#!/bin/bash -e #-e Causes bash script to exit if any of the installers #return with a non-zero return value. if [[ $EUID -ne 0 ]]; then echo "Please run as root user." exit 1 fi AIRTIMEROOT=$(readlink -f ./..) showhelp () { echo "Usage: sudo bash install [options] -h, --help, -? Display usage information -V, --version Display version information -v, --verbose More output -q, --quiet, --silent No output except errors -f, --force Turn off interactive prompts -d, --install-dependencies Install binary dependencies -w, --web-user=WEB_USER Set the default apache web user -r, --web-root=WEB_ROOT Set the web root for Airtime files This will copy the Airtime application files and make them accessible to the web user If no directory or an empty string is given, this defaults to an in-place installation, and will give the web user permissions on the current Airtime root -i, --in-place Set the current Airtime root as the working directory for Airtime Note that you will need to give your web user permissions on these directories -p, --postgres-init Create a default postgres user named 'airtime' with password 'airtime' -a, --apache Install apache and deploy a basic configuration for Airtime -c, --icecast Install Icecast 2 and deploy a basic configuration for Airtime" exit 0 } showversion () { . ${AIRTIMEROOT}/VERSION > /dev/null echo "Airtime Version ${PRODUCT_RELEASE}" exit 0 } web_user="www-data" web_root="" in_place="f" postgres="f" apache="f" icecast="f" install_dependencies="f" # Interactive _i=1 # Verbose _v=0 # Quiet _q=0 function verbose() { if [[ ${_v} -eq 1 ]]; then echo -e "$@" fi } function loud() { if [[ ${_q} -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e "$@" fi } # Evaluate commands silently if quiet function loudCmd() { if [[ ${_q} -eq 0 ]]; then eval $@ else eval $@ > /dev/null fi } while :; do case "$1" in --help) showhelp ;; --version) showversion ;; --verbose) _v=1 ;; --quiet|--silent) _q=1 ;; --force) _i=0 ;; --install-dependencies) install_dependencies="t" ;; --apache) apache="t" ;; --icecast) icecast="t" ;; --postgres-init) postgres="t" ;; --in-place) in_place="t" ;; --web-user) if [ "$2" ]; then web_user=$2 shift 2 continue else echo 'ERROR: Must specify a non-empty "--web-user WEB_USER" argument.' >&2 exit 1 fi ;; --web-user=?*) web_user=${1#*=} # Delete everything up to "=" and assign the remainder. ;; --web-user=) echo 'ERROR: Must specify a non-empty "--web-user=WEB_USER" argument.' >&2 exit 1 ;; --web-root) if [ "$2" ]; then web_root=$(readlink -f $2) shift 2 continue else echo 'ERROR: Must specify a non-empty "--web-root WEB_ROOT" argument.' >&2 exit 1 fi ;; --web-root=?*) web_root=${1#*=} # Delete everything up to "=" and assign the remainder. ;; --web-root=) echo 'ERROR: Must specify a non-empty "--web-root=WEB_ROOT" argument.' >&2 exit 1 ;; --) shift break ;; -?*) for ((i = 1; i < ${#1}; i++)); do case "${1:$i:1}" in h|\?) showhelp ;; V) showversion ;; v) _v=1 ;; q) _q=1 ;; f) _i=0 ;; d) install_dependencies="t" ;; a) apache="t" ;; c) icecast="t" ;; p) postgres="t" ;; i) in_place="t" ;; w) if [ "$2" ]; then web_user=$2 continue else echo 'ERROR: Must specify a non-empty "-w WEB_USER" argument.' >&2 exit 1 fi ;; r) if [ "$2" ]; then web_root=$(readlink -f $2) continue else echo 'ERROR: Must specify a non-empty "-d WEB_ROOT" argument.' >&2 exit 1 fi ;; *) echo "$0: error - unrecognized option $1" >&2; echo "Try 'install --help' for more information." exit 1 esac done ;; *) break esac shift done if [ -z web_root -a ! -d web_root ]; then echo "$web_root doesn't exist!" exit 1 fi dist=`lsb_release -is` code=`lsb_release -cs` echo -e "\n _____ .________________________.___ _____ ___________ " echo " / _ \ | \______ \__ ___/| | / \ \_ _____/ " echo " / /_\ \| || _/ | | | |/ \ / \ | __)_ " echo "/ | \ || | \ | | | / Y \| \ " echo "\____|__ /___||____|_ / |____| |___\____|__ /_______ / " echo -e " \/ \/ \/ \/ \n" # echo " ____ ______ ____ ____ __________ __ _________ ____ ____ " # echo " / _ \\\\____ \_/ __ \ / \ / ___/ _ \| | \_ __ \_/ ___\/ __ \ " # echo "( <_> ) |_> > ___/| | \ \___ ( <_> ) | /| | \/\ \__\ ___/ " # echo " \____/| __/ \___ >___| / /____ >____/|____/ |__| \___ >___ > " # echo " |__| \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ " # echo " .___.__ __ __ .__ " # echo "____________ __| _/|__| ____ _____ __ ___/ |_ ____ _____ _____ _/ |_|__| ____ ____ " # echo "\_ __ \__ \ / __ | | |/ _ \ \__ \ | | \ __\/ _ \ / \\\\__ \\\\ __\ |/ _ \ / \ " # echo " | | \// __ \_/ /_/ | | ( <_> ) / __ \| | /| | ( <_> ) Y Y \/ __ \| | | ( <_> ) | \ " # echo " |__| (____ /\____ | |__|\____/ (____ /____/ |__| \____/|__|_| (____ /__| |__|\____/|___| / " # echo -e " \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \n" if [ "$apache" = "f" -a ${_i} -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "Install default Airtime apache configuration? (Y/n): \c" read IN if [ "$IN" = "y" -o "$IN" = "Y" ]; then apache="t" fi fi if [ "$apache" = "t" ]; then loud "\n-----------------------------------------------------" loud " * Installing Apache * " loud "-----------------------------------------------------" if [ "$in_place" = "t" ]; then verbose "\n * Setting current Airtime directory as web root..." web_root=${AIRTIMEROOT}/airtime_mvc/public chmod -R 755 ${AIRTIMEROOT} elif [ -n "$web_root" ]; then verbose "\n * Creating Apache web root directory..." mkdir -p ${web_root}/airtime/public/ cp -R ${AIRTIMEROOT}/airtime_mvc/* ${web_root}/airtime/ chmod -R 755 ${web_root} else verbose "\n * Creating default Apache web root directory /usr/share/airtime/..." web_root="/usr/share" mkdir -p ${web_root}/airtime/public/ cp -R ${AIRTIMEROOT}/airtime_mvc/* ${web_root}/airtime/ fi sed -e "s@WEB_ROOT@${web_root}@g" apache/airtime-vhost > apache/airtime-vhost.tmp loudCmd "apt-get -y --force-yes install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5" set +e apache2 -v | grep "2\.4" > /dev/null apacheversion=$? set -e if [ "$apacheversion" != "1" ]; then airtimeconfigfile="airtime.conf" else airtimeconfigfile="airtime" fi if [ ! -f /etc/apache2/sites-available/${airtimeconfigfile} ]; then verbose "\n * Creating Apache config for Airtime..." mv apache/airtime-vhost.tmp /etc/apache2/sites-available/${airtimeconfigfile} loudCmd "a2dissite 000-default" loudCmd "a2ensite airtime" else verbose "\nApache config for Airtime already exists, skipping" rm -f apache/airtime-vhost.tmp fi fi if [ "$icecast" = "t" ]; then loud "\n-----------------------------------------------------" loud " * Installing Icecast * " loud "-----------------------------------------------------" loudCmd "apt-get -y --force-yes install icecast2" verbose "\n * Enabling Icecast 2..." sed -i 's/ENABLE=false/ENABLE=true/g' /etc/default/icecast2 set +e service icecast2 start set -e fi if [ ! -d /var/log/airtime ]; then loud "\n-----------------------------------------------------" loud " * Installing Log Files * " loud "-----------------------------------------------------" verbose "\n * Creating /var/log/airtime..." mkdir -p /var/log/airtime chmod a+x /var/log/airtime chown ${web_user}:${web_user} /var/log/airtime/ cp ${AIRTIMEROOT}/airtime_mvc/build/airtime-php.logrotate /etc/logrotate.d/airtime-php fi loud "\n-----------------------------------------------------" loud " * Installing PHP * " loud "-----------------------------------------------------" loudCmd "apt-get -y --force-yes install php5" verbose "\n * Installing Zend framework..." #Debian Squeeze only has zendframework package. Newer versions of Ubuntu have zend-framework package. #Ubuntu Lucid has both zendframework and zend-framework. Difference appears to be that zendframework is for #1.10 and zend-framework is 1.11 if [ "$dist" = "Debian" ]; then loudCmd "apt-get -y --force-yes install zendframework" else loudCmd "apt-get -y --force-yes install libzend-framework-php" fi # PHP Config File for Apache if [ ! -f "/etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/airtime.ini" ]; then verbose "\n * Creating Airtime PHP config for Apache..." cp php/airtime.ini /etc/php5/apache2/conf.d/airtime.ini else verbose "\nAirtime PHP config for Apache already exists, skipping" fi # Enable modules loudCmd "a2enmod rewrite php5" loud "\n-----------------------------------------------------" loud " * Installing PostgreSQL * " loud "-----------------------------------------------------" loudCmd "apt-get -y --force-yes install postgresql php5-pgsql" setupAirtimePostgresUser() { # here-doc to execute this block as postgres user su postgres <<'EOF' psql -d postgres -tAc "CREATE USER airtime WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'airtime'; ALTER USER airtime CREATEDB;" # don't indent this! EOF } if [ "$postgres" = "t" ]; then setupAirtimePostgresUser elif [ ${_i} -eq 1 ]; then echo -e "Create default airtime postgres user? (Y/n): \c" read IN if [ "$IN" = "y" -o "$IN" = "Y" ]; then setupAirtimePostgresUser fi fi loud "\n-----------------------------------------------------" loud " * Installing RabbitMQ * " loud "-----------------------------------------------------" loudCmd "apt-get -y --force-yes install rabbitmq-server" RABBITMQ_VHOST=$(awk -F ' = ' '{if (! ($0 ~ /^;/) && $0 ~ /^vhost/ ) print $2}' ${AIRTIMEROOT}/airtime_mvc/build/airtime.example.conf) RABBITMQ_USER=$(awk -F ' = ' '{if (! ($0 ~ /^;/) && $0 ~ /^user/ ) print $2}' ${AIRTIMEROOT}/airtime_mvc/build/airtime.example.conf) RABBITMQ_PASSWORD=$(awk -F ' = ' '{if (! ($0 ~ /^;/) && $0 ~ /^password/ ) print $2}' ${AIRTIMEROOT}/airtime_mvc/build/airtime.example.conf) EXCHANGES="airtime-pypo|pypo-fetch|airtime-media-monitor|media-monitor" # Ignore errors in this check to avoid dying when vhost isn't found set +e rabbitmqctl list_vhosts | grep -w ${RABBITMQ_VHOST} > /dev/null RESULT="$?" set -e # Only run these if the vhost doesn't exist if [ "$RESULT" != "0" ]; then verbose "\n * Creating RabbitMQ user ${RABBITMQ_USER}..." rabbitmqctl add_vhost ${RABBITMQ_VHOST} rabbitmqctl add_user ${RABBITMQ_USER} ${RABBITMQ_PASSWORD} else verbose "\nRabbitMQ user already exists, skipping creation" fi verbose "\n * Setting RabbitMQ user permissions..." loudCmd "rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p ${RABBITMQ_VHOST} ${RABBITMQ_USER} \"$EXCHANGES\" \"$EXCHANGES\" \"$EXCHANGES\"" if [ ! -d "/etc/airtime" ]; then loud "\n-----------------------------------------------------" loud " * Installing Airtime * " loud "-----------------------------------------------------" verbose "\n * Creating /etc/airtime/ directory..." mkdir /etc/airtime chown -R ${web_user}:${web_user} /srv/airtime chown -R ${web_user}:${web_user} /etc/airtime fi if [ ! -d "/srv/airtime" ]; then mkdir -p /srv/airtime fi if [ "$install_dependencies" = "t" ]; then loud "\n-----------------------------------------------------" loud " * Installing External Dependencies * " loud "-----------------------------------------------------" verbose "\n * Reading requirements-${dist,,}-${code,,}.apt..." loudCmd "apt-get -y --force-yes install $(grep -vE \"^\s*#\" \"bin/requirements-${dist,,}-${code,,}.apt\" | tr \"\n\" \" \")" fi verbose "\n * Restarting apache..." loudCmd "service apache2 restart 2>/dev/null" echo -e "\n-----------------------------------------------------" echo " * Basic Setup DONE! * " echo " " echo " To get started with Airtime, visit localhost:5000 " echo " or, if you've set up your own web configuration, " echo " the Airtime webroot on your webserver " echo " in your web browser of choice " echo "-----------------------------------------------------"