cc-4105: refactored Bootstrapper to work with SyncDB's api.

This commit is contained in:
Rudi Grinberg 2012-07-20 17:30:53 -04:00
parent 32c3068089
commit fd9020ef3d
1 changed files with 20 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -33,11 +33,16 @@ class Bootstrapper(Loggable):
the last run in mediamonitor and sends requests to make the database consistent with
file system
songs = set()
# Songs is a dictionary where every key is the watched the directory
# and the value is a set with all the files in that directory.
songs = {}
modded = deleted = 0
signal_by_path = dict( (pc.signal, pc.path) for pc in self.watch_channels )
for pc in self.watch_channels:
# TODO : fixed the inconsistencies regarding normpath
songs[ pc.path ] = set()
for f in mmp.walk_supported(pc.path, clean_empties=False):
songs[ pc.path ].add(os.path.normpath(f))
# We decide whether to update a file's metadata by checking
# its system modification date. If it's above the value
# self.last_run which is passed to us that means media monitor
@ -49,6 +54,19 @@ class Bootstrapper(Loggable):
dispatcher.send(signal=pc.signal, sender=self, event=DeleteFile(f))
dispatcher.send(signal=pc.signal, sender=self, event=NewFile(f))
# Want all files in the database that are not in the filesystem
for watch_dir in self.db.list_directories():
db_songs = self.db.directory_get_files(watch_dir)
# Get all the files that are in the database but in the file
# system. These are the files marked for deletions
for to_delete in db_songs.difference(songs[watch_dir]):
# need the correct watch channel signal to call delete
if watch_dir in signal_by_path:
dispatcher.send(signal=signal_by_path[watch_dir], sender=self, event=DeleteFile(f))
deleted += 1
self.logger.error("Could not find the signal corresponding to path: '%s'" % watch_dir)
for to_delete in self.db.difference(songs):
for pc in self.watch_channels:
if os.path.commonprefix([pc.path, to_delete]) == pc.path: