Merge branch 'saas' into saas-embed-player

This commit is contained in:
drigato 2015-02-20 14:47:57 -05:00
commit 40d6249229
28 changed files with 321 additions and 9900 deletions

View File

@ -1,2 +0,0 @@

View File

@ -18,9 +18,11 @@ require_once 'Preference.php';
require_once 'Locale.php';
require_once "DateHelper.php";
require_once "LocaleHelper.php";
require_once "FileDataHelper.php";
require_once "HTTPHelper.php";
require_once "OsPath.php";
require_once "Database.php";
require_once "ProvisioningHelper.php";
require_once "Timezone.php";
require_once "Auth.php";
require_once __DIR__.'/forms/helpers/ValidationTypes.php';
@ -33,6 +35,13 @@ require_once __DIR__.'/modules/rest/controllers/MediaController.php';
require_once (APPLICATION_PATH."/logging/Logging.php");
// We need to manually route because we can't load Zend without the database being initialized first.
if (array_key_exists("REQUEST_URI", $_SERVER) && (strpos($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], "/provisioning/create") !== false)) {
$provisioningHelper = new ProvisioningHelper($CC_CONFIG["apiKey"][0]);
require_once __DIR__."/configs/navigation.php";

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
class FileDataHelper {
* We want to throw out invalid data and process the upload successfully
* at all costs, so check the data and sanitize it if necessary
* @param array $data array containing new file metadata
public static function sanitizeData(&$data)
if (array_key_exists("track_number", $data)) {
// If the track number isn't numeric, this will return 0
$data["track_number"] = intval($data["track_number"]);
if (array_key_exists("year", $data)) {
// If the track number isn't numeric, this will return 0
$data["year"] = intval($data["year"]);
if (array_key_exists("bpm", $data)) {
//Some BPM tags are silly and include the word "BPM". Let's strip that...
$data["bpm"] = str_ireplace("BPM", "", $data["bpm"]);
// This will convert floats to ints too.
$data["bpm"] = intval($data["bpm"]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
/** This class provides the business logic for station provisioning. */
class ProvisioningHelper
/* @var $dbh PDO */
static $dbh;
// Parameter values
private $dbuser, $dbpass, $dbname, $dbhost, $dbowner, $apikey;
private $instanceId;
public function __construct($apikey)
$this->apikey = $apikey;
* Endpoint for setting up and installing the Airtime database. This all has to be done without Zend
* which is why the code looks so old school (eg. http_response_code). (We can't currently bootstrap our
* Zend app without the database unfortunately.)
public function createAction()
$apikey = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
if (!isset($apikey) || $apikey != $this->apikey) {
Logging::info("Invalid API Key: $apikey");
echo "ERROR: Incorrect API key";
try {
//For security, the Airtime Pro provisioning system creates the database for the user.
// $this->setNewDatabaseConnection();
//if ($this->checkDatabaseExists()) {
// throw new Exception("ERROR: Airtime database already exists");
//All we need to do is create the database tables.
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();
* Check if the database settings and credentials given are valid
* @return boolean true if the database given exists and the user is valid and can access it
private function checkDatabaseExists()
$statement = self::$dbh->prepare("SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datname = :dbname");
$statement->execute(array(":dbname" => $this->dbname));
$result = $statement->fetch();
return isset($result[0]);
private function parsePostParams()
$this->dbuser = $_POST['dbuser'];
$this->dbpass = $_POST['dbpass'];
$this->dbname = $_POST['dbname'];
$this->dbhost = $_POST['dbhost'];
$this->dbowner = $_POST['dbowner'];
$this->instanceId = $_POST['instanceid'];
* Set up a new database connection based on the parameters in the request
* @throws PDOException upon failure to connect
private function setNewDatabaseConnection()
self::$dbh = new PDO("pgsql:host=" . $this->dbhost
. ";dbname=postgres"
. ";port=5432" . ";user=" . $this->dbuser
. ";password=" . $this->dbpass);
$err = self::$dbh->errorInfo();
if ($err[1] != null) {
throw new PDOException("ERROR: Could not connect to database");
* Creates the Airtime database using the given credentials
* @throws Exception
private function createDatabase()
Logging::info("Creating database...");
$statement = self::$dbh->prepare("CREATE DATABASE " . pg_escape_string($this->dbname)
. " OWNER " . pg_escape_string($this->dbowner));
if (!$statement->execute()) {
throw new Exception("ERROR: Failed to create Airtime database");
* Install the Airtime database
* @throws Exception
private function createDatabaseTables()
Logging::info("Creating database tables...");
$sqlDir = dirname(APPLICATION_PATH) . "/build/sql/";
$files = array("schema.sql", "sequences.sql", "views.sql", "triggers.sql", "defaultdata.sql");
foreach ($files as $f) {
* Unfortunately, we need to use exec here due to PDO's lack of support for importing
* multi-line .sql files. PDO->exec() almost works, but any SQL errors stop the import,
* so the necessary DROPs on non-existent tables make it unusable. Prepared statements
* have multiple issues; they similarly die on any SQL errors, fail to read in multi-line
* commands, and fail on any unescaped ? or $ characters.
exec("PGPASSWORD=$this->dbpass psql -U $this->dbuser --dbname $this->dbname -h $this->dbhost -f $sqlDir$f", $out, $status);
if ($status != 0) {
throw new Exception("ERROR: Failed to create database tables");
private function initializeMusicDirsTable($instanceId)
if (!is_string($instanceId) || empty($instanceId) || !is_numeric($instanceId))
throw new Exception("Invalid instance id: " . $instanceId);
$instanceIdPrefix = $instanceId[0];
//Reinitialize Propel, just in case...
//Create the cc_music_dir entry
$musicDir = new CcMusicDirs();

View File

@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ $ccAcl->allow('G', 'index')
->allow('G', 'upgrade')
->allow('G', 'provisioning')
->allow('G', 'downgrade')
->allow('G', 'rest:show-image')
->allow('G', 'rest:show-image', 'get')
->allow('H', 'rest:show-image')
->allow('G', 'rest:media', 'get')
->allow('H', 'rest:media')
->allow('H', 'preference', 'is-import-in-progress')

View File

@ -8,14 +8,17 @@
class Config {
private static $CC_CONFIG = null;
private static $rootDir;
public static function loadConfig() {
self::$rootDir = __DIR__."/../..";
$CC_CONFIG = array(
/* ================================================ storage configuration */
'soundcloud-client-id' => '2CLCxcSXYzx7QhhPVHN4A',
'soundcloud-client-secret' => 'pZ7beWmF06epXLHVUP1ufOg2oEnIt9XhE8l8xt0bBs',
"rootDir" => __DIR__."/../.."
"rootDir" => self::$rootDir
//In the unit testing environment, we always want to use our local airtime.conf in airtime_mvc/application/test:
@ -89,7 +92,8 @@ class Config {
public static function setAirtimeVersion() {
$airtime_version = Application_Model_Preference::GetAirtimeVersion();
$uniqueid = Application_Model_Preference::GetUniqueId();
self::$CC_CONFIG['airtime_version'] = md5($airtime_version.$uniqueid);
$buildVersion = file_get_contents(self::$rootDir."/../VERSION");
self::$CC_CONFIG['airtime_version'] = md5($airtime_version.$buildVersion);
public static function getConfig() {

View File

@ -204,10 +204,14 @@ class AudiopreviewController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$elementMap['element_mp3'] = $track['item_id'];
} elseif (strtolower($mime) === 'audio/ogg') {
$elementMap['element_oga'] = $track['item_id'];
} elseif (strtolower($mime) === 'audio/vorbis') {
$elementMap['element_oga'] = $track['item_id'];
} elseif (strtolower($mime) === 'audio/mp4') {
$elementMap['element_m4a'] = $track['item_id'];
} elseif (strtolower($mime) === 'audio/wav') {
$elementMap['element_wav'] = $track['item_id'];
} elseif (strtolower($mime) === 'audio/x-wav') {
$elementMap['element_wav'] = $track['item_id'];
} elseif (strtolower($mime) === 'audio/x-flac') {
$elementMap['element_flac'] = $track['item_id'];
} else {
@ -289,10 +293,14 @@ class AudiopreviewController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$elementMap['element_mp3'] = $track['item_id'];
} elseif (strtolower($mime) === 'audio/ogg') {
$elementMap['element_oga'] = $track['item_id'];
} elseif (strtolower($mime) === 'audio/vorbis') {
$elementMap['element_oga'] = $track['item_id'];
} elseif (strtolower($mime) === 'audio/mp4') {
$elementMap['element_m4a'] = $track['item_id'];
} elseif (strtolower($mime) === 'audio/wav') {
$elementMap['element_wav'] = $track['item_id'];
} elseif (strtolower($mime) === 'audio/x-wav') {
$elementMap['element_wav'] = $track['item_id'];
} elseif (strtolower($mime) === 'audio/x-flac') {
$elementMap['element_flac'] = $track['item_id'];
} else {

View File

@ -77,8 +77,6 @@ class LibraryController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$obj_sess = new Zend_Session_Namespace(UI_PLAYLISTCONTROLLER_OBJ_SESSNAME);
if (isset($obj_sess->id)) {
$objInfo = Application_Model_Library::getObjInfo($obj_sess->type);
$objInfo = Application_Model_Library::getObjInfo($obj_sess->type);
$obj = new $objInfo['className']($obj_sess->id);
$userInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read();
@ -423,9 +421,6 @@ class LibraryController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$request = $this->getRequest();
$file_id = $this->_getParam('id', null);
$file = Application_Model_StoredFile::RecallById($file_id);
@ -446,23 +441,11 @@ class LibraryController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$serialized[$j["name"]] = $j["value"];
// Sanitize any wildly incorrect metadata before it goes to be validated.
if ($form->isValid($serialized)) {
$formValues = $this->_getParam('data', null);
$formdata = array();
foreach ($formValues as $val) {
$formdata[$val["name"]] = $val["value"];
$data = $file->getMetadata();
$data['MDATA_KEY_FILEPATH'] = $file->getFilePath();
Application_Model_RabbitMq::SendMessageToMediaMonitor("md_update", $data);

View File

@ -6,9 +6,18 @@ use Aws\S3\S3Client;
class ProvisioningController extends Zend_Controller_Action
public function init()
* The "create action" is in ProvisioningHelper because it needs to have no dependency on Zend,
* since when we bootstrap Zend, we already need the database set up and working (Bootstrap.php is a mess).
* Delete the Airtime Pro station's files from Amazon S3
@ -17,7 +26,7 @@ class ProvisioningController extends Zend_Controller_Action
if (!$this->verifyAPIKey()) {
if (!RestAuth::verifyAuth(true, true, $this)) {
@ -33,27 +42,4 @@ class ProvisioningController extends Zend_Controller_Action
private function verifyAPIKey()
// The API key is passed in via HTTP "basic authentication":
$CC_CONFIG = Config::getConfig();
// Decode the API key that was passed to us in the HTTP request.
$authHeader = $this->getRequest()->getHeader("Authorization");
$encodedRequestApiKey = substr($authHeader, strlen("Basic "));
$encodedStoredApiKey = base64_encode($CC_CONFIG["apiKey"][0] . ":");
if ($encodedRequestApiKey === $encodedStoredApiKey)
return true;
->appendBody("ERROR: Incorrect API key.");
return false;

View File

@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class Application_Form_EditAudioMD extends Zend_Form
$track_number->class = 'input_text';
$track_number->setLabel('Track Number:')
->setValidators(array(new Zend_Validate_Digits()));
->setValidators(array(new Zend_Validate_Int()));
// Add genre field

View File

@ -172,6 +172,7 @@ class Rest_MediaController extends Zend_Rest_Controller
} else if ($file && isset($requestData["resource_id"])) {
$file->fromArray($whiteList, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME);
//store the original filename
@ -200,8 +201,10 @@ class Rest_MediaController extends Zend_Rest_Controller
} else if ($file) {
//local file storage
$file->fromArray($whiteList, BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME);
//Our RESTful API takes "full_path" as a field, which we then split and translate to match
//our internal schema. Internally, file path is stored relative to a directory, with the directory
@ -294,6 +297,9 @@ class Rest_MediaController extends Zend_Rest_Controller
private function validateRequestData($file, &$whiteList)
// Sanitize any wildly incorrect metadata before it goes to be validated
try {
// EditAudioMD form is used here for validation
$fileForm = new Application_Form_EditAudioMD();

View File

@ -40,12 +40,6 @@ class Rest_ShowImageController extends Zend_Rest_Controller {
* RESTful POST endpoint; used when uploading show images
public function postAction() {
if (!RestAuth::verifyAuth(true, true)) {
->appendBody("Authentication failed");
$showId = $this->getShowId();
@ -89,12 +83,6 @@ class Rest_ShowImageController extends Zend_Rest_Controller {
* RESTful DELETE endpoint; used when deleting show images
public function deleteAction() {
if (!RestAuth::verifyAuth(true, true)) {
->appendBody("Authentication failed");
$showId = $this->getShowId();

View File

@ -1,64 +1,60 @@
class RestAuth
public static function verifyAuth($checkApiKey, $checkSession)
//Session takes precedence over API key for now:
if ($checkSession && RestAuth::verifySession()
|| $checkApiKey && RestAuth::verifyAPIKey())
return true;
class RestAuth {
$resp = $this->getResponse();
$resp->appendBody("ERROR: Incorrect API key.");
public static function verifyAuth($checkApiKey, $checkSession, $action) {
//Session takes precedence over API key for now:
if ($checkSession && self::verifySession()
|| $checkApiKey && self::verifyAPIKey($action)
) {
return true;
return false;
->appendBody(json_encode(array("message" => "ERROR: Incorrect API key.")));
public static function getOwnerId()
try {
if (RestAuth::verifySession()) {
$service_user = new Application_Service_UserService();
return $service_user->getCurrentUser()->getDbId();
} else {
$defaultOwner = CcSubjsQuery::create()
if (!$defaultOwner) {
// what to do if there is no admin user?
// should we handle this case?
return null;
return $defaultOwner->getDbId();
} catch(Exception $e) {
return false;
private static function verifySession()
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
return $auth->hasIdentity();
public static function getOwnerId() {
try {
if (self::verifySession()) {
$service_user = new Application_Service_UserService();
return $service_user->getCurrentUser()->getDbId();
} else {
$defaultOwner = CcSubjsQuery::create()
->filterByDbType(array('A', 'S'), Criteria::IN)
if (!$defaultOwner) {
// what to do if there is no admin user?
// should we handle this case?
return null;
return $defaultOwner->getDbId();
} catch (Exception $e) {
private static function verifyAPIKey()
//The API key is passed in via HTTP "basic authentication":
$CC_CONFIG = Config::getConfig();
private static function verifySession() {
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
return $auth->hasIdentity();
//Decode the API key that was passed to us in the HTTP request.
$authHeader = $this->getRequest()->getHeader("Authorization");
$encodedRequestApiKey = substr($authHeader, strlen("Basic "));
$encodedStoredApiKey = base64_encode($CC_CONFIG["apiKey"][0] . ":");
private static function verifyAPIKey($action) {
//The API key is passed in via HTTP "basic authentication":
$CC_CONFIG = Config::getConfig();
return ($encodedRequestApiKey === $encodedStoredApiKey);
//Decode the API key that was passed to us in the HTTP request.
$authHeader = $action->getRequest()->getHeader("Authorization");
$encodedRequestApiKey = substr($authHeader, strlen("Basic "));
$encodedStoredApiKey = base64_encode($CC_CONFIG["apiKey"][0] . ":");
return ($encodedRequestApiKey === $encodedStoredApiKey);

View File

@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
-- Schema version
INSERT INTO cc_pref("keystr", "valstr") VALUES('system_version', '2.5.9');
INSERT INTO cc_subjs ("login", "type", "pass") VALUES ('admin', 'A', md5('admin'));
-- added in 2.3
INSERT INTO cc_stream_setting ("keyname", "value", "type") VALUES ('off_air_meta', 'Airtime - offline', 'string');

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -317,14 +317,23 @@ var AIRTIME = (function(AIRTIME) {
mod.fnDeleteItems = function(aMedia) {
//Prevent the user from spamming the delete button while the AJAX request is in progress
AIRTIME.button.disableButton("btn-group #sb-trash", false);
//Hack to immediately show the "Processing" div in DataTables to give the user some sort of feedback.
{"format": "json", "media": aMedia},
if (json.message !== undefined) {
chosenItems = {};
//Re-enable the delete button
AIRTIME.button.enableButton("btn-group #sb-trash", false);

5 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
composer install
git rev-parse HEAD > VERSION

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
import os
import logging
import uuid
import socket
from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
from boto.s3.key import Key
class CloudStorageUploader:
""" A class that uses Python-Boto SDK to upload objects into Amazon S3.
@ -88,6 +90,10 @@ class CloudStorageUploader:
resource_id = "%s/%s/%s_%s%s" % (metadata['file_prefix'], unique_id_prefix, file_name, unique_id, extension)
# Boto uses the "global default timeout" by default, which is infinite! To prevent network problems from
# turning into deadlocks, we explicitly set the global default timeout period here:
conn = S3Connection(self._api_key, self._api_key_secret, host=self._host)
bucket = conn.get_bucket(self._bucket)

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from import *
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
import os
import shutil
import multiprocessing
@ -21,8 +22,11 @@ def teardown():
def test_basic():
filename = os.path.basename(DEFAULT_AUDIO_FILE)
q = multiprocessing.Queue()
cloud_storage_config_path = '/etc/airtime-saas/production/cloud_storage.conf'
cloud_storage_config = config_file.read_config_file(cloud_storage_config_path)
#cloud_storage_config_path = '/etc/airtime-saas/production/cloud_storage.conf'
#cloud_storage_config = config_file.read_config_file(cloud_storage_config_path)
cloud_storage_config = SafeConfigParser()
cloud_storage_config.set("current_backend", "storage_backend", "file")
file_prefix = u''
#This actually imports the file into the "./Test Artist" directory.
AnalyzerPipeline.run_analysis(q, DEFAULT_AUDIO_FILE, u'.', filename, file_prefix, cloud_storage_config)