This forces to use the same version as the worker.
Previously playout installed kombu>=5.2 and got instanlty
reverted back to 4.6.11 when the worker was installed.
BREAKING CHANGE: The default `www-data` user has been replaced by a dedicated `libretime` user to run the services. Be sure to change the ownership of the libretime files.
- remove unused root packages.ini
- write config to yaml file
- allow to set public_url during install
- force icecast start right after package install
- move config file in place at the end of installation
BREAKING CHANGE: The bash installer has been rewritten, the flags and
options changed, please run `./install --help` to get more details.
If scheduled_now_webstream is an empty array, the webstream will automatically be stopped, so we need to make sure the scheduled_now_webstream is aways properly populated.
The webstream schedule logic seem to rely on already ended events to check if the stream running is the right one.
We should not exclude these webstream events from the schedule.
- backport >=py38 Literal type
- update configuration sample
- add missing config filepath to systemd service
- make config sections optional
BREAKING CHANGE: the playout config schema has been changed like the following:
- the top section 'pypo' was renamed to 'playout'
- the 'playout.ls_*' entries were renamed to 'playout.liquidsoap_*'
- the 'playout.*_dir' entries were removed
- the 'playout.api_client' entry was removed
- the 'playout.record_file_type' entry was renamed to 'playout.record_file_format'
- the 'playout.base_recorded_files' entry was removed
- the 'playout.poll_interval' entry was removed
- the 'playout.push_interval' entry was removed
- the 'playout.cue_style' entry was removed
- use working dir for storing files
BREAKING CHANGE: the playout working directory changed from '/var/tmp/airtime/pypo/' to '/var/lib/libretime/playout' when running with systemd and the current directory by default.