125 lines
4.2 KiB
125 lines
4.2 KiB
Use this file to faciliate easy per-project building.
Simply create a build.properties file in this directory,
that contains any needed (i.e. to override) values for this project.
Call this build script and specify the name of the project and
(optionally) the name of the target you wish to execute (default is
'main' target) of build-propel.xml.
Normal use:
$> phing
Specific target:
$> phing -Dtarget=insert-sql
<project name="propel-project-builder" default="main">
<!-- set to this dir -->
<property name="project.dir" value="."/>
<!-- set a default target if none provided -->
<property name="target" value="main"/>
<target name="buildpropescheck">
<available file="./build.properties" property="projBuildPopertiesExists"/>
<target name="init">
<echo msg="Loading project-specific props from ./build.properties"/>
<property file="./build.properties"/>
<target name="checkproject" unless="propel.project">
<fail msg="Build failed. Please make sure that propel.project is set to your project-name in local build.properties"/>
<target name="checkhome" unless="propel.home">
<fail msg="Build failed. Please make sure that propel.home is set to the propel-generator-dir in local build.properties"/>
<target name="checkschemadir" unless="propel.schema.dir">
<fail msg="Build failed. Please make sure that propel.schema.dir is set to '.' in local build.properties"/>
<target name="checkconfdir" unless="propel.conf.dir">
<fail msg="Build failed. Please make sure that propel.conf.dir is set to '.' in local build.properties"/>
<target name="checkoutputdir" unless="propel.output.dir">
<fail msg="Build failed. Please make sure that propel.output.dir is set to a directory of your choice (e.g. './build/') local build.properties"/>
<target name="configure" depends="init,checkproject,checkhome,checkschemadir,checkconfdir,checkoutputdir">
<property name="project" value="{$propel.project}"/>
<target name="main" depends="configure"
description="The main target. Includes project-specific build.properties and calls the build-propel.xml script">
<phing phingfile="${propel.home}/build-propel.xml" target="${target}"/>
Convenience mappings to build-propel.xml main targets
This makes it possible to use this buildfile w/o needing to specify
target as a property, e.g.:
$> phing -Dproject=bookstore insert-sql
The main reason for this is just consistency w/ old build-propel.xml file
(primarily for documentation & user confusion avoidance reasons). There are relatively
few & infrequently changing main targets of build-propel.xml, so it's a non-
issue as far as maintenance is concerned.
<target name="convert-props" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="${propel.home}/build-propel.xml" target="convert-props"/>
<target name="create-db" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="${propel.home}/build-propel.xml" target="create-db"/>
<target name="creole" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="${propel.home}/build-propel.xml" target="creole"/>
<target name="datadtd" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="${propel.home}/build-propel.xml" target="datadtd"/>
<target name="datadump" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="${propel.home}/build-propel.xml" target="datadump"/>
<target name="datasql" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="${propel.home}/build-propel.xml" target="datasql"/>
<target name="insert-sql" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="${propel.home}/build-propel.xml" target="insert-sql"/>
<target name="om" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="${propel.home}/build-propel.xml" target="om"/>
<target name="new-om" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="${propel.home}/build-propel.xml" target="new-om"/>
<target name="sql" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="${propel.home}/build-propel.xml" target="sql"/>
<target name="old-sql" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="${propel.home}/build-propel.xml" target="old-sql"/>
<target name="graphviz" depends="configure">
<phing phingfile="${propel.home}/build-propel.xml" target="graphviz"/>