cc-2675: Edit ongoing show

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Martin Konecny 2012-03-10 14:13:38 -05:00
parent 2e1f88a7d6
commit adc8e8e69f
1 changed files with 83 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -161,37 +161,94 @@ class PypoPush(Thread):
This function's purpose is to gracefully handle situations where
Liquidsoap already has a track in its queue, but the schedule
has changed.
If the media_item is already being played, then we can't
do anything about it. If it is in the Liquidsoap queue, but not
yet playing then we can remove it. Note that currently
there can only ever be one media_item in the queue that isn't
being played (for a max of two items in the queue).
has changed.
TODO: What happens if we remove the second item in the queue when
it just became the primary item?
First let's connect to Liquidsoap and find what media items are in its queue.
We will compare these items to the schedule we've received and decide if any
action needs to take place.
if len(self.liquidsoap_queue) > 1:
media_item = self.liquidsoap_queue[1]
if media["id"] != liquidsoap_queue["id"]:
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(LS_HOST, LS_PORT)
msg = 'queue.queue %s\n' % media_item["queue_id"]
response = tn.read_until("\r\n").strip("\r\n")
list = response.split(" ")
liquidsoap_queue_mirror = []
for l in list:
if l in self.pushed_objects:
self.logger.error("ID exists in liquidsoap queue that does not exist in our pushed_objects queue")
#TODO: Keys should already be sorted. Verify this.
sorted_keys = sort(media.keys())
if len(liquidsoap_queue_mirror) == 0:
liquidsoap doesn't have anything in its queue, so we have nothing
to worry about.
if len(liquidsoap_queue_mirror) == 1:
if liquidsoap_queue_mirror[0]['id'] != media_item[sorted_keys[0]]['id']:
The md5s are the not same, so a different
item has been scheduled!
liquidsoap queue does not match the newest schedule. The queue is only of
length 1, and so that means the item in the queue is playing. Need to do source.skip
#remove from actual liquidsoap queue
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(LS_HOST, LS_PORT)
msg = 'queue.remove %s\n' % media_item["queue_id"]
#remove from our liquidsoap queue
if len(liquidsoap_queue_mirror) == 2:
if liquidsoap_queue_mirror[0]['id'] == media_item[sorted_keys[0]]['id'] \
and liquidsoap_queue_mirror[1]['id'] == media_item[sorted_keys[1]]['id']:
What's in the queue matches what's in the schedule. Nothing to do.
elif liquidsoap_queue_mirror[0]['id'] == media_item[sorted_keys[0]]['id'] \
and liquidsoap_queue_mirror[1]['id'] != media_item[sorted_keys[1]]['id']:
instruct liquidsoap to remove the second item from the queue
elif liquidsoap_queue_mirror[0]['id'] != media_item[sorted_keys[0]]['id']:
remove both items from the queue. Remove in reverse order so that source.skip
doesn't skip to the second song which we also plan on removing.
def remove_from_liquidsoap_queue(self, media_item):
if 'queue_id' in media_item:
queue_id = media_item['queue_id']
tn = telnetlib.Telnet(LS_HOST, LS_PORT)
msg = "queue.remove %s\n" % queue_id
response = tn.read_until("\r\n").strip("\r\n")
if "No such request in my queue" in response:
Cannot remove because Liquidsoap started playing the item. Need
to use source.skip instead
msg = "source.skip"
self.logger.error("'queue_id' key doesn't exist in media_item dict()")
def sleep_until_start(self, media_item):
@ -236,10 +293,12 @@ class PypoPush(Thread):
queue_id = tn.read_until("\r\n").strip("\r\n")
#remember the media_item's queue id which we may use
#later if we need to remove it from the queue.
media_item['queue_id'] = queue_id
#add media_item to the end of our queue
self.pushed_objects[queue_id] = media_item
show_name = media_item['show_name']
msg = 'vars.show_name %s\n' % show_name.encode('utf-8')