Update installer to work with saas branch

This commit is contained in:
Duncan Sommerville 2015-06-23 19:02:55 -04:00
parent d48e594dcd
commit 4c797cf100
13 changed files with 168 additions and 144 deletions

View File

@ -7,17 +7,17 @@
* along with steps to fix them if they're not found or misconfigured.
$phpDependencies = checkPhpDependencies();
$externalServices = checkExternalServices();
$zend = $phpDependencies["zend"];
$postgres = $phpDependencies["postgres"];
$phpDependencies = checkPhpDependencies();
$externalServices = checkExternalServices();
$zend = $phpDependencies["zend"];
$postgres = $phpDependencies["postgres"];
$database = $externalServices["database"];
$rabbitmq = $externalServices["rabbitmq"];
$database = $externalServices["database"];
$rabbitmq = $externalServices["rabbitmq"];
$pypo = $externalServices["pypo"];
$liquidsoap = $externalServices["liquidsoap"];
$mediamonitor = $externalServices["media-monitor"];
$pypo = $externalServices["pypo"];
$liquidsoap = $externalServices["liquidsoap"];
$analyzer = $externalServices["analyzer"];
$r1 = array_reduce($phpDependencies, "booleanReduce", true);
$r2 = array_reduce($externalServices, "booleanReduce", true);
@ -174,28 +174,27 @@ $result = $r1 && $r2;
Make sure RabbitMQ is installed correctly, and that your settings in /etc/airtime/airtime.conf
are correct. Try using <code>sudo rabbitmqctl list_users</code> and <code>sudo rabbitmqctl list_vhosts</code>
to see if the airtime user (or your custom RabbitMQ user) exists, then checking that
<code>sudo rabbitmqctl list_exchanges</code> contains entries for airtime-media-monitor, airtime-pypo,
and airtime-uploads.
<code>sudo rabbitmqctl list_exchanges</code> contains entries for airtime-pypo and airtime-uploads.
<tr class="<?=$mediamonitor ? 'success' : 'danger';?>">
<tr class="<?=$analyzer ? 'success' : 'danger';?>">
<td class="component">
Media Monitor
Airtime Analyzer
<td class="description">
Airtime media-monitor service
Airtime Upload and File Analysis service
<td class="solution <?php if ($mediamonitor) {echo 'check';?>">
<td class="solution <?php if ($analyzer) {echo 'check';?>">
} else {
Check that the airtime-media-monitor service is installed correctly in <code>/etc/init</code>,
Check that the airtime_analyzer service is installed correctly in <code>/etc/init.d</code>,
and ensure that it's running with
<br/><code>initctl list | grep airtime-media-monitor</code><br/>
If not, try running <code>sudo service airtime-media-monitor start</code>
<br/><code>initctl list | grep airtime_analyzer</code><br/>
If not, try running <code>sudo service airtime_analyzer start</code>
@ -212,7 +211,7 @@ $result = $r1 && $r2;
} else {
Check that the airtime-playout service is installed correctly in <code>/etc/init</code>,
Check that the airtime-playout service is installed correctly in <code>/etc/init.d</code>,
and ensure that it's running with
<br/><code>initctl list | grep airtime-playout</code><br/>
If not, try running <code>sudo service airtime-playout restart</code>
@ -232,7 +231,7 @@ $result = $r1 && $r2;
} else {
Check that the airtime-liquidsoap service is installed correctly in <code>/etc/init</code>,
Check that the airtime-liquidsoap service is installed correctly in <code>/etc/init.d</code>,
and ensure that it's running with
<br/><code>initctl list | grep airtime-liquidsoap</code><br/>
If not, try running <code>sudo service airtime-liquidsoap restart</code>

View File

@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
<pre style="text-align: left">sudo service airtime-playout start
sudo service airtime-liquidsoap start
sudo service airtime-media-monitor start</pre>
sudo service airtime_analyzer start
sudo service airtime-celery start</pre>
Click "Done!" to bring up the Airtime configuration checklist; if your configuration is all green,
you're ready to get started with your personal Airtime station!

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ function checkDatabaseDependencies() {
function checkExternalServices() {
return array(
"database" => checkDatabaseConfiguration(),
"media-monitor" => checkMediaMonitorService(),
"analyzer" => checkAnalyzerService(),
"pypo" => checkPlayoutService(),
"liquidsoap" => checkLiquidsoapService(),
"rabbitmq" => checkRMQConnection()
@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ function checkRMQConnection() {
* @return boolean true if airtime-media-monitor is running
function checkMediaMonitorService() {
exec("pgrep -f -u www-data airtime-media-monitor", $out, $status);
function checkAnalyzerService() {
exec("pgrep -f -u www-data airtime_analyzer", $out, $status);
if (array_key_exists(0, $out) && $status == 0) {
return posix_kill(rtrim($out[0]), 0);

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
class DatabaseSetup extends Setup {
// airtime.conf section header
const SECTION = "[database]";
protected static $_settings = "[database]";
// Constant form field names for passing errors back to the front-end
const DB_USER = "dbUser",
@ -17,31 +17,26 @@ class DatabaseSetup extends Setup {
DB_NAME = "dbName",
DB_HOST = "dbHost";
// Form field values
private $user, $pass, $name, $host;
// Array of key->value pairs for airtime.conf
static $properties;
protected static $_properties;
* @var PDO
static $dbh = null;
public function __construct($settings) {
$this->user = $settings[self::DB_USER];
$this->pass = $settings[self::DB_PASS];
$this->name = $settings[self::DB_NAME];
$this->host = $settings[self::DB_HOST];
self::$properties = array(
"host" => $this->host,
"dbname" => $this->name,
"dbuser" => $this->user,
"dbpass" => $this->pass,
static::$_properties = array(
"host" => $settings[self::DB_HOST],
"dbname" => $settings[self::DB_NAME],
"dbuser" => $settings[self::DB_USER],
"dbpass" => $settings[self::DB_PASS],
private function setNewDatabaseConnection($dbName) {
self::$dbh = new PDO("pgsql:host=" . $this->host . ";dbname=" . $dbName . ";port=5432"
. ";user=" . $this->user . ";password=" . $this->pass);
self::$dbh = new PDO("pgsql:host=" . self::$_properties["host"] . ";dbname=" . $dbName . ";port=5432"
. ";user=" . self::$_properties["dbuser"] . ";password=" . self::$_properties["dbpass"]);
$err = self::$dbh->errorInfo();
if ($err[1] != null) {
throw new PDOException();
@ -69,11 +64,7 @@ class DatabaseSetup extends Setup {
throw new AirtimeDatabaseException("Couldn't establish a connection to the database! "
. "Please check your credentials and try again. "
. "PDO Exception: " . $e->getMessage(),
array(self::DB_NAME, self::DB_USER, self::DB_PASS));
@ -85,13 +76,9 @@ class DatabaseSetup extends Setup {
protected function writeToTemp() {
parent::writeToTemp(self::SECTION, self::$properties);
private function installDatabaseTables() {
@ -102,7 +89,7 @@ class DatabaseSetup extends Setup {
private function checkDatabaseExists() {
$statement = self::$dbh->prepare("SELECT datname FROM pg_database WHERE datname = :dbname");
$statement->execute(array(":dbname" => $this->name));
$statement->execute(array(":dbname" => self::$_properties["dbname"]));
$result = $statement->fetch();
return isset($result[0]);
@ -126,16 +113,13 @@ class DatabaseSetup extends Setup {
private function checkUserCanCreateDb() {
$statement = self::$dbh->prepare("SELECT 1 FROM pg_roles WHERE rolname=:dbuser AND rolcreatedb='t'");
$statement->execute(array(":dbuser" => $this->user));
$statement->execute(array(":dbuser" => self::$_properties["dbuser"]));
$result = $statement->fetch();
if (!isset($result[0])) {
throw new AirtimeDatabaseException("No database " . $this->name . " exists; user '" . $this->user
. "' does not have permission to create databases on " . $this->host,
throw new AirtimeDatabaseException("No database " . self::$_properties["dbname"] . " exists; user '"
. self::$_properties["dbuser"] . "' does not have permission to "
. "create databases on " . self::$_properties["host"],
array(self::DB_NAME, self::DB_USER, self::DB_PASS));
@ -144,9 +128,9 @@ class DatabaseSetup extends Setup {
* @throws AirtimeDatabaseException
private function createDatabase() {
$statement = self::$dbh->prepare("CREATE DATABASE " . pg_escape_string($this->name)
$statement = self::$dbh->prepare("CREATE DATABASE " . pg_escape_string(self::$_properties["dbname"])
. " OWNER " . pg_escape_string($this->user));
. " OWNER " . pg_escape_string(self::$_properties["dbuser"]));
if (!$statement->execute()) {
throw new AirtimeDatabaseException("There was an error creating the database!",
@ -169,8 +153,9 @@ class DatabaseSetup extends Setup {
* have multiple issues; they similarly die on any SQL errors, fail to read in multi-line
* commands, and fail on any unescaped ? or $ characters.
exec("export PGPASSWORD=" . $this->pass . " && psql -U " . $this->user . " --dbname "
. $this->name . " -h " . $this->host . " -f $sqlDir$f 2>/dev/null", $out, $status);
exec("export PGPASSWORD=" . self::$_properties["dbpass"] . " && psql -U " . self::$_properties["dbuser"]
. " --dbname " . self::$_properties["dbname"] . " -h " . self::$_properties["host"]
. " -f $sqlDir$f 2>/dev/null", $out, $status);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw new AirtimeDatabaseException("There was an error setting up the Airtime schema!",
@ -185,7 +170,7 @@ class DatabaseSetup extends Setup {
private function checkDatabaseEncoding() {
$statement = self::$dbh->prepare("SELECT pg_encoding_to_char(encoding) "
. "FROM pg_database WHERE datname = :dbname");
$statement->execute(array(":dbname" => $this->name));
$statement->execute(array(":dbname" => self::$_properties["dbname"]));
$encoding = $statement->fetch();
if (!($encoding && $encoding[0] == "UTF8")) {
throw new AirtimeDatabaseException("The database was installed with an incorrect encoding type!",

View File

@ -11,37 +11,28 @@
class GeneralSetup extends Setup {
// airtime.conf section header
const SECTION = "[general]";
protected static $_section = "[general]";
// Constant form field names for passing errors back to the front-end
const GENERAL_PORT = "generalPort",
GENERAL_HOST = "generalHost";
// Form field values
static $user, $host, $port, $root;
// Array of key->value pairs for airtime.conf
static $properties;
protected static $_properties;
// Message and error fields to return to the front-end
static $message = null;
static $errors = array();
function __construct($settings) {
self::$host = $settings[self::GENERAL_HOST];
self::$port = $settings[self::GENERAL_PORT];
self::$properties = array(
self::$_properties = array(
"api_key" => $this->generateRandomString(),
"base_url" => self::$host,
"base_port" => self::$port,
"base_url" => $settings[self::GENERAL_HOST],
"base_port" => $settings[self::GENERAL_PORT],
function writeToTemp() {
parent::writeToTemp(self::SECTION, self::$properties);
* @return array associative array containing a display message and fields with errors

View File

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ class MediaSetup extends Setup {
const MEDIA_FOLDER = "mediaFolder";
const AIRTIME_CONF_PATH = "/etc/airtime/airtime.conf";
const RMQ_INI_BASE_PATH = "/etc/airtime-saas/";
const RMQ_INI_FILE_NAME = "rabbitmq-analyzer.ini";
static $path;
static $message = null;
@ -62,8 +64,12 @@ class MediaSetup extends Setup {
// Finalize and move airtime.conf.temp
if (file_exists("/etc/airtime/")) {
if (!$this->moveAirtimeConfig()) {
$message = "Error moving airtime.conf or deleting /tmp/airtime.conf.temp!";
$errors[] = "ERR";
self::$message = "Error moving airtime.conf or deleting /tmp/airtime.conf.temp!";
self::$errors[] = "ERR";
if (!$this->moveRmqConfig()) {
self::$message = "Error moving rabbitmq-analyzer.ini or deleting /tmp/rabbitmq.ini.tmp!";
self::$errors[] = "ERR";
@ -75,8 +81,8 @@ class MediaSetup extends Setup {
rename(self::AIRTIME_CONF_PATH . ".tmp", self::AIRTIME_CONF_PATH . ".bak");
} else {
$message = "Failed to move airtime.conf; /etc/airtime doesn't exist!";
$errors[] = "ERR";
self::$message = "Failed to move airtime.conf; /etc/airtime doesn't exist!";
self::$errors[] = "ERR";
return array(
@ -94,6 +100,16 @@ class MediaSetup extends Setup {
* Moves /tmp/airtime.conf.temp to /etc/airtime.conf and then removes it to complete setup
* @return boolean false if either of the copy or removal operations fail
function moveRmqConfig() {
&& copy(RMQ_INI_TEMP_PATH, self::RMQ_INI_BASE_PATH . "production/" . self::RMQ_INI_FILE_NAME)
&& unlink(RMQ_INI_TEMP_PATH);
* Add the given directory to cc_music_dirs
* TODO Should we check for an existing entry in cc_music_dirs?

View File

@ -13,7 +13,10 @@ require_once dirname(dirname( __DIR__)) . '/library/php-amqplib/amqp.inc';
class RabbitMQSetup extends Setup {
// airtime.conf section header
const SECTION = "[rabbitmq]";
protected static $_section = "[rabbitmq]";
// Array of key->value pairs for airtime.conf
protected static $_properties;
// Constant form field names for passing errors back to the front-end
const RMQ_USER = "rmqUser",
@ -22,29 +25,17 @@ class RabbitMQSetup extends Setup {
RMQ_HOST = "rmqHost",
RMQ_VHOST = "rmqVHost";
// Form field values
static $user, $pass, $host, $port, $vhost;
// Array of key->value pairs for airtime.conf
static $properties;
// Message and error fields to return to the front-end
static $message = null;
static $errors = array();
function __construct($settings) {
self::$user = $settings[self::RMQ_USER];
self::$pass = $settings[self::RMQ_PASS];
self::$port = $settings[self::RMQ_PORT];
self::$host = $settings[self::RMQ_HOST];
self::$vhost = $settings[self::RMQ_VHOST];
self::$properties = array(
"host" => self::$host,
"port" => self::$port,
"user" => self::$user,
"password" => self::$pass,
"vhost" => self::$vhost,
static::$_properties = array(
"host" => $settings[self::RMQ_HOST],
"port" => $settings[self::RMQ_PORT],
"user" => $settings[self::RMQ_USER],
"password" => $settings[self::RMQ_PASS],
"vhost" => $settings[self::RMQ_VHOST],
@ -72,24 +63,20 @@ class RabbitMQSetup extends Setup {
function writeToTemp() {
parent::writeToTemp(self::SECTION, self::$properties);
function checkRMQConnection() {
$conn = new AMQPConnection(self::$host,
$conn = new AMQPConnection(self::$_properties["host"],
return isset($conn);
function identifyRMQConnectionError() {
// It's impossible to identify errors coming out of amqp.inc without a major
// rewrite, so for now just tell the user ALL THE THINGS went wrong
self::$message = "Couldn't connect to RabbitMQ server! Please check if the server "
. "is running and your credentials are correct.";
self::$message = _("Couldn't connect to RabbitMQ server! Please check if the server "
. "is running and your credentials are correct.");
self::$errors[] = self::RMQ_USER;
self::$errors[] = self::RMQ_PASS;
self::$errors[] = self::RMQ_HOST;
@ -97,4 +84,12 @@ class RabbitMQSetup extends Setup {
self::$errors[] = self::RMQ_VHOST;
protected function writeToTemp() {
if (!file_exists(RMQ_INI_TEMP_PATH)) {
copy(BUILD_PATH . "rabbitmq-analyzer.ini", RMQ_INI_TEMP_PATH);

View File

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
define("BUILD_PATH", dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . "/build/");
define("AIRTIME_CONF_TEMP_PATH", "/tmp/airtime.conf.temp");
define("RMQ_INI_TEMP_PATH", "/tmp/rabbitmq.ini.tmp");
* Class Setup
@ -11,30 +12,38 @@ define("AIRTIME_CONF_TEMP_PATH", "/tmp/airtime.conf.temp");
abstract class Setup {
protected static $_section;
* Array of key->value pairs for airtime.conf
* @var array
protected static $_properties;
abstract function __construct($settings);
abstract function runSetup();
* Write new property values to a given section in airtime.conf.temp
* @param string $section
* the configuration section to write to
* @param array $properties
* the configuration properties and values to overwrite
protected function writeToTemp($section, $properties) {
protected function writeToTemp() {
if (!file_exists(AIRTIME_CONF_TEMP_PATH)) {
copy(BUILD_PATH . "airtime.example.conf", AIRTIME_CONF_TEMP_PATH);
protected function _write($filePath) {
$file = file($filePath);
$fileOutput = "";
$inSection = false;
foreach ($file as $line) {
if (strpos($line, $section) !== false) {
if (strpos($line, static::$_section) !== false) {
$inSection = true;
} else if (strpos($line, "[") !== false) {
$inSection = false;
@ -48,13 +57,14 @@ abstract class Setup {
} else if ($inSection) {
$key = trim(@substr($line, 0, strpos($line, "=")));
$fileOutput .= $key && isset($properties[$key]) ? $key . " = " . $properties[$key] . "\n" : $line;
$fileOutput .= $key && isset(static::$_properties[$key]) ?
$key . " = " . static::$_properties[$key] . "\n" : $line;
} else {
$fileOutput .= $line;
file_put_contents(AIRTIME_CONF_TEMP_PATH, $fileOutput);
file_put_contents($filePath, $fileOutput);

View File

@ -320,9 +320,10 @@ if [ -f /etc/airtime/airtime.conf ]; then
set +e
verbose "Stopping airtime services..."
loudCmd "service airtime-playout stop-with-monit"
loudCmd "service airtime-media-monitor stop-with-monit"
loudCmd "service airtime-liquidsoap stop-with-monit"
loudCmd "service airtime-playout stop"
loudCmd "service airtime-media-monitor stop"
loudCmd "service airtime_analyzer stop"
loudCmd "service airtime-liquidsoap stop"
verbose "...Done"
echo "Looks like you have an old version of Airtime. Your current /etc/airtime/airtime.conf \
@ -459,12 +460,16 @@ verbose "\n * Installing API client..."
loudCmd "python ${AIRTIMEROOT}/python_apps/api_clients/setup.py install --install-scripts=/usr/bin"
verbose "...Done"
verbose "\n * Installing media-monitor..."
loudCmd "python ${AIRTIMEROOT}/python_apps/media-monitor/setup.py install --install-scripts=/usr/bin"
verbose "\n * Installing pypo and liquidsoap..."
loudCmd "python ${AIRTIMEROOT}/python_apps/pypo/setup.py install --install-scripts=/usr/bin"
verbose "...Done"
verbose "\n * Installing pypo..."
loudCmd "python ${AIRTIMEROOT}/python_apps/pypo/setup.py install --install-scripts=/usr/bin"
verbose "\n * Installing airtime-celery..."
loudCmd "python ${AIRTIMEROOT}/python_apps/airtime-celery/setup.py install"
verbose "...Done"
verbose "\n * Installing airtime_analyzer..."
loudCmd "python ${AIRTIMEROOT}/python_apps/airtime_analyzer/setup.py install --install-scripts=/usr/bin"
verbose "...Done"
#for i in /etc/init/airtime*.template; do
@ -476,9 +481,10 @@ verbose "...Done"
set +e
loudCmd "initctl reload-configuration"
loudCmd "systemctl daemon-reload" #systemd hipsters
loudCmd "update-rc.d airtime-playout defaults" # Start at bootup, on Debian
loudCmd "update-rc.d airtime-media-monitor defaults" # Start at bootup, on Debian
loudCmd "update-rc.d airtime-liquidsoap defaults" # Start at bootup, on Debian
loudCmd "update-rc.d airtime-playout defaults" # Start at bootup, on Debian
loudCmd "update-rc.d airtime-celery defaults" # Start at bootup, on Debian
loudCmd "update-rc.d airtime-liquidsoap defaults" # Start at bootup, on Debian
loudCmd "update-rc.d airtime_analyzer defaults" # Start at bootup, on Debian
set -e
if [ ! -d /var/log/airtime ]; then
@ -566,7 +572,8 @@ else
verbose "\n * Setting RabbitMQ user permissions..."
loudCmd "rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p ${RABBITMQ_VHOST} ${RABBITMQ_USER} \"$EXCHANGES\" \"$EXCHANGES\" \"$EXCHANGES\""
#loudCmd "rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p ${RABBITMQ_VHOST} ${RABBITMQ_USER} \"$EXCHANGES\" \"$EXCHANGES\" \"$EXCHANGES\""
loudCmd "rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p ${RABBITMQ_VHOST} ${RABBITMQ_USER} .\* .\* .\*"
if [ ! -d "/etc/airtime" ]; then
loud "\n-----------------------------------------------------"
@ -575,8 +582,12 @@ if [ ! -d "/etc/airtime" ]; then
verbose "\n * Creating /etc/airtime/ directory..."
mkdir /etc/airtime
verbose "\n * Creating /etc/airtime-saas/ directory..."
# Default saas directory for the analyzer, cloud storage, and celery
mkdir -p /etc/airtime-saas/production
chown -R ${web_user}:${web_user} /etc/airtime
chown -R ${web_user}:${web_user} /etc/airtime-saas
if [ ! -d "/srv/airtime" ]; then
mkdir -p /srv/airtime

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
include README.rst

View File

@ -3,6 +3,11 @@ from subprocess import call
import os
import sys
# Change directory since setuptools uses relative paths
script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
print script_path
install_args = ['install', 'install_data', 'develop']
run_postinst = False

View File

@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
from setuptools import setup
from subprocess import call
import sys
import os
# Change directory since setuptools uses relative paths
script_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
print script_path
# Allows us to avoid installing the upstart init script when deploying airtime_analyzer
# on Airtime Pro:

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ dropAirtimeDatabase() {
su postgres <<'EOF'
set +e
# DROP DATABASE cannot be executed from a function or multi-command string
psql -d postgres -tAc "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS airtime_test"
psql -d postgres -tAc "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS airtime"
psql -d postgres -tAc "DROP USER IF EXISTS airtime"
set -e
@ -87,7 +88,10 @@ else
echo -e "\nUninstalling Airtime..."
service airtime-celery stop
set +e
set -e
for i in ${FILES[*]}; do
rm -rf $i