This removes most of the legacy upstream config madness by not using
weird config files spread all over the place.
This isn't the solution to other config reading fragility issues, but
it does move the whole config back to the central airtime.conf file.
This adds TLS support to pypo when downloading files from the REST
API. I previously fixed some similar issues in the api_client and
wasn't aware that pypo isn't using it for every URL..
I cleaned up the CORSHandler code a bit more and also rewrote the
helper to use the framework to access the request properly and
took care of also grabbing the request schema from the server.
We don't need them for the end user runtime and this speeds up the
install quite a bit when installing from the full tarball.
Devs will need to run `composer install` to run unit tests locally
but that's about it.
I fixed the manual installer to ensure that the VERSION file ends up
in the right directory on install.
I also took care of the pre-release parts of the naggingness. It shows
no updates as long there is no stable release for the current version.
As soon as one is available it uses the orange update icon to alert the
user that an update would be in order since a stable version has been
Problem: assert() is Language construct in php 7 and not a function anymore. It also seems to behave silghtly differently with regards to what kind of side effects assertions are allowed to have. This leads to all of the rest endpoints being broken in php 7 since the assertion silently fails and the routes never really get added to the front controllers router.
Solution: Don't wrap the addRouter call in assert(). The way assert was being uses was rather unusual for php code this age. It was also mostly checking zf1 rather than guarding against errors in LibreTime itself.
The php manual clearly states "As a rule of thumb your code should always be able to work correctly if assertion checking is not activated." giving even more reason to ot wrap critical paths in assertions.
There are some other instances of `assert()` being used in non test code, those don't seem to have any negative effects on php7.
"What's with cue-In/Out points and silan?" is a frequently asked question that currently has multiple possible fixes and a couple of open tasks (not only "Why is it broken?" but also "Where is the cue-point editor?").
I added current infos to the release notes and was thinking this should be pointed out in the FAQ until we have a stable solution ready.
The /Schedule/set-time-scale/format/json was being hit every time a new calendar page was displayed. The isn't good for performance reasons and also makes race conditions like #210 much more likely.
With this change the preference is only updated on the server when the GUI state changes because the user clicked on one of the "Day", "Week", or "Month" buttons.
This does not fix the locking issue completely, but it should help because the cc_prefs time-scale row in the database will get locked much less often. After applying this I wasn't able to reproduce #210 any more on an install with an extensive schedule.
The script was logging "Script failed with status 127". It seems that this is due to not being executable and not being referenced with a path starting with ./.
* Re-order folder creation to make a bit more sense (the log file creation step was unreachable because python scripts always created the checked dir early)
* create dirs from pypo data_files in installer so pypo can run out of the box on a new install
* Fix path to logrotate script (logrotation needs testing though)
* Remove std_err_override module from install. Code-wise only airtime-media-monitor is still based on it and that is slated for removal together with std_err_override.
The theme of this commit is to make the install process more
resiliant to differences in distros by testing for specific
features or versions of executables rather than making as many
assumptions just on the distro and release.
* Distro and Release detection (install, Vagrantfile)
- Added detection logic for distro and release based on
/etc/os-release which is available on all potential supported
distros. The --distribution and --release options can be used
to override detection.
- Added distro and release checks to ensure values specified are
for a supported release.
- Changed some distro checks to use booleans, e.g.
if $is_centos_7; then ...
- Added a simple check so if --distribution is specified, it will
ensure it's at least sane, e.g. centos on debian or debian on
centos will be caught.
- In Vagrantfile, removed --distribution and --release options for
all distro and release combinations.
* Portable Init System Detection and Management (install,
- Added detection logic for init system type - systemd, Upstart or
System V in the function systemInitDetect().
- Added portable init system install in the function
systemInitInstall() which depends on systemInitDetect(). After
installing files, enables and starts service.
- Added portable init system commands in the function
systemInitCommand() for start, stop, reload, restart and status.
- Python services don't support systemd but unconditionally install
scripts for both Upstart and System V. Disabled by passing
--no-init-script to for each service.
- When upgrading, remove all old system init files in /etc/init,
/etc/init.d, /etc/default and /etc/systemd/system.
- In, removed install of airtime systemd service files
as it's now handled by install.
- Created an Upstart .conf for airtime-celery
- In systemd file for airtime-celery, changed absolute path to
/usr/local/bin/celery and for centos, the install symlinks
celery to /usr/local/bin.
* External Dependencies Install (install)
- For external dependencies, only attempt to install for Debian-
based distros with apt-get. For centos, a warning is displayed.
- For systems with apt-get, detect version and if 1.1 or greater,
use new force options, otherwise use --force-yes option.
* Configuring Apache (install)
- For Apache, check for centos and use httpd for binary and
service, otherwise use apache2ctl and apache2.
- Detect Apache version 2 or better in a more reliable manner.
- Detect Apache root folder and conf file name by running
apache2ctl -V or httpd -V as appropriate.
- Various checks for centos as it doesn't support the Debian
Apache utilities a2ensite/a2dissite, a2enmod/a2dismod, etc.
* Installing Airtime Services (install)
- Detect Python version. If less than 2.7.9, install OpenSSL
- Prevent installing init files by passing --no-init-script to for each service.
- Use systemInitInstall to install, enable and start each service
after has run.
- Removed filtering for WEB_USER for files in
/etc/init/airtime*.template as that is handled in the
systemInitInstall() function.
* Configuring PHP in Apache (install)
- Detect PHP conf folder by checking a list of locations rather
than making assumptions based on the distro and release.
* Configuring PostgreSQL (install)
- Detects if the airtime user has already been created. If not,
then creates the user.
* Installing Locales (install)
- Minor changes to check for centos and prevent from running.
* [x] explain semver since this upgrade cases are when this applies
* [x] links to different parts of manual
* [x] move backup section to the top
* [x] add "real" git pull example
* [x] rename install script to plain ./install
* [x] remove very old monit upgrade help
This gets the mime type using file-magic in a most minimal way. Since the python bindings have been available as a distro package for quite a while it is written in a way so it should also run on pre pypi installs of file-magic. This means not being able to use nice things like magic.detect_from_filename due to the fact that they where added rather recently (with recently being 2 years ago).
As the mime type is only used to check for wav files that mutagen can't handle it only reads the mime type and ignores the charset and other attributes that magic can find.
Due to the fact that file-magic is not properly unicode safe I'm checking the file based on it's first 2048 bytes as per <>. This is not an issue since wav files need to start with a wav header by definition anyway.
I tested this sucessfully on both CentOS and Debian with files containing Unicode in their names.