--- title: Administrator manual --- Welcome to the **LibreTime administrator manual**, you should find guides and references to setup and configure LibreTime. :::caution This documentation assumes that you: - have basic understanding of command line interfaces, - have a basic understanding of networking. ::: :::tip Before following any steps, be sure that your system is up-to-date. ::: ## Install and configure - [:rocket: Install LibreTime](./install/README.md) - [:arrow_up: Upgrade from a previous install](./install/upgrade.md) - [:airplane_arriving: Migrate from Airtime](./install/migrate-from-airtime.md) - [:gear: Configure your installation](./configuration.md) - [:lock: Put your installation behind a reverse proxy](./install/reverse-proxy.md) ## Advanced - [:warning: Setup automated backups](./backup.md) - [:heavy_check_mark: Use a custom authentication system](./custom-authentication.md)