438 lines
14 KiB
438 lines
14 KiB
$airtimeIni = AirtimeCheck::GetAirtimeConf();
$airtime_base_dir = $airtimeIni['general']['airtime_dir'];
require_once "$airtime_base_dir/library/php-amqplib/amqp.inc";
$apiClientCfg = AirtimeCheck::GetApiClientCfg();
echo PHP_EOL;
if (AirtimeCheck::$check_system_ok){
output_msg("System setup looks OK!");
} else {
output_msg("There appears to be problems with your setup. Please visit");
output_msg("http://wiki.sourcefabric.org/x/HABQ for troubleshooting info.");
echo PHP_EOL;
function output_status($key, $value)
echo sprintf("%-31s= %s", $key, $value).PHP_EOL;
function output_msg($msg)
//echo " -- ".PHP_EOL;
echo " -- $msg".PHP_EOL;
//echo " -- ".PHP_EOL;
class AirtimeCheck {
const CHECK_OK = "OK";
const KOMBU_MIN_VERSION = "1.1.2";
const POSTER_MIN_VERSION = "0.8.1";
const MUTAGEN_MIN_VERSION = "1.20";
const PYINOTIFY_MIN_VERSION = "0.9.2";
public static $check_system_ok = true;
private static function CheckAirtimeDaemonRunning($filename, $process_id_str, $process_running_str, $name, $logFile)
$pid = false;
$numSecondsRunning = 0;
if (file_exists($filename)){
//first get pid
$potential_pid = trim(file_get_contents($filename));
//check if the pid is actually live
if (file_exists("/proc/$potential_pid")){
$pid = $potential_pid;
//now lets get the running time
$lastModified = filemtime($filename);
$currentTime = time();
$numSecondsRunning = $currentTime - $lastModified;
output_status($process_id_str, $pid);
output_status($process_running_str, $numSecondsRunning);
if (is_numeric($numSecondsRunning) && (int)$numSecondsRunning < 3) {
self::$check_system_ok = false;
output_msg("WARNING! It looks like the $name engine is continually restarting.");
$command = "tail -10 $logFile";
exec($command, $output, $result);
foreach ($output as $line) {
public static function CheckAirtimeDaemons()
"Media Monitor",
"Show Recorder",
public static function CheckIcecastRunning()
$command = "ps aux | grep \"^icecast2\"";
exec($command, $output, $result);
$status = AirtimeCheck::CHECK_FAILED;
if (count($output) > 0){
$delimited = preg_split("/[\s]+/", $output[0]);
$status = $delimited[1];
} else {
self::$check_system_ok = false;
output_status("ICECAST_PROCESS_ID", $status);
public static function GetCpuInfo()
$command = "cat /proc/cpuinfo |grep -m 1 'model name' ";
exec($command, $output, $result);
$choppedStr = explode(":", $output[0]);
$status = trim($choppedStr[1]);
output_status("CPU", $status);
public static function GetRamInfo()
$command = "cat /proc/meminfo |grep 'MemTotal' ";
exec($command, $output, $result);
$choppedStr = explode(":", $output[0]);
$status = trim($choppedStr[1]);
output_status("Total RAM", $status);
$output = null;
$command = "cat /proc/meminfo |grep 'MemFree' ";
exec($command, $output, $result);
$choppedStr = explode(":", $output[0]);
$status = trim($choppedStr[1]);
output_status("Free RAM", $status);
public static function CheckConfigFilesExist()
//echo PHP_EOL."Verifying Config Files in /etc/airtime".PHP_EOL;
$confFiles = array("airtime.conf",
$allFound = AirtimeCheck::CHECK_OK;
foreach ($confFiles as $cf){
$fullPath = "/etc/airtime/$cf";
if (!file_exists($fullPath)){
$allFound = AirtimeCheck::CHECK_FAILED;
self::$check_system_ok = false;
output_status("AIRTIME_CONFIG_FILES", $allFound);
public static function GetAirtimeConf()
$ini = parse_ini_file("/etc/airtime/airtime.conf", true);
if ($ini === false){
echo "Error reading /etc/airtime/airtime.conf.".PHP_EOL;
return $ini;
public static function GetApiClientCfg()
$ini = parse_ini_file("/etc/airtime/api_client.cfg", false);
if ($ini === false){
echo "Error reading /etc/airtime/api_client.cfg.".PHP_EOL;
return $ini;
public static function GetDbConnection($airtimeIni)
$host = $airtimeIni["database"]["host"];
$dbname = $airtimeIni["database"]["dbname"];
$dbuser = $airtimeIni["database"]["dbuser"];
$dbpass = $airtimeIni["database"]["dbpass"];
$dbconn = pg_connect("host=$host port=5432 dbname=$dbname user=$dbuser password=$dbpass");
if ($dbconn === false){
$status = AirtimeCheck::CHECK_FAILED;
self::$check_system_ok = false;
} else {
$status = AirtimeCheck::CHECK_OK;
output_status("POSTGRESQL_DATABASE", $status);
private static function isMinVersionSatisfied($minVersion, $version){
$minVersionArr = explode(".", $minVersion);
$versionArr = explode(".", $version);
if (count($minVersionArr) != count($versionArr)){
return false;
//when comparing 1.20 and 1.19, first compare "1" and "1"
//and then the "20" to the "19"
for ($i=0, $n = count($minVersionArr); $i<$n; $i++){
if ($minVersionArr[$i] < $versionArr[$i]){
return true;
} else if ($minVersionArr[$i] > $versionArr[$i]){
return false;
//else continue if equal
return true;
private static function CheckPythonLibrary($lib, $minVersion){
$command = "/usr/lib/airtime/airtime_virtualenv/bin/pip freeze | grep $lib";
exec($command, $output, $result);
$status = AirtimeCheck::CHECK_FAILED;
if (count($output[0]) > 0){
$key_value = explode("==", $output[0]);
$version = trim($key_value[1]);
if (self::isMinVersionSatisfied($minVersion, $version)){
$status = $version;
} else {
output_msg("Minimum require version for \"$lib\" is $minVersion. Your version: $version");
self::$check_system_ok = false;
} else {
self::$check_system_ok = false;
return $status;
public static function PythonLibrariesInstalled()
output_status("PYTHON_KOMBU_VERSION", self::CheckPythonLibrary("kombu", self::KOMBU_MIN_VERSION));
output_status("PYTHON_POSTER_VERSION", self::CheckPythonLibrary("poster", self::POSTER_MIN_VERSION));
output_status("PYTHON_MUTAGEN_VERSION", self::CheckPythonLibrary("mutagen", self::MUTAGEN_MIN_VERSION));
output_status("PYTHON_PYINOTIFY_VERSION", self::CheckPythonLibrary("pyinotify", self::PYINOTIFY_MIN_VERSION));
public static function CheckDbTables()
/* The function tests for whether the rabbitmq-server package is
* installed. RabbitMQ could be installed manually via tarball
* and this function will fail to detect it! Unfortunately there
* seems to be no other way to check RabbitMQ version. Will update
* this function if I find a more universal solution. */
public static function CheckRabbitMqVersion(){
echo PHP_EOL."Checking RabbitMQ Version".PHP_EOL;
$command = "dpkg -l | grep rabbitmq-server";
exec($command, $output, $result);
if (count($output) > 0){
//version string always starts at character 45. Lets find
//the end of this version string by looking for the first space.
$start = 45;
$end = strpos($output[0], " ", $start);
$version = substr($output[0], $start, $end-$start);
echo "\t$version ... [OK]".PHP_EOL;
} else {
echo "\trabbitmq-server package not found. [Failed!]".PHP_EOL;
* */
public static function CheckRabbitMqConnection($airtimeIni)
try {
$status = AirtimeCheck::CHECK_OK;
$conn = new AMQPConnection($airtimeIni["rabbitmq"]["host"],
} catch (Exception $e){
$status = AirtimeCheck::CHECK_FAILED;
self::$check_system_ok = false;
output_status("RABBITMQ_SERVER", $status);
public static function GetAirtimeServerVersion($apiClientCfg)
$baseUrl = $apiClientCfg["base_url"];
$basePort = $apiClientCfg["base_port"];
$apiKey = "%%api_key%%";
$url = "http://$baseUrl:$basePort/api/version/api_key/$apiKey";
output_status("AIRTIME_VERSION_URL", $url);
$apiKey = $apiClientCfg["api_key"];
$url = "http://$baseUrl:$basePort/api/version/api_key/$apiKey";
$rh = fopen($url, "r");
$version = "Could not contact server";
if ($rh !== false) {
output_status("APACHE_CONFIGURED", "YES");
while (($buffer = fgets($rh)) !== false) {
$json = json_decode(trim($buffer), true);
if (!is_null($json)){
$version = $json["version"];
} else {
output_status("APACHE_CONFIGURED", "NO");
output_status("AIRTIME_VERSION", $version);
public static function CheckApacheVHostFiles(){
$fileNames = array("/etc/apache2/sites-available/airtime",
$status = AirtimeCheck::CHECK_OK;
foreach ($fileNames as $fn){
if (!file_exists($fn)){
$status = AirtimeCheck::CHECK_FAILED;
self::$check_system_ok = false;
//Since apache2 loads config files in alphabetical order
//from the sites-enabled directory, we need to check if
//airtime is lexically the first file in this directory.
//get sorted array of files
$arr = scandir("/etc/apache2/sites-enabled");
foreach ($arr as $a){
if ($a == "." || $a == ".."){
if ($a == "airtime"){
} else {
echo "\t\t*Warning, the file \"$a\" is lexically ahead of the file \"airtime\" in".PHP_EOL;
echo"\t\t /etc/apache2/sites-enabled and preventing airtime from being loaded".PHP_EOL;
public static function CheckOsTypeVersion(){
if (file_exists("/etc/lsb-release")){
//lsb-release existing implies a Ubuntu installation.
$ini = parse_ini_file("/etc/lsb-release", false);
$os_string = $ini["DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION"];
} else if (file_exists("/etc/debian_version")) {
//if lsb-release does not exist, lets check if we are
//running on Debian. Look for file /etc/debian_version
$handler = fopen("/etc/debian_version", "r");
$os_string = trim(fgets($handler));
} else {
$os_string = "Unknown";
// Figure out if 32 or 64 bit
$command = "file -b /sbin/init";
exec($command, $output, $result);
$splitStr = explode(",", $output[0]);
$os_string .= $splitStr[1];
output_status("OS", $os_string);
// error handler function
function myErrorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
//Don't execute PHP internal error handler
return true;