diff --git a/python_apps/api_clients/api_client.py b/python_apps/api_clients/api_client.py
index bc9185210..efe079a35 100644
--- a/python_apps/api_clients/api_client.py
+++ b/python_apps/api_clients/api_client.py
@@ -441,6 +441,7 @@ class AirtimeApiClient():
             return []
     def list_all_watched_dirs(self):
+        # Does this include the stor directory as well?
         logger = self.logger
             url = "http://%s:%s/%s/%s" % (self.config["base_url"], str(self.config["base_port"]), self.config["api_base"], self.config["list_all_watched_dirs"])
diff --git a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/bootstrap.py b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/bootstrap.py
index ea2061c15..88baadc8a 100644
--- a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/bootstrap.py
+++ b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/bootstrap.py
@@ -61,7 +61,11 @@ class Bootstrapper(Loggable):
                 # need the correct watch channel signal to call delete
                 if watch_dir in signal_by_path:
                     dispatcher.send(signal=signal_by_path[watch_dir], sender=self, event=DeleteFile(f))
-                    os.remove(to_delete)
+                    # TODO : get rid of this, we should never delete files from
+                    # the FS even if they are deleted in airtime. Instead we
+                    # should put this file on a global ignore list until it's
+                    # re-added or something
+                    # os.remove(to_delete)
                     deleted += 1
                     self.logger.error("Could not find the signal corresponding to path: '%s'" % watch_dir)
diff --git a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/listeners.py b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/listeners.py
index de767adaa..0d3ff5be6 100644
--- a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/listeners.py
+++ b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/listeners.py
@@ -38,6 +38,12 @@ class OrganizeListener(BaseListener, pyinotify.ProcessEvent):
     # got cookie
     def process_IN_MOVED_TO(self, event): self.process_to_organize(event)
+    def flush_events(self, path):
+        """organize the whole directory at path. (pretty much by doing what
+        handle does to every file"""
+        # TODO : implement me
+        pass
     def process_to_organize(self, event):
         dispatcher.send(signal=self.signal, sender=self, event=OrganizeFile(event))
diff --git a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/mm_manager.py b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/mm_manager.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b50702cfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/mm_manager.py
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+import pyinotify
+from media.monitor.log import Loggable
+from media.monitor.listeners import StoreWatchListener, OrganizeListener
+from media.monitor.organizer import Organizer
+class Manager(Loggable):
+    """
+    An abstraction over media monitors core pyinotify functions. These include
+    adding watched,store, organize directories, etc. Basically composes over
+    WatchManager from pyinotify
+    """
+    all_signals = set(['add_watch', 'remove_watch'])
+    # TODO : get rid of config object being passed? It's not actually being
+    # used
+    def __init__(self,config):
+        self.wm = pyinotify.WatchManager()
+        # These two instance variables are assumed to be constant
+        self.watch_channel = 'watch'
+        self.organize_channel = 'organize'
+        self.watch_listener = StoreWatchListener(self.watch_channel)
+        self.organize = {
+            'organize_path' : None,
+            'store_path' : None,
+            # This guy doesn't need to be changed, always the same.
+            # Gets hooked by wm to different directories
+            'organize_listener' : OrganizeListener(self.organize_channel),
+            # Also stays the same as long as its target, the directory
+            # which the "organized" files go to, isn't changed.
+            'organizer' : None,
+        }
+        self.watched_directories = set([])
+    def __remove_watch(self,path):
+        old_watch = self.wm.get_wd(path)
+        if old_watch: # only delete if dir is actually being watched
+            self.rm_watch(old_watch, rec=True)
+    def __create_organizer(self, target_path):
+        return Organizer(channel=self.organize_channel,target_path=target_path)
+    def set_organize_path(self, new_path):
+        # if we are already organizing a particular directory we remove the
+        # watch from it first before organizing another directory
+        self.__remove_watch(self.organize['organize_path'])
+        self.organize['organize_path'] = new_path
+        # the OrganizeListener instance will walk path and dispatch an organize
+        # event for every file in that directory
+        self.organize['organize_listener'].flush_events(new_path)
+        self.wm.add_watch(new_path, pyinotify.ALL_EVENTS, rec=True, auto_add=True,
+                proc_fun=self.organize['organize_listener'])
+    def set_store_path(self,new_path):
+        """set the directory where organized files go to"""
+        self.__remove_watch(self.organize['store_path'])
+        self.organize['store_path'] = new_path
+        self.organize['organizer'] = self.__create_organizer(new_path)
+        # flush all the files in the new store_directory. this is done so that
+        # new files are added to the database. Note that we are not responsible
+        # for removing songs in the old store directory from the database
+        # we assume that this is already done for us.
+        self.watch_listener.flush_events(new_path)
+        self.wm.add_watch(new_path, pyinotify.ALL_EVENTS, rec=True, auto_add=True,
+                proc_fun=self.watch_listener)
+    def add_watch_directory(self, new_dir):
+        if new_dir in self.watched_directories:
+            self.logger.info("Cannot add '%s' to watched directories. It's \
+                    already being watched" % new_dir)
+        else:
+            self.logger.info("Adding watched directory: '%s'" % new_dir)
+            self.watched_directories.add(new_dir)
+            self.wm.add_watch(new_dir, pyinotify.ALL_EVENTS, rec=True, auto_add=True,
+                    proc_fun=self.watch_listener)
+    def remove_watch_directory(self, watch_dir):
+        if watch_dir in self.watched_directories:
+            self.watched_directories.remove(watch_dir)
+            self.logger.info("Removing watched directory: '%s'", watch_dir)
+            self.__remove_watch(watch_dir)
+        else:
+            self.logger.info("'%s' is not being watched, henced cannot be removed"
+                    % watch_dir)
+    def loop(self):
+        pyinotify.Notifier(self.wm).loop()
diff --git a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/organizer.py b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/organizer.py
index fdf1da3c5..8be7d764b 100644
--- a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/organizer.py
+++ b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/organizer.py
@@ -6,6 +6,13 @@ from media.monitor.log import Loggable
 from media.monitor.exceptions import BadSongFile
 class Organizer(ReportHandler,Loggable):
+    """
+    Organizer is responsible to to lisenting to OrganizeListener events and
+    committing the appropriate changes to the filesystem. It does not in any
+    interact with WatchSyncer's even when the the WatchSyncer is a "storage
+    directory". The "storage" directory picks up all of its events through
+    pyinotify. (These events are fed to it through StoreWatchListener)
+    """
     def __init__(self, channel, target_path):
         self.channel = channel
         self.target_path = target_path
@@ -22,4 +29,9 @@ class Organizer(ReportHandler,Loggable):
         # probably general error in mmp.magic.move...
         except Exception as e:
             self.report_problem_file(event=event, exception=e)
+    def flush_events(self, path):
+        """organize the whole directory at path. (pretty much by doing what
+        handle does to every file"""
+        # TODO : implement me
+        pass
diff --git a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/watchersyncer.py b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/watchersyncer.py
index eab6cc129..58c45ef60 100644
--- a/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/watchersyncer.py
+++ b/python_apps/media-monitor2/media/monitor/watchersyncer.py
@@ -47,7 +47,8 @@ class TimeoutWatcher(threading.Thread,Loggable):
             # Note that this isn't strictly necessary since RequestSync threads
             # already chain themselves
             if self.watcher.requests_in_queue():
-                self.logger.info("We got %d requests waiting to be launched" % self.watcher.requests_left_count())
+                self.logger.info("We got %d requests waiting to be launched" %
+                        self.watcher.requests_left_count())
             # Same for events, this behaviour is mandatory however.
             if self.watcher.events_in_queue():
@@ -73,14 +74,12 @@ class WatchSyncer(ReportHandler,Loggable):
     def target_path(self): return self.channel.path
+    @property
     def signal(self): return self.channel.signal
     def handle(self, sender, event):
         """We implement this abstract method from ReportHandler"""
-        # Using isinstance like this is usually considered to be bad style
-        # because you are supposed to use polymorphism instead however we would
-        # separate event handling itself from the events so there seems to be
-        # no better way to do this
+        # TODO : more types of events need to be handled here
         if isinstance(event, NewFile):
                 self.logger.info("'%s' : New file added: '%s'" % (self.target_path, event.path))
diff --git a/python_apps/media-monitor2/mm2.py b/python_apps/media-monitor2/mm2.py
index 01f2b0982..0a4d76296 100644
--- a/python_apps/media-monitor2/mm2.py
+++ b/python_apps/media-monitor2/mm2.py
@@ -94,6 +94,7 @@ for watch_dir in sdb.list_directories():
 # The stor directory is the first directory in the watched directories list
 org = Organizer(channel=channels['org'],target_path=channels['watch'][0].path)
+# TODO : this is wrong
 watches = [ WatchSyncer(channel=pc) for pc in channels['watch'] ]
 problem_files = ProblemFileHandler(channel=channels['badfile'])