var _playlist_jplayer; var _idToPostionLookUp; /** *When the page loads the ready function will get all the data it can from the hidden span elements *and call one of three functions depending on weather the window was open to play an audio file, *or a playlist or a show. */ $(document).ready(function(){ _playlist_jplayer = new jPlayerPlaylist({ jPlayer: "#jquery_jplayer_1", cssSelectorAncestor: "#jp_container_1" },[], //array of songs will be filled with below's json call { swfPath: "/js/jplayer", supplied:"oga, mp3, m4v", size: { width: "0px", height: "0px", cssClass: "jp-video-270p" }, playlistOptions: { autoPlay: false, loopOnPrevious: false, shuffleOnLoop: true, enableRemoveControls: false, displayTime: 0, addTime: 0, removeTime: 0, shuffleTime: 0 } }); $.jPlayer.timeFormat.showHour = true; var audioFileID = $('.audioFileID').text(); var playlistID = $('.playlistID').text(); var playlistIndex = $('.playlistIndex').text(); var showID = $('.showID').text(); var showIndex = $('.showIndex').text(); var numOfItems = 0; if (playlistID != "" && playlistID !== ""){ playAllPlaylist(playlistID, playlistIndex); }else if (audioFileID != "") { playOne(audioFileID); }else if (showID != "") { playAllShow(showID, showIndex); } $("#jp_container_1").on("mouseenter", " li", function(ev) { $(this).addClass("ui-state-hover"); }); $("#jp_container_1").on("mouseleave", " li", function(ev) { $(this).removeClass("ui-state-hover"); }); }); /** * Sets up the jPlayerPlaylist to play. * - Get the playlist info based on the playlistID give. * - Update the playlistIndex to the position in the pllist to start playing. * - Select the element played from and start playing. If playlist is null then start at index 0. **/ function playAllPlaylist(p_playlistID, p_playlistIndex) { var viewsPlaylistID = $('.playlistID').text(); if ( _idToPostionLookUp !== undefined && viewsPlaylistID == p_playlistID ) { play(p_playlistIndex); }else { buildplaylist("/audiopreview/get-playlist/playlistID/"+p_playlistID, p_playlistIndex); } } /** * Sets up the show to play. * checks with the show id given to the show id on the page/view * if the show id and the page or views show id are the same it means the user clicked another * file in the same show, so don't refresh the show content tust play the track from the preloaded show. * if the the ids are different they we'll need to get the show's context so create the uri * and call the controller. **/ function playAllShow(p_showID, p_index) { var viewsShowID = $('.showID').text(); if ( _idToPostionLookUp !== undefined && viewsShowID == p_showID ) { play(p_index); }else { buildplaylist("/audiopreview/get-show/showID/"+p_showID, p_index); } } /** * This function will call the AudiopreviewController to get the contents of either a show or playlist * Looping throught the returned contents and creating media for each track. * * Then trigger the jplayer to play the list. */ function buildplaylist(p_url, p_playIndex) { _idToPostionLookUp = Array(); $.getJSON(p_url, function(data){ // get the JSON array produced by my PHP var myPlaylist = new Array(); var media; var index; var total = 0; for(index in data){ if (data[index]['element_mp3'] != undefined){ media = {title: data[index]['element_title'], artist: data[index]['element_artist'], mp3:"/api/get-media/file/"+data[index]['element_mp3'] }; }else if (data[index]['element_oga'] != undefined) { media = {title: data[index]['element_title'], artist: data[index]['element_artist'], oga:"/api/get-media/file/"+data[index]['element_oga'] }; } myPlaylist[index] = media; // we should create a map according to the new position in the player itself // total is the index on the player _idToPostionLookUp[data[index]['element_id']] = total; total++; } _playlist_jplayer.setPlaylist(myPlaylist); _playlist_jplayer.option("autoPlay", true); play(p_playIndex); var height = Math.min(143 + (26 * total), 400); var width = 505; if (height === 400) { window.scrollbars = true; } else { //there's no scrollbars so we don't need the window to be as wide. width = 490; } window.resizeTo(width, height); }); } /** *Function simply plays the given index, for playlists index can be different so need to look up the *right index. */ function play(p_playlistIndex){ playlistIndex = _idToPostionLookUp[p_playlistIndex]; if(playlistIndex == undefined){ playlistIndex = 0 } //;; } /** * Playing one audio track occurs from the library. This function will create the media, setup * jplayer and play the track. */ function playOne(p_audioFileID) { var playlist = new Array(); var fileExtensioin = p_audioFileID.split('.').pop(); console.log(p_audioFileID); if (fileExtensioin === 'mp3') { media = {title: $('.audioFileTitle').text() !== 'null' ?$('.audioFileTitle').text():"", artist: $('.audioFileArtist').text() !== 'null' ?$('.audioFileArtist').text():"", mp3:"/api/get-media/file/"+p_audioFileID }; }else if (fileExtensioin === 'ogg' ) { media = {title: $('.audioFileTitle').text() != 'null' ?$('.audioFileTitle').text():"", artist: $('.audioFileArtist').text() != 'null' ?$('.audioFileArtist').text():"", oga:"/api/get-media/file/"+p_audioFileID }; } _playlist_jplayer.option("autoPlay", true); console.log(media); playlist[0] = media; //_playlist_jplayer.setPlaylist(playlist); --if I use this the player will call _init on the setPlaylist and on the ready _playlist_jplayer._initPlaylist(playlist);; window.resizeTo(490, 167); }