Better way of getting the linked show schedule and moved that into its own function.

Store the ids of the new, created show instances so we can pass them to the
fillNewLinkedInstances function
This commit is contained in:
drigato 2014-08-20 16:37:44 -04:00
parent 57c1e76dc7
commit d81de5c6eb
2 changed files with 93 additions and 41 deletions

View File

@ -150,7 +150,37 @@ class Application_Service_SchedulerService
return $dt;
public static function fillNewLinkedInstances($ccShow)
public static function getLinkedShowSchedule($showId, $instancsIdsToFill)
$showsPopulatedUntil = Application_Model_Preference::GetShowsPopulatedUntil();
$showInstanceWithMostRecentSchedule = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()
->filterByDbStarts($showsPopulatedUntil->format("Y-m-d H:i:s"), Criteria::LESS_THAN)
->filterByDbId($instancsIdsToFill, Criteria::NOT_IN)
$con = Propel::getConnection();
$instanceId = $showInstanceWithMostRecentSchedule->getDbId();
$linkedShowSchedule_sql = $con->prepare(
"select * from cc_schedule where instance_id = :instance_id ".
"order by starts");
$linkedShowSchedule_sql->bindParam(':instance_id', $instanceId);
return $linkedShowSchedule_sql->fetchAll();
* Enter description here ...
* @param CcShow_type $ccShow
* @param array $instanceIdsToFill ids of the new linked cc_show_instances that
* were created and now need their schedules filled
public static function fillNewLinkedInstances($ccShow, $instanceIdsToFill)
/* In order to get the linked show's schedule we need to retrieve
* every instance of the show, even if they are in the past in case
@ -163,8 +193,6 @@ class Application_Service_SchedulerService
$instanceIds = $ccShow->getInstanceIdsSortedByMostRecentStartTime();
$mostRecentInstanceId = $instanceIds[0];
if (count($instanceIds) == 0) {
@ -195,30 +223,28 @@ class Application_Service_SchedulerService
/* Find the show contents of just one of the instances. Because we
* sorted the instances by desc order, we are using the most recent
* instance, which will have the most up to date schedule.
$showsPopulatedUntil = Application_Model_Preference::GetShowsPopulatedUntil();
$linkedShowSchedule = self::getLinkedShowSchedule($ccShow->getDbId(), $instanceIdsToFill);
$showStamp_sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_schedule ".
"WHERE starts < '{$showsPopulatedUntil->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')}' ".
"ORDER BY starts";
$showStamp = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute(
//get time_filled so we can update cc_show_instances
$timeFilled_sql = "SELECT time_filled FROM cc_show_instances ".
"WHERE id = $mostRecentInstanceId";
$timeFilled = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute(
$timeFilled_sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::COLUMN);
if (!empty($linkedShowSchedule)) {
$timeFilled_sql = "SELECT time_filled FROM cc_show_instances ".
"WHERE id = {$linkedShowSchedule[0]["instance_id"]}";
$timeFilled = Application_Common_Database::prepareAndExecute(
$timeFilled_sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::COLUMN);
} else {
$timeFilled = "00:00:00";
//need to find out which linked instances are empty
$values = array();
$futureInstanceIds = $ccShow->getFutureInstanceIds();
//pass in new criteria object so propel doesn't return cached results
//$futureInstanceIds = $ccShow->getFutureInstanceIds(new Criteria());
$con = Propel::getConnection();
try {
foreach ($futureInstanceIds as $id)
//foreach ($futureInstanceIds as $id)
foreach ($instanceIdsToFill as $id)
$instanceSched_sql = "SELECT * FROM cc_schedule ".
"WHERE instance_id = {$id} ".
@ -228,13 +254,13 @@ class Application_Service_SchedulerService
/* If the show instance is empty OR it has different content than
* the first instance, we need to fill/replace with the show stamp
* (The show stamp is taken from the first show instance's content)
* the most recent instance, we need to fill/replace with the linked
* show schedule
if (count($showInstanceContents) < 1 ||
self::replaceInstanceContentCheck($showInstanceContents, $showStamp, $id))
self::replaceInstanceContentCheck($showInstanceContents, $linkedShowSchedule, $id))
$instanceStart_sql = "SELECT starts FROM cc_show_instances ".
"WHERE id = {$id} ".
"ORDER BY starts";
@ -246,7 +272,7 @@ Logging::info($showStamp_sql);
$defaultCrossfadeDuration = Application_Model_Preference::GetDefaultCrossfadeDuration();
$values = array();
foreach ($showStamp as $item) {
foreach ($linkedShowSchedule as $item) {
$endTimeDT = self::findEndTime($nextStartDT, $item["clip_length"]);
if (is_null($item["file_id"])) {
@ -283,16 +309,21 @@ Logging::info($showStamp_sql);
$insert_sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::EXECUTE);
//update cc_schedule status column
$instance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPk($id);
} //foreach linked instance
//update time_filled in cc_show_instances
//update time_filled and last_scheduled in cc_show_instances
$now = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
$update_sql = "UPDATE cc_show_instances SET ".
"time_filled = '{$timeFilled}', ".
"last_scheduled = '{$now}' ".
"WHERE show_id = {$ccShow->getDbId()}";
$update_sql, array(), Application_Common_Database::EXECUTE);
$whereClause = new Criteria();
$whereClause->add(CcShowInstancesPeer::ID, $instanceIdsToFill, Criteria::IN);
$updateClause = new Criteria();
$updateClause->add(CcShowInstancesPeer::TIME_FILLED, $timeFilled);
$updateClause->add(CcShowInstancesPeer::LAST_SCHEDULED, $now);
BasePeer::doUpdate($whereClause, $updateClause, $con);
Logging::info("finished fill");
@ -366,7 +397,6 @@ Logging::info($showStamp_sql);
$counter += 1;
if ($erraseShow) {
$delete_sql = "DELETE FROM cc_schedule ".
"WHERE instance_id = {$instance_id}";

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ class Application_Service_ShowService
private $isRebroadcast;
private $repeatType;
private $isUpdate;
private $linkedShowContent;
/*private $linkedShowContent;*/
private $oldShowTimezone;
private $localShowStartHour;
private $localShowStartMin;
@ -23,6 +23,11 @@ class Application_Service_ShowService
private $origShowRepeatStatus;
private $instanceIdsForScheduleUpdates;
//keeps track of which show instances are new from either adding a new show
//day or changing the repeat type day during a show edit, or when a user moves
//forward in the calendar
private $newInstanceIdsCreated;
public function __construct($showId=null, $showData=null, $isUpdate=false)
if (!is_null($showId)) {
@ -42,6 +47,7 @@ class Application_Service_ShowService
$this->isRebroadcast = (isset($showData['add_show_rebroadcast']) && $showData['add_show_rebroadcast']) ? 1 : 0;
$this->isUpdate = $isUpdate;
$this->instanceIdsForScheduleUpdates = array();
$this->newInstanceIdsCreated = array();
public function editRepeatingShowInstance($showData) {
@ -323,8 +329,15 @@ class Application_Service_ShowService
$this->isRecorded = $this->ccShow->isRecorded();
$this->isRebroadcast = $this->ccShow->isRebroadcast();
if (!isset($ccShows[$day->getDbShowId()])) {
$ccShows[$day->getDbShowId()] = $day->getccShow();
$show_id = $day->getDbShowId();
if (!isset($ccShows[$show_id])) {
$ccShows[$show_id] = $day->getccShow();
//keep track of the new show instances getting created
//so we can fill their schedule after
if (!isset($this->newInstanceIdsCreated[$show_id])) {
$this->newInstanceIdsCreated[$show_id] = array();
switch ($day->getDbRepeatType()) {
@ -358,7 +371,8 @@ class Application_Service_ShowService
foreach ($ccShows as $ccShow) {
if (($this->isUpdate || $fillInstances) && $ccShow->isLinked()) {
$ccShow, $this->newInstanceIdsCreated[$ccShow->getDbId()]);
@ -1131,16 +1145,16 @@ SQL;
if ($this->hasInstance($utcStartDateTime)) {
$ccShowInstance = $this->getInstance($utcStartDateTime);
$newInstance = false;
$updateScheduleStatus = true;
//$updateScheduleStatus = true;
} else {
$newInstance = true;
$ccShowInstance = new CcShowInstances();
$updateScheduleStatus = false;
//$updateScheduleStatus = false;
} else {
$newInstance = true;
$ccShowInstance = new CcShowInstances();
$updateScheduleStatus = false;
//$updateScheduleStatus = false;
/* When editing the start/end time of a repeating show, we don't want to
@ -1154,6 +1168,10 @@ SQL;
if ($newInstance) {
array_push($this->newInstanceIdsCreated[$show_id], $ccShowInstance->getDbId());
if ($this->isRebroadcast) {
$this->createRebroadcastInstances($showDay, $date, $ccShowInstance->getDbId());
@ -1229,11 +1247,11 @@ SQL;
if ($this->isUpdate && $this->hasInstance($utcStartDateTime)) {
$ccShowInstance = $this->getInstance($utcStartDateTime);
$newInstance = false;
$updateScheduleStatus = true;
//$updateScheduleStatus = true;
} else {
$newInstance = true;
$ccShowInstance = new CcShowInstances();
$updateScheduleStatus = false;
//$updateScheduleStatus = false;
/* When editing the start/end time of a repeating show, we don't want to
@ -1247,6 +1265,10 @@ SQL;
if ($newInstance) {
array_push($this->newInstanceIdsCreated[$show_id], $ccShowInstance->getDbId());
if ($this->isRebroadcast) {
$this->createRebroadcastInstances($showDay, $start, $ccShowInstance->getDbId());