Commit Graph

1988 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
James 31d643cee1 CC-3997: Now Playing -> Time Line: different behaviour between 'delete'
button and 'delete' menu items

- added confirm box on clicking delete button on now playing table
- also added confirm box on library delete button as well
2012-06-26 17:43:15 -04:00
James 576c13963d CC-3998: Now Playing -> Time Line: confirm message for user 'delete'
track by context menu is misleading

- fixed
2012-06-26 17:35:07 -04:00
James c2cc4253b3 Merge branch '2.1.x' of into 2.1.x 2012-06-26 16:56:01 -04:00
James 9a14051f0b CC-4019: Library: When "Add content" is clicked, "Proccessing" image is keep

- fixed
2012-06-26 16:55:43 -04:00
denise d892a4b5ae CC-4009: Calendar icon cannot be clicked twice without clicking another icon first
2012-06-26 16:43:36 -04:00
denise ca3d554c07 CC-3983: Timeline cursor in Now Playing vanishes after adding a file to a show
-empty cursorId array after every callback
2012-06-26 15:49:17 -04:00
denise 4cb872f615 Merge branch '2.1.x' of into 2.1.x 2012-06-26 15:37:04 -04:00
denise 05fa673e42 CC-3983: Timeline cursor in Now Playing vanishes after adding a file to a show
2012-06-26 15:36:45 -04:00
Martin Konecny a63b765621 CC-4011: System -> Media Folders: Changing page will stop removing a watched folder with lots of files (50,000)
-Changed doing 50,000 database calls to 1.
2012-06-25 23:40:07 -04:00
Martin Konecny 84f867a00f Merge branch '2.1.x' of into 2.1.x 2012-06-25 18:31:07 -04:00
Martin Konecny b8c559db58 add time to our version so cache is never used in dev branch 2012-06-25 18:30:33 -04:00
denise 8005049bdc CC-3996: Undefined offset: 0 in StoredFile.php (Apache error)
2012-06-25 12:22:34 -04:00
denise ffb7f2ff65 CC-3933: Replace Airtime version number in source code with a hash of the version + uniqueId.
2012-06-22 18:01:00 -04:00
James c669d3cb47 CC-3969: Reset Password: specifying wrong e-mail keeps you on the same page
without possibility to navigate back gracefully

- done
2012-06-20 18:02:46 -04:00
James 2480639e58 CC-3980: Excel export button in Playout History does not really export
Excel format

- removed xls option
2012-06-20 17:42:49 -04:00
James 10fc5038c8 CC-3965: Clarify input/output stream settings by addding appropriate labels
- fixed
2012-06-20 17:39:52 -04:00
James 5c43fa5a7b CC-3978: Playout History table says Artist when it should say Creator
- fixed
2012-06-20 16:51:34 -04:00
James 3a32e7240a CC-3984: Now Playing scissor and trashcan buttons are incorrectly labelled in

- fixed
2012-06-20 16:49:41 -04:00
James e40d9731a2 CC-3979: Playout History export should include date range in file and/or

- fix
2012-06-20 16:47:11 -04:00
James 6a75fd6c76 CC-3979: Playout History export should include date range in file and/or

- done
2012-06-20 16:35:34 -04:00
denise 9ac024fa72 CC-3993: Validate that reporting stats are correct on Airtime PRO instances
-if no log data for the past 24 hours, update current record with current date, and delete old records
2012-06-19 16:59:59 -04:00
denise b742033647 - Add Media: fix to accept audio files with ID3 tags liquidsoap complains about 2012-06-18 12:24:13 -04:00
denise bb54a9041f CC-3986: 'Add User' does not convert email address to lowercase
2012-06-15 15:03:48 -04:00
denise 87faf47c94 Merge branch '2.1.x' of into 2.1.x 2012-06-15 14:42:37 -04:00
James 81fb7699a4 CC-3985: Email field on User creation should be required.
- done
2012-06-14 16:11:14 -04:00
James 73a7a76078 Merge branch 'CC-3963' into 2.1.x
2012-06-14 16:06:53 -04:00
denise f433fd89fe CC-3970: Password Reset: No UI error msg for no mail server founded
2012-06-13 16:04:57 -04:00
James b07b83f740 CC-3981: Record Show: Change streams settings during recording will
cause record fail

- added warning message
2012-06-13 14:44:38 -04:00
James 4077858c8e CC-3927: Should automatically switch back to Master/Show stream if there
is a connection interruption

- chaning label and description text
2012-06-13 12:46:26 -04:00
Martin Konecny f188eeada2 preparation for 2.1.1 release 2012-06-13 11:35:14 -04:00
Martin Konecny 02b6d04952 CC-3956: PHP script can enter inifinite loop
-small cleanup
2012-06-12 20:18:06 -04:00
Martin Konecny d1c224321b Merge branch '2.1.x' of into 2.1.x 2012-06-12 18:51:31 -04:00
Martin Konecny b858c34526 CC-3956: PHP script can enter inifinite loop
2012-06-12 18:51:22 -04:00
James 776e35dfa9 Merge branch '2.1.x' of into 2.1.x 2012-06-12 17:49:52 -04:00
James 548a6ce16a CC-3957: Make Schedule Widgets show future Sunday instead of past Sunday
- bug fix
2012-06-12 17:49:34 -04:00
James 032637049d CC-3952: Calendar: Create/Edit Show's End time manually and keep date picker
open, the change will not take effect

- fixed
2012-06-12 17:07:24 -04:00
denise 55634ddd46 CC-3928: Use liquidsoap to test whether file is playable on upload.
-tests return value and output
2012-06-12 15:41:10 -04:00
James 57397312f2 CC-3963: If DJ is scheduled to broadcast for show, then automatically
enable source when DJ connects.

- done
2012-06-12 15:38:03 -04:00
denise df518fb03f Merge branch '2.1.x' of into 2.1.x 2012-06-12 14:58:51 -04:00
denise 8a63478c73 CC-3972: it is not possible to select tracks in Now Playing tab
2012-06-12 14:58:33 -04:00
denise b588b3b9a4 CC-3849: PlaylistLibrary->Edit Metadata: The deletion of metadata entries has no effect after saving
-set track_number as a required field on form
2012-06-12 14:40:18 -04:00
Martin Konecny 22453f3820 CC-3968: Cannot preview file as * .MP3
2012-06-12 11:31:10 -04:00
denise d8a1a17f19 Merge branch '2.1.x' of into 2.1.x 2012-06-11 18:08:47 -04:00
denise 81c7eb7763 CC-3941: Overridden connection url in stream settings gets reverted back to default when 'Save' is clicked
2012-06-11 18:08:36 -04:00
Martin Konecny 2ebf149a65 CC-3949: On edit empty show, time_filled becomes null
fix method of checking null
2012-06-11 17:08:17 -04:00
denise 0d770e55ef Merge branch '2.1.x' of into 2.1.x 2012-06-11 16:43:35 -04:00
denise ebaff793be CC-3940: Calendar displays highlighting with regards to date and time of server instead of adjusting to the Timezone settings
-fixed (had to apply custom changes to new version of fullcalendar.js)
2012-06-11 16:43:24 -04:00
James 06d90c53aa CC-3957: Make Schedule Widgets show future Sunday instead of past Sunday
- fixed
2012-06-11 16:42:12 -04:00
James 6316c23b25 CC-3954: apache log errors part3
- bug fix
2012-06-11 16:10:51 -04:00
James 31000afbf3 Merge branch '2.1.x' of into 2.1.x 2012-06-11 15:52:58 -04:00