628 lines
21 KiB
628 lines
21 KiB
/* vim: set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4: */
* File::CSV
* PHP versions 4 and 5
* LICENSE: This source file is subject to version 3.0 of the PHP license
* that is available through the world-wide-web at the following URI:
* http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt. If you did not receive a copy of
* the PHP License and are unable to obtain it through the web, please
* send a note to license@php.net so we can mail you a copy immediately.
* @category File
* @package File
* @author Tomas V.V.Cox <cox@idecnet.com>
* @author Helgi Þormar <dufuz@php.net>
* @copyright 2004-2005 The Authors
* @license http://www.php.net/license/3_0.txt PHP License 3.0
* @version CVS: $Id: CSV.php,v 1.41 2007/05/20 12:25:14 dufuz Exp $
* @link http://pear.php.net/package/File
require_once 'PEAR.php';
require_once 'File.php';
* File class for handling CSV files (Comma Separated Values), a common format
* for exchanging data.
* - Usage example and Doc
* - Use getPointer() in discoverFormat
* - Add a line counter for being able to output better error reports
* - Store the last error in GLOBALS and add File_CSV::getLastError()
* Wish:
* - Other methods like readAll(), writeAll(), numFields(), numRows()
* - Try to detect if a CSV has header or not in discoverFormat() (not possible with CSV)
* Known Bugs:
* (they has been analyzed but for the moment the impact in the speed for
* properly handle this uncommon cases is too high and won't be supported)
* - A field which is composed only by a single quoted separator (ie -> ;";";)
* is not handled properly
* - When there is exactly one field minus than the expected number and there
* is a field with a separator inside, the parser will throw the "wrong count" error
* Info about CSV and links to other sources
* http://www.shaftek.org/publications/drafts/mime-csv/draft-shafranovich-mime-csv-00.html#appendix
* @author Tomas V.V.Cox <cox@idecnet.com>
* @author Helgi Þormar <dufuz@php.net>
* @package File
class File_CSV
* This raiseError method works in a different way. It will always return
* false (an error occurred) but it will call PEAR::raiseError() before
* it. If no default PEAR global handler is set, will trigger an error.
* @param string $error The error message
* @return bool always false
function raiseError($error)
// If a default PEAR Error handler is not set trigger the error
// XXX Add a PEAR::isSetHandler() method?
if ($GLOBALS['_PEAR_default_error_mode'] == PEAR_ERROR_RETURN) {
PEAR::raiseError($error, null, PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER, E_USER_WARNING);
} else {
return false;
* Checks the configuration given by the user
* @access private
* @param string &$error The error will be written here if any
* @param array &$conf The configuration assoc array
* @return string error Returns a error message
function _conf(&$error, &$conf)
// check conf
if (!is_array($conf)) {
return $error = 'Invalid configuration';
if (!isset($conf['fields']) || !(int)$conf['fields']) {
return $error = 'The number of fields must be numeric (the "fields" key)';
if (isset($conf['sep'])) {
if (strlen($conf['sep']) != 1) {
return $error = 'Separator can only be one char';
} elseif ($conf['fields'] > 1) {
return $error = 'Missing separator (the "sep" key)';
if (isset($conf['quote'])) {
if (strlen($conf['quote']) != 1) {
return $error = 'The quote char must be one char (the "quote" key)';
} else {
$conf['quote'] = null;
if (!isset($conf['crlf'])) {
$conf['crlf'] = "\n";
if (!isset($conf['eol2unix'])) {
$conf['eol2unix'] = true;
* Return or create the file descriptor associated with a file
* @param string $file The name of the file
* @param array &$conf The configuration
* @param string $mode The open node (ex: FILE_MODE_READ or FILE_MODE_WRITE)
* @param boolean $reset if passed as true and resource for the file exists
* than the file pointer will be moved to the beginning
* @return mixed A file resource or false
function getPointer($file, &$conf, $mode = FILE_MODE_READ, $reset = false)
static $resources = array();
static $config;
if (isset($resources[$file][$mode])) {
$conf = $config;
if ($reset) {
fseek($resources[$file][$mode], 0);
return $resources[$file][$mode];
File_CSV::_conf($error, $conf);
if ($error) {
return File_CSV::raiseError($error);
$config = $conf;
$fp = File::_getFilePointer($file, $mode);
if (PEAR::isError($fp)) {
return File_CSV::raiseError($fp);
$resources[$file][$mode] = $fp;
return $fp;
* Unquote data
* @param string $field The data to unquote
* @param string $quote The quote char
* @return string the unquoted data
function unquote($field, $quote)
// Trim first the string.
$field = trim($field);
$quote = trim($quote);
// Incase null fields (form: ;;)
if (!strlen($field)) {
return $field;
// excel compat
if ($field[0] == '=' && $field[1] == '"') {
$field = str_replace('="', '"', $field);
$field_len = strlen($field);
if ($quote && $field[0] == $quote && $field[$field_len - 1] == $quote) {
// Get rid of escaping quotes
$new = $prev = $c = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $field_len; ++$i) {
$prev = $c;
$c = $field[$i];
// Deal with escaping quotes
if ($c == $quote && $prev == $quote) {
$c = '';
$new .= $c;
$field = substr($new, 1, -1);
return $field;
* Reads a row of data as an array from a CSV file. It's able to
* read memo fields with multiline data.
* @param string $file The filename where to write the data
* @param array &$conf The configuration of the dest CSV
* @return mixed Array with the data read or false on error/no more data
function readQuoted($file, &$conf)
if (!$fp = File_CSV::getPointer($file, $conf, FILE_MODE_READ)) {
return false;
$buff = $old = $prev = $c = '';
$ret = array();
$i = 1;
$in_quote = false;
$quote = $conf['quote'];
$f = $conf['fields'];
$sep = $conf['sep'];
while (false !== $ch = fgetc($fp)) {
$old = $prev;
$prev = $c;
$c = $ch;
// Common case
if ($c != $quote && $c != $sep && $c != "\n" && $c != "\r") {
$buff .= $c;
// Start quote.
if (
$in_quote === false &&
$quote && $c == $quote &&
$prev == $sep || $prev == "\n" || $prev === null ||
$prev == "\r" || $prev == '' || $prev == ' '
|| $prev == '=' //excel compat
) {
$in_quote = true;
// excel compat, removing the = part but only if we are in a quote
if ($prev == '=') {
$buff{strlen($buff) - 1} = '';
if ($in_quote) {
// When does the quote end, make sure it's not double quoted
if ($c == $sep && $prev == $quote && $old != $quote) {
$in_quote = false;
} elseif ($c == $sep && $buff == $quote.$quote) {
// In case we are dealing with double quote but empty value
$in_quote = false;
} elseif ($c == "\n" || $c == "\r") {
$sub = ($prev == "\r") ? 2 : 1;
$buff_len = strlen($buff);
if (
$buff_len >= $sub &&
$buff[$buff_len - $sub] == $quote
) {
$in_quote = false;
if (!$in_quote && ($c == $sep || $c == "\n" || $c == "\r") && $prev != '') {
// More fields than expected
if ($c == $sep && (count($ret) + 1) == $f) {
// Seek the pointer into linebreak character.
while (true) {
$c = fgetc($fp);
if ($c == "\n" || $c == "\r" || $c == '') {
// Insert last field value.
$ret[] = File_CSV::unquote($buff, $quote);
return $ret;
// Less fields than expected
if (($c == "\n" || $c == "\r") && $i != $f) {
// Insert last field value.
$ret[] = File_CSV::unquote($buff, $quote);
if (count($ret) == 1 && empty($ret[0])) {
return array();
// Pair the array elements to fields count. - inserting empty values
$ret_count = count($ret);
$sum = ($f - 1) - ($ret_count - 1);
$data = array_merge($ret, array_fill($ret_count, $sum, ''));
return $data;
if ($prev == "\r") {
$buff = substr($buff, 0, -1);
// Convert EOL character to Unix EOL (LF).
if ($conf['eol2unix']) {
$buff = preg_replace('/(\r\n|\r)$/', "\n", $buff);
$ret[] = File_CSV::unquote($buff, $quote);
if (count($ret) == $f) {
return $ret;
$buff = '';
$buff .= $c;
/* If it's the end of the file and we still have something in buffer
* then we process it since files can have no CL/FR at the end
$feof = feof($fp);
if ($feof && !in_array($buff, array("\r", "\n", "\r\n")) && strlen($buff) > 0) {
$ret[] = File_CSV::unquote($buff, $quote);
if (count($ret) == $f) {
return $ret;
return !$feof ? $ret : false;
* Reads a "row" from a CSV file and return it as an array
* @param string $file The CSV file
* @param array &$conf The configuration of the dest CSV
* @return mixed Array or false
function read($file, &$conf)
static $headers = array();
if (!$fp = File_CSV::getPointer($file, $conf, FILE_MODE_READ)) {
return false;
// The size is limited to 4K
if (!$line = fgets($fp, 4096)) {
return false;
$fields = $conf['fields'] == 1 ? array($line) : explode($conf['sep'], $line);
$nl = array("\n", "\r", "\r\n");
if (in_array($fields[count($fields) - 1], $nl)) {
$field_count = count($fields);
$last =& $fields[$field_count - 1];
$len = strlen($last);
if (
$field_count != $conf['fields'] ||
$conf['quote'] &&
$len !== 0 && $last[$len - 1] == "\n"
($last[0] == $conf['quote']
&& $last[strlen(rtrim($last)) - 1] != $conf['quote'])
// excel support
($last[0] == '=' && $last[1] == $conf['quote'])
// if the row has spaces before the quote
preg_match('|^\s+'.preg_quote($conf['quote']) .'|Ums', $last, $match)
// XXX perhaps there is a separator inside a quoted field
//preg_match("|{$conf['quote']}.*{$conf['sep']}.*{$conf['quote']}|U", $line)
) {
fseek($fp, -1 * strlen($line), SEEK_CUR);
return File_CSV::readQuoted($file, $conf);
} else {
foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
$fields[$k] = File_CSV::unquote($v, $conf['quote']);
if (isset($conf['header']) && empty($headers)) {
// read the first row and assign to $headers
$headers = $fields;
return $headers;
if ($field_count != $conf['fields']) {
File_CSV::raiseError("Read wrong fields number count: '". $field_count .
"' expected ".$conf['fields']);
return true;
if (!empty($headers)) {
$tmp = array();
foreach ($fields as $k => $v) {
$tmp[$headers[$k]] = $v;
$fields = $tmp;
return $fields;
* Internal use only, will be removed in the future
* @param string $str The string to debug
* @access private
function _dbgBuff($str)
if (strpos($str, "\r") !== false) {
$str = str_replace("\r", "_r_", $str);
if (strpos($str, "\n") !== false) {
$str = str_replace("\n", "_n_", $str);
if (strpos($str, "\t") !== false) {
$str = str_replace("\t", "_t_", $str);
if ($str === null) {
$str = '_NULL_';
if ($str === '') {
$str = 'Empty string';
echo "buff: ($str)\n";
* Writes a struc (array) in a file as CSV
* @param string $file The filename where to write the data
* @param array $fields Ordered array with the data
* @param array &$conf The configuration of the dest CSV
* @return bool True on success false otherwise
function write($file, $fields, &$conf)
if (!$fp = File_CSV::getPointer($file, $conf, FILE_MODE_WRITE)) {
return false;
$field_count = count($fields);
if ($field_count != $conf['fields']) {
File_CSV::raiseError("Wrong fields number count: '". $field_count .
"' expected ".$conf['fields']);
return true;
$write = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $field_count; ++$i) {
// only quote if the field contains a sep
if (!is_numeric($fields[$i]) && $conf['quote']
&& isset($conf['sep']) && strpos($fields[$i], $conf['sep'])
) {
$write .= $conf['quote'] . $fields[$i] . $conf['quote'];
} else {
$write .= $fields[$i];
$write .= ($i < ($field_count - 1)) ? $conf['sep']: $conf['crlf'];
if (!fwrite($fp, $write, strlen($write))) {
return File_CSV::raiseError('Can not write to file');
return true;
* Discover the format of a CSV file (the number of fields, the separator
* and if it quote string fields)
* @param string the CSV file name
* @param array extra separators that should be checked for.
* @return mixed Assoc array or false
function discoverFormat($file, $extraSeps = array())
if (!$fp = @fopen($file, 'rb')) {
return File_CSV::raiseError("Could not open file: $file");
// Set auto detect line ending for Mac EOL support
$oldini = ini_get('auto_detect_line_endings');
if ($oldini != '1') {
ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', '1');
// Take the first 30 lines and store the number of ocurrences
// for each separator in each line
$lines = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < 30 && $line = fgets($fp, 4096); $i++) {
$lines .= $line;
if ($oldini != '1') {
ini_set('auto_detect_line_endings', $oldini);
$seps = array("\t", ';', ':', ',');
$seps = array_merge($seps, $extraSeps);
$matches = array();
$quotes = '"\'';
$lines = str_replace('""', '', $lines);
while ($lines != ($newLines = preg_replace('|((["\'])[^"]*(\2))|', '\2_\2', $lines))){
$lines = $newLines;
$eol = strpos($lines, "\r") ? "\r" : "\n";
$lines = explode($eol, $lines);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$orgLine = $line;
foreach ($seps as $sep) {
$line = preg_replace("|^[^$quotes$sep]*$sep*([$quotes][^$quotes]*[$quotes])|sm", '_', $orgLine);
// Find all seps that are within qoutes
///FIXME ... counts legitimit lines as bad ones
// In case there's a whitespace infront the field
$regex = '|\s*?';
// Match the first quote (optional), also optionally match = since it's excel stuff
$regex.= "(?:\=?[$quotes])";
$regex.= '(.*';
// Don't match a sep if we are inside a quote
// also don't accept the sep if it has a quote on the either side
///FIXME has to be possible if we are inside a quote! (tests fail because of this)
$regex.= "(?:[^$quotes])$sep(?:[^$quotes])";
$regex.= '.*)';
// Close quote (if it's present) and the sep (optional, could be end of line)
$regex.= "(?:[$quotes](?:$sep?))|Ums";
preg_match_all($regex, $line, $match);
// Finding all seps, within quotes or not
$sep_count = substr_count($line, $sep);
// Real count
$matches[$sep][] = $sep_count - count($match[0]);
$final = array();
// Group the results by amount of equal ocurrences
foreach ($matches as $sep => $res) {
$times = array();
$times[0] = 0;
foreach ($res as $k => $num) {
if ($num > 0) {
$times[$num] = (isset($times[$num])) ? $times[$num] + 1 : 1;
// Use max fields count.
$fields[$sep] = max(array_flip($times));
$amount[$sep] = $times[key($times)];
$sep = key($amount);
$conf['fields'] = $fields[$sep] + 1;
$conf['sep'] = $sep;
// Test if there are fields with quotes around in the first 30 lines
$quote = null;
$string = implode('', $lines);
foreach (array('"', '\'') as $q) {
if (preg_match_all("|$sep(?:\s*?)(\=?[$q]).*([$q])$sep|Us", $string, $match)) {
if ($match[1][0] == $match[2][0]) {
$quote = $match[1][0];
if (
preg_match_all("|^(\=?[$q]).*([$q])$sep{0,1}|Ums", $string, $match)
|| preg_match_all("|(\=?[$q]).*([$q])$sep\s$|Ums", $string, $match)
) {
if ($match[1][0] == $match[2][0]) {
$quote = $match[1][0];
$conf['quote'] = $quote;
return $conf;
* Front to call getPointer and moving the resource to the
* beginning of the file
* Reset it if you like.
* @param string $file The name of the file
* @param array &$conf The configuration
* @param string $mode The open node (ex: FILE_MODE_READ or FILE_MODE_WRITE)
* @return boolean true on success false on failure
function resetPointer($file, &$conf, $mode)
if (!File_CSV::getPointer($file, $conf, $mode, true)) {
return false;
return true;
} |