Condensing docs

Webstreams into Podcasts, all settings except for users into Settings, Smartblocks into Playlists
This commit is contained in:
Zachary Klosko 2020-05-24 09:51:40 -04:00
parent ce6d68f090
commit c5e769f0ca
12 changed files with 209 additions and 223 deletions

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@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
# How to Build Your Schedule
* YouTube video
[![Build Station Schedule](]( "How to build your schedule")
## Step-by-step Text Based
A description of the steps involved in adding a show to the LibreTime calendar
schedule for future playback including repeating shows
**Audience**: Program Managers and Admins
1. Click on the Calendar menu item on the left side of the screen
1. Click on the blue New Show button
1. Under **What** - type in a Name to replace Untitled Show
1. Optional add URL, Genre and Description
1. Under **When** click **In The Future**
1. Select a date and time for the **Start Time** and **End Time**
1. Time is entered as 00:00 where the first 2 digits are the hour in 24 hour
time and the second 2 digits are the minutes. So 15:00 is 3PM. *Note: 24 hours
is the maximum show time and Midnight is 00:00 of the next date.*
1. Click **Repeats** if this show will air more than once.
1. If it airs at the same time of the day on more than one day of the week then
check the boxes next to the Days it should repeat on.
1. If this is a limited engagement show uncheck **No End?** and select the date
at which this show should no longer be on the schedule.
* **Autoloading Playlist** is used if you will generate the content for this
show using a playlist possibly containing smartblocks to dynamically generate
it. Ihf this is checked and a playlist is selected, LibreTime will schedule it
an hour before the show is set to air as well as any **Intro & Outro Playlist**
configured in the Admin settings. See other How Tos for ideas about how to use Autoloading playlists.
1. **Live Stream Input** contains the streaming information for DJs and if
**Use LibreTime Authentication** is checked then DJs can login to stream live
if they are added to the **Who** section.
1. **Who** is where you can give DJ users permission to schedule tracks for
this show and stream live during the show spot. You can check the box
next to them or type their name and click the drop down.
1. **Style** allows you to select a custom color and add a show Logo for this

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@ -87,6 +87,7 @@ Optionally, the outgoing Icecast stream can be relayed to a transmitter.
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# Settings
On the **Settings** menu, click **General** to set your **Station Name**. This
text is shown in your web browser's title bar when your station staff are logged
into LibreTime, and optionally in stream metadata. You can also set a **Station
Description** and **Station Logo** here.
The **Default Interface Language** drop-down menu sets the default localization
for your LibreTime instance, and the **Station Timezone** drop-down menu can be
used to display local time at your station. LibreTime stores show times
internally in UTC format (similar to *Greenwich Mean Time*), but displays local
time for the convenience of your station staff. You can also set the day of the
week that you wish to start your station's weekly schedule on, which defaults
to Sunday.
The **Track Type Default** enables you to select a track type default for uploads.
Initially, the **Default Fade In** and **Default Fade Out** times for automated
fades are set to half a second, and the **Default Crossfade Duration** is set to
zero seconds. Custom fade and crossfade times can be set for adjacent items in a
playlist or static smart block. See the chapter *Library* for details.
The **Intro Autoloading Playlist** enables you to select a playlist that will be
scheduled at the beginning of every show that has enabled an autoloading
playlist. This can be used for instance to insert a station ID or other
announcements a the top of every show.
The **Outro Autoloading Playlist** enables you to select a playlist that will be
scheduled after the content of every show with an autoloading playlist.
The **Overwrite Podcast Episode Metatags** option which is enabled by default
causes LibreTime to override the Artist, Title & Album fields on any tracks
downloaded from a podcast with information from the RSS feed.
The **Generate a smartblock and a playlist upon creation of a new podcast**
option when enabled will create a smartblock matching the newest episode of a
podcast and a playlist containing that smartblock automatically upon adding a
podcast to LibreTime. This can also be done manually by the generate smartblock
and playlist button under a podcasts settings which is why it is disabled by
You can enable live, read-only access to the LibreTime schedule calendar for
your station's public website with the **Public LibreTime API** option, if you
wish. (There is more about this feature in the
[*Exporting the schedule*](exporting-the-schedule) chapter, in the
*Advanced Configuration* section of this book).
The **Allowed CORS URLs** is intended to deal with situations where you want a
remote site with a different domain to access the API. This is relevant when
there is a reverse proxy server in front of LibreTime. If you are using a
reverse proxy, the URLs that will be used to access it should be added here.
The **Display login button on your Radio Page?** will determine whether visitors
to your site see a link to login. If this is disabled DJs and admins will need
to goto http://SITEURL/login to be able to login.
The **Tune-In Settings** section is intended for stations that have partnered
with TuneIn to automatically push their now playing metadata to TuneIn. This
hasn't been tested and also requires special credentials from TuneIn.
The **Dangerous Options** section provides an administrator the ability to erase
the entire LibreTime library.
When you are done remember click the **Save** button at the top or bottom of the
Individual LibreTime users can choose another interface localization when they
log in, or set personal preferences for localization and time zone by clicking
their username on the right side of the menu bar.

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@ -1,7 +1,49 @@
# The Smartblocks page
layout: docs
title: Playlists and Smartblocks
Creating a smartblock
## Creating a new playlist
You can create a new playlist on the toolbar of the **Playlists** page.
At first, the new playlist will be shown as *Untitled Playlist*. Click the pencil icon on the right to give the playlist a name.
Type the name you have chosen, then press the **Enter** key on your keyboard to save the new name. You can edit the name of the playlist later, by clicking on the pencil icon again.
Click the link **View / edit description** to expand a box where you can enter a **Description** for the playlist, then click the **Save** button. Setting good quality metadata here will help you find the playlist using the search box later, so you should be as descriptive as possible.
### Adding content to a playlist
With a playlist open, drag and drop items from the search results on the left into the playlist on the right. Jingles and voice tracks can be added before, after or between music items.
After adding files to the playlist, the total playlist time is displayed in the top right corner. The duration of an individual file is shown in each row of the playlist in a white font, and beneath this figure the time since the beginning of the playlist is displayed in a smaller light grey font. This elapsed time figure can be used as a time check for voice tracks, although this option may limit the re-usability of the voice track.
To audition a playlist file in your web browser, click the white triangle button on the left side of its row. (If the format of the file is not supported by your browser, the triangle in this button will be greyed out). If audition of the file format is supported, a pop-up window will open, with the playlist starting at the file you clicked.
Click the small white **x** icon on the right hand side of each row to remove a file from the playlist. You can also drag and drop files to re-order them, or click the **Shuffle** button to re-order files automatically.
To adjust start and end fades, click the playlist **Fade** button (two horizontal white arrows crossing in a grey rectangle), to the left of the **Delete** and **Save** buttons. This action opens a beige bar in which you can set the **Fade in** duration for the first item in this playlist, and the **Fade out** duration for the last item. This duration figure represents the length of the fade, in seconds and tenths of a second, not the time at which the fade takes place. The default fade duration is set in the **Preferences** page on the **System** menu.
When your playlist is complete, click the **New** button in the top left corner to create another playlist, click the close icon (a white cross in a black circle) in the top right corner, or browse to another page of the LibreTime interface.
If you want to edit the playlist content or metadata later, you can find it by **Title**, **Creator**, **Last Modified** date, **Length**, **Owner** or **Year** using one of the search tools on the Library page. Click the playlist in the search results list, and then click **Edit** from the pop-up menu. You can also **Preview** the entire playlist in a pop-up audition window, **Duplicate** or **Delete** one of your playlists from this menu.
## Creating a Smartblock
Smart blocks are automatically filled with media files from the LibreTime library, according to the criteria that you specify. This feature is intended to save staff time, compared to selecting items for a playlist manually, and can be used to schedule shows that operate in a consistent format.

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@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
sidebar: main
# The Playlists page
Creating a new playlist
You can create a new playlist on the toolbar of the **Playlists** page.
At first, the new playlist will be shown as *Untitled Playlist*. Click the pencil icon on the right to give the playlist a name.
Type the name you have chosen, then press the **Enter** key on your keyboard to save the new name. You can edit the name of the playlist later, by clicking on the pencil icon again.
Click the link **View / edit description** to expand a box where you can enter a **Description** for the playlist, then click the **Save** button. Setting good quality metadata here will help you find the playlist using the search box later, so you should be as descriptive as possible.
Adding content to a playlist
With a playlist open, drag and drop items from the search results on the left into the playlist on the right. Jingles and voice tracks can be added before, after or between music items.
After adding files to the playlist, the total playlist time is displayed in the top right corner. The duration of an individual file is shown in each row of the playlist in a white font, and beneath this figure the time since the beginning of the playlist is displayed in a smaller light grey font. This elapsed time figure can be used as a time check for voice tracks, although this option may limit the re-usability of the voice track.
To audition a playlist file in your web browser, click the white triangle button on the left side of its row. (If the format of the file is not supported by your browser, the triangle in this button will be greyed out). If audition of the file format is supported, a pop-up window will open, with the playlist starting at the file you clicked.
Click the small white **x** icon on the right hand side of each row to remove a file from the playlist. You can also drag and drop files to re-order them, or click the **Shuffle** button to re-order files automatically.
To adjust start and end fades, click the playlist **Fade** button (two horizontal white arrows crossing in a grey rectangle), to the left of the **Delete** and **Save** buttons. This action opens a beige bar in which you can set the **Fade in** duration for the first item in this playlist, and the **Fade out** duration for the last item. This duration figure represents the length of the fade, in seconds and tenths of a second, not the time at which the fade takes place. The default fade duration is set in the **Preferences** page on the **System** menu.
When your playlist is complete, click the **New** button in the top left corner to create another playlist, click the close icon (a white cross in a black circle) in the top right corner, or browse to another page of the LibreTime interface.
If you want to edit the playlist content or metadata later, you can find it by **Title**, **Creator**, **Last Modified** date, **Length**, **Owner** or **Year** using one of the search tools on the Library page. Click the playlist in the search results list, and then click **Edit** from the pop-up menu. You can also **Preview** the entire playlist in a pop-up audition window, **Duplicate** or **Delete** one of your playlists from this menu.

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@ -1,20 +1,18 @@
sidebar: mainmenus
layout: docs
title: Podcasts and Webstreams
# The Podcasts page
The Podcasts page allows you add subscriptions to podcasts which are often used to syndicated audio files using a URL called a RSS feed. This allows your LibreTime instance to automatically download new shows from the web.
In order to add a podcast you need to get the RSS feed. All podcasts available on iTunes have a RSS feed but it is sometimes hidden. See this issue on our github page [#510]( for more information. RSS feeds that do not end in *.xml* may be accepted by LibreTime but might fail to download episodes; in that case, download the episode using a podcast client such as [gpodder]( and then manually upload and schedule the episode. Podcast feeds coming from have been known to have this issue.
The podcast interfaces provides you with the ability to generate [Smartblocks](smartblocks) that can be used in conjunction with [Autoloading Playlists](../calendar/#autoloading-playlist) to schedule the newest episode of a podcast without human intervention.
### Video Tutorials
Video Tutorials:
- [How to schedule a podcast to play the latest episode automatically](
## Podcasts Dashboard
@ -24,8 +22,7 @@ podcasts by the toolbar, in addition to sorting by columns.
To add a podcast, click on the **+ Add** button on the toolbar and provide the podcast's RSS feed, which usually ends in *.xml*.
Once the podcast's feed is recognized, the editor pane opens for the podcast.
### Editor
@ -35,3 +32,14 @@ A search box is available to search for episodes within the feed.
- To import an episode directly into LibreTime, double-click on an episode or select it and click **+ Import**. The podcast will appear under tracks with the Podcast Name as the Album.
- To delete an episode from LibreTime, select the episode and click on the red trash can on the toolbar.
- If you would like LibreTime to automatically download the latest episodes of a podcast, make sure *Download latest episodes* is checked. This can be used in conjunction with Smartblocks and Playlists to automate downloading and scheduling shows that are received via podcast feed.
## Adding a webstream
A web stream URL and metadata can be added to the LibreTime library, so that a remote stream can be searched for and scheduled to be *pulled* into a show. For example, at the top of the hour your station may pull a news report from journalists working in another studio. This is a different concept from **Master Source** and **Show Source** remote streams which are *pushed* into the LibreTime playout schedule.
To add a web stream, click the **+ New** button on the left side of the Webstreams page. Like a playlist, web streams in the Library can have a title and **Description**, which may help you find them in searches later.
The **Stream URL** setting must include the *port number* (such as 8000) and *mount point* (such as remote\_stream) of the remote stream, in addition to the streaming server name. A **Default Length** for the remote stream can also be set. If the stream is added at the end of a show which becomes overbooked as a result, it will be faded out when the show ends.
Note: LibreTime checks the remote webstream's status upon editing stream settings, so an offline stream will result in an error. There are many tools such as [BUTT]( and [MIXXX]( that can be used to send a test stream to LibreTime can save it; read more [here](../live-shows-with-mixxx/

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
layout: docs
title: Preparing the Server
# Preparing the Server
The following instructions assume that you have root access (**sudo** on most
distributions) to a GNU/Linux server, and are familiar with basic command line

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@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ network:
After the netplan file has been saved, run `sudo netplan apply` to apply changes.
Next, configure Ubuntu's firewall by running:

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
layout: docs
title: Scheduling Shows
# Scheduling Shows
Log in using your username and password using the link in the upper right corner. (If you just installed
LibreTime, your username/password is admin/admin.)
@ -27,9 +26,34 @@ Click on the blue **+ New Show** button to add a new show.
At the very minimum, fill out the show's name and when the show will take place. If the show will repeat regularly,
check the **Repeats?** box and fill out the repeat information. Click on the grey **+ Add this show** button at the top
check the **Repeats?** box and fill out the repeat information. A description of all fields of the New Show box
are in the table below. Finially, click on the grey **+ Add this show** button at the top
of the pane to add your show to the calendar.
| Field | Description |
| _What_ | |
| Name (Required) | The name of your show |
| URL | The URL of your show. Not used on the public page. |
| Genre | The genre of your show. Not used on the public page. |
| Description | Description of your show. Not used on the public page. |
| _When_ | |
| Start Time (Required) | The time and date the show starts. Note that the time element is in 24 hour time. If the **Now** option is selected, the show will be created to immediately start. |
| End Time (Required) | The time and date the show ends. Defaults to a time one hour after the start time, which can be seen in the **Duration** field, which is uneditable. |
| Repeats? | If checked, allows for options to schedule a repeated show. Shows can repeat weekly up to monthly in increments of one week and can be scheduled on multiple days of the same week. An end date can be set, otherwise the show can be deleted by clicking on its entry in the calendar and clicking Delete > Future Occurances. If **Linked ?** is checked, the playlist scheduled for the next show will also play for all future shows. |
| _Autoloading Playlist_ | |
| Add Autoloading Playlist? | If checked, allows for the following options |
| Select Playlist | Select the playlist the show will autofill from (shows autofill exactly one hour before air). If you wish to use a smartblock you must add it to a playlist and then select that playlist. This can be used to auto-schedule new podcast episodes to air. |
| Repeat Playlist Until Show Is Full | If checked, the playlist will be added to the show multiple times until the slot is full. Useful for applying a one-hour music playlist made up of smartblocks to a two-hour show. |
| _Live Stream Input_ | |
| Use LibreTime/Custom Authentication | |
| Show Source | |
| _Who_ | |
| Search Users, DJs | Program Managers and Admins may assign DJs to a show, giving DJs access to schedule tracks for said show. DJs cannot create shows on their own. |
| _Style_ | |
| Background/Text Color | Set the color of the background and text of entries on the calendar. If not set, LibreTime will select contrasting colors for easy readability. |
| Show Logo | If desired, you can upload a show logo here. The logo does not appear on the public page. |
Once your show is created, click on it to open its context menu. Select **Schedule Tracks** to open the track scheduler.

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@ -1,4 +1,99 @@
# The Stream Settings page
layout: docs
title: Settings
> Quick Links:
- [General Settings](#general)
- [Stream Settings](#stream)
- [LibreTime Status](#status)
# General Settings {#general}
On the **Settings** menu, click **General** to set your **Station Name**. This
text is shown in your web browser's title bar when your station staff are logged
into LibreTime, and optionally in stream metadata. You can also set a **Station
Description** and **Station Logo** here.
The **Default Interface Language** drop-down menu sets the default localization
for your LibreTime instance, and the **Station Timezone** drop-down menu can be
used to display local time at your station. LibreTime stores show times
internally in UTC format (similar to *Greenwich Mean Time*), but displays local
time for the convenience of your station staff. You can also set the day of the
week that you wish to start your station's weekly schedule on, which defaults
to Sunday.
The **Track Type Default** enables you to select a track type default for uploads.
Initially, the **Default Fade In** and **Default Fade Out** times for automated
fades are set to half a second, and the **Default Crossfade Duration** is set to
zero seconds. Custom fade and crossfade times can be set for adjacent items in a
playlist or static smart block. See the chapter *Library* for details.
The **Intro Autoloading Playlist** enables you to select a playlist that will be
scheduled at the beginning of every show that has enabled an autoloading
playlist. This can be used for instance to insert a station ID or other
announcements a the top of every show.
The **Outro Autoloading Playlist** enables you to select a playlist that will be
scheduled after the content of every show with an autoloading playlist.
The **Overwrite Podcast Episode Metatags** option which is enabled by default
causes LibreTime to override the Artist, Title & Album fields on any tracks
downloaded from a podcast with information from the RSS feed.
The **Generate a smartblock and a playlist upon creation of a new podcast**
option when enabled will create a smartblock matching the newest episode of a
podcast and a playlist containing that smartblock automatically upon adding a
podcast to LibreTime. This can also be done manually by the generate smartblock
and playlist button under a podcasts settings which is why it is disabled by
You can enable live, read-only access to the LibreTime schedule calendar for
your station's public website with the **Public LibreTime API** option, if you
wish. (There is more about this feature in the
[*Exporting the schedule*](exporting-the-schedule) chapter, in the
*Advanced Configuration* section of this book).
The **Allowed CORS URLs** is intended to deal with situations where you want a
remote site with a different domain to access the API. This is relevant when
there is a reverse proxy server in front of LibreTime. If you are using a
reverse proxy, the URLs that will be used to access it should be added here.
The **Display login button on your Radio Page?** will determine whether visitors
to your site see a link to login. If this is disabled DJs and admins will need
to goto http://SITEURL/login to be able to login.
The **Tune-In Settings** section is intended for stations that have partnered
with TuneIn to automatically push their now playing metadata to TuneIn. This
hasn't been tested and also requires special credentials from TuneIn.
The **Dangerous Options** section provides an administrator the ability to erase
the entire LibreTime library.
When you are done remember click the **Save** button at the top or bottom of the
Individual LibreTime users can choose another interface localization when they
log in, or set personal preferences for localization and time zone by clicking
their username on the right side of the menu bar.
# Stream Settings {#stream}
Global settings
@ -26,7 +121,6 @@ Input stream settings
On the lower left side of the Stream Settings page you can configure remote live input streams from DJ programs such as **Mixxx** or **IDJC**, or smartphone applications used by broadcast journalists. A bug with **Butt** versions 1.14 to 1.16 causes streams not to connect to LibreTime. A fix has been introduced with **Butt** version 1.17 that allows it to be used by LibreTime.
Airtime supports two types of live input stream; the **Show Source**, which enables a specific person to stream in during their own show, and the **Master Source**, which can override the Show Source if necessary. If neither type of live input is available, Airtime will fall back to **Scheduled Play** (playlists, smart blocks, remote streams and files scheduled in Airtime, in advance of or during a show).
The **Auto Switch Off** and **Auto Switch On** checkboxes enable playout to be switched automatically to the highest priority source whenever an authenticated input source disconnects from or connects to Airtime, respectively. The field **Switch Transition Fade** sets the length of the audio fade as scheduled playout is switched to a remote input source, and back.
@ -79,3 +173,24 @@ Airtime supports output to Icecast in Ogg Vorbis, Ogg Opus, MP3 and AAC formats.
Any connection problems between Liquidsoap and Icecast or SHOUTcast are shown on the Stream Settings page. For example, if you enter the wrong password, you will see an *Authentication Required* error message. To fix this, enter the correct password in the **Additional Options** box, and click the **Save** button. If the streaming server is down for any reason, or you have entered an incorrect **Server** name or **Port** number, you will see the message *Can not connect to the streaming server*.
# The Status page {#status}
On the **Settings** menu, the **Status** page provides an overview of the health and resource usage of the various
services that make up a LibreTime system. If all is well, you will only see green check mark icons in the
**Status** column. This page also shows how much **Disk Space** you have used on the disk partition containing
the main Import folder, as well as any disks or partitions with watched folders.
If any of the check mark icons in the **Status** column have changed to a red warning sign, contact your system
administrator for assistance. (The chapter [Troubleshooting](troubleshooting) contains some tips). LibreTime will
do its best to restart any failing services, but sometimes manual intervention may be required; for example, in
the case of hardware failure.
If you have run out of storage space, a LibreTime user with *admin* privileges could log in and delete media files
that are no longer required from the **Library**. Alternatively, you could move some files to a watched folder on
another disk, or ask your system administrator to install additional storage capacity.

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
# The Status page
On the **Settings** menu, the **Status** page provides an overview of the health and resource usage of the various
services that make up a LibreTime system. If all is well, you will only see green check mark icons in the
**Status** column. This page also shows how much **Disk Space** you have used on the disk partition containing
the main Import folder, as well as any disks or partitions with watched folders.
If any of the check mark icons in the **Status** column have changed to a red warning sign, contact your system
administrator for assistance. (The chapter [Troubleshooting](troubleshooting) contains some tips). LibreTime will
do its best to restart any failing services, but sometimes manual intervention may be required; for example, in
the case of hardware failure.
If you have run out of storage space, a LibreTime user with *admin* privileges could log in and delete media files
that are no longer required from the **Library**. Alternatively, you could move some files to a watched folder on
another disk, or ask your system administrator to install additional storage capacity.

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@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
sidebar: mainmenus
The Webstreams page
## Adding a webstream
A web stream URL and metadata can be added to the LibreTime library, so that a remote stream can be searched for and scheduled to be *pulled* into a show. For example, at the top of the hour your station may pull a news report from journalists working in another studio. This is a different concept from **Master Source** and **Show Source** remote streams which are *pushed* into the LibreTime playout schedule.
To add a web stream, click the **+ New** button on the left side of the Webstreams page. Like a playlist, web streams in the Library can have a title and **Description**, which may help you find them in searches later.
The **Stream URL** setting must include the *port number* (such as 8000) and *mount point* (such as remote\_stream) of the remote stream, in addition to the streaming server name. A **Default Length** for the remote stream can also be set. If the stream is added at the end of a show which becomes overbooked as a result, it will be faded out when the show ends.
Note: LibreTime checks the remote webstream's status upon editing stream settings, so an offline stream will result in an error. There are many tools such as [BUTT]( and [MIXXX]( that can be used to send a test stream to LibreTime can save it; read more [here](../live-shows-with-mixxx/