getMessage()." ".$p_pearErrorObj->getUserInfo(); } echo "\nERROR: $msg\n"; if (!empty($txt)) { echo "ERROR: $txt\n"; } $g_errors++; } /** * Import a file or directory into the storage database. * If it is a directory, files will be imported recursively. * * @param string $p_filepath * You can pass in a directory or file name. * This must be the full absolute path to the file, not relative. * @param string $p_importMode * @param boolean $p_testOnly * * @return int */ function camp_import_audio_file($p_filepath, $p_importMode = null, $p_testOnly = false) { global $STORAGE_SERVER_PATH; global $g_fileCount; global $g_duplicates; // Check parameters $p_importMode = strtolower($p_importMode); if (!in_array($p_importMode, array("copy", "link"))) { return; } $fileCount = 0; $duplicates = 0; if (!file_exists($p_filepath)) { echo " * WARNING: File does not exist: $p_filepath\n"; return; } //echo "Memory usage:".memory_get_usage()."\n"; // If we are given a directory, get all the files recursively and // call this function for each file. if (is_dir($p_filepath)) { // NOTE: this method of using opendir() is used over other // techniques because of its low memory usage. Both PEAR's // File_Find and PHP5's built-in RecursiveDirectoryIterator // use about 5500 bytes per file, while this method uses // about 1100 bytes per file. $d = opendir($p_filepath); while (false !== ($file = readdir($d))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { $path = "$p_filepath/$file"; camp_import_audio_file($path, $p_importMode, $p_testOnly); } } closedir($d); return; } // Check for non-supported file type if (!preg_match('/\.(ogg|mp3)$/i', $p_filepath, $var)) { echo "IGNORED: [xxxxx] $p_filepath\n"; //echo " * WARNING: File extension not supported - skipping file: $p_filepath\n"; return; } // Set the file permissions to be world-readable if ($p_importMode == "link") { // Check current file permissions $fileperms = fileperms($p_filepath); // Explaination of 0x0124: // 1 => owner readable // 2 => group readable // 4 => world readable // (see: $readableByAll = !(($fileperms & 0x0124) ^ 0x0124); if (!$readableByAll) { $permError = false; // Check if we have the ability to change the perms if (is_writable($p_filepath)) { // Change the file perms $fileperms = $fileperms | 0x0124; chmod($p_filepath, $fileperms); // Check that file perms were changed clearstatcache(); $fileperms = fileperms($p_filepath); $readableByAll = !(($fileperms & 0x0124) ^ 0x124); if (!$readableByAll) { $permError = true; } } else { $permError = true; } if ($permError) { global $g_errors; $g_errors++; echo "ERROR: $p_filepath\n" ." When importing with the '--link' option, files must be set\n" ." world-readable. The file permissions for the file cannot be\n" ." changed. Check that you are not trying to import from a FAT32\n" ." drive. Otherwise, this problem might be fixed by running this \n" ." script with 'sudo'.\n"; return; } } } // $timeBegin = microtime(true); $md5sum = md5_file($p_filepath); // $timeEnd = microtime(true); // echo " * MD5 time: ".($timeEnd-$timeBegin)."\n"; // Look up md5sum in database $duplicate = StoredFile::RecallByMd5($md5sum); if ($duplicate) { echo "DUPLICATE: $p_filepath\n"; $g_duplicates++; return; } echo "Importing: [".sprintf("%05d",$g_fileCount+1)."] $p_filepath\n"; if (!$p_testOnly) { if ($p_importMode == "copy") { $doCopyFiles = true; } elseif ($p_importMode == "link") { $doCopyFiles = false; } $values = array( "filepath" => $p_filepath, "md5" => $md5sum, ); $storedFile = StoredFile::Insert($values, $doCopyFiles); if (PEAR::isError($storedFile)) { import_err($storedFile, "Error in StoredFile::Insert()"); echo var_export($metadata)."\n"; return; } } else { echo "==========================================================================\n"; echo "METADATA\n"; var_dump($metadata); } $g_fileCount++; return; } $DEBUG_IMPORT = false; echo "========================\n"; echo "Airtime Import Script\n"; echo "========================\n"; $g_errors = 0; //print_r($argv); $start = intval(date('U')); if ($DEBUG_IMPORT) { $testonly = false; $importMode = "link"; $files = array("/path/to/your/test/file.mp3"); $dsn = $CC_CONFIG['dsn']; } else { $dsn = $CC_CONFIG['dsn']; } //PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_RETURN); PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, "camp_import_error_handler"); $CC_DBC = DB::connect($dsn, TRUE); if (PEAR::isError($CC_DBC)) { echo "ERROR: ".$CC_DBC->getMessage()." ".$CC_DBC->getUserInfo()."\n"; exit(1); } $CC_DBC->setFetchMode(DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); if (!$DEBUG_IMPORT) { $parsedCommandLine = Console_Getopt::getopt($argv, "thcld", array("test", "help", "copy", "link", "dir=")); //print_r($parsedCommandLine); if (PEAR::isError($parsedCommandLine)) { printUsage(); exit(1); } $cmdLineOptions = $parsedCommandLine[0]; if (count($parsedCommandLine[1]) == 0) { printUsage(); exit; } $files = $parsedCommandLine[1]; $testonly = FALSE; $importMode = null; $currentDir = null; foreach ($cmdLineOptions as $tmpValue) { $optionName = $tmpValue[0]; $optionValue = $tmpValue[1]; switch ($optionName) { case "h": case '--help': printUsage(); exit; case "c": case "--copy": $importMode = "copy"; break; case 'l': case '--link': $importMode = "link"; break; case '--dir': $currentDir = $optionValue; break; case "t": case "--test": $testonly = TRUE; break; } } } if (is_null($importMode)) { printUsage(); exit(0); } global $CC_CONFIG; if (!is_writable($CC_CONFIG["storageDir"])) { echo "ERROR: You do not have write permissions to the directory you are trying to import to:\n " . $CC_CONFIG["storageDir"] . "\n\n"; exit; } global $g_fileCount; global $g_duplicates; if (is_array($files)) { foreach ($files as $filepath) { // absolute path if (($filepath[0] == "/") || ($filepath[0] == "~")) { $fullPath = realpath($filepath); } elseif (!is_null($currentDir)) { $fullPath = realpath("$currentDir/$filepath"); } else { $fullPath = null; } if (empty($fullPath)) { echo "ERROR: I cant find the given file: $filepath\n\n"; exit; } camp_import_audio_file($fullPath, $importMode, $testonly); } } $end = intval(date('U')); $time = $end - $start; if ($time > 0) { $speed = round(($g_fileCount+$g_duplicates)/$time, 1); } else { $speed = ($g_fileCount+$g_duplicates); } echo "==========================================================================\n"; echo " *** Import mode: $importMode\n"; echo " *** Files imported: $g_fileCount\n"; echo " *** Duplicate files (not imported): $g_duplicates\n"; if ($g_errors > 0) { echo " *** Errors: $g_errors\n"; } echo " *** Total: ".($g_fileCount+$g_duplicates)." files in $time seconds = $speed files/second.\n"; echo "==========================================================================\n";