
2186 lines
73 KiB

* Format of search criteria: hash, with following structure:<br>
* <ul>
* <li>filetype - string, type of searched files,
* meaningful values: 'audioclip', 'webstream', 'playlist', 'all'</li>
* <li>operator - string, type of conditions join
* (any condition matches / all conditions match),
* meaningful values: 'and', 'or', ''
* (may be empty or ommited only with less then 2 items in
* &quot;conditions&quot; field)
* </li>
* <li>orderby : string - metadata category for sorting (optional)
* or array of strings for multicolumn orderby
* [default: dc:creator, dc:source, dc:title]
* </li>
* <li>desc : boolean - flag for descending order (optional)
* or array of boolean for multicolumn orderby
* (it corresponds to elements of orderby field)
* [default: all ascending]
* </li>
* <li>conditions - array of hashes with structure:
* <ul>
* <li>cat - string, metadata category name</li>
* <li>op - string, operator - meaningful values:
* 'full', 'partial', 'prefix', '=', '&lt;',
* '&lt;=', '&gt;', '&gt;='</li>
* <li>val - string, search value</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* <p>
* Format of search/browse results: hash, with following structure:<br>
* <ul>
* <li>results : array of gunids have found</li>
* <li>cnt : integer - number of matching items</li>
* </ul>
define('GBERR_DENY', 40);
define('GBERR_FILEIO', 41);
define('GBERR_FILENEX', 42);
define('GBERR_FOBJNEX', 43);
define('GBERR_WRTYPE', 44);
define('GBERR_NONE', 45);
define('GBERR_AOBJNEX', 46);
define('GBERR_NOTF', 47);
define('GBERR_SESS', 48);
define('GBERR_PREF', 49);
define('GBERR_TOKEN', 50);
define('GBERR_PUT', 51);
define('GBERR_LOCK', 52);
define('GBERR_GUNID', 53);
define('GBERR_BGERR', 54);
define('GBERR_NOTIMPL', 69);
//$g_metadata_xml_to_db_mapping = array(
// "dc:format" => "format",
// "ls:bitrate" => "bit_rate",
// "ls:samplerate" => "sample_rate",
// "dcterms:extent" => "length",
// "dc:title" => "track_title",
// "dc:description" => "comments",
// "dc:type" => "genre",
// "dc:creator" => "artist_name",
// "dc:source" => "album_title",
// "ls:channels" => "channels",
// "ls:filename" => "name",
// "ls:year" => "year",
// "ls:url" => "url",
// "ls:track_num" => "track_number",
// "ls:mood" => "mood",
// "ls:bpm" => "bpm",
// "ls:disc_num" => "disc_number",
// "ls:rating" => "rating",
// "ls:encoded_by" => "encoded_by",
// "dc:publisher" => "label",
// "ls:composer" => "composer",
// "ls:encoder" => "encoder",
// "ls:crc" => "checksum",
// "ls:lyrics" => "lyrics",
// "ls:orchestra" => "orchestra",
// "ls:conductor" => "conductor",
// "ls:lyricist" => "lyricist",
// "ls:originallyricist" => "original_lyricist",
// "ls:radiostationname" => "radio_station_name",
// "ls:audiofileinfourl" => "info_url",
// "ls:artisturl" => "artist_url",
// "ls:audiosourceurl" => "audio_source_url",
// "ls:radiostationurl" => "radio_station_url",
// "ls:buycdurl" => "buy_this_url",
// "ls:isrcnumber" => "isrc_number",
// "ls:catalognumber" => "catalog_number",
// "ls:originalartist" => "original_artist",
// "dc:rights" => "copyright",
// "dcterms:temporal" => "report_datetime",
// "dcterms:spatial" => "report_location",
// "dcterms:entity" => "report_organization",
// "dc:subject" => "subject",
// "dc:contributor" => "contributor",
// "dc:language" => "language");
* Core of Campcaster file storage module
* @package Campcaster
* @subpackage StorageServer
* @copyright 2010 Sourcefabric O.P.S.
* @license
* @see Alib
class BasicStor {
public $storId;
private $fileTypes;
public function __construct()
$this->filetypes = array(
* Store new file in the storage
* @param array $p_values
* See StoredFile::Insert() for details.
* @param boolean $copyMedia
* copy the media file if true, make symlink if false
* @return StoredFile|PEAR_Error
* The StoredFile that was created.
// public function bsPutFile($p_values, $p_copyMedia=TRUE)
// {
// $storedFile = StoredFile::Insert($p_values, $p_copyMedia);
// return $storedFile;
// }
* Rename file
* @param int $id
* Virtual file's local id
* @param string $newName
* @return boolean|PEAR_Error
// public function bsRenameFile($id, $newName)
// {
// switch (BasicStor::GetObjType($id)) {
// case "audioclip":
// case "playlist":
// case "webstream":
// $storedFile = StoredFile::Recall($id);
// if (is_null($storedFile) || PEAR::isError($storedFile)) {
// // catch nonerror exception:
// //if($storedFile->getCode() != GBERR_FOBJNEX)
// return $storedFile;
// }
// $res = $storedFile->setName($newName);
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// return $res;
// }
// break;
// case "File":
// default:
// }
// return TRUE;
// }
* Replace file. Doesn't change filetype!
* @param int $id
* Virtual file's local id
* @param string $localFilePath
* Local path of media file
* @param string $metadataFilePath
* Local path of metadata file
* @param string $mdataLoc
* 'file'|'string'
* @return true|PEAR_Error
* @exception PEAR::error
// public function bsReplaceFile($id, $localFilePath, $metadataFilePath, $mdataLoc='file')
// {
// $storedFile = StoredFile::Recall($id);
// if (is_null($storedFile) || PEAR::isError($storedFile)) {
// return $storedFile;
// }
// if (!empty($metadataFilePath) &&
// ($mdataLoc!='file' || file_exists($metadataFilePath))) {
// $r = $storedFile->setMetadata($metadataFilePath, $mdataLoc);
// if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
// return $r;
// }
// }
// if (!empty($localFilePath) && file_exists($localFilePath)) {
// $r = $storedFile->setRawMediaData($localFilePath);
// if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
// return $r;
// }
// }
// return TRUE;
// }
* Delete file
* @param int $id
* Virtual file's local id
* @param boolean $forced
* If true don't use trash
* @return true|PEAR_Error
// public function bsDeleteFile($id, $forced=FALSE)
// {
// global $CC_CONFIG;
// // full delete:
// if (!$CC_CONFIG['useTrash'] || $forced) {
// $res = BasicStor::RemoveObj($id, $forced);
// return $res;
// }
// $storedFile = StoredFile::Recall($id);
// if (is_null($storedFile) || PEAR::isError($storedFile)) {
// return $storedFile;
// }
// if ($storedFile->isAccessed()) {
// return PEAR::raiseError(
// 'Cannot delete an object that is currently accessed.'
// );
// }
// // move to trash:
// switch (BasicStor::GetObjType($id)) {
// case "audioclip":
// $playLists = $storedFile->getPlaylists();
// $item_gunid = $storedFile->getGunid();
// if( $playLists != NULL) {
// foreach($playLists as $key=>$val) {
// $playList_id = BasicStor::IdFromGunidBigInt($val["gunid"]);
// $playList_titles[] = BasicStor::bsGetMetadataValue($playList_id, "dc:title");
// }
// return PEAR::raiseError(
// 'Please remove this song from all playlists: ' . join(",", $playList_titles)
// );
// }
// break;
// case "playlist":
// if($storedFile->isScheduled()) {
// return PEAR::raiseError(
// 'Cannot delete an object that is scheduled to play.'
// );
// }
// break;
// case "webstream":
// break;
// default:
// }
// $res = $storedFile->setState('deleted');
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// return $res;
// }
// return TRUE;
// }
/* ----------------------------------------------------- put, access etc. */
* Check validity of access/put token
* @param string $token
* Access/put token
* @param string $type
* 'put'|'access'|'download'
* @return boolean
public static function bsCheckToken($token, $type='put')
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$cnt = $CC_DBC->getOne("
SELECT count(token) FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable']."
WHERE token=x'{$token}'::bigint AND type='$type'
if (PEAR::isError($cnt)) {
return FALSE;
return ($cnt == 1);
* Create and return access link to real file
* @param string $realFname
* Local filepath to accessed file
* (NULL for only increase access counter, no symlink)
* @param string $ext
* Useful filename extension for accessed file
* @param int $gunid
* Global unique id
* (NULL for special files such exported playlists)
* @param string $type
* 'access'|'download'
* @param int $parent
* parent token (recursive access/release)
* @param int $owner
* Local user id - owner of token
* @return array
* array with: seekable filehandle, access token
public static function bsAccess($realFname, $ext, $gunid, $type='access',
$parent='0', $owner=NULL)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
if (!is_null($gunid)) {
$gunid = StoredFile::NormalizeGunid($gunid);
$token = StoredFile::CreateGunid();
if (!is_null($realFname)) {
$linkFname = $CC_CONFIG['accessDir']."/$token.$ext";
//broken links are ignored by the player, do not worry about it here
/* if (!is_file($realFname) && !is_link($realFname)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"BasicStor::bsAccess: real file not found ($realFname)",
if (! @symlink($realFname, $linkFname)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"BasicStor::bsAccess: symlink create failed ($linkFname)",
} else {
$linkFname = NULL;
$escapedExt = pg_escape_string($ext);
$escapedType = pg_escape_string($type);
$gunidSql = (is_null($gunid) ? "NULL" : "x'{$gunid}'::bigint" );
$ownerSql = (is_null($owner) ? "NULL" : "$owner" );
$res = $CC_DBC->query("
INSERT INTO ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable']."
(gunid, token, ext, type, parent, owner, ts)
($gunidSql, x'$token'::bigint,
'$escapedExt', '$escapedType', x'{$parent}'::bigint, $ownerSql, now())
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
if (!is_null($gunid)) {
$res = $CC_DBC->query("
UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable']."
SET currentlyAccessing=currentlyAccessing+1, mtime=now()
WHERE gunid=x'{$gunid}'::bigint
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
$res = $CC_DBC->query("COMMIT");
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
return array('fname'=>$linkFname, 'token'=>$token);
* Release access link to real file
* @param string $token
* Access token
* @param string $type
* 'access'|'download'
* @return array
* gunid: string, global unique ID or real pathname of special file
* owner: int, local subject id of token owner
* realFname: string, real local pathname of accessed file
public static function bsRelease($token, $type='access')
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
if (!BasicStor::bsCheckToken($token, $type)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"BasicStor::bsRelease: invalid token ($token)"
$acc = $CC_DBC->getRow("
SELECT to_hex(gunid)as gunid, ext, owner FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable']."
WHERE token=x'{$token}'::bigint AND type='$type'
if (PEAR::isError($acc)) {
return $acc;
$ext = $acc['ext'];
$owner = $acc['owner'];
$linkFname = $CC_CONFIG['accessDir']."/$token.$ext";
$realFname = readlink($linkFname);
if (file_exists($linkFname)) {
if(! @unlink($linkFname)){
return PEAR::raiseError(
"BasicStor::bsRelease: unlink failed ($linkFname)",
if (!is_null($acc['gunid'])) {
$gunid = StoredFile::NormalizeGunid($acc['gunid']);
$res = $CC_DBC->query("
UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable']."
SET currentlyAccessing=currentlyAccessing-1, mtime=now()
WHERE gunid=x'{$gunid}'::bigint AND currentlyAccessing>0
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
$res = $CC_DBC->query("
DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable']." WHERE token=x'$token'::bigint
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
$res = $CC_DBC->query("COMMIT");
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
$res = array(
'gunid' => (isset($gunid) ? $gunid : NULL ),
'realFname' => $realFname,
'owner' => $owner,
return $res;
* Create and return downloadable URL for file
* @param int $id
* Virtual file's local id
* @param string $part
* 'media'|'metadata'
* @param int $parent
* parent token (recursive access/release)
* @return array
* array with strings:
* downloadable URL, download token, chsum, size, filename
// public function bsOpenDownload($id, $part='media')
// {
// $storedFile = StoredFile::Recall($id);
// if (is_null($storedFile) || PEAR::isError($storedFile)) {
// return $storedFile;
// }
// $gunid = $storedFile->gunid;
// switch ($part) {
// case "media":
// $realfile = $storedFile->getRealFileName();
// $ext = $storedFile->getFileExtension();
// $filename = $storedFile->getName();
// break;
// case "metadata":
// $realfile = $storedFile->getRealMetadataFileName();
// $ext = "xml";
// $filename = $storedFile->getName();
// break;
// default:
// return PEAR::raiseError(
// "BasicStor::bsOpenDownload: unknown part ($part)"
// );
// }
// $acc = BasicStor::bsAccess($realfile, $ext, $gunid, 'download');
// if (PEAR::isError($acc)) {
// return $acc;
// }
// $url = BasicStor::GetUrlPart()."access/".basename($acc['fname']);
// $chsum = md5_file($realfile);
// $size = filesize($realfile);
// return array(
// 'url'=>$url, 'token'=>$acc['token'],
// 'chsum'=>$chsum, 'size'=>$size,
// 'filename'=>$filename
// );
// }
* Discard downloadable URL
* @param string $token
* Download token
* @param string $part
* 'media'|'metadata'
* @return string
* gunid
// public function bsCloseDownload($token, $part='media')
// {
// if (!BasicStor::bsCheckToken($token, 'download')) {
// return PEAR::raiseError(
// "BasicStor::bsCloseDownload: invalid token ($token)"
// );
// }
// $r = BasicStor::bsRelease($token, 'download');
// if (PEAR::isError($r)){
// return $r;
// }
// return (is_null($r['gunid']) ? $r['realFname'] : $r['gunid']);
// }
* Create writable URL for HTTP PUT method file insert
* @param string $chsum
* md5sum of the file having been put
* @param string $gunid
* global unique id
* (NULL for special files such imported playlists)
* @param int $owner
* local user id - owner of token
* @return array
* array with:
* url string: writable URL
* fname string: writable local filename
* token string: PUT token
// public function bsOpenPut($chsum, $gunid, $owner=NULL)
// {
// global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
// if (!is_null($gunid)) {
// $gunid = StoredFile::NormalizeGunid($gunid);
// }
// $escapedChsum = pg_escape_string($chsum);
// $token = StoredFile::CreateGunid();
// $res = $CC_DBC->query("DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable']
// ." WHERE token=x'$token'::bigint");
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// return $res;
// }
// $gunidSql = (is_null($gunid) ? "NULL" : "x'{$gunid}'::bigint" );
// $ownerSql = (is_null($owner) ? "NULL" : "$owner" );
// $res = $CC_DBC->query("
// INSERT INTO ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable']."
// (gunid, token, ext, chsum, type, owner, ts)
// ($gunidSql, x'$token'::bigint,
// '', '$escapedChsum', 'put', $ownerSql, now())");
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// return $res;
// }
// $fname = $CC_CONFIG['accessDir']."/$token";
// touch($fname); // is it needed?
// $url = BasicStor::GetUrlPart()."xmlrpc/put.php?token=$token";
// return array('url'=>$url, 'fname'=>$fname, 'token'=>$token);
// }
* Get file from writable URL and return local filename.
* Caller should move or unlink this file.
* @param string $token
* PUT token
* @return array
* hash with fields:
* fname string, local path of the file having been put
* owner int, local subject id - owner of token
// public function bsClosePut($token)
// {
// global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
// $token = StoredFile::NormalizeGunid($token);
// if (!BasicStor::bsCheckToken($token, 'put')) {
// return PEAR::raiseError(
// "BasicStor::bsClosePut: invalid token ($token)",
// }
// $row = $CC_DBC->getRow(
// "SELECT chsum, owner FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable']
// ." WHERE token=x'{$token}'::bigint");
// if (PEAR::isError($row)) {
// return $row;
// }
// $fname = $CC_CONFIG['accessDir']."/$token";
// $md5sum = md5_file($fname);
// $chsum = $row['chsum'];
// $owner = $row['owner'];
// $error = null;
// if ( (trim($chsum) != '') && ($chsum != $md5sum) ) {
// // Delete the file if the checksums do not match.
// if (file_exists($fname)) {
// @unlink($fname);
// }
// $error = new PEAR_Error(
// "BasicStor::bsClosePut: md5sum does not match (token=$token)".
// " [$chsum/$md5sum]",
// } else {
// // Remember the MD5 sum
// $storedFile = StoredFile::RecallByToken($token);
// if (!is_null($storedFile) && !PEAR::isError($storedFile)) {
// $storedFile->setMd5($md5sum);
// } else {
//# $error = $storedFile;
// }
// }
// // Delete entry from access table.
// $res = $CC_DBC->query("DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable']
// ." WHERE token=x'$token'::bigint");
// if (PEAR::isError($error)) {
// return $error;
// } elseif (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// return $res;
// }
// return array('fname'=>$fname, 'owner'=>$owner);
// }
* Check uploaded file
* @param string $token
* "Put" token
* @return array
* hash, (
* status: boolean,
* size: int - filesize
* expectedsum: string - expected checksum
* realsum: string - checksum of uploaded file
* )
// public function bsCheckPut($token)
// {
// global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
// if (!BasicStor::bsCheckToken($token, 'put')) {
// return PEAR::raiseError(
// "BasicStor::bsCheckPut: invalid token ($token)"
// );
// }
// $chsum = $CC_DBC->getOne("
// SELECT chsum FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable']."
// WHERE token=x'{$token}'::bigint
// ");
// if (PEAR::isError($chsum)) {
// return $chsum;
// }
// $fname = $CC_CONFIG['accessDir']."/$token";
// $md5sum = md5_file($fname);
// $size = filesize($fname);
// $status = ($chsum == $md5sum);
// return array(
// 'status'=>$status, 'size'=>$size,
// 'expectedsum'=>$chsum,
// 'realsum'=>$md5sum,
// );
// }
* Return starting part of storageServer URL
* @return string
// public static function GetUrlPart()
// {
// global $CC_CONFIG;
// $host = $CC_CONFIG['storageUrlHost'];
// $port = $CC_CONFIG['storageUrlPort'];
// $path = $CC_CONFIG['storageUrlPath'];
// return "http://$host:$port$path/";
// }
* Get tokens by type
* @param string $type
* access|put|render etc.
* @return array
* array of tokens
// public static function GetTokensByType($type)
// {
// global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
// $res = $CC_DBC->query(
// "SELECT TO_HEX(token) AS token FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable']." WHERE type=?",
// array($type));
// while ($row = $res->fetchRow()) {
// $r[] = $row['token'];
// }
// return $r;
// }
/* ----------------------------------------------------- metadata methods */
* Replace metadata with new XML file or string
* @param int $id
* Virtual file's local id
* @param string $mdata
* Local path of metadata XML file
* @param string $mdataLoc
* 'file'|'string'
* @return boolean|PEAR_Error
// public function bsReplaceMetadata($id, $mdata, $mdataLoc='file')
// {
// $storedFile = StoredFile::Recall($id);
// if (is_null($storedFile) || PEAR::isError($storedFile)) {
// return $storedFile;
// }
// return $storedFile->setMetadata($mdata, $mdataLoc);
// }
* Get metadata as XML string
* @param int $id
* Virtual file's local id
* @return string|PEAR_Error
// public function bsGetMetadata($id)
// {
// $storedFile = StoredFile::Recall($id);
// if (is_null($storedFile) || PEAR::isError($storedFile)) {
// return $storedFile;
// }
// return $storedFile->getMetadata();
// }
* Get dc:title (if exists)
* @param int $id
* Virtual file's local id
* @param string $gunid
* Virtual file's gunid, optional, used only if not
* null, id is then ignored
* @return string|PEAR_Error
// public function bsGetTitle($id, $gunid=NULL)
// {
// if (is_null($gunid)) {
// $storedFile = StoredFile::Recall($id);
// } else {
// $storedFile = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($gunid);
// }
// if (is_null($storedFile) || PEAR::isError($storedFile)) {
// return $storedFile;
// }
// $r = $storedFile->md["title"];
// $title = (empty($r) ? 'unknown' : $r);
// return $title;
// }
* Get metadata element value
* @param int $id
* Virtual file's local id
* @param string|array|null $category
* metadata element name, or array of metadata element names,
* if null is passed, all metadata values for the given ID will
* be fetched.
* @return string|array
* If a string is passed in for $category, a string is returned,
* if an array is passed, an array is returned.
* @see Metadata::getMetadataValue
// public function bsGetMetadataValue($id, $category = null)
// {
// if (!is_numeric($id)) {
// return null;
// }
// $storedFile = StoredFile::Recall($id);
// if (is_null($storedFile) || PEAR::isError($storedFile)) {
// return $storedFile;
// }
// if (is_null($category)) {
// return $storedFile->md;
// } elseif (is_array($category)) {
// $values = array();
// foreach ($category as $tmpCat) {
// $values[$tmpCat] = $storedFile->md[$tmpCat];
// }
// return $values;
// } else {
// return $storedFile->md[$category];
// }
// }
* Convert XML name to database column name. Used for backwards compatibility
* with old code.
* @param string $p_category
* @return string|null
// public static function xmlCategoryToDbColumn($p_category)
// {
// global $g_metadata_xml_to_db_mapping;
// if (array_key_exists($p_category, $g_metadata_xml_to_db_mapping)) {
// return $g_metadata_xml_to_db_mapping[$p_category];
// }
// return null;
// }
* Convert database column name to XML name.
* @param string $p_dbColumn
* @return string|null
// public static function dbColumnToXmlCatagory($p_dbColumn)
// {
// global $g_metadata_xml_to_db_mapping;
// $str = array_search($p_dbColumn, $g_metadata_xml_to_db_mapping);
// // make return value consistent with xmlCategoryToDbColumn()
// if ($str === FALSE) {
// $str = null;
// }
// return $str;
// }
* Set metadata element value
* @param int|StoredFile $id
* Database ID of file
* @param string $category
* Metadata element identification (e.g. dc:title)
* @param string $value
* value to store, if NULL then delete record
* @return boolean
// public static function bsSetMetadataValue($p_id, $p_category, $p_value)
// {
// global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
// if (!is_string($p_category) || is_array($p_value)) {
// return FALSE;
// }
// if (is_a($p_id, "StoredFile")) {
// $p_id = $p_id->getId();
// }
// if ($p_category == 'dcterms:extent') {
// $p_value = BasicStor::NormalizeExtent($p_value);
// }
// $columnName = BasicStor::xmlCategoryToDbColumn($p_category); // Get column name
// if (!is_null($columnName)) {
// $escapedValue = pg_escape_string($p_value);
// $sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"]
// ." SET $columnName='$escapedValue'"
// ." WHERE id=$p_id";
// //var_dump($sql);
// $res = $CC_DBC->query($sql);
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// return $res;
// }
// }
// return TRUE;
// }
* Normalize time value to hh:mm:ss:dddddd format
* @param mixed $v
* value to normalize
* @return string
// private static function NormalizeExtent($v)
// {
// if (!preg_match("|^\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}.\d{6}$|", $v)) {
// $s = Playlist::playlistTimeToSeconds($v);
// $t = Playlist::secondsToPlaylistTime($s);
// return $t;
// }
// return $v;
// }
* Set metadata values in 'batch' mode
* @param int|StoredFile $id
* Database ID of file or StoredFile object
* @param array $values
* array of key/value pairs
* (e.g. 'dc:title'=>'New title')
* @return boolean
// public static function bsSetMetadataBatch($id, $values)
// {
// global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
// if (!is_array($values)) {
// $values = array($values);
// }
// if (count($values) == 0) {
// return true;
// }
// if (is_a($id, "StoredFile")) {
// $storedFile =& $id;
// } else {
// $storedFile = StoredFile::Recall($id);
// if (is_null($storedFile) || PEAR::isError($storedFile)) {
// return $storedFile;
// }
// }
// foreach ($values as $category => $oneValue) {
// $columnName = BasicStor::xmlCategoryToDbColumn($category);
// if (!is_null($columnName)) {
// if ($category == 'dcterms:extent') {
// $oneValue = BasicStor::NormalizeExtent($oneValue);
// }
// // Since track_number is an integer, you cannot set
// // it to be the empty string, so we NULL it instead.
// if ($columnName == 'track_number' && empty($oneValue)) {
// $sqlPart = "$columnName = NULL";
// } elseif (($columnName == 'length') && (strlen($oneValue) > 8)) {
// // Postgres doesnt like it if you try to store really large hour
// // values. TODO: We need to fix the underlying problem of getting the
// // right values.
// $parts = explode(':', $oneValue);
// $hour = intval($parts[0]);
// if ($hour > 24) {
// continue;
// } else {
// $sqlPart = "$columnName = '$oneValue'";
// }
// } else {
// $escapedValue = pg_escape_string($oneValue);
// $sqlPart = "$columnName = '$escapedValue'";
// }
// $sqlValues[] = $sqlPart;
// }
// }
// if (count($sqlValues)==0) {
// return TRUE;
// }
// $sql = "UPDATE ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"]
// ." SET ".join(",", $sqlValues)
// ." WHERE id=$id";
// $CC_DBC->query($sql);
// return TRUE;
// }
* Method returning array with where-parts of sql queries
* @param array $conditions
* See 'conditions' field in search criteria format
* definition in class documentation
* @return array
* array of strings - WHERE-parts of SQL queries
private function _makeWhereArr($conditions)
$ops = array('full'=>"='%s'", 'partial'=>"ILIKE '%%%s%%'",
'prefix'=>"ILIKE '%s%%'", '<'=>"< '%s'", '='=>"= '%s'",
'>'=>"> '%s'", '<='=>"<= '%s'", '>='=>">= '%s'"
$whereArr = array();
if (is_array($conditions)) {
foreach ($conditions as $cond) {
$columnName = StoredFile::xmlCategoryToDbColumn($cond['cat']);
$op = strtolower($cond['op']);
$value = $cond['val'];
if (!empty($value)) {
$splittedQn = XML_Util::splitQualifiedName($catQn);
$catNs = $splittedQn['namespace'];
$cat = $splittedQn['localPart'];
$opVal = sprintf($ops[$op], pg_escape_string($value));
// retype for timestamp value
if ($cat == 'mtime') {
switch ($op) {
case 'partial':
case 'prefix':
$retype = "::timestamp with time zone";
$opVal = "$retype $opVal$retype";
$sqlCond = " {$columnName} {$opVal}\n";
$whereArr[] = $sqlCond;
return $whereArr;
* Search in local metadata database.
* @param array $criteria
* has the following structure:<br>
* <ul>
* <li>filetype - string, type of searched files,
* meaningful values: 'audioclip', 'webstream', 'playlist', 'all'</li>
* <li>operator - string, type of conditions join
* (any condition matches / all conditions match),
* meaningful values: 'and', 'or', ''
* (may be empty or ommited only with less then 2 items in
* &quot;conditions&quot; field)
* </li>
* <li>orderby : string - metadata category for sorting (optional)
* or array of strings for multicolumn orderby
* [default: dc:creator, dc:source, dc:title]
* </li>
* <li>desc : boolean - flag for descending order (optional)
* or array of boolean for multicolumn orderby
* (it corresponds to elements of orderby field)
* [default: all ascending]
* </li>
* <li>conditions - array of hashes with structure:
* <ul>
* <li>cat - string, metadata category name</li>
* <li>op - string, operator - meaningful values:
* 'full', 'partial', 'prefix', '=', '&lt;',
* '&lt;=', '&gt;', '&gt;='</li>
* <li>val - string, search value</li>
* </ul>
* </li>
* </ul>
* @param int $limit
* limit for result arrays (0 means unlimited)
* @param int $offset
* starting point (0 means without offset)
* @return array
* array of hashes, fields:
* cnt : integer - number of matching gunids
* of files have been found
* results : array of hashes:
* gunid: string
* type: string - audioclip | playlist | webstream
* title: string - dc:title from metadata
* creator: string - dc:creator from metadata
* source: string - dc:source from metadata
* length: string - dcterms:extent in extent format
public function bsLocalSearch($criteria, $limit=0, $offset=0)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
// Input values
$filetype = (isset($criteria['filetype']) ? $criteria['filetype'] : 'all');
$filetype = strtolower($filetype);
if (!array_key_exists($filetype, $this->filetypes)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(__FILE__.":".__LINE__.': unknown filetype in search criteria');
$filetype = $this->filetypes[$filetype];
$operator = (isset($criteria['operator']) ? $criteria['operator'] : 'and');
$operator = strtolower($operator);
$conditions = (isset($criteria['conditions']) ? $criteria['conditions'] : array());
// Create the WHERE clause - this is the actual search part
$whereArr = $this->_makeWhereArr($conditions);
// Metadata values to fetch
$metadataNames = array('dc:creator', 'dc:source', 'ls:track_num', 'dc:title', 'dcterms:extent');
// Order by clause
$orderby = TRUE;
$orderByAllowedValues = array('dc:creator', 'dc:source', 'dc:title', 'dcterms:extent', "ls:track_num");
$orderByDefaults = array('dc:creator', 'dc:source', 'dc:title');
if ((!isset($criteria['orderby']))
|| (is_array($criteria['orderby']) && (count($criteria['orderby'])==0))) {
// default ORDER BY
// PaulB: track number removed because it doesnt work yet because
// if track_num is not an integer (e.g. bad metadata like "1/20",
// or if the field is blank) the SQL statement gives an error.
//$orderbyQns = array('dc:creator', 'dc:source', 'ls:track_num', 'dc:title');
$orderbyQns = $orderByDefaults;
} else {
// ORDER BY clause is given in the parameters.
// Convert the parameter to an array if it isnt already.
$orderbyQns = $criteria['orderby'];
if (!is_array($orderbyQns)) {
$orderbyQns = array($orderbyQns);
// Check that it has valid ORDER BY values, if not, revert
// to the default ORDER BY values.
foreach ($orderbyQns as $metadataTag) {
if (!in_array($metadataTag, $orderByAllowedValues)) {
$orderbyQns = $orderByDefaults;
$descA = (isset($criteria['desc']) ? $criteria['desc'] : NULL);
if (!is_array($descA)) {
$descA = array($descA);
$orderBySql = array();
// $dataName contains the names of the metadata columns we want to
// fetch. It is indexed numerically starting from 1, and the value
// in the array is the qualified name with ":" replaced with "_".
// e.g. "dc:creator" becomes "dc_creator".
foreach ($orderbyQns as $xmlTag) {
$columnName = StoredFile::xmlCategoryToDbColumn($xmlTag);
$orderBySql[] = $columnName;
// Build WHERE clause
$whereClause = "";
if (!is_null($filetype)) {
$whereClause .= "WHERE (ftype='$filetype')";
else {
$whereClause .= "WHERE (ftype is NOT NULL)";
if (count($whereArr) != 0) {
if ($operator == 'and') {
$whereClause .= " AND ((".join(") AND (", $whereArr)."))";
} else {
$whereClause .= " AND ((".join(") OR (", $whereArr)."))";
// Final query
//"dcterms:extent" => "length",
//"dc:title" => "track_title",
//"dc:creator" => "artist_name",
global $g_metadata_xml_to_db_mapping;
$plSelect = "SELECT ";
$fileSelect = "SELECT ";
$_SESSION["br"] = "";
foreach ($g_metadata_xml_to_db_mapping as $key => $val){
$_SESSION["br"] .= "key: ".$key." value:".$val.", ";
if($key === "dc:title"){
$plSelect .= "name AS ".$val.", ";
$fileSelect .= $val.", ";
else if ($key === "dc:creator"){
$plSelect .= "creator AS ".$val.", ";
$fileSelect .= $val.", ";
else if ($key === "dcterms:extent"){
$plSelect .= "length, ";
$fileSelect .= "length, ";
else if ($key === "dc:description"){
$plSelect .= "text(description) AS ".$val.", ";
$fileSelect .= $val.", ";
else {
$plSelect .= "NULL AS ".$val.", ";
$fileSelect .= $val.", ";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM ((".$plSelect.", 'playlist' AS ftype
FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["playListTable"]." AS PL
LEFT JOIN ".$CC_CONFIG['playListTimeView']." PLT ON =
(".$fileSelect."id, ftype FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"]." AS FILES)) AS RESULTS ";
$sql .= $whereClause;
if ($orderby) {
$sql .= " ORDER BY ".join(",", $orderBySql);
$_SESSION["debugsql"] = $sql;
$res = $CC_DBC->getAll($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
if (!is_array($res)) {
$res = array();
$count = count($res);
$_SESSION["br"] .= " COUNT: ".$count;
$res = array_slice($res, $offset != 0 ? $offset : 0, $limit != 0 ? $limit : 10);
$eres = array();
foreach ($res as $it) {
$eres[] = array(
'id' => $it['id'],
'type' => strtolower($it['ftype']),
'title' => $it['track_title'],
'creator' => $it['artist_name'],
'duration' => $it['length'],
'source' => $it['album_title'],
'track_num' => $it['track_number'],
return array('results'=>$eres, 'cnt'=>$count);
* Return values of specified metadata category
* @param string $category
* metadata category name with or without namespace prefix (dc:title, author)
* @param int $limit
* limit for result arrays (0 means unlimited)
* @param int $offset
* starting point (0 means without offset)
* @param array $criteria
* see bsLocalSearch method
* @return array
* hash, fields:
* results : array with found values
* cnt : integer - number of matching values
public function bsBrowseCategory($category, $limit=0, $offset=0, $criteria=NULL)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$pl_cat = array(
"dcterms:extent" => "length",
"dc:title" => "name",
"dc:creator" => "creator",
"dc:description" => "description"
$category = strtolower($category);
$columnName = StoredFile::xmlCategoryToDbColumn($category);
if (is_null($columnName)) {
return new PEAR_Error(__FILE__.":".__LINE__." -- could not map XML category to DB column.");
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT $columnName FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"];
$limitPart = ($limit != 0 ? " LIMIT $limit" : '' ).
($offset != 0 ? " OFFSET $offset" : '' );
$countRowsSql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT $columnName) FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["filesTable"];
//$_SESSION["br"] = "in Browse Category: ".$category;
$cnt = $CC_DBC->GetOne($countRowsSql);
if (PEAR::isError($cnt)) {
return $cnt;
$res = $CC_DBC->getCol($sql.$limitPart);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
if (!is_array($res)) {
$res = array();
if (array_key_exists($category, $pl_cat) && $category !== "dcterms:extent") {
$columnName = $pl_cat[$category];
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT $columnName FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["playListTable"];
$limitPart = ($limit != 0 ? " LIMIT $limit" : '' ).
($offset != 0 ? " OFFSET $offset" : '' );
$countRowsSql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT $columnName) FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["playListTable"];
$pl_cnt = $CC_DBC->GetOne($countRowsSql);
if (PEAR::isError($cnt)) {
return $cnt;
$pl_res = $CC_DBC->getCol($sql.$limitPart);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $pl_res;
if (!is_array($pl_res)) {
$pl_res = array();
$res = array_merge($res, $pl_res);
$res = array_slice($res, 0, $limit);
$cnt = $cnt + $pl_cnt;
else if ($category === "dcterms:extent") {
$columnName = $pl_cat[$category];
$limitPart = ($limit != 0 ? " LIMIT $limit" : '' ).
($offset != 0 ? " OFFSET $offset" : '' );
$sql = "SELECT DISTINCT length AS $columnName FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["playListTimeView"];
$countRowsSql = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT length) FROM ".$CC_CONFIG["playListTimeView"];
$pl_cnt = $CC_DBC->GetOne($countRowsSql);
if (PEAR::isError($cnt)) {
return $cnt;
$pl_res = $CC_DBC->getCol($sql.$limitPart);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $pl_res;
if (!is_array($pl_res)) {
$pl_res = array();
$res = array_merge($res, $pl_res);
$res = array_slice($res, 0, $limit);
$cnt = $cnt + $pl_cnt;
return array('results'=>$res, 'cnt'=>$cnt);
/* ---------------------------------------------------- methods4playlists */
* Create a tarfile with playlist export - playlist and all matching
* sub-playlists and media files (if desired)
* @param array $plids
* Array of strings, playlist global unique IDs (one gunid is accepted too)
* @param string $type
* Playlist format, possible values: lspl | smil | m3u
* @param boolean $withContent
* if true, export related files too
* @return array
* hasharray with fields:
* fname string: readable fname,
* token string: access token
// public function bsExportPlaylistOpen($plids, $type='lspl', $withContent=TRUE)
// {
// global $CC_CONFIG;
// if (!is_array($plids)) {
// $plids = array($plids);
// }
// $gunids = array();
// foreach ($plids as $plid) {
// $pl = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($plid);
// if (is_null($pl) || PEAR::isError($pl)) {
// return $pl;
// }
// if ($withContent) {
// $gunidsX = $pl->export();
// if (PEAR::isError($gunidsX)) {
// return $gunidsX;
// }
// } else {
// $gunidsX = array(array('gunid'=>$plid, 'type'=>'playlist'));
// }
// $gunids = array_merge($gunids, $gunidsX);
// }
// $plExts = array('lspl'=>"lspl", 'smil'=>"smil", 'm3u'=>"m3u");
// $plExt = (isset($plExts[$type]) ? $plExts[$type] : "xml" );
// $res = array();
// $tmpn = tempnam($CC_CONFIG['bufferDir'], 'plExport_');
// $tmpf = "$tmpn.tar";
// $tmpd = "$tmpn.dir";
// mkdir($tmpd);
// $tmpdp = "$tmpn.dir/playlist";
// mkdir($tmpdp);
// if ($withContent) {
// $tmpdc = "$tmpn.dir/audioClip";
// mkdir($tmpdc);
// }
// foreach ($gunids as $i => $it) {
// $storedFile = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($it['gunid']);
// if (is_null($storedFile) || PEAR::isError($storedFile)) {
// return $storedFile;
// }
//// $MDfname = $storedFile->md->getFileName();
// $MDfname = $storedFile->md["name"];
// if (PEAR::isError($MDfname)) {
// return $MDfname;
// }
// if (file_exists($MDfname)) {
// switch ($it['type']) {
// case "playlist":
// $storedFile = $r = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($it['gunid']);
// switch ($type) {
// case "smil":
// $string = $r = $storedFile->outputToSmil();
// break;
// case "m3u":
// $string = $r = $storedFile->outputToM3u();
// break;
// default:
//// $string = $r = $storedFile->md->genXmlDoc();
// }
// if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
// return $r;
// }
// $r = BasicStor::WriteStringToFile($string, "$tmpdp/{$it['gunid']}.$plExt");
// if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
// return $r;
// }
// break;
// default:
// copy($MDfname, "$tmpdc/{$it['gunid']}.xml"); break;
// } // switch
// } // if file_exists()
// $RADfname = $storedFile->getRealFileName();
// if (PEAR::isError($RADfname)) {
// return $RADfname;
// }
// $RADext = $storedFile->getFileExtension();
// if (PEAR::isError($RADext)) {
// return $RADext;
// }
// if (file_exists($RADfname)) {
// copy($RADfname, "$tmpdc/{$it['gunid']}.$RADext");
// }
// }
// if (count($plids)==1) {
// copy("$tmpdp/$plid.$plExt", "$tmpd/exportedPlaylist.$plExt");
// }
// $res = `cd $tmpd; tar cf $tmpf * --remove-files`;
// @rmdir($tmpdc);
// @rmdir($tmpdp);
// @rmdir($tmpd);
// unlink($tmpn);
// $acc = BasicStor::bsAccess($tmpf, 'tar', NULL/*gunid*/, 'access');
// if (PEAR::isError($acc)) {
// return $acc;
// }
// return $acc;
// }
* Close playlist export previously opened by the bsExportPlaylistOpen
* method
* @param string $token
* Access token obtained from bsExportPlaylistOpen method call.
* @return true/PEAR_Error
// public function bsExportPlaylistClose($token)
// {
// $r = BasicStor::bsRelease($token, 'access');
// if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
// return $r;
// }
// $file = $r['realFname'];
// if (file_exists($file)) {
// if(! @unlink($file)){
// return PEAR::raiseError(
// "BasicStor::bsExportPlaylistClose: unlink failed ($file)",
// }
// }
// return TRUE;
// }
* Import playlist in LS Archive format
* @param string $plid
* Playlist gunid
* @param string $aPath
* Absolute path part of imported file (e.g. /home/user/campcaster)
* @param string $rPath
* Relative path/filename part of imported file (e.g. playlists/playlist_1.smil)
* @param string $ext
* Playlist extension (determines type of import)
* @param array $gunids
* Hash relation from filenames to gunids
* @param int $subjid
* Local subject (user) id (id of user doing the import)
* @return int
* Result file local id (or error object)
// public function bsImportPlaylistRaw($plid, $aPath, $rPath, $ext, &$gunids, $subjid)
// {
// $id = BasicStor::IdFromGunid($plid);
// if (!is_null($id)) {
// return $id;
// }
// $path = realpath("$aPath/$rPath");
// if (FALSE === $path) {
// return PEAR::raiseError(
// "BasicStor::bsImportPlaylistRaw: file doesn't exist ($aPath/$rPath)"
// );
// }
// switch ($ext) {
// case "xml":
// case "lspl":
// $fname = $plid;
// $values = array(
// "filename" => $fname,
// "metadata" => $path,
// "gunid" => $plid,
// "filetype" => "playlist"
// );
// $storedFile = StoredFile::Insert($values);
// $res = $storedFile->getId();
// break;
// case "smil":
// require_once("SmilPlaylist.php");
// $res = SmilPlaylist::import($this, $aPath, $rPath, $gunids, $plid, $subjid);
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// break;
// }
// $res = $res->getId();
// break;
// case "m3u":
// require_once("M3uPlaylist.php");
// $res = M3uPlaylist::import($this, $aPath, $rPath, $gunids, $plid, $subjid);
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// break;
// }
// $res = $res->getId();
// break;
// default:
// $res = PEAR::raiseError(
// "BasicStor::importPlaylistRaw: unknown playlist format".
// " (gunid:$plid, format:$ext)"
// );
// break;
// }
// if (!PEAR::isError($res)) {
// $gunids[basename($rPath)] = $plid;
// }
// return $res;
// }
* Import playlist in LS Archive format
* @param string $fpath
* Imported file pathname
* @param int $subjid
* Local subject (user) id (id of user doing the import)
* @return int
* Result file local id (or error object)
// public function bsImportPlaylist($fpath, $subjid)
// {
// global $CC_CONFIG;
// // untar:
// $tmpn = tempnam($CC_CONFIG['bufferDir'], 'plImport_');
// $tmpd = "$tmpn.dir";
// $tmpdc = "$tmpd/audioClip";
// $tmpdp = "$tmpd/playlist";
// mkdir($tmpd);
// $res = `cd $tmpd; tar xf $fpath`;
// // clips:
// $d = @dir($tmpdc);
// $entries = array();
// $gunids = array();
// if ($d !== false) {
// while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
// if (preg_match("|^([0-9a-fA-F]{16})\.(.*)$|", $entry, $va)) {
// list(,$gunid, $ext) = $va;
// switch ($ext) {
// case"xml":
// $entries[$gunid]['metadata'] = $entry;
// break;
// default:
// $entries[$gunid]['rawMedia'] = $entry;
// $entries[$gunid]['rawMediaExt'] = $ext;
// $gunids[$entry] = $gunid;
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// $d->close();
// }
// $res = TRUE;
// foreach ($entries as $gunid => $it) {
// $rawMedia = "$tmpdc/{$it['rawMedia']}";
// if (!file_exists($rawMedia)) {
// $rawMedia = NULL;
// }
// $metadata = "$tmpdc/{$it['metadata']}";
// if (!file_exists($metadata)) {
// $metadata = NULL;
// }
// $f = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($gunid);
// if (!PEAR::isError($f)) {
// $exists = $f->existsFile();
// if ( $exists ) {
// $res = $f->delete();
// }
// }
// if (!PEAR::isError($res) ) {
// $values = array(
// "filename" => $gunid,
// "filepath" => $rawMedia,
// "metadata" => $metadata,
// "gunid" => $gunid,
// "filetype" => "audioclip"
// );
// $storedFile = StoredFile::Insert($values);
// $res = $storedFile->getId();
// }
// @unlink("$tmpdc/{$it['rawMedia']}");
// @unlink("$tmpdc/{$it['metadata']}");
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// break;
// }
// }
// // playlists:
// $d = @dir($tmpdp);
// if ($d !== false) {
// while ((!PEAR::isError($res)) && false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
// if (preg_match("|^([0-9a-fA-F]{16})\.(.*)$|", $entry, $va)) {
// list(,$gunid, $ext) = $va;
// $res = $this->bsImportPlaylistRaw($gunid,
// $tmpdp, $entry, $ext, $gunids, $subjid);
// unlink("$tmpdp/$entry");
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// break;
// }
// }
// }
// $d->close();
// }
// //@rmdir($tmpdc); @rmdir($tmpdp); @rmdir($tmpd);
// @system("rm -rf $tmpdc");
// @system("rm -rf $tmpdp");
// @system("rm -rf $tmpd");
// @unlink($tmpn);
// return $res;
// }
/* --------------------------------------------------------- info methods */
* Analyze media file for internal metadata information
* @param int $id
* Virtual file's local id
* @return array
// public function bsAnalyzeFile($id)
// {
// $storedFile = StoredFile::Recall($id);
// if (is_null($storedFile) || PEAR::isError($storedFile)) {
// return $storedFile;
// }
// $ia = $storedFile->analyzeFile();
// return $ia;
// }
* Check if file exists in the storage
* @param int $id
* Local id
* @param string $ftype
* Internal file type
* @param boolean $byGunid
* select file by gunid (id is then ignored)
* @return boolean
// public function bsExistsFile($id, $ftype=NULL, $byGunid=FALSE)
// {
// if ($byGunid) {
// $storedFile = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($id);
// } else {
// $storedFile = StoredFile::Recall($id);
// }
// if (is_null($storedFile)) {
// return $storedFile;
// }
// if (PEAR::isError($storedFile)) {
// // catch some exceptions
// switch ($storedFile->getCode()) {
// return FALSE;
// break;
// default:
// return $storedFile;
// }
// }
// $realFtype = BasicStor::GetType($storedFile->gunid);
// if (!is_null($ftype) && (
// (strtolower($realFtype) != strtolower($ftype))
// // webstreams are subset of audioclips
// && !($realFtype == 'webstream' && $ftype == 'audioclip')
// )) {
// return FALSE;
// }
// return TRUE;
// }
/* ---------------------------------------------------- redefined methods */
* Get object type by id.
* @param int $oid
* Local object id
* @return string|PEAR_Error
// public static function GetObjType($p_id)
// {
// $type = "unknown";
// $f = StoredFile::Recall($p_id);
// return $f->getType();
// $gunid = BasicStor::GunidFromId($oid);
// if (PEAR::isError($gunid)) {
// return $gunid;
// }
// $ftype = BasicStor::GetType($gunid);
// if (PEAR::isError($ftype)) {
// return $ftype;
// }
// if (!is_null($ftype)) {
// $type = $ftype;
// }
// return $type;
// }
* Add new user
* @param string $login
* @param string $pass
* @param string $realname
* @return int|PEAR_Error
public static function addSubj($login, $pass=NULL, $realname='')
global $CC_CONFIG;
$uid = Subjects::AddSubj($login, $pass, $realname);
if (PEAR::isError($uid)) {
return $uid;
if (Subjects::IsGroup($uid) === FALSE) {
$res = Alib::AddPerm($uid, '_all', '0', 'A');
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
$res = Subjects::AddSubjectToGroup($login, $CC_CONFIG['StationPrefsGr']);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
// $res = Subjects::AddSubjectToGroup($login, $CC_CONFIG['AllGr']);
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// return $res;
// }
return $uid;
* Remove user by login
* @param string $login
* @return boolean|PEAR_Error
public function removeSubj($login)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
if (FALSE !== array_search($login, $CC_CONFIG['sysSubjs'])) {
return $CC_DBC->raiseError(
"BasicStor::removeSubj: cannot remove system user/group");
$uid = Subjects::GetSubjId($login);
if (PEAR::isError($uid)) {
return $uid;
$res = $CC_DBC->query("
DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['accessTable']." WHERE owner=$uid
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
$res = Alib::RemoveSubj($login);
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
return $res;
return TRUE;
* Authenticate and create session
* @param string $login
* @param string $pass
* @return boolean|sessionId|PEAR_Error
function login($login, $pass)
$r = Alib::Login($login, $pass);
return $r;
/* ================================================== "protected" methods */
* Check authorization - auxiliary method
* @param array $acts
* Array of actions
* @param array $pars
* Array of parameters - e.g. ids
* @param string $sessid
* Session id
* @return true|PEAR_Error
public static function Authorize($acts, $pars, $sessid='')
$userid = Alib::GetSessUserId($sessid);
if (PEAR::isError($userid)) {
return $userid;
if (is_null($userid)) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"BasicStor::Authorize: invalid session", GBERR_DENY);
if (!is_array($pars)) {
$pars = array($pars);
if (!is_array($acts)) {
$acts = array($acts);
$perm = true;
// foreach ($acts as $i => $action) {
// $res = Alib::CheckPerm($userid, $action, $pars[$i]);
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// return $res;
// }
// $perm = $perm && $res;
// }
if ($perm) {
return TRUE;
$adesc = "[".join(',',$acts)."]";
return PEAR::raiseError(
"BasicStor::$adesc: access denied", GBERR_DENY);
* Get local id from global id (in hex).
* @param string $p_gunid
* Global id
* @return int
* Local id
// public static function IdFromGunid($p_gunid)
// {
// global $CC_DBC;
// global $CC_CONFIG;
// return $CC_DBC->getOne("SELECT id FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable']." WHERE gunid=x'$p_gunid'::bigint");
// }
* Get local id from global id (big int).
* @param string $p_gunid
* Global id
* @return int
* Local id
// public static function IdFromGunidBigInt($p_gunid)
// {
// global $CC_DBC;
// global $CC_CONFIG;
// return $CC_DBC->getOne("SELECT id FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable']." WHERE gunid='$p_gunid'");
// }
* Get global id from local id
* @param int $p_id
* Local id
* @return string
* Global id
// public static function GunidFromId($p_id)
// {
// global $CC_CONFIG;
// global $CC_DBC;
// if (!is_numeric($p_id)) {
// return NULL;
// }
// $gunid = $CC_DBC->getOne("
// SELECT to_hex(gunid)as gunid FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable']."
// WHERE id='$p_id'
// ");
// if (PEAR::isError($gunid)) {
// return $gunid;
// }
// if (is_null($gunid)) {
// return NULL;
// }
// return StoredFile::NormalizeGunid($gunid);
// }
* Get storage-internal file type
* @param string $p_gunid
* Global unique id of file
* @return string
// public static function GetType($p_gunid)
// {
// global $CC_CONFIG;
// global $CC_DBC;
// $ftype = $CC_DBC->getOne("
// SELECT ftype FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable']."
// WHERE gunid=x'$p_gunid'::bigint
// ");
// return $ftype;
// }
* Check gunid format
* @param string $p_gunid
* Global unique ID
* @return boolean
// protected static function CheckGunid($p_gunid)
// {
// $res = preg_match("|^([0-9a-fA-F]{16})?$|", $p_gunid);
// return $res;
// }
* Set playlist edit flag
* @param string $p_playlistId
* Playlist unique ID
* @param boolean $p_val
* Set/clear of edit flag
* @param string $p_sessid
* Session id
* @param int $p_subjid
* Subject id (if sessid is not specified)
* @return boolean
* previous state
public function setEditFlag($p_playlistId, $p_val=TRUE, $p_sessid=NULL, $p_subjid=NULL)
if (!is_null($p_sessid)) {
$p_subjid = Alib::GetSessUserId($p_sessid);
if (PEAR::isError($p_subjid)) {
return $p_subjid;
$pl = Playlist::Recall($p_playlistId);
if (is_null($pl) || PEAR::isError($pl)) {
return $pl;
$state = $pl->getState();
if ($p_val) {
$r = $pl->setState('edited', $p_subjid);
} else {
$r = $pl->setState('ready', 'NULL');
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
return ($state == 'edited');
* Check if playlist is marked as edited
* @param string $p_playlistId
* Playlist global unique ID
* @return FALSE|int
* ID of user editing it
public function isEdited($p_playlistId)
$pl = Playlist::Recall($p_playlistId);
if (is_null($pl) || PEAR::isError($pl)) {
return $pl;
if (!$pl->isEdited($p_playlistId)) {
return FALSE;
return $pl->isEditedBy($p_playlistId);
/* ---------------------------------------- redefined "protected" methods */
* Copy virtual file.
* Redefined from parent class.
* @return int
* New object local id
// protected static function CopyObj($id, $newParid, $after=NULL)
// {
// switch (BasicStor::GetObjType($id)) {
// case "audioclip":
// case "playlist":
// case "webstream":
// $storedFile = StoredFile::Recall($id);
// if (is_null($storedFile) || PEAR::isError($storedFile)) {
// return $storedFile;
// }
// $ac2 = StoredFile::CopyOf($storedFile, $nid);
// //$ac2->setName(M2tree::GetObjName($nid));
// break;
// case "File":
// default:
// }
// return $nid;
// }
* Remove virtual file.<br>
* Redefined from parent class.
* @param int $id
* Local id of removed object
* @param boolean $forced
* Unconditional delete
* @return true|PEAR_Error
// public static function RemoveObj($id, $forced=FALSE)
// {
// $ot = BasicStor::GetObjType($id);
// if (PEAR::isError($ot)) {
// return $ot;
// }
// switch ($ot) {
// case "audioclip":
// case "playlist":
// case "webstream":
// $storedFile = StoredFile::Recall($id);
// if (is_null($storedFile)) {
// return TRUE;
// }
// if (PEAR::isError($storedFile)) {
// return $storedFile;
// }
// if ($storedFile->isEdited() && !$forced) {
// return PEAR::raiseError(
// 'BasicStor::RemoveObj(): is edited'
// );
// }
// if ($storedFile->isAccessed() && !$forced) {
// return PEAR::raiseError(
// 'BasicStor::RemoveObj(): is accessed'
// );
// }
// $storedFile->delete();
// break;
// case "File":
//// case "Folder":
//// case "Replica":
// break;
// default:
// return PEAR::raiseError(
// "BasicStor::bsDeleteFile: unknown obj type ($ot)"
// );
// }
// $res = Alib::RemoveObj($id);
// if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
// return $res;
// }
// return TRUE;
// }
/* ========================================================= misc methods */
* Write string to file
* @param string $str
* string to be written to file
* @param string $fname
* pathname to file
* @return TRUE|raiseError
private static function WriteStringToFile($p_str, $p_fname)
$fp = @fopen($p_fname, "w");
if ($fp === FALSE) {
return PEAR::raiseError(
"BasicStor::WriteStringToFile: cannot open file ($p_fname)"
fwrite($fp, $p_str);
return TRUE;
/* =============================================== test and debug methods */
public function debug($va)
* deleteFiles
* @return void
// private function deleteFiles()
// {
// global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
// $ids = $CC_DBC->getAll("SELECT id FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['filesTable']);
// if (is_array($ids)) {
// foreach ($ids as $i => $item) {
// $f = StoredFile::Recall($item['id']);
// $f->delete();
// }
// }
// }
* Aux logging for debug
* @param string $msg - log message
public function debugLog($msg)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$fp = fopen($CC_CONFIG['storageDir']."/log", "a") or die("Can't write to log\n");
fputs($fp, date("H:i:s").">$msg<\n");
} // class BasicStor