#!/bin/bash #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2010 Sourcefabric O.P.S. # # This file is part of the Campcaster project. # http://campcaster.sourcefabric.org/ # To report bugs, send an e-mail to bugs@campware.org # # Campcaster is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Campcaster is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Campcaster; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This script makes post-uninstallation steps for Campcaster. # # Invoke as: # ./bin/postUninstall.sh # # To get usage help, try the -h option #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Determine directories, files #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- reldir=`dirname $0`/.. basedir=`cd $reldir; pwd;` bindir=$basedir/bin etcdir=$basedir/etc docdir=$basedir/doc tmpdir=$basedir/tmp #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Print the usage information for this script. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- printUsage() { echo "Campcaster post-uninstall script."; echo "parameters"; echo ""; echo " -d, --directory The installation directory, required."; echo " -D, --database The name of the Campcaster database."; echo " [default: Campcaster]"; echo " -r, --www-root The root directory for web documents served"; echo " by apache [default: /var/www]"; echo " -s, --dbserver The name of the database server host."; echo " [default: localhost]"; echo " -u, --dbuser The name of the database user to access the" echo " database. [default: campcaster]"; echo " -h, --help Print this message and exit."; echo ""; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Process command line parameters #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMD=${0##*/} opts=$(getopt -o d:D:hr:s:u: -l database:,dbserver:,dbuser:,directory:,help,www-root: -n $CMD -- "$@") || exit 1 eval set -- "$opts" while true; do case "$1" in -d|--directory) installdir=$2; shift; shift;; -D|--database) database=$2; shift; shift;; -h|--help) printUsage; exit 0;; -r|--www-root) www_root=$2; shift; shift;; -s|--dbserver) dbserver=$2; shift; shift;; -u|--dbuser) dbuser=$2; shift; shift;; --) shift; break;; *) echo "Unrecognized option $1."; printUsage; exit 1; esac done if [ "x$installdir" == "x" ]; then echo "Required parameter install directory not specified."; printUsage; exit 1; fi if [ "x$dbserver" == "x" ]; then dbserver=localhost; fi if [ "x$database" == "x" ]; then database=Campcaster; fi if [ "x$dbuser" == "x" ]; then dbuser=campcaster; fi if [ "x$www_root" == "x" ]; then www_root=/var/www fi echo "Making post-uninstall steps for Campcaster."; echo ""; echo "Using the following installation parameters:"; echo ""; echo " installation directory: $installdir"; echo " database server: $dbserver"; echo " database: $database"; echo " database user: $dbuser"; echo " apache document root: $www_root"; echo "" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # The details of installation #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ls_dbserver=$dbserver ls_dbuser=$dbuser ls_database=$database postgres_user=postgres install_bin=$installdir/bin install_etc=$installdir/etc install_lib=$installdir/lib install_tmp=$installdir/tmp install_var=$installdir/var #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Function to check for the existence of an executable on the PATH # # @param $1 the name of the exectuable # @return 0 if the executable exists on the PATH, non-0 otherwise #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- check_exe() { if [ -x "`which $1 2> /dev/null`" ]; then echo "Executable $1 found..."; return 0; else echo "Executable $1 not found..."; return 1; fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check to see if this script is being run as root #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if [ `whoami` != "root" ]; then echo "Please run this script as root."; exit ; fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check for required tools #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "Checking for required tools..." check_exe "psql" || exit 1; check_exe "odbcinst" || exit 1; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove symlinks #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "Removing symlinks..."; # remove symlink for the PHP pages in apache's document root rm -f $www_root/campcaster #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Check whether the storage server directory has been replaced with a mount # point for an NFS share. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storagedir=$installdir/var/storageServer storage_is_local=yes if [ "`mount | grep -o \"on $storagedir \"`" = "on $storagedir " ]; then storage_is_local=no fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Delete data files #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "Deleting data files..."; rm -rf $installdir/var/htmlUI/var/html/img/* rm -rf $installdir/var/htmlUI/var/templates_c/* if [ "$storage_is_local" = "yes" ]; then rm -rf $installdir/var/storageServer/var/stor/* rm -rf $installdir/var/storageServer/var/access/* rm -rf $installdir/var/storageServer/var/trans/* fi rm -rf $installdir/var/archiveServer/var/stor/* rm -rf $installdir/var/archiveServer/var/access/* rm -rf $installdir/var/archiveServer/var/trans/* #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove the ODBC data source and driver #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "Removing ODBC data source and driver..."; echo "Removing Campcaster ODBC data source..."; odbcinst -u -s -l -n $ls_database || exit 1; echo "De-registering ODBC PostgreSQL driver..."; odbcinst -u -d -v -n PostgreSQL || exit 1; #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Remove the database user and the database itself #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "Removing database and database user..."; if [ "x$ls_dbserver" == "xlocalhost" ]; then su - $postgres_user -c "echo \"DROP DATABASE \\\"$ls_database\\\" \"\ | psql template1" \ || echo "Couldn't drop database $ls_database."; su - $postgres_user -c "echo \"DROP USER $ls_dbuser \"\ | psql template1" \ || echo "Couldn't drop database user $ls_dbuser."; else echo "Unable to automatically drop database user and table for"; echo "remote database $ls_dbserver."; echo "Make sure to drop database user $ls_dbuser on database server"; echo "at $ls_dbserver."; echo "Also drop the database called $ld_database, owned by this user."; echo ""; echo "The easiest way to achieve this is by issuing the following SQL"; echo "commands to PostgreSQL:"; echo "DROP DATABASE \"$ls_database\";"; echo "DROP USER $ls_dbuser;"; fi # TODO: check for the success of these operations somehow #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Say goodbye #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- echo "Done."