- some change in date populating rules
- change on start date/time triggers change in end date/time
- change on end date/time will triggers background turning into
red color to notify user that end date/time is earlier than
start date/time.
- need to do more work once I get img file from Vladmir
- End date and time is added
- duration field is readonly now and is autocalculated
- now playing duration field format is changed( 0h 0m 0s )
- removed millisecond from start and end time in now playing
- New user type 'Program Manager' added
- 'Program Manager' gets same previlage as Admin but doesn't
have access to Configure menu
- Changed user type name 'Host' to 'DJ'
The show content window size is detemined dynamically based on
browsers viewport size.
I'm not sure what the size should be. So I set width and height
as like following:
width = viewport width * 4/5
height = viewport height * 2/3
Ratio can be easily changed.
-changed it so that the "x" is still visible, but when clicking,
an error message shows. Did this because the columns were resizing
when the x wasnt visible. Also the empty column looked weird with only
one user.
1. It only clears the left window form if 'delete' action is
clickced on the opened playlist.
2. similar functionality was implemented when 'edit meatadata'
form is opened in the left window.
1. Not sure if "Untitled Show 1" would be the best name.
What if "Untilted Show 1" already exist? There is no easy way
of keeping track of the numbers. So wouldn't it be better to just use
"Untitled Show"?
2. There is no easy way to figure out if the current form is
opened for "update" or "add".( We can check the text on the button
if it says "add" or "update" button, but it's always bad to rely on
any UI text. So the new code will focus and higlight name text on both
update and create new case for now.
Download action were added in two placese.
1. Playlist Builder. jjmenu now showing 'Download'.
2. Calendar-> Show Content. Click on the file, you will see
Downlaod menu.
File name is set to original file name.
On the ticket it said, file format should be like
"show_name-12012011-2130.mp3". However, in my opinion,
this is only possible, if a user downloads it from
calender->show content. We know what the show names and etc,
but, if the user downloads it from Playlist Builder, we cannot
retrive such information. To be consistent in both area, I just
set the file name to original file name. This can be easily
modified in the future.