Fixed bug where clicking on a column name in the search results gave you no results from that point forward. Now if you click on a column name it will sort by the column. Fixed #2173 - This was done by removing the sorting by track number. However, and upgrade script has been added to clean track numbers (convert from things like "20/1" to "1"), and this same function is used when importing from the command line and the web (however, not from the studio). More fixes for #2107 - changed the way the Web BROWSE columns work so that they matched how the studio works (i.e. each column is dependent on the previous column).

This commit is contained in:
paul 2007-02-09 15:38:57 +00:00
parent 01b4a6d993
commit be56bbd453
6 changed files with 129 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -13,12 +13,12 @@
<table style="width: 600px;">
<tr class="blue_head">
<td style="width: 20px"><input type="checkbox" name="all" onClick="collector_switchAll('SEARCHRESULTS')"></td>
<td style="width: 200px;"><a href="#" onClick="hpopup('{$UI_HANDLER}?act={$_act_prefix}.reorder&by=title', 'order');" id="blue_head">##Title##</a></td>
<td style="width: 195px"><a href="#" onClick="hpopup('{$UI_HANDLER}?act={$_act_prefix}.reorder&by=creator', 'order');" id="blue_head">##Creator##</a></td>
<td style="width: 195px">##Album##</td>
<td style="width: 25px">##Track##</td>
<td><a href="#" onClick="hpopup('{$UI_HANDLER}?act={$_act_prefix}.reorder&by=extent', 'order');" id="blue_head">##Duration##</a></td>
<td style="width: 41px; border: 0; text-align: center"><a href="#" onClick="hpopup('{$UI_HANDLER}?act={$_act_prefix}.reorder&by=type', 'order');" id="blue_head">##Type##</a></td>
<td style="width: 200px;"><a href="#" onClick="hpopup('{$UI_HANDLER}?act={$_act_prefix}.reorder&by=dc:title', 'order');" id="blue_head">##Title##</a></td>
<td style="width: 195px"><a href="#" onClick="hpopup('{$UI_HANDLER}?act={$_act_prefix}.reorder&by=dc:creator', 'order');" id="blue_head">##Creator##</a></td>
<td style="width: 195px"><a href="#" onClick="hpopup('{$UI_HANDLER}?act={$_act_prefix}.reorder&by=dc:source', 'order');" id="blue_head">##Album##</a></td>
<td style="width: 25px"><a href="#" onClick="hpopup('{$UI_HANDLER}?act={$_act_prefix}.reorder&by=ls:track_num', 'order');" id="blue_head">##Track##</a></td>
<td><a href="#" onClick="hpopup('{$UI_HANDLER}?act={$_act_prefix}.reorder&by=dcterms:extent', 'order');" id="blue_head">##Duration##</a></td>
<td style="width: 41px; border: 0; text-align: center">{*<a href="#" onClick="hpopup('{$UI_HANDLER}?act={$_act_prefix}.reorder&by=type', 'order');" id="blue_head">*}##Type##{*</a>*}</td>
{foreach from=$_results.items item=i}
<!-- start item -->

View File

@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
class uiBrowse
public $Base; // uiBase object
* @var uiBase
public $Base;
* @var string
@ -188,23 +191,33 @@ class uiBrowse
$columnNumber = $p_param['col'];
$category = uiBase::formElementDecode($p_param['category']);
// Set the new values for this column.
// Set the new category for this column.
$this->col[$columnNumber]['category'] = $category;
$this->col[$columnNumber]['criteria'] = NULL;
$this->col[$columnNumber]['form_value'] = '%%all%%';
$previousValue = $this->col[$columnNumber]['form_value'];
// Get the values of this category based on the criteria in the
// other columns.
// For this column and all columns above this one, reset the values
for ($i = $columnNumber; $i <= 3; $i++) {
$this->col[$i]['criteria'] = NULL;
$this->col[$i]['form_value'] = '%%all%%';
// Reload the criteria
$tmpCriteria = $this->criteria;
// We put a limit here to because some categories will select
// way too many values.
$tmpCriteria["limit"] = 1000;
$tmpCriteria["offset"] = 0;
$browseValues = $this->Base->gb->browseCategory(
$category, $tmpCriteria, $this->Base->sessid);
if (!PEAR::isError($browseValues)) {
$this->col[$columnNumber]['values'] = $browseValues;
// For this column and all columns above this one,
// reload the values.
for ($i = $columnNumber; $i <= 3; $i++) {
$browseValues = $this->Base->gb->browseCategory(
$this->col[$i]["category"], $tmpCriteria, $this->Base->sessid);
if (!PEAR::isError($browseValues)) {
$this->col[$i]['values'] = $browseValues;
$browseValues = null;
$this->Base->redirUrl = UI_BROWSER.'?act='.$this->prefix;
@ -242,6 +255,12 @@ class uiBrowse
$this->col[$columnNumber]['criteria']['conditions'] = $conditions;
// Clear all columns above this one of selected values.
for ($tmpColNum = $columnNumber + 1; $tmpColNum <= 3; $tmpColNum++) {
$this->col[$tmpColNum]['criteria'] = NULL;
$this->col[$tmpColNum]['form_value'] = '%%all%%';
// Update the criteria
$tmpCriteria = $this->criteria;
@ -250,22 +269,13 @@ class uiBrowse
$tmpCriteria["limit"] = 1000;
$tmpCriteria["offset"] = 0;
// We need to update all other column values for any column
// that does not have a selected value.
for ($tmpColNum = 1; $tmpColNum <= 3; $tmpColNum++) {
// Make sure not to update current column
if ($tmpColNum != $columnNumber) {
// if the column does not have a selected value
if ($this->col[$tmpColNum]['criteria'] == NULL) {
$tmpCategory = $this->col[$tmpColNum]['category'];
$browseValues = $this->Base->gb->browseCategory(
$tmpCategory, $tmpCriteria, $this->Base->sessid);
if (!PEAR::isError($browseValues)) {
$this->col[$tmpColNum]['values'] = $browseValues;
$this->col[$tmpColNum]['criteria'] = NULL;
$this->col[$tmpColNum]['form_value'] = '%%all%%';
// For all columns greater than this one, reload the values.
for ($tmpColNum = $columnNumber + 1; $tmpColNum <= 3; $tmpColNum++) {
$tmpCategory = $this->col[$tmpColNum]['category'];
$browseValues = $this->Base->gb->browseCategory(
$tmpCategory, $tmpCriteria, $this->Base->sessid);
if (!PEAR::isError($browseValues)) {
$this->col[$tmpColNum]['values'] = $browseValues;
$this->Base->redirUrl = UI_BROWSER.'?act='.$this->prefix;
@ -364,17 +374,17 @@ class uiBrowse
} // fn pagination
public function reorder($by)
public function reorder($p_orderBy)
$this->criteria['offset'] = NULL;
if ( ($this->criteria['orderby'] == $by) && !$this->criteria['desc']) {
if ( ($this->criteria['orderby'] == $p_orderBy) && !$this->criteria['desc']) {
$this->criteria['desc'] = TRUE;
} else {
$this->criteria['desc'] = FALSE;
$this->criteria['orderby'] = $by;
$this->criteria['orderby'] = $p_orderBy;
} // fn reorder

View File

@ -66,20 +66,10 @@ class BasicStor {
* Store new file in the storage
* @param int $parid
* @param int $p_parentId
* Parent id
* @param string $fileName
* Name for new file
* @param string $localFilePath
* Local path of media file
* @param string $metadataFilePath
* Local path of metadata file
* @param string $gunid
* global unique id
* @param string $ftype
* Internal file type
* @param string $mdataLoc
* 'file'|'string'
* @param array $p_values
* See StoredFile::Insert() for details.
* @param boolean $copyMedia
* copy the media file if true, make symlink if false
* @return int|PEAR_Error

View File

@ -367,15 +367,33 @@ class DataEngine {
// Order by clause
$orderby = TRUE;
$orderByAllowedValues = array('dc:creator', 'dc:source', 'dc:title', 'dcterms:extent', "ls:track_num");
$orderByDefaults = array('dc:creator', 'dc:source', 'dc:title');
if ((!isset($criteria['orderby']))
|| (is_array($criteria['orderby']) && (count($criteria['orderby'])==0))) {
// default ORDER BY
$orderbyQns = array('dc:creator', 'dc:source', 'ls:track_num', 'dc:title');
// PaulB: track number removed because it doesnt work yet because
// if track_num is not an integer (e.g. bad metadata like "1/20",
// or if the field is blank) the SQL statement gives an error.
//$orderbyQns = array('dc:creator', 'dc:source', 'ls:track_num', 'dc:title');
$orderbyQns = $orderByDefaults;
} else {
$orderbyQns = $criteria['orderby'];
if (!is_array($orderbyQns)) {
$orderbyQns = array($orderbyQns);
// ORDER BY clause is given in the parameters.
// Convert the parameter to an array if it isnt already.
$orderbyQns = $criteria['orderby'];
if (!is_array($orderbyQns)) {
$orderbyQns = array($orderbyQns);
// Check that it has valid ORDER BY values, if not, revert
// to the default ORDER BY values.
foreach ($orderbyQns as $metadataTag) {
if (!in_array($metadataTag, $orderByAllowedValues)) {
$orderbyQns = $orderByDefaults;
$descA = (isset($criteria['desc']) ? $criteria['desc'] : NULL);
@ -437,11 +455,13 @@ class DataEngine {
// Special case for track number because if we use text
// sorting of this value, then 10 comes right after 1.
// So we convert track number to an integer for ordering.
if ($qname == "ls:track_num") {
$tmpSql .= ", CAST(m$i.object as integer) as ls_track_num";
} else {
$tmpSql .= ", m$i.object as ".$dataName[$qname];
// PaulB: see my note above about why this is commented out.
//if ($qname == "ls:track_num") {
// $tmpSql .= ", CAST(m$i.object as integer) as ls_track_num";
//} else {
$tmpSql .= ", m$i.object as ".$dataName[$qname];

View File

@ -3,6 +3,37 @@ require_once("MetaData.php");
* Track numbers in metadata tags can come in many formats:
* "1 of 20", "1/20", "20/1". This function parses the track
* number and gets the real number so that we can sort by it
* in the database.
* @param string $p_trackNumber
* @return int
function camp_parse_track_number($p_trackNumber)
$num = trim($p_trackNumber);
if (!is_numeric($num)) {
$matches = preg_match("/\s*([0-9]+)([^0-9]*)([0-9]*)\s*/", $num, $results);
$trackNum = 0;
foreach ($results as $result) {
if (is_numeric($result)) {
if ($trackNum == 0) {
$trackNum = $result;
} elseif ($result < $trackNum) {
$trackNum = $result;
} else {
$trackNum = $num;
return $trackNum;
* Add data to the global array $mdata, also sets global variables
* $titleHaveSet and $titleKey.
@ -199,6 +230,11 @@ function camp_get_audio_metadata($p_filename, $p_testonly = false)
eval("\$enc = $encodedElement;");
// Special case handling for track number
if ($key == "ls:track_num") {
$data = camp_parse_track_number($data);
camp_add_metadata($mdata, $key, $data, $enc);
if ($key == $titleKey) {
$titleHaveSet = TRUE;

View File

@ -54,6 +54,21 @@ echo " * Adding 'jobpid' to ".$CC_CONFIG['transTable']."...";
$sql = "ALTER TABLE ".$CC_CONFIG['transTable']." ADD COLUMN jobpid int";
echo " * Fixing track numbers...\n";
$sql = "SELECT id, object as track_num FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['mdataTable']
." WHERE predns='ls' AND predicate='track_num'";
$rows = $CC_DBC->GetAll($sql);
foreach ($rows as $row) {
$newTrackNum = camp_parse_track_number($row["track_num"]);
if ($row["track_num"] != $newTrackNum) {
echo " * Converting '".$row["track_num"]."' --> '$newTrackNum'\n";
$sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG["mdataTable"]
." SET object='$newTrackNum'"
." WHERE id=".$row["id"];
// Get MD5 values for all files
echo " * Computing MD5 sums for all files (this may take a while)...\n";
$sql = "SELECT to_hex(gunid) as gunid, name FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable'] ." WHERE ftype='audioclip'";