#!/bin/bash -e #-e Causes bash script to exit if any of the installers #return with a non-zero return value. if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Please run as root user." exit 1 fi dist=$1 release=$2 name=airtime-install set +e echo -e "\n * Stopping ${name}..." lxc-stop -n airtime-install echo "...Done" echo -e "\n * Destroying ${name}..." lxc-destroy -n airtime-install echo "...Done" set -e ### # ! NOTE: If you run into errors resolving the archives when running apt-get update, # clear your /var/cache/lxc directory and retry. ### echo -e "\n * Creating ${name} with dist ${dist} and release ${release}..." lxc-create -t ${dist} -n ${name} -- --release ${release} echo "...Done" echo -e "\n * Starting ${name}..." lxc-start -n ${name} -d echo "...Done" echo -e "\n * Running apt update..." lxc-attach -n ${name} -- apt-get update echo "...Done" echo -e "\n * Installing git..." lxc-attach -n ${name} -- apt-get -y --force-yes install git echo "...Done" echo -e "\n * Cloning Airtime..." lxc-attach -n ${name} -- git clone https://github.com/sourcefabric/Airtime.git /usr/share/Airtime --branch 2.5.x-installer-monitless --depth 1 echo "...Done" echo -e "\n * Running installer..." lxc-attach -n ${name} -e -- /usr/share/Airtime/install -ifapdIv echo "...Done" IP=$(lxc-info -i -n ${name} -H) echo -e "\n * Opening ${name} in your browser..." if hash xdg-open 2>/dev/null; then xdg-open "http://${IP}/" elif hash gnome-open 2>/dev/null; then gnome-open "http://${IP}/" fi echo "...Done"