // Fall back on getElementsByName
- elems = context.getElementsByName( id );
- i = 0;
- while ( (elem = elems[i++]) ) {
- node = elem.getAttributeNode("id");
- if ( node && node.value === id ) {
- return [ elem ];
- }
- }
- }
- return [];
- }
- };
- }
- // Tag
- Expr.find["TAG"] = support.getElementsByTagName ?
- function( tag, context ) {
- if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ) {
- return context.getElementsByTagName( tag );
- // DocumentFragment nodes don't have gEBTN
- } else if ( support.qsa ) {
- return context.querySelectorAll( tag );
- }
- } :
- function( tag, context ) {
- var elem,
- tmp = [],
- i = 0,
- // By happy coincidence, a (broken) gEBTN appears on DocumentFragment nodes too
- results = context.getElementsByTagName( tag );
- // Filter out possible comments
- if ( tag === "*" ) {
- while ( (elem = results[i++]) ) {
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
- tmp.push( elem );
- }
- }
- return tmp;
- }
- return results;
- };
- // Class
- Expr.find["CLASS"] = support.getElementsByClassName && function( className, context ) {
- if ( typeof context.getElementsByClassName !== "undefined" && documentIsHTML ) {
- return context.getElementsByClassName( className );
- }
- };
- /* QSA/matchesSelector
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- // QSA and matchesSelector support
- // matchesSelector(:active) reports false when true (IE9/Opera 11.5)
- rbuggyMatches = [];
- // qSa(:focus) reports false when true (Chrome 21)
- // We allow this because of a bug in IE8/9 that throws an error
- // whenever `document.activeElement` is accessed on an iframe
- // So, we allow :focus to pass through QSA all the time to avoid the IE error
- // See https://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/13378
- rbuggyQSA = [];
- if ( (support.qsa = rnative.test( document.querySelectorAll )) ) {
- // Build QSA regex
- // Regex strategy adopted from Diego Perini
- assert(function( el ) {
- // Select is set to empty string on purpose
- // This is to test IE's treatment of not explicitly
- // setting a boolean content attribute,
- // since its presence should be enough
- // https://bugs.jquery.com/ticket/12359
- docElem.appendChild( el ).innerHTML = " " +
- "" +
- " ";
- // Support: IE8, Opera 11-12.16
- // Nothing should be selected when empty strings follow ^= or $= or *=
- // The test attribute must be unknown in Opera but "safe" for WinRT
- // https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/hh465388.aspx#attribute_section
- if ( el.querySelectorAll("[msallowcapture^='']").length ) {
- rbuggyQSA.push( "[*^$]=" + whitespace + "*(?:''|\"\")" );
- }
- // Support: IE8
- // Boolean attributes and "value" are not treated correctly
- if ( !el.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length ) {
- rbuggyQSA.push( "\\[" + whitespace + "*(?:value|" + booleans + ")" );
- }
- // Support: Chrome<29, Android<4.4, Safari<7.0+, iOS<7.0+, PhantomJS<1.9.8+
- if ( !el.querySelectorAll( "[id~=" + expando + "-]" ).length ) {
- rbuggyQSA.push("~=");
- }
- // Webkit/Opera - :checked should return selected option elements
- // http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked
- // IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests
- if ( !el.querySelectorAll(":checked").length ) {
- rbuggyQSA.push(":checked");
- }
- // Support: Safari 8+, iOS 8+
- // https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=136851
- // In-page `selector#id sibling-combinator selector` fails
- if ( !el.querySelectorAll( "a#" + expando + "+*" ).length ) {
- rbuggyQSA.push(".#.+[+~]");
- }
- });
- assert(function( el ) {
- el.innerHTML = " " +
- " ";
- // Support: Windows 8 Native Apps
- // The type and name attributes are restricted during .innerHTML assignment
- var input = document.createElement("input");
- input.setAttribute( "type", "hidden" );
- el.appendChild( input ).setAttribute( "name", "D" );
- // Support: IE8
- // Enforce case-sensitivity of name attribute
- if ( el.querySelectorAll("[name=d]").length ) {
- rbuggyQSA.push( "name" + whitespace + "*[*^$|!~]?=" );
- }
- // FF 3.5 - :enabled/:disabled and hidden elements (hidden elements are still enabled)
- // IE8 throws error here and will not see later tests
- if ( el.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length !== 2 ) {
- rbuggyQSA.push( ":enabled", ":disabled" );
- }
- // Support: IE9-11+
- // IE's :disabled selector does not pick up the children of disabled fieldsets
- docElem.appendChild( el ).disabled = true;
- if ( el.querySelectorAll(":disabled").length !== 2 ) {
- rbuggyQSA.push( ":enabled", ":disabled" );
- }
- // Opera 10-11 does not throw on post-comma invalid pseudos
- el.querySelectorAll("*,:x");
- rbuggyQSA.push(",.*:");
- });
- }
- if ( (support.matchesSelector = rnative.test( (matches = docElem.matches ||
- docElem.webkitMatchesSelector ||
- docElem.mozMatchesSelector ||
- docElem.oMatchesSelector ||
- docElem.msMatchesSelector) )) ) {
- assert(function( el ) {
- // Check to see if it's possible to do matchesSelector
- // on a disconnected node (IE 9)
- support.disconnectedMatch = matches.call( el, "*" );
- // This should fail with an exception
- // Gecko does not error, returns false instead
- matches.call( el, "[s!='']:x" );
- rbuggyMatches.push( "!=", pseudos );
- });
- }
- rbuggyQSA = rbuggyQSA.length && new RegExp( rbuggyQSA.join("|") );
- rbuggyMatches = rbuggyMatches.length && new RegExp( rbuggyMatches.join("|") );
- /* Contains
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- hasCompare = rnative.test( docElem.compareDocumentPosition );
- // Element contains another
- // Purposefully self-exclusive
- // As in, an element does not contain itself
- contains = hasCompare || rnative.test( docElem.contains ) ?
- function( a, b ) {
- var adown = a.nodeType === 9 ? a.documentElement : a,
- bup = b && b.parentNode;
- return a === bup || !!( bup && bup.nodeType === 1 && (
- adown.contains ?
- adown.contains( bup ) :
- a.compareDocumentPosition && a.compareDocumentPosition( bup ) & 16
- ));
- } :
- function( a, b ) {
- if ( b ) {
- while ( (b = b.parentNode) ) {
- if ( b === a ) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
- /* Sorting
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- // Document order sorting
- sortOrder = hasCompare ?
- function( a, b ) {
- // Flag for duplicate removal
- if ( a === b ) {
- hasDuplicate = true;
- return 0;
- }
- // Sort on method existence if only one input has compareDocumentPosition
- var compare = !a.compareDocumentPosition - !b.compareDocumentPosition;
- if ( compare ) {
- return compare;
- }
- // Calculate position if both inputs belong to the same document
- compare = ( a.ownerDocument || a ) === ( b.ownerDocument || b ) ?
- a.compareDocumentPosition( b ) :
- // Otherwise we know they are disconnected
- 1;
- // Disconnected nodes
- if ( compare & 1 ||
- (!support.sortDetached && b.compareDocumentPosition( a ) === compare) ) {
- // Choose the first element that is related to our preferred document
- if ( a === document || a.ownerDocument === preferredDoc && contains(preferredDoc, a) ) {
- return -1;
- }
- if ( b === document || b.ownerDocument === preferredDoc && contains(preferredDoc, b) ) {
- return 1;
- }
- // Maintain original order
- return sortInput ?
- ( indexOf( sortInput, a ) - indexOf( sortInput, b ) ) :
- 0;
- }
- return compare & 4 ? -1 : 1;
- } :
- function( a, b ) {
- // Exit early if the nodes are identical
- if ( a === b ) {
- hasDuplicate = true;
- return 0;
- }
- var cur,
- i = 0,
- aup = a.parentNode,
- bup = b.parentNode,
- ap = [ a ],
- bp = [ b ];
- // Parentless nodes are either documents or disconnected
- if ( !aup || !bup ) {
- return a === document ? -1 :
- b === document ? 1 :
- aup ? -1 :
- bup ? 1 :
- sortInput ?
- ( indexOf( sortInput, a ) - indexOf( sortInput, b ) ) :
- 0;
- // If the nodes are siblings, we can do a quick check
- } else if ( aup === bup ) {
- return siblingCheck( a, b );
- }
- // Otherwise we need full lists of their ancestors for comparison
- cur = a;
- while ( (cur = cur.parentNode) ) {
- ap.unshift( cur );
- }
- cur = b;
- while ( (cur = cur.parentNode) ) {
- bp.unshift( cur );
- }
- // Walk down the tree looking for a discrepancy
- while ( ap[i] === bp[i] ) {
- i++;
- }
- return i ?
- // Do a sibling check if the nodes have a common ancestor
- siblingCheck( ap[i], bp[i] ) :
- // Otherwise nodes in our document sort first
- ap[i] === preferredDoc ? -1 :
- bp[i] === preferredDoc ? 1 :
- 0;
- };
- return document;
-Sizzle.matches = function( expr, elements ) {
- return Sizzle( expr, null, null, elements );
-Sizzle.matchesSelector = function( elem, expr ) {
- // Set document vars if needed
- if ( ( elem.ownerDocument || elem ) !== document ) {
- setDocument( elem );
- }
- // Make sure that attribute selectors are quoted
- expr = expr.replace( rattributeQuotes, "='$1']" );
- if ( support.matchesSelector && documentIsHTML &&
- !compilerCache[ expr + " " ] &&
- ( !rbuggyMatches || !rbuggyMatches.test( expr ) ) &&
- ( !rbuggyQSA || !rbuggyQSA.test( expr ) ) ) {
- try {
- var ret = matches.call( elem, expr );
- // IE 9's matchesSelector returns false on disconnected nodes
- if ( ret || support.disconnectedMatch ||
- // As well, disconnected nodes are said to be in a document
- // fragment in IE 9
- elem.document && elem.document.nodeType !== 11 ) {
- return ret;
- }
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- return Sizzle( expr, document, null, [ elem ] ).length > 0;
-Sizzle.contains = function( context, elem ) {
- // Set document vars if needed
- if ( ( context.ownerDocument || context ) !== document ) {
- setDocument( context );
- }
- return contains( context, elem );
-Sizzle.attr = function( elem, name ) {
- // Set document vars if needed
- if ( ( elem.ownerDocument || elem ) !== document ) {
- setDocument( elem );
- }
- var fn = Expr.attrHandle[ name.toLowerCase() ],
- // Don't get fooled by Object.prototype properties (jQuery #13807)
- val = fn && hasOwn.call( Expr.attrHandle, name.toLowerCase() ) ?
- fn( elem, name, !documentIsHTML ) :
- undefined;
- return val !== undefined ?
- val :
- support.attributes || !documentIsHTML ?
- elem.getAttribute( name ) :
- (val = elem.getAttributeNode(name)) && val.specified ?
- val.value :
- null;
-Sizzle.escape = function( sel ) {
- return (sel + "").replace( rcssescape, fcssescape );
-Sizzle.error = function( msg ) {
- throw new Error( "Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + msg );
- * Document sorting and removing duplicates
- * @param {ArrayLike} results
- */
-Sizzle.uniqueSort = function( results ) {
- var elem,
- duplicates = [],
- j = 0,
- i = 0;
- // Unless we *know* we can detect duplicates, assume their presence
- hasDuplicate = !support.detectDuplicates;
- sortInput = !support.sortStable && results.slice( 0 );
- results.sort( sortOrder );
- if ( hasDuplicate ) {
- while ( (elem = results[i++]) ) {
- if ( elem === results[ i ] ) {
- j = duplicates.push( i );
- }
- }
- while ( j-- ) {
- results.splice( duplicates[ j ], 1 );
- }
- }
- // Clear input after sorting to release objects
- // See https://github.com/jquery/sizzle/pull/225
- sortInput = null;
- return results;
- * Utility function for retrieving the text value of an array of DOM nodes
- * @param {Array|Element} elem
- */
-getText = Sizzle.getText = function( elem ) {
- var node,
- ret = "",
- i = 0,
- nodeType = elem.nodeType;
- if ( !nodeType ) {
- // If no nodeType, this is expected to be an array
- while ( (node = elem[i++]) ) {
- // Do not traverse comment nodes
- ret += getText( node );
- }
- } else if ( nodeType === 1 || nodeType === 9 || nodeType === 11 ) {
- // Use textContent for elements
- // innerText usage removed for consistency of new lines (jQuery #11153)
- if ( typeof elem.textContent === "string" ) {
- return elem.textContent;
- } else {
- // Traverse its children
- for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) {
- ret += getText( elem );
- }
- }
- } else if ( nodeType === 3 || nodeType === 4 ) {
- return elem.nodeValue;
- }
- // Do not include comment or processing instruction nodes
- return ret;
-Expr = Sizzle.selectors = {
- // Can be adjusted by the user
- cacheLength: 50,
- createPseudo: markFunction,
- match: matchExpr,
- attrHandle: {},
- find: {},
- relative: {
- ">": { dir: "parentNode", first: true },
- " ": { dir: "parentNode" },
- "+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: true },
- "~": { dir: "previousSibling" }
- },
- preFilter: {
- "ATTR": function( match ) {
- match[1] = match[1].replace( runescape, funescape );
- // Move the given value to match[3] whether quoted or unquoted
- match[3] = ( match[3] || match[4] || match[5] || "" ).replace( runescape, funescape );
- if ( match[2] === "~=" ) {
- match[3] = " " + match[3] + " ";
- }
- return match.slice( 0, 4 );
- },
- "CHILD": function( match ) {
- /* matches from matchExpr["CHILD"]
- 1 type (only|nth|...)
- 2 what (child|of-type)
- 3 argument (even|odd|\d*|\d*n([+-]\d+)?|...)
- 4 xn-component of xn+y argument ([+-]?\d*n|)
- 5 sign of xn-component
- 6 x of xn-component
- 7 sign of y-component
- 8 y of y-component
- */
- match[1] = match[1].toLowerCase();
- if ( match[1].slice( 0, 3 ) === "nth" ) {
- // nth-* requires argument
- if ( !match[3] ) {
- Sizzle.error( match[0] );
- }
- // numeric x and y parameters for Expr.filter.CHILD
- // remember that false/true cast respectively to 0/1
- match[4] = +( match[4] ? match[5] + (match[6] || 1) : 2 * ( match[3] === "even" || match[3] === "odd" ) );
- match[5] = +( ( match[7] + match[8] ) || match[3] === "odd" );
- // other types prohibit arguments
- } else if ( match[3] ) {
- Sizzle.error( match[0] );
- }
- return match;
- },
- "PSEUDO": function( match ) {
- var excess,
- unquoted = !match[6] && match[2];
- if ( matchExpr["CHILD"].test( match[0] ) ) {
- return null;
- }
- // Accept quoted arguments as-is
- if ( match[3] ) {
- match[2] = match[4] || match[5] || "";
- // Strip excess characters from unquoted arguments
- } else if ( unquoted && rpseudo.test( unquoted ) &&
- // Get excess from tokenize (recursively)
- (excess = tokenize( unquoted, true )) &&
- // advance to the next closing parenthesis
- (excess = unquoted.indexOf( ")", unquoted.length - excess ) - unquoted.length) ) {
- // excess is a negative index
- match[0] = match[0].slice( 0, excess );
- match[2] = unquoted.slice( 0, excess );
- }
- // Return only captures needed by the pseudo filter method (type and argument)
- return match.slice( 0, 3 );
- }
- },
- filter: {
- "TAG": function( nodeNameSelector ) {
- var nodeName = nodeNameSelector.replace( runescape, funescape ).toLowerCase();
- return nodeNameSelector === "*" ?
- function() { return true; } :
- function( elem ) {
- return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === nodeName;
- };
- },
- "CLASS": function( className ) {
- var pattern = classCache[ className + " " ];
- return pattern ||
- (pattern = new RegExp( "(^|" + whitespace + ")" + className + "(" + whitespace + "|$)" )) &&
- classCache( className, function( elem ) {
- return pattern.test( typeof elem.className === "string" && elem.className || typeof elem.getAttribute !== "undefined" && elem.getAttribute("class") || "" );
- });
- },
- "ATTR": function( name, operator, check ) {
- return function( elem ) {
- var result = Sizzle.attr( elem, name );
- if ( result == null ) {
- return operator === "!=";
- }
- if ( !operator ) {
- return true;
- }
- result += "";
- return operator === "=" ? result === check :
- operator === "!=" ? result !== check :
- operator === "^=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) === 0 :
- operator === "*=" ? check && result.indexOf( check ) > -1 :
- operator === "$=" ? check && result.slice( -check.length ) === check :
- operator === "~=" ? ( " " + result.replace( rwhitespace, " " ) + " " ).indexOf( check ) > -1 :
- operator === "|=" ? result === check || result.slice( 0, check.length + 1 ) === check + "-" :
- false;
- };
- },
- "CHILD": function( type, what, argument, first, last ) {
- var simple = type.slice( 0, 3 ) !== "nth",
- forward = type.slice( -4 ) !== "last",
- ofType = what === "of-type";
- return first === 1 && last === 0 ?
- // Shortcut for :nth-*(n)
- function( elem ) {
- return !!elem.parentNode;
- } :
- function( elem, context, xml ) {
- var cache, uniqueCache, outerCache, node, nodeIndex, start,
- dir = simple !== forward ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling",
- parent = elem.parentNode,
- name = ofType && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
- useCache = !xml && !ofType,
- diff = false;
- if ( parent ) {
- // :(first|last|only)-(child|of-type)
- if ( simple ) {
- while ( dir ) {
- node = elem;
- while ( (node = node[ dir ]) ) {
- if ( ofType ?
- node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name :
- node.nodeType === 1 ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- // Reverse direction for :only-* (if we haven't yet done so)
- start = dir = type === "only" && !start && "nextSibling";
- }
- return true;
- }
- start = [ forward ? parent.firstChild : parent.lastChild ];
- // non-xml :nth-child(...) stores cache data on `parent`
- if ( forward && useCache ) {
- // Seek `elem` from a previously-cached index
- // ...in a gzip-friendly way
- node = parent;
- outerCache = node[ expando ] || (node[ expando ] = {});
- // Support: IE <9 only
- // Defend against cloned attroperties (jQuery gh-1709)
- uniqueCache = outerCache[ node.uniqueID ] ||
- (outerCache[ node.uniqueID ] = {});
- cache = uniqueCache[ type ] || [];
- nodeIndex = cache[ 0 ] === dirruns && cache[ 1 ];
- diff = nodeIndex && cache[ 2 ];
- node = nodeIndex && parent.childNodes[ nodeIndex ];
- while ( (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[ dir ] ||
- // Fallback to seeking `elem` from the start
- (diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) ) {
- // When found, cache indexes on `parent` and break
- if ( node.nodeType === 1 && ++diff && node === elem ) {
- uniqueCache[ type ] = [ dirruns, nodeIndex, diff ];
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- // Use previously-cached element index if available
- if ( useCache ) {
- // ...in a gzip-friendly way
- node = elem;
- outerCache = node[ expando ] || (node[ expando ] = {});
- // Support: IE <9 only
- // Defend against cloned attroperties (jQuery gh-1709)
- uniqueCache = outerCache[ node.uniqueID ] ||
- (outerCache[ node.uniqueID ] = {});
- cache = uniqueCache[ type ] || [];
- nodeIndex = cache[ 0 ] === dirruns && cache[ 1 ];
- diff = nodeIndex;
- }
- // xml :nth-child(...)
- // or :nth-last-child(...) or :nth(-last)?-of-type(...)
- if ( diff === false ) {
- // Use the same loop as above to seek `elem` from the start
- while ( (node = ++nodeIndex && node && node[ dir ] ||
- (diff = nodeIndex = 0) || start.pop()) ) {
- if ( ( ofType ?
- node.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name :
- node.nodeType === 1 ) &&
- ++diff ) {
- // Cache the index of each encountered element
- if ( useCache ) {
- outerCache = node[ expando ] || (node[ expando ] = {});
- // Support: IE <9 only
- // Defend against cloned attroperties (jQuery gh-1709)
- uniqueCache = outerCache[ node.uniqueID ] ||
- (outerCache[ node.uniqueID ] = {});
- uniqueCache[ type ] = [ dirruns, diff ];
- }
- if ( node === elem ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Incorporate the offset, then check against cycle size
- diff -= last;
- return diff === first || ( diff % first === 0 && diff / first >= 0 );
- }
- };
- },
- "PSEUDO": function( pseudo, argument ) {
- // pseudo-class names are case-insensitive
- // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#pseudo-classes
- // Prioritize by case sensitivity in case custom pseudos are added with uppercase letters
- // Remember that setFilters inherits from pseudos
- var args,
- fn = Expr.pseudos[ pseudo ] || Expr.setFilters[ pseudo.toLowerCase() ] ||
- Sizzle.error( "unsupported pseudo: " + pseudo );
- // The user may use createPseudo to indicate that
- // arguments are needed to create the filter function
- // just as Sizzle does
- if ( fn[ expando ] ) {
- return fn( argument );
- }
- // But maintain support for old signatures
- if ( fn.length > 1 ) {
- args = [ pseudo, pseudo, "", argument ];
- return Expr.setFilters.hasOwnProperty( pseudo.toLowerCase() ) ?
- markFunction(function( seed, matches ) {
- var idx,
- matched = fn( seed, argument ),
- i = matched.length;
- while ( i-- ) {
- idx = indexOf( seed, matched[i] );
- seed[ idx ] = !( matches[ idx ] = matched[i] );
- }
- }) :
- function( elem ) {
- return fn( elem, 0, args );
- };
- }
- return fn;
- }
- },
- pseudos: {
- // Potentially complex pseudos
- "not": markFunction(function( selector ) {
- // Trim the selector passed to compile
- // to avoid treating leading and trailing
- // spaces as combinators
- var input = [],
- results = [],
- matcher = compile( selector.replace( rtrim, "$1" ) );
- return matcher[ expando ] ?
- markFunction(function( seed, matches, context, xml ) {
- var elem,
- unmatched = matcher( seed, null, xml, [] ),
- i = seed.length;
- // Match elements unmatched by `matcher`
- while ( i-- ) {
- if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) {
- seed[i] = !(matches[i] = elem);
- }
- }
- }) :
- function( elem, context, xml ) {
- input[0] = elem;
- matcher( input, null, xml, results );
- // Don't keep the element (issue #299)
- input[0] = null;
- return !results.pop();
- };
- }),
- "has": markFunction(function( selector ) {
- return function( elem ) {
- return Sizzle( selector, elem ).length > 0;
- };
- }),
- "contains": markFunction(function( text ) {
- text = text.replace( runescape, funescape );
- return function( elem ) {
- return ( elem.textContent || elem.innerText || getText( elem ) ).indexOf( text ) > -1;
- };
- }),
- // "Whether an element is represented by a :lang() selector
- // is based solely on the element's language value
- // being equal to the identifier C,
- // or beginning with the identifier C immediately followed by "-".
- // The matching of C against the element's language value is performed case-insensitively.
- // The identifier C does not have to be a valid language name."
- // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#lang-pseudo
- "lang": markFunction( function( lang ) {
- // lang value must be a valid identifier
- if ( !ridentifier.test(lang || "") ) {
- Sizzle.error( "unsupported lang: " + lang );
- }
- lang = lang.replace( runescape, funescape ).toLowerCase();
- return function( elem ) {
- var elemLang;
- do {
- if ( (elemLang = documentIsHTML ?
- elem.lang :
- elem.getAttribute("xml:lang") || elem.getAttribute("lang")) ) {
- elemLang = elemLang.toLowerCase();
- return elemLang === lang || elemLang.indexOf( lang + "-" ) === 0;
- }
- } while ( (elem = elem.parentNode) && elem.nodeType === 1 );
- return false;
- };
- }),
- // Miscellaneous
- "target": function( elem ) {
- var hash = window.location && window.location.hash;
- return hash && hash.slice( 1 ) === elem.id;
- },
- "root": function( elem ) {
- return elem === docElem;
- },
- "focus": function( elem ) {
- return elem === document.activeElement && (!document.hasFocus || document.hasFocus()) && !!(elem.type || elem.href || ~elem.tabIndex);
- },
- // Boolean properties
- "enabled": createDisabledPseudo( false ),
- "disabled": createDisabledPseudo( true ),
- "checked": function( elem ) {
- // In CSS3, :checked should return both checked and selected elements
- // http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/REC-css3-selectors-20110929/#checked
- var nodeName = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- return (nodeName === "input" && !!elem.checked) || (nodeName === "option" && !!elem.selected);
- },
- "selected": function( elem ) {
- // Accessing this property makes selected-by-default
- // options in Safari work properly
- if ( elem.parentNode ) {
- elem.parentNode.selectedIndex;
- }
- return elem.selected === true;
- },
- // Contents
- "empty": function( elem ) {
- // http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors/#empty-pseudo
- // :empty is negated by element (1) or content nodes (text: 3; cdata: 4; entity ref: 5),
- // but not by others (comment: 8; processing instruction: 7; etc.)
- // nodeType < 6 works because attributes (2) do not appear as children
- for ( elem = elem.firstChild; elem; elem = elem.nextSibling ) {
- if ( elem.nodeType < 6 ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- },
- "parent": function( elem ) {
- return !Expr.pseudos["empty"]( elem );
- },
- // Element/input types
- "header": function( elem ) {
- return rheader.test( elem.nodeName );
- },
- "input": function( elem ) {
- return rinputs.test( elem.nodeName );
- },
- "button": function( elem ) {
- var name = elem.nodeName.toLowerCase();
- return name === "input" && elem.type === "button" || name === "button";
- },
- "text": function( elem ) {
- var attr;
- return elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" &&
- elem.type === "text" &&
- // Support: IE<8
- // New HTML5 attribute values (e.g., "search") appear with elem.type === "text"
- ( (attr = elem.getAttribute("type")) == null || attr.toLowerCase() === "text" );
- },
- // Position-in-collection
- "first": createPositionalPseudo(function() {
- return [ 0 ];
- }),
- "last": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
- return [ length - 1 ];
- }),
- "eq": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
- return [ argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument ];
- }),
- "even": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
- var i = 0;
- for ( ; i < length; i += 2 ) {
- matchIndexes.push( i );
- }
- return matchIndexes;
- }),
- "odd": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length ) {
- var i = 1;
- for ( ; i < length; i += 2 ) {
- matchIndexes.push( i );
- }
- return matchIndexes;
- }),
- "lt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
- var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
- for ( ; --i >= 0; ) {
- matchIndexes.push( i );
- }
- return matchIndexes;
- }),
- "gt": createPositionalPseudo(function( matchIndexes, length, argument ) {
- var i = argument < 0 ? argument + length : argument;
- for ( ; ++i < length; ) {
- matchIndexes.push( i );
- }
- return matchIndexes;
- })
- }
-Expr.pseudos["nth"] = Expr.pseudos["eq"];
-// Add button/input type pseudos
-for ( i in { radio: true, checkbox: true, file: true, password: true, image: true } ) {
- Expr.pseudos[ i ] = createInputPseudo( i );
-for ( i in { submit: true, reset: true } ) {
- Expr.pseudos[ i ] = createButtonPseudo( i );
-// Easy API for creating new setFilters
-function setFilters() {}
-setFilters.prototype = Expr.filters = Expr.pseudos;
-Expr.setFilters = new setFilters();
-tokenize = Sizzle.tokenize = function( selector, parseOnly ) {
- var matched, match, tokens, type,
- soFar, groups, preFilters,
- cached = tokenCache[ selector + " " ];
- if ( cached ) {
- return parseOnly ? 0 : cached.slice( 0 );
- }
- soFar = selector;
- groups = [];
- preFilters = Expr.preFilter;
- while ( soFar ) {
- // Comma and first run
- if ( !matched || (match = rcomma.exec( soFar )) ) {
- if ( match ) {
- // Don't consume trailing commas as valid
- soFar = soFar.slice( match[0].length ) || soFar;
- }
- groups.push( (tokens = []) );
- }
- matched = false;
- // Combinators
- if ( (match = rcombinators.exec( soFar )) ) {
- matched = match.shift();
- tokens.push({
- value: matched,
- // Cast descendant combinators to space
- type: match[0].replace( rtrim, " " )
- });
- soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length );
- }
- // Filters
- for ( type in Expr.filter ) {
- if ( (match = matchExpr[ type ].exec( soFar )) && (!preFilters[ type ] ||
- (match = preFilters[ type ]( match ))) ) {
- matched = match.shift();
- tokens.push({
- value: matched,
- type: type,
- matches: match
- });
- soFar = soFar.slice( matched.length );
- }
- }
- if ( !matched ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- // Return the length of the invalid excess
- // if we're just parsing
- // Otherwise, throw an error or return tokens
- return parseOnly ?
- soFar.length :
- soFar ?
- Sizzle.error( selector ) :
- // Cache the tokens
- tokenCache( selector, groups ).slice( 0 );
-function toSelector( tokens ) {
- var i = 0,
- len = tokens.length,
- selector = "";
- for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
- selector += tokens[i].value;
- }
- return selector;
-function addCombinator( matcher, combinator, base ) {
- var dir = combinator.dir,
- skip = combinator.next,
- key = skip || dir,
- checkNonElements = base && key === "parentNode",
- doneName = done++;
- return combinator.first ?
- // Check against closest ancestor/preceding element
- function( elem, context, xml ) {
- while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
- return matcher( elem, context, xml );
- }
- }
- return false;
- } :
- // Check against all ancestor/preceding elements
- function( elem, context, xml ) {
- var oldCache, uniqueCache, outerCache,
- newCache = [ dirruns, doneName ];
- // We can't set arbitrary data on XML nodes, so they don't benefit from combinator caching
- if ( xml ) {
- while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
- if ( matcher( elem, context, xml ) ) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- while ( (elem = elem[ dir ]) ) {
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 || checkNonElements ) {
- outerCache = elem[ expando ] || (elem[ expando ] = {});
- // Support: IE <9 only
- // Defend against cloned attroperties (jQuery gh-1709)
- uniqueCache = outerCache[ elem.uniqueID ] || (outerCache[ elem.uniqueID ] = {});
- if ( skip && skip === elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() ) {
- elem = elem[ dir ] || elem;
- } else if ( (oldCache = uniqueCache[ key ]) &&
- oldCache[ 0 ] === dirruns && oldCache[ 1 ] === doneName ) {
- // Assign to newCache so results back-propagate to previous elements
- return (newCache[ 2 ] = oldCache[ 2 ]);
- } else {
- // Reuse newcache so results back-propagate to previous elements
- uniqueCache[ key ] = newCache;
- // A match means we're done; a fail means we have to keep checking
- if ( (newCache[ 2 ] = matcher( elem, context, xml )) ) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- };
-function elementMatcher( matchers ) {
- return matchers.length > 1 ?
- function( elem, context, xml ) {
- var i = matchers.length;
- while ( i-- ) {
- if ( !matchers[i]( elem, context, xml ) ) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- } :
- matchers[0];
-function multipleContexts( selector, contexts, results ) {
- var i = 0,
- len = contexts.length;
- for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
- Sizzle( selector, contexts[i], results );
- }
- return results;
-function condense( unmatched, map, filter, context, xml ) {
- var elem,
- newUnmatched = [],
- i = 0,
- len = unmatched.length,
- mapped = map != null;
- for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
- if ( (elem = unmatched[i]) ) {
- if ( !filter || filter( elem, context, xml ) ) {
- newUnmatched.push( elem );
- if ( mapped ) {
- map.push( i );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return newUnmatched;
-function setMatcher( preFilter, selector, matcher, postFilter, postFinder, postSelector ) {
- if ( postFilter && !postFilter[ expando ] ) {
- postFilter = setMatcher( postFilter );
- }
- if ( postFinder && !postFinder[ expando ] ) {
- postFinder = setMatcher( postFinder, postSelector );
- }
- return markFunction(function( seed, results, context, xml ) {
- var temp, i, elem,
- preMap = [],
- postMap = [],
- preexisting = results.length,
- // Get initial elements from seed or context
- elems = seed || multipleContexts( selector || "*", context.nodeType ? [ context ] : context, [] ),
- // Prefilter to get matcher input, preserving a map for seed-results synchronization
- matcherIn = preFilter && ( seed || !selector ) ?
- condense( elems, preMap, preFilter, context, xml ) :
- elems,
- matcherOut = matcher ?
- // If we have a postFinder, or filtered seed, or non-seed postFilter or preexisting results,
- postFinder || ( seed ? preFilter : preexisting || postFilter ) ?
- // ...intermediate processing is necessary
- [] :
- // ...otherwise use results directly
- results :
- matcherIn;
- // Find primary matches
- if ( matcher ) {
- matcher( matcherIn, matcherOut, context, xml );
- }
- // Apply postFilter
- if ( postFilter ) {
- temp = condense( matcherOut, postMap );
- postFilter( temp, [], context, xml );
- // Un-match failing elements by moving them back to matcherIn
- i = temp.length;
- while ( i-- ) {
- if ( (elem = temp[i]) ) {
- matcherOut[ postMap[i] ] = !(matcherIn[ postMap[i] ] = elem);
- }
- }
- }
- if ( seed ) {
- if ( postFinder || preFilter ) {
- if ( postFinder ) {
- // Get the final matcherOut by condensing this intermediate into postFinder contexts
- temp = [];
- i = matcherOut.length;
- while ( i-- ) {
- if ( (elem = matcherOut[i]) ) {
- // Restore matcherIn since elem is not yet a final match
- temp.push( (matcherIn[i] = elem) );
- }
- }
- postFinder( null, (matcherOut = []), temp, xml );
- }
- // Move matched elements from seed to results to keep them synchronized
- i = matcherOut.length;
- while ( i-- ) {
- if ( (elem = matcherOut[i]) &&
- (temp = postFinder ? indexOf( seed, elem ) : preMap[i]) > -1 ) {
- seed[temp] = !(results[temp] = elem);
- }
- }
- }
- // Add elements to results, through postFinder if defined
- } else {
- matcherOut = condense(
- matcherOut === results ?
- matcherOut.splice( preexisting, matcherOut.length ) :
- matcherOut
- );
- if ( postFinder ) {
- postFinder( null, results, matcherOut, xml );
- } else {
- push.apply( results, matcherOut );
- }
- }
- });
-function matcherFromTokens( tokens ) {
- var checkContext, matcher, j,
- len = tokens.length,
- leadingRelative = Expr.relative[ tokens[0].type ],
- implicitRelative = leadingRelative || Expr.relative[" "],
- i = leadingRelative ? 1 : 0,
- // The foundational matcher ensures that elements are reachable from top-level context(s)
- matchContext = addCombinator( function( elem ) {
- return elem === checkContext;
- }, implicitRelative, true ),
- matchAnyContext = addCombinator( function( elem ) {
- return indexOf( checkContext, elem ) > -1;
- }, implicitRelative, true ),
- matchers = [ function( elem, context, xml ) {
- var ret = ( !leadingRelative && ( xml || context !== outermostContext ) ) || (
- (checkContext = context).nodeType ?
- matchContext( elem, context, xml ) :
- matchAnyContext( elem, context, xml ) );
- // Avoid hanging onto element (issue #299)
- checkContext = null;
- return ret;
- } ];
- for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
- if ( (matcher = Expr.relative[ tokens[i].type ]) ) {
- matchers = [ addCombinator(elementMatcher( matchers ), matcher) ];
- } else {
- matcher = Expr.filter[ tokens[i].type ].apply( null, tokens[i].matches );
- // Return special upon seeing a positional matcher
- if ( matcher[ expando ] ) {
- // Find the next relative operator (if any) for proper handling
- j = ++i;
- for ( ; j < len; j++ ) {
- if ( Expr.relative[ tokens[j].type ] ) {
- break;
- }
- }
- return setMatcher(
- i > 1 && elementMatcher( matchers ),
- i > 1 && toSelector(
- // If the preceding token was a descendant combinator, insert an implicit any-element `*`
- tokens.slice( 0, i - 1 ).concat({ value: tokens[ i - 2 ].type === " " ? "*" : "" })
- ).replace( rtrim, "$1" ),
- matcher,
- i < j && matcherFromTokens( tokens.slice( i, j ) ),
- j < len && matcherFromTokens( (tokens = tokens.slice( j )) ),
- j < len && toSelector( tokens )
- );
- }
- matchers.push( matcher );
- }
- }
- return elementMatcher( matchers );
-function matcherFromGroupMatchers( elementMatchers, setMatchers ) {
- var bySet = setMatchers.length > 0,
- byElement = elementMatchers.length > 0,
- superMatcher = function( seed, context, xml, results, outermost ) {
- var elem, j, matcher,
- matchedCount = 0,
- i = "0",
- unmatched = seed && [],
- setMatched = [],
- contextBackup = outermostContext,
- // We must always have either seed elements or outermost context
- elems = seed || byElement && Expr.find["TAG"]( "*", outermost ),
- // Use integer dirruns iff this is the outermost matcher
- dirrunsUnique = (dirruns += contextBackup == null ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1),
- len = elems.length;
- if ( outermost ) {
- outermostContext = context === document || context || outermost;
- }
- // Add elements passing elementMatchers directly to results
- // Support: IE<9, Safari
- // Tolerate NodeList properties (IE: "length"; Safari: ) matching elements by id
- for ( ; i !== len && (elem = elems[i]) != null; i++ ) {
- if ( byElement && elem ) {
- j = 0;
- if ( !context && elem.ownerDocument !== document ) {
- setDocument( elem );
- xml = !documentIsHTML;
- }
- while ( (matcher = elementMatchers[j++]) ) {
- if ( matcher( elem, context || document, xml) ) {
- results.push( elem );
- break;
- }
- }
- if ( outermost ) {
- dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
- }
- }
- // Track unmatched elements for set filters
- if ( bySet ) {
- // They will have gone through all possible matchers
- if ( (elem = !matcher && elem) ) {
- matchedCount--;
- }
- // Lengthen the array for every element, matched or not
- if ( seed ) {
- unmatched.push( elem );
- }
- }
- }
- // `i` is now the count of elements visited above, and adding it to `matchedCount`
- // makes the latter nonnegative.
- matchedCount += i;
- // Apply set filters to unmatched elements
- // NOTE: This can be skipped if there are no unmatched elements (i.e., `matchedCount`
- // equals `i`), unless we didn't visit _any_ elements in the above loop because we have
- // no element matchers and no seed.
- // Incrementing an initially-string "0" `i` allows `i` to remain a string only in that
- // case, which will result in a "00" `matchedCount` that differs from `i` but is also
- // numerically zero.
- if ( bySet && i !== matchedCount ) {
- j = 0;
- while ( (matcher = setMatchers[j++]) ) {
- matcher( unmatched, setMatched, context, xml );
- }
- if ( seed ) {
- // Reintegrate element matches to eliminate the need for sorting
- if ( matchedCount > 0 ) {
- while ( i-- ) {
- if ( !(unmatched[i] || setMatched[i]) ) {
- setMatched[i] = pop.call( results );
- }
- }
- }
- // Discard index placeholder values to get only actual matches
- setMatched = condense( setMatched );
- }
- // Add matches to results
- push.apply( results, setMatched );
- // Seedless set matches succeeding multiple successful matchers stipulate sorting
- if ( outermost && !seed && setMatched.length > 0 &&
- ( matchedCount + setMatchers.length ) > 1 ) {
- Sizzle.uniqueSort( results );
- }
- }
- // Override manipulation of globals by nested matchers
- if ( outermost ) {
- dirruns = dirrunsUnique;
- outermostContext = contextBackup;
- }
- return unmatched;
- };
- return bySet ?
- markFunction( superMatcher ) :
- superMatcher;
-compile = Sizzle.compile = function( selector, match /* Internal Use Only */ ) {
- var i,
- setMatchers = [],
- elementMatchers = [],
- cached = compilerCache[ selector + " " ];
- if ( !cached ) {
- // Generate a function of recursive functions that can be used to check each element
- if ( !match ) {
- match = tokenize( selector );
- }
- i = match.length;
- while ( i-- ) {
- cached = matcherFromTokens( match[i] );
- if ( cached[ expando ] ) {
- setMatchers.push( cached );
- } else {
- elementMatchers.push( cached );
- }
- }
- // Cache the compiled function
- cached = compilerCache( selector, matcherFromGroupMatchers( elementMatchers, setMatchers ) );
- // Save selector and tokenization
- cached.selector = selector;
- }
- return cached;
- * A low-level selection function that works with Sizzle's compiled
- * selector functions
- * @param {String|Function} selector A selector or a pre-compiled
- * selector function built with Sizzle.compile
- * @param {Element} context
- * @param {Array} [results]
- * @param {Array} [seed] A set of elements to match against
- */
-select = Sizzle.select = function( selector, context, results, seed ) {
- var i, tokens, token, type, find,
- compiled = typeof selector === "function" && selector,
- match = !seed && tokenize( (selector = compiled.selector || selector) );
- results = results || [];
- // Try to minimize operations if there is only one selector in the list and no seed
- // (the latter of which guarantees us context)
- if ( match.length === 1 ) {
- // Reduce context if the leading compound selector is an ID
- tokens = match[0] = match[0].slice( 0 );
- if ( tokens.length > 2 && (token = tokens[0]).type === "ID" &&
- context.nodeType === 9 && documentIsHTML && Expr.relative[ tokens[1].type ] ) {
- context = ( Expr.find["ID"]( token.matches[0].replace(runescape, funescape), context ) || [] )[0];
- if ( !context ) {
- return results;
- // Precompiled matchers will still verify ancestry, so step up a level
- } else if ( compiled ) {
- context = context.parentNode;
- }
- selector = selector.slice( tokens.shift().value.length );
- }
- // Fetch a seed set for right-to-left matching
- i = matchExpr["needsContext"].test( selector ) ? 0 : tokens.length;
- while ( i-- ) {
- token = tokens[i];
- // Abort if we hit a combinator
- if ( Expr.relative[ (type = token.type) ] ) {
- break;
- }
- if ( (find = Expr.find[ type ]) ) {
- // Search, expanding context for leading sibling combinators
- if ( (seed = find(
- token.matches[0].replace( runescape, funescape ),
- rsibling.test( tokens[0].type ) && testContext( context.parentNode ) || context
- )) ) {
- // If seed is empty or no tokens remain, we can return early
- tokens.splice( i, 1 );
- selector = seed.length && toSelector( tokens );
- if ( !selector ) {
- push.apply( results, seed );
- return results;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Compile and execute a filtering function if one is not provided
- // Provide `match` to avoid retokenization if we modified the selector above
- ( compiled || compile( selector, match ) )(
- seed,
- context,
- !documentIsHTML,
- results,
- !context || rsibling.test( selector ) && testContext( context.parentNode ) || context
- );
- return results;
-// One-time assignments
-// Sort stability
-support.sortStable = expando.split("").sort( sortOrder ).join("") === expando;
-// Support: Chrome 14-35+
-// Always assume duplicates if they aren't passed to the comparison function
-support.detectDuplicates = !!hasDuplicate;
-// Initialize against the default document
-// Support: Webkit<537.32 - Safari 6.0.3/Chrome 25 (fixed in Chrome 27)
-// Detached nodes confoundingly follow *each other*
-support.sortDetached = assert(function( el ) {
- // Should return 1, but returns 4 (following)
- return el.compareDocumentPosition( document.createElement("fieldset") ) & 1;
-// Support: IE<8
-// Prevent attribute/property "interpolation"
-// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536429%28VS.85%29.aspx
-if ( !assert(function( el ) {
- el.innerHTML = " ";
- return el.firstChild.getAttribute("href") === "#" ;
-}) ) {
- addHandle( "type|href|height|width", function( elem, name, isXML ) {
- if ( !isXML ) {
- return elem.getAttribute( name, name.toLowerCase() === "type" ? 1 : 2 );
- }
- });
-// Support: IE<9
-// Use defaultValue in place of getAttribute("value")
-if ( !support.attributes || !assert(function( el ) {
- el.innerHTML = " ";
- el.firstChild.setAttribute( "value", "" );
- return el.firstChild.getAttribute( "value" ) === "";
-}) ) {
- addHandle( "value", function( elem, name, isXML ) {
- if ( !isXML && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "input" ) {
- return elem.defaultValue;
- }
- });
-// Support: IE<9
-// Use getAttributeNode to fetch booleans when getAttribute lies
-if ( !assert(function( el ) {
- return el.getAttribute("disabled") == null;
-}) ) {
- addHandle( booleans, function( elem, name, isXML ) {
- var val;
- if ( !isXML ) {
- return elem[ name ] === true ? name.toLowerCase() :
- (val = elem.getAttributeNode( name )) && val.specified ?
- val.value :
- null;
- }
- });
-return Sizzle;
-})( window );
-jQuery.find = Sizzle;
-jQuery.expr = Sizzle.selectors;
-// Deprecated
-jQuery.expr[ ":" ] = jQuery.expr.pseudos;
-jQuery.uniqueSort = jQuery.unique = Sizzle.uniqueSort;
-jQuery.text = Sizzle.getText;
-jQuery.isXMLDoc = Sizzle.isXML;
-jQuery.contains = Sizzle.contains;
-jQuery.escapeSelector = Sizzle.escape;
-var dir = function( elem, dir, until ) {
- var matched = [],
- truncate = until !== undefined;
- while ( ( elem = elem[ dir ] ) && elem.nodeType !== 9 ) {
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
- if ( truncate && jQuery( elem ).is( until ) ) {
- break;
- }
- matched.push( elem );
- }
- }
- return matched;
-var siblings = function( n, elem ) {
- var matched = [];
- for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) {
- if ( n.nodeType === 1 && n !== elem ) {
- matched.push( n );
- }
- }
- return matched;
-var rneedsContext = jQuery.expr.match.needsContext;
-function nodeName( elem, name ) {
- return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase();
-var rsingleTag = ( /^<([a-z][^\/\0>:\x20\t\r\n\f]*)[\x20\t\r\n\f]*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/i );
-// Implement the identical functionality for filter and not
-function winnow( elements, qualifier, not ) {
- if ( isFunction( qualifier ) ) {
- return jQuery.grep( elements, function( elem, i ) {
- return !!qualifier.call( elem, i, elem ) !== not;
- } );
- }
- // Single element
- if ( qualifier.nodeType ) {
- return jQuery.grep( elements, function( elem ) {
- return ( elem === qualifier ) !== not;
- } );
- }
- // Arraylike of elements (jQuery, arguments, Array)
- if ( typeof qualifier !== "string" ) {
- return jQuery.grep( elements, function( elem ) {
- return ( indexOf.call( qualifier, elem ) > -1 ) !== not;
- } );
- }
- // Filtered directly for both simple and complex selectors
- return jQuery.filter( qualifier, elements, not );
-jQuery.filter = function( expr, elems, not ) {
- var elem = elems[ 0 ];
- if ( not ) {
- expr = ":not(" + expr + ")";
- }
- if ( elems.length === 1 && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
- return jQuery.find.matchesSelector( elem, expr ) ? [ elem ] : [];
- }
- return jQuery.find.matches( expr, jQuery.grep( elems, function( elem ) {
- return elem.nodeType === 1;
- } ) );
-jQuery.fn.extend( {
- find: function( selector ) {
- var i, ret,
- len = this.length,
- self = this;
- if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) {
- return this.pushStack( jQuery( selector ).filter( function() {
- for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
- if ( jQuery.contains( self[ i ], this ) ) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- } ) );
- }
- ret = this.pushStack( [] );
- for ( i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
- jQuery.find( selector, self[ i ], ret );
- }
- return len > 1 ? jQuery.uniqueSort( ret ) : ret;
- },
- filter: function( selector ) {
- return this.pushStack( winnow( this, selector || [], false ) );
- },
- not: function( selector ) {
- return this.pushStack( winnow( this, selector || [], true ) );
- },
- is: function( selector ) {
- return !!winnow(
- this,
- // If this is a positional/relative selector, check membership in the returned set
- // so $("p:first").is("p:last") won't return true for a doc with two "p".
- typeof selector === "string" && rneedsContext.test( selector ) ?
- jQuery( selector ) :
- selector || [],
- false
- ).length;
- }
-} );
-// Initialize a jQuery object
-// A central reference to the root jQuery(document)
-var rootjQuery,
- // A simple way to check for HTML strings
- // Prioritize #id over to avoid XSS via location.hash (#9521)
- // Strict HTML recognition (#11290: must start with <)
- // Shortcut simple #id case for speed
- rquickExpr = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]+))$/,
- init = jQuery.fn.init = function( selector, context, root ) {
- var match, elem;
- // HANDLE: $(""), $(null), $(undefined), $(false)
- if ( !selector ) {
- return this;
- }
- // Method init() accepts an alternate rootjQuery
- // so migrate can support jQuery.sub (gh-2101)
- root = root || rootjQuery;
- // Handle HTML strings
- if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
- if ( selector[ 0 ] === "<" &&
- selector[ selector.length - 1 ] === ">" &&
- selector.length >= 3 ) {
- // Assume that strings that start and end with <> are HTML and skip the regex check
- match = [ null, selector, null ];
- } else {
- match = rquickExpr.exec( selector );
- }
- // Match html or make sure no context is specified for #id
- if ( match && ( match[ 1 ] || !context ) ) {
- // HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array)
- if ( match[ 1 ] ) {
- context = context instanceof jQuery ? context[ 0 ] : context;
- // Option to run scripts is true for back-compat
- // Intentionally let the error be thrown if parseHTML is not present
- jQuery.merge( this, jQuery.parseHTML(
- match[ 1 ],
- context && context.nodeType ? context.ownerDocument || context : document,
- true
- ) );
- // HANDLE: $(html, props)
- if ( rsingleTag.test( match[ 1 ] ) && jQuery.isPlainObject( context ) ) {
- for ( match in context ) {
- // Properties of context are called as methods if possible
- if ( isFunction( this[ match ] ) ) {
- this[ match ]( context[ match ] );
- // ...and otherwise set as attributes
- } else {
- this.attr( match, context[ match ] );
- }
- }
- }
- return this;
- // HANDLE: $(#id)
- } else {
- elem = document.getElementById( match[ 2 ] );
- if ( elem ) {
- // Inject the element directly into the jQuery object
- this[ 0 ] = elem;
- this.length = 1;
- }
- return this;
- }
- // HANDLE: $(expr, $(...))
- } else if ( !context || context.jquery ) {
- return ( context || root ).find( selector );
- // HANDLE: $(expr, context)
- // (which is just equivalent to: $(context).find(expr)
- } else {
- return this.constructor( context ).find( selector );
- }
- // HANDLE: $(DOMElement)
- } else if ( selector.nodeType ) {
- this[ 0 ] = selector;
- this.length = 1;
- return this;
- // HANDLE: $(function)
- // Shortcut for document ready
- } else if ( isFunction( selector ) ) {
- return root.ready !== undefined ?
- root.ready( selector ) :
- // Execute immediately if ready is not present
- selector( jQuery );
- }
- return jQuery.makeArray( selector, this );
- };
-// Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation
-init.prototype = jQuery.fn;
-// Initialize central reference
-rootjQuery = jQuery( document );
-var rparentsprev = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/,
- // Methods guaranteed to produce a unique set when starting from a unique set
- guaranteedUnique = {
- children: true,
- contents: true,
- next: true,
- prev: true
- };
-jQuery.fn.extend( {
- has: function( target ) {
- var targets = jQuery( target, this ),
- l = targets.length;
- return this.filter( function() {
- var i = 0;
- for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
- if ( jQuery.contains( this, targets[ i ] ) ) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- } );
- },
- closest: function( selectors, context ) {
- var cur,
- i = 0,
- l = this.length,
- matched = [],
- targets = typeof selectors !== "string" && jQuery( selectors );
- // Positional selectors never match, since there's no _selection_ context
- if ( !rneedsContext.test( selectors ) ) {
- for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
- for ( cur = this[ i ]; cur && cur !== context; cur = cur.parentNode ) {
- // Always skip document fragments
- if ( cur.nodeType < 11 && ( targets ?
- targets.index( cur ) > -1 :
- // Don't pass non-elements to Sizzle
- cur.nodeType === 1 &&
- jQuery.find.matchesSelector( cur, selectors ) ) ) {
- matched.push( cur );
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return this.pushStack( matched.length > 1 ? jQuery.uniqueSort( matched ) : matched );
- },
- // Determine the position of an element within the set
- index: function( elem ) {
- // No argument, return index in parent
- if ( !elem ) {
- return ( this[ 0 ] && this[ 0 ].parentNode ) ? this.first().prevAll().length : -1;
- }
- // Index in selector
- if ( typeof elem === "string" ) {
- return indexOf.call( jQuery( elem ), this[ 0 ] );
- }
- // Locate the position of the desired element
- return indexOf.call( this,
- // If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used
- elem.jquery ? elem[ 0 ] : elem
- );
- },
- add: function( selector, context ) {
- return this.pushStack(
- jQuery.uniqueSort(
- jQuery.merge( this.get(), jQuery( selector, context ) )
- )
- );
- },
- addBack: function( selector ) {
- return this.add( selector == null ?
- this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter( selector )
- );
- }
-} );
-function sibling( cur, dir ) {
- while ( ( cur = cur[ dir ] ) && cur.nodeType !== 1 ) {}
- return cur;
-jQuery.each( {
- parent: function( elem ) {
- var parent = elem.parentNode;
- return parent && parent.nodeType !== 11 ? parent : null;
- },
- parents: function( elem ) {
- return dir( elem, "parentNode" );
- },
- parentsUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
- return dir( elem, "parentNode", until );
- },
- next: function( elem ) {
- return sibling( elem, "nextSibling" );
- },
- prev: function( elem ) {
- return sibling( elem, "previousSibling" );
- },
- nextAll: function( elem ) {
- return dir( elem, "nextSibling" );
- },
- prevAll: function( elem ) {
- return dir( elem, "previousSibling" );
- },
- nextUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
- return dir( elem, "nextSibling", until );
- },
- prevUntil: function( elem, i, until ) {
- return dir( elem, "previousSibling", until );
- },
- siblings: function( elem ) {
- return siblings( ( elem.parentNode || {} ).firstChild, elem );
- },
- children: function( elem ) {
- return siblings( elem.firstChild );
- },
- contents: function( elem ) {
- if ( nodeName( elem, "iframe" ) ) {
- return elem.contentDocument;
- }
- // Support: IE 9 - 11 only, iOS 7 only, Android Browser <=4.3 only
- // Treat the template element as a regular one in browsers that
- // don't support it.
- if ( nodeName( elem, "template" ) ) {
- elem = elem.content || elem;
- }
- return jQuery.merge( [], elem.childNodes );
- }
-}, function( name, fn ) {
- jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( until, selector ) {
- var matched = jQuery.map( this, fn, until );
- if ( name.slice( -5 ) !== "Until" ) {
- selector = until;
- }
- if ( selector && typeof selector === "string" ) {
- matched = jQuery.filter( selector, matched );
- }
- if ( this.length > 1 ) {
- // Remove duplicates
- if ( !guaranteedUnique[ name ] ) {
- jQuery.uniqueSort( matched );
- }
- // Reverse order for parents* and prev-derivatives
- if ( rparentsprev.test( name ) ) {
- matched.reverse();
- }
- }
- return this.pushStack( matched );
- };
-} );
-var rnothtmlwhite = ( /[^\x20\t\r\n\f]+/g );
-// Convert String-formatted options into Object-formatted ones
-function createOptions( options ) {
- var object = {};
- jQuery.each( options.match( rnothtmlwhite ) || [], function( _, flag ) {
- object[ flag ] = true;
- } );
- return object;
- * Create a callback list using the following parameters:
- *
- * options: an optional list of space-separated options that will change how
- * the callback list behaves or a more traditional option object
- *
- * By default a callback list will act like an event callback list and can be
- * "fired" multiple times.
- *
- * Possible options:
- *
- * once: will ensure the callback list can only be fired once (like a Deferred)
- *
- * memory: will keep track of previous values and will call any callback added
- * after the list has been fired right away with the latest "memorized"
- * values (like a Deferred)
- *
- * unique: will ensure a callback can only be added once (no duplicate in the list)
- *
- * stopOnFalse: interrupt callings when a callback returns false
- *
- */
-jQuery.Callbacks = function( options ) {
- // Convert options from String-formatted to Object-formatted if needed
- // (we check in cache first)
- options = typeof options === "string" ?
- createOptions( options ) :
- jQuery.extend( {}, options );
- var // Flag to know if list is currently firing
- firing,
- // Last fire value for non-forgettable lists
- memory,
- // Flag to know if list was already fired
- fired,
- // Flag to prevent firing
- locked,
- // Actual callback list
- list = [],
- // Queue of execution data for repeatable lists
- queue = [],
- // Index of currently firing callback (modified by add/remove as needed)
- firingIndex = -1,
- // Fire callbacks
- fire = function() {
- // Enforce single-firing
- locked = locked || options.once;
- // Execute callbacks for all pending executions,
- // respecting firingIndex overrides and runtime changes
- fired = firing = true;
- for ( ; queue.length; firingIndex = -1 ) {
- memory = queue.shift();
- while ( ++firingIndex < list.length ) {
- // Run callback and check for early termination
- if ( list[ firingIndex ].apply( memory[ 0 ], memory[ 1 ] ) === false &&
- options.stopOnFalse ) {
- // Jump to end and forget the data so .add doesn't re-fire
- firingIndex = list.length;
- memory = false;
- }
- }
- }
- // Forget the data if we're done with it
- if ( !options.memory ) {
- memory = false;
- }
- firing = false;
- // Clean up if we're done firing for good
- if ( locked ) {
- // Keep an empty list if we have data for future add calls
- if ( memory ) {
- list = [];
- // Otherwise, this object is spent
- } else {
- list = "";
- }
- }
- },
- // Actual Callbacks object
- self = {
- // Add a callback or a collection of callbacks to the list
- add: function() {
- if ( list ) {
- // If we have memory from a past run, we should fire after adding
- if ( memory && !firing ) {
- firingIndex = list.length - 1;
- queue.push( memory );
- }
- ( function add( args ) {
- jQuery.each( args, function( _, arg ) {
- if ( isFunction( arg ) ) {
- if ( !options.unique || !self.has( arg ) ) {
- list.push( arg );
- }
- } else if ( arg && arg.length && toType( arg ) !== "string" ) {
- // Inspect recursively
- add( arg );
- }
- } );
- } )( arguments );
- if ( memory && !firing ) {
- fire();
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Remove a callback from the list
- remove: function() {
- jQuery.each( arguments, function( _, arg ) {
- var index;
- while ( ( index = jQuery.inArray( arg, list, index ) ) > -1 ) {
- list.splice( index, 1 );
- // Handle firing indexes
- if ( index <= firingIndex ) {
- firingIndex--;
- }
- }
- } );
- return this;
- },
- // Check if a given callback is in the list.
- // If no argument is given, return whether or not list has callbacks attached.
- has: function( fn ) {
- return fn ?
- jQuery.inArray( fn, list ) > -1 :
- list.length > 0;
- },
- // Remove all callbacks from the list
- empty: function() {
- if ( list ) {
- list = [];
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Disable .fire and .add
- // Abort any current/pending executions
- // Clear all callbacks and values
- disable: function() {
- locked = queue = [];
- list = memory = "";
- return this;
- },
- disabled: function() {
- return !list;
- },
- // Disable .fire
- // Also disable .add unless we have memory (since it would have no effect)
- // Abort any pending executions
- lock: function() {
- locked = queue = [];
- if ( !memory && !firing ) {
- list = memory = "";
- }
- return this;
- },
- locked: function() {
- return !!locked;
- },
- // Call all callbacks with the given context and arguments
- fireWith: function( context, args ) {
- if ( !locked ) {
- args = args || [];
- args = [ context, args.slice ? args.slice() : args ];
- queue.push( args );
- if ( !firing ) {
- fire();
- }
- }
- return this;
- },
- // Call all the callbacks with the given arguments
- fire: function() {
- self.fireWith( this, arguments );
- return this;
- },
- // To know if the callbacks have already been called at least once
- fired: function() {
- return !!fired;
- }
- };
- return self;
-function Identity( v ) {
- return v;
-function Thrower( ex ) {
- throw ex;
-function adoptValue( value, resolve, reject, noValue ) {
- var method;
- try {
- // Check for promise aspect first to privilege synchronous behavior
- if ( value && isFunction( ( method = value.promise ) ) ) {
- method.call( value ).done( resolve ).fail( reject );
- // Other thenables
- } else if ( value && isFunction( ( method = value.then ) ) ) {
- method.call( value, resolve, reject );
- // Other non-thenables
- } else {
- // Control `resolve` arguments by letting Array#slice cast boolean `noValue` to integer:
- // * false: [ value ].slice( 0 ) => resolve( value )
- // * true: [ value ].slice( 1 ) => resolve()
- resolve.apply( undefined, [ value ].slice( noValue ) );
- }
- // For Promises/A+, convert exceptions into rejections
- // Since jQuery.when doesn't unwrap thenables, we can skip the extra checks appearing in
- // Deferred#then to conditionally suppress rejection.
- } catch ( value ) {
- // Support: Android 4.0 only
- // Strict mode functions invoked without .call/.apply get global-object context
- reject.apply( undefined, [ value ] );
- }
-jQuery.extend( {
- Deferred: function( func ) {
- var tuples = [
- // action, add listener, callbacks,
- // ... .then handlers, argument index, [final state]
- [ "notify", "progress", jQuery.Callbacks( "memory" ),
- jQuery.Callbacks( "memory" ), 2 ],
- [ "resolve", "done", jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ),
- jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ), 0, "resolved" ],
- [ "reject", "fail", jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ),
- jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ), 1, "rejected" ]
- ],
- state = "pending",
- promise = {
- state: function() {
- return state;
- },
- always: function() {
- deferred.done( arguments ).fail( arguments );
- return this;
- },
- "catch": function( fn ) {
- return promise.then( null, fn );
- },
- // Keep pipe for back-compat
- pipe: function( /* fnDone, fnFail, fnProgress */ ) {
- var fns = arguments;
- return jQuery.Deferred( function( newDefer ) {
- jQuery.each( tuples, function( i, tuple ) {
- // Map tuples (progress, done, fail) to arguments (done, fail, progress)
- var fn = isFunction( fns[ tuple[ 4 ] ] ) && fns[ tuple[ 4 ] ];
- // deferred.progress(function() { bind to newDefer or newDefer.notify })
- // deferred.done(function() { bind to newDefer or newDefer.resolve })
- // deferred.fail(function() { bind to newDefer or newDefer.reject })
- deferred[ tuple[ 1 ] ]( function() {
- var returned = fn && fn.apply( this, arguments );
- if ( returned && isFunction( returned.promise ) ) {
- returned.promise()
- .progress( newDefer.notify )
- .done( newDefer.resolve )
- .fail( newDefer.reject );
- } else {
- newDefer[ tuple[ 0 ] + "With" ](
- this,
- fn ? [ returned ] : arguments
- );
- }
- } );
- } );
- fns = null;
- } ).promise();
- },
- then: function( onFulfilled, onRejected, onProgress ) {
- var maxDepth = 0;
- function resolve( depth, deferred, handler, special ) {
- return function() {
- var that = this,
- args = arguments,
- mightThrow = function() {
- var returned, then;
- // Support: Promises/A+ section
- // https://promisesaplus.com/#point-59
- // Ignore double-resolution attempts
- if ( depth < maxDepth ) {
- return;
- }
- returned = handler.apply( that, args );
- // Support: Promises/A+ section 2.3.1
- // https://promisesaplus.com/#point-48
- if ( returned === deferred.promise() ) {
- throw new TypeError( "Thenable self-resolution" );
- }
- // Support: Promises/A+ sections, 3.5
- // https://promisesaplus.com/#point-54
- // https://promisesaplus.com/#point-75
- // Retrieve `then` only once
- then = returned &&
- // Support: Promises/A+ section 2.3.4
- // https://promisesaplus.com/#point-64
- // Only check objects and functions for thenability
- ( typeof returned === "object" ||
- typeof returned === "function" ) &&
- returned.then;
- // Handle a returned thenable
- if ( isFunction( then ) ) {
- // Special processors (notify) just wait for resolution
- if ( special ) {
- then.call(
- returned,
- resolve( maxDepth, deferred, Identity, special ),
- resolve( maxDepth, deferred, Thrower, special )
- );
- // Normal processors (resolve) also hook into progress
- } else {
- // ...and disregard older resolution values
- maxDepth++;
- then.call(
- returned,
- resolve( maxDepth, deferred, Identity, special ),
- resolve( maxDepth, deferred, Thrower, special ),
- resolve( maxDepth, deferred, Identity,
- deferred.notifyWith )
- );
- }
- // Handle all other returned values
- } else {
- // Only substitute handlers pass on context
- // and multiple values (non-spec behavior)
- if ( handler !== Identity ) {
- that = undefined;
- args = [ returned ];
- }
- // Process the value(s)
- // Default process is resolve
- ( special || deferred.resolveWith )( that, args );
- }
- },
- // Only normal processors (resolve) catch and reject exceptions
- process = special ?
- mightThrow :
- function() {
- try {
- mightThrow();
- } catch ( e ) {
- if ( jQuery.Deferred.exceptionHook ) {
- jQuery.Deferred.exceptionHook( e,
- process.stackTrace );
- }
- // Support: Promises/A+ section
- // https://promisesaplus.com/#point-61
- // Ignore post-resolution exceptions
- if ( depth + 1 >= maxDepth ) {
- // Only substitute handlers pass on context
- // and multiple values (non-spec behavior)
- if ( handler !== Thrower ) {
- that = undefined;
- args = [ e ];
- }
- deferred.rejectWith( that, args );
- }
- }
- };
- // Support: Promises/A+ section
- // https://promisesaplus.com/#point-57
- // Re-resolve promises immediately to dodge false rejection from
- // subsequent errors
- if ( depth ) {
- process();
- } else {
- // Call an optional hook to record the stack, in case of exception
- // since it's otherwise lost when execution goes async
- if ( jQuery.Deferred.getStackHook ) {
- process.stackTrace = jQuery.Deferred.getStackHook();
- }
- window.setTimeout( process );
- }
- };
- }
- return jQuery.Deferred( function( newDefer ) {
- // progress_handlers.add( ... )
- tuples[ 0 ][ 3 ].add(
- resolve(
- 0,
- newDefer,
- isFunction( onProgress ) ?
- onProgress :
- Identity,
- newDefer.notifyWith
- )
- );
- // fulfilled_handlers.add( ... )
- tuples[ 1 ][ 3 ].add(
- resolve(
- 0,
- newDefer,
- isFunction( onFulfilled ) ?
- onFulfilled :
- Identity
- )
- );
- // rejected_handlers.add( ... )
- tuples[ 2 ][ 3 ].add(
- resolve(
- 0,
- newDefer,
- isFunction( onRejected ) ?
- onRejected :
- Thrower
- )
- );
- } ).promise();
- },
- // Get a promise for this deferred
- // If obj is provided, the promise aspect is added to the object
- promise: function( obj ) {
- return obj != null ? jQuery.extend( obj, promise ) : promise;
- }
- },
- deferred = {};
- // Add list-specific methods
- jQuery.each( tuples, function( i, tuple ) {
- var list = tuple[ 2 ],
- stateString = tuple[ 5 ];
- // promise.progress = list.add
- // promise.done = list.add
- // promise.fail = list.add
- promise[ tuple[ 1 ] ] = list.add;
- // Handle state
- if ( stateString ) {
- list.add(
- function() {
- // state = "resolved" (i.e., fulfilled)
- // state = "rejected"
- state = stateString;
- },
- // rejected_callbacks.disable
- // fulfilled_callbacks.disable
- tuples[ 3 - i ][ 2 ].disable,
- // rejected_handlers.disable
- // fulfilled_handlers.disable
- tuples[ 3 - i ][ 3 ].disable,
- // progress_callbacks.lock
- tuples[ 0 ][ 2 ].lock,
- // progress_handlers.lock
- tuples[ 0 ][ 3 ].lock
- );
- }
- // progress_handlers.fire
- // fulfilled_handlers.fire
- // rejected_handlers.fire
- list.add( tuple[ 3 ].fire );
- // deferred.notify = function() { deferred.notifyWith(...) }
- // deferred.resolve = function() { deferred.resolveWith(...) }
- // deferred.reject = function() { deferred.rejectWith(...) }
- deferred[ tuple[ 0 ] ] = function() {
- deferred[ tuple[ 0 ] + "With" ]( this === deferred ? undefined : this, arguments );
- return this;
- };
- // deferred.notifyWith = list.fireWith
- // deferred.resolveWith = list.fireWith
- // deferred.rejectWith = list.fireWith
- deferred[ tuple[ 0 ] + "With" ] = list.fireWith;
- } );
- // Make the deferred a promise
- promise.promise( deferred );
- // Call given func if any
- if ( func ) {
- func.call( deferred, deferred );
- }
- // All done!
- return deferred;
- },
- // Deferred helper
- when: function( singleValue ) {
- var
- // count of uncompleted subordinates
- remaining = arguments.length,
- // count of unprocessed arguments
- i = remaining,
- // subordinate fulfillment data
- resolveContexts = Array( i ),
- resolveValues = slice.call( arguments ),
- // the master Deferred
- master = jQuery.Deferred(),
- // subordinate callback factory
- updateFunc = function( i ) {
- return function( value ) {
- resolveContexts[ i ] = this;
- resolveValues[ i ] = arguments.length > 1 ? slice.call( arguments ) : value;
- if ( !( --remaining ) ) {
- master.resolveWith( resolveContexts, resolveValues );
- }
- };
- };
- // Single- and empty arguments are adopted like Promise.resolve
- if ( remaining <= 1 ) {
- adoptValue( singleValue, master.done( updateFunc( i ) ).resolve, master.reject,
- !remaining );
- // Use .then() to unwrap secondary thenables (cf. gh-3000)
- if ( master.state() === "pending" ||
- isFunction( resolveValues[ i ] && resolveValues[ i ].then ) ) {
- return master.then();
- }
- }
- // Multiple arguments are aggregated like Promise.all array elements
- while ( i-- ) {
- adoptValue( resolveValues[ i ], updateFunc( i ), master.reject );
- }
- return master.promise();
- }
-} );
-// These usually indicate a programmer mistake during development,
-// warn about them ASAP rather than swallowing them by default.
-var rerrorNames = /^(Eval|Internal|Range|Reference|Syntax|Type|URI)Error$/;
-jQuery.Deferred.exceptionHook = function( error, stack ) {
- // Support: IE 8 - 9 only
- // Console exists when dev tools are open, which can happen at any time
- if ( window.console && window.console.warn && error && rerrorNames.test( error.name ) ) {
- window.console.warn( "jQuery.Deferred exception: " + error.message, error.stack, stack );
- }
-jQuery.readyException = function( error ) {
- window.setTimeout( function() {
- throw error;
- } );
-// The deferred used on DOM ready
-var readyList = jQuery.Deferred();
-jQuery.fn.ready = function( fn ) {
- readyList
- .then( fn )
- // Wrap jQuery.readyException in a function so that the lookup
- // happens at the time of error handling instead of callback
- // registration.
- .catch( function( error ) {
- jQuery.readyException( error );
- } );
- return this;
-jQuery.extend( {
- // Is the DOM ready to be used? Set to true once it occurs.
- isReady: false,
- // A counter to track how many items to wait for before
- // the ready event fires. See #6781
- readyWait: 1,
- // Handle when the DOM is ready
- ready: function( wait ) {
- // Abort if there are pending holds or we're already ready
- if ( wait === true ? --jQuery.readyWait : jQuery.isReady ) {
- return;
- }
- // Remember that the DOM is ready
- jQuery.isReady = true;
- // If a normal DOM Ready event fired, decrement, and wait if need be
- if ( wait !== true && --jQuery.readyWait > 0 ) {
- return;
- }
- // If there are functions bound, to execute
- readyList.resolveWith( document, [ jQuery ] );
- }
-} );
-jQuery.ready.then = readyList.then;
-// The ready event handler and self cleanup method
-function completed() {
- document.removeEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", completed );
- window.removeEventListener( "load", completed );
- jQuery.ready();
-// Catch cases where $(document).ready() is called
-// after the browser event has already occurred.
-// Support: IE <=9 - 10 only
-// Older IE sometimes signals "interactive" too soon
-if ( document.readyState === "complete" ||
- ( document.readyState !== "loading" && !document.documentElement.doScroll ) ) {
- // Handle it asynchronously to allow scripts the opportunity to delay ready
- window.setTimeout( jQuery.ready );
-} else {
- // Use the handy event callback
- document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", completed );
- // A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
- window.addEventListener( "load", completed );
-// Multifunctional method to get and set values of a collection
-// The value/s can optionally be executed if it's a function
-var access = function( elems, fn, key, value, chainable, emptyGet, raw ) {
- var i = 0,
- len = elems.length,
- bulk = key == null;
- // Sets many values
- if ( toType( key ) === "object" ) {
- chainable = true;
- for ( i in key ) {
- access( elems, fn, i, key[ i ], true, emptyGet, raw );
- }
- // Sets one value
- } else if ( value !== undefined ) {
- chainable = true;
- if ( !isFunction( value ) ) {
- raw = true;
- }
- if ( bulk ) {
- // Bulk operations run against the entire set
- if ( raw ) {
- fn.call( elems, value );
- fn = null;
- // ...except when executing function values
- } else {
- bulk = fn;
- fn = function( elem, key, value ) {
- return bulk.call( jQuery( elem ), value );
- };
- }
- }
- if ( fn ) {
- for ( ; i < len; i++ ) {
- fn(
- elems[ i ], key, raw ?
- value :
- value.call( elems[ i ], i, fn( elems[ i ], key ) )
- );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( chainable ) {
- return elems;
- }
- // Gets
- if ( bulk ) {
- return fn.call( elems );
- }
- return len ? fn( elems[ 0 ], key ) : emptyGet;
-// Matches dashed string for camelizing
-var rmsPrefix = /^-ms-/,
- rdashAlpha = /-([a-z])/g;
-// Used by camelCase as callback to replace()
-function fcamelCase( all, letter ) {
- return letter.toUpperCase();
-// Convert dashed to camelCase; used by the css and data modules
-// Support: IE <=9 - 11, Edge 12 - 15
-// Microsoft forgot to hump their vendor prefix (#9572)
-function camelCase( string ) {
- return string.replace( rmsPrefix, "ms-" ).replace( rdashAlpha, fcamelCase );
-var acceptData = function( owner ) {
- // Accepts only:
- // - Node
- // - Node.ELEMENT_NODE
- // - Object
- // - Any
- return owner.nodeType === 1 || owner.nodeType === 9 || !( +owner.nodeType );
-function Data() {
- this.expando = jQuery.expando + Data.uid++;
-Data.uid = 1;
-Data.prototype = {
- cache: function( owner ) {
- // Check if the owner object already has a cache
- var value = owner[ this.expando ];
- // If not, create one
- if ( !value ) {
- value = {};
- // We can accept data for non-element nodes in modern browsers,
- // but we should not, see #8335.
- // Always return an empty object.
- if ( acceptData( owner ) ) {
- // If it is a node unlikely to be stringify-ed or looped over
- // use plain assignment
- if ( owner.nodeType ) {
- owner[ this.expando ] = value;
- // Otherwise secure it in a non-enumerable property
- // configurable must be true to allow the property to be
- // deleted when data is removed
- } else {
- Object.defineProperty( owner, this.expando, {
- value: value,
- configurable: true
- } );
- }
- }
- }
- return value;
- },
- set: function( owner, data, value ) {
- var prop,
- cache = this.cache( owner );
- // Handle: [ owner, key, value ] args
- // Always use camelCase key (gh-2257)
- if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
- cache[ camelCase( data ) ] = value;
- // Handle: [ owner, { properties } ] args
- } else {
- // Copy the properties one-by-one to the cache object
- for ( prop in data ) {
- cache[ camelCase( prop ) ] = data[ prop ];
- }
- }
- return cache;
- },
- get: function( owner, key ) {
- return key === undefined ?
- this.cache( owner ) :
- // Always use camelCase key (gh-2257)
- owner[ this.expando ] && owner[ this.expando ][ camelCase( key ) ];
- },
- access: function( owner, key, value ) {
- // In cases where either:
- //
- // 1. No key was specified
- // 2. A string key was specified, but no value provided
- //
- // Take the "read" path and allow the get method to determine
- // which value to return, respectively either:
- //
- // 1. The entire cache object
- // 2. The data stored at the key
- //
- if ( key === undefined ||
- ( ( key && typeof key === "string" ) && value === undefined ) ) {
- return this.get( owner, key );
- }
- // When the key is not a string, or both a key and value
- // are specified, set or extend (existing objects) with either:
- //
- // 1. An object of properties
- // 2. A key and value
- //
- this.set( owner, key, value );
- // Since the "set" path can have two possible entry points
- // return the expected data based on which path was taken[*]
- return value !== undefined ? value : key;
- },
- remove: function( owner, key ) {
- var i,
- cache = owner[ this.expando ];
- if ( cache === undefined ) {
- return;
- }
- if ( key !== undefined ) {
- // Support array or space separated string of keys
- if ( Array.isArray( key ) ) {
- // If key is an array of keys...
- // We always set camelCase keys, so remove that.
- key = key.map( camelCase );
- } else {
- key = camelCase( key );
- // If a key with the spaces exists, use it.
- // Otherwise, create an array by matching non-whitespace
- key = key in cache ?
- [ key ] :
- ( key.match( rnothtmlwhite ) || [] );
- }
- i = key.length;
- while ( i-- ) {
- delete cache[ key[ i ] ];
- }
- }
- // Remove the expando if there's no more data
- if ( key === undefined || jQuery.isEmptyObject( cache ) ) {
- // Support: Chrome <=35 - 45
- // Webkit & Blink performance suffers when deleting properties
- // from DOM nodes, so set to undefined instead
- // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=378607 (bug restricted)
- if ( owner.nodeType ) {
- owner[ this.expando ] = undefined;
- } else {
- delete owner[ this.expando ];
- }
- }
- },
- hasData: function( owner ) {
- var cache = owner[ this.expando ];
- return cache !== undefined && !jQuery.isEmptyObject( cache );
- }
-var dataPriv = new Data();
-var dataUser = new Data();
-// Implementation Summary
-// 1. Enforce API surface and semantic compatibility with 1.9.x branch
-// 2. Improve the module's maintainability by reducing the storage
-// paths to a single mechanism.
-// 3. Use the same single mechanism to support "private" and "user" data.
-// 4. _Never_ expose "private" data to user code (TODO: Drop _data, _removeData)
-// 5. Avoid exposing implementation details on user objects (eg. expando properties)
-// 6. Provide a clear path for implementation upgrade to WeakMap in 2014
-var rbrace = /^(?:\{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/,
- rmultiDash = /[A-Z]/g;
-function getData( data ) {
- if ( data === "true" ) {
- return true;
- }
- if ( data === "false" ) {
- return false;
- }
- if ( data === "null" ) {
- return null;
- }
- // Only convert to a number if it doesn't change the string
- if ( data === +data + "" ) {
- return +data;
- }
- if ( rbrace.test( data ) ) {
- return JSON.parse( data );
- }
- return data;
-function dataAttr( elem, key, data ) {
- var name;
- // If nothing was found internally, try to fetch any
- // data from the HTML5 data-* attribute
- if ( data === undefined && elem.nodeType === 1 ) {
- name = "data-" + key.replace( rmultiDash, "-$&" ).toLowerCase();
- data = elem.getAttribute( name );
- if ( typeof data === "string" ) {
- try {
- data = getData( data );
- } catch ( e ) {}
- // Make sure we set the data so it isn't changed later
- dataUser.set( elem, key, data );
- } else {
- data = undefined;
- }
- }
- return data;
-jQuery.extend( {
- hasData: function( elem ) {
- return dataUser.hasData( elem ) || dataPriv.hasData( elem );
- },
- data: function( elem, name, data ) {
- return dataUser.access( elem, name, data );
- },
- removeData: function( elem, name ) {
- dataUser.remove( elem, name );
- },
- // TODO: Now that all calls to _data and _removeData have been replaced
- // with direct calls to dataPriv methods, these can be deprecated.
- _data: function( elem, name, data ) {
- return dataPriv.access( elem, name, data );
- },
- _removeData: function( elem, name ) {
- dataPriv.remove( elem, name );
- }
-} );
-jQuery.fn.extend( {
- data: function( key, value ) {
- var i, name, data,
- elem = this[ 0 ],
- attrs = elem && elem.attributes;
- // Gets all values
- if ( key === undefined ) {
- if ( this.length ) {
- data = dataUser.get( elem );
- if ( elem.nodeType === 1 && !dataPriv.get( elem, "hasDataAttrs" ) ) {
- i = attrs.length;
- while ( i-- ) {
- // Support: IE 11 only
- // The attrs elements can be null (#14894)
- if ( attrs[ i ] ) {
- name = attrs[ i ].name;
- if ( name.indexOf( "data-" ) === 0 ) {
- name = camelCase( name.slice( 5 ) );
- dataAttr( elem, name, data[ name ] );
- }
- }
- }
- dataPriv.set( elem, "hasDataAttrs", true );
- }
- }
- return data;
- }
- // Sets multiple values
- if ( typeof key === "object" ) {
- return this.each( function() {
- dataUser.set( this, key );
- } );
- }
- return access( this, function( value ) {
- var data;
- // The calling jQuery object (element matches) is not empty
- // (and therefore has an element appears at this[ 0 ]) and the
- // `value` parameter was not undefined. An empty jQuery object
- // will result in `undefined` for elem = this[ 0 ] which will
- // throw an exception if an attempt to read a data cache is made.
- if ( elem && value === undefined ) {
- // Attempt to get data from the cache
- // The key will always be camelCased in Data
- data = dataUser.get( elem, key );
- if ( data !== undefined ) {
- return data;
- }
- // Attempt to "discover" the data in
- // HTML5 custom data-* attrs
- data = dataAttr( elem, key );
- if ( data !== undefined ) {
- return data;
- }
- // We tried really hard, but the data doesn't exist.
- return;
- }
- // Set the data...
- this.each( function() {
- // We always store the camelCased key
- dataUser.set( this, key, value );
- } );
- }, null, value, arguments.length > 1, null, true );
- },
- removeData: function( key ) {
- return this.each( function() {
- dataUser.remove( this, key );
- } );
- }
-} );
-jQuery.extend( {
- queue: function( elem, type, data ) {
- var queue;
- if ( elem ) {
- type = ( type || "fx" ) + "queue";
- queue = dataPriv.get( elem, type );
- // Speed up dequeue by getting out quickly if this is just a lookup
- if ( data ) {
- if ( !queue || Array.isArray( data ) ) {
- queue = dataPriv.access( elem, type, jQuery.makeArray( data ) );
- } else {
- queue.push( data );
- }
- }
- return queue || [];
- }
- },
- dequeue: function( elem, type ) {
- type = type || "fx";
- var queue = jQuery.queue( elem, type ),
- startLength = queue.length,
- fn = queue.shift(),
- hooks = jQuery._queueHooks( elem, type ),
- next = function() {
- jQuery.dequeue( elem, type );
- };
- // If the fx queue is dequeued, always remove the progress sentinel
- if ( fn === "inprogress" ) {
- fn = queue.shift();
- startLength--;
- }
- if ( fn ) {
- // Add a progress sentinel to prevent the fx queue from being
- // automatically dequeued
- if ( type === "fx" ) {
- queue.unshift( "inprogress" );
- }
- // Clear up the last queue stop function
- delete hooks.stop;
- fn.call( elem, next, hooks );
- }
- if ( !startLength && hooks ) {
- hooks.empty.fire();
- }
- },
- // Not public - generate a queueHooks object, or return the current one
- _queueHooks: function( elem, type ) {
- var key = type + "queueHooks";
- return dataPriv.get( elem, key ) || dataPriv.access( elem, key, {
- empty: jQuery.Callbacks( "once memory" ).add( function() {
- dataPriv.remove( elem, [ type + "queue", key ] );
- } )
- } );
- }
-} );
-jQuery.fn.extend( {
- queue: function( type, data ) {
- var setter = 2;
- if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
- data = type;
- type = "fx";
- setter--;
- }
- if ( arguments.length < setter ) {
- return jQuery.queue( this[ 0 ], type );
- }
- return data === undefined ?
- this :
- this.each( function() {
- var queue = jQuery.queue( this, type, data );
- // Ensure a hooks for this queue
- jQuery._queueHooks( this, type );
- if ( type === "fx" && queue[ 0 ] !== "inprogress" ) {
- jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
- }
- } );
- },
- dequeue: function( type ) {
- return this.each( function() {
- jQuery.dequeue( this, type );
- } );
- },
- clearQueue: function( type ) {
- return this.queue( type || "fx", [] );
- },
- // Get a promise resolved when queues of a certain type
- // are emptied (fx is the type by default)
- promise: function( type, obj ) {
- var tmp,
- count = 1,
- defer = jQuery.Deferred(),
- elements = this,
- i = this.length,
- resolve = function() {
- if ( !( --count ) ) {
- defer.resolveWith( elements, [ elements ] );
- }
- };
- if ( typeof type !== "string" ) {
- obj = type;
- type = undefined;
- }
- type = type || "fx";
- while ( i-- ) {
- tmp = dataPriv.get( elements[ i ], type + "queueHooks" );
- if ( tmp && tmp.empty ) {
- count++;
- tmp.empty.add( resolve );
- }
- }
- resolve();
- return defer.promise( obj );
- }
-} );
-var pnum = ( /[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/ ).source;
-var rcssNum = new RegExp( "^(?:([+-])=|)(" + pnum + ")([a-z%]*)$", "i" );
-var cssExpand = [ "Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left" ];
-var isHiddenWithinTree = function( elem, el ) {
- // isHiddenWithinTree might be called from jQuery#filter function;
- // in that case, element will be second argument
- elem = el || elem;
- // Inline style trumps all
- return elem.style.display === "none" ||
- elem.style.display === "" &&
- // Otherwise, check computed style
- // Support: Firefox <=43 - 45
- // Disconnected elements can have computed display: none, so first confirm that elem is
- // in the document.
- jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem ) &&
- jQuery.css( elem, "display" ) === "none";
- };
-var swap = function( elem, options, callback, args ) {
- var ret, name,
- old = {};
- // Remember the old values, and insert the new ones
- for ( name in options ) {
- old[ name ] = elem.style[ name ];
- elem.style[ name ] = options[ name ];
- }
- ret = callback.apply( elem, args || [] );
- // Revert the old values
- for ( name in options ) {
- elem.style[ name ] = old[ name ];
- }
- return ret;
-function adjustCSS( elem, prop, valueParts, tween ) {
- var adjusted, scale,
- maxIterations = 20,
- currentValue = tween ?
- function() {
- return tween.cur();
- } :
- function() {
- return jQuery.css( elem, prop, "" );
- },
- initial = currentValue(),
- unit = valueParts && valueParts[ 3 ] || ( jQuery.cssNumber[ prop ] ? "" : "px" ),
- // Starting value computation is required for potential unit mismatches
- initialInUnit = ( jQuery.cssNumber[ prop ] || unit !== "px" && +initial ) &&
- rcssNum.exec( jQuery.css( elem, prop ) );
- if ( initialInUnit && initialInUnit[ 3 ] !== unit ) {
- // Support: Firefox <=54
- // Halve the iteration target value to prevent interference from CSS upper bounds (gh-2144)
- initial = initial / 2;
- // Trust units reported by jQuery.css
- unit = unit || initialInUnit[ 3 ];
- // Iteratively approximate from a nonzero starting point
- initialInUnit = +initial || 1;
- while ( maxIterations-- ) {
- // Evaluate and update our best guess (doubling guesses that zero out).
- // Finish if the scale equals or crosses 1 (making the old*new product non-positive).
- jQuery.style( elem, prop, initialInUnit + unit );
- if ( ( 1 - scale ) * ( 1 - ( scale = currentValue() / initial || 0.5 ) ) <= 0 ) {
- maxIterations = 0;
- }
- initialInUnit = initialInUnit / scale;
- }
- initialInUnit = initialInUnit * 2;
- jQuery.style( elem, prop, initialInUnit + unit );
- // Make sure we update the tween properties later on
- valueParts = valueParts || [];
- }
- if ( valueParts ) {
- initialInUnit = +initialInUnit || +initial || 0;
- // Apply relative offset (+=/-=) if specified
- adjusted = valueParts[ 1 ] ?
- initialInUnit + ( valueParts[ 1 ] + 1 ) * valueParts[ 2 ] :
- +valueParts[ 2 ];
- if ( tween ) {
- tween.unit = unit;
- tween.start = initialInUnit;
- tween.end = adjusted;
- }
- }
- return adjusted;
-var defaultDisplayMap = {};
-function getDefaultDisplay( elem ) {
- var temp,
- doc = elem.ownerDocument,
- nodeName = elem.nodeName,
- display = defaultDisplayMap[ nodeName ];
- if ( display ) {
- return display;
- }
- temp = doc.body.appendChild( doc.createElement( nodeName ) );
- display = jQuery.css( temp, "display" );
- temp.parentNode.removeChild( temp );
- if ( display === "none" ) {
- display = "block";
- }
- defaultDisplayMap[ nodeName ] = display;
- return display;
-function showHide( elements, show ) {
- var display, elem,
- values = [],
- index = 0,
- length = elements.length;
- // Determine new display value for elements that need to change
- for ( ; index < length; index++ ) {
- elem = elements[ index ];
- if ( !elem.style ) {
- continue;
- }
- display = elem.style.display;
- if ( show ) {
- // Since we force visibility upon cascade-hidden elements, an immediate (and slow)
- // check is required in this first loop unless we have a nonempty display value (either
- // inline or about-to-be-restored)
- if ( display === "none" ) {
- values[ index ] = dataPriv.get( elem, "display" ) || null;
- if ( !values[ index ] ) {
- elem.style.display = "";
- }
- }
- if ( elem.style.display === "" && isHiddenWithinTree( elem ) ) {
- values[ index ] = getDefaultDisplay( elem );
- }
- } else {
- if ( display !== "none" ) {
- values[ index ] = "none";
- // Remember what we're overwriting
- dataPriv.set( elem, "display", display );
- }
- }
- }
- // Set the display of the elements in a second loop to avoid constant reflow
- for ( index = 0; index < length; index++ ) {
- if ( values[ index ] != null ) {
- elements[ index ].style.display = values[ index ];
- }
- }
- return elements;
-jQuery.fn.extend( {
- show: function() {
- return showHide( this, true );
- },
- hide: function() {
- return showHide( this );
- },
- toggle: function( state ) {
- if ( typeof state === "boolean" ) {
- return state ? this.show() : this.hide();
- }
- return this.each( function() {
- if ( isHiddenWithinTree( this ) ) {
- jQuery( this ).show();
- } else {
- jQuery( this ).hide();
- }
- } );
- }
-} );
-var rcheckableType = ( /^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i );
-var rtagName = ( /<([a-z][^\/\0>\x20\t\r\n\f]+)/i );
-var rscriptType = ( /^$|^module$|\/(?:java|ecma)script/i );
-// We have to close these tags to support XHTML (#13200)
-var wrapMap = {
- // Support: IE <=9 only
- option: [ 1, "", " " ],
- // XHTML parsers do not magically insert elements in the
- // same way that tag soup parsers do. So we cannot shorten
- // this by omitting or other required elements.
- thead: [ 1, "" ],
- col: [ 2, "" ],
- tr: [ 2, "" ],
- td: [ 3, "" ],
- _default: [ 0, "", "" ]
-// Support: IE <=9 only
-wrapMap.optgroup = wrapMap.option;
-wrapMap.tbody = wrapMap.tfoot = wrapMap.colgroup = wrapMap.caption = wrapMap.thead;
-wrapMap.th = wrapMap.td;
-function getAll( context, tag ) {
- // Support: IE <=9 - 11 only
- // Use typeof to avoid zero-argument method invocation on host objects (#15151)
- var ret;
- if ( typeof context.getElementsByTagName !== "undefined" ) {
- ret = context.getElementsByTagName( tag || "*" );
- } else if ( typeof context.querySelectorAll !== "undefined" ) {
- ret = context.querySelectorAll( tag || "*" );
- } else {
- ret = [];
- }
- if ( tag === undefined || tag && nodeName( context, tag ) ) {
- return jQuery.merge( [ context ], ret );
- }
- return ret;
-// Mark scripts as having already been evaluated
-function setGlobalEval( elems, refElements ) {
- var i = 0,
- l = elems.length;
- for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
- dataPriv.set(
- elems[ i ],
- "globalEval",
- !refElements || dataPriv.get( refElements[ i ], "globalEval" )
- );
- }
-var rhtml = /<|?\w+;/;
-function buildFragment( elems, context, scripts, selection, ignored ) {
- var elem, tmp, tag, wrap, contains, j,
- fragment = context.createDocumentFragment(),
- nodes = [],
- i = 0,
- l = elems.length;
- for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
- elem = elems[ i ];
- if ( elem || elem === 0 ) {
- // Add nodes directly
- if ( toType( elem ) === "object" ) {
- // Support: Android <=4.0 only, PhantomJS 1 only
- // push.apply(_, arraylike) throws on ancient WebKit
- jQuery.merge( nodes, elem.nodeType ? [ elem ] : elem );
- // Convert non-html into a text node
- } else if ( !rhtml.test( elem ) ) {
- nodes.push( context.createTextNode( elem ) );
- // Convert html into DOM nodes
- } else {
- tmp = tmp || fragment.appendChild( context.createElement( "div" ) );
- // Deserialize a standard representation
- tag = ( rtagName.exec( elem ) || [ "", "" ] )[ 1 ].toLowerCase();
- wrap = wrapMap[ tag ] || wrapMap._default;
- tmp.innerHTML = wrap[ 1 ] + jQuery.htmlPrefilter( elem ) + wrap[ 2 ];
- // Descend through wrappers to the right content
- j = wrap[ 0 ];
- while ( j-- ) {
- tmp = tmp.lastChild;
- }
- // Support: Android <=4.0 only, PhantomJS 1 only
- // push.apply(_, arraylike) throws on ancient WebKit
- jQuery.merge( nodes, tmp.childNodes );
- // Remember the top-level container
- tmp = fragment.firstChild;
- // Ensure the created nodes are orphaned (#12392)
- tmp.textContent = "";
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove wrapper from fragment
- fragment.textContent = "";
- i = 0;
- while ( ( elem = nodes[ i++ ] ) ) {
- // Skip elements already in the context collection (trac-4087)
- if ( selection && jQuery.inArray( elem, selection ) > -1 ) {
- if ( ignored ) {
- ignored.push( elem );
- }
- continue;
- }
- contains = jQuery.contains( elem.ownerDocument, elem );
- // Append to fragment
- tmp = getAll( fragment.appendChild( elem ), "script" );
- // Preserve script evaluation history
- if ( contains ) {
- setGlobalEval( tmp );
- }
- // Capture executables
- if ( scripts ) {
- j = 0;
- while ( ( elem = tmp[ j++ ] ) ) {
- if ( rscriptType.test( elem.type || "" ) ) {
- scripts.push( elem );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return fragment;
-( function() {
- var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment(),
- div = fragment.appendChild( document.createElement( "div" ) ),
- input = document.createElement( "input" );
- // Support: Android 4.0 - 4.3 only
- // Check state lost if the name is set (#11217)
- // Support: Windows Web Apps (WWA)
- // `name` and `type` must use .setAttribute for WWA (#14901)
- input.setAttribute( "type", "radio" );
- input.setAttribute( "checked", "checked" );
- input.setAttribute( "name", "t" );
- div.appendChild( input );
- // Support: Android <=4.1 only
- // Older WebKit doesn't clone checked state correctly in fragments
- support.checkClone = div.cloneNode( true ).cloneNode( true ).lastChild.checked;
- // Support: IE <=11 only
- // Make sure textarea (and checkbox) defaultValue is properly cloned
- div.innerHTML = "";
- support.noCloneChecked = !!div.cloneNode( true ).lastChild.defaultValue;
-} )();
-var documentElement = document.documentElement;
- rkeyEvent = /^key/,
- rmouseEvent = /^(?:mouse|pointer|contextmenu|drag|drop)|click/,
- rtypenamespace = /^([^.]*)(?:\.(.+)|)/;
-function returnTrue() {
- return true;
-function returnFalse() {
- return false;
-// Support: IE <=9 only
-// See #13393 for more info
-function safeActiveElement() {
- try {
- return document.activeElement;
- } catch ( err ) { }
-function on( elem, types, selector, data, fn, one ) {
- var origFn, type;
- // Types can be a map of types/handlers
- if ( typeof types === "object" ) {
- // ( types-Object, selector, data )
- if ( typeof selector !== "string" ) {
- // ( types-Object, data )
- data = data || selector;
- selector = undefined;
- }
- for ( type in types ) {
- on( elem, type, selector, data, types[ type ], one );
- }
- return elem;
- }
- if ( data == null && fn == null ) {
- // ( types, fn )
- fn = selector;
- data = selector = undefined;
- } else if ( fn == null ) {
- if ( typeof selector === "string" ) {
- // ( types, selector, fn )
- fn = data;
- data = undefined;
- } else {
- // ( types, data, fn )
- fn = data;
- data = selector;
- selector = undefined;
- }
- }
- if ( fn === false ) {
- fn = returnFalse;
- } else if ( !fn ) {
- return elem;
- }
- if ( one === 1 ) {
- origFn = fn;
- fn = function( event ) {
- // Can use an empty set, since event contains the info
- jQuery().off( event );
- return origFn.apply( this, arguments );
- };
- // Use same guid so caller can remove using origFn
- fn.guid = origFn.guid || ( origFn.guid = jQuery.guid++ );
- }
- return elem.each( function() {
- jQuery.event.add( this, types, fn, data, selector );
- } );
- * Helper functions for managing events -- not part of the public interface.
- * Props to Dean Edwards' addEvent library for many of the ideas.
- */
-jQuery.event = {
- global: {},
- add: function( elem, types, handler, data, selector ) {
- var handleObjIn, eventHandle, tmp,
- events, t, handleObj,
- special, handlers, type, namespaces, origType,
- elemData = dataPriv.get( elem );
- // Don't attach events to noData or text/comment nodes (but allow plain objects)
- if ( !elemData ) {
- return;
- }
- // Caller can pass in an object of custom data in lieu of the handler
- if ( handler.handler ) {
- handleObjIn = handler;
- handler = handleObjIn.handler;
- selector = handleObjIn.selector;
- }
- // Ensure that invalid selectors throw exceptions at attach time
- // Evaluate against documentElement in case elem is a non-element node (e.g., document)
- if ( selector ) {
- jQuery.find.matchesSelector( documentElement, selector );
- }
- // Make sure that the handler has a unique ID, used to find/remove it later
- if ( !handler.guid ) {
- handler.guid = jQuery.guid++;
- }
- // Init the element's event structure and main handler, if this is the first
- if ( !( events = elemData.events ) ) {
- events = elemData.events = {};
- }
- if ( !( eventHandle = elemData.handle ) ) {
- eventHandle = elemData.handle = function( e ) {
- // Discard the second event of a jQuery.event.trigger() and
- // when an event is called after a page has unloaded
- return typeof jQuery !== "undefined" && jQuery.event.triggered !== e.type ?
- jQuery.event.dispatch.apply( elem, arguments ) : undefined;
- };
- }
- // Handle multiple events separated by a space
- types = ( types || "" ).match( rnothtmlwhite ) || [ "" ];
- t = types.length;
- while ( t-- ) {
- tmp = rtypenamespace.exec( types[ t ] ) || [];
- type = origType = tmp[ 1 ];
- namespaces = ( tmp[ 2 ] || "" ).split( "." ).sort();
- // There *must* be a type, no attaching namespace-only handlers
- if ( !type ) {
- continue;
- }
- // If event changes its type, use the special event handlers for the changed type
- special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
- // If selector defined, determine special event api type, otherwise given type
- type = ( selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type;
- // Update special based on newly reset type
- special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
- // handleObj is passed to all event handlers
- handleObj = jQuery.extend( {
- type: type,
- origType: origType,
- data: data,
- handler: handler,
- guid: handler.guid,
- selector: selector,
- needsContext: selector && jQuery.expr.match.needsContext.test( selector ),
- namespace: namespaces.join( "." )
- }, handleObjIn );
- // Init the event handler queue if we're the first
- if ( !( handlers = events[ type ] ) ) {
- handlers = events[ type ] = [];
- handlers.delegateCount = 0;
- // Only use addEventListener if the special events handler returns false
- if ( !special.setup ||
- special.setup.call( elem, data, namespaces, eventHandle ) === false ) {
- if ( elem.addEventListener ) {
- elem.addEventListener( type, eventHandle );
- }
- }
- }
- if ( special.add ) {
- special.add.call( elem, handleObj );
- if ( !handleObj.handler.guid ) {
- handleObj.handler.guid = handler.guid;
- }
- }
- // Add to the element's handler list, delegates in front
- if ( selector ) {
- handlers.splice( handlers.delegateCount++, 0, handleObj );
- } else {
- handlers.push( handleObj );
- }
- // Keep track of which events have ever been used, for event optimization
- jQuery.event.global[ type ] = true;
- }
- },
- // Detach an event or set of events from an element
- remove: function( elem, types, handler, selector, mappedTypes ) {
- var j, origCount, tmp,
- events, t, handleObj,
- special, handlers, type, namespaces, origType,
- elemData = dataPriv.hasData( elem ) && dataPriv.get( elem );
- if ( !elemData || !( events = elemData.events ) ) {
- return;
- }
- // Once for each type.namespace in types; type may be omitted
- types = ( types || "" ).match( rnothtmlwhite ) || [ "" ];
- t = types.length;
- while ( t-- ) {
- tmp = rtypenamespace.exec( types[ t ] ) || [];
- type = origType = tmp[ 1 ];
- namespaces = ( tmp[ 2 ] || "" ).split( "." ).sort();
- // Unbind all events (on this namespace, if provided) for the element
- if ( !type ) {
- for ( type in events ) {
- jQuery.event.remove( elem, type + types[ t ], handler, selector, true );
- }
- continue;
- }
- special = jQuery.event.special[ type ] || {};
- type = ( selector ? special.delegateType : special.bindType ) || type;
- handlers = events[ type ] || [];
- tmp = tmp[ 2 ] &&
- new RegExp( "(^|\\.)" + namespaces.join( "\\.(?:.*\\.|)" ) + "(\\.|$)" );
- // Remove matching events
- origCount = j = handlers.length;
- while ( j-- ) {
- handleObj = handlers[ j ];
- if ( ( mappedTypes || origType === handleObj.origType ) &&
- ( !handler || handler.guid === handleObj.guid ) &&
- ( !tmp || tmp.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) &&
- ( !selector || selector === handleObj.selector ||
- selector === "**" && handleObj.selector ) ) {
- handlers.splice( j, 1 );
- if ( handleObj.selector ) {
- handlers.delegateCount--;
- }
- if ( special.remove ) {
- special.remove.call( elem, handleObj );
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove generic event handler if we removed something and no more handlers exist
- // (avoids potential for endless recursion during removal of special event handlers)
- if ( origCount && !handlers.length ) {
- if ( !special.teardown ||
- special.teardown.call( elem, namespaces, elemData.handle ) === false ) {
- jQuery.removeEvent( elem, type, elemData.handle );
- }
- delete events[ type ];
- }
- }
- // Remove data and the expando if it's no longer used
- if ( jQuery.isEmptyObject( events ) ) {
- dataPriv.remove( elem, "handle events" );
- }
- },
- dispatch: function( nativeEvent ) {
- // Make a writable jQuery.Event from the native event object
- var event = jQuery.event.fix( nativeEvent );
- var i, j, ret, matched, handleObj, handlerQueue,
- args = new Array( arguments.length ),
- handlers = ( dataPriv.get( this, "events" ) || {} )[ event.type ] || [],
- special = jQuery.event.special[ event.type ] || {};
- // Use the fix-ed jQuery.Event rather than the (read-only) native event
- args[ 0 ] = event;
- for ( i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++ ) {
- args[ i ] = arguments[ i ];
- }
- event.delegateTarget = this;
- // Call the preDispatch hook for the mapped type, and let it bail if desired
- if ( special.preDispatch && special.preDispatch.call( this, event ) === false ) {
- return;
- }
- // Determine handlers
- handlerQueue = jQuery.event.handlers.call( this, event, handlers );
- // Run delegates first; they may want to stop propagation beneath us
- i = 0;
- while ( ( matched = handlerQueue[ i++ ] ) && !event.isPropagationStopped() ) {
- event.currentTarget = matched.elem;
- j = 0;
- while ( ( handleObj = matched.handlers[ j++ ] ) &&
- !event.isImmediatePropagationStopped() ) {
- // Triggered event must either 1) have no namespace, or 2) have namespace(s)
- // a subset or equal to those in the bound event (both can have no namespace).
- if ( !event.rnamespace || event.rnamespace.test( handleObj.namespace ) ) {
- event.handleObj = handleObj;
- event.data = handleObj.data;
- ret = ( ( jQuery.event.special[ handleObj.origType ] || {} ).handle ||
- handleObj.handler ).apply( matched.elem, args );
- if ( ret !== undefined ) {
- if ( ( event.result = ret ) === false ) {
- event.preventDefault();
- event.stopPropagation();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Call the postDispatch hook for the mapped type
- if ( special.postDispatch ) {
- special.postDispatch.call( this, event );
- }
- return event.result;
- },
- handlers: function( event, handlers ) {
- var i, handleObj, sel, matchedHandlers, matchedSelectors,
- handlerQueue = [],
- delegateCount = handlers.delegateCount,
- cur = event.target;
- // Find delegate handlers
- if ( delegateCount &&
- // Support: IE <=9
- // Black-hole SVG instance trees (trac-13180)
- cur.nodeType &&
- // Support: Firefox <=42
- // Suppress spec-violating clicks indicating a non-primary pointer button (trac-3861)
- // https://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-3-Events/#event-type-click
- // Support: IE 11 only
- // ...but not arrow key "clicks" of radio inputs, which can have `button` -1 (gh-2343)
- !( event.type === "click" && event.button >= 1 ) ) {
- for ( ; cur !== this; cur = cur.parentNode || this ) {
- // Don't check non-elements (#13208)
- // Don't process clicks on disabled elements (#6911, #8165, #11382, #11764)
- if ( cur.nodeType === 1 && !( event.type === "click" && cur.disabled === true ) ) {
- matchedHandlers = [];
- matchedSelectors = {};
- for ( i = 0; i < delegateCount; i++ ) {
- handleObj = handlers[ i ];
- // Don't conflict with Object.prototype properties (#13203)
- sel = handleObj.selector + " ";
- if ( matchedSelectors[ sel ] === undefined ) {
- matchedSelectors[ sel ] = handleObj.needsContext ?
- jQuery( sel, this ).index( cur ) > -1 :
- jQuery.find( sel, this, null, [ cur ] ).length;
- }
- if ( matchedSelectors[ sel ] ) {
- matchedHandlers.push( handleObj );
- }
- }
- if ( matchedHandlers.length ) {
- handlerQueue.push( { elem: cur, handlers: matchedHandlers } );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Add the remaining (directly-bound) handlers
- cur = this;
- if ( delegateCount < handlers.length ) {
- handlerQueue.push( { elem: cur, handlers: handlers.slice( delegateCount ) } );
- }
- return handlerQueue;
- },
- addProp: function( name, hook ) {
- Object.defineProperty( jQuery.Event.prototype, name, {
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- get: isFunction( hook ) ?
- function() {
- if ( this.originalEvent ) {
- return hook( this.originalEvent );
- }
- } :
- function() {
- if ( this.originalEvent ) {
- return this.originalEvent[ name ];
- }
- },
- set: function( value ) {
- Object.defineProperty( this, name, {
- enumerable: true,
- configurable: true,
- writable: true,
- value: value
- } );
- }
- } );
- },
- fix: function( originalEvent ) {
- return originalEvent[ jQuery.expando ] ?
- originalEvent :
- new jQuery.Event( originalEvent );
- },
- special: {
- load: {
- // Prevent triggered image.load events from bubbling to window.load
- noBubble: true
- },
- focus: {
- // Fire native event if possible so blur/focus sequence is correct
- trigger: function() {
- if ( this !== safeActiveElement() && this.focus ) {
- this.focus();
- return false;
- }
- },
- delegateType: "focusin"
- },
- blur: {
- trigger: function() {
- if ( this === safeActiveElement() && this.blur ) {
- this.blur();
- return false;
- }
- },
- delegateType: "focusout"
- },
- click: {
- // For checkbox, fire native event so checked state will be right
- trigger: function() {
- if ( this.type === "checkbox" && this.click && nodeName( this, "input" ) ) {
- this.click();
- return false;
- }
- },
- // For cross-browser consistency, don't fire native .click() on links
- _default: function( event ) {
- return nodeName( event.target, "a" );
- }
- },
- beforeunload: {
- postDispatch: function( event ) {
- // Support: Firefox 20+
- // Firefox doesn't alert if the returnValue field is not set.
- if ( event.result !== undefined && event.originalEvent ) {
- event.originalEvent.returnValue = event.result;
- }
- }
- }
- }
-jQuery.removeEvent = function( elem, type, handle ) {
- // This "if" is needed for plain objects
- if ( elem.removeEventListener ) {
- elem.removeEventListener( type, handle );
- }
-jQuery.Event = function( src, props ) {
- // Allow instantiation without the 'new' keyword
- if ( !( this instanceof jQuery.Event ) ) {
- return new jQuery.Event( src, props );
- }
- // Event object
- if ( src && src.type ) {
- this.originalEvent = src;
- this.type = src.type;
- // Events bubbling up the document may have been marked as prevented
- // by a handler lower down the tree; reflect the correct value.
- this.isDefaultPrevented = src.defaultPrevented ||
- src.defaultPrevented === undefined &&
- // Support: Android <=2.3 only
- src.returnValue === false ?
- returnTrue :
- returnFalse;
- // Create target properties
- // Support: Safari <=6 - 7 only
- // Target should not be a text node (#504, #13143)
- this.target = ( src.target && src.target.nodeType === 3 ) ?
- src.target.parentNode :
- src.target;
- this.currentTarget = src.currentTarget;
- this.relatedTarget = src.relatedTarget;
- // Event type
- } else {
- this.type = src;
- }
- // Put explicitly provided properties onto the event object
- if ( props ) {
- jQuery.extend( this, props );
- }
- // Create a timestamp if incoming event doesn't have one
- this.timeStamp = src && src.timeStamp || Date.now();
- // Mark it as fixed
- this[ jQuery.expando ] = true;
-// jQuery.Event is based on DOM3 Events as specified by the ECMAScript Language Binding
-// https://www.w3.org/TR/2003/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20030331/ecma-script-binding.html
-jQuery.Event.prototype = {
- constructor: jQuery.Event,
- isDefaultPrevented: returnFalse,
- isPropagationStopped: returnFalse,
- isImmediatePropagationStopped: returnFalse,
- isSimulated: false,
- preventDefault: function() {
- var e = this.originalEvent;
- this.isDefaultPrevented = returnTrue;
- if ( e && !this.isSimulated ) {
- e.preventDefault();
- }
- },
- stopPropagation: function() {
- var e = this.originalEvent;
- this.isPropagationStopped = returnTrue;
- if ( e && !this.isSimulated ) {
- e.stopPropagation();
- }
- },
- stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
- var e = this.originalEvent;
- this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = returnTrue;
- if ( e && !this.isSimulated ) {
- e.stopImmediatePropagation();
- }
- this.stopPropagation();
- }
-// Includes all common event props including KeyEvent and MouseEvent specific props
-jQuery.each( {
- altKey: true,
- bubbles: true,
- cancelable: true,
- changedTouches: true,
- ctrlKey: true,
- detail: true,
- eventPhase: true,
- metaKey: true,
- pageX: true,
- pageY: true,
- shiftKey: true,
- view: true,
- "char": true,
- charCode: true,
- key: true,
- keyCode: true,
- button: true,
- buttons: true,
- clientX: true,
- clientY: true,
- offsetX: true,
- offsetY: true,
- pointerId: true,
- pointerType: true,
- screenX: true,
- screenY: true,
- targetTouches: true,
- toElement: true,
- touches: true,
- which: function( event ) {
- var button = event.button;
- // Add which for key events
- if ( event.which == null && rkeyEvent.test( event.type ) ) {
- return event.charCode != null ? event.charCode : event.keyCode;
- }
- // Add which for click: 1 === left; 2 === middle; 3 === right
- if ( !event.which && button !== undefined && rmouseEvent.test( event.type ) ) {
- if ( button & 1 ) {
- return 1;
- }
- if ( button & 2 ) {
- return 3;
- }
- if ( button & 4 ) {
- return 2;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- return event.which;
- }
-}, jQuery.event.addProp );
-// Create mouseenter/leave events using mouseover/out and event-time checks
-// so that event delegation works in jQuery.
-// Do the same for pointerenter/pointerleave and pointerover/pointerout
-// Support: Safari 7 only
-// Safari sends mouseenter too often; see:
-// https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=470258
-// for the description of the bug (it existed in older Chrome versions as well).
-jQuery.each( {
- mouseenter: "mouseover",
- mouseleave: "mouseout",
- pointerenter: "pointerover",
- pointerleave: "pointerout"
-}, function( orig, fix ) {
- jQuery.event.special[ orig ] = {
- delegateType: fix,
- bindType: fix,
- handle: function( event ) {
- var ret,
- target = this,
- related = event.relatedTarget,
- handleObj = event.handleObj;
- // For mouseenter/leave call the handler if related is outside the target.
- // NB: No relatedTarget if the mouse left/entered the browser window
- if ( !related || ( related !== target && !jQuery.contains( target, related ) ) ) {
- event.type = handleObj.origType;
- ret = handleObj.handler.apply( this, arguments );
- event.type = fix;
- }
- return ret;
- }
- };
-} );
-jQuery.fn.extend( {
- on: function( types, selector, data, fn ) {
- return on( this, types, selector, data, fn );
- },
- one: function( types, selector, data, fn ) {
- return on( this, types, selector, data, fn, 1 );
- },
- off: function( types, selector, fn ) {
- var handleObj, type;
- if ( types && types.preventDefault && types.handleObj ) {
- // ( event ) dispatched jQuery.Event
- handleObj = types.handleObj;
- jQuery( types.delegateTarget ).off(
- handleObj.namespace ?
- handleObj.origType + "." + handleObj.namespace :
- handleObj.origType,
- handleObj.selector,
- handleObj.handler
- );
- return this;
- }
- if ( typeof types === "object" ) {
- // ( types-object [, selector] )
- for ( type in types ) {
- this.off( type, selector, types[ type ] );
- }
- return this;
- }
- if ( selector === false || typeof selector === "function" ) {
- // ( types [, fn] )
- fn = selector;
- selector = undefined;
- }
- if ( fn === false ) {
- fn = returnFalse;
- }
- return this.each( function() {
- jQuery.event.remove( this, types, fn, selector );
- } );
- }
-} );
- /* eslint-disable max-len */
- // See https://github.com/eslint/eslint/issues/3229
- rxhtmlTag = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([a-z][^\/\0>\x20\t\r\n\f]*)[^>]*)\/>/gi,
- /* eslint-enable */
- // Support: IE <=10 - 11, Edge 12 - 13 only
- // In IE/Edge using regex groups here causes severe slowdowns.
- // See https://connect.microsoft.com/IE/feedback/details/1736512/
- rnoInnerhtml = /