403 lines
13 KiB
403 lines
13 KiB
* @package Campcaster
* @subpackage htmlUI
class uiBrowser extends uiBase {
// --- class constructor ---
* Initialize a new Browser Class.
* Call uiBase constructor.
public function __construct()
} // constructor
* Perform a frontend action.
* Map to a function called action_<actionName>.inc.php
* @param string $actionName
* name of an action
* @param array $params
* request vars
function performAction( $actionName, $params )
$actionFunctionName = 'action_' . $actionName ;
$actionFunctionFileName = ACTION_BASE . '/action_' . $actionName . '.inc.php' ;
if ( file_exists( $actionFunctionFileName ) ) {
include ( $actionFunctionFileName ) ;
if ( method_exists( $actionFunctionName ) ) {
$actionFunctionName( $this, $params ) ;
} // fn performAction
// --- error handling ---
* Extracts the error message from the session var.
* @return string
function getAlertMsg()
if (isset($_SESSION['alertMsg']) && !empty($_SESSION['alertMsg'])) {
$this->alertMsg = $_SESSION['alertMsg'];
return $this->alertMsg;
return false;
} // fn getAlertMsg
// --- template feed ---
* Create a login-form.
* @param array $mask
* an array of all webforms in the system
* @return array
function login($mask)
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('login', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_HANDLER);
uiBase::parseArrayToForm($form, $mask['languages']);
uiBase::parseArrayToForm($form, $mask['login']);
$renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array(true, true);
return $renderer->toArray();
} // fn login
* Get info about logged in user.
* @return array
* (uname=>user_name, uid=>user_id)
function getUserInfo()
return array('uname'=> Alib::GetSessLogin($this->sessid),
'uid' => GreenBox::GetSessUserId($this->sessid));
} // fn getUserInfo
* Create a form for file-upload.
* @param array $params
* @return array
function fileForm($parms)
$mask =& $GLOBALS['ui_fmask']['file'];
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('uploadFile', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_HANDLER);
if (!isset($this->STATIONPREFS['stationMaxfilesize'])) {
$form->setMaxFileSize(strtr(ini_get('upload_max_filesize'), array('M'=>'000000', 'k'=>'000')));
} else {
$form->setConstants(array('folderId' => $folderId,
'id' => $id,
'act' => $id ? 'editItem' : 'addFileData'));
uiBase::parseArrayToForm($form, $mask);
$renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array(true, true);
return $renderer->toArray();
} // fn fileForm
* Create a form to add a Webstream.
* @param int $id
* local of directory to store stream
* @return string
* HTML string
function webstreamForm($parms)
extract ($parms);
$mask =& $GLOBALS['ui_fmask']['webstream'];
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('addWebstream', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_HANDLER);
$const = array('folderId' => $folderId,
'id' => $id,
'act' => $id ? 'editWebstreamData' : 'addWebstreamData',
'title' => $id ? $this->getMetadataValue($id, UI_MDATA_KEY_TITLE) : NULL,
'url' => $id ? $this->getMetadataValue($id, UI_MDATA_KEY_URL) : 'http://',
'length' => $id ? preg_replace("/\.[0-9]{1,6}/", "", $this->getMetadataValue($id, UI_MDATA_KEY_DURATION)) : NULL
uiBase::parseArrayToForm($form, $mask);
'url' => array(
array(tra('Missing URL'), 'required'),
array(tra('URL structure is invalid'), 'regex', UI_REGEX_URL)
$form->_rules['grp[url]'][0][validation] = 'client';
$form->_rules['grp[url]'][1][validation] = 'client';
$renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array(true, true);
return $renderer->toArray();
} // fn webstreamForm
* Call access method and show access path.
* Example only - not really useable.
* TODO: resource should be released by release method call
* @param id int
* local id of accessed file
function getFile($id)
$r = $this->gb->access($id, $this->sessid);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
$_SESSION['alertMsg'] = $r->getMessage();
} else {
} // fn getFile
* Get file's metadata as XML
* Note: this does not work right with multiple languages
* @param id int
* local id of stored file
* @return array
function getMdata($id)
return ($this->gb->getMetadata($id, $this->sessid));
} // getMdata
function getMDataArr($param)
static $records, $relations;
$arr =& $records[$id];
if (is_array($arr)) {
return array('metadata' => $arr);
if (!is_array($relations)) {
include dirname(__FILE__).'/formmask/mdata_relations.inc.php';
$mdata = $this->gb->getMetadataArray($id, $this->sessid);
if (!is_array($mdata)) {
return FALSE;
foreach ($mdata as $key => $val) {
if (is_array($val)) {
if (isset($val[$this->langid])) {
$val = $val[$this->langid];
} else {
$val = $val[UI_DEFAULT_LANGID];
if (isset($relations[$key]) && !empty($relations[$key])) {
$arr[tra($relations[$key])] = $val;
} else {
$arr[tra($key)] = $val;
$arr[$relations[UI_MDATA_KEY_TITLE]] = $this->getMetadataValue($id, UI_MDATA_KEY_TITLE);
return array('metadata' => $arr);
} // fn getMDataArr
* Create a form to edit Metadata.
* @param array $parms
* @return string
* HTML string
function metaDataForm($parms)
$langid = $langid ? $langid : UI_DEFAULT_LANGID;
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('langswitch', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_BROWSER);
uiBase::parseArrayToForm($form, $mask['langswitch']);
$form->setConstants(array('target_langid' => $langid));
$renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array(true, true);
$output['langswitch'] = $renderer->toArray();
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('editMetaData', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_HANDLER);
uiBase::parseArrayToForm($form, $mask['basics']);
$form->setConstants(array('act' => 'editMetaData',
'id' => $id,
'curr_langid' => $langid,
// Convert element names to be unique over different forms-parts,
// add javascript to spread values over parts, add existing
// values from database.
foreach ($mask['pages'] as $key => $val) {
foreach ($mask['pages'][$key] as $k=>$v) {
if (!is_array($mask['pages'][$key][$k]['attributes'])) {
$mask['pages'][$key][$k]['attributes'] = array();
$mask['pages'][$key][$k]['element'] = $key.'___'.uiBase::formElementEncode($v['element']);
$mask['pages'][$key][$k]['attributes'] = array_merge($mask['pages'][$key][$k]['attributes'], array('onChange' => "spread(this, '".uiBase::formElementEncode($v['element'])."')"));
// load data from GreenBox
if ($getval = $this->getMetadataValue($id, $v['element'], $langid, NULL)) {
$mask['pages'][$key][$k]['default'] = $getval;
$mask['pages'][$key][$k]['attributes']['onFocus'] = 'MData_confirmChange(this)';
$form->addElement('static', NULL, NULL, "<div id='div_$key'>");
uiBase::parseArrayToForm($form, $mask['pages'][$key]);
uiBase::parseArrayToForm($form, $mask['buttons']);
$form->addElement('static', NULL, NULL, "</div id='div_$key'>");
$renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array(true, true);
$output['pages'][] = $renderer->toArray();
return $output;
} // fn metaDataForm
function changeStationPrefs(&$mask)
global $CC_CONFIG;
$form = new HTML_QuickForm('changeStationPrefs', UI_STANDARD_FORM_METHOD, UI_HANDLER);
foreach($mask as $key => $val) {
$element = isset($val['element']) ? $val['element'] : null;
$p = $this->gb->loadGroupPref($CC_CONFIG['StationPrefsGr'], $element);
if (is_string($p)) {
$mask[$key]['default'] = $p;
uiBase::parseArrayToForm($form, $mask);
$renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_Array(true, true);
return $renderer->toArray();
} // fn changeStationPrefs
* Test if URL seems to be valid
* @param url string
* full URL to test
* @return array()
function testStream($url)
global $CC_CONFIG;
$handle = fopen(UI_TESTSTREAM_MU3_TMP, "w");
fwrite($handle, $url);
$parse = parse_url($url);
$host = $parse["host"];
$port = $parse["port"] ? $parse["port"] : 80;
$uri = $parse["path"] ? $parse['path'] : '/'.($parse["query"] ? '?'.$parse["query"] : '');
if ($handle = @fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 10)) {
fputs($handle, "GET $uri HTTP/1.0\r\n");
fputs($handle, "Host: $host:$port\r\n\r\n");
$data = fread($handle, 1024);
list($header, $lost) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $data);
eregi("^[^\r^\n]*", $data, $piece);
$pieces = explode(' ', $piece[0]);
$protocol = $pieces[0];
$code = $pieces[1];
foreach (explode("\r\n", $header) as $val) {
if ($type = stristr($val, "content-type:")) {
$type = explode(':', $type);
foreach ($CC_CONFIG['stream_types'] as $t) {
if (stripos($type[1], $t) !== false) {
$match = TRUE;
$type = array(
'type' => trim($type[1]),
'valid' => $match === TRUE ? TRUE : FALSE
return array('connect' => TRUE,
'host' => $host,
'port' => $port,
'uri' => $uri,
'code' => $code,
'header' => $header,
'type' => $type
return array('connect' => FALSE,
'host' => $host,
'port' => $port,
} // fn testStream
* Create M3U file for the given clip.
* @param int $clipid
* @return void
function listen2Audio($clipid)
global $CC_CONFIG;
$media = StoredFile::RecallByGunid($clipid);
$type = $media->getType();
if (1) {
header("Location: http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']}".$CC_CONFIG['accessRawAudioUrl']."?sessid={$this->sessid}&id=$clipid\n");
} else {
$m3u = $this->getMetadataValue($id, UI_MDATA_KEY_URL);
} // fn listen2Audio
} // class uiBrowser