Merge branch 'devel' of into devel
This commit is contained in:
@ -449,11 +449,11 @@ class ApiController extends Zend_Controller_Action
if (is_null($file)) {
$file = StoredFile::Insert($md);
} else {
else {
$this->view->error = "File already exists in Airtime.";
else if ($mode == "modify") {
$filepath = $md['MDATA_KEY_FILEPATH'];
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ class MusicDir {
* Checks if p_dir1 is the ancestor of p_dir2. Returns
* true if it is the ancestor, false otherwise. Note that
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ class MusicDir {
if (strlen($p_dir1) > strlen($p_dir2)){
return false;
return substr($p_dir2, 0, strlen($p_dir1)) == $p_dir1;
@ -85,15 +85,15 @@ class MusicDir {
* Checks whether the path provided is a valid path. A valid path
* is defined as not being nested within an existing watched directory,
* or vice-versa. Throws a NestedDirectoryException if invalid.
* @param string $p_path
* The path we want to validate
* @return void
public static function isPathValid($p_path){
$dirs = self::getWatchedDirs();
$dirs[] = self::getStorDir();
foreach ($dirs as $dirObj){
$dir = $dirObj->getDirectory();
$diff = strlen($dir) - strlen($p_path);
@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class MusicDir {
} else { /* diff < 0*/
if (self::isAncestorDir($dir, $p_path)){
throw new NestedDirectoryException("'$p_path' is nested within existing watched directory: '$dir'");
@ -121,10 +121,10 @@ class MusicDir {
$dir = new CcMusicDirs();
$p_path = realpath($p_path)."/";
try {
/* isPathValid() checks if path is a substring or a superstring of an
/* isPathValid() checks if path is a substring or a superstring of an
* existing dir and if not, throws NestedDirectoryException */
@ -143,7 +143,41 @@ class MusicDir {
public static function addWatchedDir($p_path)
$res = self::addDir($p_path, "watched");
if($res['code'] == 0){
if ($res['code'] == 0){
//convert "linked" files (Airtime <= 1.8.2) to watched files.
$propel_link_dir = CcMusicDirsQuery::create()
//newly added watched directory object
$propel_new_watch = CcMusicDirsQuery::create()
//any files of the deprecated "link" type.
$link_files = CcFilesQuery::create()
$newly_watched_dir = $propel_new_watch->getDirectory();
foreach ($link_files as $link_file) {
$link_filepath = $link_file->getDbFilepath();
//convert "link" file into a watched file.
if ((strlen($newly_watched_dir) < strlen($link_filepath)) && (substr($link_filepath, 0, strlen($newly_watched_dir)) === $newly_watched_dir)) {
//get the filepath path not including the watched directory.
$sub_link_filepath = substr($link_filepath, strlen($newly_watched_dir));
$data = array();
$data["directory"] = $p_path;
RabbitMq::SendMessageToMediaMonitor("new_watch", $data);
@ -227,6 +261,7 @@ class MusicDir {
public static function getWatchedDirFromFilepath($p_filepath)
$dirs = CcMusicDirsQuery::create()
->filterByType(array("watched", "stor"))
foreach($dirs as $dir) {
@ -507,6 +507,7 @@ class StoredFile {
else if (isset($p_filepath)) {
$path_info = MusicDir::splitFilePath($p_filepath);
if (is_null($path_info)) {
return null;
@ -16,23 +16,23 @@ class Version20110711161043 extends AbstractMigration
public function up(Schema $schema)
/* 1) update cc_files table to include to "directory" column */
$this->_addSql("INSERT INTO cc_music_dirs (type, directory) VALUES ('stor', '/srv/airtime/stor');");
$this->_addSql("INSERT INTO cc_music_dirs (type, directory) VALUES ('upgrade', '');");
$this->_addSql("INSERT INTO cc_music_dirs (type, directory) VALUES ('stor', '/srv/airtime/stor/');");
$this->_addSql("INSERT INTO cc_music_dirs (type, directory) VALUES ('link', '');");
$cc_music_dirs = $schema->getTable('cc_music_dirs');
/* 2) create a foreign key relationship from cc_files to cc_music_dirs */
$cc_files = $schema->getTable('cc_files');
$cc_files->addColumn('directory', 'integer', array('default'=> 2));
$cc_files->addColumn('directory', 'integer', array('notnull' => 0, 'default'=> NULL));
$cc_files->addNamedForeignKeyConstraint('cc_music_dirs_folder_fkey', $cc_music_dirs, array('directory'), array('id'), array('onDelete' => 'CASCADE'));
/* 3) create a foreign key relationship from cc_schedule to cc_files */
$cc_schedule = $schema->getTable('cc_schedule');
$cc_schedule->addNamedForeignKeyConstraint('cc_files_folder_fkey', $cc_files, array('file_id'), array('id'), array('onDelete' => 'CASCADE'));
public function down(Schema $schema)
@ -8,9 +8,13 @@
set_include_path(__DIR__.'/../../../airtime_mvc/library' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
set_include_path(__DIR__.'/../../../airtime_mvc/library/pear' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
set_include_path(__DIR__.'/../../../airtime_mvc/application/models' . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
require_once 'conf.php';
require_once 'DB.php';
require_once 'propel/runtime/lib/Propel.php';
const CONF_DIR_BINARIES = "/usr/lib/airtime";
class AirtimeInstall{
@ -33,7 +37,7 @@ class AirtimeInstall{
chown($file, $CC_CONFIG['webServerUser']);
chgrp($file, $CC_CONFIG['webServerUser']);
public static function CreateSymlinksToUtils()
echo "* Creating /usr/bin symlinks".PHP_EOL;
@ -51,14 +55,14 @@ class AirtimeInstall{
$dir = CONF_DIR_BINARIES."/utils/airtime-check-system";
exec("ln -s $dir /usr/bin/airtime-check-system");
public static function RemoveSymlinks()
exec("rm -f /usr/bin/airtime-import");
exec("rm -f /usr/bin/airtime-update-db-settings");
exec("rm -f /usr/bin/airtime-check-system");
public static function DbTableExists($p_name)
global $CC_DBC;
@ -69,7 +73,7 @@ class AirtimeInstall{
return true;
public static function BypassMigrations($dir, $version)
$appDir = AirtimeInstall::GetAirtimeSrcDir();
@ -89,22 +93,22 @@ class AirtimeInstall{
"--no-interaction migrations:migrate $version";
public static function CreateCronFile(){
// Create CRON task to run every day. Time of day is initialized to a random time.
$hour = rand(0,23);
$minute = rand(0,59);
$fp = fopen('/etc/cron.d/airtime-crons','w');
fwrite($fp, "$minute $hour * * * root /usr/lib/airtime/utils/phone_home_stat\n");
public static function GetAirtimeSrcDir()
return __DIR__."/../../../airtime_mvc";
public static function InsertCountryDataIntoDatabase(){
$sql = "INSERT INTO cc_country (isocode, name) VALUES ('AFG', 'Afghanistan ');
INSERT INTO cc_country (isocode, name) VALUES ('ALA', 'Åland Islands');
@ -346,7 +350,7 @@ class AirtimeInstall{
INSERT INTO cc_country (isocode, name) VALUES ('ZWE', 'Zimbabwe ');";
echo "* Inserting data into country table".PHP_EOL;
@ -359,7 +363,7 @@ class AirtimeIni{
const CONF_FILE_MEDIAMONITOR = "/etc/airtime/media-monitor.cfg";
const CONF_FILE_API_CLIENT = "/etc/airtime/api_client.cfg";
const CONF_FILE_MONIT = "/etc/monit/conf.d/airtime-monit.cfg";
* This function updates an INI style config file.
@ -395,7 +399,7 @@ class AirtimeIni{
public static function CreateMonitFile(){
if (!copy(__DIR__."/../../../python_apps/monit/airtime-monit.cfg", AirtimeIni::CONF_FILE_MONIT)){
echo "Could not copy airtime-monit.cfg to /etc/monit/conf.d/. Exiting.";
@ -453,7 +457,7 @@ class AirtimeIni{
public static function upgradeConfigFiles(){
$configFiles = array(AirtimeIni::CONF_FILE_AIRTIME,
@ -485,7 +489,7 @@ class AirtimeIni{
$AIRTIME_SRC = realpath(__DIR__.'/../../../airtime_mvc');
$AIRTIME_PYTHON_APPS = realpath(__DIR__.'/../../../python_apps');
@ -530,7 +534,7 @@ class Airtime190Upgrade{
/* Removes pypo, media-monitor, show-recorder and utils from system. These will
* be reinstalled by the main airtime-upgrade script.
* be reinstalled by the main airtime-upgrade script.
public static function UninstallBinaries()
@ -559,7 +563,7 @@ class Airtime190Upgrade{
echo "* Failed sql query: $sql".PHP_EOL;
echo "* Message {$result->getMessage()}".PHP_EOL;
return $result;
@ -583,16 +587,19 @@ class Airtime190Upgrade{
public static function installMediaMonitor($values){
$propel_stor_dir = CcMusicDirsQuery::create()
$propel_link_dir = CcMusicDirsQuery::create()
/* Handle Database Changes. */
$stor_dir = realpath($values['general']['base_files_dir']."/stor")."/";
echo "* Inserting stor directory location $stor_dir into music_dirs table".PHP_EOL;
$sql = "UPDATE cc_music_dirs SET directory='$stor_dir' WHERE type='stor'";
echo $sql.PHP_EOL;
$sql = "SELECT id FROM cc_music_dirs WHERE type='stor'";
echo $sql.PHP_EOL;
$rows = Airtime190Upgrade::execSqlQuery($sql);
echo "Creating media-monitor log file".PHP_EOL;
mkdir("/var/log/airtime/media-monitor/", 755, true);
@ -605,11 +612,11 @@ class Airtime190Upgrade{
if (!copy(__DIR__."/../../../python_apps/api_clients/api_client.cfg", AirtimeIni::CONF_FILE_API_CLIENT)){
echo "Could not copy api_client.cfg to /etc/airtime/. Exiting.";
AirtimeIni::UpdateIniValue(AirtimeIni::CONF_FILE_API_CLIENT, "api_key", $values["general"]["api_key"]);
echo "Reorganizing files in stor directory".PHP_EOL;
$cwd = __DIR__;
$mediaMonitorUpgradePath = __DIR__."/";
$command = "cd $cwd && su -c \"python $mediaMonitorUpgradePath\"";
@ -618,13 +625,39 @@ class Airtime190Upgrade{
$oldAndNewFileNames = json_decode($output[0]);
$stor_dir_id = $propel_stor_dir->getId();
foreach ($oldAndNewFileNames as $pair){
$relPathNew = pg_escape_string(substr($pair[1], strlen($stor_dir)));
$absPathOld = pg_escape_string($pair[0]);
$sql = "UPDATE cc_files SET filepath = '$relPathNew', directory=1 WHERE filepath = '$absPathOld'";
$sql = "UPDATE cc_files SET filepath = '$relPathNew', directory=$stor_dir_id WHERE filepath = '$absPathOld'";
echo $sql.PHP_EOL;
echo "Upgrading Linked Files".PHP_EOL;
$db_files = CcFilesQuery::create()
//Check to see if the file still exists. (Could have still some entries under the stor dir or linked files that don't exist)
$link_dir_id = $propel_link_dir->getId();
foreach($db_files as $db_file) {
$filepath = $db_file->getDbFilepath();
echo $filepath.PHP_EOL;
if (!file_exists($filepath)) {
echo "Removed Missing File: ".$filepath.PHP_EOL;
else {
@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ import sys
import os
import json
import ConfigParser
import pwd
import grp
import os.path
@ -24,10 +26,26 @@ mmconfig = AirtimeMediaConfig(logger)
config = ConfigParser.RawConfigParser()
stor_dir = config.get('general', 'base_files_dir') + "/stor"
organize_dir = stor_dir + '/organize'
omask = os.umask(0)
uid = pwd.getpwnam('pypo')[2]
gid = grp.getgrnam('www-data')[2]
os.chown(organize_dir, uid, gid)
os.chmod(organize_dir, 02777)
except Exception, e:
print e
mmconfig.storage_directory = os.path.normpath(stor_dir)
mmconfig.imported_directory = os.path.normpath(stor_dir + '/imported')
mmconfig.organize_directory = os.path.normpath(stor_dir + '/organize')
mmconfig.organize_directory = os.path.normpath(organize_dir)
mmc = MediaMonitorCommon(mmconfig)
Reference in New Issue