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* Check if a given classname belongs to a subclass of AirtimeUpgrader.
* @param $c string class name
* @return bool true if the $c is a subclass of AirtimeUpgrader
function isUpgrade($c)
return is_subclass_of($c, 'AirtimeUpgrader');
* Filter all declared classes to get all upgrade classes dynamically.
* @return array all upgrade classes
function getUpgrades()
return array_filter(get_declared_classes(), 'isUpgrade');
class UpgradeManager
* Used to determine if the database schema needs an upgrade in order for this version of the Airtime codebase to work correctly.
* @return array a list of schema versions that this version of the codebase supports
public static function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
$config = Config::getConfig();
//What versions of the schema does the code support today:
return [$config['airtime_version']];
public static function checkIfUpgradeIsNeeded()
$schemaVersion = Application_Model_Preference::GetSchemaVersion();
$supportedSchemaVersions = self::getSupportedSchemaVersions();
return !in_array($schemaVersion, $supportedSchemaVersions);
* Upgrade the Airtime schema version to match the highest supported version.
* @return bool whether or not an upgrade was performed
public static function doUpgrade()
// Get all upgrades dynamically (in declaration order!) so we don't have to add them explicitly each time
// TODO: explicitly sort classnames by ascending version suffix for safety
$upgraders = getUpgrades();
$dir = (dirname(__DIR__) . '/controllers');
$upgradePerformed = false;
foreach ($upgraders as $upgrader) {
$upgradePerformed = self::_runUpgrade(new $upgrader($dir)) ? true : $upgradePerformed;
return $upgradePerformed;
* Downgrade the Airtime schema version to match the given version.
* @param string $toVersion the version we want to downgrade to
* @return bool whether or not an upgrade was performed
public static function doDowngrade($toVersion)
$downgraders = array_reverse(getUpgrades()); // Reverse the array because we're downgrading
$dir = (dirname(__DIR__) . '/controllers');
$downgradePerformed = false;
foreach ($downgraders as $downgrader) {
/** @var AirtimeUpgrader $downgrader */
$downgrader = new $downgrader($dir);
if ($downgrader->getNewVersion() == $toVersion) {
break; // We've reached the version we wanted to downgrade to, so break
$downgradePerformed = self::_runDowngrade($downgrader) ? true : $downgradePerformed;
return $downgradePerformed;
* Run the given upgrade.
* @param $upgrader AirtimeUpgrader the upgrader class to be executed
* @return bool true if the upgrade was successful, otherwise false
private static function _runUpgrade(AirtimeUpgrader $upgrader)
return $upgrader->checkIfUpgradeSupported() && $upgrader->upgrade();
* Run the given downgrade.
* @param $downgrader AirtimeUpgrader the upgrader class to be executed
* @param $supportedVersions array array of supported versions
* @return bool true if the downgrade was successful, otherwise false
private static function _runDowngrade(AirtimeUpgrader $downgrader)
return $downgrader->checkIfDowngradeSupported() && $downgrader->downgrade();
abstract class AirtimeUpgrader
protected $_dir;
protected $username;
protected $password;
protected $host;
protected $database;
* @param $dir string directory housing upgrade files
public function __construct($dir)
$this->_dir = $dir;
/** Schema versions that this upgrader class can upgrade from (an array of version strings). */
abstract protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions();
/** The schema version that this upgrader class will upgrade to. (returns a version string) */
abstract public function getNewVersion();
public static function getCurrentSchemaVersion()
return Application_Model_Preference::GetSchemaVersion();
* This function checks to see if this class can perform an upgrade of your version of Airtime.
* @return bool true if we can upgrade your version of Airtime
public function checkIfUpgradeSupported()
return in_array(static::getCurrentSchemaVersion(), $this->getSupportedSchemaVersions());
* This function checks to see if this class can perform a downgrade of your version of Airtime.
* @return bool true if we can downgrade your version of Airtime
public function checkIfDowngradeSupported()
return static::getCurrentSchemaVersion() == $this->getNewVersion();
protected function toggleMaintenanceScreen($toggle)
if ($toggle) {
//Disable Airtime UI
//create a temporary maintenance notification file
//when this file is on the server, zend framework redirects all
//requests to the maintenance page and sets a 503 response code
/* DISABLED because this does not work correctly
$this->maintenanceFile = isset($_SERVER['AIRTIME_BASE']) ? $_SERVER['AIRTIME_BASE']."maintenance.txt" : "/tmp/maintenance.txt";
$file = fopen($this->maintenanceFile, 'w');
//delete maintenance.txt to give users access back to Airtime
/* DISABLED because this does not work correctly
if ($this->maintenanceFile) {
* Implement this for each new version of Airtime
* This function abstracts out the core upgrade functionality,
* allowing child classes to overwrite _runUpgrade to reduce duplication.
public function upgrade()
try {
// $this->toggleMaintenanceScreen(true);
// $this->toggleMaintenanceScreen(false);
} catch (Exception $e) {
// $this->toggleMaintenanceScreen(false);
Logging::error('Error in upgrade: ' . $e->getMessage());
return false;
return true;
* Implement this for each new version of Airtime
* This function abstracts out the core downgrade functionality,
* allowing child classes to overwrite _runDowngrade to reduce duplication.
public function downgrade()
try {
$highestSupportedVersion = null;
foreach ($this->getSupportedSchemaVersions() as $v) {
// version_compare returns 1 (true) if the second parameter is lower
if (!$highestSupportedVersion || version_compare($v, $highestSupportedVersion)) {
$highestSupportedVersion = $v;
// Set the schema version to the highest supported version so we don't skip versions when downgrading
} catch (Exception $e) {
return false;
return true;
protected function _getDbValues()
$config = Config::getConfig();
$this->username = $config['dsn']['username'];
$this->password = $config['dsn']['password'];
$this->host = $config['dsn']['hostspec'];
$this->database = $config['dsn']['database'];
protected function _runUpgrade()
passthru('export PGPASSWORD=' . $this->password . ' && /usr/bin/psql -h ' . $this->host . ' -U ' . $this->username . ' -q -f ' . $this->_dir . '/upgrade_sql/airtime_'
. $this->getNewVersion() . '/upgrade.sql ' . $this->database . ' 2>&1 | grep -v -E "will create implicit sequence|will create implicit index"');
protected function _runDowngrade()
passthru('export PGPASSWORD=' . $this->password . ' && /usr/bin/psql -h ' . $this->host . ' -U ' . $this->username . ' -q -f ' . $this->_dir . '/downgrade_sql/airtime_'
. $this->getNewVersion() . '/downgrade.sql ' . $this->database . ' 2>&1 | grep -v -E "will create implicit sequence|will create implicit index"');
class AirtimeUpgrader253 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return ['2.5.1', '2.5.2'];
public function getNewVersion()
return '2.5.3';
protected function _runUpgrade()
//Update disk_usage value in cc_pref
$storDir = isset($_SERVER['AIRTIME_BASE']) ? $_SERVER['AIRTIME_BASE'] . 'srv/airtime/stor' : '/srv/airtime/stor';
$diskUsage = shell_exec("du -sb {$storDir} | awk '{print $1}'");
class AirtimeUpgrader254 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return ['2.5.3'];
public function getNewVersion()
return '2.5.4';
protected function _runUpgrade()
//First, ensure there are no superadmins already.
$numberOfSuperAdmins = CcSubjsQuery::create()
->filterByDbLogin('sourcefabric_admin', Criteria::NOT_EQUAL) //Ignore sourcefabric_admin users
//Only create a super admin if there isn't one already.
if ($numberOfSuperAdmins == 0) {
//Find the "admin" user and promote them to superadmin.
$adminUser = CcSubjsQuery::create()
if (!$adminUser) {
// Otherwise get the user with the lowest ID that is of type administrator:
$adminUser = CcSubjsQuery::create()
if (!$adminUser) {
throw new Exception("Failed to find any users of type 'admin' ('A').");
$adminUser = new Application_Model_User($adminUser->getDbId());
Logging::info($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ': ' . $this->getNewVersion() . ' Upgrade: Promoted user ' . $adminUser->getLogin() . ' to be a Super Admin.');
//Also try to promote the sourcefabric_admin user
$sofabAdminUser = CcSubjsQuery::create()
if ($sofabAdminUser) {
$sofabAdminUser = new Application_Model_User($sofabAdminUser->getDbId());
Logging::info($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . ': ' . $this->getNewVersion() . ' Upgrade: Promoted user ' . $sofabAdminUser->getLogin() . ' to be a Super Admin.');
class AirtimeUpgrader255 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '2.5.5';
class AirtimeUpgrader259 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '2.5.9';
class AirtimeUpgrader2510 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '2.5.10';
class AirtimeUpgrader2511 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '2.5.11';
protected function _runUpgrade()
$queryResult = CcFilesQuery::create()
->withColumn('SUM(CcFiles.filesize)', 'disk_usage')
$disk_usage = $queryResult[0];
class AirtimeUpgrader2512 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '2.5.12';
* Class AirtimeUpgrader2513 - Celery and SoundCloud upgrade.
* Adds third_party_track_references and celery_tasks tables for third party service
* authentication and task architecture.
* <br/><b>third_party_track_references</b> schema:
* id -> int PK
* service -> string internal service name
* foreign_id -> int external unique service id
* file_id -> int internal FK->cc_files track id
* upload_time -> timestamp internal upload timestamp
* status -> string external service status
* <br/><b>celery_tasks</b> schema:
* id -> int PK
* task_id -> string external unique amqp results identifier
* track_reference -> int internal FK->third_party_track_references id
* name -> string external Celery task name
* dispatch_time -> timestamp internal message dispatch time
* status -> string external Celery task status
class AirtimeUpgrader2513 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '2.5.13';
* Class AirtimeUpgrader2514.
* SAAS-923 - Add a partial constraint to cc_pref so that keystrings must be unique
class AirtimeUpgrader2514 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '2.5.14';
* Class AirtimeUpgrader2515.
* SAAS-1071 - Remove not null constraint from file_id fk in third_party_track_references
* so that we can create track references for downloads (which won't have a file
* ID until the task is run and the file is POSTed back to Airtime)
class AirtimeUpgrader2515 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '2.5.15';
class AirtimeUpgrader2516 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '2.5.16';
class AirtimeUpgrader300alpha extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '3.0.0-alpha';
class AirtimeUpgrader300alpha1 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '3.0.0-alpha.1';
class AirtimeUpgrader300alpha6 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '3.0.0-alpha.6';
* Class AirtimeUpgrader300alpha7.
* GH-#636 - - Change dynamic smartblock to be default smartblock type
class AirtimeUpgrader300alpha7 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '3.0.0-alpha.7';
* Class AirtimeUpgrader300alpha7-1.
* GH-#659 - - Add description and title to podcast episodes database table
class AirtimeUpgrader300alpha7_1 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '3.0.0-alpha.7.1';
* Class AirtimeUpgrader300alpha7-2.
* GH-#704 - - Add criteria group to smartblock table to enable database to store separately
class AirtimeUpgrader300alpha7_2 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '3.0.0-alpha.7.2';
class AirtimeUpgrader300alpha7_3 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '3.0.0-alpha.7.3';
class AirtimeUpgrader300alpha9_1 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '3.0.0-alpha.9.1';
class AirtimeUpgrader300alpha9_2 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '3.0.0-alpha.9.2';
class AirtimeUpgrader200alpha9_3 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '3.0.0-alpha.9.3';
class AirtimeUpgrader200alpha9_4 extends AirtimeUpgrader
protected function getSupportedSchemaVersions()
return [
public function getNewVersion()
return '3.0.0-alpha.9.4';