--- title: Managing users --- :::danger It's strongly recommended not to use the default `admin` account in production, especially if your LibreTime server is accessible from the internet. ::: ## User account types To add further user accounts to the system, one for each of your station staff that need access to Airtime, click the **New User** button with the plus icon. Enter a user name, password and contact details, and then select the **User Type** from the drop down menu, which can be _Admin_, _Program Manager_, _DJ_, or _Guest_. ### Guests - Can view shows and the playout log on the Calendar and Dashboard, respectively - Listen to the output stream without leaving the interface ### DJs - Everything Guests can do, plus - Upload media (music, PSAs, underwriting, shows, etc.) to their own library (DJs can't view other libraries) - Edit metadata, delete, and schedule media in their own library to shows they're assigned to - Preview uploaded media _without_ affecting the live playout - Create Playlists, Smart Blocks, and connect Podcasts and Webstreams to LibreTime ### Program managers - Everything DJs can do, plus - Manage other users' libraries in addition to their own - Create, edit, and delete color-coded shows on the Calendar and assign them to DJs (if needed) - Shows can be scheduled to repeat, with the option of linking content between the shows (helpful if a DJ livestreams in each week) - View listener statistics - Export playout logs for analysis or reporting for music royalties ### Administrators - Everything Program Managers can do, plus - Manage all user accounts, including the ability to reset passwords - Configure Track Types for easy sorting of uploaded content - Change system settings ## Editing or deleting user accounts To edit a user account, click on that user's row in the table, change the user's details in the box on the right side, and then click the **Save** button. To remove a user account, click the small **x** icon to the right side of its row in the table. You can't delete your own user account, and usernames can't be changed once created. ![](./users-user-edit.png) Users can update their own password, and their contact, language and time zone details, by clicking their username on the right side of the main menu bar, next to the **Logout** link.