CC-4056: Add Show -> Prevent shows from overlapping
This commit is contained in:
@ -138,6 +138,20 @@ class Application_Form_AddShowWhen extends Zend_Form_SubForm
$valid = false;
/* Check if show is overlapping
* We will only do this check if the show is valid
* upto this point
if ($valid) {
$show_start = new DateTime($start_time);
$show_end = new DateTime($end_time);
$overlapping = Application_Model_Schedule::checkOverlappingShows($show_start, $show_end);
if ($overlapping) {
$this->getElement('add_show_duration')->setErrors(array('Cannot have overlapping shows'));
$valid = false;
return $valid;
@ -912,4 +912,47 @@ class Application_Model_Schedule {
return false;
public static function checkOverlappingShows($show_start, $show_end) {
global $CC_CONFIG;
$overlapping = false;
//Set timezone to UTC to be consisent with DB
$show_start->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$sql = "SELECT id, starts, ends FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["showInstances"]."
where starts <= '{$show_start->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')}' order by ends";
$rows = $con->query($sql);
//Set back to local timezone to do comparison
$show_start->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone(Application_Model_Preference::GetTimezone()));
foreach($rows as $row) {
$start = new DateTime($row["starts"]);
$end = new DateTime($row["ends"]);
/* When data is grabbed from the DB, the time is in UTC
* but the timezone is set locally. Comparing timestamps
* on two DateTime objects with different timezones but
* same time yeild different results.
* Since we cannot change the timezone back to UTC without
* changing the time, we convert each show's instance
* end time to local time via offset and then do the comparison.
$offset = $show_start->getOffset();
if ($offset < 0) {
$end->sub(new DateInterval("PT".abs($offset)."S"));
} else {
$end->add(new DateInterval("PT".$offset."S"));
if ($show_start->getTimestamp() < $end->getTimestamp()) {
$overlapping = true;
return $overlapping;
Reference in New Issue