checkZendDependencies(), "postgres" => checkDatabaseDependencies() ); } /** * Check that the Zend framework libraries are installed * * @return boolean true if Zend exists in /usr/share/php */ function checkZendDependencies() { return file_exists('/usr/share/php/libzend-framework-php') || file_exists('/usr/share/php/Zend'); // Debian version } /** * Check that the PHP dependencies for the database exist * * @return boolean true if the database dependencies exist */ function checkDatabaseDependencies() { global $extensions; // Check the PHP extension list for the Postgres db extensions return (in_array('pdo_pgsql', $extensions) && in_array('pgsql', $extensions)); } /** * Check that all external services are configured correctly and return an associative * array with the results * * @return array associative array of external service check results */ function checkExternalServices() { return array( "database" => checkDatabaseConfiguration(), "media-monitor" => checkMediaMonitorService(), "pypo" => checkPlayoutService(), "liquidsoap" => checkLiquidsoapService(), "rabbitmq" => checkRMQConnection() ); } /** * Check the database configuration by fetching a connection from Propel * * @return boolean true if a connection is made to the database */ function checkDatabaseConfiguration() { configureDatabase(); try { // Try to establish a database connection. If something goes // wrong, the database is improperly configured Propel::getConnection(); Propel::close(); } catch (Exception $e) { return false; } return true; } /** * Initialize Propel to configure the Airtime database */ function configureDatabase() { Propel::init(CONFIG_PATH . 'airtime-conf-production.php'); } /** * Check that we can connect to RabbitMQ * * @return true if the RabbitMQ connection can be established */ function checkRMQConnection() { // Check for airtime.conf in /etc/airtime/ first, then check in the build directory, if (file_exists(AIRTIME_CONFIG_STOR . AIRTIME_CONFIG)) { $ini = parse_ini_file(AIRTIME_CONFIG_STOR . AIRTIME_CONFIG, true); } else { $ini = parse_ini_file(BUILD_PATH . "airtime.example.conf", true); } $conn = new AMQPConnection($ini[RMQ_INI_SECTION]["host"], $ini[RMQ_INI_SECTION]["port"], $ini[RMQ_INI_SECTION]["user"], $ini[RMQ_INI_SECTION]["password"], $ini[RMQ_INI_SECTION]["vhost"]); return isset($conn); } /** * Check if airtime-media-monitor is currently running * * @return boolean true if airtime-media-monitor is running */ function checkMediaMonitorService() { exec("pgrep -f -u www-data airtime-media-monitor", $out, $status); if (array_key_exists(0, $out) && $status == 0) { return posix_kill(rtrim($out[0]), 0); } return $status == 0; } /** * Check if airtime-playout is currently running * * @return boolean true if airtime-playout is running */ function checkPlayoutService() { exec("pgrep -f -u www-data airtime-playout", $out, $status); if (array_key_exists(0, $out) && $status == 0) { return posix_kill(rtrim($out[0]), 0); } return $status == 0; } /** * Check if airtime-liquidsoap is currently running * * @return boolean true if airtime-liquidsoap is running */ function checkLiquidsoapService() { exec("pgrep -f -u www-data airtime-liquidsoap", $out, $status); if (array_key_exists(0, $out) && $status == 0) { return posix_kill(rtrim($out[0]), 0); } return $status == 0; }