Merge branch 'cc-5405' of into 2.5.x

This commit is contained in:
Albert Santoni 2013-12-04 14:36:38 -05:00
commit 771d07c4cc
8 changed files with 342 additions and 89 deletions

View File

@ -183,6 +183,7 @@ class ScheduleController extends Zend_Controller_Action
$deltaDay = $this->_getParam('day');
$deltaMin = $this->_getParam('min');
$showId = $this->_getParam('showId');
$instanceId = $this->_getParam('instanceId');
$userInfo = Zend_Auth::getInstance()->getStorage()->read();
$user = new Application_Model_User($userInfo->id);
@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ class ScheduleController extends Zend_Controller_Action
return false;
$error = $show->resizeShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin);
$error = $show->resizeShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin, $instanceId);
if (isset($error)) {

View File

@ -172,30 +172,97 @@ SQL;
public function resizeShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin)
public function resizeShow($deltaDay, $deltaMin, $instanceId)
$con = Propel::getConnection();
if ($deltaDay > 0) {
return _("Shows can have a max length of 24 hours.");
$utc = new DateTimeZone("UTC");
$nowDateTime = new DateTime("now", $utc);
$showInstances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
//keep track of cc_show_day entries we need to update
$showDayIds = array();
* If the resized show is an edited instance of a repeating show we
* need to treat it as a separate show and not resize the other instances
* Also, if the resized show has edited instances, we need to exclude
* those from the resize
$ccShow = CcShowQuery::create()->findPk($this->_showId);
if ($ccShow->isRepeating()) {
//convert instance to local timezone
$ccShowInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPk($instanceId);
$startsDT = $ccShowInstance->getDbStarts(null);
$timezone = $ccShow->getFirstCcShowDay()->getDbTimezone();
$startsDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($timezone));
/* Get cc_show_day for the current instance. If we don't find one
* we know it is a repeat interval of one of cc_show_days first
* show and we can assume we aren't resizing a modified instance
$ccShowDay = CcShowDaysQuery::create()
/* Check if this cc_show_day rule is non-repeating. If it is, then
* we know this instance was edited out of the repeating sequence
if (!$ccShowDay || $ccShowDay->getDbRepeatType() != -1) {
$ccShowDays = $ccShow->getRepeatingCcShowDays();
foreach ($ccShowDays as $day) {
array_push($showDayIds, $day->getDbId());
$excludeIds = $ccShow->getEditedRepeatingInstanceIds();
//exlcude edited instances from resize
$showInstances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
->filterByDbId($excludeIds, criteria::NOT_IN)
} elseif ($ccShowDay->getDbRepeatType() == -1) {
array_push($showDayIds, $ccShowDay->getDbId());
//treat edited instance as separate show for resize
$showInstances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
} else {
$ccShowDays = $ccShow->getCcShowDayss();
foreach ($ccShowDays as $day) {
array_push($showDayIds, $day->getDbId());
$showInstances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
/* Check two things:
1. If the show being resized and any of its repeats end in the past
2. If the show being resized and any of its repeats overlap
with other scheduled shows */
//keep track of instance ids for update show instances start/end times
$instanceIds = array();
//check if new show time overlaps with any other shows
foreach ($showInstances as $si) {
$startsDateTime = new DateTime($si->getDbStarts(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$endsDateTime = new DateTime($si->getDbEnds(), new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
array_push($instanceIds, $si->getDbId());
$startsDateTime = $si->getDbStarts(null);
$endsDateTime = $si->getDbEnds(null);
/* The user is moving the show on the calendar from the perspective
of local time. * incase a show is moved across a time change
@ -204,19 +271,19 @@ SQL;
$startsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$endsDateTime->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()));
$newStartsDateTime = Application_Model_ShowInstance::addDeltas($startsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
//$newStartsDateTime = Application_Model_ShowInstance::addDeltas($startsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
$newEndsDateTime = Application_Model_ShowInstance::addDeltas($endsDateTime, $deltaDay, $deltaMin);
if ($newEndsDateTime->getTimestamp() < $nowDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
return _("End date/time cannot be in the past");
//convert our new starts/ends to UTC.
$overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows(
$newStartsDateTime, $newEndsDateTime, true, $si->getDbId());
$startsDateTime, $newEndsDateTime, true, $si->getDbId());
if ($overlapping) {
return _("Cannot schedule overlapping shows.\nNote: Resizing a repeating show ".
@ -228,39 +295,30 @@ SQL;
$hours = ($hours > 0) ? floor($hours) : ceil($hours);
$mins = abs($deltaMin % 60);
//current timesamp in UTC.
$current_timestamp = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$sql_gen = <<<SQL
UPDATE cc_show_instances
SET ends = (ends + :deltaDay1::INTERVAL + :interval1::INTERVAL)
WHERE (show_id = :show_id1
AND ends > :current_timestamp1)
AND ((ends + :deltaDay2::INTERVAL + :interval2::INTERVAL - starts) <= interval '24:00')
$sql_gen = "UPDATE cc_show_instances ".
"SET ends = (ends + :deltaDay1::INTERVAL + :interval1::INTERVAL) ".
"WHERE (id IN (".implode($instanceIds, ",").") ".
"AND ends > :current_timestamp1) ".
"AND ((ends + :deltaDay2::INTERVAL + :interval2::INTERVAL - starts) <= interval '24:00')";
':deltaDay1' => "$deltaDay days",
':interval1' => "$hours:$mins",
':show_id1' => $this->_showId,
':current_timestamp1' => $current_timestamp,
':current_timestamp1' => $nowDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"),
':deltaDay2' => "$deltaDay days",
':interval2' => "$hours:$mins"
), "execute");
$sql_gen = <<<SQL
UPDATE cc_show_days
SET duration = (CAST(duration AS interval) + :deltaDay3::INTERVAL + :interval3::INTERVAL)
WHERE show_id = :show_id2
AND ((CAST(duration AS interval) + :deltaDay4::INTERVAL + :interval4::INTERVAL) <= interval '24:00')
$sql_gen = "UPDATE cc_show_days ".
"SET duration = (CAST(duration AS interval) + :deltaDay3::INTERVAL + :interval3::INTERVAL) ".
"WHERE id IN (".implode($showDayIds, ",").") ".
"AND ((CAST(duration AS interval) + :deltaDay4::INTERVAL + :interval4::INTERVAL) <= interval '24:00')";
':deltaDay3' => "$deltaDay days",
':interval3' => "$hours:$mins",
':show_id2' => $this->_showId,
':deltaDay4' => "$deltaDay days",
':interval4' => "$hours:$mins"
), "execute");
@ -278,8 +336,8 @@ SQL;
$instances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
->filterByDbEnds($current_timestamp, Criteria::GREATER_THAN)
->filterByDbEnds($nowDateTime->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), Criteria::GREATER_THAN)
->filterByDbId($instanceIds, Criteria::IN)
foreach ($instances as $instance) {

View File

@ -15,8 +15,20 @@
class CcShow extends BaseCcShow {
public function getCcShowDays(){
return CcShowDaysQuery::create()->filterByDbShowId($this->getDbId())->find();
* Returns all cc_show_day rules that belong to a cc_show and that are
* repeating.
* We do this because editing a single instance from a repeating sequence
* creates a new rule in cc_show_days with the same cc_show id and a repeat
* type of -1 (non-repeating).
* So when the entire cc_show is updated after that, the single edited
* instance can remain separate from the rest of the instances
public function getRepeatingCcShowDays(){
return CcShowDaysQuery::create()
->filterByDbRepeatType(-1, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL)
@ -54,6 +66,86 @@ class CcShow extends BaseCcShow {
return $this->collCcShowDayss[0];
* A repeating show may have a rule in cc_show_days with a repeat type
* of -1 (not repeating). This happens when a single instances was edited
* from the repeating sequence.
* When the repeating show gets edited in this case, we want to exclude all
* the edited instances from the update. We do this by not returning any of
* the cc_show_day rules with a -1 repeat type.
public function getFirstRepeatingCcShowDay()
return CcShowDaysQuery::create()
->filterByDbRepeatType(-1, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL)
* In order to determine if a show is repeating we need to check each
* cc_show_day entry and check if there are any non -1 repeat types.
* Because editing a single instances creates a new cc_show_day rule
* with a -1 (non repeating) repeat type we need to check all cc_show_day
* entries
public function isRepeating()
//get all cc_show_day entries that are repeating
$ccShowDays = CcShowDaysQuery::create()
->filterByDbRepeatType(0, Criteria::GREATER_EQUAL)
if (!$ccShowDays->isEmpty()) {
return true;
return false;
* Returns all cc_show_instances that have been edited out of
* a repeating sequence
public function getEditedRepeatingInstanceIds()
//get cc_show_days that have been edited (not repeating)
$ccShowDays = CcShowDaysQuery::create()
$startsUTC = array();
$utc = new DateTimeZone("UTC");
foreach ($ccShowDays as $day) {
//convert to UTC
$starts = new DateTime(
$day->getDbFirstShow()." ".$day->getDbStartTime(),
new DateTimeZone($day->getDbTimezone())
array_push($startsUTC, $starts->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"));
$excludeInstances = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
->filterByDbStarts($startsUTC, criteria::IN)
$excludeIds = array();
foreach ($excludeInstances as $instance) {
array_push($excludeIds, $instance->getDbId());
return $excludeIds;
* Gets an array of CcShowInstances objects which contain a foreign key that references this object.

View File

@ -40,8 +40,7 @@ class CcShowDays extends BaseCcShowDays {
//set timezone to that of the show
$dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->getDbTimezone()));
//$dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->getDbTimezone()));
return $dt;
@ -50,9 +49,9 @@ class CcShowDays extends BaseCcShowDays {
* Returns the end of a show in the timezone it was created in
* @param DateTime $startDateTime first show in show's local time
public function getLocalEndDateAndTime($showStart)
public function getLocalEndDateAndTime()
$startDateTime = clone $showStart;
$startDateTime = $this->getLocalStartDateAndTime();
$duration = explode(":", $this->getDbDuration());
return $startDateTime->add(new DateInterval('PT'.$duration[0].'H'.$duration[1].'M'));

View File

@ -126,7 +126,15 @@ class Application_Service_CalendarService
$isRepeating = $this->ccShow->getFirstCcShowDay()->isRepeating();
$excludeIds = $this->ccShow->getEditedRepeatingInstanceIds();
$isRepeating = true;
$populateInstance = false;
if (in_array($this->ccShowInstance->getDbId(), $excludeIds)) {
$populateInstance = true;
$isRepeating = false;
if (!$this->ccShowInstance->isRebroadcast() && $isAdminOrPM) {
if ($isRepeating) {
$menu["edit"] = array(
@ -143,6 +151,11 @@ class Application_Service_CalendarService
"name" => _("Edit This Instance"),
"icon" => "edit",
"url" => $baseUrl."Schedule/populate-repeating-show-instance-form");
} elseif ($populateInstance) {
$menu["edit"] = array(
"name" => _("Edit Show"),
"icon" => "edit",
"url" => $baseUrl."Schedule/populate-repeating-show-instance-form");
} else {
$menu["edit"] = array(
"name"=> _("Edit Show"),

View File

@ -124,10 +124,14 @@ class Application_Service_ShowFormService
private function populateFormWhen($form)
$ccShowDay = $this->ccShow->getFirstCcShowDay();
if ($this->ccShow->isRepeating()) {
$ccShowDay = $this->ccShow->getFirstRepeatingCcShowDay();
} else {
$ccShowDay = $this->ccShow->getFirstCcShowDay();
$showStart = $ccShowDay->getLocalStartDateAndTime();
$showEnd = $ccShowDay->getLocalEndDateAndTime($showStart);
$showEnd = $ccShowDay->getLocalEndDateAndTime();
//check if the first show is in the past
if ($ccShowDay->isShowStartInPast()) {
@ -198,7 +202,11 @@ class Application_Service_ShowFormService
private function populateFormRepeats($form, $nextFutureShowStart)
$ccShowDays = $this->ccShow->getCcShowDays();
if ($this->ccShow->isRepeating()) {
$ccShowDays = $this->ccShow->getRepeatingCcShowDays();
} else {
$ccShowDays = $this->ccShow->getCcShowDayss();
$days = array();
foreach ($ccShowDays as $ccShowDay) {

View File

@ -55,11 +55,13 @@ class Application_Service_ShowService
throw new Exception("Permission denied");
$showId = $showData["add_show_id"];
//get the ccShow object to which this instance belongs
//so we can get the original start date and time
$oldCcShow = CcShowQuery::create()
$this->ccShow = CcShowQuery::create()
//DateTime in shows's local time
$newStartDateTime = new DateTime($showData["add_show_start_date"]." ".
@ -68,52 +70,76 @@ class Application_Service_ShowService
$ccShowInstanceOrig = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
$diff = $this->calculateShowStartDiff($newStartDateTime,
if ($diff > 0) {
//convert original start time into the show's local timezone
$origLocalStartDateTime = $ccShowInstanceOrig->getLocalStartDateTime();
$diff = $this->calculateShowStartDiff($newStartDateTime,
if ($diff != 0) {
array($showData["add_show_instance_id"]), $diff);
* In the case where an instance is being edited for a second
* (or third, fourth, etc.) time we need to delete the old
* cc_show_day record
* Since we don't store the cc_show_day ids we need to use the
* original start time from cc_show_instances, convert it to the show's
* local timezone, and find the record in cc_show_days
* *** There is a flaw here: We have to assume the show timezone has
* *** not changed (make timezone readonly??)
$origCcShowDay = CcShowDaysQuery::create()
//get the new instance id
$ccShowInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
* Set the new cc_show_day record
* Associates it with the current show_id and sets it to non-repeating
* We need to find the new show day rule we just created by passing
* in the first show and start time in case multiple single
* instances have been edited out of the repeating sequence.
$showDay = CcShowDaysQuery::create()
$newInstanceId = $ccShowInstance->getDbId();
$ccShowInstance = $this->createNonRepeatingInstance($showDay,
//update cc_schedule with the new instance id
$ccSchedules = CcScheduleQuery::create()
foreach ($ccSchedules as $ccSchedule) {
$con = Propel::getConnection(CcShowInstancesPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
$selectCriteria = new Criteria();
$selectCriteria->add(CcSchedulePeer::INSTANCE_ID, $showData["add_show_instance_id"]);
$updateCriteria = new Criteria();
$updateCriteria->add(CcSchedulePeer::INSTANCE_ID, $ccShowInstance->getDbId());
BasePeer::doUpdate($selectCriteria, $updateCriteria, $con);
//delete the edited instance from the repeating sequence
$service_showForm = new Application_Service_ShowFormService($showData["add_show_id"]);
list($start, $end) = $service_showForm->getNextFutureRepeatShowTime();
$oldCcShowDay = $oldCcShow->getFirstCcShowDay();
$start->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(
} catch (Exception $e) {
@ -131,7 +157,11 @@ class Application_Service_ShowService
private function storeOrigLocalShowInfo()
$this->origCcShowDay = $this->ccShow->getFirstCcShowDay();
if ($this->ccShow->isRepeating()) {
$this->origCcShowDay = $this->ccShow->getFirstRepeatingCcShowDay();
} else {
$this->origCcShowDay = $this->ccShow->getFirstCcShowDay();
$this->oldShowTimezone = $this->origCcShowDay->getDbTimezone();
@ -158,6 +188,7 @@ class Application_Service_ShowService
$daysAdded = array();
if ($this->isUpdate) {
$daysAdded = $this->delegateInstanceCleanup($showData);
@ -165,7 +196,7 @@ class Application_Service_ShowService
if ($this->isRebroadcast) {
//delete entry in cc_show_rebroadcast
@ -225,7 +256,11 @@ class Application_Service_ShowService
if (is_null($this->ccShow)) {
$ccShowDays = $this->getShowDaysInRange($populateUntil, $end);
} else {
$ccShowDays = $this->ccShow->getCcShowDays();
if ($this->ccShow->isRepeating()) {
$ccShowDays = $this->ccShow->getRepeatingCcShowDays();
} else {
$ccShowDays = $this->ccShow->getCcShowDayss();
if (!is_null($end)) {
@ -372,7 +407,11 @@ SQL;
$daysAdded = array();
//CcShowDay object
$currentShowDay = $this->ccShow->getFirstCcShowDay();
if ($this->ccShow->isRepeating()) {
$currentShowDay = $this->ccShow->getFirstRepeatingCcShowDay();
} else {
$currentShowDay = $this->ccShow->getFirstCcShowDay();
//new end date in users' local time
$endDateTime = $this->calculateEndDate($showData);
@ -416,11 +455,17 @@ SQL;
//and the repeat type changed
if ($currentRepeatType != -1 && $this->repeatType != $currentRepeatType) {
} else {
// when repeating by day of the month (1st, 2nd, etc.) we do not store the repeat week days
} elseif ($currentRepeatType != 2) {
//repeat type is the same, check if the days of the week are the same
$repeatingDaysChanged = false;
$ccShowDays = $this->ccShow->getCcShowDays();
if ($this->ccShow->isRepeating()) {
$ccShowDays = $this->ccShow->getRepeatingCcShowDays();
} else {
$ccShowDays = $this->ccShow->getCcShowDayss();
$showDays = array();
foreach ($ccShowDays as $day) {
$showDays[] = $day->getDbDay();
@ -695,14 +740,23 @@ SQL;
else if (count($ccShowInstances) >= 1) {
$lastShowDays = array();
//get the show's timezone
$ccShow = CcShowQuery::create()->findPk($showId);
if ($ccShow->isRepeating()) {
$showTimezone = $ccShow->getFirstRepeatingCcShowDay()->getDbTimezone();
} else {
$showTimezone = $ccShow->getFirstCcShowDay()->getDbTimezone();
/* Creates an array where the key is the day of the week (monday,
* tuesday, etc.) and the value is the last show date for each
* day of the week. We will use this array to update the last_show
* for each cc_show_days entry of a cc_show
foreach ($ccShowInstances as $instance) {
$instanceStartDT = new DateTime($instance->getDbStarts(),
new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$instanceStartDT = $instance->getDbStarts(null);
$instanceStartDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($showTimezone));
$lastShowDays[$instanceStartDT->format("w")] = $instanceStartDT;
@ -710,6 +764,7 @@ SQL;
$ccShowDay = CcShowDaysQuery::create()
->filterByDbRepeatType(-1, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL)
if (isset($ccShowDay)) {
@ -725,10 +780,10 @@ SQL;
//remove the old repeating deleted instances.
return false;
@ -915,6 +970,7 @@ SQL;
$this->createRebroadcastInstances($showDay, $start, $ccShowInstance->getDbId());
return $ccShowInstance;
@ -1259,12 +1315,13 @@ SQL;
$temp = clone($starts);
$temp->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->oldShowTimezone));
$temp->setTime($this->localShowStartHour, $this->localShowStartMin);
$temp->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
$ccShowInstance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
->filterByDbStarts($temp->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), Criteria::EQUAL)
->filterByDbShowId($this->ccShow->getDbId(), Criteria::EQUAL)
->filterByDbModifiedInstance(false, Criteria::EQUAL)
//->filterByDbModifiedInstance(false, Criteria::EQUAL)
->filterByDbRebroadcast(0, Criteria::EQUAL)
@ -1369,7 +1426,16 @@ SQL;
// Don't set day for monthly repeat type, it's invalid
if ($showData['add_show_repeats'] && $showData['add_show_repeat_type'] == 2) {
$showDay = new CcShowDays();
if ($this->isUpdate) {
$showDay = CcShowDaysQuery::create()
} else {
$showDay = new CcShowDays();
@ -1395,7 +1461,22 @@ SQL;
$startDateTimeClone->add(new DateInterval("P".$daysAdd."D"));
if (is_null($endDate) || $startDateTimeClone->getTimestamp() <= $endDateTime->getTimestamp()) {
$showDay = new CcShowDays();
if ($this->isUpdate) {
$showDay = CcShowDaysQuery::create()
if (!$showDay) {
//if no show day object was found it is because a new
//repeating day of the week was added
$showDay = new CcShowDays();
} else {
$showDay = new CcShowDays();
@ -1562,6 +1643,7 @@ SQL;
$repeatInfo = CcShowDaysQuery::create()
->filterByDbRepeatType(-1, Criteria::NOT_EQUAL)

View File

@ -332,7 +332,7 @@ function eventResize( event, dayDelta, minuteDelta, revertFunc, jsEvent, ui, vie
var url = baseUrl+'Schedule/resize-show/format/json';
{day: dayDelta, min: minuteDelta, showId: event.showId},
{day: dayDelta, min: minuteDelta, showId: event.showId, instanceId:},
if(json.show_error == true){