CC-3377: Airtime 2.0.2 install fails for ubuntu 11.10

-should be fixed
This commit is contained in:
Martin Konecny 2012-03-02 11:42:35 -05:00
parent 8b540017a5
commit 82812e15a5
1 changed files with 17 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -81,12 +81,25 @@ try:
print " Found %s (%s) on %s architecture" % (fullname, codename, arch)
print " * Installing Liquidsoap binary"
if (os.path.exists("%s/liquidsoap_%s_%s"%(PATH_LIQUIDSOAP_BIN, codename, arch))):
binary_path = os.path.join(PATH_LIQUIDSOAP_BIN, "liquidsoap_%s_%s" % (codename, arch))
shutil.copy("%s/liquidsoap_%s_%s"%(PATH_LIQUIDSOAP_BIN, codename, arch), "%s/liquidsoap"%PATH_LIQUIDSOAP_BIN)
print "Unsupported system architecture."
except IOError, e:
shutil.copy can throw this exception for two reasons. First reason is that it cannot open the source file.
This is when the liquidsoap file we requested does not exist, and therefore tells the user we don't support
their OS/System architecture. The second reason for this exception is the shutil.copy cannot open the target file.
Since this script is being run as root (and we cannot install to a read-only device), this should never happen. So
it is safe to assume this exception is a result of the first case.
Note: We cannot simply use os.path.exists before this, since it sometimes gives us "false" incorrectly
print "Unsupported OS/system architecture."
#generate liquidsoap config file
#access the DB and generate liquidsoap.cfg under /etc/airtime/
ac = api_client.api_client_factory(config)