
522 lines
17 KiB

use Airtime\CcShowHostsQuery;
use Airtime\CcShowInstancesQuery;
class Application_Model_ShowBuilder
private $timezone;
//in UTC timezone
private $startDT;
//in UTC timezone
private $endDT;
private $user;
private $opts;
private $contentDT;
private $epoch_now;
private $showInstances = array();
private $defaultRowArray = array(
"header" => false,
"footer" => false,
"empty" => false,
"allowed" => false,
"linked_allowed" => true,
"id" => 0,
"instance" => "",
"starts" => "",
"ends" => "",
"runtime" => "",
"title" => "",
"creator" => "",
"album" => "",
"timestamp" => null,
"cuein" => "",
"cueout" => "",
"fadein" => "",
"fadeout" => "",
"image" => false,
"mime" => null,
"color" => "", //in hex without the '#' sign.
"backgroundColor" => "", //in hex without the '#' sign.
* @param DateTime $p_startsDT
* @param DateTime $p_endsDT
public function __construct($p_startDT, $p_endDT, $p_opts)
$this->startDT = $p_startDT;
$this->endDT = $p_endDT;
$this->timezone = Application_Model_Preference::GetUserTimezone();
$this->user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
$this->opts = $p_opts;
$this->epoch_now = floatval(microtime(true));
private function getUsersShows()
$shows = array();
$host_shows = CcShowHostsQuery::create()
foreach ($host_shows as $host_show) {
$shows[] = $host_show->getDbShow();
return $shows;
//check to see if this row should be editable by the user.
private function isAllowed(&$showInstance, &$row)
//cannot schedule in a recorded show.
if ($showInstance->isRecorded()) {
if ($this->user->canSchedule($showInstance->getDbShowId()) == true) {
$row["allowed"] = true;
/* If any linked show instance is currently playing
* we have to disable editing, or else the times
* will not make sense for shows scheduled in the future
if ($showInstance->isCurrentShow($this->epoch_now) && $showInstance->isLinked()) {
$row["allowed"] = false;
private function getItemColor(&$showInstance, &$row)
$defaultColor = "ffffff";
$defaultBackground = "3366cc";
$show = $showInstance->getCcShow();
$color = $show->getDbColor();
if ($color === '') {
$color = $defaultColor;
$backgroundColor = $show->getDbBackgroundColor();
if ($backgroundColor === '') {
$backgroundColor = $defaultBackground;
$row["color"] = $color;
$row["backgroundColor"] = $backgroundColor;
private function getRowTimestamp(&$showInstance, &$row)
$lastScheduled = $showInstance->getDbLastScheduled(null);
if (is_null($lastScheduled)) {
$ts = 0;
else {
$dt = $lastScheduled;
$ts = intval($dt->format("U"));
$row["timestamp"] = $ts;
* marks a row's status.
* 0 = past
* 1 = current
* 2 = future
* TODO : change all of the above to real constants -- RG
private function getScheduledStatus($p_epochItemStart, $p_epochItemEnd, &$row)
if ($row["footer"] === true && $this->epoch_now > $p_epochItemStart &&
$this->epoch_now > $p_epochItemEnd) {
$row["scheduled"] = 0;
elseif ($row["footer"] === true && $this->epoch_now < $p_epochItemEnd) {
$row["scheduled"] = 2;
elseif ($row["header"] === true && $this->epoch_now >= $p_epochItemStart) {
$row["scheduled"] = 0;
elseif ($row["header"] === true && $this->epoch_now < $p_epochItemEnd) {
$row["scheduled"] = 2;
//item is in the past.
else if ($this->epoch_now > $p_epochItemEnd) {
$row["scheduled"] = 0;
//item is the currently scheduled item.
else if ($this->epoch_now >= $p_epochItemStart && $this->epoch_now < $p_epochItemEnd) {
$row["scheduled"] = 1;
//how many seconds the view should wait to redraw itself.
$row["refresh"] = $p_epochItemEnd - $this->epoch_now;
//item is in the future.
else if ($this->epoch_now < $p_epochItemStart) {
$row["scheduled"] = 2;
//else problem
else {
Logging::warn("No-op? is this what should happen...printing
debug just in case");
$d = array(
'$p_epochItemStart' => $p_epochItemStart,
'$p_epochItemEnd' => $p_epochItemEnd,
'$row' => $row
* @param $showInstance is a propel object
private function makeHeaderRow($showInstance)
$row = $this->defaultRowArray;
$show = $showInstance->getCcShow();
$this->getRowTimestamp($showInstance, $row);
$this->getItemColor($showInstance, $row);
$showStartDT = $showInstance->getDbStarts(null);
$showStartDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->timezone));
$startsEpoch = floatval($showStartDT->format("U.u"));
$showEndDT = $showInstance->getDbEnds(null);
$showEndDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->timezone));
$endsEpoch = floatval($showEndDT->format("U.u"));
//is a rebroadcast show
if ($showInstance->isRebroadcast()) {
$row["rebroadcast"] = true;
$parentInstance = $showInstance->getCcShowInstancesRelatedByDbOriginalShow();
$name = $parentInstance->getCcShow()->getDbName();
$dt = $parentInstance->getDbStarts(null);
$dt->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->timezone));
$time = $dt->format("Y-m-d H:i");
$row["rebroadcast_title"] = sprintf(_("Rebroadcast of %s from %s"), $name, $time);
elseif ($showInstance->isRecorded()) {
$row["record"] = true;
// at the time of creating on show, the recorded file is not in the DB yet.
// therefore, 'si_file_id' is null. So we need to check it.
//TODO fix how soundcloud/other media ids are stored.
if (Application_Model_Preference::GetUploadToSoundcloudOption() && isset($p_item['si_file_id'])) {
$file = Application_Model_StoredFile::RecallById($p_item['si_file_id']);
if (isset($file)) {
$sid = $file->getSoundCloudId();
$row['soundcloud_id'] = $sid;
if ($showInstance->isCurrentShow($this->epoch_now)) {
$row["currentShow"] = true;
$this->isAllowed($showInstance, $row);
$row["header"] = true;
$row["starts"] = $showStartDT->format("Y-m-d H:i");
$row["startDate"] = $showStartDT->format("Y-m-d");
$row["startTime"] = $showStartDT->format("H:i");
$row["refresh"] = floatval($showStartDT->format("U.u")) - $this->epoch_now;
$row["ends"] = $showEndDT->format("Y-m-d H:i");
$row["endDate"] = $showEndDT->format("Y-m-d");
$row["endTime"] = $showEndDT->format("H:i");
$row["duration"] = floatval($showEndDT->format("U.u")) - floatval($showStartDT->format("U.u"));
$row["title"] = htmlspecialchars($show->getDbName());
$row["instance"] = $showInstance->getDbId();
$row["image"] = '';
$this->getScheduledStatus($startsEpoch, $endsEpoch, $row);
$this->contentDT = $showStartDT;
return $row;
private function itemRowCheck(&$showInstance, &$row) {
//show is empty or is a special kind of show (recording etc)
if ($showInstance->isRecorded()) {
$row["record"] = true;
$row["instance"] = $instance;
$showStartDT = $showInstance->getDbStarts(null);
$showEndDT = $showInstance->getDbEnds(null);
$startsEpoch = floatval($showStartDT->format("U.u"));
$endsEpoch = floatval($showEndDT->format("U.u"));
$this->getScheduledStatus($startsEpoch, $endsEpoch, $row);
else if ($showInstance->isRebroadcast()) {
$row["rebroadcast"] = true;
if ($showInstance->isCurrentShow($this->epoch_now)) {
$row["currentShow"] = true;
$this->getItemColor($showInstance, $row);
$this->getRowTimestamp($showInstance, $row);
$this->isAllowed($showInstance, $row);
private function makeScheduledItemRows($showInstance)
$rows = array();
$row = $this->defaultRowArray;
$instance = $showInstance->getDbId();
$showStartDT = $showInstance->getDbStarts(null);
$showEndDT = $showInstance->getDbEnds(null);
$scheduledItems = $showInstance->getCcSchedules();
foreach ($scheduledItems as $scheduledItem) {
//if there's a filler row its status is -1, don't display it.
if ($scheduledItem->getDbPlayoutStatus() >= 0) {
$schedStartDT = $scheduledItem->getDbStarts(null);
$schedStartDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->timezone));
$schedEndDT = $scheduledItem->getDbEnds(null);
$schedEndDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->timezone));
//information about whether a track is inside|boundary|outside a show.
$row["status"] = $scheduledItem->getDbPlayoutStatus();
$startsEpoch = floatval($schedStartDT->format("U.u"));
$endsEpoch = floatval($schedEndDT->format("U.u"));
$showEndEpoch = floatval($showEndDT->format("U.u"));
//don't want an overbooked item to stay marked as current.
$this->getScheduledStatus($startsEpoch, min($endsEpoch, $showEndEpoch), $row);
$row["id"] = $scheduledItem->getDbId();
//TODO fix this.
$row["image"] = true; //$p_item["file_exists"];
$row["instance"] = $showInstance->getDbId();
$row["starts"] = $schedStartDT->format("H:i:s");
$row["ends"] = $schedEndDT->format("H:i:s");
$mediaItem = $scheduledItem->getMediaItem();
$row["mediaId"] = $mediaItem->getId();
$row["title"] = htmlspecialchars($mediaItem->getName());
$row["creator"] = htmlspecialchars($mediaItem->getCreator());
$row["album"] = htmlspecialchars($mediaItem->getSource());
$row["mime"] = $mediaItem->getMime();
$formatter = new Format_HHMMSSULength($scheduledItem->getDbCueIn());
$row["cuein"] = $formatter->format();
$formatter = new Format_HHMMSSULength($scheduledItem->getDbCueOut());
$row["cueout"] = $formatter->format();
$formatter = new Format_HHMMSSULength($scheduledItem->getDbClipLength());
$row["runtime"] = $formatter->format();
$row["fadein"] = $scheduledItem->getDbFadeIn();
$row["fadeout"] = $scheduledItem->getDbFadeOut();
self::itemRowCheck($showInstance, $row);
$this->contentDT = $schedEndDT;
$rows[] = $row;
$row = $this->defaultRowArray;
//empty normal show.
if (count($scheduledItems) === 0 && !$showInstance->isRecorded()) {
$row["empty"] = true;
$row["id"] = 0;
$row["instance"] = $instance;
self::itemRowCheck($showInstance, $row);
$rows[] = $row;
//a show that's currently played all its scheduled content but is now empty, needs an empty row.
else if (count($scheduledItems) > 0
&& $this->epoch_now < floatval($showEndDT->format("U.u"))
&& $this->epoch_now > floatval($schedEndDT->format("U.u"))) {
$row["empty"] = true;
$row["id"] = $scheduledItem->getDbId();
$row["instance"] = $instance;
self::itemRowCheck($showInstance, $row);
$rows[] = $row;
return $rows;
private function makeFooterRow($showInstance)
$row = $this->defaultRowArray;
$row["footer"] = true;
$row["instance"] = $showInstance->getDbId();
$this->getRowTimestamp($showInstance, $row);
$showStartDT = $showInstance->getDbStarts(null);
$showEndDT = $showInstance->getDbEnds(null);
$contentDT = $this->contentDT;
$runtime = bcsub($contentDT->format("U.u"), $showEndDT->format("U.u"), 6);
$row["runtime"] = $runtime;
$timeFilled = new Format_TimeFilled($runtime);
$row["fRuntime"] = $timeFilled->format();
$showStartDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->timezone));
$startsEpoch = floatval($showStartDT->format("U.u"));
$showEndDT->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($this->timezone));
$endsEpoch = floatval($showEndDT->format("U.u"));
$row["refresh"] = floatval($showEndDT->format("U.u")) - $this->epoch_now;
if ($showInstance->isCurrentShow($this->epoch_now)) {
$row["currentShow"] = true;
$this->getScheduledStatus($startsEpoch, $endsEpoch, $row);
$this->isAllowed($showInstance, $row);
if ($showInstance->isRecorded()) {
$row["record"] = true;
return $row;
* @param int $timestamp Unix timestamp in seconds.
* @return boolean whether the schedule in the show builder's range has
* been updated.
public function hasBeenUpdatedSince($timestamp, $instances)
$outdated = false;
$shows = Application_Model_Show::getShows($this->startDT, $this->endDT);
$include = array();
if ($this->opts["showFilter"] !== 0) {
$include[] = $this->opts["showFilter"];
elseif ($this->opts["myShows"] === 1) {
$include = $this->getUsersShows();
$currentInstances = array();
foreach ($shows as $show) {
if (empty($include) || in_array($show["show_id"], $include)) {
$currentInstances[] = $show["instance_id"];
if (isset($show["last_scheduled"])) {
$dt = new DateTime($show["last_scheduled"],
new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
} else {
$dt = new DateTime($show["created"],
new DateTimeZone("UTC"));
//check if any of the shows have a more recent timestamp.
$showTimeStamp = intval($dt->format("U"));
if ($timestamp < $showTimeStamp) {
$outdated = true;
//see if the displayed show instances have changed. (deleted,
//empty schedule etc)
if ($outdated === false && count($instances)
!== count($currentInstances)) {
Logging::debug("show instances have changed.");
$outdated = true;
return $outdated;
public function getItems()
//rows to return back to datatables.
$display_items = array();
$shows = array();
$showInstance = array();
if ($this->opts["myShows"] === 1) {
$shows = $this->getUsersShows();
elseif ($this->opts["showFilter"] !== 0) {
$shows[] = $this->opts["showFilter"];
elseif ($this->opts["showInstanceFilter"] !== 0) {
$showInstance[] = $this->opts["showInstanceFilter"];
$scheduledShows = Application_Model_Schedule::GetScheduleDetailItems(
$this->startDT, $this->endDT, false, $shows, $showInstance);
foreach ($scheduledShows as $scheduleShow) {
//keep track of the show instance ids for update requests.
$this->showInstances[] = $scheduleShow->getDbId();
$header = $this->makeHeaderRow($scheduleShow);
$display_items[] = $header;
$content = $this->makeScheduledItemRows($scheduleShow);
$display_items = array_merge($display_items, $content);
$footer = $this->makeFooterRow($scheduleShow);
$display_items[]= $footer;
return array(
"schedule" => $display_items,
"showInstances" => $this->showInstances