diff --git a/pypo/pypo-cli.py b/pypo/pypo-cli.py
index a2248c7e0..638ef6e6e 100755
--- a/pypo/pypo-cli.py
+++ b/pypo/pypo-cli.py
@@ -692,11 +692,16 @@ class Playout:
             # Get any extra information for liquidsoap (which will be sent back to us)
             liquidsoap_data = self.api_client.get_liquidsoap_data(pkey, schedule)            
-            logger.debug("Sending additional data to liquidsoap: "+str(liquidsoap_data["schedule_id"]))
+            logger.debug("Sending additional telnet data to liquidsoap: "+str(liquidsoap_data["schedule_id"]))
+            #skip the currently playing song if any.
+            logger.debug("source.skip\n")
+            tn.write("source.skip\n")
-            #Sending JSON string. Example: {"schedule_id":"13"}
+            #Sending schedule table row id string.
+            logger.debug("vars.pypo_data %s\n"%(str(liquidsoap_data["schedule_id"])))
             tn.write("vars.pypo_data %s\n"%(str(liquidsoap_data["schedule_id"])))
             for line in pl_file.readlines():
                 line = line.strip()
diff --git a/pypo/scripts/ls_script.liq b/pypo/scripts/ls_script.liq
index 5d7ae465c..e0b100866 100644
--- a/pypo/scripts/ls_script.liq
+++ b/pypo/scripts/ls_script.liq
@@ -22,6 +22,22 @@ def crossfade(s)
+# Add a skip function to a source
+# when it does not have one
+# by default
+def add_skip_command(s) =
+ # A command to skip
+ def skip(_) =
+   source.skip(s)
+   "Done!"
+ end
+ # Register the command:
+ server.register(namespace="source",
+                 usage="skip",
+                 description="Skip the current song.",
+                 "skip",skip)
 server.register(namespace="vars", "pypo_data", fun (s) ->  begin pypo_data := s "Done" end)
 default = single("/opt/pypo/files/basic/silence.mp3")
@@ -32,6 +48,10 @@ s = fallback(track_sensitive=false, [queue, default])
 s = on_metadata(notify, s)
 s = crossfade(s)
+# Attach a skip command to the source s:
 if output_sound_device then
 	out_device = out(s)