gb =& $gb; $this->token = null; $this->logFile = $CC_CONFIG['bufferDir'].'/'.ACCESS_TYPE.'.log'; $this->addLogItem("-I- ".date("Ymd-H:i:s")." construct\n"); } /** * Open a backup * Create a backup file (tarball) * * @param string $sessid * @param array $criteria * struct - see search criteria * @return array * hasharray with field: * token string: backup token */ public function openBackup($sessid, $criteria='') { if ($this->loglevel=='debug') { $this->addLogItem("-I- ".date("Ymd-H:i:s")." openBackup - sessid:$sessid\n"); } $this->sessid = $sessid; $this->criteria = $criteria; // get ids (and real filenames) which files match with criteria $srch = $this->gb->localSearch($this->criteria,$this->sessid); if (PEAR::isError($srch)) { return $srch; } $this->setIDs($srch); // get real filenames if (is_array($this->ids)) { $this->setFilenames(); $this->setEnviroment(true); // write a status file file_put_contents($this->statusFile, 'working'); // save the metafile to tmpdir $hostname = trim(`hostname`); $ctime = time(); $ctime_f = date("Ymd-H:i:s"); file_put_contents("{$this->tmpDirMeta}/storage.xml", "\n". "\n" ); // copy all file to tmpdir $this->copyAllFiles(); // do everything $this->doIt(); return array('token'=>$this->token); } else { return false; } } /** * Check the status of backup. * * @param unknown $token * @return array * status : string - susccess | working | fault * faultString: string - description of fault * token : stirng - backup token * url : string - access url * tmpfile : string - access filename */ public function checkBackup($token) { global $CC_CONFIG; if ($this->loglevel=='debug') { $this->addLogItem("-I- ".date("Ymd-H:i:s")." checkBackup - token:$token\n"); } $this->token = $token; $this->setEnviroment(); $status = file_get_contents($this->statusFile); if (strpos($status,'fault')!==false) { list($status,$faultString) = explode('|',$status); } switch ($status) { case 'success': $r['url'] = BasicStor::GetUrlPart()."access/$token.".BACKUP_EXT; $r['tmpfile'] = $CC_CONFIG['accessDir']."/$token.".BACKUP_EXT; case 'working': case 'fault': $r['status'] = $status; $r['faultString'] = $faultString; $r['token'] = $token; break; } return $r; } /** * Close a backup * * @param unknown $token * @return boolean */ public function closeBackup($token) { if ($this->loglevel=='debug') { $this->addLogItem("-I- ".date("Ymd-H:i:s")." closeBackup - token:$token\n"); } # post procedures $this->token = $token; $this->setEnviroment(); BasicStor::bsRelease($token, ACCESS_TYPE); Backup::rRmDir($this->tmpDir); unlink($this->statusFile); unlink($this->tmpFile); if (is_file($this->tmpName)) { unlink($this->tmpName); } return !is_file($this->tmpFile); } /** * list of unclosed backups * * @param string $stat * if this parameter is not set, then return with all unclosed backups * @return array of hasharray with field: * status : string - susccess | working | fault * token : stirng - backup token * url : string - access url */ public function listBackups($stat='') { if ($this->loglevel=='debug') { $this->addLogItem("-I- ".date("Ymd-H:i:s")." listBackups - stat:$stat\n"); } // open temporary dir $tokens = BasicStor::GetTokensByType(ACCESS_TYPE); // echo 'tokens:'; print_r($tokens); echo ''; foreach ($tokens as $token) { $st = $this->checkBackup($token); if ($stat=='' || $st['status']==$stat) { $r[] = $st; } } return $r; } /** * Set the ids from searchResult * * @param array $searchResult : array of gunids */ private function setIDs($searchResult) { if ($this->loglevel=='debug') { $this->addLogItem("-I- ".date("Ymd-H:i:s")." setIDs\n"); } if (is_array($searchResult['results'])) { $this->ids = $searchResult['results']; } else { $this->addLogItem("-E- ".date("Ymd-H:i:s")." setIDs - the parameter is not array!\n"); return PEAR::raiseError('The IDs variable isn\'t array.'); } } /** * Set the filenames from ids. * */ private function setFilenames() { if ($this->loglevel=='debug') { $this->addLogItem("-I- ".date("Ymd-H:i:s")." setFilenames\n"); } if (is_array($this->ids)) { foreach ($this->ids as $i => $item) { $gunid = $item['gunid']; // get a stored file object of this gunid $sf = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($gunid); if (is_null($sf) || PEAR::isError($sf)) { return $sf; } $lid = BasicStor::IdFromGunid($gunid); if (($res = BasicStor::Authorize('read', $lid, $this->sessid)) !== TRUE) { $this->addLogItem("-E- ".date("Ymd-H:i:s")." setFilenames - authorize gunid:$gunid\n"); return PEAR::raiseError('Backup::setFilenames : Authorize ... error.'); } // if the file is a playlist then it has only a meta file if (strtolower($sf->md->format) != 'playlist') { $this->filenames[] = array( 'filename' => $sf->getRealFileName(), 'format' => $sf->md->format ); } $this->filenames[] = array( 'filename' => $sf->getRealMetadataFileName(), 'format' => $sf->md->format ); if ($this->loglevel=='debug') { $this->addLogItem("-I- ".date("Ymd-H:i:s")." setFilenames - add file: {$sf->md->format}|".$sf->getRealMetadataFileName()."\n"); } } return $this->filenames; } else { $this->addLogItem("-E- ".date("Ymd-H:i:s")." setFilenames - The IDs variable isn't array.\n"); return PEAR::raiseError('Backup::setFilenames : The IDs variable isn\'t array.'); } } /** * Create the tarball - call the shell script * */ private function doIt() { if ($this->loglevel=='debug') { $this->addLogItem("-I- ".date("Ymd-H:i:s")." doIt\n"); } $command = dirname(__FILe__)."/../bin/" ." {$this->tmpDir}" ." {$this->tmpFile}" ." {$this->statusFile}" ." >> {$this->logFile} &"; $res = system("$command"); sleep(2); if ($this->loglevel=='debug') { $this->addLogItem("-I- ".date("Ymd-H:i:s")." doIt - command:$command\n"); } } /** * Copy the real files into the tmp dirs to tar they. * */ private function copyAllFiles() { if ($this->loglevel=='debug') { $this->addLogItem("-I- ".date("Ymd-H:i:s")." copyAllFiles\n"); } //echo 'this->filenames:'; print_r($this->filenames); echo ''; if (is_array($this->filenames)) { foreach ($this->filenames as $v) { # get the filename from full path $fn = substr($v['filename'],strrpos($v['filename'],'/')); switch (strtolower($v['format'])) { case 'playlist': # if playlist then copy to the playlist dir copy($v['filename'],$this->tmpDirPlaylist.$fn); break; case 'audioclip': # if audioclip then copy to the audioclip dir copy($v['filename'],$this->tmpDirClip.$fn); break; } } } } /** * Figure out the enviroment to the backup * */ private function setEnviroment($createDir=false) { global $CC_CONFIG; if ($this->loglevel=='debug') { $this->addLogItem("-I- ".date("Ymd-H:i:s")." setEnviroment - createDirs:$createDir\n"); } // create temporary directories if (is_null($this->token) && $createDir) { $this->tmpName = tempnam($CC_CONFIG['bufferDir'], ACCESS_TYPE.'_'); $this->tmpFile = $this->tmpName.'.'.BACKUP_EXT; $this->tmpDir = $this->tmpName.'.dir'; $this->tmpDirPlaylist = $this->tmpDir. '/playlist'; $this->tmpDirClip = $this->tmpDir. '/audioClip'; $this->tmpDirMeta = $this->tmpDir. '/meta-inf'; touch($this->tmpFile); mkdir($this->tmpDir); mkdir($this->tmpDirPlaylist); mkdir($this->tmpDirClip); mkdir($this->tmpDirMeta); $this->genToken(); } else { $symlink = $CC_CONFIG['accessDir'].'/'.$this->token.'.'.BACKUP_EXT; if (is_link($symlink) && is_file(readlink($symlink))) { $this->tmpName = str_replace('.tar','',readlink($symlink)); $this->tmpFile = $this->tmpName.'.'.BACKUP_EXT; $this->tmpDir = $this->tmpName.'.dir'; $this->tmpDirPlaylist = $this->tmpDir. '/playlist'; $this->tmpDirClip = $this->tmpDir. '/audioClip'; $this->tmpDirMeta = $this->tmpDir. '/meta-inf'; } else { $this->addLogItem("-E- ".date("Ymd-H:i:s")." setEnviroment - Corrupt symbolic link.\n"); return false; } } $this->statusFile = $CC_CONFIG['accessDir'].'/'.$this->token.'.'.BACKUP_EXT.'.status'; if ($this->loglevel=='debug') { $this->addLogItem("this->tmpName: $this->tmpName\n"); $this->addLogItem("this->tmpFile: $this->tmpFile\n"); $this->addLogItem("this->tmpDir: $this->tmpDir\n"); $this->addLogItem("this->tmpDirPlaylist: $this->tmpDirPlaylist\n"); $this->addLogItem("this->tmpDirClip: $this->tmpDirClip\n"); $this->addLogItem("this->tmpDirMeta: $this->tmpDirMeta\n"); $this->addLogItem("this->token: $this->token\n"); $this->addLogItem("this->statusFile: $this->statusFile\n"); } } /** * Generate a new token. * @return void */ private function genToken() { $acc = BasicStor::bsAccess($this->tmpFile, BACKUP_EXT, null, ACCESS_TYPE); if (PEAR::isError($acc)) { return $acc; } $this->token = $acc['token']; } /** * Add a line to the logfile. * * @param string $item * the new row of log file */ private function addLogItem($item) { $f = fopen($this->logFile,'a'); fwrite($f,$item); fclose($f); } /** * Delete a directory recursive * * @param string $dirname * path of dir. */ private static function rRmDir($dirname) { if (is_dir($dirname)) { $dir_handle = opendir($dirname); } while ($file = readdir($dir_handle)) { if ( ($file != ".") && ($file != "..") ) { if (!is_dir($dirname."/".$file)) { unlink ($dirname."/".$file); } else { Backup::rRmDir($dirname."/".$file); } } } closedir($dir_handle); rmdir($dirname); return true; } } // classs Backup ?>