"format", "ls:bitrate" => "bit_rate", "ls:samplerate" => "sample_rate", "dcterms:extent" => "length", "dc:title" => "track_title", "dc:description" => "comments", "dc:type" => "genre", "dc:creator" => "artist_name", "dc:source" => "album_title", "ls:channels" => "channels", "ls:filename" => "name", "ls:year" => "year", "ls:url" => "url", "ls:track_num" => "track_number", "ls:mood" => "mood", "ls:bpm" => "bpm", "ls:disc_num" => "disc_number", "ls:rating" => "rating", "ls:encoded_by" => "encoded_by", "dc:publisher" => "label", "ls:composer" => "composer", "ls:encoder" => "encoder", "ls:crc" => "checksum", "ls:lyrics" => "lyrics", "ls:orchestra" => "orchestra", "ls:conductor" => "conductor", "ls:lyricist" => "lyricist", "ls:originallyricist" => "original_lyricist", "ls:radiostationname" => "radio_station_name", "ls:audiofileinfourl" => "info_url", "ls:artisturl" => "artist_url", "ls:audiosourceurl" => "audio_source_url", "ls:radiostationurl" => "radio_station_url", "ls:buycdurl" => "buy_this_url", "ls:isrcnumber" => "isrc_number", "ls:catalognumber" => "catalog_number", "ls:originalartist" => "original_artist", "dc:rights" => "copyright", "dcterms:temporal" => "report_datetime", "dcterms:spatial" => "report_location", "dcterms:entity" => "report_organization", "dc:subject" => "subject", "dc:contributor" => "contributor", "dc:language" => "language"); /** * Track numbers in metadata tags can come in many formats: * "1 of 20", "1/20", "20/1". This function parses the track * number and gets the real number so that we can sort by it * in the database. * * @param string $p_trackNumber * @return int */ function camp_parse_track_number($p_trackNumber) { $num = trim($p_trackNumber); if (!is_numeric($num)) { $matches = preg_match("/\s*([0-9]+)([^0-9]*)([0-9]*)\s*/", $num, $results); $trackNum = 0; foreach ($results as $result) { if (is_numeric($result)) { if ($trackNum == 0) { $trackNum = $result; } elseif ($result < $trackNum) { $trackNum = $result; } } } } else { $trackNum = $num; } return $trackNum; } /** * Add data to the global array $mdata, also sets global variables * $titleHaveSet and $titleKey. * * Converts the given string ($val) into UTF-8. * * @param array $p_mdata * The array to add the metadata to. * @param string $p_key * Metadata key. * @param string $p_val * Metadata value. * @param string $p_inputEncoding * Encoding type of the input value. */ function camp_add_metadata(&$p_mdata, $p_key, $p_val, $p_inputEncoding='iso-8859-1') { if (!is_null($p_val)) { $data = $p_val; $outputEncoding = 'UTF-8'; //if (function_exists('iconv') && ($p_inputEncoding != $outputEncoding) ) { if (function_exists('iconv') && is_string($p_val)) { $newData = @iconv($p_inputEncoding, $outputEncoding, $data); if ($newData === FALSE) { echo "Warning: convert $key data to unicode failed\n"; } elseif ($newData != $data) { echo "Converted string: '$data' (".gettype($data).") -> '$newData' (".gettype($newData).").\n"; $data = $newData; } } $p_mdata[$p_key] = trim($data); } } /** * Return an array with the given audio file's ID3 tags. The keys in the * array can be: *
 * 		dc:format ("mime type")
 * 		dcterms:extent ("duration")
 * 		dc:title
 * 		dc:creator ("artist")
 * 		dc:source ("album")
 *      dc:type ("genre")
 * 		ls:bitrate
 * 		ls:encoded_by
 * 		ls:track_num
 * 		ls:channels
 * 		ls:year
 * 		ls:filename
* * @param string $p_filename * @param boolean $p_testonly * For diagnostic and debugging purposes - setting this to TRUE * will print out the values found in the file and the ones assigned * to the return array. * @return array|PEAR_Error */ function camp_get_audio_metadata($p_filename, $p_testonly = false) { $getID3 = new getID3(); $infoFromFile = $getID3->analyze($p_filename); if (PEAR::isError($infoFromFile)) { return $infoFromFile; } if (isset($infoFromFile['error'])) { return new PEAR_Error(array_pop($infoFromFile['error'])); } if (!$infoFromFile['bitrate']) { return new PEAR_Error("File given is not an audio file."); } if ($p_testonly) { print_r($infoFromFile); } $titleKey = 'dc:title'; $flds = array( 'dc:format' => array( array('path'=>"['mime_type']", 'ignoreEnc'=>TRUE), ), 'ls:bitrate' => array( array('path'=>"['bitrate']", 'ignoreEnc'=>TRUE), array('path'=>"['audio']['bitrate']", 'ignoreEnc'=>TRUE), ), 'ls:samplerate' => array( array('path'=>"['audio']['sample_rate']", 'ignoreEnc'=>TRUE), ), 'ls:encoder' => array( array('path'=>"['audio']['codec']", 'ignoreEnc'=>TRUE), ), 'dcterms:extent'=> array( array('path'=>"['playtime_seconds']", 'ignoreEnc'=>TRUE), ), 'ls:composer'=> array( array('path'=>"['id3v2']['comments']['composer']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'ignoreEnc'=>TRUE), array('path'=>"['id3v2']['TCOM'][0]", 'dataPath'=>"['data']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['tags']['id3v2']['composer']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'ignoreEnc'=>TRUE), array('path'=>"['ogg']['comments']['composer']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['tags']['vorbiscomment']['composer']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), ), 'dc:description'=> array( array('path'=>"['id3v1']['comments']['comment']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['id3v2']['comments']['comments']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'ignoreEnc'=>TRUE), array('path'=>"['id3v2']['COMM'][0]", 'dataPath'=>"['data']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['tags']['id3v2']['comments']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'ignoreEnc'=>TRUE), array('path'=>"['ogg']['comments']['comment']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['tags']['vorbiscomment']['comment']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), ), 'dc:type'=> array( array('path'=>"['id3v1']", 'dataPath'=>"['genre']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['id3v2']['comments']['content_type']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'ignoreEnc'=>TRUE), array('path'=>"['id3v2']['TCON'][0]", 'dataPath'=>"['data']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['ogg']['comments']['genre']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['tags']['vorbiscomment']['genre']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), ), 'dc:title' => array( array('path'=>"['id3v2']['comments']['title']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['id3v2']['TIT2'][0]", 'dataPath'=>"['data']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['id3v2']['TT2'][0]", 'dataPath'=>"['data']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['id3v1']", 'dataPath'=>"['title']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['ogg']['comments']['title']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['tags']['vorbiscomment']['title']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), ), 'dc:creator' => array( array('path'=>"['id3v2']['comments']['artist']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['id3v2']['TPE1'][0]", 'dataPath'=>"['data']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['id3v2']['TP1'][0]", 'dataPath'=>"['data']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['id3v1']", 'dataPath'=>"['artist']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['ogg']['comments']['artist']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['tags']['vorbiscomment']['artist']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), ), 'dc:source' => array( array('path'=>"['id3v2']['comments']['album']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['id3v2']['TALB'][0]", 'dataPath'=>"['data']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['id3v2']['TAL'][0]", 'dataPath'=>"['data']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['ogg']['comments']['album']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['tags']['vorbiscomment']['album']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), ), 'ls:encoded_by' => array( array('path'=>"['id3v2']['TENC'][0]", 'dataPath'=>"['data']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['id3v2']['TEN'][0]", 'dataPath'=>"['data']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['ogg']['comments']['encoded-by']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['tags']['vorbiscomment']['encoded-by']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), ), 'ls:track_num' => array( array('path'=>"['id3v2']['TRCK'][0]", 'dataPath'=>"['data']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['id3v2']['TRK'][0]", 'dataPath'=>"['data']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['ogg']['comments']['tracknumber']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['tags']['vorbiscomment']['tracknumber']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), ), // 'ls:genre' => array( // array('path'=>"['id3v1']", 'dataPath'=>"['genre']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), // array('path'=>"['id3v2']['TCON'][0]", 'dataPath'=>"['data']", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), // array('path'=>"['id3v2']['comments']['content_type']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'ignoreEnc'=>TRUE), // array('path'=>"['ogg']['comments']['genre']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), // array('path'=>"['tags']['vorbiscomment']['genre']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), // ), 'ls:channels' => array( array('path'=>"['audio']['channels']", 'ignoreEnc'=>TRUE), ), 'ls:year' => array( array('path'=>"['comments']['date']"), array('path'=>"['ogg']['comments']['date']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), array('path'=>"['tags']['vorbiscomment']['date']", 'dataPath'=>"[0]", 'encPath'=>"['encoding']"), ), 'ls:filename' => array( array('path'=>"['filename']"), ), ); $mdata = array(); if (isset($infoFromFile['audio'])) { $mdata['audio'] = $infoFromFile['audio']; } if (isset($infoFromFile['playtime_seconds'])) { $mdata['playtime_seconds'] = $infoFromFile['playtime_seconds']; } $titleHaveSet = FALSE; foreach ($flds as $key => $getid3keys) { foreach ($getid3keys as $getid3key) { $path = $getid3key["path"]; $ignoreEnc = isset($getid3key["ignoreEnc"])? $getid3key["ignoreEnc"]:FALSE; $dataPath = isset($getid3key["dataPath"])?$getid3key["dataPath"]:""; $encPath = isset($getid3key["encPath"])?$getid3key["encPath"]:""; $enc = "UTF-8"; $tagElement = "\$infoFromFile$path$dataPath"; eval("\$tagExists = isset($tagElement);"); if ($tagExists) { //echo "ignore encoding: ".($ignoreEnc?"yes":"no")."\n"; //echo "tag exists\n"; //echo "encode path: $encPath\n"; eval("\$data = $tagElement;"); if (!$ignoreEnc && $encPath != "") { $encodedElement = "\$infoFromFile$path$encPath"; eval("\$encodedElementExists = isset($encodedElement);"); if ($encodedElementExists) { eval("\$enc = $encodedElement;"); } } // Special case handling for track number if ($key == "ls:track_num") { $data = camp_parse_track_number($data); } camp_add_metadata($mdata, $key, $data, $enc); if ($key == $titleKey) { $titleHaveSet = TRUE; } break; } } } if ($p_testonly) { var_dump($mdata); } if (!$titleHaveSet || trim($mdata[$titleKey]) == '') { camp_add_metadata($mdata, $titleKey, basename($p_filename)); } return $mdata; } /** * StoredFile class * * Campcaster file storage support class.
* Represents one virtual file in storage. Virtual file has up to two parts: * * * @package Campcaster * @subpackage StorageServer * @copyright 2010 Sourcefabric O.P.S. * @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt * @see MetaData */ class StoredFile { // *** Variables stored in the database *** /** * @var int */ private $id; /** * Unique ID for the file. This is stored in HEX format. It is * converted to a bigint whenever it is used in a database call. * * @var string */ public $gunid; /** * The unique ID of the file as it is stored in the database. * This is for debugging purposes and may not always exist in this * class. * * @var string */ //private $gunidBigint; /** * @var string */ private $name; /** * @var string */ private $mime; /** * Can be 'audioclip'...others might be coming, like webstream. * * @var string */ private $ftype; /** * Can be 'ready', 'edited', 'incomplete'. * * @var string */ private $state; /** * @var int */ private $currentlyaccessing; /** * @var int */ private $editedby; /** * @var timestamp */ private $mtime; /** * @var string */ private $md5; /** * @var string */ private $filepath; // *** Variables NOT stored in the database *** /** * Directory where the file is located. * * @var string */ private $resDir; /** * @var boolean */ private $exists; /** * @var MetaData */ public $md; /* ========================================================== constructor */ /** * Constructor, but shouldn't be externally called * * @param string $p_gunid * globally unique id of file */ public function __construct($p_gunid=NULL) { $this->gunid = $p_gunid; if (empty($this->gunid)) { $this->gunid = StoredFile::generateGunid(); } else { $this->loadMetadata(); $this->exists = is_file($this->filepath) && is_readable($this->filepath); } } /** * For testing only, do not use. */ public function __setGunid($p_guid) { $this->gunid = $p_guid; } /** * Convert XML name to database column name. Used for backwards compatibility * with old code. * * @param string $p_category * @return string|null */ public static function xmlCategoryToDbColumn($p_category) { global $g_metadata_xml_to_db_mapping; if (array_key_exists($p_category, $g_metadata_xml_to_db_mapping)) { return $g_metadata_xml_to_db_mapping[$p_category]; } return null; } /** * Convert database column name to XML name. * * @param string $p_dbColumn * @return string|null */ public static function dbColumnToXmlCatagory($p_dbColumn) { global $g_metadata_xml_to_db_mapping; $str = array_search($p_dbColumn, $g_metadata_xml_to_db_mapping); // make return value consistent with xmlCategoryToDbColumn() if ($str === FALSE) { $str = null; } return $str; } /** * GUNID needs to be set before you call this function. * */ public function loadMetadata() { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $escapedValue = pg_escape_string($this->gunid); $sql = "SELECT * FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"] ." WHERE gunid='$escapedValue'"; //var_dump($sql); $this->md = $CC_DBC->getRow($sql); //var_dump($this->md); if (PEAR::isError($this->md)) { $error = $this->md; $this->md = null; return $error; } $this->filepath = $this->md["filepath"]; if (is_null($this->md)) { $this->md = array(); return; } $compatibilityData = array(); foreach ($this->md as $key => $value) { if ($xmlName = StoredFile::dbColumnToXmlCatagory($key)) { $compatibilityData[$xmlName] = $value; } } //var_dump($compatibilityData); $this->md = array_merge($this->md, $compatibilityData); //var_dump($this->md); //$_SESSION["debug"] = $this->md; } public function setFormat($p_value) { $this->md["format"] = $p_value; } public function replaceMetadata($p_values) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; foreach ($p_values as $category => $value) { $escapedValue = pg_escape_string($value); $columnName = StoredFile::xmlCategoryToDbColumn($category); if (!is_null($columnName)) { $sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"] ." SET $columnName='$escapedValue'" ." WHERE gunid = '".$this->gunid."'"; $CC_DBC->query($sql); } } $this->loadMetadata(); } public function clearMetadata() { $metadataColumns = array("format", "bit_rate", "sample_rate", "length", "track_title", "comments", "genre", "artist_name", "channels", "name", "year", "url", "track_number"); foreach ($metadataColumns as $columnName) { if (!is_null($columnName)) { $sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"] ." SET $columnName=''" ." WHERE gunid = '".$this->gunid."'"; $CC_DBC->query($sql); } } } /* ========= 'factory' methods - should be called to construct StoredFile */ /** * Create instance of StoredFile object and insert new file * * @param array $p_values * "filepath" - required, local path to media file (where it is before import) * "id" - optional, local object id, will be generated if not given * "gunid" - optional, unique id, for insert file with gunid, will be generated if not given * "filename" - optional, will use "filepath" if not given * "metadata" - optional, array of extra metadata, will be automatically calculated if not given. * "mime" - optional, MIME type, highly recommended to pass in, will be automatically calculated if not given. * "md5" - optional, MD5 sum, highly recommended to pass in, will be automatically calculated if not given. * * @param boolean $p_copyMedia * copy the media file if true, make symlink if false * * @return StoredFile|NULL|PEAR_Error */ public static function Insert($p_values, $p_copyMedia=TRUE) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; if (!isset($p_values["filepath"])) { return new PEAR_Error("StoredFile::Insert: filepath not set."); } if (!file_exists($p_values['filepath'])) { return PEAR::raiseError("StoredFile::Insert: ". "media file not found ({$p_values['filepath']})"); } $gunid = isset($p_values['gunid'])?$p_values['gunid']:NULL; // Create the StoredFile object $storedFile = new StoredFile($gunid); // Get metadata if (isset($p_values["metadata"])) { $metadata = $p_values['metadata']; } else { $metadata = camp_get_audio_metadata($p_values["filepath"]); } $storedFile->name = isset($p_values['filename']) ? $p_values['filename'] : $p_values["filepath"]; $storedFile->id = isset($p_values['id']) && is_integer($p_values['id'])?(int)$p_values['id']:null; // NOTE: POSTGRES-SPECIFIC KEYWORD "DEFAULT" BEING USED, WOULD BE "NULL" IN MYSQL $sqlId = !is_null($storedFile->id)?"'".$storedFile->id."'":'DEFAULT'; $storedFile->ftype = isset($p_values['filetype']) ? strtolower($p_values['filetype']) : "audioclip"; $storedFile->mime = (isset($p_values["mime"]) ? $p_values["mime"] : NULL ); // $storedFile->filepath = $p_values['filepath']; if (isset($p_values['md5'])) { $storedFile->md5 = $p_values['md5']; } elseif (file_exists($p_values['filepath'])) { //echo "StoredFile::Insert: WARNING: Having to recalculate MD5 value\n"; $storedFile->md5 = md5_file($p_values['filepath']); } // Check for duplicates -- return duplicate $duplicate = StoredFile::RecallByMd5($storedFile->md5); if ($duplicate) { return $duplicate; } $storedFile->exists = FALSE; // Insert record into the database $escapedName = pg_escape_string($storedFile->name); $escapedFtype = pg_escape_string($storedFile->ftype); $sql = "INSERT INTO ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable'] ."(id, name, gunid, mime, state, ftype, mtime, md5)" ."VALUES ({$sqlId}, '{$escapedName}', " ." '{$storedFile->gunid}'," ." '{$storedFile->mime}', 'incomplete', '$escapedFtype'," ." now(), '{$storedFile->md5}')"; //$_SESSION["debug"] .= "sql: ".$sql."
"; //echo $sql."\n"; $res = $CC_DBC->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { $CC_DBC->query("ROLLBACK"); return $res; } if (!is_integer($storedFile->id)) { // NOTE: POSTGRES-SPECIFIC $sql = "SELECT currval('".$CC_CONFIG["filesSequence"]."_seq')"; $storedFile->id = $CC_DBC->getOne($sql); } $storedFile->setMetadataBatch($metadata); // Save media file $res = $storedFile->addFile($p_values['filepath'], $p_copyMedia); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { echo "StoredFile::Insert -- addFile(): '".$res->getMessage()."'\n"; return $res; } if (empty($storedFile->mime)) { //echo "StoredFile::Insert: WARNING: Having to recalculate MIME value\n"; $storedFile->setMime($storedFile->getMime()); } // Save state $storedFile->setState('ready'); // Recall the object to get all the proper values $storedFile = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($storedFile->gunid); return $storedFile; } /** * Fetch instance of StoreFile object.
* Should be supplied with only ONE parameter, all the rest should * be NULL. * * @param int $p_id * local id * @param string $p_gunid * global unique id of file * @param string $p_md5sum * MD5 sum of the file * @return StoredFile|Playlist|NULL * Return NULL if the object doesnt exist in the DB. */ public static function Recall($p_id=null, $p_gunid=null, $p_md5sum=null) { global $CC_DBC; global $CC_CONFIG; if (!is_null($p_id)) { $cond = "id='".intval($p_id)."'"; } elseif (!is_null($p_gunid)) { $cond = "gunid='$p_gunid'"; } elseif (!is_null($p_md5sum)) { $cond = "md5='$p_md5sum'"; } else { return null; } $sql = "SELECT *" ." FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable'] ." WHERE $cond"; //echo $sql; $row = $CC_DBC->getRow($sql); if (PEAR::isError($row) || is_null($row)) { return $row; } $gunid = $row['gunid']; $storedFile = new StoredFile($gunid); $storedFile->id = $row['id']; $storedFile->name = $row['name']; $storedFile->mime = $row['mime']; $storedFile->ftype = $row['ftype']; $storedFile->state = $row['state']; $storedFile->currentlyaccessing = $row['currentlyaccessing']; $storedFile->editedby = $row['editedby']; $storedFile->mtime = $row['mtime']; $storedFile->md5 = $row['md5']; $storedFile->filepath = $row['filepath']; $storedFile->exists = TRUE; $storedFile->setFormat($row['ftype']); return $storedFile; } /** * Create instance of StoreFile object and recall existing file * by gunid. * * @param string $p_gunid * global unique id of file * @return StoredFile */ public static function RecallByGunid($p_gunid='') { return StoredFile::Recall(null, $p_gunid); } /** * Fetch the StoredFile by looking up the MD5 value. * * @param string $p_md5sum * @return StoredFile|NULL|PEAR_Error */ public static function RecallByMd5($p_md5sum) { return StoredFile::Recall(null, null, $p_md5sum); } /** * Create instance of StoreFile object and recall existing file * by access token. * * @param string $p_token * access token * @return StoredFile */ public static function RecallByToken($p_token) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT gunid" ." FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable'] ." WHERE token=x'$p_token'::bigint"; $gunid = $CC_DBC->getOne($sql); if (PEAR::isError($gunid)) { return $gunid; } if (is_null($gunid)) { return PEAR::raiseError( "StoredFile::RecallByToken: invalid token ($p_token)", GBERR_AOBJNEX); } return StoredFile::Recall(null, $gunid); } /** * Generate the location to store the file. * It creates the subdirectory if needed. */ private function generateFilePath() { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $resDir = $CC_CONFIG['storageDir']."/".substr($this->gunid, 0, 3); // see Transport::_getResDir too for resDir name create code if (!is_dir($resDir)) { mkdir($resDir, 02775); chmod($resDir, 02775); } $info = pathinfo($this->name); $fileExt = strtolower($info["extension"]); return "{$resDir}/{$this->gunid}.{$fileExt}"; } /** * Insert media file to filesystem * * @param string $p_localFilePath * local path * @param boolean $p_copyMedia * copy the media file if true, make symlink if false * @return TRUE|PEAR_Error */ public function addFile($p_localFilePath, $p_copyMedia=TRUE) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; if ($this->exists) { return FALSE; } // for files downloaded from remote instance: if ($p_localFilePath == $this->filepath) { $this->exists = TRUE; return TRUE; } umask(0002); $dstFile = ''; if ($p_copyMedia) { $dstFile = $this->generateFilePath(); $r = @copy($p_localFilePath, $dstFile); if (!$r) { $this->exists = FALSE; return PEAR::raiseError( "StoredFile::addFile: file save failed". " ($p_localFilePath, {$this->filepath})",GBERR_FILEIO ); } } else { $dstFile = $p_localFilePath; $r = TRUE; //$r = @symlink($p_localFilePath, $dstFile); } $this->filepath = $dstFile; $sqlPath = pg_escape_string($this->filepath); $sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"] ." SET filepath='{$sqlPath}'" ." WHERE id={$this->id}"; //echo $sql."\n"; $res = $CC_DBC->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $this->exists = TRUE; return TRUE; } /** * Delete and insert media file * * @param string $p_localFilePath * local path * @return TRUE|PEAR_Error */ public function replaceFile($p_localFilePath) { // Dont do anything if the source and destination files are // the same. if ($this->name == $p_localFilePath) { return TRUE; } if ($this->exists) { $r = $this->deleteFile(); if (PEAR::isError($r)) { return $r; } } return $this->addFile($p_localFilePath); } /** * Return true if file corresponding to the object exists * * @return boolean */ public function existsFile() { return $this->exists; } /** * Delete media file from filesystem. * You cant delete a file if it is being accessed. * You cant delete a file if it is scheduled to be played in the future. * The file will be removed from all playlists it is a part of. * * @return boolean|PEAR_Error */ public function deleteFile() { global $CC_CONFIG; if (!$this->exists) { return FALSE; } if ($this->isAccessed()) { return PEAR::raiseError( 'Cannot delete a file that is currently accessed.' ); } // Check if the file is scheduled to be played in the future if (Schedule::IsFileScheduledInTheFuture($this->id)) { return PEAR::raiseError( 'Cannot delete a file that is scheduled in the future.' ); } // Delete it from all playlists //Playlist::DeleteFileFromAllPlaylists($this->id); // Only delete the file from filesystem if it has been copied to the // storage directory. (i.e. dont delete linked files) if (substr($this->filepath, 0, strlen($CC_CONFIG["storageDir"])) == $CC_CONFIG["storageDir"]) { // Delete the file if (!file_exists($this->filepath) || @unlink($this->filepath)) { $this->exists = FALSE; return TRUE; } else { return PEAR::raiseError( "StoredFile::deleteFile: unlink failed ({$this->filepath})", GBERR_FILEIO ); } } else { $this->exists = FALSE; return TRUE; } } /** * Analyze file with getid3 module.
* Obtain some metadata stored in media file.
* This method should be used for prefilling metadata input form. * * @return array * hierarchical hasharray with information about media file */ public function analyzeFile() { if (!$this->exists) { return FALSE; } $ia = camp_get_audio_metadata($this->filepath); return $ia; } /** * Create instance of StoredFile object and make copy of existing file * * @param StoredFile $p_src * source object * @param int $p_nid * new local id * @return StoredFile */ public static function CopyOf(&$p_src, $p_nid) { $values = array( "id" => $p_nid, "filename" => $p_src->name, "filepath" => $p_src->getRealFilePath(), "filetype" => $p_src->getType() ); $storedFile = StoredFile::Insert($values); if (PEAR::isError($storedFile)) { return $storedFile; } $storedFile->replaceMetadata($p_src->getAllMetadata(), 'string'); return $storedFile; } /** * Replace existing file with new data. * * @param int $p_oid * NOT USED * @param string $p_name * name of file * @param string $p_localFilePath * local path to media file * @param string $p_metadata * local path to metadata XML file or XML string * @param string $p_mdataLoc * 'file'|'string' * @return TRUE|PEAR_Error */ // public function replace($p_oid, $p_name, $p_localFilePath='', $p_metadata='', // $p_mdataLoc='file') // { // global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; // $CC_DBC->query("BEGIN"); // $res = $this->setName($p_name); // if (PEAR::isError($res)) { // $CC_DBC->query("ROLLBACK"); // return $res; // } // if ($p_localFilePath != '') { // $res = $this->setRawMediaData($p_localFilePath); // } else { // $res = $this->deleteFile(); // } // if (PEAR::isError($res)) { // $CC_DBC->query("ROLLBACK"); // return $res; // } // if ($p_metadata != '') { // $res = $this->setMetadata($p_metadata, $p_mdataLoc); // } else { //// $res = $this->md->delete(); // $res = $this->clearMetadata(); // } // if (PEAR::isError($res)) { // $CC_DBC->query("ROLLBACK"); // return $res; // } // $res = $CC_DBC->query("COMMIT"); // if (PEAR::isError($res)) { // $CC_DBC->query("ROLLBACK"); // return $res; // } // return TRUE; // } /** * Increase access counter, create access token, insert access record. * * @param int $parent * parent token * @return array * array with: access URL, access token */ public function accessRawMediaData($p_parent='0') { $realFname = $this->getRealFilePath(); $ext = $this->getFileExtension(); $res = BasicStor::bsAccess($realFname, $ext, $this->gunid, 'access', $p_parent); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $resultArray = array('url'=>"file://{$res['fname']}", 'token'=>$res['token']); return $resultArray; } /** * Decrease access couter, delete access record. * * @param string $p_token * access token * @return boolean */ public function releaseRawMediaData($p_token) { $res = BasicStor::bsRelease($p_token); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } return TRUE; } /** * Replace media file only with new binary file * * @param string $p_localFilePath * local path to media file * @return TRUE|PEAR_Error */ public function setRawMediaData($p_localFilePath) { $res = $this->replaceFile($p_localFilePath); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $mime = $this->getMime(); if ($mime !== FALSE) { $res = $this->setMime($mime); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } } // $r = $this->md->regenerateXmlFile(); // if (PEAR::isError($r)) { // return $r; // } return TRUE; } private static function NormalizeExtent($v) { if (!preg_match("|^\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{6}$|", $v)) { $s = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($v); $t = Playlist::secondsToPlaylistTime($s); return $t; } return $v; } /** * Replace metadata with new XML file * * @param string $p_metadata * local path to metadata XML file or XML string * @param string $p_mdataLoc * 'file'|'string' * @param string $p_format * metadata format for validation * ('audioclip' | 'playlist' | 'webstream' | NULL) * (NULL = no validation) * @return boolean */ // public function setMetadata($p_metadata, $p_mdataLoc='file', $p_format=NULL) // { // global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; // $CC_DBC->query("BEGIN"); // $res = $this->md->replace($p_metadata, $p_mdataLoc, $p_format); // if (PEAR::isError($res)) { // $CC_DBC->query("ROLLBACK"); // return $res; // } // $res = $CC_DBC->query("COMMIT"); // if (PEAR::isError($res)) { // return $res; // } // return TRUE; // } /** * Set metadata element value * * @param string $category * Metadata element identification (e.g. dc:title) * @param string $value * value to store, if NULL then delete record * @return boolean */ public function setMetadataValue($p_category, $p_value) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; if (!is_string($p_category) || is_array($p_value)) { return FALSE; } if ($p_category == 'dcterms:extent') { $p_value = StoredFile::NormalizeExtent($p_value); } $columnName = StoredFile::xmlCategoryToDbColumn($p_category); // Get column name if (!is_null($columnName)) { $escapedValue = pg_escape_string($p_value); $sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"] ." SET $columnName='$escapedValue'" ." WHERE id={$this->id}"; //var_dump($sql); $res = $CC_DBC->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } } return TRUE; } /** * Set metadata values in 'batch' mode * * @param array $values * array of key/value pairs * (e.g. 'dc:title'=>'New title') * @return boolean */ public function setMetadataBatch($values) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; if (!is_array($values)) { $values = array($values); } if (count($values) == 0) { return true; } foreach ($values as $category => $oneValue) { $columnName = StoredFile::xmlCategoryToDbColumn($category); if (!is_null($columnName)) { if ($category == 'dcterms:extent') { $oneValue = StoredFile::NormalizeExtent($oneValue); } // Since track_number is an integer, you cannot set // it to be the empty string, so we NULL it instead. if ($columnName == 'track_number' && empty($oneValue)) { $sqlPart = "$columnName = NULL"; } elseif (($columnName == 'length') && (strlen($oneValue) > 8)) { // Postgres doesnt like it if you try to store really large hour // values. TODO: We need to fix the underlying problem of getting the // right values. $parts = explode(':', $oneValue); $hour = intval($parts[0]); if ($hour > 24) { continue; } else { $sqlPart = "$columnName = '$oneValue'"; } } else { $escapedValue = pg_escape_string($oneValue); $sqlPart = "$columnName = '$escapedValue'"; } $sqlValues[] = $sqlPart; } } if (count($sqlValues)==0) { return TRUE; } $sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"] ." SET ".join(",", $sqlValues) ." WHERE id={$this->id}"; $CC_DBC->query($sql); return TRUE; } /** * Get metadata as array, indexed by the column names in the database. * * @return array */ public function getMetadata() { return $this->md; } /** * Get one metadata value. * * @param string $p_name * @return string */ public function getMetadataValue($p_name) { if (isset($this->md[$p_name])){ return $this->md[$p_name]; } else { return ""; } } /** * Rename stored virtual file * * @param string $p_newname * @return TRUE|PEAR_Error */ public function setName($p_newname) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $escapedName = pg_escape_string($p_newname); $sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable'] ." SET name='$escapedName', mtime=now()" ." WHERE gunid='{$this->gunid}'"; $res = $CC_DBC->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $this->name = $p_newname; return TRUE; } /** * Set state of virtual file * * @param string $p_state * 'empty'|'incomplete'|'ready'|'edited' * @param int $p_editedby * user id | 'NULL' for clear editedBy field * @return TRUE|PEAR_Error */ public function setState($p_state, $p_editedby=NULL) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $escapedState = pg_escape_string($p_state); $eb = (!is_null($p_editedby) ? ", editedBy=$p_editedby" : ''); $sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable'] ." SET state='$escapedState'$eb, mtime=now()" ." WHERE gunid='{$this->gunid}'"; $res = $CC_DBC->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $this->state = $p_state; $this->editedby = $p_editedby; return TRUE; } /** * Set mime-type of virtual file * * @param string $p_mime * mime-type * @return boolean|PEAR_Error */ public function setMime($p_mime) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; if (!is_string($p_mime)) { $p_mime = 'application/octet-stream'; } $escapedMime = pg_escape_string($p_mime); $sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable'] ." SET mime='$escapedMime', mtime=now()" ." WHERE gunid='{$this->gunid}'"; $res = $CC_DBC->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $this->mime = $p_mime; return TRUE; } /** * Set md5 of virtual file * * @param string $p_md5sum * @return boolean|PEAR_Error */ public function setMd5($p_md5sum) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $escapedMd5 = pg_escape_string($p_md5sum); $sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable'] ." SET md5='$escapedMd5', mtime=now()" ." WHERE gunid='{$this->gunid}'"; $res = $CC_DBC->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $this->md5 = $p_md5sum; return TRUE; } /** * Delete stored virtual file * * @param boolean $p_deleteFile * * @return TRUE|PEAR_Error */ public function delete($p_deleteFile = true) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; if ($p_deleteFile) { $res = $this->deleteFile(); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } } $sql = "SELECT to_hex(token)as token, ext " ." FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable'] ." WHERE gunid='{$this->gunid}'"; $tokens = $CC_DBC->getAll($sql); if (is_array($tokens)) { foreach ($tokens as $i => $item) { $file = $this->_getAccessFileName($item['token'], $item['ext']); if (file_exists($file)) { @unlink($file); } } } $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable'] ." WHERE gunid='{$this->gunid}'"; $res = $CC_DBC->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } $sql = "DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable'] ." WHERE gunid='{$this->gunid}'"; $res = $CC_DBC->query($sql); if (PEAR::isError($res)) { return $res; } return TRUE; } /** * Returns an array of playlist objects that this file is a part of. * @return array */ public function getPlaylists() { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT playlist_id " ." FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['playistTable'] ." WHERE file_id='{$this->id}'"; $ids = $CC_DBC->getAll($sql); $playlists = array(); if (is_array($ids) && count($ids) > 0) { foreach ($ids as $id) { $playlists[] = Playlist::Recall($id); } } return $playlists; } /** * Returns true if virtual file is currently in use.
* Static or dynamic call is possible. * * @param string $p_gunid * optional (for static call), global unique id * @return boolean|PEAR_Error */ public function isAccessed($p_gunid=NULL) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; if (is_null($p_gunid)) { return ($this->currentlyaccessing > 0); } $sql = "SELECT currentlyAccessing FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable'] ." WHERE gunid='$p_gunid'"; $ca = $CC_DBC->getOne($sql); if (is_null($ca)) { return PEAR::raiseError( "StoredFile::isAccessed: invalid gunid ($p_gunid)", GBERR_FOBJNEX ); } return ($ca > 0); } /** * Returns true if virtual file is edited * * @param string $p_playlistId * playlist global unique ID * @return boolean */ public function isEdited($p_playlistId=NULL) { if (is_null($p_playlistId)) { return ($this->state == 'edited'); } $state = $this->getState($p_playlistId); if ($state != 'edited') { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** * Returns id of user editing playlist * * @param string $p_playlistId * playlist global unique ID * @return int|null|PEAR_Error * id of user editing it */ public function isEditedBy($p_playlistId=NULL) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; if (is_null($p_playlistId)) { $p_playlistId = $this->gunid; } $sql = "SELECT editedBy FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable'] ." WHERE gunid='$p_playlistId'"; $ca = $CC_DBC->getOne($sql); if (PEAR::isError($ca)) { return $ca; } if (is_null($ca)) { return $ca; } return intval($ca); } /** * Return local ID of virtual file. * * @return int */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * Return global ID of virtual file. * * @return string */ public function getGunid() { return $this->gunid; } /** * Returns true if raw media file exists * @return boolean|PEAR_Error */ public function exists() { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; $sql = "SELECT gunid " ." FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable'] ." WHERE gunid='{$this->gunid}'"; $indb = $CC_DBC->getRow($sql); if (PEAR::isError($indb)) { return $indb; } if (is_null($indb)) { return FALSE; } if ($this->ftype == 'audioclip') { return $this->existsFile(); } return TRUE; } /** * Create new global unique id * @return string */ public static function generateGunid() { return md5(uniqid("", true)); // $ip = (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] : ''); // $initString = microtime().$ip.rand(); // $hash = md5($initString); // // non-negative int8 // $hsd = substr($hash, 0, 1); // $res = dechex(hexdec($hsd)>>1).substr($hash, 1, 15); // return StoredFile::NormalizeGunid($res); } /** * Pad the gunid with zeros if it isnt 16 digits. * * @return string */ // public static function NormalizeGunid($p_gunid) // { // return str_pad($p_gunid, 16, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT); // } /** * Return suitable extension. * * @todo make it general - is any tool for it? * * @return string * file extension without a dot */ public function getFileExtension() { $fname = $this->getName(); $pos = strrpos($fname, '.'); if ($pos !== FALSE) { $ext = substr($fname, $pos+1); if ($ext !== FALSE) { return $ext; } } switch (strtolower($this->mime)) { case "audio/mpeg": $ext = "mp3"; break; case "audio/x-wav": case "audio/x-wave": $ext = "wav"; break; case "audio/x-ogg": case "application/x-ogg": $ext = "ogg"; break; default: $ext = "bin"; break; } return $ext; } /** * Get mime-type stored in the file. * Warning: this function is slow! * * @return string */ public function getMime() { $a = $this->analyzeFile(); if (PEAR::isError($a)) { return $a; } if (isset($a['dc:format'])) { return $a['dc:format']; } return ''; } /** * Convenience function. * @return string */ public function getTitle() { return $this->md["title"]; } public function getType() { return $this->ftype; } /** * Get storage-internal file state * * @param string $p_gunid * global unique id of file * @return string * see install() */ public function getState($p_gunid=NULL) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; if (is_null($p_gunid)) { return $this->state; } $sql = "SELECT state FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable'] ." WHERE gunid='$p_gunid'"; return $CC_DBC->getOne($sql); } /** * Get mnemonic file name * * @param string $p_gunid * global unique id of file * @return string */ public function getName($p_gunid=NULL) { global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; if (is_null($p_gunid)) { return $this->name; } $sql = "SELECT name FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable'] ." WHERE gunid='$p_gunid'"; return $CC_DBC->getOne($sql); } /** * Get and optionally create subdirectory in real filesystem for storing * raw media data. * * @return string */ // private function _getResDir() // { // global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC; // $resDir = $CC_CONFIG['storageDir']."/".substr($this->gunid, 0, 3); // //$this->gb->debugLog("$resDir"); // // see Transport::_getResDir too for resDir name create code // if (!is_dir($resDir)) { // mkdir($resDir, 02775); // chmod($resDir, 02775); // } // return $resDir; // } public function getRealFileName() { return $this->gunid.".".$this->getFileExtension(); } /** * Get real filename of raw media data * * @return string */ public function getRealFilePath() { return $this->filepath; } /** * Get the URL to access this file. */ public function getFileUrl() { global $CC_CONFIG; return "http://".$CC_CONFIG["storageUrlHost"] .$CC_CONFIG["apiPath"]."get_media.php?file={$this->getRealFileName()}"; } /** * Get real filename of metadata file * * @return string * @see MetaData */ public function getRealMetadataFileName() { //return $this->md->getFileName(); return $this->md["name"]; } /** * Create and return name for temporary symlink. * * @todo Should be more unique * @return string */ private function _getAccessFileName($p_token, $p_ext='EXT') { global $CC_CONFIG; return $CC_CONFIG['accessDir']."/$p_token.$p_ext"; } } // class StoredFile ?>