From 5817750b62db3c209049cadfaa68bd4bd6d5ed2d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: jo <>
Date: Fri, 9 Sep 2022 20:53:58 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] feat: drop Liquidsoap 1.3 support

 .../liquidsoap/1.3/fdkaac.liq                 |  23 -
 .../liquidsoap/1.3/ls_lib.liq                 | 398 ----------------
 .../liquidsoap/1.3/ls_script.liq              | 439 ------------------
 .../libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/mp3.liq  |  67 ---
 .../libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/ogg.liq  |  59 ---
 .../libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/opus.liq |  67 ---
 .../libretime_playout/liquidsoap/   |   2 +-
 7 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 1054 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/fdkaac.liq
 delete mode 100644 playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/ls_lib.liq
 delete mode 100644 playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/ls_script.liq
 delete mode 100644 playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/mp3.liq
 delete mode 100644 playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/ogg.liq
 delete mode 100644 playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/opus.liq

diff --git a/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/fdkaac.liq b/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/fdkaac.liq
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ac835ef5..000000000
--- a/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/fdkaac.liq
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-            if bitrate == 24 then
-                ignore(output_stereo(%fdkaac(bitrate = 24, aot="mpeg4_he_aac_v2", afterburner=false, sbr_mode=true), !source))
-            elsif bitrate == 32 then
-                ignore(output_stereo(%fdkaac(bitrate = 32, aot="mpeg4_he_aac_v2", afterburner=false, sbr_mode=true), !source))
-            elsif bitrate == 48 then
-                ignore(output_stereo(%fdkaac(bitrate = 48, aot="mpeg4_he_aac_v2", afterburner=false, sbr_mode=true), !source))
-            elsif bitrate == 64 then
-                ignore(output_stereo(%fdkaac(bitrate = 64, aot="mpeg4_he_aac_v2", afterburner=false, sbr_mode=true), !source))
-            elsif bitrate == 96 then
-                ignore(output_stereo(%fdkaac(bitrate = 96, aot="mpeg4_aac_lc", afterburner=false, sbr_mode=true), !source))
-            elsif bitrate == 128 then
-                ignore(output_stereo(%fdkaac(bitrate = 128, aot="mpeg4_aac_lc", afterburner=false, sbr_mode=true), !source))
-            elsif bitrate == 160 then
-                ignore(output_stereo(%fdkaac(bitrate = 160, aot="mpeg4_aac_lc", afterburner=true, sbr_mode=true), !source))
-            elsif bitrate == 192 then
-                ignore(output_stereo(%fdkaac(bitrate = 192, aot="mpeg4_aac_lc", afterburner=true, sbr_mode=true), !source))
-            elsif bitrate == 224 then
-                ignore(output_stereo(%fdkaac(bitrate = 224, aot="mpeg4_aac_lc", afterburner=true, sbr_mode=true), !source))
-            elsif bitrate == 256 then
-                ignore(output_stereo(%fdkaac(bitrate = 256, aot="mpeg4_aac_lc", afterburner=true, sbr_mode=true), !source))
-            elsif bitrate == 320 then
-                ignore(output_stereo(%fdkaac(bitrate = 320, aot="mpeg4_aac_lc", afterburner=true, sbr_mode=true), !source))
-            end
diff --git a/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/ls_lib.liq b/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/ls_lib.liq
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f28519bd..000000000
--- a/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/ls_lib.liq
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
-def gateway(args)
-  prefix = "timeout --signal=KILL 45"
-  command = "libretime-playout-notify #{args}"
-  suffix = "&"
-  log(command)
-  system("#{prefix} #{command} #{suffix}")
-def notify(m)
-  gateway("media '#{m['schedule_table_id']}'")
-def notify_queue(m)
-  f = !dynamic_metadata_callback
-  ignore(f(m))
-  notify(m)
-def notify_stream(m)
-  if !current_dyn_id != "-1" then
-    json_str = string.replace(pattern="\n",(fun (s) -> ""), json_of(m))
-    #if a string has a single apostrophe in it, let's comment it out by ending the string before right before it
-    #escaping the apostrophe, and then starting a new string right after it. This is why we use 3 apostrophes.
-    json_str = string.replace(pattern="'",(fun (s) -> "'\''"), json_str)
-    gateway("webstream '#{!current_dyn_id}' '#{json_str}'")
-  end
-# A function applied to each metadata chunk
-def append_title(m) =
-  log("Using stream_format #{!stream_metadata_type}")
-  if list.mem_assoc("mapped", m) then
-    #protection against applying this function twice. It shouldn't be happening
-    #and bug file with Liquidsoap.
-    m
-  else
-      if !stream_metadata_type == 1 then
-        [("title", "#{!show_name} - #{m['artist']} - #{m['title']}"), ("mapped", "true")]
-      elsif !stream_metadata_type == 2 then
-        [("title", "#{!station_name} - #{!show_name}"), ("mapped", "true")]
-      else
-        if "#{m['artist']}" == "" then
-          [("title", "#{m['title']}"), ("mapped", "true")]
-        else
-          [("title", "#{m['artist']} - #{m['title']}"), ("mapped", "true")]
-        end
-     end
-  end
-def crossfade_airtime(s)
-  #duration is automatically overwritten by metadata fields passed in
-  #with audio
-  s ="log", duration=0., s)
-  s = fade.out(type="log", duration=0., s)
-  fader = fun (a,b) -> add(normalize=false,[b,a])
-  cross(fader,s)
-def transition(a,b) =
-  log("transition called...")
-  add(normalize=false,
-     [ sequence([ blank(duration=0.01),
-                   fade.initial(duration=!default_dj_fade, b) ]),
-!default_dj_fade, a) ])
-# we need this function for special transition case(from default to queue)
-# we don't want the trasition fade to have effect on the first song that would
-# be played switching out of the default(silent) source
-def transition_default(a,b) =
-  log("transition called...")
-  if !just_switched then
-      just_switched := false
-      add(normalize=false,
-         [ sequence([ blank(duration=0.01),
-                       fade.initial(duration=!default_dj_fade, b) ]),
-  !default_dj_fade, a) ])
-  else
-    just_switched := false
-    b
-  end
-# Define a transition that fades out the
-# old source, adds a single, and then
-# plays the new source
-def to_live(old,new) =
-  # Fade out old source
-  old =
-  # Compose this in sequence with
-  # the new source
-  sequence([old,new])
-def output_to(output_type, type, bitrate, host, port, pass, mount_point, url, description, genre, user, s, stream, connected, name, channels) =
-    source = ref s
-    def on_error(msg)
-        connected := "false"
-        gateway("stream '#{stream}' '#{!time}' --error='#{msg}'")
-        5.
-    end
-    def on_connect()
-        connected := "true"
-        gateway("stream '#{stream}' '#{!time}'")
-    end
-    stereo = (channels == "stereo")
-    if output_type == "icecast" then
-        user_ref = ref user
-        if user == "" then
-            user_ref := "source"
-        end
-        output_mono = output.icecast(host = host,
-                    port = port,
-                    password = pass,
-                    mount = mount_point,
-                    fallible = true,
-                    url = url,
-                    description = description,
-                    name = name,
-                    genre = genre,
-                    user = !user_ref,
-                    on_error = on_error,
-                    on_connect = on_connect)
-        output_stereo = output.icecast(host = host,
-                    port = port,
-                    password = pass,
-                    mount = mount_point,
-                    fallible = true,
-                    url = url,
-                    description = description,
-                    name = name,
-                    genre = genre,
-                    user = !user_ref,
-                    on_error = on_error,
-                    on_connect = on_connect)
-        if type == "mp3" then
-            %include "mp3.liq"
-        end
-        if type == "ogg" then
-            %include "ogg.liq"
-        end
-        %ifencoder %opus
-        if type == "opus" then
-            %include "opus.liq"
-        end
-        %endif
-        %ifencoder %fdkaac
-        if type == "aac" then
-            %include "fdkaac.liq"
-        end
-        %endif
-    else
-        user_ref = ref user
-        if user == "" then
-            user_ref := "source"
-        end
-        output_mono = output.shoutcast(id = "shoutcast_stream_#{stream}",
-                    host = host,
-                    port = port,
-                    password = pass,
-                    fallible = true,
-                    url = url,
-                    genre = genre,
-                    name = description,
-                    user = !user_ref,
-                    on_error = on_error,
-                    on_connect = on_connect)
-        output_stereo = output.shoutcast(id = "shoutcast_stream_#{stream}",
-                    host = host,
-                    port = port,
-                    password = pass,
-                    fallible = true,
-                    url = url,
-                    genre = genre,
-                    name = description,
-                    user = !user_ref,
-                    on_error = on_error,
-                    on_connect = on_connect)
-        if type == "mp3" then
-            %include "mp3.liq"
-        end
-        %ifencoder %fdkaac
-        if type == "aac" then
-            %include "fdkaac.liq"
-        end
-        %endif
-    end
-# Add a skip function to a source
-# when it does not have one
-# by default
-#def add_skip_command(s)
-# # A command to skip
-#  def skip(_)
-#    # get playing (active) queue and flush it
-#    l = list.hd(server.execute("queue.secondary_queue"))
-#    l = string.split(separator=" ",l)
-#    list.iter(fun (rid) -> ignore(server.execute("queue.remove #{rid}")), l)
-#    l = list.hd(server.execute("queue.primary_queue"))
-#    l = string.split(separator=" ", l)
-#    if list.length(l) > 0 then
-#      source.skip(s)
-#      "Skipped"
-#    else
-#      "Not skipped"
-#    end
-#  end
-# # Register the command:
-# server.register(namespace="source",
-#                 usage="skip",
-#                 description="Skip the current song.",
-#                 "skip",fun(s) -> begin log("source.skip") skip(s) end)
-def clear_queue(s)
-    source.skip(s)
-def set_dynamic_source_id(id) =
-    current_dyn_id := id
-    string_of(!current_dyn_id)
-def get_dynamic_source_id() =
-    string_of(!current_dyn_id)
-# A few values are hardcoded and may be dependent:
-#  - the delay in gracetime is linked with the buffer duration of input.http
-#    (delay should be a bit less than buffer)
-#  - crossing duration should be less than buffer length
-#    (at best, a higher duration will be ineffective)
-# HTTP input with "restart" command that waits for "stop" to be effected
-# before "start" command is issued. Optionally it takes a new URL to play,
-# which makes it a convenient replacement for "url".
-# In the future, this may become a core feature of the HTTP input.
-# TODO If we stop and restart quickly several times in a row,
-#   the data bursts accumulate and create buffer overflow.
-#   Flushing the buffer on restart could be a good idea, but
-#   it would also create an interruptions while the buffer is
-#   refilling... on the other hand, this would avoid having to
-#   fade using both cross() and switch().
-def input.http_restart(~id,~initial_url="http://dummy/url")
-  source = audio_to_stereo(input.http(buffer=5.,max=15.,id=id,autostart=false,initial_url))
-  def stopped()
-    "stopped" == list.hd(server.execute("#{id}.status"), default="")
-  end
-  server.register(namespace=id,
-                  "restart",
-                  usage="restart [url]",
-                  fun (url) -> begin
-                    if url != "" then
-                      log(string_of(server.execute("#{id}.url #{url}")))
-                    end
-                    log(string_of(server.execute("#{id}.stop")))
-                    add_timeout(0.5,
-                      { if stopped() then
-                          log(string_of(server.execute("#{id}.start"))) ;
-                          (-1.)
-                        else 0.5 end})
-                    "OK"
-                  end)
-  # Dummy output should be useless if HTTP stream is meant
-  # to be listened to immediately. Otherwise, apply it.
-  #
-  # output.dummy(fallible=true,source)
-  source
-# Transitions between URL changes in HTTP streams.
-def cross_http(~debug=true,~http_input_id,source)
-  id = http_input_id
-  last_url = ref ""
-  change = ref false
-  def on_m(m)
-    notify_stream(m)
-    changed = m["source_url"] != !last_url
-    log("URL now #{m['source_url']} (change: #{changed})")
-    if changed then
-      if !last_url != "" then change := true end
-      last_url := m["source_url"]
-    end
-  end
-  # We use both metadata and status to know about the current URL.
-  # Using only metadata may be more precise is crazy corner cases,
-  # but it's also asking too much: the metadata may not pass through
-  # before the crosser is instantiated.
-  # Using only status in crosser misses some info, eg. on first URL.
-  source = on_metadata(on_m,source)
-  cross_d = 3.
-  def crosser(a,b)
-    url = list.hd(server.execute('#{id}.url'), default="")
-    status = list.hd(server.execute('#{id}.status'))
-    on_m([("source_url",url)])
-    if debug then
-      log("New track inside HTTP stream")
-      log("  status: #{status}")
-      log("  need to cross: #{!change}")
-      log("  remaining #{source.remaining(a)} sec before, \
-             #{source.remaining(b)} sec after")
-    end
-    if !change then
-      change := false
-      # In principle one should avoid crossing on a live stream
-      # it'd be okay to do it here (eg. use add instead of sequence)
-      # because it's only once per URL, but be cautious.
-      sequence([fade.out(duration=cross_d,a),])
-    else
-      # This is done on tracks inside a single stream.
-      # Do NOT cross here or you'll gradually empty the buffer!
-      sequence([a,b])
-    end
-  end
-  # Setting conservative=true would mess with the delayed switch below
-  cross(duration=cross_d,conservative=false,crosser,source)
-# Custom fallback between http and default source with fading of
-# beginning and end of HTTP stream.
-# It does not take potential URL changes into account, as long as
-# they do not interrupt streaming (thanks to the HTTP buffer).
-def http_fallback(~http_input_id,~http,~default)
-  id = http_input_id
-  # We use a custom switching predicate to trigger switching (and thus,
-  # transitions) before the end of a track (rather, end of HTTP stream).
-  # It is complexified because we don't want to trigger switching when
-  # HTTP disconnects for just an instant, when changing URL: for that
-  # we use gracetime below.
-  def gracetime(~delay=3.,f)
-    last_true = ref 0.
-    { if f() then
-        last_true := gettimeofday()
-        true
-      else
-        gettimeofday() < !last_true+delay
-      end }
-  end
-  def connected()
-    status = list.hd(server.execute("#{id}.status"), default="")
-    not(list.mem(status,["polling","stopped"]))
-  end
-  connected = gracetime(connected)
-  def to_live(a,b) =
-    log("TRANSITION to live")
-    add(normalize=false,
-        [fade.initial(b),])
-  end
-  def to_static(a,b) =
-    log("TRANSITION to static")
-    sequence([fade.out(a),fade.initial(b)])
-  end
-  switch(
-    track_sensitive=false,
-    transitions=[to_live,to_static],
-    [(# make sure it is connected, and not buffering
-      {connected() and source.is_ready(http) and !webstream_enabled}, http),
-     ({true},default)])
diff --git a/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/ls_script.liq b/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/ls_script.liq
deleted file mode 100644
index b0457baef..000000000
--- a/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/ls_script.liq
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-time = ref string_of(gettimeofday())
-#Dynamic source list
-#dyn_sources = ref []
-webstream_enabled = ref false
-current_dyn_id = ref '-1'
-show_name = ref ''
-dynamic_metadata_callback = ref fun (s) -> begin () end
-s1_connected = ref ''
-s2_connected = ref ''
-s3_connected = ref ''
-s4_connected = ref ''
-s1_namespace = ref ''
-s2_namespace = ref ''
-s3_namespace = ref ''
-just_switched = ref false
-%include "ls_lib.liq"
-sources = ref []
-source_id = ref 0
-def check_version(~version=liquidsoap.version, major, minor) =
-    v =, string.split(separator="\.", version))
-    list.nth(v,0,default=0) > major or list.nth(v,0,default=0) == major and list.nth(v,1,default=0) >= minor
-# cue cut fix for liquidsoap <1.2.2
-# This was most likely broken on 1.1.1 (debian) as well.
-# adapted from
-def fix_cue_in(~cue_in_metadata='liq_cue_in', m) =
-    # 0.04 might need to be adjusted according to your frame size
-    if float_of_string(m[cue_in_metadata]) < 0.04 then
-        [(cue_in_metadata, "0")]
-    else
-        []
-    end
-def create_source()
-    l = request.equeue(id="s#{!source_id}", length=0.5)
-    l = audio_to_stereo(id="queue_src", l)
-    l = if not check_version(1, 3) then
-        map_metadata(fix_cue_in, l)
-    else
-        l
-    end
-    l = cue_cut(l)
-    l = amplify(1., override="replay_gain", l)
-    # the crossfade function controls fade in/out
-    l = crossfade_airtime(l)
-    l = on_metadata(notify_queue, l)
-    sources := list.append([l], !sources)
-    server.register(namespace="queues",
-                "s#{!source_id}_skip",
-                fun (s) -> begin log("queues.s#{!source_id}_skip")
-                    clear_queue(l)
-                    "Done"
-                end)
-    source_id := !source_id + 1
-queue = add(!sources, normalize=false)
-pair = insert_metadata(queue)
-dynamic_metadata_callback := fst(pair)
-queue = snd(pair)
-output.dummy(fallible=true, queue)
-http = input.http_restart(id="http")
-http = cross_http(http_input_id="http",http)
-output.dummy(fallible=true, http)
-stream_queue = http_fallback(http_input_id="http", http=http, default=queue)
-stream_queue = map_metadata(update=false, append_title, stream_queue)
-ignore(output.dummy(stream_queue, fallible=true))
-                "stream_metadata_type",
-                fun (s) -> begin log("vars.stream_metadata_type") stream_metadata_type := int_of_string(s) s end)
-                "show_name",
-                fun (s) -> begin log("vars.show_name") show_name := s s end)
-                "station_name",
-                fun (s) -> begin log("vars.station_name") station_name := s s end)
-                "off_air_meta",
-                fun (s) -> begin log("vars.off_air_meta") off_air_meta := s s end)
-                "bootup_time",
-                fun (s) -> begin log("vars.bootup_time") time := s s end)
-                "connection_status",
-                fun (s) -> begin log("streams.connection_status") "1:#{!s1_connected},2:#{!s2_connected},3:#{!s3_connected},4:#{!s4_connected}" end)
-                "default_dj_fade",
-                fun (s) -> begin log("vars.default_dj_fade") default_dj_fade := float_of_string(s) s end)
-                description="Enable webstream output",
-                usage='start',
-                "output_start",
-                fun (s) -> begin log("dynamic_source.output_start")
-                    notify([("schedule_table_id", !current_dyn_id)])
-                    webstream_enabled := true "enabled" end)
-                description="Enable webstream output",
-                usage='stop',
-                "output_stop",
-                fun (s) -> begin log("dynamic_source.output_stop") webstream_enabled := false "disabled" end)
-                description="Set the streams cc_schedule row id",
-                usage="id <id>",
-                "id",
-                fun (s) -> begin log("") set_dynamic_source_id(s) end)
-                description="Get the streams cc_schedule row id",
-                usage="get_id",
-                "get_id",
-                fun (s) -> begin log("dynamic_source.get_id") get_dynamic_source_id() end)
-#                description="Start a new dynamic source.",
-#                usage="start <uri>",
-#                "read_start",
-#                fun (uri) -> begin log("dynamic_source.read_start") begin_stream_read(uri) end)
-#                description="Stop a dynamic source.",
-#                usage="stop <id>",
-#                "read_stop",
-#                fun (s) -> begin log("dynamic_source.read_stop") stop_stream_read(s) end)
-#                description="Stop a dynamic source.",
-#                usage="stop <id>",
-#                "read_stop_all",
-#                fun (s) -> begin log("dynamic_source.read_stop") destroy_dynamic_source_all() end)
-default = amplify(id="silence_src", 0.00001, noise())
-if !off_air_meta == "" then
-    off_air_meta := "LibreTime - offline"
-default = rewrite_metadata([("title", !off_air_meta)], default)
-ignore(output.dummy(default, fallible=true))
-master_dj_enabled = ref false
-live_dj_enabled = ref false
-scheduled_play_enabled = ref false
-def make_master_dj_available()
-    master_dj_enabled := true
-def make_master_dj_unavailable()
-    master_dj_enabled := false
-def make_live_dj_available()
-    live_dj_enabled := true
-def make_live_dj_unavailable()
-    live_dj_enabled := false
-def make_scheduled_play_available()
-    scheduled_play_enabled := true
-    just_switched := true
-def make_scheduled_play_unavailable()
-    scheduled_play_enabled := false
-def update_source_status(sourcename, status) =
-    gateway("live '#{sourcename}' '#{status}'")
-def live_dj_connect(header) =
-    update_source_status("live_dj", true)
-def live_dj_disconnect() =
-    update_source_status("live_dj", false)
-def master_dj_connect(header) =
-    update_source_status("master_dj", true)
-def master_dj_disconnect() =
-    update_source_status("master_dj", false)
-# Auth function for live stream
-# @Category LiveStream
-# @param user     Username to check against LibreTime API
-# @param password Password to check against LibreTime API
-# @param ~type    Type of password to check, "dj" or "master, default: "master"
-def check_auth(user="", password="", ~type="master") =
-    log("#{type} user #{user} connected",label="#{type}_source")
-    # Check auth based on return value from auth script
-    ret = snd(snd(run_process("python3 #{auth_path} --#{type} #{user} #{password}"))) == "0"
-    if ret then
-        log("#{type} user #{user} authenticated",label="#{type}_source")
-    else
-        log("#{type} user #{user} auth failed",label="#{type}_source",level=2)
-    end
-    ret
-# Check master source auth
-# @Category LiveStream
-# @param user     Username to check against LibreTime API
-# @param password Password to check against LibreTime API
-def check_master_dj_client(user, password) =
-    check_auth(user, password)
-# Check dj/show source auth
-# @Category LiveStream
-# @param user     Username to check against LibreTime API
-# @param password Password to check against LibreTime API
-def check_dj_client(user, password) =
-    check_auth(user, password, type="dj")
-s = switch(id="schedule_noise_switch",
-            track_sensitive=false,
-            transitions=[transition_default, transition],
-            [({!scheduled_play_enabled}, stream_queue), ({true}, default)]
-    )
-s = if dj_live_stream_port != 0 and dj_live_stream_mp != "" then
-    dj_live =
-        audio_to_stereo(
-            input.harbor(id="live_dj_harbor",
-                dj_live_stream_mp,
-                port=dj_live_stream_port,
-                auth=check_dj_client,
-                max=40.,
-                on_connect=live_dj_connect,
-                on_disconnect=live_dj_disconnect))
-    ignore(output.dummy(dj_live, fallible=true))
-    switch(id="show_schedule_noise_switch",
-            track_sensitive=false,
-            transitions=[transition, transition],
-            [({!live_dj_enabled}, dj_live), ({true}, s)]
-        )
-    s
-s = if master_live_stream_port != 0 and master_live_stream_mp != "" then
-    master_dj =
-        audio_to_stereo(
-            input.harbor(id="master_harbor",
-                master_live_stream_mp,
-                port=master_live_stream_port,
-                auth=check_master_dj_client,
-                max=40.,
-                on_connect=master_dj_connect,
-                on_disconnect=master_dj_disconnect))
-    ignore(output.dummy(master_dj, fallible=true))
-    switch(id="master_show_schedule_noise_switch",
-            track_sensitive=false,
-            transitions=[transition, transition],
-            [({!master_dj_enabled}, master_dj), ({true}, s)]
-        )
-    s
-# Attach a skip command to the source s:
-    description="Stop Master DJ source.",
-    usage="master_dj_stop",
-    "master_dj_stop",
-    fun (s) -> begin log("streams.master_dj_stop") make_master_dj_unavailable() "Done." end)
-    description="Start Master DJ source.",
-    usage="master_dj_start",
-    "master_dj_start",
-    fun (s) -> begin log("streams.master_dj_start") make_master_dj_available() "Done." end)
-    description="Stop Live DJ source.",
-    usage="live_dj_stop",
-    "live_dj_stop",
-    fun (s) -> begin log("streams.live_dj_stop") make_live_dj_unavailable() "Done." end)
-    description="Start Live DJ source.",
-    usage="live_dj_start",
-    "live_dj_start",
-    fun (s) -> begin log("streams.live_dj_start") make_live_dj_available() "Done." end)
-    description="Stop Scheduled Play source.",
-    usage="scheduled_play_stop",
-    "scheduled_play_stop",
-    fun (s) -> begin log("streams.scheduled_play_stop") make_scheduled_play_unavailable() "Done." end)
-    description="Start Scheduled Play source.",
-    usage="scheduled_play_start",
-    "scheduled_play_start",
-    fun (s) -> begin log("streams.scheduled_play_start") make_scheduled_play_available() "Done." end)
-if output_sound_device then
-    success = ref false
-    log(output_sound_device_type)
-    %ifdef output.alsa
-	if output_sound_device_type == "ALSA" then
-		ignore(output.alsa(s))
-        success := true
-	end
-	%endif
-	%ifdef
-	if output_sound_device_type == "AO" then
-		ignore(
-        success := true
-	end
-	%endif
-	%ifdef output.oss
-	if output_sound_device_type == "OSS" then
-        ignore(output.oss(s))
-        success := true
-	end
-	%endif
-	%ifdef output.portaudio
-	if output_sound_device_type == "Portaudio" then
-        ignore(output.portaudio(s))
-        success := true
-	end
-	%endif
-	%ifdef output.pulseaudio
-	if output_sound_device_type == "Pulseaudio" then
-        ignore(output.pulseaudio(s))
-        success := true
-	end
-	%endif
-    if (!success == false) then
-        ignore(output.prefered(s))
-	end
-if s1_enable == true then
-    if s1_output == 'shoutcast' then
-        s1_namespace := "shoutcast_stream_1"
-    else
-        s1_namespace := s1_mount
-    end
-    server.register(namespace=!s1_namespace, "connected", fun (s) -> begin log("#{!s1_namespace}.connected") !s1_connected end)
-    output_to(s1_output, s1_type, s1_bitrate, s1_host, s1_port, s1_pass,
-                s1_mount, s1_url, s1_description, s1_genre, s1_user, s, "1",
-                s1_connected, s1_name, s1_channels)
-if s2_enable == true then
-    if s2_output == 'shoutcast' then
-        s2_namespace := "shoutcast_stream_2"
-    else
-        s2_namespace := s2_mount
-    end
-    server.register(namespace=!s2_namespace, "connected", fun (s) -> begin log("#{!s2_namespace}.connected") !s2_connected end)
-    output_to(s2_output, s2_type, s2_bitrate, s2_host, s2_port, s2_pass,
-                s2_mount, s2_url, s2_description, s2_genre, s2_user, s, "2",
-                s2_connected, s2_name, s2_channels)
-if s3_enable == true then
-    if s3_output == 'shoutcast' then
-        s3_namespace := "shoutcast_stream_3"
-    else
-        s3_namespace := s3_mount
-    end
-    server.register(namespace=!s3_namespace, "connected", fun (s) -> begin log("#{!s3_namespace}.connected") !s3_connected end)
-    output_to(s3_output, s3_type, s3_bitrate, s3_host, s3_port, s3_pass,
-                s3_mount, s3_url, s3_description, s3_genre, s3_user, s, "3",
-                s3_connected, s3_name, s3_channels)
-s4_namespace = ref ''
-if s4_enable == true then
-    log("Stream 4 Enabled")
-    if s4_output == 'shoutcast' then
-        s4_namespace := "shoutcast_stream_4"
-    else
-        s4_namespace := s4_mount
-    end
-    server.register(namespace=!s4_namespace, "connected", fun (s) -> begin log("#{!s4_namespace}.connected") !s4_connected end)
-    output_to(s4_output, s4_type, s4_bitrate, s4_host, s4_port, s4_pass,
-                s4_mount, s4_url, s4_name, s4_genre, s4_user, s, "4",
-                s4_connected, s4_description, s4_channels)
diff --git a/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/mp3.liq b/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/mp3.liq
deleted file mode 100644
index 25b551f9d..000000000
--- a/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/mp3.liq
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-            if bitrate == 24 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%mp3(bitrate = 24, stereo = true), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%mp3(bitrate = 24, stereo = false), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 32 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%mp3(bitrate = 32, stereo = true), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%mp3(bitrate = 32, stereo = false), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 48 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%mp3(bitrate = 48, stereo = true), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%mp3(bitrate = 48, stereo = false), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 64 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%mp3(bitrate = 64, stereo = true), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%mp3(bitrate = 64, stereo = false), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 96 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%mp3(bitrate = 96, stereo = true), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%mp3(bitrate = 96, stereo = false), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 128 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%mp3(bitrate = 128, stereo = true), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%mp3(bitrate = 128, stereo = false), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 160 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%mp3(bitrate = 160, stereo = true), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%mp3(bitrate = 160, stereo = false), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 192 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%mp3(bitrate = 192, stereo = true), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%mp3(bitrate = 192, stereo = false), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 224 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%mp3(bitrate = 224, stereo = true), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%mp3(bitrate = 224, stereo = false), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 256 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%mp3(bitrate = 256, stereo = true), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%mp3(bitrate = 256, stereo = false), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 320 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%mp3(bitrate = 320, stereo = true), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%mp3(bitrate = 320, stereo = false), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            end
diff --git a/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/ogg.liq b/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/ogg.liq
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bcf852bc..000000000
--- a/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/ogg.liq
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,59 +0,0 @@
-            if not icecast_vorbis_metadata then
-                source := add(normalize=false, [amplify(0.00001, noise()), !source])
-            end
-            if bitrate == 24 or bitrate == 32 or bitrate == 48 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%vorbis(quality=-0.1, channels = 2), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%vorbis(quality=-0.1, channels = 1), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 64 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%vorbis(quality=0, channels = 2), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%vorbis(quality=0, channels = 1), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 96 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%vorbis(quality=0.2, channels = 2), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%vorbis(quality=0.2, channels = 1), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 128 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%vorbis(quality=0.4, channels = 2), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%vorbis(quality=0.4, channels = 1), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 160 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%vorbis(quality=0.5, channels = 2), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%vorbis(quality=0.5, channels = 1), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 192 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%vorbis(quality=0.6, channels = 2), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%vorbis(quality=0.6, channels = 1), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 224 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%vorbis(quality=0.7, channels = 2), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%vorbis(quality=0.7, channels = 1), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 256 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%vorbis(quality=0.8, channels = 2), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%vorbis(quality=0.8, channels = 1), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 320 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%vorbis(quality=0.9, channels = 2), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%vorbis(quality=0.9, channels = 1), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            end
diff --git a/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/opus.liq b/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/opus.liq
deleted file mode 100644
index 7219aac03..000000000
--- a/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/1.3/opus.liq
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
-            if bitrate == 24 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%opus(bitrate = 24, channels = 2, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%opus(bitrate = 24, channels = 1, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 32 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%opus(bitrate = 32, channels = 2, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%opus(bitrate = 32, channels = 1, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 48 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%opus(bitrate = 48, channels = 2, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%opus(bitrate = 48, channels = 1, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 64 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%opus(bitrate = 64, channels = 2, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%opus(bitrate = 64, channels = 1, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 96 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%opus(bitrate = 96, channels = 2, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%opus(bitrate = 96, channels = 1, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 128 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%opus(bitrate = 128, channels = 2, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%opus(bitrate = 128, channels = 1, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 160 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%opus(bitrate = 160, channels = 2, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%opus(bitrate = 160, channels = 1, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 192 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%opus(bitrate = 192, channels = 2, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%opus(bitrate = 192, channels = 1, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 224 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%opus(bitrate = 224, channels = 2, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%opus(bitrate = 224, channels = 1, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 256 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%opus(bitrate = 256, channels = 2, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%opus(bitrate = 256, channels = 1, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            elsif bitrate == 320 then
-                if stereo then
-                    ignore(output_stereo(%opus(bitrate = 320, channels = 2, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), !source))
-                else
-                    ignore(output_mono(%opus(bitrate = 320, channels = 1, signal="music", application="audio", complexity=10, vbr="constrained"), mean(!source)))
-                end
-            end
diff --git a/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/ b/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/
index 73f543455..b97d249d9 100644
--- a/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/
+++ b/playout/libretime_playout/liquidsoap/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from subprocess import PIPE, run
 from typing import Tuple
 LIQUIDSOAP_VERSION_RE = re.compile(r"(?:Liquidsoap )?(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)")
 def parse_liquidsoap_version(version: str) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: