
1451 lines
46 KiB

class Application_Service_HistoryService
private $con;
private $timezone;
public const TEMPLATE_TYPE_ITEM = 'item';
public const TEMPLATE_TYPE_FILE = 'file';
public function __construct()
$this->con = isset($con) ? $con : Propel::getConnection(CcPlayoutHistoryPeer::DATABASE_NAME);
$this->timezone = Application_Model_Preference::GetTimezone();
public function getSupportedTemplateTypes()
//opts is from datatables.
public function getPlayedItemData($startDT, $endDT, $opts, $instanceId = null)
$mainSqlQuery = '';
$paramMap = [];
$sqlTypes = $this->getSqlTypes();
$start = $startDT->format(DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);
$end = $endDT->format(DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);
$template = $this->getConfiguredItemTemplate();
$fields = $template['fields'];
$required = $this->mandatoryItemFields();
$fields_filemd = [];
$filemd_keys = [];
$fields_general = [];
$general_keys = [];
foreach ($fields as $index => $field) {
if (in_array($field['name'], $required)) {
if ($field['isFileMd']) {
$fields_filemd[] = $field;
$filemd_keys[] = $field['name'];
} else {
$fields_general[] = $field;
$general_keys[] = $field['name'];
//Using the instance_id to filter the data.
$historyRange = '(' .
'SELECT history.starts, history.ends, AS history_id, history.instance_id' .
' FROM cc_playout_history as history';
if (isset($instanceId)) {
$historyRange .= ' WHERE history.instance_id = :instance';
$paramMap['instance'] = $instanceId;
} else {
$historyRange .= ' WHERE history.starts >= :starts and history.starts < :ends';
$paramMap['starts'] = $start;
$paramMap['ends'] = $end;
$historyRange .= ') AS history_range';
$manualMeta = '(' .
'SELECT %KEY%.value AS %KEY%, %KEY%.history_id' .
' FROM (' .
' SELECT * from cc_playout_history_metadata AS phm WHERE phm.key = :meta_%KEY%' .
' ) AS %KEY%' .
' ) AS %KEY%_filter';
$mainSelect = [
$mdFilters = [];
$numFileMdFields = count($fields_filemd);
if ($numFileMdFields > 0) {
//these 3 selects are only needed if $fields_filemd has some fields.
$fileSelect = ['history_file.history_id'];
$nonNullFileSelect = [' as file_id'];
$nullFileSelect = ['null_file.history_id'];
$fileMdFilters = [];
//populate the different dynamic selects with file info.
for ($i = 0; $i < $numFileMdFields; ++$i) {
$field = $fields_filemd[$i];
$key = $field['name'];
$type = $sqlTypes[$field['type']];
$fileSelect[] = "file_md.{$key}::{$type}";
$nonNullFileSelect[] = "file.{$key}::{$type}";
$nullFileSelect[] = "{$key}_filter.{$key}::{$type}";
$mainSelect[] = "file_info.{$key}::{$type}";
$fileMdFilters[] = str_replace('%KEY%', $key, $manualMeta);
$paramMap["meta_{$key}"] = $key;
//the files associated with scheduled playback in Airtime.
$historyFile = '(' .
'SELECT AS history_id, history.file_id' .
' FROM cc_playout_history AS history' .
' WHERE history.file_id IS NOT NULL' .
') AS history_file';
$fileMd = '(' .
' FROM cc_files AS file' .
') AS file_md';
$fileMd = str_replace('%NON_NULL_FILE_SELECT%', join(', ', $nonNullFileSelect), $fileMd);
//null files are from manually added data (filling in webstream info etc)
$nullFile = '(' .
'SELECT AS history_id' .
' FROM cc_playout_history AS history' .
' WHERE history.file_id IS NULL' .
') AS null_file';
//building the file inner query
$fileSqlQuery =
'SELECT ' . join(', ', $fileSelect) .
" FROM {$historyFile}" .
" LEFT JOIN {$fileMd} USING (file_id)" .
' UNION' .
' SELECT ' . join(', ', $nullFileSelect) .
" FROM {$nullFile}";
foreach ($fileMdFilters as $filter) {
$fileSqlQuery .=
" LEFT JOIN {$filter} USING(history_id)";
for ($i = 0, $len = count($fields_general); $i < $len; ++$i) {
$field = $fields_general[$i];
$key = $field['name'];
$type = $sqlTypes[$field['type']];
$mdFilters[] = str_replace('%KEY%', $key, $manualMeta);
$paramMap["meta_{$key}"] = $key;
$mainSelect[] = "{$key}_filter.{$key}::{$type}";
$mainSqlQuery .=
'SELECT ' . join(', ', $mainSelect) .
" FROM {$historyRange}";
if (isset($fileSqlQuery)) {
$mainSqlQuery .=
" LEFT JOIN ( {$fileSqlQuery} ) as file_info USING(history_id)";
foreach ($mdFilters as $filter) {
$mainSqlQuery .=
" LEFT JOIN {$filter} USING(history_id)";
//need to count the total rows to tell Datatables.
$stmt = $this->con->prepare($mainSqlQuery);
foreach ($paramMap as $param => $v) {
$stmt->bindValue($param, $v);
if ($stmt->execute()) {
$totalRows = $stmt->rowCount();
} else {
$msg = implode(',', $stmt->errorInfo());
throw new Exception("Error: {$msg}");
//Using Datatables parameters to sort the data.
if (empty($opts['iSortingCols'])) {
$orderBys = [];
} else {
$numOrderColumns = $opts['iSortingCols'];
$orderBys = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $numOrderColumns; ++$i) {
$colNum = $opts['iSortCol_' . $i];
$key = $opts['mDataProp_' . $colNum];
$sortDir = $opts['sSortDir_' . $i];
if (in_array($key, $required)) {
$orderBys[] = "history_range.{$key} {$sortDir}";
} elseif (in_array($key, $filemd_keys)) {
$orderBys[] = "file_info.{$key} {$sortDir}";
} elseif (in_array($key, $general_keys)) {
$orderBys[] = "{$key}_filter.{$key} {$sortDir}";
//throw new Exception("Error: $key is not part of the template.");
if (count($orderBys) > 0) {
$orders = join(', ', $orderBys);
$mainSqlQuery .=
" ORDER BY {$orders}";
//using Datatables parameters to add limits/offsets
$displayLength = empty($opts['iDisplayLength']) ? -1 : intval($opts['iDisplayLength']);
//limit the results returned.
if ($displayLength !== -1) {
$mainSqlQuery .=
' OFFSET :offset LIMIT :limit';
$paramMap['offset'] = intval($opts['iDisplayStart']);
$paramMap['limit'] = $displayLength;
$stmt = $this->con->prepare($mainSqlQuery);
foreach ($paramMap as $param => $v) {
$stmt->bindValue($param, $v);
$rows = [];
if ($stmt->execute()) {
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
} else {
$msg = implode(',', $stmt->errorInfo());
throw new Exception("Error: {$msg}");
//processing results.
$timezoneUTC = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
$timezoneLocal = new DateTimeZone($this->timezone);
$boolCast = [];
foreach ($fields as $index => $field) {
if ($field['type'] == TEMPLATE_BOOLEAN) {
$boolCast[] = $field;
foreach ($rows as $index => &$result) {
foreach ($boolCast as $field) {
$result[$field['label']] = (bool) $result[$field['name']];
//need to display the results in the station's timezone.
$dateTime = new DateTime($result['starts'], $timezoneUTC);
$result['starts'] = $dateTime->format(DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);
//if ends is null we don't want it to default to "now"
if (isset($result['ends'])) {
$dateTime = new DateTime($result['ends'], $timezoneUTC);
$result['ends'] = $dateTime->format(DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);
if (isset($result[MDATA_KEY_DURATION])) {
$formatter = new LengthFormatter($result[MDATA_KEY_DURATION]);
$result[MDATA_KEY_DURATION] = $formatter->format();
//need to add a checkbox..
$result['checkbox'] = '';
//$unicodeChar = '\u2612';
//$result["new"] = json_decode('"'.$unicodeChar.'"');
//$result["new"] = "U+2612";
return [
'sEcho' => empty($opts['sEcho']) ? null : intval($opts['sEcho']),
//"iTotalDisplayRecords" => intval($totalDisplayRows),
'iTotalDisplayRecords' => intval($totalRows),
'iTotalRecords' => intval($totalRows),
'history' => $rows,
public function getFileSummaryData($startDT, $endDT, $opts)
$select = [
'summary.' . MDATA_KEY_TITLE,
'summary.' . MDATA_KEY_CREATOR,
$mainSqlQuery = '';
$paramMap = [];
$start = $startDT->format(DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);
$end = $endDT->format(DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);
$paramMap['starts'] = $start;
$paramMap['ends'] = $end;
$template = $this->getConfiguredFileTemplate();
$fields = $template['fields'];
$required = $this->mandatoryFileFields();
foreach ($fields as $index => $field) {
$key = $field['name'];
if (in_array($field['name'], $required)) {
$select[] = "summary.{$key}";
$fileSummaryTable = '((
SELECT COUNT(history.file_id) as played, history.file_id as file_id
FROM cc_playout_history AS history
WHERE history.starts >= :starts AND history.starts < :ends
AND history.file_id IS NOT NULL
GROUP BY history.file_id
) AS playout
LEFT JOIN cc_files AS file ON ( = playout.file_id)) AS summary';
$mainSqlQuery .=
'SELECT ' . join(', ', $select) .
" FROM {$fileSummaryTable}";
//need to count the total rows to tell Datatables.
$stmt = $this->con->prepare($mainSqlQuery);
foreach ($paramMap as $param => $v) {
$stmt->bindValue($param, $v);
if ($stmt->execute()) {
$totalRows = $stmt->rowCount();
} else {
$msg = implode(',', $stmt->errorInfo());
throw new Exception("Error: {$msg}");
//Using Datatables parameters to sort the data.
$numOrderColumns = $opts['iSortingCols'];
$orderBys = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < $numOrderColumns; ++$i) {
$colNum = $opts['iSortCol_' . $i];
$key = $opts['mDataProp_' . $colNum];
$sortDir = $opts['sSortDir_' . $i];
$orderBys[] = "summary.{$key} {$sortDir}";
if ($numOrderColumns > 0) {
$orders = join(', ', $orderBys);
$mainSqlQuery .=
" ORDER BY {$orders}";
//using datatables params to add limits/offsets
$displayLength = intval($opts['iDisplayLength']);
if ($displayLength !== -1) {
$mainSqlQuery .=
' OFFSET :offset LIMIT :limit';
$paramMap['offset'] = $opts['iDisplayStart'];
$paramMap['limit'] = $displayLength;
$stmt = $this->con->prepare($mainSqlQuery);
foreach ($paramMap as $param => $v) {
$stmt->bindValue($param, $v);
$rows = [];
if ($stmt->execute()) {
$rows = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
} else {
$msg = implode(',', $stmt->errorInfo());
throw new Exception("Error: {$msg}");
//processing the results
foreach ($rows as &$row) {
if (isset($row[MDATA_KEY_DURATION])) {
$formatter = new LengthFormatter($row[MDATA_KEY_DURATION]);
$row[MDATA_KEY_DURATION] = $formatter->format();
return [
'sEcho' => intval($opts['sEcho']),
//"iTotalDisplayRecords" => intval($totalDisplayRows),
'iTotalDisplayRecords' => intval($totalRows),
'iTotalRecords' => intval($totalRows),
'history' => $rows,
public function getShowList($startDT, $endDT, $userId = null)
if (empty($userId)) {
$user = Application_Model_User::getCurrentUser();
} else {
$user = new Application_Model_User($userId);
$shows = Application_Model_Show::getShows($startDT, $endDT);
//need to filter the list to only their shows
if ((!empty($user)) && ($user->isHost())) {
$showIds = [];
foreach ($shows as $show) {
$showIds[] = $show['show_id'];
$showIds = array_unique($showIds);
$hostRecords = CcShowHostsQuery::create()
$filteredShowIds = [];
foreach ($hostRecords as $record) {
$filteredShowIds[] = $record->getDbShow();
$filteredShows = [];
foreach ($shows as $show) {
if (in_array($show['show_id'], $filteredShowIds)) {
$filteredShows[] = $show;
} else {
$filteredShows = $shows;
$timezoneUTC = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
$timezoneLocal = new DateTimeZone($this->timezone);
foreach ($filteredShows as &$result) {
//need to display the results in the station's timezone.
$dateTime = new DateTime($result['starts'], $timezoneUTC);
$result['starts'] = $dateTime->format(DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);
$dateTime = new DateTime($result['ends'], $timezoneUTC);
$result['ends'] = $dateTime->format(DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);
return $filteredShows;
public function insertWebstreamMetadata($schedId, $startDT, $data)
try {
$item = CcScheduleQuery::create()->findPK($schedId, $this->con);
//TODO figure out how to combine these all into 1 query.
$showInstance = $item->getCcShowInstances($this->con);
$show = $showInstance->getCcShow($this->con);
$webstream = $item->getCcWebstream($this->con);
$metadata = [];
$metadata['showname'] = $show->getDbName();
$metadata[MDATA_KEY_TITLE] = $data->title;
$metadata[MDATA_KEY_CREATOR] = $webstream->getDbName();
$history = new CcPlayoutHistory();
foreach ($metadata as $key => $val) {
$meta = new CcPlayoutHistoryMetaData();
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function insertPlayedItem($schedId)
try {
$item = CcScheduleQuery::create()->findPK($schedId, $this->con);
if (is_null($item)) {
throw new Exception('Invalid schedule id: ' . $schedId);
//TODO figure out how to combine these all into 1 query.
$showInstance = $item->getCcShowInstances($this->con);
$show = $showInstance->getCcShow($this->con);
$fileId = $item->getDbFileId();
//don't add webstreams
if (isset($fileId)) {
$metadata = [];
$metadata['showname'] = $show->getDbName();
$instanceEnd = $showInstance->getDbEnds(null);
$itemEnd = $item->getDbEnds(null);
$recordStart = $item->getDbStarts(null);
$recordEnd = ($instanceEnd < $itemEnd) ? $instanceEnd : $itemEnd;
//first check if this is a duplicate
// (caused by restarting liquidsoap)
$prevRecord = CcPlayoutHistoryQuery::create()
if (empty($prevRecord)) {
$history = new CcPlayoutHistory();
foreach ($metadata as $key => $val) {
$meta = new CcPlayoutHistoryMetaData();
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
// id is an id in cc_playout_history
public function makeHistoryItemForm($id, $populate = false)
try {
$form = new Application_Form_EditHistoryItem();
$template = $this->getConfiguredItemTemplate();
$required = $this->mandatoryItemFields();
$form->createFromTemplate($template['fields'], $required);
if ($populate) {
$formValues = [];
$historyRecord = CcPlayoutHistoryQuery::create()->findPk($id, $this->con);
$file = $historyRecord->getCcFiles($this->con);
$instance = $historyRecord->getCcShowInstances($this->con);
if (isset($instance)) {
$show = $instance->getCcShow($this->con);
$selOpts = [];
$instance_id = $instance->getDbId();
$selOpts[$instance_id] = $show->getDbName();
$form->populateShowInstances($selOpts, $instance_id);
if (isset($file)) {
$f = Application_Model_StoredFile::createWithFile($file, $this->con);
$filemd = $f->getDbColMetadata();
$metadata = [];
$mds = $historyRecord->getCcPlayoutHistoryMetaDatas();
foreach ($mds as $md) {
$metadata[$md->getDbKey()] = $md->getDbValue();
$prefix = Application_Form_EditHistoryItem::ID_PREFIX;
$formValues["{$prefix}id"] = $id;
foreach ($template['fields'] as $index => $field) {
$key = $field['name'];
$value = '';
if (in_array($key, $required)) {
$method = 'getDb' . ucfirst($key);
$value = $historyRecord->{$method}();
} elseif (isset($filemd) && $field['isFileMd']) {
$value = $filemd[$key];
} elseif (isset($metadata[$key])) {
$value = $metadata[$key];
//need to convert to the station's local time first.
if ($field['type'] == TEMPLATE_DATETIME && !is_null($value)) {
$timezoneUTC = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
$timezoneLocal = new DateTimeZone($this->timezone);
$dateTime = new DateTime($value, $timezoneUTC);
$value = $dateTime->format(DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT);
$formValues["{$prefix}{$key}"] = $value;
return $form;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
// id is an id in cc_files
public function makeHistoryFileForm($id)
try {
$form = new Application_Form_EditHistoryFile();
$template = $this->getConfiguredFileTemplate();
$required = $this->mandatoryFileFields();
$form->createFromTemplate($template['fields'], $required);
$file = Application_Model_StoredFile::RecallById($id, $this->con);
$md = $file->getDbColMetadata();
$prefix = Application_Form_EditHistoryFile::ID_PREFIX;
$formValues = [];
$formValues["{$prefix}id"] = $id;
foreach ($template['fields'] as $index => $field) {
$key = $field['name'];
if (in_array($key, $required)) {
$value = $md[$key];
$formValues["{$prefix}{$key}"] = $value;
return $form;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function populateTemplateFile($values, $id)
try {
$file = Application_Model_StoredFile::RecallById($id, $this->con);
$prefix = Application_Form_EditHistoryFile::ID_PREFIX;
$prefix_len = strlen($prefix);
$templateValues = $values[$prefix . 'template'];
$md = [];
foreach ($templateValues as $index => $value) {
$key = substr($index, $prefix_len);
$md[$key] = $value;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function populateTemplateItem($values, $id = null, $instance_id = null)
try {
$template = $this->getConfiguredItemTemplate();
$prefix = Application_Form_EditHistoryItem::ID_PREFIX;
if (isset($id)) {
$historyRecord = CcPlayoutHistoryQuery::create()->findPk($id, $this->con);
} else {
$historyRecord = new CcPlayoutHistory();
if (isset($instance_id)) {
$timezoneUTC = new DateTimeZone('UTC');
$timezoneLocal = new DateTimeZone($this->timezone);
$dateTime = new DateTime($values[$prefix . 'starts'], $timezoneLocal);
$dateTime = new DateTime($values[$prefix . 'ends'], $timezoneLocal);
$templateValues = $values[$prefix . 'template'];
$file = $historyRecord->getCcFiles();
$md = [];
$metadata = [];
$fields = $template['fields'];
$required = $this->mandatoryItemFields();
$phpCasts = $this->getPhpCasts();
for ($i = 0, $len = count($fields); $i < $len; ++$i) {
$field = $fields[$i];
$key = $field['name'];
//required is delt with before this loop.
if (in_array($key, $required)) {
$isFileMd = $field['isFileMd'];
$entry = $phpCasts[$field['type']]($templateValues[$prefix . $key]);
if ($isFileMd && isset($file)) {
Logging::info("adding metadata associated to a file for {$key} = {$entry}");
$md[$key] = $entry;
} else {
Logging::info("adding metadata for {$key} = {$entry}");
$metadata[$key] = $entry;
if (count($md) > 0) {
$f = Application_Model_StoredFile::createWithFile($file, $this->con);
//Use this array to update existing values.
$mds = $historyRecord->getCcPlayoutHistoryMetaDatas();
foreach ($mds as $md) {
$prevmd[$md->getDbKey()] = $md;
foreach ($metadata as $key => $val) {
if (isset($prevmd[$key])) {
$meta = $prevmd[$key];
} else {
$meta = new CcPlayoutHistoryMetaData();
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
//start,end timestamp strings in local timezone.
public function populateShowInstances($start, $end)
$timezoneLocal = new DateTimeZone($this->timezone);
$startDT = new DateTime($start, $timezoneLocal);
$endDT = new DateTime($end, $timezoneLocal);
$shows = $this->getShowList($startDT, $endDT);
$select = [];
foreach ($shows as &$show) {
$select[$show['instance_id']] = $show['name'];
return $select;
private function validateHistoryItem($instanceId, $form)
$userService = new Application_Service_UserService();
$currentUser = $userService->getCurrentUser();
if (!$currentUser->isAdminOrPM()) {
if (empty($instance_id) ) {
$valid = true;
$recordStartsEl = $form->getElement('his_item_starts');
$recordStarts = $recordStartsEl->getValue();
$recordEndsEl = $form->getElement('his_item_starts');
$recordEnds = $recordEndsEl->getValue();
$timezoneLocal = new DateTimeZone($this->timezone);
$startDT = new DateTime($recordStarts, $timezoneLocal);
$endDT = new DateTime($recordEnds, $timezoneLocal);
if ($recordStarts > $recordEnds) {
$valid = false;
$recordEndsEl->addErrorMessage('End time must be after start time');
if (isset($instanceId)) {
$instance = CcShowInstancesQuery::create()->findPk($instanceId, $this->con);
$inStartsDT = $instance->getDbStarts(null);
$inEndsDT = $instance->getDbEnds(null);
if ($startDT < $inStartsDT) {
$valid = false;
$form->addErrorMessage('History item begins before show.');
} elseif ($startDT > $inEndsDT) {
$valid = false;
$form->addErrorMessage('History item begins after show.');
return $valid;
public function createPlayedItem($data)
try {
$form = $this->makeHistoryItemForm(null);
$history_id = $form->getElement('his_item_id');
$instanceId = isset($data['instance_id']) ? $data['instance_id'] : null;
$json = [];
if ($form->isValid($data) && $this->validateHistoryItem($instanceId, $form)) {
$values = $form->getValues();
$this->populateTemplateItem($values, null, $instanceId);
} else {
$json['form'] = $form;
return $json;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
// id is an id in cc_playout_history
public function editPlayedItem($data)
try {
$id = $data['his_item_id'];
$instanceId = isset($data['instance_id']) ? $data['instance_id'] : null;
$form = $this->makeHistoryItemForm($id);
$history_id = $form->getElement('his_item_id');
$json = [];
if ($form->isValid($data) && $this->validateHistoryItem($instanceId, $form)) {
$values = $form->getValues();
$this->populateTemplateItem($values, $id, $instanceId);
} else {
$json['form'] = SecurityHelper::htmlescape_recursive($form);
return $json;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
// id is an id in cc_files
public function editPlayedFile($data)
try {
$id = $data['his_file_id'];
$form = $form = $this->makeHistoryFileForm($id);
$history_id = $form->getElement('his_file_id');
$json = [];
if ($form->isValid($data)) {
$values = $form->getValues();
$this->populateTemplateFile($values, $id);
} else {
$json['error'] = $form->getErrorMessages();
$json['error'] = SecurityHelper::htmlescape_recursive($json['error']);
return $json;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
return $json;
// id is an id in cc_playout_history
public function deletePlayedItem($id)
try {
$record = CcPlayoutHistoryQuery::create()->findPk($id, $this->con);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
// id is an id in cc_playout_history
public function deletePlayedItems($ids)
try {
$records = CcPlayoutHistoryQuery::create()->findPks($ids, $this->con);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
//---------------- Following code is for History Templates --------------------------//
public function getFieldTypes()
return [
private function getPhpCasts()
return [
TEMPLATE_DATE => 'strval',
TEMPLATE_TIME => 'strval',
TEMPLATE_STRING => 'strval',
TEMPLATE_BOOLEAN => 'intval', //boolval only exists in php 5.5+
TEMPLATE_INT => 'intval',
TEMPLATE_FLOAT => 'floatval',
private function getSqlTypes()
return [
TEMPLATE_DATE => 'date',
TEMPLATE_TIME => 'time',
TEMPLATE_DATETIME => 'datetime',
TEMPLATE_BOOLEAN => 'boolean',
TEMPLATE_INT => 'integer',
TEMPLATE_FLOAT => 'float',
public function getFileMetadataTypes()
return [
['name' => MDATA_KEY_TITLE, 'label' => _('Title'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING],
['name' => MDATA_KEY_CREATOR, 'label' => _('Creator'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING],
['name' => MDATA_KEY_SOURCE, 'label' => _('Album'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING],
['name' => MDATA_KEY_DURATION, 'label' => _('Length'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING],
['name' => MDATA_KEY_GENRE, 'label' => _('Genre'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING],
['name' => MDATA_KEY_MOOD, 'label' => _('Mood'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING],
['name' => MDATA_KEY_LABEL, 'label' => _('Label'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING],
['name' => MDATA_KEY_COMPOSER, 'label' => _('Composer'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING],
['name' => MDATA_KEY_ISRC, 'label' => _('ISRC'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING],
['name' => MDATA_KEY_COPYRIGHT, 'label' => _('Copyright'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING],
['name' => MDATA_KEY_YEAR, 'label' => _('Year'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_INT],
['name' => MDATA_KEY_TRACKNUMBER, 'label' => _('Track'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_INT],
['name' => MDATA_KEY_CONDUCTOR, 'label' => _('Conductor'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING],
['name' => MDATA_KEY_LANGUAGE, 'label' => _('Language'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING],
['name' => MDATA_KEY_TRACK_TYPE, 'label' => _('Track Type'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING],
public function mandatoryItemFields()
return ['starts', 'ends'];
public function mandatoryFileFields()
return ['played'];
private function defaultItemTemplate()
$template = [];
$fields = [];
$fields[] = ['name' => 'starts', 'label' => _('Start Time'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_DATETIME, 'isFileMd' => false];
$fields[] = ['name' => 'ends', 'label' => _('End Time'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_DATETIME, 'isFileMd' => false];
$fields[] = ['name' => MDATA_KEY_TITLE, 'label' => _('Title'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING, 'isFileMd' => true]; //these fields can be populated from an associated file.
$fields[] = ['name' => MDATA_KEY_CREATOR, 'label' => _('Creator'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING, 'isFileMd' => true];
$template['name'] = 'Log Sheet ' . date(DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) . ' Template';
$template['fields'] = $fields;
return $template;
// Default File Summary Template. Taken from The Czech radio requirements (customer requested this in the past).
private function defaultFileTemplate()
$template = [];
$fields = [];
$fields[] = ['name' => MDATA_KEY_TITLE, 'label' => _('Title'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING, 'isFileMd' => true];
$fields[] = ['name' => MDATA_KEY_CREATOR, 'label' => _('Creator'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING, 'isFileMd' => true];
$fields[] = ['name' => 'played', 'label' => _('Played'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_INT, 'isFileMd' => false];
$fields[] = ['name' => MDATA_KEY_DURATION, 'label' => _('Length'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING, 'isFileMd' => true];
$fields[] = ['name' => MDATA_KEY_COMPOSER, 'label' => _('Composer'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING, 'isFileMd' => true];
$fields[] = ['name' => MDATA_KEY_COPYRIGHT, 'label' => _('Copyright'), 'type' => TEMPLATE_STRING, 'isFileMd' => true];
$template['name'] = 'File Summary ' . date(DEFAULT_TIMESTAMP_FORMAT) . ' Template';
$template['fields'] = $fields;
return $template;
public function loadTemplate($id)
try {
if (!is_numeric($id)) {
throw new Exception("Error: {$id} is not numeric.");
$template = CcPlayoutHistoryTemplateQuery::create()->findPk($id, $this->con);
if (empty($template)) {
throw new Exception("Error: Template {$id} does not exist.");
$c = new Criteria();
$config = $template->getCcPlayoutHistoryTemplateFields($c, $this->con);
$fields = [];
foreach ($config as $item) {
$fields[] = [
'name' => $item->getDbName(),
'label' => $item->getDbLabel(),
'type' => $item->getDbType(),
'isFileMd' => $item->getDbIsFileMD(),
'id' => $item->getDbId(),
$data = [];
$data['id'] = $template->getDbId();
$data['name'] = $template->getDbName();
$data['fields'] = $fields;
$data['type'] = $template->getDbType();
return $data;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function getItemTemplate($id)
if (is_numeric($id)) {
Logging::info("template id is: {$id}");
$template = $this->loadTemplate($id);
} else {
Logging::info('Using default template');
$template = $this->defaultItemTemplate();
return $template;
public function getTemplates($type)
$list = [];
try {
$query = CcPlayoutHistoryTemplateQuery::create()
if (isset($type)) {
$templates = $query->findByDbType($type);
} else {
$templates = $query->find();
foreach ($templates as $template) {
$list[$template->getDbId()] = $template->getDbName();
return $list;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function getListItemTemplates()
return $this->getTemplates(self::TEMPLATE_TYPE_ITEM);
public function getFileTemplates()
return $this->getTemplates(self::TEMPLATE_TYPE_FILE);
private function datatablesColumns($fields)
$columns = [];
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$label = $field['label'];
$key = $field['name'];
$columns[] = [
'sTitle' => $label,
'mDataProp' => $key,
'sClass' => "his_{$key}",
'sDataType' => $field['type'],
return $columns;
public function getDatatablesLogSheetColumns()
//need to prepend a checkbox column.
$checkbox = [
'sTitle' => '',
'mDataProp' => 'checkbox',
'sClass' => 'his_checkbox',
'bSortable' => false,
try {
$template = $this->getConfiguredItemTemplate();
$fields = $template['fields'];
$columns = $this->datatablesColumns($fields);
array_unshift($columns, $checkbox);
return $columns;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function getDatatablesFileSummaryColumns()
try {
$template = $this->getConfiguredFileTemplate();
return $this->datatablesColumns($template['fields']);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function getConfiguredItemTemplate()
try {
$id = Application_Model_Preference::GetHistoryItemTemplate();
if (is_numeric($id)) {
$template = $this->loadTemplate($id);
} else {
$template = $this->defaultItemTemplate();
return $template;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function setConfiguredItemTemplate($id)
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function getConfiguredFileTemplate()
try {
$id = Application_Model_Preference::GetHistoryFileTemplate();
if (is_numeric($id)) {
$template = $this->loadTemplate($id);
} else {
$template = $this->defaultFileTemplate();
return $template;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function setConfiguredFileTemplate($id)
try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function setConfiguredTemplate($id)
try {
$template = $this->loadTemplate($id);
$type = $template['type'];
$setTemplate = 'setConfigured' . ucfirst($type) . 'Template';
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function getConfiguredTemplateIds()
try {
$id = Application_Model_Preference::GetHistoryItemTemplate();
$id2 = Application_Model_Preference::GetHistoryFileTemplate();
$configured = [];
if (is_numeric($id)) {
$configured[] = $id;
if (is_numeric($id2)) {
$configured[] = $id2;
return $configured;
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function createTemplate($config)
try {
$type = $config['type'];
$method = 'default' . ucfirst($type) . 'Template';
$default = $this->{$method}();
$name = isset($config['name']) ? $config['name'] : $default['name'];
$fields = isset($config['fields']) ? $config['fields'] : $default['fields'];
$doSetDefault = isset($config['setDefault']) ? $config['setDefault'] : false;
$template = new CcPlayoutHistoryTemplate();
foreach ($fields as $index => $field) {
$isMd = ($field['isFileMd'] == 'true') ? true : false;
$templateField = new CcPlayoutHistoryTemplateField();
if ($doSetDefault) {
return $template->getDbid();
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function updateItemTemplate($id, $name, $fields, $doSetDefault = false)
try {
$template = CcPlayoutHistoryTemplateQuery::create()->findPk($id, $this->con);
if (count($fields) === 0) {
$t = $this->defaultItemTemplate();
$fields = $t['fields'];
foreach ($fields as $index => $field) {
$isMd = ($field['isFileMd'] == 'true') ? true : false;
$templateField = new CcPlayoutHistoryTemplateField();
if ($doSetDefault) {
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;
public function deleteTemplate($id)
try {
$template = CcPlayoutHistoryTemplateQuery::create()->findPk($id, $this->con);
} catch (Exception $e) {
throw $e;