changed for propel

This commit is contained in:
naomiaro 2010-11-04 18:01:31 -04:00
parent a6766d38d4
commit e53804f1ed
1 changed files with 176 additions and 0 deletions

install/nondbinstall.php Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
* @package Campcaster
* @subpackage StorageServer
* @copyright 2010 Sourcefabric O.P.S.
* @license
// Do not allow remote execution
$arr = array_diff_assoc($_SERVER, $_ENV);
if (isset($arr["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]) && ($arr["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] != "") ) {
header("HTTP/1.1 400");
header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
echo "400 Not executable\r\n";
echo "**********************\n";
echo "* Campcaster Install *\n";
echo "**********************\n";
// Connect to DB
// Install postgres scripting language
$langIsInstalled = $CC_DBC->GetOne('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_language WHERE lanname = \'plpgsql\'');
if ($langIsInstalled == '0') {
echo " * Installing Postgres scripting language...\n";
$sql = "CREATE LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'";
camp_install_query($sql, false);
} else {
echo " * Postgres scripting language already installed\n";
// Install default data
echo " *** Inserting Default Data ***\n";
// Add the "Station Preferences" group
if (!empty($CC_CONFIG['StationPrefsGr'])) {
if (!Subjects::GetSubjId('scheduler')) {
echo " * Creating group '".$CC_CONFIG['StationPrefsGr']."'...";
$stPrefGr = Subjects::AddSubj($CC_CONFIG['StationPrefsGr']);
Subjects::AddSubjectToGroup('root', $CC_CONFIG['StationPrefsGr']);
echo "done.\n";
} else {
echo " * Skipping: group already exists: '".$CC_CONFIG['StationPrefsGr']."'\n";
// Add the root user if it doesnt exist yet.
$rootUid = Subjects::GetSubjId('root');
if (!$rootUid) {
echo " * Creating user 'root'...";
$rootUid = BasicStor::addSubj("root", $CC_CONFIG['tmpRootPass']);
// Add root user to the admin group
//$r = Subjects::AddSubjectToGroup('root', $CC_CONFIG['AdminsGr']);
//if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
//return $r;
echo "done.\n";
} else {
echo " * Skipping: user already exists: 'root'\n";
// Create the user named 'scheduler'.
if (!Subjects::GetSubjId('scheduler')) {
echo " * Creating user 'scheduler'...";
$subid = Subjects::AddSubj('scheduler', $CC_CONFIG['schedulerPass']);
$res = Alib::AddPerm($subid, 'read', '0', 'A');
//$r = Subjects::AddSubjectToGroup('scheduler', $CC_CONFIG['AllGr']);
echo "done.\n";
} else {
echo " * Skipping: user already exists: 'scheduler'\n";
// Need to add 'scheduler' to group StationPrefs
Subjects::AddSubjectToGroup('scheduler', $CC_CONFIG['StationPrefsGr']);
// Install storage directories
echo " *** Directory Setup ***\n";
foreach (array('storageDir', 'bufferDir', 'transDir', 'accessDir', 'cronDir') as $d) {
$test = file_exists($CC_CONFIG[$d]);
if ( $test === FALSE ) {
@mkdir($CC_CONFIG[$d], 02775);
if (file_exists($CC_CONFIG[$d])) {
$rp = realpath($CC_CONFIG[$d]);
echo " * Directory $rp created\n";
} else {
echo " * Failed creating {$CC_CONFIG[$d]}\n";
} elseif (is_writable($CC_CONFIG[$d])) {
$rp = realpath($CC_CONFIG[$d]);
echo " * Skipping directory already exists: $rp\n";
} else {
$rp = realpath($CC_CONFIG[$d]);
echo " * WARNING: Directory already exists, but is not writable: $rp\n";
$CC_CONFIG[$d] = $rp;
// Storage directory writability test
//echo " * Testing writability of ".$CC_CONFIG['storageDir']."...";
//if (!($fp = @fopen($CC_CONFIG['storageDir']."/_writeTest", 'w'))) {
// echo "\nPlease make directory {$CC_CONFIG['storageDir']} writeable by your webserver".
// "\nand run install again\n\n";
// exit(1);
//} else {
// fclose($fp);
// unlink($CC_CONFIG['storageDir']."/_writeTest");
//echo "done.\n";
// Make sure the Smarty Templates Compiled directory has the right perms
echo " * Setting dir permissions...\n";
// Install Cron job
$m = '*/2';
$h ='*';
$dom = '*';
$mon = '*';
$dow = '*';
$command = realpath("{$CC_CONFIG['cronDir']}/transportCron.php");
$old_regex = '/transportCron\.php/';
echo " * Install storageServer cron job...\n";
$cron = new Cron();
$access = $cron->openCrontab('write');
if ($access != 'write') {
do {
$r = $cron->forceWriteable();
} while ($r);
foreach ($cron->ct->getByType(CRON_CMD) as $id => $line) {
if (preg_match($old_regex, $line['command'])) {
echo " * Removing old entry: ".$line['command']."\n";
echo " * Adding new entry: ".$command."\n";
$cron->ct->addCron($m, $h, $dom, $mon, $dow, $command);
echo " Done.\n";
echo "*******************************\n";
echo "* Campcaster Install Complete *\n";
echo "*******************************\n";