
266 lines
9.6 KiB

* @package Campcaster
* @subpackage StorageServer
* @copyright 2010 Sourcefabric O.P.S.
* @license
// Do not allow remote execution.
$arr = array_diff_assoc($_SERVER, $_ENV);
if (isset($arr["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]) && ($arr["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] != "") ) {
header("HTTP/1.1 400");
header("Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8");
echo "400 Not executable\r\n";
echo "***************************\n";
echo "* StorageServer Uninstall *\n";
echo "***************************\n";
function camp_uninstall_delete_files($p_path)
if (!empty($p_path) && (strlen($p_path) > 4)) {
if (file_exists($p_path)) {
$dir = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($p_path), RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
for ($dir->rewind(); $dir->valid(); $dir->next()) {
if ($dir->isDir()) {
} else {
// list($dirList,$fileList) = File_Find::maptree($p_path);
// foreach ($fileList as $filepath) {
// echo " * Removing file $filepath...";
// @unlink($filepath);
// echo "done.\n";
// }
// foreach ($dirList as $dirpath) {
// echo " * Removing directory $dirpath...";
// @rmdir($dirpath);
// echo "done.\n";
// }
// echo " * Removing $p_path...";
// @rmdir($p_path);
// echo "done.\n";
// Delete the database
// Note: Do not put a call to campcaster_db_connect()
// before this function, even if you called $CC_DBC->disconnect(), there will
// still be a connection to the database and you wont be able to delete it.
echo " * Dropping the database '".$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['database']."'...\n";
$command = "sudo -u postgres dropdb {$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['database']} 2> /dev/null";
@exec($command, $output, $results);
// Uninstall Cron job
$old_regex = '/transportCron\.php/';
echo " * Uninstalling cron job...";
$cron = new Cron();
$access = $cron->openCrontab('write');
if ($access != 'write') {
do {
$r = $cron->forceWriteable();
} while ($r);
foreach ($cron->ct->getByType(CRON_CMD) as $id => $line) {
if (preg_match($old_regex, $line['command'])) {
//echo " removing cron entry\n";
echo "done.\n";
// Delete files
// Delete DB tables
//echo " * Deleting DB tables...\n";
//if (!PEAR::isError($CC_DBC)) {
// if (camp_db_table_exists($CC_CONFIG['prefTable'])) {
// echo " * Removing database table ".$CC_CONFIG['prefTable']."...";
// $sql = "DROP TABLE ".$CC_CONFIG['prefTable'];
// camp_install_query($sql, false);
// $CC_DBC->dropSequence($CC_CONFIG['prefTable']."_id");
// echo "done.\n";
// } else {
// echo " * Skipping: database table ".$CC_CONFIG['prefTable']."\n";
// }
//if (camp_db_table_exists($CC_CONFIG['transTable'])) {
// echo " * Removing database table ".$CC_CONFIG['transTable']."...";
// $sql = "DROP TABLE ".$CC_CONFIG['transTable'];
// camp_install_query($sql, false);
// $CC_DBC->dropSequence($CC_CONFIG['transTable']."_id");
// echo "done.\n";
//} else {
// echo " * Skipping: database table ".$CC_CONFIG['transTable']."\n";
//if (camp_db_table_exists($CC_CONFIG['filesTable'])) {
// echo " * Removing database table ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable']."...";
// $sql = "DROP TABLE ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable']." CASCADE";
// camp_install_query($sql);
// $CC_DBC->dropSequence($CC_CONFIG['filesTable']."_id");
//} else {
// echo " * Skipping: database table ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable']."\n";
//if (camp_db_table_exists($CC_CONFIG['playListTable'])) {
// echo " * Removing database table ".$CC_CONFIG['playListTable']."...";
// $sql = "DROP TABLE ".$CC_CONFIG['playListTable']." CASCADE";
// camp_install_query($sql);
// $CC_DBC->dropSequence($CC_CONFIG['playListTable']."_id");
//} else {
// echo " * Skipping: database table ".$CC_CONFIG['playListTable']."\n";
//if (camp_db_table_exists($CC_CONFIG['playListContentsTable'])) {
// echo " * Removing database table ".$CC_CONFIG['playListContentsTable']."...";
// $sql = "DROP TABLE ".$CC_CONFIG['playListContentsTable'];
// camp_install_query($sql);
// $CC_DBC->dropSequence($CC_CONFIG['playListContentsTable']."_id");
//} else {
// echo " * Skipping: database table ".$CC_CONFIG['playListContentsTable']."\n";
////if (camp_db_sequence_exists($CC_CONFIG['filesSequence'])) {
//// $sql = "DROP SEQUENCE ".$CC_CONFIG['filesSequence'];
//// camp_install_query($sql);
//if (camp_db_table_exists($CC_CONFIG['accessTable'])) {
// echo " * Removing database table ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable']."...";
// $sql = "DROP TABLE ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable'];
// camp_install_query($sql);
//} else {
// echo " * Skipping: database table ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable']."\n";
//if (camp_db_table_exists($CC_CONFIG['permTable'])) {
// echo " * Removing database table ".$CC_CONFIG['permTable']."...";
// $sql = "DROP TABLE ".$CC_CONFIG['permTable'];
// camp_install_query($sql, false);
// $CC_DBC->dropSequence($CC_CONFIG['permTable']."_id");
// echo "done.\n";
//} else {
// echo " * Skipping: database table ".$CC_CONFIG['permTable']."\n";
//if (camp_db_table_exists($CC_CONFIG['sessTable'])) {
// echo " * Removing database table ".$CC_CONFIG['sessTable']."...";
// $sql = "DROP TABLE ".$CC_CONFIG['sessTable'];
// camp_install_query($sql);
//} else {
// echo " * Skipping: database table ".$CC_CONFIG['sessTable']."\n";
//if (camp_db_table_exists($CC_CONFIG['subjTable'])) {
// echo " * Removing database table ".$CC_CONFIG['subjTable']."...";
// $CC_DBC->dropSequence($CC_CONFIG['subjTable']."_id");
// $sql = "DROP TABLE ".$CC_CONFIG['subjTable']." CASCADE";
// camp_install_query($sql, false);
// echo "done.\n";
//} else {
// echo " * Skipping: database table ".$CC_CONFIG['subjTable']."\n";
//if (camp_db_table_exists($CC_CONFIG['smembTable'])) {
// echo " * Removing database table ".$CC_CONFIG['smembTable']."...";
// $sql = "DROP TABLE ".$CC_CONFIG['smembTable'];
// camp_install_query($sql, false);
// $CC_DBC->dropSequence($CC_CONFIG['smembTable']."_id");
// echo "done.\n";
//} else {
// echo " * Skipping: database table ".$CC_CONFIG['smembTable']."\n";
//if (camp_db_table_exists($CC_CONFIG['scheduleTable'])) {
// echo " * Removing database table ".$CC_CONFIG['scheduleTable']."...";
// camp_install_query("DROP TABLE ".$CC_CONFIG['scheduleTable']);
//} else {
// echo " * Skipping: database table ".$CC_CONFIG['scheduleTable']."\n";
//if (camp_db_table_exists($CC_CONFIG['backupTable'])) {
// echo " * Removing database table ".$CC_CONFIG['backupTable']."...";
// camp_install_query("DROP TABLE ".$CC_CONFIG['backupTable']);
//} else {
// echo " * Skipping: database table ".$CC_CONFIG['backupTable']."\n";
// Disconnect from the database
//echo " * Disconnecting from database...\n";
// Delete the database
// Note: we do all the table-dropping above because this command usually fails
// because there are usually still connections to the database.
//echo " * Dropping the database ".$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['database']."...\n";
//$command = "sudo -u postgres dropdb {$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['database']}";
//@exec($command, $output, $results);
//if ($results == 0) {
// echo " * Database '{$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['database']}' deleted.\n";
//} else {
// echo " * Could not delete database '{$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['database']}'.\n";
// Delete the user
echo " * Deleting database user '{$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['username']}'...\n";
$command = "sudo -u postgres psql postgres --command \"DROP USER {$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['username']}\" 2> /dev/null";
@exec($command, $output, $results);
if ($results == 0) {
echo " * User '{$CC_CONFIG['dsn']['username']}' deleted.\n";
} else {
echo " * Nothing to delete..\n";
echo "************************************\n";
echo "* StorageServer Uninstall Complete *\n";
echo "************************************\n";