@ -24,13 +24,13 @@ abstract class BaseCcFilesPeer
const TM_CLASS = 'CcFilesTableMap';
/** The total number of columns. */
const NUM_COLUMNS = 72;
const NUM_COLUMNS = 71;
/** The number of lazy-loaded columns. */
/** The number of columns to hydrate (NUM_COLUMNS - NUM_LAZY_LOAD_COLUMNS) */
/** the column name for the id field */
const ID = 'cc_files.id';
@ -245,9 +245,6 @@ abstract class BaseCcFilesPeer
/** the column name for the filesize field */
const FILESIZE = 'cc_files.filesize';
/** the column name for the md5_hash field */
const MD5_HASH = 'cc_files.md5_hash';
/** The default string format for model objects of the related table **/
@ -267,12 +264,12 @@ abstract class BaseCcFilesPeer
* e.g. CcFilesPeer::$fieldNames[CcFilesPeer::TYPE_PHPNAME][0] = 'Id'
protected static $fieldNames = array (
BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME => array ('DbId', 'DbName', 'DbMime', 'DbFtype', 'DbDirectory', 'DbFilepath', 'DbImportStatus', 'DbCurrentlyaccessing', 'DbEditedby', 'DbMtime', 'DbUtime', 'DbLPtime', 'DbMd5', 'DbTrackTitle', 'DbArtistName', 'DbBitRate', 'DbSampleRate', 'DbFormat', 'DbLength', 'DbAlbumTitle', 'DbGenre', 'DbComments', 'DbYear', 'DbTrackNumber', 'DbChannels', 'DbUrl', 'DbBpm', 'DbRating', 'DbEncodedBy', 'DbDiscNumber', 'DbMood', 'DbLabel', 'DbComposer', 'DbEncoder', 'DbChecksum', 'DbLyrics', 'DbOrchestra', 'DbConductor', 'DbLyricist', 'DbOriginalLyricist', 'DbRadioStationName', 'DbInfoUrl', 'DbArtistUrl', 'DbAudioSourceUrl', 'DbRadioStationUrl', 'DbBuyThisUrl', 'DbIsrcNumber', 'DbCatalogNumber', 'DbOriginalArtist', 'DbCopyright', 'DbReportDatetime', 'DbReportLocation', 'DbReportOrganization', 'DbSubject', 'DbContributor', 'DbLanguage', 'DbFileExists', 'DbSoundcloudId', 'DbSoundcloudErrorCode', 'DbSoundcloudErrorMsg', 'DbSoundcloudLinkToFile', 'DbSoundCloundUploadTime', 'DbReplayGain', 'DbOwnerId', 'DbCuein', 'DbCueout', 'DbSilanCheck', 'DbHidden', 'DbIsScheduled', 'DbIsPlaylist', 'DbFilesize', 'DbMd5Hash', ),
BasePeer::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME => array ('dbId', 'dbName', 'dbMime', 'dbFtype', 'dbDirectory', 'dbFilepath', 'dbImportStatus', 'dbCurrentlyaccessing', 'dbEditedby', 'dbMtime', 'dbUtime', 'dbLPtime', 'dbMd5', 'dbTrackTitle', 'dbArtistName', 'dbBitRate', 'dbSampleRate', 'dbFormat', 'dbLength', 'dbAlbumTitle', 'dbGenre', 'dbComments', 'dbYear', 'dbTrackNumber', 'dbChannels', 'dbUrl', 'dbBpm', 'dbRating', 'dbEncodedBy', 'dbDiscNumber', 'dbMood', 'dbLabel', 'dbComposer', 'dbEncoder', 'dbChecksum', 'dbLyrics', 'dbOrchestra', 'dbConductor', 'dbLyricist', 'dbOriginalLyricist', 'dbRadioStationName', 'dbInfoUrl', 'dbArtistUrl', 'dbAudioSourceUrl', 'dbRadioStationUrl', 'dbBuyThisUrl', 'dbIsrcNumber', 'dbCatalogNumber', 'dbOriginalArtist', 'dbCopyright', 'dbReportDatetime', 'dbReportLocation', 'dbReportOrganization', 'dbSubject', 'dbContributor', 'dbLanguage', 'dbFileExists', 'dbSoundcloudId', 'dbSoundcloudErrorCode', 'dbSoundcloudErrorMsg', 'dbSoundcloudLinkToFile', 'dbSoundCloundUploadTime', 'dbReplayGain', 'dbOwnerId', 'dbCuein', 'dbCueout', 'dbSilanCheck', 'dbHidden', 'dbIsScheduled', 'dbIsPlaylist', 'dbFilesize', 'dbMd5Hash', ),
BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME => array (CcFilesPeer::ID, CcFilesPeer::NAME, CcFilesPeer::MIME, CcFilesPeer::FTYPE, CcFilesPeer::DIRECTORY, CcFilesPeer::FILEPATH, CcFilesPeer::IMPORT_STATUS, CcFilesPeer::CURRENTLYACCESSING, CcFilesPeer::EDITEDBY, CcFilesPeer::MTIME, CcFilesPeer::UTIME, CcFilesPeer::LPTIME, CcFilesPeer::MD5, CcFilesPeer::TRACK_TITLE, CcFilesPeer::ARTIST_NAME, CcFilesPeer::BIT_RATE, CcFilesPeer::SAMPLE_RATE, CcFilesPeer::FORMAT, CcFilesPeer::LENGTH, CcFilesPeer::ALBUM_TITLE, CcFilesPeer::GENRE, CcFilesPeer::COMMENTS, CcFilesPeer::YEAR, CcFilesPeer::TRACK_NUMBER, CcFilesPeer::CHANNELS, CcFilesPeer::URL, CcFilesPeer::BPM, CcFilesPeer::RATING, CcFilesPeer::ENCODED_BY, CcFilesPeer::DISC_NUMBER, CcFilesPeer::MOOD, CcFilesPeer::LABEL, CcFilesPeer::COMPOSER, CcFilesPeer::ENCODER, CcFilesPeer::CHECKSUM, CcFilesPeer::LYRICS, CcFilesPeer::ORCHESTRA, CcFilesPeer::CONDUCTOR, CcFilesPeer::LYRICIST, CcFilesPeer::ORIGINAL_LYRICIST, CcFilesPeer::RADIO_STATION_NAME, CcFilesPeer::INFO_URL, CcFilesPeer::ARTIST_URL, CcFilesPeer::AUDIO_SOURCE_URL, CcFilesPeer::RADIO_STATION_URL, CcFilesPeer::BUY_THIS_URL, CcFilesPeer::ISRC_NUMBER, CcFilesPeer::CATALOG_NUMBER, CcFilesPeer::ORIGINAL_ARTIST, CcFilesPeer::COPYRIGHT, CcFilesPeer::REPORT_DATETIME, CcFilesPeer::REPORT_LOCATION, CcFilesPeer::REPORT_ORGANIZATION, CcFilesPeer::SUBJECT, CcFilesPeer::CONTRIBUTOR, CcFilesPeer::LANGUAGE, CcFilesPeer::FILE_EXISTS, CcFilesPeer::SOUNDCLOUD_ID, CcFilesPeer::SOUNDCLOUD_ERROR_CODE, CcFilesPeer::SOUNDCLOUD_ERROR_MSG, CcFilesPeer::SOUNDCLOUD_LINK_TO_FILE, CcFilesPeer::SOUNDCLOUD_UPLOAD_TIME, CcFilesPeer::REPLAY_GAIN, CcFilesPeer::OWNER_ID, CcFilesPeer::CUEIN, CcFilesPeer::CUEOUT, CcFilesPeer::SILAN_CHECK, CcFilesPeer::HIDDEN, CcFilesPeer::IS_SCHEDULED, CcFilesPeer::IS_PLAYLIST, CcFilesPeer::FILESIZE, CcFilesPeer::MD5_HASH, ),
BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME => array ('id', 'name', 'mime', 'ftype', 'directory', 'filepath', 'import_status', 'currentlyaccessing', 'editedby', 'mtime', 'utime', 'lptime', 'md5', 'track_title', 'artist_name', 'bit_rate', 'sample_rate', 'format', 'length', 'album_title', 'genre', 'comments', 'year', 'track_number', 'channels', 'url', 'bpm', 'rating', 'encoded_by', 'disc_number', 'mood', 'label', 'composer', 'encoder', 'checksum', 'lyrics', 'orchestra', 'conductor', 'lyricist', 'original_lyricist', 'radio_station_name', 'info_url', 'artist_url', 'audio_source_url', 'radio_station_url', 'buy_this_url', 'isrc_number', 'catalog_number', 'original_artist', 'copyright', 'report_datetime', 'report_location', 'report_organization', 'subject', 'contributor', 'language', 'file_exists', 'soundcloud_id', 'soundcloud_error_code', 'soundcloud_error_msg', 'soundcloud_link_to_file', 'soundcloud_upload_time', 'replay_gain', 'owner_id', 'cuein', 'cueout', 'silan_check', 'hidden', 'is_scheduled', 'is_playlist', 'filesize', 'md5_hash', ),
BasePeer::TYPE_NUM => array (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, )
BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME => array ('DbId', 'DbName', 'DbMime', 'DbFtype', 'DbDirectory', 'DbFilepath', 'DbImportStatus', 'DbCurrentlyaccessing', 'DbEditedby', 'DbMtime', 'DbUtime', 'DbLPtime', 'DbMd5', 'DbTrackTitle', 'DbArtistName', 'DbBitRate', 'DbSampleRate', 'DbFormat', 'DbLength', 'DbAlbumTitle', 'DbGenre', 'DbComments', 'DbYear', 'DbTrackNumber', 'DbChannels', 'DbUrl', 'DbBpm', 'DbRating', 'DbEncodedBy', 'DbDiscNumber', 'DbMood', 'DbLabel', 'DbComposer', 'DbEncoder', 'DbChecksum', 'DbLyrics', 'DbOrchestra', 'DbConductor', 'DbLyricist', 'DbOriginalLyricist', 'DbRadioStationName', 'DbInfoUrl', 'DbArtistUrl', 'DbAudioSourceUrl', 'DbRadioStationUrl', 'DbBuyThisUrl', 'DbIsrcNumber', 'DbCatalogNumber', 'DbOriginalArtist', 'DbCopyright', 'DbReportDatetime', 'DbReportLocation', 'DbReportOrganization', 'DbSubject', 'DbContributor', 'DbLanguage', 'DbFileExists', 'DbSoundcloudId', 'DbSoundcloudErrorCode', 'DbSoundcloudErrorMsg', 'DbSoundcloudLinkToFile', 'DbSoundCloundUploadTime', 'DbReplayGain', 'DbOwnerId', 'DbCuein', 'DbCueout', 'DbSilanCheck', 'DbHidden', 'DbIsScheduled', 'DbIsPlaylist', 'DbFilesize', ),
BasePeer::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME => array ('dbId', 'dbName', 'dbMime', 'dbFtype', 'dbDirectory', 'dbFilepath', 'dbImportStatus', 'dbCurrentlyaccessing', 'dbEditedby', 'dbMtime', 'dbUtime', 'dbLPtime', 'dbMd5', 'dbTrackTitle', 'dbArtistName', 'dbBitRate', 'dbSampleRate', 'dbFormat', 'dbLength', 'dbAlbumTitle', 'dbGenre', 'dbComments', 'dbYear', 'dbTrackNumber', 'dbChannels', 'dbUrl', 'dbBpm', 'dbRating', 'dbEncodedBy', 'dbDiscNumber', 'dbMood', 'dbLabel', 'dbComposer', 'dbEncoder', 'dbChecksum', 'dbLyrics', 'dbOrchestra', 'dbConductor', 'dbLyricist', 'dbOriginalLyricist', 'dbRadioStationName', 'dbInfoUrl', 'dbArtistUrl', 'dbAudioSourceUrl', 'dbRadioStationUrl', 'dbBuyThisUrl', 'dbIsrcNumber', 'dbCatalogNumber', 'dbOriginalArtist', 'dbCopyright', 'dbReportDatetime', 'dbReportLocation', 'dbReportOrganization', 'dbSubject', 'dbContributor', 'dbLanguage', 'dbFileExists', 'dbSoundcloudId', 'dbSoundcloudErrorCode', 'dbSoundcloudErrorMsg', 'dbSoundcloudLinkToFile', 'dbSoundCloundUploadTime', 'dbReplayGain', 'dbOwnerId', 'dbCuein', 'dbCueout', 'dbSilanCheck', 'dbHidden', 'dbIsScheduled', 'dbIsPlaylist', 'dbFilesize', ),
BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME => array (CcFilesPeer::ID, CcFilesPeer::NAME, CcFilesPeer::MIME, CcFilesPeer::FTYPE, CcFilesPeer::DIRECTORY, CcFilesPeer::FILEPATH, CcFilesPeer::IMPORT_STATUS, CcFilesPeer::CURRENTLYACCESSING, CcFilesPeer::EDITEDBY, CcFilesPeer::MTIME, CcFilesPeer::UTIME, CcFilesPeer::LPTIME, CcFilesPeer::MD5, CcFilesPeer::TRACK_TITLE, CcFilesPeer::ARTIST_NAME, CcFilesPeer::BIT_RATE, CcFilesPeer::SAMPLE_RATE, CcFilesPeer::FORMAT, CcFilesPeer::LENGTH, CcFilesPeer::ALBUM_TITLE, CcFilesPeer::GENRE, CcFilesPeer::COMMENTS, CcFilesPeer::YEAR, CcFilesPeer::TRACK_NUMBER, CcFilesPeer::CHANNELS, CcFilesPeer::URL, CcFilesPeer::BPM, CcFilesPeer::RATING, CcFilesPeer::ENCODED_BY, CcFilesPeer::DISC_NUMBER, CcFilesPeer::MOOD, CcFilesPeer::LABEL, CcFilesPeer::COMPOSER, CcFilesPeer::ENCODER, CcFilesPeer::CHECKSUM, CcFilesPeer::LYRICS, CcFilesPeer::ORCHESTRA, CcFilesPeer::CONDUCTOR, CcFilesPeer::LYRICIST, CcFilesPeer::ORIGINAL_LYRICIST, CcFilesPeer::RADIO_STATION_NAME, CcFilesPeer::INFO_URL, CcFilesPeer::ARTIST_URL, CcFilesPeer::AUDIO_SOURCE_URL, CcFilesPeer::RADIO_STATION_URL, CcFilesPeer::BUY_THIS_URL, CcFilesPeer::ISRC_NUMBER, CcFilesPeer::CATALOG_NUMBER, CcFilesPeer::ORIGINAL_ARTIST, CcFilesPeer::COPYRIGHT, CcFilesPeer::REPORT_DATETIME, CcFilesPeer::REPORT_LOCATION, CcFilesPeer::REPORT_ORGANIZATION, CcFilesPeer::SUBJECT, CcFilesPeer::CONTRIBUTOR, CcFilesPeer::LANGUAGE, CcFilesPeer::FILE_EXISTS, CcFilesPeer::SOUNDCLOUD_ID, CcFilesPeer::SOUNDCLOUD_ERROR_CODE, CcFilesPeer::SOUNDCLOUD_ERROR_MSG, CcFilesPeer::SOUNDCLOUD_LINK_TO_FILE, CcFilesPeer::SOUNDCLOUD_UPLOAD_TIME, CcFilesPeer::REPLAY_GAIN, CcFilesPeer::OWNER_ID, CcFilesPeer::CUEIN, CcFilesPeer::CUEOUT, CcFilesPeer::SILAN_CHECK, CcFilesPeer::HIDDEN, CcFilesPeer::IS_SCHEDULED, CcFilesPeer::IS_PLAYLIST, CcFilesPeer::FILESIZE, ),
BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME => array ('id', 'name', 'mime', 'ftype', 'directory', 'filepath', 'import_status', 'currentlyaccessing', 'editedby', 'mtime', 'utime', 'lptime', 'md5', 'track_title', 'artist_name', 'bit_rate', 'sample_rate', 'format', 'length', 'album_title', 'genre', 'comments', 'year', 'track_number', 'channels', 'url', 'bpm', 'rating', 'encoded_by', 'disc_number', 'mood', 'label', 'composer', 'encoder', 'checksum', 'lyrics', 'orchestra', 'conductor', 'lyricist', 'original_lyricist', 'radio_station_name', 'info_url', 'artist_url', 'audio_source_url', 'radio_station_url', 'buy_this_url', 'isrc_number', 'catalog_number', 'original_artist', 'copyright', 'report_datetime', 'report_location', 'report_organization', 'subject', 'contributor', 'language', 'file_exists', 'soundcloud_id', 'soundcloud_error_code', 'soundcloud_error_msg', 'soundcloud_link_to_file', 'soundcloud_upload_time', 'replay_gain', 'owner_id', 'cuein', 'cueout', 'silan_check', 'hidden', 'is_scheduled', 'is_playlist', 'filesize', ),
BasePeer::TYPE_NUM => array (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, )
@ -282,12 +279,12 @@ abstract class BaseCcFilesPeer
* e.g. CcFilesPeer::$fieldNames[BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME]['Id'] = 0
protected static $fieldKeys = array (
BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME => array ('DbId' => 0, 'DbName' => 1, 'DbMime' => 2, 'DbFtype' => 3, 'DbDirectory' => 4, 'DbFilepath' => 5, 'DbImportStatus' => 6, 'DbCurrentlyaccessing' => 7, 'DbEditedby' => 8, 'DbMtime' => 9, 'DbUtime' => 10, 'DbLPtime' => 11, 'DbMd5' => 12, 'DbTrackTitle' => 13, 'DbArtistName' => 14, 'DbBitRate' => 15, 'DbSampleRate' => 16, 'DbFormat' => 17, 'DbLength' => 18, 'DbAlbumTitle' => 19, 'DbGenre' => 20, 'DbComments' => 21, 'DbYear' => 22, 'DbTrackNumber' => 23, 'DbChannels' => 24, 'DbUrl' => 25, 'DbBpm' => 26, 'DbRating' => 27, 'DbEncodedBy' => 28, 'DbDiscNumber' => 29, 'DbMood' => 30, 'DbLabel' => 31, 'DbComposer' => 32, 'DbEncoder' => 33, 'DbChecksum' => 34, 'DbLyrics' => 35, 'DbOrchestra' => 36, 'DbConductor' => 37, 'DbLyricist' => 38, 'DbOriginalLyricist' => 39, 'DbRadioStationName' => 40, 'DbInfoUrl' => 41, 'DbArtistUrl' => 42, 'DbAudioSourceUrl' => 43, 'DbRadioStationUrl' => 44, 'DbBuyThisUrl' => 45, 'DbIsrcNumber' => 46, 'DbCatalogNumber' => 47, 'DbOriginalArtist' => 48, 'DbCopyright' => 49, 'DbReportDatetime' => 50, 'DbReportLocation' => 51, 'DbReportOrganization' => 52, 'DbSubject' => 53, 'DbContributor' => 54, 'DbLanguage' => 55, 'DbFileExists' => 56, 'DbSoundcloudId' => 57, 'DbSoundcloudErrorCode' => 58, 'DbSoundcloudErrorMsg' => 59, 'DbSoundcloudLinkToFile' => 60, 'DbSoundCloundUploadTime' => 61, 'DbReplayGain' => 62, 'DbOwnerId' => 63, 'DbCuein' => 64, 'DbCueout' => 65, 'DbSilanCheck' => 66, 'DbHidden' => 67, 'DbIsScheduled' => 68, 'DbIsPlaylist' => 69, 'DbFilesize' => 70, 'DbMd5Hash' => 71, ),
BasePeer::TYPE_STUDLYPHPNAME => array ('dbId' => 0, 'dbName' => 1, 'dbMime' => 2, 'dbFtype' => 3, 'dbDirectory' => 4, 'dbFilepath' => 5, 'dbImportStatus' => 6, 'dbCurrentlyaccessing' => 7, 'dbEditedby' => 8, 'dbMtime' => 9, 'dbUtime' => 10, 'dbLPtime' => 11, 'dbMd5' => 12, 'dbTrackTitle' => 13, 'dbArtistName' => 14, 'dbBitRate' => 15, 'dbSampleRate' => 16, 'dbFormat' => 17, 'dbLength' => 18, 'dbAlbumTitle' => 19, 'dbGenre' => 20, 'dbComments' => 21, 'dbYear' => 22, 'dbTrackNumber' => 23, 'dbChannels' => 24, 'dbUrl' => 25, 'dbBpm' => 26, 'dbRating' => 27, 'dbEncodedBy' => 28, 'dbDiscNumber' => 29, 'dbMood' => 30, 'dbLabel' => 31, 'dbComposer' => 32, 'dbEncoder' => 33, 'dbChecksum' => 34, 'dbLyrics' => 35, 'dbOrchestra' => 36, 'dbConductor' => 37, 'dbLyricist' => 38, 'dbOriginalLyricist' => 39, 'dbRadioStationName' => 40, 'dbInfoUrl' => 41, 'dbArtistUrl' => 42, 'dbAudioSourceUrl' => 43, 'dbRadioStationUrl' => 44, 'dbBuyThisUrl' => 45, 'dbIsrcNumber' => 46, 'dbCatalogNumber' => 47, 'dbOriginalArtist' => 48, 'dbCopyright' => 49, 'dbReportDatetime' => 50, 'dbReportLocation' => 51, 'dbReportOrganization' => 52, 'dbSubject' => 53, 'dbContributor' => 54, 'dbLanguage' => 55, 'dbFileExists' => 56, 'dbSoundcloudId' => 57, 'dbSoundcloudErrorCode' => 58, 'dbSoundcloudErrorMsg' => 59, 'dbSoundcloudLinkToFile' => 60, 'dbSoundCloundUploadTime' => 61, 'dbReplayGain' => 62, 'dbOwnerId' => 63, 'dbCuein' => 64, 'dbCueout' => 65, 'dbSilanCheck' => 66, 'dbHidden' => 67, 'dbIsScheduled' => 68, 'dbIsPlaylist' => 69, 'dbFilesize' => 70, 'dbMd5Hash' => 71, ),
BasePeer::TYPE_COLNAME => array (CcFilesPeer::ID => 0, CcFilesPeer::NAME => 1, CcFilesPeer::MIME => 2, CcFilesPeer::FTYPE => 3, CcFilesPeer::DIRECTORY => 4, CcFilesPeer::FILEPATH => 5, CcFilesPeer::IMPORT_STATUS => 6, CcFilesPeer::CURRENTLYACCESSING => 7, CcFilesPeer::EDITEDBY => 8, CcFilesPeer::MTIME => 9, CcFilesPeer::UTIME => 10, CcFilesPeer::LPTIME => 11, CcFilesPeer::MD5 => 12, CcFilesPeer::TRACK_TITLE => 13, CcFilesPeer::ARTIST_NAME => 14, CcFilesPeer::BIT_RATE => 15, CcFilesPeer::SAMPLE_RATE => 16, CcFilesPeer::FORMAT => 17, CcFilesPeer::LENGTH => 18, CcFilesPeer::ALBUM_TITLE => 19, CcFilesPeer::GENRE => 20, CcFilesPeer::COMMENTS => 21, CcFilesPeer::YEAR => 22, CcFilesPeer::TRACK_NUMBER => 23, CcFilesPeer::CHANNELS => 24, CcFilesPeer::URL => 25, CcFilesPeer::BPM => 26, CcFilesPeer::RATING => 27, CcFilesPeer::ENCODED_BY => 28, CcFilesPeer::DISC_NUMBER => 29, CcFilesPeer::MOOD => 30, CcFilesPeer::LABEL => 31, CcFilesPeer::COMPOSER => 32, CcFilesPeer::ENCODER => 33, CcFilesPeer::CHECKSUM => 34, CcFilesPeer::LYRICS => 35, CcFilesPeer::ORCHESTRA => 36, CcFilesPeer::CONDUCTOR => 37, CcFilesPeer::LYRICIST => 38, CcFilesPeer::ORIGINAL_LYRICIST => 39, CcFilesPeer::RADIO_STATION_NAME => 40, CcFilesPeer::INFO_URL => 41, CcFilesPeer::ARTIST_URL => 42, CcFilesPeer::AUDIO_SOURCE_URL => 43, CcFilesPeer::RADIO_STATION_URL => 44, CcFilesPeer::BUY_THIS_URL => 45, CcFilesPeer::ISRC_NUMBER => 46, CcFilesPeer::CATALOG_NUMBER => 47, CcFilesPeer::ORIGINAL_ARTIST => 48, CcFilesPeer::COPYRIGHT => 49, CcFilesPeer::REPORT_DATETIME => 50, CcFilesPeer::REPORT_LOCATION => 51, CcFilesPeer::REPORT_ORGANIZATION => 52, CcFilesPeer::SUBJECT => 53, CcFilesPeer::CONTRIBUTOR => 54, CcFilesPeer::LANGUAGE => 55, CcFilesPeer::FILE_EXISTS => 56, CcFilesPeer::SOUNDCLOUD_ID => 57, CcFilesPeer::SOUNDCLOUD_ERROR_CODE => 58, CcFilesPeer::SOUNDCLOUD_ERROR_MSG => 59, CcFilesPeer::SOUNDCLOUD_LINK_TO_FILE => 60, CcFilesPeer::SOUNDCLOUD_UPLOAD_TIME => 61, CcFilesPeer::REPLAY_GAIN => 62, CcFilesPeer::OWNER_ID => 63, CcFilesPeer::CUEIN => 64, CcFilesPeer::CUEOUT => 65, CcFilesPeer::SILAN_CHECK => 66, CcFilesPeer::HIDDEN => 67, CcFilesPeer::IS_SCHEDULED => 68, CcFilesPeer::IS_PLAYLIST => 69, CcFilesPeer::FILESIZE => 70, CcFilesPeer::MD5_HASH => 71, ),
BasePeer::TYPE_RAW_COLNAME => array ('ID' => 0, 'NAME' => 1, 'MIME' => 2, 'FTYPE' => 3, 'DIRECTORY' => 4, 'FILEPATH' => 5, 'IMPORT_STATUS' => 6, 'CURRENTLYACCESSING' => 7, 'EDITEDBY' => 8, 'MTIME' => 9, 'UTIME' => 10, 'LPTIME' => 11, 'MD5' => 12, 'TRACK_TITLE' => 13, 'ARTIST_NAME' => 14, 'BIT_RATE' => 15, 'SAMPLE_RATE' => 16, 'FORMAT' => 17, 'LENGTH' => 18, 'ALBUM_TITLE' => 19, 'GENRE' => 20, 'COMMENTS' => 21, 'YEAR' => 22, 'TRACK_NUMBER' => 23, 'CHANNELS' => 24, 'URL' => 25, 'BPM' => 26, 'RATING' => 27, 'ENCODED_BY' => 28, 'DISC_NUMBER' => 29, 'MOOD' => 30, 'LABEL' => 31, 'COMPOSER' => 32, 'ENCODER' => 33, 'CHECKSUM' => 34, 'LYRICS' => 35, 'ORCHESTRA' => 36, 'CONDUCTOR' => 37, 'LYRICIST' => 38, 'ORIGINAL_LYRICIST' => 39, 'RADIO_STATION_NAME' => 40, 'INFO_URL' => 41, 'ARTIST_URL' => 42, 'AUDIO_SOURCE_URL' => 43, 'RADIO_STATION_URL' => 44, 'BUY_THIS_URL' => 45, 'ISRC_NUMBER' => 46, 'CATALOG_NUMBER' => 47, 'ORIGINAL_ARTIST' => 48, 'COPYRIGHT' => 49, 'REPORT_DATETIME' => 50, 'REPORT_LOCATION' => 51, 'REPORT_ORGANIZATION' => 52, 'SUBJECT' => 53, 'CONTRIBUTOR' => 54, 'LANGUAGE' => 55, 'FILE_EXISTS' => 56, 'SOUNDCLOUD_ID' => 57, 'SOUNDCLOUD_ERROR_CODE' => 58, 'SOUNDCLOUD_ERROR_MSG' => 59, 'SOUNDCLOUD_LINK_TO_FILE' => 60, 'SOUNDCLOUD_UPLOAD_TIME' => 61, 'REPLAY_GAIN' => 62, 'OWNER_ID' => 63, 'CUEIN' => 64, 'CUEOUT' => 65, 'SILAN_CHECK' => 66, 'HIDDEN' => 67, 'IS_SCHEDULED' => 68, 'IS_PLAYLIST' => 69, 'FILESIZE' => 70, 'MD5_HASH' => 71, ),
BasePeer::TYPE_FIELDNAME => array ('id' => 0, 'name' => 1, 'mime' => 2, 'ftype' => 3, 'directory' => 4, 'filepath' => 5, 'import_status' => 6, 'currentlyaccessing' => 7, 'editedby' => 8, 'mtime' => 9, 'utime' => 10, 'lptime' => 11, 'md5' => 12, 'track_title' => 13, 'artist_name' => 14, 'bit_rate' => 15, 'sample_rate' => 16, 'format' => 17, 'length' => 18, 'album_title' => 19, 'genre' => 20, 'comments' => 21, 'year' => 22, 'track_number' => 23, 'channels' => 24, 'url' => 25, 'bpm' => 26, 'rating' => 27, 'encoded_by' => 28, 'disc_number' => 29, 'mood' => 30, 'label' => 31, 'composer' => 32, 'encoder' => 33, 'checksum' => 34, 'lyrics' => 35, 'orchestra' => 36, 'conductor' => 37, 'lyricist' => 38, 'original_lyricist' => 39, 'radio_station_name' => 40, 'info_url' => 41, 'artist_url' => 42, 'audio_source_url' => 43, 'radio_station_url' => 44, 'buy_this_url' => 45, 'isrc_number' => 46, 'catalog_number' => 47, 'original_artist' => 48, 'copyright' => 49, 'report_datetime' => 50, 'report_location' => 51, 'report_organization' => 52, 'subject' => 53, 'contributor' => 54, 'language' => 55, 'file_exists' => 56, 'soundcloud_id' => 57, 'soundcloud_error_code' => 58, 'soundcloud_error_msg' => 59, 'soundcloud_link_to_file' => 60, 'soundcloud_upload_time' => 61, 'replay_gain' => 62, 'owner_id' => 63, 'cuein' => 64, 'cueout' => 65, 'silan_check' => 66, 'hidden' => 67, 'is_scheduled' => 68, 'is_playlist' => 69, 'filesize' => 70, 'md5_hash' => 71, ),
BasePeer::TYPE_NUM => array (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, )
BasePeer::TYPE_PHPNAME => array ('DbId' => 0, 'DbName' => 1, 'DbMime' => 2, 'DbFtype' => 3, 'DbDirectory' => 4, 'DbFilepath' => 5, 'DbImportStatus' => 6, 'DbCurrentlyaccessing' => 7, 'DbEditedby' => 8, 'DbMtime' => 9, 'DbUtime' => 10, 'DbLPtime' => 11, 'DbMd5' => 12, 'DbTrackTitle' => 13, 'DbArtistName' => 14, 'DbBitRate' => 15, 'DbSampleRate' => 16, 'DbFormat' => 17, 'DbLength' => 18, 'DbAlbumTitle' => 19, 'DbGenre' => 20, 'DbComments' => 21, 'DbYear' => 22, 'DbTrackNumber' => 23, 'DbChannels' => 24, 'DbUrl' => 25, 'DbBpm' => 26, 'DbRating' => 27, 'DbEncodedBy' => 28, 'DbDiscNumber' => 29, 'DbMood' => 30, 'DbLabel' => 31, 'DbComposer' => 32, 'DbEncoder' => 33, 'DbChecksum' => 34, 'DbLyrics' => 35, 'DbOrchestra' => 36, 'DbConductor' => 37, 'DbLyricist' => 38, 'DbOriginalLyricist' => 39, 'DbRadioStationName' => 40, 'DbInfoUrl' => 41, 'DbArtistUrl' => 42, 'DbAudioSourceUrl' => 43, 'DbRadioStationUrl' => 44, 'DbBuyThisUrl' => 45, 'DbIsrcNumber' => 46, 'DbCatalogNumber' => 47, 'DbOriginalArtist' => 48, 'DbCopyright' => 49, 'DbReportDatetime' => 50, 'DbReportLocation' => 51, 'DbReportOrganization' => 52, 'DbSubject' => 53, 'DbContributor' => 54, 'DbLanguage' => 55, 'DbFileExists' => 56, 'DbSoundcloudId' => 57, 'DbSoundcloudErrorCode' => 58, 'DbSoundcloudErrorMsg' => 59, 'DbSoundcloudLinkToFile' => 60, 'DbSoundCloundUploadTime' => 61, 'DbReplayGain' => 62, 'DbOwnerId' => 63, 'DbCuein' => 64, 'DbCueout' => 65, 'DbSilanCheck' => 66, 'DbHidden' => 67, 'DbIsScheduled' => 68, 'DbIsPlaylist' => 69, 'DbFilesize' => 70, ),
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BasePeer::TYPE_RAW_COLNAME => array ('ID' => 0, 'NAME' => 1, 'MIME' => 2, 'FTYPE' => 3, 'DIRECTORY' => 4, 'FILEPATH' => 5, 'IMPORT_STATUS' => 6, 'CURRENTLYACCESSING' => 7, 'EDITEDBY' => 8, 'MTIME' => 9, 'UTIME' => 10, 'LPTIME' => 11, 'MD5' => 12, 'TRACK_TITLE' => 13, 'ARTIST_NAME' => 14, 'BIT_RATE' => 15, 'SAMPLE_RATE' => 16, 'FORMAT' => 17, 'LENGTH' => 18, 'ALBUM_TITLE' => 19, 'GENRE' => 20, 'COMMENTS' => 21, 'YEAR' => 22, 'TRACK_NUMBER' => 23, 'CHANNELS' => 24, 'URL' => 25, 'BPM' => 26, 'RATING' => 27, 'ENCODED_BY' => 28, 'DISC_NUMBER' => 29, 'MOOD' => 30, 'LABEL' => 31, 'COMPOSER' => 32, 'ENCODER' => 33, 'CHECKSUM' => 34, 'LYRICS' => 35, 'ORCHESTRA' => 36, 'CONDUCTOR' => 37, 'LYRICIST' => 38, 'ORIGINAL_LYRICIST' => 39, 'RADIO_STATION_NAME' => 40, 'INFO_URL' => 41, 'ARTIST_URL' => 42, 'AUDIO_SOURCE_URL' => 43, 'RADIO_STATION_URL' => 44, 'BUY_THIS_URL' => 45, 'ISRC_NUMBER' => 46, 'CATALOG_NUMBER' => 47, 'ORIGINAL_ARTIST' => 48, 'COPYRIGHT' => 49, 'REPORT_DATETIME' => 50, 'REPORT_LOCATION' => 51, 'REPORT_ORGANIZATION' => 52, 'SUBJECT' => 53, 'CONTRIBUTOR' => 54, 'LANGUAGE' => 55, 'FILE_EXISTS' => 56, 'SOUNDCLOUD_ID' => 57, 'SOUNDCLOUD_ERROR_CODE' => 58, 'SOUNDCLOUD_ERROR_MSG' => 59, 'SOUNDCLOUD_LINK_TO_FILE' => 60, 'SOUNDCLOUD_UPLOAD_TIME' => 61, 'REPLAY_GAIN' => 62, 'OWNER_ID' => 63, 'CUEIN' => 64, 'CUEOUT' => 65, 'SILAN_CHECK' => 66, 'HIDDEN' => 67, 'IS_SCHEDULED' => 68, 'IS_PLAYLIST' => 69, 'FILESIZE' => 70, ),
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@ -432,7 +429,6 @@ abstract class BaseCcFilesPeer
} else {
$criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.id');
$criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.name');
@ -505,7 +501,6 @@ abstract class BaseCcFilesPeer
$criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.is_scheduled');
$criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.is_playlist');
$criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.filesize');
$criteria->addSelectColumn($alias . '.md5_hash');