623 lines
20 KiB
623 lines
20 KiB
define('ALIBERR_NOTLOGGED', 30);
define('ALIBERR_NOTEXISTS', 31);
* Authentication/authorization class
* @package Airtime
* @subpackage Alib
* @copyright 2010 Sourcefabric O.P.S.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.txt
class Alib {
/* ======================================================= public methods */
/* ----------------------------------------------- session/authentication */
* Authenticate and create session
* @param string $login
* @param string $pass
* @return boolean|sessionId|PEAR_Error
public static function Login($login, $pass)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
if (FALSE === Subjects::Authenticate($login, $pass)) {
Subjects::SetTimeStamp($login, TRUE);
return FALSE;
$sessid = Alib::_createSessid();
if (PEAR::isError($sessid)) {
return $sessid;
$userid = Subjects::GetSubjId($login);
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".$CC_CONFIG['sessTable']." (sessid, userid, login, ts)"
." VALUES('$sessid', '$userid', '$login', now())";
$r = $CC_DBC->query($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
Subjects::SetTimeStamp($login, FALSE);
return $sessid;
} // fn login
* Logout and destroy session
* @param string $sessid
* @return true|PEAR_Error
public static function Logout($sessid)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$ct = Alib::CheckAuthToken($sessid);
if ($ct === FALSE) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Alib::logout: not logged ($sessid)",
} elseif (PEAR::isError($ct)) {
return $ct;
} else {
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['sessTable']
." WHERE sessid='$sessid'";
$r = $CC_DBC->query($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
return TRUE;
} // fn logout
* Return true if the token is valid
* @param string $sessid
* @return boolean|PEAR_Error
private static function CheckAuthToken($sessid)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as cnt FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['sessTable']
." WHERE sessid='$sessid'";
$c = $CC_DBC->getOne($sql);
return ($c == 1 ? TRUE : (PEAR::isError($c) ? $c : FALSE ));
} //fn checkAuthToken
* Set valid token in alib object
* @param string $sessid
* @return TRUE|PEAR_Error
// public function setAuthToken($sessid)
// {
// $r = $this->checkAuthToken($sessid);
// if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
// return $r;
// }
// if (!$r) {
// return PEAR::raiseError("ALib::setAuthToken: invalid token ($sessid)");
// }
// //$this->sessid = $sessid;
// return TRUE;
// } // fn setAuthToken
/* -------------------------------------------------------- authorization */
* Insert permission record
* @param int $sid
* local user/group id
* @param string $action
* @param int $oid
* local object id
* @param string $type
* 'A'|'D' (allow/deny)
* @return int
* local permission id
public static function AddPerm($sid, $action, $oid, $type='A')
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$permid = $CC_DBC->nextId($CC_CONFIG['permSequence']);
$sql = "INSERT INTO ".$CC_CONFIG['permTable']." (permid, subj, action, obj, type)"
." VALUES ($permid, $sid, '$action', $oid, '$type')";
$r = $CC_DBC->query($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $permid;
} // fn addPerm
* Remove permission record
* @param int $permid
* local permission id
* @param int $subj
* local user/group id
* @param int $obj
* local object id
* @return boolean|PEAR_Error
public static function RemovePerm($permid=NULL, $subj=NULL, $obj=NULL)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$ca = array();
if ($permid) {
$ca[] = "permid=$permid";
if ($subj) {
$ca[] = "subj=$subj";
if ($obj) {
$ca[] = "obj=$obj";
$cond = join(" AND ", $ca);
if (!$cond) {
return TRUE;
$sql = "DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['permTable']." WHERE $cond";
return $CC_DBC->query($sql);
} // fn removePerm
* Return object related with permission record
* @param int $permid
* local permission id
* @return int
* local object id
public static function GetPermOid($permid)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$sql = "SELECT obj FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['permTable']." WHERE permid=$permid";
$res = $CC_DBC->getOne($sql);
return $res;
} // fn GetPermOid
* Check if specified subject have permission to specified action
* on specified object
* Look for sequence of corresponding permissions and order it by
* relevence, then test the most relevant for result.
* High relevence have direct permission (directly for specified subject
* and object. Relevance order is done by level distance in the object
* tree, level distance in subjects (user/group system).
* Similar way is used for permissions related to object classes.
* But class-related permissions have lower priority then
* object-tree-related.
* Support for object classes can be disabled by USE_ALIB_CLASSES const.
* @param int $sid
* subject id (user or group id)
* @param string $action
* from set defined in config
* @param int $oid
* object id (default: root node)
* @return boolean|PEAR_Error
public static function CheckPerm($sid, $action, $oid=NULL)
return TRUE;
// global $CC_DBC;
// global $CC_CONFIG;
// if (!is_numeric($sid)) {
// return FALSE;
// }
//// if (is_null($oid) or $oid=='') {
//// $oid = M2tree::GetRootNode();
//// }
//// if (PEAR::isError($oid)) {
//// return $oid;
//// }
// if (!is_numeric($oid)) {
// return FALSE;
// }
// // query construction
// // shortcuts:
// // p: permTable,
// // s: subjTable, m smembTable,
// // t: treeTable ts: structTable,
// // c: classTable, cm: cmembTable
// // main query elements:
// $q_flds = "m.level , p.subj, s.login, action, p.type, p.obj";
// $q_from = $CC_CONFIG['permTable']." p ";
// // joins for solving users/groups:
// $q_join = "LEFT JOIN ".$CC_CONFIG['subjTable']." s ON s.id=p.subj ";
// $q_join .= "LEFT JOIN ".$CC_CONFIG['smembTable']." m ON m.gid=p.subj ";
// $q_cond = "p.action in('_all', '$action') AND
// (s.id=$sid OR m.uid=$sid) ";
// // coalesce -1 for higher priority of nongroup rows:
// // action DESC order for lower priority of '_all':
// $q_ordb = "ORDER BY coalesce(m.level,-1), action DESC, p.type DESC";
// $q_flds0 = $q_flds;
// $q_from0 = $q_from;
// $q_join0 = $q_join;
// $q_cond0 = $q_cond;
// $q_ordb0 = $q_ordb;
// // joins for solving object tree:
// $q_flds .= ", t.name, ts.level as tlevel";
// //$q_join .= "LEFT JOIN ".$CC_CONFIG['treeTable']." t ON t.id=p.obj ";
// //$q_join .= "LEFT JOIN ".$CC_CONFIG['structTable']." ts ON ts.parid=p.obj ";
// //$q_cond .= " AND (t.id=$oid OR ts.objid=$oid)";
// // action DESC order is hack for lower priority of '_all':
// $q_ordb = "ORDER BY coalesce(ts.level,0), m.level, action DESC, p.type DESC";
// // query by tree:
// $query1 = "SELECT $q_flds FROM $q_from $q_join WHERE $q_cond $q_ordb";
// $r1 = $CC_DBC->getAll($query1);
// if (PEAR::isError($r1)) {
// return($r1);
// }
// // if there is row with type='A' on the top => permit
// //$AllowedByTree =
// // (is_array($r1) && count($r1)>0 && $r1[0]['type']=='A');
// //$DeniedByTree =
// // (is_array($r1) && count($r1)>0 && $r1[0]['type']=='D');
// return $AllowedbyTree;
// }
// // joins for solving object classes:
// $q_flds = $q_flds0.", c.cname ";
// $q_join = $q_join0."LEFT JOIN ".$CC_CONFIG['classTable']." c ON c.id=p.obj ";
// $q_join .= "LEFT JOIN ".$CC_CONFIG['cmembTable']." cm ON cm.cid=p.obj ";
// $q_cond = $q_cond0." AND (c.id=$oid OR cm.objid=$oid)";
// $q_ordb = $q_ordb0;
// // query by class:
// $query2 = "SELECT $q_flds FROM $q_from $q_join WHERE $q_cond $q_ordb";
// $r2 = $CC_DBC->getAll($query2);
// if (PEAR::isError($r2)) {
// return $r2;
// }
// $AllowedByClass =
// (is_array($r2) && count($r2)>0 && $r2[0]['type']=='A');
// // not used now:
// // $DeniedByClass =
// // (is_array($r2) && count($r2)>0 && $r2[0]['type']=='D');
// $res = ($AllowedByTree || (!$DeniedByTree && $AllowedByClass));
// return $res;
} // fn CheckPerm
/* ---------------------------------------------------------- object tree */
* Remove all permissions on object and then remove object itself
* @param int $id
* @return void|PEAR_Error
public static function RemoveObj($id)
$r = Alib::RemovePerm(NULL, NULL, $id);
return $r;
} // fn removeObj
/* --------------------------------------------------------- users/groups */
* Remove all permissions of subject and then remove subject itself
* @param string $login
* @return void|PEAR_Error
public static function RemoveSubj($login)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$uid = Subjects::GetSubjId($login);
if (PEAR::isError($uid)) {
return $uid;
if (is_null($uid)){
return $CC_DBC->raiseError("Alib::removeSubj: Subj not found ($login)",
$r = Alib::RemovePerm(NULL, $uid);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
return Subjects::RemoveSubj($login, $uid);
} // fn RemoveSubj
/* ------------------------------------------------------------- sessions */
* Get login from session id (token)
* @param string $sessid
* @return string|PEAR_Error
public static function GetSessLogin($sessid)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$sql = "SELECT login FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['sessTable']." WHERE sessid='$sessid'";
$r = $CC_DBC->getOne($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (is_null($r)){
return PEAR::raiseError("Alib::GetSessLogin:".
" invalid session id ($sessid)",
return $r;
} // fn GetSessLogin
* Get user id from session id.
* @param string $p_sessid
* @return int|PEAR_Error
public static function GetSessUserId($p_sessid)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$sql = "SELECT userid FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['sessTable']." WHERE sessid='$p_sessid'";
$r = $CC_DBC->getOne($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
if (is_null($r)) {
return PEAR::raiseError("Alib::getSessUserId:".
" invalid session id ($p_sessid)",
return $r;
} // fn getSessUserId
/* --------------------------------------------------------- info methods */
* Get all permissions on object.
* @param int $id
* @return array|null|PEAR_Error
public static function GetObjPerms($id)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$sql = "SELECT s.login, p.* FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['permTable']." p, ".$CC_CONFIG['subjTable']." s"
." WHERE s.id=p.subj AND p.obj=$id";
return $CC_DBC->getAll($sql);
} // fn GetObjPerms
* Get all permissions of subject.
* @param int $sid
* @return array
public static function GetSubjPerms($sid)
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$sql = "SELECT *"
." FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['permTable']
." WHERE p.subj=$sid";
// $sql = "SELECT t.name, t.type as otype , p.*"
// ." FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['permTable']." p, ".$CC_CONFIG['treeTable']." t"
// ." WHERE t.id=p.obj AND p.subj=$sid";
$a1 = $CC_DBC->getAll($sql);
return $a1;
} // fn GetSubjPerms
/* ------------------------ info methods related to application structure */
/* (this part should be added/rewritten to allow defining/modifying/using
* application structure)
* (only very simple structure definition - in $CC_CONFIG - supported now)
* Get all actions
* @return array
public static function GetAllActions()
global $CC_CONFIG;
return $CC_CONFIG['allActions'];
} // fn GetAllActions
* Get all allowed actions on specified object type.
* @param string $type
* @return array
public static function GetAllowedActions($type)
global $CC_CONFIG;
return $CC_CONFIG['allowedActions'][$type];
} // fn GetAllowedActions
/* ====================================================== private methods */
* Create new session id. Return the new session ID.
* @return string
private static function _createSessid()
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
for ($c = 1; $c > 0; ){
$sessid = md5(uniqid(rand()));
$sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['sessTable']
." WHERE sessid='$sessid'";
$c = $CC_DBC->getOne($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($c)) {
return $c;
return $sessid;
} // fn _createSessid
/* =============================================== test and debug methods */
* Dump all permissions for debug
* @param string $indstr
* indentation string
* @param string $ind
* actual indentation
* @return string
public static function DumpPerms($indstr=' ', $ind='')
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$sql = "SELECT s.login, p.action, p.type"
." FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['permTable']." p, ".$CC_CONFIG['subjTable']." s"
." WHERE s.id=p.subj"
." ORDER BY p.permid";
$arr = $CC_DBC->getAll($sql);
if (PEAR::isError($arr)) {
return $arr;
$r = $ind.join(', ', array_map(create_function('$v',
'return "{$v[\'login\']}/{$v[\'action\']}/{$v[\'type\']}";'
return $r;
} // fn dumpPerms
* Delete everything form the permission table and session table.
* @return void
public static function DeleteData()
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$CC_DBC->query("DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['permTable']);
$CC_DBC->query("DELETE FROM ".$CC_CONFIG['sessTable']);
} // fn deleteData
* Insert test permissions
* @return array
public static function TestData()
global $CC_CONFIG, $CC_DBC;
$tdata = Subjects::TestData();
$t =& $tdata['tree'];
$c =& $tdata['classes'];
$s =& $tdata['subjects'];
$perms = array(
array($s['root'], '_all', $t['root'], 'A'),
array($s['test1'], '_all', $t['pa'], 'A'),
array($s['test1'], 'read', $t['s2b'], 'D'),
array($s['test2'], 'addChilds', $t['pa'], 'D'),
array($s['test2'], 'read', $t['i2'], 'A'),
array($s['test2'], 'edit', $t['s1a'], 'A'),
array($s['test1'], 'addChilds', $t['s2a'], 'D'),
array($s['test1'], 'addChilds', $t['s2c'], 'D'),
array($s['gr2'], 'addChilds', $t['i2'], 'A'),
array($s['test3'], '_all', $t['t1'], 'D'),
$perms[] = array($s['test3'], 'read', $c['cl_sa'], 'D');
$perms[] = array($s['test4'], 'editPerms', $c['cl2'], 'A');
foreach ($perms as $p){
$o[] = $r = Alib::AddPerm($p[0], $p[1], $p[2], $p[3]);
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$tdata['perms'] = $o;
return $tdata;
} // fn testData
* Make basic test
* @return boolean|PEAR_Error
public static function Test()
$p = Subjects::test();
if (PEAR::isError($p)) {
return $p;
$tdata = Alib::TestData();
if (PEAR::isError($tdata)) {
return $tdata;
$test_correct = "root/_all/A, test1/_all/A, test1/read/D,".
" test2/addChilds/D, test2/read/A, test2/edit/A,".
" test1/addChilds/D, test1/addChilds/D, gr2/addChilds/A,".
" test3/_all/D";
$test_correct .= ", test3/read/D, test4/editPerms/A";
$test_correct .= "\nno, yes\n";
$r = Alib::DumpPerms();
if (PEAR::isError($r)) {
return $r;
$test_dump = $r.
$tdata['subjects']['test1'], 'read',
)? 'yes':'no').", ".
$tdata['subjects']['test1'], 'addChilds',
)? 'yes':'no')."\n"
$test_correct .= "root/_all/A, test1/read/D,".
" test2/read/A, test2/edit/A,".
" test1/addChilds/D, test1/addChilds/D, gr2/addChilds/A,".
" test3/_all/D";
$test_correct .= ", test3/read/D, test4/editPerms/A";
$test_correct .= "\n";
$test_dump .= Alib::DumpPerms();
if ($test_dump == $test_correct) {
$test_log .= "alib: OK\n";
return TRUE;
} else {
return PEAR::raiseError('Alib::test', 1, PEAR_ERROR_DIE, '%s'.
} // fn test
} // class Alib