I had only really looked for requires previously, this one caught me off guard as using an include is quite anachronistic.
I did some digging and figured out, that this is the only occurence of such phing use I can find.
The added php subdir lets us keep the vendor and airtime_mvc in the same relative position to each other while keeping everything in /usr/share/$name.
This does not yet take care of cleaning any files left at the old locations, taking care of those would make this installer even more bloated and should be the responsability of apt packages.
Also fixes them elsewhere, apart from having switched to a vendorized version, I also used one that is already namespaced.
The easy way out here is to use it in the namespaced fashion, it is only used in a few places and I know the library well enough to be certain that nothing much changed apart from the namespacing.
This is one of the "small" things I need to take care of on my local env. Once the value is changeable through more than just the config file, I'll won't be touching these in my docker envs as much.
This a a rather large commit due to the nature of the stuff it is touching. To get PHPUnit up and running again I had to update some deps and I did so by vendorizing them. The vendorizing of zf1 makes sense since distros are already considering to drop it from their repos.
* [x] install vendorized zf1 with composer
* [x] load composer autoloader before zf1
* [x] Implement headAction for all Zend_Rest_Controller based controllers
* [x] switch to yml dataset to get around string only limitations of xml sets (also removed warning in readme)
* [x] use year 2044 as hardcoded date for tests since it is in the future and has the same days like previously used 2016
* [x] make tests easier to run when accessing phpunit directly
* [x] clean up test helper to always use airtime.conf
* [x] switch test dbname to libretime_test
* [x] test db username password switched to libretime/libretime
* [x] install phpunit with composer in a clear version (make tests easier to reproduce on other platforms)
* [x] remove local libs from airtime repo (most of airtime_mvc/library was not needed of in vendor already)
* [x] configure composer autoloading and use it (also removed requires that are not needed anymore)
* [x] add LibreTime prefix for FileNotFoundException (phing had a similar class and these are all pre-namespace style)
* [x] add .travis.yml file
* [x] make etc and logdir configurable with LIBRETIME_CONF_DIR and LIBRETIME_LOG_DIR env (so travis can change it)
* [x] slight cleanup in config for travis not to fail
* [x] add cloud_storage.conf for during test runs
* [x] rewrite mvc testing docs and move them to docs/ folder
* [x] don't use `static::class` in a class that does not have a parent class, use `__CLASS__` instead.
* [x] don't use `<ClassName>::class`, since we already know what class we want `"<ClassName>"` ist just fine.
* [x] fix "can't use method in write context" errors on 5.4 (also helps the optimizer)
* [x] add build status badge on main README.md
Fixes https://github.com/LibreTime/libretime/issues/4
The PHP parts of https://github.com/LibreTime/libretime/pull/10 get obsoleted by this change and it will need rebasing.
This also contains https://github.com/LibreTime/libretime/pull/8, the late static binding compat code was broken for no reason and until CentOS drops php 5.4 there is no reason I'm aware of not to support it. I inlined #8 since the test would be failing on php 5.4 without the change.
If you want to run tests you need to run `composer install` in the root directory and then `cd airtime_mvc/tests && ../../vendor/bin/phpunit`. For the tests to run the user `libretime` needs to be allowed to create the `libretime_test` database. See `docs/TESTING.md` for more info on getting set up.
This adds a nice link on the issue and pr forms and is mostly pinched from https://github.com/update/update. I added clear references to C4 and our CoC and we can add more stuff like coding guidelines later on.