corrections to [3075]

This commit is contained in:
fgerlits 2007-04-04 15:21:49 +00:00
parent 5d3ea7361f
commit dc416d27f0
3 changed files with 20 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ sr_CS:table
fadeOutColumnLabel:string { "Fade out" }
nameLabel:string { "Ime" }
lengthLabel:string { "Duration:" }
lengthLabel:string { "#Duration:#" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Sačuvaj" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "Zatvori" }
@ -437,10 +437,10 @@ sr_CS:table
catalog_number:string { "Kataloški broj" }
original_artist:string { "Originalni izvođač" }
copyright:string { "Autorska prava" }
report_date_time:string { "Report date/time" }
report_location:string { "Report location" }
report_organizations:string { "Report organizations" }
subject:string { "Subject" }
report_date_time:string { "#Report date/time#" }
report_location:string { "#Report location#" }
report_organizations:string { "#Report organizations#" }
subject:string { "#Subject#" }

View File

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ sr_CS_CYRILLIC:table
idColumnLabel:string { "ид" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "дужина" }
uriColumnLabel:string { "УРИ" }
uriColumnLabel:string { "URI" }
tokenColumnLabel:string { "преузето" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "затвори" }
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ sr_CS_CYRILLIC:table
idColumnLabel:string { "ид" }
lengthColumnLabel:string { "дужина" }
uriColumnLabel:string { "УРИ" }
uriColumnLabel:string { "URI" }
tokenColumnLabel:string { "преузето" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "затвори" }
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ sr_CS_CYRILLIC:table
fadeOutColumnLabel:string { "Фејд аут" }
nameLabel:string { "Име" }
lengthLabel:string { "Дуратион:" }
lengthLabel:string { "#Duration:#" }
saveButtonLabel:string { "Сачувај" }
closeButtonLabel:string { "Затвори" }
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ sr_CS_CYRILLIC:table
serversSectionLabel:string { "Сервери" }
schedulerSectionLabel:string { "Распоред емитовања" }
backupSectionLabel:string { "Бекап" }
rdsSectionLabel:string { "РДС" }
rdsSectionLabel:string { "RDS" }
aboutSectionLabel:string { "О апликацији" }
cancelButtonLabel:string { "Откажи" }
@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ sr_CS_CYRILLIC:table
description:string { "Опис" }
format:string { "Формат" }
length:string { "Дужина" }
bpm:string { "БПМ" }
bpm:string { "BPM" }
rating:string { "Оцена" }
encoded_by:string { "Енкодирао" }
track_number:string { "Редни број снимка" }
@ -433,14 +433,14 @@ sr_CS_CYRILLIC:table
audio_source_url:string { "Веб страна извора" }
radio_station_url:string { "Веб страна радио станице" }
buy_cd_url:string { "Купи ЦД преко веб стране" }
isrc_number:string { "ИСРЦ број" }
isrc_number:string { "ISRC број" }
catalog_number:string { "Каталошки број" }
original_artist:string { "Оригинални извођач" }
copyright:string { "Ауторска права" }
report_date_time:string { "Репорт дате/тиме" }
report_location:string { "Репорт лоцатион" }
report_organizations:string { "Репорт организатионс" }
subject:string { "Субјект" }
report_date_time:string { "#Report date/time#" }
report_location:string { "#Report location#" }
report_organizations:string { "#Report organizations#" }
subject:string { "#Subject#" }

View File

@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def cyrillize(word):
simple = dict(zip(u'abvgdđežzijklmnoprstćufhcčšw',
for latin, cyrillic in compound.iteritems():
word = word.replace(latin, cyrillic)
@ -71,10 +71,13 @@ def cyrillize(word):
word = word.replace(u'фаде ин', u'фејд ин')
word = word.replace(u'фаде оут', u'фејд аут')
word = word.replace(u'есцапе', u'ескејп')
word = word.replace(u'Субјецт', u'Субјект')
word = word.replace(u'Плаy', u'Плеј')
word = word.replace(u'Паусе', u'Поуз')
word = word.replace(u'трацк', u'трак')
word = word.replace(u'УРИ', u'URI')
word = word.replace(u'РДС', u'RDS')
word = word.replace(u'БПМ', u'BPM')
word = word.replace(u'ИСРЦ', u'ISRC')
return word
for line in oldLines: