- remove unused root packages.ini
- write config to yaml file
- allow to set public_url during install
- force icecast start right after package install
- move config file in place at the end of installation
BREAKING CHANGE: The bash installer has been rewritten, the flags and
options changed, please run `./install --help` to get more details.
- merge php config in apache config
- remove deprecated php config
- remove old apache config
- use dedicated log files for libretime vhost
- change template variables format
BREAKING: The apache configuration file has been updated and renamed. You must remove the old configuration files `/etc/apache2/sites-available/airtime*` file from the system.
BREAKING: The php configuration file has been merged in the apache configuration. You need to remove the `/etc/php/*/apache2/conf.d/airtime.ini` file from the system.
BREAKING CHANGE: The worker `RMQ_CONFIG_FILE` environement variable has
been renamed to `LIBRETIME_CONFIG_FILEPATH`. In addition the systemd
working directory for the worker has changed from `/srv/airtime` to
- remove pycairo pip install
- fix py36 compatibility
- reraise when executable was not found
BREAKING CHANGE: The analyzer requires 'ffmpeg'. The 'rgain3' python package and it's system dependencies can be removed.
- use working dir for storing files
BREAKING CHANGE: the playout working directory changed from '/var/tmp/airtime/pypo/' to '/var/lib/libretime/playout' when running with systemd and the current directory by default.
Some initial work on modernizing the analyzer app. This replace any custom logger or `logging` based logger with the logging tools from `libretime_shared.logging` and `loguru`.
- rename cli to main
- use pathlib in setup.py
- add api-client and shared package as dev deps
- rework main entrypoint cli to use click and shared helpers
- remove unused imports
- replace logging with logger
- rework analyzer app using shared abstract app
- move analyzer log path to systemd service
- change analyzer working dir
BREAKING CHANGE: The analyzer cli has been reworked and uses new flags / environnement variables for configuration.
`--debug` flag becomes `--log-level <level>`
`--rmq-config-file` flag becomes `--config <filepath>`
`--http-retry-queue-file` flag becomes `--retry-queue-filepath`.
`retry-queue-filepath` default value changed from `/tmp/airtime_analyzer_http_retries` to `retry_queue` in the working dir.
`LIBRETIME_CONF_DIR` environnement variable replaced by `LIBRETIME_CONFIG_FILEPATH`.
BREAKING CHANGE: When running analyzer as a systemd service, the working directory is now /var/lib/libretime/analyzer.
Some initial work on modernizing the playout app. This replace any custom logger or
logging based logger with the logging tools from libretime_shared.logging and loguru.
Removed all the thread/function assigned logger (self.logger = ...), as this makes it
part of the logic (passing logger though function args) as it should not.
Of a dedicated logger is required for a specific task, it should use
the create_task_logger function.
- refactor: remove dead code
- refactor: remove py2 specific fix
- feat: remove unused test command
- feat: setup shared cli and logging tools
- feat: replace logging with loguru
- feat: setup shared cli and logging tools for notify
- fix: warn method deos not exist
- feat: make cli setup the entrypoint
- fix: install shared modules globally in production
use extra_requires to load local packages in dev environement
- feat: configure log path in systemd service
- feat: default behavior is to log to console only
- feat: create log dir during install
- chore: add comment
- fix: don't create useless dir in install
- fix: move notify logs to /var/log/libretime dir
- fix: update setup_logger attrs
- style: linting
- fix: replace verbosity flag with log-level flag
- feat: use shared logging tool in liquidsoap
- fix: pass logger down to api client
- feat: allow custom log_filepath in liquidsoap config
- chore: add pylintrc to playout
- refactor: fix pylint errors
- feat: set liquidsoap log filepath in systemd service
- fix: missing setup entrypoint update
BREAKING CHANGE: for playout and liquidsoap the default log file path changed to None
and will only log to the console when developing / testing. Unless you are running the
app as a systemd service (production) the default logs filepaths changed:
from "/var/log/airtime/pypo/pypo.log" to "/var/log/libretime/playout.log" and
from "/var/log/airtime/pypo-liquidsoap/ls_script.log" to "/var/log/libretime/liquidsoap.log"
BREAKING CHANGE: for playout-notify the default log file path changed
from "/var/log/airtime/pypo/notify.log" to "/var/log/libretime/playout-notify.log"
Apt should fail fast (and report) instead of
forcing a broken installation.
The version check is also not required anymore as
most distribution now provide an apt version > 1.1.
When installing Icecast manually, we don't want the installer to interfere
with the icecast.xml config file by changing the passwords.
The script was failing trying to copy the Icecast password file it didn't create.